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1 of 101
The Modern class-based, Object-oriented Windows API
Plus metadata about the classes/members
Plus language projections for natural and familiar use
• C++, C#, JavaScript, others
Use any Windows Runtime class as if it were a standard C++ class
Implement a Windows Runtime class using standard C++
Create XAML applications using standard C++ (Preview)
Uri "" // URI to fetch
HttpClient // Class that does the fetching
auto // Make async call & wait
// Display the page
// Uri uri(L"");
ComPtr IUriRuntimeClassFactory
ComPtr IUriRuntimeClass
For this statement
You must write this code
using namespace
using namespace
Uri ref new ""
HttpClient ref new HttpClient
79,360 bytes (x86 release)
using namespace
using namespace
Uri ""
23,522 bytes (x86 release)
70% smaller than CX
Without C++/WinRT
Visual Studio
Extension installed
With C++/WinRT
Visual Studio
Extension installed
Add reference to
winmd reference
using namespace
// Creates all the thumbnail previews for effect selection UI
void DetailPage
Class description Skeletal implementations
• Generated FilessourcesPhoto.h
• Generated FilessourcesPhoto.cpp
Complete base class Metadata file
• Photo.g.h Photo.winmd
Copy skeletons to project folder
Include in project
delegate void Boolean // delegate type for event
runtimeclass Photo Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.INotifyPropertyChanged // Interface
// Constructors
String get // Read-only property
Single // Read-write property
Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction // (Async) Method
event RecognitionHandler // event
namespace {
struct Photo PhotoT Photo
StorageFile const
void float
event_token PropertyChangedEventHandler const
void event_token const
Implementation namespace
Base implements WinRT
infrastructure (Photo.g.h)
Namespace metadata
Class description
Skeletal implementations – code behind files
• Generated FilessourcesMainPage.h
• Generated FilessourcesMainPage.cpp
Complete base classes Metadata file
• MainPage.xaml.g.h MainPage.winmd
Copy skeletons to project folder
Include in project
XAML markup
struct MainPage MainPageT MainPage
// Property changed notifications
PropertyChangedEventHandler const
void event_token const
Implementation namespace
Bases implements WinRT
1. Type: x64
2. Press Enter or select
Where is the C++ compiler?
Where is the C++/WinRT compiler?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
using namespace winrt;
int main()
Windows::Foundation::Uri uri(L"");
printf("Welcome to %ls!n", uri.Path().c_str());
Brevity please
C++ exception handling
ISO C++17 standard
External references
Add /await for C++ coroutine support
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
using namespace winrt;
int main()
Windows::Foundation::Uri uri(L"");
printf("Welcome to %ls!n", uri.Path().c_str());
Where does
this come from?
1 of 15
Uri uri(L"");
SyndicationClient client;
auto async = client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri);
SyndicationFeed feed = async;
for (auto&& item : feed.Items())
printf("%lsn", item.Title().Text().c_str());
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<SyndicationFeed, RetrievalProgress>
error C2440: cannot convert from ...
Uri uri(L"");
SyndicationClient client;
auto async = client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri);
SyndicationFeed feed = async.get();
for (auto&& item : feed.Items())
printf("%lsn", item.Title().Text().c_str());
Blocks while
waiting for result
2 of 15
Uri uri(L"");
SyndicationClient client;
SyndicationFeed feed = client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri).get();
for (auto&& item : feed.Items())
printf("%lsn", item.Title().Text().c_str());
What about UI
Uri uri(L"");
SyndicationClient client;
SyndicationFeed feed = co_await client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri);
for (auto&& item : feed.Items())
printf("%lsn", item.Title().Text().c_str());
Remove trailing .get()
Prepend co_await
IAsyncAction PrintFeedAsync()
Uri uri(L"");
SyndicationClient client;
SyndicationFeed feed = co_await client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri);
for (auto&& item : feed.Items())
printf("%lsn", item.Title().Text().c_str());
Don’t forget the
coroutine return type
3 of 15
IAsyncAction PrintFeedAsync(Uri const& uri)
SyndicationClient client;
auto feed = co_await client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri);
for (auto&& item : feed.Items())
printf("%lsn", item.Title().Text().c_str());
Suspension point
IAsyncAction PrintFeedAsync(Uri uri)
SyndicationClient client;
auto feed = co_await client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri);
for (auto&& item : feed.Items())
printf("%lsn", item.Title().Text().c_str());
Captured by value - great!
void PrintFeed(Uri const& uri)
SyndicationClient client;
auto feed = client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri).get();
// ...
