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Effectiveness of Bug Bounty Program in preventing security
vulnerabilities associated with Trust Delegations in Hybrid
Effectiveness of Bug Bounty Program in preventing security
vulnerabilities associated with Trust Delegations in Hybrid
Problem Comment by Jerry Alsay: What is the general problem
surrounding this issue? What is the specific problem
surrounding this issue? In your specific problem, I should see
your research variables. Why should your audience care about
what you are trying to study, in a general sense and in a specific
sense? Remember, you are speaking to two audience. The
professional community and the academic community.
You should have at least two paragraph to describe your
problem with backing to prove your point. If this is a problem
than you should see people taking about why it’s a problem. I
should see your research variables in your specific problem
statement. Comment by Jerry Alsay: Format your paper in
sections: Problem Statement/Research Questions/Researc h
Variables/Theoretical Framework/Population/Sample Size
The bug bounty is a program that involves rewarding
individuals for identifying and reporting vulnerabilities in a
system before hackers exploit that vulnerability. Although the
first bug bounty program was introduced in 1983, the program
is becoming increasingly significant with time. Today, many
developers, organizations, and websites use the program to
enhance cloud security (Walshe & Simpson, 2020). A study by
Craig mentioned trust delegation as the primary source of
vulnerability in hybrid clouds. Compared to other clouds, the
hybrid cloud accommodates private, public, and community
clouds with different security levels, leading to a more
complicated infrastructure (Gupta et al., 2-21). Studies reveal
that the pantheon platform is the most exploited trust delegation
that puts hybrid cloud at risk. Efforts are implemented to reduce
these vulnerabilities, and the bug bounty program has been
highly advocated by researchers recently, including Laprade
Craig. Craig has suspicions that bug bounty programs work,
considering his assessment of vulnerability checks against bug
bounty programs. On the other hand, other researchers argue
that individuals are motivated by rewards rather than the need
to secure systems (Zhao et al., 2016). Due to conflicting
hypotheses, it is essential to conduct research that will help
establish the program's effectiveness.
Population Comment by Jerry Alsay: You should not be
stating your inclusion/exclusion just yet. You should just state
your population, why you choose said population and your
sample size and why you choose said sample size.
I will use medium-sized organizations that deploy bug bounty
programs and those that do not. The organizations must be
operating on a hybrid cloud and adopted the program to
minimize system vulnerability. The participants will be senior
managers and IT experts who worked in these organizations.
Research reveals that approximately 7 million employees can
take part in IT decision-making (Darko et al., 2017). Study also
reports that the US is ranked fourth worldwide in terms of
technological expertise. Therefore, it is easier to get people who
are willing to provide information. The managers will give
information from a competitive advantage approach, while the
IT specialists will be resourceful from the technical process.
Methodology Comment by Jerry Alsay: Okay. You will use
qualitative as your method. What will you use as your research
design? You should have sources to back why both is best for
this study.
I will use a qualitative approach to gather in-depth information
on the efficacy of bug bounty programs. A qualitative method is
selected due to its ability to collect in-depth information about
the topic (Bergen & Labonte, 2020). Qualitative research is also
open-ended and gives respondents a chance to share their
experiences. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted to
collect relevant information and be analyzed through content
Theory Comment by Jerry Alsay: You will need more
research on why game theory is the best base for your theorical
framework. What about the theories for your research variables?
What are your research(independent/dependent) variables?
I will use the game theory that observes cyber incidents and
analyzes the interaction between attackers, users, and defenders
to produce an outcome (Kakkad et al., 2019). The approach will
be used to analyze the outcome from changing users and
researchers to vulnerability detectors.
Related study: Laprade, C. (2021). Domain Name Service Trust
Delegation in Cloud Computing: Exploitation, Risks, and
Défense (Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington
The researcher used the OSINT gathering and processing
technique to identify vulnerable trust delegations. The
researcher then used a systematic review to identify proposed
solutions to address security concerns resulting from trust
delegations. The systems found to be highly vulnerable are news
and media, education systems, pantheon, and Microsoft Azure.
