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Easy Essay Ideas
Writing an essay on the topic of "Easy Essay Ideas" may seem paradoxical at first glance. The
irony lies in the challenge of crafting an engaging and insightful piece on a subject that appears
to be inherently uncomplicated. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between
simplicity and depth, finding meaningful insights within seemingly straightforward concepts.
When tasked with exploring easy essay ideas, one might be tempted to underestimate the depth
and richness that can be extracted from seemingly simple topics. The challenge lies in avoiding
superficiality and clichГ©s, delving beyond the obvious and uncovering layers that may not be
immediately apparent. It requires a creative approach to transform seemingly easy ideas into an
essay that captivates the reader's attention and stimulates intellectual curiosity.
Furthermore, the ease of the topic may lead to complacency, as one might be tempted to
overlook the importance of proper research and thoughtful analysis. The risk is producing a piece
that lacks substance and fails to contribute meaningfully to the chosen subject. Crafting a
compelling essay on easy topics demands a keen sense of exploration and a commitment to
uncovering the nuances that might escape casual observation.
Despite the apparent simplicity of the task, the writer must navigate the challenge of presenting
the information in a fresh and engaging manner. Avoiding the pitfalls of clichГ©d expressions
and mundane observations becomes crucial in order to sustain the reader's interest. The challenge
lies in making the familiar seem unfamiliar, bringing a new perspective to easy essay ideas and
elevating them beyond the ordinary.
In conclusion, while the topic may suggest simplicity, writing an essay on "Easy Essay Ideas" is
paradoxically intricate. It requires a delicate balance between simplicity and depth, a keen sense
of exploration, and a commitment to presenting the information in a captivating manner. Only by
overcoming the temptation of superficiality can one create an essay that truly does justice to the
seemingly easy ideas explored.
For those seeking assistance in tackling such challenges, similar essays and much more can be
ordered on, where experienced writers are ready to provide expert guidance
and support in crafting compelling and insightful essays.
Easy Essay Ideas Easy Essay Ideas
The Tragic Hero Of Euripides Greek Literature
In Greek literature, tragedies tend to have a traditional format: a tragic hero,
reversal of fortune due to a tragic flaw, moment of recognition, and catharsis. In
order to be considered a tragic hero, the character must be born noble, is usually a
ruler, and has a tragic flaw which causes peripety. Typically, the hero s realization of
self inflicted doom is what allows a release of emotions. This raises a question of
who the tragic herois in Medea. The tragic hero is thought to be Jason, however there
is an argument that he has no realization that his demise is due to his own flaw
which does not allow catharsis. In Euripides greek play, the audience experiences
catharsis as they watch the secondary characters, Medea, Creusa, and Jason and
Medea s sons suffer as a result of Jason s hamartia; striving for power. These
secondary characters experience the true suffering and therefore they are what
allow the reader to reach catharsis. In the beginning of the text, Jason abandons
Medea for another woman. Medea feels an overwhelming sense of heartbreak and
anger because she not only loved Jason but she did everything for him; she went
against her father, ran away from her home, killed her brother, and helped him
succeed on his journeys according to the readings of Edith Hamilton s The Quest
of the Golden Fleece. Medea also makes is clear how she was a loving and
providing wife to him and definitely not deserving of abandonment. And I have loved
him and borne him sons;
Watches Worn
Exploring the Watches Worn by Famous Athletes
No matter what type of sports they play, athletes across the globe receive due
recognition for their prowess. Many athletes are introduced to their sport of choice
at an early age, and they may have been practicing for numerous years before they
become well known to the public. Not everyone achieves the level of success and
worldwide adoration among fans that Beckham and Woods and Federer, have, of
course but countless individuals strive to reach such a degree of fame. The
advantages afforded the major players are significant, and that includes being paid
far more than those in a multitude of other professions will ever earn in a lifetime.
While athletes are paid well for their talents, they ... Show more content on ...
Roger Federer is yet another athlete to have linked his name to the Rolex brand. He
has excelled in a sport that is typically ruled by young athletes, and he has continued
to rank highly for more than 10 years. He has consistently garnered an impressive
number of world records, so it s no surprise that a luxury watch brand like Rolex
would invite the celebrated tennis player to publicly approve of their brand. His
dedication to playing his sport in a classic style matches the image of the classic
Plenty of other top competitors in tennis have lent their names and images to luxury
watch companies, as well. Novak Djokovic has represented Audemars Piguet
watches for years. He was elevated himself in the tennis world at a fast pace, and the
watch company apparently recognized that he would serve them well in their
marketing efforts. Rafael Nadal has won multiple titles, so he was an obvious
choice for Richard Mille. The company collaborated to create a timepiece known
as the Tourbillon RM 027 Rafael Nadal, a watch specifically designed to be the kind
of durable, lightweight price that a top athlete would appreciate. The watch that
Nadal proudly wore on the court and that CNBC reporter Robert Frank predicted
would sell out was certainly a
Why Is Coach Carter A Movie
Coach Carter is an American biographical sports drama film inspired by a true
story of Richmond High School basketball coach, Ken Carter, who made headlines
in 1999 for benching his undefeated high school basketball team due to poor
academic results. It was released in 2005 and was directed by Thomas Carter.
There are a few reasons as to why I chose this film over many others. Firstly, Coach
Carter had a twisted storyline as compared the sports drama films. Instead of focusing
mainly on practising basketball, they work hard towards achieving better grades and
a secured future. Secondly, I think that this movie stressed on setting clear
expectations. I feel like I can relate to this as this current year will be tough in the
long run. It encourages me to plan and set better expectations to improve myself in
certain areas such as my character and education wise. This film sends the message
of how dedication and teamwork makes up a stronger team. To me, the theme in this
movie is to not give up and when the odds are against you, overcome them.
Ken Carter, a successful sporting goods store ... Show more content on ...
However, they lose the game to St Francis by just 2 points. Unlike many films,
there is no perfect sporting ending for Coach Carter. I always believe that to win a
game or a battle is a form of victory, instead this movie had taught me and widen my
perception on victory. In Coach Carter, victory does not determined on their last
game but the victory is off the court in a way of how the team has come together as
one and the differences they make to their lives by changing their outlook and future.
It is true however that winning and the reward motivates us through the challenges
in our life but it s the journey itself which is made up of setbacks and challenges that
we faced and overcome, and realising on our weaknesses and strengths is what makes
us achieves
The Virgin Suicide Jeffery Eugenides
The Virgin Suicide by Jeffery Eugenides
1.My first impression of the book was that I was very shocked because on the literal
second page it starts off with an attempted suicide. The feelings I had from this book
was that it was an ultimately a sad because death and suicide is highly frowned upon.
2.No, because you know starting off that reading the back cover and from the title
that the girls will eventually commit suicide however you don t know why.
Throughout the novel you are on the edge of your seat trying to understand what
would posses these girls to commit suicide.
3.It was an unusual read because the book started with attempted suicide, when
through the book talking about normal life then BAM; all the girls commit suicide in
the ... Show more content on ...
The most compelling part of the novel for me is when Alex is in jail for getting
caught and arrested for gang affiliation and rape. This was the most compelling part
for me because I found that the way the officers manipulated and attempted to brain
wash him to better society , I found their ways of brain washing to be interesting.
3.The most challenging part of the novel was the crimes the Alex and his gang had
committed. This was most challenging for me because I found that it was a difficult
read being that it went into detail of all the crimes they committed. An example
would be the old, rich cat lady and how Alex smashed her head in; I found that I
personally could not finish this.
4.Alex is a boy who doesn t want to be treated as a kid anymore but he isn t ready
to be treated as an adult. In a way I can find myself relating to Alex in the way that
he wants to be treated as an adult but at the same time I don t think that I m ready
5.I appreciate the fact that Alex and his gang eventually changed and came to the
conclusion that the wanted to better themselves, however I believe that if they didn t
get arrested they wouldn t have changed their ways. The fact that Burgess used
extreme detail when describing the boys crimes, I found it extremely inappropriate
on his part being that it was morally
Essay on Importance of Symbols in “the Thing in the
Brandon Doder 11/1/11 Importance of Symbols in The Thing in the Forest In
many fairytales, we are given characters who set out on an adventure to better
themselves whether they know that they are on one or not. In A.S. Byatt s The
Thing in the Forest we are taken on such an adventure, but this is more than just a
children s fairytale. Through figurative language we are shown that the main
characters, Penny and Primrose, are dealing with more than just a creature in the
forest, and that with this use of symbols as a way to express a larger meaning to
objects in the story, we better understand how Penny and Primrose are dealing with
being away from their family during a time of war in England. In this story we are
exposed... Show more content on ...
With the use of symbols, Byatt can make reference to problems with the girls or
make a comment on the larger picture of war at the time. The three largest symbols
that appear in the story are the mansion, the forest, and of course, the thing in the
forest. Each symbol represents something bigger in the whole scheme of things.
The mansion that the girls are first sent to is a cold and dreary place to the
children. Byatt describes the mansion as cold and dark. This is because of war
time in England and they are tying to not be obvious. This dreariness only helps
the symbol of the mansion to represent what is going on at that time. The house is
a representation of the State. That being the government and everything that is part
of the security it provides. There is a sense of security in a way that the mansion is
used. The government commandeered the mansion for use as a safe house,
although there still is a feeling of doubt about it. To the girls and other children, the
mansion is a place of security or home until they move on. This is most likely not
what the girls had in mind when they arrived. For them to feel any sort of comfort in
this time of tragedy, they will need to stick together and make the best of the
situation. The girls seemed to be thinking the worst of every event but at the
mansion, things were taken care of to the best of the ability of the adults there to care
for them. Unlike the
The Problem Of Discrimination Against The Disabled Essay
There are many isms that exist in today s American culture. Because of these
discriminations put on others, there are plenty of ways to stop such hatred. Ableism
has been around for a long time and continues to be an issue today. Because of
discrimination against the disabled, there have been negative impacts on society; for
example, society has turned disabilities into inabilities. In fact, it is society that has
stopped the disabled from reaching success.
54 million people suffer from some sort of disability. Whether that is mental,
physical, or emotional. It was believed long ago that people who suffered with
disabilities were said to have been demonic. Due to these beliefs, many children and
adults were treated with utter disrespect and harmed. Many scientific studies were
done in order to come up with the reasoning of these mental illnesses.
Ableism is the discrimination or prejudice against people who have disabilities. This
discrimination dates all the way back to 1981. Ultimately, this means that someone
is defined by his or her disability. Some people who struggle with a disability
consider it to be rude when others do not believe they can accomplish something in
which others are able to accomplish.
During the Holocaust, ableism was present. However, back then, no on considered
this to be ableism only because there was so much discrimination during the
Holocaust. This was just another one of Hitler s heinous acts. There, they were also
labeled as life unworthy
Essay on American Civil War
Assignment: Unit 6 Review Questions
Student Name:
Score: (___/99)*50= ___/50
Part 1: Life on the Great Plains (22 points)
Describe the changes that took place on the Great Plains before and after the Civil
War. Do this by filling in the chart provided by using the text and the internet. Make
sure that all answers are complete. The first section has been done for you.
Category: People
Pre Civil War: Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapahoe, Nez Perce
Post Civil War: Farmers, Ranchers
Category: Building Materials
Pre Civil War: Buffalo Remains
Post Civil War: Bricks of sod
Category: Food Supply
Pre Civil War: Buffalo
Post Civil War: Farms and domestic animals
Category: Homes
Pre Civil War: Shelters
Post Civil War:... Show more content on ...
The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away
to the hills, and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are perhaps
freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children, and see how many
of them I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me, my chiefs! I
am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no
more forever.
Answer the following question using complete sentences.
1. List at least five reasons why Chief Joseph made the decision to surrender.
A large amount of the tribe had died
Those who are still alive are suffering
The tribe is disoriented from all the fleeing and fighting
They lack survival supplies
They have suffered enough from fighting and fleeing
2. How do Chief Joseph words reveal his moral qualities?
He spoke about the tribe as individuals naming those who had been lost and worried
for the sake of his people lacking the necessary supplies to survive. He also
mentioned wishing to search for those who had been lost in the battle.
Part 3: Answer the following questions based on your reading of the The Significance
of the Frontier in American History. (8 points)
1. Why did Turner believe that the American frontier was different from the European
2. According to Turner, how
Mexico Political Crisis Essay
However, based on the US Border patrol statistics, the illegal border crossings have
a direct correlation of our new administration. Past administrations turned a blind
eye to the illegal immigration problem that existed over the last three decades. The
Trump administration appears to be steadfast on a political promise to make our
borders stronger. As we look at the campaign rhetoric it was clear that the spewed
venom and bigotry was a priority for this president. The number one campaign goal
was to build a wall to keep non residents from entering the country illegally. Once
again we saw the already weak peso slip in its value.
What is interesting here is that it appears as if Mexico had conceded that Donald
Trump was going to be the 45th President of the United States months prior to the
election. The Mexican economy gave off the perception that its sitting President was
no match for a New York business man running for President here... Show more
content on ...
No other countries economy is impacted as severely as Mexico based on the
financial outlook of the United States. The US economy, government and election
process controls the direction of the Mexican peso. This is obviously the case of the
dog wagging the tail.
Mexico is no different than any other country that allows for free and fair elections
in a democratic society, however what we have come to realize is that Mexico has
had its fair number of corrupt governors and presidents in the past and present.
Corrupt individuals at this level causes for concern within Mexico as well as in the
U.S. The Mexican peso over the last forty years has always been quite volatile. The
volatility in the past has mainly stemmed from the inept ability of the country to reign
in its corruptive practices along with its corrupt Government.
The Title I Am Zlatan
Title and Author: The Title is I Am Zlatan. The title reflects Zlatan s big ego and
the self belief he has in everything that he does in life. The title, I Am Zlatan, also
reflects one of the themes in not trying to be anyone else but yourself. Setting I Am
Zlatan opens in Zlatan s childhood where he lives in RosengГҐrd, Sweden.
RosengГҐrd is on the south side of Malmo, where Zlatan would play for his first
professional team. The setting is mainly in RosengГҐrd from 1981 to 2001. The
setting then changes when Zlatan Ibrahimovic, also known as Ibra , to Ajax, one of
the most historic soccer clubs in the Netherlands. Most of the story in the Netherlands
takes place in Ajax s club facilities in Amsterdam and occasionally on the outskirts of
the city where Zlatan... Show more content on ...
Zlatan grew up in a rough family situation in RosengГҐrd, Sweden. Zlatan was born
to two immigrant parents from eastern Europe. Zlatan s mom was rarely present
when Zlatan came home from school because of her long work hours during the day
and multiple jobs. Meanwhile his dad was constantly dealing with his problems with
alcohol with him being drunk multiple times throughout Zlatan s childhood. Zlatan s
dad was also very protective of Ibra which would later be a trait that Zlatan inherited
to his kids. To escape from the chaos at home Zlatan would go around RosengГҐrd
pulling off different stunts. Zlatan could often be found around RosengГҐrd stealing
bikes, shoplifting from local stores, and even falling from the roof of a nearby
daycare once. Zlatan has an older sister named Sanela. He often went to Sanela for
emotional situations like girls that he came across during his schooling. Zlatan also
had a younger brother named Aleksandar or Keki who he looked after as a fathering
figure. Anytime Keki was bullied or made fun, Zlatan was sure to make sure that the
bully knew who he was dealing
Hamlet, Misfits And The Art Of Battling Giants
Williams Shakespeare s play, Hamlet, describes the tragic death of King Hamlet,
whose son, very depressed and impacted by the death of his father, seeks revenge in
his honor. The King s son, Hamlet, constantly mourns his father and is depressed
about how no one else seems to be mourning causing him to break his relationships
with his familybecause he keeps to himself, rather than voicing his suffering to others
in effort to heal, ultimately inhibiting and perpetuating his depressive state. Malcolm
Gladwell disagrees with Hamlets way of handling grief and suggests a more
proactive way to improve his situation. Gladwell in his novel, David and Goliath
Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants, suggests people should use their
negative... Show more content on ...
Ophelia represents the future he could have if he is willing to improve and
overcome his pain. Although he is aware of the possibility of a future, he slowly
breaks his ties with her as he realizes he will not have a future at the end of his plot.
