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Drupal 8 Migrate
Who are we?
Full service provider of
branding, marketing, website
design & development, and
strategic communication
Proven methodology for
positioning companies to
scale and succeed in an
increasingly digital
Trusted agency partner to
dozens of recognized
associations and
Fortune 500
My Background
・Credentials: B.S. Computer Science
from Virginia Tech
・Position: Chief Technology Officer @
・Interests: IoT, Gaming, Snowboarding,
Hiking, Fishing, etc…
Why are we here?
Why are we here?
・Overview of Drupal 8 Migrate
・Migrate Source & Destinations
・Migrate Processors
Overview of Drupal 8 Migrate
・Complete rewrite & moved into core in D8
・OOTB support for D6 and D7 to D8
・Nodes, Users, Comments, Profiles, Taxonomy
・Configuration & Content
・Support for custom source and destination classes
・Several processors for working with data
Drupal 8 Configuration Migration
・Completely new feature in Drupal 8
・Will migrate data structures such as node types and
・Support is limited in the contrib space
Image from
Drupal 8 Content Migration
・Core modules such as User, Node, Comment, etc… come with
d6 and d7 migration templates
・Migrate sources and destinations are extensible
・Similar to Drupal 7, typically build a migration for each entity
type/bundle combination
D8 Migrate Module Overview
・Provides powerful API for all migrations
・Provides extensible object-oriented base classes and interfaces
for migration plugin components
・source & destination plugins
・process plugins
・config migration mappings
・Provides configuration entity types to migrate configuration
Configuration Files
・ Config files provide the blueprint for the migration
・ Two types of migration config files:
・ migrate_plus.migrate_group.<name>.yml
・ migrate_plus.migrate.<name>.yml
・ Config file overview
・ id: Unique system name of the migration (same as the last part of the file
・ source: Defines the source plugin that is used (d6_node or custom blog_node)
・ process: Mapping of fields and processors used in the migration
・ destination: Define where this content is being migrated to
・ dependencies: Other migrations that need to run before this one
Contributed Space
・Contributed space still provides significant value
・Migrate Plus: The Migrate Plus project provides extensions to
core migration framework functionality, as well as examples.
・Migrate Tools: The Migrate Tools module provides tools for
running and managing Drupal 8 migrations.
Anatomy of a Migration
Anatomy of a Migration
・Migration Group
・Migration Definition
・Migration Source
・Migration Destination
・Migration Mappings
Migration Group
・ Similar to hook_migrate_api in
Drupal 7
・ Defines a group of migration
・ id – unique identifier
・ shared_configuration – Defines
shared configuration between all
migration classes that are part of
this group. **Example: Setting
the source database to use
・ dependencies – Sets the
dependencies for this set of
migration classes to function
id: btwp
label: Custom migrations
description: Custom data migrations
from BT WP.
key: legacy
- demo_migrate
Migration File - Definition
・ Similar to a Migration class in
Drupal 7
・ Defines the metadata for the
migration in Drupal 8
・ id should match the file name
・id: blog_post
id: blog_post
label: Blog Post Migration.
migration_group: btwp
- blog
- node
- blog_tags
- demo_migrate
Migration File - Source
・Defines the source plugin
class for the migration
・Tells the migration where the
data is coming from
・Different sources allow
different configurations
・Allows definition of constants
to be used in field mappings
id: blog_post
label: Blog Post Migration.
migration_group: btwp
- blog
- node
plugin: wp_post
format: rich_text
- blog_tags
- demo_migrate
Migration File - Destination
・Defines the destination
plugin class for the
・default_bundle: Defines
the bundle we want the
entity:node plugin to map
data to
id: blog_post
label: Blog Post Migration.
migration_group: btwp
- blog
- node
plugin: wp_post
plugin: 'entity:node'
default_bundle: blog
- blog_tags
- demo_migrate
Migration File – Field Mapping
・Defines field mappings and
any processing that should
be performed on source
data before being mapped
to destination
・Default process plugin used
is ‘get’
id: blog_post
label: Blog Post Migration.
