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Elle & Me
Written By Justin StCláir Thomas
Copyright © 2014 Justin StClair Thomas
Copyright © Jinx-MusicMedia 2014-2015
Tel: +44 0770 951 2083
Elle & Me…..
Once upon a long ago…. In a small village in the heart of the English countryside, there lived
a little girl who befriended a Baby Elephant. But not just any Baby Elephant! No this one was
to be very special indeed. And so the tale of true friendship begins…..
Chapter One: "Say Hello to My Little Friend”
My name is Lucy. It was a cold winters day, over Christmas when I first met Elle, the
Elephant. Now I am only seven years old, but even I knew that an Elephant should not be
here. I was playing in the snow with my older brother Toby. He is a real pain, always playing
tricks on me, and getting me into trouble with our parents at school. But this little Baby
Elephant befriended me. She spoke to me. She said in a small, but quiet voice. “Hi my Name
is Elle “, and I think that I am lost? I was with my Mother & Father, and part of a herd, but I
cannot seem to find them. Well Lucy could hardly believe her eyes and ears. Shocked and
amazed Lucy said, with a slight choking cough. “em! Where are you from? “Somewhere
warmer than here, I think? I shall help you find them. Now I am only a little girl, but I did
find it a little bit strange that I could walk and talk with an Elephant. Come with me, and you
can stay at my house. But mind my Big Brother Toby. Then I can help you to find your
family. How can you do that! “Lucy, I don’t really know as yet, Lucy said with a smile. Oh
and don’t speak in front of the others, should we just happen to bump into anyone. That’s ok
Lucy, only you can hear me.
Chapter Two: "My Old Tree House”
So Lucy and Elle headed off to the Robinson family home, a quaint house where Elle stayed
in the garage. Lucy kept her a secret for many, many a day, and fed her. But none the less Elle
wished to play outside, for she had never seen snow before now. “Where do you come from?
Lucy asked. I don’t really know! But it is very hot, and we have, lots of rivers flowing with
water and trees. Big, big green trees. And the sky is filled with rainbows. OH!!! And there are
monkeys and tigers. Well now you are in England, and there certainly are no Monkeys or
Tigers around here. Oh well, I do wonder how I got here. That I do not know, but I shall help
you get home replied Lucy.
They played and played becoming the best of friends. And Lucy kept Elle hidden for all that
time, until…… Toby spotted something. Lucy did Mum and Dad get you a dog for
Christmas? No why, answered Lucy. Well I just can’t help but notice these strange tracks in
the snow, and all of the cookies and some of the rest of the food that I like is missing, said
Toby, in a slight but bemused angry voice. Well…em…well I was feeling really, really
hungry. You always said that I am to small Toby. That’s ok Lucy, just don’t eat all my
cookies. So Lucy quickly ran back to the garage, where a sad and cold little elephant lay…
Elle, I am going to have to find you another place to hide. Where Lucy? I do not know as yet,
but we shall figure it out somehow.
Song ditty:
So Elle & me, we lived up in a tree, by being there, where no one could see. So Elle & me, we
lived up in a tree, by being there, where no one could see.
Elle you have smaller ears than the Elephants that I see on the TV, said Lucy. What’s a TV?
Oh! It’s something like a box, that you can watch, with moving pictures inside it. But my
Mum and Dad do not like me watching it too much, and plus Toby always gets to watch what
he wants. Lucy can we get a TV in the Tree house? I’d love to watch it. Well I am only young
like you. I would not know how Elle. So the both of them sat in the tree house and wondered
whilst watching the snow fall. Do you come from a place call Savannah Elle? I do not really
know. Well I saw something on the box TV, about a forest full of elephants. They were
covered in tall grass and tall trees in a place called Savannah, but Toby switched the Channel,
to watch spider-man. I am not sure Lucy, but it is a place like you said, where there is no
snow. I can just recall that my Mother and father used to lift heavy trees with their trunks. I
thought that a trunk was the boot of a car, said Lucy. What is a boot? Or a car? Well Elle a car
is like one of those boxes, as she pointed to the rubbish laying outside the home, but with
wheels, that you really have to avoid. What like a TV? No silly! TV’s don’t move well apart
from the pictures. But these cars can hurt you and me.
