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Welcome from our Editor
Hello and welcome to this edition of the
Journal of Clinical Research and GCP.                                                     003: Clinical Research in Emerging
With      the      reaction   to   a   recent                                             Markets: Opportunities and Challenges
pharmaceutical patent case in India I’ve
been thinking a lot about the move towards                                                007: 5 Golden Rules
conducting clinical trials in developing and
                                                                                          010: Career Corner: Clinical Research
emerging markets. Serge Dehon in his                                                      Trainer
article talks about running trials in
emerging markets and we hope to cover                                                     012: Medical Device Regulation & How
more on this subject and also the                                                         Things Are About to Change
developing markets in future issues.
There’s so much that we now take for                                                      017: Quick Guide: Increasing Subject
granted here in the west, informed consent,
ethics committee review of research,                                                      018: Organising Successful Events
regulatory        authority   approval   and
inspection. All of these things and more                                                  021: Outsourcing Clinical Trials via
need to be established in places where                                                    “Managed Networks”
clinical research is new, and so we must
have a role to play if we want to move
                                                                                          024: Preparing for the Inspectors
clinical trials into these areas.
                                                                                          026: Regulatory Roundup
There are lots of other fascinating articles
in this issue, providing expert advice and                                                032: CPD/CEU Quiz
practical tips as well as updates on
regulatory changes.                                                                       Advertisers:

We welcome your feedback, which helps                                                     002: EMEACR
us to continue improving your journal, so
please take a few minutes to visit our                                                    006: PharmaSchool
feedback page.     Also don’t forget to
complete our CPD quiz and sign up to get                                                  009: Zig Zag
your certificate.
                                                                                          011: Delegant Limited

To Advertise in the next edition visit                                                    016: FreelanceCRA for more information.
To contribute an article please email us                                                  022: Indicium Innovations
at or visit the website

No material may be reproduced without permission of the Author. The Journal of Clinical
Research & GCP is a trademark of the owners of

Contents:                                                                  1301: 004

Clinical Research in Emerging Markets
Opportunities and Challenges
By Serge Dehon
CEO of Europe, Middle East and Africa Clinical Research (EMEACR) FZ-LLC

Meeting patient recruitment and enrolment targets is the number one problem in
clinical research globally and this is slowing down drug development. To speed
up drug development, pharmaceutical companies should consider what the
Emerging countries in Middle East, Africa and Asia can offer - access to large
patient pools, as well as local and international expertise.

Getting a head start in the Middle East            fastest growing regions in the world,
and North Africa (MENA) markets, with              and expected to grow in double digits in
a population of over 350 million and               the next few years. It stretches from
counting, could prove to be a strategic            Iran to North Africa including big
advantage.        For   example,     some          populations like Pakistan (200Million)
countries like Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan,            which     is   the   6th   largest      country
Iran have huge population who are                  population of the world, offering a wide
drug naive.                                        range of patients and specific disease
We believe that the region will grow
further and become the next destination            Certain        diseases,       such          as
for clinical research for pharmaceutical,          cardiovascular         diseases,        obesity,
biotechnology     and    medical    device         diabetes and its associated disorders,
companies that want to accelerate drug             are more prevalent in the MENA region.
and device development. This will be               Conducting research in the area would
possible with the right awareness and              give a company access to its market
education and the governments in most              and patient group, and expertise in the
of the countries are supporting the                therapeutic field. Going to the Middle
Clinical Research environment.                     East is not simply about cost efficiency,
                                                   but more about being the first to gain
MENA has a predominantly young                     access to the target patient population
population compared to an ageing                   and       to   accelerate      your        drug
population in the West. It is one of the           development and recruitment process.                                                             1301: 005

                                               in     how   each    country   should      be
It is also important to note that the
                                               approached and so local knowledge is
experience and expertise in the MENA
region is quite sophisticated and up to
the Western standard because of the
                                               Regional     CRO’s    such     as      Europe,
expatriate      migration.   Many   of   the
                                               Middle East & Africa Clinical Research
physicians here have trained in major
                                               (EMEACR) have gained this expertise
centers in Europe and the US, which
                                               and we are working with local staff to
translates to international as well as
                                               make sure the Western standards meet
local expertise. This cannot so easily
                                               the local requirements and vice-versa.
be found in other parts of the world.

                                               The CRO industry and clinical research
There is a general lack of awareness of
                                               in general is very young in this region
what the region can offer. People see
                                               and this allows us to grow the industry
the region as one when in fact it is
                                               and learn from other emerging markets
diverse, with many countries at different
                                               that started before us. We have an
stages of development. News on the
                                               advantage, because this region is
political situation here concerns many,
                                               young and evolving, there is a lot of
but it often does not reflect reality.
                                               room for us to grow and to set the
MENA could be compared to Europe.
                                               standards for the region. We are very
There are many different countries but
                                               optimistic that clinical research in the
the world tends to look at it as one big
                                               region will grow to the same level and
piece. There are differences between
                                               quality of Western countries.
the countries and therefore differences

Serge Dehon is the CEO of Europe, Middle East and Africa Clinical Research
(EMEACR) FZ-LLC. EMEACR s a Full Service CRO with HQ in Dubai,UAE and
experience is all phases of clinical research incl. BEBA studies. In addition we provide
through our EMEACR Academy training in Clinical Research including e-learning.
w: e:   1301: 006                                                                  1301: 007

5 Golden Rules
By Jo Burmester
Director, Global Operations, PharmaSchool Ltd

Working in clinical research can be exciting, interesting and rewarding.
However it can also be difficult and frustrating at times and we all need some
advice sometimes. With this in mind I asked some very experienced clinical
researchers to share their top tip for anyone working in clinical research, and
particularly for those of you just starting out in the field. There were some
themes coming through and I have summarized below in the 5 Golden Rules for
clinical researchers.

1.     Make subject protection your top
       priority.   This is a fundamental
principle of all incarnations of GCP and
                                                regions we are working in. Rationale
                                                for decisions and actions should be
                                                documented in the context of these
should be our guiding light when any            requirements and refer to the relevant
decisions have to be made. ICH GCP,             legislation   and/or        guidance.              The
for example, states that “The rights,           rationale should also take into account
safety, and well-being of the trial             rule number 1!
subjects    are    the    most    important
considerations and should prevail over                 Document everything. There’s a
interests of science and society.” The
second principle of GCP is data quality,
                                                3.     common
                                                                       –      “If
and so this should be the second                       documented it didn’t happen”. In
consideration in making decisions when          other words, for every action and
managing a clinical trial.                      situation you need a piece of paper
                                                which you can show to an inspector or
        Follow     the   rules.       When      auditor which shows who did what, and

2.     decisions have to be made or
       action taken this should always
                                                when. It is important however that any
                                                documentation is appropriate, written
       be in the context of applicable          by the right person and correctly
regulatory requirements. This can be            authorized             if            necessary.
local, regional or global legislation and       Documentation      should           be      factual,
guidance, and it’s important to know            objective, accurate and complete.
what the requirements are in the                                                                      1301: 008

        Manage your time. Working in                        Expect the unexpected. Another

4.      clinical   research      can
        constant juggling act and there
                                         be    a            commonly cited saying in clinical
                                                            trials is “what can go wrong will
        are always a lot of things to               go     wrong”.        Planning     is      critically
remember. We need to be able to think               important in running clinical trials and
on our feet, prioritise effectively and             there has also recently been guidance
manage a large and diverse workload.                issued by some regulatory authorities
There are a bewildering array of time               regarding risk assessment and risk
management tools and techniques out                 based management and monitoring of
there, so our advice would be to try a              clinical trials. It’s a fact of life though
few and pick the one which works for                that    all     the    planning         and     risk
you, or perhaps as Adam has done                    assessment in the world cannot forsee
(see inset) use a combination of a few              every     eventuality.            When           the
different ones.                                     unexpected happens we need to be
                                                    ready to reprioritise, focus on subject
                                                    protection and data quality, and ask for
                                                    help if necessary.

I think my one piece of advice would be             I think my tip would be to learn some
to 'write it all down'. Be aware of the             time    management           techniques,        and
well-known & well-used phrase 'If it isn't          come up with a system that works for
written down, it didn't happen'.                    you. (My own technique is a mishmash
Also, at my age, if it isn't written down,          of "do it tomorrow", "getting things
it gets forgotten!!                                 done", and "pomodoro", but it took me
                                  Jane Wallis       years to figure it out)
                                                                                     Adam Jacobs
I would say the one piece of wisdom
would       be     'Always      expect        the   My advice to anyone new starting out is
unexpected'.       The       Clinical    Trials     to assume that what can go wrong will
processes never run as smoothly as                  go     wrong,    and    to    therefore        plan
you would hope (and that's even with                accordingly. Overcoming the problems
forward planning). Mind you working on              to keep a trial on track is what has
a bad trial, can make you realise how               proved to me to be the most satisfying
not to do things. Every cloud....... as             aspect of what I do. Few trials run
they say.                                           perfectly smoothly. It’s how you handle
                              Deepika Mistry        and cope with the problems that count.
                                                                                 Graeme JT Scott                                                              1301: 009

I think my single biggest tip is to be           your study - in the country / continent or
careful to refer proposed actions back           therapeutic area that you are working
to regulations / guidelines / SOPs. Then         in.
whatever you decide - document the
rationale for it! There is no single way         There are many roads to Rome!
to carry out a study and as long as                                       Lizzie Thomson
none of the 'rules' are broken, I would
promote taking an action that works for

Jo Burmester is Director, Global Operations at PharmaSchool Ltd. PharmaSchool is a
leading provider of the full range of clinical research training courses to individuals and
organisations as well as providing a vast range of free online GCP knowledge tests.
w: e:                                                         1301: 0010

Career Corner: Clinical Research Trainer

I always say that training is a bit like writing a novel, everyone thinks they can
do it, but there are particular skills and abilities needed to do it effectively. My
journey to life as a Clinical Research Trainer started out when I took my first job
in a phase I Clinical Trials Unit.