migration_group: btwp
- blog
- node
plugin: wp_post
format: rich_text
plugin: 'entity:node'
default_bundle: blog
title: post_title
sticky: 0
promote: 0
uid: 1
'body/value': post_content
'body/format': constants/format
- blog_tags
Migration File – Processors
・Utilize processors to
manipulate data before it
gets mapped
・Several processors available
・Very powerful
id: blog_post
label: Blog Post Migration.
migration_group: btwp
- blog
- node
plugin: wp_post
format: rich_text
plugin: 'entity:node'
default_bundle: blog
title: post_title
sticky: 0
promote: 0
uid: 1
plugin: wp_vc_parser
source: post_content
'body/format': constants/format
- blog_tags
Using Process Plugins
・ Processor plugins provide flexibility in working with data being
・iterator– Provides an iterator to loop through multiple values in a
source field
・default_value– Provides the ability to set a default value to a field
・entity_generate – Generates entities for reference fields if they don’t
・entity_lookup – Looks up entities migrated through another migration
・ Very powerful and can be combined together
・Ex. Iterate over all of my items and perform an entity_lookup to find the
nid mapping to the new system
Customizing Your Migrations
Customizing Your Migrations
・99% of Enterprise migrations will require customizations
・Custom requirements and mappings likely required
・Have to deal with the “innovative” way that the previous
developer built the source site
Example Time!
Scenario: WordPress -> Drupal
・Migrating a website from WordPress to Drupal 8
・Website uses Visual Composer to manage content
・Website consists of both Posts and Pages
MigrationGroup: BTWP
・id: btwp
・shared_config: legacy (legacy
is the source WP database
configured in settings.php
that all of the migrations will
read from)
・dependencies: modules that
are required for these
migrations to run
id: btwp
label: Custom migrations
description: Custom data migrations
from BT WP.
key: legacy
- demo_migrate
WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin
・ Custom MigrateSourcePlugin
that handles reading from the
wp_posts table in WordPress
・ Defines MigrateSource as
・ This is used in .yml
migration mappings
・ Extends SqlBase source class
since our datasource is MySQL
* @file
* Contains Drupaldemo_migratePluginmigratesourcewp_post.
namespace Drupaldemo_migratePluginmigratesource;
use DrupalmigrateRow;
use DrupalmigratePluginmigratesourceSqlBase;
* Source for CSV files.
* @MigrateSource(
* id = "wp_post"
* )
class WPPost extends SqlBase {
WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin
・Basic function definitions:
・query() – Defines the base query to pull the data.
・fields() – Defines the fields that get pulled from the source
・getIds() – Defines the ID mapping for source value.
・baseFields() – Helper function to define base fields
・query() - Defines query to
load all data from the
wp_posts table to be
・fields() – Calls the
baseFields() method to
load fields from
wp_posts table for
mapping purposes.
WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin
class WPPost extends SqlBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function query() {
return $this->select('wp_posts', 'wpp')
->fields('wpp', array_keys($this-
->condition('wpp.ID', 0, '>');
* {@inheritdoc}
public function fields() {
$fields = $this->baseFields();
return $fields;
・getIds() – Defines ID field
and settings so the
migration knows how to
map the data in your
source to the data in your
・prepareRow() –
Implements prepareRow
and calls parent.
WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getIds() {
return [
'ID' => [
'type' => 'integer',
'alias' => 'wpp',
* {@inheritdoc}
public function prepareRow(Row $row) {
return parent::prepareRow($row);
・baseFields() – Defines the
base fields from the
wp_posts table so that
they can be used in the
WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin
* Returns the user base fields to be migrated.
* @return array
* Associative array having field name as key and description as value.
protected function baseFields() {
$fields = [
'ID' => $this->t('Post ID'),
'post_author' => $this->t('Post Author'),
'post_date' => $this->t('Post Date'),
'post_date_gmt' => $this->t('Post Date GMT'),
'post_content' => $this->t('Post Content'),
'post_title' => $this->t('Post Title'),
'post_excerpt' => $this->t('Post Excerpt'),
'post_status' => $this->t('Post Status'),
'comment_status' => $this->t('Comment Status'),
'ping_status' => $this->t('Ping Status'),
'post_password' => $this->t('Post Password'),
'post_name' => $this->t('Post Name'),
'post_type' => $this->t('Post Type'),
return $fields;
So How Does This Actually Work?
