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Economic Outlook
Issue 6 – April 2012

Paul Hutchings and Patrick Woodman
                             The Economic Outlook research series from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
                             examines and tracks managers’ views on the economy. Now in its sixth edition, this
                             report presents the results from the Economic Outlook survey which is conducted on a
                             six-monthly basis among a sample of CMI’s membership. The research provides regular
                             and relevant insights into the state of the economy and the impact it is having on UK
                             organisations. It reviews managers’ expectation of future economic performance and
                             the actions they are taking to steer their organisations through the challenges they face.
                             It also assesses managerial support for a range of public policy measures to provide
                             commentary on what measures management professionals would like to see implemented.

          Methodology        Between 15 March and 10 April 2012 CMI invited 15,000 of its members to complete an
                             online survey. A total of 701 responses were received from across the UK, from a range of
                             industry sectors across the economy and from managers at different seniority levels up to
                             directors and chief executives.

                             Where reference is made to net percentage points, such as the net level of employer
                             optimism, this figure is calculated by subtracting the percentage of those who are not
                             optimistic from the percentage of those who are optimistic.

                             Due to rounding charts and tables displaying percentage figures may not add up to 100.

                             This report has been prepared by Paul Hutchings and Patrick Woodman at CMI.

    Copyright Chartered Management Institute ©
    First published 2012
    Chartered Management Institute
    2 Savoy Court, Strand,
    London WC2R 0EZ
    All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and
    review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
    in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
    without prior permission of the publisher.
    British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
    A CIP catalogue record for this report is available from the British Library
    ISBN 0-85946-408-3

           In my foreword to our last Economic Outlook report, in October 2011, I wrote that
           “managers and leaders clearly perceive the British economy to be on the verge of
           a double dip recession”. We now know that the economy did indeed contract in the
           months that followed, and the UK has slipped back into recession.

           What is more, the GDP figures are only part of the story. The eurozone has experienced a
           rolling crisis in recent months and many analysts would not yet discount the possibility of
           eurozone fragmentation. Here in the UK, the latest inflation figures suggest that consumer
           demand will remain muted. Unemployment remains high, despite recent welcome signs
           of improvement – and the cost of energy remains a major source of concern.

           It is evident that a large part of management opinion remains deeply wary of such a
           toxic mix. A persistently high percentage of the managers surveyed for this series –
           over 80 per cent – report that these conditions are having a detrimental effect on their
           organisation. Managers expect their organisation’s investment to be limited or reduced
           in many categories. Some companies have developed substantial cash surpluses and
           it is evident that many managers remain deeply cautious about how best to use them.

           Yet there are also signs that the worst may be behind us. Optimism about the next six
           months has increased, particularly in the private sector. Time will show whether this
           optimism translates into real economic activity, supported by an expansion in demand
           and investment decisions that promote growth. Official predictions for growth are at
           levels that would have been regarded, for much of the last decade, as anaemic – yet
           would, in the current situation, be very welcome. We all need to adjust our expectations.

           If the supply of financial capital is limited, then I believe we must refocus on our human
           capital. That means the skills of our people: and there are few skills more important
           than management and leadership when it comes to critical challenges like cutting costs,
           cultivating innovation and maximising new opportunities. Yet this survey shows that
           management skills shortages are an increasing source of concern – and 79 per cent
           expect their budgets for management and leadership development (MLD) to be capped
           or cut this year. When recent research has shown that effective development improves
           organisational performance by 23 per cent1, these findings suggest a lack of investment
           in MLD will continue to harm UK economic performance.

           Indeed, our members support policy measures to build human capital, such as tax
           breaks to incentivise employer investment in skills, as well as measures to release more
           financial capital to business by improving bank lending. Government has an important
           role to play in setting the right policy framework.

           I hope that, in six months’ time, we are no longer talking of recession but of a steady
           return to growth.

           Christopher Kinsella
           Acting CEO, Chartered Management Institute

           1 The Business Benefits of Management and Leadership Development, McBain et al, CMI, February 2012

Summary of findings
    The UK economy     •• Impact of the current state of the economy – 83 per cent of managers report that
                          the state of the economy is having a negative impact on their organisation. This number
                          has held steadily above 80 per cent since March 2009. Only six per cent think that the
                          state of the economy is beneficial to their organisation, with the remaining 10 per cent
                          suggesting that it has no impact.

                       •• Impact of the economy by sector – managers from the public and not-for-profit
                          sectors are most negatively affected by the economy with 92 per cent and 91 per cent
                          reporting a damaging impact on their organisation. This is lower, but still high, among
                          private sector managers (78 per cent).

                       •• Economic growth over the next 12 months – managers are pessimistic about the
                          direction of a number of key macro-economic indicators. Over the next 12 months
                          they expect reductions in the rate of GDP growth, consumer spending and levels of
                          employment, and they predict that business insolvency, household debt and the cost
                          of credit will increase.

    UK organisations   •• Employer optimism – managers’ reservations about the prospects for the wider
                          economy are reflected in their assessment of the prospects for their own organisations.
                          It is still the case that more managers feel pessimistic than optimistic about the outlook
                          for the next six months, with a net score of -4 points, despite an improvement from
                          -20 six months ago.

                       •• Long term outlook – managers’ opinions are more positive about their prospects over
                          the next three years, with a net score of +26, a ten point increase on our last survey.

                       •• Improved private sector optimism – the differences between managers in different
                          sectors are stark. Among public sector managers, the net score is -35 over a six month
                          period, rising only to -25 when looking ahead three years. By contrast, private sector
                          managers give a net optimistic response both in the short and the longer term, rising
                          from +11 when considering the next six months, to +53 for the three year net score.

