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William Wallace
BH24 1SE
Ringwood School, Parsonage Barn Lane
A black screen is the only thing visible while a backing
track is playing, the scene then opens with the sound of a
bell ringing establishing shots of Ringwood School while
all the students are leaving at the end of the school day.
The final establishing shot is still and we then see
several different legs.
The shot then changes so we can see our main group of
characters (CAMERON, DAVID, JAMES, JACK, JACOB) walking
away from the school all in a conversation.
That was such a shit day
What time’s everyone out tonight then?
Think we should meet at 8
Fine with me
Yeah. James?
JAMES looks up from his phone
Yeah, should be ok I think
Alright sick, I’ll go get drinks
I can’t wait to go out, I’ve needed it
Think we all do.
All characters continue walking down the street,
there is then a shot of the weird kid, WILL. The
group notices him in the distance and start making
rude comments towards him.
Look at him, what a twat
*Group laughs*
Where are you going mate!?
Definitely off to see all his girls
Look how he quick he’s walking, fuckin’
racing off
Slow down a minute, we want to talk
Look he has drinks sticking out his bag,
David I dare you to go and steal it.
Alright, what for?
Nobody’s going to give you any money
Ok then, I’ll do it anyway. He won’t do
shit back to me
The group agrees on this idea and begins to run towards
WILL, we see this from an over the shoulder shot. The group
run towards WILL grabbing his bag and wrestling for the
drink sticking out of the bag.
Just leave me alone!
The group manages to take the bag away and push WILL to the
ground, they take the drink out and throw the bag to the
ground. The group runs off laughing.
JAMES slows down and turns to WILL on the floor
Sorry mate
He then joins the group running off into the distance, we
then see a shot of WILL sat on the floor next to his bag
staring at the group running away.
The shot cuts to black with a sound effect.
The scene starts with an upbeat backing track playing with
the text: 8pm Poulner
CAMERON and DAVID arrive the latest and are speaking about
stealing the drinks off WILL
I feel bad for him now
Who gives a shit, it was so funny. Did you
see his face?
They both start laughing and joking about the situation as
the shot moves to an establishing shot of the new location
where the other 3 friends are already sat at the bench
drinking, there is then a few shots of DAVID and CAMERON
jumping over the fence to get the rest of the group. The
backing track turns diegetic as the group are playing the
Alright boys?
The group all get up and greet each other, and then all sit
back on the bench and start drinking.
When did you all get here?
Like 10 minutes ago, but I think Jacob’s
already drunk
No! I’m completely fine *he slurs his
How’ve you managed that?
I said I’m not drunk! I’m fine
Anyway, I brought the drink, who want’s
The group then passes round the large bottle containing the
blue liquid all taking big sips, Jacob drinks the largest
amount and Cameron only tries a small amount.
That was disgusting, who would buy that?
I didn’t even have that much because it
smelt awful.
It was fine, stop moaning
The group laughs at Jacob
I need a piss, someone come with me
Need someone to hold your hand?
No, not his hand
Groups start laughing at him so JACOB stumbles away from
the group towards some trees.
Fine, don’t worry then!
David would, but it’s too dark for him
Shut the fuck up
The group laughs and goes back to drinking and turns away
from JACOB.
He then stumbles away on his own away from the group, once
he reaches the trees we see an over the shoulder shot of
the friends behind him, the camera then changes to the
other shoulder and there is then an open area, the camera
goes to the original shoulder and we see the bench and all
the group have gone, again, the camera switches shoulder
and we see a dark figure wearing a dark robe, a half
balaclava and gloves. The figure is holding an axe dragging
it along the floor as he walks towards JACOB.
There is then a shot of JACOB from behind where he is
urinating, and we see a shot of his face looking relieved.
The same close up follows JACOB’s head as he turns around
to notice he is alone in a dark forest. As a tense backing
track starts to play.
Cameron? Jack? James!?
After he realises he is not with his friends and completely
alone, lost, he enters a panic and turns his flashlight on
from his phone. There is a few shots of him walking through
the forest. He then decides to sit down because he is
breathing too quick and needs to stop evaluate what’s
happening. As the tense backing track fades out.
