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The Innovation Challenge for Peru:
          Lessons from MIT and Beyond

                                                                                                Professor Scott Stern
                                                                                         MIT Sloan School and NBER
This presentation draws on collaboration between Scott Stern, Michael Porter, Mercedes Delgado, Christian Ketels, Fiona Murray, and work
conducted at the MIT E-Center and the Harvard Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise - without the
permission of Scott Stern and Michael E. Porter.
Inca Rope Suspension Bridge
A New Peruvian Innovation Agenda

• Building Innovative Capacity and an Innovator
  Workforce to Move Peru to the Next Stage of
  Economic Development

• Transitioning from Microenterprises to Innovation-
  Based Entrepreneurship

• Harnessing the Power of a Cluster-Driven Economic

Over the past decade, Peru has experienced exceptional
                         economic performance
  GDP per Capita
(in 1990 PPP US$)
                            CAGR:                                                      CAGR:                               CAGR:
                           +2.07%                                                       0.73%                              +4.81%






         1950      1955      1960      1965      1970      1975      1980      1985      1990      1995      2000      2005      2010
–Note: PPP using Geary Khamis calculation methodology. Source: Groningen Growth and Development Centre, Total Economy Database (June 2009)
Significant export growth linked to natural resources and endowments
                                                                                 Change In Peru’s Overall
                                                                                 World Export Share: +0.09%

                                                                                                                                                       Jewelry and Precious Metals
Peru’s world export market share, 2009


                                                                                                              Metal, Mining
                                                                                                              and Manufacturing

                                                                                  Fishing and
                                                           Agricultural           Fishing
                                                            Products              Products
                                                         Financial                        Apparel
                                                                                                                                                           Peru’s Average World
                                                         Services                Hospitality and Tourism                                                   Export Share: 0.22%
                                                Communications                      Publishing and Printing
                                             -0.5%                        0.0%                      0.5%                              1.0%                         1.5%
                                                                          Change in Peru’s world export market share, 1997 to 2009                        Exports of US$2 Billion =
Source: Prof. Michael E. Porter, International Cluster Competitiveness Project, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Business School;
Richard Bryden, Project Director. Underlying data drawn from the UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database and the IMF BOP statistics.
With Some Emerging Strengths in Regional Clusters

Agricultural Products: Mangoes,
Lemons, Brown Sugar Syrup

Cajamarca (Bambamarca)
Dairy, Processed Foods

La Libertad (El Porvenir, Trujillo)
Leather, Footwear

Ancash (Chimbote)
Fishing and Fish Products

Lima (Infantas, Los Olivos)
Metal Manufacturing, Metal

Lima (La Victoria)



Puno and Arequipa
Apparel from Alpaca

Significant reduction in poverty though much work remains…




     % of Population
       Under the
      Poverty Line



                                             1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

–Source: Informacion Socio Demografica, from El Instituto Nacional de Estadistica e7Informatica (INEI), 2010
However Peru has not yet established itself as a global innovator
 Average U.S. patents
per million population,
     2005 – 2009



                                                                South Africa
     2.0                                                                                           Greece


     1.5                                                                 Russia                    United Arab Emirates
                                                                                                                    Costa Rica

     1.0                                                                   Poland    Argentin Chile
                                                               Saudi                                Latvia                   China
                                                               Arabia                               Uruguay
                                                                         Brazil          India
                                               Ukraine     Venezuela
                                     Kazakhstan        Philippines
                 Peru            Egypt       Kenya
                                                                    Ecuador             Thailand         Turkey

       -30%               -20%          -10%              0%                      10%              20%            30%          40%
                                            CAGR of US-registered patents, 2005 – 2009                              170 patents =
  Source: USPTO, World Bank                                         8
The Peruvian Innovation Challenge
• Peru has experienced exceptional economic performance
  over the past decade
   – Grounded in a shift towards sound macroeconomic policy,
     openness to international markets and partners, and the
     establishment of a higher level of basic security
   – Leveraging natural resources and endowments
• But Peru has not yet established the foundations for an
  innovation-driven economy

• Resource-led or cost-based growth has natural limits.

• Peru must start setting the foundations – starting today --
  for an innovation-driven, knowledge-based economy.

The Foundations of

               Microeconomic Competitiveness

                                                   Sophistication of
  Quality of the          State of Cluster
National Business                                   Company Ops
  Environment                  Development
                                                     and Strategy

                Macroeconomic Competitiveness

              Infrastructure             Macroeconomic
               and Political                Policies

                      Natural Endowments

Peruvian Competitiveness Position

                                Macroeconomic               Microeconomic
                                Competitiveness             Competitiveness

       A Strong                    Getting the           Transitioning to a New
      Foundation                  House in Order                  Stage
• Rich endowments of         • Establishment of sound • Significant improvement
  mineral and natural          macroeconomic policy       over the past decade in
  resources and                serves as the foundation   the national business
  astonishing biodiversity     for the last decade of     environment
• Favorable location to        economic performance     • Business remains
  serve as a hub for         • Strong benefit from        focused on extracting
  Latin America and            openness to                resources and cost-
  Asian and N. American        international trade and    based strategies
  trade                        investment               • Nascent clusters are
• World-renowned             • Continuing concerns        present, but cluster
  historical and               about basic security,      strategy still at an early
  cultural legacy              basic education, and       stage
                               political institutions
Building a Regional Innovation Ecosystem