                       •• Employer investment – managers suggest that employer investment over the next six
                          months will decrease in many business areas, with marketing and business development
                          the only categories where spending increases are more commonly expected. Thirty-five
                          per cent expect cuts in training and development and 32 per cent expect cuts in
                          management and leadership development activities, despite skills shortages being
                          highlighted as having a damaging impact on businesses.

                       •• Focusing on costs – the most common management response to economic conditions
                          over the last six months has been to cut costs. Fifty-seven per cent of managers report
                          pay freezes, 50 per cent an attempt to reduce business overheads and 49 per cent a
                          recruitment freeze in their organisation.

                       •• Availability of finance – 93 per cent of managers report that the availability of finance
                          for both short-term needs and long-term investment has deteriorated or remained the
                          same over the last six months.

                       •• Damaging economic factors – 67 per cent of managers think the high cost of energy
                          will have a detrimental impact on their organisation over the next six months. The level
                          of government debt is seen as the second most common barrier to growth, reported by
                          81 per cent of public sector managers as having a damaging impact on their organisation.

UK managers         •• Job security – job insecurity continues to be an issue with 43 per cent of managers
                          feeling insecure in their current job, although this is down from 48 per cent. Insecurity
                          rises to 60 per cent in the public sector.

                       •• Morale – employee morale continues to suffer with 64 per cent of managers reporting
                          that it has got worse over the last six months.

Policy measures        •• Austerity measures – 59 per cent of those surveyed report that the Government’s
                          austerity programme is having a damaging impact on their organisation. This rises to
                          83 per cent in the public sector and falls to 45 per cent in the private sector. Despite
                          the concerns over its impact, an increasing number of managers report that the
                          Government’s deficit reduction strategy is being implemented ‘at about the right pace’
                          (up to 43 per cent from 39 per cent six months ago).

                       •• Skills development – 82 per cent of respondents would like to see tax breaks given
                          to employers for investing in skills. Managers’ understanding of the importance of skills
                          development is also seen in the fact that 81 per cent support the expansion of funding
                          for apprenticeships, while 67 per cent call for greater employer influence over public
                          investment in skills.

                       •• Taxes – 91 per cent of managers support the simplification of business taxes. A bespoke
                          capital allowance scheme for SMEs is also popular among managers, with 70 per cent
                          supporting this policy. Access to credit remains a real concern to managers with 84 per
                          cent urging Government to strengthen measures to improve bank lending to businesses.

                       •• Infrastructure – a clear majority of managers feel that government should direct
                          investment towards transport infrastructure (72 per cent), whilst just under half support
                          investment in green infrastructure (45 per cent).

Commentary on findings
The UK economy         The continued economic stagnation of the UK economy since the recession in January
                       2009, and its latest return to recession, is leading some to draw comparisons with Japan’s
                       lost decade. This Economic Outlook shows that managers are suffering the effects of
                       the UK’s stalled economy. Eighty-three per cent report that the economic conditions are
                       negatively affecting their organisation, a figure that is comparable to those of six and
                       12 months ago (84 and 86 per cent respectively). The number of respondents reporting
                       that the economy is having a harmful impact has held steadily above 80 per cent since
                       March 2009.

            Figure 1
  Impact of economy                                                                            Significantly negative impact

     on organisation                                                                           Slightly negative impact

                                       -43                    -40            10     51         No impact

                                                                                               Slightly positive impact
                                                                    Negative %    Positive %

                                                                                               Significantly positive impact

                       Combined with the Government’s budget deficit reduction programme, the conditions are
                       hitting those in the public and not-for-profit sectors the hardest, with 92 per cent of public
                       sector managers and 91 per cent of not-for-profit managers reporting a negative impact.
                       This compares to 78 per cent in the private sector. Across all sectors, just six per cent of
                       managers suggest the UK economy is having a positive impact on their organisation.

Economic         Reflecting the UK’s return to recession, managers are pessimistic about the direction of
            indicators       a number of key economic indicators over the next twelve months. With many managers
                             highlighting access to credit as a key barrier to growth, it is worrying that two-thirds
                             believe the cost of borrowing is set to increase. Seventy-one per cent think that business
                             insolvencies will increase, though this is down from 76 per cent six months ago and 80
                             per cent one year ago. Three quarters of managers expect employment levels to either
                             stagnate or decrease over the same period and 91 per cent expect stagnation or a fall
                             in consumer spending.

                             Half of managers expect no significant shift in GDP growth and 27 per cent expect a
                             further decline in the rate of growth. Only 17 per cent expect growth to accelerate although
                             this number has more than doubled from six per cent six months ago.

        Management           The findings on management optimism continue the trend of modest improvements over
           optimism          the last 12-18 months. As Figure 2 shows, in the private and not for profit sectors, the
                             number of managers who are optimistic about their organisations’ prospects for the next
                             six months now outweighs the number who are pessimistic. This is the first time this has
                             been the case for the private sector since September 2010.

                 Figure 2
    Management optimism        % net optimism
     over next six months      50%
                 by sector



                                                                                                                                   Private sector

                                0%                                                                                                 Public sector

                                                                                                                                   Not for profit sector





                                       Sept ’08   March ’09   Sept ’09   March ’10   Sept ’10   March ’11   Sept ’11   March ’12

                             By contrast, net optimism about the next six months continues to lag behind in the public
                             sector, with a highly pessimistic score of -35. Nonetheless, this is 14 points better than the
                             low recorded in September 2010.

                             As with previous findings in this series, managers tend to be more optimistic over the longer
                             term than the short term. This is particularly true in the private sector, where managers
                             are considerably more optimistic over the longer term. Net optimism measures for the
                             next twelve months and three years now stand at +33 and +53 (up from +7 and +41 six
                             months ago). However, optimism in the not-for-profit sector and public sector over the
                             long term remains stubbornly low. With private sector growth vital to the UK’s economic
                             recovery, policy makers will be hoping that increased optimism translates into growth.