*exhales* Calm down, just need to find the
way out
In the distance JACOB can just about make out a dark
silhouette of a person.
Thank fuck for that. I didn’t mean to walk
this far!
The figure continues to walk towards him, he tense backing
track continues from where it faded.
The figure then continues to walk towards him increasing in
pace. JACOB then realises that this isn’t one of his
friends, gets up as quick as possible and begins to run
away. As he turns away to run quicker, he bumps into the
tall dark figure getting knocked to the ground. He then
crawls backwards and struggles on the ground. The dark
figure then pulls back his arms holding an axe, JACOB lets
out a scream as we see the axe slash across the camera.
The camera then changes to the group hearing the same
What the fuck?
Was that Jacob?
Sounded like him, he never came back
Probably just lost *laughs*
Jack this could be serious, just shut the
fuck up a minute.
Don’t argue about it let’s just go and see
if he’s ok.
I’ll wait here
What so you can just sit on your phone?
JAMES stares at him and then turns away and pulls out his
phone, DAVID sighs and the group starts to walk towards the
What a dickhead.
We see the group in the distance as James is sat on the
bench on his phone, he then gets a call from DAVID and so
picks up. He believes that they have pocket dialed him and
are taking about him behind his back.
*mumbling* He’s just such a prick
sometimes, I don’t like him.
*mumbling* Yeah, I don’t mind him but he’s
a bit strange
*mumbling* Yeah, I just don’t like him
JAMES ends the call, and puts his head in his hands crying,
he then gets up and walks away, checking behind him and
checking his phone.
JAMES reaches the street and begins to walk home, he checks
his phone and sees that his lock screen is now his friend
JACOB’s lifeless body, he looks up and notices a dark
figure stood in the distance.
After getting no reply, JAMES looks around checking if
anyone else can see this figure. After turning around the
figure is no longer in front of him. JAMES enters a panic
and starts calling DAVID, while he is stood waiting for the
him to pick up, we see a shot of JAMES and then two arms
wrap around and begin to choke him.
The shot changes to the group investigating, and DAVID
picks up his phone.
Hello? What do you want? Hello?
We see a shot of a cracked phone with DAVID talking next to
JAMES’ body, we then cut back to the group.
He didn’t say anything
Might have been an accident
*pointing* Is that Jacob on the floor
We see a shot of JACOB dad on the floor with a gash in his
chest the friends gather round him. All characters enter a
Oh god, I wish someone went with him.
Who would’ve done it though?
Right now, it doesn’t matter let’s leave
before anyone else gets hurt.
The group then begins to walk away at a fast pace.
We need to stick together
No, I need to go home.
What do you mean? Your friend has just
been killed?
Exactly, I just want to get home, I’ll see
you tomorrow
Really Jack?
Yes, I don’t want to be here, I’ll see you
in a bit.
Jack then walks off on his own and we see him jump the
fence and walk down the street. We then see a shot of
CAMERON and DAVID sat on the bench.
Let’s just wait here and figure out what
we’re doing.
Yeah, I hope Jack will be alright
He wanted to walk off.
We then see a shot of JACK walking down the street and he
hears a laugh from a dark playground and can just about
make out two figures sat on the bench.
What are you laughing at?
You look like such a twat *laughs*
Who do you think you are?
You’re such a dickhead to your friends
Jack then starts moving towards them.
What’s your problem?
The two voices then continue laughing, so JACK walks into
the dark corner. All noise then stops as he starts walking
towards them.
Yeah, you’re not fucking laughing, are
The two figures on the bench look slumped against each
other. JACK then slowly approaches the bench and realises
the two figures are the two dead friends. Jack in shock
starts looking around in a panic. We then see long shot
where the dark figure swings his axe twice and JACK hits
the floor.
We then cut back to DAVID and CAMERON, they are discussing
what they should do.
Do you think we should get back in a
Yeah, I don’t feel great. I just can’t
believe what’s happened tonight, it
doesn’t feel real.
I know I’m worried about Jack and James;
we haven’t heard from them.
Yeah can you walk back to mine with me?
The two remaining characters then get up and walk off, we
see a montage of shots of them walking home and there is a
very dark mood with low lighting.
