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12/31/2019 Crossing Over 20/20 – Salt Lyte Gypsy Ministry 1/5
Crossing Over 20/20
Shalom Natsarim Mishpahah!
Today, I am sharing the cross over to 2020 and the new decade ahead!
The Sign of Debarim–
20/20 Vision & Possession with Purpose- Restoration of FEAR of YaH
Now this is the Commandment, and these are the Statutes and Judgments which Yahuah your Alahym has
Commanded to teach you, that you may observe them in the land which you are crossing over to possess, 2.
that you may Fear Yahuah your Alahym, to keep all His statutes and His Commandments which I Command you,
and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged. 3. Therefore hear,
O Yisrael, and be careful to observe it, that it may be well with you, and that you may multiply greatly as Yahuah
Alahym of your fathers has promised you – a land flowing with milk and honey. 4. Hear, O Yisrael: Yahuah
our Alahym, Yahuah is one! 5. You shall love Yahuah your Alahym with all your HEART (lev), with all your
ETERNAL TORAH! 6. And these words which I Command you today shall be in your HEART. 7. You shall
teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the
way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as
frontlets between your eyes. (Your Mind) 9. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
(Yahuah’s Torah – teachings – shall be the focus of your life) 10. So it shall be, when Yahuah your Alahym
brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you
large and beautiful cities which you did not build, 11. houses full of all good things, which you did not
fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant – when
you have eaten and are full. 12. then beware, lest you forget Yahuah who brought you out of the land of
Mitsrayim, from the house of bondage. 13. You shall fear Yahuah your Alahym and serve Him, and shall take
oaths in His name. 14. You shall not go after other Alahym, the Alahym of the peoples who are all around you. 15.
for Yahuah your Alahym is a jealous Alahym among you, lest the anger of Yahuah your Alahym be aroused against
you and destroy you from the face of the earth. 16. You shall not tempt Yahuah your Alahym as you tempted Him
in Massah. 17. You shall diligently keep the Commandments of Yahuah your Alahym, His testimonies, and His
statutes which He has Commanded you. Debarim 6:1-17
20/20 Obedience & Clean Hearts
Lev Tahor- “Create in me a clean heart of YaH!”
zaku: purity, innocence
Original Word: ‫ָכוּ‬‫ז‬
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: zaku
Phonetic Spelling: (zaw-koo’)
Definition: purity, innocence
No amount of reformation of our character is enough to cleanse us. It must come from the Creator
HIMSELF, it is only through HIS power to create something from nothing is the nature of the remedy
required for us.
Yirmeyahu 17:9 says that our hearts are wicked. The heart (lev) is the inner person the seat of the
thoughts, emotions and will. Yahusha declared that the heart (lev) is the source of all uncleanness,
moral defilement, and perversity. Ma ithyahu 15:19-20
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Because of the blood sacrifice of Yahusha our MaSchiach on the cross; that satisfied YaH’s wrath against
our sin; YaH is now able to create within us lev tahor, we now can receive a newly created heart that is
sanctified in the image of YAHUAH our Father.
20/20 and Beyond–5780-5781-5782
I have prayed and sought The Most High on HIS instructions on the time ahead. While HE has revealed
some things to me personally; I have NOT heard and audible voice declaring anything specific for the
crossing over from 2019-2020. The Ruach has shown me that 20/20 is a time to see and I time to speak
what we see and see what we speak. In my spirit I sense the cross over as one going from life as we
know it (the day to day normality of things) to a new seriousness in our walk with YAHUAH. We are
entering in to the BEGINNING of the END. Most of know and recognize that we have already been
moving in this direction for some time. The Revelation 12 sign in September of 2017 gave us a marker
and The Most High has been waking HIS children up!
I am going to share my thoughts and perceptions of 20/20 and beyond with you.
** DISCLAIMER- First, my I state that what I am sharing is NOT prophetic, nor is it a direct WORD FROM
YAHUAH!! I am just your Sister sharing what I see and believe with you as a Sister in Mashiach and a
As we enter this “new” time; YaH has impressed upon me the seriousness of being an obedient child. We
know that Yahusha said; “if you love me you will obey me.”
“If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.” Yohanan 14:15
I have always thought “of course I will obey you ABBA!” yet; that is not entirely true. I have not loved
him enough to obey and afflict my flesh as HE has commanded. I have not loved HIM enough to obey
and stop caring for the “things” in this world. At times, I have even placed my children and husband
above YAH. ABBA has been so very patient and long suffering with me to show me the er in my ways.