Craig mentioned that according to the literature, existing
solutions are the Domain Name System Security Extensions
(DNSSEC), Next Secure Record (NSEC), Specific Value Record
Verification, and Domain Attack Surface Monitoring. The
researcher proposed other solutions such as Apex Domain
Verification, Assessment, and Via Trust Breaker. The researcher
further noted that the bug bounty program is suspected to be
effective that there is no research on its efficacy. Therefore, he
proposed it for future work, which is why I opted to assess its
References Comment by Jerry Alsay: You will need more
sources than this. You are trying to justify your study is worth
Bergen, N., & Labonté, R. (2020). “Everything is perfect, and
we have no problems”: detecting and limiting social desirability
bias in qualitative research. Qualitative health research, 30(5),
Darko, A., Chan, A. P. C., Ameyaw, E. E., He, B. J., &
Olanipekun, A. O. (2017). Examining issues influencing green
building technologies adoption: The United States green
building experts’ perspectives. Energy and Buildings, 144, 320-
Gupta, B. B., Chaudhary, P., Peraković, D., & Psannis, K.
(2021). Privacy Concerns and Trust Issues. In Managing IoT
and Mobile Technologies with Innovation, Trust, and
Sustainable Computing (pp. 17-33). CRC Press.
Kakkad, V., Shah, H., Patel, R., & Doshi, N. (2019). A
Comparative study of applications of Game Theory in Cyber
Security and Cloud Computing. Procedia Computer
Science, 155, 680-685.
Walshe, T., & Simpson, A. (2020, February). An empirical
study of bug bounty programs. In 2020 IEEE 2nd International
Workshop on Intelligent Bug Fixing (IBF) (pp. 35-44). IEEE.
Zhao, M., Laszka, A., Maillart, T., & Grossklags, J. (2016,
November). Crowdsourced security vulnerability discovery:
Modelling and organizing bug-bounty programs. In The HCOMP
Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Human
Computation, Austin, TX, USA.
Watch The Red Balloon
1956 ‧ Fantasy/Family ‧
movie, then address three of the following questions. You
may also take the conversation in new directions. Be sure
to apply concepts studied in this week's reading and
respond to at least one other student's original post.
Addresses prompts in depth and detail. Points are
insightful, objective, and supported by specific, relevant
examples from the movie. The post clearly demonstrates
careful viewing of the assigned movie.
Correctly applies multiple concepts studied, clearly
demonstrating careful reading of the assigned chapter(s).
The post uses vocabulary and ideas from the reading, and
it references specific pages (with in-text citation: the page
number in parentheses). The reference does not repeat
what another student has already posted. Any borrowed
language is in quotation marks, though the post does not
over-rely on quotations.
• The title of a movie should be in italics: Juno -- not
• Discuss events in the film itself in present tense, as if
they are still going on.
◦ correct: "Dorothy clicks her heels together"
◦ incorrect: "Dorothy clicked her heels together."
• Refer to characters by their names in the movie, e.g.
"William Munny" rather than "Clint Eastwood" – unless
you are discussing Eastwood’s acting.
• When writing about actors, refer to them by their last
name, e.g. "Norris" rather than "Chuck."
• Provide specific examples from the movies to support
your ideas. For example, if you claim that “Benjamin
Braddock seems disconnected from members of his
generation,” add the reasons you have drawn this
conclusion: “Nobody his own age attends his graduation
party; all the guests seem to be his parents’ friends. The
film never shows him in contact with friends of his own.
When Benjamin and Elaine go the hamburger stand, he
appears annoyed by the music and behavior of the
younger people in the next car, and he raises the roof of
his convertible to escape them.”
• The terms "film" and "movie" are interchangeable.
• Do not address the reader as “you.” For example, if
someone writes, “You see how Juno changes her mind”
– well, maybe the reader didn’t see it! Rephrasing
◦ “The film shows us Juno’s attitude when . . .”
◦ “Viewers may observe that . . ."
◦ “We might notice . . .”
◦ “Juno acts differently, starting when she . . .” or,
• Don’t start sentences with or over-used phrases like “I
think” or “I feel” or “I believe” or "to me” or “ in my
opinion.” Readers assume that your answers represent
your thoughts, feelings, and inferences. Write in third
person as much as possible.
