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A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

          Email Marketing Best Practices
           Avoiding Anti-Spam Filters
             To supply dealerships with the knowledge and
             understanding of electronic communication
             strategy, email content, form and structure
             needed to increase the percentage of electronic
             messages that reach the customer as intended

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
 Tuesday, July                                 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Growth of Email Marketing by Dealers
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

   Strategy & Content for this Presentation:
       Ward’s Dealer Business’ Cliff Banks says email
       marketing in dealerships will explode this year
       and if you ask the top dealers in the nation,
       they’ll tell you it’s THE critical communication
       channel with their Internet prospects. Whether
       you’re new to email marketing, or you’re an
       expert at segmenting your database and
       sending targeted messages, the following
       presentation will provide a variety of email
       marketing best practices to ensure your
       messages get through to your customers.
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                                2
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Protecting Your Communication Channel
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  In its recent Internet Security Threat Report, Symantec
  Corporation reported that spam accounted for over 60% of all
  email traffic from July – December 2004. The good news is - a
  plethora of spam filters that are springing up everywhere, from
  your ISP to your desktop, are doing their job. The bad news is –
  they’re doing it too well.
  According to iMedia Connection, as much as 17-19% of
  legitimate, permission-based email messages are erroneously
  blocked by the top ISPs, a number that has been steadily
  increasing over the past few years.
  Email communication is critical for today’s auto dealer, so
  anything that disrupts this channel should be considered a
  hazard to your business. Anyway you slice it, a 17-19% loss in
  your business is staggering. In fact, this problem causes
  American businesses to lose billions of dollars every year.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                                3
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Protecting Your Communication Channel
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  Your Internet-related service providers (like lead providers,
  website developers, and CRM tool companies) should be your
  first line of defense when it comes to ensuring the integrity of
  your email communication channel, so you can focus your
  attention on the business at hand – selling cars. Nevertheless,
  as a dealer, there are things you can do to increase the odds
  that your email communications
  get through to your intended
  recipients. While the following best
  practices can’t guarantee that
  all your messages get through
  every time; the key is doing what
  you can to increase your odds.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                                4
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
The Telephone - Still the Killer App
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  Just Like Donald Trump
  Before we get into more detailed talk about email communication, there’s
  one thing that every Internet-savvy dealer needs to keep in mind:
             The telephone is still the killer sales application, second only to the
         face-to-face meeting. I once heard that Donald Trump never uses a
         computer; he’s always on the phone. Regardless of what you might think
         of Mr. Trump, you can’t deny the man’s success.
             Yes, you’re an Internet dealer, and yes, these are Internet prospects
         who prefer to interact online. Still, it’s business critical to get on the
         phone whenever possible, in addition to emailing your prospects, until
         they expressly tell you not to.
  That being said, the following slides present some email techniques
  and best practices that can help you eliminate the types of red flags
  that alert spam filters which prevent your communications from
  getting through to your prospects and customers…
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                                5
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Spam Filters have Changed the Rules
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  Anti-spam filters are the mine fields in the war against spam,
  and they’re a threat to your innocuous emails. There are spam
  filters on the mail server, or Internet service provider, side; in
  corporate firewalls; and also on the client-side, or your intended
  recipient’s computer.
  Many filters today assign a point
  system to certain trigger words,
  phrases, or punctuations that are
  commonly seen in spam emails.
  If an email surpasses its quota of
  spam points, it is sent to the junk
  email folder or else destroyed
                                                                                                   Spam Filters work like a
  before it ever gets to your                                                                     Missile Defense system,
  intended recipient’s inbox.                                                                    blowing up email messages
                                                                                                  before they hit your inbox
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                                6
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Spam Filters have Changed the Rules
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  The top Internet service providers, like AOL, MSN, Yahoo, and Verizon, all
  have their own customized rules for defining and weeding out spam.
  The big ISPs have routers for their email domains that analyze all incoming
  emails. These routers can automatically block emails that come from certain
  addresses, which the ISP has “black listed,” because consumers have
  complained about spam.
  Any dealer that has mistakenly been put on
  an ISP black list knows how burdensome it
  is to get off. This is why it is so business
  critical to have a “good email reputation”
  with consumers, because one too many
  complaints can mean doom for your email
  marketing program. This goes for both your
  dealership and your email marketing tool
  vendor – both of which have an impact on
  ISP relations and a hand in staying off the                                                      BDC Managers and ISM’s
                                                                                                     can inadvertently get
  Anti-Spam blacklists.
                                                                                                     dealers “Blacklisted”
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                                7
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Maintain Good Relations with Top ISP’s
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  The most important element to getting your email communications through is
  maintaining good relations with Internet Service Providers. In other words,
  the mail server that sends your emails must remain in good standing. If a few
  consumers complain to their ISP about junk mail coming from a particular
  dealership’s mail server, the ISP will address the issue by categorically
  blacklisting, or blocking all mail, coming from that server. This will affect not
  just your business, but every other business that sends campaigns from that
  server. A quality email service provider will always
  work to maintain good relations with the ISP’s.”

