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0     “I beat the crap out of this guy at the mall
    yesterday,” Adam Lockwood said. He was leaning on
    the stone wall of the bridge, smoking a cigarette and
    watching the cars speed by on the highway beneath
    him. His black hair fell down into his eyes.

    Write down any questions you have.

                    questions only
0   “How come?” Seth Dawson asked, leaning on the
 stone wall of the bridge next to him.
0 Adam shrugged. The turned-up collar of his leather
 jacket rose and fell along his neck. “He just bugged me,
 that’s all. He was bigger, probably a senior. I guess he
 thought he could take me ‘cause I was smaller. But I
 don’t let anyone push me around.”

    Write down any questions you have.

                 questions only
0   “What’d you do to him?” Seth asked. He too was
 smoking a cigarette. It was his first ever, and he wasn’t
 really inhaling. Just holding the smoke in his mouth
 for a while and then blowing it out.
0 "I'm pretty sure I broke his nose," Adam said. "I
 couldn't hang around to find out because the guy in
 the pizza place called the cops. I'm already in enough
 trouble with them."

    Write down any questions you have.
0   "What for?" Seth asked. He noticed that when Adam
 took a drag, he seemed to hold the smoke in his mouth
 and then blow it out his nose. But it was probably just
 a different way of inhaling. Adam definitely inhaled.
0 "They just don't like me," Adam said. "You know
 how it is."
0 Seth nodded. Actually, he didn't know how it was.
 But there was no way he'd admit that. It was just
 pretty cool to think that the cops didn't like you. Seth
 was pretty sure the cops didn't even know who he

    Write down any questions you have.
0      The two boys looked back down at the highway. It
    was a warm, spring afternoon, and instead of taking
    the bus home after school they'd decided to walk to
    the diner. There Adam had instructed Seth on how to
    feed quarters into the cigarette machine and get a
    pack of Marlboros. Seth had been really nervous about
    getting caught, but Adam had told him it was no
    sweat. If the owner came out, you'd just tell him you
    were picking them up for your mother.
Copy the list of words below, then
 write a definition for each one.
0    fraud means

0    imitate means

0    authentically means

    Skip a few lines between each word.
0      Now the pack of Marlboros was sticking out of the
     breast pocket of Seth's new denim jacket. It wasn't
     supposed to look new because he'd ripped the sleeves off
     and had washed it in the washing machine a hundred times
     to make it look old and worn. But somehow it had come
     out looking new and worn. Seth had decided to wear it
     anyway, but he felt like a fraud. Like a kid trying to imitate
     someone truly cool. On the other hand, Adam's leather
     jacket looked authentically old and worn. The right sleeve
     was ripped and the leather was creased and pliant. It
     looked like he'd been in a hundred fights with it. Seth had
     never been in a fight in his life. Not a serious punching
     fight, at least.

After reading, check your original definitions.
     Do you want to change any of them?
0      The other thing about Adam was, he wore the
    leather jacket to school every day. Adam wasn't one of
    these kids who kept their cool clothes in their lockers
    and only wore them in school because their parents
    wouldn't let them wear them at home. Seth had
    parents like that. His mother would have had a fit if
    she ever saw him wearing his sleeveless denim jacket,
    so he had to hide it in the garage every day before he
    went into the house. Then in the morning when he left
    for school he'd go through the garage and pick it up.
    Copy the word below and then
       write a definition for it.

0    abutments means
0      Seth leaned forward and felt the smooth cold
      granite of the bridge with his fingers. The bridge was
      old and made of large granite blocks. Its heavy stone
      abutments stood close to the cars that sped past on
      the highway beneath it. Newer bridges were made of
      steel. Their spans were longer and the abutments
      were farther from the road.

After reading, check your original definition.
         Do you want to change it?
0     On the highway, a red convertible approached with
    two girls riding in the front seats. Adam waved, and
    one of the girls waved back. A second later the car
    shot under the bridge and disappeared. He turned to
    Seth and grinned. "Maybe they'll get off on the exit
    ramp and come back," he said.