The time has come where enough is enough! HE has impressed upon my heart that if I do NOT get
serious about obedience in ALL THINGS, meaning my hang ups or sins that entangle me there will
come a time that it will consume me and I won’t even notice that I once had a desire to “let go” or
“overcome” these sins. What do I mean?? Well, I have struggled greatly this past year with fasting, food,
over the counter meds, and prescribed meds (meaning the medications given me by a doctor not illegal
drugs LOL.) ABBA has been speaking to me ALL OF 2019 about the importance of fasting and how it is
a weapon and it is how to become sanctified and set free. Food has played a different role in my life in
2019 than in past years, as I have always eaten healthy until 2019. The amount of white sugar that I ate
has gone off the charts this past year! I have been in glu ony and possessed by the demon of sugar! Yes,
there is actually a demon of sugar! I have always had trouble sleeping due to sugar I am sure! So, as
every American does I would sedate myself with Benedryl to sleep, this is inviting the spirit of
pharmakeia to take hold. ABBA has also instructed me to stop taking my prescribed medication from the
doctor. I understand that not everyone is told to do that, I am just sharing what ABBA has told me
personally to do. With all that being confessed to you my Natsarim Mishpahah, I know that I must
OVERCOME ALL THIS as I cross over from 2019 to 20/20. This is serious!
WHY do I write 20/20 like this? I do because ABBA showed it to me and told me too. As Natsarim we
are truthseekers, truthspeakers! As we cross over our eyes and ears are open wide! ABBA will continue
to reveal all that was/is hidden. HE will also reveal all that is in our hearts. We must continue to cry out
to HIM, “CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART OH YAH!” This is our them song as we cross over. As, HE
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cleans our hearts our lights will become brighter and brighter and this key for the times ahead. For
Yahuah is strategically placing us apart from one another all over the world to be beacons of light to the
lost. Just light lighthouses are to seaman that is what we are to those lost in Mitsrayim!
I believe this year is also the appointed time to build the refuges (the safe havens). Time to organize and
come together in a communal way with like minded believers. Acts 2 will be the motivation and
movement for the days and months ahead! The season of the warriors to wield the sWORD as well, as
I/we have been diving deep into the WORD and into the extra texts that have become our “meat” and
nourishment over the past eighteen months, I/we will be able to use all we have digested not only to
build but to recruit, to teach, to edify, and to give hope to the lost.
I have also been told to dress for work. Yahuah called me HIS Scribe in May 2018. I will never forget that
day! Now, HE is calling my to wake up and be dressed and ready to work and for me that means having
a pen and paper in my hand always. I would encourage you to pray and seek ABBA for how you are to
be dressed for work in 20/20. What has HE called you to do? It is time for the parts of the body to begin
to work like a well oiled machine.
20/20 means we are to tighten up and focus on prepping still! STORE WATER, STORE FOOD!!! There is
still time left! We are still in the 7 years of plenty. Personally, ABBA has shown me that this 7 year period
will not end until the next Sabbatical year of rest for the land which is in September 7, 2021 (which Yom
Terah is September 8th 2021). We must seek YaH daily for our manna will be given daily–Seek HIS
WILL, HIS WORD, and be about HIS WORK in 20/20! Store food, water, and begin to withdraw yourself
from all social media, deleting as much as possible your digital footprint from the interwebs, lest you be
It is imparative to eat only what is “real”, what has seeds! To disconnect from the web, the time to flee
the internet will be soon. We can still come together online for a time so we must use this time wisely!
The formation of the underground railroad must begin in 20/20. Maps must be printed out, routes
secured, and coded ways to communicate must be created. The Beast will continue to rise and the world
will not discern the times. We Natsarim are awake and watching and we must be children of action
doers of the WORD!
20/20; AIR- WATER- FOOD– How have these been manipulated? The enemy of our soul has filled them
all with chemicals and toxins to kill and enslave us. Now we know and YaH will heal us as we EXIT
Babylon! Time for FIRE- YaH’s FIRE to burn out all uncleaness in us! AMEIN!
Time for the WISDOM of SIRACH–
“My child perform your tasks with humility then you will be loved by those who YaH accepts.”
Sirach 3:17
“Reflect on the injunctions of Yahuah; busy yourself at all times with HIS COMMANDMENTS; HE
will strengthen your mind and the wisdom you desire will be granted you.” Sirach 6:37
“Listen to me; my child and learn knowledge and give your whole mind to my WORDS- I shall
expound discipline methodically and proclaim knowledge with precision.” Sirach 16: 24,25
I want to share with you 2 Baruch 27–as we have been in some of these parts already! For wisdom is to
“see what is ahead and discern the times”
2 Baruch 27
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27:1 And YAHUAH answered and said to me: That time will be divided into twelve parts, and each part has been
preserved for that for which it was appointed.
