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How To Build
an Iconic Brand
Douglas Holt
What is an iconic brand?

A powerful cultural symbol.

Brand champions an ideology that resonates, that people
care about, and so they use the brand in their everyday lives,
an important component of their identities.

Because iconic brands play such an important role for
consumers, they have very strong and durable brand loyalty,
and are amongst most loved and respected brands.
Some brands become iconic simply because
  they provide much “Better Mousetraps”
But many iconic brands are not better mousetraps.
Rather they are cultural innovators.
Every marketer dreams of
building an iconic brand.

Why do so few succeed?
Mindshare branding
Ads: pouring ¼ moisturizing cream into bar
Mind share: gentle, luxurious

quality                     emotions


     A brand is a set of emotion-laden, distinctive, relevant
     associations in customer’s minds
Mindshare branding
1950s Roots: Unique Selling Proposition

Trout and Ries: Capturing mental real estate

Became conventional one-size-fits-all model for MNCs
   P&G, Unilever, Coke, Henkel, Nestle, etc
   Major ad agencies followed suit
   Academics formalize and diffuse via MBA

Dominated marketing since 1980s
1990s: added emotional benefits


 BENEFITS                  BENEFITS

                                  problem-solution Megaperls          (german)
                                  Orientation         Longterm Color Technology
                Cleanliness                           Protection
                Experience                                                                Recommendation
                                                      Innovation                         (from generation to
      Skin Care
                          well being           Superior Cleanliness                 trust /     Omnipresence
                        (internal care)                                             security
                                                    and Care
      Perfume (smell                               social recognition                               /History
      of cleanliness)                                (external care)                         Partly
                Environmental             Mainstream                                      authoritarian
                   friendly               orientation       Family         external
                                                          values        representation

Okay for daily stewardship.

But mindshare strategies
cannot build iconic brands.

three problems.
The Category Myopia Problem
Baby Boomers Enter the 1980s
       Generation” middle-class came of age
advocating progressive ideals about society and the
Political Shift Fuels Cultural Tension
The “Reagan Revolution”: antithesis of Sixties ideology dominated
Capitalism over environmental and humanitarian values; greed is good
ideology; aggressive militaristic posturing
Left-of-center baby boomers become deeply alienated

Created powerful desire for countervailing challenger to advocate for liberal
societal-environmental ideals, taking on Reaganism
Enter Ben & Jerry’s
Advanced humanitarian business

Source material:
-back-to-the-land hippie subculture
- Yippie political prankster media stunts
What’s The Doughboy Afraid of?

When Pillsbury tries to use market
power to shut Ben & Jerry’s out of

Cohen responds with a provocative
prank that captured the liberal baby-
boomer imagination
Ben & Jerry’s Vs. Reagan’s Cold War

Guerilla campaign
and new product
launch receives
national coverage on
all major networks
Cherry Garcia: “Euphoria Now”
 vs. Reagan’s War On Drugs
Rainforest Crunch vs. Slash-and-Burn
       Farming in the Amazon

                 Leverages media wave covering
                 rainforest activist Chico Mendes
                 assassination in 1989

                 Launch reported on all major television
                 networks and news dailies
Cultural branding creates iconic brand.
Unilever purchases for $326 Million
Iconic brands engage key cultural
issues percolating in society (not just
conventional category benefits).

They do so by championing an
The history problem
Brands are embedded in history, so
their meaning and value is dynamic.
So too must be brand strategy.
the abstraction problem
>>Thirst Quenching!

   Functional benefits trench warfare
Duels over Emotion Words
That Consumers Find Meaningless
Typical Abstract Adjective Strategy

MOUNTAIN DEW Positioning (circa 1993)

You can have the most thrilling, exciting, daring
experience but it will never compete with
the exhilarating experience of a Mountain Dew.
Leads to Strategic Black Box

  Functional +
    Benefits                                                Brand
   Archetypes                                             Expressions

Strategy is too vague to make effective decisions between good and bad
brand expressions; it is not doing what strategy is supposed to do.
Cultural Strategy provides specific
           direction on brand expressions

Functional +
  Benefits           Cultural             Brand
Archetypes           Strategy           Expressions
Cultural Branding Laboratory
  Budweiser                 Coca-Cola
  Volkswagen                Converse
  Snapple                   Microsoft Windows
                            Mountain Dew
  Mountain Dew
  Harley-Davidson           Jack Daniel’s
  ESPN                      Sprite
  Levi’s                    Vitaminwater
  Nike                      Friskies
  Marlboro                  Fancy Feast
  Jack Daniel’s             Amazon Kindle
                            Ben & Jerry’s
                            Planet Green
  Tango                     Georgia Coffee
Modern Quest for Meaning and Identity

      Religions        Ideology
      Nations                            Culture =Idealized Stories

Life Story                                               Ideal Self

                                             Rely on myths
                                             - Interpret the world
                                             - moral anchors
                      Identity Project       - community and status
Who authors modern myths?


People (and other cultural “actors” such as brands) that perform the myth that
society most “needs” at a particular historical moment become icons.
Iconic communications drove both
    functional + emotional benefits

            Resonance, Identification

  Best tasting                  Makes me happy
Most refreshing                Makes me optimistic
Most invigorating              Makes me feel good
If we reverse engineer..
how would we describe
the strategy that led to
these ads?
Consumers collectively
experience a cultural tension
caused by a social disruption.