  As a dealer, the part you play in
  maintaining that good reputation is
  building your email list, controlling email
  content, and determining how often and to
  how many people you send campaigns.
  There should be a partnership where the
  technology provider and dealer protect                                                               RWS Dealer Web Sites
  each other’s interests                                                                               will show you the Top 5
                                                                                                    ISP’s used by your customers
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                                8
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Bulk Email and One-to-One Communications
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   One strategy that experts like Bill Boebel,
   chief technical officer at Webmail (provider
   of secure email hosting services), suggests
   is sending your bulk, or large list, email
   messages from a different server than you
   use to send your one-to-one
   correspondences. This helps protect the
   integrity of your one-to-one communications
   in the event a consumer receiving bulk
   communications from your dealership
                                                                                                                Using a 3rd Party
   complains, and that server is temporarily                                                                 server for bulk emails
   blacklisted. A good email or CRM tool                                                                      creates a non-dealer
                                                                                                             related target for Anti-
   provider can help you with this strategy.                                                                   Spam “Blacklisting”

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                                9
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Why is CAN-SPAM relevant to Dealers?
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  The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, or “The Controlling the Assault of
  Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act” has done little to
  stem the flow of unwanted emails burdening the system.
  Nevertheless, legislation has set some standards that legitimate
  businesses should follow, not just for self-protection, but to
  differentiate themselves from spammers.
  Failing to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act
  can invite both criminal and civil penalties
  and allows suits by the Federal Trade
  Commission (FTC), State Attorneys
  General, and Internet Service Providers.

  The following slides present an overview of
                                                                                                   With new legislation in place,
  do’s and don’ts that Internet dealers should                                                     dealers need to pay attention
  follow to be CAN-SPAM compliant. It’s also a                                                   to employee bulk email practices
  good idea to read up on this Act in more detail.
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               10
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Dealer Guidelines on CAN-SPAM Compliance
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  1. Do include an opt-out system making it easy for customers to
     unsubscribe, or opt-out, from receiving broadcast emails
  2. Do have a functioning reply address and an unsubscribe system
     that operates for at least 30 days after your last broadcast emailing
  3. Do include your postal mailing, or physical address in the message
  4. Don't use fraudulent or deceptive subject lines, headers, "From"
     names, or return addresses in your emails
  5. Don’t allow spammers to market your products and services – you
     can be liable if they break the law
  6. Don’t send emails to people whose email addresses have been
     harvested from websites or randomly generated
  7. Don’t send emails to people who request to be removed from your list

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               11
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
New Rules: Wireless Email Addresses
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  • On February 7, 2005, as directed by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, the
    Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted new rules to
    protect consumers and businesses from receiving unwanted electronic
    mail messages on their wireless devices, such as mobile phones.
  • In order for a dealer to send broadcast emails to consumers on their
    wireless devices, or to specific wireless domains (click here to see the
    list) used to transmit wireless electronic messages, it must get
    “express prior authorization,” in other words, there is a strict opt-in
    requirement. In fact, it’s more stringent than the requirements set forth
    for regular, non-wireless email addresses.

                 The following slides
                 present guidelines for
                 dealers to comply with
                 the new wireless rules…
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               12
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
New Rules: Wireless Email Addresses
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  1. Do get prior authorization such as the subscriber's signature,
     including an electronic signature to send them communications to their
     wireless devices. This means you not only need to obtain permission
     prior to sending a message, you also need to be able to prove you
     have it.
  2. Do disclose the following at the time authorization is being collected:
         • Customer agrees to receive mobile service commercial messages
         • The name of the business that will be sending the messages
         • They may be charged by their wireless provider for receiving
         • They may revoke authorization to receive messages at any time
           when being charged by their wireless service provider in
           connection with receipt of such messages

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               13
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
New Rules: Wireless Email Addresses
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  3. If you have any email addresses in your database that
     you believe are being sent to wireless devices, it's
     recommended that you contact these people and ask
     for another email address.

      Even if your database is
      totally opt-in, it’s still a good
      idea to double check with
      those consumers to get their
      permission again to send
      them communications to their
      wireless devices.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               14
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Dealership Branding and Consistency
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  Using a reputable email marketing tool provider is your first line
  of defense, the next is applying the same high standards of
  professionalism that you use in your showroom to your email
  marketing communications. Branding and consistency make
  you look good and also instill trust with your customers.
            1. Set clear expectations and define value.
            If you’re asking for your customers’ email
            addresses, set clear expectations with them
            on what they’ll get, such as monthly coupons
            for oil changes, special promotions, and data
            on new inventory. In your first communication
            to them, remind them of the email address
            they gave to you and why they’ve subscribed.
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               15
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Dealership Branding and Consistency
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  2. Ask your customers to add your “From” address to their email
  address book or “safe list” to ensure they receive your valuable
  offers. You can put a short statement at the top of your outgoing
  email communications that says something along the lines of:
  “Make sure you don't miss out on our emails, add to your address book now.”
  “To ensure that filter controls used by your ISP do not interrupt
  the delivery of our communications and special offers, please
  add to your address book, or
  click here and send an empty email to this address.”
  (This option takes advantage of the fact that many email
  systems, like AOL, add the people to whom consumers have
  sent an email automatically to their “Safe Senders List.”)

