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What is research?
Any honest attempt to study a problem systematically or to
add to man’s knowledge of a problem may be regarded as
research. (Theodorson and Theodorson 1969 cited in
Reber 1995, p.663)
The aim, as far as I can see, is the same in all sciences. Put
simply and cursorily, the aim is to make known something
previously unknown to human beings. It is to advance
human knowledge, to make it more certain or better fitting
. . . the aim is, as I have said, discovery. (Elias 1986, p.20)
What is research?
• Research is what we do when we have a
question or a problem we want to resolve
• We may already think we know the answer to
our question already
• We may think the answer is obvious, common
sense even
• But until we have subjected our problem to
rigorous scientific scrutiny, our 'knowledge'
remains little more than guesswork or at best,
What is research?
• First priority is to formulate your question
• Then figure out how you are going to
answer it
– How have others answered it?
– How does your proposal fit in with what others
have done?
– How will you know when you have answered
• Then you can present your answer
Definition of research
• research.
a)the systematic investigation into and
study of materials, sources, etc, in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions.
b)an endeavour to discover new or collate
old facts etc by the scientific study of a
subject or by a course of critical
[Oxford Concise Dictionary]
• To investigate some existing situation or problem.
• To provide solutions to a problem.
• To explore and analyse more general issues.
• To construct or create a new procedure or system.
• To explain a new phenomenon.
• To generate new knowledge.
• A combination of two or more of any of the above.
(Hussey and Hussey 1997)
Quality research is the lifeblood of any scientific
discipline. Without it, disciplines would stagnate,
failing to advance past their current limits and
(Wann 1997 p.17)
Exploratory research
Takes place where there is little or no prior knowledge of a
This type of research attempts to gain some familiarity with
the appropriate concepts and looks for patterns or ideas
without any preconceived ideas or explanation.
Descriptive research
Describes a particular phenomenon, focusing upon the
issue of what is happening, or how much of it has
happened, rather than why it is happening.
Explanatory research
This type of research is involved in explaining why
something happens, and assessing causal relationships
between variables.
Predictive research
Forecasts future phenomena, based on the
interpretations suggested by explanatory research.
Pure research takes place to explore a particular
concept, or issue, without regard for a specific problem,
and may be carried out to simply gain a better
understanding of the overall concepts.
Applied research is undertaken to solve a specific
problem or provide a solution to a practical question.
Primary research
Refers to research that has involved the collection of original
data specific to that particular research project, for example
through using research methods such as questionnaires or
Secondary research
Refers to research where no such original data is collected,
but the research project uses existing (or secondary)
sources of data, for example census or archive data.
Theoretical research generally uses the findings from
existing works to develop new ideas through analysing
existing theory and explanations. These new ideas are not
tested through collecting evidence in the form of primary
Empirical research supports the development of new
ideas through the collection of data (empirical =
observation or measurement rather than theoretical
1. Locate and read a few articles from within a field you are
comfortable with.
2. Read studies that are of interest to you.
3. Read the abstract first.
4. Identify the research question and objectives.
5. Why did the researcher(s) choose a particular setting or
6. What were the methods chosen to collect data?
7. What were the most important findings?
8. Do not be over-concerned with statistical analysis.
9. Be critical but objective.
1. There are a number of definitions of research. Defining
research is less important than understanding its nature.
2. Research is important for the advancement of any
academic field or discipline.
3. Research can be classified as exploratory, descriptive,
explanatory or predictive depending upon its purpose. It can
also be classified as either theoretical or applied depending
upon the level of application of the findings to ‘real life’
4. Research may involve the collection of new data (primary
research) or the use of existing data (secondary research).
5. The best way to begin to develop your understanding of
research, its role, and the types of research is to undertake
some reading. Choose some appropriate articles, and begin
to read!
Research Process
The research process
Factors to consider
 The impact of your personal feelings and beliefs
 Access to data
 Time and other resources
 Validity and reliability of the data
 Ethical issues
Problems with Research Today
 Contradictory or indefinite findings
 Questionable data
 Unclear statements about the purpose of
the study
 Lack of full explanation of the data
collection procedure
 Inarticulate rendering of the research
Steps in the Research Process
The Process of Research
Review the
Identify the
Research Problem
Evaluate Research
Specify a
Collect Data
Analyze and
The Process of Research:
Identify the Research
 Specify a problem
 Suggest a need to study the problem for
The Process of Research:
Review the Literature
 Locate resources
 Books
 Journals
 Electronic resources
 Select resources
 Determine the relevant resources for the topic
 Organize the resources by developing a “Literature
 Summarize the resources in a literature review
Literature review example
• One of the most influential empirical papers ever
published to date is a paper by Kydland and Prescott
(1990). In this well known article they displayed the
stylized facts of business cycle fluctuations in USA. In
this study following the Lucas’s definition, business
cycle is defined as the deviations of aggregate real
output from its trend.
