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1. The whole child concept of education
is contrary to the:
a. Academic essentials approach to
b. Progressivist approach to education.
c. Focus on humanistic approach to
d. The naturalistic approach to education.
2. To reach out to clientele who
cannot be in the classroom for one
reason or another, which of the
following was established?
a. Informal
b. Special education (SPED) system
c. Pre-school education
d. Alternative learning System
3. Which learning principle is the
essence of Gardner’s theory of multiple
a. Almost all learners are linguistically
b. Intelligence is not measured in one form
c. Learners have different IQ level
d. Learners have static IQ
4. Which objective in the affective
domain is in the lowest level?
a. To accumulate examples of
b. To support viewpoints against
c. To respond positively to a comment
d. To formulate criteria for honesty
5. Below are the questions that must be
considered in developing appropriate learning
activities/experiences EXCEPT one. Which is it?
a. Can the experiences benefit the pupils?
b. Do the experiences save the pupils from learning
c. Are the experiences in accordance with the life
patterns of pupils?
d. Do the experiences encourage pupils to inquire
6. The free public elementary and
secondary education in the country is
in line with the government effort to
address educational problems of
a. Productivity
b. Relevance and quality
c. Access and quality
d. Effectiveness and efficiency
7. In the context of grading, what is
referred to as teacher’s generosity
error? A teacher ______.
a. Rewards students who perform well.
b. Is overgenerous with praise
c. Has a tendency to give high grades as
compare to the rest
d. Gives way to students’ bargain for no
more quiz
8. For mastery learning and in line with
the Outcome-Based Evaluation model
which element should be present?
a. Inclusion of non-performance objectives
b. Construction of criterion-referenced
c. Construction of norm-referenced tests
d. Non-provision of independent learning
9. The Filipino learners envisioned by the
Department of Education in the light of the K-12
curriculum is
a. Technologically literate and holistically developed
b. Functionally literate and holistically developed
c. Scientifically advanced and values oriented
d. Nationally Oriented and Internationally
Competitive Filipinos
10. With which goals of educational
institution as provided for by the
constitution is the development of
work skills aligned?
a. To develop moral character
b. To develop vocational efficiency
c. To teach the duties of citizenship
d. To inculcate love of country
11. Which terms refers to a
teacher helping a colleague
grow professionally?
a. Technology transfer
b. Peer mentoring
c. Facilitating
d. Independent study
12. Which questioning practice will
promote more class interaction?
a. Asking rhetorical question
b. Rejecting wrong answer
c. Focusing on convergent question
d. Asking the question before calling
on a student to answer
13. How can you exhibit referent power on the
first day of school?
a. By making them feel you know what you are
talking about.
b. By telling them the importance of good grades.
c. By reminding your students your authority over
them again and again
d. By giving your students a sense of belonging and
14. The main reason why there is a greater need for
the teacher to use audio visual materials in the
elementary than in the secondary is that in the former
a. teachers must present material its an attractive and
meaningful manner
b. children have short attention span and this may be
increased through aids
c. children associate instructional aids with instructional
d. children need to concretize their ideas first before
they can operate on the level of abstract thinking
15. Which of the following could be
associated with information
processing theory?
a. practice, reinforcement
b. observation, imitation
c. discovery, reception
d. encoding, storage, retrieval
16. Giving feedback or knowledge of results on
how the learner is doing serves to reinforce
learning. Which of the following feedback
situation has been found to have the best effect
on learning?
a. when the students know their answer is neither
right nor wrong
b. when the students know why their answer is
right or wrong.
c. when the students know his answer is right
d. when the students know their answer is wrong
17. A teacher who has learned a variety of teaching
methods during her pre-service training may adopt
the eclectical method in her actual teaching. The
essential characteristic of this method is that
a. it combines the best features of all the other methods
b. it is often-the most popular method in any school
c. it is found to be effective in teaching any subjects
d. it can be used for any level of instruction
18. Two important things to bear in
mind when imposing discipline in
a. compassion and tolerance
b. firmness and consistency
c. mercy and compassion
d. tolerance and understanding
19. A mathematics teacher tells a
student that out of 25 problems he
should be able to solve 20 problems
correctly. His teacher is using
a. an absolute measure
b. a criterion referenced measure
c. an arbitrary measure
d. a norm referenced measure
20. Mr. Cuayzon refers to Havighurst’s list of
developmental tasks for children different age
levels. This is important so that she may
a. plan varied and interesting activities for children
b. group her children according to their interests
c. group her children according to their abilities.
d. plan activities appropriate to a particular group
of children
21. Divorce is observed in the West
while it is still a taboo for Filipinos.
What does it illustrate about
a. culture is adaptive
b. culture is symbolic
c. culture is valued
d. culture is relative
22. According to Havighurst’s
developmental tasks, reaching the
maintaining satisfactory performance in
one’s occupational career is supposed
to have been attained during ________.
a. early adulthood
b. middle age
c. middle age and early adulthood
d. old age
23. It is good to give students
challenging and creative learning tasks
a. development is the individual’s choice
b. development is aided by stimulation
c. development is affected by cultural
d. the development of individual is unique
24. Which of the following reasons for
measuring student achievement is NOT valid?
a. To motivate students to learn and master the
materials they think will be covered by the
achievement test.
b. To prepare feedback on the effectiveness of the
learning process
c. To certify that students have attained a level of
competence in a subject area
d. To discourage students from cheating during test
and getting high scores
25. Joey is busy with his rubberbands so
he is not paying full attention to Ms. Cruz.
Ms. Cruz looks at him and communicates
with her eyes in her desire to make Joey
pay attention. Which influence technique
does Ms. Cruz employ?
a. Interest boosting
b. Proximity control
b. Signal interference
d. Antiseptic bouncing
26. According to Estanislao, “like water in a
dam, our lives become stagnant and
putrid”, what does this imply?
a. We must slow down; avoid hurrying; it
makes waste
b. Our lives should be transparent like water
c. The meaningful way to spend life is to spend
life on others, with others, for others
d. Keep your goodness to yourself
27. Transparency International, a global
corruption watchdog, rates the
Philippines as one of the most corrupt
nation in Asia. What educational
program is relevant to this Situation?
A. Values education
B. Socio-economic development
C. Cultural preservation program
D. Infrastructure modernization
28. Attachment to the things of this
world prevents one from uniting with
the Universal Self. This is a teaching of…
a. Buddhism
b. Hinduism
c. Judaism
d. Taoism
29. Teachers and students can participate in
these levels of computer use. Give the order of
computer use simplest to complex?
a. Computer literacy, computer competency,
computer expertise
b. Computer competency, computer literacy,
competency expertise
c. Computer competency, computer expertise,
computer literacy
d. Computer literacy, computer expertise, computer
30. Ramil convinces his classmates not
to cut classes because of punishment
that goes with it. In what level of
Kohlberg’s development is Ramil?
a. Post conventional
b. Conventional
c. Between conventional and post
conventional morality
d. Pre-conventional morality
31. Teacher B tells the misbehaving
student: “You are spoiling it for the
rest of your classmate”. What
disciplinary technique is this?
a. Interest boosting
b. Antiseptic bouncing
c. Direct appeal
d. Restructuring
32. According to Eric Erikson, the
middle adult years are characterized
by the conflict between.
a. Industry and despondency
b. Generativity and stagnation
c. Intimacy and isolation
d. Integrity and despair
33. Which one can NOT alleviate
personal stress?
a. Use relaxation techniques
b. Keep the problem to yourself
c. Be nice to yourself
d. Try a totally new experience
34. From the Household and School Matching
Survey (HSMS) conducted in 1982 it was found
out that school factors have less influence on
learning when compared to community and
home background variables. Which is one
implication of this finding?
a. DECS must create more teacher items
b. The school must focus on mastery learning
c. DECS should work for 1:1 child-book ratio
d. The school needs to strengthen its partnership
with parents and community
35. Nasciella would like to engage in a
business with garments for children. She
conducts a feasibility study to determine the
quantity of each of the different sizes of girls
dresses. Which of the following tools is the
most appropriate for the purpose?
a. The mode c. The median
b. The mean d. The variance
36. Roy is a senior student with a keen
sense of what he can do and cannot do.
Based on Gardner’s multiple
intelligence theory in which intelligence
is Roy high?
a. Intrapersonal intelligence
b. Logical-mathematical intelligence
c. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
d. Interpersonal intelligence
37. A student is bored and is restless.
Teacher looks for an opportunity to
incorporate athletics into the discussions
because it is the student’s interest. What
is this disciplinary technique called?
a. Direct appeal c. Hurdle lessons
b. Interest boosting d. Humor
38. Who will benefit from Braille
numbers in elevators?
a. The gifted
b. The mute
c. The deaf
d. The blind
39. As Filipinos, our senses of humor is
sometimes inimical to our growth and
development persons and as a nation
because with this trait we tend to.
a. Take things personally
b. Take serious matters lightly
c. Escape from our responsibility
d. Wait for others to tell us what to do
40. An individual may be said to value
his family in the following instances,
EXCEPT when.
a. He spends mostly for things needed in
the home
b. He spends quality time with his family
c. He spends a lot of time with friends
d. He works hard to a bigger take home
41. In line with the strengthening of ethical and
spiritual values, religious instruction shall take place
in the public schools with the following condition,
a. The government shoulders the expenses for such
b. Parents/guardians express their desire in writing that
children/wards be taught religion in school
c. It is optional
d. The instructors must be designated or approved by the
religious authorities of the religion to which
children/wards belong.
42. Education is a means to upward
mobility. DECS reaches out to every school
child even in remote places where the
number of pupils does not warrant the
creation of a regular class. DECS does this
through the.
a. Teacher-Child-Parent Approach
b. Non-Formal Education Program
c. Drop-out Intervention Program
d. Informal Teaching Program
43. “No pain, no gain”, This means that.
a. One should look for suffering to save
b. Only those willing to carry the crosses
that life impose can share the joy of life
c. One should be a penitent every good
Friday by carrying his cross
d. The more suffering in his life, the more
one is assured of heaven
44. Which of these may be used by
teachers to provide students
opportunities for meeting their
needs and other areas of concern?
a. Problem checklists
b. Personal inventories
c. Educational occupational information
d. Tests
45. Robert Hutchins argued that
education should cultivate the intellect
as well as the harmonious development
of all human faculties. Since human
nature is rational knowledge resides in
an unchanging, absolute, and universal
truths. Hutchins is more of a.
a. A progressivist c. A reconstructionist
b. A perennialist d. An essentialist
46. Which trait is shown by a father
who spends his earnings on his
favorite food, drinks, movies,
clothing’s, and barkada?
a. Considerate
b. Practical
c. Selfish and irresponsible
d. Conscientious
47. The “cephalocaudal law” of
developmental direction states that
a. Spreads outward from the extremities to the
b. Spreads outward from the central axis of the
body to the extremities
c. Spreads over the body from the foot to the
d. Spreads over the body from head to foot
48. Which type of test is least
useful in educational
a. Multiple choice item
b. Matching item
c. True-false item
d. Short answer item
49. Which of the following is assumed
under the doctrine of IN LOCO PARENTIS?
a. That students are not yet ready to handle
full adult responsibility
b. That parents have the primary duty to
educate their children
c. That students are prone to commit
infractions of disciplinary conduct
d. That students should be under parents
monitory and control
50. For effective classroom
management which one should be
a. Stick to classroom regulation consistently
b. Use classroom regulation to establish
classroom routine
c. Involve students in the formulation of
classroom regulation
d. Make as many regulations as you can
1. The whole child concept of education
is contrary to the:
a. Academic essentials approach to
b. Progressivist approach to education.
c. Focus on humanistic approach to
d. The naturalistic approach to education.