Migration File – Blog Post
・group – Defines the source
for the migrations.
・Tells all migrations in this
group to utilize the
“legacy” database
id: blog_post
label: Blog Post Migration.
migration_group: btwp
id: btwp
label: Custom migrations
description: Custom data migrations from BT WP.
key: legacy
Migration File – Blog Post
・source_plugin – Maps to the
source WPPost.php
MigrateSource that we
created based on the ID
plugin: wp_post
format: rich_text
* Source for SQL files.
* @MigrateSource(
* id = "wp_post"
* )
class WPPost extends SqlBase {
Migration File – Blog Post
・process – Provides the field
mappings for Drupal fields :
WP fields
・Default process plugin: get
title: post_title
sticky: 0
promote: 0
uid: 1
'body/value': post_content
'body/format': constants/format
protected function baseFields() {
$fields = [
'ID' => $this->t('Post ID'),
'post_author' => $this->t('Post Author'),
'post_date' => $this->t('Post Date'),
'post_content' => $this->t('Post Content'),
'post_title' => $this->t('Post Title'),
'post_excerpt' => $this->t('Post Excerpt'),
'post_status' => $this->t('Post Status'),
'post_name' => $this->t('Post Name'),
'post_type' => $this->t('Post Type'),
・Well that didn’t work as well as we hoped!
・Each CMS has its own unique quirks and way of storing
・In our WP build, we happen to be using Visual Composer
which creates a majority of the site with shortcodes
・So what now?
・Create a custom MigrateProcess
・Parse through the WordPress Visual Composer shortcodes
・(Simple) Replace shortcodes with markup
・(Advanced) Repurpose shortcodes into paragraphs
・ Sorry, this is for another time!
・@MigrateProcessPlugin –
Defines the ID of the plugin
that will be used in .yml file
・Class name (WPVC) must
match the filename
・Extends ProcessPluginBase
namespace Drupaldemo_migratePluginmigrateprocess;
use DrupalmigrateProcessPluginBase;
use DrupalmigrateMigrateExecutableInterface;
use DrupalmigrateRow;
* Handles Visual Composer Markup.
* @see
* @MigrateProcessPlugin(
* id = "wp_vc_parser"
* )
class WPVC extends ProcessPluginBase {
・Define regex expressions to
be used in the parsing of
・Implements transform() –
required method that does
the actual processing of the
source value
class WPVC extends ProcessPluginBase {
// Regex101 reference:
const SHORTOCODE_REGEXP = "/(?P<shortcode>(?:(?:s?[))(?P<name>[w-
// Regex101 reference:
* {@inheritdoc}
public function transform($value,
MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row
$row, $destination_property) {
if ($value) {
$value = $this->replaceShortcodes($value);
else {
throw new MigrateException(sprintf('%s is not
an array', var_export($value, TRUE)));
・Helper method to convert all
shortcodes into an array and
replace strings
・Could get very complex
depending on the setup of
your site
* Replace all shortcodes w/ markup.
* @param $content
* @return mixed
protected function replaceShortcodes($content){
// String Replacement
$shortcode_arr = $this->parse_shortcodes($content);
// For every shortcode
foreach ($shortcode_arr as $key => $value) {
switch ($value['name']) {
case 'vc_row':
case 'vc_column':
echo $key . ' is not mapped yet.';
//Now replace all closing tags.
$content = str_replace('[/vc_row]', '</div>', $content);
$content = str_replace('[/vc_col]', '</div>', $content);
return $content;
More Random Things
Current State of Things
・Drupal 8.4 has several issues/dependencies
・Requires Drush 9.0
・Must be running migrate_tools 4.x with this patch for Drush 9.0
to work
・Drush 9.0 changed some migrate commands slightly:
• drush mim (migrate:import) instead of drush mi (migrate-import)
Useful Code Snippet
・Must delete
configuration file and
reimport to get
changes to .yml files
・Typically handle this
through hook_uninstall
・ drush pm-uninstall <mymodule>
・ drush en <mymodule>
* Implements hook_uninstall().