      Write down any questions you have.
0     "You think?" Seth asked. Actually, the thought made him nervous.
    "They must be old enough at least to drive."
0     "So?" Adam asked. "I go out with older girls all the time."
0     "Really?" Seth asked.
0     "Sure." Adam took another drag off his cigarette and blew the
    smoke out of his nose. Seth wanted to try that, but he was afraid
    he'd start to cough or do something else equally uncool.
0     "What do you do with them?" Seth asked.
0     Adam glanced at him with a sly smile. "What do you think I do
    with them?"
0     "I mean, do you go out?"
0     "Sure, if they want to take me out, we go out. Otherwise
    sometimes we just hang around and make out.“
0     Seth was awestruck. At a party once he'd played spin the bottle
    and pass the orange and had kissed a few girls in the process. But
    he'd never seriously made out.

    Based on the context, what does this
            word likely mean?
0      In the distance a big semi trailer appeared on the highway. Adam raised
    his arm in the air and pumped his fist up and down. The driver responded
    with three loud blasts of his air horns. A moment later the semi rumbled
    under them and disappeared.
0      "Let me try that," Seth said. Another truck was coming and he leaned
    over the stone ledge and jerked his arm up and down. But the trucker
    ignored him.
0      Adam laughed.
0      "How come it didn't work?" Seth asked.
0      "You gotta do it a special way," Adam told him.
0      "Show me," Seth said.
0      "Can't, man," Adam said. "You just have to have the right touch. It's
    something you're born with."
0      Seth smirked. It figured. It was just his luck to be born without the touch
    that made truckers blow their horns.
0      The traffic was gradually getting thicker as the afternoon rush hour
    approached. Many of the drivers and passengers in the cars seemed
    unaware of the two boys on the overpass. But a few others stared up
    through their windshields at them.

     List any questions or predictions you have.
0     "Bet they're wondering if we're gonna drop something on
  them," Adam said. He lifted his hand in the air as if he was holding
  an imaginary rock. Down on the highway more of the people in
  the cars were looking up at him now. Suddenly Adam whipped his
  arm forward. Even though there was nothing in his hand, a
  woman driving a blue sedan put her hands up in fear. Her car
  swerved momentarily out of its lane.
0      Seth felt his jaw drop. He couldn't believe Adam had done that.
  If the car had been going faster it might have gone out of control
  and crashed into the stone abutment next to the highway
0 Meanwhile Adam grinned at him. "Scared the crap out her.

    List any questions or predictions you have.
0      "Maybe we ought to go," Seth said, suddenly worried that they were going
    to get into trouble. What if a cop had seen them? Or what if the woman was
    really mad?                         Remember!
0      "Why?" Adam asked.key to making a great prediction is to
                               use what you have read already
0      "She could get off and come back here."
                   to help you understand what is likely to happen next.
0      Adam shrugged. "Let her," he said. . “The last person in the world I'd be
    afraid of is some old lady." He took a drag off his cigarette and turned away
    to watch the cars again.
0                                  Specifically, think of:
       Seth kept glancing toward the exit ramp to see if the woman in the blue
    car had gotten off. He was really tempted to leave but he stayed because he
    liked being with Adam. It made him feel good that a cool guy like Adam let
    him hang around. What has Adam already done while
0      A few minutes passed and the blue the bridge? appear on the exit ramp.
                                 standing on car did not
    Seth relaxed a little. He had smoked his Malboro almost all the way down to
    the filter and his mouth tasted awful. Smoke kept getting in his eyes and
    making them water. He dropped the cigarette to the sidewalk and crushed it
    under his sneaker, relieved to be finishedis Adam?
                                What kind of kid
                                                    with it.
0      "Here's the way to do it," Adam said. He held the butt of his cigarette…

                List any predictions you have.
0 "Here's the way to do it," Adam said. He held the butt of his
 cigarette between his thumb and middle finger and flicked it over
 the side of the bridge and down into the traffic. With a burst of
 red sparks it hit the windshield of a black car passing below.
 Adam turned and grinned. Seth smiled back uncomfortably. He
 was beginning to wonder just how far Adam would go.