              Regional Cluster

 Regional                            Regional
Innovation                       Entrepreneurship
 Capacity                            Capacity

Regional Innovation Capacity

              • The capacity of a region to generate “new
 Regional       to the world” ideas, products and services
 Capacity       supported by:.
                 PEOPLE            -Pool of innovators
                                   -Education in tech commercialization
                 FUNDING           -Funding for research
                                   -Government programs
                                   -Corporate R&D spending
                 INFRASTRUCTURE    -Physical infrastructure
                                   -Example: hi speed internet

                 POLICY            -Clear rules around patents
                                   -Clear support for STEM education

                 REWARDS & NORMS   -Experimentation culture
                                   -Celebration of invention and innovation
                                   - Rewards to innovation – tenure process
                 DEMAND            -Nature of companies in region (relates
                                   directly to cluster analysis)

Peru lags neighbors in investments and                              Innovation
            resources towards basic education at the                          Capacity: People
              primary, secondary and tertiary level

–Source: UNCTAD Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review, 2011   15


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             innovator workforce

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     make great progress in enhancing its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Peru is starting at a low level, but can

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     Source: National Science Council, R.O.C., Indicators of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2008; OECD Science, Technology, and Industry Scoreboard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Capacity: People
               Capacity: People
                  and Policy


       Higher Education
      remains focused on
     education training, law,
      and administration…

     Key STEM areas such
     as computer science,
      biotechnology, and
      register at very low

Innovation Capacity Agenda

• All stakeholders– business, government, and university
  – must make a much higher level of commitment to
  the Peruvian education system at all levels and for all

Peru Has a Low Level of Innovation Effort      Innovative
                                            Capacity: Funding

While Peru investment in technology         Innovative
  infrastructure has lagged, recent catch up…      Capacity:

Juana Kuramoto and Máximo Torero, 2004
“Mens et Manus”       Capacity:
                  Rewards & Norms

Mind and Hand….
The MIT Inca Bridge Project

Research: John Ochsendorf and colleagues
Teaching: Heather Lechtman, Linn Hobbs and MIT
Recent initiatives show promise by focusing on
       university-industry collaboration

But have not yet
reached critical

Peru has globally unique resources whose
potential for innovation has not yet been tapped

Innovation Capacity Agenda

• Peru stakeholders– business, government, and
  university – must make a much higher level of
  commitment to the Peruvian education system at all
  levels and for all Peruvians
   – The next generation must be an innovator workforce
• Both business and government must commit to
  significantly (and steadily) increase their financial
  investment in R&D and innovation
   – Not government versus industry, but government plus
• Peru innovation investments should be focused on the
  unique advantages of Peru – such as biodiversity, or
  building fundamental science and engineering
  foundations in specialized agricultural and mining areas.
Action Item
  What are you going to do – before the
  end of CADE – to begin enhancing the
    Peruvian innovation environment?

 Commit your firm to a new innovation partnership?
 Fund a new generation of scientists and engineers?
Convene a meeting of how your firm can leverage the
  incredible biodiversity of Peru and contribute to its

Regional Entrepreneurship Capacity

                   • The capacity of a region to generate new
    Regional         start-up companies supported by:
    Capacity          PEOPLE -            -Entrepreneurship Education & Training
                      ENTREPRENEURS       -Mentorship programs
                                          -Groups to share info
                      FUNDING             -Government early stage funding
                                          -Angel funding
                                          -Private & public risk capital
                      INFRASTRUCTURE      -Real estate
                                          -Voice & Data Communications
                                          -Services for start ups (legal, acctng, HR)
                      POLICY              -Bankruptcy laws
                                          -Ease of incorporation
                                          - Ease of doing business
                      CULTURE  REWARDS   -Recognition in press for success
                      & NORMS             -Rewarded for trying
                                          -Societal stigma or halo
                      DEMAND              -Procurement policies of government
                                          -Procurement policies of companies
                                          -Transportation infrastructure

Peru has a very large level of          Entrepreneurial
 entrepreneurship, with a strong majority of   Capacity: People
 all employment linked to microenterprises
           and small enterprises

UNCTAD, 2011
While microenterprises are an important      Entrepreneurial
 source of poverty reduction and employment,   Capacity: Funding
     these enterprises lack growth capital
   (and in many cases, lack access to even
             microfinance loans)

  But suggest the potential for
growth-oriented entrepreneurship
            in Peru…
Peru mobilizes a medium level of overall risk    Entrepreneurial
  capital, and is dominated by large private    Capacity: Funding
equity investments rather than angel funding
               or venture capital


Building on a record of economic reform, Peru
has established itself as an overall regional leader                                                  Entrepreneurial
          in terms of “Doing Business”                                                                Capacity: Policy

                                                                Venezuela: 172
                                                                      Guyana: 100
                                     Colombia: 39                       Suriname: 161

                                    Ecuador: 130

                                      Peru: 36                                               Brazil: 127

                                                 Bolivia: 149

                                                                                   Paraguay: 106

                                                 Chile: 43
                                                                              Uruguay: 124