• Do not refer to film-makers as "they," as in, "They use a
lot of dark lighting" or "They want you to feel the
protagonist's misery." People have specific jobs in
making a movie, e.g. director, screenwriter,
cinematographer, or editor. To refer to the combined
efforts of everyone involved, refer to the film as a whole,
e.g. "The movie has a lot of dark lighting," or, "The film
helps us experience the protagonist's misery through the
dark lighting and by showing us events through her point
of view."
1. Dialogue is rare, yet the human voice is used often in
unique ways in this film. What tones and moods are created
by the human voice? Provide specific examples. Keep in
mind that the audience will receive the full effect even
without English subtitles.
2. What is the purpose of silence in the film? Specifically,
think about the scene towards the end of the film.
3. Why types of music are used in the film? What mood do
they help create?
4. How are environmental sounds used in the film? Notice
that the director seldom combines environmental sounds
with music or the human voice.
5. How does sound create a mood and advance the plot in the
scene where the balloon goes in the little boy's classroom?
How does sound help advance the plot in other scenes?
Film Vocabulary
Art director
Production designer
Closed frame
Open frame
Moving frame
On location
Sound stage
Cinematic language
Fade in/fade out
Cutting on action
Implicit meaning
Explicit meaning
Cultural Invisibility
Point of view
Cinematic language
Instructional film
Persuasive film
Propaganda film
Direct cinema
Stream of consciousness
Genre Stanislavsky system
method acting
screen test
major role
character role
distancing effect or alienation effect
• Cinematography
• Take
• Set up
• Film stock
• Colorization
• Widescreen
• Lighting ratio
• Rule of thirds
• Three-point system
◦ Key light
◦ Low-key lighting
◦ High-key lighting
◦ Fill light
◦ Back light
• Iris
• Focal length
• Zoom lens
• Deep focus cinematography
• Dept of field
• Aspect ratio
• Rack focus
• Types of shots
◦ Establishing shot
◦ Extreme long shot
◦ Long shot
◦ Medium long shot
◦ Medium close-up
◦ Close-up
◦ Extreme close-up
◦ Two shot
◦ Three shot
• sound design
• sound track
• double-system recording
• automatic dialogue replacement (ADR)
• mixing
• diagetic sound and nondiagetic sound
• on-screen sound and off-screen sound
• synchronous and asynchronous sound
• internal sound
• narration
• ambient sound
• sound effect
• Foley sound
• overlapping sound
Research Methodology: Quantitative
Population to Address:
For my quantitative research, the population I plan to study is
high school
teachers in the Jefferson County (AL) School District. As a
teacher in the
district, I would draw my sample from respondents to the
survey. I plan to use
the Principles of Adult Learning (PALS) instrument, and with
15 high schools in
the district, this will provide me with enough data for analysis.
Proposed Topic:
For my dissertation topic, I plan to study how andragogy and
adult learning
principles can be applied to secondary education. While
pedagogy has been the
prevailing theory of teaching high school students for decades,
there is a need
for more student-centered instruction and self-directed learning
as students
progress. In his work on andragogy, Malcolm Knowles
presented six assumptions of
the adult learner: need-to-know, self-concept, experience,
readiness to learn,
orientation to learning, and motivation to learn (Knowles et al.,
2015). These
guiding principles can be, and in many cases are already being,
applied to
secondary students. Furthermore, Knowles suggested a set of
eight “process
design steps” that produce effective teaching and learning
(Caruth, 2014, p. 5).
These methods involve creating a trusting climate, involving
students in
planning and evaluation, and facilitating opportunities for
independent study.
References Caruth, G. (2014). Learning how to learn: A six
point model for
increasing student engagement. Participatory Educational
Research, 1(2), 1–12. Knowles, M. S., Holton,
E. F., & Swanson,
R. A. (2015). The Adult Learner: The definitive classic in adult
education and
human resource development (8th ed.). Routledge.
Theoretical background:
Andragogy Learning in Adulthood
Connection to program:
My topic is directly related to the theory of andragogy and the
adult learning
principles utilized throughout the Leadership Studies program at
University of
the Cumberlands The topic is specifically related to the
following course goals
in LEAC 731 - Learning in Adulthood: - Explain how the aging
process impacts
learning and - Contrast pedagogical and andragogical
assumptions. Furthermore,
by providing further research in teaching and learning, I will be
fulfilling the
following goals from the PH.D. in Leadership Studies Program:
- Help you improve
colleges and schools through better critical and reflective
thinking - Assist
you to become more effective at the college, school district or
unit level
APA Quantitative Template V0920 1
APA Quantitative Template V0920 6
For the header, Type: your abbreviated title in all capital letters.