Chapter 3: "The Hunger Games”
Lucy I need my Mother’s milk. Elle I am trying to get you Home, but I can get you some
milk. Thank you, Lucy. I do miss my Mother so, they called her the Matriarch. And my father
they called him the Bull. So your Father is a Bully then? A bully! I don’t know, what is a
bully Lucy? Like my brother Toby. Oh no, not like that Lucy. But he did seem to be in charge
of things, so did my Mother. So you are a Princess amongst Kings and Queens. Ha, ha, he, he.
So they both sat around the battery heated fire lamp, laughing and singing of Kings and
Queens and of Beautiful young Princess’s and Princes. Lucy I am really feeling hungry now!
What can I get you during these cold and snowy months? Elle we are almost out of cookies
and peanuts and there’s no grass or shrubs. Sorry Elle this is winter after all and Christmas
time, but I shall get you some milk. Then I shall have to go home, as my Mum and Dad will
be looking for me. I can smell…I can smell food!!! And it smells really good. My trunk is on
overload! Yippy Kay Ya. Elle than began to make a loud trumpeting sound with her trunk as
she became excited by the smell of food. Quiet! They’ll hear you! You eat more than Toby,
and he’s a big goof. Elle you have to be quiet, your trunk is making a very large noise. I have
to keep you a secret until we can find your Parents. Elle Jumped out of the tree house,
followed by little Lucy. Whoa, slow down Elle, I cannot keep up with you, well I am only
little and small you know. Sorry Lucy, hop onto my back. We cannot go in the house Elle.
Wow! This is great mind, even better than a roller coaster, or anything at the Fun Fair. They
trotted off back towards the Robinson’s family home unaware of what awaited them.
Chapter 4: "Enter Mr. Grimes”
Gotcha! You’re coming with us. All of a sudden a huge sting came all over Elle and she fell
immediately to the ground, throwing Lucy off into the snow. Way hey good shot, shouted
Toby. Good job Mr. Grimes, very good job indeed, Well we can’t have this sort of thing
running around the country side now can we. Said Lord Burley Hamilton, who owned pretty
much all of the Estate in the area, except that of the Robinson Family Home, of which he has
been trying unsuccessfully to obtain for many a year. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson this is Mr.
Grimes of London Zoo’s Park Rangers, It has come to my attention thanks to your charming
young Son, that this Elephant was being housed here illegally. Well I was not aware of that,
said Mr. Robinson. OH! My, how’s Lucy? Where’s Lucy? said Mrs. Robinson. Lucy was
upside down with her head in the snow, by a tree with only her wellington boots and Scarf
showing. Like an upside down snowman. OH! My dear Lucy how are you? Come here let me
brush you off. Well fine good job Mr. Grimes fine good job, I shall be in touch. And as for
you Mr. Robinson I shall definitely be in touch very soon, as the rules of these Estates are
very clear on Animals. Good day Sir. Where are they taking Elle Mummy? To London Zoo
Elle. NO they can’t take her no cried Lucy!! Lucy this is not her home, they have a good
home for her now. No, no I was taking her home. Home to where the Sky is filled with
Rainbows. Mr. Robinson tried in vain to hold Lucy back as she ran after the large green van.
At that moment Elle began to awake and she peered through the barred window at the back of
the green van with tears in her eyes, her trunk screamed a tremendous roar, that surely could
be heard for miles and miles away, then she said for only Lucy to hear softly, bye Lucy, bye!
Lucy knelt on the cold icy floor, placing her hands over her face and said, I’m so sorry Elle…
I’m so sorry…..a whisper echoed into Lucy’s ears….