     Was your earlier prediction accurate?
    Using the text above, and what you have read
           already, make a new prediction.
            Think like a writer this time.
          What would make for an interesting
              and realistic story event?
0      Neither of them saw the black car pull off onto the exit ramp and come
    up behind them on the bridge. Seth didn't notice it until he heard a door
    slam. He turned and saw three big guys getting out of the car. They were all
    wearing tight shirts which outlined their muscles. Seth suddenly decided it
    was time to go, but he quickly realized that the three guys had spread out,
    cutting off any way to escape. He and Adam were surrounded.
0      "Uh, Adam." Seth nudged him with his elbow.
0      "Wha--?" Adam turned around and his mouth fell open. In the meantime
    the three big guys came closer. Seth and Adam backed against the bridge
    wall. Seth felt his stomach tighten painfully. His heart began to beat like a
    machine gun. Adam looked pale and pretty scared too. Was it Seth's
    imagination, or was his friend trembling?
0      "Which one of you twerps flicked that butt on my car?" The question
    came from the husky guy with a black moustache and long black hair that
    curled behind his ears.
0      Seth and Adam glanced at each other. Seth was determined not to tell. He
    didn't believe in squealing on his friends. But…

               List any predictions you have.
0 …suddenly he noticed that all three guys were staring at
 him. He quickly looked at Adam and saw why. Adam was
 pointing at him.
0 Before Seth could say anything, the husky guy grabbed
 him by the collar of his jacket and lifted him off the ground.
 Seth's feet kicked uselessly in the air for a second and then
 he was thrown against the front fender of the black car. He
 hit with a thud and lost his breath. Before he had a chance
 to recover, the guy grabbed him by the hair and forced his
 face toward the windshield.

         List any predictions you have.
0   "Lick it off," he growled.
0 Seth didn't know what he was talking about. He tried to
 raise his head, but the husky guy pushed his face closer to the
 windshield. God, he was strong.
0 "I said, lick it.“
0 Lick what? Seth wanted to ask. Then he looked down at the
 glass and saw the spot of gray ash where Adam's cigarette had
 hit. Oh, no. He stiffened. The thought made him sick. He tried to
 twist his head around, but the guy leaned his weight against
 Seth and pushed his face down again.
0 "Till it's clean," the guy said, pressing Seth's face down until
 it was only an inch from the smooth tinted glass. Seth stared at
 the little spot of ash. With the husky guy's weight on him, he
 could hardly breathe. The car's fender was digging into his
 ribs. Where was Adam?
0      The husky guy leaned harder against him,
     squeezing Seth painfully against the car. He pushed
     Seth's face down until it actually pressed against the
     cool glass. Seth could feel a spasm in his chest as his
     lungs cried for air. But he clamped his mouth closed.
     No way was he going to give that guy the satisfaction
     of seeing him lick that spot.

What does the word satisfaction mean in this
0  The husky guy must have known it. Suddenly he pulled
 Seth's head up, then slammed it back down against the
 windshield. Wham!
0 Seth reeled backwards, his hands covering his nose and
 mouth. Everything felt numb, and he was certain his nose
 and some teeth were broken. He slipped and landed on the
 ground in a sitting position, bending forward, his throbbing
 nose and mouth covered by his hands.
0 He heard someone laugh. Looking up he saw the three
 guys get back into the black car. A second passed and the
 car lurched away, leaving rubber.
0    "You're bleeding." Adam was standing over him. Seth took his
 hands away from his mouth and saw that they were covered with
 bright red blood. Blood dripped down from his nose and chin
 onto his denim jacket, leaving slowly darkening red spots. He
 tilted his head back, trying to stop the bleeding. At the same time
 he squeezed the bridge of his nose. It hurt, but somehow he knew
 it was not broken after all. He touched his front teeth with his
 tongue. They were all still there, and none felt loose.
0 "You want a hand?" Adam asked.
0 Seth nodded and Adam helped him up. He was shaky on his
 feet and worried that his nose was going to start bleeding again.
 He looked down and saw that his denim jacket was covered with
0 "I tried to help you," Adam said, "but one of them held a knife
 on me."
0 Seth glanced at him.
0 "It was a small knife," Adam said. "I guess he didn't want
 anyone to see it."
         What are you thinking now?
0   Seth felt his nose again. It was swollen and throbbed painfully.
 "Why'd you point at me?" he asked.
0 "I figured I could jump them if they made a move on you," Adam
 said. "How could I know they had knives?"
0 Seth shook his head. He didn't believe Adam. He started to walk
 toward home.
0 "You gonna make it okay?" Adam asked.
0 Seth nodded. He just wanted to be alone.
0 "I'll get those guys for you, man," Adam said. "I think I once saw
 one of them at the diner. I'm gonna go back there and see.“
0 Seth nodded again. He didn't even turn to watch Adam go.