IAsyncAction PrintFeedAsync(Uri uri)
SyndicationClient client;
auto feed = co_await client.RetrieveFeedAsync(uri);
// ...
• Synchronous
• Use const& params
• Asynchronous
• Use value params
4 of 15
hstring ToUpper(hstring const& value);
hstring ToUpper(hstring const& value);
int main()
std::wstring std_wstring = L"Oranges";
hstring winrt_hstring = L"Apples";
printf("%lsn", ToUpper(winrt_hstring).c_str());
printf("%lsn", ToUpper(std_wstring).c_str());
printf("%lsn", ToUpper(L"Bananas").c_str());
Literals should just work
hstring ToUpper(hstring const& value);
int main()
std::wstring std_wstring = L"Oranges";
hstring winrt_hstring = L"Apples";
printf("%lsn", ToUpper(winrt_hstring).c_str());
printf("%lsn", ToUpper(hstring(std_wstring)).c_str());
printf("%lsn", ToUpper(L"Bananas").c_str());
Hidden copies…
// Generated code...
hstring ToUpper(param::hstring const& value);
// Your code...
int main()
std::wstring std_wstring = L"Oranges";
hstring winrt_hstring = L"Apples";
printf("%lsn", ToUpper(winrt_hstring).c_str());
printf("%lsn", ToUpper(std_wstring).c_str());
printf("%lsn", ToUpper(L"Bananas").c_str());
param::* types
optimize input
This just works
and avoids copies
5 of 15
int Sum(IVectorView<int> const& values);
int Sum(IVectorView<int> const& values);
int main()
std::vector<int> std_vector{ 2,3,4 };
IVectorView<int> winrt_vector = ...
assert(9 == Sum(winrt_vector));
assert(9 == Sum(std_vector));
assert(9 == Sum({ 2, 3, 4 }));
Initializer lists should just work
// Generated code...
int Sum(param::vector_view<int> const& values);
// Your code...
int main()
std::vector<int> std_vector{ 2,3,4 };
IVectorView<int> winrt_vector = ...
assert(9 == Sum(winrt_vector));
assert(9 == Sum(std_vector));
assert(9 == Sum({ 2, 3, 4 }));
input binding
This just works
and avoids copies
6 of 15
// Generated code...
IAsyncOperation<int> SumAsync(param::async_vector_view<int> const& values);
// Your code...
int main()
std::vector<int> std_vector{ 2,3,4 };
IVectorView<int> winrt_vector = ...
assert(9 == SumAsync(winrt_vector).get());
assert(9 == SumAsync(std_vector).get());
assert(9 == SumAsync({ 2, 3, 4 }).get());
for async input
IAsyncOperation<int> SumAsync(param::async_vector_view<int> const& values);
int main()
std::vector<int> std_vector{ 2,3,4 };
IVectorView<int> winrt_vector = ...
assert(9 == SumAsync(winrt_vector).get());
assert(9 == SumAsync(std::move(std_vector)).get());
assert(9 == SumAsync({ 2, 3, 4 }).get());
} Transfer ownership
7 of 15
IAsyncOperation<uint32_t> ComputeAsync()
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; ++x)
// Some compute-bound operation...
co_return 123;
} What’s the problem?
IAsyncOperation<uint32_t> ComputeAsync()
co_await resume_background();
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; ++x)
// Some compute-bound operation...
co_return 123;
Returns control to caller
Immediately resumes
on thread pool
8 of 15
IAsyncAction Async(TextBlock block)
co_await resume_background();
// Some compute-bound operation...
Switch to thread pool
IAsyncAction Async(TextBlock block)
apartment_context ui_thread;
co_await resume_background();
// Some compute-bound operation...
co_await ui_thread;
Capture calling context
Switch to thread pool
Switch back to calling context
Update UI successfully!