                                                                        –Argentina: 115

–Source: The World Bank, Doing Business (2011), 183 countries
Strength in investor protections and                                                               Entrepreneurial
               openness, but continued challenges in terms                                                            Capacity: Policy
                 of contract enforcement and permitting
120                                    –Favorable                                                                 –Unfavorable
          –Ranking, 2011
             (of 183

                                                       –Peru’s per capita GDP rank: 81




       Ease of Doing Getting Credit   Protecting    Registering      Trading       Starting a   Paying Taxes   Closing a   Dealing with   Enforcing
         Business                     Investors      Property        Across        Business                    Business    Construction   Contracts
                                                                     Borders                                                 Permits

–Source: The World Bank, Doing Business (2011), GDP rank on GDP per capita, ppp-adjusted
However, growth engine has been in traditional industries, often
                                             dominated by larger firms (including government spin-offs)
                                                                                 Change In Peru’s Overall
                                                                                 World Export Share: +0.09%

                                                                                                                                                       Jewelry and Precious Metals
Peru’s world export market share, 2009


                                                                                                              Metal, Mining
                                                                                                              and Manufacturing

                                                                                  Fishing and
                                                           Agricultural           Fishing
                                                            Products              Products
                                                         Financial                        Apparel
                                                                                                                                                           Peru’s Average World
                                                         Services                Hospitality and Tourism                                                   Export Share: 0.22%
                                                Communications                      Publishing and Printing
                                             -0.5%                        0.0%                      0.5%                              1.0%                         1.5%
                                                                          Change in Peru’s world export market share, 1997 to 2009                        Exports of US$2 Billion =
Source: Prof. Michael E. Porter, International Cluster Competitiveness Project, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Business School;
Richard Bryden, Project Director. Underlying data drawn from the UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database and the IMF BOP statistics.
Business Growth Remains Limited by      Entrepreneurial
                                            Capacity: Policy
    Physical Infrastructure Requirements,
         including roads and water

UNCTAD, 2011

MIT serves as the fulcrum for the
Cambridge biosciences cluster…

MIT is not simply a center for innovation
    but a driving force in entrepreneurship
               Percent of    Median     Median Sales     Total     Estimated Total
       Jobs    Companies    Employees    ($Millions)   Employees   Sales ($Millions)
   More than
   10,000         0.3%        15,000         1,523 1,339,361         1,389,075
   10,000         1.8%          1,927             308 1,043,932         235,532

   Less than    97.9%              39             <1    900,001         226,671
               100.0%             155             <1 3,283,294       1,851,278

  Currently Living MIT Alumni Founders are Responsible
  for more than 25,000 firms, more than 3 million jobs,
  and $3M in sales

Roberts and Eesley, Entrepreneurial Impact: The role of MIT, 2011
Prof Yet-Ming Chiang

But how does MIT create this environment?

Entrepreneurial Capacity Agenda

• Peru must develop a much higher capacity for growth-
  oriented entrepreneurship.
   – Enhancing the attractiveness of entrepreneurship for
     educated professionals (beyond microenterprise)
   – Investing in a significant expansion of risk capital
   – Ensuring the overall health of business environment

• The public and private sector must collaborate to
  establish specific institutions and programs – tailored to
  the strengths of each region – to enhance the potential
  for an innovator workforce and commercializing new
  technologies and business processes

Action Item

 What are you going to do – before the
 end of CADE -- to catalyze innovation-
   based entrepreneurship in Peru?

Mentor? Start a University Partnership?
 Commit your firm to be a risk capital
   partners in Peru moon shot fund?
Cluster-led economic strategy enhances the payoffs
       to innovation-based entrepreneurship

                   Regional Cluster

     Regional                             Regional
    Innovation                        Entrepreneurship
     Capacity                             Capacity

The Peru Cluster Environment

Agricultural Products: Mangoes,
Lemons, Brown Sugar Syrup

Cajamarca (Bambamarca)
Dairy, Processed Foods

La Libertad (El Porvenir, Trujillo)
Leather, Footwear

Ancash (Chimbote)
Fishing and Fish Products

Lima (Infantas, Los Olivos)
Metal Manufacturing, Metal

Lima (La Victoria)



Puno and Arequipa
Apparel from Alpaca

Peruvian Clusters and Peruvian Universities
• Peru’s current clusters are based heavily on natural endowments, and
  have much room for further upgrading

• Even in areas with significant clusters – such as Cajamarca, Arequipa, and
  Moquegua in mining – there have historically been significant
  technological bottlenecks

• Though there are some strong universities universities have historically
  played a limited role in supporting the development of entrepreneurial firms
  that catalyze local clusters.

• There is a limited tradition of collaboration among actors for regional

• There is a weak institutional capacity – which could be addressed by
  leading Peruvian universities -- hampering the development of clusters.

Innovating the Economic Strategy

      The Old View:                       The New View:
   Sectors and Industries                   Clusters

• Manufacturing vs.                 • Clusters of related
  services                            industries
• High tech vs. low tech            • All clusters are good

• One path to prosperity            • Many paths to prosperity
• Critical is what you do           • Critical is how you do
                                      what you do
What is Different about Cluster-Based Economic Policy?