2. To reach out to clientele who
cannot be in the classroom for one
reason or another, which of the
following was established?
a. Informal
b. Special education (SPED) system
c. Pre-school education
d. Alternative learning System
3. Which learning principle is the
essence of Gardner’s theory of multiple
a. Almost all learners are linguistically
b. Intelligence is not measured in one form
c. Learners have different IQ level
d. Learners have static IQ
4. Which objective in the affective
domain is in the lowest level?
a. To accumulate examples of
b. To support viewpoints against
c. To respond positively to a comment
d. To formulate criteria for honesty
5. Below are the questions that must be
considered in developing appropriate learning
activities/experiences EXCEPT one. Which is it?
a. Can the experiences benefit the pupils?
b. Do the experiences save the pupils from learning
c. Are the experiences in accordance with the life
patterns of pupils?
d. Do the experiences encourage pupils to inquire
6. The free public elementary and
secondary education in the country is
in line with the government effort to
address educational problems of
a. Productivity
b. Relevance and quality
c. Access and quality
d. Effectiveness and efficiency
7. In the context of grading, what is
referred to as teacher’s generosity
error? A teacher ______.
a. Rewards students who perform well.
b. Is overgenerous with praise
c. Has a tendency to give high grades as
compare to the rest
d. Gives way to students’ bargain for no
more quiz
8. For mastery learning and in line with
the Outcome-Based Evaluation model
which element should be present?
a. Inclusion of non-performance objectives
b. Construction of criterion-referenced
c. Construction of norm-referenced tests
d. Non-provision of independent learning
9. The Filipino learners envisioned by the
Department of Education in the light of the K-12
curriculum is
a. Technologically literate and holistically developed
b. Functionally literate and holistically developed
c. Scientifically advanced and values oriented
d. Nationally Oriented and Internationally
Competitive Filipinos
10. With which goals of educational
institution as provided for by the
constitution is the development of
work skills aligned?
a. To develop moral character
b. To develop vocational efficiency
c. To teach the duties of citizenship
d. To inculcate love of country
11. Which terms refers to a
teacher helping a colleague
grow professionally?
a. Technology transfer
b. Peer mentoring
c. Facilitating
d. Independent study
12. Which questioning practice will
promote more class interaction?
a. Asking rhetorical question
b. Rejecting wrong answer
c. Focusing on convergent question
d. Asking the question before calling
on a student to answer
13. How can you exhibit referent power on the
first day of school?
a. By making them feel you know what you are
talking about.
b. By telling them the importance of good grades.
c. By reminding your students your authority over
them again and again
d. By giving your students a sense of belonging and
14. The main reason why there is a greater need for
the teacher to use audio visual materials in the
elementary than in the secondary is that in the former
a. teachers must present material its an attractive and
meaningful manner
b. children have short attention span and this may be
increased through aids
c. children associate instructional aids with instructional
d. children need to concretize their ideas first before
they can operate on the level of abstract thinking
15. Which of the following could be
associated with information
processing theory?
a. practice, reinforcement
b. observation, imitation
c. discovery, reception
d. encoding, storage, retrieval
16. Giving feedback or knowledge of results on
how the learner is doing serves to reinforce
learning. Which of the following feedback
situation has been found to have the best effect
on learning?
a. when the students know their answer is neither
right nor wrong
b. when the students know why their answer is
right or wrong.
c. when the students know his answer is right
d. when the students know their answer is wrong
17. A teacher who has learned a variety of teaching
methods during her pre-service training may adopt
the eclectical method in her actual teaching. The
essential characteristic of this method is that
a. it combines the best features of all the other methods
b. it is often-the most popular method in any school
c. it is found to be effective in teaching any subjects
d. it can be used for any level of instruction
18. Two important things to bear in
mind when imposing discipline in
a. compassion and tolerance
b. firmness and consistency
c. mercy and compassion
d. tolerance and understanding
19. A mathematics teacher tells a
student that out of 25 problems he
should be able to solve 20 problems
correctly. His teacher is using
a. an absolute measure
b. a criterion referenced measure
c. an arbitrary measure
d. a norm referenced measure
20. Mr. Cuayzon refers to Havighurst’s list of
developmental tasks for children different age
levels. This is important so that she may
a. plan varied and interesting activities for children
b. group her children according to their interests
c. group her children according to their abilities.
d. plan activities appropriate to a particular group
of children
21. Divorce is observed in the West
while it is still a taboo for Filipinos.
What does it illustrate about
a. culture is adaptive
b. culture is symbolic
c. culture is valued
d. culture is relative
22. According to Havighurst’s
developmental tasks, reaching the
maintaining satisfactory performance in
one’s occupational career is supposed
to have been attained during ________.
a. early adulthood
b. middle age
c. middle age and early adulthood
d. old age
23. It is good to give students
challenging and creative learning tasks
a. development is the individual’s choice
b. development is aided by stimulation
c. development is affected by cultural
d. the development of individual is unique
24. Which of the following reasons for
measuring student achievement is NOT valid?
a. To motivate students to learn and master the
materials they think will be covered by the
achievement test.
b. To prepare feedback on the effectiveness of the
learning process
c. To certify that students have attained a level of
competence in a subject area
d. To discourage students from cheating during test
and getting high scores
25. Joey is busy with his rubberbands so
he is not paying full attention to Ms. Cruz.
Ms. Cruz looks at him and communicates
with her eyes in her desire to make Joey
pay attention. Which influence technique
does Ms. Cruz employ?
a. Interest boosting
b. Proximity control
b. Signal interference
d. Antiseptic bouncing
26. According to Estanislao, “like water in a
dam, our lives become stagnant and
putrid”, what does this imply?
a. We must slow down; avoid hurrying; it
makes waste
b. Our lives should be transparent like water
c. The meaningful way to spend life is to spend
life on others, with others, for others
d. Keep your goodness to yourself
27. Transparency International, a global
corruption watchdog, rates the Philippines as
one of the most corrupt nation in Asia. What
educational program is relevant to this
A. Values education
B. Socio-economic development
C. Cultural preservation program
D.Infrastructure modernization
28. Attachment to the things of this
world prevents one from uniting with
the Universal Self. This is a teaching of…
a. Buddhism
b. Hinduism
c. Judaism
d. Taoism
29. Teachers and students can participate in
these levels of computer use. Give the order of
computer use simplest to complex?
a. Computer literacy, computer competency,
computer expertise
b. Computer competency, computer literacy,
competency expertise
c. Computer competency, computer expertise,
computer literacy
d. Computer literacy, computer expertise, computer
30. Ramil convinces his classmates not
to cut classes because of punishment
that goes with it. In what level of
Kohlberg’s development is Ramil?
a. Post conventional
b. Conventional
c. Between conventional and post
conventional morality
d. Pre-conventional morality
31. Teacher B tells the misbehaving
student: “You are spoiling it for the
rest of your classmate”. What
disciplinary technique is this?
a. Interest boosting
b. Antiseptic bouncing
c. Direct appeal
d. Restructuring
32. According to Eric Erikson, the
middle adult years are characterized
by the conflict between.
a. Industry and despondency
b. Generativity and stagnation
c. Intimacy and isolation
d. Integrity and despair
33. Which one can NOT alleviate
personal stress?
a. Use relaxation techniques
b. Keep the problem to yourself
c. Be nice to yourself
d. Try a totally new experience
34. From the Household and School Matching
Survey (HSMS) conducted in 1982 it was found
out that school factors have less influence on
learning when compared to community and
home background variables. Which is one
implication of this finding?
a. DECS must create more teacher items
b. The school must focus on mastery learning
c. DECS should work for 1:1 child-book ratio
d. The school needs to strengthen its partnership
with parents and community
35. Nasciella would like to engage in a
business with garments for children. She
conducts a feasibility study to determine the
quantity of each of the different sizes of girls
dresses. Which of the following tools is the
most appropriate for the purpose?
a. The mode c. The median
b. The mean d. The variance
35. Nasciella would like to engage in a
business with garments for children. She
conducts a feasibility study to determine the
quantity of each of the different sizes of girls
dresses. Which of the following tools is the
most appropriate for the purpose?
a. The mode c. The median
b. The mean d. The variance
36. Roy is a senior student with a keen
sense of what he can do and cannot do.
Based on Gardner’s multiple
intelligence theory in which intelligence
is Roy high?
a. Intrapersonal intelligence
b. Logical-mathematical intelligence
c. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
d. Interpersonal intelligence
37. A student is bored and is restless.
Teacher looks for an opportunity to
incorporate athletics into the discussions
because it is the student’s interest. What
is this disciplinary technique called?
a. Direct appeal c. Hurdle lessons
b. Interest boosting d. Humor
37. A student is bored and is restless.
Teacher looks for an opportunity to
incorporate athletics into the discussions
because it is the student’s interest. What
is this disciplinary technique called?
a. Direct appeal c. Hurdle lessons
b. Interest boosting d. Humor
38. Who will benefit from Braille
numbers in elevators?
a. The gifted
b. The mute
c. The deaf
d. The blind
39. As Filipinos, our senses of humor is
sometimes inimical to our growth and
development persons and as a nation
because with this trait we tend to.
a. Take things personally
b. Take serious matters lightly
c. Escape from our responsibility
d. Wait for others to tell us what to do
40. An individual may be said to value
his family in the following instances,
EXCEPT when.
a. He spends mostly for things needed in
the home
b. He spends quality time with his family
c. He spends a lot of time with friends
d. He works hard to a bigger take home
41. In line with the strengthening of ethical and
spiritual values, religious instruction shall take place
in the public schools with the following condition,
a. The government shoulders the expenses for such
b. Parents/guardians express their desire in writing that
children/wards be taught religion in school
c. It is optional
d. The instructors must be designated or approved by the
religious authorities of the religion to which
children/wards belong.
42. Education is a means to upward
mobility. DECS reaches out to every school
child even in remote places where the
number of pupils does not warrant the
creation of a regular class. DECS does this
through the.
a. Teacher-Child-Parent Approach
b. Non-Formal Education Program
c. Drop-out Intervention Program
d. Informal Teaching Program
43. “No pain, no gain”, This means that.
a. One should look for suffering to save
b. Only those willing to carry the crosses
that life impose can share the joy of life
c. One should be a penitent every good
Friday by carrying his cross
d. The more suffering in his life, the more
one is assured of heaven
44. Which of these may be used by
teachers to provide students
opportunities for meeting their
needs and other areas of concern?
a. Problem checklists
b. Personal inventories
c. Educational occupational information
d. Tests
45. Robert Hutchins argued that
education should cultivate the intellect
as well as the harmonious development
of all human faculties. Since human
nature is rational knowledge resides in
an unchanging, absolute, and universal
truths. Hutchins is more of a.
a. A progressivist c. A reconstructionist
b. A perennialist d. An essentialist
45. Robert Hutchins argued that
education should cultivate the intellect
as well as the harmonious development
of all human faculties. Since human
nature is rational knowledge resides in
an unchanging, absolute, and universal
truths. Hutchins is more of a.
a. A progressivist c. A reconstructionist
b. A perennialist d. An essentialist
46. Which trait is shown by a father
who spends his earnings on his
favorite food, drinks, movies,
clothing’s, and barkada?
a. Considerate
b. Practical
c. Selfish and irresponsible
d. Conscientious
47. The “cephalocaudal law” of
developmental direction states that
a. Spreads outward from the extremities to the
b. Spreads outward from the central axis of the
body to the extremities
c. Spreads over the body from the foot to the
d. Spreads over the body from head to foot
48. Which type of test is least
useful in educational
a. Multiple choice item
b. Matching item
c. True-false item
d. Short answer item
49. Which of the following is assumed
under the doctrine of IN LOCO PARENTIS?
a. That students are not yet ready to handle
full adult responsibility
b. That parents have the primary duty to
educate their children
c. That students are prone to commit
infractions of disciplinary conduct
d. That students should be under parents
monitory and control
50. For effective classroom
management which one should be
a. Stick to classroom regulation consistently
b. Use classroom regulation to establish
classroom routine
c. Involve students in the formulation of
classroom regulation
d. Make as many regulations as you can
51. In a microcomputer system
the actual machine itself is
called the…
a. CPU
b. Hardware
c. Software
d. Peripheral
52. In what situation may a teacher NOT
repeat a question?
a. When a teacher is dictating a question
b. When a teacher is in a large room with
poor acoustics
c. When an inattentive student fails to get
the question
d. the question is multi-faceted
53. Which of the following are
considered peripherals of a
microcomputer systems?
a. Keyboard, video-display terminal
b. An audiocassette recorder, a central
processing unit
c. A modem, a printer
d. Video-display terminal, a disk drive unit
54. “When the cat is away, the
mouse, will play.” Which Filipino
weakness is being identified?
a. Extreme personalism
b. Lack of self-discipline
c. Lack of initiative
d. Kanya-kanya” syndrome
55. Feedback is said to be “the breakfast of
champions” Which one does this imply for
a. Feedback focuses on problem correction
b. Feedback scares school administration and
c. Feedback is the basis for compensation
d. Feedback is essential in the containing
quality improvement of the school system
56. Which ones can tell a teacher
whether score distributions appear
compressed or expanded?
a. Standard scores
b. Measures of correlation
c. Measures of variability
d. Measures of central tendency
57. Teacher Cora observe cleanliness
and order classroom to create a
conducive atmosphere for learning. On
which theory is her practice based?
a. Psychoanalysis
b. Gestalt psychology
c. Behaviorism
d. Humanistic psychology
58. Which of the following measures should a teacher
do to a principal whom she would like to file a case of
sexual harassment without violating the relationship
of the teacher and her superiors?