After he sees the ghost for the first time and believes the story it provides, he starts
to dress and act strangely. Ophelia describes these changes in appearance, when she
says: No hat upon his head, his stockings fouled, /Ungartered, and down gyved to
his ankles, /Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other (Shakespeare II.I, 89
91). Hamlet comes into Ophelia s room in a distressed state, after seeing the ghost,
but he is unwilling to talk to her. This concerns her because she is used to him
being open with her and being dressed in formal clothing. When Hamlet does not
speaking to Ophelia is the relationship begins to fall apart because he does not want
to confide to the person he loves about his encounter and turmoil. Choosing not to
communicate his problems to his girlfriend sets their relationship up for failure
because they need to be able to speak to each other and understand when things are
bothering them. Ophelia tries to keep their relationship close, but their lack of
communication creates a barrier. She decides to break up with him because she
wants a future and if he does
The Abolitionist Movement. The Abolitionist Movement
The Abolitionist Movement The Abolitionist movement started around the 1830s and
lasted until 1865. This movement was a huge step toward our country s future,
attempting to end slavery and racial discrimination. People like William Lloyd
Garrison, Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe persuaded others in their
cause and elected those with the same views as them in political positions. William
Lloyd Garrisonstarted an abolitionist newspaper called the Liberator, Frederick
Douglas also wrote a newspaper, called the North Star, and Harriet Beecher Stowe
published a novel called Uncle Tom s Cabin. These advocates, while they did not
cause the Civil War, they contributed to this war by bringing attention to one of the
country s... Show more content on ...
These different views allowed people to view slavery from a new perspective. Many
people who were proslavery soon felt sorry for their actions and saw their actions as a
William Lloyd Garrison, a white man from Massachusetts became a part of the anti
slavery movement, or abolitionist movement, in 1830. Right away, William Lloyd
Garrison published a weekly paper called the Liberator, which directly stated the
need for immediate and complete emancipation of all slaves. William Lloyd
Garrison saw that the only way that slavery could end was by persuading those
who would read his pieces. Garrison realized the only way to prove how bad
slavery is, was to show how immoral and unjust it was for there to be slavery in our
country. He felt so strongly about his views, e once burned a copy of the
Constitution because this documented stated the right to own slaves. Garrisons
paper had received very harsh responses and many states wanted to charge against
Garrison for a felonious crime and would reward others who found those who
distributed his paper. (28a. William Lloyd Garrison and The Liberator) The reason
why Garrison had received such severe reactions from people was because of his
non government theories and his idea that the government was a form of
compromise, explaining how slavery would not end with compromise. He also wrote
in the Liberator and denounced the Compromise of 1850, condemned the
Mississippi Burning Film Analysis
91104 Level 2 Connections 2017
Name: Tramain Marunui
Texts and author/director
Eye In The Sky
Mississippi Burning ⇽Introduction⇾
The main connection I am going to look into in further detail is Innocence.
The meaning of Innocence from my opinion is To not be found guilty of a cause or
problem eg: Invulnerable.
I will be using four pieces of texts to help me back this up.
The first text is Hurricane directed by Norman Jewison, Hurricane is about a man
named Rubin Carter who s dream is winning the middle weight boxing title but all
came to a crash when some unsuspected murders happend.
The second text is Eye In The Sky directed by Gavin Hood, Eye in The Sky is about
the British army preparing to take out a group of Suicidal Bombers in Nairobi Kenya.
The final text is Mississippi Burning directed by Alan Parker, Mississippi Burning is
about a mystery killing of 3 civil right workers supporting the African American Race.
Body Paragraph 1~
The first connection I will be explaining is Culpability.
From my opinion Culpability means to be blamed for something they didn t do
despite them pleading innocent from a Law s point of view.
The movie that relates strongly to this is Hurricane, Rubin Hurricane Carter was a
Boxing champion but all went downhill when he was accused of murdering three
people at a bar in New Jersey.
An example of how culpability was used was when in the
Joseph Dunn, The Owner And General Manager Of Dunn s
Introduction Joseph Dunn is the owner and general manager of Dunn s Ski
Emporium in Vail, Colorado. Business has been above their competitors for years,
but Joseph believes he is able to bring in more business if he merges with the Deli
next door. The business from the ski emporium has attracted customers to the deli
and vice versa. George is thinking of retiring in the next few years, and Joseph
wants to ensure that George s success continues after he retires. Joseph is a social
architect by trade and has faith that he is able to change both businesses into one,
while staying above his competitors. Change demands leadership, and leadership is
about coping with change. The result is that businesses have to seek change to
survive and compete effectively (Kotter, 1990). In this case study, Joseph will
create an illustration, encouraging imagination, and will show how all of their
employees will play a role in ensuring success. Joseph relies on his transformational
leadership style. He is a leader that is capable of initiating a bold strategy and is
instrumental in the process that change is occurring. In order for him to remain
competitive, he must respond quickly to the pressures of economic globalization
(Lam, 2011). In order for Joseph to enhance his role as a leader he has to take
initiative, think outside the box, listen to and take advice from George and all
employees, and motivate everyone to work towards the end state: a combined,
prosperous business. The overall goal
Major Problems For The Livestock Industry Throughout
Babesia parasites are obligate intraerythrocytic protozoa capable of invading a wide
range of vertebrate hosts, subsequently leading to serious economic problems for the
livestock industry throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world (Homer
et al., 2000;
Uilenberg, 2006). Bovine babesiosis is mainly caused by two species of bovine
intraerythrocytic protozoan parasites, Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina. Infected
animals in an acute stage have symptoms of fever, anemia, hemoglobinuria, and
sometimes resulting in death. In contrast, those in chronic stages may become
chronic carriers without clinical signs. Human and rodent babesiosis caused by
Babesia microti has emerged as a life threatening zoonosis in the world (Kjemtrup and
Conrad, 2000). Although infection usually is asymptomatic, immunocompromised
and elder people develop mild to moderate fever, headache, body aches, fatigue, and
anorexia. Importantly, B. microti has been used as an experimental model for
studying novel chemotherapy (Aboulaila et al., 2012) and host immune responses,
the understanding of which is a prerequisite for developing an effective vaccine
Babesia parasites (Yokoyama et al., 2003).
Although several attempts have been made to develop a vaccine against babesiosis,
no vaccine has yet proven to be completely effective in preventing Babesia infection.
Attenuated live vaccines lead to significant decreases in mortality; however, they do
not prevent the infection or
Literary Devices Used In Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper Ray Bradbury received the 2000
National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American
Letters, the 2004 National Medal of Arts, and the 2007 Pulitzer Prize Special
Citation. In 1954, Fahrenheit 451 won the American Academy of Arts and Letters
Award in Literature and the Commonwealth Club of California Gold Medal. It has
since won the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award in 1984 and a 1954 Retro Hugo
Award, one of only four Best Novel Retro Hugo s ever given, in 2004. Ray Douglas
Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Illinois, on August 22, 1920. He was the third child
of Leonard Spaulding Bradbury, a telephone lineman for the Waukegan Bureau of
Power and Light, and Esther Bradbury,... Show more content on ...
She begins to change his perspective on how he was living his life and what his
career was doing to him. (This represents seeing oneself clearly and self reflection)
Clarisse asks Guy many questions that makes him ponder, unlike any time before,
Do you ever read any of the books you burn? He responded by laughing and saying,
That s against the law! (Bradbury 5). After Clarisse and Guy finish their
conversation, Guy returns home. Once Guy returns home, he finds his wife
Mildred lying there, knowing she attempted suicide. This makes Guy recall
Clarisse s complex question, Are you happy? Sadly, to say, he wasn t (Bradbury
17). Furthermore, Guy was beginning to change. He was transforming into a
different person ever since he met Clarisse. No longer was he the typical firefighter.
Guy began to ponder on the idea of firemen in the past, so he asked two co workers.
The co workers responded with laughter and reminded Guy about the rule book
Mounting Student Debt
Can you imagine yourself as an adult who just graduated from college, and has to
move back home and live with your parents? Imagine waking up everyday and
knowing that you have two hundred thousand dollars in student loans that has to be
paid? There are many reasons that cause these problems, but today, large amounts of
student debtand an increase in unemployment are the major problems that college
graduates are facing. With the lack of jobs and no money, people are turning to
their parents for food and shelter. In Rosie Evan s essay Boomerang Kids: What are
the Cause of Generation Y s Growing Pains, she explains the causes of the delayed
adulthood, and she also gives the messages to people and the government to offer
better support to this generation. The causes of Generation Y growing pains are the
amount of college s debt, lack of employment and people becoming too dependent on
A great example of not being able to move ahead in society is when you are
struggling with debt. Mounting student debt is one of the important contributing
factors why a large number of college students move home. A couple of generations
ago, things were different. Adults who did not go to college either got jobs or get
married. A close friend of our family went to a college for 7 years, as soon as he
graduated, he owed a large debt for his ... Show more content on ...
With the rapid growth of technology, the millennials are overly depending on
technology. Wherever I go, most of the people I see is either texting or talking on
their phones, including myself. These days, you can order almost anything and
everything online. Although we rely on technology, I do not think it is a bad thing
at all. Some people have to use technology for their job. Mostly, you cannot get a
current day job without being able to use a computer or type. Our lives would not be
the same without technological advances. Use it, but do not depend on
The Dominican Republic Essay
The people of the Dominican Republic are knowledgeable of their past in order to
know what their future might bring. The Spanish settlers gave them their language,
as well as their predominant faith. Africans were brought to the Dominican
Republic as slaves, bringing their faith, music, and art. Their love of baseball came
from the United States troops. Creativity such as music and art is a large portion of
the Dominican Republican culture and lifestyle. Their music ranges from forms
such as meringue, bachata, and salsa. These diverse forms of music are also
combined with jazz, rock, and hip hop to form a culture of music. The art scene of
this country was discovered by Rafael Trujillo, who founded the national school of
fine arts in... Show more content on ...
AS people of inclusion they believe Jesus came to include all, not exclude. All are
welcome. They are people of liberation because they seek to challenge all the
oppressed and they embody grace by living out their liberation until all are set free
of oppression. Dominicans are filled with hope, joy, and unrelenting optimism
because they believe: God is good, with God all things are possible, and God uses us
to transform the world. As Jesus people they believe Jesus was the incarnation if
God s grace. They believe Jesus was the ultimate liberal and showed us the way to
lead the life God intends for all of us.
Judicial branch judges are elected by a Council made up of members of the legislative
and executive branches with the president presiding. The branches in their
government resemble our government.
The daily life of the Dominican Republic is very interesting. During the day they do
many different things like cleaning and doing crafts with others. They have to regular
meals breakfast, lunch and dinner. Things that they would eat would be their national
dish beans and rice. Rice was the most important crop for them.
Dominican Day in August Colorful floats move on the street as music plays with the
participants wearing their costumes. People along the street yell, sing, dance, and
wave the Dominican flag.
The Dominican Republic shares an island with
Tattoos Piercings in the Workplace Essay
Tattoos amp; Piercings in the Workplace
Shelley Hipps
College America
This paper focuses on the subject of whether or not tattoos and piercings should be
allowed in the workplace. There are a lot of resources arguing that they should not
be allowed, but this research maintains the point that they should be more accepted
in the workplace these days. This paper concludes by discussing how tattoos and
piercings are much more of an artistic expression rather than a form of rebellion as it
was once considered.
Tattoos and piercing have become increasingly more common over the years.
Obvious issues within the workplace have surfaced. Some would argue that tattoos
and piercings in the workplace are inappropriate, ... Show more content on ...
In some industries, such as software and biotechnology, companies need to attract
the most intelligent employees, regardless of what is inked on their skin or
dangling from their flesh. (WONG, 2005) This is a great example because it helps
argue my point. A company should be worried about the work that its employee
will produce and not worry so much about what is on or in their skin. The
outplacement firm Challenger, Gray amp; Christmas says employers will be forced
to become more accepting of body art. Some employers are already having trouble
finding skilled workers they are not going to let some body art get in the way of
hiring the best qualified candidate, said John Challenger, chief executive officer of
the Chicago based firm. (WONG, 2005)
I understand some companies just want to promote a strictly professional image.
Then again, isn t the most qualified applicant the most professional one or is it just
the one that looks the best? Here is another good example of this point, I would
never want to limit our work force based on body art. Our priority, like any industry,
is to have the best that we can have. (WONG, 2005) Tattoos today are recognized as
totally different than what they were pictured as in the past. Tattooing is recognized
by government agencies as both an art form and a profession and tattoo related art
work is the subject of museum, gallery and educational institution art shows across
the United States. [ (Levins,
Comparing Rear Window And It Had To Be Murder
The film Rear window is not a worthy adaptation of the short story It had to be
Murder because it does not develop the theme, character, and literary devices well
through the failed use of film techniques. First, the theme love, is focused a lot more
in the film Rear Window than in the short story It had to be Murder . The filmhad a
great deal of information about Hal Jefferies relationship with Lisa. It also, showed
us about Miss Lonesome and her problems she went through trying to find a man.
There was hardly any romance in the short story.
Next, the characters are different in the film Rear Windowthan in the short story It
had to be Murder . In the film Lisa is presented. She likes fashion and is in an
upcoming relationship with Jefferies.
Examples Of Flawed Characters In Medea
Often tragedies have an heroic but flawed central character, but in Medea no
character has any admirable or heroic qualities.
Do you agree with this observation about the characters in the play?
Euripides tragedy Medea, written in 431 BCE is centralized on the fantastic revenge
that its protagonist Medea seeks after oath breaker Jason betrays her and leaves her
suffering . Medea is presented by Euripides s originally as a vulnerable and hurt but
slowly reveals her true nature as cunning and malicious. Medea is a highly flawed
character overcome with a desire for revenge and pride, with little redeeming
qualities. However, she does present as a strong and clever female lead who stands
up against her misogynistic ancient Greek society. Euripides s supporting characters,
like ... Show more content on ...
Medea is a flawed character whose savage temperament results in the tragic events
of Medea. Euripides s protagonist is introduced to the audience by the nurse who
supported Medea and recounted how her heart transfixed by desire for Jason was
broken when he married the princess. The nurse warns that Medea may hatch some
unheard of scheme as Medea flawed character is gradually revealed and her
stubborn and proud disposition. Throughout the play Euripides displays that
Medea has some redeeming qualities as she is clever and was able to control her
tongue as she convinces Creon to let her stay for one day till she is in exile. These
qualities are unique to Medea and her use of logic could be seen as admirable by
audiences as she navigates herself out of dire situations. Despite
Microsoft Corp. And Alphabet Inc.
Microsoft Corp. and Alphabet Inc. are two of the world s biggest technology
companies and an investment in either one of them would be a very good idea, but
one company might stand out over the other. I will give you a brief background of
both companies. Then I will look at each company from an economic stand point.
Then finally I will give you my opinion on which company I would make an
investment in.
Microsoft has been around since 1975 and are famous for their computer operating
systems called Windows. Windows was the first operating system that featured a
Graphical User Interface that allowed the average Joe to use a computer with
relative ease. Before windows if you wanted to do anything with a computer you had
to have a great deal of ... Show more content on ...
Well google allows other companies to advertise their products on the search
results and the more popular google grew the more companies wanted to advertise
on google, more advertisers means more money for google. Alphabet was created as
a way to better organize the way google and all its divisions. So basically Alphabet is
Now let s talk more about Microsoft and what they are currently doing. Microsoft
has kind of been on the downslope for a while. With all the new competition from
other companies like Alphabet and Apple there is now more substitutes for
Microsoft s windows operating system. It doesn t help that Microsoft made a very
poor operating system called windows 8 which drove away a lot of their
customers. Another thing that Microsoft regrets is their neglecting of the mobile
industry, which is something Google excels in. Microsoft first refused to go into
the mobile industry, which killed them because the mobile computing industry has
been the growing popularity in the past 5 years or so. All of their bad business
decisions changed when Microsoft got their new CEO Satya Nadella. Satya has so
far completely made a 180 degree change in the company and their products.
Recently Microsoft has released a new operating system called windows 10 and it
caters to every form of electronic device including desktops, laptops, touchscreen
tablets, phones and even gamming consoles. The best part of the
Zoos, Aquariums And Museum
Nowadays, it is hard to find a person who has never been in a zoo, aquarium or
museum. Since childhood we find it fancy to observe animals and exhibits, but
sometimes even adults do not understand what the real value of zoos, aquariums and
museums is.
First, it is necessary to explain the main goals of these institutions which are to
increase knowledge about the surrounding, to learn about conservation related
behavior and to build conservation principles. In order to fulfill these goals, modern
zoos, aquariums and museums provide a huge range of possibilities such as arranging
specific exhibitions ensuring visual experiences, presenting new information and
joining the conservation organization (Yalowitz).
In addition, the information given in an exhibition is not as memorable as it seems at
first. After a week or more people are tend to forget the main message of the
presentation. Thus, it means that zoos, aquariums and museums have to find a way
how to increase an impact during people s visits.
This is further shown by the fact that the follow up visitors gain more knowledge
than the first time ones. In other words, the follow up visitors are more likely to ...
Show more content on ...
Some of them want to observe exhibits to bate his or her curiosity, others have
hobby passions on the shown topic and would like to gain a new experience. What
is also worth mentioning is that information presented in an exposure has to
comprise needs of every visitor, and zoos, aquariums and museums have to make it
easy for everyone to understand and comprehend all that was shown and said. Other
aspects such as age, gender, social group, ethnicity and basic level of knowledge
should also be taken into consideration. Besides, another argument is that institutions
should also provide programs for distinguishing motivations in order to fulfill one s
expectations and to increase long term knowledge (why zoos
Case Study on Barclays Bank
This case study paper will analyze the economics of Barclays, one of the largest
financial providers in the UK and in the world. It will also use Barclay s example to
illustrate the peculiarities of banking industry functioning.