• Plosser (1989) investigates real business cycle
fluctuations in USA between 1954-1985. For analyzing
the properties of the business cycle, he used the
moments of the sample and found out that the growth
rate of investments is the most volatile process.
Output, wages and consumption follow this.
The Process of Research:
Specify a Research
 Identify the purpose statement
 The major intent of the study
 The participants in the study
 Narrow the purpose statement
 Quantitative: Write research questions and/or
 Qualitative: Identify a central phenomenon
and write subquestions
The Research Process:
Collect Data
 Determine the data collection method
 Select the individuals to study
 Design data collection instruments and
outline data collection procedures
 Obtain permissions
 Gather data
The Research Process:
Analyze and Interpret Data
 Take the data apart to look at individual
 Represent the data in tables, figures, and
 Explain conclusions from the data that address
the research questions
The Research Process:
Report and Evaluate
 Report research
 Determine the audience for the report
 Structure the report
 Write the report sensitively and accurately
Ethical Considerations in
 Respect the rights of the participants
 Honour the requests and restrictions of the
research site
 Report the research fully and honestly
Skills Needed for Research
 Curiosity to solve puzzles
 Long attention span
 Library and computer resource skills
 Writing and editing skills
Where to Begin? At the Beginning!
Let’s say you need some research resources for a paper
you’re writing for a class. You have a general topic –
process safety – and you know you need resources, but you
aren’t sure how to get started.
Your impulse would be to start with the Internet, but instead,
first consider what you need to find:
quality, credible resources
about or related to process safety
Narrowing What You Need
“process safety” is a very, very broad
topic, and trying to research a very, very
broad topic is very, very difficult.
You need to narrow the topic down to
something more specific – you can narrow
the topic by asking yourself questions
about the topic, such as…
Need to Narrow? Ask These…
 What do I find interesting about the topic?
 What might I find useful to learn?
 What personal experiences have I had that
relate to some aspect of the topic?
 What misconceptions do people have about
the topic that I’d like to clarify?
 What myths exist about the topic that I’d like
to dispel?
 What would I like to learn more about with
regard to this topic?
Asking the questions leads to…
• The narrowing and focusing of the topic
• The creation of a thesis statement, which
becomes the backbone of your paper
• From the thesis statement, you can generate
• Keywords are the most important parts of
your thesis statement and are what you use
to conduct searches when looking for
resources (but we’ll talk more about
keywords and keyword searching later)
A review of chemical process safety practices in a liquid soap factory
• process
• safety
• chemicals
• practice
• liquid
• soap
• liquid soap
• factory
• review
• law
• accidents
• carelessness
• human errors
What is the current practice of process safety in a liquid soap factory?
Effective? Ineffective? Are there room for improvements?
I strongly advocate keeping a list of keywords – it can help
you focus and organize!
More on Keywords
• Keyword searching is how you’re going to be
conducting most of your searching. Keyword
searching is the combination of key words (get it?)
with operators (AND, OR, and NOT) to produce
search strings
• Remember, keywords will come from your thesis
statement, but you ought to include related words
and concepts as well
• When using phrases – like couple conflict – you
need to put the phrase in quotation marks:
“process safety”
Search string: examples
• “process safety” and liquid soap
• “process safety” and liquid soap factory
• Chemical process safety and practice and liquid soap
• safety and practice and liquid or soap
• safety and liquid soap NOT “bar soap”
* Use AND not + or &. Pay attention to
number (singular vs. plural) and spelling.
• Generating a list of keywords is also a
means of brainstorming about topics
• There are different ways one can
brainstorm, though; these other ways
can also generate keywords for you to
use in your search
• If you’re more visually-oriented, don’t be
afraid to draw or use more visual
methods of brainstorming
• You can use research diaries or logs to
help you organize your thoughts
This form of brainstorming is
sometimes called a circle map.
NEXT STEP: *NOT* Searching YET
 That’s right – we’re not searching yet. Hold your
horses! There’s something you need to know.