a. Present the case before competent authority and
prepare to prove the charge
b. Write an anonymous letter to a higher school official
to denounce the superior
c. Call a parent-teacher meeting and denounce the
d. Encourage the other teachers and students to hold a
demonstration to oust the superior
59. Pick out the situation that illustrates the duty of a new
teacher to the state:
a. Take a long vacation which she firmly believes she deserves
after four years of diligent study before taking the examination
for teachers
b. Apply for teaching job where eligibility is not required to gain
teaching experience before taking the teachers board
c. Prepare for the wedding she and her boyfriend have long
planned to able to raise a family with children which they plan to
rear as good citizen of our country
d. Take the licensure examination for teacher and an oath to do
her best to help carry out the policies of the state
60. Zero standard deviation means
a. The students scores are the same
b. 50% of the scores obtained is zero
c. More than 50% of the score
obtained is zero
d. Less than 50% of the scores
obtained is zero
61. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and
of the development of the youth. Which
practice NOT keeping with his role as
a. Considers the multiple intelligences of learners
b. Humiliates misbehaving pupils
c. Dialogs with parents and with other members of
the community
d. Keeps himself abreast with educational trends
62. A comprehension skill of
higher level which may be
inferred or implied from reading
a. Picking out the main idea
b. Following direction
c. Noting specific details
d. Drawing conclusion
63. Both Muslim and Christian value
marriage but the Muslim practices
polygamous marriage while the
Christian practices monogamous
marriage. What is this called?
a. Cultural relativism
b. Ethical relativism
c. Acculturation
d. Enculturation
64. Which best indicates the
effectiveness classroom activities?
a. The laughter and enjoyment of students
b. The application of concept learned in
daily life
c. The utilization of varied techniques and
d. The variety of instructional materials
65. If a resilient child with superior intelligence is
reared in a poor environment the probable outcome
would be
a. No change in IQ because environment deprivation
has nothing has nothing to do with intelligence
b. Slight change in IQ although he can overcome
frustration and obstacle
c. Mental retardation since he is culturally deprived
d. Great change in IQ because he is culturally deprived
66. Freud expounded that there is a
period when young boys
experience rivalry with their father
for their mother’s affection. This is
a. Oedipus complex
b. Achilles syndrome
c. Electra complex
d. Cassandra syndrome
67. Which of the following examples
illustrate the use of questions to focus
pupil attention on the key points of the
a. Why are machine made goods cheaper than those
made by hand?
b. What is Rizal Park know for?
c. Have you ever enjoyed watching the clouds on a
bright day?
d. Who came while I was writing on the blackboard?
68. The new teacher entered a noisy classroom. She
shouted immediately at the students desperately trying to
get order and discipline. Since then the teacher has not
controlled the class. Which is the most probable cause of
the teacher’s failure?
a. The students reaction to the teacher is the consequence of
her behavior
b. Rules are not defined and procedures to sustain order is
not put into place
c. The new teacher wants to show the class who is authority
d. The class wants to test the ability and patience of the
69. Which of the following is the best situation
wherein you can balance responsibility and
a. A teacher paid on an hour basis, takes her time with
the subject matter till end of period
b. A teacher paid on an hour basis, teaches as much as
she could for duration of the period
c. A teacher paid on an hour basis, spends most of the
time on the latest gossips in showbiz
d. A teacher paid on an hour basis, entertain her
students with stories till the end of the period
70. You have a pupil who is so
talkative, naughty and aggressive that
he is a burden to the entire members of
the class. How would you remedy this
a. Call the parents for dialogue
b. Reprimand him always
c. Report the case to the principal
d. Talk to him seriously
71. Which of the different types
of test covers and wide variety
of objectives?
a. True-false
b. Matching
c. Multiple choice
d. Essay
72. What does extreme
authoritarianism in the home
reinforce in learners?
a. Creativity in work
b. Doing things on their own initiative
c. Ability to direct themselves
d. Dependence on others for direction
73. You observe that pupils answer even when
not called, shout MA’AM to get your attention,
and laugh when someone commits mistakes.
What should you do?
a. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance
b. Set the rules for the class to observe
c. Involve the whole class in setting rules of
conduct for the whole class
d. Make a report to the parents to the parents
about their children’s misbehavior
74. Which can run counter to the
encouragement you give to your
students to ask questions?
a. Eye to eye contact
b. radiant face
c. An encouraging hand gesture
d. knitted eyebrows when a question is
75. Which is the TRUE
foundation of the social order?
a. Strong political leadership
b. Obedient citizen
c. Equitable distribution of wealth
d. The reciprocation of rights and
76. Which of the following group of
materials is considered to have the highest
degree of abstraction?
A. pictures, posters, and slides
B. plants, insects, and other specimens
C. educational televisions, film, and video
D. friendly and business letters, novels,
newspaper clips
77. Prof. Balagtas plans to utilize
audiocassettes in his Literature class
the next day. Which of the following
competencies does he want to develop
in his students?
A. Literary criticism
B. Literary appreciation
C. Short story composition
D. Auditory comprehension
78. Hector is asked to present a report
regarding the expedition of Christopher
Columbus. He is planning to deliver his report
by making the parts of his presentation partly
hidden to make it more interesting and
exciting. Which of the following materials
should he probably use?
A. Video C. realia
B. Slides D. models
79. Mr. Malaya is teaching a 3rd year high
school class in world history. The students
need note taking, outlining, and study
skills. Which strategy should she start to
model, teach, and have students practice
A. Getting the main idea
B. sequencing
C. reciprocal teaching
D. rhetorical patterns of expository texts
80. Teacher Sheila does a read-aloud and
think-aloud modeling several times a week
in her first and second grade classroom.
Which of the following strategies is she
NOT modeling?
A. asking questions of the text, the author,
and self
B. making connections with the text
C. checking predictions
D. phonetic analysis
81. Mr. Rodrigo has several students in his fifth
grade class that need more strategies for
comprehension of texts. Which of the following
is NOT an effective strategy for him to model to
the students?
A. checking and modifying predictions while
B. looking up vocabulary words during reading
C. activating prior knowledge before reading
D. using context clues for monitoring
82. The following statements are
characteristics of the subject-centered
curriculum EXCEPT for
A. The main task is mastery learning.
B. The teacher has full control of the lesson.
C. There is a high level of cooperative
D. It covers much of the content in a short
span of time.
83. When developers try to obtain
relevant information to be able to judge
the worth of an educational program, its
product, procedures, and objectives,
the developers are in the process of
A. planning. C. evaluation.
B. designing. D. alignment.
84. Johnny, a junior high school
student, connected his lesson on
fractions with his Social Studies lesson
on land ownership during the time of
Feudalism. Which curriculum design
element is reflected in Johnny’s
A. Articulation C. continuity
B. Integration D. balance
85. A curriculum developer wants to
combine geography, civics and culture,
and history to complete the subject
area of Social Studies. The curriculum
developer clearly manifests favor for
A. correlated subjects curriculum design.
B. broad fields curriculum design.
C. fused curriculum design.
D. core curriculum design.
86. Teacher C has found out that there
was a mismatch between the content
she was teaching in the class and the
competencies tested in the standards-
based assessment (SBA) given after a
year of instruction. This situation calls
for curriculum
A. planning. C. alignment.
B. designing. D. implementation
87. The following are characteristics of the
experience-centered curriculum EXCEPT
A. The classroom activities are cooperatively
controlled by the learner and the teacher.
B. The emphasis is on the holistic development of
the individual learner.
C. Education aims to develop a socially creative
D. Facts and knowledge are to be mastered for
88. Mr. Delos Reyes believes that curriculum is
not concerned with what the students will do in
the learning situation, but what they will retain
in mind as a consequence of what they do.
Which of the following definitions or
conceptions of curriculum reflects the belief of
Mr. Delos Reyes?
A. Curriculum as Plan
B. Curriculum as Experience
C. Curriculum as Subject Matter
D. Curriculum as Result or Outcome
89. Which of the following is NOT a function
of curriculum evaluation?
A. Evaluation provides feedback to those who
are concerned in the students’ learning.
B. Evaluation serves as basis for curriculum
change and improvement.
C. Evaluation gives light to curriculum
D. Evaluation could serve as a disciplinary
90. Mrs. Elena, an academic coordinator,
finds it necessary for most subject areas to
have their contents be repeated across
grade levels in progressing degrees of
difficulty and contextualization. Which of
the following curriculum designs does she
want to use?
A. broad-fields C. spiral
B. correlated D. core
91. Mr. Ventura, a Literature teacher,
tries to enrich the content of his lesson
by identifying related concepts in
History and Art. Which of the following
reflects the pattern of organizing
subject matter that he utilized?
A. separate subject C. correlated
B. broad fields D. core
92. A grade one teacher made lines on her chalkboard. The
lines seem to be like a grade one pad paper which contains
a blue-red-blue sequence. Which of the following is the
BEST reason for the teacher’s instructional designing?
a. Different colors draw the children’s attention to the
teacher and the lesson.
b. The lines require the learner’s control of their fine and
gross motor skills.
c. The teacher can write on the board with perfect
d. Dull chalkboards make any lesson boring to the
93. These are experiences that draw heavily
on the richest and most vivid sense
impressions involving feelings and
perceptions as the young learner embarks
on exploring the world. Which of the
following refers to these experiences?
a. direct purposeful experiences
b. dramatized experiences
c. contrived experiences
d. abstract experiences
94. In the top down perspective, a reader
could read a text when he/she
A. uses his prior knowledge to make sense of
the text.
B. selects only the meaningful segments in
the text.
C. can translate the visual symbols to their
aural equivalent.
D. relates the text to other texts previously
95. A reader read the word “plan” with a
pronunciation like “plane” in the sentence,
“It’s my plan to sail across the ocean.” The
deviation of the reader in reading the text
can be explained by the reader’s use of
A. syntactic cues
B. semantic cues
C. graphophonic cues
D. pragmatic cues
96. An office secretary encoded her boss’s
memorandum for the company’s employees.
The boss returned the memo to the secretary
along with the note, “Please justify this!” The
secretary felt bad and wanted to resign
immediately because she thinks that it’s not her
job to explain the contents of the memo. What
cueing system did the secretary fail to
A. Graphophonic C. semantic
B. Syntactic D. pragmatic
97. It refers to the learned
ability to see words in groups
rather than as individual words.
A. Subvocalization
B. fixation
C. Regression
D. clustering.
98. Teacher E entered the classroom
and showed a list of word families like
cat, mat, fat, rat, pat, and bat. This
practice clearly shows that the teacher
A. Whole-language approach.
B. Language experience approach.
C. Literature-based approach.
D. Phonics approach.
99. Mr. Natividad considers his students’
ages in presenting certain content and in
modeling certain cognitive processes.
Which of the following principles of
learning does Mr. Natividad follow?
A. Principle of learning aided by formulating
and asking questions
B. Principle of presenting challenging tasks
C. Principle of learning by doing
D. Principle of readiness
100. Which is NOT true of the guidance
A. The guidance process is a continuous
B. Guidance is meant for every student
including the performing students
C. The guidance counselor decides what is
best for the student who is in the dark
D. Guidance is assisting students to become
self-directed individuals
51. In a microcomputer system
the actual machine itself is
called the…
a. CPU
b. Hardware
c. Software
d. Peripheral
52. In what situation may a teacher NOT
repeat a question?
a. When a teacher is dictating a question
b. When a teacher is in a large room with
poor acoustics
c. When an inattentive student fails to get
the question
d. the question is multi-faceted
53. Which of the following are
considered peripherals of a
microcomputer systems?
a. Keyboard, video-display terminal
b. An audiocassette recorder, a central
processing unit
c. A modem, a printer
d. Video-display terminal, a disk drive unit
54. “When the cat is away, the
mouse, will play.” Which Filipino
weakness is being identified?
a. Extreme personalism
b. Lack of self-discipline
c. Lack of initiative
d. Kanya-kanya” syndrome
55. Feedback is said to be “the breakfast of
champions” Which one does this imply for
a. Feedback focuses on problem correction
b. Feedback scares school administration and
c. Feedback is the basis for compensation
d. Feedback is essential in the containing
quality improvement of the school system
56. Which ones can tell a teacher
whether score distributions appear
compressed or expanded?
a. Standard scores
b. Measures of correlation
c. Measures of variability
d. Measures of central tendency
57. Teacher Cora observe cleanliness
and order classroom to create a
conducive atmosphere for learning. On
which theory is her practice based?
a. Psychoanalysis
b. Gestalt psychology
c. Behaviorism
d. Humanistic psychology
58. Which of the following measures should a teacher
do to a principal whom she would like to file a case of
sexual harassment without violating the relationship
of the teacher and her superiors?