You will always be with me and me with you…
Come on Lucy; let’s get you inside with a nice cup of hot coco. I do not understand
Mummy? Why? Lucy so you have been looking after this Baby Elephant? Yes Daddy
almost a week. Well I am sure glad that Toby found the sense to contact someone.
Toby you rat, I hate you, if hate you, well I don’t like you anymore said Lucy.
Well it’s like Lord Burnley Hamilton said we can’t have that kind of thing! Running
around, well it might cause a riot. A riot alright you got one, with me said Lucy
shaking her head. Come on dear off to Bed said Mrs Robinson. You’ll feel better in
the morning? No, I won’t, and Lucy stormed off up the stairs.
Two days had now passed and Lucy would not speak to anyone, not even her Mother
or her favourite teddy bear “ Chuck “ and would hardly eat anything. Meanwhile just
a few miles down the road in a very dark and cold cage lay Elle on the Burnley
Hamilton Estate. For Elle had not been taken to London Zoo as was told to the
Robinson family. That Sunday morning the whole family headed off to Church for the
Christmas Mass. Even a very reluctant Lucy clutching Chuck, her most favourite
thing in the whole wide World except for Elle. At the end of Mass some of the Church
goers would walk up to the Altar and light a candle and make a Prayer. For Lucy this
was the very first time, she had ever done such a thing. As she stood up from her seat
and walked slowly towards the Altar clutching Chuck. Oh my, what is she doing?
Said Mr Robinson. George let her go she’s old enough now, shell be ok. Lucy placed
a Candle in her hand whilst an Altar Boy lit the candle and placed it amongst the
others. She then knelt down facing the cross where a figure of Jesus stood, and said
softly. Is a prayer like a Wish? Or a Miracle, or maybe it’s like a Dream. I need not
anything for Christmas for myself, but one, only a prayer that my friend Elle can go
home safely. Lucy what did you say at the Alter asked Mrs Robinson. Oh! nothing
Mummy, just a prayer. Just a true prayer. As the Robinson family left the Church
front doors it had stopped snowing and the sky was filled with Rainbows.
Chapter 5: "A Prayer can come true”
We had a deal Hamilton, where’s my £20,000 pounds, said Mr. Grimes. £20,000, Ah
my dear boy, don’t be silly, £2,000 pounds was our agreement. Said Lord Burley
Hamilton. No you said £20,000 pounds, £1,000 up front and the rest on delivery. Well
Mr.Grimmes, there you go. Half up front and half on delivery, I do believe that come
to a total of £ 2000 Mr. Grimes. £20,000 pounds would be totally out of the question.
Why you double crossing thief. Thief, oh let me see was I the one who shoot and stole
the Elephant under false pretenses? No I was not, that would be you Mr. Grimes.
Driving back from Church Lucy suddenly became over whelmed with a feeling of Joy
in her Heart as she glanced at the many colors and rainbows that now filled the sky.
George I have never seen anything like this before? Me either Elizabeth replied Mr.
Robinson. Well it looked better when it was snowing, this too weird. Toby said.
Meanwhile back at the Burley Estate. Well Hammy boy we will just have to do this
the old fashioned way. Said Mr. Grimes. What in heaven’s name does that mean? It
means your Lordship the hard way. Grab him boys. At that moment two of Mr.
Grimes associates Sam & Dave ran to grab Lord Hamilton by the arms, one of them
accidentally tripping over his bear rug and kicking over a 17th century table which
landed in the huge log fire that graced the Main Hall Room. Fist and kicks where
floating all around in the air. Whilst the slimy Mr. Grimes set about taking what
money that he could obtain from the Petty cash box, not more than £100 pounds.