I had wanted to work in clinical              rather than just the technical knowledge
research since we first studied clinical      I needed to get across. I do feel this
trials as part of my pharmacology             has made me a much better trainer and
degree, and the only related job I could      I gained so many ideas and techniques
find to begin with was taking blood           which have helped in training strategy
samples in the Phase I Unit. It turned        development and implementation.
out I was a pretty good phlebotomist          In summary if you would like to
and I was soon asked to train all new         consider training as a career option I
nursing staff in taking blood samples.        would ask yourself the following
This became the highlight of my job,          questions:
and I really enjoyed helping people
                                                 Do you love sharing information and
learn a new skill and become
                                                 seeing others learn?
                                                 Do you know enough about the
I moved on to become a CRA and then              information you will need to share?
a Senior CRA, always looking for                 Are you confident presenting and
opportunities to be involved in training         facilitating workshops?
activities, and 5 years later I applied for      Are you ready to leave the front line
a job as a full time trainer and was             of the operational environment?
accepted. I really enjoyed sharing my
                                              If the answer to all these is yes, then
knowledge of clinical research and
                                              training could be for you. I advise you
GCP with my colleagues, but I felt I
                                              to make sure you have enough on-the-
needed to know more about the
                                              job experience to give you credibility in
process of training so, with my
                                              the eyes of your audience and also to
employer’s support, I enrolled on a
                                              look for a course in teaching or training
distance learning qualification in
                                              which you can do either full-time in
training and development. I learned so
                                              preparation for the role, or alongside
much and it was great to focus on the
                                              your existing job responsibilities.
training process and the learning cycle   1301: 0011                                                                   1301: 0012

Medical Device Regulation & How Things
Are About to Change
By Dr Chris Rowe
Medical Innovation Consultant with Indicium Innovations

There have been a number of incidents, such as the public healthcare scandal
over PIP breast implants, that have combined with increasing expectations and
technological advances to highlight the need to improve the way medical
devices are regulated. This article briefly reviews the way medical devices are
currently regulated and how this is going to change over the next few years.

In the UK both medical devices and                    process which can take several years
medicines       are   regulated     by     the        to complete.
Medicines and Healthcare products
                                                      Medical    devices     however     are    not
Regulatory      Agency      (MHRA).      This
                                                      subject to pre-market authorisation by a
organisation was formed by the merger
                                                      regulatory body, but to a conformity
of the Medical Devices Agency and the
                                                      assessment process. This process is
Medicines Control Agency in 2003.
                                                      governed    by   the     Medical       Device
Given this fact, it might be surprising to
                                                      Directive (MDD), a European Directive
some that the regulatory approach to
                                                      which details the pathway needed for a
medical devices has some significant
                                                      manufacturer to place a CE marking on
differences      when       compared        to
                                                      their device, which is a requirement for
medicines, particularly in the paths
                                                      every medical device sold in Europe.
taken to get them to market.
                                                      For low risk devices the manufacturer
All medicines must undergo pre-market                 can   actually   ‘self-certify’   or     more
trials    to     obtain      a     Marketing          accurately make a self-declaration that
Authorisation or License approval by                  they have met the requirements of the
the MHRA, with the manufacturers and                  MDD before putting the CE marking on
distributers licenced directly by the                 their device and then putting the device
MHRA. Medicines need to be trialled on                on the market, although they must
thousands of people before they are                   register with the MHRA. For medium
licenced using a clear phased trial                   and high risk devices the manufacturer
                                                      needs approval from private sector                                                                     1301: 0013

organisations called Notified Bodies                years, including a requirement for all
confirming that they have met the                   devices to have clinical evidence to
requirements     of   the       MDD        before   demonstrate safety. All implantable and
placing the CE marking on their device.             class III devices must now undergo
The MHRA is however responsible for                 clinical trials, or ‘clinical investigations’
auditing the Notified Bodies to ensure              which tends to be the term used in the
the quality of their work.                          medical device world, unless adequate
                                                    data can be derived from current
It should be noted that a CE marking is
not the same as a quality mark or
certification. It just means that the               Once medical devices and medicines
company is making the declaration that              are on the market there is a lot more
the     device   meets       the     minimum        similarity in the regulations covering
standards required by the directive.                areas      such       as   reporting       adverse
                                                    incidents and post-market surveillance.
Medical devices are tested for electrical
and mechanical safety but are not                   This approach had been regarded as
automatically subject to a clinical trial,          working well over the last 20 years or
unlike medicines. This is in part due to            so,     with      medical     devices        being
the vast range of medical devices,                  available to European patients some 3-
more than 500,000 on the market                     5 years earlier than in the USA, with no
ranging from simple bandages and                    compromise in terms of risk. The
scalpels, to MRI scanners and Robotic               European system is also the basis for
Surgery. It is often impractical or                 many other regulatory systems around
unnecessary to perform clinical trials,             the world, including Japan, Australia
devices may be very similar to well                 and Canada.
proven devices already on the market,
                                                    Given the need to improve medical
and issues such as safety and reliability
                                                    device regulation the EU Commission
are better tested in laboratory settings.
                                                    adopted a ‘package on innovation in
Manufacturers should however be able
                                                    health’ on September 26th 2012 for
to support any performance claims they
                                                    revision of EU Medical Devices, after a
make for their product, and if this
                                                    consultation process that had taken
comes      via   a    clinical     trial    then
                                                    over four years to complete.                  This
agreement must first be obtained from
                                                    proposal       will    replace    the       Active
the MHRA.
                                                    Implantable Medical Devices Directive
There     have   been       a    number        of   (AIMDD) and the Medical Devices
amendments to the MDD in recent                                                                      1301: 0014

Directive     (MDD),        giving    the   new    to some 194 pages, which this article
Medical Device Regulations (MDR).                  cannot review in detail, but we will
                                                   highlight some of the more important
This is a significant change in approach
as it will now mean regulations rather
than directives are used. This is                  Scope
important because the exact same                   There would be a wider scope of
regulations will then be directly in force         devices that would come under the
across all countries in the EU, whereas            regulations,        including     implants    for
directives are transposed in to national           aesthetic purposes or other invasive or
law by each member state, which has                implantable devices without medical
led to variations in the law and                   purpose that are similar to medical
therefore standards.                               devices. Also non-viable human tissue
                                                   and cells that have been substantially
There are a number of key principles
                                                   manipulated will come under the MDR,
which the proposed regulatory system
                                                   if   not    covered      by     the    Advanced
is meant to ensure, as follows:
                                                   Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP)
                                                   regulations. There is also a new
   guarantee the highest level of safety
                                                   essential      requirement          section   for
   for patients
                                                   software, both incorporated and stand
   ensures timely access to the latest
   enjoy the trust of its stakeholders             Medical Devices are sub-divided in to
   contribute to the sustainability of             four risk classes, with are I, IIa, IIb and
   national healthcare systems                     III. Class I are low risk, with Class III
   maintains       an     environment       that   being the highest risk. The MDD
   encourages               research        and    document has a clear review decision
   innovation in Europe                            tree which allows manufacturers to
                                                   work out the class of their device and
These may all seem likely fairly obvious
                                                   therefor the correct pathway needed to
goals for regulatory system, but it does
                                                   get their product to market. The new
acknowledge         the       balancing      act
                                                   regulations will change in which class
between         providing      safe     medical
                                                   some devices will now sit, including:
devices to the public without completely
stifling their development with onerous                 Certain        devices        incorporating
regulations       with      cost     and    time        nanomaterial will now be moved in
implications.        The      new     regulation        to class III
proposal has a lot of detail in it, running                                                                           1301: 0015

   Devices for apheresis will be moved                There would be a new Member State
   to class III                                       authority body, the Medical Device
   Devices composed of substances to                  Coordinating Group (MDCG) to work
   be      ingested,     applied       vaginally,     with      the    commission           to       improve
   rectally or inhaled and are absorbed               oversight        of     Notified      Bodies.          In
   or dispersed in the human body will                particular they will be a requirement for
   be class III                                       them        to         review        and            issue
   Devices        in   contact    with       spinal   recommendations for certification of
   column will be moved to a class III                class III devices via the Notified Bodies

Regulatory Organisations                              Companies
There are significant differences on the              There would be a need for the
designation and monitoring of Notified                manufacturer to employ at least one
Bodies by national authorities around                 qualified person who possesses expert
Europe.      There      are    therefore       not    knowledge in the field of medical
surprisingly differences in the quality of            devices, similar to the requirements in
the conformity assessment process                     the    pharmaceutical             industry.         This
performed       by     them.     The     national     expertise         would         need           to     be
authorities such as the MHRA will have                demonstrated            by      either     specified
much       stronger    supervision       of    the    qualifications         or    five        years         of
Notified     Bodies      under         the    new     professional experience in regulatory
proposals to ensure they have the                     affairs    or     in    quality      management
necessary competency to carry out pre-                systems relating to medical devices.
market assessment of devices.
                                                      There must be an information card for
There      would       more      powers        and
                                                      implantable devices. This is something
obligations for the Notified Bodies to
                                                      that    most      patients       would         assume
ensure thorough testing and regular
                                                      needed to be done already.
checks on manufacturers, including
unannounced factory inspections and                   Reprocessors of single use devices will
sample testing. There would also be                   be     assigned          same         rights         and
the requirement to rotate the personnel               responsibilities as the manufacturer.
of the Notified Body to balance the                   Other
knowledge and experienced needed to                   There would be an extended database
carry out the assessment process with                 on medical devices on the EU market,
the need to ensure objectivity and                    with better access to all stakeholders
neutrality in relation to the manufacturer            including        the    public,      and        stricter                                                         1301: 0016

requirements for clinical evidence to         Identification (UDI) system will be
ensure patient safety.                        introduced to improve this process.

