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Driving Innovation
in BioPharma:
From Discovery to Delivery with
Product Lifecycle Management

Kalypso White Paper
by Scott Gibbard, Dr. Horst Groesser and Andrew Hunter


Industry Challenges
                                        The economic challenges faced by today’s biopharmaceutical industry
                                        are well documented. Revenues are contracting due to patent expiries,
                                        generics competition and pricing pressure from payers that are demanding
                                        clearer demonstration of product value. By 2016, medicines that generated
                                        sales of $133 billion in 2010 in the US will have lost patent protection.1
                                        Innovative new products are scarce as R&D budgets chase increasingly
                                        difficult scientific problems. For those products that successfully make it
                                        through development, the regulatory approval bar is higher than ever.

          By 2016, patent exclusivity                        Much of this is not recent news. Drug discovery,
                                                             development and commercialization have always been
  expiries in one or more developed                          complex and risky. The vast majority of new product ideas
        markets will impact 13 of the                        fail. Ideas that do make it out of the labs face an extremely
                                                             lengthy and expensive journey navigating a highly
   top 20 selling medicines of 2010,                         regulated environment where the rules vary by country.
   including Lipitor®, Plavix®, Advair                       The science is usually complicated and always unpredictable,
                                                             generating enormous amounts of data and experimental
    Diskus®, Crestor® and Nexium®.2                          results from both failed and successful programs.

                                        And yet, many steps taken by companies over the last several years to
                                        address these business challenges have only added to the complexity:

                     Figure 1:
                                    Mergers and acquisitions                            Scientific partnering and collaborations,
             Actions taken to
                                    have made companies bigger                                            often operationally complex,
          address biopharma
                                    and even more complex,                                                      have collided with the
          business challenges       carving already siloed                                                        culture of monolithic
                                    functions into specialized                                                  research organizations
                                    sub-functions. Rationalizing                                                     not accustomed to
                                    differing processes, systems                                              truly sharing their work.
                                    and cultures has proven to
                                    be difficult.

                                    Expansion into                                                            Portfolio diversification
                                    emerging markets                                                             into new therapeutic
                                    has required                                                           areas or biologics (novel or
                                    unfamiliar regulatory                                                     biosimilars) has required
                                    environments to be                                                        companies to build new
                                    learned and commercial                                                   scientific capabilities and
                                    models to be modified                                               develop a deep understanding
                                    or rethought.                                                                of new technologies.

                                        The biopharma industry’s ability to discover, develop and launch profitable
                                        new products has been diminished by the pervasiveness of complexity.
                                        In order to drive growth from innovation, companies must manage this
                                        complexity within their product development and innovation processes.

                                        1, 2	 The Global Use of Medicines: Outlook Through 2016, July 2012,
                                        	     IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics

Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management	                                             2
Manage the Complexity of Innovation
Innovation is More Than Scientific Discovery
Innovation in biopharma is often understood as scientific breakthroughs in
basic research and discovery. While the discovery of new molecular entities
is the lifeline for biopharma companies, true innovation is not just about
the science – it also requires transforming those breakthrough discoveries
into marketable products and successfully launching them in highly
regulated markets.

In addition to developing new drug products, companies can be
innovative in many other ways. Product and service bundling, supply chain
restructuring, and information asset management are just a few examples
of areas with great innovation potential. While these forms of innovation
may not be viewed in the same light as launching a new product after
making a high-profile scientific breakthrough, they can accelerate product
commercialization, and ensure safe and compliant delivery once the
products are on the market. In fact, these other forms of innovation can fuel
scientific discovery by allowing quicker answers to “what-if” experiments,
ultimately leading to faster advancement of knowledge.