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               16
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Dealership Branding and Consistency
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  You can put a short statement at the top of your outgoing email
  communications that says something along the lines of:

  “You have requested information
  from Maurice’s AutoWorld.
  Please add this email address to
  your address book and our
  domain name, <>
  to your email client “Safe List.”
  This will ensure that you receive
  our special offers and notices,
  and that they do not accidentally
  end up in your junk mail folder.”

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               17
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Dealership Branding and Consistency
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  Put a short statement at the top of outgoing email that says:
  “Due to the more restrictive nature of several large email
  hosts like AOL, MSN, Roadrunner, Prodigy and others, our
  messages may be filtered out. We will reply to your
  requests as soon as possible. If you do not get a follow-up
  message from us within an hour, please contact us directly
  so we can ensure that we satisfy your requests.”
  It's also helpful to provide subscribers
  with a link to a page where they can
  find further instructions on how to add
  your email address to their address book.
  These instructions vary from one email
  provider to another.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               18
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Dealership Branding and Consistency
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  3. Maintain a consistent Digital Signature, or Footer,
     in all your communications.
  All of your dealership’s personnel who interact with customers should
  have a consistent digital signature. If you think about it, this marketing
  tool is one that is used as often, and probably seen by as many
  consumers, as any other medium. So make it consistent and make it
  look good. Include uniform font sizes, layout, etc.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               19
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Building a Valuable Email Database
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  As you build your email database, it will become one of your
  dealership’s most valuable assets. Here are some ways to build
  and maintain a database that is the envy of your competition.

  1. “Double Opt-In” Activated by Your Customers
  If possible, use a confirmed or double opt-in system. It’s
  the best way to prove that your subscribers gave express
  consent to receive your emails. This is something your
  email service provider can help you set up. This could be
  something as simple as having your customer check a
  box on an application they’re filling out at the dealership.
  These records can protect you in the event a consumer
  complains about the emails they receive and you get
  blacklisted by an ISP.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               20
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Building a Valuable Email Database
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  As you build your email database, it will become one of your
  dealership’s most valuable assets. Here are some ways to build
  and maintain a database that is the envy of your competition.

  2. Allow recipients to unsubscribe in one step,
  automatically. Then be sure they’re removed and your
  system marks them as opted out.
  Many ISPs, like AOL, make hitting the ‘This is spam button’ as easy as
  hanging up the telephone. Consumers will do that as a way of opting-out,
  which only puts you and your email service provider at risk of being
  blacklisted. Making it easier for your recipients to unsubscribe than to hit
  the spam button protects you, your dealership’s reputation, and your
  email service provider. Not to mention, it saves you time, because those
  are the kinds of customers you don’t want to waste your resources on
  anyway – they become more of a liability than anything.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               21
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Building a Valuable Email Database
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  As you build your email database, it will become one of your
  dealership’s most valuable assets. Here are some ways to build
  and maintain a database that is the envy of your competition.
      3. Do not purchase or rent lists. This is part of CAN SPAM
      compliance, and you want consumers to be in your database by
      choice not trickery
      4. Secure your customer data and don't sell or rent out your lists
      5. Analyze bounced and undelivered emails. Look for trends that
      you can correct. Also, some emails bounce due to simple typos
      and misspellings, which can be fixed.
      6. Always remove undeliverable emails and bounces. Your email
      tool provider should have an automated system for deleting
      emails after a certain number of failed attempts. Repeatedly
      sending too many emails that bounce can alert the spam filters.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               22
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Your Email Content, Structure and Form
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  Especially Watch Your Language
  Part and parcel with maintaining good relations with ISPs is the content and format of your email
  communications. Words, phrases, punctuation and HTML coding commonly used by spammers
  raise red flags to the spam filters, so its important to be cognizant and avoid them when you
  can. It’s a list that changes on a regular basis, so be sure to check for updates.

  “To” and “From” Fields
  1. Watch what you put in the “To” and “From” fields in your
     emails. Try to avoid the following:
               Ø friend@                    Ø sales@
               Ø public@                    Ø mail@
               Ø success@                   Ø hello@

