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East Africa Dairy Development Project

                                                                                            Volume 9
 Photo/ ILRI

Supporting Innovation
INSIDE               Farming 2              School     3    Computers 4 Interview: 6
                     at the                 dropout         and Cows:    Smart
                     Finger tip             Innovating      Creating the Farmer
                                            Affordable      Link
                                            Dairy Machin-                UNDP-EADD
    East Africa Dairy Development   News    eries
                                           Volume 9                      partner 11
EDITORIAL                                                                              East Africa Dairy Development Project

                                                                Farming At The
                                                                  Finger Tip

               few years back, in Eastern        button, or press of a thumb, a farmer
              Africa, telephone communica-       will know if his cow is on heat or if it   room, as you will find out after read-
              tion was a hectic affair for       needs a change of feed. Better still,      ing about two innovative youth fea-
     many. If one lived in a remote region,      the same farmer would access advi-         tured in this issue.
     she had to travel several kilometres to     sory services from an extension offi-
     a town with public payphone to make         cer he hardly ever sees, yet both know     Gideon Birgen is an upcoming force
     a phone call. Only a few well to do         when the cow is due for deworming or       in dairy software innovation; while
     people owned telephones; many were          ready for insemination. The extension      Joseph Macharia is taking dairy ma-
     rather intimidated and even fewer           officer gives real time advice to the      chinery to the next level. Birgen, a
     knew how to use them. Mobile tele-          farmer without the need of any bike        computer scientist, may still be
     phones were unheard of. Computers           rides to and fro the farm. This may        dreaming up newer software, but his
     were only seen in the modern offices.       sound like a dream and yes it is for       previous ideas put to work have en-
     Lap tops were novel…                        majority of smallholder farmers only       abled several cooperatives to manage
                                                 for the moment for we are supporting       automate processes such as payments,
     Things are different today. Nearly          innovators who are making significant      check-off management etc.
                             everyone has a      headway with prototypes that hold
    We evaluate              gadget, whether     potential of making this future a real-    Mr. Macharia dropped out of primary
                             a mobile phone,     ity sooner rather than later.              school, but is now trail blazing in in-
    innovations,             a computer, a                                                  novative dairy farm tools. He manu-
support innovators lap top, an Ipad,             It takes an open mind to accept, use       factures affordable dairy equipment
  and help make name it. The                     and advocate for new innovations for       for on-farm use, and thousands of
                             old and the         development. It is even more impor-        farmers are saving on labour and en-
   available new             young, the liter-   tant to have sponsors of technical so-     joying higher productivities.
technology to dairy ate and the illit-           lutions promote them for their benefits
       farmers.              erate, the ur-      and be there to walk the farmers           As Egil Milbergs of Accelerating in-
                             banite and the      through the early stages of adoption.      novation avers, "Technology plays a
     rural folk, all own a gadget and use it                                                leading role in innovation, but it isn't
     to communicate, listen to and watch         That is part of what the EADD project      the only factor. What were once dis-
     music and news updates, do banking,         has been doing for the past four years.    ruptive technologies now are com-
     pay bills, locate long lost friends.        We evaluate innovations, support in-       modities. Technology can be the es-
                                                 novators and help make available new       tablishing base for innovation, but
     Our lives revolve around gadgets.           technology to dairy farmers. We have       people are the ones that drive it for-
     It has previously been said that inno-      noted some great results. Some of the      ward. Technology is really only the
     vation and use of gadgets are for the       innovations championed thus far in-        mechanics of the process. Real inno-
     open minded. American author and            clude the dairy hub model, calf wean-      vation is about great people generat-
     toy maker, Roger Von Oech, puts it          ing formulations, feed pulverizers,        ing and then implementing new
     succinctly: "It's easy to come up with      producer group extension services,         ideas."
     new ideas; the hard part is letting go      billing software etc.                                                 Moses Nyabila
     of what worked for you two years ago,                                                                 Regional Director—EADD
     but will soon be out of date." How          Innovation is neither synonymous
     true! Consider this: By the click of a      with, nor exclusively to the board-
    East Africa Dairy Development            News    Volume 9                                                      2
FEATURE                                                                                East Africa Dairy Development Project

 Education might be crucial but a
 primary school graduate innova-
 tor is welding millions of shillings
 making a hardy dairy farm tool

 The Innovator
 H         e bought a pulveriser on loan
           and dismantled it, piece by
           piece. That gave way to a
           business empire. Speak of
 beginning with the end in mind, and
 the story of Joseph Kimani Kiriri a.k.a
 Macharia gives validity to Stephen
 Covey’s first habit of successful peo-                                    Farmers in Uganda using a pulverizer.
                                             started by repairing cars but believed    rest, as they say is history
 Armed with only a primary school            that even though I lacked academic
 certificate and artisan training in me-     credentials, my creativity would create   “I have been working with the Kenyan
 chanics, 33 years old Joseph has            something from scratch. After some-       dairy sector and EADD for the last
 scored many firsts with thousands of        time I quit as a mechanic and joined      four years to market the pulveriser
 dairy farmers in East Africa. His inno-     the repair and maintenance depart-        and make it available in farms in
 vation, a localised pulveriser, is a sig-   ment at Baraka Millers Factory in         Kenya and beyond, including
 nificant equipment in their farms; po-      Nakuru. I created a Mill Machine, on      Rwanda.”
 sitioned as a competitive, affordable       the first day of work.”                   He admits that it wasn’t until 2009 and
 and indispensable tool that is more                                                   2010 that he has recorded rapid
 than 10 times, cheaper retailing at         Pleased with the young talent, Jo-        growth, a feat he credits to partnering
 kes35 000 (US$ 410) but equally effi-       seph’s supervisor immediately moved       with EADD, “when they (EADD) vis-
 cient as compared to imports or those       him to the creative department. Dur-      ited my workshop they bought 12
 fabricated by established farm machin-      ing his spare time, individual clients    pieces which they gave to farmer asso-
 ery workshops that retail at Kes 200        contracted him to make milling ma-        ciations. They even took some to
 000 to 400 000 (US$ 2300—4700).             chines. Eventually, Joseph quit and to    Rwanda, and that’s when I established
 His workshop sells at least 25 ma-          establish Nakuru Simba Machinery          a market in Rwanda. EADD has in a
 chines per week, and has employed 26        and fabricators in 2003.                  way facilitated a way for me to meet
 people.                                     Identified Need                           more customers and market.”
                                             “I concentrated on making local mills,
 His journey is evidence of the resil-       choppers and feed mixers at afford-       Changed fortunes
 ience of human spirit.                      able prices. However, on interaction      The young innovator plans to retire at
 “I wore my first shoe at the age of 16,     with farmers, I saw the demand for an
 by then I had dropped out of school                                                   40, by which time he will have in-
                                             affordable pulveriser.                    vested in real estate.
 for lack of school fees. My parents had     Driven by the prospect of making it
 10 children to feed; and as one of the      big in the end, I took a commercial
 elder kids, I was expected to contrib-      loan and bought a generator and a         Why Pulverizers
 ute to the family’s income. With such       pulveriser and dismantled them –piece     This machine helps small-scale farmers
 limited choices, I joined a local vehi-     by piece- to study the science behind     transport, store and stall, feed their
 cle garage to apprentice as a vehicle       their making.” He says.                   ruminant animals with the bulky dry
 mechanic. It was better than walking                                                  forages they may have at hand, such as
 the streets looking for menial jobs. I
                                  A few iron sheets later he was down to               grass and legume hays, fibrous crop
                                       work. Within a day, he had                      residues such as cereal stovers of
 The Risk                              made a simple pulveriser, how-                  maize, sorghum, millet, cereal straws
 “I took a commercial loan and         ever it was inefficient. Two trials             of rice, teff, wheat, barley, oats, and
 bought a generator and a pulver- later, hewould compete withprod-
                                       uct that
                                                still hadn’t made a
                                                                                       haulms of beans. Pulverizers shred this
                                                                                       forage into lengths of a few millime-
 iser and dismantled them –piece       imports. However, on the fourth                 ters. This reduces wastage by 30–60%
 by piece- to study the science be- trial, his first pulveriser was up                 and enhances the feed intake of farm
 hind their making.”                   and running and he already had                  animals by 30–60%.
                                       three orders paid by cash. The