Overview of the Business
Barclays is an international financial services provider operating in more than 50
countries and serving more than 42 million customers worldwide. It engages in
commercial banking, investment banking, wealth management and asset
management. Its commercial banking arm offers services to British and international
customers, including current accounts, savings accounts, mortgages, insurance, credit
cards and consumer loans. It has a majority stake ... Show more content on ...
Banks also attempts to offer their customers integrated financial solutions to
discourage switching. At the same time, availability of existing substitute products is
high, and buyers are very price sensitive. Conclusion: low to medium buyer
bargaining power
New Entrants: In the current situation, there is little threat of new entrants, since
banking is regarded as a risky business. The trend is towards greater concentration of
banking industry rather than diversification. Existence of barriers to entry (such as
capital requirements) makes entry more complicated. Brand equity is very
important: confidence is the key in banking, so new entrants might find it difficult to
develop an initial level of confidence. Access to necessary inputs (liquidity) is also
hard to gain for new players.
At the same time, learning curve advantages are relatively unimportant, since
innovation is not the most important profit driver in banking. Also, banking does not
rely heavily on proprietary technology. Researchers argue that economies of scale are
of little importance in financial services industry. However, specialist knowledge
might deter new entrants, as major banks know markets and customers much better
than new players. There is also scarcity of important resources such as qualified
expert staff. Conclusion: medium threat of new entrants
Threat of Substitution: Given high brand loyalty of customers and close customer
relationships, threat of
Analysis Of When The Rain Stops Falling
As an actor, playing the role of Elizabeth (younger), how do I interpret her character
and explore the theme of sacrifice embodied by her character?
How do I interpret Elizabeth younger and translate that into a performance?
Elizabeth s younger self is developed in the context of 1960 s London. The 1960s
was considered a decade of change for women ; birth control pills being approved
for the first time and women entering the work force and protesting gender
disparities in pay . Elizabeth is depicted by Bovell as a fiercely intelligent woman,
still in the prime of her life when we first meet her in her small flat in London.
Living in the 60s, she would have been full of expectation and hope for the future,
grasping at any opportunity, making it all the more tragic when it is all torn away
from her and she is left alone with a life she never wanted: the life of a single
mother. It is her story that is the origin of the problems faced by all other characters
in the play, setting up Bovell s themes of intergenerational trauma and failure. It was
within this context that I first started a more holistic interpretation of her character.
Furthermore, the contemporary nature of our performance of When The Rain Stops
Falling has allowed me to explore her character in greater depth, as the non linear,
multi generational nature of the play has given me an insight into Elizabeth s future
life, providing more weight and meaning to the circumstances in her earlier
appearances, and how
Humans have Engangered the Columbia River Limpet
The Columbia River Limpet, otherwise known as the Short faced Lanx, is
endangered due to human causes. This species is endangered due to population
fragmentation and isolation, dam building, and many other human causes. In
addition, habitat loss is one of the biggest problems because this organism has such
specific habitat requirements. This species lives in a freshwater ecosystem and now,
large populations can only be found in 4 streams. On the other hand, these human
induced problems can be remedied with a few restrictions, support, and a little effort.
The scientific name of this organism is Fisherola Nuttalli. The Columbia River
Limpet is a small lunged (pulmonate) snail. According to an article by Celeste
Mazzacano at the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (http:/
/ columbia river limpet/), It has a limpet like appearance,
with an uncoiled conical shell that has a wide base and a smooth, eccentric (off
center) apex. The shells may reach up to 8 mm long, 6.25 mm wide, and 3 mm
high; they are rich brown in color and appear striped due to fine concentric growth
rings (Neitzel Frest 1992). This organism is known as an invertebrate due to the
lack of a backbone. Invertebrates lack a vertebral column, which is made up of
bones called vertebrae. The scientific name for animals lacking a backbone is
Invertebrata. On the other hand, animals with a backbone are known as vertebrates,
the scientific name being Vertebrata. There are over 1
What Is Elton Mayo Management Theory
applying a management theory on corporate library
The human relations theory ‎by George Elton Mayo ‎
Definition of management theory :‎ management theory A collection of ideas
which set forth general rules on how to manage a ‎business or organization.
Management theory addresses how managers and supervisors relate to ‎their
organizations in the knowledge of its goals, the implementation of effective means to
get ‎the goals accomplished and how to motivate employees to perform to the
highest standard .‎ management Theory selected:‎ The human relations theory
of management began development in the early 1920 s ‎during the industrial
revolution. At that time, productivity was the focus of business.‎
Theorist Biography:‎
George Elton Mayo (1880 1949), ... Show more content on ...
Take advantage of resources designed to help you make the most of Mayo s
management ‎theories
Widely available online tools and resources can help you more easily implement
Elton Mayo ‎management principles. Videos and various other Elton Mayo
theory based products, ‎information and services let you choose the resources
most valuable to your business. ‎
Consider the many benefits of putting the Elton Mayo management theory to work
for your ‎business. If you decide to use it, why not go all out and practice it in all
the areas it can ‎effectively address: your own leadership of the company, your
managers development and ‎your employees engagement. ‎
Could Be Applied on Corporate Library?‎
The human relations management theory ‎it will be applyied on corporate
libraries and more library ‎types as well. ‎
Work Cited
Helen Bourke, Mayo, George Elton (1880 1949) , Australian Dictionary of
Biography, National Centre ‎of Biography, Australian National University, http:/
/ george ‎elton 7541/text13155, published first in
hardcopy 1986, accessed online 19 March 2017.
Internal Conflict, When Emotions Compromise Your...
INTERNAL CONFLICT , when emotions compromise your negotiation leverage.
Conflicts occur on a daily basis, throughout all levels of society. Conflicts often bring
about intense emotional reactions, which may strongly affect the individuals
involved. Given that conflicts are often infused with emotions, it is important to
understand how these emotions may shape conflict development and resolution.
Emotions play a pervasive role in our actions on a daily basis. Positive emotions such
as happiness and empathy can influence our actions to make us better human beings
whereas negative emotions such as anger and fear, if not harnessed well, can hold us
back from achieving our true potential.
But when it comes to Negotiation, time and time again, common wisdom has proven
that emotion of any nature, whether positive or negative should be kept out of it as it
can only hamper the end results of the negotiation and skew the results in the
opposing party s favor.
This is because emotions reduce people s ability to process information quickly.
This simply means that they don t take the time or effort to explore out of the box
solutions or creative options. Important facts or clues may be missed out, which can
lead to a loss of leverage in negotiation.
This study is meant to examine the adverse effects internal conflict and emotions play
when brought into the negotiation process.
Why was this subject chosen?
Negotiation has been studied from many
What Happens During The Flame Test
1. Identify each of the unknown samples(use specific data to justify your answers
for A and B). Unknown A was NaCI because when looking at this unknown
solutions flame and NaCI s flame they both had this very strong orange color when
they were burning they both looked very similar. The photons seemed to emit the
same light. Unknown B was SrCI2 because once against they both showed the very
strong red flame. When looking at the different flames one can conclude that these
two flames were very similar. The photons seemed to emit the same amount of light
and this is why these two looked the same. Unknown Mixture was SrCI2 and CuCI2
because looking at the different flames of all the salt solutions the two flames that
had the same colors as the unknown mixture did. The colorof a vibrant red was from
the SrCI2 and the Green blue colors came from the CuCI2. Since the... Show more
content on ...
3. The metallic atoms change from a liquid state to a gas state during the flame test.
Is this a physical or a chemical change? Explain. This is a chemical change because
a new color is created and it is exciting the electrons. Burning is a chemical reaction
because there is a new substance being created. There is also a color change and
that is another way to tell that it was a chemical reaction. A new substance was
made this is why it was a chemical change. If you take ice for example and melt it
turns into a liquid. This is not a chemical change because it is still water just in a
different form nothing new is created. Unlike when the salt solutions are burned and
something totally new is created/
4. Why does the flame color change back to orange, after the metallic solution has
been turned completely into a gas
Kim Kardashian West
Kim Kardashian West paid homage to her style icon, Cher, by dressing up as the
singer for Halloween 2017 in a throw back Armenian inspired costume. At a
Casamigos bash, Kim dared to channel her idol, but Cher was nothing less than
impressed by the holiday gesture.
Kim Kardashian didn t merely slip into a random Cher Halloween costume because
Gal Gadot s Wonder Woman character is trending this year. According to Elle
magazine, Kim s choice to dress as Cher was deliberate and based on her fascination
with the veteran songstress and fashion diva.
The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star put enormous effort into duplicating Cher
s shimmering 1973 two piece ensemble she wore at the Oscars. Kim hired tailors for
the custom Halloween outfit ... Show more content on ...
Kardashian West s makeup was flawless and she made sure to get her nails
manicured for the Halloween themed party.
To round out her Cher outfit, Kim brought along her assistant and BFF, Jonathan
Cheban, who pulled off a convincing Sonny Bono, Cher s late ex husband and the
other half of the Sonny Cher duo.
Kim s sister, Kylie Jenner, took several snaps of the fake Sonny Cher and posted the
images on her Instagram. Kim Kardashian joined in the fun and took several selfies
of her and her Halloween date.
Rande Gerber and George Clooney, former owners of the Tequila company, hosted
the retro party at the WeHo Tower Records. George s wife, Amal Clooney, and her
pal, Cindy Crawford, turned heads with their costume choices.
Amal wore an elaborate spangled jumpsuit and prominent makeup. Her hair was
frizzy and blown out. A pair of gold hoops dangled from her lobes. Cindy wore a
playful halter dress, red skirt, and stilettos. Crawford s hair was curly for the
occasion. The celebrated supermodel wore black bangles and held tight to a white fur
around her
Comparing Artemis Fowl And Eoin Colfer
Compare the Protagonist/Antagonist with any character, already studied or from a
book, film, etc. The main protagonist of Airman, Conor Broekhart, is very
comparable with a lot of male, teenage characters in books, films, and even some of
the characters that are from some short stories that we have read in our last unit.
Conor is even comparable to the main protagonistfrom Artemis Fowl, a more famous
book and series by the author of this book, Eoin Colfer. The characterfrom this book
is, unsurprisingly, named Artemis Fowl.
While Conor is described to have blond hair and be tall for his age, Artemis is
illustrated with raven black hair and is short for his age. However, they both have
very pale skin. Eoin even goes to say that he was ... Show more content on ...
Artemis may be smarter than Conor, but Conor is definitely braver than him. Conor
is credited for making a kite that glided him and Princess Isabella to safety from the
burning castle. This awesome feat earned him knighthood, making him Sir Conor
Broekhart at the age of 10.
Conor changes a lot through the course of the first quarter of Airman. He goes from a
small baby to an intelligent young man. Artemis also changes throughout the series.
In the beginning, Artemis is more centered on his criminal schemes, but by the last
book, The Last Guardian, Fowl realizes that his family and friends are a lot more
Discuss the plot with a focus on current events in the media. The plot in the book,
Airman, can be compared to the recent election that happened in America. In my
opinion, Hugo Bonvilain, the antagonist of the story, is a lot like Donald Trump in
many ways. One of Trump s slogans had to do with making America great again .
Hugo Bonvilain, also wanted to make the Saltee Islands like they used to be. Both of
them miss that the reason things aren t the same as they were before is because the
society has improved through time in the time that Airman takes place, or even right
Case Study Pleural Effusion
Case Study Pleural effusion NSG/340 Sandra Gilderson, MSN/Ed, RN Case Study
Diagnosis and admission A.B. admitting diagnosis pleural effusion, pulmonary
infiltrates possible pneumonia based on the result of chest x ray. Also the
presenting signs and symptom provided information that can link to pleural
effusion evidenced of his signs and symptoms Pleural effusion Is an abnormal
collection of fluid in the pleural space, it is not a disease but an indication of a
disease (Lavie et al, 2014). Difference between transudate and exudate A transudate
effusion occurs primarily in noninflammatory conditions and is an accumulation of
protein poor, cell poor fluid (Lavie et al, 2014, p. 549). The fluid is leaking into the
pleural... Show more content on ...
Consequences related to pleural effusion is the fluid located in the pleural cavity
present as a space that is occupying mass, which causes a decrease in the lung
expansion. The decrease of the lung expansion on that affected side is proportionate
with the amount of fluid that is collected. This therefore results to hypoxia, dyspnea,
and pleuritic pain (Saguil et al., 2014). Pulmonary infiltrates is an hypersensitivity
reaction, lung infiltration, characterized by infiltration of the alveoli
(bronchoalveolar), with eosinophilia and large mononuclear cells, edema, extensive
infiltrates in the lung zones leading to inflammation of the lungs (Tzilas et al.,2009).
From a pathophysiological perspective, the term infiltrate refers to an abnormal
substance that accumulates gradually within cells or body tissues or any substance or
type of cell that occurs within or spreads as through the interstitium and/or alveoli of
the lung, that is foreign to the lung parenchyma, or that accumulates in greater than
normal quantity within it. (Patterson et al., 2012). Consequences result in prolong
illness that accompany fever, cough, dyspnea, weight loss, possible pus, severe tissue
reaction as in certain drug allergies, pus, which can further lead to pneumonia that is
Rhetorical Analysis Of On Compassion
On Compassion Rhetorical Analysis
Where we are is the grand culmination of hundreds of years of cooperating as a
species to make for a grander environment that appeals to all. Despite our constant
effort to improve the quality of life on earth, however, an increasingly tremendous
problem pertaining the same subject has been growing right below our noses :
homelessness. We, the common people, typically place those in such plight into great
disregard; push them not off the streets but to the far back of our heads. In the article
On Compassion , former NEW YORK TIMES columnist, Barbara Ascher, teaches us
the ignorance of our denial and the importance of the helpless presence, and she does
this through the heavy use of contrast, figurative language, a good quantity of
rhetorical questions, and some very clever wording. She suggested that the presence
of the homeless helps teach us compassion. Afterall, compassion is not a character
trait like a sunny disposition. It must be learned. Ascher begins her article with a
strong narrative vividly describing a queer exchange between a homeless person, a
fearful woman, and an equally frightened infant. Utilizing both contrast and figurative
language, Ascher captures the unsettling atmosphere present in the special transaction
The mother removes her purse from her shoulder and rummages through its
contents: lipstick, a lace handkerchief, an address book. She finds what she s
looking for and passes a folded dollar over her child s head to the man who stands
and stares even though the light has changed and traffic navigates around his hips...
He does not know his part. He does not know that acceptance of the gift and
gratitude are what makes this transaction complete... The mother grows impatient
and pushes the stroller before her, bearing the dollar like a cross. Finally, a black
hand rises and closes around green (paragraphs 3 5).
In this segment from the earlier paragraphs of On Compassion , Ascher evokes some
early sympathy in the audience towards the homeless man described through the
implementation of contrast. Referencing the objects contained in the mother s purse
doesn t just contribute to a more descriptive passage; it also highlights the poor
Epinepheus Research Paper
This paper observes the efficiencies of three different feed types fed to Epinephelus
coioides. These feed types include a soy based plant protein pellet (AQUA LIFE),
fish meal pellets (Ridley Aqua Feeds) and whole Pilchards. The fish had their dry
weight and length measured prior to the commencement of the trial. 12 tanks, with
5 fish per tank were fed the three different feed types. All fish were fed every day
of the 5 week trial period. The results showed the fish meal pellets had the most
efficient food conversion ratio (FCR) value (0.84), with a standard growth rate
(SGR) of 4.28 grams per week. This FCR value was substantially more efficient
compared to the value of 2.20 and 2.98 for the Pilchards and plant based protein
respectively. Several mortalities occurred in the fish being fed plant based protein,
possibly due to high aggression as a result of a lack of nutrients. Water quality
parameters were also not ideal for the growth of the fish as all nitrogen levels were
above the ideal threshold, with nitrate reaching 89 ppm before a water change was
conducted. In conclusion, the fish meal pellets proved to be the most ... Show more
content on ...
The fish meal pellets had a FCR value of 0.84, this indicates an extremely efficient
food conversion ratio. In reality it is not possible for an FCR to fall below 1, as
this would violate conservation of mass laws. But within an experimental situation
were the dry weight of the feed is measured, and then the dry weight of the fish is
measured, there will be a high percentage of water weight within the fish that is not
taken into account. Even with taking this into account, the fish meal pellets did
show the highest FCR value. The SGR value of 4.28 grams per week, it can be seen
that this feed is quite effective in terms of grow out. This can be attributed to an
amino portfolio containing up 90% of what is required by the fish (Boonyaratpalin,
Jim Jones Research Paper
On November 18, 1978, with the help of grape flavored Flavor Aid, over 900
members of The people s temple were killed in a mass suicide directed by leader Jim
Jones. In the beginning Jones movement was one that helped the poor and needy but
with a growing number of members, unflattering reports surfaced. With former
members telling stories of having all belongings, homes, and even children being
taken from them Jones was forced to move his congregation to Guyanawhere he
promised to build a socialist utopia. However, Jones created a socialist government
far from utopia. Members worked long hours, had phone calls or any communication
censored, and harsh punishment was given to anyone who questioned Jones. After
hearing about these living circumstances,... Show more content on ...