There would also be better traceability       This will be a significant tightening of
of devices through the supply chain           the regulations and will probably take
allowing for more effective responses to      until 2014 to be put in to law, with a
safety   issues.   A     Unique   Device      transitional period of several more

Chris Rowe

Chris Rowe is a Medical Innovation Consultant with Indicium Innovations. His role is
working with Individuals and Organisations to Enhance Medical Innovation.
t: +44 1491 822 608                                                            1301: 0017

Quick Guide:
10 Ways to Increase Subject Recruitment
Recruiting subjects can often be one of the most difficult aspects of an entire
clinical trial. We have asked several experienced people to share their thoughts
with us as to how they look to increase recruitment into their trials. Here are ten
of the best suggestions.

       1. Protocol: a well designed protocol with appropriate inclusion/exclusion
           criteria and assessments will make sites more likely to recruit
       2. Monitor: good on-site monitoring is a very effective way to boost subject
           recruitment, as site staff feel supported and the visits act as a milestone for
       3. Information: provide regular updates to site staff on study progress
       4. Advertisements: posters, radio, TV and internet ads can all be used to reach
           out to potential subjects. Remember though that these must be approved
           by the IEC/IRB BEFORE you use them
       5. Database search: Site staff can search patient databases to identify
           potentially suitable subjects who can then be approached (appropriately of
       6. Patient support groups: these can be approached to give information about
           your study to their members – again all information must be IRB/IEC
       7. Aides Memoires: cards with inclusion/exclusion criteria and the recruitment
           process can be given to those who will have first contact with potential
       8. Contact other physicians: Primary care physicians could be contacted to
           refer potentially suitable subjects
       9. More Sites: adding more investigational sites is an expensive option, but
           may be worthwhile if subject recruitment is lagging
       10. Amend protocol: Are the inclusion exclusion criteria too strict, could you
           safely relax them?      Are the investigations you are asking for really
           necessary, could you reduce the number of visits or tests?                                                           1301: 0018

Organising Successful Events
By Angie Major
Managing Director, Delegant Ltd

Clinical Research professionals are experts in GCP, Protocols, SOPs, helping
investigators meet recruitment targets and ensuring all work is conducted to the
myriad of guidelines, local regulatory requirements and 'GCP'. However, at
times there are some challenges that these professionals have no experience
of, no training for and which can be somewhat daunting, e.g.organising an
Investigator Meeting. This article gives some hints, tips and experiences of how
to organise a successful event which might be an Investigator Meeting, CRA
Training or an Internal Conference.

Venue finding – it isn’t just about             all you need. For larger events the flow
how many can fit in the room….                  of delegates and exhibition floor plan
The venue can have a huge impact on             requires working with the venue team
your event. Getting this wrong can be a         to plan and manage this successfully.
costly mistake. You want your guests to         Can your delegates find their way
have a pleasant experience that's why           around the venue easily or is the layout
it is important to get this right. There is     confusing? Will you need extra signage
nothing worse than miserable staff,             or ushers to help delegates find their
unclean toilets, poor food service and          way to meeting rooms? Have you
tasteless coffee. Searching for venues,         considered being a mystery visitor and
obtaining proposals, conducting site            testing out the check in procedure or
visits and negotiating contracts takes          the food in advance?
considerable time. Choosing a venue
                                                Registration – efficiency is the key
can depend on many factors such as
                                                In   today’s   world    of    technology
the location, date, size and type of
                                                registering/booking your guests should
property. Consider the message the
                                                be done online wherever possible. It is
choice of venue gives not only about
                                                by far the most efficient way of handling
your event but your organisation too. A
                                                guest registration. Several years ago
worldwide hotel brand 5* venue is quite
                                                we were sent delegate details by email
different   to   a   modern       high   tech
                                                and then transferred everything on to a
university lecture theatre. Maybe a
                                                database. We used mail merge for
practical training room in a city centre is                                                              1301: 0019

confirmation letters and invoices all          experience, good venue coordinators
then sent by post. Unsurprisingly many         are becoming a rarity with high turnover
documents were lost in the post and            in the hospitality industry. Get any
the cost of postage for the large              changes or prices in writing and check
number of delegates was notable.               the final running order carefully. Make
When we were asked to organise the             sure    you      are   completely    satisfied
conference again the following year we         before approval as this will be the basis
took the registration one step further by      for your bill.
connecting the registration on the
                                               Good suppliers are worth their weight in
website directly to a database. It meant
                                               gold. Using ground crew at the airport
delegates       would   receive   automatic
                                               for International meetings can take the
confirmation and we could create an
                                               stress away of the ‘meet and greet’ and
invoice at the click of a button. On
                                               local transportation to and from the
comparing the previous year it saved
                                               airport to the venue. They can alert the
four days of admin time. Since then we
                                               team at the venue that the next large
have continued to develop our own in
                                               group are on their way so they can be
house Online Registration & Invoicing
                                               ready to greet them with a smile.
System which provides:
                                               During the event you will be assigned a
   Simple registration                         venue contact for each day. They are
   Banquet tickets included                    sometimes        called   Guest     Relations
   Easy invoicing                              Manager, Duty Manager, Front of
   Dietary needs                               House etc. Make sure you know who
   Hotel accommodation requirements            they are, how to contact them when
   Real-time data                              needed and first thing in the morning
   Break out session planning                  that you run through the timings for
                                               each day. They are your ‘right-hand
Team Work – together we can make               man’ so to speak so if the coffee runs
a great event                                  low or lunch break will be late they will
A coordinator usually has many people          liaise with catering staff to get it sorted
to work with as part of the event team.        quickly. They should never be far away
Not only should they focus on their            when you need help.
client   needs,    responding     to   guest   Your staff should be briefed on the
enquiries promptly they also need to           venue      surroundings,      guests     with
pay attention to the detail when it            special needs, VIPs, timings for the
comes to finalising arrangements with          programme and who to contact in case
the venue. This is crucial, and in my          of difficulties. The staff on the day will                                                         1301: 0020

represent       your   team   and   your
                                               And finally, don’t forget to say thank
organisation. Have a briefing session at
                                               you, ask for feedback and wish your
the start of each day to run through
                                               guests a safe journey home.
roles and responsibilities so they know
where they need to be and when.

Angie Major has over fifteen years’ experience of organising events in the healthcare
industry. Angie is Managing Director of Delegant Limited ( which
is the of events division of Blueberry Business Support Limited
(                                                                   1301: 0021

Outsourcing Clinical Trials via
“Managed Networks”
By Ed de Wolf
CEO of FCRA Network S.L.

Winning a bid for a new clinical trial is exhilarating for a Contract Research
Organisation (CRO). It’s the culmination of months of hard work by dedicated
professionals engaged in business development. For the clinical team, however,
it is only the beginning.

All parties involved in clinical trials             Each     of       these     solutions        has
know how important it is to get to work             advantages and disadvantages; it all
with the right people. A competent team             depends on the study specifics. As a
can move a project to achieve its goals,            rule of thumb, the less experience a
while a team which is badly organized,              project team has in a participating
ineffective, and not fully adjusted to a            country, the more local expertise they
project´s needs, can bring an entire                will need going forward. A Managed
study structure into serious problems.              Network can provide a local expert with
                                                    indication        experience        within     a
One of the key roles within a project
                                                    reasonable budget. They can not only
team    is   the    local     senior     Clinical
                                                    provide the CRA resource, but can also
Research Associate (CRA), contracted
                                                    support the study team with local
in each country. These CRAs are
                                                    insight, contracting and budgeting, as
responsible for feasibility, regulatory
                                                    well as back- up solutions, to ensure
and EC submissions, site contracts,
                                                    stability for study management. At the
problem solving and site monitoring.
                                                    moment       of   submitting    a     selection
For    companies       which     don’t     have
                                                    request for sourcing a local senior CRA
internal capacity there are several
                                                    via a Managed Network, the project
solutions    for    finding    this    valuable
                                                    team should have the following basic
resource:       outsource to a local CRO,
                                                    information       prepared,     which        will
hire a freelance CRA directly or co-
                                                    facilitate the selection:
operate with a Managed Network of
freelance CRAs.                                                                    1301: 0022

   an estimated scope of work, ideally                  needs and expectations, and rarely do
   completed with estimated time                        these align. A Managed Network can
   allocations, including a provision for               assist with checking the scope of work
   remote project team communication                    against     local   parameters        before
   and telecalls.                                       selecting and involving a local senior
   a task distribution list between                     CRA. Having this timely input at the
   Sponsor, CRO and CRA                                 time of preparing a bid for the countries
   task descriptions, to set                            not covered by the CROs permanent
   expectations right                                   staff, can bring business development
   start and stop dates, and a timeline                 teams a valuable advantage at the time
   of milestones                                        of negotiation, as they will control more
   time and expense sheet templates                     local detail and will be able to adjust
   travel and expense policies                          their budget accordingly. In turn, this
                                                        will help project teams start off with a
The       more         complete       the     above
                                                        more realistic approach when planning
information is, the more likely it is that
                                                        for their timelines, including local legal
the project will attract a high quality
                                                        and regulatory requirements.
local professional, who will fit the
company’s work ethic.                                   By providing the input above, the
                                                        Managed      Network   can    become      a
Even      if    this    basic      information     is
                                                        preferred strategic business partner,
complete,         quite     often       the     time
                                                        beyond just being a supplier of clinical
allocations for tasks in the scope of
                                                        professionals. In an ideal situation, the
work will be insufficient. The reason for
                                                        Managed Network and its client start
the incorrect estimation generally lies
                                                        complementing each other and through
with the differences in achievement
                                                        combining      knowledge      they      can
goals          between          the         business
                                                        increase the number of projects they
development team and the clinical
                                                        are awarded.
project        team.      Within      the     project
structure, both teams have varied

Ed de Wolf
Ed de Wolf is CEO of FCRA Network S.L. This managed
network covers 40 countries, while aiding both CRO and CRA with time saving and
supportive services.
e:   1301: 0023                                                                  1301: 0024

Preparing for the Inspectors
By Peter Knapp
Associate Director of GCP at ZigZag Associates Ltd

Companies involved in pharmaceutical research will be aware that, following
implementation of EU Directive 2001/20/EC, sooner or later they will have a letter
thud on the mat from their regulatory authority notifying them that they have
been selected for an inspection. In spite of this, a percentage of companies will
do little to prepare for their first inspection until notification arrives and then
panic sets in.

