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Did you know?
Alcohol is a depressant/downer.Depressants slow down the functions
of the body and the brain for the period you are intoxicated.
Signs of
The following
behaviours may
indicate that
someone is under
the influence of
•	 Lowering of
inhibitions and poor
•	 Talking louder than
usual and a change
in mood can occur.
•	 Slurred speech,
slow or clumsy
objects (,
keys) or forgetting
thoughts in mid-
•	 Glassy,red eyes and
the smell of Alcohol
on one’s breath.
•	 With longer term
use drinkers get
a redness under
the skin especially
in the face.This is
known as “phuza”
face which is an
isiZulu word for
beer face.
Dangers with chronic or heavy use
The long-term overuse of Alcohol is capable of damaging nearly every organ and system in the body,
and it is associated with increased risk of addiction. Alcohol slowly poisons the liver and the end
result is often malnutrition, chronic pancreatitis, liver disease and cancer. In addition, damage to
the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system can occur from chronic Alcohol abuse. In
time the person may become increasingly depressed and suffer from low energy and motivation. If
a person does not seek treatment, they may become suicidal and life starts to feel meaningless. In
some cases the use of Alcohol spurs on aggressive behaviour and domestic violence. Unfortunately
chronic overuse of Alcohol maydeplete important chemicals in the brain.This leads to confusion,short
term memory problems (Korsakoff’s syndrome) and eventually early onset of dementia (a degenerative
brain disease).
Withdrawal symptoms
When a person uses Alcohol moderately there should not be any withdrawal symptoms.However an alcoholic may experience
unpleasant symptoms after a heavy drinking session.Nausea,sweating,shakiness,anxiety,a rapid heartbeat and increased blood
pressure occur when Alcohol use is stopped.
There is always hope if you struggle with
Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or
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about treatment.You can also visit our website
on for more information.
Should I stop drinking?
If some of the following applies to you, you should seek professional help to stop the use
of Alcohol:
•	 You have tried to cut down before but have not been successful.
•	 You suffer from morning shakes or nausea after a heavy drinking spree.
•	 If you cannot stop drinking once you taste Alcohol (loss of control).
•	 You gradually drink more and more to get the same effect.
•	 Family,friends and colleagues are concerned about your drinking.
•	 You spend most of your time buying,drinking,hiding Alcohol or thinking about it.
It is also important to stop the use of Alcohol when:
•	 You have high blood pressure or liver disease.
•	 You are taking medicine that reacts with Alcohol.
•	 You are pregnant or planning to conceive.
•	 You suffer from a mental health condition such as depression,bi-polar mood disorder,anxiety
or schizophrenia.
•	 You have been addicted to another substance such as Cannabis or medication (because cross
addiction can take place).
•	 You have family members who are addicted to Alcohol,medication,drugs,gambling,sex,food,
shopping,exercise,internet,work,etc.(Addiction is a disease of the brain and can be genetic).
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720
Did you know?
Cannabis is considered a hallucinogen and distorts the user’s
perception of reality.The THC-content of Cannabis is a psycho-active
ingredient.Due to changes in production and growth the strength
of Cannabis increased between 20 –25% which may make it more
dangerous for some people to use.
Signs of use
Users respond in different
ways to the different strains
of Cannabis.For some it
has a calming effect which
includes deep relaxation,
loss of motivation and
coordination,memory loss,
confusion and emotional
detachment.For others it
does the opposite and could
include excitability,giggling,
unprovoked aggression,
panic,mood swings
and depression.Lastly,
users can experience a
Cannabis induced psychosis
(experiencing things that
does not exist) with or
without aggression.Cannabis
users often have red rims
around their eyes and dry
red eyes.A smoky,sweetish
smell on the person and
clothing can also signify
Cannabis use.
Dangers with chronic or heavy use
THC is the psychoactive ingredient in Cannabis. It is fat-soluble and therefore accumulates in
the fatty tissue of the body like the brain and sex glands. With longer term use, the brain cells
can become clogged,and the user will have difficulty with short term memory,coordination and
concentration.The use of Cannabis can decrease sperm production which in turn reduces fertility.
Cannabis users tend to suffer the a-motivational syndrome which is characterised by apathy,
lethargy and reduced ambition. Although there is an ongoing feud in the media about the
addictiveness of Cannabis, some evidence suggest that a user can become both psychologically
and physically addicted, although the likelihood of psychological addiction is much higher.
Psychotic states and schizophrenia are common mental health risks of long term use of the drug.
What it’s like to be high
Cannabis creates a feeling of light-headedness,relaxation,
talkativeness,euphoria,increased appetite and feelings
of detachment from reality.The user can also feel a
heightened awareness of all the senses.
(Drug using tools)
•	 Unsmoked or broken-
off cigarettes filters.
•	 Loose pips (dagga
•	 Broken-off
•	 See-through plastic
money bags (bankies).
•	 Leaves -dry or fresh.
•	 Bottles of eye drops.
Street names
Bhang, black, blast, blow, blunts, bob hope, bush, chronic,
drop, dagga, draw, ganja, grass, hash, hashish, hemp, herb,
marijuana, pot, puff, lights, resin, sensi, sensemilla, skunk,
smoke, backy, weed, zero. Some names are derived from
where the Cannabis is grown: Afghan, home-grown,
Moroccan,Durban Poison,Swazi,etc.
Withdrawal symptoms
One person may be able to use dagga for an extended period without becoming dysfunctional.For many however the opposite is
true,and Cannabis starts a slippery slope into a life of addiction.When a person stops using dagga,it may take a while before any
withdrawal symptoms set in,giving the impression that the user suffers no withdrawal.Cannabis can still be detected with a drug
test for up to 30 days after the last use.Possible withdrawal symptoms include: irritability,hostility,restlessness,anxiety,insomnia,
trembling,sweating and diarrhoea.
There is always hope if you struggle with
Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or
on to find out more
about treatment.You can also visit our website
on for more information.
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720
Did you know?
Both Tik and Cat are stimulants (uppers) and form part of the
amphetamine range of drugs.Stimulants speed up the body and
brain,forcing the release of the body’s own energy chemicals.It also
stimulates the reward/pleasure centre of the brain which makes the
user want to use it repetitively.
Signs of use
•	 Enlarged pupils.
•	 Nausea and loss of
•	 Weight loss.
•	 Nosebleeds and
damage to the nasal
•	 Hallucinations,
confusion and
decreased ability
to make rational
•	 Blurred vision.
•	 Muddled and
pressured speech.
•	 Insomnia or excessive
sleep for days.
•	 Aggressive outbursts.
•	 Twitches in the body
or face.
Dangers with chronic or heavy use
Many negative psychological effects accompany the use of amphetamines. These include irritably,
aggression, depression, agitation, compulsive skin picking, hair pulling, obsessive behaviour and
paranoia. Hypersexuality can also occur. The user may experience stimulant psychosis which
includes catatonia,delusions,and hallucinations.Meth mites is a sensation of insects crawling under
the skin,and is common among Tik/Meth users.
Physical effects include anorexia, hyperactivity, dry mouth and “meth mouth” (damaged or loss of
teeth), dilated pupils, excessive sweating, flushed skin, diarrhoea or constipation and insomnia.
Convulsions, heart attack, stroke and death can occur. Stimulant use encourages the abuse of other
drugs such as “downers” like Alcohol. Downers are used to counteract the insomnia, anxiety and
agitation caused by the “uppers”.
Severe psychological and physical addiction is possible. Although the dangers are more prevalent
after longer term or heavy use, some users experience symptoms after one use. Tik is specifically
known to cause brain damage and is believed to fuel violent crimes.Astern warning for anyone who
considers experimenting with Tik even once,comes from the many users who report that they were
hooked from the drug just after one used.
What it’s like to be high
Amphetamine related substances stimulate the central nervous
system.This causes an increase in pulse rate,breathing rate
and blood pressure.For many people it generates feelings of
wellbeing and elation,as well as a surge in energy,alertness
and vitality.Once stimulants wear out,feelings of exhaustion
and depression ensue.
