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Whakairo te whenua
    Whakairo te tangata

Carve the Land/Carve the People

            Dr. Simon Lambert
 Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit
            Lincoln University
Ko Panekire te
Ko Waikaremoana te

Ko Waikaretaheke
te awa

  Ngati Ruapani me
  Tuhoe nga iwi

Ko Te Kuha me
Waimako nga marae
•   Geohistorical backgrounder
•   Basic Maori environmental concepts
•   Research projects
•   Musing on Maori cultural political-economy
•   The End …
Nga Ingoa Tawhito
          An ancient cultural landscape
                                           Te Hiku o Te Ika

!"#$ Tikitiki a Taranga

                                                              Te Kauae o Te Ika

                                Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka
                                                         Te Upoko o te Ika
                                                 !"#!$%&$'%#(#!"#)$*$#$#+,%-      Rekohu

                                                 Te Waipounamu / South Island

     Te Punga o Te Waka
     Rakiura / Stewart Island
Renaissance & Resistance
NZ Political-Economic Context
•   Commodity exports & tourism
•   Stable (…MMP… Maori Party)
•   Multicultural
•   Neoliberal economy of 4 million people, 1,000 miles
    from Australia

• Maori comprise 15% of pop. (and still growing)
• ‘Maori’ economy growing
• Maori issues…growing!
    • Employment, education, health, resource management, iwi
      and runanga operations
Maori environmental concepts…



1. Whakapapa
• Genealogy…‘to make layers’
• Everything has a whakapapa
  – Birds, fish, animals, trees, rocks, mountains

…and Homo sapiens
                    RANGINUI                     PAPATUANUKU

Tumatauenga     Tane Mahuta      Rongomatane   Haumiatiketike   Tangaroa       Tawhirimatea
  WARFARE          FORESTS       CULTIVATED       WILD           SEA, &           WINDS &

                    Tane      Hineahuone


                                                                           •Separation, Patrons
                                                                           •Story of first woman
2. Papatuanuku
• Earth Mother
• Stemming from whakapapa as a personification
  of the environment

                                                            Hone Tuwhare A Biography by Janet Hunt
   We are stroking, caressing the spine
     of the land.
   We are massaging the ricked
     back of the land
   With our sore but ever-loving feet.
     Hell, she loves it!
   Squirming, the land wriggles
     in delight.

   We love her.

                                          By Hone Tuwhare                                            tears
Papatuanuku by Robyn Kahukiwa
3. Whanaungatanga
• Relatedness, kinship, family
• We are related to all things
  – Whenua = Land = Placenta
  – Te u kai po = Home place = to be breastfed

• Therefore we respect the world as family
• Humans in Nature, not Humans and Nature
4.. Kaitiakitanga
• The exercise of guardianship
• ‘tiaki’ = guard, look after, protect
• Kaitiaki is the person doing the guarding

• Means looking after natural resources, as
  one’s own blood and bones
• We should care for a degraded habitat as we
  would a sick family member
• These environmental concepts are also
  social concepts.
• In combination they reflect our socio-
  ecological resilience
Maori horticulture…
Domesticated species utilised by pre-5-3/&5/#'(-.*6#&34#-.*7*3
Aute     (Broussonetia papyrifera)                Japan, Taiwan
Kumara (Ipomoea batatas)                          South America
Hue      (Lagenaria vulgaris/L. siceraria)          “      “
Uwhi     (Dioscoria spp.)                         Southeast Asia
Taro      (Colocasia esculenta, C.                South Central Asia
Ti pore (Cordyline fruticosa)                     W. Polynesia/ Kermadec
Karaka (Cocynocarpus laevigata)                      “            “

                                     Source: Crosby 1986; Thompson 1922; Best 1976.
Domesticated crop species utilized by post-5-3/&5/#'(-.*6#
         ancestral origin, and earliest observation in New Zealand