In an ideal world, we are supposed to                A very useful exercise is to conduct
be in a constant state of ‘inspection                mock interviews; remember that the
readiness’, but who lives in this ideal              inspectors can request to interview
world? Rather than wait until the letter             anyone in the organisation, not just the
arrives     and    then     run    round   like      ones that you would like to place before
headless chickens, there is a lot that               them. It is important therefore that
can be done to prepare in advance for                everyone who may be called for
the inspection. Taking advice from                   interview has an understanding of what
those who have first-hand experience                 will be required of them in terms of how
of how an inspection works will help                 to answer questions and project the
considerably to allay the fear of the                right attitude. They should be trained to
unknown and give guidance on how to                  listen to the question carefully and give
conduct the inspection in a way that will            an answer only to what was asked.
give the inspectors confidence in the                Also it is important that interviewees
organisation.                                        confirm if the question is not within their
                                                     remit, or if they do not know the
A gap analysis or mock inspection will
                                                     answer,    to   refer   the   question   to
highlight       processes         and   quality
                                                     someone who does.
management systems that need to be
                                                     It is important also to have efficient
put into place or improved. If this work
                                                     systems on inspection day such as
is put in hand before notification of an
                                                     dedicated rooms,        host and scribes,
inspection, there will be a good chance
                                                     and to provide the inspectors quickly
that this can be fitted around the busy
                                                     and efficiently with any document that
schedule of day-to-day work.
                                                     they request. It is a good idea to                                                             1301: 0025

perform a quality control check and          2. Help staff be more at ease by
photocopy each document before it is             providing     training       and      mock
handed to the inspectors, so that a list         interview experience
of all documents provided is kept.           3. Mock inspection review or pre-
                                                 inspection gap analysis can help
There will always be some last minute
                                                 identify issues with documentation
planning for the inspection but if the
                                                 and processes in advance.
process for preparing for the inspection
                                             4. If there is no in-house inspection
is in place, the arrival of the inspectors
                                                 experience,    external       consultants
can be awaited in a far calmer
                                                 with   first-hand    experience         of
                                                 preparing     for   and        undergoing
                                                 inspections can be an excellent
Take home messages:                              resource.
1. Preparation is key to a good
   inspection experience

Peter Knapp is Associate Director of GCP at ZigZag Associates Ltd, providing contract
Quality Assurance and training services to those involved in medical research and
drug development.                                                                1301: 0026

Regulatory Roundup

New regulations and guidances are commonplace in the world of clinical
research and here we provide a summary of the new documents issued by ICH,
EMA and FDA in the last year. We are only listing documents which are now
final, but there is also quite a bit of draft guidance which has been published,
and of course there has been a draft of the proposed new EU Regulation on
Clinical Trials. These draft documents may be subject to change and so are not
included here. If you know of any new regulatory documents we have missed
please let us know by e-mailing


   Updated guidance is available for MedDRA version 14.1 and you can find it here:


   Guidance on qualification of novel methodologies for drug development.
   According to the document “The EMA qualification process is a new, voluntary,
   scientific pathway leading to either a CHMP opinion or a Scientific Advice on
   innovative methods or drug development tools” and encompasses things like
   imaging methods or biomarkers, or any other new methodology which you wish to
   use in pre-clinical or clinical trials. You can find the guidance here:

   EMA now has a GCP Q&A section on their website which addresses various
   issues. You can find it here:
   p                                                            1301: 0027

   Guidance on the quality documentation required for biological IMPs. This
   document supplements the CTA guidance by outlining additional requirements for
   the IMPD for biological products. It also provides examples of changes to the
   Biological product which would constitute substantial amendments of the IMPD
   and/or CTA. It was issued in May 2012 and you can find it here:

   Guidance on medicinal products containing genetically modified cells. This
   guidance is about development and evaluation of these products, including of
   course clinical trials. You can find this here:

   The Q&A document in chapter 5 of Eudralex Vol 10 has been updated with one
   new question. The question asks how long Annual Safety Reports have to be
   submitted in a member state. The answer is until subjects are no longer being
   treated in that member state, and this is expected to be last subject last visit unless
   otherwise specified in the protocol. You can find the document here:

   Updated guidance on the investigation of drug interactions. “The scope of this
   guideline is to provide advice and recommendations on how to evaluate the
   potential for drug-food and drug-drug interactions for medicinal products (including
   herbal medicinal products) and how to translate the results of these evaluations to
   appropriate treatment recommendations in the labelling.” You can find it here:

   As part of the implementation of the new pharmacovigilance legislation the EMA
   has issued guidance on post marketing safety studies (PASS) which you can find
   WC500129137.pdf This guideline covers both clinical trials and non-interventional                                                             1301: 0028

   PASS, and sets out scientific and ethical guidance as well as talking about
   research which is required as a condition of licence approval.

   EMA has also finalised and published the guidance on requirements for biosimilars
   which you can find here:

   Reflection paper on GCP aspects of clinical trials conducted outside the EU and
   used to support a marketing authorisation application in the EU. The document
   outlines the requirements for these trials and it seems likely that further guidance
   will be issued at some point. You can find the reflection paper here:

   Guideline on the use of pharmacogenetic methodologies in drug development in
   products where genetics has an influence on pharmacokinetics. The guideline
   discusses situations where pharmacogenetics should be used and then the
   requirements and recommendations for those situations. You can find the
   guideline here:

   Guidance on posting and publication of result-related information on clinical trials.
   This is the implementation of the results section in the EUDRACT database, and
   the posting and publication is also considered to be the submission of the Clinical
   Trial summary report section of the end of trial notification to the regulatory
   authority and Ethics Committee. You can find the guidance here:

   Technical guidance on data fields in the results section in the EUDRACT database.
   You can find the guidance here:
   10/2013_01_22_tg_en.pdf                                                           1301: 0029

   Guidance for GCP inspectors entitled “Points to consider on GCP inspection
   findings and the benefit-risk balance”. This guideline categorises the types of
   inspection findings which may affect the risk benefit balance for a product and
   provides guidance for inspectors in writing inspection reports and also for
   assessors when reviewing marketing applications. You can find the guideline

   Guidance on the content and format of Final Study Reports for non-interventional
   PASS. Obviously interventional post marketing research is subject to the CT
   Directive, but non-interventional PASS research should also be written up and this
   guideline outlines the requirements for these reports. You can find a copy here:

   There is a Q&A section on Paediatric Investigation Plans (PIPs) on the EMA
   website. This is for applicants and covers lots of potential questions on the
   requirements and process for PIP submission. You can find it here:

   Guideline on investigation of drug interactions came into effect on 1 January 2013.
   This guideline “outlines a comprehensive, systematic and mechanistic approach to
   the evaluation of the interaction potential of a drug during its development and
   offers guidance to ensure that the prescriber receives clear information on the
   interaction potential as well as practical recommendations on how the interactions
   should be managed during clinical use.” It cover effects of food and interactions
   and provides guidance on methods for assessing interactions in vitro and in vivo.
   It also provides advice on how to present interaction information in the SmPC. You
   can find the guideline here:
   WC500129606.pdf                                                            1301: 0030

   Updated procedure for Orphan Medicinal Product Designation. You can find the
   updated document here:

   EMA have also updated several of the other guidelines on Orphan products, and
   you can find more information here:

   Reflection paper issued by the Committee on Advanced Therapies which provides
   guidance on classification of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs). It
   states that “The ATMP classification is a non-mandatory, free of charge, legally
   non-binding procedure that helps developers to clarify the applicable regulatory
   framework.” You can find the document here:

   EMA have advisory groups looking at transparency of clinical trial data, with
   emphasis on proactive approaches to publishing data. There has been quite a bit
   of output in this area and you can find more information here:


       Guidance on IRB continuing review following clinical investigation approval.
       This guideline states that IRBs shoud review ongong clinical trials at least
       annually and should assess which trials require more frequent review. You can
       find the guideline here:                                                              1301: 0031

       Guidance on Clinical Pharmacogenomics: Premarket Evaluation in Early-Phase
       Clinical Studies and Recommendations for Labeling. This guidance looks at
       the benefits of considering genetic influences on effectiveness and toxicity of
       medicines and approaches to assessing these during drug development. You
       can find the guideline here:

       Guidance on safety reporting in clinical trials, this is following on from revision
       of the safety reporting regulation. The guidance covers requirements for annual
       reporting of safety and also expedited submission of SUSARs.. You can find
       the guideline here:

       There is also additional guidance for small organisations to help them
       understand and implement the new requirements. You can find this here:
       dances/UCM332846.pdf                                                     1301: 0032

CPD/CEU Points

If you would like to collect a certificate for 2 CPD/CEU Points/Hours for reading
this edition of The Journal of Clinical Research & GCP please visit and complete the short 10 question test. The test questions are
shown below. The answers to these questions are on the website.