(Drug using tools)
•	 Hypodermic syringes and
•	 Small envelopes or folded
paper squares.
•	 Light bulbs and straws.
•	 Rolled bank notes,mirrors,
razor blades and credit
•	 Unidentified tablets,
capsules or powders.
•	 Tourniquet.
•	 Solvents and other toxic
How it’s used
Both Cat and Tik are
found in powder form
and can therefore be
snorted or injected after
being mixed with water.
Street names
Methcathinone (mephedrone): Cat,ietsies,kayo,gram,line,
Amphetamine: speed,phet,billy,whizz,sulph,base
amphetamine,paste,base ice.
Methamphetamine: Tik,crystal meth,speed,meth,ice,shabu,
Withdrawal symptoms
Withdrawal symptoms are similar to those of Cocaine withdrawal,lasting from two to three weeks or longer depending on the
extent of use.They include fatigue,depression,anxiety,irritability,headaches,agitation,excessive sleep and increased appetite.
The user is always at risk because overdose can occur at any point.Overdose causes seizures,an increase in body temperature,
respiratory failure,coma,and/or death.
There is always hope if you struggle with
Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or
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about treatment.You can also visit our website
on for more information.
(CAT) &
Methamphetamine (TIK)
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720
Did you know?
Crack and Cocaine are both stimulants (uppers).Stimulants speed up the
body and brain forcing the release of the body’s own energy chemicals.It
also stimulates the reward/pleasure centre of the brain which makes the
user want to use it again.
Signs of use
•	 Lack of appetite.
•	 Malnutrition and
weight loss.
•	 Irritability,anxiety and
•	 A“Crack thumb”(burst
open or burnt thumb
caused by the heat
from a cigarette
•	 Feelings of superiority,
euphoria and alertness.
•	 The need to sleep
is suppressed while
using Cocaine but
excessive sleep is
imminent when the
drug works out of the
•	 Extremely talkative
and reckless or risky
•	 Stealing or borrowing
money to maintain the
•	 Muscle twitches and
•	 Chronic runny nose or
nose bleeds and nasal
•	 Dilated pupils.
•	 Hoarseness.
•	 Violent mood swings
and paranoia.
Dangers with chronic or heavy use
Snorting Cocaine can cause ulceration and perforation of the nose septum.Once absorbed,Cocaine/Crack goes
to the heart thus causing chest pain. In some instances heart attack occurs due to overstimulation. Cocaine
psychosis can occur with heavy (daily) use and is characterised by aggressiveness, violent behaviour and vivid
hallucinations. Cocaine depletes the dopamine supply in the brain, and therefore the ability to experience
pleasure naturallybecomes destroyed.Continued use leads to impotence and finallyto complete loss of interest
in sex.
To stretch their supply, dealers mix Cocaine with other substances, like talcum powder, baking soda, and other
drugs. Overdose is always possible and it can lead to death. Cocaine and Crack are both highly addictive. As
tolerance increases,the margin narrows between a euphoria inducing dose and one that is fatal.Many Cocaine
and Crack users also take other drugs, including Heroin. They might inject a mixture of Heroin and Cocaine
(known as snowballing or speedballing) which is potentially deadly as it sends mixed messages to the body
and the brain.
When Alcohol is mixed with Cocaine,a third substance – coca ethylene - is formed.This substance lasts longer
in the body, is more toxic, and causes more harm, especially to the cardiovascular system. Smoking too much
Crackcan cause breathing problems and chest pains.Sometimes users do not feel how theyare actuallyburning
their lungs from the hot Crack smoke due to its anaesthetic properties.This is referred to as “Crack lung”.
How it’s used
It is available in two forms: a white
powder (Cocaine hydrochloride)
and a crystal (Crack/rocks).Cocaine
is usually snorted through the
nose.It can also be injected when
mixed with a liquid.Crack/rock
is the smokable form of Cocaine.
It is manufactured by cooking
the Cocaine powder with other
chemicals.This forms small crystals
or rocks that can be smoked.It is
the most potent and most addictive
form of Cocaine.It reaches the
brain within ten seconds,creating
an instant “high”,whereas Cocaine
hydrochloride takes about 3
minutes to kick in.
What it’s like to be
When Cocaine is snorted
or smoked,the user usually
experiences an immediate
feeling of euphoria,well-
being and energy.The “high”
is followed by feelings of
depression and despair when
the drug wears out.The “high”
creates elation and a false
confidence and increased
mental alertness.Appetite
and fatigue is temporarily
suspended and the person may
feel sexually aroused.
(Drug using tools)
•	 Traces of white crystalline
powder on mirrors or shiny
hard surfaces like CD covers.
•	 Razor blades or credit cards.
•	 Straws or rolled-up bank notes.
•	 Small paper sachets or
•	 Unusual pipes (for free basing)
or glass bottles.
Street names
Cocaine -coke,charlie,C,white,
percy,snow,foot,lady C,blow,
nose candy.
Crack -rocks,wash,stones,
Withdrawal symptoms
After the high dissipates,the addict is left in a state of depression and exhaustion.In order to avoid the negative symptoms brought on by
this crash,the individual may take more Cocaine.
If the user cannot get hold of the substance,withdrawal symptoms will set in.These include headaches,body aches and pains,nausea,
hallucinations,increased body temperature,panic attacks and heart palpitations.Tremors and cravings are also common.
There is always hope if you struggle with
Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about
treatment.You can also visit our website on www. for more information.
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720
Did you know?
Ecstasy and LSD (Acid) are illegal substances,and like with all illegal
substances there’s no quality control.There is no way to know,except
for a forensic analysis,that what you buy and put into your body is pure
Ecstasy or LSD.
Signs of use
•	 Heightened sensory
perception,for example
a person may want to
be touched or want
to touch things and
•	 A club goer who uses
Ecstasy has increased
energy and can dance
all night long.
•	 Small coloured pills in
the person’s pockets or
bags may be Ecstasy.
•	 Little squares of
colourful paper often
with cartoon character
imprints may be LSD.
•	 Candy necklace strings
with embossed tablets.
•	 Decreased pain
example,a person
can get hurt and not
realize it.
•	 Ecstasy use is
commonly associated
with multiple sexual
partners because,under
the influence of Ecstasy
a person may feel as if
they are in love,even
with a stranger or
someone they just met.
•	 Bizarre and out of
character behaviour.
Dangers with chronic or heavy use
Ecstasy use can lead to psychological and physical addiction. Ecstasy is referred to as the “death dance drug”
because while the user has endless energy to dance, they push the body past its limits. The body heats up and
dehydration or respiratory failure can occur. Invariably, they drink excessive amounts of fluids to counter the
dehydration,and this can lead to kidney failure and electrolyte disturbances.Many clubs have“chill”rooms where
the users can cool down and drink fluids.
Longer term and severe Ecstasy use causes the depletion of spinal fluid which can result in speech impediments
and paralysis.Verbal and visual memory impairments are also prevalent. Ecstasy abuse may permanently inhibit
the user’s ability to produce serotonin -a neurotransmitter that regulates mood,sleep,pain,emotion and appetite
-resulting in chronic depression and anxiety.
LSD causes disorientation, and it can induce either pleasant or terrifying experiences. It impairs judgment
that can lead to irrational and dangerous behaviour. Possible long-term effects include physical tolerance and
psychological dependence.A person may develop psychosis,prolonged depression and anxiety.LSD is very potent
and can cause delusions. Some users can experience a “bad trip”, which can be very frightening as they often
underestimate the duration of a trip and its intensity.They feel physically and psychologically exhausted after a
12-36 hour“trip”.Lack of control and an inability to stop the experience can terrify users.Flashbacks may occur for
a considerable length of time after the original “trip”.
How it’s used
Ecstasy is sold on streets in
tablet,capsules or powder form.
It comes in a variety of colours,
shapes,sizes with embossed
logos.Ecstasy is used with other
drugs like LSD which is called
a “candy flip”.The tablets or
caplets are normally swallowed.