  2. Also avoid in these fields:
              a lot of spaces or an empty field a strange
              name, or unreal name in the From field
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
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                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Your Email Content, Structure and Form
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  Subject Line Content
  • In your message subject line, be as specific as possible,
    with as many relevant details as you can fit. Spam filters
    are more inclined to let specific messages through than
    generic ones. Example: when your dealership sends a
    newsletter, say it’s a newsletter and include the month of
    the newsletter in the subject line
  • Avoid using punctuation symbols – like “ ” quotation
    marks, $$$ dollar signs, and !!!! exclamation points
  • Avoid using all CAPITAL letters, in other words, no need
    to SHOUT – you’ll wake up the spam filters!
  • Avoid putting a toll-free (800) number in the subject line
    (local area code numbers are good)
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
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                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Your Email Content, Structure and Form
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  The following words, in both your email subject headlines
  and in the body of the email are known to trigger filters:
   Free - alone or in combinations,                                                   Discount!
   for example:                                                                       what are you waiting for
         “free dinner with test drive”
                                                                                      while supplies last
   FREE – in all caps
                                                                                      click here, click below
   Guarantee, GUARANTEED
                                                                                      million dollars
                                                                                      Don’t miss this
   money back
                                                                                      50% off!
   Call now
                                                                                      You're a Winner!

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               25
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Your Email Content, Structure and Form
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  The following words, in both your email subject headlines
  and in the body of the email are known to trigger filters:
       remove                                                                                No cost, No fees
       collect                                                                               Offer
       amazing                                                                               One time
       cash bonus                                                                            Please read
       credit                                                                                Don't delete
       loans                                                                                 Save up to
       Act Now!                                                                              Time limited
       All New                                                                               Visit our website
       Buy direct                                                                            While supplies last
       Special Promotion                                                                     Why pay more?
       easy terms                                                                            You've been selected
       great offer                                                                           give it away, giving it away

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               26
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Your Email Content, Structure and Form
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  The following words, in both your email Message Body of
  the email are known to trigger filters:
         Large block of hexadecimal (16 units) code
         One or more lines of large fonts or all caps
         – YELLING at the recipient
         At least 70 percent blank lines
         Header contains numbers mixed in with letters
         Message body claims not to be spam
         Body contains "removal instructions"
         Body contains "Dear friend"
         Excessive use of “click here”
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
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                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Your Email Content, Structure and Form
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  In addition to language, graphics, images and certain HTML coding can alert
  spam filters. Now, AOL, one of the most popular ISPs, and Microsoft Outlook
  and Outlook Express, the most popular email clients, will no longer
  automatically load HTML graphics, which means your artistic HTML emails
  may look terrible in your recipients’ preview screens. In addition, AOL may
  deactivate links in your emails before your prospects receive them.

                          HTML emails tend to get deleted more
                          frequently than plain text emails. And,
                          many consumer actually prefer plain
                          text emails. One reason is that plain
                          text emails load faster, which is
                          especially important for AOL users
                          who are still on dialup.

     The next slide provides techniques in using HTML emails
     that are more likely to arrive as the sender intended…
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
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                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Your Email Content, Structure and Form
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  If you use HTML emails, consider the following to avoid spam filters:

  1. Do use all-white backgrounds instead of colors.
  2. Do use style sheets in your HTML code if possible.
  3. Do include links to Web pages with robust content
     instead of trying to include that content in your email.
  4. Do use tables to organize information and separate
     numbers from text.
  5. Don’t send HTML messages without a text alternative.
  6. Don’t use oversized fonts.
  7. Don’t use a lot of different colored fonts.
  8. Don’t include “.exe” files or attachments with your
     message unless requested by recipient.
  9. Don’t use BCC distribution methods with over 10
     names per email.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               29
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Your Email Content, Structure and Form
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  Build, Use, Monitor and Test Email Templates

  Ø The email marketing universe is changing rapidly, with
    new technologies and new tricks by spammers, so it’s
    important to continuously monitor, test, and make
    adjustments to ensure the integrity of this critical
    communication channel for your dealership.

  Ø It’s a good idea to open email accounts with all the
    main service providers, including AOL, Yahoo, MSN,
    Hotmail, Gmail, and others, so you can see what your
    customers see. Check your database and see what
    email domains are commonly used among your

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               30
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Your Email Content, Structure and Form
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  Develop Email Standards and Policies for the Dealership

  Ø Email marketing is one of the most cost-efficient tools
    at your disposal. This doesn’t mean you should simply
    accept it as a cost of doing business that a percentage
    of your emails are not going to get through. This is
    unacceptable and, in a way, let’s the spammers win. A
    good email tool provider is your first line of defense.
    Setting email marketing standards for your dealership
    is your second. Make your email marketing program is
    top notch, just like your showroom, your service
    department, and your website, and you can reap huge
    rewards from this vital communication channel.