On November 14, 1978 Ryan and a delegation of eighteen people traveled to
Jonestown. While inside, 15 members of the Temple asked Ryan to help them
defect the camp. Jones granted the release of these 15 members and on November
18th Ryan s delegation, including the defectors, left Jonestown. Because group
leaving Jonestown grew in numbers, a larger airplane was required. While waiting
for the airplane to arrive a truck with members of Temple s Red Brigade security
squad opened fire on the congregation killing Ryan and four others while everyone
else fled into the
Corruption In The Great Gatsby Analysis
In a state of oblivion, the greatest of men can get corrupted by the object they
seek.The thing they desire with great ferocity blinds them and it becomes their only
focus, causing them to ignore the casualties they incite in the journey.This corruption
courses throughout Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby , while centering itself on a young
man madly in lovewith a young woman, and the great ordeals he pursues her love.As
simple as the plot is presented, the underlying theme of the novel centers on the
wildness of the American dream while paralleling on the destruction each character
gets in the end.It lends you glimpses into the lives of the rich and shows you their
desperation for fulfillment.This novel has haunted readers for many... Show more
content on ...
Nick is in awe and marvels at the wildness of the city.He is enthralled and loves the
racy adventurous feel .Along the way, he goes to have dinner with his cousin
Daisy.Daisy is seen as innocent and pure in the novel and Fitzgerald associates her
with a multitude of pure colors (white).Her voice also plays a major key in how
she is portrayed, seeing as Gatsby describes it as a voice of money .When Nick
speaks to Daisy on the porch about her daughter, she says All right, I said, I m glad
it s a girl. And I hope she ll be a fool that s the best thing a girl can be in this world,
a beautiful little fool. Daisy says this in reference to how how women were portrayed
in the 20s because it was better to be dumb and a ditz.Also, within his perceptions and
notions about the people around him, Nick has a quite revelation about her husband,
Tom Buchanan.Fitzgerald s symbolization of Tom Buchanan stands out within the
whole novel because with a novel so centered on the American Dream, Tom
Buchanan is everything but that.He was born into wealth, and is an arrogant bully of
a man, with a godlike complex, harboring white supremacy beliefs.He symbolizes that
breed of rich white Americans that take everything for granted, yet feel entitled to
The Importance Of Communication In Healthcare
When you have money in your back account, you are able to draw that money even if
you are out of town and you are able to see the statement from any other branches.
But when you discharge from a hospital the information does not exchanged that
easily even to the clinic in the same street. Effective communication is the integral
part of todays high tech era. The information technology not only should assist in
improving the communication but also an important catalyst for quality and cost
reduction in healthcare. As the whole healthcare continuum is advancing in
technology, the communication between the organizations and within the
departments is an integral part of supporting patient engagement and introducing new
models of care (American HospitalOrganization, 2015). In this paper a report on
finding solution to improve the communication and coordination between admitting,
laboratory, pharmacy, and clinicians to increase throughput is discussed. The solution
proposed is supported by HL7 and can be instituted without changing the existing
The organization is experiencing a major issue of lack of communication between
different departments including admitting, radiology, laboratory and clinicians.
Interoperability between facilities and departments within the facility is an essential
part of care coordination. The failure to interoperability could prevent the
development of HIT tools for the coordination of care (Samal,, 2016). The
inadequacy in
Characteristics Of A Unique Candidate
I am a unique candidate because I have what it takes to learn and learn quickly,
handle commitment, and accomplish things that others would consider impossible.
These are all traits that I believe will make me the best that I can be when
performing in extreme contexts. First, I have the ability to learn new skills and learn
them quickly. Before coming to West Point, I taught myself to play the guitar, solve
the rubix cube, play chess, juggle, and crochet. I have an undying curiosity of learning
new things if I see something that I want to learn, I never quit until I learn it. In the
case of learning to crochet, it was only a few weeks between first picking up a ball
of yarn and selling scarves that I had made. Next, I handle commitment well.... Show
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Until last August, I never considered myself a runner the farthest that I had ever
ran in one day was five miles. The previous summer, I learned about an
organization called the Travis Manion Foundation that was established to
commemorate the lives of two fallen heroes, Marine Corps First Lieutenant Travis
Manion and Navy SEAL Brendan Looney. In late August, I learned that the
Foundation was running the 2015 Marine Corps Marathon to raise money in
support of their outreach programs. With less than two months to prepare, people
told me it was impossible. In less than 60 days, I ran eighty miles and raised over
seven hundred dollars for the cause. My longest training run was just thirteen
miles. On October 25th, I ran the 26.2 miles in just under six hours. It was the
most physically challenging thing I had ever done. I crossed the finish line with a
knee injury and having lost 8,000 calories. I should be selected over the other
candidates because I will not quit. I should be selected over the other candidates
because, everything I commit myself to, I will finish. I should be selected over the
other candidates because I will always give 100% no
Robert Frost Alienation Essay
Many of Robert Frost poems, such as Birches, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Evening, Mending Wall, and many others all display alienation. Robert Frost
loved writing poem about nature and urban areas as well. In most of these poems
Robert Frost portrays alienation, this could be, because he himself experienced
alienation. Alienation means to feel like you re lonely, it is not literally being
alone. You can be in a crowded of hundreds of people and still feel alone, or left
out. We all experience Alienation at some point in time during our lives. Alienation
can be just a small thing like being picked last in a game of kickball, or being left out
of a secret. There is a theme of alienation in Robert Frosts poems, there are three
things or... Show more content on ...
Rowles) They experience more being left out than any other age group, that is very
Another character that helps develop the theme of alienation in Robert Frost s
poems, is the boy in Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening. It may not make
sense but some people are less lonely all by themselves, rather than being with
people. One thing that can make people feel this way is nature. Nature has a
beauty and way about it that makes some people feel less alone and happy. The
boy in the poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, He would rather be in
the woods watching the snow than be at home. In the poem it says The woods are
lovely, dark and deep (13) He is saying the wood are a beautiful place that seems
almost better than his home. This boy is probably feeling alienated in town. He s
probably thinks my horse and the woods will not alienate me so why leave. In an
article it defines Alienation as Alienation is a subjective state, a feeling of being a
stranger, as if one were not one s normal self. (Abir K. Bekhet) I think this
definition is exactly what the boy is feeling when he is in town with other people.
He feels left out of things, treated like a stranger, why would you want to go back to
a place like that, when nature makes you forget all of it.
The last character or thing in Robert Frost s poems, that helps develop the theme of
alienation if the boy in the poem Mending Wall. The boy in Mending Wall, is
Game Theory And Human Rationality Essay
Game Theory and Human Rationality
Game theory is a popular resource for modelling economic, sociological,
philosophical and many other situations. The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
defines it as the study of the ways in which interacting choices of economic agents
produce outcomes with respect to the preferences (or utilities) of those agents, where
the outcomes in question might have been intended by none of the agents. Game
theory has many uses, including describing and predicting ideal behaviour as
discussed later on. It can be used to model and predict for example. There are,
however, criticisms to game theory in regards to its ability to apply to human
rationality and emotion. Due to the widespread use of game theory, this has become
a popular area of research in economic, philosophic and even psychological theory.
One can think of game theory as descriptive due to the fact we often use game
theory to explain or justify people s actions after they are taken. This is best seen
in analytics of games or sports, where an analyst might weigh up the advantages
and disadvantages to explain a player s actions. An example of this would be a
retrospective analysis of a chess game, where game theory can be applied to each
move to explain why the player might have played a move that seemed illogical
without further thought, but ultimately gains an advantage. This only works
assuming both player and analyst are both rational or equally irrational. If this were
not the
Ellen Dunham-Jones s Essay Seventy-Five Percent
In today s society the landscape of the city is constantly changing to accommodate for
technological innovations, greater populations, and economic opportunity. As the
skyline of cities across America are changing at a rate faster than ever seen before,
one immense community is being left in the dust. The suburbs of America have
refused to change, allowing a great resemblance of what they looked like 50 years
ago. The stubbornness of the suburbs to change has led to many issues economically
and environmentally. In her essay, Seventy Five Percent , Ellen Dunham Jones puts
forth that 75% of construction in the past decade occurs in the suburban landscape.
Yet, in today s society much of the architectural community contains a strong bias
against the suburbs. However, with over half the country s... Show more content on ...
There are many who suggest the solution to the decline of the suburbs is to urbanize
the area by densifying and overall making the suburbs more similar to a city. Laura
Vaughan argues that the development of a spatial layout similar to that of a city
would help the suburbs to become more efficient socially and economically.
However, this approach directly contrasts the purpose of the suburbs, which was
originally meant to provide a private, quiet environment for single family homes
away from loud and busy city life. In his book, Sprawl: A Compact History, Robert
Bruegmann explains that suburbia is not a bad thing but possesses benefits that urban
planners fail to recognize and is a natural process of the growth of urbanism. While
the suburban landscape does possess much potential, those who support the continued
existence of the suburbs as they exist are naive and fail to recognize the
environmental, social, and economical impact that the suburbs impose. The suburbs
possess many social and political issues that need to be addressed. There is no doubt
that there is massive potential in the suburban
Little Portugal Fills Big Shoes Essay
Lying west of Spain and East of the North Atlantic Ocean is a small country no bigger
than the state of Indiana (World Factbook). Portugal, this mistakenly insignificant
land, quickly made an impression on European exploration beginning in the early
thirteenth century. It was not long before neighboring areas looked to this successful
country for tactics concerning discovery. But exactly how did this small piece of land
with few inhabitants manage to stand above its competition for quite some time?
Portuguese motives, leaders, tactics, and innovations must be further examined in
order to fully comprehend just how the Portuguese dominated early trade and
exploration. Due to these three aspects, Portugalbecame the country that all... Show
more content on ...
Beginning with Prince Henry, the Portuguese were led by men with high hopes.
With a school established at Cape St. Vincent, Prince Henry educated many on
aspects concerning his goal, successful exploration (Sterling 2). Known as the
Navigator, Prince Henry, disregarded the previous Ptolemaic beliefs and strived to
reach lands that nobody else thought existed (Hale 102). He was the first to send
men on voyages down the West African Coast, and gold and slaves were the
outcome of his courageous move. The posts that were established as a result of
exploration led to the hope for further progress, and Prince Henry s successful start
was only just a glimpse of all that was achieved by those that followed. After the
death of Prince Henry, King John II continued the search for new lands; the East
African Coast and Indian Ocean were reached when Portuguese mariner,
Bartholomeu Diaz, rounded the Cape of Good Hope. Soon after, Prince Henry s
dream to discover a water route to India quickly became a reality when Vasco Da
Gama completed a successful round trip. In the Indian port, he was able to interact
with the people and set up permanent posts that would become extremely useful.
Control remained throughout the Indian Ocean due to the commander of Portuguese
forces, Afonso D Alboquerque. He hoped to obtain naval superiority by utilizing
strict policy on the waters by forcing all
Human Manipulation Of Genetic Transfer And Its
AS 3.7 Demonstrate understanding of human manipulations of genetic transfer and
its biological implications.
Daisy the Cow
Daisy the cow is a genetically modified cow modified by scientists from Agresearch
and the University of Waikato in New Zealand. This cows purpose was so that it
could produce milk that did not contain a protein named beta lacto globulin. This is
because many infants are allergic to this protein; in fact two to three percent are
allergic. So these scientists have used the scientific techniques of ribonucleic acid
interference and somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning to produce this cow without the
protein, however there are many implications.
One of the techniques used to produce daisy the cow was ribonucleic acid
interference causing gene knockdown. Ribonucleic acid interference is a biological
process where certain ribonucleic acid molecules are interfered with causing
inhabitation of certain gene expressions. Gene knockdown is a genetic technique
where certain genes are made inoperative in an organism because they are knocked
out of it. In daisy the cow this was used so that the instructions that have the protein
beta lacto globulin made could be knocked out so that it would no longer be present
in daisy. The way they did this was by introducing a synthesized double stranded
ribonucleic acid that has a sequence that is complimentary to the gene that is of
interest into the cell. This is then recognized as exogenous gene material causing the
Atomic Weapons And The Atomic Bomb
On August 6th, 1945 Akihiro Takahashi, a 14 year old boy, never made it to
school. Instead, he was engulfed in a tremendous heat and left on the side of a
Hiroshima street to watch his own flesh melt off his body (Takahashi). Later that
week, despite surviving the dropping of the atomic bomb on her city, Eiko Taoka
would watch helplessly as her infant son died of radiation poisoning something she
blames herself for to this day (Taoka). There are thousands of stories like these, and
each one describes the incredible destructive power behind atomic weapons and the
deep wounds they leave behind. Even now, seventy years after that fateful day,
writers and filmmakers utilize the terror induced by the thought of atomic warfare in
their... Show more content on ...
This move was largely due to the hardships experienced on American soil during the
Great Depression and its losses in World War I (American Isolationism). However
on December 7th, 1941, the isolationist stance held by the United States was
shattered when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and war was officially declared
on Japan, Germany, and Italy (American Isolationism). This war would go on for
another four years, taking with it close to 50 million lives and devastating not only
families, but entire nations (By The Numbers). Due to the incredible loss of life, the
United States understood that ending the war, especially the ongoing war in the
pacific, was of paramount importance. Unfortunately for the Japanese, it would be its
country s own sense of pride and nationalism that brought its undoing. Despite being
overpowered, without resources, and lacking a functioning navy, the Japanese
government refused to surrender to the United States (Powers). Many have
speculated that a contributing factor may have been Japan s ancient belief in bushido
an old Samurai idea that the supreme sacrifice of life was the purest of
accomplishments (Powers). This suggested that the Japanese army was willing to
fight until they had exhausted all their resources, all their lives, and left their country
in ruin. While he knew that continuing the
Who Leaves A Sapphire Lying On The Ground Essay
Who leaves a sapphire just lying on the ground?
I bent over to pick up the twinkling gem. It was large, easily the size of a quarter, so
it must be expensive. I was no gemologist, but I did know that the larger the gem,
the more pricey it was. I rolled it around in my fingers, letting the light from the
street lamps catch in all of its facets.
Beautiful. I breathe. The dark blue of the sapphire almost seemed velvety, like the
night sky. Too bad there weren t any specs of silver in the gem. Then it would really
resemble the night sky.
I sigh, a deep ache forming in my chest. The memory of a country nightside still
burned fresh in my mind, as it wasn t long ago that I could marvel at the beauty of
the night sky where I could actually see it. Those days are gone now, at least for the
time being.
I ll return it to the police tomorrow. Pocketing the jewel, I finished my walk back
The city where I now live is nice, if you like air pollution and noise keeping you up
all night, that is. Everyone is always saying that I ll get used to it everyone else
already has but I haven t. Not yet.
I stared up at the dark sky. It was suffocating, like a heavy blanket with no promise of
being lifted. Nothing like my old home where the full moon was so bright, I could
see almost as well as I can at sunset. There were always places to explore in the
woods. Bridges to cross and discovering new surprises from nature used to be my life.
Now, it s just pale buildings, pale
Advantages And Disadvantages Of An Antena
An Antenna is an electrical device which converts electric power into radio waves
and radio waves into electric power. An antenna used with a radio transmitter or radio
receiver. During transmission, a radio transmitter supplies an electric current
oscillating at radio frequency to the terminals of antenna, and the antenna radiates the
energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. During reception, an antenna intercepts
some of the power of an electromagnetic wave in order to produce a tiny voltage at its
terminals that is applied to a receiver to be amplified. Communication is defined as
the transfer of information from one point to another point. Communication system is
required to convey the information over a distance. The information can be transfer
by superimposing or modulating the information on to a carrier which is an
electromagnetic wave. At the receiving side, the received modulate carrier can be
recovered by demodulation to get the original information. For this process
complicated techniques have been developed using electromagnetic carrier waves
operating at radio frequencies as well as millimeter and microwave frequencies. In
today s modern communication industry antennas play an important role to create a
communication link. Microstrip antennas... Show more content on ...
Printed antennas enjoy many advantages over standard antennas, such as ease of
integration with monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), low
manufacturing costs, low profile and integrated passives, and the ability to be
mounted on planar, nonplanar, and rigid exteriors. Although most wireless local area
network (WLAN) applications utilize omni directional antennas, directional and quasi
endfire antennas, such as Yagi Uda antenna has been employed to suppress unwanted
radio frequency (RF) emissions as well as unwanted interference in other
Discuss Some Issue of Personal, Local, National, or...
Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its
importance to you.
An issue can be of a personal, local, national or even international concern. What if
the issue is of such gravity that it not only affects you as an individual person, a
community, or even a nation but spells danger, havoc and chaos for mankind and
humanity itself. Imagine what if the issue under discussion is an act of sabotage
equally dangerous and destructive for countries like the United States and United
Kingdom as it is for comparatively poor third world countries like Pakistan and
Afghanistan. Wait a second, did someone say equally dangerous and destructive?? I
indeed am referring to Terrorism, the war on terror and its ... Show more content on ...
We lost lives, our economy is a mess, and no foreign investor is willing to invest in
Pakistan. No sporting events take place any more and are shifted to other places
due to security concerns. The tourism industry is as good as a rotten egg is for
making an omelet. People are scared to leave their houses.

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Easy Essay Ideas.pdf

  • 1. Easy Essay Ideas Writing an essay on the topic of "Easy Essay Ideas" may seem paradoxical at first glance. The irony lies in the challenge of crafting an engaging and insightful piece on a subject that appears to be inherently uncomplicated. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between simplicity and depth, finding meaningful insights within seemingly straightforward concepts. When tasked with exploring easy essay ideas, one might be tempted to underestimate the depth and richness that can be extracted from seemingly simple topics. The challenge lies in avoiding superficiality and clichГ©s, delving beyond the obvious and uncovering layers that may not be immediately apparent. It requires a creative approach to transform seemingly easy ideas into an essay that captivates the reader's attention and stimulates intellectual curiosity. Furthermore, the ease of the topic may lead to complacency, as one might be tempted to overlook the importance of proper research and thoughtful analysis. The risk is producing a piece that lacks substance and fails to contribute meaningfully to the chosen subject. Crafting a compelling essay on easy topics demands a keen sense of exploration and a commitment to uncovering the nuances that might escape casual observation. Despite the apparent simplicity of the task, the writer must navigate the challenge of presenting the information in a fresh and engaging manner. Avoiding the pitfalls of clichГ©d expressions and mundane observations becomes crucial in order to sustain the reader's interest. The challenge lies in making the familiar seem unfamiliar, bringing a new perspective to easy essay ideas and elevating them beyond the ordinary. In conclusion, while the topic may suggest simplicity, writing an essay on "Easy Essay Ideas" is paradoxically intricate. It requires a delicate balance between simplicity and depth, a keen sense of exploration, and a commitment to presenting the information in a captivating manner. Only by overcoming the temptation of superficiality can one create an essay that truly does justice to the seemingly easy ideas explored. For those seeking assistance in tackling such challenges, similar essays and much more can be ordered on, where experienced writers are ready to provide expert guidance and support in crafting compelling and insightful essays. Easy Essay Ideas Easy Essay Ideas
  • 2. The Tragic Hero Of Euripides Greek Literature In Greek literature, tragedies tend to have a traditional format: a tragic hero, reversal of fortune due to a tragic flaw, moment of recognition, and catharsis. In order to be considered a tragic hero, the character must be born noble, is usually a ruler, and has a tragic flaw which causes peripety. Typically, the hero s realization of self inflicted doom is what allows a release of emotions. This raises a question of who the tragic herois in Medea. The tragic hero is thought to be Jason, however there is an argument that he has no realization that his demise is due to his own flaw which does not allow catharsis. In Euripides greek play, the audience experiences catharsis as they watch the secondary characters, Medea, Creusa, and Jason and Medea s sons suffer as a result of Jason s hamartia; striving for power. These secondary characters experience the true suffering and therefore they are what allow the reader to reach catharsis. In the beginning of the text, Jason abandons Medea for another woman. Medea feels an overwhelming sense of heartbreak and anger because she not only loved Jason but she did everything for him; she went against her father, ran away from her home, killed her brother, and helped him succeed on his journeys according to the readings of Edith Hamilton s The Quest of the Golden Fleece. Medea also makes is clear how she was a loving and providing wife to him and definitely not deserving of abandonment. And I have loved him and borne him sons;
  • 3. Watches Worn Exploring the Watches Worn by Famous Athletes No matter what type of sports they play, athletes across the globe receive due recognition for their prowess. Many athletes are introduced to their sport of choice at an early age, and they may have been practicing for numerous years before they become well known to the public. Not everyone achieves the level of success and worldwide adoration among fans that Beckham and Woods and Federer, have, of course but countless individuals strive to reach such a degree of fame. The advantages afforded the major players are significant, and that includes being paid far more than those in a multitude of other professions will ever earn in a lifetime. While athletes are paid well for their talents, they ... Show more content on ... Roger Federer is yet another athlete to have linked his name to the Rolex brand. He has excelled in a sport that is typically ruled by young athletes, and he has continued to rank highly for more than 10 years. He has consistently garnered an impressive number of world records, so it s no surprise that a luxury watch brand like Rolex would invite the celebrated tennis player to publicly approve of their brand. His dedication to playing his sport in a classic style matches the image of the classic watchmaker. Plenty of other top competitors in tennis have lent their names and images to luxury watch companies, as well. Novak Djokovic has represented Audemars Piguet watches for years. He was elevated himself in the tennis world at a fast pace, and the watch company apparently recognized that he would serve them well in their marketing efforts. Rafael Nadal has won multiple titles, so he was an obvious choice for Richard Mille. The company collaborated to create a timepiece known as the Tourbillon RM 027 Rafael Nadal, a watch specifically designed to be the kind of durable, lightweight price that a top athlete would appreciate. The watch that Nadal proudly wore on the court and that CNBC reporter Robert Frank predicted would sell out was certainly a
  • 4. Why Is Coach Carter A Movie Coach Carter is an American biographical sports drama film inspired by a true story of Richmond High School basketball coach, Ken Carter, who made headlines in 1999 for benching his undefeated high school basketball team due to poor academic results. It was released in 2005 and was directed by Thomas Carter. There are a few reasons as to why I chose this film over many others. Firstly, Coach Carter had a twisted storyline as compared the sports drama films. Instead of focusing mainly on practising basketball, they work hard towards achieving better grades and a secured future. Secondly, I think that this movie stressed on setting clear expectations. I feel like I can relate to this as this current year will be tough in the long run. It encourages me to plan and set better expectations to improve myself in certain areas such as my character and education wise. This film sends the message of how dedication and teamwork makes up a stronger team. To me, the theme in this movie is to not give up and when the odds are against you, overcome them. Ken Carter, a successful sporting goods store ... Show more content on ... However, they lose the game to St Francis by just 2 points. Unlike many films, there is no perfect sporting ending for Coach Carter. I always believe that to win a game or a battle is a form of victory, instead this movie had taught me and widen my perception on victory. In Coach Carter, victory does not determined on their last game but the victory is off the court in a way of how the team has come together as one and the differences they make to their lives by changing their outlook and future. It is true however that winning and the reward motivates us through the challenges in our life but it s the journey itself which is made up of setbacks and challenges that we faced and overcome, and realising on our weaknesses and strengths is what makes us achieves
  • 5. The Virgin Suicide Jeffery Eugenides The Virgin Suicide by Jeffery Eugenides 1.My first impression of the book was that I was very shocked because on the literal second page it starts off with an attempted suicide. The feelings I had from this book was that it was an ultimately a sad because death and suicide is highly frowned upon. 2.No, because you know starting off that reading the back cover and from the title that the girls will eventually commit suicide however you don t know why. Throughout the novel you are on the edge of your seat trying to understand what would posses these girls to commit suicide. 3.It was an unusual read because the book started with attempted suicide, when through the book talking about normal life then BAM; all the girls commit suicide in the ... Show more content on ... The most compelling part of the novel for me is when Alex is in jail for getting caught and arrested for gang affiliation and rape. This was the most compelling part for me because I found that the way the officers manipulated and attempted to brain wash him to better society , I found their ways of brain washing to be interesting. 3.The most challenging part of the novel was the crimes the Alex and his gang had committed. This was most challenging for me because I found that it was a difficult read being that it went into detail of all the crimes they committed. An example would be the old, rich cat lady and how Alex smashed her head in; I found that I personally could not finish this. 4.Alex is a boy who doesn t want to be treated as a kid anymore but he isn t ready to be treated as an adult. In a way I can find myself relating to Alex in the way that he wants to be treated as an adult but at the same time I don t think that I m ready either. 5.I appreciate the fact that Alex and his gang eventually changed and came to the conclusion that the wanted to better themselves, however I believe that if they didn t get arrested they wouldn t have changed their ways. The fact that Burgess used extreme detail when describing the boys crimes, I found it extremely inappropriate on his part being that it was morally
  • 6. Essay on Importance of Symbols in “the Thing in the Forest” Brandon Doder 11/1/11 Importance of Symbols in The Thing in the Forest In many fairytales, we are given characters who set out on an adventure to better themselves whether they know that they are on one or not. In A.S. Byatt s The Thing in the Forest we are taken on such an adventure, but this is more than just a children s fairytale. Through figurative language we are shown that the main characters, Penny and Primrose, are dealing with more than just a creature in the forest, and that with this use of symbols as a way to express a larger meaning to objects in the story, we better understand how Penny and Primrose are dealing with being away from their family during a time of war in England. In this story we are exposed... Show more content on ... With the use of symbols, Byatt can make reference to problems with the girls or make a comment on the larger picture of war at the time. The three largest symbols that appear in the story are the mansion, the forest, and of course, the thing in the forest. Each symbol represents something bigger in the whole scheme of things. The mansion that the girls are first sent to is a cold and dreary place to the children. Byatt describes the mansion as cold and dark. This is because of war time in England and they are tying to not be obvious. This dreariness only helps the symbol of the mansion to represent what is going on at that time. The house is a representation of the State. That being the government and everything that is part of the security it provides. There is a sense of security in a way that the mansion is used. The government commandeered the mansion for use as a safe house, although there still is a feeling of doubt about it. To the girls and other children, the mansion is a place of security or home until they move on. This is most likely not what the girls had in mind when they arrived. For them to feel any sort of comfort in this time of tragedy, they will need to stick together and make the best of the situation. The girls seemed to be thinking the worst of every event but at the mansion, things were taken care of to the best of the ability of the adults there to care for them. Unlike the
  • 7. The Problem Of Discrimination Against The Disabled Essay There are many isms that exist in today s American culture. Because of these discriminations put on others, there are plenty of ways to stop such hatred. Ableism has been around for a long time and continues to be an issue today. Because of discrimination against the disabled, there have been negative impacts on society; for example, society has turned disabilities into inabilities. In fact, it is society that has stopped the disabled from reaching success. 54 million people suffer from some sort of disability. Whether that is mental, physical, or emotional. It was believed long ago that people who suffered with disabilities were said to have been demonic. Due to these beliefs, many children and adults were treated with utter disrespect and harmed. Many scientific studies were done in order to come up with the reasoning of these mental illnesses. Ableism is the discrimination or prejudice against people who have disabilities. This discrimination dates all the way back to 1981. Ultimately, this means that someone is defined by his or her disability. Some people who struggle with a disability consider it to be rude when others do not believe they can accomplish something in which others are able to accomplish. During the Holocaust, ableism was present. However, back then, no on considered this to be ableism only because there was so much discrimination during the Holocaust. This was just another one of Hitler s heinous acts. There, they were also labeled as life unworthy
  • 8. Essay on American Civil War Assignment: Unit 6 Review Questions Student Name: Score: (___/99)*50= ___/50 Part 1: Life on the Great Plains (22 points) Describe the changes that took place on the Great Plains before and after the Civil War. Do this by filling in the chart provided by using the text and the internet. Make sure that all answers are complete. The first section has been done for you. Category: People Pre Civil War: Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapahoe, Nez Perce Post Civil War: Farmers, Ranchers Category: Building Materials Pre Civil War: Buffalo Remains Post Civil War: Bricks of sod Category: Food Supply Pre Civil War: Buffalo Post Civil War: Farms and domestic animals Category: Homes Pre Civil War: Shelters Post Civil War:... Show more content on ... The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills, and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children, and see how many of them I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever. D0JmkpLBwcHSQlVF9JX1hVQV9ATykADQpUXV1QSkJJXkBRSE9JV1hZWS4KHAQGF Answer the following question using complete sentences. 1. List at least five reasons why Chief Joseph made the decision to surrender. A large amount of the tribe had died Those who are still alive are suffering The tribe is disoriented from all the fleeing and fighting They lack survival supplies They have suffered enough from fighting and fleeing 2. How do Chief Joseph words reveal his moral qualities? He spoke about the tribe as individuals naming those who had been lost and worried for the sake of his people lacking the necessary supplies to survive. He also
  • 9. mentioned wishing to search for those who had been lost in the battle. Part 3: Answer the following questions based on your reading of the The Significance of the Frontier in American History. (8 points) 1. Why did Turner believe that the American frontier was different from the European frontier? 2. According to Turner, how
  • 10. Mexico Political Crisis Essay MEXICO FINANCIAL CRISIS7 However, based on the US Border patrol statistics, the illegal border crossings have a direct correlation of our new administration. Past administrations turned a blind eye to the illegal immigration problem that existed over the last three decades. The Trump administration appears to be steadfast on a political promise to make our borders stronger. As we look at the campaign rhetoric it was clear that the spewed venom and bigotry was a priority for this president. The number one campaign goal was to build a wall to keep non residents from entering the country illegally. Once again we saw the already weak peso slip in its value. What is interesting here is that it appears as if Mexico had conceded that Donald Trump was going to be the 45th President of the United States months prior to the election. The Mexican economy gave off the perception that its sitting President was no match for a New York business man running for President here... Show more content on ... No other countries economy is impacted as severely as Mexico based on the financial outlook of the United States. The US economy, government and election process controls the direction of the Mexican peso. This is obviously the case of the dog wagging the tail. Mexico is no different than any other country that allows for free and fair elections in a democratic society, however what we have come to realize is that Mexico has had its fair number of corrupt governors and presidents in the past and present. Corrupt individuals at this level causes for concern within Mexico as well as in the U.S. The Mexican peso over the last forty years has always been quite volatile. The volatility in the past has mainly stemmed from the inept ability of the country to reign in its corruptive practices along with its corrupt Government. MEXICO FINANCIAL CRISIS