Watch out, your burning me you Buffoon. Said Lord Burley Hamilton. Dave this
whole place is going up in flames, I am getting out of here. Your right Sam, hold up
I’m coming. At that point as Dave let go of Mr. Hamilton’s arms he fell to the ground
hitting his head and knocking him out. By this time the fire had spread throughout
most of the House, courtyard and the Stables, and of course the little enclosure where
Elle lay.
Like in the Wizard of OZ book turns to Color
Chapter 6: "Somewhere over these Rainbows”
All of a sudden part of the Sky began to darken as smoke filled the air. And then a
very loud trumpeting sound beckoned the skies, with a roar like thunder. Mummy,
mummy that’s Elle, she’s in trouble. By this time the whole village could hear Elle
she had broken her silence, she could speak to everyone now! Look George there’s a
fire over by the Hamilton Estate. Right hold on. Turning the car around they sped off
towards the Hamilton Estate. The Staff at the Burley Hamilton Estate had managed to
free all the Horses and rescue Lord Burley Hamilton, but had no idea that Elle was
there. They could hear her but could not find her anywhere. And Lord Burley
Hamilton was still unconscious. As it so happens on their attempt to try and escape
Mr. Grimes and his associates were kindly greeted by the Police on their way to the
fire. Who were more than very kind to escort them back to the local Police station.
Oh my George, that looks really bad. Said Mrs. Robinson. Lucy undid her seat belt
and stepped out of the car. No Lucy wait. Daddy I know where she is, it’s safe take
me. Lucy you came for me, follow my voice said Elle! Slow down Lucy it’s too
dangerous. She is calling me, Daddy, I can hear her very clearly. There is an opening
on the other side of this tree. And there it was, a secret passage way away from the
smoke and the fire. Lucy pressed down on one of the branches. I know what I am
doing Daddy, and a huge maze of caves appeared. This way Daddy, come this way.
Oh! Elle you found me, you found me. Well like you said Elle “you are always with
me and me with you” Come on let’s get out of here cried, Mr. Robinson. Ah!
Whoops chains, I did not see that, Lucy go back to the car. No Daddy, I will not. They
both looked down towards the chains. Mr. Robinson and Lucy watched in
Amazement as all the chains melted, and all of the colors of the Rainbow where
shinning and glowing all over Elle’s body like a Diamond fuelled with colors. At this
point Mrs. Robinson and Toby arrived. I guess that this is where the sky is filled with
rainbows. Let’s go the fire is coming through screamed Mr. Robinson. Lucy? One last
ride? Jump on and you Toby. What she spoke, oh my…..Lucy and Toby jumped onto
Elle’s back as they raced back through the maze, and the fire just seemed to stop.
Chapter Seven: "The Matriarch”
When they has all reached the surface by the entrance to the tree, the sky was once
again filled with rainbows and clouds filled with rain falling over the Burley Hamilton
Estate. But one thing stood out above them all. It was the largest Rainbow. It came
down from the sky and touched the ground and began to move towards the Robinson
family, the whole Little Village looked on. Even Lord Burley Hamilton was awake
now sitting in the back of a Police car. The trumpeting became louder and a march
like thunder roared through the skies in total unison. Thump, thump, thump, thump.
Thump, thump, thump, thump. Well Elle I do not think that you are lost anymore.
Lucy said with a huge smile. No Lucy this is the place where Rivers flow and Big
trees grow, where Monkeys and Tigers roam. And most of all, it is the place where the
sky is filled with Rainbows.
And within those few words for the first time everybody in the village could hear Elle
speak. Lucy you helped me find my family just as you said. Thank you. Thank you!
Suddenly there was silence. At the top of the Rainbow appeared a huge figure, which
seemed the size of an Oil Tanker. It was the Matriarch, the leader of the Elephant
family, and she spoke….Elle you are Home now my child.
Go Elle, I shall never forget you. In that passing moment tears from both of them
disappeared as if they were never there. There was one last whisper that ONLY
LUCY could hear three little words.
Ok four words…..