a. Present the case before competent authority and
prepare to prove the charge
b. Write an anonymous letter to a higher school official
to denounce the superior
c. Call a parent-teacher meeting and denounce the
d. Encourage the other teachers and students to hold a
demonstration to oust the superior
59. Pick out the situation that illustrates the duty of a new
teacher to the state:
a. Take a long vacation which she firmly believes she deserves
after four years of diligent study before taking the examination
for teachers
b. Apply for teaching job where eligibility is not required to gain
teaching experience before taking the teachers board
c. Prepare for the wedding she and her boyfriend have long
planned to able to raise a family with children which they plan to
rear as good citizen of our country
d. Take the licensure examination for teacher and an oath to do
her best to help carry out the policies of the state
60. Zero standard deviation means
a. The students scores are the same
b. 50% of the scores obtained is zero
c. More than 50% of the score
obtained is zero
d. Less than 50% of the scores
obtained is zero
61. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and
of the development of the youth. Which
practice NOT keeping with his role as
a. Considers the multiple intelligences of learners
b. Humiliates misbehaving pupils
c. Dialogs with parents and with other members of
the community
d. Keeps himself abreast with educational trends
62. A comprehension skill of
higher level which may be
inferred or implied from reading
a. Picking out the main idea
b. Following direction
c. Noting specific details
d. Drawing conclusion
63. Both Muslim and Christian value
marriage but the Muslim practices
polygamous marriage while the
Christian practices monogamous
marriage. What is this called?
a. Cultural relativism
b. Ethical relativism
c. Acculturation
d. Enculturation
64. Which best indicates the
effectiveness classroom activities?
a. The laughter and enjoyment of students
b. The application of concept learned in
daily life
c. The utilization of varied techniques and
d. The variety of instructional materials
65. If a resilient child with superior intelligence is
reared in a poor environment the probable outcome
would be
a. No change in IQ because environment deprivation
has nothing has nothing to do with intelligence
b. Slight change in IQ although he can overcome
frustration and obstacle
c. Mental retardation since he is culturally deprived
d. Great change in IQ because he is culturally deprived
66. Freud expounded that there is a
period when young boys
experience rivalry with their father
for their mother’s affection. This is
a. Oedipus complex
b. Achilles syndrome
c. Electra complex
d. Cassandra syndrome
67. Which of the following examples
illustrate the use of questions to focus
pupil attention on the key points of the
a. Why are machine made goods cheaper than those
made by hand?
b. What is Rizal Park know for?
c. Have you ever enjoyed watching the clouds on a
bright day?
d. Who came while I was writing on the blackboard?
68. The new teacher entered a noisy classroom. She
shouted immediately at the students desperately trying to
get order and discipline. Since then the teacher has not
controlled the class. Which is the most probable cause of
the teacher’s failure?
a. The students reaction to the teacher is the consequence of
her behavior
b. Rules are not defined and procedures to sustain order is
not put into place
c. The new teacher wants to show the class who is authority
d. The class wants to test the ability and patience of the
69. Which of the following is the best situation
wherein you can balance responsibility and
a. A teacher paid on an hour basis, takes her time with
the subject matter till end of period
b. A teacher paid on an hour basis, teaches as much as
she could for duration of the period
c. A teacher paid on an hour basis, spends most of the
time on the latest gossips in showbiz
d. A teacher paid on an hour basis, entertain her
students with stories till the end of the period
70. You have a pupil who is so
talkative, naughty and aggressive that
he is a burden to the entire members of
the class. How would you remedy this
a. Call the parents for dialogue
b. Reprimand him always
c. Report the case to the principal
d. Talk to him seriously
71. Which of the different types
of test covers and wide variety
of objectives?
a. True-false
b. Matching
c. Multiple choice
d. Essay
72. What does extreme
authoritarianism in the home
reinforce in learners?
a. Creativity in work
b. Doing things on their own initiative
c. Ability to direct themselves
d. Dependence on others for direction
73. You observe that pupils answer even when
not called, shout MA’AM to get your attention,
and laugh when someone commits mistakes.
What should you do?
a. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance
b. Set the rules for the class to observe
c. Involve the whole class in setting rules of
conduct for the whole class
d. Make a report to the parents to the parents
about their children’s misbehavior
74. Which can run counter to the
encouragement you give to your
students to ask questions?
a. Eye to eye contact
b. radiant face
c. An encouraging hand gesture
d. knitted eyebrows when a question is
75. Which is the TRUE
foundation of the social order?
a. Strong political leadership
b. Obedient citizen
c. Equitable distribution of wealth
d. The reciprocation of rights and
76. Which of the following group of
materials is considered to have the highest
degree of abstraction?
A. pictures, posters, and slides
B. plants, insects, and other specimens
C. educational televisions, film, and video
D. friendly and business letters, novels,
newspaper clips
77. Prof. Balagtas plans to utilize
audiocassettes in his Literature class
the next day. Which of the following
competencies does he want to develop
in his students?
A. Literary criticism
B. Literary appreciation
C. Short story composition
D. Auditory comprehension
78. Hector is asked to present a report
regarding the expedition of Christopher
Columbus. He is planning to deliver his report
by making the parts of his presentation partly
hidden to make it more interesting and
exciting. Which of the following materials
should he probably use?
A. Video C. realia
B. Slides D. models
78. Hector is asked to present a report
regarding the expedition of Christopher
Columbus. He is planning to deliver his report
by making the parts of his presentation partly
hidden to make it more interesting and
exciting. Which of the following materials
should he probably use?
A. Video C. realia
B. Slides D. models
79. Mr. Malaya is teaching a 3rd year high
school class in world history. The students
need note taking, outlining, and study
skills. Which strategy should she start to
model, teach, and have students practice
A. Getting the main idea
B. sequencing
C. reciprocal teaching
D. rhetorical patterns of expository texts
80. Teacher Sheila does a read-aloud and
think-aloud modeling several times a week
in her first and second grade classroom.
Which of the following strategies is she
NOT modeling?
A. asking questions of the text, the author,
and self
B. making connections with the text
C. checking predictions
D. phonetic analysis
81. Mr. Rodrigo has several students in his fifth
grade class that need more strategies for
comprehension of texts. Which of the following
is NOT an effective strategy for him to model to
the students?
A. checking and modifying predictions while
B. looking up vocabulary words during reading
C. activating prior knowledge before reading
D. using context clues for monitoring
82. The following statements are
characteristics of the subject-centered
curriculum EXCEPT for
A. The main task is mastery learning.
B. The teacher has full control of the lesson.
C. There is a high level of cooperative
D. It covers much of the content in a short
span of time.
83. When developers try to obtain
relevant information to be able to judge
the worth of an educational program, its
product, procedures, and objectives,
the developers are in the process of
A. planning. C. evaluation.
B. designing. D. alignment.
83. When developers try to obtain
relevant information to be able to judge
the worth of an educational program, its
product, procedures, and objectives,
the developers are in the process of
A. planning. C. evaluation.
B. designing. D. alignment.
84. Johnny, a junior high school
student, connected his lesson on
fractions with his Social Studies lesson
on land ownership during the time of
Feudalism. Which curriculum design
element is reflected in Johnny’s
A. Articulation C. continuity
B. Integration D. balance
84. Johnny, a junior high school
student, connected his lesson on
fractions with his Social Studies lesson
on land ownership during the time of
Feudalism. Which curriculum design
element is reflected in Johnny’s
A. Articulation C. continuity
B. Integration D. balance
85. A curriculum developer wants to
combine geography, civics and culture,
and history to complete the subject
area of Social Studies. The curriculum
developer clearly manifests favor for
A. correlated subjects curriculum design.
B. broad fields curriculum design.
C. fused curriculum design.
D. core curriculum design.
86. Teacher C has found out that there
was a mismatch between the content
she was teaching in the class and the
competencies tested in the standards-
based assessment (SBA) given after a
year of instruction. This situation calls
for curriculum
A. planning. C. alignment.
B. designing. D. implementation
86. Teacher C has found out that there
was a mismatch between the content
she was teaching in the class and the
competencies tested in the standards-
based assessment (SBA) given after a
year of instruction. This situation calls
for curriculum
A. planning. C. alignment.
B. designing. D. implementation
87. The following are characteristics of the
experience-centered curriculum EXCEPT
A. The classroom activities are cooperatively
controlled by the learner and the teacher.
B. The emphasis is on the holistic development of
the individual learner.
C. Education aims to develop a socially creative
D. Facts and knowledge are to be mastered for
88. Mr. Delos Reyes believes that curriculum is
not concerned with what the students will do in
the learning situation, but what they will retain
in mind as a consequence of what they do.
Which of the following definitions or
conceptions of curriculum reflects the belief of
Mr. Delos Reyes?
A. Curriculum as Plan
B. Curriculum as Experience
C. Curriculum as Subject Matter
D. Curriculum as Result or Outcome
89. Which of the following is NOT a function
of curriculum evaluation?
A. Evaluation provides feedback to those who
are concerned in the students’ learning.
B. Evaluation serves as basis for curriculum
change and improvement.
C. Evaluation gives light to curriculum
D. Evaluation could serve as a disciplinary
90. Mrs. Elena, an academic coordinator,
finds it necessary for most subject areas to
have their contents be repeated across
grade levels in progressing degrees of
difficulty and contextualization. Which of
the following curriculum designs does she
want to use?
A. broad-fields C. spiral
B. correlated D. core
90. Mrs. Elena, an academic coordinator,
finds it necessary for most subject areas to
have their contents be repeated across
grade levels in progressing degrees of
difficulty and contextualization. Which of
the following curriculum designs does she
want to use?
A. broad-fields C. spiral
B. correlated D. core
91. Mr. Ventura, a Literature teacher,
tries to enrich the content of his lesson
by identifying related concepts in
History and Art. Which of the following
reflects the pattern of organizing
subject matter that he utilized?
A. separate subject C. correlated
B. broad fields D. core
91. Mr. Ventura, a Literature teacher,
tries to enrich the content of his lesson
by identifying related concepts in
History and Art. Which of the following
reflects the pattern of organizing
subject matter that he utilized?
A. separate subject C. correlated
B. broad fields D. core
92. A grade one teacher made lines on her chalkboard. The
lines seem to be like a grade one pad paper which contains
a blue-red-blue sequence. Which of the following is the
BEST reason for the teacher’s instructional designing?
a. Different colors draw the children’s attention to the
teacher and the lesson.
b. The lines require the learner’s control of their fine and
gross motor skills.
c. The teacher can write on the board with perfect
d. Dull chalkboards make any lesson boring to the
93. These are experiences that draw heavily
on the richest and most vivid sense
impressions involving feelings and
perceptions as the young learner embarks
on exploring the world. Which of the
following refers to these experiences?
a. direct purposeful experiences
b. dramatized experiences
c. contrived experiences
d. abstract experiences
94. In the bottom-up perspective, a reader
could read a text when he/she
A. uses his prior knowledge to make sense of
the text.
B. selects only the meaningful segments in
the text.
C. can translate the visual symbols to their
aural equivalent.
D. relates the text to other texts previously
95. A reader read the word “plan” with a
pronunciation like “plane” in the sentence,
“It’s my plan to sail across the ocean.” The
deviation of the reader in reading the text
can be explained by the reader’s use of
A. syntactic cues
B. semantic cues
C. graphophonic cues
D. pragmatic cues
96. An office secretary encoded her boss’s
memorandum for the company’s employees.
The boss returned the memo to the secretary
along with the note, “Please justify this!” The
secretary felt bad and wanted to resign
immediately because she thinks that it’s not her
job to explain the contents of the memo. What
cueing system did the secretary fail to
A. Graphophonic C. semantic
B. Syntactic D. pragmatic
96. An office secretary encoded her boss’s
memorandum for the company’s employees.
The boss returned the memo to the secretary
along with the note, “Please justify this!” The
secretary felt bad and wanted to resign
immediately because she thinks that it’s not her
job to explain the contents of the memo. What
cueing system did the secretary fail to
A. Graphophonic C. semantic
B. Syntactic D. pragmatic
97. It refers to the learned
ability to see words in groups
rather than as individual words.
A. Subvocalization
B. fixation
C. Regression
D. clustering.
98. Teacher E entered the classroom
and showed a list of word families like
cat, mat, fat, rat, pat, and bat. This
practice clearly shows that the teacher
A. Whole-language approach.
B. Language experience approach.
C. Literature-based approach.
D. Phonics approach.
99. Mr. Natividad considers his students’
ages in presenting certain content and in
modeling certain cognitive processes.
Which of the following principles of
learning does Mr. Natividad follow?
A. Principle of learning aided by formulating
and asking questions
B. Principle of presenting challenging tasks
C. Principle of learning by doing
D. Principle of readiness
100. Which is NOT true of the guidance
A. The guidance process is a continuous
B. Guidance is meant for every student
including the performing students
C. The guidance counselor decides what is
best for the student who is in the dark
D. Guidance is assisting students to become
self-directed individuals

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  • 2. 1. The whole child concept of education is contrary to the: a. Academic essentials approach to education. b. Progressivist approach to education. c. Focus on humanistic approach to education. d. The naturalistic approach to education.