(No more than 50 characters, including spaces). The page
number is also in the header, flush right starting with 1.
The entire document should be double spaced with Times 12
Type your dissertation approved title on line 5.
Your Approved Dissertation Title Here in Upper and Lowercase
Type only your first and last name on line 6. Do not list other
First and Last Name
University of xxxxx
Type University of the Xxxxxxx on line 7.
Month and Year of Graduation
Month and Year only should be typed on line 8.
Approval for Recommendation
Include a copy of the signed form.
This dissertation is approved for recommendation to the faculty
and administration of the University of the Xxxxxxx.
Dissertation Chair:
Dissertation Evaluators:
Acknowledgements is where you thank those who have helped
you achieve this goal.
There are many to whom a debt of gratitude is owed for their
assistance in conducting this research…. (It is appropriate to
thank key faculty, friends, and family members, as well as
ministers and God. It is advisable to limit the comments to one
The word “Abstract” should be centered and typed in 12-point
Times New Roman.
This study examined the differences………………
Do not indent the first paragraph in the abstract.
No longer than 250 words.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction
Background and Problem
List of Tables
Table 1: Name of the
List of Figures
Figure 1: Name of the Figures
Chapter One
Indent each new paragraph. Write an overview to your study
Background and Problem Statement
Indent each new paragraph. Write your background and
problem statement here.
Purpose of the Study
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Significance of the Study
Discuss the link to leadership in the purpose and significance of
the study.
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Research Questions
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Theoretical Framework
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Limitations of the Study
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
For definitions, state the term in italics followed by a colon.
The actual definition should be without italics.
All definitions should include an in-text citation for the
reference source.
Transformational leadership: The………(in-text citation)
Indent each new paragraph. Write your summary of chapter one
Chapter Two
The literature review should be a minimum of 20 pages of
synthesized literature but will normally require many more
Review of Literature
Indent your introduction. Introduce your thesis map here
for your dissertation topic and literature review you will cover.
Main Heading (level 2 heading)
Subheading should be flush left, Bold italic, Title Case Heading
(level 3 heading)
Subheading should be indented, boldfaced, Title Case Heading,
ending with a period. (level 4 heading)
Chapter Three
Procedures and Methodology
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Discuss if the study is qualitative or quantitative in the research
Research Paradigm
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Research Design
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Sampling Procedures and or/
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Data Collection Sources
In Data Collection Resources section, reference Informed
Consent and IRB approval placed in Appendices.
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Statistical Tests
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Chapter Four
Research Findings
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Participants and Research Setting
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Analyses of Research Questions
List and number research questions one at a time.
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Supplementary Findings (if any)
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Chapter Five
Summary, Discussion, and Implications
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Practical Assessment of Research Questions
In the Practical Assessment of Research Question section, focus
in this section on how your research question findings align or
differ from scholarly published literature on the topic.
Discuss the link to leadership.
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Limitations of the Study
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Implications for Future Study
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here.
All citations and references must match throughout the
dissertation. Follow APA guidelines on formatting.
References with hyperlinks such as to retrieval sources or DOIs,
should include the “live” link to the source.
Appendix A
Appendices – This section contains tables, figures, and possible
data sources that could not be placed in the text of the paper due
to its size, as well as copies of consent forms and IRB letters.
Appendix B
Appendix C
Consent Forms
Include a copy of the letter/form used to obtain consent from
participants in the study.
Do not include consent forms from organizations that provided
permission to gather data.
Appendix D
IRB Approval
Committee Member 1
Committee Member 2
Dissertation Course Progression
DSRT 7788
Milestone 1 – Topic Approval
Milestone 2 – Chapter Two Draft
Milestone 3 – Chapter Two Final Draft
This journey is a marathon, not a sprint.