Occasionally it is used in liquid
LSD comes in different forms,
e.g.liquid,blotter,microdots and
it is also mixed with gelatine
to form small thin squares that
look like paper.It is placed in
the mouth or tucked under the
What it’s like to be high
Ecstasy is a nervous system hallucinogenic stimulant. It is used to
enhance stamina and physical endurance. The user feels ecstatic, mystic
and joyful. It is often used by young people in clubs, and it allows them
to dance all night without getting tired. It is also called the love drug
because it stimulates sensory perception, and makes the user feel very
LSD (Acid) is a synthetic hallucinogenic drug. It creates a reality where
objects can change shape, size and position. Time and place become
insignificant.Acondition called synaesthesia occurs,meaning that sounds
become smells,smells become colours,and tastes can be heard.
Street names
Ecstasy: “E”; Adam; eve; love; doves,pills,brownies,burgers,disco,
biscuits,hug drug,‘Mitsubishis’,‘Rolexes’,‘Dolphins’,XTC,elephants.
LSD: acid; microdot; trips; caps; squares,blotter,cheer,dots,drop,flash,
hawk,L,lightning flash,liquid acid,Lucy,paper mushrooms,rainbows,
Withdrawal symptoms
One of the most dangerous effects of Ecstasy is the cravings that can very quickly set in.These cravings drive a person to use Ecstasy
repeatedly,even when one knows that it is harmful.After the high the user crashes,and symptoms include nausea,chills,involuntary teeth
clenching,muscle cramps,blurred vision and irregular sleep schedule.
There is always hope if you struggle with
Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or
on to find out more
about treatment.You can also visit our website
on for more information.
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720
Did you know?
That this seemingly“innocent”drug used mostly by young people is actually
extremely dangerous? There is a fine line between inhaling enough solvent to
obtain a high and inhaling too much and passing into unconsciousness.Users
develop serious breathing problems with resulting damage to the brain and
other body tissue.It is potentially lethal!
Signs of use
•	 Bloodshot eyes and
dilated pupils.
•	 Headaches.
•	 Irritability and
•	 Mood swings,anxiety
and depression.
•	 Hallucinations or
changes in perception.
•	 Personality changes or
behaviour that is out of
•	 Slurred speech and
poor judgement.
•	 Disorientation and
muscle weakness.
•	 Persistent runny
nose,nosebleeds and
impaired sense of smell.
•	 Rash around mouth
and nose.
•	 Impaired hearing.
•	 Nausea and vomiting.
•	 Wheezing in the chest.
•	 Loss of appetite and
weight loss.
Dangers with long-term or heavy use
Damage to the heart,liver,kidneys and lungs are common with long term abuse.There is also shortage in
oxygen supply which can cause irreversible brain damage. The ensuing central nervous system damage
can be serious enough to cause paralysis. Heart arrhythmia and heart stoppage are the most common
causes of casualties associated with solvents. General body functions like breathing and heart rate are
suppressed and there is a “stoned”feeling lasting from a few minutes to half an hour.
How it’s used
An inhalant (glue,petrol,cleaning fluid,nail polish
remover,paint,paint thinners,benzene,non-stick cooking
spray or furniture polish) is inhaled directly from the
container or poured onto a rag,handkerchief or shirt
sleeve.It is placed over the nose and mouth and sniffed.
Glue is squeezed into a plastic bottle or paper bag from
where it is inhaled.Inhaled vapours are absorbed through
the lungs and they pass rapidly through the blood to the
brain causing a feeling of being high or “stoned”.
Street names
What it’s like to
be high
Inhalants are a central nervous
system depressant which produce
feelings similar to that of Alcohol
use.Sensations vary according to
the solvent used,but usually include
feelings of euphoria,dizziness and loss
of inhibitions.The resultant “high”is
a feeling of “floating on a cloud”.The
effect is felt almost immediate after
the solvent is sniffed and lasts for 15 to
45 minutes depending on the specific
substance used.
(Drug using tools)
•	 Solvent soaked rags.
•	 Plastic bottles and paper bags smelling of solvents.
•	 Disappearance of household products.
•	 Stains or hardened glue on clothes.
•	 Strong smell of solvents on breath or clothes.
Who is at risk?
It is a myth that only street children abuse inhalants.It is a problem in all schools,in part because inhalants are readily available and
are inexpensive.Using inhalants is a way of escaping negative feelings for a few hours.For street children,it makes going without food,
sleeping on the streets and unmet emotional needs,become bearable -but it never solve those problems.Adults can also inhale solvents
to get a feeling of being stoned and the risks are the same irrespective of age.
There is always hope if you struggle with
Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or
on to find out more
about treatment.You can also visit our website on for more information.
Solvents &
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720
Did you know?
Heroin is the most widely abused opioid in the world.If not treated,life
expectancy for Heroin users,from start of use until death is up to 5 years.
Many people think that a medication that are prescribed or bought over
the counter,cannot be dangerous,but Codeine has the same addictive
properties as Heroin and with long term use causes the same devastating
effects in the body and mind.
How heroin is used
In its original form Heroin comes from the
poppy plant that is grown in countries like
Burma,and Afghanistan.Synthetic Heroin
is made by treating Morphine with various
chemicals.It is usually odourless,has a slightly
bitter taste and may be sold in powder or cake
form.Heroin can be injected under the skin or
directly into the veins.It can also be snorted or
smoked on foil (chasing the dragon).
Codeine is used for treating mild to moderate
pain and is normally swallowed but some users
crush it into a powder form.
Desmorphine (Krokodil) is a cheap Heroin
substitute.It is derived from mixing Codeine
with paint thinner,gasoline,and several other
toxic ingredients.Krokodil,like Heroin is
injected intravenously.Intravenous drug abuse
causes susceptibility to sores,infections,vein
and tissue damage,and ultimately gangrene
and loss of limbs.
Nyaope -A single hit can cost as little as
R30.00 for a parcel or straw and is smoked by
heating the cocktail of ingredients and inhaling
the fumes.
Dangers with long-term or heavy use
•	 Heroin and other opioids are highlyaddictive both physicallyand psychologically,and
tolerance develops quickly. It leads to severe emotional detachment from self and
reality. This hinders the development of coping skills and makes facing life without
the drug very difficult.Opioids are central nervous system depressants and supresses
respiration, which may lead to cardiovascular collapse and damage to the blood
vessels. There is also a danger of local infection and inflammation (from injections)
which can lead to gangrene and amputation as well as HIV,Hepatitis B and Cinfection,
due to the use of dirty needles and needle sharing.Loss of appetite and severe weight
loss may also occur.
•	 Codeine abuse is the most common cause of serious kidney and liver damage,as well
as stomach haemorrhaging.
•	 Desomorphine (Krokodil) is unquestionably bad for one’s physical health. Regular
users can expect to live an average of just a couple years after onset of drug use.
Their short lifespan is plagued by painful sores, skin ulcers, internal vein and tissue
damage and eventual organ failure. Krokodil is also known as the zombie-drug and
flesh-rotting drug as users’flesh become septic,and susceptible to gangrene and loss
of limbs.
•	 Nyaope is a concoction of low grade Heroin mixed with other powdered substances
such as rat poison,ARVs, household cleaning products and swimming pool chemicals
to enhance the drug’s potency. It is smoked with a pinch of Dagga/Cannabis. It is
known that some ARV’s act on the central nervous system and cause hallucinations
and vivid colourful dreams and therefore ARV’s became a popular addition to the
concoction of drugs. Some household cleaning products do not really heighten the
effects of the drug but are added by the dealer to increase sales volume.This process
is called “cutting”. Once Nyaope is smoked, the user experiences intense euphoria,
coupled with contentment and relaxation.Nyaope is said to be instantly addictive.
Street names
Street names for Heroin –H,smack,brown
sugar,Thai white,junk,horse,gear,Nyaope,
Some commonly abused codeine preparations
–Cough mixtures like Phensedyl,Benylin,
Histalix,and Brunocod.Tablets and capsules
like Sinutab,Pynstop,Syndol,Stopayne,Adco-
Streetnames for Desmorphine –Krokodil,
flesh-eating drug,zombie drug.