They then reach the house and DAVID enters he then stands
in the doorway and speaks to CAMERON.
Thanks, I’m just so worried, it just
hasn’t really set in yet.
Yeah, let’s just talk about it tomorrow I
just need to process what’s happened.
The two then hug.
I’ll see you tomorrow, say when you get
back in.
Yeah, I will, see you tomorrow.
DAVID then shuts the door and sits down on the sofa and
puts his head in his hands.
Ah fuck, why?
He then gets up and goes to the bathroom to wash his face.
He stares in the mirror for a minute. Then opens the door
and notices all the lights are off.
Oh no, no, no.
He turns his phone flashlight on and walks towards turning
the lights on, he turns them back on and walks away to go
upstairs. The lights then turn off again, so DAVID goes to
turn them back on and as he does the hand of the dark
figure grabs his wrist and then hits him over the head with
a bottle. We then see the figure drag his unconscious body
into the bathroom, the figure then gets a knife from the
kitchen and cuts DAVID’s wrists and leaves him to bleed.
CAMERON is now alone walking down the street in Poulner, it
is very late, so it is quiet and there is nobody around. We
see a few shots of CAMERON walking and then we see a shot
of CAMERON from the front and we see a car emerge from the
end of the road, it follows CAMERON along the road and
around a corner. CAMERON notices that the car will not
leave him, CAAMERON then starts to increase his pace and
the car matches it, they do this until CAMERON is
sprinting. He keeps turning to look at the car and running
down the road. The car then catches up and gets very close
to the camera. The car lights get too close and cover the
It transitions to a light in the garage where CAMERON is
looking up at the light, he notices he is strapped to a
chair, along with all his friends who are all dead apart
from DAVID who is still shaking and quivering. CMAERON
begins to loosen the rope.
Fucking hell *groans*, what’s happening?
There is then footsteps and the garage door opens and the
dark figure is in shock that CMAERON is awake.
Who are you?
How are you awake?
You piece of shit, why did you do this?
Because I’m in power now! None of you
could do anything.
You know these people have families
wondering where they are.
I couldn’t give less of a shit about any
of them, they never cared about me.
I don’t understand how you knew about my
car crash
Oh, I didn’t, all of you always push me
about and take things, I knew you’d take
the drink.
What’s that got to do with it?
It’s a hallucinogenic drug, it went into
the back of all your minds, and I got,
watch all of it.
He takes his mask off and takes his hood down. He then
starts cleaning the blood of the kitchen knife. CAMERON
notices a wrench on the floor and begins to loosen the
It’s pointless. You have nothing.
The rope falls to the floor, and CAMERON runs and pushes
WILL to the floor, he grabs the wrench and hits will on the
head. WILL falls to the floor and CAMERON looks around at
his dead friends and finds all the tools used to torture
his friends.
You useless
He hits WILL with the wrench.
He hits him again twice.
Piece of shit!
All sound in the scene then cuts, and a backing track plays
while CAMERON beats WILL’s body with the wrench, filled
with emotion CAMERON continues after WILL is no longer
moving. We then see car lights shine over the garage with
blue strobe lights and we faintly hear sirens, CAMERON
stops and stands up, in shock, realises what he’s done.
There is then faint shouting over the backing track of the
Stop! Put the weapon down!
CAMERON stands up with the wrench in his hand staring at
the police officers. They point the guns at him and
continue shouting.
Put it down!
We then hear a gunshot as all sound stops and the shot cuts
to black. There is silence for 3 seconds and the credits
then roll followed by a musical score.