 East Africa Dairy Development           News    Volume 9                                                       3
FEATURE                                                         East Africa Dairy Development Project

                             Computing Cows
                                     Creating the link

                                  As he walked in for his first lesson in computer
                                  programming at Kenya’s Kenyatta University in
                                   2005, Gideon Birgen felt as mismatched to the
                                            course as chalk is with cheese.
                                     He had never touched a computer before.

  East Africa Dairy Development    News   Volume 9                                    4
East Africa Dairy Development Project

“    The lecturer went on with the
     class assuming that everybody
knew what a mouse, a monitor, a
                                            The friend was will-
                                            ing to help, and
                                            took Gideon to the
                                            computer lab where
                                                                                         The Dream

keyboard etc, was. I did not even           he conducted an         a system that could automatically
know where the start button on the          introductory session
desktop computer was,” Gideon               on computer hard-          link the farmer with his cow,
Birgen recalls with muffled amuse-
ment. Today, he is credited with de-
                                            ware, which in-        trainings attended, calves delivered,
                                            cluded how to start
veloping software that aided a chill-       and shut down a         and the dairy management groups
ing plant located in his village proc-      computer, how to
ess payment for farmers who deliv-          use a mouse and
                                                                              he belonged to.
ered their milk produce.                    basic navigation of
                                            the computer. He
Clueless first contact                      was comfortable
As he walked into his first lesson in       with a computer in less than a week.     He dreamed of a system that could
computer programming at Kenyatta            “I could open the programming tool       automatically link the farmer with
University in 2005, Gideon Birgen           and test codes without anybody’s         his cow, trainings attended, calves
felt as mismatched to the course as         help. That is how I started my jour-     delivered, and the dairy management
chalk is with cheese. He had joined         ney with the computer, my passion        groups he belonged to.
the school to study a Bachelor’s of         today.”
Science course in Computer Science,                                                  He developed forms that captured
yet he had never touched a computer         He had always delivered milk to          data on performance. This enables
before. “I knew I had chosen a              Tanykina dairy farmers business as-      the farmer to decide to cull his cow
wrong course,” he says.                     sociation chilling plant near his        or not depending on the quantity of
                                            home, during holidays. One time,         milk produced and the cost of main-
As the other students switched on           when on school break, he went to         tenance.
their computers and followed each           the chilling plant and found farmers’
instruction the lecturer gave, Gideon       payroll being processed in an old        They also capture animal health re-
sat quietly in front of his, not under-     and inefficient manner; using an ex-     cords from where a farmer can know
standing a single word not even             cel spread sheet. “Certainly that was    how often his animal falls sick, and
touching his machine.                       not the best way of storing data as it   Artificial Insemination which re-
                                            was prone to errors,” he states.         flects the cow’s conception rate.
“I sat there wondering what I was                                                    “Records on animal health, artificial
going to do in the entire course since      Beginning at home                        insemination, and performance in
I had not even done any computer            Determined to help, Gideon devel-        terms of milk production, are crucial
packages. The only computer I had           oped a software that generates a pay-    for any dairy animal and to a farmer
seen before then was what I later           out list, a statement and issues re-     who wants to practise enterprise
learned was a monitor,” he adds             ceipts to farmers automatically.         dairy farming. If a farmer has reli-
with laughter.                              What the accountants does is input       able records on these, the worth of
                                            the identification number of the sup-    the cow can be evaluated very eas-
At the back of his mind, Gideon felt        plier (farmer) and the quantity of       ily,” he advises.
certain that he would cope, he had          milk supplied. “That marked the be-
excelled in Physics and Mathemat-           ginning of my programming life.”         Gideon, who currently works at the
ics, in the Kenya Certificate of Sec-       His most notable achievement is          Kenya Dairy Farmers Federation as
ondary Education (KCSE) exam. “I            however a program he developed for       an Information Technology special-
decided to stay on with the confi-          the dairy industry.                      ist, intends to specialise in Software
dence that my foundation in Physics                                                  Engineering, and innovate products
and Mathematics would see me                Upon completing his studies in           useful to a small-scale dairy farmer,
through. I knew that I was not going        2008, Gideon joined the East Africa      reveals the father of two.
to fail.”                                   Dairy Development (EADD) Project
                                            as an intern attached to Tanykina
He set out to work knowing that he          Dairy Chilling Plant, in Eldoret at
was the most disadvantaged of his           Kenya’s Rift Valley Province. His
fellow students; they had all taken at      first assignment was to help in redes-
least a computer package.                   igning forms to be used in data col-
                                            lection and mobilisation of farmers.
A scientific combination                    “I went a step further and designed      Tabitha Onyinge is an independent
Immediately after the trying lecture,       an application to be used by the         contributor from Kenya
Gideon informed a friend about the          team in analysing the data collected
challenges he was facing in class.          from the field,” he shares.

East Africa Dairy Development            News   Volume 9                                                    5
SMART FARMER                                                                                  East Africa Dairy Development Project

  Agnes picking cabbages in her shamba. Dairy cows have become a significance source of income for her family. She not only milks them
  but also uses their waste as manure which she applies to enrich her vegetable garden

                             Study Tour Changed her Perception

  A         few more farmers like her
           and agriculture would close
           its old book to open a new
  one. Agnes Namusoke, from Butale
  village in Uganda’s Masaka district
                                                husbandry in 2009. After the study
                                                tour, Agnes was convinced to estab-
                                                lish her first fodder plot and also
                                                cites conservation of feeds as a key
                                                lesson she took from the study tour.
                                                                                              creasing amount of available milk.
                                                                                              Her cows milk production increased
                                                                                              to 14 litres per cow, their production
                                                                                              have been steady and she sells some
                                                                                              of the milk at UGX 500 (.20$)per
  joined a dairy farmers group in 2008.         At first, Agnes struggled with the            litre. The caretaker of 15 children
  Before then she was a small scale             new ideas, “I had reservations about          also learnt to apply the animal waste
  vegetable farmer utilizing a small            silage and hay. Even after watching           in her garden which greatly im-
  piece of land. “The harvest were              a cow eat silage in Eldoret, Kenya            proved the soils and boosted her
  poor most of the time, it was a strug-        during the visit, I didn’t think my           crop yields. She has expanded her
  gle” she says.                                cows would like it.”                          crop gardens to include cabbages,
  On joining a dairy group she ac-                                                            water melons and tomatoes and cur-
  cessed training in basic animal man-          With support from her peers she dug           rently harvests four boxes of toma-
  agement, she also participated in a           a silage pit and made silage. She             toes each month which she sells at
  field exchange study to Kenya to              synchronized her 2 Friesian cows to           UGX 50,000 (20$)a box. By Brian
  learn various appropriate animal              conceive at the same time thus in-            Kawuma