Effectiveness of Bug Bounty Program in preventing security v

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Effectiveness of Bug Bounty Program in preventing security v

  • 1. Effectiveness of Bug Bounty Program in preventing security vulnerabilities associated with Trust Delegations in Hybrid Cloud Effectiveness of Bug Bounty Program in preventing security vulnerabilities associated with Trust Delegations in Hybrid Cloud Problem Comment by Jerry Alsay: What is the general problem surrounding this issue? What is the specific problem surrounding this issue? In your specific problem, I should see your research variables. Why should your audience care about what you are trying to study, in a general sense and in a specific sense? Remember, you are speaking to two audience. The professional community and the academic community. You should have at least two paragraph to describe your problem with backing to prove your point. If this is a problem than you should see people taking about why it’s a problem. I should see your research variables in your specific problem statement. Comment by Jerry Alsay: Format your paper in sections: Problem Statement/Research Questions/Researc h Variables/Theoretical Framework/Population/Sample Size The bug bounty is a program that involves rewarding individuals for identifying and reporting vulnerabilities in a system before hackers exploit that vulnerability. Although the first bug bounty program was introduced in 1983, the program is becoming increasingly significant with time. Today, many developers, organizations, and websites use the program to enhance cloud security (Walshe & Simpson, 2020). A study by Craig mentioned trust delegation as the primary source of
  • 2. vulnerability in hybrid clouds. Compared to other clouds, the hybrid cloud accommodates private, public, and community clouds with different security levels, leading to a more complicated infrastructure (Gupta et al., 2-21). Studies reveal that the pantheon platform is the most exploited trust delegation that puts hybrid cloud at risk. Efforts are implemented to reduce these vulnerabilities, and the bug bounty program has been highly advocated by researchers recently, including Laprade Craig. Craig has suspicions that bug bounty programs work, considering his assessment of vulnerability checks against bug bounty programs. On the other hand, other researchers argue that individuals are motivated by rewards rather than the need to secure systems (Zhao et al., 2016). Due to conflicting hypotheses, it is essential to conduct research that will help establish the program's effectiveness. Population Comment by Jerry Alsay: You should not be stating your inclusion/exclusion just yet. You should just state your population, why you choose said population and your sample size and why you choose said sample size. I will use medium-sized organizations that deploy bug bounty programs and those that do not. The organizations must be operating on a hybrid cloud and adopted the program to minimize system vulnerability. The participants will be senior managers and IT experts who worked in these organizations. Research reveals that approximately 7 million employees can take part in IT decision-making (Darko et al., 2017). Study also reports that the US is ranked fourth worldwide in terms of technological expertise. Therefore, it is easier to get people who are willing to provide information. The managers will give information from a competitive advantage approach, while the IT specialists will be resourceful from the technical process. Methodology Comment by Jerry Alsay: Okay. You will use qualitative as your method. What will you use as your research design? You should have sources to back why both is best for this study. I will use a qualitative approach to gather in-depth information
  • 3. on the efficacy of bug bounty programs. A qualitative method is selected due to its ability to collect in-depth information about the topic (Bergen & Labonte, 2020). Qualitative research is also open-ended and gives respondents a chance to share their experiences. Semi-structured interviews will be conducted to collect relevant information and be analyzed through content analysis. Theory Comment by Jerry Alsay: You will need more research on why game theory is the best base for your theorical framework. What about the theories for your research variables? What are your research(independent/dependent) variables? I will use the game theory that observes cyber incidents and analyzes the interaction between attackers, users, and defenders to produce an outcome (Kakkad et al., 2019). The approach will be used to analyze the outcome from changing users and researchers to vulnerability detectors. Related study: Laprade, C. (2021). Domain Name Service Trust Delegation in Cloud Computing: Exploitation, Risks, and Défense (Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University). The researcher used the OSINT gathering and processing technique to identify vulnerable trust delegations. The researcher then used a systematic review to identify proposed solutions to address security concerns resulting from trust delegations. The systems found to be highly vulnerable are news and media, education systems, pantheon, and Microsoft Azure. Craig mentioned that according to the literature, existing solutions are the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC), Next Secure Record (NSEC), Specific Value Record Verification, and Domain Attack Surface Monitoring. The researcher proposed other solutions such as Apex Domain Verification, Assessment, and Via Trust Breaker. The researcher further noted that the bug bounty program is suspected to be effective that there is no research on its efficacy. Therefore, he proposed it for future work, which is why I opted to assess its effectiveness.