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Draft 1

  • 1. LOST IN YOUR THOUGHTS By William Wallace BH24 1SE Ringwood School, Parsonage Barn Lane 01425475000
  • 2. 2 INTRODUCTION A black screen is the only thing visible while a backing track is playing, the scene then opens with the sound of a bell ringing establishing shots of Ringwood School while all the students are leaving at the end of the school day. The final establishing shot is still and we then see several different legs. SCENE 1: EXT - OUTSIDE SCHOOL - AFTERNOON The shot then changes so we can see our main group of characters (CAMERON, DAVID, JAMES, JACK, JACOB) walking away from the school all in a conversation. JAMES That was such a shit day *GROUP LAUGHS* CAMERON What time’s everyone out tonight then? DAVID Think we should meet at 8 JACK Fine with me JACOB Yeah CAMERON Yeah. James? JAMES looks up from his phone JAMES Yeah, should be ok I think DAVID Alright sick, I’ll go get drinks
  • 3. 3 JACK I can’t wait to go out, I’ve needed it CAMERON Think we all do. All characters continue walking down the street, there is then a shot of the weird kid, WILL. The group notices him in the distance and start making rude comments towards him. CAMERON Look at him, what a twat *Group laughs* DAVID Where are you going mate!? JACK Definitely off to see all his girls JAMES Look how he quick he’s walking, fuckin’ racing off CAMERON Slow down a minute, we want to talk JACOB Look he has drinks sticking out his bag, David I dare you to go and steal it. DAVID Alright, what for? JACK Nobody’s going to give you any money DAVID Ok then, I’ll do it anyway. He won’t do shit back to me
  • 4. 4 The group agrees on this idea and begins to run towards WILL, we see this from an over the shoulder shot. The group run towards WILL grabbing his bag and wrestling for the drink sticking out of the bag. WILL Just leave me alone! The group manages to take the bag away and push WILL to the ground, they take the drink out and throw the bag to the ground. The group runs off laughing. CAMERON Dickhead! JAMES slows down and turns to WILL on the floor JAMES Sorry mate He then joins the group running off into the distance, we then see a shot of WILL sat on the floor next to his bag staring at the group running away. The shot cuts to black with a sound effect. SCENE 1: DRINKING The scene starts with an upbeat backing track playing with the text: 8pm Poulner CAMERON and DAVID arrive the latest and are speaking about stealing the drinks off WILL CAMERON I feel bad for him now DAVID Who gives a shit, it was so funny. Did you see his face? They both start laughing and joking about the situation as the shot moves to an establishing shot of the new location where the other 3 friends are already sat at the bench drinking, there is then a few shots of DAVID and CAMERON jumping over the fence to get the rest of the group. The
  • 5. 5 backing track turns diegetic as the group are playing the song. DAVID Alright boys? The group all get up and greet each other, and then all sit back on the bench and start drinking. CAMERON When did you all get here? JACK Like 10 minutes ago, but I think Jacob’s already drunk JACOB No! I’m completely fine *he slurs his words* JAMES How’ve you managed that? JACOB I said I’m not drunk! I’m fine DAVID Anyway, I brought the drink, who want’s some? The group then passes round the large bottle containing the blue liquid all taking big sips, Jacob drinks the largest amount and Cameron only tries a small amount. JACK That was disgusting, who would buy that? CAMERON I didn’t even have that much because it smelt awful. JACOB It was fine, stop moaning
  • 6. 6 The group laughs at Jacob JACOB I need a piss, someone come with me DAVID Need someone to hold your hand? JAMES No, not his hand Groups start laughing at him so JACOB stumbles away from the group towards some trees. JACOB Fine, don’t worry then! JACK David would, but it’s too dark for him DAVID Shut the fuck up The group laughs and goes back to drinking and turns away from JACOB. SCENE 2 He then stumbles away on his own away from the group, once he reaches the trees we see an over the shoulder shot of the friends behind him, the camera then changes to the other shoulder and there is then an open area, the camera goes to the original shoulder and we see the bench and all the group have gone, again, the camera switches shoulder and we see a dark figure wearing a dark robe, a half balaclava and gloves. The figure is holding an axe dragging it along the floor as he walks towards JACOB. There is then a shot of JACOB from behind where he is urinating, and we see a shot of his face looking relieved. SCENE 3: EXT FOREST The same close up follows JACOB’s head as he turns around to notice he is alone in a dark forest. As a tense backing track starts to play.