Figure 3
Management optimism                       % net optimism

   over time by sector                    60%







                                         -10%                                                                             Private sector

                                                                                                                          Public sector
                                                                                                                          Not for profit sector



                                                      6 months            12 months       Three years

        Employer         Reflecting on barriers to growth, 67 per cent of managers highlight the cost of energy as
       challenges        likely to have a damaging impact on their organisation over the next six months. Across all
                         sectors, the level of government debt is the second highest barrier to growth, selected by
                         54 per cent of managers. Unsurprisingly, public sector managers rate this as their number
                         one barrier. Management skills shortages are the next highest barrier overall, with 38 per
                         cent expecting them to have a damaging impact on their organisation.

             Figure 4
 Factors impacting on                                                                                                                     Cost of energy
business over the next
                            70%                                                                                                           Levels of
  six months: per cent                                                                                                                    Government debt
      damaging impact       60%                                                                                                           Management skills

                            50%                                                                                                           Pension liabilities

                                                                                                                                          Employment disputes
                            40%                                                                                                           Levels of
                                                                                                                                          personal debt

                            30%                                                                                                           Labour shortages
                                                                                                                                          Changes in value
                                                                                                                                          of the pound
                                                                                                                                          Availability of credit

                                                                                                                                          Reducing carbon
                            10%                                                                                                           emissions


                                  March ’09        Sept ’09   March ’10     Sept ’10   March ’11   Sept ’11   March ’12

                         The Chancellor used the 2012 Budget to update business on plans for implementing the
                         £1 billion Business Finance Partnership programme, but managers continue to report
                         concerns about the availability of finance. Ninety-three per cent report that the availability
                         of credit for both short term and long term projects has got worse or remained the same
                         over the last six months.

Figure 5
     Managers reporting
    availability of finance        60%


                                                                                                                                               Work in progress and
                                   40%                                                                                                         short term needs (worse)
                                                                                                                                               Long term investment
                                                                                                                                               Work in progress and
                                                                                                                                               short term needs (better)
                                   20%                                                                                                         Long term investment



                                          Mar ’09       Sept ’09      Mar ’10      Sept ’10      Mar ’11        Sept ’11      Mar ’12

                              This data suggests that the Government still has much to do to improve the availability
                              of finance for businesses wishing to invest and grow. Unsurprisingly, as Table 3 (page 10)
                              shows, there is strong support for the Government to strengthen measures to improve
                              lending to businesses as a matter of urgency.

          Employer            The last Economic Outlook noted that employer investment decisions have dropped
    investment and            off since the beginning of the series in 2008. This edition still shows low expectations
       cost cutting           of investment overall. In nine out of eleven categories, as shown in Table 1, managers
                              believe that budgets will decrease over the next six months. Only budgets for marketing
                              and business development are expected to see increases in investment.

                              Nonetheless, the latest survey’s data offers signs that investment may be beginning to
                              pick up. Across every area, net scores have improved since six months ago. For example,
                              expectations for investment in recruitment have seen a 10 point net increase, which
                              must be welcomed in light of the latest employment figures showing an 8.3 per cent
                              unemployment rate2.

                 Table 1
                               	                                      Sept ’08	 Mar ’09	Sept ’09	 Mar ’10	Sept ’10	 Mar ’11	Sept ’11	 Mar ’12
         Net investment
    expectation over the       Management consultancy	                    -20	         -30	         -29	        -23	          -34	      -33	   -29	          -26
        next six months        Recruitment	                               -19	         -38	         -30	        -22	          -37	      -37	   -33	          -23
                               Plant and machinery	                       -11	         -26	         -28	        -21	          -24	      -26	   -25	          -17
                               Training and development	                   13	         -21	         -16	        -13	          -23	      -24	   -23	          -14
                               Management and
                               leadership development	                    n/a	         -22	         -14	        -10	          -19	      -22	   -19	          -13
                               Employee pay	                              n/a	         -12	         -10	          -1	         -18	      -24	   -18	          -13
                               Corporate social responsibility 	             6	          -9	        -11	          -6	         -16	      -14	   -13	            -9
                               Product research
                               and development	                            11	         -14	         -14	          -8	         -17	      -14	   -12	            -9
                               IT	                                         16	         -17	         -10	          -4	         -16	      -14	    -9	            -1
                               Marketing	                                  31	            7	           8	         16	              1	     1	     6	             8
                               Business development/sales	                 38	           12	         14	          21	             14	     7	     7	           16

                              The findings show that cutting costs continues to be a priority for management, especially
                              in the public sector as it adapts to spending cuts. Staff costs have been a key area for
                              reductions in the last six months. As Figure 7 shows, rates of voluntary redundancies are
                              over four times higher than in the private sector, whilst rates of compulsory redundancies
                              are double those in the private sector. Overall 57 per cent of organisations have implemented
                              a pay freeze and 49 per cent have implemented a recruitment freeze, rising to 82 and
                              72 per cent in the public sector. In the private sector, 56 per cent of managers are trying
                              to reduce other business overheads.
Figure 6
Organisational responses        90%

 to the current economic                               82
 conditions in the last six
                                80%                                                                                         77
        months by sector

                                                                                                 50                                                52
                                                                                                                                                           Private sector
                                            43                                   42                                                           42
                                40%                                         39
                                                                                            36                                                             Not for profit sector

                                                                                                                                                           Public sector
                                30%                                                                                    27                26
                                20%                                                                               17



                                              Frozen                Reduced                 Recruitment             Voluntary             Compulsory
                                             pay levels        business overheads             freeze              redundancies           redundancies

      UK managers             Employee morale levels continue to suffer with 64 per cent of managers reporting that
                              they have got worse or much worse in the past six months. Unsurprisingly, given many of
                              the findings in this report, 87 per cent of public sector managers report that morale has
                              got worse over the same period compared to 65 per cent in the not for profit sector and
                              52 per cent in the private sector.