When operating in such a complex environment, there are three
fundamental capabilities that biopharma companies need to focus on
improving to maintain and enhance their innovation performance:

     •• Visibility. Scientists with better visibility into one another’s work
        improve the chances of “connecting the dots.” Better visibility
        helps management set priorities and ensure resources are allocated
        in line with those priorities. It can also smooth the transition
        from research to manufacturing and commercialization.
     •• Traceability. Better traceability improves the organization’s
        ability to maintain compliance and address regulatory
        inquiries. It also enables improved reuse of knowledge
        assets by allowing product development teams to
        retrace development decisions made in the past.
     •• Collaboration. Drug development is a complex, cross-functional
        endeavor. Increasingly, it involves partnering with researchers
        from many different organizations. Better collaboration enables
        a richer understanding of scientific challenges and more
        innovative product solutions.

3	                           Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
Improving visibility, traceability and collaboration can have a significant
                                          impact on many important biopharma business processes, leading to better
                                          product innovation. Figure 2 explores several examples:

   Process                          Challenge                   Impact                       Solution
   Regulatory submissions           Complex cross-functional    Delayed time to revenue;     Improved global
   and product launches             coordination, with global   premature launches with      collaboration using one
                                    product launches adding     increased compliance risk    longitudinal product
                                    layers of complexity                                     data history, created
                                                                                             by many functions in
                                                                                             multiple formats

   Regulatory compliance            Coordination of supply      Product recalls, or          Improved integration of
   for marketed products            chain and regulatory        even worse, product          tools for compliance and
                                    functions working with      withdrawals resulting        change control based
                                    different, non-integrated   in loss of revenue           on a single source of
                                    systems                     and reputation               product information

   Handover from R&D                Classic “throw over         Organizational handoffs      Improved visibility and
   to manufacturing and             the wall” knowledge         and no accountability;       collaboration between
   product transfers from           transfer often addressed    knowledge loss; difficulty   sending and receiving
   one plant to another             by carving out an           manufacturing at scale       organizations
                                    organization to manage
                                    the transition

   Portfolio prioritization         Often treated as a          Delayed kills of failing     Improved visibility
                                    once-a-year event due to    projects; resource and       and collaboration that
                                    the large effort required   funding allocations          enables important
                                    to gather data              get out of synch             portfolio decisions to be
                                                                with priorities              event-driven throughout
                                                                                             the year; timelier
                                                                                             re-allocation of
                                                                                             funding and resources

   Product packaging                Different packaging         Delayed launches into        Reduced compliance
   and labeling                     (or even branding) and      new markets; compliance      risk through global
                                    labeling in different       risks with packaging or      coordination of
                                    markets, complicated        label changes                packaging and
                                    by expansion into                                        labeling processes
                                    emerging markets

                        Figure 2:         A management discipline called product lifecycle management (PLM) is an
            Impact on biopharma           effective approach to improving visibility, traceability and collaboration for
              business processes
                                          a wide range of business processes that create or use product information.

Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management	                             4
Call to Action: Drive Innovation with
Product Lifecycle Management
What is PLM?
Product lifecycle management (PLM) has transformed how products
are developed and commercialized in several industries over the last two
decades. PLM is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product –
from its conception, through discovery, development, regulatory approval,
to launch, production and end-of-life. It is a technology-enabled discipline
that integrates the processes, data, people and enterprise information
systems comprising a company’s product development, introduction and
change control capabilities.


 PLM             High                                                                          Low
              Aerospace,                                       Process,
               Defense,                           Medical   Personal Care,      BioPharma,
              Automotive   Industrial   High Tech Device    Household, CPG     Nutraceutical   Services
                  Established Industries             Growth Industries         Emerging Industries

PLM should not be confused with “lifecycle management” (LCM), a phrase                           Figure 3:
often used in biopharma to describe the practice of maximizing a product’s                 PLM adoption
                                                                                        across industries
lifetime value by defending/extending market share of approved products
through the pursuit of additional indications, new formulations and
expansion into new markets. PLM is a broader concept that defines how
product information is managed throughout the lifecycle of the product.