9 of 15
IAsyncAction Async(TextBlock block)
apartment_context ui_thread;
co_await resume_background();
// Some compute-bound operation...
co_await ui_thread;
IAsyncAction Async(TextBlock block)
co_await resume_background();
// Some compute-bound operation...
co_await resume_foreground(block.Dispatcher());
Switch to thread pool
Switch to dispatcher thread
10 of 15
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
int main()
IStringable s = ...
printf("%lsn", s.ToString().c_str());
hstring ToString();
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
struct MyType : implements<MyType, >
int main()
IStringable s = ...
printf("%lsn", s.ToString().c_str());
Interfaces to implement
Implementation goes here
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
struct MyType : implements<MyType, IStringable>
hstring ToString() { return L"Hello world"; }
int main()
IStringable s = ...
printf("%lsn", s.ToString().c_str());
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
struct MyType : implements<MyType, IStringable>
hstring ToString() { return L"Hello world"; }
int main()
IStringable s = make<MyType>();
printf("%lsn", s.ToString().c_str());
Construct implementation
type on heap
Return projected type
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
struct MyType : implements<MyType, IStringable, IClosable>
hstring ToString() { return L"Hello world"; }
void Close() { /* Goodbye world */ }
int main()
IStringable s = make<MyType>();
printf("%lsn", s.ToString().c_str());
IClosable c =<IClosable>();
Add interfaces
Add implementation
You’re done,
this works!
11 of 15
using namespace Windows::Foundation::Collections;
template <typename T>
struct MyCollection : implements<MyCollection<T>, IVector<T>, IIterable<T>>
T GetAt(uint32_t const index);
uint32_t Size();
IVectorView<T> GetView();
void SetAt(uint32_t const index, T const& value);
void InsertAt(uint32_t const index, T const& value);
void RemoveAt(uint32_t const index);
void Append(T const& value);
void RemoveAtEnd();
void Clear();
uint32_t GetMany(uint32_t startIndex, array_view<T> values);
void ReplaceAll(array_view<T const> value);
IIterator<T> First();
IVector<int> vector = single_threaded_vector<int>();
for (auto&& value : vector)
printf("%d ", value);
IVectorView<int> view = vector.GetView();
Create general-purpose
Use IVector<T> interface
Get IVectorView<T> from IVector<T>
std::vector<int> values{ 1,2,3 };
auto vector = single_threaded_vector<int>(std::move(values));
for (auto&& value : vector)
printf("%d ", value);
“1 2 3”…
IVector<int> a =
IMap<hstring, int> b =
single_threaded_map<hstring, int>();
IObservableVector<int> c =
IObservableMap<hstring, int> d =
single_threaded_observable_map<hstring, int>();
12 of 15
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
EventHandler<int> handler;
handler = [](auto&& /*sender*/, int args)
printf("%dn", args);
if (handler)
IInspectable sender = ...;
handler(sender, 123);
Initially empty
Initialize or assign using:
• Lambda
• Free function
• Member function
Check validity
Invoke delegate
13 of 15
IObservableVector<int> v = single_threaded_observable_vector<int>();
v.VectorChanged([](auto&& /*sender*/, auto&& /*args*/)
VectorChanged(VectorChangedEventHandler<T> const&)
Invokes handler(s)
IObservableVector<int> v = ...
event_token token = v.VectorChanged([](auto&&, auto&&)
64-bit token
Manually revoke handler
Invoke handler
Handler is not called
IObservableVector<int> v = ...
auto revoker = v.VectorChanged(auto_revoke, [](auto&&, auto&&)
Create auto-revoker
Includes weak reference to event source
Revoke handler if event source still exists
Destructor also calls revoke
14 of 15
struct MyCollection : implements<MyCollection, IObservableVector<int>, ...>
event_token VectorChanged(VectorChangedEventHandler<int> const& handler)
return m_changed.add(handler);
void VectorChanged(event_token const token)
event<VectorChangedEventHandler<int>> m_changed;
Just use event<T>
The delegate type
Adds handler to event array
Removes handler from array
15 of 15
event<delegate<std::string, int, float>> changed;
changed.add([](std::string const& a, int b, float c)
printf("%s %d %.2fn", a.c_str(), b, c);
changed("Hello", 123, .456f);
changed("World", 456, .789f);
Non-WinRT types are fine
Doesn’t provide an ABI
Ask on stackoverflow using tag [c++-winrt]
Effective C++/WinRT for UWP and Win32
Effective C++/WinRT for UWP and Win32

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