Paraphernalia (Drug using tools)
Heroin & Desomorphine:
•	 Bent and blackened teaspoons.
•	 Blackened tin foil.
•	 Hypodermic syringes and needles.
•	 Needle marks on the arms or elsewhere on
the body.
•	 Wearing of long sleeves (even in summer)
to conceal needle marks.
•	 Empty containers of tablets,capsules and
cough syrups,especially in the absence of
illness or pain.
•	 Parcels,straws and lighters.
What it’s like to be high
A relaxed and intensely pleasurable
state is experienced and users
report a sensation of warmth and
contentment spreading through
the body.Opioids relieve stress and
discomfort by creating a relaxed
detachment from physical and
emotional pain.It is also a very
powerful pain killer and derivatives
like Morphine is used for patients
who are terminally ill to manage
their pain.
There is always hope if you struggle with
Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951
or on to find out
more about treatment.You can also visit
our website on for more
(Codeine, Morphine, Heroin,
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720
For information on maintenance treatment for Opioids,please refer to our info
sheet“Opioid treatment”
Did you know?
There are three types of medications that are readily abused
in South Africa; benzodiazepines and tranquillisers,opioids
(powerful painkillers) and stimulants.
How they are used
Medications of abuse are usually in pill liquid form,like a cough
syrups. Some users inject soluble medication which is very
The following are some warning signs that someone might
be abusing medication or be addicted to it.
•	 Stealing medication when they cannot afford to buy it.
•	 Buying,selling or trading medication.
•	 Obtaining prescriptions from different doctors.
•	 Dispensing and buying medications at different pharmacies
to deliberately mask the amounts of medication purchased.
•	 Overusing medication –taking more and/or more
frequently than recommended.
•	 Using medication for longer periods than prescribed.
•	 Pretending to lose a prescription in order to obtain another.
•	 Mood instability and agitation when the medication is not
•	 Withdrawal symptoms like headaches,body aches,nausea
and irritability when the substance is not available.
•	 Always having medication at hand.Fear of running out of
the medication.
•	 Lying about amounts actually use.
•	 Family,friends and colleagues are concerned about their
use of medication.
•	 They may have already tried unsuccessfully to stop or use
less medication.
1.	 Benzodiazepines and tranquillisers commonly used in SA: Ativan,
Serapax,Valium, Rohypnol,Xanor, Dormicum, Librium. Benzodiazepines
are the most commonly abused “socially acceptable” drugs. Because
they are prescribed, the perception exists that they cannot be harmful.
As muscle relaxants they reduce anxiety, create feelings of tranquillity
and help with sleeplessness. They are used to relieve tension and as
pre-med before anaesthesia. The benzodiazepine family of drugs are
initially appealing because they effectively provide a buffer against
the harsh realities of life. Problems become distant and the user
feels protected from the stresses of reality. But as with all addictive
substances, they just numb the emotional discomfort for a while, and
they never remove the actual problems.
2.	 Opioids are powerful painkillers. The most abused legal opioids in
South Africa are those containing Hydrocodone, Morphine, Phenternyl
or Codeine. (Heroin is the most used illegal opioid in South Africa).
Opioids block pain and induce a sense of wellbeing, drowsiness,
relaxation and pleasure. These substances are highly addictive and
users often experience withdrawal when theycannot use the substance.
These pain-killers does not treat the cause of the pain or discomfort.So
once the drug has worked out of the body, the emotional and physical
pain reappears.This prompts the user to crave and use more opioids.
3.	 Stimulants are the third group of prescribed medications that
are often abused, and are addictive. Any medication that contains
Pseudoephedrine or Ephedrine will heighten alertness, and suppress
appetite and fatigue. Users often experience withdrawal when they
cannot have the substance. Medications like Ritalin, which is often
prescribed for ADHD, is also often abused, and can be dangerous when
used by persons other than those it is prescribed for, or contrary to
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Dangers with long-term or heavy use
Abuse can cause physical and psychological addiction over a short period of time (weeks).It also creates an out-of-touch feeling with self and
reality.This thwarts the abilityto cope with problems and with life in general.With time it intensifies feelings of numbness,depression,anxiety
and helplessness. Mental confusion can also occur. Chronic and regular users have been shown to have 50 % or less brain cell energy. Brain
cells become clogged and this disturbs optimal functioning, hence there will be impaired memory, co-ordination and concentration deficits.
It can further lead to: headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure (or high blood pressure with stimulants), amnesia, and short term memory
problem,weight loss,chronic fatigue,insomnia,depression and anxiety.In large doses,it can lead to coma and death.
Withdrawal: If you are abusing Benzodiazepines or Opioids be aware that the withdrawal process can be dangerous.Medical
supervision as well as professional counselling will be necessary.
There is always hope if you struggle with
Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about
treatment.You can also visit our website on www. for more information.
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720
What are opioids?
Opioids are powerful painkillers with
the potential to be highly addictive
both physically and psychologically.
The opioids that are most often used
in South Africa are Heroin, Nyaope,
Pethidene, Morphine and all Codeine-
containing pain medication and cough
What is opioid maintenance treatment?
Opioid maintenance therapy,or using a legal opioid to reduce a person’s urge to take
illicit opioids,has a scientific base of evidence.It is a practical harm reduction strategy
that prevents death and illness,often generated by street drug use.It allows people
who suffer from opioid addiction to resume a more normal and optimal functioning
life.The use of opioid substitution treatment over a long period is useful until a
healthy lifestyle has been established.It might also be an option for those who
continue to relapse after professional treatment to achieve abstinence.
Risks of OMT
•	 Physical dependency.
•	 Withdrawal symptoms with
discontinuation of treatment.
•	 Detoxification is required to
stop the opioid maintenance
•	 The possibility of overdose due
to the co-current use of alcohol,
benzodiazepines and other
Why maintenance treatment?
Opioid use disorders are mostly chronic and for many follow a relapsing and reoccurring
pattern.The abstinence-based treatment approach has been proven to be less effective
in the case of opioid addiction!
Treatment options
available in South Africa
Currently there are two kinds of
opioid maintenance drugs namely
methadone and buprenorphine known
as Suboxone or Subutex. In addition
to buprenorphine, Suboxone contains
an added ingredient, naloxone, which
is meant to deter abuse by sending
users into withdrawal if they inject
the drug. To receive methadone, most
people have to go to a clinic to receive
a daily dose in liquid form, which they
drink under the watchful eye of a
nurse. Numerous barriers can prevent
people from seeking or maintaining
methadone treatment such as lack
of transportation, the inconvenience
of daily visits to the clinic, and cost
because Medical Aid Schemes do not
cover the cost.
The main aim is harm
Who are suitable
candidates for maintenance
Any opioid dependent 18 years and older,
wanting to stop using opioids and/or have
tried to stop,but are unable to achieve
Benefits of OMT
•	OMT decreases the risks of
overdose,premature death,
contracting diseases,and
involvement in criminal
•	It enables detachment from
the drug sub-culture.
•	It helps restore healthy
physical,mental and social
•	It enables employability and
economic productivity.
Best results are
obtained when
used with relevant
Administration of
maintenance treatment
•	 It should be administered under medical
•	 Prescribed by a GP once monthly.
•	 Dosage determined by individual need.
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720
LivSmart program
Liv Sober-Motivated-Active-Recovery-Tuned
Recovery through experiential learning
“I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand”- Confucius
Elim Clinic has developed an additional programme specifically
aimed at those who find it easier to learn through experience.
Often one consequence of drug use is that memory and
concentration is impaired and formal learning becomes harder.
The LivSmart program focusses on learning through experience.
Who benefits?
•	 Drug users crippled by the effects of drug use.
•	 History of poor academic achievements.
•	 Learning limitations.
•	 Stuck in the drug sub-culture.
•	 Onset of drug use at a young age.
•	 Repeated unsuccessful efforts to stop.
•	 Not coping with basic life challenges.
•	 20 day inpatient treatment–period of stay can be extended.