  • 7. 7 JACOB Cameron? Jack? James!? After he realises he is not with his friends and completely alone, lost, he enters a panic and turns his flashlight on from his phone. There is a few shots of him walking through the forest. He then decides to sit down because he is breathing too quick and needs to stop evaluate what’s happening. As the tense backing track fades out. JACOB *exhales* Calm down, just need to find the way out In the distance JACOB can just about make out a dark silhouette of a person. JACOB Thank fuck for that. I didn’t mean to walk this far! The figure continues to walk towards him, he tense backing track continues from where it faded. JACOB (DISTRESSED) Hello!? The figure then continues to walk towards him increasing in pace. JACOB then realises that this isn’t one of his friends, gets up as quick as possible and begins to run away. As he turns away to run quicker, he bumps into the tall dark figure getting knocked to the ground. He then crawls backwards and struggles on the ground. The dark figure then pulls back his arms holding an axe, JACOB lets out a scream as we see the axe slash across the camera. The camera then changes to the group hearing the same scream. CAMERON What the fuck? DAVID Was that Jacob?
  • 8. 8 JAMES Sounded like him, he never came back JACK Probably just lost *laughs* DAVID Jack this could be serious, just shut the fuck up a minute. CAMERON Don’t argue about it let’s just go and see if he’s ok. JAMES I’ll wait here DAVID What so you can just sit on your phone? JAMES stares at him and then turns away and pulls out his phone, DAVID sighs and the group starts to walk towards the scream. DAVID What a dickhead. We see the group in the distance as James is sat on the bench on his phone, he then gets a call from DAVID and so picks up. He believes that they have pocket dialed him and are taking about him behind his back. DAVID *mumbling* He’s just such a prick sometimes, I don’t like him. JACK *mumbling* Yeah, I don’t mind him but he’s a bit strange DAVID *mumbling* Yeah, I just don’t like him
  • 9. 9 JAMES ends the call, and puts his head in his hands crying, he then gets up and walks away, checking behind him and checking his phone. SCENE 3 WHERE ARE WE ETC JAMES reaches the street and begins to walk home, he checks his phone and sees that his lock screen is now his friend JACOB’s lifeless body, he looks up and notices a dark figure stood in the distance. JAMES Hello!? After getting no reply, JAMES looks around checking if anyone else can see this figure. After turning around the figure is no longer in front of him. JAMES enters a panic and starts calling DAVID, while he is stood waiting for the him to pick up, we see a shot of JAMES and then two arms wrap around and begin to choke him. The shot changes to the group investigating, and DAVID picks up his phone. DAVID Hello? What do you want? Hello? We see a shot of a cracked phone with DAVID talking next to JAMES’ body, we then cut back to the group. DAVID (TO THE OTHERS) He didn’t say anything CAMERON Might have been an accident JACK *pointing* Is that Jacob on the floor there? We see a shot of JACOB dad on the floor with a gash in his chest the friends gather round him. All characters enter a panic.
  • 10. 10 CAMERON Oh god, I wish someone went with him. DAVID Who would’ve done it though? JACK Right now, it doesn’t matter let’s leave before anyone else gets hurt. The group then begins to walk away at a fast pace. CAMERON We need to stick together JACK No, I need to go home. DAVID What do you mean? Your friend has just been killed? JACK Exactly, I just want to get home, I’ll see you tomorrow CAMERON Really Jack? JACK Yes, I don’t want to be here, I’ll see you in a bit. WHERE ARE WE? Jack then walks off on his own and we see him jump the fence and walk down the street. We then see a shot of CAMERON and DAVID sat on the bench. DAVID Let’s just wait here and figure out what we’re doing.
  • 11. 11 CAMERON Yeah, I hope Jack will be alright DAVID He wanted to walk off. We then see a shot of JACK walking down the street and he hears a laugh from a dark playground and can just about make out two figures sat on the bench. JACK What are you laughing at? VOICE 1 You look like such a twat *laughs* JACK Who do you think you are? VOICE 2 You’re such a dickhead to your friends Jack then starts moving towards them. JACK What’s your problem? The two voices then continue laughing, so JACK walks into the dark corner. All noise then stops as he starts walking towards them. JACK Yeah, you’re not fucking laughing, are you? The two figures on the bench look slumped against each other. JACK then slowly approaches the bench and realises the two figures are the two dead friends. Jack in shock starts looking around in a panic. We then see long shot where the dark figure swings his axe twice and JACK hits the floor. SCENE 4
  • 12. 12 We then cut back to DAVID and CAMERON, they are discussing what they should do. CAMERON Do you think we should get back in a minute? DAVID Yeah, I don’t feel great. I just can’t believe what’s happened tonight, it doesn’t feel real. CAMERON I know I’m worried about Jack and James; we haven’t heard from them. DAVID Yeah can you walk back to mine with me? The two remaining characters then get up and walk off, we see a montage of shots of them walking home and there is a very dark mood with low lighting. They then reach the house and DAVID enters he then stands in the doorway and speaks to CAMERON. DAVID Thanks, I’m just so worried, it just hasn’t really set in yet. CAMERON Yeah, let’s just talk about it tomorrow I just need to process what’s happened. The two then hug. DAVID I’ll see you tomorrow, say when you get back in. CAMERON Yeah, I will, see you tomorrow.