5	                         Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
                                                            & Pipeline

                                                        Strategic            (Franchise and Therapy Area
                                                       Capabilities         Strategies, Portfolio Balancing)
                     Collaboration                                                                                                          S
                                                                             Portfolio Data
                                  & External
                                 Collaboration                                              Manufacturing
                                                                                            & Supply Chain
                                                           Product                                                                         An
            Product                                        Record                                                                           lo
          Discovery &                                      (Illustrative)
                                                                                            Packaging                                       m
          Development     Development
                                                                                            & Labeling                                     dr
                        Capabilities & Tools
                                           Quality &                          & Sourcing
                                          Compliance        Program

                                                 PLM Platform                                                             ERP

                                               Descriptive Product Data                                           Transactional Data

                           Figure 4:               Innovation in the biopharma industry is not going to get any easier,
                 Capabilities within               or any less complex. Given the current challenges companies are facing,
                  the PLM platform
                                                   it is now time to adopt PLM principles in biopharma in order for companies
               create an integrated
                                                   to succeed at developing and launching new products that deliver desired
                  set of capabilities
                and Product Record                 in-market results.

                                                   The Product Record
                                                   At the core of PLM is the Product Record – a single version of the truth for
                                                   a product and all product-related data. It contains all of the information
                                                   necessary to design, develop, produce and modify the product.

                                                   The Product Record is based on a logical product data model that captures

                                                                	a. The physical entities that a product consists of
                                                                        (materials, etc.)
                                                                	b. The informational entities that are associated with
                                                                        a product or its physical entities (regulatory data,
                                                                        supplier information, material specifications, etc.)
                                                                	c. The structural relationships between these
                                                                        entities (product structure)
                                                                	d. Attributes describing the physical and
                                                                        informational entities of the product

Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management	                                         6
Figure 5 shows an illustrative example of
            a basic, logical data model for a drug product.                                Finished Product
                  Yet PLM goes beyond solely providing a                                   Primary Packed
                  version-controlled source of product data for          Delivery Device                        Packaging

nd Therapy Area all of the business functions. It incorporates                              Drug Product
 rtfolio Balancing)
                  all processes that generate, modify or affect           Specification                         Excipient
uct               product data along the product lifecycle.                                Pharmaceutical
o Data                                                                                      Intermediate
                                                                                                              Raw Ingredient
    Manufacturing                                                                          Drug Substance
    & Supply PLM processes capture both structured data
                                                                        An illustrative
     Development documents. In biopharma, PLM links the
            and                                                                               Chemical
                                                                         logical data       Intermediate
   Packaging“world of science” with the “transactional                   model for a
   & Labeling                                                           drug product
            world” of enterprise resource planning and                                     Raw Ingredient
 ing        manufacturing, by transforming and enhancing
            scientific and experimental drug information
            into descriptive drug product master data.
                                                                                                                    Figure 5:
            PLM puts a company’s most valuable innovation
m                                               ERP
            asset – product data, from concept through
                                                                                                       Drug product example

            commercialization to end-of-life – at the center
            of their innovation efforts.
ata                                     Transactional Data
            The product data that forms the backbone
            of PLM represents all types of data collected
                                                                     It is now time to adopt PLM
            during the entire product lifecycle – including          principles in biopharma in
            early concept ideas, market research, business
            cases, clinical trial results, description of
                                                                     order for companies to succeed
            key processes, phase gate reviews, clinical              at developing and launching
            strategies, and launch plans. Any data that
            describes the product and its properties
                                                                     new products that deliver
            can be an element of the Product Record.                 desired in-market results.
            Can PLM Work in BioPharma?
            Significant benefits of PLM – such as faster product time to market,
            and increased productivity in R&D and product/technical operations –
            have been realized in industries such as aerospace, defense, automotive,
            high technology, medical devices, food and beverage, and consumer
            packaged goods. Although the biopharma industry may represent a unique
            combination of risk, complex science and regulation, its uniqueness does
            not prohibit it from achieving the same benefits from PLM.