27:2 In the first part: the beginning of commotions.
27:3 In the second part: the slaughtering of the great.
27:4 In the third part: the fall of many into death.
27:5 In the fourth part: the drawing of the sword.
27:6 In the fifth part: famine and the withholding of rain.
27:7 In the sixth part: earthquakes and terrors.
27:8 In the eighth part: a multitude of ghosts and the appearances of demons.
27:9 In the ninth part: the fall of fire.
27:10 In the tenth part: rape and much violence.
27:11 In the eleventh part: injustice and unchastity.
27:12 In the twelfth part: disorder and a mixture of all that has been before.
27:13 These parts of that time will be preserved and will be mixed, one with another, and they will minister to each
27:14 For some of these parts will withhold a part of themselves and take from others and will
accomplish that which belongs to them and to others; hence, those who live on earth in those days will
not understand that it is the end of times.
2 Baruch 28: 1,2
28:1 But everyone who will understand will be wise at that time.
28:2 For the measure and the calculation of that time will be two parts: weeks of seven weeks.
Beloveds, I know this was a long post. I felt the Ruach leading me to all that was wri en here. We are
moving quickly into the end and we will suffer things ahead. We must prepare our hearts and minds in
the WORD and in our BELIEF and FAITH in YAHUSHA! YAHUAH will protect us and lead us always!!
Our generation is like the days of Noah, where YAH is leading the next Exodus out of Babylon and into
great testing as of JOB to purify HIS BRIDE! Set your mind and heart on things above and make your
feet of iron that are immovable on the faith and your will survive! OVERCOME is the prescription for
“I have often been in danger of death but I have been spared, and this is why; the spirit of those who FEAR
YAHUAH can survive!” Sirach 34:12,13
I love you! Be Strong to the END!
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Amaliyah bat Yahuah
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Crossing over 2020 = 20 20 vision

  • 1. 12/31/2019 Crossing Over 20/20 – Salt Lyte Gypsy Ministry 1/5 Crossing Over 20/20 Shalom Natsarim Mishpahah! Today, I am sharing the cross over to 2020 and the new decade ahead! The Sign of Debarim– 20/20 Vision & Possession with Purpose- Restoration of FEAR of YaH Now this is the Commandment, and these are the Statutes and Judgments which Yahuah your Alahym has Commanded to teach you, that you may observe them in the land which you are crossing over to possess, 2. that you may Fear Yahuah your Alahym, to keep all His statutes and His Commandments which I Command you, and your son and your grandson, all the days of your life, and that your days may be prolonged. 3. Therefore hear, O Yisrael, and be careful to observe it, that it may be well with you, and that you may multiply greatly as Yahuah Alahym of your fathers has promised you – a land flowing with milk and honey. 4. Hear, O Yisrael: Yahuah our Alahym, Yahuah is one! 5. You shall love Yahuah your Alahym with all your HEART (lev), with all your SOUL, and with all your STRENGTH. THE TEST OF LOVE FOR YAHUAH IS OBEDIENCE TO HIS ETERNAL TORAH! 6. And these words which I Command you today shall be in your HEART. 7. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. (Your Mind) 9. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (Yahuah’s Torah – teachings – shall be the focus of your life) 10. So it shall be, when Yahuah your Alahym brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give you large and beautiful cities which you did not build, 11. houses full of all good things, which you did not fill, hewn-out wells which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant – when you have eaten and are full. 12. then beware, lest you forget Yahuah who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, from the house of bondage. 13. You shall fear Yahuah your Alahym and serve Him, and shall take oaths in His name. 14. You shall not go after other Alahym, the Alahym of the peoples who are all around you. 15. for Yahuah your Alahym is a jealous Alahym among you, lest the anger of Yahuah your Alahym be aroused against you and destroy you from the face of the earth. 16. You shall not tempt Yahuah your Alahym as you tempted Him in Massah. 17. You shall diligently keep the Commandments of Yahuah your Alahym, His testimonies, and His statutes which He has Commanded you. Debarim 6:1-17 20/20 Obedience & Clean Hearts Lev Tahor- “Create in me a clean heart of YaH!” zaku: purity, innocence Original Word: ‫ָכוּ‬‫ז‬ Part of Speech: Noun Feminine Transliteration: zaku Phonetic Spelling: (zaw-koo’) Definition: purity, innocence No amount of reformation of our character is enough to cleanse us. It must come from the Creator HIMSELF, it is only through HIS power to create something from nothing is the nature of the remedy required for us. Yirmeyahu 17:9 says that our hearts are wicked. The heart (lev) is the inner person the seat of the thoughts, emotions and will. Yahusha declared that the heart (lev) is the source of all uncleanness, moral defilement, and perversity. Ma ithyahu 15:19-20