                Figure 7
     Change in employee
     morale over the past         Overall                                    -39                      -25                      31             5
              six months
                                                                                                                                                        Much worse

                                  Private sector                                      -40               -12                    41                  7    Worse

                                                                                                                                                        Neither worse
                                                                                                                                                        nor better
                                  Not for profit sector                            -50                      -15              27               8         Better

                                                                                                                                                        Much better

                                  Public sector                  -34                              -53                       12
                                                                                                                  Negative %     Positive %

                              Overall, perceived levels of job security have slightly improved, with those reporting they
                              feel very insecure or insecure in their jobs fallings from 48 per cent six months ago to
                              43 per cent now. Encouragingly, the difference between men and women reported in
                              the last Economic Outlook seems to have narrowed.

                 Figure 8
            Job insecurity
               by gender                    50%                                                            47        47
                                                                                      33 35 33                                                          Men

                                            20%                                                                                                         Overall
                                                             9          10                                                          11        10
                                            10%                                                                                          6

                                                            Very insecure              Insecure               Secure                Very secure

Austerity and          With the Government making tackling the deficit its number one economic priority, the survey
     deficit reduction         asked managers what impact the austerity programme is having on their organisation. Across
                               all sectors 59 per cent report that it is having a damaging impact on their organisation. This
                               rises to 83 per cent in the public sector, whilst 64 per cent in the not-for-profit sector and 45
                               per cent in the private sector report a damaging impact. Despite the concerns over its impact,
                               an increasing number of managers report that the Government’s deficit reduction strategy is
                               being implemented ‘at about the right pace’ (up to 43 per cent from 39 per cent six months ago).

                   Table 2
                                	                                             Spring 2011	      Autumn 2011	        Spring 2012
       Managers’ views on
         the pace of deficit    	                                                  %	                   %	              %
       reduction measures       Not quickly enough	                                11	                  25	             24
                                At about the right pace	                           40	                  39	             43
                                Too quickly	                                       48	                  36	             32

     Policy measures           Over ninety per cent of managers are in support of measures to simplify the tax system and
           for growth          70 per cent are in favour of a bespoke capital allowance scheme for SMEs. Access to credit
                               remains a real concern to managers with 84 per cent urging Government to strengthen
                               measures to improve bank lending to businesses.

                               Professional managers’ continued commitment to skills investment is again clearly visible in
                               this edition’s data. Tax breaks for employers investing in skills and more Government funding
                               for apprenticeships both receive above 75 per cent net support, whilst devolving greater
                               control over skills funding to employers and learners enjoys a net support of 60 per cent.

                               As debate about investment in Britain’s infrastructure continues, managers offer stronger
                               support to investment in transport infrastructure (net support 65 per cent) than green
                               infrastructure (net support 27 per cent).

                     Table 3
        Net level of support
                                	                                                               Agree	 Disagree	 Net level of support 	
                                	                                                                %	       %	       March 2012 %
     for possible economic
           policy measures      Taxes should be simplified to encourage growth	                   91	          3	        88
                                Government should strengthen measures to improve bank
                                lending to businesses as a matter of urgency	                     84	          5	        79
                                Government should provide tax breaks for employer
                                investment in skills development	                                 82	          4	        78
                                Government funding for apprenticeships should be increased	       81	          5	        76
                                A capital allowance scheme for SMEs should be introduced
                                to encourage investment	                                          72	          3	        69
                                Government should direct investment towards transport
                                infrastructure	                                                   72	          7	        65
                                Regulation of the financial sector should be tightened	           73	         11	        62
                                Employers and learners should be given greater control over
                                funding for skills development	                                   67	          7	        60
                                Measures to reduce business regulation should be accelerated	     68	         14	        54
                                The planned increase in business rates should be scrapped	        64	         11	        53
                                Interest rates should be held at current levels	                  64	         18	        46
                                Business taxes should be cut	                                     59	         14	        45
                                Government should direct investment towards
                                green infrastructure	                                             45	         18	        27
                                Public spending should be cut further	                            27	         55	        -28
                                Visa laws should be relaxed to support businesses in the
                                recruitment of international talent	                              20	         54	        -34
                                Interest rates should be raised	                                  21	         63	        -42
                                Government can do little to affect the circumstances
                                of my organisation	                                               14	         72	        -58

Recommendations – the management challenge
         In February, CMI and Penna published a major study which quantified the impact that
         management and leadership can make. Organisations that invest effectively in management
         and leadership development were found to be performing 23 per cent higher across a
         range of measures of organisational performance3. Such margins can be the difference
         between success and failure. Indeed, research by the LSE/McKinsey has shown that a
         20 per cent improvement in management practices is equivalent to as much as a 35 per
         cent increase in total capital employed4. Given the difficult conditions which continue to face
         managers in all sectors, as shown in this Economic Outlook, it is clear that management
         performance is at a premium.

         Yet the findings also show that employer investment in management development, like
         other areas of spending, is under real pressure. At the same time, the level of concern
         about management skills shortages is on the rise. Of course, managers are responsible
         for controlling costs, and that has been a priority for many managers. But employers
         must also look closely at where cost-effective measures are still possible to improve
         management capacity.

         The importance of investing in our human capital is clear in the recommendations
         emerging from this report for policy makers. Managers are making clear demands
         for additional support to help their investment for growth:

         •• Employers are continuing to seek greater control over the funding of skills development
            and strongly support tax breaks to support their existing investment in skills. Further
            funding for apprenticeships is in demand, and the new UKCES Employer Ownership
            Fund of £250m should be a welcome new funding opportunity to support investment
            in management and leadership capability

         •• Simplification of the tax system: a clearer and effective tax regime which supports
            investment is rated as more of a priority than reductions in tax

         •• Measures to support a reliable flow of credit and access to finance, with the evidence
            suggesting that this remains a problem for many companies

         As we have previously argued, restoring Britain’s economic health will be achieved
         by persistent commitment to a wide range of complementary measures: in fiscal and
         monetary policy, in legal structures that define corporate governance and the scope and
         structure of markets, in education and training, and in trade and social policies. The policy
         areas identified form an important part of that picture and addressing them will help
         managers to deliver improved performance for UK plc.