Did Lucy ever forget Elle Grandma, No my Dear Ami, Elle is with me as I am with
her, but that was once upon a long ago……
And remember, Elephants never forget….

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Ellejinx manuscript[1]2015.docx16

  • 1. Elle & Me Written By Justin StCláir Thomas Copyright © 2014 Justin StClair Thomas Copyright © Jinx-MusicMedia 2014-2015 Tel: +44 0770 951 2083 e-mail: Elle & Me….. Once upon a long ago…. In a small village in the heart of the English countryside, there lived a little girl who befriended a Baby Elephant. But not just any Baby Elephant! No this one was to be very special indeed. And so the tale of true friendship begins….. Chapter One: "Say Hello to My Little Friend” My name is Lucy. It was a cold winters day, over Christmas when I first met Elle, the Elephant. Now I am only seven years old, but even I knew that an Elephant should not be
  • 2. here. I was playing in the snow with my older brother Toby. He is a real pain, always playing tricks on me, and getting me into trouble with our parents at school. But this little Baby Elephant befriended me. She spoke to me. She said in a small, but quiet voice. “Hi my Name is Elle “, and I think that I am lost? I was with my Mother & Father, and part of a herd, but I cannot seem to find them. Well Lucy could hardly believe her eyes and ears. Shocked and amazed Lucy said, with a slight choking cough. “em! Where are you from? “Somewhere warmer than here, I think? I shall help you find them. Now I am only a little girl, but I did find it a little bit strange that I could walk and talk with an Elephant. Come with me, and you can stay at my house. But mind my Big Brother Toby. Then I can help you to find your family. How can you do that! “Lucy, I don’t really know as yet, Lucy said with a smile. Oh and don’t speak in front of the others, should we just happen to bump into anyone. That’s ok Lucy, only you can hear me. Chapter Two: "My Old Tree House” So Lucy and Elle headed off to the Robinson family home, a quaint house where Elle stayed in the garage. Lucy kept her a secret for many, many a day, and fed her. But none the less Elle wished to play outside, for she had never seen snow before now. “Where do you come from? Lucy asked. I don’t really know! But it is very hot, and we have, lots of rivers flowing with water and trees. Big, big green trees. And the sky is filled with rainbows. OH!!! And there are monkeys and tigers. Well now you are in England, and there certainly are no Monkeys or Tigers around here. Oh well, I do wonder how I got here. That I do not know, but I shall help you get home replied Lucy. They played and played becoming the best of friends. And Lucy kept Elle hidden for all that time, until…… Toby spotted something. Lucy did Mum and Dad get you a dog for Christmas? No why, answered Lucy. Well I just can’t help but notice these strange tracks in the snow, and all of the cookies and some of the rest of the food that I like is missing, said Toby, in a slight but bemused angry voice. Well…em…well I was feeling really, really hungry. You always said that I am to small Toby. That’s ok Lucy, just don’t eat all my cookies. So Lucy quickly ran back to the garage, where a sad and cold little elephant lay…
  • 3. Elle, I am going to have to find you another place to hide. Where Lucy? I do not know as yet, but we shall figure it out somehow. Song ditty: So Elle & me, we lived up in a tree, by being there, where no one could see. So Elle & me, we lived up in a tree, by being there, where no one could see. Elle you have smaller ears than the Elephants that I see on the TV, said Lucy. What’s a TV? Oh! It’s something like a box, that you can watch, with moving pictures inside it. But my Mum and Dad do not like me watching it too much, and plus Toby always gets to watch what he wants. Lucy can we get a TV in the Tree house? I’d love to watch it. Well I am only young like you. I would not know how Elle. So the both of them sat in the tree house and wondered whilst watching the snow fall. Do you come from a place call Savannah Elle? I do not really know. Well I saw something on the box TV, about a forest full of elephants. They were covered in tall