* Removes stale migration configs during uninstall.
function demo_migrate_uninstall() {
$query = db_select('config', 'c')
->fields('c', array('name'))
->condition('name', db_like('migrate_plus.') .
'%', 'LIKE')
$config_names = $query->fetchAll();
// Delete each config using configFactory.
foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
Check us out:
Drupal 8 References
・Upgrading from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8
・Upgrade using Drush
・Known Issues when migrating from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8
・Migrate Process Overview (Processor Plugins)
・Webinar – Migrating to Drupal 8
・Carlyle Example Migrate Project

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Drupal8 migrate

  • 2. Who are we? Full service provider of branding, marketing, website design & development, and strategic communication services Proven methodology for positioning companies to scale and succeed in an increasingly digital environment Trusted agency partner to dozens of recognized associations and corporations
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 8. My Background ・Credentials: B.S. Computer Science from Virginia Tech ・Position: Chief Technology Officer @ Bluetext ・Interests: IoT, Gaming, Snowboarding, Hiking, Fishing, etc…
  • 9. Why are we here?
  • 10. Why are we here? ・Overview of Drupal 8 Migrate ・Migrate Source & Destinations ・Migrate Processors ・Examples! 12/14/20 17 10
  • 12. Overview of Drupal 8 Migrate ・Complete rewrite & moved into core in D8 ・OOTB support for D6 and D7 to D8 ・Nodes, Users, Comments, Profiles, Taxonomy ・Configuration & Content ・Support for custom source and destination classes ・Several processors for working with data 12/14/20 17 12
  • 13. Drupal 8 Configuration Migration ・Completely new feature in Drupal 8 ・Will migrate data structures such as node types and vocabularies ・Support is limited in the contrib space 12/14/20 17 13 Image from
  • 14. Drupal 8 Content Migration ・Core modules such as User, Node, Comment, etc… come with d6 and d7 migration templates ・Migrate sources and destinations are extensible ・Similar to Drupal 7, typically build a migration for each entity type/bundle combination 12/14/20 17 14
  • 15. D8 Migrate Module Overview ・Provides powerful API for all migrations ・Provides extensible object-oriented base classes and interfaces for migration plugin components ・source & destination plugins ・process plugins ・config migration mappings ・Provides configuration entity types to migrate configuration 12/14/20 17 15
  • 16. Configuration Files ・ Config files provide the blueprint for the migration ・ Two types of migration config files: ・ migrate_plus.migrate_group.<name>.yml ・ migrate_plus.migrate.<name>.yml ・ Config file overview ・ id: Unique system name of the migration (same as the last part of the file “d6_node”) ・ source: Defines the source plugin that is used (d6_node or custom blog_node) ・ process: Mapping of fields and processors used in the migration ・ destination: Define where this content is being migrated to ・ dependencies: Other migrations that need to run before this one 12/14/20 17 16
  • 17. Contributed Space ・Contributed space still provides significant value ・Migrate Plus: The Migrate Plus project provides extensions to core migration framework functionality, as well as examples. ・Migrate Tools: The Migrate Tools module provides tools for running and managing Drupal 8 migrations. 12/14/20 17 17
  • 18. Anatomy of a Migration
  • 19. Anatomy of a Migration ・Migration Group ・Migration Definition ・Migration Source ・Migration Destination ・Migration Mappings 12/14/20 17 19
  • 20. Migration Group ・ Similar to hook_migrate_api in Drupal 7 ・ Defines a group of migration classes ・ id – unique identifier ・ shared_configuration – Defines shared configuration between all migration classes that are part of this group. **Example: Setting the source database to use ・ dependencies – Sets the dependencies for this set of migration classes to function 12/14/20 17 20 id: btwp label: Custom migrations description: Custom data migrations from BT WP. shared_configuration: source: key: legacy dependencies: enforced: module: - demo_migrate