  • 3. 2. To reach out to clientele who cannot be in the classroom for one reason or another, which of the following was established? a. Informal b. Special education (SPED) system c. Pre-school education d. Alternative learning System
  • 4. 3. Which learning principle is the essence of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences? a. Almost all learners are linguistically intelligent b. Intelligence is not measured in one form c. Learners have different IQ level d. Learners have static IQ
  • 5. 4. Which objective in the affective domain is in the lowest level? a. To accumulate examples of authenticity b. To support viewpoints against abortion c. To respond positively to a comment d. To formulate criteria for honesty
  • 6. 5. Below are the questions that must be considered in developing appropriate learning activities/experiences EXCEPT one. Which is it? a. Can the experiences benefit the pupils? b. Do the experiences save the pupils from learning difficulties? c. Are the experiences in accordance with the life patterns of pupils? d. Do the experiences encourage pupils to inquire further?
  • 7. 6. The free public elementary and secondary education in the country is in line with the government effort to address educational problems of ________. a. Productivity b. Relevance and quality c. Access and quality d. Effectiveness and efficiency
  • 8. 7. In the context of grading, what is referred to as teacher’s generosity error? A teacher ______. a. Rewards students who perform well. b. Is overgenerous with praise c. Has a tendency to give high grades as compare to the rest d. Gives way to students’ bargain for no more quiz
  • 9. 8. For mastery learning and in line with the Outcome-Based Evaluation model which element should be present? a. Inclusion of non-performance objectives b. Construction of criterion-referenced tests c. Construction of norm-referenced tests d. Non-provision of independent learning
  • 10. 9. The Filipino learners envisioned by the Department of Education in the light of the K-12 curriculum is a. Technologically literate and holistically developed Filipinos b. Functionally literate and holistically developed Filipinos c. Scientifically advanced and values oriented Filipinos d. Nationally Oriented and Internationally Competitive Filipinos
  • 11. 10. With which goals of educational institution as provided for by the constitution is the development of work skills aligned? a. To develop moral character b. To develop vocational efficiency c. To teach the duties of citizenship d. To inculcate love of country
  • 12. 11. Which terms refers to a teacher helping a colleague grow professionally? a. Technology transfer b. Peer mentoring c. Facilitating d. Independent study
  • 13. 12. Which questioning practice will promote more class interaction? a. Asking rhetorical question b. Rejecting wrong answer c. Focusing on convergent question d. Asking the question before calling on a student to answer
  • 14. 13. How can you exhibit referent power on the first day of school? a. By making them feel you know what you are talking about. b. By telling them the importance of good grades. c. By reminding your students your authority over them again and again d. By giving your students a sense of belonging and acceptance
  • 15. 14. The main reason why there is a greater need for the teacher to use audio visual materials in the elementary than in the secondary is that in the former a. teachers must present material its an attractive and meaningful manner b. children have short attention span and this may be increased through aids c. children associate instructional aids with instructional toys d. children need to concretize their ideas first before they can operate on the level of abstract thinking
  • 16. 15. Which of the following could be associated with information processing theory? a. practice, reinforcement b. observation, imitation c. discovery, reception d. encoding, storage, retrieval
  • 17. 16. Giving feedback or knowledge of results on how the learner is doing serves to reinforce learning. Which of the following feedback situation has been found to have the best effect on learning? a. when the students know their answer is neither right nor wrong b. when the students know why their answer is right or wrong. c. when the students know his answer is right d. when the students know their answer is wrong
  • 18. 17. A teacher who has learned a variety of teaching methods during her pre-service training may adopt the eclectical method in her actual teaching. The essential characteristic of this method is that a. it combines the best features of all the other methods b. it is often-the most popular method in any school c. it is found to be effective in teaching any subjects d. it can be used for any level of instruction
  • 19. 18. Two important things to bear in mind when imposing discipline in classroom a. compassion and tolerance b. firmness and consistency c. mercy and compassion d. tolerance and understanding
  • 20. 19. A mathematics teacher tells a student that out of 25 problems he should be able to solve 20 problems correctly. His teacher is using a. an absolute measure b. a criterion referenced measure c. an arbitrary measure d. a norm referenced measure
  • 21. 20. Mr. Cuayzon refers to Havighurst’s list of developmental tasks for children different age levels. This is important so that she may a. plan varied and interesting activities for children b. group her children according to their interests c. group her children according to their abilities. d. plan activities appropriate to a particular group of children
  • 22. 21. Divorce is observed in the West while it is still a taboo for Filipinos. What does it illustrate about culture? a. culture is adaptive b. culture is symbolic c. culture is valued d. culture is relative
  • 23. 22. According to Havighurst’s developmental tasks, reaching the maintaining satisfactory performance in one’s occupational career is supposed to have been attained during ________. a. early adulthood b. middle age c. middle age and early adulthood d. old age
  • 24. 23. It is good to give students challenging and creative learning tasks because_________. a. development is the individual’s choice b. development is aided by stimulation c. development is affected by cultural changes d. the development of individual is unique
  • 25. 24. Which of the following reasons for measuring student achievement is NOT valid? a. To motivate students to learn and master the materials they think will be covered by the achievement test. b. To prepare feedback on the effectiveness of the learning process c. To certify that students have attained a level of competence in a subject area d. To discourage students from cheating during test and getting high scores
  • 26. 25. Joey is busy with his rubberbands so he is not paying full attention to Ms. Cruz. Ms. Cruz looks at him and communicates with her eyes in her desire to make Joey pay attention. Which influence technique does Ms. Cruz employ? a. Interest boosting b. Proximity control b. Signal interference d. Antiseptic bouncing
  • 27. 26. According to Estanislao, “like water in a dam, our lives become stagnant and putrid”, what does this imply? a. We must slow down; avoid hurrying; it makes waste b. Our lives should be transparent like water c. The meaningful way to spend life is to spend life on others, with others, for others d. Keep your goodness to yourself
  • 28. 27. Transparency International, a global corruption watchdog, rates the Philippines as one of the most corrupt nation in Asia. What educational program is relevant to this Situation? A. Values education B. Socio-economic development C. Cultural preservation program D. Infrastructure modernization
  • 29. 28. Attachment to the things of this world prevents one from uniting with the Universal Self. This is a teaching of… a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Judaism d. Taoism
  • 30. 29. Teachers and students can participate in these levels of computer use. Give the order of computer use simplest to complex? a. Computer literacy, computer competency, computer expertise b. Computer competency, computer literacy, competency expertise c. Computer competency, computer expertise, computer literacy d. Computer literacy, computer expertise, computer competency
  • 31. 30. Ramil convinces his classmates not to cut classes because of punishment that goes with it. In what level of Kohlberg’s development is Ramil? a. Post conventional b. Conventional c. Between conventional and post conventional morality d. Pre-conventional morality
  • 32. 31. Teacher B tells the misbehaving student: “You are spoiling it for the rest of your classmate”. What disciplinary technique is this? a. Interest boosting b. Antiseptic bouncing c. Direct appeal d. Restructuring
  • 33. 32. According to Eric Erikson, the middle adult years are characterized by the conflict between. a. Industry and despondency b. Generativity and stagnation c. Intimacy and isolation d. Integrity and despair
  • 34. 33. Which one can NOT alleviate personal stress? a. Use relaxation techniques b. Keep the problem to yourself c. Be nice to yourself d. Try a totally new experience
  • 35. 34. From the Household and School Matching Survey (HSMS) conducted in 1982 it was found out that school factors have less influence on learning when compared to community and home background variables. Which is one implication of this finding? a. DECS must create more teacher items b. The school must focus on mastery learning c. DECS should work for 1:1 child-book ratio d. The school needs to strengthen its partnership with parents and community
  • 36. 35. Nasciella would like to engage in a business with garments for children. She conducts a feasibility study to determine the quantity of each of the different sizes of girls dresses. Which of the following tools is the most appropriate for the purpose? a. The mode c. The median b. The mean d. The variance
  • 37. 36. Roy is a senior student with a keen sense of what he can do and cannot do. Based on Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory in which intelligence is Roy high? a. Intrapersonal intelligence b. Logical-mathematical intelligence c. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence d. Interpersonal intelligence
  • 38. 37. A student is bored and is restless. Teacher looks for an opportunity to incorporate athletics into the discussions because it is the student’s interest. What is this disciplinary technique called? a. Direct appeal c. Hurdle lessons b. Interest boosting d. Humor
  • 39. 38. Who will benefit from Braille numbers in elevators? a. The gifted b. The mute c. The deaf d. The blind
  • 40. 39. As Filipinos, our senses of humor is sometimes inimical to our growth and development persons and as a nation because with this trait we tend to. a. Take things personally b. Take serious matters lightly c. Escape from our responsibility d. Wait for others to tell us what to do
  • 41. 40. An individual may be said to value his family in the following instances, EXCEPT when. a. He spends mostly for things needed in the home b. He spends quality time with his family c. He spends a lot of time with friends d. He works hard to a bigger take home pay
  • 42. 41. In line with the strengthening of ethical and spiritual values, religious instruction shall take place in the public schools with the following condition, EXCEPT one. a. The government shoulders the expenses for such teaching b. Parents/guardians express their desire in writing that children/wards be taught religion in school c. It is optional d. The instructors must be designated or approved by the religious authorities of the religion to which children/wards belong.
  • 43. 42. Education is a means to upward mobility. DECS reaches out to every school child even in remote places where the number of pupils does not warrant the creation of a regular class. DECS does this through the. a. Teacher-Child-Parent Approach b. Non-Formal Education Program c. Drop-out Intervention Program d. Informal Teaching Program
  • 44. 43. “No pain, no gain”, This means that. a. One should look for suffering to save himself/herself b. Only those willing to carry the crosses that life impose can share the joy of life c. One should be a penitent every good Friday by carrying his cross d. The more suffering in his life, the more one is assured of heaven
  • 45. 44. Which of these may be used by teachers to provide students opportunities for meeting their needs and other areas of concern? a. Problem checklists b. Personal inventories c. Educational occupational information d. Tests
  • 46. 45. Robert Hutchins argued that education should cultivate the intellect as well as the harmonious development of all human faculties. Since human nature is rational knowledge resides in an unchanging, absolute, and universal truths. Hutchins is more of a. a. A progressivist c. A reconstructionist b. A perennialist d. An essentialist
  • 47. 46. Which trait is shown by a father who spends his earnings on his favorite food, drinks, movies, clothing’s, and barkada? a. Considerate b. Practical c. Selfish and irresponsible d. Conscientious
  • 48. 47. The “cephalocaudal law” of developmental direction states that development. a. Spreads outward from the extremities to the center b. Spreads outward from the central axis of the body to the extremities c. Spreads over the body from the foot to the head d. Spreads over the body from head to foot
  • 49. 48. Which type of test is least useful in educational diagnosis? a. Multiple choice item b. Matching item c. True-false item d. Short answer item
  • 50. 49. Which of the following is assumed under the doctrine of IN LOCO PARENTIS? a. That students are not yet ready to handle full adult responsibility b. That parents have the primary duty to educate their children c. That students are prone to commit infractions of disciplinary conduct d. That students should be under parents monitory and control
  • 51. 50. For effective classroom management which one should be avoided? a. Stick to classroom regulation consistently b. Use classroom regulation to establish classroom routine c. Involve students in the formulation of classroom regulation d. Make as many regulations as you can
  • 52. 1. The whole child concept of education is contrary to the: a. Academic essentials approach to education. b. Progressivist approach to education. c. Focus on humanistic approach to education. d. The naturalistic approach to education.
  • 53. 2. To reach out to clientele who cannot be in the classroom for one reason or another, which of the following was established? a. Informal b. Special education (SPED) system c. Pre-school education d. Alternative learning System
  • 54. 3. Which learning principle is the essence of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences? a. Almost all learners are linguistically intelligent b. Intelligence is not measured in one form c. Learners have different IQ level d. Learners have static IQ
  • 55. 4. Which objective in the affective domain is in the lowest level? a. To accumulate examples of authenticity b. To support viewpoints against abortion c. To respond positively to a comment d. To formulate criteria for honesty
  • 56. 5. Below are the questions that must be considered in developing appropriate learning activities/experiences EXCEPT one. Which is it? a. Can the experiences benefit the pupils? b. Do the experiences save the pupils from learning difficulties? c. Are the experiences in accordance with the life patterns of pupils? d. Do the experiences encourage pupils to inquire further?