                                Cluster vs.

        Public-Private                               Regional
        Collaboration                               Perspective
                                Focus on

                                              Build on

The Australian Wine Cluster



                                                                         New South


Note: Colored areas indicate wine growing regions
Source: Australian Wine & Brandy Corporation
The Australian Wine Cluster
                              Recently founded Institutions for Collaboration

          Winemakers’ Federation of Australia                                             Cooperative Centre for Viticulture
       Established in 1990                                                          Established in 1991
       Focus: Public policy representation of companies                             Focus: Coordination of research and education
        in the wine cluster                                                           policy in viticulture
       Funding: Member companies                                                    Funding: other cluster organizations

             Australian Wine Export Council                                               Grape and Wine R&D Corporation
       Established in 1992                                                          Established in 1991 as statutory body
       Focus: Wine export promotion through                                         Focus: Funding of research and development
        international offices in London and San Francisco                             activities
       Funding: Government; cluster organizations                                   Funding: Government; statutory levy

                                                                                               Wine Industry National
           Wine Industry Information Service                                                Education and Training Council
       Established in 1998                                                          Established in 1995
       Focus: Information collection, organization, and                             Focus: Coordination, integration, and standard
        dissemination                                                                 maintenance for vocational training and education
       Funding: Cluster organizations                                               Funding: Government; other cluster organizations

Source: Michael E. Porter and Örjan Sölvell, The Australian Wine Cluster – Supplement, Harvard Business School Case Study, 2002
The Emergence of the Australian Wine Industry is Rooted in the
              Evolution of Australian Competitive Advantage

Mining and                                           Travel and Tourism
 Natural       Iron / Aluminum Bauxite
                                         Logistics / Trade

                                                     Beef   Wine
                       Produce                                  Information Technology
Abundant         Grains
   Land                                     Ag Research
                                                          Education and
                                                        Knowledge Creation
                                                                          Medical Devices

                                          Bioscience               Biotech / Pharmaceuticals

1980                                     1990                                    2002 +
The Australian Wine Cluster
                                              Trade Performance

        Australian Wine                                                           Australian Wine
  Exports in million US Dollars                                              World Export Market Share

            $1,000                                                           8%
              $900                                                           7%
              $600                                                           5%
              $500                                                           4%
                                                                                       Market Share
              $400                                                           3%
              $100                                                           1%
                $0                                                           0%
                              1995   1996   1997   1998        1999   2000

Source: UN Trade Statistics
Over the 1990s, growth in Australian exports was
              driven by improvement in Australia’s wine cluster
              Share of Australian Exports,



                          20%                                                                            Food/Beverages*


                            5%                                  Textiles/Apparel                Oil/Chemicals Equipment
                            0%                                                              Business          Health Care

                                 -8%              -6%              -4%              -2%            0%         2%           4%

                                                                       Change in Share of Australian Exports,
Note: Wine export growth accounts for >45% of the increase in the export share of food/beverages
Source: UN Trade Statistics
And has continued to grow…

Source: UN Trade Statistics               53
CITEvid – Enhancing the Pisco Industry

Source: Juana Koromoto, GRADE
Facilitating a rapid rise in production and exports….

The Economic Case for Cluster Policy

Create Platforms                                      Organize Public
for Joint Action                                       Policy around

                   Coordination         Information
                     failures          asymmetries

Organize Public Policy around Clusters

               Business Attraction              Education and Workforce Training

                                                          Science and Technology
        Export Promotion                                  (e.g., centers, university
                                                          departments, technology
     Market Information                                    Setting standards
     and Disclosure

         Specialized Physical                         Environmental Stewardship
                            Natural Resource Protection

• Clusters provide a framework for organizing the implementation of many public
  policies and public investments directed at economic development
Clusters, Innovation and Economic Strategy


          • Identifies, communicates, and strengthens the
            specific value proposition of the location

       Business                                      Cluster
      Environment                                   Portfolio

• Improved economic
                                            • Accelerates growth in
  platform for all clusters
                                              those fields where the
  and companies
                                              country has some
• Enhances innovation                         strengths
                                            • New clusters emerge
• Leveraging innovative                       from established clusters
  and entrepreneurial
  capacity                          58
The Role of Government in Cluster Initiatives

     Government            Government           Government
       should                 may                should not

• Support all existing   • Initiate/         • Pick favored
  and emerging             Convene             clusters
  clusters               • Co-Finance        • Pick favored
• Participate                                  companies
• Enable data                                • Subsidize or
  collection and                               distort
  dissemination at the                         competition
  cluster level                              • Define cluster
• Be ready to                                  action
  implement                                    priorities

A New Peruvian Innovation Agenda

• Building Innovative Capacity and an Innovator
  Workforce to Move Peru to the Next Stage of
  Economic Development

• Transitioning from Microenterprises to Innovation-
  Based Entrepreneurship

• Harnessing the Power of a Cluster-Driven Economic

Action Item

What are you going to do?

How Can We Build a Bridge to a Peru Innovation Nation?