                             Make Hay

  M            argaret Nyaguthie is a dairy farmer and business woman
               benefiting from improvements in dairy farming around
               Mweiga area, Nyeri county, Central Kenya. With the
  number of farmers engaging in the business of milk production in-
  creasing in the last three years, a demand for affordable quality feeds
  increased. She has carved a niche as a fodder producer. During our
  visit, she mentions that her compound is much quiet as compared to
  seasons she is in business, but then can we see the rush green on the
  land sloping a few metres from the gate? “That is not weed,” she
  chuckles. In a few weeks she will harvest rhodes grass growing on
  the ten acre land. With a few farm hands she will make hay, a busi-
  ness she has managed with her husband for the last five years. She
  has put up a barn that holds 1000 bales of hay in a season. She sells a
  bale of hay for KES 400 ($4.7) during the dry months, when demand
  is high.

  East Africa Dairy Development           News       Volume 9                                                         6
COUNTRY UPDATES                                                                      East Africa Dairy Development Project
          Uganda                                                                Sembabule transforms from
         Compiled by Brian Kawuma
                                                                                 processor owned to farmer
                                                                                  owned chilling plant
     Connecting Girls, Inspiring Future
     EADD in Uganda held a two day event dubbed,
“Connecting girls, Inspiring Futures” to create awareness
among women dairy groups on the opportunities for entrepre-
                                                                      S     embabule Dairy Farmers Association, for-
                                                                            merly known as Sembabule SALL Chilling
                                                                            Plant finally transformed from a processor
                                                                      managed chilling plant to a farmer-managed milk
neurship development in the dairy value chain. It also served as      bulking and chilling business with the acquisition
an avenue to create collaborative linkages with other stake-          through lease of a 3000 litre capacity cooler from
                                                                      Sameer Agriculture and Livestock Limited
                                                                      (SALL), a leading milk processor in Uganda. The
                                                                      farmers now have full control of the management
Speaking at the event, Mr. Edward Ssebunya the Regional Coor-
                                                                      and operations of the cooler.
dinator, Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) urged women
dairy groups to work with area cooperative enterprises (ACEs) in
order to access markets for their goods and services.                 In 2010, 541 members were mobilized to raise eq-
                                                                      uity through membership subscriptions and share
Jane Kugonza, EADD feed specialist emphasized EADD’s com-             capital to register their own cooperative, the Sem-
mitment towards working with dairy farmers to increase women          babule Dairy Farmers’ Association. The member-
and youth participation in dairy-related activities at household,     ship totals 640 to date. In May 2012, the coopera-
community and market-                                                 tive deposited a refundable collateral of UGX 5.8
ing level. She appealed                                               million (US$2,320) as security for the milk cool-
to the participants to                                                ing equipment from SALL at a cost of UGX
mobilize people, begin-                                               180,000($72) per month as rental fees deducted
ning from their families                                              from milk sales and profits. It is projected that the
to join and buy shares                                                farmers will have finalized paying the balance to
in dairy cooperatives.                                                SALL in 10 months.
She underscored the
importance of support-                                                Initially, the farmers sold milk directly to SALL.
ing each other through                                                With their own cooperative farmers can now nego-
training and marketing                                                tiate for better prices with the processor. Already,
of their products.                                                    as a group, they have successfully lobbied the Sem-
                                                                      babule Local government to construct the road to
                                                                      the remote areas to facilitate milk transportation.

                           Partnering with Private Sector Foundation
                                                     Project.                        The partnership makes a significant
                                                                                     landmark on the road to strengthen-
                                                      Through the partnership        ing governance, management and
                                                      dairy farmers will partici-    accountability of cooperative leader-
                                                      pate in a “Financial and       ship and a huge step towards im-
                                                                                     proving the incomes of the poor
                                                      governance empowerment
                                                      series Training” that will     dairy farmer communities in the
                                                      take place in a span of 9      country.
                                                      months from April 2012         PSFU has a membership of over 250
                                                      to November 2012. The          associations from different sectors.
                                                      program aims at impart-        Its services include capacity building
                                                      ing skills on managing         as well as lobbying and policy advo-
                                                      agriculture as a business      cacy. At the end of the program an
                                                                                     award will be given to the winning co-
                                                      and improving govern-

                                                                                     operative that would have demonstrated
          eifer International Uganda      ance and management of dairy pro-          the best practice.
          signed a capacity building      ducer group enterprises. The target
          Memorandum of Under-            trainees include executive members         Other partnerships include;
 standing with Private Sector Foun-       of the various dairy cooperative so-       BrazAfric, Mt. Elgon Seed, BUBUSI
 dation Uganda (PSFU). The MOU            cieties cooling/chilling plant manag-      feed mill, NaLRRI/ASARECA pro-
 provides Capacity building for 540       ers and extension workers. The pro-        jects and Pride Microfinance for in-
 members of the executive commit-         gram will involve structured train-        puts, feed processing equipments,
 tees drawn from 50 Dairy farmer          ings, mentoring and coaching of            and credit services.
 Cooperatives supported by the East       farmers in handling dairy products.
 Africa Dairy Development (EADD)
East Africa Dairy Development       News      Volume 9                                                      7
East Africa Dairy Development Project

         Compiled by Jane Kithuka
                                                                                                   aragoon dairies formed
                                                                                                   a partnership with
                                                                                                   Jogoo machinery, sup-
                                                                                          pliers of farm equipments in
                                                                                          Rift Valley province of Kenya.
                                                                                          The partnership means that
                                                                                          dairy farmers affiliated to Ta-
                                                           ragoon will access chuff cutters, through the cooperative’
                                                           credit system. Chuff cutter is a tool for preparation of ensi-
                                                           lage, and comes in handy especially during dry seasons. It
                                                           ensures wastage of fodder is minimized. The farmers in Ta-
                                                           ragoon had expressed challenges in purchasing the tool on a
                                                           cash basis.

                                                           Still on partnerships, Chepkorio Dairy Company Limited
Metkei Multipurpose Company was                            formed partnership with Buzeki Dairy, a milk processor for
awarded distributorship by Kenya seed and NCPB to          the supply of fertilizers to Chepkorio. The fertilizer will be
sell both seeds and fertilizers through the cooperatives   sold through the dairy agrovet and will enable farmers to
outlets. Metkei has also secured another dealership        access supplies through check off system.
with solar aid to sell solar panels to their farmers; by
end of April 2012, over 150 households were installed
with solar.                                                          Asset Financing Training
Cherobu multipurpose dairy company also opened a
new collection center at Cheplanget market. The cen-
ter targets to reach an additional 300 farmers and ex-
pects to bulk an average of 1500 kg’s of milk per day.