  • 21. Migration File - Definition ・ Similar to a Migration class in Drupal 7 ・ Defines the metadata for the migration in Drupal 8 ・ id should match the file name ・id: blog_post ・filename: migrate_plus.migration.blog_ post.yml 12/14/20 17 21 id: blog_post label: Blog Post Migration. migration_group: btwp migration_tags: - blog - node migration_dependencies: optional: - blog_tags dependencies: enforced: module: - demo_migrate
  • 22. Migration File - Source ・Defines the source plugin class for the migration ・Tells the migration where the data is coming from ・Different sources allow different configurations ・Allows definition of constants to be used in field mappings 12/14/20 17 22 id: blog_post label: Blog Post Migration. migration_group: btwp migration_tags: - blog - node source: plugin: wp_post constants: format: rich_text migration_dependencies: optional: - blog_tags dependencies: enforced: module: - demo_migrate
  • 23. Migration File - Destination ・Defines the destination plugin class for the migration ・default_bundle: Defines the bundle we want the entity:node plugin to map data to 12/14/20 17 23 id: blog_post label: Blog Post Migration. migration_group: btwp migration_tags: - blog - node source: plugin: wp_post destination: plugin: 'entity:node' default_bundle: blog migration_dependencies: optional: - blog_tags dependencies: enforced: module: - demo_migrate
  • 24. Migration File – Field Mapping ・Defines field mappings and any processing that should be performed on source data before being mapped to destination ・Default process plugin used is ‘get’ 12/14/20 17 24 id: blog_post label: Blog Post Migration. migration_group: btwp migration_tags: - blog - node source: plugin: wp_post constants: format: rich_text destination: plugin: 'entity:node' default_bundle: blog process: title: post_title sticky: 0 promote: 0 uid: 1 'body/value': post_content 'body/format': constants/format migration_dependencies: optional: - blog_tags
  • 25. Migration File – Processors ・Utilize processors to manipulate data before it gets mapped ・Several processors available OOTB ・Very powerful 12/14/20 17 25 id: blog_post label: Blog Post Migration. migration_group: btwp migration_tags: - blog - node source: plugin: wp_post constants: format: rich_text destination: plugin: 'entity:node' default_bundle: blog process: title: post_title sticky: 0 promote: 0 uid: 1 'body/value': plugin: wp_vc_parser source: post_content 'body/format': constants/format migration_dependencies: optional: - blog_tags
  • 26. Using Process Plugins ・ Processor plugins provide flexibility in working with data being migrated ・iterator– Provides an iterator to loop through multiple values in a source field ・default_value– Provides the ability to set a default value to a field ・entity_generate – Generates entities for reference fields if they don’t exist ・entity_lookup – Looks up entities migrated through another migration ・ Very powerful and can be combined together ・Ex. Iterate over all of my items and perform an entity_lookup to find the nid mapping to the new system 12/14/20 17 26
  • 28. Customizing Your Migrations ・99% of Enterprise migrations will require customizations ・Custom requirements and mappings likely required ・Have to deal with the “innovative” way that the previous developer built the source site 12/14/20 17 28
  • 30. Scenario: WordPress -> Drupal ・Migrating a website from WordPress to Drupal 8 ・Website uses Visual Composer to manage content ・Website consists of both Posts and Pages 12/14/20 17 30
  • 31. MigrationGroup: BTWP ・id: btwp ・shared_config: legacy (legacy is the source WP database configured in settings.php that all of the migrations will read from) ・dependencies: modules that are required for these migrations to run 12/14/20 17 31 id: btwp label: Custom migrations description: Custom data migrations from BT WP. shared_configuration: source: key: legacy dependencies: enforced: module: - demo_migrate