            7	                           Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
While product development and commercialization in biopharma is certainly
                                        distinctive, several significant dimensions of complexity are not entirely
                                        exclusive to the industry, as explored in Figure 6:

    Figure 6:                           The takeaway for biopharma companies: several industries share similar
    Comparison of complexity            complexity characteristics, and have successfully implemented PLM
    across industries
                                        solutions to address these challenges while reinvigorating their product
                                        innovation efforts.

Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management	                     8
Get Started
     Six Tips for Starting the PLM Journey
     Like most transformational changes, taking the first step with PLM can
     be daunting. Fortunately, the nature of implementing PLM lends itself
     to layering in capabilities as needed. Here are six tips for getting started:

          1.	 Assess your current capabilities. Evaluate the maturity
             of your current PLM capabilities related to strategy,
             processes, data management and technical infrastructure.
             Conduct interviews with a broad cross-section of the
             organization to ensure accurate and balanced feedback.
          2.	 Align on a vision. The insights gained from the current capabilities
             assessment will provide the basis of your PLM vision. The vision
             should crisply articulate your desired future state and support a
             compelling case for change. The leadership team must align on and
             believe in this vision, and be prepared to explain and support it.
          3.	 Pick your leader…carefully. Like any major change, it matters
             who the leader is for your PLM program. The leader should
             be well respected and connected within your organization.
             They must be a champion for change, and thus should deeply
             understand and buy in to the promise of PLM to drive product
             innovation. The leader should also have excellent communication
             and influencing skills.
          4.	 Develop a roadmap for a phased approach. Unlike other technology-
             enabled transformation projects – ERP, for instance – PLM does not
             need to be implemented with a disruptive “big bang” approach.
             It can be implemented in phases – an approach that reduces risks,
             breaks implementation into manageable “chunks” and minimizes
             organizational impact. It also aids adoption by delivering a steady
             stream of incremental value as the various capabilities are enabled.
          5.	 Utilize rapid prototyping and iterative design. Use conference
             room pilots, prototypes and sandbox environments from the
             very beginning of the project to gather requirements as well as
             to support organizational awareness. During implementation,
             “go live” with basic functionalities, and add other functionalities
             afterwards. Depending on the size and complexity of the
             organization, a gradual roll-out by franchise, therapeutic area
             (TA) or region might be the most suitable roll-out strategy.
          6.	 Focus on quick wins. Upfront planning for PLM should be thoughtful
             and holistic. Most of the benefits will come when product data
             and processes from multiple business areas are implemented –
             that’s when cross-functional collaboration and visibility really begin
             to take hold. That said, select an early adopter area where you
             expect to demonstrate immediate benefits – such as the Regulatory
             Operations or Product Labeling group.

9	                        Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
Summary: PLM Can Drive
                                        Innovation in BioPharma
                                        Growing complexity is changing the economics of drug development.
                                        Many actions taken by the industry to date do not address the central issue
                                        of driving innovation to produce more novel medicines to satisfy unmet
                                        medical needs. Product innovation has never before been so imperative.
                                        In this environment, biopharma executives must assess their innovation
                                        capabilities by considering questions such as:

                                             •• Are our current methods good enough to overcome
                                                the growing complexity in our business?
                                             •• How can we free up time to focus on real innovation?
                                             •• Do we have a single source of truth for our product information?
                                             •• Do we effectively learn as an organization from our
                                                product development successes and failures?

                                        PLM has transformed product innovation in other highly complex industries
                                        over the last two decades, reducing time to market and improving product
                                        development productivity as a result. The lessons learned from these
                                        industries are relevant, and the biopharma industry must understand how
                                        to apply them within their organizations. This includes recognizing that
                                        their most valuable information assets – the product data – must be at the
                                        center of their innovation efforts, not merely a by-product to be managed
                                        by functional silos.

                                        Adopting an entire lifecycle perspective to innovation will benefit the
                                        measures that matter the most – truly innovative products that generate
                                        real health benefits to patients and economic benefits to biopharma
                                        companies. PLM processes and technologies can enable this kind of
                                        real innovation.

Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management	                     10
About the Authors
                       Scott Gibbard has over 20 years of experience in engineering,
                       product development, strategic planning, performance
                       management and change management in biopharma and other
                       science-driven industries. He holds an MBA from Cornell University,
                       a Master of Applied Science from the University of Toronto Institute
                       for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) and a Bachelor of Applied Science in
                       Engineering Science from the University of Toronto.

                       Dr. Horst Groesser has over 20 years of experience in product
                       lifecycle management (PLM) and supply chain management in the
                       biopharma, medical device, high technology and manufacturing
                       industries. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and a
                       Diploma in Industrial Engineering from the Technical University
                       of Darmstadt, Germany.

                       Andrew Hunter has over 25 years of experience in product
                       development, project management and change management in the
                       biopharma industry. He holds a Master of Business Administration
                       from INSEAD, a Master of Science from the University of Warwick
                       and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from
                       Imperial College.

      Contributors:  aurens Broekhof, Senior Manager
                    Sunny Sun, Senior Consultant

11	           Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
About Kalypso
Kalypso is the world’s premier innovation consulting firm, helping clients improve performance
by delivering on the promise of innovation. Kalypso offers clients full service capabilities including
Business and Innovation Strategy, Front End of Innovation, Portfolio and Pipeline Management,
Development and New Product Introduction, Value Management, PLM Technology,
Leadership and Learning, and Intellectual Property Management. For more
information, visit Follow @KalypsoLP on Twitter
and on Facebook at

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Driving Innovation In Bio Pharma W Plm