                                                                             Milk reception at Siongiroi

           Cooperatives show case                               uhudi Kilimo, an entity that provides innovative asset
          products at breeders show                             financing and training to smallholder farmers and enter-
The breeders show for South Rift and Kericho, was a             prises in rural communities in Kenya partnered with
shining moment for some producer organizations.            EADD in training farmers in some cooperatives. This part-
During the South Rift Breeders show, the best Heifer       nership resulted in 70 women and youth from Sot and 38
(Aryshire) was from a dairy farmer affiliated with Sot     women and youth from Siongiroi receiving training in Asset
dairy company.                                             financing.

In Kericho, the second best heifer was awarded to a        Financial Services Expand
farmer registered with Cherobu Multipurpose Dairy          Enhancing access to finance for farmers is on a high as Tin-
Company. The recognition of farmers from EADD              deret dairy company joins the fray, having successfully reg-
supported cooperatives goes to prove that there is         istered Financial Service Activities (Village Bank). The
adoption of best practices in animal health and feed-      company was successful split into Tinderet and Lessos
ing among farmers. While many more farmers need to         Dairy Farmers Cooperative.
be reached, the winning few could act as a learning        Mean while, Tanykina dairy plant has initiated a partnership
example. We congratulate the winning farmers.              with cooperative bank which will enable Tanykina FSA and
                                                           Sacco members access ATM services. The partnership is
                                                           dubbed “FedhaLink.” The agreement means that an ATM
                                                           machine is installed at the dairy plant premises.
                                                           The Milk chilling enterprise also rolled out their website

East Africa Dairy Development        News      Volume 9                                                    8
East Africa Dairy Development Project


           Compiled by Jacqueline Kayitesi

     Rwandans Consume More
     Unprocessed Milk

E       ADD Rwanda commissioned a milk consumer survey
        so as to inform project design and various stakeholder
        on market dynamics in Rwanda. The survey results
indicated that 70% of the Rwandan population consume milk
with 92% of these, consuming unprocessed milk distributed
by alternative or informal markets.

 This projects the informal sector as the most significant
 market outlet for milk and that diary development programs
 and investors should pay keen attention. To set the pace,        Stakeholders in dairy discuss consumer survey
 EADD is using these findings to engage with government in                             results
 policy making that will hopefully recognise informal markets.
 Working with the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, EADD continues to meet with groups of key
 stakeholders from government, NGOs, and the private sector, to create awareness of the Consumer Survey information
 and facilitate its uptake.

                                                                              Management updates
     Its a Wrap! For ABS-TCM in Rwanda                                        Mr Elisee KAMANZI takes over as Rwanda
                                                                              Country Program Manager. He replaced Mr.

A       frica Breeders Services– Total Cattle Management (ABS-TCM)            Dennis Karumuzi who bid the team
        wrapped up its operations in EADD Rwanda in April, 2012.              farewell in March 2012.

During the last four years, ABS achieved its deliverables and contributed     Mr. Benjamin ZIGAMASABO, the ICRAF
significantly in improving breeds in EADD operational sites in Rwanda.        Team Leader, also couples up as Production
EADD is scaling down its operations in Rwanda in preparation for              Team Leader.
exit in 2013.
A key outcome of ABS in Rwanda is building strong working relationship        Mr. John HAGUMA, who had thus far
with the government agricultural board and elevating the importance of        served the Project as Investment Advisor,
AI. This is touted as key in ensuring continuity of support in AI service     took over the role of HPI Team Leader
provision in areas of project interventions.
                                                                              Ms Lindsay Hagan, joined EADD in
                                                                              January, 2012 as a consultant. She has been
                                                                              instrumental in facilitating the analysis and
     Modern Milk Collection Centers For                                       disemmination of the consumer survey
                                                                              results to the government and stakeholders
     Farmers                                                                  in the dairy sector.
70 farmers' cooperatives are set to develop milk collection centres (MCC’s)
with support of the Ministry of Agriculture & Animal Resources through
the Livestock Infrastructure Support Programme (LISP). Part of the
beneficiary cooperatives include 7 EADD sites. The sites are Nyagatare,
Isangano, Mudacos, Ngarama, Muhazi and Gahengeri sites where
construction has already began.

Hygiene for locally processed milk and milk products still poses problems
as dairies and milk product processing plants get milk from different
suppliers. MCC’s remedy the situation, as they help farmers properly store
In related development, Rwabiharamba, Isangano and Matimba have
entered into agreements with the Rwanda Milk quality initiative to acquire
milk transporting tanks and milk coolers in an effort to increase milk
chilling capacity

East Africa Dairy Development      News      Volume 9                                                     9
East Africa Dairy Development Project

EADD at East and South African Dairy Conference and Exhibition in Pictures
EADD participated in Africa Dairy Conference and Exhibition in April. The President of the republic of Kenya, H.E Mwai Kibaki attended the
event as guest of honor. Heifer International, VP for Africa Programmes was a keynote speaker. The theme of this year conference was “Driving
Competitiveness through Technology.” See EADD’s participation captured in pictures below.

East Africa Dairy Development              News       Volume 9                                                               10
News                                               East Africa Dairy Development Project

   UNDP– Africa Facility for Inclusive Markets to Partner with EADD

T        he United Nations Development         To meet this need, EADD project
         Programme – Africa Facility for       has already mobilized innovative
         Inclusive Markets (UNDP-              extension service structures em-
AFIM) has declared its interest to sup-        bedded in cooperatives/ farmer
port EADD Project. Discussions are             organizations. The aptly named
underway to provide USD 150 000 grant          hub based extension services
to pilot test innovative cooperative           consisted of over 750 extension
driven advisory/extension services pro-        advisors, 535 animal health
grams that demonstrate the benefits and        workers, 320 AI technicians and
value of collaborating with other value        109 agrovet shops by close of
chain actors like processors , input sup-      2011. Thus the grant shall build
pliers, banks, public extension programs.      on already existing efforts and
                                               towards building the capacity of
Since the decline of government-               cooperatives in business develop-
sponsored extension systems, little atten-     ment services, setting up exten-                 the economic transformation of the
tion has been given to rural agricultural      sion services and agrovet shops across           countries in the region.
advisory services.                             the districts and setting up new chilling        According to Moses Nyabila, EADD
                                               satellite centres to collect milk and link-      project Regional Director, the 1 year
This challenges small holder farmers           ing them to markets and processors.              UNDP grant will make part of a consoli-
because productive dairying requires                                                            dated fund that EADD is mobilizing
skills that most farmers lack such as          It is envisioned that this will build an         from key development partners includ-
application of feed technology, diagno-        efficient value chain, thereby transform-        ing bilateral organizations and govern-
sis of diseases, milk handling and qual-       ing the lives of farmers to create a vi-         ments. The UNDP-AFIM partnership
ity etc.                                       brant dairy industry that contributes to         will pilot in Uganda and Kenya.

                               B&MGF Approves EADD Cost Extension

                                                   T       he Bill and Melinda
                                                           Gates Foundation has
                                                           approved supplemental
                                                   funding for EADD. This one
                                                   year funding extends the life of
                                                                                                According to the Gates Foundation,
                                                                                                this represents the largest amount the
                                                                                                Foundation has ever granted for a
                                                                                                supplement for any of their grants.