 Know how most professors (and librarians)
cringe when you use Google and other search
engines and rely too heavily on websites for
your research?
 The reason for this is that the Internet is NOT
moderated or quality-controlled, and there’s a
lot of GARBAGE and RUMOR and outright
MISINFORMATION floating around.
*NOT* Searching YET
You don’t want to write a paper or conduct
research with GARBAGE, RUMOR, or
You wouldn’t feed a baby GARBAGE, would
You would feed a baby healthy, safe, clean
food, right? RIGHT!
Think of your paper like a baby – you want to
fill it with healthy, safe, clean things!
*NOT* Searching YET
 “healthy, safe, clean things” = scholarly, peer-
reviewed, research-oriented resources
 There ARE scholarly, peer-reviewed, research-
oriented resources on the Internet – but it
usually takes extra effort and time to find them
 However, starting with the Library’s resources
means that you’re heading straight for those
resources right out of the gate – the Library is
CHOCK-FULL of scholarly, peer-reviewed
So…what are scholarly resources?
Written by experts
Focus on a particular field, topic, or
Intended for others in that field or career
“Proper” language, technical vocabulary
No ads
* Journals are scholarly
POPULAR resources are the opposite
Written by journalists
Usually cover broad topics, fields, issues, or
Usually appeal to a wide audience
Everyday language, slang, even profanity
LOTS of ads
* Magazines and newspapers are popular
Using the Internet for Research
• So, I mentioned earlier how your first impulse
might be to go the Internet, but how that’s not
a great idea?
• And remember what I said, too: The reason
for this is that the Internet is NOT moderated
or quality-controlled, and there’s a lot of
GARBAGE and RUMOR and outright
MISINFORMATION floating around.
• Let me qualify that: the Internet does have a
LOT of GOOD information, too, BUT…
Using the Internet for Research
• …sometimes it’s not so easy to tell if a
website is appropriate for research or not,
because remember: not everything is
appropriate for research
• But there are ways to tell if a website is
appropriate for research or not
• When using the Internet for research, use
the following criteria to determine if a
website is good for research or not –
taking the time to evaluate websites will
help you obtain GOOD resources
Evaluating Websites for
• Authority--who created the web page? Are they experts? What
are their credentials? Do they provide contact information?
• Accuracy--where did they get their information? Are the facts
verifiable through another source? Do they list a bibliography
of citations from where they obtained their information?
• Objectivity--does the site have biases? Is the information
presented in such a way to allow the viewer to make his/her
own judgment, or does the site try to persuade you to adopt its
viewpoint? What is the purpose of the site? ***
• Currency--when was the site last updated? Are the facts on
the site up-to-date? Is the information current?
• Coverage--how much of the topic does the resource cover?
Does it attempt to cover all or most of the aspects, or is it
During the Search
• Organization is very important – keeping your
resources organized means you can lay hands
on what you need in an efficient way
– Invest in some folders – pocket folders,
manila folders, 3-ring binders, whatever you
– Where possible, email yourself copies of the
things you print off
– Where possible, save copies of the things
you print off to a jump drive or a cloud
service (like Google Drive)
• That research diary sheet we saw earlier would
be appropriate at this stage
After the Searching’s Done…
• You have the resources you need, either
digitally or physically, if you’ve printed them
• This is when underlining and/or highlighting
come into play, as well as notes and sticky
• Documentation is also important, in order to
avoid plagiarism – several of our databases
(like Mendeley or Endnote) will generate
citations for you
After the Searching’s Done…
• Note-taking on your resources can help you
focus on the important parts of the resource
and exclude or ignore the stuff that’s not
relevant – it’s filtering
• It’ll save you time, too – making note of what’s
useful or relevant can save you from having to
read the article again and again to find the
good bits
• Note-taking can also help you begin to
formulate how to express or include
information from the resource in your own
Project management
• Save your work into
– Several pendrives
– Cloud storage
– Email to yourself
• DO create a list of keywords
• DO underline/highlight/bookmark
• DO take notes/sticky notes
• DO get organized
• DON’T multitask
• DON’T procrastinate
• DON’T plagiarize

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Operating system. short answes and Interview questions .pdfOperating system. short answes and Interview questions .pdf
Operating system. short answes and Interview questions .pdf

ECH5990 What is Research.pptx

  • 2. WHAT IS RESEARCH? Any honest attempt to study a problem systematically or to add to man’s knowledge of a problem may be regarded as research. (Theodorson and Theodorson 1969 cited in Reber 1995, p.663) The aim, as far as I can see, is the same in all sciences. Put simply and cursorily, the aim is to make known something previously unknown to human beings. It is to advance human knowledge, to make it more certain or better fitting . . . the aim is, as I have said, discovery. (Elias 1986, p.20)
  • 3. 3 What is research? • Research is what we do when we have a question or a problem we want to resolve • We may already think we know the answer to our question already • We may think the answer is obvious, common sense even • But until we have subjected our problem to rigorous scientific scrutiny, our 'knowledge' remains little more than guesswork or at best, intuition.