•	 Daily morning routine compliance program.
•	 Indoor and outdoor recreational program.
•	 A treatment approach based on experiential therapy
•	 Individual/group/family therapy.
•	 Spiritual support.
•	 Experience recovery in a practical way.
•	 High level of active involvement in therapy.
•	 Daily exposure to healthy recreational activities.
•	 Conditioning to normal routine and self- care.
•	 Development of a sense of self.
•	 Set basic life goals.
•	 Acquire basic life skills.
•	 Understand recovery challenges.
•	 Define recovery strategies and plan.
+27 (0)11 975 2951
+27 (0)11 970 2720

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  • 1. Did you know? Alcohol is a depressant/downer.Depressants slow down the functions of the body and the brain for the period you are intoxicated. Signs of use The following behaviours may indicate that someone is under the influence of Alcohol • Lowering of inhibitions and poor judgement. • Talking louder than usual and a change in mood can occur. • Slurred speech, slow or clumsy movements, swaying,dropping objects (, keys) or forgetting thoughts in mid- sentence. • Glassy,red eyes and the smell of Alcohol on one’s breath. • With longer term use drinkers get a redness under the skin especially in the face.This is known as “phuza” face which is an isiZulu word for beer face. Dangers with chronic or heavy use The long-term overuse of Alcohol is capable of damaging nearly every organ and system in the body, and it is associated with increased risk of addiction. Alcohol slowly poisons the liver and the end result is often malnutrition, chronic pancreatitis, liver disease and cancer. In addition, damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system can occur from chronic Alcohol abuse. In time the person may become increasingly depressed and suffer from low energy and motivation. If a person does not seek treatment, they may become suicidal and life starts to feel meaningless. In some cases the use of Alcohol spurs on aggressive behaviour and domestic violence. Unfortunately chronic overuse of Alcohol maydeplete important chemicals in the brain.This leads to confusion,short term memory problems (Korsakoff’s syndrome) and eventually early onset of dementia (a degenerative brain disease). Withdrawal symptoms When a person uses Alcohol moderately there should not be any withdrawal symptoms.However an alcoholic may experience unpleasant symptoms after a heavy drinking session.Nausea,sweating,shakiness,anxiety,a rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure occur when Alcohol use is stopped. Treatment There is always hope if you struggle with addiction. Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about treatment.You can also visit our website on for more information. Should I stop drinking? If some of the following applies to you, you should seek professional help to stop the use of Alcohol: • You have tried to cut down before but have not been successful. • You suffer from morning shakes or nausea after a heavy drinking spree. • If you cannot stop drinking once you taste Alcohol (loss of control). • You gradually drink more and more to get the same effect. • Family,friends and colleagues are concerned about your drinking. • You spend most of your time buying,drinking,hiding Alcohol or thinking about it. It is also important to stop the use of Alcohol when: • You have high blood pressure or liver disease. • You are taking medicine that reacts with Alcohol. • You are pregnant or planning to conceive. • You suffer from a mental health condition such as depression,bi-polar mood disorder,anxiety or schizophrenia. • You have been addicted to another substance such as Cannabis or medication (because cross addiction can take place). • You have family members who are addicted to Alcohol,medication,drugs,gambling,sex,food, shopping,exercise,internet,work,etc.(Addiction is a disease of the brain and can be genetic). +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720 ALCOHOL
  • 2. Did you know? Cannabis is considered a hallucinogen and distorts the user’s perception of reality.The THC-content of Cannabis is a psycho-active ingredient.Due to changes in production and growth the strength of Cannabis increased between 20 –25% which may make it more dangerous for some people to use. Signs of use Users respond in different ways to the different strains of Cannabis.For some it has a calming effect which includes deep relaxation, loss of motivation and coordination,memory loss, confusion and emotional detachment.For others it does the opposite and could include excitability,giggling, unprovoked aggression, panic,mood swings and depression.Lastly, users can experience a Cannabis induced psychosis (experiencing things that does not exist) with or without aggression.Cannabis users often have red rims around their eyes and dry red eyes.A smoky,sweetish smell on the person and clothing can also signify Cannabis use. Dangers with chronic or heavy use THC is the psychoactive ingredient in Cannabis. It is fat-soluble and therefore accumulates in the fatty tissue of the body like the brain and sex glands. With longer term use, the brain cells can become clogged,and the user will have difficulty with short term memory,coordination and concentration.The use of Cannabis can decrease sperm production which in turn reduces fertility. Cannabis users tend to suffer the a-motivational syndrome which is characterised by apathy, lethargy and reduced ambition. Although there is an ongoing feud in the media about the addictiveness of Cannabis, some evidence suggest that a user can become both psychologically and physically addicted, although the likelihood of psychological addiction is much higher. Psychotic states and schizophrenia are common mental health risks of long term use of the drug. What it’s like to be high Cannabis creates a feeling of light-headedness,relaxation, talkativeness,euphoria,increased appetite and feelings of detachment from reality.The user can also feel a heightened awareness of all the senses. Paraphernalia (Drug using tools) • Unsmoked or broken- off cigarettes filters. • Loose pips (dagga seeds). • Broken-off bottlenecks. • See-through plastic money bags (bankies). • Leaves -dry or fresh. • Bottles of eye drops. Street names Bhang, black, blast, blow, blunts, bob hope, bush, chronic, drop, dagga, draw, ganja, grass, hash, hashish, hemp, herb, marijuana, pot, puff, lights, resin, sensi, sensemilla, skunk, smoke, backy, weed, zero. Some names are derived from where the Cannabis is grown: Afghan, home-grown, Moroccan,Durban Poison,Swazi,etc. Withdrawal symptoms One person may be able to use dagga for an extended period without becoming dysfunctional.For many however the opposite is true,and Cannabis starts a slippery slope into a life of addiction.When a person stops using dagga,it may take a while before any withdrawal symptoms set in,giving the impression that the user suffers no withdrawal.Cannabis can still be detected with a drug test for up to 30 days after the last use.Possible withdrawal symptoms include: irritability,hostility,restlessness,anxiety,insomnia, trembling,sweating and diarrhoea. Treatment There is always hope if you struggle with addiction. Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about treatment.You can also visit our website on for more information. CANNABIS +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720
  • 3. Did you know? Both Tik and Cat are stimulants (uppers) and form part of the amphetamine range of drugs.Stimulants speed up the body and brain,forcing the release of the body’s own energy chemicals.It also stimulates the reward/pleasure centre of the brain which makes the user want to use it repetitively. Signs of use • Enlarged pupils. • Nausea and loss of appetite. • Weight loss. • Nosebleeds and damage to the nasal cavities. • Hallucinations, paranoia,mental confusion and decreased ability to make rational decisions. • Blurred vision. • Muddled and pressured speech. • Insomnia or excessive sleep for days. • Aggressive outbursts. • Twitches in the body or face. Dangers with chronic or heavy use Many negative psychological effects accompany the use of amphetamines. These include irritably, aggression, depression, agitation, compulsive skin picking, hair pulling, obsessive behaviour and paranoia. Hypersexuality can also occur. The user may experience stimulant psychosis which includes catatonia,delusions,and hallucinations.Meth mites is a sensation of insects crawling under the skin,and is common among Tik/Meth users. Physical effects include anorexia, hyperactivity, dry mouth and “meth mouth” (damaged or loss of teeth), dilated pupils, excessive sweating, flushed skin, diarrhoea or constipation and insomnia. Convulsions, heart attack, stroke and death can occur. Stimulant use encourages the abuse of other drugs such as “downers” like Alcohol. Downers are used to counteract the insomnia, anxiety and agitation caused by the “uppers”. Severe psychological and physical addiction is possible. Although the dangers are more prevalent after longer term or heavy use, some users experience symptoms after one use. Tik is specifically known to cause brain damage and is believed to fuel violent crimes.Astern warning for anyone who considers experimenting with Tik even once,comes from the many users who report that they were hooked from the drug just after one used. What it’s like to be high Amphetamine related substances