  • 1. Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management Kalypso White Paper by Scott Gibbard, Dr. Horst Groesser and Andrew Hunter Normal Reversed
  • 2. Industry Challenges The economic challenges faced by today’s biopharmaceutical industry are well documented. Revenues are contracting due to patent expiries, generics competition and pricing pressure from payers that are demanding clearer demonstration of product value. By 2016, medicines that generated sales of $133 billion in 2010 in the US will have lost patent protection.1 Innovative new products are scarce as R&D budgets chase increasingly difficult scientific problems. For those products that successfully make it through development, the regulatory approval bar is higher than ever. By 2016, patent exclusivity Much of this is not recent news. Drug discovery, development and commercialization have always been expiries in one or more developed complex and risky. The vast majority of new product ideas markets will impact 13 of the fail. Ideas that do make it out of the labs face an extremely lengthy and expensive journey navigating a highly top 20 selling medicines of 2010, regulated environment where the rules vary by country. including Lipitor®, Plavix®, Advair The science is usually complicated and always unpredictable, generating enormous amounts of data and experimental Diskus®, Crestor® and Nexium®.2 results from both failed and successful programs. And yet, many steps taken by companies over the last several years to address these business challenges have only added to the complexity: Figure 1: Mergers and acquisitions Scientific partnering and collaborations, Actions taken to have made companies bigger often operationally complex, address biopharma and even more complex, have collided with the business challenges carving already siloed culture of monolithic functions into specialized research organizations sub-functions. Rationalizing not accustomed to differing processes, systems truly sharing their work. and cultures has proven to be difficult. Expansion into Portfolio diversification emerging markets into new therapeutic has required areas or biologics (novel or unfamiliar regulatory biosimilars) has required environments to be companies to build new learned and commercial scientific capabilities and models to be modified develop a deep understanding or rethought. of new technologies. The biopharma industry’s ability to discover, develop and launch profitable new products has been diminished by the pervasiveness of complexity. In order to drive growth from innovation, companies must manage this complexity within their product development and innovation processes. 1, 2 The Global Use of Medicines: Outlook Through 2016, July 2012, IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management 2
  • 3. Manage the Complexity of Innovation Innovation is More Than Scientific Discovery Innovation in biopharma is often understood as scientific breakthroughs in basic research and discovery. While the discovery of new molecular entities is the lifeline for biopharma companies, true innovation is not just about the science – it also requires transforming those breakthrough discoveries into marketable products and successfully launching them in highly regulated markets. In addition to developing new drug products, companies can be innovative in many other ways. Product and service bundling, supply chain restructuring, and information asset management are just a few examples of areas with great innovation potential. While these forms of innovation may not be viewed in the same light as launching a new product after making a high-profile scientific breakthrough, they can accelerate product commercialization, and ensure safe and compliant delivery once the products are on the market. In fact, these other forms of innovation can fuel scientific discovery by allowing quicker answers to “what-if” experiments, ultimately leading to faster advancement of knowledge. When operating in such a complex environment, there are three fundamental capabilities that biopharma companies need to focus on improving to maintain and enhance their innovation performance: •• Visibility. Scientists with better visibility into one another’s work improve the chances of “connecting the dots.” Better visibility helps management set priorities and ensure resources are allocated in line with those priorities. It can also smooth the transition from research to manufacturing and commercialization. •• Traceability. Better traceability improves the organization’s ability to maintain compliance and address regulatory inquiries. It also enables improved reuse of knowledge assets by allowing product development teams to retrace development decisions made in the past. •• Collaboration. Drug development is a complex, cross-functional endeavor. Increasingly, it involves partnering with researchers from many different organizations. Better collaboration enables a richer understanding of scientific challenges and more innovative product solutions. 3 Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
  • 4. Improving visibility, traceability and collaboration can have a significant impact on many important biopharma business processes, leading to better product innovation. Figure 2 explores several examples: Process Challenge Impact Solution Regulatory submissions Complex cross-functional Delayed time to revenue; Improved global and product launches coordination, with global premature launches with collaboration using one product launches adding increased compliance risk longitudinal product layers of complexity data history, created by many functions in multiple formats Regulatory compliance Coordination of supply Product recalls, or Improved integration of for marketed products chain and regulatory even worse, product tools for compliance and functions working with withdrawals resulting change control based different, non-integrated in loss of revenue on a single source of systems and reputation product information Handover from R&D Classic “throw over Organizational handoffs Improved visibility and to manufacturing and the wall” knowledge and no accountability; collaboration between product transfers from transfer often addressed knowledge loss; difficulty sending and receiving one plant to another by carving out an manufacturing at scale organizations organization to manage the transition Portfolio prioritization Often treated as a Delayed kills of failing Improved visibility once-a-year event due to projects; resource and and collaboration that the large effort required funding allocations enables important to gather data get out of synch portfolio decisions to be with priorities event-driven throughout the year; timelier re-allocation of funding and resources Product packaging Different packaging Delayed launches into Reduced compliance and labeling (or even branding) and new markets; compliance risk through global labeling in different risks with packaging or coordination of markets, complicated label changes packaging and by expansion into labeling processes emerging markets Figure 2: A management discipline called product lifecycle management (PLM) is an Impact on biopharma effective approach to improving visibility, traceability and collaboration for business processes a wide range of business processes that create or use product information. Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management 4