  • 4. 4 What is research? • First priority is to formulate your question • Then figure out how you are going to answer it – How have others answered it? – How does your proposal fit in with what others have done? – How will you know when you have answered it? • Then you can present your answer
  • 5. Definition of research • research. a)the systematic investigation into and study of materials, sources, etc, in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. b)an endeavour to discover new or collate old facts etc by the scientific study of a subject or by a course of critical investigation. [Oxford Concise Dictionary]
  • 6. WHY UNDERTAKE RESEARCH? • To investigate some existing situation or problem. • To provide solutions to a problem. • To explore and analyse more general issues. • To construct or create a new procedure or system. • To explain a new phenomenon. • To generate new knowledge. • A combination of two or more of any of the above. (Hussey and Hussey 1997)
  • 7. Quality research is the lifeblood of any scientific discipline. Without it, disciplines would stagnate, failing to advance past their current limits and understanding. (Wann 1997 p.17)
  • 8. TYPES OF RESEARCH Exploratory research Takes place where there is little or no prior knowledge of a phenomenon. This type of research attempts to gain some familiarity with the appropriate concepts and looks for patterns or ideas without any preconceived ideas or explanation.
  • 9. Descriptive research Describes a particular phenomenon, focusing upon the issue of what is happening, or how much of it has happened, rather than why it is happening.
  • 10. Explanatory research This type of research is involved in explaining why something happens, and assessing causal relationships between variables.
  • 11. Predictive research Forecasts future phenomena, based on the interpretations suggested by explanatory research.
  • 12. PURE AND APPLIED RESEARCH Pure research takes place to explore a particular concept, or issue, without regard for a specific problem, and may be carried out to simply gain a better understanding of the overall concepts. Applied research is undertaken to solve a specific problem or provide a solution to a practical question.
  • 13. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY RESEARCH Primary research Refers to research that has involved the collection of original data specific to that particular research project, for example through using research methods such as questionnaires or interviews. Secondary research Refers to research where no such original data is collected, but the research project uses existing (or secondary) sources of data, for example census or archive data.
  • 14. THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL RESEARCH Theoretical research generally uses the findings from existing works to develop new ideas through analysing existing theory and explanations. These new ideas are not tested through collecting evidence in the form of primary data. Empirical research supports the development of new ideas through the collection of data (empirical = observation or measurement rather than theoretical reasoning).
  • 15. HOW TO READ RESEARCH 1. Locate and read a few articles from within a field you are comfortable with. 2. Read studies that are of interest to you. 3. Read the abstract first. 4. Identify the research question and objectives. 5. Why did the researcher(s) choose a particular setting or sample? 6. What were the methods chosen to collect data? 7. What were the most important findings? 8. Do not be over-concerned with statistical analysis. 9. Be critical but objective.
  • 16. WHAT IS RESEARCH - SUMMARY 1. There are a number of definitions of research. Defining research is less important than understanding its nature. 2. Research is important for the advancement of any academic field or discipline. 3. Research can be classified as exploratory, descriptive, explanatory or predictive depending upon its purpose. It can also be classified as either theoretical or applied depending upon the level of application of the findings to ‘real life’ situations.
  • 17. SUMMARY II 4. Research may involve the collection of new data (primary research) or the use of existing data (secondary research). 5. The best way to begin to develop your understanding of research, its role, and the types of research is to undertake some reading. Choose some appropriate articles, and begin to read!