  • 4. References Comment by Jerry Alsay: You will need more sources than this. You are trying to justify your study is worth doing. Bergen, N., & Labonté, R. (2020). “Everything is perfect, and we have no problems”: detecting and limiting social desirability bias in qualitative research. Qualitative health research, 30(5), 783-792. Darko, A., Chan, A. P. C., Ameyaw, E. E., He, B. J., & Olanipekun, A. O. (2017). Examining issues influencing green building technologies adoption: The United States green building experts’ perspectives. Energy and Buildings, 144, 320- 332. Gupta, B. B., Chaudhary, P., Peraković, D., & Psannis, K. (2021). Privacy Concerns and Trust Issues. In Managing IoT and Mobile Technologies with Innovation, Trust, and Sustainable Computing (pp. 17-33). CRC Press. Kakkad, V., Shah, H., Patel, R., & Doshi, N. (2019). A Comparative study of applications of Game Theory in Cyber Security and Cloud Computing. Procedia Computer
  • 5. Science, 155, 680-685. Walshe, T., & Simpson, A. (2020, February). An empirical study of bug bounty programs. In 2020 IEEE 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Bug Fixing (IBF) (pp. 35-44). IEEE. Zhao, M., Laszka, A., Maillart, T., & Grossklags, J. (2016, November). Crowdsourced security vulnerability discovery: Modelling and organizing bug-bounty programs. In The HCOMP Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Human Computation, Austin, TX, USA. Watch The Red Balloon 1956 ‧ Fantasy/Family ‧ movie, then address three of the following questions. You may also take the conversation in new directions. Be sure to apply concepts studied in this week's reading and respond to at least one other student's original post. Must: Addresses prompts in depth and detail. Points are insightful, objective, and supported by specific, relevant examples from the movie. The post clearly demonstrates careful viewing of the assigned movie. Correctly applies multiple concepts studied, clearly demonstrating careful reading of the assigned chapter(s). The post uses vocabulary and ideas from the reading, and it references specific pages (with in-text citation: the page number in parentheses). The reference does not repeat what another student has already posted. Any borrowed language is in quotation marks, though the post does not over-rely on quotations. RULES WHEN WRITING ABOUT A MOVIE:
  • 6. • The title of a movie should be in italics: Juno -- not "Juno." • Discuss events in the film itself in present tense, as if they are still going on. ◦ correct: "Dorothy clicks her heels together" ◦ incorrect: "Dorothy clicked her heels together." • Refer to characters by their names in the movie, e.g. "William Munny" rather than "Clint Eastwood" – unless you are discussing Eastwood’s acting. • When writing about actors, refer to them by their last name, e.g. "Norris" rather than "Chuck." • Provide specific examples from the movies to support your ideas. For example, if you claim that “Benjamin Braddock seems disconnected from members of his generation,” add the reasons you have drawn this conclusion: “Nobody his own age attends his graduation party; all the guests seem to be his parents’ friends. The film never shows him in contact with friends of his own. When Benjamin and Elaine go the hamburger stand, he appears annoyed by the music and behavior of the younger people in the next car, and he raises the roof of his convertible to escape them.” • The terms "film" and "movie" are interchangeable. • Do not address the reader as “you.” For example, if someone writes, “You see how Juno changes her mind” – well, maybe the reader didn’t see it! Rephrasing suggestions:
  • 7. ◦ “The film shows us Juno’s attitude when . . .” ◦ “Viewers may observe that . . ." ◦ “We might notice . . .” ◦ “Juno acts differently, starting when she . . .” or, • Don’t start sentences with or over-used phrases like “I think” or “I feel” or “I believe” or "to me” or “ in my opinion.” Readers assume that your answers represent your thoughts, feelings, and inferences. Write in third person as much as possible. • Do not refer to film-makers as "they," as in, "They use a lot of dark lighting" or "They want you to feel the protagonist's misery." People have specific jobs in making a movie, e.g. director, screenwriter, cinematographer, or editor. To refer to the combined efforts of everyone involved, refer to the film as a whole, e.g. "The movie has a lot of dark lighting," or, "The film helps us experience the protagonist's misery through the dark lighting and by showing us events through her point of view." QUESTIONS 1. Dialogue is rare, yet the human voice is used often in unique ways in this film. What tones and moods are created by the human voice? Provide specific examples. Keep in mind that the audience will receive the full effect even without English subtitles. 2. What is the purpose of silence in the film? Specifically, think about the scene towards the end of the film.