      On the way to his house, Seth stopped near some garbage cans a
    neighbor had left at the curb for collection. He looked down at his
    denim jacket. The spots of blood had turned dark. If he took it
    home and washed it now, the stains would probably make it look
    pretty cool. Like a jacket that had been worn in tons of fights. Seth
    smirked. He took it off and threw it in the garbage can.
The End.

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Reading Strategies: On the Bridge

  • 1.
  • 2. 0 “I beat the crap out of this guy at the mall yesterday,” Adam Lockwood said. He was leaning on the stone wall of the bridge, smoking a cigarette and watching the cars speed by on the highway beneath him. His black hair fell down into his eyes. 1-Q: Write down any questions you have. questions only
  • 3. 0 “How come?” Seth Dawson asked, leaning on the stone wall of the bridge next to him. 0 Adam shrugged. The turned-up collar of his leather jacket rose and fell along his neck. “He just bugged me, that’s all. He was bigger, probably a senior. I guess he thought he could take me ‘cause I was smaller. But I don’t let anyone push me around.” 2-Q: Write down any questions you have. questions only
  • 4. 0 “What’d you do to him?” Seth asked. He too was smoking a cigarette. It was his first ever, and he wasn’t really inhaling. Just holding the smoke in his mouth for a while and then blowing it out. 0 "I'm pretty sure I broke his nose," Adam said. "I couldn't hang around to find out because the guy in the pizza place called the cops. I'm already in enough trouble with them." 3-Q: Write down any questions you have.
  • 5. 0 "What for?" Seth asked. He noticed that when Adam took a drag, he seemed to hold the smoke in his mouth and then blow it out his nose. But it was probably just a different way of inhaling. Adam definitely inhaled. 0 "They just don't like me," Adam said. "You know how it is." 0 Seth nodded. Actually, he didn't know how it was. But there was no way he'd admit that. It was just pretty cool to think that the cops didn't like you. Seth was pretty sure the cops didn't even know who he was. 4-Q: Write down any questions you have.
  • 6. 0 The two boys looked back down at the highway. It was a warm, spring afternoon, and instead of taking the bus home after school they'd decided to walk to the diner. There Adam had instructed Seth on how to feed quarters into the cigarette machine and get a pack of Marlboros. Seth had been really nervous about getting caught, but Adam had told him it was no sweat. If the owner came out, you'd just tell him you were picking them up for your mother.
  • 7. 5-V: Copy the list of words below, then write a definition for each one. 0 fraud means 0 imitate means 0 authentically means Skip a few lines between each word.
  • 8. 0 Now the pack of Marlboros was sticking out of the breast pocket of Seth's new denim jacket. It wasn't supposed to look new because he'd ripped the sleeves off and had washed it in the washing machine a hundred times to make it look old and worn. But somehow it had come out looking new and worn. Seth had decided to wear it anyway, but he felt like a fraud. Like a kid trying to imitate someone truly cool. On the other hand, Adam's leather jacket looked authentically old and worn. The right sleeve was ripped and the leather was creased and pliant. It looked like he'd been in a hundred fights with it. Seth had never been in a fight in his life. Not a serious punching fight, at least. 5-V: After reading, check your original definitions. Do you want to change any of them?
  • 9. 0 The other thing about Adam was, he wore the leather jacket to school every day. Adam wasn't one of these kids who kept their cool clothes in their lockers and only wore them in school because their parents wouldn't let them wear them at home. Seth had parents like that. His mother would have had a fit if she ever saw him wearing his sleeveless denim jacket, so he had to hide it in the garage every day before he went into the house. Then in the morning when he left for school he'd go through the garage and pick it up.
  • 10. 6-V: Copy the word below and then write a definition for it. 0 abutments means
  • 11. 0 Seth leaned forward and felt the smooth cold granite of the bridge with his fingers. The bridge was old and made of large granite blocks. Its heavy stone abutments stood close to the cars that sped past on the highway beneath it. Newer bridges were made of steel. Their spans were longer and the abutments were farther from the road. 6-V: After reading, check your original definition. Do you want to change it?
  • 12. 0 On the highway, a red convertible approached with two girls riding in the front seats. Adam waved, and one of the girls waved back. A second later the car shot under the bridge and disappeared. He turned to Seth and grinned. "Maybe they'll get off on the exit ramp and come back," he said. 7-Q: Write down any questions you have.