  • 5. Call to Action: Drive Innovation with Product Lifecycle Management What is PLM? Product lifecycle management (PLM) has transformed how products are developed and commercialized in several industries over the last two decades. PLM is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product – from its conception, through discovery, development, regulatory approval, to launch, production and end-of-life. It is a technology-enabled discipline that integrates the processes, data, people and enterprise information systems comprising a company’s product development, introduction and change control capabilities. Adoption Level PLM High Low Maturity Aerospace, Process, Defense, Medical Personal Care, BioPharma, Automotive Industrial High Tech Device Household, CPG Nutraceutical Services Established Industries Growth Industries Emerging Industries PLM should not be confused with “lifecycle management” (LCM), a phrase Figure 3: often used in biopharma to describe the practice of maximizing a product’s PLM adoption across industries lifetime value by defending/extending market share of approved products through the pursuit of additional indications, new formulations and expansion into new markets. PLM is a broader concept that defines how product information is managed throughout the lifecycle of the product. 5 Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
  • 6. Portfolio & Pipeline Management De Strategic (Franchise and Therapy Area Capabilities Strategies, Portfolio Balancing) Collaboration S Product Portfolio Data Internal & External Collaboration Manufacturing & Supply Chain Product An Development Product Record lo Discovery & (Illustrative) Packaging m Product Development Development & Labeling dr Capabilities & Tools Suppliers Quality & & Sourcing Compliance Program Data PLM Platform ERP Descriptive Product Data Transactional Data Figure 4: Innovation in the biopharma industry is not going to get any easier, Capabilities within or any less complex. Given the current challenges companies are facing, the PLM platform it is now time to adopt PLM principles in biopharma in order for companies create an integrated to succeed at developing and launching new products that deliver desired set of capabilities and Product Record in-market results. The Product Record At the core of PLM is the Product Record – a single version of the truth for a product and all product-related data. It contains all of the information necessary to design, develop, produce and modify the product. The Product Record is based on a logical product data model that captures comprehensively: a. The physical entities that a product consists of (materials, etc.) b. The informational entities that are associated with a product or its physical entities (regulatory data, supplier information, material specifications, etc.) c. The structural relationships between these entities (product structure) d. Attributes describing the physical and informational entities of the product Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management 6
  • 7. Figure 5 shows an illustrative example of a basic, logical data model for a drug product. Finished Product Packaging Yet PLM goes beyond solely providing a Primary Packed version-controlled source of product data for Delivery Device Packaging nd Therapy Area all of the business functions. It incorporates Drug Product rtfolio Balancing) all processes that generate, modify or affect Specification Excipient uct product data along the product lifecycle. Pharmaceutical o Data Intermediate Raw Ingredient Manufacturing Drug Substance & Supply PLM processes capture both structured data Chain An illustrative Development documents. In biopharma, PLM links the and Chemical logical data Intermediate Packaging“world of science” with the “transactional model for a & Labeling drug product world” of enterprise resource planning and Raw Ingredient ers ing manufacturing, by transforming and enhancing scientific and experimental drug information into descriptive drug product master data. Figure 5: PLM puts a company’s most valuable innovation m ERP asset – product data, from concept through Drug product example commercialization to end-of-life – at the center of their innovation efforts. ata Transactional Data The product data that forms the backbone of PLM represents all types of data collected It is now time to adopt PLM during the entire product lifecycle – including principles in biopharma in early concept ideas, market research, business cases, clinical trial results, description of order for companies to succeed key processes, phase gate reviews, clinical at developing and launching strategies, and launch plans. Any data that describes the product and its properties new products that deliver can be an element of the Product Record. desired in-market results. Can PLM Work in BioPharma? Significant benefits of PLM – such as faster product time to market, and increased productivity in R&D and product/technical operations – have been realized in industries such as aerospace, defense, automotive, high technology, medical devices, food and beverage, and consumer packaged goods. Although the biopharma industry may represent a unique combination of risk, complex science and regulation, its uniqueness does not prohibit it from achieving the same benefits from PLM. 7 Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