                         Crop                              Origin                 Earliest known use
   Potato      (Solanum tuberosum)                Andes                       1769 (Du Surville)
   Wheat     (Triticum spp.)                      Mesopotamia                       “
   Maize      (Zea mays)                          Mesoamerica                       “
   Cabbage (Brassica oleracea)                    Mediterranean               1773 Dusky Sound (Cook &
   Carrot      (Daucus carota)                    Central Asia                Furneaux)
   Parsley    (Petroselenium crispum)             Mediterranean                     “
   Parsnip   (Peucedanum sativum)                       “                           “
   Pea       (Pisum sativum)                      Mediterranean/C. Asia             “
   Radish     (Raphanus sativus)                  Mediterranean                     “
   Turnip     (Brassica. rapa, B. campestris)     Mediterranean/Afghanistan         “
   Peach      (Amygdalus persica)
   Cherry       (Prunus cerasus)                  China                        1814 (Bay of Islands) early C19th
   Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris)                Central Asia                <1820
   Pumpkin      (Cucurbita pepo)                  Asia                         1820 Motuara (Bellinghausen)
   Marrow        (C. ovifera)                     Mexico                      <1837
   Cucumber (C. sativus)                                “                     <1837
   Grape       (Vitis vinifera)                   India/Southeast Asia         1838 Thames
   Lettuce      (Lactuca sativa)                  Middle Asia                 <1840 Otago Harbour
   Watercress (Nasturtium officiale)              Mediterranean                1850s Canterbury
   Tobacco      (Nicotiana tabacum)               Americas                     1867

Source: Thompson 1922; Smartt and Simmonds 1995
Maori cultural political-economy?

But what of culture? In general? For Maori?
• Te Ture Whenua Maori Act (1993)
    • Retention, use, development, and control.
• Maori educational and research initiatives
    • wananga
• Stronger Maori presence (amidst less secure
• Greater Maori capital
  – financial, natural, human, social…cultural?
Research projects…
Tuhoe Kiwi Project
    1080 toxicity
         Customary fisheries
Tuhoe kiwi project

             • Puketukutuku Peninsula
Tuhoe kiwi project
• Introduced predators have had a devastating
  impact on kiwi population
• Kill young
• Human help necessary

             Dead Stoat   Live Kiwi
Tuhoe kiwi project
                • Predator-free
                • Kiwi kept there until
                large enough to fend for
                themselves (1 kg)
Tuhoe kiwi project
                     •Predators trapped
Tuhoe kiwi project
                     • Also are controlling
                     other species that can
                     impact on kiwi eggs
Tuhoe kiwi project
                 • Have a worm farm to
                 produce supplementary
                 feed for the young kiwi
                 inside the enclosure
Education is about
Uptake and
Persistence of 1080 in
Aerial application of 1080
              • Mainly for possum and
                rabbit control
              • Helicopter or fixed-wing
              • 1080 in cereal or carrot
              • Public acceptability?

                                     63 ppb

                                                           MDL 3 ppb

1        3                  7             10                           17
                      Time (Days)
    Values show maximum in plants with 1080 bait at each time point
Led to 1080 Database
• To aid Maori communities access to scientific
  information on 1080, helping them to make
  their own risk assessment
• Find, review, and summarise all existing ‘peer-
  reviewed’ material on this subject
• Make all literature available (where legal)

Customary Fisheries Research
• National Inst. for Water & Atmospheric research
  (NIWA)… “ a collaborative case study approach to assist Tangata
    Whenua bring together different, yet complimentary, knowledge systems.
    With this combined knowledge, Tangata Whenua will be able to: protect
    their values, identify their goals and collaboratively develop culturally
    appropriate, robust and practical management strategies and tools.”