  • 13. 0 "You think?" Seth asked. Actually, the thought made him nervous. "They must be old enough at least to drive." 0 "So?" Adam asked. "I go out with older girls all the time." 0 "Really?" Seth asked. 0 "Sure." Adam took another drag off his cigarette and blew the smoke out of his nose. Seth wanted to try that, but he was afraid he'd start to cough or do something else equally uncool. 0 "What do you do with them?" Seth asked. 0 Adam glanced at him with a sly smile. "What do you think I do with them?" 0 "I mean, do you go out?" 0 "Sure, if they want to take me out, we go out. Otherwise sometimes we just hang around and make out.“ 0 Seth was awestruck. At a party once he'd played spin the bottle and pass the orange and had kissed a few girls in the process. But he'd never seriously made out. 8-V: Based on the context, what does this word likely mean?
  • 14. 0 In the distance a big semi trailer appeared on the highway. Adam raised his arm in the air and pumped his fist up and down. The driver responded with three loud blasts of his air horns. A moment later the semi rumbled under them and disappeared. 0 "Let me try that," Seth said. Another truck was coming and he leaned over the stone ledge and jerked his arm up and down. But the trucker ignored him. 0 Adam laughed. 0 "How come it didn't work?" Seth asked. 0 "You gotta do it a special way," Adam told him. 0 "Show me," Seth said. 0 "Can't, man," Adam said. "You just have to have the right touch. It's something you're born with." 0 Seth smirked. It figured. It was just his luck to be born without the touch that made truckers blow their horns. 0 The traffic was gradually getting thicker as the afternoon rush hour approached. Many of the drivers and passengers in the cars seemed unaware of the two boys on the overpass. But a few others stared up through their windshields at them. 9-Q/P: List any questions or predictions you have.
  • 15. 0 "Bet they're wondering if we're gonna drop something on them," Adam said. He lifted his hand in the air as if he was holding an imaginary rock. Down on the highway more of the people in the cars were looking up at him now. Suddenly Adam whipped his arm forward. Even though there was nothing in his hand, a woman driving a blue sedan put her hands up in fear. Her car swerved momentarily out of its lane. 0 Seth felt his jaw drop. He couldn't believe Adam had done that. If the car had been going faster it might have gone out of control and crashed into the stone abutment next to the highway 0 Meanwhile Adam grinned at him. "Scared the crap out her. 10-Q/P: List any questions or predictions you have.
  • 16. 0 "Maybe we ought to go," Seth said, suddenly worried that they were going to get into trouble. What if a cop had seen them? Or what if the woman was really mad? Remember! 0 "Why?" Adam asked.key to making a great prediction is to The use what you have read already 0 "She could get off and come back here." to help you understand what is likely to happen next. 0 Adam shrugged. "Let her," he said. . “The last person in the world I'd be afraid of is some old lady." He took a drag off his cigarette and turned away to watch the cars again. 0 Specifically, think of: Seth kept glancing toward the exit ramp to see if the woman in the blue car had gotten off. He was really tempted to leave but he stayed because he liked being with Adam. It made him feel good that a cool guy like Adam let him hang around. What has Adam already done while 0 A few minutes passed and the blue the bridge? appear on the exit ramp. standing on car did not Seth relaxed a little. He had smoked his Malboro almost all the way down to the filter and his mouth tasted awful. Smoke kept getting in his eyes and making them water. He dropped the cigarette to the sidewalk and crushed it under his sneaker, relieved to be finishedis Adam? What kind of kid with it. 0 "Here's the way to do it," Adam said. He held the butt of his cigarette… 11-P: List any predictions you have.
  • 17. 0 "Here's the way to do it," Adam said. He held the butt of his cigarette between his thumb and middle finger and flicked it over the side of the bridge and down into the traffic. With a burst of red sparks it hit the windshield of a black car passing below. Adam turned and grinned. Seth smiled back uncomfortably. He was beginning to wonder just how far Adam would go. Was your earlier prediction accurate? 12-P Using the text above, and what you have read already, make a new prediction. Think like a writer this time. What would make for an interesting and realistic story event?