                                                   the project to June 30, 2013.                Many thanks to the hardworking
                                                                                                teams at HQ and the field offices of
                                                        These funds will continue to sup-       Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and EADD
                                                        port activities in Rwanda, where        Regional offices for their efforts in
                                                        EADD is winding down, Kenya             the development of this cost exten-
                                                        and Uganda, where it is continu-        sion.
                                                        ing, and new activity in Ethiopia
                                                        and Tanzania, which will be
Metkei Multipurpose dairy, one of cooperatives partner-
                                                        added to the project in Phase II.
ing with EADD

         Stakeholder Consultative Workshops Inform EADD2 Development

A        s the Roman philosopher               in greater detail about the dairy pro-           private, public and academic sectors
         Seneca said, the best ideas           gram, determining the feasibility of             including veterinarians, feed proces-
         are common property. To               its implementation and assessing the             sors, milk processors, farm represen-
capture the best ideas for dairy de-           stakeholders' interest in participating          tatives, regulators, research scien-
velopment, EADD has conducted a                in its implementation.                           tists.
series of multi stakeholder consulta-
tions in Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia            During the stakeholder workshop
and Kenya. The goal was to bring               in Uganda, Irene Muwanguzi,
together various stakeholders in a             Heifer Uganda Country Director
neutral forum for sharing ideas,               underscored the importance of the
building consensus and developing              workshops. She noted the impor-
commitment to EADD project as it               tance of ensuring the plans were
prepares a proposal for phase two.             consistent with the host govern-
Participants got to know one an-               ment dairy plans. The workshops
other, understand each other’s views           were facilitated by PICO team,
and create some first steps together.          who are independent facilitators
There was a genuine desire to learn            and gathered representatives from             Participants during a recent stakeholder workshop in
                                                                                                                Nairobi, Kenya

East Africa Dairy Development              News     Volume 9                                                             11
East Africa Dairy Development Project

Contributors: Brian Kawuma, Jane Kithuka, Jacqueline
Kayitesi, Moses Nyabila, Ann Mbiruru
Edited by: Ann Mbiruru

East Africa Dairy Development—Project
Regional Office
P.O Box 74388-00200, Nairobi,

I: ;
Like us on Facebook:

The East Africa Dairy Development project is a regional
industry development program led by Heifer International in
partnership with International Livestock Research Institute
(ILRI), TechnoServe, the World Agroforestry
Centre (ICRAF) and the African Breeders Service Total Cat-
tle Management (ABS-TCM).

The project is being implemented in Kenya, Rwanda and

East Africa Dairy Development     News       Volume 9                               12