stimulate the central nervous system.This causes an increase in pulse rate,breathing rate and blood pressure.For many people it generates feelings of wellbeing and elation,as well as a surge in energy,alertness and vitality.Once stimulants wear out,feelings of exhaustion and depression ensue. Paraphernalia (Drug using tools) • Hypodermic syringes and needles. • Small envelopes or folded paper squares. • Light bulbs and straws. • Rolled bank notes,mirrors, razor blades and credit cards. • Unidentified tablets, capsules or powders. • Tourniquet. • Solvents and other toxic substances. How it’s used Both Cat and Tik are found in powder form and can therefore be swallowed,smoked, snorted or injected after being mixed with water. Street names Methcathinone (mephedrone): Cat,ietsies,kayo,gram,line, wannebee. Amphetamine: speed,phet,billy,whizz,sulph,base amphetamine,paste,base ice. Methamphetamine: Tik,crystal meth,speed,meth,ice,shabu, jib,crank,cold. Withdrawal symptoms Withdrawal symptoms are similar to those of Cocaine withdrawal,lasting from two to three weeks or longer depending on the extent of use.They include fatigue,depression,anxiety,irritability,headaches,agitation,excessive sleep and increased appetite. The user is always at risk because overdose can occur at any point.Overdose causes seizures,an increase in body temperature, respiratory failure,coma,and/or death. Treatment There is always hope if you struggle with addiction. Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about treatment.You can also visit our website on for more information. Methcathinone (CAT) & Methamphetamine (TIK) +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720
  • 4. Did you know? Crack and Cocaine are both stimulants (uppers).Stimulants speed up the body and brain forcing the release of the body’s own energy chemicals.It also stimulates the reward/pleasure centre of the brain which makes the user want to use it again. Signs of use • Lack of appetite. • Malnutrition and weight loss. • Irritability,anxiety and restlessness. • A“Crack thumb”(burst open or burnt thumb caused by the heat from a cigarette lighter). • Feelings of superiority, euphoria and alertness. • The need to sleep is suppressed while using Cocaine but excessive sleep is imminent when the drug works out of the body. • Extremely talkative and reckless or risky behaviour. • Stealing or borrowing money to maintain the habit. • Muscle twitches and headaches. • Chronic runny nose or nose bleeds and nasal perforation. • Dilated pupils. • Hoarseness. • Violent mood swings and paranoia. Dangers with chronic or heavy use Snorting Cocaine can cause ulceration and perforation of the nose septum.Once absorbed,Cocaine/Crack goes to the heart thus causing chest pain. In some instances heart attack occurs due to overstimulation. Cocaine psychosis can occur with heavy (daily) use and is characterised by aggressiveness, violent behaviour and vivid hallucinations. Cocaine depletes the dopamine supply in the brain, and therefore the ability to experience pleasure naturallybecomes destroyed.Continued use leads to impotence and finallyto complete loss of interest in sex. To stretch their supply, dealers mix Cocaine with other substances, like talcum powder, baking soda, and other drugs. Overdose is always possible and it can lead to death. Cocaine and Crack are both highly addictive. As tolerance increases,the margin narrows between a euphoria inducing dose and one that is fatal.Many Cocaine and Crack users also take other drugs, including Heroin. They might inject a mixture of Heroin and Cocaine (known as snowballing or speedballing) which is potentially deadly as it sends mixed messages to the body and the brain. When Alcohol is mixed with Cocaine,a third substance – coca ethylene - is formed.This substance lasts longer in the body, is more toxic, and causes more harm, especially to the cardiovascular system. Smoking too much Crackcan cause breathing problems and chest pains.Sometimes users do not feel how theyare actuallyburning their lungs from the hot Crack smoke due to its anaesthetic properties.This is referred to as “Crack lung”. How it’s used It is available in two forms: a white powder (Cocaine hydrochloride) and a crystal (Crack/rocks).Cocaine is usually snorted through the nose.It can also be injected when mixed with a liquid.Crack/rock is the smokable form of Cocaine. It is manufactured by cooking the Cocaine powder with other chemicals.This forms small crystals or rocks that can be smoked.It is the most potent and most addictive form of Cocaine.It reaches the brain within ten seconds,creating an instant “high”,whereas Cocaine hydrochloride takes about 3 minutes to kick in. What it’s like to be high When Cocaine is snorted or smoked,the user usually experiences an immediate feeling of euphoria,well- being and energy.The “high” is followed by feelings of depression and despair when the drug wears out.The “high” creates elation and a false confidence and increased mental alertness.Appetite and fatigue is temporarily suspended and the person may feel sexually aroused. Paraphernalia (Drug using tools) • Traces of white crystalline powder on mirrors or shiny hard surfaces like CD covers. • Razor blades or credit cards. • Straws or rolled-up bank notes. • Small paper sachets or envelopes. • Unusual pipes (for free basing) or glass bottles. Street names Cocaine -coke,charlie,C,white, percy,snow,foot,lady C,blow, nose candy. Crack -rocks,wash,stones, pebbles,base,freebase. Withdrawal symptoms After the high dissipates,the addict is left in a state of depression and exhaustion.In order to avoid the negative symptoms brought on by this crash,the individual may take more Cocaine. If the user cannot get hold of the substance,withdrawal symptoms will set in.These include headaches,body aches and pains,nausea, hallucinations,increased body temperature,panic attacks and heart palpitations.Tremors and cravings are also common. Treatment There is always hope if you struggle with addiction. Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about treatment.You can also visit our website on www. for more information. COCAINE & CRACK +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720
  • 5. Did you know? Ecstasy and LSD (Acid) are illegal substances,and like with all illegal substances there’s no quality control.There is no way to know,except for a forensic analysis,that what you buy and put into your body is pure Ecstasy or LSD. Signs of use • Heightened sensory perception,for example a person may want to be touched or want to touch things and people. • A club goer who uses Ecstasy has increased energy and can dance all night long. • Small coloured pills in the person’s pockets or bags may be Ecstasy. • Little squares of colourful paper often with cartoon character imprints may be LSD. • Candy necklace strings with embossed tablets. • Decreased pain awareness.For example,a person can get hurt and not realize it. • Ecstasy use is commonly associated with multiple sexual partners because,under the influence of Ecstasy a person may feel as if they are in love,even with a stranger or someone they just met. • Bizarre and out of character behaviour. Dangers with chronic or heavy use Ecstasy use can lead to psychological and physical addiction. Ecstasy is referred to as the “death dance drug” because while the user has endless energy to dance, they push the body past its limits. The body heats up and dehydration or respiratory failure can occur. Invariably, they drink excessive amounts of fluids to counter the dehydration,and this can lead to kidney failure and electrolyte disturbances.Many clubs have“chill”rooms where the users can cool down and drink fluids. Longer term and severe Ecstasy use causes the depletion of spinal fluid which can result in speech impediments and paralysis.Verbal and visual memory impairments are also prevalent. Ecstasy abuse may permanently inhibit the user’s ability to produce serotonin -a neurotransmitter that regulates mood,sleep,pain,emotion and appetite -resulting in chronic depression and anxiety. LSD causes disorientation, and it can induce either pleasant or terrifying experiences. It impairs judgment that can lead to irrational and dangerous behaviour. Possible long-term effects include physical tolerance and psychological dependence.A person may develop psychosis,prolonged depression and anxiety.LSD is very potent and can cause delusions. Some users can experience a “bad trip”, which can be very frightening as they often underestimate the duration of a trip and its intensity.They feel physically and psychologically exhausted after a 12-36 hour“trip”.Lack of control and an inability to stop the experience can terrify users.Flashbacks may occur for a considerable length of time after the original “trip”. How it’s used Ecstasy is sold on streets in tablet,capsules or powder form. It comes in a variety of colours, shapes,sizes with embossed logos.Ecstasy is used with other drugs like LSD which is called a “candy flip”.The tablets or caplets are normally swallowed. Occasionally it is used in liquid form. LSD comes in different forms, e.g.liquid,blotter,microdots and it is also mixed with gelatine to form small thin squares that look like paper.It is placed in the mouth or tucked under the tongue. What it’s like to be high Ecstasy is a nervous system hallucinogenic stimulant. It is used to enhance stamina and physical endurance. The user feels ecstatic, mystic and joyful. It is often used by young people in clubs, and it allows them to dance all night without getting tired. It is also called the love drug because it stimulates sensory perception, and makes the user feel very loving. LSD (Acid) is a synthetic hallucinogenic drug. It creates a reality where objects can change shape, size and position. Time and place become insignificant.Acondition called synaesthesia occurs,meaning that sounds become smells,smells become colours,and tastes can be heard. Street names Ecstasy: “E”; Adam; eve; love; doves,pills,brownies,burgers,disco, biscuits,hug drug,‘Mitsubishis’,‘Rolexes’,‘Dolphins’,XTC,elephants. LSD: acid; microdot; trips; caps; squares,blotter,cheer,dots,drop,flash, hawk,L,lightning flash,liquid acid,Lucy,paper mushrooms,rainbows, similes,stars,tab,trips,tripper,window,strawberries. Withdrawal symptoms One of the most dangerous effects of Ecstasy is the cravings that can very quickly set in.These cravings drive a person to use Ecstasy repeatedly,even when one knows that it is harmful.After the high the user crashes,and symptoms include nausea,chills,involuntary teeth clenching,muscle cramps,blurred vision and irregular sleep schedule. Treatment There is always hope if you struggle with addiction. Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about treatment.You can also visit our website on for more information. Ecstasy & LSD +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720
  • 6. Did you know? That this seemingly“innocent”drug used mostly by young people is actually extremely dangerous? There is a fine line between inhaling enough solvent to obtain a high and inhaling too much and passing into unconsciousness.Users develop serious breathing problems with resulting damage to the brain and other body tissue.It is potentially lethal! Signs of use • Bloodshot eyes and dilated pupils. • Headaches. • Irritability and aggression. • Mood swings,anxiety and depression. • Hallucinations or changes in perception. • Personality changes or behaviour that is out of character. • Slurred speech and poor judgement. • Disorientation and muscle weakness. • Persistent runny nose,nosebleeds and impaired sense of smell. • Rash around mouth and nose. • Impaired hearing. • Nausea and vomiting. • Wheezing in the chest. • Loss of appetite and weight loss. Dangers with long-term or heavy use Damage to the heart,liver,kidneys and lungs are common with long term abuse.There is also shortage in oxygen supply which can cause irreversible brain damage. The ensuing central nervous system damage can be serious enough to cause paralysis. Heart arrhythmia and heart stoppage are the most common causes of casualties associated with solvents. General body functions like breathing and heart rate are suppressed and there is a “stoned”feeling lasting from a few minutes to half an hour. How it’s used An inhalant (glue,petrol,cleaning fluid,nail polish remover,paint,paint thinners,benzene,non-stick cooking spray or furniture polish) is inhaled directly from the container or poured onto a rag,handkerchief or shirt sleeve.It is placed over the nose and mouth and sniffed. Glue is squeezed into a plastic bottle or paper bag from where it is inhaled.Inhaled vapours are absorbed through the lungs and they pass rapidly through the blood to the brain causing a feeling of being high or “stoned”. Street names Gases,aerosols,glue,thinners,volatile substances. What it’s like to be high Inhalants are a central nervous system depressant which produce feelings similar to that of Alcohol use.Sensations vary according to the solvent used,but usually include feelings of euphoria,dizziness and loss of inhibitions.The resultant “high”is a feeling of “floating on a cloud”.The effect is felt almost immediate after the solvent is sniffed and lasts for 15 to 45 minutes depending on the specific substance used. Paraphernalia (Drug using tools) • Solvent soaked rags. • Plastic bottles and paper bags smelling of solvents. • Disappearance of household products. • Stains or hardened glue on clothes. • Strong smell of solvents on breath or clothes. Who is at risk? It is a myth that only street children abuse inhalants.It is a problem in all schools,in part because inhalants are readily available and are inexpensive.Using inhalants is a way of escaping negative feelings for a few hours.For street children,it makes going without food, sleeping on the streets and unmet emotional needs,become bearable -but it never solve those problems.Adults can also inhale solvents to get a feeling of being stoned and the risks are the same irrespective of age. Treatment There is always hope if you struggle with addiction. Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about treatment.You can also visit our website on for more information. Solvents & inhalants +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720
  • 7. Did you know? Heroin is the most widely abused opioid in the world.If not treated,life expectancy for Heroin users,from start of use until death is up to 5 years. Many people think that a medication that are prescribed or bought over the counter,cannot be dangerous,but Codeine has the same addictive properties as Heroin and with long term use causes the same devastating effects in the body and mind. How heroin is used In its original form Heroin comes from the poppy plant that is grown in countries like Burma,and Afghanistan.Synthetic Heroin is made by treating Morphine with various chemicals.It is usually odourless,has a slightly bitter taste and may be sold in powder or cake form.Heroin can be injected under the skin or directly into the veins.It can also be snorted or smoked on foil (chasing the dragon). Codeine is used for treating mild to moderate pain and is normally swallowed but some users crush it into a powder form. Desmorphine (Krokodil) is a cheap Heroin substitute.It is derived from mixing Codeine with paint thinner,gasoline,and several other toxic ingredients.Krokodil,like Heroin is injected intravenously.Intravenous drug abuse causes susceptibility to sores,infections,vein and tissue damage,and ultimately gangrene and loss of limbs. Nyaope -A single hit can cost as little as R30.00 for a parcel or straw and is smoked by heating the cocktail of ingredients and inhaling the fumes. Dangers with long-term or heavy use • Heroin and other opioids are highlyaddictive both physicallyand psychologically,and tolerance develops quickly. It leads to severe emotional detachment from self and reality. This hinders the development of coping skills and makes facing life without the drug very difficult.Opioids are central nervous system depressants and supresses respiration, which may lead to cardiovascular collapse and damage to the blood vessels. There is also a danger of local infection and inflammation (from injections) which can lead to gangrene and amputation as well as HIV,Hepatitis B and Cinfection, due to the use of dirty needles and needle sharing.Loss of appetite and severe weight loss may also occur. • Codeine abuse is the most common cause of serious kidney and liver damage,as well as stomach haemorrhaging. • Desomorphine (Krokodil) is unquestionably bad for one’s physical health. Regular users can expect to live an average of just a couple years after onset of drug use. Their short lifespan is plagued by painful sores, skin ulcers, internal vein and tissue damage and eventual organ failure. Krokodil is also known as the zombie-drug and flesh-rotting drug as users’flesh become septic,and susceptible to gangrene and loss of limbs. • Nyaope is a concoction of low grade Heroin mixed with other powdered substances such as rat poison,ARVs, household cleaning products and swimming pool chemicals to enhance the drug’s potency. It is smoked with a pinch of Dagga/Cannabis. It is known that some ARV’s act on the central nervous system and cause hallucinations and vivid colourful dreams and therefore ARV’s became a popular addition to the concoction of drugs. Some household cleaning products do not really heighten the effects of the drug but are added by the dealer to increase sales volume.This process is called “cutting”. Once Nyaope is smoked, the user experiences intense euphoria, coupled with contentment and relaxation.Nyaope is said to be instantly addictive. Street names Street names for Heroin –H,smack,brown sugar,Thai white,junk,horse,gear,Nyaope, whoonga. Some commonly abused codeine preparations –Cough mixtures like Phensedyl,Benylin, Histalix,and Brunocod.Tablets and capsules like Sinutab,Pynstop,Syndol,Stopayne,Adco- dol,Betapyn,Colcaps,Empacod,Ilvico,Medipyn, Myprodol,Mybulyn,etc. Streetnames for Desmorphine –Krokodil, flesh-eating drug,zombie drug. Paraphernalia (Drug using tools) Heroin & Desomorphine: • Bent and blackened teaspoons. • Blackened tin foil. • Hypodermic syringes and needles. • Needle marks on the arms or elsewhere on the body. • Wearing of long sleeves (even in summer) to conceal needle marks. Codeine: • Empty containers of tablets,capsules and cough syrups,especially in the absence of illness or pain. Nyaope: • Parcels,straws and lighters. What it’s like to be high A relaxed and intensely pleasurable state is experienced and users report a sensation of warmth and contentment spreading through the body.Opioids relieve stress and discomfort by creating a relaxed detachment from physical and emotional pain.It is also a very powerful pain killer and derivatives like Morphine is used for patients who are terminally ill to manage their pain. Treatment There is always hope if you struggle with addiction. Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about treatment.You can also visit our website on for more information. OPIOIDS (Codeine, Morphine, Heroin, Desomorphine/krokodil) +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720 For information on maintenance treatment for Opioids,please refer to our info sheet“Opioid treatment”