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El Reto de la Innovación en Perú, lecciones

  • 1. The Innovation Challenge for Peru: Lessons from MIT and Beyond Professor Scott Stern MIT Sloan School and NBER This presentation draws on collaboration between Scott Stern, Michael Porter, Mercedes Delgado, Christian Ketels, Fiona Murray, and work conducted at the MIT E-Center and the Harvard Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise - without the permission of Scott Stern and Michael E. Porter.
  • 2. Inca Rope Suspension Bridge 2
  • 3. A New Peruvian Innovation Agenda • Building Innovative Capacity and an Innovator Workforce to Move Peru to the Next Stage of Economic Development • Transitioning from Microenterprises to Innovation- Based Entrepreneurship • Harnessing the Power of a Cluster-Driven Economic Strategy 3
  • 4. Over the past decade, Peru has experienced exceptional economic performance GDP per Capita (in 1990 PPP US$) CAGR: CAGR: CAGR: $6,000 +2.07% 0.73% +4.81% $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 –Note: PPP using Geary Khamis calculation methodology. Source: Groningen Growth and Development Centre, Total Economy Database (June 2009) 4
  • 5. Significant export growth linked to natural resources and endowments 2.5% Change In Peru’s Overall World Export Share: +0.09% Jewelry and Precious Metals 2.0% Peru’s world export market share, 2009 1.5% Metal, Mining and Manufacturing 1.0% Fishing and Agricultural Fishing Products Products 0.5% Financial Apparel Peru’s Average World Services Hospitality and Tourism Export Share: 0.22% Communications Publishing and Printing Services 0.0% -0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% Change in Peru’s world export market share, 1997 to 2009 Exports of US$2 Billion = Source: Prof. Michael E. Porter, International Cluster Competitiveness Project, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Business School; Richard Bryden, Project Director. Underlying data drawn from the UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database and the IMF BOP statistics. 5
  • 6. With Some Emerging Strengths in Regional Clusters Piura Agricultural Products: Mangoes, Lemons, Brown Sugar Syrup Cajamarca (Bambamarca) Dairy, Processed Foods La Libertad (El Porvenir, Trujillo) Leather, Footwear Ancash (Chimbote) Fishing and Fish Products Lima (Infantas, Los Olivos) Metal Manufacturing, Metal Furniture Lima (La Victoria) Apparel Ica Wine Cuzco Tourism Puno and Arequipa Apparel from Alpaca 6
  • 7. Significant reduction in poverty though much work remains… 60% 50% 40% % of Population Under the 30% Poverty Line 20% 10% 0% 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 –Source: Informacion Socio Demografica, from El Instituto Nacional de Estadistica e7Informatica (INEI), 2010
  • 8. However Peru has not yet established itself as a global innovator Average U.S. patents per million population, 2005 – 2009 3.5 Croatia 3.0 Estonia 2.5 South Africa 2.0 Greece Lithuania 1.5 Russia United Arab Emirates Portugal Costa Rica 1.0 Poland Argentin Chile Saudi Latvia China a Arabia Uruguay Mexico Brazil India 0.5 Ukraine Venezuela Kazakhstan Philippines Peru Egypt Kenya Colombia Ecuador Thailand Turkey 0.0 -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% CAGR of US-registered patents, 2005 – 2009 170 patents = Source: USPTO, World Bank 8
  • 9. The Peruvian Innovation Challenge • Peru has experienced exceptional economic performance over the past decade – Grounded in a shift towards sound macroeconomic policy, openness to international markets and partners, and the establishment of a higher level of basic security – Leveraging natural resources and endowments • But Peru has not yet established the foundations for an innovation-driven economy • Resource-led or cost-based growth has natural limits. • Peru must start setting the foundations – starting today -- for an innovation-driven, knowledge-based economy. 9
  • 11. The Foundations of Competitiveness Microeconomic Competitiveness Sophistication of Quality of the State of Cluster National Business Company Ops Environment Development and Strategy Macroeconomic Competitiveness Social Infrastructure Macroeconomic and Political Policies Institutions Natural Endowments 11
  • 12. Peruvian Competitiveness Position Macroeconomic Microeconomic Endowments Competitiveness Competitiveness A Strong Getting the Transitioning to a New Foundation House in Order Stage • Rich endowments of • Establishment of sound • Significant improvement mineral and natural macroeconomic policy over the past decade in resources and serves as the foundation the national business astonishing biodiversity for the last decade of environment • Favorable location to economic performance • Business remains serve as a hub for • Strong benefit from focused on extracting Latin America and openness to resources and cost- Asian and N. American international trade and based strategies trade investment • Nascent clusters are • World-renowned • Continuing concerns present, but cluster historical and about basic security, strategy still at an early cultural legacy basic education, and stage political institutions 12
  • 13. Building a Regional Innovation Ecosystem Regional Cluster Strength Regional Regional Innovation Entrepreneurship Capacity Capacity 13
  • 14. Regional Innovation Capacity • The capacity of a region to generate “new Regional to the world” ideas, products and services Innovation Capacity supported by:. PEOPLE -Pool of innovators -Education in tech commercialization -Networks FUNDING -Funding for research -Government programs -Corporate R&D spending INFRASTRUCTURE -Physical infrastructure -Example: hi speed internet POLICY -Clear rules around patents -Clear support for STEM education REWARDS & NORMS -Experimentation culture -Celebration of invention and innovation - Rewards to innovation – tenure process DEMAND -Nature of companies in region (relates directly to cluster analysis) 14