  • 8. 3. Why types of music are used in the film? What mood do they help create? 4. How are environmental sounds used in the film? Notice that the director seldom combines environmental sounds with music or the human voice. 5. How does sound create a mood and advance the plot in the scene where the balloon goes in the little boy's classroom? How does sound help advance the plot in other scenes? Film Vocabulary Art director Production designer Framing Closed frame Open frame Moving frame On location Set Sound stage Cinematic language Shot Editing Cut Fade in/fade out Cutting on action Implicit meaning Explicit meaning Cultural Invisibility Form Theme Motif
  • 9. Point of view Content Form Formalism Cinematic language Mediation Verisimilitude Realism Anti-realism Mise-en-scene Narrative Frame Shot Sequence Scene Instructional film Persuasive film Propaganda film Direct cinema Stream of consciousness Genre Stanislavsky system method acting typecasting casting screen test major role character role distancing effect or alienation effect improvisation • Cinematography • Take • Set up
  • 10. • Film stock • Colorization • Widescreen • Lighting ratio • Rule of thirds • Three-point system ◦ Key light ◦ Low-key lighting ◦ High-key lighting ◦ Fill light ◦ Back light • Iris • Focal length • Zoom lens • Deep focus cinematography • Dept of field • Aspect ratio • Rack focus • Types of shots ◦ Establishing shot ◦ Extreme long shot ◦ Long shot ◦ Medium long shot ◦ Medium close-up ◦ Close-up ◦ Extreme close-up ◦ Two shot ◦ Three shot • sound design
  • 11. • sound track • double-system recording • automatic dialogue replacement (ADR) • mixing • diagetic sound and nondiagetic sound • on-screen sound and off-screen sound • synchronous and asynchronous sound • internal sound • narration • ambient sound • sound effect • Foley sound • overlapping sound Research Methodology: Quantitative Population to Address: For my quantitative research, the population I plan to study is high school teachers in the Jefferson County (AL) School District. As a teacher in the district, I would draw my sample from respondents to the survey. I plan to use the Principles of Adult Learning (PALS) instrument, and with 15 high schools in the district, this will provide me with enough data for analysis. Proposed Topic: For my dissertation topic, I plan to study how andragogy and adult learning
  • 12. principles can be applied to secondary education. While pedagogy has been the prevailing theory of teaching high school students for decades, there is a need for more student-centered instruction and self-directed learning as students progress. In his work on andragogy, Malcolm Knowles presented six assumptions of the adult learner: need-to-know, self-concept, experience, readiness to learn, orientation to learning, and motivation to learn (Knowles et al., 2015). These guiding principles can be, and in many cases are already being, applied to secondary students. Furthermore, Knowles suggested a set of eight “process design steps” that produce effective teaching and learning (Caruth, 2014, p. 5). These methods involve creating a trusting climate, involving students in planning and evaluation, and facilitating opportunities for independent study. References Caruth, G. (2014). Learning how to learn: A six point model for increasing student engagement. Participatory Educational Research, 1(2), 1–12. Knowles, M. S., Holton, E. F., & Swanson, R. A. (2015). The Adult Learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (8th ed.). Routledge. Theoretical background: Andragogy Learning in Adulthood Connection to program: My topic is directly related to the theory of andragogy and the adult learning
  • 13. principles utilized throughout the Leadership Studies program at University of the Cumberlands The topic is specifically related to the following course goals in LEAC 731 - Learning in Adulthood: - Explain how the aging process impacts learning and - Contrast pedagogical and andragogical assumptions. Furthermore, by providing further research in teaching and learning, I will be fulfilling the following goals from the PH.D. in Leadership Studies Program: - Help you improve colleges and schools through better critical and reflective thinking - Assist you to become more effective at the college, school district or unit level APA Quantitative Template V0920 1 APA Quantitative Template V0920 6 For the header, Type: your abbreviated title in all capital letters. (No more than 50 characters, including spaces). The page number is also in the header, flush right starting with 1. The entire document should be double spaced with Times 12 Font.