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               31
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
Reference Links and Information Sources
                     A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

  CAN SPAM Act of 2003
  Wireless – Federal Communications Commission
  Spam Filters
July 26, 2005 26, 2005
  Tuesday, July                                                               32
                                           Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
A T T R A C T   •   I N T E R A C T   •   R E S P O N D   •   S E L L   •   S E R V I C E   •   R E T A I N

   Top 4
                                                                                                                                           % of
  Ways to            Dealer Response Attribute                                                                    Purchase              Purchase*
   Close             Experienced by Customer within 24                                                          Respondents*            among the
    More                                                                                                        who DID NOT             Leads who
  Sales to           hours of Submitting a Web based                                                            experience the             DID
                                                                                                                   attribute           Experience
   Leads             Inquiry (Lead)                                                                                                    the attribute

                     Make Direct Phone Contact with Customer
       #1            (after Email w/availability & prices)                                                           17%                27%
       #2            Send Price Quotes by Email to Customer                                                          20%                27%
                     Contact Customer more than once by Email
       #3            and Telephone (within First 24 Hours)                                                           21%                25%
                     Make sure Customers are either Completely or Very
       #4            Satisfied with the Lead Response                                                                21%                24%
           RCS Marketing research (Q3, 2004) reconfirms the Best Practices
           RCS Marketing research (Q3, 2004) reconfirms the Best Practices
             collected during ““BestIn Class” Dealer Benchmark studies.
              collected during Best In Class” Dealer Benchmark studies.
          How to sell more vehicles to customers that submit Internet leads…
          How to sell more vehicles to customers that submit Internet leads…
            Without relying on opinion or seat of the pants management!
             Without relying on opinion or seat of the pants management!
 *Survey Participants who Purchased a Vehicle were identified via RDR data cross reference and matching with Internet Lead Data

July 26, 2005 26, 2005
 Tuesday, July                                 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved

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Email Marketing Optimization by Ralph Paglia