grass and tall trees in a place called Savannah, but Toby switched the Channel, to watch spider-man. I am not sure Lucy, but it is a place like you said, where there is no snow. I can just recall that my Mother and father used to lift heavy trees with their trunks. I thought that a trunk was the boot of a car, said Lucy. What is a boot? Or a car? Well Elle a car is like one of those boxes, as she pointed to the rubbish laying outside the home, but with wheels, that you really have to avoid. What like a TV? No silly! TV’s don’t move well apart from the pictures. But these cars can hurt you and me. Chapter 3: "The Hunger Games” Lucy I need my Mother’s milk. Elle I am trying to get you Home, but I can get you some milk. Thank you, Lucy. I do miss my Mother so, they called her the Matriarch. And my father they called him the Bull. So your Father is a Bully then? A bully! I don’t know, what is a bully Lucy? Like my brother Toby. Oh no, not like that Lucy. But he did seem to be in charge of things, so did my Mother. So you are a Princess amongst Kings and Queens. Ha, ha, he, he. So they both sat around the battery heated fire lamp, laughing and singing of Kings and Queens and of Beautiful young Princess’s and Princes. Lucy I am really feeling hungry now! What can I get you during these cold and snowy months? Elle we are almost out of cookies and peanuts and there’s no grass or shrubs. Sorry Elle this is winter after all and Christmas time, but I shall get you some milk. Then I shall have to go home, as my Mum and Dad will
  • 4. be looking for me. I can smell…I can smell food!!! And it smells really good. My trunk is on overload! Yippy Kay Ya. Elle than began to make a loud trumpeting sound with her trunk as she became excited by the smell of food. Quiet! They’ll hear you! You eat more than Toby, and he’s a big goof. Elle you have to be quiet, your trunk is making a very large noise. I have to keep you a secret until we can find your Parents. Elle Jumped out of the tree house, followed by little Lucy. Whoa, slow down Elle, I cannot keep up with you, well I am only little and small you know. Sorry Lucy, hop onto my back. We cannot go in the house Elle. Wow! This is great mind, even better than a roller coaster, or anything at the Fun Fair. They trotted off back towards the Robinson’s family home unaware of what awaited them. Chapter 4: "Enter Mr. Grimes” Gotcha! You’re coming with us. All of a sudden a huge sting came all over Elle and she fell immediately to the ground, throwing Lucy off into the snow. Way hey good shot, shouted Toby. Good job Mr. Grimes, very good job indeed, Well we can’t have this sort of thing running around the country side now can we. Said Lord Burley Hamilton, who owned pretty much all of the Estate in the area, except that of the Robinson Family Home, of which he has been trying unsuccessfully to obtain for many a year. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson this is Mr. Grimes of London Zoo’s Park Rangers, It has come to my attention thanks to your charming young Son, that this Elephant was being housed here illegally. Well I was not aware of that, said Mr. Robinson. OH! My, how’s Lucy? Where’s Lucy? said Mrs. Robinson. Lucy was upside down with her head in the snow, by a tree with only her wellington boots and Scarf showing. Like an upside down snowman. OH! My dear Lucy how are you? Come here let me brush you off. Well fine good job Mr. Grimes fine good job, I shall be in touch. And as for you Mr. Robinson I shall definitely be in touch very soon, as the rules of these Estates are very clear on Animals. Good day Sir. Where are they taking Elle Mummy? To London Zoo Elle. NO they can’t take her no cried Lucy!! Lucy this is not her home, they have a good home for her now. No, no I was taking her home. Home to where the Sky is filled with Rainbows. Mr. Robinson tried in vain to hold Lucy back as she ran after the large green van. At that moment Elle began to awake and she peered through the barred window at the back of the green van with tears in her eyes, her trunk screamed a tremendous roar, that surely could be heard for miles and miles away, then she said for only Lucy to hear softly, bye Lucy, bye!