• CSAFE (Otago) “Te Tiaki Mahinga Kai's vision is for sustained
    enhancement of the cultural, economic, social and environmental well being
    of !"%&$ and New Zealand as a whole through the application of '"()#&)*+)
    and science associated with mahinga kai to modern customary fisheries

•   Presaged by Cultural Health Index (CHI) work of Gail Tipa.
Te Tiaki Mahinga Kai
Musing on a Maori cultural
• Economic geography
Words and Numbers…

‘recession’           •   2
    ‘environment’     •   12.6%
                      •   4%
  management’         •   29th


“Our fate as a people is intertwined with the
economic development of New Zealand. We
believe that growth in the economy is essential. If
there is no growth we realise we will slip behind
further and that our people will be the major
sufferers. Our urgent requirement is growth in the

            (Ralph Love, Hui Taumata, 1984)
15-24   25-44   45-64   Tot. 15+ Tane   Wahine
1986   7.9     3.2     1.9      4.1     3.6     4.8
1991   18.8    8.8     6.1     10.3     10.9    9.6
1996   11.8    5.2     3.9      6.1     6.1     6.1
2001   11.8    4.4     3.4      5.3     5.3     5.3
2006   9.6     2.9     2.1      3.8     3.5     4.1
2007   9.7     2.7     1.8      3.6     3.3     3.9

“A recession is when you haven’t got a job…
     …a depression is when I haven’t.”
A Maori economy?
!   has a higher savings rate than rest of NZ economy
    (‘saving’ close to $900m in 2001 compared to non-!"#$%
    being almost $1.8 billion dollars in deficit)
!   is more profitable than the NZ economy (at 1.4% or
    $1.150 billion in 2001, it generated 2% of New
    Zealand’s operating surplus)
!   !"#$%-owned commercial assets were estimated to be
    worth $16.5 billion in 2005/06, which is more than
    double the $7.5 billion of 2001
!   !"#$% households contribute about $100m more in tax
    than they receive back.
Farming, Forestry, Fishing
!   !"%&$,-)./,0$+*$1$2)*(,
    ownership interests
    involving New Zealand’s
    primary sector:
    !   40 % of New Zealand’s seafood
    !   20 % of marine aquaculture
    !   10 % of New Zealand’s exotic
        forest estate (likely to increase as
        further Treaty of Waitangi
        claims are settled)
    !   approx. 7.5 % of pastoral
!   Historic land losses and confiscations, and egislative impediments
!   Huge debt was often incurred in buying back land
!   Major development work to be done – often with insufficient
    capital to do it quickly, and constrained by customary nature of
    land title
!   The large and increasing number of shareholders each
    incorporation has to support.
!   The large areas farmed means the sector has to be managed and
    governed in a more corporate fashion.
Farming, Fishing, Forestry
!   farm      67,89*+:7,3"'#7,;-/,1)'$<=,)<<,<$./4,)*4,
    worked on the farm. I noho katoa te whanau i runga i

!             >7,')-$,3"'#7,;-/,!)%&$,?*2%&3%&)($%*0,
    farmed their lands well. 0#$)+#!"#&)*+#$%&'#)#,1)#
    Kaporeihana Maori i o ratou whenua.
Te Ahuwhenua Trophy

Maori ‘Farmer of the Year’ Award
Initiated in 1932 by Apirana Ngata
Te Ahuwhenua Trophy

Revamped in 2003
Dominated by large incorporations
4325,000km rivers & streams
              3,820 lakes larger that 1hectare
              200 groundwater bodies

              55% of all water allocated in Canterbury (MfE, 2006)

Treaty of Waitangi & Crown-iwi relationships
Resource Management Act & Local Government Act
National Policy Statements & National Environmental Standards
Regional Policy Statements & Long-term Community Council Plans
Agricultural production increased by 38% on
declining area of farmland (-3%)
(OECD, 2008)

             when I actually started the process, I actually thought I would sit
             on the fence, because I'm an irrigator, and there is room for
             irrigation. And there's room for the environment.

              In the future, I don't -- there is no way -- there's not enough water
             for irrigation, the way they're using it. We're round about between
             800 and 1000 litres of water to produce one litre of milk - in the
             Amuri Basin. And you just can't keep doing that.
Water is not            I'm convinced with 95% of
always at the           our water going out to sea,
right place at          that if it's properly organised
the right time          with storage… there's plenty
                        for everybody. There's plenty
(MfE, 2008)
                        for the water sports.