  • 32. WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin ・ Custom MigrateSourcePlugin that handles reading from the wp_posts table in WordPress ・ Defines MigrateSource as wp_post ・ This is used in .yml migration mappings ・ Extends SqlBase source class since our datasource is MySQL 12/14/20 17 32 <?php /** * @file * Contains Drupaldemo_migratePluginmigratesourcewp_post. */ namespace Drupaldemo_migratePluginmigratesource; use DrupalmigrateRow; use DrupalmigratePluginmigratesourceSqlBase; /** * Source for CSV files. * * @MigrateSource( * id = "wp_post" * ) */ class WPPost extends SqlBase {
  • 33. 12/14/20 17 33 WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin ・Basic function definitions: ・query() – Defines the base query to pull the data. ・fields() – Defines the fields that get pulled from the source database. ・getIds() – Defines the ID mapping for source value. ・baseFields() – Helper function to define base fields
  • 34. ・query() - Defines query to load all data from the wp_posts table to be processed. ・fields() – Calls the baseFields() method to load fields from wp_posts table for mapping purposes. 12/14/20 17 34 WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin class WPPost extends SqlBase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function query() { return $this->select('wp_posts', 'wpp') ->fields('wpp', array_keys($this- >baseFields())) ->condition('wpp.ID', 0, '>'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function fields() { $fields = $this->baseFields(); return $fields; }
  • 35. ・getIds() – Defines ID field and settings so the migration knows how to map the data in your source to the data in your destination. ・prepareRow() – Implements prepareRow and calls parent. 12/14/20 17 35 WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getIds() { return [ 'ID' => [ 'type' => 'integer', 'alias' => 'wpp', ], ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function prepareRow(Row $row) { return parent::prepareRow($row); }
  • 36. ・baseFields() – Defines the base fields from the wp_posts table so that they can be used in the migrations. 12/14/20 17 36 WPPost.php - MigrateSourcePlugin /** * Returns the user base fields to be migrated. * * @return array * Associative array having field name as key and description as value. */ protected function baseFields() { $fields = [ 'ID' => $this->t('Post ID'), 'post_author' => $this->t('Post Author'), 'post_date' => $this->t('Post Date'), 'post_date_gmt' => $this->t('Post Date GMT'), 'post_content' => $this->t('Post Content'), 'post_title' => $this->t('Post Title'), 'post_excerpt' => $this->t('Post Excerpt'), 'post_status' => $this->t('Post Status'), 'comment_status' => $this->t('Comment Status'), 'ping_status' => $this->t('Ping Status'), 'post_password' => $this->t('Post Password'), 'post_name' => $this->t('Post Name'), 'post_type' => $this->t('Post Type'), ]; return $fields; }
  • 37. So How Does This Actually Work? 12/14/20 17 37
  • 38. Migration File – Blog Post ・group – Defines the source for the migrations. ・Tells all migrations in this group to utilize the “legacy” database 12/14/20 17 38 migrate_plus.migration.blog_post.yml id: blog_post label: Blog Post Migration. migration_group: btwp migrate_plus.migration_group.btwp.yml id: btwp label: Custom migrations description: Custom data migrations from BT WP. shared_configuration: source: key: legacy
  • 39. Migration File – Blog Post ・source_plugin – Maps to the source WPPost.php MigrateSource that we created based on the ID defined. 12/14/20 17 39 migrate_plus.migration.blog_post.yml source: plugin: wp_post constants: format: rich_text WPPost.php /** * Source for SQL files. * * @MigrateSource( * id = "wp_post" * ) */ class WPPost extends SqlBase {
  • 40. Migration File – Blog Post ・process – Provides the field mappings for Drupal fields : WP fields ・Default process plugin: get 12/14/20 17 40 migrate_plus.migration.blog_post.yml process: title: post_title sticky: 0 promote: 0 uid: 1 'body/value': post_content 'body/format': constants/format WPPost.php protected function baseFields() { $fields = [ 'ID' => $this->t('Post ID'), 'post_author' => $this->t('Post Author'), 'post_date' => $this->t('Post Date'), 'post_content' => $this->t('Post Content'), 'post_title' => $this->t('Post Title'), 'post_excerpt' => $this->t('Post Excerpt'), 'post_status' => $this->t('Post Status'), 'post_name' => $this->t('Post Name'), 'post_type' => $this->t('Post Type'), ];