  • 11. The Title I Am Zlatan Title and Author: The Title is I Am Zlatan. The title reflects Zlatan s big ego and the self belief he has in everything that he does in life. The title, I Am Zlatan, also reflects one of the themes in not trying to be anyone else but yourself. Setting I Am Zlatan opens in Zlatan s childhood where he lives in RosengГҐrd, Sweden. RosengГҐrd is on the south side of Malmo, where Zlatan would play for his first professional team. The setting is mainly in RosengГҐrd from 1981 to 2001. The setting then changes when Zlatan Ibrahimovic, also known as Ibra , to Ajax, one of the most historic soccer clubs in the Netherlands. Most of the story in the Netherlands takes place in Ajax s club facilities in Amsterdam and occasionally on the outskirts of the city where Zlatan... Show more content on ... Zlatan grew up in a rough family situation in RosengГҐrd, Sweden. Zlatan was born to two immigrant parents from eastern Europe. Zlatan s mom was rarely present when Zlatan came home from school because of her long work hours during the day and multiple jobs. Meanwhile his dad was constantly dealing with his problems with alcohol with him being drunk multiple times throughout Zlatan s childhood. Zlatan s dad was also very protective of Ibra which would later be a trait that Zlatan inherited to his kids. To escape from the chaos at home Zlatan would go around RosengГҐrd pulling off different stunts. Zlatan could often be found around RosengГҐrd stealing bikes, shoplifting from local stores, and even falling from the roof of a nearby daycare once. Zlatan has an older sister named Sanela. He often went to Sanela for emotional situations like girls that he came across during his schooling. Zlatan also had a younger brother named Aleksandar or Keki who he looked after as a fathering figure. Anytime Keki was bullied or made fun, Zlatan was sure to make sure that the bully knew who he was dealing
  • 12. Hamlet, Misfits And The Art Of Battling Giants Williams Shakespeare s play, Hamlet, describes the tragic death of King Hamlet, whose son, very depressed and impacted by the death of his father, seeks revenge in his honor. The King s son, Hamlet, constantly mourns his father and is depressed about how no one else seems to be mourning causing him to break his relationships with his familybecause he keeps to himself, rather than voicing his suffering to others in effort to heal, ultimately inhibiting and perpetuating his depressive state. Malcolm Gladwell disagrees with Hamlets way of handling grief and suggests a more proactive way to improve his situation. Gladwell in his novel, David and Goliath Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants, suggests people should use their negative... Show more content on ... Ophelia represents the future he could have if he is willing to improve and overcome his pain. Although he is aware of the possibility of a future, he slowly breaks his ties with her as he realizes he will not have a future at the end of his plot. After he sees the ghost for the first time and believes the story it provides, he starts to dress and act strangely. Ophelia describes these changes in appearance, when she says: No hat upon his head, his stockings fouled, /Ungartered, and down gyved to his ankles, /Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other (Shakespeare II.I, 89 91). Hamlet comes into Ophelia s room in a distressed state, after seeing the ghost, but he is unwilling to talk to her. This concerns her because she is used to him being open with her and being dressed in formal clothing. When Hamlet does not speaking to Ophelia is the relationship begins to fall apart because he does not want to confide to the person he loves about his encounter and turmoil. Choosing not to communicate his problems to his girlfriend sets their relationship up for failure because they need to be able to speak to each other and understand when things are bothering them. Ophelia tries to keep their relationship close, but their lack of communication creates a barrier. She decides to break up with him because she wants a future and if he does
  • 13. The Abolitionist Movement. The Abolitionist Movement Started The Abolitionist Movement The Abolitionist movement started around the 1830s and lasted until 1865. This movement was a huge step toward our country s future, attempting to end slavery and racial discrimination. People like William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe persuaded others in their cause and elected those with the same views as them in political positions. William Lloyd Garrisonstarted an abolitionist newspaper called the Liberator, Frederick Douglas also wrote a newspaper, called the North Star, and Harriet Beecher Stowe published a novel called Uncle Tom s Cabin. These advocates, while they did not cause the Civil War, they contributed to this war by bringing attention to one of the country s... Show more content on ... These different views allowed people to view slavery from a new perspective. Many people who were proslavery soon felt sorry for their actions and saw their actions as a sin. William Lloyd Garrison, a white man from Massachusetts became a part of the anti slavery movement, or abolitionist movement, in 1830. Right away, William Lloyd Garrison published a weekly paper called the Liberator, which directly stated the need for immediate and complete emancipation of all slaves. William Lloyd Garrison saw that the only way that slavery could end was by persuading those who would read his pieces. Garrison realized the only way to prove how bad slavery is, was to show how immoral and unjust it was for there to be slavery in our country. He felt so strongly about his views, e once burned a copy of the Constitution because this documented stated the right to own slaves. Garrisons paper had received very harsh responses and many states wanted to charge against Garrison for a felonious crime and would reward others who found those who distributed his paper. (28a. William Lloyd Garrison and The Liberator) The reason why Garrison had received such severe reactions from people was because of his non government theories and his idea that the government was a form of compromise, explaining how slavery would not end with compromise. He also wrote in the Liberator and denounced the Compromise of 1850, condemned the
  • 14. Mississippi Burning Film Analysis 91104 Level 2 Connections 2017 Name: Tramain Marunui Connection Texts and author/director Innocence Hurricane Eye In The Sky Mississippi Burning в‡ЅIntroductionв‡ѕ The main connection I am going to look into in further detail is Innocence. The meaning of Innocence from my opinion is To not be found guilty of a cause or problem eg: Invulnerable. I will be using four pieces of texts to help me back this up. The first text is Hurricane directed by Norman Jewison, Hurricane is about a man named Rubin Carter who s dream is winning the middle weight boxing title but all came to a crash when some unsuspected murders happend. The second text is Eye In The Sky directed by Gavin Hood, Eye in The Sky is about the British army preparing to take out a group of Suicidal Bombers in Nairobi Kenya. The final text is Mississippi Burning directed by Alan Parker, Mississippi Burning is about a mystery killing of 3 civil right workers supporting the African American Race. Body Paragraph 1~ Culpability The first connection I will be explaining is Culpability. From my opinion Culpability means to be blamed for something they didn t do despite them pleading innocent from a Law s point of view. The movie that relates strongly to this is Hurricane, Rubin Hurricane Carter was a Boxing champion but all went downhill when he was accused of murdering three people at a bar in New Jersey. An example of how culpability was used was when in the
  • 15. Joseph Dunn, The Owner And General Manager Of Dunn s Ski... Introduction Joseph Dunn is the owner and general manager of Dunn s Ski Emporium in Vail, Colorado. Business has been above their competitors for years, but Joseph believes he is able to bring in more business if he merges with the Deli next door. The business from the ski emporium has attracted customers to the deli and vice versa. George is thinking of retiring in the next few years, and Joseph wants to ensure that George s success continues after he retires. Joseph is a social architect by trade and has faith that he is able to change both businesses into one, while staying above his competitors. Change demands leadership, and leadership is about coping with change. The result is that businesses have to seek change to survive and compete effectively (Kotter, 1990). In this case study, Joseph will create an illustration, encouraging imagination, and will show how all of their employees will play a role in ensuring success. Joseph relies on his transformational leadership style. He is a leader that is capable of initiating a bold strategy and is instrumental in the process that change is occurring. In order for him to remain competitive, he must respond quickly to the pressures of economic globalization (Lam, 2011). In order for Joseph to enhance his role as a leader he has to take initiative, think outside the box, listen to and take advice from George and all employees, and motivate everyone to work towards the end state: a combined, prosperous business. The overall goal
  • 16. Major Problems For The Livestock Industry Throughout The... Introduction Babesia parasites are obligate intraerythrocytic protozoa capable of invading a wide range of vertebrate hosts, subsequently leading to serious economic problems for the livestock industry throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world (Homer et al., 2000; Uilenberg, 2006). Bovine babesiosis is mainly caused by two species of bovine intraerythrocytic protozoan parasites, Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina. Infected animals in an acute stage have symptoms of fever, anemia, hemoglobinuria, and sometimes resulting in death. In contrast, those in chronic stages may become chronic carriers without clinical signs. Human and rodent babesiosis caused by Babesia microti has emerged as a life threatening zoonosis in the world (Kjemtrup and Conrad, 2000). Although infection usually is asymptomatic, immunocompromised and elder people develop mild to moderate fever, headache, body aches, fatigue, and anorexia. Importantly, B. microti has been used as an experimental model for studying novel chemotherapy (Aboulaila et al., 2012) and host immune responses, the understanding of which is a prerequisite for developing an effective vaccine against Babesia parasites (Yokoyama et al., 2003). Although several attempts have been made to develop a vaccine against babesiosis, no vaccine has yet proven to be completely effective in preventing Babesia infection. Attenuated live vaccines lead to significant decreases in mortality; however, they do not prevent the infection or
  • 17. Literary Devices Used In Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper Ray Bradbury received the 2000 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, the 2004 National Medal of Arts, and the 2007 Pulitzer Prize Special Citation. In 1954, Fahrenheit 451 won the American Academy of Arts and Letters Award in Literature and the Commonwealth Club of California Gold Medal. It has since won the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award in 1984 and a 1954 Retro Hugo Award, one of only four Best Novel Retro Hugo s ever given, in 2004. Ray Douglas Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Illinois, on August 22, 1920. He was the third child of Leonard Spaulding Bradbury, a telephone lineman for the Waukegan Bureau of Power and Light, and Esther Bradbury,... Show more content on ... She begins to change his perspective on how he was living his life and what his career was doing to him. (This represents seeing oneself clearly and self reflection) Clarisse asks Guy many questions that makes him ponder, unlike any time before, Do you ever read any of the books you burn? He responded by laughing and saying, That s against the law! (Bradbury 5). After Clarisse and Guy finish their conversation, Guy returns home. Once Guy returns home, he finds his wife Mildred lying there, knowing she attempted suicide. This makes Guy recall Clarisse s complex question, Are you happy? Sadly, to say, he wasn t (Bradbury 17). Furthermore, Guy was beginning to change. He was transforming into a different person ever since he met Clarisse. No longer was he the typical firefighter. Guy began to ponder on the idea of firemen in the past, so he asked two co workers. The co workers responded with laughter and reminded Guy about the rule book (Bradbury
  • 18. Mounting Student Debt Can you imagine yourself as an adult who just graduated from college, and has to move back home and live with your parents? Imagine waking up everyday and knowing that you have two hundred thousand dollars in student loans that has to be paid? There are many reasons that cause these problems, but today, large amounts of student debtand an increase in unemployment are the major problems that college graduates are facing. With the lack of jobs and no money, people are turning to their parents for food and shelter. In Rosie Evan s essay Boomerang Kids: What are the Cause of Generation Y s Growing Pains, she explains the causes of the delayed adulthood, and she also gives the messages to people and the government to offer better support to this generation. The causes of Generation Y growing pains are the amount of college s debt, lack of employment and people becoming too dependent on technology. A great example of not being able to move ahead in society is when you are struggling with debt. Mounting student debt is one of the important contributing factors why a large number of college students move home. A couple of generations ago, things were different. Adults who did not go to college either got jobs or get married. A close friend of our family went to a college for 7 years, as soon as he graduated, he owed a large debt for his ... Show more content on ... With the rapid growth of technology, the millennials are overly depending on technology. Wherever I go, most of the people I see is either texting or talking on their phones, including myself. These days, you can order almost anything and everything online. Although we rely on technology, I do not think it is a bad thing at all. Some people have to use technology for their job. Mostly, you cannot get a current day job without being able to use a computer or type. Our lives would not be the same without technological advances. Use it, but do not depend on
  • 19. The Dominican Republic Essay The people of the Dominican Republic are knowledgeable of their past in order to know what their future might bring. The Spanish settlers gave them their language, as well as their predominant faith. Africans were brought to the Dominican Republic as slaves, bringing their faith, music, and art. Their love of baseball came from the United States troops. Creativity such as music and art is a large portion of the Dominican Republican culture and lifestyle. Their music ranges from forms such as meringue, bachata, and salsa. These diverse forms of music are also combined with jazz, rock, and hip hop to form a culture of music. The art scene of this country was discovered by Rafael Trujillo, who founded the national school of fine arts in... Show more content on ... AS people of inclusion they believe Jesus came to include all, not exclude. All are welcome. They are people of liberation because they seek to challenge all the oppressed and they embody grace by living out their liberation until all are set free of oppression. Dominicans are filled with hope, joy, and unrelenting optimism because they believe: God is good, with God all things are possible, and God uses us to transform the world. As Jesus people they believe Jesus was the incarnation if God s grace. They believe Jesus was the ultimate liberal and showed us the way to lead the life God intends for all of us. Judicial branch judges are elected by a Council made up of members of the legislative and executive branches with the president presiding. The branches in their government resemble our government. The daily life of the Dominican Republic is very interesting. During the day they do many different things like cleaning and doing crafts with others. They have to regular meals breakfast, lunch and dinner. Things that they would eat would be their national dish beans and rice. Rice was the most important crop for them. Dominican Day in August Colorful floats move on the street as music plays with the participants wearing their costumes. People along the street yell, sing, dance, and wave the Dominican flag. The Dominican Republic shares an island with
  • 20. Tattoos Piercings in the Workplace Essay Tattoos amp; Piercings in the Workplace PHI221 Shelley Hipps College America Abstract This paper focuses on the subject of whether or not tattoos and piercings should be allowed in the workplace. There are a lot of resources arguing that they should not be allowed, but this research maintains the point that they should be more accepted in the workplace these days. This paper concludes by discussing how tattoos and piercings are much more of an artistic expression rather than a form of rebellion as it was once considered. Tattoos and piercing have become increasingly more common over the years. Obvious issues within the workplace have surfaced. Some would argue that tattoos and piercings in the workplace are inappropriate, ... Show more content on ... In some industries, such as software and biotechnology, companies need to attract the most intelligent employees, regardless of what is inked on their skin or dangling from their flesh. (WONG, 2005) This is a great example because it helps argue my point. A company should be worried about the work that its employee will produce and not worry so much about what is on or in their skin. The outplacement firm Challenger, Gray amp; Christmas says employers will be forced to become more accepting of body art. Some employers are already having trouble finding skilled workers they are not going to let some body art get in the way of hiring the best qualified candidate, said John Challenger, chief executive officer of the Chicago based firm. (WONG, 2005) I understand some companies just want to promote a strictly professional image. Then again, isn t the most qualified applicant the most professional one or is it just the one that looks the best? Here is another good example of this point, I would never want to limit our work force based on body art. Our priority, like any industry, is to have the best that we can have. (WONG, 2005) Tattoos today are recognized as totally different than what they were pictured as in the past. Tattooing is recognized by government agencies as both an art form and a profession and tattoo related art work is the subject of museum, gallery and educational institution art shows across the United States. [ (Levins,
  • 21. Comparing Rear Window And It Had To Be Murder The film Rear window is not a worthy adaptation of the short story It had to be Murder because it does not develop the theme, character, and literary devices well through the failed use of film techniques. First, the theme love, is focused a lot more in the film Rear Window than in the short story It had to be Murder . The filmhad a great deal of information about Hal Jefferies relationship with Lisa. It also, showed us about Miss Lonesome and her problems she went through trying to find a man. There was hardly any romance in the short story. Next, the characters are different in the film Rear Windowthan in the short story It had to be Murder . In the film Lisa is presented. She likes fashion and is in an upcoming relationship with Jefferies.