  • 2. 12/31/2019 Crossing Over 20/20 – Salt Lyte Gypsy Ministry 2/5 Because of the blood sacrifice of Yahusha our MaSchiach on the cross; that satisfied YaH’s wrath against our sin; YaH is now able to create within us lev tahor, we now can receive a newly created heart that is sanctified in the image of YAHUAH our Father. 20/20 and Beyond–5780-5781-5782 I have prayed and sought The Most High on HIS instructions on the time ahead. While HE has revealed some things to me personally; I have NOT heard and audible voice declaring anything specific for the crossing over from 2019-2020. The Ruach has shown me that 20/20 is a time to see and I time to speak what we see and see what we speak. In my spirit I sense the cross over as one going from life as we know it (the day to day normality of things) to a new seriousness in our walk with YAHUAH. We are entering in to the BEGINNING of the END. Most of know and recognize that we have already been moving in this direction for some time. The Revelation 12 sign in September of 2017 gave us a marker and The Most High has been waking HIS children up! I am going to share my thoughts and perceptions of 20/20 and beyond with you. ** DISCLAIMER- First, my I state that what I am sharing is NOT prophetic, nor is it a direct WORD FROM YAHUAH!! I am just your Sister sharing what I see and believe with you as a Sister in Mashiach and a Natsarim! As we enter this “new” time; YaH has impressed upon me the seriousness of being an obedient child. We know that Yahusha said; “if you love me you will obey me.” “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.” Yohanan 14:15 I have always thought “of course I will obey you ABBA!” yet; that is not entirely true. I have not loved him enough to obey and afflict my flesh as HE has commanded. I have not loved HIM enough to obey and stop caring for the “things” in this world. At times, I have even placed my children and husband above YAH. ABBA has been so very patient and long suffering with me to show me the er in my ways. The time has come where enough is enough! HE has impressed upon my heart that if I do NOT get serious about obedience in ALL THINGS, meaning my hang ups or sins that entangle me there will come a time that it will consume me and I won’t even notice that I once had a desire to “let go” or “overcome” these sins. What do I mean?? Well, I have struggled greatly this past year with fasting, food, over the counter meds, and prescribed meds (meaning the medications given me by a doctor not illegal drugs LOL.) ABBA has been speaking to me ALL OF 2019 about the importance of fasting and how it is a weapon and it is how to become sanctified and set free. Food has played a different role in my life in 2019 than in past years, as I have always eaten healthy until 2019. The amount of white sugar that I ate has gone off the charts this past year! I have been in glu ony and possessed by the demon of sugar! Yes, there is actually a demon of sugar! I have always had trouble sleeping due to sugar I am sure! So, as every American does I would sedate myself with Benedryl to sleep, this is inviting the spirit of pharmakeia to take hold. ABBA has also instructed me to stop taking my prescribed medication from the doctor. I understand that not everyone is told to do that, I am just sharing what ABBA has told me personally to do. With all that being confessed to you my Natsarim Mishpahah, I know that I must OVERCOME ALL THIS as I cross over from 2019 to 20/20. This is serious! WHY do I write 20/20 like this? I do because ABBA showed it to me and told me too. As Natsarim we are truthseekers, truthspeakers! As we cross over our eyes and ears are open wide! ABBA will continue to reveal all that was/is hidden. HE will also reveal all that is in our hearts. We must continue to cry out to HIM, “CREATE IN ME A CLEAN HEART OH YAH!” This is our them song as we cross over. As, HE
  • 3. 12/31/2019 Crossing Over 20/20 – Salt Lyte Gypsy Ministry 3/5 cleans our hearts our lights will become brighter and brighter and this key for the times ahead. For Yahuah is strategically placing us apart from one another all over the world to be beacons of light to the lost. Just light lighthouses are to seaman that is what we are to those lost in Mitsrayim! I believe this year is also the appointed time to build the refuges (the safe havens). Time to organize and come together in a communal way with like minded believers. Acts 2 will be the motivation and movement for the days and months ahead! The season of the warriors to wield the sWORD as well, as I/we have been diving deep into the WORD and into the extra texts that have become our “meat” and nourishment over the past eighteen months, I/we will be able to use all we have digested not only to build but to recruit, to teach, to edify, and to give hope to the lost. I have also been told to dress for work. Yahuah called me HIS Scribe in May 2018. I will never forget that day! Now, HE is calling my to wake up and be dressed and ready to work and for me that means having a pen and paper in my hand always. I would encourage you to pray and seek ABBA for how you are to be dressed for work in 20/20. What has HE called you to do? It is time for the parts of the body to begin to work like a well oiled machine. 