  • 1. A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Email Marketing Best Practices Avoiding Anti-Spam Filters MISSION: To supply dealerships with the knowledge and understanding of electronic communication strategy, email content, form and structure needed to increase the percentage of electronic messages that reach the customer as intended July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved 1
  • 2. Growth of Email Marketing by Dealers A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Strategy & Content for this Presentation: Ward’s Dealer Business’ Cliff Banks says email marketing in dealerships will explode this year and if you ask the top dealers in the nation, they’ll tell you it’s THE critical communication channel with their Internet prospects. Whether you’re new to email marketing, or you’re an expert at segmenting your database and sending targeted messages, the following presentation will provide a variety of email marketing best practices to ensure your messages get through to your customers. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 2 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 3. Protecting Your Communication Channel A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N In its recent Internet Security Threat Report, Symantec Corporation reported that spam accounted for over 60% of all email traffic from July – December 2004. The good news is - a plethora of spam filters that are springing up everywhere, from your ISP to your desktop, are doing their job. The bad news is – they’re doing it too well. According to iMedia Connection, as much as 17-19% of legitimate, permission-based email messages are erroneously blocked by the top ISPs, a number that has been steadily increasing over the past few years. Email communication is critical for today’s auto dealer, so anything that disrupts this channel should be considered a hazard to your business. Anyway you slice it, a 17-19% loss in your business is staggering. In fact, this problem causes American businesses to lose billions of dollars every year. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 3 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 4. Protecting Your Communication Channel A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Your Internet-related service providers (like lead providers, website developers, and CRM tool companies) should be your first line of defense when it comes to ensuring the integrity of your email communication channel, so you can focus your attention on the business at hand – selling cars. Nevertheless, as a dealer, there are things you can do to increase the odds that your email communications get through to your intended recipients. While the following best practices can’t guarantee that all your messages get through every time; the key is doing what you can to increase your odds. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 4 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 5. The Telephone - Still the Killer App A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Just Like Donald Trump Before we get into more detailed talk about email communication, there’s one thing that every Internet-savvy dealer needs to keep in mind: The telephone is still the killer sales application, second only to the face-to-face meeting. I once heard that Donald Trump never uses a computer; he’s always on the phone. Regardless of what you might think of Mr. Trump, you can’t deny the man’s success. Yes, you’re an Internet dealer, and yes, these are Internet prospects who prefer to interact online. Still, it’s business critical to get on the phone whenever possible, in addition to emailing your prospects, until they expressly tell you not to. That being said, the following slides present some email techniques and best practices that can help you eliminate the types of red flags that alert spam filters which prevent your communications from getting through to your prospects and customers… July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 5 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 6. Spam Filters have Changed the Rules A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Anti-spam filters are the mine fields in the war against spam, and they’re a threat to your innocuous emails. There are spam filters on the mail server, or Internet service provider, side; in corporate firewalls; and also on the client-side, or your intended recipient’s computer. Many filters today assign a point system to certain trigger words, phrases, or punctuations that are commonly seen in spam emails. If an email surpasses its quota of spam points, it is sent to the junk email folder or else destroyed Spam Filters work like a before it ever gets to your Missile Defense system, intended recipient’s inbox. blowing up email messages before they hit your inbox July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 6 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 7. Spam Filters have Changed the Rules A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N The top Internet service providers, like AOL, MSN, Yahoo, and Verizon, all have their own customized rules for defining and weeding out spam. The big ISPs have routers for their email domains that analyze all incoming emails. These routers can automatically block emails that come from certain addresses, which the ISP has “black listed,” because consumers have complained about spam. Any dealer that has mistakenly been put on an ISP black list knows how burdensome it is to get off. This is why it is so business critical to have a “good email reputation” with consumers, because one too many complaints can mean doom for your email marketing program. This goes for both your dealership and your email marketing tool vendor – both of which have an impact on ISP relations and a hand in staying off the BDC Managers and ISM’s can inadvertently get Anti-Spam blacklists. dealers “Blacklisted” July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 7 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 8. Maintain Good Relations with Top ISP’s A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N The most important element to getting your email communications through is maintaining good relations with Internet Service Providers. In other words, the mail server that sends your emails must remain in good standing. If a few consumers complain to their ISP about junk mail coming from a particular dealership’s mail server, the ISP will address the issue by categorically blacklisting, or blocking all mail, coming from that server. This will affect not just your business, but every other business that sends campaigns from that server. A quality email service provider will always work to maintain good relations with the ISP’s.” As a dealer, the part you play in maintaining that good reputation is building your email list, controlling email content, and determining how often and to how many people you send campaigns. There should be a partnership where the technology provider and dealer protect RWS Dealer Web Sites each other’s interests will show you the Top 5 ISP’s used by your customers July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 8 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 9. Bulk Email and One-to-One Communications A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N One strategy that experts like Bill Boebel, chief technical officer at Webmail (provider of secure email hosting services), suggests is sending your bulk, or large list, email messages from a different server than you use to send your one-to-one correspondences. This helps protect the integrity of your one-to-one communications in the event a consumer receiving bulk communications from your dealership Using a 3rd Party complains, and that server is temporarily server for bulk emails blacklisted. A good email or CRM tool creates a non-dealer related target for Anti- provider can help you with this strategy. Spam “Blacklisting” July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 9 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 10. Why is CAN-SPAM relevant to Dealers? A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, or “The Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act” has done little to stem the flow of unwanted emails burdening the system. Nevertheless, legislation has set some standards that legitimate businesses should follow, not just for self-protection, but to differentiate themselves from spammers. Failing to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act can invite both criminal and civil penalties and allows suits by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), State Attorneys General, and Internet Service Providers. The following slides present an overview of With new legislation in place, do’s and don’ts that Internet dealers should dealers need to pay attention follow to be CAN-SPAM compliant. It’s also a to employee bulk email practices good idea to read up on this Act in more detail. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 10 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 11. Dealer Guidelines on CAN-SPAM Compliance A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N 1. Do include an opt-out system making it easy for customers to unsubscribe, or opt-out, from receiving broadcast emails 2. Do have a functioning reply address and an unsubscribe system that operates for at least 30 days after your last broadcast emailing 3. Do include your postal mailing, or physical address in the message 4. Don't use fraudulent or deceptive subject lines, headers, "From" names, or return addresses in your emails 5. Don’t allow spammers to market your products and services – you can be liable if they break the law 6. Don’t send emails to people whose email addresses have been harvested from websites or randomly generated 7. Don’t send emails to people who request to be removed from your list July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 11 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 12. New Rules: Wireless Email Addresses A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N • On February 7, 2005, as directed by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted new rules to protect consumers and businesses from receiving unwanted electronic mail messages on their wireless devices, such as mobile phones. • In order for a dealer to send broadcast emails to consumers on their wireless devices, or to specific wireless domains (click here to see the list) used to transmit wireless electronic messages, it must get “express prior authorization,” in other words, there is a strict opt-in requirement. In fact, it’s more stringent than the requirements set forth for regular, non-wireless email addresses. The following slides present guidelines for dealers to comply with the new wireless rules… July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 12 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 13. New Rules: Wireless Email Addresses A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N 1. Do get prior authorization such as the subscriber's signature, including an electronic signature to send them communications to their wireless devices. This means you not only need to obtain permission prior to sending a message, you also need to be able to prove you have it. 2. Do disclose the following at the time authorization is being collected: • Customer agrees to receive mobile service commercial messages • The name of the business that will be sending the messages • They may be charged by their wireless provider for receiving messages • They may revoke authorization to receive messages at any time when being charged by their wireless service provider in connection with receipt of such messages July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 13 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 14. New Rules: Wireless Email Addresses A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N 3. If you have any email addresses in your database that you believe are being sent to wireless devices, it's recommended that you contact these people and ask for another email address. Even if your database is totally opt-in, it’s still a good idea to double check with those consumers to get their permission again to send them communications to their wireless devices. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 14 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 15. Dealership Branding and Consistency A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Using a reputable email marketing tool provider is your first line of defense, the next is applying the same high standards of professionalism that you use in your showroom to your email marketing communications. Branding and consistency make you look good and also instill trust with your customers. 1. Set clear expectations and define value. If you’re asking for your customers’ email addresses, set clear expectations with them on what they’ll get, such as monthly coupons for oil changes, special promotions, and data on new inventory. In your first communication to them, remind them of the email address they gave to you and why they’ve subscribed. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 15 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 16. Dealership Branding and Consistency A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N 2. Ask your customers to add your “From” address to their email address book or “safe list” to ensure they receive your valuable offers. You can put a short statement at the top of your outgoing email communications that says something along the lines of: “Make sure you don't miss out on our emails, add to your address book now.” “To ensure that filter controls used by your ISP do not interrupt the delivery of our communications and special offers, please add to your address book, or click here and send an empty email to this address.” (This option takes advantage of the fact that many email systems, like AOL, add the people to whom consumers have sent an email automatically to their “Safe Senders List.”) July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 16 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 17. Dealership Branding and Consistency A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N You can put a short statement at the top of your outgoing email communications that says something along the lines of: “You have requested information from Maurice’s AutoWorld. Please add this email address to your address book and our domain name, <> to your email client “Safe List.” This will ensure that you receive our special offers and notices, and that they do not accidentally end up in your junk mail folder.” July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 17 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 18. Dealership Branding and Consistency A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Put a short statement at the top of outgoing email that says: “Due to the more restrictive nature of several large email hosts like AOL, MSN, Roadrunner, Prodigy and others, our messages may be filtered out. We will reply to your requests as soon as possible. If you do not get a follow-up message from us within an hour, please contact us directly so we can ensure that we satisfy your requests.” It's also helpful to provide subscribers with a link to a page where they can find further instructions on how to add your email address to their address book. These instructions vary from one email provider to another. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 18 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 19. Dealership Branding and Consistency A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N 3. Maintain a consistent Digital Signature, or Footer, in all your communications. All of your dealership’s personnel who interact with customers should have a consistent digital signature. If you think about it, this marketing tool is one that is used as often, and probably seen by as many consumers, as any other medium. So make it consistent and make it look good. Include uniform font sizes, layout, etc. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 19 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 20. Building a Valuable Email Database A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N As you build your email database, it will become one of your dealership’s most valuable assets. Here are some ways to build and maintain a database that is the envy of your competition. 1. “Double Opt-In” Activated by Your Customers If possible, use a confirmed or double opt-in system. It’s the best way to prove that your subscribers gave express consent to receive your emails. This is something your email service provider can help you set up. This could be something as simple as having your customer check a box on an application they’re filling out at the dealership. These records can protect you in the event a consumer complains about the emails they receive and you get blacklisted by an ISP. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 20 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 21. Building a Valuable Email Database A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N As you build your email database, it will become one of your dealership’s most valuable assets. Here are some ways to build and maintain a database that is the envy of your competition. 2. Allow recipients to unsubscribe in one step, automatically. Then be sure they’re removed and your system marks them as opted out. Many ISPs, like AOL, make hitting the ‘This is spam button’ as easy as hanging up the telephone. Consumers will do that as a way of opting-out, which only puts you and your email service provider at risk of being blacklisted. Making it easier for your recipients to unsubscribe than to hit the spam button protects you, your dealership’s reputation, and your email service provider. Not to mention, it saves you time, because those are the kinds of customers you don’t want to waste your resources on anyway – they become more of a liability than anything. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 21 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 22. Building a Valuable Email Database A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N As you build your email database, it will become one of your dealership’s most valuable assets. Here are some ways to build and maintain a database that is the envy of your competition. 3. Do not purchase or rent lists. This is part of CAN SPAM compliance, and you want consumers to be in your database by choice not trickery 4. Secure your customer data and don't sell or rent out your lists 5. Analyze bounced and undelivered emails. Look for trends that you can correct. Also, some emails bounce due to simple typos and misspellings, which can be fixed. 