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Eaddnews issue9 2012 email

  • 1. East Africa Dairy Development Project Volume 9 Photo/ ILRI Supporting Innovation INSIDE Farming 2 School 3 Computers 4 Interview: 6 at the dropout and Cows: Smart Finger tip Innovating Creating the Farmer Affordable Link Dairy Machin- UNDP-EADD East Africa Dairy Development News eries Volume 9 partner 11 1
  • 2. EDITORIAL East Africa Dairy Development Project Farming At The Finger Tip A few years back, in Eastern button, or press of a thumb, a farmer Africa, telephone communica- will know if his cow is on heat or if it room, as you will find out after read- tion was a hectic affair for needs a change of feed. Better still, ing about two innovative youth fea- many. If one lived in a remote region, the same farmer would access advi- tured in this issue. she had to travel several kilometres to sory services from an extension offi- a town with public payphone to make cer he hardly ever sees, yet both know Gideon Birgen is an upcoming force a phone call. Only a few well to do when the cow is due for deworming or in dairy software innovation; while people owned telephones; many were ready for insemination. The extension Joseph Macharia is taking dairy ma- rather intimidated and even fewer officer gives real time advice to the chinery to the next level. Birgen, a knew how to use them. Mobile tele- farmer without the need of any bike computer scientist, may still be phones were unheard of. Computers rides to and fro the farm. This may dreaming up newer software, but his were only seen in the modern offices. sound like a dream and yes it is for previous ideas put to work have en- Lap tops were novel… majority of smallholder farmers only abled several cooperatives to manage for the moment for we are supporting automate processes such as payments, Things are different today. Nearly innovators who are making significant check-off management etc. everyone has a headway with prototypes that hold We evaluate gadget, whether potential of making this future a real- Mr. Macharia dropped out of primary a mobile phone, ity sooner rather than later. school, but is now trail blazing in in- innovations, a computer, a novative dairy farm tools. He manu- support innovators lap top, an Ipad, It takes an open mind to accept, use factures affordable dairy equipment and help make name it. The and advocate for new innovations for for on-farm use, and thousands of old and the development. It is even more impor- farmers are saving on labour and en- available new young, the liter- tant to have sponsors of technical so- joying higher productivities. technology to dairy ate and the illit- lutions promote them for their benefits farmers. erate, the ur- and be there to walk the farmers As Egil Milbergs of Accelerating in- banite and the through the early stages of adoption. novation avers, "Technology plays a rural folk, all own a gadget and use it leading role in innovation, but it isn't to communicate, listen to and watch That is part of what the EADD project the only factor. What were once dis- music and news updates, do banking, has been doing for the past four years. ruptive technologies now are com- pay bills, locate long lost friends. We evaluate innovations, support in- modities. Technology can be the es- novators and help make available new tablishing base for innovation, but Our lives revolve around gadgets. technology to dairy farmers. We have people are the ones that drive it for- It has previously been said that inno- noted some great results. Some of the ward. Technology is really only the vation and use of gadgets are for the innovations championed thus far in- mechanics of the process. Real inno- open minded. American author and clude the dairy hub model, calf wean- vation is about great people generat- toy maker, Roger Von Oech, puts it ing formulations, feed pulverizers, ing and then implementing new succinctly: "It's easy to come up with producer group extension services, ideas." new ideas; the hard part is letting go billing software etc. Moses Nyabila of what worked for you two years ago, Regional Director—EADD but will soon be out of date." How Innovation is neither synonymous true! Consider this: By the click of a with, nor exclusively to the board- East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 2
  • 3. FEATURE East Africa Dairy Development Project Education might be crucial but a primary school graduate innova- tor is welding millions of shillings making a hardy dairy farm tool The Innovator H e bought a pulveriser on loan and dismantled it, piece by piece. That gave way to a business empire. Speak of beginning with the end in mind, and the story of Joseph Kimani Kiriri a.k.a Macharia gives validity to Stephen Covey’s first habit of successful peo- Farmers in Uganda using a pulverizer. ple. started by repairing cars but believed rest, as they say is history Armed with only a primary school that even though I lacked academic certificate and artisan training in me- credentials, my creativity would create “I have been working with the Kenyan chanics, 33 years old Joseph has something from scratch. After some- dairy sector and EADD for the last scored many firsts with thousands of time I quit as a mechanic and joined four years to market the pulveriser dairy farmers in East Africa. His inno- the repair and maintenance depart- and make it available in farms in vation, a localised pulveriser, is a sig- ment at Baraka Millers Factory in Kenya and beyond, including nificant equipment in their farms; po- Nakuru. I created a Mill Machine, on Rwanda.” sitioned as a competitive, affordable the first day of work.” He admits that it wasn’t until 2009 and and indispensable tool that is more 2010 that he has recorded rapid than 10 times, cheaper retailing at Pleased with the young talent, Jo- growth, a feat he credits to partnering kes35 000 (US$ 410) but equally effi- seph’s supervisor immediately moved with EADD, “when they (EADD) vis- cient as compared to imports or those him to the creative department. Dur- ited my workshop they bought 12 fabricated by established farm machin- ing his spare time, individual clients pieces which they gave to farmer asso- ery workshops that retail at Kes 200 contracted him to make milling ma- ciations. They even took some to 000 to 400 000 (US$ 2300—4700). chines. Eventually, Joseph quit and to Rwanda, and that’s when I established His workshop sells at least 25 ma- establish Nakuru Simba Machinery a market in Rwanda. EADD has in a chines per week, and has employed 26 and fabricators in 2003. way facilitated a way for me to meet people. Identified Need more customers and market.” “I concentrated on making local mills, His journey is evidence of the resil- choppers and feed mixers at afford- Changed fortunes ience of human spirit. able prices. However, on interaction The young innovator plans to retire at “I wore my first shoe at the age of 16, with farmers, I saw the demand for an by then I had dropped out of school 40, by which time he will have in- affordable pulveriser. vested in real estate. for lack of school fees. My parents had Driven by the prospect of making it 10 children to feed; and as one of the big in the end, I took a commercial elder kids, I was expected to contrib- loan and bought a generator and a Why Pulverizers ute to the family’s income. With such pulveriser and dismantled them –piece This machine helps small-scale farmers limited choices, I joined a local vehi- by piece- to study the science behind transport, store and stall, feed their cle garage to apprentice as a vehicle their making.” He says. ruminant animals with the bulky dry mechanic. It was better than walking forages they may have at hand, such as the streets looking for menial jobs. I A few iron sheets later he was down to grass and legume hays, fibrous crop work. Within a day, he had residues such as cereal stovers of The Risk made a simple pulveriser, how- maize, sorghum, millet, cereal straws “I took a commercial loan and ever it was inefficient. Two trials of rice, teff, wheat, barley, oats, and bought a generator and a pulver- later, hewould compete withprod- uct that still hadn’t made a the haulms of beans. Pulverizers shred this forage into lengths of a few millime- iser and dismantled them –piece imports. However, on the fourth ters. This reduces wastage by 30–60% by piece- to study the science be- trial, his first pulveriser was up and enhances the feed intake of farm hind their making.” and running and he already had animals by 30–60%. three orders paid by cash. The East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 3
  • 4. FEATURE East Africa Dairy Development Project Computing Cows Creating the link As he walked in for his first lesson in computer programming at Kenya’s Kenyatta University in 2005, Gideon Birgen felt as mismatched to the course as chalk is with cheese. He had never touched a computer before. East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 4
  • 5. East Africa Dairy Development Project “ The lecturer went on with the class assuming that everybody knew what a mouse, a monitor, a The friend was will- ing to help, and took Gideon to the computer lab where The Dream keyboard etc, was. I did not even he conducted an a system that could automatically know where the start button on the introductory session desktop computer was,” Gideon on computer hard- link the farmer with his cow, Birgen recalls with muffled amuse- ment. Today, he is credited with de- ware, which in- trainings attended, calves delivered, cluded how to start veloping software that aided a chill- and shut down a and the dairy management groups ing plant located in his village proc- computer, how to ess payment for farmers who deliv- use a mouse and he belonged to. ered their milk produce. basic navigation of the computer. He Clueless first contact was comfortable As he walked into his first lesson in with a computer in less than a week. He dreamed of a system that could computer programming at Kenyatta “I could open the programming tool automatically link the farmer with University in 2005, Gideon Birgen and test codes without anybody’s his cow, trainings attended, calves felt as mismatched to the course as help. That is how I started my jour- delivered, and the dairy management chalk is with cheese. He had joined ney with the computer, my passion groups he belonged to. the school to study a Bachelor’s of today.” Science course in Computer Science, He developed forms that captured yet he had never touched a computer He had always delivered milk to data on performance. This enables before. “I knew I had chosen a Tanykina dairy farmers business as- the farmer to decide to cull his cow wrong course,” he says. sociation chilling plant near his or not depending on the quantity of home, during holidays. One time, milk produced and the cost of main- As the other students switched on when on school break, he went to tenance. their