1. What does MENA stand for?
A: Media Naïve Audience
B: Medical Environment for Novel Approaches
C: Middle East and North Africa
D: Median Efficacy Norm for Area

2. ICH GCP states that "the rights, safety and wellbeing of trial subjects should
   prevail over" what?
A: Cost
B: Data Quality
C: The protocol
D: The interests of science and society

3. Who provides CE marking for medical devices?
A: Regulatory Authorities
B: Notified Bodies
C: The company who owns the device
D: Medical devices cannot be CE marked

4. What new legislation is being proposed in the EU to cover medical devices?
A: Medical Devices Regulation
B: Medical Devices Directive
C: Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive
D: There is no new legislation proposed, it's just guidance                                                             1301: 0033

5. Which of the following would NOT be a suitable way to increase subject
A: TV advertisement
B: Add more investigational sites
C: Reduce the amount of information in the informed consent documentations
D: Increase the monitoring frequency

6. Which of the following would NOT be appropriate to delegate to a Freelance
   CRA in a Managed Network?
A: Site Selection
B: Legal responsibility for trial conduct in that country
C: Ethics Committee Submission
D: Problem sovling at investigational sites

7. Who can inspectors ask to see during an inspection?
A: Only those on the list you select for the inspection
B: Only those working on the study being inspected
C: Anyone in the organisation
D: They can't ask to see anyone, but you can provide people for them to interview

8. What is "qualification" for a novel methodology?
A: A scientific pathway leading to either a Regulatory Authority opinion or a Scientific
B: A statement of the qualifications of the laboratory staff performing the methodology
C: A request from a regulatory authority to justify use of the methodology
D: A statement that the novel methodology is not suitable for use in a clinical trial

9. What does PASS stand for?
A: Pharmaceutical Acceptable Safety Standard
B: Pre-Authorisation Safety Summary
C: Post Authorisation Safety Study
D: Permitted Access to Safety Surveillance

10. According to the new FDA guidance how often should IRBs review ongoing
    clinical trials?
A: As stated in their SOPs
B: At least once during the trial
C: At least every 2 years
D: At least annually   1301: 0034