         It is still the case that major challenges lie ahead for the UK economy, both domestic and
         global in nature. There are complex policy issues to be resolved – among them, improving
         access to financial capital, which remains restricted. Just as importantly, managers and
         policy makers must look again at how we can raise UK plc’s human capital, building
         much-needed skills and strengthening our businesses, ready for the heavy lifting needed
         to restore economic growth.


Chartered Management Institute
The Chartered Management Institute is the only
chartered professional body in the UK dedicated to
promoting the highest standards of management
and leadership excellence. CMI sets the standard
that others follow.

As a membership organisation, CMI has been
providing forward-thinking advice and support
to individuals and businesses for more than
50 years, and continues to give managers and
leaders, and the organisations they work in, the
tools they need to improve their performance and
make an impact. As well as equipping individuals
with the skills, knowledge and experience to be
excellent managers and leaders, CMI’s products
and services support the development of
management and leadership excellence across
both public and private sector organisations.

Through in-depth research and policy surveys
of its 90,000 individual and over 800 Company
Members, CMI maintains its position as the
premier authority on key management and
leadership issues.

For more information please contact
the Policy and Research Department on:
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Chartered Management Institute
2 Savoy Court, Strand,
London, WC2R 0EZ
Registered charity number 1091035
Incorporated by Royal Charter
ISBN 0-85946-408-3
© Chartered Management Institute, April 2012         4488 04/12