  • 19. The research process Factors to consider  The impact of your personal feelings and beliefs  Access to data  Time and other resources  Validity and reliability of the data  Ethical issues
  • 20. Problems with Research Today  Contradictory or indefinite findings  Questionable data  Unclear statements about the purpose of the study  Lack of full explanation of the data collection procedure  Inarticulate rendering of the research problem
  • 21. Steps in the Research Process
  • 22. The Process of Research Review the Literature Identify the Research Problem Report and Evaluate Research Specify a Research Purpose Collect Data Analyze and Interpret Data
  • 23. The Process of Research: Identify the Research Problem  Specify a problem  Suggest a need to study the problem for audiences
  • 24. The Process of Research: Review the Literature  Locate resources  Books  Journals  Electronic resources  Select resources  Determine the relevant resources for the topic  Organize the resources by developing a “Literature Map”  Summarize the resources in a literature review
  • 25. Literature review example • One of the most influential empirical papers ever published to date is a paper by Kydland and Prescott (1990). In this well known article they displayed the stylized facts of business cycle fluctuations in USA. In this study following the Lucas’s definition, business cycle is defined as the deviations of aggregate real output from its trend. • Plosser (1989) investigates real business cycle fluctuations in USA between 1954-1985. For analyzing the properties of the business cycle, he used the moments of the sample and found out that the growth rate of investments is the most volatile process. Output, wages and consumption follow this.
  • 26. The Process of Research: Specify a Research Purpose  Identify the purpose statement  The major intent of the study  The participants in the study  Narrow the purpose statement  Quantitative: Write research questions and/or hypothesis  Qualitative: Identify a central phenomenon and write subquestions
  • 27. The Research Process: Collect Data  Determine the data collection method  Select the individuals to study  Design data collection instruments and outline data collection procedures  Obtain permissions  Gather data
  • 28. The Research Process: Analyze and Interpret Data  Take the data apart to look at individual responses  Represent the data in tables, figures, and pictures  Explain conclusions from the data that address the research questions
  • 29. The Research Process: Report and Evaluate Research  Report research  Determine the audience for the report  Structure the report  Write the report sensitively and accurately
  • 30. Ethical Considerations in Research  Respect the rights of the participants  Honour the requests and restrictions of the research site  Report the research fully and honestly
  • 31. Skills Needed for Research  Curiosity to solve puzzles  Long attention span  Library and computer resource skills  Writing and editing skills
  • 33. Where to Begin? At the Beginning! Let’s say you need some research resources for a paper you’re writing for a class. You have a general topic – process safety – and you know you need resources, but you aren’t sure how to get started. Your impulse would be to start with the Internet, but instead, first consider what you need to find: quality, credible resources about or related to process safety
  • 34. Narrowing What You Need “process safety” is a very, very broad topic, and trying to research a very, very broad topic is very, very difficult. You need to narrow the topic down to something more specific – you can narrow the topic by asking yourself questions about the topic, such as…
  • 35. Need to Narrow? Ask These…  What do I find interesting about the topic?  What might I find useful to learn?  What personal experiences have I had that relate to some aspect of the topic?  What misconceptions do people have about the topic that I’d like to clarify?  What myths exist about the topic that I’d like to dispel?  What would I like to learn more about with regard to this topic?
  • 36. Asking the questions leads to… • The narrowing and focusing of the topic • The creation of a thesis statement, which becomes the backbone of your paper • From the thesis statement, you can generate keywords • Keywords are the most important parts of your thesis statement and are what you use to conduct searches when looking for resources (but we’ll talk more about keywords and keyword searching later)
  • 37. A review of chemical process safety practices in a liquid soap factory • process • safety • chemicals • practice • liquid • soap • liquid soap • factory • review • law • accidents • carelessness • human errors • What is the current practice of process safety in a liquid soap factory? Effective? Ineffective? Are there room for improvements? I strongly advocate keeping a list of keywords – it can help you focus and organize!
  • 38. More on Keywords • Keyword searching is how you’re going to be conducting most of your searching. Keyword searching is the combination of key words (get it?) with operators (AND, OR, and NOT) to produce search strings • Remember, keywords will come from your thesis statement, but you ought to include related words and concepts as well • When using phrases – like couple conflict – you need to put the phrase in quotation marks: “process safety”
  • 39. Search string: examples • “process safety” and liquid soap • “process safety” and liquid soap factory • Chemical process safety and practice and liquid soap • safety and practice and liquid or soap • safety and liquid soap NOT “bar soap” * Use AND not + or &. Pay attention to number (singular vs. plural) and spelling.
  • 40. Brainstorming • Generating a list of keywords is also a means of brainstorming about topics • There are different ways one can brainstorm, though; these other ways can also generate keywords for you to use in your search • If you’re more visually-oriented, don’t be afraid to draw or use more visual methods of brainstorming • You can use research diaries or logs to help you organize your thoughts
  • 41. This form of brainstorming is sometimes called a circle map.