  • 15. Peru lags neighbors in investments and Innovation resources towards basic education at the Capacity: People primary, secondary and tertiary level –Source: UNCTAD Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review, 2011 15
  • 16. Fi n 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Ta lan i d Ic wa N e n Employees ew J lan Ze apad Researchers /1,000 U Swala n ni D ed n d te d en e St N ma n at o r k es r w 2009. Data 2007 except where noted. (2 ay 0 Fr A Ko 06) an us r e ce t r a C a an B (20 lia ad elg 06 a iu ) (2 m A 005 G us ) er t r m ia R an Sw L u y itz ux Slo ss er e m v e i a l n Ir e and bo ia 16 la (2 urg nd 0 (2 04) 0 U S p 06) innovator workforce Sl ni o a te E va in d s ki C K to a ze ing nia ch Po do r m N Re tug et p a he ub l r l make great progress in enhancing its Peru is starting at a low level, but can H lan ic un d g s G ar re y Ita Po ece ly la ( 2 nd Tu 006 ) PeSou C rke ru th hi y (e Af na st ri i m ca at e) Innovative Source: National Science Council, R.O.C., Indicators of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2008; OECD Science, Technology, and Industry Scoreboard Capacity: People
  • 17. Innovative Capacity: People and Policy But… Higher Education remains focused on education training, law, and administration… Key STEM areas such as computer science, biotechnology, and nanotechnology register at very low levels. 17
  • 18. Innovation Capacity Agenda • All stakeholders– business, government, and university – must make a much higher level of commitment to the Peruvian education system at all levels and for all Peruvians 18
  • 19. Peru Has a Low Level of Innovation Effort Innovative Capacity: Funding 19
  • 20. While Peru investment in technology Innovative infrastructure has lagged, recent catch up… Capacity: Infrastructure Juana Kuramoto and Máximo Torero, 2004 20
  • 21. Innovative “Mens et Manus” Capacity: Rewards & Norms Mind and Hand…. 21
  • 22. The MIT Inca Bridge Project Research: John Ochsendorf and colleagues Teaching: Heather Lechtman, Linn Hobbs and MIT Undergrads! 22
  • 23. Recent initiatives show promise by focusing on university-industry collaboration But have not yet reached critical mass… 23
  • 24. Peru has globally unique resources whose potential for innovation has not yet been tapped 24
  • 25. Innovation Capacity Agenda • Peru stakeholders– business, government, and university – must make a much higher level of commitment to the Peruvian education system at all levels and for all Peruvians – The next generation must be an innovator workforce • Both business and government must commit to significantly (and steadily) increase their financial investment in R&D and innovation – Not government versus industry, but government plus industry • Peru innovation investments should be focused on the unique advantages of Peru – such as biodiversity, or building fundamental science and engineering foundations in specialized agricultural and mining areas. 25
  • 26. Action Item What are you going to do – before the end of CADE – to begin enhancing the Peruvian innovation environment? Commit your firm to a new innovation partnership? Fund a new generation of scientists and engineers? Convene a meeting of how your firm can leverage the incredible biodiversity of Peru and contribute to its preservation? 26
  • 27. Regional Entrepreneurship Capacity • The capacity of a region to generate new Regional start-up companies supported by: Entrepreneurship Capacity PEOPLE - -Entrepreneurship Education & Training ENTREPRENEURS -Mentorship programs -Groups to share info FUNDING -Government early stage funding -Angel funding -Private & public risk capital INFRASTRUCTURE -Real estate -Voice & Data Communications -Services for start ups (legal, acctng, HR) POLICY -Bankruptcy laws -Ease of incorporation - Ease of doing business CULTURE  REWARDS -Recognition in press for success & NORMS -Rewarded for trying -Societal stigma or halo DEMAND -Procurement policies of government -Procurement policies of companies -Transportation infrastructure 27
  • 28. Peru has a very large level of Entrepreneurial entrepreneurship, with a strong majority of Capacity: People all employment linked to microenterprises and small enterprises UNCTAD, 2011 28
  • 29. While microenterprises are an important Entrepreneurial source of poverty reduction and employment, Capacity: Funding these enterprises lack growth capital (and in many cases, lack access to even microfinance loans) But suggest the potential for growth-oriented entrepreneurship in Peru… 29
  • 30. Peru mobilizes a medium level of overall risk Entrepreneurial capital, and is dominated by large private Capacity: Funding equity investments rather than angel funding or venture capital Peru 30
  • 31. Building on a record of economic reform, Peru has established itself as an overall regional leader Entrepreneurial in terms of “Doing Business” Capacity: Policy Venezuela: 172 Guyana: 100 Colombia: 39 Suriname: 161 Ecuador: 130 Peru: 36 Brazil: 127 Bolivia: 149 Paraguay: 106 Chile: 43 Uruguay: 124 –Argentina: 115 –Source: The World Bank, Doing Business (2011), 183 countries 31
  • 32. Strength in investor protections and Entrepreneurial openness, but continued challenges in terms Capacity: Policy of contract enforcement and permitting 120 –Favorable –Unfavorable –Ranking, 2011 (of 183 countries) 100 –Peru’s per capita GDP rank: 81 80 60 40 20 0 Ease of Doing Getting Credit Protecting Registering Trading Starting a Paying Taxes Closing a Dealing with Enforcing Business Investors Property Across Business Business Construction Contracts Borders Permits –Source: The World Bank, Doing Business (2011), GDP rank on GDP per capita, ppp-adjusted 32