  • 22. Examples Of Flawed Characters In Medea Often tragedies have an heroic but flawed central character, but in Medea no character has any admirable or heroic qualities. Do you agree with this observation about the characters in the play? Euripides tragedy Medea, written in 431 BCE is centralized on the fantastic revenge that its protagonist Medea seeks after oath breaker Jason betrays her and leaves her suffering . Medea is presented by Euripides s originally as a vulnerable and hurt but slowly reveals her true nature as cunning and malicious. Medea is a highly flawed character overcome with a desire for revenge and pride, with little redeeming qualities. However, she does present as a strong and clever female lead who stands up against her misogynistic ancient Greek society. Euripides s supporting characters, like ... Show more content on ... Medea is a flawed character whose savage temperament results in the tragic events of Medea. Euripides s protagonist is introduced to the audience by the nurse who supported Medea and recounted how her heart transfixed by desire for Jason was broken when he married the princess. The nurse warns that Medea may hatch some unheard of scheme as Medea flawed character is gradually revealed and her stubborn and proud disposition. Throughout the play Euripides displays that Medea has some redeeming qualities as she is clever and was able to control her tongue as she convinces Creon to let her stay for one day till she is in exile. These qualities are unique to Medea and her use of logic could be seen as admirable by audiences as she navigates herself out of dire situations. Despite
  • 23. Microsoft Corp. And Alphabet Inc. Microsoft Corp. and Alphabet Inc. are two of the world s biggest technology companies and an investment in either one of them would be a very good idea, but one company might stand out over the other. I will give you a brief background of both companies. Then I will look at each company from an economic stand point. Then finally I will give you my opinion on which company I would make an investment in. Microsoft has been around since 1975 and are famous for their computer operating systems called Windows. Windows was the first operating system that featured a Graphical User Interface that allowed the average Joe to use a computer with relative ease. Before windows if you wanted to do anything with a computer you had to have a great deal of ... Show more content on ... Well google allows other companies to advertise their products on the search results and the more popular google grew the more companies wanted to advertise on google, more advertisers means more money for google. Alphabet was created as a way to better organize the way google and all its divisions. So basically Alphabet is Google. Now let s talk more about Microsoft and what they are currently doing. Microsoft has kind of been on the downslope for a while. With all the new competition from other companies like Alphabet and Apple there is now more substitutes for Microsoft s windows operating system. It doesn t help that Microsoft made a very poor operating system called windows 8 which drove away a lot of their customers. Another thing that Microsoft regrets is their neglecting of the mobile industry, which is something Google excels in. Microsoft first refused to go into the mobile industry, which killed them because the mobile computing industry has been the growing popularity in the past 5 years or so. All of their bad business decisions changed when Microsoft got their new CEO Satya Nadella. Satya has so far completely made a 180 degree change in the company and their products. Recently Microsoft has released a new operating system called windows 10 and it caters to every form of electronic device including desktops, laptops, touchscreen tablets, phones and even gamming consoles. The best part of the
  • 24. Zoos, Aquariums And Museum Nowadays, it is hard to find a person who has never been in a zoo, aquarium or museum. Since childhood we find it fancy to observe animals and exhibits, but sometimes even adults do not understand what the real value of zoos, aquariums and museums is. First, it is necessary to explain the main goals of these institutions which are to increase knowledge about the surrounding, to learn about conservation related behavior and to build conservation principles. In order to fulfill these goals, modern zoos, aquariums and museums provide a huge range of possibilities such as arranging specific exhibitions ensuring visual experiences, presenting new information and joining the conservation organization (Yalowitz). In addition, the information given in an exhibition is not as memorable as it seems at first. After a week or more people are tend to forget the main message of the presentation. Thus, it means that zoos, aquariums and museums have to find a way how to increase an impact during people s visits. This is further shown by the fact that the follow up visitors gain more knowledge than the first time ones. In other words, the follow up visitors are more likely to ... Show more content on ... Some of them want to observe exhibits to bate his or her curiosity, others have hobby passions on the shown topic and would like to gain a new experience. What is also worth mentioning is that information presented in an exposure has to comprise needs of every visitor, and zoos, aquariums and museums have to make it easy for everyone to understand and comprehend all that was shown and said. Other aspects such as age, gender, social group, ethnicity and basic level of knowledge should also be taken into consideration. Besides, another argument is that institutions should also provide programs for distinguishing motivations in order to fulfill one s expectations and to increase long term knowledge (why zoos
  • 25. Barclays Case Study on Barclays Bank Introduction This case study paper will analyze the economics of Barclays, one of the largest financial providers in the UK and in the world. It will also use Barclay s example to illustrate the peculiarities of banking industry functioning. Overview of the Business Barclays is an international financial services provider operating in more than 50 countries and serving more than 42 million customers worldwide. It engages in commercial banking, investment banking, wealth management and asset management. Its commercial banking arm offers services to British and international customers, including current accounts, savings accounts, mortgages, insurance, credit cards and consumer loans. It has a majority stake ... Show more content on ... Banks also attempts to offer their customers integrated financial solutions to discourage switching. At the same time, availability of existing substitute products is high, and buyers are very price sensitive. Conclusion: low to medium buyer bargaining power New Entrants: In the current situation, there is little threat of new entrants, since banking is regarded as a risky business. The trend is towards greater concentration of banking industry rather than diversification. Existence of barriers to entry (such as capital requirements) makes entry more complicated. Brand equity is very important: confidence is the key in banking, so new entrants might find it difficult to develop an initial level of confidence. Access to necessary inputs (liquidity) is also hard to gain for new players. At the same time, learning curve advantages are relatively unimportant, since innovation is not the most important profit driver in banking. Also, banking does not rely heavily on proprietary technology. Researchers argue that economies of scale are of little importance in financial services industry. However, specialist knowledge might deter new entrants, as major banks know markets and customers much better than new players. There is also scarcity of important resources such as qualified expert staff. Conclusion: medium threat of new entrants Threat of Substitution: Given high brand loyalty of customers and close customer relationships, threat of
  • 26. Analysis Of When The Rain Stops Falling As an actor, playing the role of Elizabeth (younger), how do I interpret her character and explore the theme of sacrifice embodied by her character? How do I interpret Elizabeth younger and translate that into a performance? Elizabeth s younger self is developed in the context of 1960 s London. The 1960s was considered a decade of change for women ; birth control pills being approved for the first time and women entering the work force and protesting gender disparities in pay . Elizabeth is depicted by Bovell as a fiercely intelligent woman, still in the prime of her life when we first meet her in her small flat in London. Living in the 60s, she would have been full of expectation and hope for the future, grasping at any opportunity, making it all the more tragic when it is all torn away from her and she is left alone with a life she never wanted: the life of a single mother. It is her story that is the origin of the problems faced by all other characters in the play, setting up Bovell s themes of intergenerational trauma and failure. It was within this context that I first started a more holistic interpretation of her character. Furthermore, the contemporary nature of our performance of When The Rain Stops Falling has allowed me to explore her character in greater depth, as the non linear, multi generational nature of the play has given me an insight into Elizabeth s future life, providing more weight and meaning to the circumstances in her earlier appearances, and how
  • 27. Humans have Engangered the Columbia River Limpet The Columbia River Limpet, otherwise known as the Short faced Lanx, is endangered due to human causes. This species is endangered due to population fragmentation and isolation, dam building, and many other human causes. In addition, habitat loss is one of the biggest problems because this organism has such specific habitat requirements. This species lives in a freshwater ecosystem and now, large populations can only be found in 4 streams. On the other hand, these human induced problems can be remedied with a few restrictions, support, and a little effort. The scientific name of this organism is Fisherola Nuttalli. The Columbia River Limpet is a small lunged (pulmonate) snail. According to an article by Celeste Mazzacano at the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (http:/ / columbia river limpet/), It has a limpet like appearance, with an uncoiled conical shell that has a wide base and a smooth, eccentric (off center) apex. The shells may reach up to 8 mm long, 6.25 mm wide, and 3 mm high; they are rich brown in color and appear striped due to fine concentric growth rings (Neitzel Frest 1992). This organism is known as an invertebrate due to the lack of a backbone. Invertebrates lack a vertebral column, which is made up of bones called vertebrae. The scientific name for animals lacking a backbone is Invertebrata. On the other hand, animals with a backbone are known as vertebrates, the scientific name being Vertebrata. There are over 1
  • 28. What Is Elton Mayo Management Theory applying a management theory on corporate library The human relations theory ‎by George Elton Mayo ‎ Definition of management theory :‎ management theory A collection of ideas which set forth general rules on how to manage a ‎business or organization. Management theory addresses how managers and supervisors relate to ‎their organizations in the knowledge of its goals, the implementation of effective means to get ‎the goals accomplished and how to motivate employees to perform to the highest standard .‎ management Theory selected:‎ The human relations theory of management began development in the early 1920 s ‎during the industrial revolution. At that time, productivity was the focus of business.‎ Theorist Biography:‎ George Elton Mayo (1880 1949), ... Show more content on ... ‎ Take advantage of resources designed to help you make the most of Mayo s management ‎theories Widely available online tools and resources can help you more easily implement Elton Mayo ‎management principles. Videos and various other Elton Mayo theory based products, ‎information and services let you choose the resources most valuable to your business. ‎ Consider the many benefits of putting the Elton Mayo management theory to work for your ‎business. If you decide to use it, why not go all out and practice it in all the areas it can ‎effectively address: your own leadership of the company, your managers development and ‎your employees engagement. ‎ Could Be Applied on Corporate Library?‎ The human relations management theory ‎it will be applyied on corporate libraries and more library ‎types as well. ‎ Work Cited Helen Bourke, Mayo, George Elton (1880 1949) , Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre ‎of Biography, Australian National University, http:/ / george ‎elton 7541/text13155, published first in hardcopy 1986, accessed online 19 March 2017.
  • 29. Internal Conflict, When Emotions Compromise Your... INTERNAL CONFLICT , when emotions compromise your negotiation leverage. Abstract Conflicts occur on a daily basis, throughout all levels of society. Conflicts often bring about intense emotional reactions, which may strongly affect the individuals involved. Given that conflicts are often infused with emotions, it is important to understand how these emotions may shape conflict development and resolution. Emotions play a pervasive role in our actions on a daily basis. Positive emotions such as happiness and empathy can influence our actions to make us better human beings whereas negative emotions such as anger and fear, if not harnessed well, can hold us back from achieving our true potential. But when it comes to Negotiation, time and time again, common wisdom has proven that emotion of any nature, whether positive or negative should be kept out of it as it can only hamper the end results of the negotiation and skew the results in the opposing party s favor. This is because emotions reduce people s ability to process information quickly. This simply means that they don t take the time or effort to explore out of the box solutions or creative options. Important facts or clues may be missed out, which can lead to a loss of leverage in negotiation. This study is meant to examine the adverse effects internal conflict and emotions play when brought into the negotiation process. Why was this subject chosen? Negotiation has been studied from many
  • 30. What Happens During The Flame Test 1. Identify each of the unknown samples(use specific data to justify your answers for A and B). Unknown A was NaCI because when looking at this unknown solutions flame and NaCI s flame they both had this very strong orange color when they were burning they both looked very similar. The photons seemed to emit the same light. Unknown B was SrCI2 because once against they both showed the very strong red flame. When looking at the different flames one can conclude that these two flames were very similar. The photons seemed to emit the same amount of light and this is why these two looked the same. Unknown Mixture was SrCI2 and CuCI2 because looking at the different flames of all the salt solutions the two flames that had the same colors as the unknown mixture did. The colorof a vibrant red was from the SrCI2 and the Green blue colors came from the CuCI2. Since the... Show more content on ... 3. The metallic atoms change from a liquid state to a gas state during the flame test. Is this a physical or a chemical change? Explain. This is a chemical change because a new color is created and it is exciting the electrons. Burning is a chemical reaction because there is a new substance being created. There is also a color change and that is another way to tell that it was a chemical reaction. A new substance was made this is why it was a chemical change. If you take ice for example and melt it turns into a liquid. This is not a chemical change because it is still water just in a different form nothing new is created. Unlike when the salt solutions are burned and something totally new is created/ 4. Why does the flame color change back to orange, after the metallic solution has been turned completely into a gas
  • 31. Kim Kardashian West Kim Kardashian West paid homage to her style icon, Cher, by dressing up as the singer for Halloween 2017 in a throw back Armenian inspired costume. At a Casamigos bash, Kim dared to channel her idol, but Cher was nothing less than impressed by the holiday gesture. Kim Kardashian didn t merely slip into a random Cher Halloween costume because Gal Gadot s Wonder Woman character is trending this year. According to Elle magazine, Kim s choice to dress as Cher was deliberate and based on her fascination with the veteran songstress and fashion diva. The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star put enormous effort into duplicating Cher s shimmering 1973 two piece ensemble she wore at the Oscars. Kim hired tailors for the custom Halloween outfit ... Show more content on ... Kardashian West s makeup was flawless and she made sure to get her nails manicured for the Halloween themed party. To round out her Cher outfit, Kim brought along her assistant and BFF, Jonathan Cheban, who pulled off a convincing Sonny Bono, Cher s late ex husband and the other half of the Sonny Cher duo. Kim s sister, Kylie Jenner, took several snaps of the fake Sonny Cher and posted the images on her Instagram. Kim Kardashian joined in the fun and took several selfies of her and her Halloween date. Rande Gerber and George Clooney, former owners of the Tequila company, hosted the retro party at the WeHo Tower Records. George s wife, Amal Clooney, and her pal, Cindy Crawford, turned heads with their costume choices. Amal wore an elaborate spangled jumpsuit and prominent makeup. Her hair was frizzy and blown out. A pair of gold hoops dangled from her lobes. Cindy wore a playful halter dress, red skirt, and stilettos. Crawford s hair was curly for the occasion. The celebrated supermodel wore black bangles and held tight to a white fur around her
  • 32. Comparing Artemis Fowl And Eoin Colfer Compare the Protagonist/Antagonist with any character, already studied or from a book, film, etc. The main protagonist of Airman, Conor Broekhart, is very comparable with a lot of male, teenage characters in books, films, and even some of the characters that are from some short stories that we have read in our last unit. Conor is even comparable to the main protagonistfrom Artemis Fowl, a more famous book and series by the author of this book, Eoin Colfer. The characterfrom this book is, unsurprisingly, named Artemis Fowl. While Conor is described to have blond hair and be tall for his age, Artemis is illustrated with raven black hair and is short for his age. However, they both have very pale skin. Eoin even goes to say that he was ... Show more content on ... Artemis may be smarter than Conor, but Conor is definitely braver than him. Conor is credited for making a kite that glided him and Princess Isabella to safety from the burning castle. This awesome feat earned him knighthood, making him Sir Conor Broekhart at the age of 10. Conor changes a lot through the course of the first quarter of Airman. He goes from a small baby to an intelligent young man. Artemis also changes throughout the series. In the beginning, Artemis is more centered on his criminal schemes, but by the last book, The Last Guardian, Fowl realizes that his family and friends are a lot more important. Discuss the plot with a focus on current events in the media. The plot in the book, Airman, can be compared to the recent election that happened in America. In my opinion, Hugo Bonvilain, the antagonist of the story, is a lot like Donald Trump in many ways. One of Trump s slogans had to do with making America great again . Hugo Bonvilain, also wanted to make the Saltee Islands like they used to be. Both of them miss that the reason things aren t the same as they were before is because the society has improved through time in the time that Airman takes place, or even right
  • 33. Case Study Pleural Effusion Case Study Pleural effusion NSG/340 Sandra Gilderson, MSN/Ed, RN Case Study Diagnosis and admission A.B. admitting diagnosis pleural effusion, pulmonary infiltrates possible pneumonia based on the result of chest x ray. Also the presenting signs and symptom provided information that can link to pleural effusion evidenced of his signs and symptoms Pleural effusion Is an abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space, it is not a disease but an indication of a disease (Lavie et al, 2014). Difference between transudate and exudate A transudate effusion occurs primarily in noninflammatory conditions and is an accumulation of protein poor, cell poor fluid (Lavie et al, 2014, p. 549). The fluid is leaking into the pleural... Show more content on ... Consequences related to pleural effusion is the fluid located in the pleural cavity present as a space that is occupying mass, which causes a decrease in the lung expansion. The decrease of the lung expansion on that affected side is proportionate with the amount of fluid that is collected. This therefore results to hypoxia, dyspnea, and pleuritic pain (Saguil et al., 2014). Pulmonary infiltrates is an hypersensitivity reaction, lung infiltration, characterized by infiltration of the alveoli (bronchoalveolar), with eosinophilia and large mononuclear cells, edema, extensive infiltrates in the lung zones leading to inflammation of the lungs (Tzilas et al.,2009). From a pathophysiological perspective, the term infiltrate refers to an abnormal substance that accumulates gradually within cells or body tissues or any substance or type of cell that occurs within or spreads as through the interstitium and/or alveoli of the lung, that is foreign to the lung parenchyma, or that accumulates in greater than normal quantity within it. (Patterson et al., 2012). Consequences result in prolong illness that accompany fever, cough, dyspnea, weight loss, possible pus, severe tissue reaction as in certain drug allergies, pus, which can further lead to pneumonia that is
  • 34. Rhetorical Analysis Of On Compassion On Compassion Rhetorical Analysis Where we are is the grand culmination of hundreds of years of cooperating as a species to make for a grander environment that appeals to all. Despite our constant effort to improve the quality of life on earth, however, an increasingly tremendous problem pertaining the same subject has been growing right below our noses : homelessness. We, the common people, typically place those in such plight into great disregard; push them not off the streets but to the far back of our heads. In the article On Compassion , former NEW YORK TIMES columnist, Barbara Ascher, teaches us the ignorance of our denial and the importance of the helpless presence, and she does this through the heavy use of contrast, figurative language, a good quantity of rhetorical questions, and some very clever wording. She suggested that the presence of the homeless helps teach us compassion. Afterall, compassion is not a character trait like a sunny disposition. It must be learned. Ascher begins her article with a strong narrative vividly describing a queer exchange between a homeless person, a fearful woman, and an equally frightened infant. Utilizing both contrast and figurative language, Ascher captures the unsettling atmosphere present in the special transaction : The mother removes her purse from her shoulder and rummages through its contents: lipstick, a lace handkerchief, an address book. She finds what she s looking for and passes a folded dollar over her child s head to the man who stands and stares even though the light has changed and traffic navigates around his hips... He does not know his part. He does not know that acceptance of the gift and gratitude are what makes this transaction complete... The mother grows impatient and pushes the stroller before her, bearing the dollar like a cross. Finally, a black hand rises and closes around green (paragraphs 3 5). In this segment from the earlier paragraphs of On Compassion , Ascher evokes some early sympathy in the audience towards the homeless man described through the implementation of contrast. Referencing the objects contained in the mother s purse doesn t just contribute to a more descriptive passage; it also highlights the poor situation