  • 42. Results ・Well that didn’t work as well as we hoped! ・Each CMS has its own unique quirks and way of storing information ・In our WP build, we happen to be using Visual Composer which creates a majority of the site with shortcodes ・So what now? 12/14/20 17 42
  • 43. MigrateProcessPlugin ・Create a custom MigrateProcess ・Parse through the WordPress Visual Composer shortcodes ・(Simple) Replace shortcodes with markup ・(Advanced) Repurpose shortcodes into paragraphs ・ Sorry, this is for another time! 12/14/20 17 43
  • 44. MigrateProcessPlugin ・@MigrateProcessPlugin – Defines the ID of the plugin that will be used in .yml file ・Class name (WPVC) must match the filename WPVC.php ・Extends ProcessPluginBase 12/14/20 17 44 <?php namespace Drupaldemo_migratePluginmigrateprocess; use DrupalmigrateProcessPluginBase; use DrupalmigrateMigrateExecutableInterface; use DrupalmigrateRow; /** * Handles Visual Composer Markup. * @see DrupalmigratePluginMigrateProcessInterface * @MigrateProcessPlugin( * id = "wp_vc_parser" * ) */ class WPVC extends ProcessPluginBase {
  • 45. MigrateProcessPlugin ・Define regex expressions to be used in the parsing of content ・Implements transform() – required method that does the actual processing of the source value 12/14/20 17 45 class WPVC extends ProcessPluginBase { // Regex101 reference: const SHORTOCODE_REGEXP = "/(?P<shortcode>(?:(?:s?[))(?P<name>[w- ]{3,})(?:s(?P<attrs>[wd,s="'- +#%!~`&.s:/?|]+))?(?:])(?:(?P<content>[wd,!@#$%^&*()s ="'-+&.s:/?|<>]+)(?:[/[w-_]+]))?)/u"; // Regex101 reference: const ATTRIBUTE_REGEXP = "/(?<name>S+)=["']?(?P<value>(?:.(?!["']?s+(?:S+)=|[>"']))+.)["']?/u"; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function transform($value, MigrateExecutableInterface $migrate_executable, Row $row, $destination_property) { if ($value) { $value = $this->replaceShortcodes($value); } else { throw new MigrateException(sprintf('%s is not an array', var_export($value, TRUE))); } }
  • 46. MigrateProcessPlugin ・Helper method to convert all shortcodes into an array and replace strings ・Could get very complex depending on the setup of your site 12/14/20 17 46 /** * Replace all shortcodes w/ markup. * @param $content * @return mixed */ protected function replaceShortcodes($content){ // String Replacement $shortcode_arr = $this->parse_shortcodes($content); // For every shortcode foreach ($shortcode_arr as $key => $value) { switch ($value['name']) { case 'vc_row': $this->replaceVCRow($value); break; case 'vc_column': $this->replaceVCColumn($value); break; default: echo $key . ' is not mapped yet.'; break; } } //Now replace all closing tags. $content = str_replace('[/vc_row]', '</div>', $content); $content = str_replace('[/vc_col]', '</div>', $content); return $content; }
  • 48. Current State of Things ・Drupal 8.4 has several issues/dependencies ・Requires Drush 9.0 ・Must be running migrate_tools 4.x with this patch for Drush 9.0 to work ・Drush 9.0 changed some migrate commands slightly: • drush mim (migrate:import) instead of drush mi (migrate-import) 12/14/20 17 48
  • 49. Useful Code Snippet ・Must delete configuration file and reimport to get changes to .yml files ・Typically handle this through hook_uninstall ・ drush pm-uninstall <mymodule> ・ drush en <mymodule> 12/14/20 17 49 /** * Implements hook_uninstall(). * Removes stale migration configs during uninstall. */ function demo_migrate_uninstall() { $query = db_select('config', 'c') ->fields('c', array('name')) ->condition('name', db_like('migrate_plus.') . '%', 'LIKE') ->execute(); $config_names = $query->fetchAll(); // Delete each config using configFactory. foreach ($config_names as $config_name) { Drupal::configFactory()- >getEditable($config_name->name)->delete(); } }
  • 52. Drupal 8 References ・Upgrading from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8 ・Upgrade using Drush ・Known Issues when migrating from Drupal 6 or 7 to Drupal 8 ・Migrate Process Overview (Processor Plugins) ・Webinar – Migrating to Drupal 8 ・Carlyle Example Migrate Project 5 2

Editor's Notes

  1. Enterprise are more complex, typically custom development Innovate = Hacky!