  • 33. However, growth engine has been in traditional industries, often dominated by larger firms (including government spin-offs) 2.5% Change In Peru’s Overall World Export Share: +0.09% Jewelry and Precious Metals 2.0% Peru’s world export market share, 2009 1.5% Metal, Mining and Manufacturing 1.0% Fishing and Agricultural Fishing Products Products 0.5% Financial Apparel Peru’s Average World Services Hospitality and Tourism Export Share: 0.22% Communications Publishing and Printing Services 0.0% -0.5% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% Change in Peru’s world export market share, 1997 to 2009 Exports of US$2 Billion = Source: Prof. Michael E. Porter, International Cluster Competitiveness Project, Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard Business School; Richard Bryden, Project Director. Underlying data drawn from the UN Commodity Trade Statistics Database and the IMF BOP statistics. 33
  • 34. Business Growth Remains Limited by Entrepreneurial Capacity: Policy Physical Infrastructure Requirements, including roads and water UNCTAD, 2011 34
  • 36. MIT serves as the fulcrum for the Cambridge biosciences cluster… 36
  • 37. MIT is not simply a center for innovation but a driving force in entrepreneurship Estimated Percent of Median Median Sales Total Estimated Total Jobs Companies Employees ($Millions) Employees Sales ($Millions) More than 10,000 0.3% 15,000 1,523 1,339,361 1,389,075 1,000- 10,000 1.8% 1,927 308 1,043,932 235,532 Less than 97.9% 39 <1 900,001 226,671 1,000 Total 100.0% 155 <1 3,283,294 1,851,278 Currently Living MIT Alumni Founders are Responsible for more than 25,000 firms, more than 3 million jobs, and $3M in sales Roberts and Eesley, Entrepreneurial Impact: The role of MIT, 2011 37
  • 39. But how does MIT create this environment? 39
  • 40. Entrepreneurial Capacity Agenda • Peru must develop a much higher capacity for growth- oriented entrepreneurship. – Enhancing the attractiveness of entrepreneurship for educated professionals (beyond microenterprise) – Investing in a significant expansion of risk capital – Ensuring the overall health of business environment • The public and private sector must collaborate to establish specific institutions and programs – tailored to the strengths of each region – to enhance the potential for an innovator workforce and commercializing new technologies and business processes 40
  • 41. Action Item What are you going to do – before the end of CADE -- to catalyze innovation- based entrepreneurship in Peru? Mentor? Start a University Partnership? Commit your firm to be a risk capital partners in Peru moon shot fund? 41
  • 42. Cluster-led economic strategy enhances the payoffs to innovation-based entrepreneurship Regional Cluster Strength Regional Regional Innovation Entrepreneurship Capacity Capacity 42
  • 43. The Peru Cluster Environment Piura Agricultural Products: Mangoes, Lemons, Brown Sugar Syrup Cajamarca (Bambamarca) Dairy, Processed Foods La Libertad (El Porvenir, Trujillo) Leather, Footwear Ancash (Chimbote) Fishing and Fish Products Lima (Infantas, Los Olivos) Metal Manufacturing, Metal Furniture Lima (La Victoria) Apparel Ica Wine Cuzco Tourism Puno and Arequipa Apparel from Alpaca 43
  • 44. Peruvian Clusters and Peruvian Universities • Peru’s current clusters are based heavily on natural endowments, and have much room for further upgrading • Even in areas with significant clusters – such as Cajamarca, Arequipa, and Moquegua in mining – there have historically been significant technological bottlenecks • Though there are some strong universities universities have historically played a limited role in supporting the development of entrepreneurial firms that catalyze local clusters. • There is a limited tradition of collaboration among actors for regional development • There is a weak institutional capacity – which could be addressed by leading Peruvian universities -- hampering the development of clusters. 44
  • 45. Innovating the Economic Strategy The Old View: The New View: Sectors and Industries Clusters • Manufacturing vs. • Clusters of related services industries • High tech vs. low tech • All clusters are good • One path to prosperity • Many paths to prosperity • Critical is what you do • Critical is how you do what you do 45
  • 46. What is Different about Cluster-Based Economic Policy? Cluster vs. Narrow Industries Public-Private Regional Collaboration Perspective Focus on upgrading productivity Demand- Build on driven Regional Policy Strengths Priorities 46
  • 47. 47
  • 48. The Australian Wine Cluster Locations Northern Territory Queensland Western Australia South Australia New South Wales Victoria Tasmania Note: Colored areas indicate wine growing regions Source: Australian Wine & Brandy Corporation 48
  • 49. The Australian Wine Cluster Recently founded Institutions for Collaboration Winemakers’ Federation of Australia Cooperative Centre for Viticulture  Established in 1990  Established in 1991  Focus: Public policy representation of companies  Focus: Coordination of research and education in the wine cluster policy in viticulture  Funding: Member companies  Funding: other cluster organizations Australian Wine Export Council Grape and Wine R&D Corporation  Established in 1992  Established in 1991 as statutory body  Focus: Wine export promotion through  Focus: Funding of research and development international offices in London and San Francisco activities  Funding: Government; cluster organizations  Funding: Government; statutory levy Wine Industry National Wine Industry Information Service Education and Training Council  Established in 1998  Established in 1995  Focus: Information collection, organization, and  Focus: Coordination, integration, and standard dissemination maintenance for vocational training and education  Funding: Cluster organizations  Funding: Government; other cluster organizations Source: Michael E. Porter and Örjan Sölvell, The Australian Wine Cluster – Supplement, Harvard Business School Case Study, 2002 49