  • 5. Lucy knelt on the cold icy floor, placing her hands over her face and said, I’m so sorry Elle… I’m so sorry…..a whisper echoed into Lucy’s ears…. You will always be with me and me with you… Come on Lucy; let’s get you inside with a nice cup of hot coco. I do not understand Mummy? Why? Lucy so you have been looking after this Baby Elephant? Yes Daddy almost a week. Well I am sure glad that Toby found the sense to contact someone. Toby you rat, I hate you, if hate you, well I don’t like you anymore said Lucy. Well it’s like Lord Burnley Hamilton said we can’t have that kind of thing! Running around, well it might cause a riot. A riot alright you got one, with me said Lucy shaking her head. Come on dear off to Bed said Mrs Robinson. You’ll feel better in the morning? No, I won’t, and Lucy stormed off up the stairs. Two days had now passed and Lucy would not speak to anyone, not even her Mother or her favourite teddy bear “ Chuck “ and would hardly eat anything. Meanwhile just a few miles down the road in a very dark and cold cage lay Elle on the Burnley Hamilton Estate. For Elle had not been taken to London Zoo as was told to the Robinson family. That Sunday morning the whole family headed off to Church for the Christmas Mass. Even a very reluctant Lucy clutching Chuck, her most favourite thing in the whole wide World except for Elle. At the end of Mass some of the Church goers would walk up to the Altar and light a candle and make a Prayer. For Lucy this was the very first time, she had ever done such a thing. As she stood up from her seat and walked slowly towards the Altar clutching Chuck. Oh my, what is she doing? Said Mr Robinson. George let her go she’s old enough now, shell be ok. Lucy placed a Candle in her hand whilst an Altar Boy lit the candle and placed it amongst the others. She then knelt down facing the cross where a figure of Jesus stood, and said softly. Is a prayer like a Wish? Or a Miracle, or maybe it’s like a Dream. I need not anything for Christmas for myself, but one, only a prayer that my friend Elle can go home safely. Lucy what did you say at the Alter asked Mrs Robinson. Oh! nothing Mummy, just a prayer. Just a true prayer. As the Robinson family left the Church front doors it had stopped snowing and the sky was filled with Rainbows. Chapter 5: "A Prayer can come true” We had a deal Hamilton, where’s my £20,000 pounds, said Mr. Grimes. £20,000, Ah my dear boy, don’t be silly, £2,000 pounds was our agreement. Said Lord Burley
  • 6. Hamilton. No you said £20,000 pounds, £1,000 up front and the rest on delivery. Well Mr.Grimmes, there you go. Half up front and half on delivery, I do believe that come to a total of £ 2000 Mr. Grimes. £20,000 pounds would be totally out of the question. Why you double crossing thief. Thief, oh let me see was I the one who shoot and stole the Elephant under false pretenses? No I was not, that would be you Mr. Grimes. Driving back from Church Lucy suddenly became over whelmed with a feeling of Joy in her Heart as she glanced at the many colors and rainbows that now filled the sky. George I have never seen anything like this before? Me either Elizabeth replied Mr. Robinson. Well it looked better when it was snowing, this too weird. Toby said. Meanwhile back at the Burley Estate. Well Hammy boy we will just have to do this the old fashioned way. Said Mr. Grimes. What in heaven’s name does that mean? It means your Lordship the hard way. Grab him boys. At that moment two of Mr. Grimes associates Sam & Dave ran to grab Lord Hamilton by the arms, one of them accidentally tripping over his bear rug and kicking over a 17th century table which landed in the huge log fire that graced the Main Hall Room. Fist and kicks where floating all around in the air. Whilst the slimy Mr. Grimes set about taking what money that he could obtain from the Petty cash box, not more than £100 pounds. Watch out, your burning me you Buffoon. Said Lord Burley Hamilton. Dave this whole place is going up in flames, I am getting out of here. Your right Sam, hold up I’m coming. At that point as Dave let go of Mr. Hamilton’s arms he fell to the ground hitting his head and knocking him out. By this time