6. Always remove undeliverable emails and bounces. Your email tool provider should have an automated system for deleting emails after a certain number of failed attempts. Repeatedly sending too many emails that bounce can alert the spam filters. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 22 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 23. Your Email Content, Structure and Form A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Especially Watch Your Language Part and parcel with maintaining good relations with ISPs is the content and format of your email communications. Words, phrases, punctuation and HTML coding commonly used by spammers raise red flags to the spam filters, so its important to be cognizant and avoid them when you can. It’s a list that changes on a regular basis, so be sure to check for updates. “To” and “From” Fields 1. Watch what you put in the “To” and “From” fields in your emails. Try to avoid the following: Ø friend@ Ø sales@ Ø public@ Ø mail@ Ø success@ Ø hello@ 2. Also avoid in these fields: a lot of spaces or an empty field a strange name, or unreal name in the From field July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 23 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 24. Your Email Content, Structure and Form A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Subject Line Content • In your message subject line, be as specific as possible, with as many relevant details as you can fit. Spam filters are more inclined to let specific messages through than generic ones. Example: when your dealership sends a newsletter, say it’s a newsletter and include the month of the newsletter in the subject line • Avoid using punctuation symbols – like “ ” quotation marks, $$$ dollar signs, and !!!! exclamation points • Avoid using all CAPITAL letters, in other words, no need to SHOUT – you’ll wake up the spam filters! • Avoid putting a toll-free (800) number in the subject line (local area code numbers are good) July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 24 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 25. Your Email Content, Structure and Form A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N The following words, in both your email subject headlines and in the body of the email are known to trigger filters: Free - alone or in combinations, Discount! for example: what are you waiting for “free dinner with test drive” while supplies last FREE – in all caps click here, click below Guarantee, GUARANTEED million dollars cash Don’t miss this money back 50% off! Savings Subscribe Call now hidden $$$$ opportunity !!! Compare Hello You're a Winner! July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 25 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 26. Your Email Content, Structure and Form A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N The following words, in both your email subject headlines and in the body of the email are known to trigger filters: remove No cost, No fees collect Offer amazing One time cash bonus Please read credit Don't delete loans Save up to Act Now! Time limited All New Visit our website Buy direct While supplies last Special Promotion Why pay more? easy terms You've been selected great offer give it away, giving it away July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 26 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 27. Your Email Content, Structure and Form A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N The following words, in both your email Message Body of the email are known to trigger filters: Large block of hexadecimal (16 units) code One or more lines of large fonts or all caps – YELLING at the recipient At least 70 percent blank lines Header contains numbers mixed in with letters Message body claims not to be spam Body contains "removal instructions" Body contains "Dear friend" Excessive use of “click here” July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 27 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 28. Your Email Content, Structure and Form A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N In addition to language, graphics, images and certain HTML coding can alert spam filters. Now, AOL, one of the most popular ISPs, and Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express, the most popular email clients, will no longer automatically load HTML graphics, which means your artistic HTML emails may look terrible in your recipients’ preview screens. In addition, AOL may deactivate links in your emails before your prospects receive them. HTML emails tend to get deleted more frequently than plain text emails. And, many consumer actually prefer plain text emails. One reason is that plain text emails load faster, which is especially important for AOL users who are still on dialup. The next slide provides techniques in using HTML emails that are more likely to arrive as the sender intended… July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 28 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 29. Your Email Content, Structure and Form A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N If you use HTML emails, consider the following to avoid spam filters: 1. Do use all-white backgrounds instead of colors. 2. Do use style sheets in your HTML code if possible. 3. Do include links to Web pages with robust content instead of trying to include that content in your email. 4. Do use tables to organize information and separate numbers from text. 5. Don’t send HTML messages without a text alternative. 6. Don’t use oversized fonts. 7. Don’t use a lot of different colored fonts. 8. Don’t include “.exe” files or attachments with your message unless requested by recipient. 9. Don’t use BCC distribution methods with over 10 names per email. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 29 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 30. Your Email Content, Structure and Form A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Build, Use, Monitor and Test Email Templates Ø The email marketing universe is changing rapidly, with new technologies and new tricks by spammers, so it’s important to continuously monitor, test, and make adjustments to ensure the integrity of this critical communication channel for your dealership. Ø It’s a good idea to open email accounts with all the main service providers, including AOL, Yahoo, MSN, Hotmail, Gmail, and others, so you can see what your customers see. Check your database and see what email domains are commonly used among your customers. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 30 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 31. Your Email Content, Structure and Form A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Develop Email Standards and Policies for the Dealership Ø Email marketing is one of the most cost-efficient tools at your disposal. This doesn’t mean you should simply accept it as a cost of doing business that a percentage of your emails are not going to get through. This is unacceptable and, in a way, let’s the spammers win. A good email tool provider is your first line of defense. Setting email marketing standards for your dealership is your second. Make your email marketing program is top notch, just like your showroom, your service department, and your website, and you can reap huge rewards from this vital communication channel. July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 31 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 32. Reference Links and Information Sources A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N CAN SPAM Act of 2003 Wireless – Federal Communications Commission Spam Filters July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July 32 Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved
  • 33. A T T R A C T • I N T E R A C T • R E S P O N D • S E L L • S E R V I C E • R E T A I N Top 4 % of Ways to Dealer Response Attribute Purchase Purchase* Close Experienced by Customer within 24 Respondents* among the More who DID NOT Leads who Sales to hours of Submitting a Web based experience the DID attribute Experience Leads Inquiry (Lead) the attribute Received Make Direct Phone Contact with Customer #1 (after Email w/availability & prices) 17% 27% #2 Send Price Quotes by Email to Customer 20% 27% Contact Customer more than once by Email #3 and Telephone (within First 24 Hours) 21% 25% Make sure Customers are either Completely or Very #4 Satisfied with the Lead Response 21% 24% RCS Marketing research (Q3, 2004) reconfirms the Best Practices RCS Marketing research (Q3, 2004) reconfirms the Best Practices collected during ““BestIn Class” Dealer Benchmark studies. collected during Best In Class” Dealer Benchmark studies. How to sell more vehicles to customers that submit Internet leads… How to sell more vehicles to customers that submit Internet leads… Without relying on opinion or seat of the pants management! Without relying on opinion or seat of the pants management! *Survey Participants who Purchased a Vehicle were identified via RDR data cross reference and matching with Internet Lead Data July 26, 2005 26, 2005 Tuesday, July Copyright © 2004 The Reynolds and Reynolds Company – All Rights Reserved 33