  • 8. Did you know? There are three types of medications that are readily abused in South Africa; benzodiazepines and tranquillisers,opioids (powerful painkillers) and stimulants. How they are used Medications of abuse are usually in pill liquid form,like a cough syrups. Some users inject soluble medication which is very dangerous. The following are some warning signs that someone might be abusing medication or be addicted to it. • Stealing medication when they cannot afford to buy it. • Buying,selling or trading medication. • Obtaining prescriptions from different doctors. • Dispensing and buying medications at different pharmacies to deliberately mask the amounts of medication purchased. • Overusing medication –taking more and/or more frequently than recommended. • Using medication for longer periods than prescribed. • Pretending to lose a prescription in order to obtain another. • Mood instability and agitation when the medication is not available. • Withdrawal symptoms like headaches,body aches,nausea and irritability when the substance is not available. • Always having medication at hand.Fear of running out of the medication. • Lying about amounts actually use. • Family,friends and colleagues are concerned about their use of medication. • They may have already tried unsuccessfully to stop or use less medication. 1. Benzodiazepines and tranquillisers commonly used in SA: Ativan, Serapax,Valium, Rohypnol,Xanor, Dormicum, Librium. Benzodiazepines are the most commonly abused “socially acceptable” drugs. Because they are prescribed, the perception exists that they cannot be harmful. As muscle relaxants they reduce anxiety, create feelings of tranquillity and help with sleeplessness. They are used to relieve tension and as pre-med before anaesthesia. The benzodiazepine family of drugs are initially appealing because they effectively provide a buffer against the harsh realities of life. Problems become distant and the user feels protected from the stresses of reality. But as with all addictive substances, they just numb the emotional discomfort for a while, and they never remove the actual problems. 2. Opioids are powerful painkillers. The most abused legal opioids in South Africa are those containing Hydrocodone, Morphine, Phenternyl or Codeine. (Heroin is the most used illegal opioid in South Africa). Opioids block pain and induce a sense of wellbeing, drowsiness, relaxation and pleasure. These substances are highly addictive and users often experience withdrawal when theycannot use the substance. These pain-killers does not treat the cause of the pain or discomfort.So once the drug has worked out of the body, the emotional and physical pain reappears.This prompts the user to crave and use more opioids. 3. Stimulants are the third group of prescribed medications that are often abused, and are addictive. Any medication that contains Pseudoephedrine or Ephedrine will heighten alertness, and suppress appetite and fatigue. Users often experience withdrawal when they cannot have the substance. Medications like Ritalin, which is often prescribed for ADHD, is also often abused, and can be dangerous when used by persons other than those it is prescribed for, or contrary to manufacturer’s recommendations. Dangers with long-term or heavy use Abuse can cause physical and psychological addiction over a short period of time (weeks).It also creates an out-of-touch feeling with self and reality.This thwarts the abilityto cope with problems and with life in general.With time it intensifies feelings of numbness,depression,anxiety and helplessness. Mental confusion can also occur. Chronic and regular users have been shown to have 50 % or less brain cell energy. Brain cells become clogged and this disturbs optimal functioning, hence there will be impaired memory, co-ordination and concentration deficits. It can further lead to: headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure (or high blood pressure with stimulants), amnesia, and short term memory problem,weight loss,chronic fatigue,insomnia,depression and anxiety.In large doses,it can lead to coma and death. Withdrawal: If you are abusing Benzodiazepines or Opioids be aware that the withdrawal process can be dangerous.Medical supervision as well as professional counselling will be necessary. Treatment There is always hope if you struggle with addiction. Please contact Elim Clinic on 011 975 2951 or on to find out more about treatment.You can also visit our website on www. for more information. MEDICATION ABUSE & ADDICTION +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720
  • 9. What are opioids? Opioids are powerful painkillers with the potential to be highly addictive both physically and psychologically. The opioids that are most often used in South Africa are Heroin, Nyaope, Pethidene, Morphine and all Codeine- containing pain medication and cough mixtures. What is opioid maintenance treatment? Opioid maintenance therapy,or using a legal opioid to reduce a person’s urge to take illicit opioids,has a scientific base of evidence.It is a practical harm reduction strategy that prevents death and illness,often generated by street drug use.It allows people who suffer from opioid addiction to resume a more normal and optimal functioning life.The use of opioid substitution treatment over a long period is useful until a healthy lifestyle has been established.It might also be an option for those who continue to relapse after professional treatment to achieve abstinence. Risks of OMT • Physical dependency. • Withdrawal symptoms with discontinuation of treatment. • Detoxification is required to stop the opioid maintenance treatment. • The possibility of overdose due to the co-current use of alcohol, benzodiazepines and other drugs. OPIOID MAINTENANCE TREATMENT (OMT) Why maintenance treatment? Opioid use disorders are mostly chronic and for many follow a relapsing and reoccurring pattern.The abstinence-based treatment approach has been proven to be less effective in the case of opioid addiction! Treatment options available in South Africa Currently there are two kinds of opioid maintenance drugs namely methadone and buprenorphine known as Suboxone or Subutex. In addition to buprenorphine, Suboxone contains an added ingredient, naloxone, which is meant to deter abuse by sending users into withdrawal if they inject the drug. To receive methadone, most people have to go to a clinic to receive a daily dose in liquid form, which they drink under the watchful eye of a nurse. Numerous barriers can prevent people from seeking or maintaining methadone treatment such as lack of transportation, the inconvenience of daily visits to the clinic, and cost because Medical Aid Schemes do not cover the cost. The main aim is harm reduction!! Who are suitable candidates for maintenance treatment? Any opioid dependent 18 years and older, wanting to stop using opioids and/or have tried to stop,but are unable to achieve abstinence. Benefits of OMT • OMT decreases the risks of overdose,premature death, contracting diseases,and involvement in criminal activities. • It enables detachment from the drug sub-culture. • It helps restore healthy physical,mental and social functioning. • It enables employability and economic productivity. Best results are obtained when used with relevant psycho-social interventions. Administration of maintenance treatment • It should be administered under medical supervision. • Prescribed by a GP once monthly. • Dosage determined by individual need. +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720
  • 10. LivSmart program Liv Sober-Motivated-Active-Recovery-Tuned Recovery through experiential learning “I hear and I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand”- Confucius Elim Clinic has developed an additional programme specifically aimed at those who find it easier to learn through experience. Often one consequence of drug use is that memory and concentration is impaired and formal learning becomes harder. The LivSmart program focusses on learning through experience. Who benefits? • Drug users crippled by the effects of drug use. • History of poor academic achievements. • Learning limitations. • Stuck in the drug sub-culture. • Onset of drug use at a young age. • Repeated unsuccessful efforts to stop. • Not coping with basic life challenges. Program • 20 day inpatient treatment–period of stay can be extended. • Daily morning routine compliance program. • Indoor and outdoor recreational program. • A treatment approach based on experiential therapy principles. • Individual/group/family therapy. • Spiritual support. Benefits • Experience recovery in a practical way. • High level of active involvement in therapy. • Daily exposure to healthy recreational activities. • Conditioning to normal routine and self- care. Objectives • Development of a sense of self. • Set basic life goals. • Acquire basic life skills. • Understand recovery challenges. • Define recovery strategies and plan. +27 (0)11 975 2951 +27 (0)11 970 2720