20/20 means we are to tighten up and focus on prepping still! STORE WATER, STORE FOOD!!! There is still time left! We are still in the 7 years of plenty. Personally, ABBA has shown me that this 7 year period will not end until the next Sabbatical year of rest for the land which is in September 7, 2021 (which Yom Terah is September 8th 2021). We must seek YaH daily for our manna will be given daily–Seek HIS WILL, HIS WORD, and be about HIS WORK in 20/20! Store food, water, and begin to withdraw yourself from all social media, deleting as much as possible your digital footprint from the interwebs, lest you be entangled forever! WARNING! TIME TO FLEE BABYLON COMPLETELY!!! It is imparative to eat only what is “real”, what has seeds! To disconnect from the web, the time to flee the internet will be soon. We can still come together online for a time so we must use this time wisely! The formation of the underground railroad must begin in 20/20. Maps must be printed out, routes secured, and coded ways to communicate must be created. The Beast will continue to rise and the world will not discern the times. We Natsarim are awake and watching and we must be children of action doers of the WORD! 20/20; AIR- WATER- FOOD– How have these been manipulated? The enemy of our soul has filled them all with chemicals and toxins to kill and enslave us. Now we know and YaH will heal us as we EXIT Babylon! Time for FIRE- YaH’s FIRE to burn out all uncleaness in us! AMEIN! Time for the WISDOM of SIRACH– “My child perform your tasks with humility then you will be loved by those who YaH accepts.” Sirach 3:17 “Reflect on the injunctions of Yahuah; busy yourself at all times with HIS COMMANDMENTS; HE will strengthen your mind and the wisdom you desire will be granted you.” Sirach 6:37 “Listen to me; my child and learn knowledge and give your whole mind to my WORDS- I shall expound discipline methodically and proclaim knowledge with precision.” Sirach 16: 24,25 I want to share with you 2 Baruch 27–as we have been in some of these parts already! For wisdom is to “see what is ahead and discern the times” 2 Baruch 27
  • 4. 12/31/2019 Crossing Over 20/20 – Salt Lyte Gypsy Ministry 4/5 27:1 And YAHUAH answered and said to me: That time will be divided into twelve parts, and each part has been preserved for that for which it was appointed. 27:2 In the first part: the beginning of commotions. 27:3 In the second part: the slaughtering of the great. 27:4 In the third part: the fall of many into death. 27:5 In the fourth part: the drawing of the sword. 27:6 In the fifth part: famine and the withholding of rain. 27:7 In the sixth part: earthquakes and terrors. 27:8 In the eighth part: a multitude of ghosts and the appearances of demons. 27:9 In the ninth part: the fall of fire. 27:10 In the tenth part: rape and much violence. 27:11 In the eleventh part: injustice and unchastity. 27:12 In the twelfth part: disorder and a mixture of all that has been before. 27:13 These parts of that time will be preserved and will be mixed, one with another, and they will minister to each other. 27:14 For some of these parts will withhold a part of themselves and take from others and will accomplish that which belongs to them and to others; hence, those who live on earth in those days will not understand that it is the end of times. 2 Baruch 28: 1,2 28:1 But everyone who will understand will be wise at that time. 28:2 For the measure and the calculation of that time will be two parts: weeks of seven weeks. Beloveds, I know this was a long post. I felt the Ruach leading me to all that was wri en here. We are moving quickly into the end and we will suffer things ahead. We must prepare our hearts and minds in the WORD and in our BELIEF and FAITH in YAHUSHA! YAHUAH will protect us and lead us always!! Our generation is like the days of Noah, where YAH is leading the next Exodus out of Babylon and into great testing as of JOB to purify HIS BRIDE! Set your mind and heart on things above and make your feet of iron that are immovable on the faith and your will survive! OVERCOME is the prescription for Tribulation! “I have often been in danger of death but I have been spared, and this is why; the spirit of those who FEAR YAHUAH can survive!” Sirach 34:12,13 I love you! Be Strong to the END!