   Per capita – estimated
   demand for water 2-3 times
   higher in NZ than other
   OECD counties
   (OECD, 2008)
They think dairy's the
that the dairy industry has         savior. Well, dairy's going
geared itself up in terms of        to be the biggest bomb
cost structures that -- in a way    that's ever hit New
that reflects the current market    Zealand… [it’ll go kaput]
return. And when the market         within the next 12 to 18
comes off its extraordinary         months.
high peak, as commodities
always have and always will,
it's going to kill a lot of dairy
Whakairo te tangata,
            Whakairo te whenua?
• So ‘what’ (as in where) is our geography?
• What economic model do we follow?

• How are we going to ‘shape’ the people… how
  are we going to carve the land?!
• What is our vision?
So, what about the recession?

The most staggering phenomenon of this latest
 crisis of capitalism is the lack of alternatives…

                …have we failed the world?
Whakairo te tangata,
            Whakairo te whenua?
• Whakapapa - we all contribute to the layering of this
• Papatuanuku - Is she reduced to a metaphor?

• Whanaungatanga - Many of our families are struggling
  despite growing Maori economy.
• Kaitiakitanga - Do we consign our kaitiaki role to
Re-indigenising Humanity
                       (Dan Longboat)

• Through the re-
  establishment of a
  holistic interpretation of
  life processes;

• Re-focusing our                • Supporting like-
  relationships with each          minded individuals
  other and our                    and communities, and
  surroundings to bring          • The practical
  about this change;               implementation of
                                   what we learn.
Re-indigenising Humanity
Revitalising the Indigenous Mind
      ‘Hold up the mirror’
So, what now?

• Personally….fieldwork (Titiro, whakarongo,
  korero)                        …and LitQuake

• For Lincoln…2012 Indigenous Food conference

• For Maori … huge debate, major upheaval,
  hideous challenges!
So, what now?
• For Indigenous Peoples … fulfilment of a

                The End…

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Kavitha Krishnan
Nguyen Thanh Tu Collection
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writing about opinions about Australia the movie
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Dr. Simon J. Lambert Presentation - Indigenous Mapping Network Student Chapter at UCB 16OCT2009