computers and followed each the chilling plant and found farmers’ instruction the lecturer gave, Gideon payroll being processed in an old They also capture animal health re- sat quietly in front of his, not under- and inefficient manner; using an ex- cords from where a farmer can know standing a single word not even cel spread sheet. “Certainly that was how often his animal falls sick, and touching his machine. not the best way of storing data as it Artificial Insemination which re- was prone to errors,” he states. flects the cow’s conception rate. “I sat there wondering what I was “Records on animal health, artificial going to do in the entire course since Beginning at home insemination, and performance in I had not even done any computer Determined to help, Gideon devel- terms of milk production, are crucial packages. The only computer I had oped a software that generates a pay- for any dairy animal and to a farmer seen before then was what I later out list, a statement and issues re- who wants to practise enterprise learned was a monitor,” he adds ceipts to farmers automatically. dairy farming. If a farmer has reli- with laughter. What the accountants does is input able records on these, the worth of the identification number of the sup- the cow can be evaluated very eas- At the back of his mind, Gideon felt plier (farmer) and the quantity of ily,” he advises. certain that he would cope, he had milk supplied. “That marked the be- excelled in Physics and Mathemat- ginning of my programming life.” Gideon, who currently works at the ics, in the Kenya Certificate of Sec- His most notable achievement is Kenya Dairy Farmers Federation as ondary Education (KCSE) exam. “I however a program he developed for an Information Technology special- decided to stay on with the confi- the dairy industry. ist, intends to specialise in Software dence that my foundation in Physics Engineering, and innovate products and Mathematics would see me Upon completing his studies in useful to a small-scale dairy farmer, through. I knew that I was not going 2008, Gideon joined the East Africa reveals the father of two. to fail.” Dairy Development (EADD) Project as an intern attached to Tanykina He set out to work knowing that he Dairy Chilling Plant, in Eldoret at was the most disadvantaged of his Kenya’s Rift Valley Province. His fellow students; they had all taken at first assignment was to help in redes- least a computer package. igning forms to be used in data col- lection and mobilisation of farmers. A scientific combination “I went a step further and designed Tabitha Onyinge is an independent Immediately after the trying lecture, an application to be used by the contributor from Kenya Gideon informed a friend about the team in analysing the data collected challenges he was facing in class. from the field,” he shares. East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 5
  • 6. SMART FARMER East Africa Dairy Development Project Agnes picking cabbages in her shamba. Dairy cows have become a significance source of income for her family. She not only milks them but also uses their waste as manure which she applies to enrich her vegetable garden Study Tour Changed her Perception A few more farmers like her and agriculture would close its old book to open a new one. Agnes Namusoke, from Butale village in Uganda’s Masaka district husbandry in 2009. After the study tour, Agnes was convinced to estab- lish her first fodder plot and also cites conservation of feeds as a key lesson she took from the study tour. creasing amount of available milk. Her cows milk production increased to 14 litres per cow, their production have been steady and she sells some of the milk at UGX 500 (.20$)per joined a dairy farmers group in 2008. At first, Agnes struggled with the litre. The caretaker of 15 children Before then she was a small scale new ideas, “I had reservations about also learnt to apply the animal waste vegetable farmer utilizing a small silage and hay. Even after watching in her garden which greatly im- piece of land. “The harvest were a cow eat silage in Eldoret, Kenya proved the soils and boosted her poor most of the time, it was a strug- during the visit, I didn’t think my crop yields. She has expanded her gle” she says. cows would like it.” crop gardens to include cabbages, On joining a dairy group she ac- water melons and tomatoes and cur- cessed training in basic animal man- With support from her peers she dug rently harvests four boxes of toma- agement, she also participated in a a silage pit and made silage. She toes each month which she sells at field exchange study to Kenya to synchronized her 2 Friesian cows to UGX 50,000 (20$)a box. By Brian learn various appropriate animal conceive at the same time thus in- Kawuma Make Hay M argaret Nyaguthie is a dairy farmer and business woman benefiting from improvements in dairy farming around Mweiga area, Nyeri county, Central Kenya. With the number of farmers engaging in the business of milk production in- creasing in the last three years, a demand for affordable quality feeds increased. She has carved a niche as a fodder producer. During our visit, she mentions that her compound is much quiet as compared to seasons she is in business, but then can we see the rush green on the land sloping a few metres from the gate? “That is not weed,” she chuckles. In a few weeks she will harvest rhodes grass growing on the ten acre land. With a few farm hands she will make hay, a busi- ness she has managed with her husband for the last five years. She has put up a barn that holds 1000 bales of hay in a season. She sells a bale of hay for KES 400 ($4.7) during the dry months, when demand is high. East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 6
  • 7. COUNTRY UPDATES East Africa Dairy Development Project Uganda Sembabule transforms from Compiled by Brian Kawuma processor owned to farmer owned chilling plant Connecting Girls, Inspiring Future EADD in Uganda held a two day event dubbed, “Connecting girls, Inspiring Futures” to create awareness among women dairy groups on the opportunities for entrepre- S embabule Dairy Farmers Association, for- merly known as Sembabule SALL Chilling Plant finally transformed from a processor managed chilling plant to a farmer-managed milk neurship development in the dairy value chain. It also served as bulking and chilling business with the acquisition an avenue to create collaborative linkages with other stake- through lease of a 3000 litre capacity cooler from Sameer Agriculture and Livestock Limited holders. (SALL), a leading milk processor in Uganda. The farmers now have full control of the management Speaking at the event, Mr. Edward Ssebunya the Regional Coor- and operations of the cooler. dinator, Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) urged women dairy groups to work with area cooperative enterprises (ACEs) in order to access markets for their goods and services. In 2010, 541 members were mobilized to raise eq- uity through membership subscriptions and share Jane Kugonza, EADD feed specialist emphasized EADD’s com- capital to register their own cooperative, the Sem- mitment towards working with dairy farmers to increase women babule Dairy Farmers’ Association. The member- and youth participation in dairy-related activities at household, ship totals 640 to date. In May 2012, the coopera- community and market- tive deposited a refundable collateral of UGX 5.8 ing level. She appealed million (US$2,320) as security for the milk cool- to the participants to ing equipment from SALL at a cost of UGX mobilize people, begin- 180,000($72) per month as rental fees deducted ning from their families from milk sales and profits. It is projected that the to join and buy shares farmers will have finalized paying the balance to in dairy cooperatives. SALL in 10 months. She underscored the importance of support- Initially, the farmers sold milk directly to SALL. ing each other through With their own cooperative farmers can now nego- training and marketing tiate for better prices with the processor. Already, of their products. as a group, they have successfully lobbied the Sem- babule Local government to construct the road to the remote areas to facilitate milk transportation. Partnering with Private Sector Foundation Project. The partnership makes a significant landmark on the road to strengthen- Through the partnership ing governance, management and dairy farmers will partici- accountability of cooperative leader- pate in a “Financial and ship and a huge step towards im- proving the incomes of the poor governance empowerment series Training” that will dairy farmer communities in the take place in a span of 9 country. months from April 2012 PSFU has a membership of over 250 to November 2012. The associations from different sectors. program aims at impart- Its services include capacity building ing skills on managing as well as lobbying and policy advo- agriculture as a business cacy. At the end of the program an award will be given to the winning co- and improving govern- H operative that would have demonstrated eifer International Uganda ance and management of dairy pro- the best practice. signed a capacity building ducer group enterprises. The target Memorandum of Under- trainees include executive members Other partnerships include; standing with Private Sector Foun- of the various dairy cooperative so- BrazAfric, Mt. Elgon Seed, BUBUSI dation Uganda (PSFU). The MOU cieties cooling/chilling plant manag- feed mill, NaLRRI/ASARECA pro- provides Capacity building for 540 ers and extension workers. The pro- jects and Pride Microfinance for in- members of the executive commit- gram will involve structured train- puts, feed processing equipments, tees drawn from 50 Dairy farmer ings, mentoring and coaching of and credit services. Cooperatives supported by the East farmers in handling dairy products. Africa Dairy Development (EADD) East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 7