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Ed 1 Apr 2013

  • 1. 1301: 001
  • 2. 1301: 002
  • 3. 1301: 003 Welcome from our Editor Articles: Hello and welcome to this edition of the Journal of Clinical Research and GCP. 003: Clinical Research in Emerging With the reaction to a recent Markets: Opportunities and Challenges pharmaceutical patent case in India I’ve been thinking a lot about the move towards 007: 5 Golden Rules conducting clinical trials in developing and 010: Career Corner: Clinical Research emerging markets. Serge Dehon in his Trainer article talks about running trials in emerging markets and we hope to cover 012: Medical Device Regulation & How more on this subject and also the Things Are About to Change developing markets in future issues. There’s so much that we now take for 017: Quick Guide: Increasing Subject Recruitment granted here in the west, informed consent, ethics committee review of research, 018: Organising Successful Events regulatory authority approval and inspection. All of these things and more 021: Outsourcing Clinical Trials via need to be established in places where “Managed Networks” clinical research is new, and so we must have a role to play if we want to move 024: Preparing for the Inspectors clinical trials into these areas. 026: Regulatory Roundup There are lots of other fascinating articles in this issue, providing expert advice and 032: CPD/CEU Quiz practical tips as well as updates on regulatory changes. Advertisers: We welcome your feedback, which helps 002: EMEACR us to continue improving your journal, so please take a few minutes to visit our 006: PharmaSchool feedback page. Also don’t forget to complete our CPD quiz and sign up to get 009: Zig Zag your certificate. 011: Delegant Limited To Advertise in the next edition visit 016: FreelanceCRA for more information. 020: To contribute an article please email us 022: Indicium Innovations at or visit the website No material may be reproduced without permission of the Author. The Journal of Clinical Research & GCP is a trademark of the owners of Contents:
  • 4. 1301: 004 Clinical Research in Emerging Markets Opportunities and Challenges By Serge Dehon CEO of Europe, Middle East and Africa Clinical Research (EMEACR) FZ-LLC Meeting patient recruitment and enrolment targets is the number one problem in clinical research globally and this is slowing down drug development. To speed up drug development, pharmaceutical companies should consider what the Emerging countries in Middle East, Africa and Asia can offer - access to large patient pools, as well as local and international expertise. Getting a head start in the Middle East fastest growing regions in the world, and North Africa (MENA) markets, with and expected to grow in double digits in a population of over 350 million and the next few years. It stretches from counting, could prove to be a strategic Iran to North Africa including big advantage. For example, some populations like Pakistan (200Million) countries like Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, which is the 6th largest country Iran have huge population who are population of the world, offering a wide drug naive. range of patients and specific disease areas. We believe that the region will grow further and become the next destination Certain diseases, such as for clinical research for pharmaceutical, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, biotechnology and medical device diabetes and its associated disorders, companies that want to accelerate drug are more prevalent in the MENA region. and device development. This will be Conducting research in the area would possible with the right awareness and give a company access to its market education and the governments in most and patient group, and expertise in the of the countries are supporting the therapeutic field. Going to the Middle Clinical Research environment. East is not simply about cost efficiency, but more about being the first to gain MENA has a predominantly young access to the target patient population population compared to an ageing and to accelerate your drug population in the West. It is one of the development and recruitment process.
  • 5. 1301: 005 in how each country should be It is also important to note that the approached and so local knowledge is experience and expertise in the MENA key. region is quite sophisticated and up to the Western standard because of the Regional CRO’s such as Europe, expatriate migration. Many of the Middle East & Africa Clinical Research physicians here have trained in major (EMEACR) have gained this expertise centers in Europe and the US, which and we are working with local staff to translates to international as well as make sure the Western standards meet local expertise. This cannot so easily the local requirements and vice-versa. be found in other parts of the world. The CRO industry and clinical research There is a general lack of awareness of in general is very young in this region what the region can offer. People see and this allows us to grow the industry the region as one when in fact it is and learn from other emerging markets diverse, with many countries at different that started before us. We have an stages of development. News on the advantage, because this region is political situation here concerns many, young and evolving, there is a lot of but it often does not reflect reality. room for us to grow and to set the MENA could be compared to Europe. standards for the region. We are very There are many different countries but optimistic that clinical research in the the world tends to look at it as one big region will grow to the same level and piece. There are differences between quality of Western countries. the countries and therefore differences Serge Dehon is the CEO of Europe, Middle East and Africa Clinical Research (EMEACR) FZ-LLC. EMEACR s a Full Service CRO with HQ in Dubai,UAE and experience is all phases of clinical research incl. BEBA studies. In addition we provide through our EMEACR Academy training in Clinical Research including e-learning. w: e:
  • 6. 1301: 006
  • 7. 1301: 007 5 Golden Rules By Jo Burmester Director, Global Operations, PharmaSchool Ltd Working in clinical research can be exciting, interesting and rewarding. However it can also be difficult and frustrating at times and we all need some advice sometimes. With this in mind I asked some very experienced clinical researchers to share their top tip for anyone working in clinical research, and particularly for those of you just starting out in the field. There were some themes coming through and I have summarized below in the 5 Golden Rules for clinical researchers. 1. Make subject protection your top priority. This is a fundamental principle of all incarnations of GCP and regions we are working in. Rationale for decisions and actions should be documented in the context of these should be our guiding light when any requirements and refer to the relevant decisions have to be made. ICH GCP, legislation and/or guidance. The for example, states that “The rights, rationale should also take into account safety, and well-being of the trial rule number 1! subjects are the most important considerations and should prevail over Document everything. There’s a interests of science and society.” The second principle of GCP is data quality, 3. common research saying – “If in it’s clinical not and so this should be the second documented it didn’t happen”. In consideration in making decisions when other words, for every action and managing a clinical trial. situation you need a piece of paper which you can show to an inspector or Follow the rules. When auditor which shows who did what, and 2. decisions have to be made or action taken this should always when. It is important however that any documentation is appropriate, written be in the context of applicable by the right person and correctly regulatory requirements. This can be authorized if necessary. local, regional or global legislation and Documentation should be factual, guidance, and it’s important to know objective, accurate and complete. what the requirements are in the
  • 8. 1301: 008 5. Manage your time. Working in Expect the unexpected. Another 4. clinical research can constant juggling act and there be a commonly cited saying in clinical trials is “what can go wrong will are always a lot of things to go wrong”. Planning is critically remember. We need to be able to think important in running clinical trials and on our feet, prioritise effectively and there has also recently been guidance manage a large and diverse workload. issued by some regulatory authorities There are a bewildering array of time regarding risk assessment and risk management tools and techniques out based management and monitoring of there, so our advice would be to try a clinical trials. It’s a fact of life though few and pick the one which works for that all the planning and risk you, or perhaps as Adam has done assessment in the world cannot forsee (see inset) use a combination of a few every eventuality. When the different ones. unexpected happens we need to be ready to reprioritise, focus on subject protection and data quality, and ask for help if necessary. I think my one piece of advice would be I think my tip would be to learn some to 'write it all down'. Be aware of the time management techniques, and well-known & well-used phrase 'If it isn't come up with a system that works for written down, it didn't happen'. you. (My own technique is a mishmash Also, at my age, if it isn't written down, of "do it tomorrow", "getting things it gets forgotten!! done", and "pomodoro", but it took me Jane Wallis years to figure it out) Adam Jacobs I would say the one piece of wisdom would be 'Always expect the My advice to anyone new starting out is unexpected'. The Clinical Trials to assume that what can go wrong will processes never run as smoothly as go wrong, and to therefore plan you would hope (and that's even with accordingly. Overcoming the problems forward planning). Mind you working on to keep a trial on track is what has a bad trial, can make you realise how proved to me to be the most satisfying not to do things. Every cloud....... as aspect of what I do. Few trials run they say. perfectly smoothly. It’s how you handle Deepika Mistry and cope with the problems that count. Graeme JT Scott
  • 9. 1301: 009 I think my single biggest tip is to be your study - in the country / continent or careful to refer proposed actions back therapeutic area that you are working to regulations / guidelines / SOPs. Then in. whatever you decide - document the rationale for it! There is no single way There are many roads to Rome! to carry out a study and as long as Lizzie Thomson none of the 'rules' are broken, I would promote taking an action that works for Jo Burmester is Director, Global Operations at PharmaSchool Ltd. PharmaSchool is a leading provider of the full range of clinical research training courses to individuals and organisations as well as providing a vast range of free online GCP knowledge tests. w: e:
  • 10. 1301: 0010 Career Corner: Clinical Research Trainer I always say that training is a bit like writing a novel, everyone thinks they can do it, but there are particular skills and abilities needed to do it effectively. My journey to life as a Clinical Research Trainer started out when I took my first job in a phase I Clinical Trials Unit. I had wanted to work in clinical rather than just the technical knowledge research since we first studied clinical I needed to get across. I do feel this trials as part of my pharmacology has made me a much better trainer and degree, and the only related job I could I gained so many ideas and techniques find to begin with was taking blood which have helped in training strategy samples in the Phase I Unit. It turned development and implementation. out I was a pretty good phlebotomist In summary if you would like to and I was soon asked to train all new consider training as a career option I nursing staff in taking blood samples. would ask yourself the following This became the highlight of my job, questions: and I really enjoyed helping people Do you love sharing information and learn a new skill and become seeing others learn? competent. Do you know enough about the I moved on to become a CRA and then information you will need to share? a Senior CRA, always looking for Are you confident presenting and opportunities to be involved in training facilitating workshops? activities, and 5 years later I applied for Are you ready to leave the front line a job as a full time trainer and was of the operational environment? accepted. I really enjoyed sharing my If the answer to all these is yes, then knowledge of clinical research and training could be for you. I advise you GCP with my colleagues, but I felt I to make sure you have enough on-the- needed to know more about the job experience to give you credibility in process of training so, with my the eyes of your audience and also to employer’s support, I enrolled on a look for a course in teaching or training distance learning qualification in which you can do either full-time in training and development. I learned so preparation for the role, or alongside much and it was great to focus on the your existing job responsibilities. training process and the learning cycle
  • 11. 1301: 0011
  • 12. 1301: 0012 Medical Device Regulation & How Things Are About to Change By Dr Chris Rowe Medical Innovation Consultant with Indicium Innovations There have been a number of incidents, such as the public healthcare scandal over PIP breast implants, that have combined with increasing expectations and technological advances to highlight the need to improve the way medical devices are regulated. This article briefly reviews the way medical devices are currently regulated and how this is going to change over the next few years. In the UK both medical devices and process which can take several years medicines are regulated by the to complete. Medicines and Healthcare products Medical devices however are not Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This subject to pre-market authorisation by a organisation was formed by the merger regulatory body, but to a conformity of the Medical Devices Agency and the assessment process. This process is Medicines Control Agency in 2003. governed by the Medical Device Given this fact, it might be surprising to Directive (MDD), a European Directive some that the regulatory approach to which details the pathway needed for a medical devices has some significant manufacturer to place a CE marking on differences when compared to their device, which is a requirement for medicines, particularly in the paths every medical device sold in Europe. taken to get them to market. For low risk devices the manufacturer All medicines must undergo pre-market can actually ‘self-certify’ or more trials to obtain a Marketing accurately make a self-declaration that Authorisation or License approval by they have met the requirements of the the MHRA, with the manufacturers and MDD before putting the CE marking on distributers licenced directly by the their device and then putting the device MHRA. Medicines need to be trialled on on the market, although they must thousands of people before they are register with the MHRA. For medium licenced using a clear phased trial and high risk devices the manufacturer needs approval from private sector