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Economic Outlook April 2012

  • 1. Economic Outlook Issue 6 – April 2012 Paul Hutchings and Patrick Woodman
  • 2. Introduction The Economic Outlook research series from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) examines and tracks managers’ views on the economy. Now in its sixth edition, this report presents the results from the Economic Outlook survey which is conducted on a six-monthly basis among a sample of CMI’s membership. The research provides regular and relevant insights into the state of the economy and the impact it is having on UK organisations. It reviews managers’ expectation of future economic performance and the actions they are taking to steer their organisations through the challenges they face. It also assesses managerial support for a range of public policy measures to provide commentary on what measures management professionals would like to see implemented. Methodology Between 15 March and 10 April 2012 CMI invited 15,000 of its members to complete an online survey. A total of 701 responses were received from across the UK, from a range of industry sectors across the economy and from managers at different seniority levels up to directors and chief executives. Where reference is made to net percentage points, such as the net level of employer optimism, this figure is calculated by subtracting the percentage of those who are not optimistic from the percentage of those who are optimistic. Due to rounding charts and tables displaying percentage figures may not add up to 100. This report has been prepared by Paul Hutchings and Patrick Woodman at CMI. Copyright Chartered Management Institute © First published 2012 Chartered Management Institute 2 Savoy Court, Strand, London WC2R 0EZ All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP catalogue record for this report is available from the British Library ISBN 0-85946-408-3 2
  • 3. Foreword In my foreword to our last Economic Outlook report, in October 2011, I wrote that “managers and leaders clearly perceive the British economy to be on the verge of a double dip recession”. We now know that the economy did indeed contract in the months that followed, and the UK has slipped back into recession. What is more, the GDP figures are only part of the story. The eurozone has experienced a rolling crisis in recent months and many analysts would not yet discount the possibility of eurozone fragmentation. Here in the UK, the latest inflation figures suggest that consumer demand will remain muted. Unemployment remains high, despite recent welcome signs of improvement – and the cost of energy remains a major source of concern. It is evident that a large part of management opinion remains deeply wary of such a toxic mix. A persistently high percentage of the managers surveyed for this series – over 80 per cent – report that these conditions are having a detrimental effect on their organisation. Managers expect their organisation’s investment to be limited or reduced in many categories. Some companies have developed substantial cash surpluses and it is evident that many managers remain deeply cautious about how best to use them. Yet there are also signs that the worst may be behind us. Optimism about the next six months has increased, particularly in the private sector. Time will show whether this optimism translates into real economic activity, supported by an expansion in demand and investment decisions that promote growth. Official predictions for growth are at levels that would have been regarded, for much of the last decade, as anaemic – yet would, in the current situation, be very welcome. We all need to adjust our expectations. If the supply of financial capital is limited, then I believe we must refocus on our human capital. That means the skills of our people: and there are few skills more important than management and leadership when it comes to critical challenges like cutting costs, cultivating innovation and maximising new opportunities. Yet this survey shows that management skills shortages are an increasing source of concern – and 79 per cent expect their budgets for management and leadership development (MLD) to be capped or cut this year. When recent research has shown that effective development improves organisational performance by 23 per cent1, these findings suggest a lack of investment in MLD will continue to harm UK economic performance. Indeed, our members support policy measures to build human capital, such as tax breaks to incentivise employer investment in skills, as well as measures to release more financial capital to business by improving bank lending. Government has an important role to play in setting the right policy framework. I hope that, in six months’ time, we are no longer talking of recession but of a steady return to growth. Christopher Kinsella Acting CEO, Chartered Management Institute 1 The Business Benefits of Management and Leadership Development, McBain et al, CMI, February 2012 3
  • 4. Summary of findings The UK economy •• Impact of the current state of the economy – 83 per cent of managers report that the state of the economy is having a negative impact on their organisation. This number has held steadily above 80 per cent since March 2009. Only six per cent think that the state of the economy is beneficial to their organisation, with the remaining 10 per cent suggesting that it has no impact. •• Impact of the economy by sector – managers from the public and not-for-profit sectors are most negatively affected by the economy with 92 per cent and 91 per cent reporting a damaging impact on their organisation. This is lower, but still high, among private sector managers (78 per cent). •• Economic growth over the next 12 months – managers are pessimistic about the direction of a number of key macro-economic indicators. Over the next 12 months they expect reductions in the rate of GDP growth, consumer spending and levels of employment, and they predict that business insolvency, household debt and the cost of credit will increase. UK organisations •• Employer optimism – managers’ reservations about the prospects for the wider economy are reflected in their assessment of the prospects for their own organisations. It is still the case that more managers feel pessimistic than optimistic about the outlook for the next six months, with a net score of -4 points, despite an improvement from -20 six months ago. •• Long term outlook – managers’ opinions are more positive about their prospects over the next three years, with a net score of +26, a ten point increase on our last survey. •• Improved private sector optimism – the differences between managers in different sectors are stark. Among public sector managers, the net score is -35 over a six month period, rising only to -25 when looking ahead three years. By contrast, private sector managers give a net optimistic response both in the short and the longer term, rising from +11 when considering the next six months, to +53 for the three year net score. •• Employer investment – managers suggest that employer investment over the next six months will decrease in many business areas, with marketing and business development the only categories where spending increases are more commonly expected. Thirty-five per cent expect cuts in training and development and 32 per cent expect cuts in management and leadership development activities, despite skills shortages being highlighted as having a damaging impact on businesses. •• Focusing on costs – the most common management response to economic conditions over the last six months has been to cut costs. Fifty-seven per cent of managers report pay freezes, 50 per cent an attempt to reduce business overheads and 49 per cent a recruitment freeze in their organisation. •• Availability of finance – 93 per cent of managers report that the availability of finance for both short-term needs and long-term investment has deteriorated or remained the same over the last six months. •• Damaging economic factors – 67 per cent of managers think the high cost of energy will have a detrimental impact on their organisation over the next six months. The level of government debt is seen as the second most common barrier to growth, reported by 81 per cent of public sector managers as having a damaging impact on their organisation. 4