  • 42. NEXT STEP: *NOT* Searching YET  That’s right – we’re not searching yet. Hold your horses! There’s something you need to know.  Know how most professors (and librarians) cringe when you use Google and other search engines and rely too heavily on websites for your research?  The reason for this is that the Internet is NOT moderated or quality-controlled, and there’s a lot of GARBAGE and RUMOR and outright MISINFORMATION floating around.
  • 43. *NOT* Searching YET You don’t want to write a paper or conduct research with GARBAGE, RUMOR, or MISINFORMATION, do you? OF COURSE NOT! You wouldn’t feed a baby GARBAGE, would you? OF COURSE NOT! You would feed a baby healthy, safe, clean food, right? RIGHT! Think of your paper like a baby – you want to fill it with healthy, safe, clean things!
  • 44. *NOT* Searching YET  “healthy, safe, clean things” = scholarly, peer- reviewed, research-oriented resources  There ARE scholarly, peer-reviewed, research- oriented resources on the Internet – but it usually takes extra effort and time to find them  However, starting with the Library’s resources means that you’re heading straight for those resources right out of the gate – the Library is CHOCK-FULL of scholarly, peer-reviewed resources!
  • 45. So…what are scholarly resources? Written by experts Focus on a particular field, topic, or discipline Intended for others in that field or career “Proper” language, technical vocabulary No ads RESEARCH ORIENTED * Journals are scholarly
  • 46. POPULAR resources are the opposite Written by journalists Usually cover broad topics, fields, issues, or disciplines Usually appeal to a wide audience Everyday language, slang, even profanity LOTS of ads NOT RESEARCH ORIENTED * Magazines and newspapers are popular
  • 47. Using the Internet for Research • So, I mentioned earlier how your first impulse might be to go the Internet, but how that’s not a great idea? • And remember what I said, too: The reason for this is that the Internet is NOT moderated or quality-controlled, and there’s a lot of GARBAGE and RUMOR and outright MISINFORMATION floating around. • Let me qualify that: the Internet does have a LOT of GOOD information, too, BUT…
  • 48. Using the Internet for Research • …sometimes it’s not so easy to tell if a website is appropriate for research or not, because remember: not everything is appropriate for research • But there are ways to tell if a website is appropriate for research or not • When using the Internet for research, use the following criteria to determine if a website is good for research or not – taking the time to evaluate websites will help you obtain GOOD resources
  • 49. Evaluating Websites for Research • Authority--who created the web page? Are they experts? What are their credentials? Do they provide contact information? • Accuracy--where did they get their information? Are the facts verifiable through another source? Do they list a bibliography of citations from where they obtained their information? • Objectivity--does the site have biases? Is the information presented in such a way to allow the viewer to make his/her own judgment, or does the site try to persuade you to adopt its viewpoint? What is the purpose of the site? *** • Currency--when was the site last updated? Are the facts on the site up-to-date? Is the information current? • Coverage--how much of the topic does the resource cover? Does it attempt to cover all or most of the aspects, or is it vague?
  • 50. During the Search • Organization is very important – keeping your resources organized means you can lay hands on what you need in an efficient way – Invest in some folders – pocket folders, manila folders, 3-ring binders, whatever you like! – Where possible, email yourself copies of the things you print off – Where possible, save copies of the things you print off to a jump drive or a cloud service (like Google Drive) • That research diary sheet we saw earlier would be appropriate at this stage
  • 51. After the Searching’s Done… • You have the resources you need, either digitally or physically, if you’ve printed them out • This is when underlining and/or highlighting come into play, as well as notes and sticky notes • Documentation is also important, in order to avoid plagiarism – several of our databases (like Mendeley or Endnote) will generate citations for you
  • 52. After the Searching’s Done… • Note-taking on your resources can help you focus on the important parts of the resource and exclude or ignore the stuff that’s not relevant – it’s filtering • It’ll save you time, too – making note of what’s useful or relevant can save you from having to read the article again and again to find the good bits • Note-taking can also help you begin to formulate how to express or include information from the resource in your own writing
  • 53. Project management • Save your work into – Several pendrives – Cloud storage – Email to yourself
  • 54. RECAP • DO create a list of keywords • DO underline/highlight/bookmark • DO take notes/sticky notes • DO get organized • DON’T multitask • DON’T procrastinate • DON’T plagiarize