  • 1.
  • 2. Whakairo te whenua Whakairo te tangata Carve the Land/Carve the People Dr. Simon Lambert Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit Lincoln University
  • 3. Ko Panekire te maunga Ko Waikaremoana te roto Ko Waikaretaheke te awa Ngati Ruapani me Tuhoe nga iwi Ko Te Kuha me Waimako nga marae
  • 4. Outline • Geohistorical backgrounder • Basic Maori environmental concepts • Research projects • Musing on Maori cultural political-economy • The End …
  • 5. Nga Ingoa Tawhito An ancient cultural landscape Te Hiku o Te Ika !"#$ Tikitiki a Taranga !"#$%&#&#'()*+,-./0#$12&34 Te Kauae o Te Ika Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka Te Upoko o te Ika !"#!$%&$'%#(#!"#)$*$#$#+,%- Rekohu Te Waipounamu / South Island Te Punga o Te Waka Rakiura / Stewart Island
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 9. NZ Political-Economic Context • Commodity exports & tourism • Stable (…MMP… Maori Party) • Multicultural • Neoliberal economy of 4 million people, 1,000 miles from Australia • Maori comprise 15% of pop. (and still growing) • ‘Maori’ economy growing • Maori issues…growing! • Employment, education, health, resource management, iwi and runanga operations
  • 10. Maori environmental concepts… Whakapapa Papatuanuku Whanaungatanga Kaitiakitanga
  • 11. 1. Whakapapa • Genealogy…‘to make layers’ • Everything has a whakapapa – Birds, fish, animals, trees, rocks, mountains …and Homo sapiens
  • 12. Whakapapa RANGINUI PAPATUANUKU Tumatauenga Tane Mahuta Rongomatane Haumiatiketike Tangaroa Tawhirimatea WARFARE FORESTS CULTIVATED WILD SEA, & WINDS & HUMAN AFFAIRS BIRDS, INSECTS FOODS FOODS FISHES STORMS Tane Hineahuone People •Separation, Patrons •Tane •Story of first woman
  • 13. 2. Papatuanuku • Earth Mother • Stemming from whakapapa as a personification of the environment Hone Tuwhare A Biography by Janet Hunt Papatuanuku We are stroking, caressing the spine of the land. We are massaging the ricked back of the land With our sore but ever-loving feet. Hell, she loves it! Squirming, the land wriggles in delight. We love her. •Ranginui By Hone Tuwhare tears
  • 15. 3. Whanaungatanga • Relatedness, kinship, family • We are related to all things – Whenua = Land = Placenta – Te u kai po = Home place = to be breastfed • Therefore we respect the world as family • Humans in Nature, not Humans and Nature
  • 16. 4.. Kaitiakitanga • The exercise of guardianship • ‘tiaki’ = guard, look after, protect • Kaitiaki is the person doing the guarding • Means looking after natural resources, as one’s own blood and bones • We should care for a degraded habitat as we would a sick family member
  • 17. • These environmental concepts are also social concepts. • In combination they reflect our socio- ecological resilience
  • 19. Domesticated species utilised by pre-5-3/&5/#'(-.*6#&34#-.*7*3 Origin Crop Aute (Broussonetia papyrifera) Japan, Taiwan Kumara (Ipomoea batatas) South America Hue (Lagenaria vulgaris/L. siceraria) “ “ Uwhi (Dioscoria spp.) Southeast Asia Taro (Colocasia esculenta, C. South Central Asia antiquorum) Ti pore (Cordyline fruticosa) W. Polynesia/ Kermadec Karaka (Cocynocarpus laevigata) “ “ Source: Crosby 1986; Thompson 1922; Best 1976.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22. Domesticated crop species utilized by post-5-3/&5/#'(-.*6# ancestral origin, and earliest observation in New Zealand Crop Origin Earliest known use Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Andes 1769 (Du Surville) Wheat (Triticum spp.) Mesopotamia “ Maize (Zea mays) Mesoamerica “ Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) Mediterranean 1773 Dusky Sound (Cook & Carrot (Daucus carota) Central Asia Furneaux) Parsley (Petroselenium crispum) Mediterranean “ Parsnip (Peucedanum sativum) “ “ Pea (Pisum sativum) Mediterranean/C. Asia “ Radish (Raphanus sativus) Mediterranean “ Turnip (Brassica. rapa, B. campestris) Mediterranean/Afghanistan “ Peach (Amygdalus persica) Cherry (Prunus cerasus) China 1814 (Bay of Islands) early C19th Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris) Central Asia <1820 Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) Asia 1820 Motuara (Bellinghausen) Marrow (C. ovifera) Mexico <1837 Cucumber (C. sativus) “ <1837 Grape (Vitis vinifera) India/Southeast Asia 1838 Thames Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Middle Asia <1840 Otago Harbour Watercress (Nasturtium officiale) Mediterranean 1850s Canterbury Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Americas 1867 Source: Thompson 1922; Smartt and Simmonds 1995