  • 13. 1301: 0013 organisations called Notified Bodies years, including a requirement for all confirming that they have met the devices to have clinical evidence to requirements of the MDD before demonstrate safety. All implantable and placing the CE marking on their device. class III devices must now undergo The MHRA is however responsible for clinical trials, or ‘clinical investigations’ auditing the Notified Bodies to ensure which tends to be the term used in the the quality of their work. medical device world, unless adequate data can be derived from current It should be noted that a CE marking is studies. not the same as a quality mark or certification. It just means that the Once medical devices and medicines company is making the declaration that are on the market there is a lot more the device meets the minimum similarity in the regulations covering standards required by the directive. areas such as reporting adverse incidents and post-market surveillance. Medical devices are tested for electrical and mechanical safety but are not This approach had been regarded as automatically subject to a clinical trial, working well over the last 20 years or unlike medicines. This is in part due to so, with medical devices being the vast range of medical devices, available to European patients some 3- more than 500,000 on the market 5 years earlier than in the USA, with no ranging from simple bandages and compromise in terms of risk. The scalpels, to MRI scanners and Robotic European system is also the basis for Surgery. It is often impractical or many other regulatory systems around unnecessary to perform clinical trials, the world, including Japan, Australia devices may be very similar to well and Canada. proven devices already on the market, Given the need to improve medical and issues such as safety and reliability device regulation the EU Commission are better tested in laboratory settings. adopted a ‘package on innovation in Manufacturers should however be able health’ on September 26th 2012 for to support any performance claims they revision of EU Medical Devices, after a make for their product, and if this consultation process that had taken comes via a clinical trial then over four years to complete. This agreement must first be obtained from proposal will replace the Active the MHRA. Implantable Medical Devices Directive There have been a number of (AIMDD) and the Medical Devices amendments to the MDD in recent
  • 14. 1301: 0014 Directive (MDD), giving the new to some 194 pages, which this article Medical Device Regulations (MDR). cannot review in detail, but we will highlight some of the more important This is a significant change in approach changes. as it will now mean regulations rather than directives are used. This is Scope important because the exact same There would be a wider scope of regulations will then be directly in force devices that would come under the across all countries in the EU, whereas regulations, including implants for directives are transposed in to national aesthetic purposes or other invasive or law by each member state, which has implantable devices without medical led to variations in the law and purpose that are similar to medical therefore standards. devices. Also non-viable human tissue and cells that have been substantially There are a number of key principles manipulated will come under the MDR, which the proposed regulatory system if not covered by the Advanced is meant to ensure, as follows: Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) regulations. There is also a new guarantee the highest level of safety essential requirement section for for patients software, both incorporated and stand ensures timely access to the latest alone. technologies enjoy the trust of its stakeholders Medical Devices are sub-divided in to contribute to the sustainability of four risk classes, with are I, IIa, IIb and national healthcare systems III. Class I are low risk, with Class III maintains an environment that being the highest risk. The MDD encourages research and document has a clear review decision innovation in Europe tree which allows manufacturers to work out the class of their device and These may all seem likely fairly obvious therefor the correct pathway needed to goals for regulatory system, but it does get their product to market. The new acknowledge the balancing act regulations will change in which class between providing safe medical some devices will now sit, including: devices to the public without completely stifling their development with onerous Certain devices incorporating regulations with cost and time nanomaterial will now be moved in implications. The new regulation to class III proposal has a lot of detail in it, running
  • 15. 1301: 0015 Devices for apheresis will be moved There would be a new Member State to class III authority body, the Medical Device Devices composed of substances to Coordinating Group (MDCG) to work be ingested, applied vaginally, with the commission to improve rectally or inhaled and are absorbed oversight of Notified Bodies. In or dispersed in the human body will particular they will be a requirement for be class III them to review and issue Devices in contact with spinal recommendations for certification of column will be moved to a class III class III devices via the Notified Bodies Regulatory Organisations Companies There are significant differences on the There would be a need for the designation and monitoring of Notified manufacturer to employ at least one Bodies by national authorities around qualified person who possesses expert Europe. There are therefore not knowledge in the field of medical surprisingly differences in the quality of devices, similar to the requirements in the conformity assessment process the pharmaceutical industry. This performed by them. The national expertise would need to be authorities such as the MHRA will have demonstrated by either specified much stronger supervision of the qualifications or five years of Notified Bodies under the new professional experience in regulatory proposals to ensure they have the affairs or in quality management necessary competency to carry out pre- systems relating to medical devices. market assessment of devices. There must be an information card for There would more powers and implantable devices. This is something obligations for the Notified Bodies to that most patients would assume ensure thorough testing and regular needed to be done already. checks on manufacturers, including unannounced factory inspections and Reprocessors of single use devices will sample testing. There would also be be assigned same rights and the requirement to rotate the personnel responsibilities as the manufacturer. of the Notified Body to balance the Other knowledge and experienced needed to There would be an extended database carry out the assessment process with on medical devices on the EU market, the need to ensure objectivity and with better access to all stakeholders neutrality in relation to the manufacturer including the public, and stricter
  • 16. 1301: 0016 requirements for clinical evidence to Identification (UDI) system will be ensure patient safety. introduced to improve this process. There would also be better traceability This will be a significant tightening of of devices through the supply chain the regulations and will probably take allowing for more effective responses to until 2014 to be put in to law, with a safety issues. A Unique Device transitional period of several more years. Chris Rowe Chris Rowe is a Medical Innovation Consultant with Indicium Innovations. His role is working with Individuals and Organisations to Enhance Medical Innovation. w: e: t: +44 1491 822 608
  • 17. 1301: 0017 Quick Guide: 10 Ways to Increase Subject Recruitment Recruiting subjects can often be one of the most difficult aspects of an entire clinical trial. We have asked several experienced people to share their thoughts with us as to how they look to increase recruitment into their trials. Here are ten of the best suggestions. 1. Protocol: a well designed protocol with appropriate inclusion/exclusion criteria and assessments will make sites more likely to recruit 2. Monitor: good on-site monitoring is a very effective way to boost subject recruitment, as site staff feel supported and the visits act as a milestone for recruitment 3. Information: provide regular updates to site staff on study progress 4. Advertisements: posters, radio, TV and internet ads can all be used to reach out to potential subjects. Remember though that these must be approved by the IEC/IRB BEFORE you use them 5. Database search: Site staff can search patient databases to identify potentially suitable subjects who can then be approached (appropriately of course!) 6. Patient support groups: these can be approached to give information about your study to their members – again all information must be IRB/IEC approved 7. Aides Memoires: cards with inclusion/exclusion criteria and the recruitment process can be given to those who will have first contact with potential subjects 8. Contact other physicians: Primary care physicians could be contacted to refer potentially suitable subjects 9. More Sites: adding more investigational sites is an expensive option, but may be worthwhile if subject recruitment is lagging 10. Amend protocol: Are the inclusion exclusion criteria too strict, could you safely relax them? Are the investigations you are asking for really necessary, could you reduce the number of visits or tests?
  • 18. 1301: 0018 Organising Successful Events By Angie Major Managing Director, Delegant Ltd Clinical Research professionals are experts in GCP, Protocols, SOPs, helping investigators meet recruitment targets and ensuring all work is conducted to the myriad of guidelines, local regulatory requirements and 'GCP'. However, at times there are some challenges that these professionals have no experience of, no training for and which can be somewhat daunting, e.g.organising an Investigator Meeting. This article gives some hints, tips and experiences of how to organise a successful event which might be an Investigator Meeting, CRA Training or an Internal Conference. Venue finding – it isn’t just about all you need. For larger events the flow how many can fit in the room…. of delegates and exhibition floor plan The venue can have a huge impact on requires working with the venue team your event. Getting this wrong can be a to plan and manage this successfully. costly mistake. You want your guests to Can your delegates find their way have a pleasant experience that's why around the venue easily or is the layout it is important to get this right. There is confusing? Will you need extra signage nothing worse than miserable staff, or ushers to help delegates find their unclean toilets, poor food service and way to meeting rooms? Have you tasteless coffee. Searching for venues, considered being a mystery visitor and obtaining proposals, conducting site testing out the check in procedure or visits and negotiating contracts takes the food in advance? considerable time. Choosing a venue Registration – efficiency is the key can depend on many factors such as In today’s world of technology the location, date, size and type of registering/booking your guests should property. Consider the message the be done online wherever possible. It is choice of venue gives not only about by far the most efficient way of handling your event but your organisation too. A guest registration. Several years ago worldwide hotel brand 5* venue is quite we were sent delegate details by email different to a modern high tech and then transferred everything on to a university lecture theatre. Maybe a database. We used mail merge for practical training room in a city centre is
  • 19. 1301: 0019 confirmation letters and invoices all experience, good venue coordinators then sent by post. Unsurprisingly many are becoming a rarity with high turnover documents were lost in the post and in the hospitality industry. Get any the cost of postage for the large changes or prices in writing and check number of delegates was notable. the final running order carefully. Make When we were asked to organise the sure you are completely satisfied conference again the following year we before approval as this will be the basis took the registration one step further by for your bill. connecting the registration on the Good suppliers are worth their weight in website directly to a database. It meant gold. Using ground crew at the airport delegates would receive automatic for International meetings can take the confirmation and we could create an stress away of the ‘meet and greet’ and invoice at the click of a button. On local transportation to and from the comparing the previous year it saved airport to the venue. They can alert the four days of admin time. Since then we team at the venue that the next large have continued to develop our own in group are on their way so they can be house Online Registration & Invoicing ready to greet them with a smile. System which provides: During the event you will be assigned a Simple registration venue contact for each day. They are Banquet tickets included sometimes called Guest Relations Easy invoicing Manager, Duty Manager, Front of Dietary needs House etc. Make sure you know who Hotel accommodation requirements they are, how to contact them when Real-time data needed and first thing in the morning Break out session planning that you run through the timings for each day. They are your ‘right-hand Team Work – together we can make man’ so to speak so if the coffee runs a great event low or lunch break will be late they will A coordinator usually has many people liaise with catering staff to get it sorted to work with as part of the event team. quickly. They should never be far away Not only should they focus on their when you need help. client needs, responding to guest Your staff should be briefed on the enquiries promptly they also need to venue surroundings, guests with pay attention to the detail when it special needs, VIPs, timings for the comes to finalising arrangements with programme and who to contact in case the venue. This is crucial, and in my of difficulties. The staff on the day will
  • 20. 1301: 0020 represent your team and your And finally, don’t forget to say thank organisation. Have a briefing session at you, ask for feedback and wish your the start of each day to run through guests a safe journey home. roles and responsibilities so they know where they need to be and when. Angie Major has over fifteen years’ experience of organising events in the healthcare industry. Angie is Managing Director of Delegant Limited ( which is the of events division of Blueberry Business Support Limited (
  • 21. 1301: 0021 Outsourcing Clinical Trials via “Managed Networks” By Ed de Wolf CEO of FCRA Network S.L. Winning a bid for a new clinical trial is exhilarating for a Contract Research Organisation (CRO). It’s the culmination of months of hard work by dedicated professionals engaged in business development. For the clinical team, however, it is only the beginning. All parties involved in clinical trials Each of these solutions has know how important it is to get to work advantages and disadvantages; it all with the right people. A competent team depends on the study specifics. As a can move a project to achieve its goals, rule of thumb, the less experience a while a team which is badly organized, project team has in a participating ineffective, and not fully adjusted to a country, the more local expertise they project´s needs, can bring an entire will need going forward. A Managed study structure into serious problems. Network can provide a local expert with indication experience within a One of the key roles within a project reasonable budget. They can not only team is the local senior Clinical provide the CRA resource, but can also Research Associate (CRA), contracted support the study team with local in each country. These CRAs are insight, contracting and budgeting, as responsible for feasibility, regulatory well as back- up solutions, to ensure and EC submissions, site contracts, stability for study management. At the problem solving and site monitoring. moment of submitting a selection For companies which don’t have request for sourcing a local senior CRA internal capacity there are several via a Managed Network, the project solutions for finding this valuable team should have the following basic resource: outsource to a local CRO, information prepared, which will hire a freelance CRA directly or co- facilitate the selection: operate with a Managed Network of freelance CRAs.