  • 50. The Emergence of the Australian Wine Industry is Rooted in the Evolution of Australian Competitive Advantage Gold Mining and Travel and Tourism Natural Iron / Aluminum Bauxite Resources Logistics / Trade Wool Beef Wine Produce Information Technology Abundant Grains Productive Land Ag Research Centers Education and Knowledge Creation Medical Devices Bioscience Biotech / Pharmaceuticals Research Centers 1980 1990 2002 + 50
  • 51. The Australian Wine Cluster Trade Performance Australian Wine Australian Wine Exports in million US Dollars World Export Market Share $1,000 8% $900 7% $800 6% $700 $600 5% Value $500 4% Market Share $400 3% $300 2% $200 $100 1% $0 0% 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Source: UN Trade Statistics 51
  • 52. Over the 1990s, growth in Australian exports was driven by improvement in Australia’s wine cluster Share of Australian Exports, 2000 35% Materials/Metals 30% 25% 20% Food/Beverages* 15% 10% Transportation 5% Textiles/Apparel Oil/Chemicals Equipment Multiple 0% Business Health Care -8% -6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% Change in Share of Australian Exports, 1995-2000 Note: Wine export growth accounts for >45% of the increase in the export share of food/beverages Source: UN Trade Statistics 52
  • 53. And has continued to grow… Source: UN Trade Statistics 53
  • 54. CITEvid – Enhancing the Pisco Industry Source: Juana Koromoto, GRADE 54
  • 55. Facilitating a rapid rise in production and exports…. 55
  • 56. The Economic Case for Cluster Policy Create Platforms Organize Public for Joint Action Policy around Clusters Path dependency Local Externalities Coordination Information failures asymmetries 56
  • 57. Organize Public Policy around Clusters Business Attraction Education and Workforce Training Science and Technology Infrastructure Export Promotion (e.g., centers, university departments, technology transfer) Clusters Market Information Setting standards and Disclosure Specialized Physical Environmental Stewardship Infrastructure Natural Resource Protection • Clusters provide a framework for organizing the implementation of many public policies and public investments directed at economic development 57
  • 58. Clusters, Innovation and Economic Strategy Positioning • Identifies, communicates, and strengthens the specific value proposition of the location Business Cluster Environment Portfolio • Improved economic • Accelerates growth in platform for all clusters those fields where the and companies country has some • Enhances innovation strengths opportunities • New clusters emerge • Leveraging innovative from established clusters and entrepreneurial capacity 58
  • 59. The Role of Government in Cluster Initiatives Government Government Government should may should not • Support all existing • Initiate/ • Pick favored and emerging Convene clusters clusters • Co-Finance • Pick favored • Participate companies • Enable data • Subsidize or collection and distort dissemination at the competition cluster level • Define cluster • Be ready to action implement priorities recommendations 59
  • 60. A New Peruvian Innovation Agenda • Building Innovative Capacity and an Innovator Workforce to Move Peru to the Next Stage of Economic Development • Transitioning from Microenterprises to Innovation- Based Entrepreneurship • Harnessing the Power of a Cluster-Driven Economic Strategy 60
  • 61. Action Item What are you going to do? 61
  • 62. How Can We Build a Bridge to a Peru Innovation Nation? 62

Editor's Notes

  1. We are trying to explain sustainable prosperity
  2. Key evidence on the link between clusters and economic outcomes Related clusters: The European cluster memorandum talks about the need to develop regional portfolios of related clusters; this is based on the evidence presented here Neighboring regions: If Europe focuses on linking clusters across regions, it needs to focus on those in neighboring clusters. The old model of always creating linkages across all of Europe is not effective
  3. Key evidence on the link between clusters and economic outcomes Related clusters: The European cluster memorandum talks about the need to develop regional portfolios of related clusters; this is based on the evidence presented here Neighboring regions: If Europe focuses on linking clusters across regions, it needs to focus on those in neighboring clusters. The old model of always creating linkages across all of Europe is not effective
  4. Peru is #1 in South America in the just released Doing Business 2011.
  5. Key evidence on the link between clusters and economic outcomes Related clusters: The European cluster memorandum talks about the need to develop regional portfolios of related clusters; this is based on the evidence presented here Neighboring regions: If Europe focuses on linking clusters across regions, it needs to focus on those in neighboring clusters. The old model of always creating linkages across all of Europe is not effective
  6. Path dependency – intertemporal spill-overs Increase the importance of wedge between public and private returns on current private action Might be different discount rates for private and public actors