  • 23.
  • 24. Maori cultural political-economy? But what of culture? In general? For Maori? • Te Ture Whenua Maori Act (1993) • Retention, use, development, and control. • Maori educational and research initiatives • wananga • Stronger Maori presence (amidst less secure society!) • Greater Maori capital – financial, natural, human, social…cultural?
  • 25. Research projects… Tuhoe Kiwi Project 1080 toxicity Customary fisheries
  • 26. Tuhoe kiwi project • Puketukutuku Peninsula
  • 27. Tuhoe kiwi project • Introduced predators have had a devastating impact on kiwi population • Kill young • Human help necessary Dead Stoat Live Kiwi
  • 28. Tuhoe kiwi project • Predator-free enclosure • Kiwi kept there until large enough to fend for themselves (1 kg)
  • 29. Tuhoe kiwi project •Predators trapped
  • 30. Tuhoe kiwi project • Also are controlling other species that can impact on kiwi eggs
  • 31. Tuhoe kiwi project • Have a worm farm to produce supplementary feed for the young kiwi inside the enclosure
  • 33. Uptake and Persistence of 1080 in Watercress
  • 34. Aerial application of 1080 • Mainly for possum and rabbit control • Helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft • 1080 in cereal or carrot • Public acceptability?
  • 35. Results 63 ppb MDL 3 ppb 1 3 7 10 17 Time (Days) Values show maximum in plants with 1080 bait at each time point
  • 36. Led to 1080 Database • To aid Maori communities access to scientific information on 1080, helping them to make their own risk assessment • Find, review, and summarise all existing ‘peer- reviewed’ material on this subject • Make all literature available (where legal)
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. Customary Fisheries Research • National Inst. for Water & Atmospheric research (NIWA)… “ a collaborative case study approach to assist Tangata Whenua bring together different, yet complimentary, knowledge systems. With this combined knowledge, Tangata Whenua will be able to: protect their values, identify their goals and collaboratively develop culturally appropriate, robust and practical management strategies and tools.” • CSAFE (Otago) “Te Tiaki Mahinga Kai's vision is for sustained enhancement of the cultural, economic, social and environmental well being of !"%&$ and New Zealand as a whole through the application of '"()#&)*+) and science associated with mahinga kai to modern customary fisheries practices” • Presaged by Cultural Health Index (CHI) work of Gail Tipa.
  • 42. Musing on a Maori cultural political-economy • Economic geography
  • 43. Words and Numbers… ‘recession’ • 2 ‘environment’ • 12.6% • 4% ‘environmental management’ • 29th ‘sustainability’ ‘culture’
  • 44. “Our fate as a people is intertwined with the economic development of New Zealand. We believe that growth in the economy is essential. If there is no growth we realise we will slip behind further and that our people will be the major sufferers. Our urgent requirement is growth in the economy.” (Ralph Love, Hui Taumata, 1984)
  • 45. 15-24 25-44 45-64 Tot. 15+ Tane Wahine Year 1986 7.9 3.2 1.9 4.1 3.6 4.8 1991 18.8 8.8 6.1 10.3 10.9 9.6 1996 11.8 5.2 3.9 6.1 6.1 6.1 2001 11.8 4.4 3.4 5.3 5.3 5.3 2006 9.6 2.9 2.1 3.8 3.5 4.1 2007 9.7 2.7 1.8 3.6 3.3 3.9 “A recession is when you haven’t got a job… …a depression is when I haven’t.”
  • 46. A Maori economy? ! has a higher savings rate than rest of NZ economy (‘saving’ close to $900m in 2001 compared to non-!"#$% being almost $1.8 billion dollars in deficit) ! is more profitable than the NZ economy (at 1.4% or $1.150 billion in 2001, it generated 2% of New Zealand’s operating surplus) ! !"#$%-owned commercial assets were estimated to be worth $16.5 billion in 2005/06, which is more than double the $7.5 billion of 2001 ! !"#$% households contribute about $100m more in tax than they receive back.