  • 57. 6. The free public elementary and secondary education in the country is in line with the government effort to address educational problems of ________. a. Productivity b. Relevance and quality c. Access and quality d. Effectiveness and efficiency
  • 58. 7. In the context of grading, what is referred to as teacher’s generosity error? A teacher ______. a. Rewards students who perform well. b. Is overgenerous with praise c. Has a tendency to give high grades as compare to the rest d. Gives way to students’ bargain for no more quiz
  • 59. 8. For mastery learning and in line with the Outcome-Based Evaluation model which element should be present? a. Inclusion of non-performance objectives b. Construction of criterion-referenced tests c. Construction of norm-referenced tests d. Non-provision of independent learning
  • 60. 9. The Filipino learners envisioned by the Department of Education in the light of the K-12 curriculum is a. Technologically literate and holistically developed Filipinos b. Functionally literate and holistically developed Filipinos c. Scientifically advanced and values oriented Filipinos d. Nationally Oriented and Internationally Competitive Filipinos
  • 61. 10. With which goals of educational institution as provided for by the constitution is the development of work skills aligned? a. To develop moral character b. To develop vocational efficiency c. To teach the duties of citizenship d. To inculcate love of country
  • 62. 11. Which terms refers to a teacher helping a colleague grow professionally? a. Technology transfer b. Peer mentoring c. Facilitating d. Independent study
  • 63. 12. Which questioning practice will promote more class interaction? a. Asking rhetorical question b. Rejecting wrong answer c. Focusing on convergent question d. Asking the question before calling on a student to answer
  • 64. 13. How can you exhibit referent power on the first day of school? a. By making them feel you know what you are talking about. b. By telling them the importance of good grades. c. By reminding your students your authority over them again and again d. By giving your students a sense of belonging and acceptance
  • 65. 14. The main reason why there is a greater need for the teacher to use audio visual materials in the elementary than in the secondary is that in the former a. teachers must present material its an attractive and meaningful manner b. children have short attention span and this may be increased through aids c. children associate instructional aids with instructional toys d. children need to concretize their ideas first before they can operate on the level of abstract thinking
  • 66. 15. Which of the following could be associated with information processing theory? a. practice, reinforcement b. observation, imitation c. discovery, reception d. encoding, storage, retrieval
  • 67. 16. Giving feedback or knowledge of results on how the learner is doing serves to reinforce learning. Which of the following feedback situation has been found to have the best effect on learning? a. when the students know their answer is neither right nor wrong b. when the students know why their answer is right or wrong. c. when the students know his answer is right d. when the students know their answer is wrong
  • 68. 17. A teacher who has learned a variety of teaching methods during her pre-service training may adopt the eclectical method in her actual teaching. The essential characteristic of this method is that a. it combines the best features of all the other methods b. it is often-the most popular method in any school c. it is found to be effective in teaching any subjects d. it can be used for any level of instruction
  • 69. 18. Two important things to bear in mind when imposing discipline in classroom a. compassion and tolerance b. firmness and consistency c. mercy and compassion d. tolerance and understanding
  • 70. 19. A mathematics teacher tells a student that out of 25 problems he should be able to solve 20 problems correctly. His teacher is using a. an absolute measure b. a criterion referenced measure c. an arbitrary measure d. a norm referenced measure
  • 71. 20. Mr. Cuayzon refers to Havighurst’s list of developmental tasks for children different age levels. This is important so that she may a. plan varied and interesting activities for children b. group her children according to their interests c. group her children according to their abilities. d. plan activities appropriate to a particular group of children
  • 72. 21. Divorce is observed in the West while it is still a taboo for Filipinos. What does it illustrate about culture? a. culture is adaptive b. culture is symbolic c. culture is valued d. culture is relative
  • 73. 22. According to Havighurst’s developmental tasks, reaching the maintaining satisfactory performance in one’s occupational career is supposed to have been attained during ________. a. early adulthood b. middle age c. middle age and early adulthood d. old age
  • 74. 23. It is good to give students challenging and creative learning tasks because_________. a. development is the individual’s choice b. development is aided by stimulation c. development is affected by cultural changes d. the development of individual is unique
  • 75. 24. Which of the following reasons for measuring student achievement is NOT valid? a. To motivate students to learn and master the materials they think will be covered by the achievement test. b. To prepare feedback on the effectiveness of the learning process c. To certify that students have attained a level of competence in a subject area d. To discourage students from cheating during test and getting high scores
  • 76. 25. Joey is busy with his rubberbands so he is not paying full attention to Ms. Cruz. Ms. Cruz looks at him and communicates with her eyes in her desire to make Joey pay attention. Which influence technique does Ms. Cruz employ? a. Interest boosting b. Proximity control b. Signal interference d. Antiseptic bouncing
  • 77. 26. According to Estanislao, “like water in a dam, our lives become stagnant and putrid”, what does this imply? a. We must slow down; avoid hurrying; it makes waste b. Our lives should be transparent like water c. The meaningful way to spend life is to spend life on others, with others, for others d. Keep your goodness to yourself
  • 78. 27. Transparency International, a global corruption watchdog, rates the Philippines as one of the most corrupt nation in Asia. What educational program is relevant to this Situation? A. Values education B. Socio-economic development C. Cultural preservation program D.Infrastructure modernization
  • 79. 28. Attachment to the things of this world prevents one from uniting with the Universal Self. This is a teaching of… a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Judaism d. Taoism
  • 80. 29. Teachers and students can participate in these levels of computer use. Give the order of computer use simplest to complex? a. Computer literacy, computer competency, computer expertise b. Computer competency, computer literacy, competency expertise c. Computer competency, computer expertise, computer literacy d. Computer literacy, computer expertise, computer competency
  • 81. 30. Ramil convinces his classmates not to cut classes because of punishment that goes with it. In what level of Kohlberg’s development is Ramil? a. Post conventional b. Conventional c. Between conventional and post conventional morality d. Pre-conventional morality
  • 82. 31. Teacher B tells the misbehaving student: “You are spoiling it for the rest of your classmate”. What disciplinary technique is this? a. Interest boosting b. Antiseptic bouncing c. Direct appeal d. Restructuring
  • 83. 32. According to Eric Erikson, the middle adult years are characterized by the conflict between. a. Industry and despondency b. Generativity and stagnation c. Intimacy and isolation d. Integrity and despair
  • 84. 33. Which one can NOT alleviate personal stress? a. Use relaxation techniques b. Keep the problem to yourself c. Be nice to yourself d. Try a totally new experience
  • 85. 34. From the Household and School Matching Survey (HSMS) conducted in 1982 it was found out that school factors have less influence on learning when compared to community and home background variables. Which is one implication of this finding? a. DECS must create more teacher items b. The school must focus on mastery learning c. DECS should work for 1:1 child-book ratio d. The school needs to strengthen its partnership with parents and community
  • 86. 35. Nasciella would like to engage in a business with garments for children. She conducts a feasibility study to determine the quantity of each of the different sizes of girls dresses. Which of the following tools is the most appropriate for the purpose? a. The mode c. The median b. The mean d. The variance
  • 87. 35. Nasciella would like to engage in a business with garments for children. She conducts a feasibility study to determine the quantity of each of the different sizes of girls dresses. Which of the following tools is the most appropriate for the purpose? a. The mode c. The median b. The mean d. The variance
  • 88. 36. Roy is a senior student with a keen sense of what he can do and cannot do. Based on Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory in which intelligence is Roy high? a. Intrapersonal intelligence b. Logical-mathematical intelligence c. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence d. Interpersonal intelligence
  • 89. 37. A student is bored and is restless. Teacher looks for an opportunity to incorporate athletics into the discussions because it is the student’s interest. What is this disciplinary technique called? a. Direct appeal c. Hurdle lessons b. Interest boosting d. Humor
  • 90. 37. A student is bored and is restless. Teacher looks for an opportunity to incorporate athletics into the discussions because it is the student’s interest. What is this disciplinary technique called? a. Direct appeal c. Hurdle lessons b. Interest boosting d. Humor
  • 91. 38. Who will benefit from Braille numbers in elevators? a. The gifted b. The mute c. The deaf d. The blind
  • 92. 39. As Filipinos, our senses of humor is sometimes inimical to our growth and development persons and as a nation because with this trait we tend to. a. Take things personally b. Take serious matters lightly c. Escape from our responsibility d. Wait for others to tell us what to do
  • 93. 40. An individual may be said to value his family in the following instances, EXCEPT when. a. He spends mostly for things needed in the home b. He spends quality time with his family c. He spends a lot of time with friends d. He works hard to a bigger take home pay
  • 94. 41. In line with the strengthening of ethical and spiritual values, religious instruction shall take place in the public schools with the following condition, EXCEPT one. a. The government shoulders the expenses for such teaching b. Parents/guardians express their desire in writing that children/wards be taught religion in school c. It is optional d. The instructors must be designated or approved by the religious authorities of the religion to which children/wards belong.
  • 95. 42. Education is a means to upward mobility. DECS reaches out to every school child even in remote places where the number of pupils does not warrant the creation of a regular class. DECS does this through the. a. Teacher-Child-Parent Approach b. Non-Formal Education Program c. Drop-out Intervention Program d. Informal Teaching Program
  • 96. 43. “No pain, no gain”, This means that. a. One should look for suffering to save himself/herself b. Only those willing to carry the crosses that life impose can share the joy of life c. One should be a penitent every good Friday by carrying his cross d. The more suffering in his life, the more one is assured of heaven
  • 97. 44. Which of these may be used by teachers to provide students opportunities for meeting their needs and other areas of concern? a. Problem checklists b. Personal inventories c. Educational occupational information d. Tests
  • 98. 45. Robert Hutchins argued that education should cultivate the intellect as well as the harmonious development of all human faculties. Since human nature is rational knowledge resides in an unchanging, absolute, and universal truths. Hutchins is more of a. a. A progressivist c. A reconstructionist b. A perennialist d. An essentialist
  • 99. 45. Robert Hutchins argued that education should cultivate the intellect as well as the harmonious development of all human faculties. Since human nature is rational knowledge resides in an unchanging, absolute, and universal truths. Hutchins is more of a. a. A progressivist c. A reconstructionist b. A perennialist d. An essentialist
  • 100. 46. Which trait is shown by a father who spends his earnings on his favorite food, drinks, movies, clothing’s, and barkada? a. Considerate b. Practical c. Selfish and irresponsible d. Conscientious
  • 101. 47. The “cephalocaudal law” of developmental direction states that development. a. Spreads outward from the extremities to the center b. Spreads outward from the central axis of the body to the extremities c. Spreads over the body from the foot to the head d. Spreads over the body from head to foot
  • 102. 48. Which type of test is least useful in educational diagnosis? a. Multiple choice item b. Matching item c. True-false item d. Short answer item
  • 103. 49. Which of the following is assumed under the doctrine of IN LOCO PARENTIS? a. That students are not yet ready to handle full adult responsibility b. That parents have the primary duty to educate their children c. That students are prone to commit infractions of disciplinary conduct d. That students should be under parents monitory and control
  • 104. 50. For effective classroom management which one should be avoided? a. Stick to classroom regulation consistently b. Use classroom regulation to establish classroom routine c. Involve students in the formulation of classroom regulation d. Make as many regulations as you can
  • 105. 51. In a microcomputer system the actual machine itself is called the… a. CPU b. Hardware c. Software d. Peripheral
  • 106. 52. In what situation may a teacher NOT repeat a question? a. When a teacher is dictating a question b. When a teacher is in a large room with poor acoustics c. When an inattentive student fails to get the question d. the question is multi-faceted
  • 107. 53. Which of the following are considered peripherals of a microcomputer systems? a. Keyboard, video-display terminal b. An audiocassette recorder, a central processing unit c. A modem, a printer d. Video-display terminal, a disk drive unit
  • 108. 54. “When the cat is away, the mouse, will play.” Which Filipino weakness is being identified? a. Extreme personalism b. Lack of self-discipline c. Lack of initiative d. Kanya-kanya” syndrome
  • 109. 55. Feedback is said to be “the breakfast of champions” Which one does this imply for schools? a. Feedback focuses on problem correction b. Feedback scares school administration and teachers c. Feedback is the basis for compensation d. Feedback is essential in the containing quality improvement of the school system
  • 110. 56. Which ones can tell a teacher whether score distributions appear compressed or expanded? a. Standard scores b. Measures of correlation c. Measures of variability d. Measures of central tendency
  • 111. 57. Teacher Cora observe cleanliness and order classroom to create a conducive atmosphere for learning. On which theory is her practice based? a. Psychoanalysis b. Gestalt psychology c. Behaviorism d. Humanistic psychology
  • 112. 58. Which of the following measures should a teacher do to a principal whom she would like to file a case of sexual harassment without violating the relationship of the teacher and her superiors? a. Present the case before competent authority and prepare to prove the charge b. Write an anonymous letter to a higher school official to denounce the superior c. Call a parent-teacher meeting and denounce the superior d. Encourage the other teachers and students to hold a demonstration to oust the superior
  • 113. 59. Pick out the situation that illustrates the duty of a new teacher to the state: a. Take a long vacation which she firmly believes she deserves after four years of diligent study before taking the examination for teachers b. Apply for teaching job where eligibility is not required to gain teaching experience before taking the teachers board examination c. Prepare for the wedding she and her boyfriend have long planned to able to raise a family with children which they plan to rear as good citizen of our country d. Take the licensure examination for teacher and an oath to do her best to help carry out the policies of the state
  • 114. 60. Zero standard deviation means that: a. The students scores are the same b. 50% of the scores obtained is zero c. More than 50% of the score obtained is zero d. Less than 50% of the scores obtained is zero
  • 115. 61. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth. Which practice NOT keeping with his role as facilitator? a. Considers the multiple intelligences of learners b. Humiliates misbehaving pupils c. Dialogs with parents and with other members of the community d. Keeps himself abreast with educational trends
  • 116. 62. A comprehension skill of higher level which may be inferred or implied from reading is a. Picking out the main idea b. Following direction c. Noting specific details d. Drawing conclusion
  • 117. 63. Both Muslim and Christian value marriage but the Muslim practices polygamous marriage while the Christian practices monogamous marriage. What is this called? a. Cultural relativism b. Ethical relativism c. Acculturation d. Enculturation
  • 118. 64. Which best indicates the effectiveness classroom activities? a. The laughter and enjoyment of students b. The application of concept learned in daily life c. The utilization of varied techniques and approaches d. The variety of instructional materials used
  • 119. 65. If a resilient child with superior intelligence is reared in a poor environment the probable outcome would be a. No change in IQ because environment deprivation has nothing has nothing to do with intelligence b. Slight change in IQ although he can overcome frustration and obstacle c. Mental retardation since he is culturally deprived d. Great change in IQ because he is culturally deprived
  • 120. 66. Freud expounded that there is a period when young boys experience rivalry with their father for their mother’s affection. This is a. Oedipus complex b. Achilles syndrome c. Electra complex d. Cassandra syndrome
  • 121. 67. Which of the following examples illustrate the use of questions to focus pupil attention on the key points of the lesson? a. Why are machine made goods cheaper than those made by hand? b. What is Rizal Park know for? c. Have you ever enjoyed watching the clouds on a bright day? d. Who came while I was writing on the blackboard?