  • 14. Type your dissertation approved title on line 5. Your Approved Dissertation Title Here in Upper and Lowercase Letters Type only your first and last name on line 6. Do not list other degrees. First and Last Name University of xxxxx Type University of the Xxxxxxx on line 7. Month and Year of Graduation Month and Year only should be typed on line 8. Approval for Recommendation Include a copy of the signed form. This dissertation is approved for recommendation to the faculty and administration of the University of the Xxxxxxx. Dissertation Chair: Dissertation Evaluators:
  • 15. Acknowledgements is where you thank those who have helped you achieve this goal. Acknowledgments There are many to whom a debt of gratitude is owed for their assistance in conducting this research…. (It is appropriate to thank key faculty, friends, and family members, as well as ministers and God. It is advisable to limit the comments to one page) The word “Abstract” should be centered and typed in 12-point Times New Roman. Abstract This study examined the differences……………… Do not indent the first paragraph in the abstract. No longer than 250 words. Table of Contents Chapter One: Introduction Overview……………………………………………………… ……………………...1 Background and Problem Statement………………………………………………….2 List of Tables Table 1: Name of the Table…………………………………………………………………1 List of Figures
  • 16. Figure 1: Name of the Figures …………………………………………………………………1 Chapter One Introduction Overview Indent each new paragraph. Write an overview to your study here. Background and Problem Statement Indent each new paragraph. Write your background and problem statement here. Purpose of the Study Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Significance of the Study Discuss the link to leadership in the purpose and significance of the study. Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Research Questions Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Theoretical Framework Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Limitations of the Study Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Assumptions Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Definitions For definitions, state the term in italics followed by a colon. The actual definition should be without italics. All definitions should include an in-text citation for the reference source. Transformational leadership: The………(in-text citation) Summary
  • 17. Indent each new paragraph. Write your summary of chapter one here. Chapter Two The literature review should be a minimum of 20 pages of synthesized literature but will normally require many more pages. Review of Literature Introduction Indent your introduction. Introduce your thesis map here for your dissertation topic and literature review you will cover. Main Heading (level 2 heading) Subheading should be flush left, Bold italic, Title Case Heading (level 3 heading) Subheading should be indented, boldfaced, Title Case Heading, ending with a period. (level 4 heading) Summary Chapter Three Procedures and Methodology Introduction Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Discuss if the study is qualitative or quantitative in the research paradigm. Research Paradigm Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Research Design Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Sampling Procedures and or/ Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Data Collection Sources In Data Collection Resources section, reference Informed Consent and IRB approval placed in Appendices.
  • 18. Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Statistical Tests Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Summary Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Chapter Four Research Findings Introduction Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Participants and Research Setting Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Analyses of Research Questions List and number research questions one at a time. Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Supplementary Findings (if any) Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Summary Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Chapter Five Summary, Discussion, and Implications Introduction Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Practical Assessment of Research Questions In the Practical Assessment of Research Question section, focus in this section on how your research question findings align or differ from scholarly published literature on the topic. Discuss the link to leadership.
  • 19. Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Limitations of the Study Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Implications for Future Study Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. Summary Indent each new paragraph. Write your next section here. References All citations and references must match throughout the dissertation. Follow APA guidelines on formatting. References with hyperlinks such as to retrieval sources or DOIs, should include the “live” link to the source. Appendix A Tables Appendices – This section contains tables, figures, and possible data sources that could not be placed in the text of the paper due to its size, as well as copies of consent forms and IRB letters. Appendix B Figures Appendix C Consent Forms Include a copy of the letter/form used to obtain consent from participants in the study. Do not include consent forms from organizations that provided
  • 20. permission to gather data. Appendix D IRB Approval Candidate Chair Committee Member 1 Committee Member 2 Dissertation Course Progression DSRT 7788 Dates Milestone 1 – Topic Approval Goals · · ·
  • 21. Milestone 2 – Chapter Two Draft Goals · · · Milestone 3 – Chapter Two Final Draft Goals · · · This journey is a marathon, not a sprint.