  • 8. East Africa Dairy Development Project Kenya Strategic Partnerships T Compiled by Jane Kithuka aragoon dairies formed a partnership with Jogoo machinery, sup- pliers of farm equipments in Rift Valley province of Kenya. The partnership means that dairy farmers affiliated to Ta- ragoon will access chuff cutters, through the cooperative’ credit system. Chuff cutter is a tool for preparation of ensi- lage, and comes in handy especially during dry seasons. It ensures wastage of fodder is minimized. The farmers in Ta- ragoon had expressed challenges in purchasing the tool on a cash basis. Still on partnerships, Chepkorio Dairy Company Limited Metkei Multipurpose Company was formed partnership with Buzeki Dairy, a milk processor for awarded distributorship by Kenya seed and NCPB to the supply of fertilizers to Chepkorio. The fertilizer will be sell both seeds and fertilizers through the cooperatives sold through the dairy agrovet and will enable farmers to outlets. Metkei has also secured another dealership access supplies through check off system. with solar aid to sell solar panels to their farmers; by end of April 2012, over 150 households were installed with solar. Asset Financing Training Cherobu multipurpose dairy company also opened a new collection center at Cheplanget market. The cen- ter targets to reach an additional 300 farmers and ex- pects to bulk an average of 1500 kg’s of milk per day. Milk reception at Siongiroi J Cooperatives show case uhudi Kilimo, an entity that provides innovative asset products at breeders show financing and training to smallholder farmers and enter- The breeders show for South Rift and Kericho, was a prises in rural communities in Kenya partnered with shining moment for some producer organizations. EADD in training farmers in some cooperatives. This part- During the South Rift Breeders show, the best Heifer nership resulted in 70 women and youth from Sot and 38 (Aryshire) was from a dairy farmer affiliated with Sot women and youth from Siongiroi receiving training in Asset dairy company. financing. In Kericho, the second best heifer was awarded to a Financial Services Expand farmer registered with Cherobu Multipurpose Dairy Enhancing access to finance for farmers is on a high as Tin- Company. The recognition of farmers from EADD deret dairy company joins the fray, having successfully reg- supported cooperatives goes to prove that there is istered Financial Service Activities (Village Bank). The adoption of best practices in animal health and feed- company was successful split into Tinderet and Lessos ing among farmers. While many more farmers need to Dairy Farmers Cooperative. be reached, the winning few could act as a learning Mean while, Tanykina dairy plant has initiated a partnership example. We congratulate the winning farmers. with cooperative bank which will enable Tanykina FSA and Sacco members access ATM services. The partnership is dubbed “FedhaLink.” The agreement means that an ATM machine is installed at the dairy plant premises. The Milk chilling enterprise also rolled out their website East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 8
  • 9. East Africa Dairy Development Project Rwanda Compiled by Jacqueline Kayitesi Rwandans Consume More Unprocessed Milk E ADD Rwanda commissioned a milk consumer survey so as to inform project design and various stakeholder on market dynamics in Rwanda. The survey results indicated that 70% of the Rwandan population consume milk with 92% of these, consuming unprocessed milk distributed by alternative or informal markets. This projects the informal sector as the most significant market outlet for milk and that diary development programs and investors should pay keen attention. To set the pace, Stakeholders in dairy discuss consumer survey EADD is using these findings to engage with government in results policy making that will hopefully recognise informal markets. Working with the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, EADD continues to meet with groups of key stakeholders from government, NGOs, and the private sector, to create awareness of the Consumer Survey information and facilitate its uptake. Management updates Its a Wrap! For ABS-TCM in Rwanda Mr Elisee KAMANZI takes over as Rwanda Country Program Manager. He replaced Mr. A frica Breeders Services– Total Cattle Management (ABS-TCM) Dennis Karumuzi who bid the team wrapped up its operations in EADD Rwanda in April, 2012. farewell in March 2012. During the last four years, ABS achieved its deliverables and contributed Mr. Benjamin ZIGAMASABO, the ICRAF significantly in improving breeds in EADD operational sites in Rwanda. Team Leader, also couples up as Production EADD is scaling down its operations in Rwanda in preparation for Team Leader. exit in 2013. A key outcome of ABS in Rwanda is building strong working relationship Mr. John HAGUMA, who had thus far with the government agricultural board and elevating the importance of served the Project as Investment Advisor, AI. This is touted as key in ensuring continuity of support in AI service took over the role of HPI Team Leader provision in areas of project interventions. Ms Lindsay Hagan, joined EADD in January, 2012 as a consultant. She has been instrumental in facilitating the analysis and Modern Milk Collection Centers For disemmination of the consumer survey results to the government and stakeholders Farmers in the dairy sector. 70 farmers' cooperatives are set to develop milk collection centres (MCC’s) with support of the Ministry of Agriculture & Animal Resources through the Livestock Infrastructure Support Programme (LISP). Part of the beneficiary cooperatives include 7 EADD sites. The sites are Nyagatare, Isangano, Mudacos, Ngarama, Muhazi and Gahengeri sites where construction has already began. Hygiene for locally processed milk and milk products still poses problems as dairies and milk product processing plants get milk from different suppliers. MCC’s remedy the situation, as they help farmers properly store milk. In related development, Rwabiharamba, Isangano and Matimba have entered into agreements with the Rwanda Milk quality initiative to acquire milk transporting tanks and milk coolers in an effort to increase milk chilling capacity East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 9
  • 10. East Africa Dairy Development Project EADD at East and South African Dairy Conference and Exhibition in Pictures EADD participated in Africa Dairy Conference and Exhibition in April. The President of the republic of Kenya, H.E Mwai Kibaki attended the event as guest of honor. Heifer International, VP for Africa Programmes was a keynote speaker. The theme of this year conference was “Driving Competitiveness through Technology.” See EADD’s participation captured in pictures below. East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 10
  • 11. News East Africa Dairy Development Project UNDP– Africa Facility for Inclusive Markets to Partner with EADD T he United Nations Development To meet this need, EADD project Programme – Africa Facility for has already mobilized innovative Inclusive Markets (UNDP- extension service structures em- AFIM) has declared its interest to sup- bedded in cooperatives/ farmer port EADD Project. Discussions are organizations. The aptly named underway to provide USD 150 000 grant hub based extension services to pilot test innovative cooperative consisted of over 750 extension driven advisory/extension services pro- advisors, 535 animal health grams that demonstrate the benefits and workers, 320 AI technicians and value of collaborating with other value 109 agrovet shops by close of chain actors like processors , input sup- 2011. Thus the grant shall build pliers, banks, public extension programs. on already existing efforts and towards building the capacity of Since the decline of government- cooperatives in business develop- sponsored extension systems, little atten- ment services, setting up exten- the economic transformation of the tion has been given to rural agricultural sion services and agrovet shops across countries in the region. advisory services. the districts and setting up new chilling According to Moses Nyabila, EADD satellite centres to collect milk and link- project Regional Director, the 1 year This challenges small holder farmers ing them to markets and processors. UNDP grant will make part of a consoli- because productive dairying requires dated fund that EADD is mobilizing skills that most farmers lack such as It is envisioned that this will build an from key development partners includ- application of feed technology, diagno- efficient value chain, thereby transform- ing bilateral organizations and govern- sis of diseases, milk handling and qual- ing the lives of farmers to create a vi- ments. The UNDP-AFIM partnership ity etc. brant dairy industry that contributes to will pilot in Uganda and Kenya. B&MGF Approves EADD Cost Extension T he Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has approved supplemental funding for EADD. This one year funding extends the life of According to the Gates Foundation, this represents the largest amount the Foundation has ever granted for a supplement for any of their grants. the project to June 30, 2013. Many thanks to the hardworking teams at HQ and the field offices of These funds will continue to sup- Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and EADD port activities in Rwanda, where Regional offices for their efforts in EADD is winding down, Kenya the development of this cost exten- and Uganda, where it is continu- sion. ing, and new activity in Ethiopia and Tanzania, which will be Metkei Multipurpose dairy, one of cooperatives partner- added to the project in Phase II. ing with EADD Stakeholder Consultative Workshops Inform EADD2 Development A s the Roman philosopher in greater detail about the dairy pro- private, public and academic sectors Seneca said, the best ideas gram, determining the feasibility of including veterinarians, feed proces- are common property. To its implementation and assessing the sors, milk processors, farm represen- capture the best ideas for dairy de- stakeholders' interest in participating tatives, regulators, research scien- velopment, EADD has conducted a in its implementation. tists. series of multi stakeholder consulta- tions in Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia During the stakeholder workshop and Kenya. The goal was to bring in Uganda, Irene Muwanguzi, together various stakeholders in a Heifer Uganda Country Director neutral forum for sharing ideas, underscored the importance of the building consensus and developing workshops. She noted the impor- commitment to EADD project as it tance of ensuring the plans were prepares a proposal for phase two. consistent with the host govern- Participants got to know one an- ment dairy plans. The workshops other, understand each other’s views were facilitated by PICO team, and create some first steps together. who are independent facilitators There was a genuine desire to learn and gathered representatives from Participants during a recent stakeholder workshop in Nairobi, Kenya East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 11
  • 12. East Africa Dairy Development Project Imprint Contributors: Brian Kawuma, Jane Kithuka, Jacqueline Kayitesi, Moses Nyabila, Ann Mbiruru Edited by: Ann Mbiruru East Africa Dairy Development—Project Regional Office P.O Box 74388-00200, Nairobi, Email: I: ; Like us on Facebook: The East Africa Dairy Development project is a regional industry development program led by Heifer International in partnership with International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), TechnoServe, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and the African Breeders Service Total Cat- tle Management (ABS-TCM). The project is being implemented in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. East Africa Dairy Development News Volume 9 12