  • 122. 68. The new teacher entered a noisy classroom. She shouted immediately at the students desperately trying to get order and discipline. Since then the teacher has not controlled the class. Which is the most probable cause of the teacher’s failure? a. The students reaction to the teacher is the consequence of her behavior b. Rules are not defined and procedures to sustain order is not put into place c. The new teacher wants to show the class who is authority d. The class wants to test the ability and patience of the teacher.
  • 123. 69. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance responsibility and accountability? a. A teacher paid on an hour basis, takes her time with the subject matter till end of period b. A teacher paid on an hour basis, teaches as much as she could for duration of the period c. A teacher paid on an hour basis, spends most of the time on the latest gossips in showbiz d. A teacher paid on an hour basis, entertain her students with stories till the end of the period
  • 124. 70. You have a pupil who is so talkative, naughty and aggressive that he is a burden to the entire members of the class. How would you remedy this problem? a. Call the parents for dialogue b. Reprimand him always c. Report the case to the principal d. Talk to him seriously
  • 125. 71. Which of the different types of test covers and wide variety of objectives? a. True-false b. Matching c. Multiple choice d. Essay
  • 126. 72. What does extreme authoritarianism in the home reinforce in learners? a. Creativity in work b. Doing things on their own initiative c. Ability to direct themselves d. Dependence on others for direction
  • 127. 73. You observe that pupils answer even when not called, shout MA’AM to get your attention, and laugh when someone commits mistakes. What should you do? a. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance counselor b. Set the rules for the class to observe c. Involve the whole class in setting rules of conduct for the whole class d. Make a report to the parents to the parents about their children’s misbehavior
  • 128. 74. Which can run counter to the encouragement you give to your students to ask questions? a. Eye to eye contact b. radiant face c. An encouraging hand gesture d. knitted eyebrows when a question is raised
  • 129. 75. Which is the TRUE foundation of the social order? a. Strong political leadership b. Obedient citizen c. Equitable distribution of wealth d. The reciprocation of rights and duties
  • 130. 76. Which of the following group of materials is considered to have the highest degree of abstraction? A. pictures, posters, and slides B. plants, insects, and other specimens C. educational televisions, film, and video clips D. friendly and business letters, novels, newspaper clips
  • 131. 77. Prof. Balagtas plans to utilize audiocassettes in his Literature class the next day. Which of the following competencies does he want to develop in his students? A. Literary criticism B. Literary appreciation C. Short story composition D. Auditory comprehension
  • 132. 78. Hector is asked to present a report regarding the expedition of Christopher Columbus. He is planning to deliver his report by making the parts of his presentation partly hidden to make it more interesting and exciting. Which of the following materials should he probably use? A. Video C. realia B. Slides D. models
  • 133. 79. Mr. Malaya is teaching a 3rd year high school class in world history. The students need note taking, outlining, and study skills. Which strategy should she start to model, teach, and have students practice first? A. Getting the main idea B. sequencing C. reciprocal teaching D. rhetorical patterns of expository texts
  • 134. 80. Teacher Sheila does a read-aloud and think-aloud modeling several times a week in her first and second grade classroom. Which of the following strategies is she NOT modeling? A. asking questions of the text, the author, and self B. making connections with the text C. checking predictions D. phonetic analysis
  • 135. 81. Mr. Rodrigo has several students in his fifth grade class that need more strategies for comprehension of texts. Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy for him to model to the students? A. checking and modifying predictions while reading B. looking up vocabulary words during reading C. activating prior knowledge before reading D. using context clues for monitoring
  • 136. 82. The following statements are characteristics of the subject-centered curriculum EXCEPT for A. The main task is mastery learning. B. The teacher has full control of the lesson. C. There is a high level of cooperative interaction. D. It covers much of the content in a short span of time.
  • 137. 83. When developers try to obtain relevant information to be able to judge the worth of an educational program, its product, procedures, and objectives, the developers are in the process of curriculum A. planning. C. evaluation. B. designing. D. alignment.
  • 138. 84. Johnny, a junior high school student, connected his lesson on fractions with his Social Studies lesson on land ownership during the time of Feudalism. Which curriculum design element is reflected in Johnny’s practice? A. Articulation C. continuity B. Integration D. balance
  • 139. 85. A curriculum developer wants to combine geography, civics and culture, and history to complete the subject area of Social Studies. The curriculum developer clearly manifests favor for the A. correlated subjects curriculum design. B. broad fields curriculum design. C. fused curriculum design. D. core curriculum design.
  • 140. 86. Teacher C has found out that there was a mismatch between the content she was teaching in the class and the competencies tested in the standards- based assessment (SBA) given after a year of instruction. This situation calls for curriculum A. planning. C. alignment. B. designing. D. implementation
  • 141. 87. The following are characteristics of the experience-centered curriculum EXCEPT for A. The classroom activities are cooperatively controlled by the learner and the teacher. B. The emphasis is on the holistic development of the individual learner. C. Education aims to develop a socially creative individual. D. Facts and knowledge are to be mastered for
  • 142. 88. Mr. Delos Reyes believes that curriculum is not concerned with what the students will do in the learning situation, but what they will retain in mind as a consequence of what they do. Which of the following definitions or conceptions of curriculum reflects the belief of Mr. Delos Reyes? A. Curriculum as Plan B. Curriculum as Experience C. Curriculum as Subject Matter D. Curriculum as Result or Outcome
  • 143. 89. Which of the following is NOT a function of curriculum evaluation? A. Evaluation provides feedback to those who are concerned in the students’ learning. B. Evaluation serves as basis for curriculum change and improvement. C. Evaluation gives light to curriculum misalignment. D. Evaluation could serve as a disciplinary measure.
  • 144. 90. Mrs. Elena, an academic coordinator, finds it necessary for most subject areas to have their contents be repeated across grade levels in progressing degrees of difficulty and contextualization. Which of the following curriculum designs does she want to use? A. broad-fields C. spiral B. correlated D. core
  • 145. 91. Mr. Ventura, a Literature teacher, tries to enrich the content of his lesson by identifying related concepts in History and Art. Which of the following reflects the pattern of organizing subject matter that he utilized? A. separate subject C. correlated B. broad fields D. core
  • 146. 92. A grade one teacher made lines on her chalkboard. The lines seem to be like a grade one pad paper which contains a blue-red-blue sequence. Which of the following is the BEST reason for the teacher’s instructional designing? a. Different colors draw the children’s attention to the teacher and the lesson. b. The lines require the learner’s control of their fine and gross motor skills. c. The teacher can write on the board with perfect alignment. d. Dull chalkboards make any lesson boring to the learners.
  • 147. 93. These are experiences that draw heavily on the richest and most vivid sense impressions involving feelings and perceptions as the young learner embarks on exploring the world. Which of the following refers to these experiences? a. direct purposeful experiences b. dramatized experiences c. contrived experiences d. abstract experiences
  • 148. 94. In the top down perspective, a reader could read a text when he/she A. uses his prior knowledge to make sense of the text. B. selects only the meaningful segments in the text. C. can translate the visual symbols to their aural equivalent. D. relates the text to other texts previously read.
  • 149. 95. A reader read the word “plan” with a pronunciation like “plane” in the sentence, “It’s my plan to sail across the ocean.” The deviation of the reader in reading the text can be explained by the reader’s use of A. syntactic cues B. semantic cues C. graphophonic cues D. pragmatic cues
  • 150. 96. An office secretary encoded her boss’s memorandum for the company’s employees. The boss returned the memo to the secretary along with the note, “Please justify this!” The secretary felt bad and wanted to resign immediately because she thinks that it’s not her job to explain the contents of the memo. What cueing system did the secretary fail to consider? A. Graphophonic C. semantic B. Syntactic D. pragmatic
  • 151. 97. It refers to the learned ability to see words in groups rather than as individual words. A. Subvocalization B. fixation C. Regression D. clustering.
  • 152. 98. Teacher E entered the classroom and showed a list of word families like cat, mat, fat, rat, pat, and bat. This practice clearly shows that the teacher employs A. Whole-language approach. B. Language experience approach. C. Literature-based approach. D. Phonics approach.