  • 18. 0 Neither of them saw the black car pull off onto the exit ramp and come up behind them on the bridge. Seth didn't notice it until he heard a door slam. He turned and saw three big guys getting out of the car. They were all wearing tight shirts which outlined their muscles. Seth suddenly decided it was time to go, but he quickly realized that the three guys had spread out, cutting off any way to escape. He and Adam were surrounded. 0 "Uh, Adam." Seth nudged him with his elbow. 0 "Wha--?" Adam turned around and his mouth fell open. In the meantime the three big guys came closer. Seth and Adam backed against the bridge wall. Seth felt his stomach tighten painfully. His heart began to beat like a machine gun. Adam looked pale and pretty scared too. Was it Seth's imagination, or was his friend trembling? 0 "Which one of you twerps flicked that butt on my car?" The question came from the husky guy with a black moustache and long black hair that curled behind his ears. 0 Seth and Adam glanced at each other. Seth was determined not to tell. He didn't believe in squealing on his friends. But… 13-P: List any predictions you have.
  • 19. 0 …suddenly he noticed that all three guys were staring at him. He quickly looked at Adam and saw why. Adam was pointing at him. 0 Before Seth could say anything, the husky guy grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and lifted him off the ground. Seth's feet kicked uselessly in the air for a second and then he was thrown against the front fender of the black car. He hit with a thud and lost his breath. Before he had a chance to recover, the guy grabbed him by the hair and forced his face toward the windshield. 14-P: List any predictions you have.
  • 20. 0 "Lick it off," he growled. 0 Seth didn't know what he was talking about. He tried to raise his head, but the husky guy pushed his face closer to the windshield. God, he was strong. 0 "I said, lick it.“ 0 Lick what? Seth wanted to ask. Then he looked down at the glass and saw the spot of gray ash where Adam's cigarette had hit. Oh, no. He stiffened. The thought made him sick. He tried to twist his head around, but the guy leaned his weight against Seth and pushed his face down again. 0 "Till it's clean," the guy said, pressing Seth's face down until it was only an inch from the smooth tinted glass. Seth stared at the little spot of ash. With the husky guy's weight on him, he could hardly breathe. The car's fender was digging into his ribs. Where was Adam?
  • 21. 0 The husky guy leaned harder against him, squeezing Seth painfully against the car. He pushed Seth's face down until it actually pressed against the cool glass. Seth could feel a spasm in his chest as his lungs cried for air. But he clamped his mouth closed. No way was he going to give that guy the satisfaction of seeing him lick that spot. 14-V: What does the word satisfaction mean in this sentence?
  • 22. 0 The husky guy must have known it. Suddenly he pulled Seth's head up, then slammed it back down against the windshield. Wham! 0 Seth reeled backwards, his hands covering his nose and mouth. Everything felt numb, and he was certain his nose and some teeth were broken. He slipped and landed on the ground in a sitting position, bending forward, his throbbing nose and mouth covered by his hands. 0 He heard someone laugh. Looking up he saw the three guys get back into the black car. A second passed and the car lurched away, leaving rubber.
  • 23. 0 "You're bleeding." Adam was standing over him. Seth took his hands away from his mouth and saw that they were covered with bright red blood. Blood dripped down from his nose and chin onto his denim jacket, leaving slowly darkening red spots. He tilted his head back, trying to stop the bleeding. At the same time he squeezed the bridge of his nose. It hurt, but somehow he knew it was not broken after all. He touched his front teeth with his tongue. They were all still there, and none felt loose. 0 "You want a hand?" Adam asked. 0 Seth nodded and Adam helped him up. He was shaky on his feet and worried that his nose was going to start bleeding again. He looked down and saw that his denim jacket was covered with blood. 0 "I tried to help you," Adam said, "but one of them held a knife on me." 0 Seth glanced at him. 0 "It was a small knife," Adam said. "I guess he didn't want anyone to see it." 15-Q: What are you thinking now?
  • 24. 0 Seth felt his nose again. It was swollen and throbbed painfully. "Why'd you point at me?" he asked. 0 "I figured I could jump them if they made a move on you," Adam said. "How could I know they had knives?" 0 Seth shook his head. He didn't believe Adam. He started to walk toward home. 0 "You gonna make it okay?" Adam asked. 0 Seth nodded. He just wanted to be alone. 0 "I'll get those guys for you, man," Adam said. "I think I once saw one of them at the diner. I'm gonna go back there and see.“ 0 Seth nodded again. He didn't even turn to watch Adam go. On the way to his house, Seth stopped near some garbage cans a neighbor had left at the curb for collection. He looked down at his denim jacket. The spots of blood had turned dark. If he took it home and washed it now, the stains would probably make it look pretty cool. Like a jacket that had been worn in tons of fights. Seth smirked. He took it off and threw it in the garbage can.