  • 47. Farming, Forestry, Fishing ! !"%&$,-)./,0$+*$1$2)*(, ownership interests involving New Zealand’s primary sector: ! 40 % of New Zealand’s seafood industry, ! 20 % of marine aquaculture space, ! 10 % of New Zealand’s exotic forest estate (likely to increase as further Treaty of Waitangi claims are settled) ! approx. 7.5 % of pastoral 3&%4#2($%*,$0,1&%',!"%&$,%5*/4, land.
  • 48. ! Historic land losses and confiscations, and egislative impediments ! Huge debt was often incurred in buying back land ! Major development work to be done – often with insufficient capital to do it quickly, and constrained by customary nature of land title ! The large and increasing number of shareholders each incorporation has to support. ! The large areas farmed means the sector has to be managed and governed in a more corporate fashion.
  • 49. Farming, Fishing, Forestry ! farm 67,89*+:7,3"'#7,;-/,1)'$<=,)<<,<$./4,)*4, worked on the farm. I noho katoa te whanau i runga i !"#$%&'(#)#(#&"#!"#&)*+#),-#*./+. ! >7,')-$,3"'#7,;-/,!)%&$,?*2%&3%&)($%*0, farmed their lands well. 0#$)+#!"#&)*+#$%&'#)#,1)# Kaporeihana Maori i o ratou whenua.
  • 50. Te Ahuwhenua Trophy Maori ‘Farmer of the Year’ Award Initiated in 1932 by Apirana Ngata
  • 51. Te Ahuwhenua Trophy Revamped in 2003 Dominated by large incorporations
  • 52. 4325,000km rivers & streams 3,820 lakes larger that 1hectare 200 groundwater bodies 55% of all water allocated in Canterbury (MfE, 2006) Treaty of Waitangi & Crown-iwi relationships Resource Management Act & Local Government Act National Policy Statements & National Environmental Standards Regional Policy Statements & Long-term Community Council Plans
  • 53. Agricultural production increased by 38% on declining area of farmland (-3%) (OECD, 2008) when I actually started the process, I actually thought I would sit on the fence, because I'm an irrigator, and there is room for irrigation. And there's room for the environment. In the future, I don't -- there is no way -- there's not enough water for irrigation, the way they're using it. We're round about between 800 and 1000 litres of water to produce one litre of milk - in the Amuri Basin. And you just can't keep doing that.
  • 54. Water is not I'm convinced with 95% of always at the our water going out to sea, right place at that if it's properly organised the right time with storage… there's plenty for everybody. There's plenty (MfE, 2008) for the water sports. Per capita – estimated demand for water 2-3 times higher in NZ than other OECD counties (OECD, 2008)
  • 55.
  • 56. They think dairy's the that the dairy industry has savior. Well, dairy's going geared itself up in terms of to be the biggest bomb cost structures that -- in a way that's ever hit New that reflects the current market Zealand… [it’ll go kaput] return. And when the market within the next 12 to 18 comes off its extraordinary months. high peak, as commodities always have and always will, it's going to kill a lot of dairy farmers.
  • 57. Whakairo te tangata, Whakairo te whenua? • So ‘what’ (as in where) is our geography? • What economic model do we follow? • How are we going to ‘shape’ the people… how are we going to carve the land?! • What is our vision?
  • 58. So, what about the recession? The most staggering phenomenon of this latest crisis of capitalism is the lack of alternatives… …have we failed the world?
  • 59. Whakairo te tangata, Whakairo te whenua? • Whakapapa - we all contribute to the layering of this Planet. • Papatuanuku - Is she reduced to a metaphor? • Whanaungatanga - Many of our families are struggling despite growing Maori economy. • Kaitiakitanga - Do we consign our kaitiaki role to contractors?
  • 60. Re-indigenising Humanity (Dan Longboat) • Through the re- establishment of a holistic interpretation of life processes; • Re-focusing our • Supporting like- relationships with each minded individuals other and our and communities, and surroundings to bring • The practical about this change; implementation of what we learn.
  • 61. Re-indigenising Humanity Revitalising the Indigenous Mind ‘Hold up the mirror’
  • 62. So, what now? • Personally….fieldwork (Titiro, whakarongo, korero) …and LitQuake • For Lincoln…2012 Indigenous Food conference • For Maori … huge debate, major upheaval, hideous challenges!
  • 63. So, what now? • For Indigenous Peoples … fulfilment of a role? The End…