  • 153. 99. Mr. Natividad considers his students’ ages in presenting certain content and in modeling certain cognitive processes. Which of the following principles of learning does Mr. Natividad follow? A. Principle of learning aided by formulating and asking questions B. Principle of presenting challenging tasks C. Principle of learning by doing D. Principle of readiness
  • 154. 100. Which is NOT true of the guidance process? A. The guidance process is a continuous process B. Guidance is meant for every student including the performing students C. The guidance counselor decides what is best for the student who is in the dark D. Guidance is assisting students to become self-directed individuals
  • 155. 51. In a microcomputer system the actual machine itself is called the… a. CPU b. Hardware c. Software d. Peripheral
  • 156. 52. In what situation may a teacher NOT repeat a question? a. When a teacher is dictating a question b. When a teacher is in a large room with poor acoustics c. When an inattentive student fails to get the question d. the question is multi-faceted
  • 157. 53. Which of the following are considered peripherals of a microcomputer systems? a. Keyboard, video-display terminal b. An audiocassette recorder, a central processing unit c. A modem, a printer d. Video-display terminal, a disk drive unit
  • 158. 54. “When the cat is away, the mouse, will play.” Which Filipino weakness is being identified? a. Extreme personalism b. Lack of self-discipline c. Lack of initiative d. Kanya-kanya” syndrome
  • 159. 55. Feedback is said to be “the breakfast of champions” Which one does this imply for schools? a. Feedback focuses on problem correction b. Feedback scares school administration and teachers c. Feedback is the basis for compensation d. Feedback is essential in the containing quality improvement of the school system
  • 160. 56. Which ones can tell a teacher whether score distributions appear compressed or expanded? a. Standard scores b. Measures of correlation c. Measures of variability d. Measures of central tendency
  • 161. 57. Teacher Cora observe cleanliness and order classroom to create a conducive atmosphere for learning. On which theory is her practice based? a. Psychoanalysis b. Gestalt psychology c. Behaviorism d. Humanistic psychology
  • 162. 58. Which of the following measures should a teacher do to a principal whom she would like to file a case of sexual harassment without violating the relationship of the teacher and her superiors? a. Present the case before competent authority and prepare to prove the charge b. Write an anonymous letter to a higher school official to denounce the superior c. Call a parent-teacher meeting and denounce the superior d. Encourage the other teachers and students to hold a demonstration to oust the superior
  • 163. 59. Pick out the situation that illustrates the duty of a new teacher to the state: a. Take a long vacation which she firmly believes she deserves after four years of diligent study before taking the examination for teachers b. Apply for teaching job where eligibility is not required to gain teaching experience before taking the teachers board examination c. Prepare for the wedding she and her boyfriend have long planned to able to raise a family with children which they plan to rear as good citizen of our country d. Take the licensure examination for teacher and an oath to do her best to help carry out the policies of the state
  • 164. 60. Zero standard deviation means that: a. The students scores are the same b. 50% of the scores obtained is zero c. More than 50% of the score obtained is zero d. Less than 50% of the scores obtained is zero
  • 165. 61. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth. Which practice NOT keeping with his role as facilitator? a. Considers the multiple intelligences of learners b. Humiliates misbehaving pupils c. Dialogs with parents and with other members of the community d. Keeps himself abreast with educational trends
  • 166. 62. A comprehension skill of higher level which may be inferred or implied from reading is a. Picking out the main idea b. Following direction c. Noting specific details d. Drawing conclusion
  • 167. 63. Both Muslim and Christian value marriage but the Muslim practices polygamous marriage while the Christian practices monogamous marriage. What is this called? a. Cultural relativism b. Ethical relativism c. Acculturation d. Enculturation
  • 168. 64. Which best indicates the effectiveness classroom activities? a. The laughter and enjoyment of students b. The application of concept learned in daily life c. The utilization of varied techniques and approaches d. The variety of instructional materials used
  • 169. 65. If a resilient child with superior intelligence is reared in a poor environment the probable outcome would be a. No change in IQ because environment deprivation has nothing has nothing to do with intelligence b. Slight change in IQ although he can overcome frustration and obstacle c. Mental retardation since he is culturally deprived d. Great change in IQ because he is culturally deprived
  • 170. 66. Freud expounded that there is a period when young boys experience rivalry with their father for their mother’s affection. This is a. Oedipus complex b. Achilles syndrome c. Electra complex d. Cassandra syndrome
  • 171. 67. Which of the following examples illustrate the use of questions to focus pupil attention on the key points of the lesson? a. Why are machine made goods cheaper than those made by hand? b. What is Rizal Park know for? c. Have you ever enjoyed watching the clouds on a bright day? d. Who came while I was writing on the blackboard?
  • 172. 68. The new teacher entered a noisy classroom. She shouted immediately at the students desperately trying to get order and discipline. Since then the teacher has not controlled the class. Which is the most probable cause of the teacher’s failure? a. The students reaction to the teacher is the consequence of her behavior b. Rules are not defined and procedures to sustain order is not put into place c. The new teacher wants to show the class who is authority d. The class wants to test the ability and patience of the teacher.
  • 173. 69. Which of the following is the best situation wherein you can balance responsibility and accountability? a. A teacher paid on an hour basis, takes her time with the subject matter till end of period b. A teacher paid on an hour basis, teaches as much as she could for duration of the period c. A teacher paid on an hour basis, spends most of the time on the latest gossips in showbiz d. A teacher paid on an hour basis, entertain her students with stories till the end of the period
  • 174. 70. You have a pupil who is so talkative, naughty and aggressive that he is a burden to the entire members of the class. How would you remedy this problem? a. Call the parents for dialogue b. Reprimand him always c. Report the case to the principal d. Talk to him seriously
  • 175. 71. Which of the different types of test covers and wide variety of objectives? a. True-false b. Matching c. Multiple choice d. Essay
  • 176. 72. What does extreme authoritarianism in the home reinforce in learners? a. Creativity in work b. Doing things on their own initiative c. Ability to direct themselves d. Dependence on others for direction
  • 177. 73. You observe that pupils answer even when not called, shout MA’AM to get your attention, and laugh when someone commits mistakes. What should you do? a. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance counselor b. Set the rules for the class to observe c. Involve the whole class in setting rules of conduct for the whole class d. Make a report to the parents to the parents about their children’s misbehavior
  • 178. 74. Which can run counter to the encouragement you give to your students to ask questions? a. Eye to eye contact b. radiant face c. An encouraging hand gesture d. knitted eyebrows when a question is raised
  • 179. 75. Which is the TRUE foundation of the social order? a. Strong political leadership b. Obedient citizen c. Equitable distribution of wealth d. The reciprocation of rights and duties
  • 180. 76. Which of the following group of materials is considered to have the highest degree of abstraction? A. pictures, posters, and slides B. plants, insects, and other specimens C. educational televisions, film, and video clips D. friendly and business letters, novels, newspaper clips
  • 181. 77. Prof. Balagtas plans to utilize audiocassettes in his Literature class the next day. Which of the following competencies does he want to develop in his students? A. Literary criticism B. Literary appreciation C. Short story composition D. Auditory comprehension
  • 182. 78. Hector is asked to present a report regarding the expedition of Christopher Columbus. He is planning to deliver his report by making the parts of his presentation partly hidden to make it more interesting and exciting. Which of the following materials should he probably use? A. Video C. realia B. Slides D. models
  • 183. 78. Hector is asked to present a report regarding the expedition of Christopher Columbus. He is planning to deliver his report by making the parts of his presentation partly hidden to make it more interesting and exciting. Which of the following materials should he probably use? A. Video C. realia B. Slides D. models
  • 184. 79. Mr. Malaya is teaching a 3rd year high school class in world history. The students need note taking, outlining, and study skills. Which strategy should she start to model, teach, and have students practice first? A. Getting the main idea B. sequencing C. reciprocal teaching D. rhetorical patterns of expository texts
  • 185. 80. Teacher Sheila does a read-aloud and think-aloud modeling several times a week in her first and second grade classroom. Which of the following strategies is she NOT modeling? A. asking questions of the text, the author, and self B. making connections with the text C. checking predictions D. phonetic analysis
  • 186. 81. Mr. Rodrigo has several students in his fifth grade class that need more strategies for comprehension of texts. Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy for him to model to the students? A. checking and modifying predictions while reading B. looking up vocabulary words during reading C. activating prior knowledge before reading D. using context clues for monitoring
  • 187. 82. The following statements are characteristics of the subject-centered curriculum EXCEPT for A. The main task is mastery learning. B. The teacher has full control of the lesson. C. There is a high level of cooperative interaction. D. It covers much of the content in a short span of time.
  • 188. 83. When developers try to obtain relevant information to be able to judge the worth of an educational program, its product, procedures, and objectives, the developers are in the process of curriculum A. planning. C. evaluation. B. designing. D. alignment.
  • 189. 83. When developers try to obtain relevant information to be able to judge the worth of an educational program, its product, procedures, and objectives, the developers are in the process of curriculum A. planning. C. evaluation. B. designing. D. alignment.
  • 190. 84. Johnny, a junior high school student, connected his lesson on fractions with his Social Studies lesson on land ownership during the time of Feudalism. Which curriculum design element is reflected in Johnny’s practice? A. Articulation C. continuity B. Integration D. balance
  • 191. 84. Johnny, a junior high school student, connected his lesson on fractions with his Social Studies lesson on land ownership during the time of Feudalism. Which curriculum design element is reflected in Johnny’s practice? A. Articulation C. continuity B. Integration D. balance
  • 192. 85. A curriculum developer wants to combine geography, civics and culture, and history to complete the subject area of Social Studies. The curriculum developer clearly manifests favor for the A. correlated subjects curriculum design. B. broad fields curriculum design. C. fused curriculum design. D. core curriculum design.
  • 193. 86. Teacher C has found out that there was a mismatch between the content she was teaching in the class and the competencies tested in the standards- based assessment (SBA) given after a year of instruction. This situation calls for curriculum A. planning. C. alignment. B. designing. D. implementation
  • 194. 86. Teacher C has found out that there was a mismatch between the content she was teaching in the class and the competencies tested in the standards- based assessment (SBA) given after a year of instruction. This situation calls for curriculum A. planning. C. alignment. B. designing. D. implementation
  • 195. 87. The following are characteristics of the experience-centered curriculum EXCEPT for A. The classroom activities are cooperatively controlled by the learner and the teacher. B. The emphasis is on the holistic development of the individual learner. C. Education aims to develop a socially creative individual. D. Facts and knowledge are to be mastered for
  • 196. 88. Mr. Delos Reyes believes that curriculum is not concerned with what the students will do in the learning situation, but what they will retain in mind as a consequence of what they do. Which of the following definitions or conceptions of curriculum reflects the belief of Mr. Delos Reyes? A. Curriculum as Plan B. Curriculum as Experience C. Curriculum as Subject Matter D. Curriculum as Result or Outcome
  • 197. 89. Which of the following is NOT a function of curriculum evaluation? A. Evaluation provides feedback to those who are concerned in the students’ learning. B. Evaluation serves as basis for curriculum change and improvement. C. Evaluation gives light to curriculum misalignment. D. Evaluation could serve as a disciplinary measure.
  • 198. 90. Mrs. Elena, an academic coordinator, finds it necessary for most subject areas to have their contents be repeated across grade levels in progressing degrees of difficulty and contextualization. Which of the following curriculum designs does she want to use? A. broad-fields C. spiral B. correlated D. core
  • 199. 90. Mrs. Elena, an academic coordinator, finds it necessary for most subject areas to have their contents be repeated across grade levels in progressing degrees of difficulty and contextualization. Which of the following curriculum designs does she want to use? A. broad-fields C. spiral B. correlated D. core
  • 200. 91. Mr. Ventura, a Literature teacher, tries to enrich the content of his lesson by identifying related concepts in History and Art. Which of the following reflects the pattern of organizing subject matter that he utilized? A. separate subject C. correlated B. broad fields D. core
  • 201. 91. Mr. Ventura, a Literature teacher, tries to enrich the content of his lesson by identifying related concepts in History and Art. Which of the following reflects the pattern of organizing subject matter that he utilized? A. separate subject C. correlated B. broad fields D. core
  • 202. 92. A grade one teacher made lines on her chalkboard. The lines seem to be like a grade one pad paper which contains a blue-red-blue sequence. Which of the following is the BEST reason for the teacher’s instructional designing? a. Different colors draw the children’s attention to the teacher and the lesson. b. The lines require the learner’s control of their fine and gross motor skills. c. The teacher can write on the board with perfect alignment. d. Dull chalkboards make any lesson boring to the learners.
  • 203. 93. These are experiences that draw heavily on the richest and most vivid sense impressions involving feelings and perceptions as the young learner embarks on exploring the world. Which of the following refers to these experiences? a. direct purposeful experiences b. dramatized experiences c. contrived experiences d. abstract experiences
  • 204. 94. In the bottom-up perspective, a reader could read a text when he/she A. uses his prior knowledge to make sense of the text. B. selects only the meaningful segments in the text. C. can translate the visual symbols to their aural equivalent. D. relates the text to other texts previously read.
  • 205. 95. A reader read the word “plan” with a pronunciation like “plane” in the sentence, “It’s my plan to sail across the ocean.” The deviation of the reader in reading the text can be explained by the reader’s use of A. syntactic cues B. semantic cues C. graphophonic cues D. pragmatic cues
  • 206. 96. An office secretary encoded her boss’s memorandum for the company’s employees. The boss returned the memo to the secretary along with the note, “Please justify this!” The secretary felt bad and wanted to resign immediately because she thinks that it’s not her job to explain the contents of the memo. What cueing system did the secretary fail to consider? A. Graphophonic C. semantic B. Syntactic D. pragmatic
  • 207. 96. An office secretary encoded her boss’s memorandum for the company’s employees. The boss returned the memo to the secretary along with the note, “Please justify this!” The secretary felt bad and wanted to resign immediately because she thinks that it’s not her job to explain the contents of the memo. What cueing system did the secretary fail to consider? A. Graphophonic C. semantic B. Syntactic D. pragmatic
  • 208. 97. It refers to the learned ability to see words in groups rather than as individual words. A. Subvocalization B. fixation C. Regression D. clustering.
  • 209. 98. Teacher E entered the classroom and showed a list of word families like cat, mat, fat, rat, pat, and bat. This practice clearly shows that the teacher employs A. Whole-language approach. B. Language experience approach. C. Literature-based approach. D. Phonics approach.
  • 210. 99. Mr. Natividad considers his students’ ages in presenting certain content and in modeling certain cognitive processes. Which of the following principles of learning does Mr. Natividad follow? A. Principle of learning aided by formulating and asking questions B. Principle of presenting challenging tasks C. Principle of learning by doing D. Principle of readiness
  • 211. 100. Which is NOT true of the guidance process? A. The guidance process is a continuous process B. Guidance is meant for every student including the performing students C. The guidance counselor decides what is best for the student who is in the dark D. Guidance is assisting students to become self-directed individuals