Editor's Notes

  1. This is a short story I have used on and off for many years to help reading-needs students develop an awareness of their internal thinking as well as to help them build the habit of returning to the text to support their thinking. The story is purposely broken up into prescribed stopping points where the students are asked to share their questions or predictions in a journal they maintain as part of our classroom activities. A great deal of time is spent at some stages digging down into each student’s thoughts. In particular, I like to know what is the source of their questions or predictions. Did it come from the text, their prior knowledge, or something in between? Whenever possible, I ask that they ignore their prior knowledge because I want to build their sense of text reliance. You’re welcome to email me with specific questions at orvisit my blog Lagana, 2013The short story used here was found at
  2. It amazes me how often students don’t have any particular questions after this interesting opening. When this occurs I ask them to think about what it is they’d like to know if I were to announce that I was going to put the story away for a week or two before returning to it. I warn them that the questions “How does it end?” or “What happens next?” are taboo for this activity. Asking them to reread silently tends to help after that.Possible questions:Is Adam a bully?Who did he beat up?Why did he beat someone up?Does Adam have a bad home life? (This is more of a prior knowledge question to me as a student has little reason from the text to think this.)How old is Adam?And so forth…
  3. This is a good section to work over with the students. Adam hints at his age here. He’s likely in high school and likely younger than a senior. I identify for the students how they’ve used both inferring and drawing a reasonable conclusion to come to these answers. I applaud the students for using the text to come to these types of answers. Some students will notice Adam’s non-specific wording and wonder why he’s vague. Possible questions:Why is Seth hanging out with Adam?What did the senior do that bugged him?What did Adam do to the senior exactly?
  4. Another interesting event typically happens here. Students lock onto the end of the section and generally ignore the section where Seth is smoking for the first time, and pretending to smoke at that. Remind the students to ONLY provide questions that are swirling in their heads. Predictions will come later. Too often students want to share (read this as blurt) their guesses as to how the story will go. It’s too early for that I inform them and then work to refocus them on the text.Possible questions:Why is Adam in trouble with the police? What has he done?Are the police still after Adam?Did the pizza place guy recognize Adam?Is Seth trying to copy Adam? (i.e. be like Adam)
  5. I may or may not spend some time examining the difference between Seth’s actions and his thought at this point. I do this typically by asking, “Why does Adam nod that he understands Adam if he really doesn’t?” The answer is right in the text; yet some kids seem to miss this.
  6. A tricky little section of the story because it really is a form of weak flashback. The first sentence is in the present time but then there’s a quick trip back in time to how the boys acquired the cigarettes. I always take a moment to see if the kids realize this by asking, “Have you noticed anything strange about the story events here?” If they don’t, I take a moment to explain it. Sometimes the students are great and ask me if the author put an “extra line” between this paragraph and the previous one in the book version of the story in order to show a new scene or time. (The answer is no, he didn’t, but maybe he should have.)
  7. Here’s where I switch the tasks up some. I ask for the students to write the three words they see in red into their journals and then write what they believe they mean. The generally know “imitate”. The other two are harder. If they don’t know I tell them to mark each with IDK (I don’t know.) Then we roll to the next slide and examine them in context.
  8. The vocabulary words show up in context here and I read this part aloud once. I then ask them to read to themselves once before writing in their journals. When everyone is done, I ask that they be sure to place their written definitions in place of the text to see if they fit syntactically. Later, if there is still some confusion as to the word meanings, we examine the whole reason the paragraph exists. “What is the author trying to show us about Seth?” Then we drill down to Seth’s failure to get his clothes to look right and the phrase “on the other hand” which shows a comparisons of opposite outcomes.
  9. Same vocabulary drill as before.
  10. The students usually have a good sense of what abutments refer to, but not always. We sometimes get as far as identifying that abutments refers to a thing, they’re a noun, but they can’t seem to get past them being guard rails.