  • 22. 1301: 0022 an estimated scope of work, ideally needs and expectations, and rarely do completed with estimated time these align. A Managed Network can allocations, including a provision for assist with checking the scope of work remote project team communication against local parameters before and telecalls. selecting and involving a local senior a task distribution list between CRA. Having this timely input at the Sponsor, CRO and CRA time of preparing a bid for the countries task descriptions, to set not covered by the CROs permanent expectations right staff, can bring business development start and stop dates, and a timeline teams a valuable advantage at the time of milestones of negotiation, as they will control more time and expense sheet templates local detail and will be able to adjust travel and expense policies their budget accordingly. In turn, this will help project teams start off with a The more complete the above more realistic approach when planning information is, the more likely it is that for their timelines, including local legal the project will attract a high quality and regulatory requirements. local professional, who will fit the company’s work ethic. By providing the input above, the Managed Network can become a Even if this basic information is preferred strategic business partner, complete, quite often the time beyond just being a supplier of clinical allocations for tasks in the scope of professionals. In an ideal situation, the work will be insufficient. The reason for Managed Network and its client start the incorrect estimation generally lies complementing each other and through with the differences in achievement combining knowledge they can goals between the business increase the number of projects they development team and the clinical are awarded. project team. Within the project structure, both teams have varied Ed de Wolf Ed de Wolf is CEO of FCRA Network S.L. This managed network covers 40 countries, while aiding both CRO and CRA with time saving and supportive services. e:
  • 23. 1301: 0023
  • 24. 1301: 0024 Preparing for the Inspectors By Peter Knapp Associate Director of GCP at ZigZag Associates Ltd Companies involved in pharmaceutical research will be aware that, following implementation of EU Directive 2001/20/EC, sooner or later they will have a letter thud on the mat from their regulatory authority notifying them that they have been selected for an inspection. In spite of this, a percentage of companies will do little to prepare for their first inspection until notification arrives and then panic sets in. In an ideal world, we are supposed to A very useful exercise is to conduct be in a constant state of ‘inspection mock interviews; remember that the readiness’, but who lives in this ideal inspectors can request to interview world? Rather than wait until the letter anyone in the organisation, not just the arrives and then run round like ones that you would like to place before headless chickens, there is a lot that them. It is important therefore that can be done to prepare in advance for everyone who may be called for the inspection. Taking advice from interview has an understanding of what those who have first-hand experience will be required of them in terms of how of how an inspection works will help to answer questions and project the considerably to allay the fear of the right attitude. They should be trained to unknown and give guidance on how to listen to the question carefully and give conduct the inspection in a way that will an answer only to what was asked. give the inspectors confidence in the Also it is important that interviewees organisation. confirm if the question is not within their remit, or if they do not know the A gap analysis or mock inspection will answer, to refer the question to highlight processes and quality someone who does. management systems that need to be It is important also to have efficient put into place or improved. If this work systems on inspection day such as is put in hand before notification of an dedicated rooms, host and scribes, inspection, there will be a good chance and to provide the inspectors quickly that this can be fitted around the busy and efficiently with any document that schedule of day-to-day work. they request. It is a good idea to
  • 25. 1301: 0025 perform a quality control check and 2. Help staff be more at ease by photocopy each document before it is providing training and mock handed to the inspectors, so that a list interview experience of all documents provided is kept. 3. Mock inspection review or pre- inspection gap analysis can help There will always be some last minute identify issues with documentation planning for the inspection but if the and processes in advance. process for preparing for the inspection 4. If there is no in-house inspection is in place, the arrival of the inspectors experience, external consultants can be awaited in a far calmer with first-hand experience of atmosphere. preparing for and undergoing inspections can be an excellent Take home messages: resource. 1. Preparation is key to a good inspection experience Peter Knapp is Associate Director of GCP at ZigZag Associates Ltd, providing contract Quality Assurance and training services to those involved in medical research and drug development.
  • 26. 1301: 0026 Regulatory Roundup New regulations and guidances are commonplace in the world of clinical research and here we provide a summary of the new documents issued by ICH, EMA and FDA in the last year. We are only listing documents which are now final, but there is also quite a bit of draft guidance which has been published, and of course there has been a draft of the proposed new EU Regulation on Clinical Trials. These draft documents may be subject to change and so are not included here. If you know of any new regulatory documents we have missed please let us know by e-mailing ICH: Updated guidance is available for MedDRA version 14.1 and you can find it here: EU: Guidance on qualification of novel methodologies for drug development. According to the document “The EMA qualification process is a new, voluntary, scientific pathway leading to either a CHMP opinion or a Scientific Advice on innovative methods or drug development tools” and encompasses things like imaging methods or biomarkers, or any other new methodology which you wish to use in pre-clinical or clinical trials. You can find the guidance here: uideline/2009/10/WC500004201.pdf EMA now has a GCP Q&A section on their website which addresses various issues. You can find it here: il_000016.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac05800296c5&murl=menus/regulations/regulations.js p
  • 27. 1301: 0027 Guidance on the quality documentation required for biological IMPs. This document supplements the CTA guidance by outlining additional requirements for the IMPD for biological products. It also provides examples of changes to the Biological product which would constitute substantial amendments of the IMPD and/or CTA. It was issued in May 2012 and you can find it here: Guidance on medicinal products containing genetically modified cells. This guidance is about development and evaluation of these products, including of course clinical trials. You can find this here: WC500126836.pdf The Q&A document in chapter 5 of Eudralex Vol 10 has been updated with one new question. The question asks how long Annual Safety Reports have to be submitted in a member state. The answer is until subjects are no longer being treated in that member state, and this is expected to be last subject last visit unless otherwise specified in the protocol. You can find the document here: Updated guidance on the investigation of drug interactions. “The scope of this guideline is to provide advice and recommendations on how to evaluate the potential for drug-food and drug-drug interactions for medicinal products (including herbal medicinal products) and how to translate the results of these evaluations to appropriate treatment recommendations in the labelling.” You can find it here: WC500129606.pdf As part of the implementation of the new pharmacovigilance legislation the EMA has issued guidance on post marketing safety studies (PASS) which you can find here: WC500129137.pdf This guideline covers both clinical trials and non-interventional
  • 28. 1301: 0028 PASS, and sets out scientific and ethical guidance as well as talking about research which is required as a condition of licence approval. EMA has also finalised and published the guidance on requirements for biosimilars which you can find here: WC500128686.pdf Reflection paper on GCP aspects of clinical trials conducted outside the EU and used to support a marketing authorisation application in the EU. The document outlines the requirements for these trials and it seems likely that further guidance will be issued at some point. You can find the reflection paper here: uideline/2012/04/WC500125437.pdf Guideline on the use of pharmacogenetic methodologies in drug development in products where genetics has an influence on pharmacokinetics. The guideline discusses situations where pharmacogenetics should be used and then the requirements and recommendations for those situations. You can find the guideline here: WC500121954.pdf Guidance on posting and publication of result-related information on clinical trials. This is the implementation of the results section in the EUDRACT database, and the posting and publication is also considered to be the submission of the Clinical Trial summary report section of the end of trial notification to the regulatory authority and Ethics Committee. You can find the guidance here: Technical guidance on data fields in the results section in the EUDRACT database. You can find the guidance here: 10/2013_01_22_tg_en.pdf
  • 29. 1301: 0029 Guidance for GCP inspectors entitled “Points to consider on GCP inspection findings and the benefit-risk balance”. This guideline categorises the types of inspection findings which may affect the risk benefit balance for a product and provides guidance for inspectors in writing inspection reports and also for assessors when reviewing marketing applications. You can find the guideline here: .pdf Guidance on the content and format of Final Study Reports for non-interventional PASS. Obviously interventional post marketing research is subject to the CT Directive, but non-interventional PASS research should also be written up and this guideline outlines the requirements for these reports. You can find a copy here: uideline/2013/01/WC500137939.pdf There is a Q&A section on Paediatric Investigation Plans (PIPs) on the EMA website. This is for applicants and covers lots of potential questions on the requirements and process for PIP submission. You can find it here: il_000015.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac0580025b8e Guideline on investigation of drug interactions came into effect on 1 January 2013. This guideline “outlines a comprehensive, systematic and mechanistic approach to the evaluation of the interaction potential of a drug during its development and offers guidance to ensure that the prescriber receives clear information on the interaction potential as well as practical recommendations on how the interactions should be managed during clinical use.” It cover effects of food and interactions and provides guidance on methods for assessing interactions in vitro and in vivo. It also provides advice on how to present interaction information in the SmPC. You can find the guideline here: WC500129606.pdf
  • 30. 1301: 0030 Updated procedure for Orphan Medicinal Product Designation. You can find the updated document here: uideline/2009/09/WC500003769.pdf EMA have also updated several of the other guidelines on Orphan products, and you can find more information here: ntent_000034.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058002d4eb Reflection paper issued by the Committee on Advanced Therapies which provides guidance on classification of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs). It states that “The ATMP classification is a non-mandatory, free of charge, legally non-binding procedure that helps developers to clarify the applicable regulatory framework.” You can find the document here: WC500136422.pdf EMA have advisory groups looking at transparency of clinical trial data, with emphasis on proactive approaches to publishing data. There has been quite a bit of output in this area and you can find more information here: news_detail_001669.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058004d5c1 FDA Guidance on IRB continuing review following clinical investigation approval. This guideline states that IRBs shoud review ongong clinical trials at least annually and should assess which trials require more frequent review. You can find the guideline here:
  • 31. 1301: 0031 Guidance on Clinical Pharmacogenomics: Premarket Evaluation in Early-Phase Clinical Studies and Recommendations for Labeling. This guidance looks at the benefits of considering genetic influences on effectiveness and toxicity of medicines and approaches to assessing these during drug development. You can find the guideline here: dances/UCM337169.pdf Guidance on safety reporting in clinical trials, this is following on from revision of the safety reporting regulation. The guidance covers requirements for annual reporting of safety and also expedited submission of SUSARs.. You can find the guideline here: dances/UCM227351.pdf There is also additional guidance for small organisations to help them understand and implement the new requirements. You can find this here: dances/UCM332846.pdf
  • 32. 1301: 0032 CPD/CEU Points If you would like to collect a certificate for 2 CPD/CEU Points/Hours for reading this edition of The Journal of Clinical Research & GCP please visit and complete the short 10 question test. The test questions are shown below. The answers to these questions are on the website. 1. What does MENA stand for? A: Media Naïve Audience B: Medical Environment for Novel Approaches C: Middle East and North Africa D: Median Efficacy Norm for Area 2. ICH GCP states that "the rights, safety and wellbeing of trial subjects should prevail over" what? A: Cost B: Data Quality C: The protocol D: The interests of science and society 3. Who provides CE marking for medical devices? A: Regulatory Authorities B: Notified Bodies C: The company who owns the device D: Medical devices cannot be CE marked 4. What new legislation is being proposed in the EU to cover medical devices? A: Medical Devices Regulation B: Medical Devices Directive C: Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive D: There is no new legislation proposed, it's just guidance
  • 33. 1301: 0033 5. Which of the following would NOT be a suitable way to increase subject recruitment? A: TV advertisement B: Add more investigational sites C: Reduce the amount of information in the informed consent documentations D: Increase the monitoring frequency 6. Which of the following would NOT be appropriate to delegate to a Freelance CRA in a Managed Network? A: Site Selection B: Legal responsibility for trial conduct in that country C: Ethics Committee Submission D: Problem sovling at investigational sites 7. Who can inspectors ask to see during an inspection? A: Only those on the list you select for the inspection B: Only those working on the study being inspected C: Anyone in the organisation D: They can't ask to see anyone, but you can provide people for them to interview 8. What is "qualification" for a novel methodology? A: A scientific pathway leading to either a Regulatory Authority opinion or a Scientific Advice B: A statement of the qualifications of the laboratory staff performing the methodology C: A request from a regulatory authority to justify use of the methodology D: A statement that the novel methodology is not suitable for use in a clinical trial 9. What does PASS stand for? A: Pharmaceutical Acceptable Safety Standard B: Pre-Authorisation Safety Summary C: Post Authorisation Safety Study D: Permitted Access to Safety Surveillance 10. According to the new FDA guidance how often should IRBs review ongoing clinical trials? A: As stated in their SOPs B: At least once during the trial C: At least every 2 years D: At least annually
  • 34. 1301: 0034