  • 5. UK managers •• Job security – job insecurity continues to be an issue with 43 per cent of managers feeling insecure in their current job, although this is down from 48 per cent. Insecurity rises to 60 per cent in the public sector. •• Morale – employee morale continues to suffer with 64 per cent of managers reporting that it has got worse over the last six months. Policy measures •• Austerity measures – 59 per cent of those surveyed report that the Government’s austerity programme is having a damaging impact on their organisation. This rises to 83 per cent in the public sector and falls to 45 per cent in the private sector. Despite the concerns over its impact, an increasing number of managers report that the Government’s deficit reduction strategy is being implemented ‘at about the right pace’ (up to 43 per cent from 39 per cent six months ago). •• Skills development – 82 per cent of respondents would like to see tax breaks given to employers for investing in skills. Managers’ understanding of the importance of skills development is also seen in the fact that 81 per cent support the expansion of funding for apprenticeships, while 67 per cent call for greater employer influence over public investment in skills. •• Taxes – 91 per cent of managers support the simplification of business taxes. A bespoke capital allowance scheme for SMEs is also popular among managers, with 70 per cent supporting this policy. Access to credit remains a real concern to managers with 84 per cent urging Government to strengthen measures to improve bank lending to businesses. •• Infrastructure – a clear majority of managers feel that government should direct investment towards transport infrastructure (72 per cent), whilst just under half support investment in green infrastructure (45 per cent). Commentary on findings The UK economy The continued economic stagnation of the UK economy since the recession in January 2009, and its latest return to recession, is leading some to draw comparisons with Japan’s lost decade. This Economic Outlook shows that managers are suffering the effects of the UK’s stalled economy. Eighty-three per cent report that the economic conditions are negatively affecting their organisation, a figure that is comparable to those of six and 12 months ago (84 and 86 per cent respectively). The number of respondents reporting that the economy is having a harmful impact has held steadily above 80 per cent since March 2009. Figure 1 Impact of economy Significantly negative impact on organisation Slightly negative impact -43 -40 10 51 No impact Slightly positive impact Negative % Positive % Significantly positive impact Combined with the Government’s budget deficit reduction programme, the conditions are hitting those in the public and not-for-profit sectors the hardest, with 92 per cent of public sector managers and 91 per cent of not-for-profit managers reporting a negative impact. This compares to 78 per cent in the private sector. Across all sectors, just six per cent of managers suggest the UK economy is having a positive impact on their organisation. 5
  • 6. Economic Reflecting the UK’s return to recession, managers are pessimistic about the direction of indicators a number of key economic indicators over the next twelve months. With many managers highlighting access to credit as a key barrier to growth, it is worrying that two-thirds believe the cost of borrowing is set to increase. Seventy-one per cent think that business insolvencies will increase, though this is down from 76 per cent six months ago and 80 per cent one year ago. Three quarters of managers expect employment levels to either stagnate or decrease over the same period and 91 per cent expect stagnation or a fall in consumer spending. Half of managers expect no significant shift in GDP growth and 27 per cent expect a further decline in the rate of growth. Only 17 per cent expect growth to accelerate although this number has more than doubled from six per cent six months ago. Management The findings on management optimism continue the trend of modest improvements over optimism the last 12-18 months. As Figure 2 shows, in the private and not for profit sectors, the number of managers who are optimistic about their organisations’ prospects for the next six months now outweighs the number who are pessimistic. This is the first time this has been the case for the private sector since September 2010. Figure 2 Management optimism % net optimism over next six months 50% by sector 40% 30% 20% 10% Private sector 0% Public sector Not for profit sector -10% -20% -30% -40% -50% Sept ’08 March ’09 Sept ’09 March ’10 Sept ’10 March ’11 Sept ’11 March ’12 By contrast, net optimism about the next six months continues to lag behind in the public sector, with a highly pessimistic score of -35. Nonetheless, this is 14 points better than the low recorded in September 2010. As with previous findings in this series, managers tend to be more optimistic over the longer term than the short term. This is particularly true in the private sector, where managers are considerably more optimistic over the longer term. Net optimism measures for the next twelve months and three years now stand at +33 and +53 (up from +7 and +41 six months ago). However, optimism in the not-for-profit sector and public sector over the long term remains stubbornly low. With private sector growth vital to the UK’s economic recovery, policy makers will be hoping that increased optimism translates into growth. 6
  • 7. Figure 3 Management optimism % net optimism over time by sector 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% Private sector Public sector -20% Not for profit sector -30% -40% -50% 6 months 12 months Three years Employer Reflecting on barriers to growth, 67 per cent of managers highlight the cost of energy as challenges likely to have a damaging impact on their organisation over the next six months. Across all sectors, the level of government debt is the second highest barrier to growth, selected by 54 per cent of managers. Unsurprisingly, public sector managers rate this as their number one barrier. Management skills shortages are the next highest barrier overall, with 38 per cent expecting them to have a damaging impact on their organisation. Figure 4 80% Factors impacting on Cost of energy business over the next 70% Levels of six months: per cent Government debt damaging impact 60% Management skills shortages 50% Pension liabilities Employment disputes 40% Levels of personal debt 30% Labour shortages Changes in value of the pound 20% Availability of credit Reducing carbon 10% emissions 0% March ’09 Sept ’09 March ’10 Sept ’10 March ’11 Sept ’11 March ’12 The Chancellor used the 2012 Budget to update business on plans for implementing the £1 billion Business Finance Partnership programme, but managers continue to report concerns about the availability of finance. Ninety-three per cent report that the availability of credit for both short term and long term projects has got worse or remained the same over the last six months. 7
  • 8. Figure 5 Managers reporting availability of finance 60% 50% Work in progress and 40% short term needs (worse) Long term investment (worse) 30% Work in progress and short term needs (better) 20% Long term investment (better) 10% 0% Mar ’09 Sept ’09 Mar ’10 Sept ’10 Mar ’11 Sept ’11 Mar ’12 This data suggests that the Government still has much to do to improve the availability of finance for businesses wishing to invest and grow. Unsurprisingly, as Table 3 (page 10) shows, there is strong support for the Government to strengthen measures to improve lending to businesses as a matter of urgency. Employer The last Economic Outlook noted that employer investment decisions have dropped investment and off since the beginning of the series in 2008. This edition still shows low expectations cost cutting of investment overall. In nine out of eleven categories, as shown in Table 1, managers believe that budgets will decrease over the next six months. Only budgets for marketing and business development are expected to see increases in investment. Nonetheless, the latest survey’s data offers signs that investment may be beginning to pick up. Across every area, net scores have improved since six months ago. For example, expectations for investment in recruitment have seen a 10 point net increase, which must be welcomed in light of the latest employment figures showing an 8.3 per cent unemployment rate2. Table 1 Sept ’08 Mar ’09 Sept ’09 Mar ’10 Sept ’10 Mar ’11 Sept ’11 Mar ’12 Net investment expectation over the Management consultancy -20 -30 -29 -23 -34 -33 -29 -26 next six months Recruitment -19 -38 -30 -22 -37 -37 -33 -23 Plant and machinery -11 -26 -28 -21 -24 -26 -25 -17 Training and development 13 -21 -16 -13 -23 -24 -23 -14 Management and leadership development n/a -22 -14 -10 -19 -22 -19 -13 Employee pay n/a -12 -10 -1 -18 -24 -18 -13 Corporate social responsibility 6 -9 -11 -6 -16 -14 -13 -9 Product research and development 11 -14 -14 -8 -17 -14 -12 -9 IT 16 -17 -10 -4 -16 -14 -9 -1 Marketing 31 7 8 16 1 1 6 8 Business development/sales 38 12 14 21 14 7 7 16 The findings show that cutting costs continues to be a priority for management, especially in the public sector as it adapts to spending cuts. Staff costs have been a key area for reductions in the last six months. As Figure 7 shows, rates of voluntary redundancies are over four times higher than in the private sector, whilst rates of compulsory redundancies are double those in the private sector. Overall 57 per cent of organisations have implemented a pay freeze and 49 per cent have implemented a recruitment freeze, rising to 82 and 72 per cent in the public sector. In the private sector, 56 per cent of managers are trying to reduce other business overheads. 2 8