  11. The most obvious question here is. “Do the girls take the exit ramp and come back to meet the boys?” Buuuutttt, I almost as often get: “Do the girls know Adam?” I certainly get the reason the question could come up for a middle school child but I have to remind them that we’re reading realistic fiction. “How often do YOU see someone you know standing on a bridge while you’re on the highway?” I ask. “Does it seem likely or reasonable that Adam would happen to know a person driving by him on a section of highway?” (There’s always a crowd pleaser in the group who announces, “Yes, Mr. Lagana. I could see that happening.” In reply, I say, “Well then, why doesn’t he say to Seth that he knows her, or even mention her name?” Yeah, it’s good to be the teacher.;)
  12. You’ll notice here that I did not set up a slide for the students to record the word “awestruck” beforehand. I usually tackle this one in context as it comes up. I spend time focusing in one Seth’s slew of questions which show his worrying, amazed stance. I also point out that it’s a compound word: awe and struck.
  13. At this point in the activity, we’re ready to switch over to focusing on making a prediction. I do not give the students much preparation for with this section as I use it to test where they are in their ability to predict the next events. As before, there’s been a history of students predicting that Adam and Seth are going to get into trouble because the people on the highway recognize them. As before, I can see why they’d think this, but it’s not reasonable. I also get students who go right for the metaphorical jugular and predict that Adam is going to either throw something over the bridge or jump down!
  14. This round of predicting tends to go much better. Students get that what Adam has done is dangerous and likely to lead to some type of consequence. (It actually doesn’t at this point, but guessing that’s a likely outcome is sound thinking.)I do get a handful of students who predict that the woman driving the car will crash into the stone abutments. We read the section where she’s mentioned and look at the wording very carefully in that instance. “If the car had been going faster it might have gone out of control and crashed into the stone abutments next to the highway.”
  15. Sorry for you, this slide is illegible –at least the story part of it. (If you email me, I will direct you to a working copy.)Predictions for this section run amok sometimes. Those student who are still struggling to make predictions or rely on the text will come up with some truly off the mark comments/predictions. Those that are becoming more text-reliant tend to do quite well.In an effort to try an avoid nonsense predictions I have these thought balloons which come up to remind them as to how to think through a prediction. We spend time reviewing Adam’s actions from the bridge too. He waves to girls. He makes a motion to get a trucker to honk. He pretends to throw a rock into traffic. There’s a clear and steady escalation of behaviors. Top predictions:Adam will throw the cigarette into traffic (correct).Adam will put the cigarette out on his tongue. (I don’t know what kind of TV the students watch but that action fits Adam’s character… at least, to this point in the story.)
  16. This section is where I ask the students to put on the writer’s hat. We talk about a couple of items. One the color choice for the car –black. I ask the students why make the car black, when it could have been white or red or no color at all could have been mentioned. They’re good about getting that black is a suggestion of evil or an omen for bad things. We also spend time thinking about story structure, which they’ve studied. I’ll ask about rising action and climax. “Have we gotten to the story climax yet?” (No.) “How about rising action? Does it seem like things are building?” (Yes.)“OK, so what else could happen that would bring the action to another, higher level?”Rarely do the students not make decent to great predictions at this point.Top predictions:The black car will come back.The black car is an undercover police car.The police will be called because the car was hit.Oh! I do get the occasional prediction –The car will blow up. Trust me on this. Don’t fight to hard to correct the unlikeliness of that ever happening. Too many cars have exploded in films to make them think otherwise. Once in awhile I convert their thinking by pointing out that if a cigarette could hit a car and blow it up, it’d be highly unlikely that smoking while driving would be allowed because too many people throw their cigarettes out their windows while driving.
  17. One word. ONE word makes this section tricky. The final “But…” on the slide. It seems to countermand Seth’s thinking leading up to it. My usual approach to this is to provide little assistance. It’s another ad hoc litmus test as to how well the students are following the text, because only by very carefully reading the text in this section will a reader not be fooled by that one word (But) at the end.Top predictions:Seth will blame Adam (Not correct.)Adam will blame Seth (Correct and awesome if guessed because there are many references to Adam looking or acting frightened. Only sound text reliance can show that.)
  18. Prediction time again.
  19. I leave this one wide open to students. I want to know how they’re feeling about Seth or Adam at this point. Most students despise Adam and don’t trust him. They also want to know if Seth is going to still be Adam’s friend.