  • 35. Epinepheus Research Paper Abstract: This paper observes the efficiencies of three different feed types fed to Epinephelus coioides. These feed types include a soy based plant protein pellet (AQUA LIFE), fish meal pellets (Ridley Aqua Feeds) and whole Pilchards. The fish had their dry weight and length measured prior to the commencement of the trial. 12 tanks, with 5 fish per tank were fed the three different feed types. All fish were fed every day of the 5 week trial period. The results showed the fish meal pellets had the most efficient food conversion ratio (FCR) value (0.84), with a standard growth rate (SGR) of 4.28 grams per week. This FCR value was substantially more efficient compared to the value of 2.20 and 2.98 for the Pilchards and plant based protein respectively. Several mortalities occurred in the fish being fed plant based protein, possibly due to high aggression as a result of a lack of nutrients. Water quality parameters were also not ideal for the growth of the fish as all nitrogen levels were above the ideal threshold, with nitrate reaching 89 ppm before a water change was conducted. In conclusion, the fish meal pellets proved to be the most ... Show more content on ... The fish meal pellets had a FCR value of 0.84, this indicates an extremely efficient food conversion ratio. In reality it is not possible for an FCR to fall below 1, as this would violate conservation of mass laws. But within an experimental situation were the dry weight of the feed is measured, and then the dry weight of the fish is measured, there will be a high percentage of water weight within the fish that is not taken into account. Even with taking this into account, the fish meal pellets did show the highest FCR value. The SGR value of 4.28 grams per week, it can be seen that this feed is quite effective in terms of grow out. This can be attributed to an amino portfolio containing up 90% of what is required by the fish (Boonyaratpalin,
  • 36. Jim Jones Research Paper On November 18, 1978, with the help of grape flavored Flavor Aid, over 900 members of The people s temple were killed in a mass suicide directed by leader Jim Jones. In the beginning Jones movement was one that helped the poor and needy but with a growing number of members, unflattering reports surfaced. With former members telling stories of having all belongings, homes, and even children being taken from them Jones was forced to move his congregation to Guyanawhere he promised to build a socialist utopia. However, Jones created a socialist government far from utopia. Members worked long hours, had phone calls or any communication censored, and harsh punishment was given to anyone who questioned Jones. After hearing about these living circumstances,... Show more content on ... On November 14, 1978 Ryan and a delegation of eighteen people traveled to Jonestown. While inside, 15 members of the Temple asked Ryan to help them defect the camp. Jones granted the release of these 15 members and on November 18th Ryan s delegation, including the defectors, left Jonestown. Because group leaving Jonestown grew in numbers, a larger airplane was required. While waiting for the airplane to arrive a truck with members of Temple s Red Brigade security squad opened fire on the congregation killing Ryan and four others while everyone else fled into the
  • 37. Corruption In The Great Gatsby Analysis In a state of oblivion, the greatest of men can get corrupted by the object they seek.The thing they desire with great ferocity blinds them and it becomes their only focus, causing them to ignore the casualties they incite in the journey.This corruption courses throughout Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby , while centering itself on a young man madly in lovewith a young woman, and the great ordeals he pursues her love.As simple as the plot is presented, the underlying theme of the novel centers on the wildness of the American dream while paralleling on the destruction each character gets in the end.It lends you glimpses into the lives of the rich and shows you their desperation for fulfillment.This novel has haunted readers for many... Show more content on ... Nick is in awe and marvels at the wildness of the city.He is enthralled and loves the racy adventurous feel .Along the way, he goes to have dinner with his cousin Daisy.Daisy is seen as innocent and pure in the novel and Fitzgerald associates her with a multitude of pure colors (white).Her voice also plays a major key in how she is portrayed, seeing as Gatsby describes it as a voice of money .When Nick speaks to Daisy on the porch about her daughter, she says All right, I said, I m glad it s a girl. And I hope she ll be a fool that s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool. Daisy says this in reference to how how women were portrayed in the 20s because it was better to be dumb and a ditz.Also, within his perceptions and notions about the people around him, Nick has a quite revelation about her husband, Tom Buchanan.Fitzgerald s symbolization of Tom Buchanan stands out within the whole novel because with a novel so centered on the American Dream, Tom Buchanan is everything but that.He was born into wealth, and is an arrogant bully of a man, with a godlike complex, harboring white supremacy beliefs.He symbolizes that breed of rich white Americans that take everything for granted, yet feel entitled to
  • 38. The Importance Of Communication In Healthcare When you have money in your back account, you are able to draw that money even if you are out of town and you are able to see the statement from any other branches. But when you discharge from a hospital the information does not exchanged that easily even to the clinic in the same street. Effective communication is the integral part of todays high tech era. The information technology not only should assist in improving the communication but also an important catalyst for quality and cost reduction in healthcare. As the whole healthcare continuum is advancing in technology, the communication between the organizations and within the departments is an integral part of supporting patient engagement and introducing new models of care (American HospitalOrganization, 2015). In this paper a report on finding solution to improve the communication and coordination between admitting, laboratory, pharmacy, and clinicians to increase throughput is discussed. The solution proposed is supported by HL7 and can be instituted without changing the existing software. Problem The organization is experiencing a major issue of lack of communication between different departments including admitting, radiology, laboratory and clinicians. Interoperability between facilities and departments within the facility is an essential part of care coordination. The failure to interoperability could prevent the development of HIT tools for the coordination of care (Samal,, 2016). The inadequacy in
  • 39. Characteristics Of A Unique Candidate I am a unique candidate because I have what it takes to learn and learn quickly, handle commitment, and accomplish things that others would consider impossible. These are all traits that I believe will make me the best that I can be when performing in extreme contexts. First, I have the ability to learn new skills and learn them quickly. Before coming to West Point, I taught myself to play the guitar, solve the rubix cube, play chess, juggle, and crochet. I have an undying curiosity of learning new things if I see something that I want to learn, I never quit until I learn it. In the case of learning to crochet, it was only a few weeks between first picking up a ball of yarn and selling scarves that I had made. Next, I handle commitment well.... Show more content on ... Until last August, I never considered myself a runner the farthest that I had ever ran in one day was five miles. The previous summer, I learned about an organization called the Travis Manion Foundation that was established to commemorate the lives of two fallen heroes, Marine Corps First Lieutenant Travis Manion and Navy SEAL Brendan Looney. In late August, I learned that the Foundation was running the 2015 Marine Corps Marathon to raise money in support of their outreach programs. With less than two months to prepare, people told me it was impossible. In less than 60 days, I ran eighty miles and raised over seven hundred dollars for the cause. My longest training run was just thirteen miles. On October 25th, I ran the 26.2 miles in just under six hours. It was the most physically challenging thing I had ever done. I crossed the finish line with a knee injury and having lost 8,000 calories. I should be selected over the other candidates because I will not quit. I should be selected over the other candidates because, everything I commit myself to, I will finish. I should be selected over the other candidates because I will always give 100% no
  • 40. Robert Frost Alienation Essay Many of Robert Frost poems, such as Birches, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, Mending Wall, and many others all display alienation. Robert Frost loved writing poem about nature and urban areas as well. In most of these poems Robert Frost portrays alienation, this could be, because he himself experienced alienation. Alienation means to feel like you re lonely, it is not literally being alone. You can be in a crowded of hundreds of people and still feel alone, or left out. We all experience Alienation at some point in time during our lives. Alienation can be just a small thing like being picked last in a game of kickball, or being left out of a secret. There is a theme of alienation in Robert Frosts poems, there are three things or... Show more content on ... Rowles) They experience more being left out than any other age group, that is very sad. Another character that helps develop the theme of alienation in Robert Frost s poems, is the boy in Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening. It may not make sense but some people are less lonely all by themselves, rather than being with people. One thing that can make people feel this way is nature. Nature has a beauty and way about it that makes some people feel less alone and happy. The boy in the poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, He would rather be in the woods watching the snow than be at home. In the poem it says The woods are lovely, dark and deep (13) He is saying the wood are a beautiful place that seems almost better than his home. This boy is probably feeling alienated in town. He s probably thinks my horse and the woods will not alienate me so why leave. In an article it defines Alienation as Alienation is a subjective state, a feeling of being a stranger, as if one were not one s normal self. (Abir K. Bekhet) I think this definition is exactly what the boy is feeling when he is in town with other people. He feels left out of things, treated like a stranger, why would you want to go back to a place like that, when nature makes you forget all of it. The last character or thing in Robert Frost s poems, that helps develop the theme of alienation if the boy in the poem Mending Wall. The boy in Mending Wall, is
  • 41. Game Theory And Human Rationality Essay Game Theory and Human Rationality Game theory is a popular resource for modelling economic, sociological, philosophical and many other situations. The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy defines it as the study of the ways in which interacting choices of economic agents produce outcomes with respect to the preferences (or utilities) of those agents, where the outcomes in question might have been intended by none of the agents. Game theory has many uses, including describing and predicting ideal behaviour as discussed later on. It can be used to model and predict for example. There are, however, criticisms to game theory in regards to its ability to apply to human rationality and emotion. Due to the widespread use of game theory, this has become a popular area of research in economic, philosophic and even psychological theory. One can think of game theory as descriptive due to the fact we often use game theory to explain or justify people s actions after they are taken. This is best seen in analytics of games or sports, where an analyst might weigh up the advantages and disadvantages to explain a player s actions. An example of this would be a retrospective analysis of a chess game, where game theory can be applied to each move to explain why the player might have played a move that seemed illogical without further thought, but ultimately gains an advantage. This only works assuming both player and analyst are both rational or equally irrational. If this were not the
  • 42. Ellen Dunham-Jones s Essay Seventy-Five Percent In today s society the landscape of the city is constantly changing to accommodate for technological innovations, greater populations, and economic opportunity. As the skyline of cities across America are changing at a rate faster than ever seen before, one immense community is being left in the dust. The suburbs of America have refused to change, allowing a great resemblance of what they looked like 50 years ago. The stubbornness of the suburbs to change has led to many issues economically and environmentally. In her essay, Seventy Five Percent , Ellen Dunham Jones puts forth that 75% of construction in the past decade occurs in the suburban landscape. Yet, in today s society much of the architectural community contains a strong bias against the suburbs. However, with over half the country s... Show more content on ... There are many who suggest the solution to the decline of the suburbs is to urbanize the area by densifying and overall making the suburbs more similar to a city. Laura Vaughan argues that the development of a spatial layout similar to that of a city would help the suburbs to become more efficient socially and economically. However, this approach directly contrasts the purpose of the suburbs, which was originally meant to provide a private, quiet environment for single family homes away from loud and busy city life. In his book, Sprawl: A Compact History, Robert Bruegmann explains that suburbia is not a bad thing but possesses benefits that urban planners fail to recognize and is a natural process of the growth of urbanism. While the suburban landscape does possess much potential, those who support the continued existence of the suburbs as they exist are naive and fail to recognize the environmental, social, and economical impact that the suburbs impose. The suburbs possess many social and political issues that need to be addressed. There is no doubt that there is massive potential in the suburban
  • 43. Little Portugal Fills Big Shoes Essay Lying west of Spain and East of the North Atlantic Ocean is a small country no bigger than the state of Indiana (World Factbook). Portugal, this mistakenly insignificant land, quickly made an impression on European exploration beginning in the early thirteenth century. It was not long before neighboring areas looked to this successful country for tactics concerning discovery. But exactly how did this small piece of land with few inhabitants manage to stand above its competition for quite some time? Portuguese motives, leaders, tactics, and innovations must be further examined in order to fully comprehend just how the Portuguese dominated early trade and exploration. Due to these three aspects, Portugalbecame the country that all... Show more content on ... Beginning with Prince Henry, the Portuguese were led by men with high hopes. With a school established at Cape St. Vincent, Prince Henry educated many on aspects concerning his goal, successful exploration (Sterling 2). Known as the Navigator, Prince Henry, disregarded the previous Ptolemaic beliefs and strived to reach lands that nobody else thought existed (Hale 102). He was the first to send men on voyages down the West African Coast, and gold and slaves were the outcome of his courageous move. The posts that were established as a result of exploration led to the hope for further progress, and Prince Henry s successful start was only just a glimpse of all that was achieved by those that followed. After the death of Prince Henry, King John II continued the search for new lands; the East African Coast and Indian Ocean were reached when Portuguese mariner, Bartholomeu Diaz, rounded the Cape of Good Hope. Soon after, Prince Henry s dream to discover a water route to India quickly became a reality when Vasco Da Gama completed a successful round trip. In the Indian port, he was able to interact with the people and set up permanent posts that would become extremely useful. Control remained throughout the Indian Ocean due to the commander of Portuguese forces, Afonso D Alboquerque. He hoped to obtain naval superiority by utilizing strict policy on the waters by forcing all
  • 44. Human Manipulation Of Genetic Transfer And Its Biological... AS 3.7 Demonstrate understanding of human manipulations of genetic transfer and its biological implications. Daisy the Cow Daisy the cow is a genetically modified cow modified by scientists from Agresearch and the University of Waikato in New Zealand. This cows purpose was so that it could produce milk that did not contain a protein named beta lacto globulin. This is because many infants are allergic to this protein; in fact two to three percent are allergic. So these scientists have used the scientific techniques of ribonucleic acid interference and somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning to produce this cow without the protein, however there are many implications. One of the techniques used to produce daisy the cow was ribonucleic acid interference causing gene knockdown. Ribonucleic acid interference is a biological process where certain ribonucleic acid molecules are interfered with causing inhabitation of certain gene expressions. Gene knockdown is a genetic technique where certain genes are made inoperative in an organism because they are knocked out of it. In daisy the cow this was used so that the instructions that have the protein beta lacto globulin made could be knocked out so that it would no longer be present in daisy. The way they did this was by introducing a synthesized double stranded ribonucleic acid that has a sequence that is complimentary to the gene that is of interest into the cell. This is then recognized as exogenous gene material causing the
  • 45. Atomic Weapons And The Atomic Bomb On August 6th, 1945 Akihiro Takahashi, a 14 year old boy, never made it to school. Instead, he was engulfed in a tremendous heat and left on the side of a Hiroshima street to watch his own flesh melt off his body (Takahashi). Later that week, despite surviving the dropping of the atomic bomb on her city, Eiko Taoka would watch helplessly as her infant son died of radiation poisoning something she blames herself for to this day (Taoka). There are thousands of stories like these, and each one describes the incredible destructive power behind atomic weapons and the deep wounds they leave behind. Even now, seventy years after that fateful day, writers and filmmakers utilize the terror induced by the thought of atomic warfare in their... Show more content on ... This move was largely due to the hardships experienced on American soil during the Great Depression and its losses in World War I (American Isolationism). However on December 7th, 1941, the isolationist stance held by the United States was shattered when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and war was officially declared on Japan, Germany, and Italy (American Isolationism). This war would go on for another four years, taking with it close to 50 million lives and devastating not only families, but entire nations (By The Numbers). Due to the incredible loss of life, the United States understood that ending the war, especially the ongoing war in the pacific, was of paramount importance. Unfortunately for the Japanese, it would be its country s own sense of pride and nationalism that brought its undoing. Despite being overpowered, without resources, and lacking a functioning navy, the Japanese government refused to surrender to the United States (Powers). Many have speculated that a contributing factor may have been Japan s ancient belief in bushido an old Samurai idea that the supreme sacrifice of life was the purest of accomplishments (Powers). This suggested that the Japanese army was willing to fight until they had exhausted all their resources, all their lives, and left their country in ruin. While he knew that continuing the
  • 46. Who Leaves A Sapphire Lying On The Ground Essay Who leaves a sapphire just lying on the ground? I bent over to pick up the twinkling gem. It was large, easily the size of a quarter, so it must be expensive. I was no gemologist, but I did know that the larger the gem, the more pricey it was. I rolled it around in my fingers, letting the light from the street lamps catch in all of its facets. Beautiful. I breathe. The dark blue of the sapphire almost seemed velvety, like the night sky. Too bad there weren t any specs of silver in the gem. Then it would really resemble the night sky. I sigh, a deep ache forming in my chest. The memory of a country nightside still burned fresh in my mind, as it wasn t long ago that I could marvel at the beauty of the night sky where I could actually see it. Those days are gone now, at least for the time being. I ll return it to the police tomorrow. Pocketing the jewel, I finished my walk back home. The city where I now live is nice, if you like air pollution and noise keeping you up all night, that is. Everyone is always saying that I ll get used to it everyone else already has but I haven t. Not yet. I stared up at the dark sky. It was suffocating, like a heavy blanket with no promise of being lifted. Nothing like my old home where the full moon was so bright, I could see almost as well as I can at sunset. There were always places to explore in the woods. Bridges to cross and discovering new surprises from nature used to be my life. Now, it s just pale buildings, pale
  • 47. Advantages And Disadvantages Of An Antena An Antenna is an electrical device which converts electric power into radio waves and radio waves into electric power. An antenna used with a radio transmitter or radio receiver. During transmission, a radio transmitter supplies an electric current oscillating at radio frequency to the terminals of antenna, and the antenna radiates the energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. During reception, an antenna intercepts some of the power of an electromagnetic wave in order to produce a tiny voltage at its terminals that is applied to a receiver to be amplified. Communication is defined as the transfer of information from one point to another point. Communication system is required to convey the information over a distance. The information can be transfer by superimposing or modulating the information on to a carrier which is an electromagnetic wave. At the receiving side, the received modulate carrier can be recovered by demodulation to get the original information. For this process complicated techniques have been developed using electromagnetic carrier waves operating at radio frequencies as well as millimeter and microwave frequencies. In today s modern communication industry antennas play an important role to create a communication link. Microstrip antennas... Show more content on ... Printed antennas enjoy many advantages over standard antennas, such as ease of integration with monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), low manufacturing costs, low profile and integrated passives, and the ability to be mounted on planar, nonplanar, and rigid exteriors. Although most wireless local area network (WLAN) applications utilize omni directional antennas, directional and quasi endfire antennas, such as Yagi Uda antenna has been employed to suppress unwanted radio frequency (RF) emissions as well as unwanted interference in other
  • 48. Discuss Some Issue of Personal, Local, National, or... Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you. An issue can be of a personal, local, national or even international concern. What if the issue is of such gravity that it not only affects you as an individual person, a community, or even a nation but spells danger, havoc and chaos for mankind and humanity itself. Imagine what if the issue under discussion is an act of sabotage equally dangerous and destructive for countries like the United States and United Kingdom as it is for comparatively poor third world countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. Wait a second, did someone say equally dangerous and destructive?? I indeed am referring to Terrorism, the war on terror and its ... Show more content on ... We lost lives, our economy is a mess, and no foreign investor is willing to invest in Pakistan. No sporting events take place any more and are shifted to other places due to security concerns. The tourism industry is as good as a rotten egg is for making an omelet. People are scared to leave their houses.