  • 9. Figure 6 Organisational responses 90% to the current economic 82 conditions in the last six 80% 77 months by sector 72 70% 60% 60 56 50 52 50% Private sector 43 42 42 40% 39 36 Not for profit sector Public sector 30% 27 26 20% 17 10% 0% Frozen Reduced Recruitment Voluntary Compulsory pay levels business overheads freeze redundancies redundancies UK managers Employee morale levels continue to suffer with 64 per cent of managers reporting that they have got worse or much worse in the past six months. Unsurprisingly, given many of the findings in this report, 87 per cent of public sector managers report that morale has got worse over the same period compared to 65 per cent in the not for profit sector and 52 per cent in the private sector. Figure 7 Change in employee morale over the past Overall -39 -25 31 5 six months Much worse Private sector -40 -12 41 7 Worse Neither worse nor better Not for profit sector -50 -15 27 8 Better Much better Public sector -34 -53 12 Negative % Positive % Overall, perceived levels of job security have slightly improved, with those reporting they feel very insecure or insecure in their jobs fallings from 48 per cent six months ago to 43 per cent now. Encouragingly, the difference between men and women reported in the last Economic Outlook seems to have narrowed. Figure 8 60% Job insecurity by gender 50% 47 47 44 40% 33 35 33 Men 30% Women 20% Overall 14 9 10 11 10 10% 6 0% Very insecure Insecure Secure Very secure 9
  • 10. Austerity and With the Government making tackling the deficit its number one economic priority, the survey deficit reduction asked managers what impact the austerity programme is having on their organisation. Across all sectors 59 per cent report that it is having a damaging impact on their organisation. This rises to 83 per cent in the public sector, whilst 64 per cent in the not-for-profit sector and 45 per cent in the private sector report a damaging impact. Despite the concerns over its impact, an increasing number of managers report that the Government’s deficit reduction strategy is being implemented ‘at about the right pace’ (up to 43 per cent from 39 per cent six months ago). Table 2 Spring 2011 Autumn 2011 Spring 2012 Managers’ views on the pace of deficit % % % reduction measures Not quickly enough 11 25 24 At about the right pace 40 39 43 Too quickly 48 36 32 Policy measures Over ninety per cent of managers are in support of measures to simplify the tax system and for growth 70 per cent are in favour of a bespoke capital allowance scheme for SMEs. Access to credit remains a real concern to managers with 84 per cent urging Government to strengthen measures to improve bank lending to businesses. Professional managers’ continued commitment to skills investment is again clearly visible in this edition’s data. Tax breaks for employers investing in skills and more Government funding for apprenticeships both receive above 75 per cent net support, whilst devolving greater control over skills funding to employers and learners enjoys a net support of 60 per cent. As debate about investment in Britain’s infrastructure continues, managers offer stronger support to investment in transport infrastructure (net support 65 per cent) than green infrastructure (net support 27 per cent). Table 3 Net level of support Agree Disagree Net level of support % % March 2012 % for possible economic policy measures Taxes should be simplified to encourage growth 91 3 88 Government should strengthen measures to improve bank lending to businesses as a matter of urgency 84 5 79 Government should provide tax breaks for employer investment in skills development 82 4 78 Government funding for apprenticeships should be increased 81 5 76 A capital allowance scheme for SMEs should be introduced to encourage investment 72 3 69 Government should direct investment towards transport infrastructure 72 7 65 Regulation of the financial sector should be tightened 73 11 62 Employers and learners should be given greater control over funding for skills development 67 7 60 Measures to reduce business regulation should be accelerated 68 14 54 The planned increase in business rates should be scrapped 64 11 53 Interest rates should be held at current levels 64 18 46 Business taxes should be cut 59 14 45 Government should direct investment towards green infrastructure 45 18 27 Public spending should be cut further 27 55 -28 Visa laws should be relaxed to support businesses in the recruitment of international talent 20 54 -34 Interest rates should be raised 21 63 -42 Government can do little to affect the circumstances of my organisation 14 72 -58 10
  • 11. Recommendations – the management challenge In February, CMI and Penna published a major study which quantified the impact that management and leadership can make. Organisations that invest effectively in management and leadership development were found to be performing 23 per cent higher across a range of measures of organisational performance3. Such margins can be the difference between success and failure. Indeed, research by the LSE/McKinsey has shown that a 20 per cent improvement in management practices is equivalent to as much as a 35 per cent increase in total capital employed4. Given the difficult conditions which continue to face managers in all sectors, as shown in this Economic Outlook, it is clear that management performance is at a premium. Yet the findings also show that employer investment in management development, like other areas of spending, is under real pressure. At the same time, the level of concern about management skills shortages is on the rise. Of course, managers are responsible for controlling costs, and that has been a priority for many managers. But employers must also look closely at where cost-effective measures are still possible to improve management capacity. The importance of investing in our human capital is clear in the recommendations emerging from this report for policy makers. Managers are making clear demands for additional support to help their investment for growth: •• Employers are continuing to seek greater control over the funding of skills development and strongly support tax breaks to support their existing investment in skills. Further funding for apprenticeships is in demand, and the new UKCES Employer Ownership Fund of £250m should be a welcome new funding opportunity to support investment in management and leadership capability •• Simplification of the tax system: a clearer and effective tax regime which supports investment is rated as more of a priority than reductions in tax •• Measures to support a reliable flow of credit and access to finance, with the evidence suggesting that this remains a problem for many companies As we have previously argued, restoring Britain’s economic health will be achieved by persistent commitment to a wide range of complementary measures: in fiscal and monetary policy, in legal structures that define corporate governance and the scope and structure of markets, in education and training, and in trade and social policies. The policy areas identified form an important part of that picture and addressing them will help managers to deliver improved performance for UK plc. It is still the case that major challenges lie ahead for the UK economy, both domestic and global in nature. There are complex policy issues to be resolved – among them, improving access to financial capital, which remains restricted. Just as importantly, managers and policy makers must look again at how we can raise UK plc’s human capital, building much-needed skills and strengthening our businesses, ready for the heavy lifting needed to restore economic growth. 3 4 11
  • 12. Chartered Management Institute The Chartered Management Institute is the only chartered professional body in the UK dedicated to promoting the highest standards of management and leadership excellence. CMI sets the standard that others follow. As a membership organisation, CMI has been providing forward-thinking advice and support to individuals and businesses for more than 50 years, and continues to give managers and leaders, and the organisations they work in, the tools they need to improve their performance and make an impact. As well as equipping individuals with the skills, knowledge and experience to be excellent managers and leaders, CMI’s products and services support the development of management and leadership excellence across both public and private sector organisations. Through in-depth research and policy surveys of its 90,000 individual and over 800 Company Members, CMI maintains its position as the premier authority on key management and leadership issues. For more information please contact the Policy and Research Department on: Tel: 020 7421 2721 Fax: 020 7497 0463 Email: Website: or write to us at the address below. Chartered Management Institute 2 Savoy Court, Strand, London, WC2R 0EZ Registered charity number 1091035 Incorporated by Royal Charter ISBN 0-85946-408-3 © Chartered Management Institute, April 2012 4488 04/12