the fire had spread throughout most of the House, courtyard and the Stables, and of course the little enclosure where Elle lay. Like in the Wizard of OZ book turns to Color Chapter 6: "Somewhere over these Rainbows” All of a sudden part of the Sky began to darken as smoke filled the air. And then a very loud trumpeting sound beckoned the skies, with a roar like thunder. Mummy, mummy that’s Elle, she’s in trouble. By this time the whole village could hear Elle she had broken her silence, she could speak to everyone now! Look George there’s a fire over by the Hamilton Estate. Right hold on. Turning the car around they sped off towards the Hamilton Estate. The Staff at the Burley Hamilton Estate had managed to free all the Horses and rescue Lord Burley Hamilton, but had no idea that Elle was there. They could hear her but could not find her anywhere. And Lord Burley Hamilton was still unconscious. As it so happens on their attempt to try and escape
  • 7. Mr. Grimes and his associates were kindly greeted by the Police on their way to the fire. Who were more than very kind to escort them back to the local Police station. Oh my George, that looks really bad. Said Mrs. Robinson. Lucy undid her seat belt and stepped out of the car. No Lucy wait. Daddy I know where she is, it’s safe take me. Lucy you came for me, follow my voice said Elle! Slow down Lucy it’s too dangerous. She is calling me, Daddy, I can hear her very clearly. There is an opening on the other side of this tree. And there it was, a secret passage way away from the smoke and the fire. Lucy pressed down on one of the branches. I know what I am doing Daddy, and a huge maze of caves appeared. This way Daddy, come this way. Oh! Elle you found me, you found me. Well like you said Elle “you are always with me and me with you” Come on let’s get out of here cried, Mr. Robinson. Ah! Whoops chains, I did not see that, Lucy go back to the car. No Daddy, I will not. They both looked down towards the chains. Mr. Robinson and Lucy watched in Amazement as all the chains melted, and all of the colors of the Rainbow where shinning and glowing all over Elle’s body like a Diamond fuelled with colors. At this point Mrs. Robinson and Toby arrived. I guess that this is where the sky is filled with rainbows. Let’s go the fire is coming through screamed Mr. Robinson. Lucy? One last ride? Jump on and you Toby. What she spoke, oh my…..Lucy and Toby jumped onto Elle’s back as they raced back through the maze, and the fire just seemed to stop. Chapter Seven: "The Matriarch” When they has all reached the surface by the entrance to the tree, the sky was once again filled with rainbows and clouds filled with rain falling over the Burley Hamilton Estate. But one thing stood out above them all. It was the largest Rainbow. It came down from the sky and touched the ground and began to move towards the Robinson family, the whole Little Village looked on. Even Lord Burley Hamilton was awake now sitting in the back of a Police car. The trumpeting became louder and a march like thunder roared through the skies in total unison. Thump, thump, thump, thump. Thump, thump, thump, thump. Well Elle I do not think that you are lost anymore. Lucy said with a huge smile. No Lucy this is the place where Rivers flow and Big
  • 8. trees grow, where Monkeys and Tigers roam. And most of all, it is the place where the sky is filled with Rainbows. And within those few words for the first time everybody in the village could hear Elle speak. Lucy you helped me find my family just as you said. Thank you. Thank you! Suddenly there was silence. At the top of the Rainbow appeared a huge figure, which seemed the size of an Oil Tanker. It was the Matriarch, the leader of the Elephant family, and she spoke….Elle you are Home now my child. Go Elle, I shall never forget you. In that passing moment tears from both of them disappeared as if they were never there. There was one last whisper that ONLY LUCY could hear three little words. I LOVE YOU LUCY Ok four words….. Did Lucy ever forget Elle Grandma, No my Dear Ami, Elle is with me as I am with her, but that was once upon a long ago…… And remember, Elephants never forget…. FIN….