  • 8. While product development and commercialization in biopharma is certainly distinctive, several significant dimensions of complexity are not entirely exclusive to the industry, as explored in Figure 6: Figure 6: The takeaway for biopharma companies: several industries share similar Comparison of complexity complexity characteristics, and have successfully implemented PLM across industries solutions to address these challenges while reinvigorating their product innovation efforts. Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management 8
  • 9. Get Started Six Tips for Starting the PLM Journey Like most transformational changes, taking the first step with PLM can be daunting. Fortunately, the nature of implementing PLM lends itself to layering in capabilities as needed. Here are six tips for getting started: 1. Assess your current capabilities. Evaluate the maturity of your current PLM capabilities related to strategy, processes, data management and technical infrastructure. Conduct interviews with a broad cross-section of the organization to ensure accurate and balanced feedback. 2. Align on a vision. The insights gained from the current capabilities assessment will provide the basis of your PLM vision. The vision should crisply articulate your desired future state and support a compelling case for change. The leadership team must align on and believe in this vision, and be prepared to explain and support it. 3. Pick your leader…carefully. Like any major change, it matters who the leader is for your PLM program. The leader should be well respected and connected within your organization. They must be a champion for change, and thus should deeply understand and buy in to the promise of PLM to drive product innovation. The leader should also have excellent communication and influencing skills. 4. Develop a roadmap for a phased approach. Unlike other technology- enabled transformation projects – ERP, for instance – PLM does not need to be implemented with a disruptive “big bang” approach. It can be implemented in phases – an approach that reduces risks, breaks implementation into manageable “chunks” and minimizes organizational impact. It also aids adoption by delivering a steady stream of incremental value as the various capabilities are enabled. 5. Utilize rapid prototyping and iterative design. Use conference room pilots, prototypes and sandbox environments from the very beginning of the project to gather requirements as well as to support organizational awareness. During implementation, “go live” with basic functionalities, and add other functionalities afterwards. Depending on the size and complexity of the organization, a gradual roll-out by franchise, therapeutic area (TA) or region might be the most suitable roll-out strategy. 6. Focus on quick wins. Upfront planning for PLM should be thoughtful and holistic. Most of the benefits will come when product data and processes from multiple business areas are implemented – that’s when cross-functional collaboration and visibility really begin to take hold. That said, select an early adopter area where you expect to demonstrate immediate benefits – such as the Regulatory Operations or Product Labeling group. 9 Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
  • 10. Summary: PLM Can Drive Innovation in BioPharma Growing complexity is changing the economics of drug development. Many actions taken by the industry to date do not address the central issue of driving innovation to produce more novel medicines to satisfy unmet medical needs. Product innovation has never before been so imperative. In this environment, biopharma executives must assess their innovation capabilities by considering questions such as: •• Are our current methods good enough to overcome the growing complexity in our business? •• How can we free up time to focus on real innovation? •• Do we have a single source of truth for our product information? •• Do we effectively learn as an organization from our product development successes and failures? PLM has transformed product innovation in other highly complex industries over the last two decades, reducing time to market and improving product development productivity as a result. The lessons learned from these industries are relevant, and the biopharma industry must understand how to apply them within their organizations. This includes recognizing that their most valuable information assets – the product data – must be at the center of their innovation efforts, not merely a by-product to be managed by functional silos. Adopting an entire lifecycle perspective to innovation will benefit the measures that matter the most – truly innovative products that generate real health benefits to patients and economic benefits to biopharma companies. PLM processes and technologies can enable this kind of real innovation. Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management 10
  • 11. About the Authors Scott Gibbard has over 20 years of experience in engineering, product development, strategic planning, performance management and change management in biopharma and other science-driven industries. He holds an MBA from Cornell University, a Master of Applied Science from the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS) and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Science from the University of Toronto. Dr. Horst Groesser has over 20 years of experience in product lifecycle management (PLM) and supply chain management in the biopharma, medical device, high technology and manufacturing industries. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and a Diploma in Industrial Engineering from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. Andrew Hunter has over 25 years of experience in product development, project management and change management in the biopharma industry. He holds a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD, a Master of Science from the University of Warwick and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College. Contributors: aurens Broekhof, Senior Manager L Sunny Sun, Senior Consultant 11 Driving Innovation in BioPharma: From Discovery to Delivery with Product Lifecycle Management
  • 12. About Kalypso Kalypso is the world’s premier innovation consulting firm, helping clients improve performance by delivering on the promise of innovation. Kalypso offers clients full service capabilities including Business and Innovation Strategy, Front End of Innovation, Portfolio and Pipeline Management, Development and New Product Introduction, Value Management, PLM Technology, Leadership and Learning, and Intellectual Property Management. For more information, visit Follow @KalypsoLP on Twitter and on Facebook at Products Ideas Innovation