  • 13. 13 DAVID then shuts the door and sits down on the sofa and puts his head in his hands. DAVID Ah fuck, why? He then gets up and goes to the bathroom to wash his face. He stares in the mirror for a minute. Then opens the door and notices all the lights are off. DAVID Oh no, no, no. He turns his phone flashlight on and walks towards turning the lights on, he turns them back on and walks away to go upstairs. The lights then turn off again, so DAVID goes to turn them back on and as he does the hand of the dark figure grabs his wrist and then hits him over the head with a bottle. We then see the figure drag his unconscious body into the bathroom, the figure then gets a knife from the kitchen and cuts DAVID’s wrists and leaves him to bleed. SCENE 5 CAMERON is now alone walking down the street in Poulner, it is very late, so it is quiet and there is nobody around. We see a few shots of CAMERON walking and then we see a shot of CAMERON from the front and we see a car emerge from the end of the road, it follows CAMERON along the road and around a corner. CAMERON notices that the car will not leave him, CAAMERON then starts to increase his pace and the car matches it, they do this until CAMERON is sprinting. He keeps turning to look at the car and running down the road. The car then catches up and gets very close to the camera. The car lights get too close and cover the camera. It transitions to a light in the garage where CAMERON is looking up at the light, he notices he is strapped to a chair, along with all his friends who are all dead apart from DAVID who is still shaking and quivering. CMAERON begins to loosen the rope. CAMERON Fucking hell *groans*, what’s happening?
  • 14. 14 There is then footsteps and the garage door opens and the dark figure is in shock that CMAERON is awake. CAMERON Who are you? WILL How are you awake? CAMERON You piece of shit, why did you do this? WILL Because I’m in power now! None of you could do anything. CAMERON You know these people have families wondering where they are. WILL I couldn’t give less of a shit about any of them, they never cared about me. CAMERON I don’t understand how you knew about my car crash WILL Oh, I didn’t, all of you always push me about and take things, I knew you’d take the drink. CAMERON What’s that got to do with it? WILL It’s a hallucinogenic drug, it went into the back of all your minds, and I got, watch all of it. He takes his mask off and takes his hood down. He then starts cleaning the blood of the kitchen knife. CAMERON
  • 15. 15 notices a wrench on the floor and begins to loosen the rope. WILL It’s pointless. You have nothing. The rope falls to the floor, and CAMERON runs and pushes WILL to the floor, he grabs the wrench and hits will on the head. WILL falls to the floor and CAMERON looks around at his dead friends and finds all the tools used to torture his friends. CAMERON You useless He hits WILL with the wrench. CAMERON Worthless He hits him again twice. CAMERON Piece of shit! All sound in the scene then cuts, and a backing track plays while CAMERON beats WILL’s body with the wrench, filled with emotion CAMERON continues after WILL is no longer moving. We then see car lights shine over the garage with blue strobe lights and we faintly hear sirens, CAMERON stops and stands up, in shock, realises what he’s done. There is then faint shouting over the backing track of the police. POLICE OFFICER Stop! Put the weapon down! CAMERON stands up with the wrench in his hand staring at the police officers. They point the guns at him and continue shouting. POLICE OFFICER Put it down!
  • 16. 16 We then hear a gunshot as all sound stops and the shot cuts to black. There is silence for 3 seconds and the credits then roll followed by a musical score.