Media filled with disturbing
 images of Vietnam war

  Sparks huge protests,
  also dominates media
   black men
from the ‘hood
as the nation’s
Brand responds with myths that bring to life
   the ideology that consumers demand

Coke’s Utopian Humanitarian Ideology

Drinking a Coke is a moment of communion with the world—a pause that
not only refreshes, but that also allows us to feel our common humanity
with peoples very different than us. Drinking a Coke produces a profound
sort of happiness that comes from integrating our life with disparate others,
rather than experience life as isolated individuals.

Coke embodies this utopian humanitarian ideology because, time and
again, the brand (and company) has inspired its customers to imagine a
world in which the most troubling inhumanities and social inequalities can
be overcome if only each of us acts every day to make it so. When the
world has problems, we have come to rely on Coke to inspire us and to
take action.
Red Ocean Branding



        Benefits trench warfare
        Emotion words slugfests
        Chasing generic trends
          Clichéd ideology
Cultural Orthodoxy
social class = modern corporate titan
Historical Change

         Cultural Orthodoxy

                                                                Demand for
                                                             Better Ideology

                                    Source Material
                              Subculture. Media Myth. Brand Assets.
Revival of Frontier Masculinity
Historical Change

    Cultural Orthodoxy


                              Cultural Tension

Source Materials:
Anachronistic bootlegging subculture
Mythologized in upscale men’s magazines
Historical Change

    Cultural Orthodoxy



                                                 Source Material
                                           Subculture. Media Myth. Brand Assets.

Historical Change

                              Cultural Strategy
                                 cultural codes

Popular Culture takes over..
Pop Culture amplifies Frontier Masculinity
Hard Rock & Metal
From Western to Military Thrillers
Innovating for runners subculture
Better Mousetraps competition fades

Leveraged emerging discipline of biomechanics
Brooks developed kinetic wedge
Asics introduced dual density midsoles

Early technical advances provided quantum leaps in
performance, but soon became incremental

Nike Air barely noticed in late Seventies
Then, suddenly, jogging takes off
Americans felt compelled to run

Postwar, American dream came easy
economic and
political inversion
of the 1970s
Nike champions competitive runners’
        ideology as antidote

                     Transcend barriers with
                     Combative Solo Willpower

                     Cultural Codes
                     Runners “backstage”
                     training by themselves
                     in terrible weather with
                     great cheer + determination
Now what?
           After casuals flop, basketball

Cultural Orthodoxy
Star Athletes’ Feats
Americans faced huge challenges
 competing in the new economy
Code innovation #1
dramatize ideology outside professional athlete subculture

Code innovation #2
    extreme disadvantage contexts to set up myth of transcendence
Mythologize ideology in the ‘hood

Subculture: harshest place in USA, impossible to succeed

Myth: if you embrace the right ideology, you can achieve

The American Dream even in the very worst circumstances
mythologized across other sports via
    portrayals of discrimination.
Product + Package Design
360-degree ideological embrace
Applying the
Historical Change


                                                 Cultural Strategy
                                                Ideology-myth-cultural codes

                     Social Disruption

                                               Source Material
                                         Subcultures-Media Myths-Brand Assets
Historical Change

    Discourse Analysis
    Of Category Competition

                                                                      Identity Project

                                                         Literary Analysis.
                                             Ethnographic Immersion. Brand Genealogy.

Social Disruption: Demographic Explosion
           Creates Craft Segment

Early 90s—first generation to grow up with college-
educated parents comes of age

For upper-middle class “bourgeois-bohemians” (Bobos),
huge pent-up demand for new products and services that
conveyed cultural sophistication

Food/drinks were bulls-eye
Category Orthodoxy for Craft Beer

Red Ocean Branding



        Benefits trench warfare
        Emotion words slugfests
        Chasing generic trends
Social Disruption II:
       Cultural Sophistication Migrates to Work

New professional work ideology:
Creative inventive work, making “insanely great” stuff
But few did. Routine work in stressful organizations was the norm. And
they make big bucks so they can’t walk away..

 They can only dream of another life.

 Cultural Tension = The ache of the Bobo..
Historical Change

    Cultural Orthodoxy


                                       Source Material
                                 Subculture. Media Myth. Brand Assets.
Popular articles on avocational connoisseurship
    e.g., starting a boutique organic farm
Gathered Subculture Source Materials
to Curate Brand Story

                        COMMUNITY OF AMATEURS

                        Stubbornly independent renegades who
                        opted out of careers to passionately pursue
                        avocations, allowing them absolute freedom
                        to turn work into creative inventive

                        Don McClung
                        29” single-speed mountain bike pioneer
In pastoral towns

Fat Tire Equities were perfect fit

Historical Change

    Cultural Orthodoxy


                                       Source Material
                                 Subculture. Media Myth. Brand Assets.
Cultural Strategy (summary)
New Belgium is a community of pastoral amateurs with many
avocations, including brewing beer. We celebrate quixotic playful
exploration. Pastoral amateurs investigate their chosen domain with
intensity. But this isn’t a masculine conquest. Our approach is
communal, not competitive. We prefer childlike innocence to jaded
professionalism. This is a playground, not a frontier.

We champion wildly non-instrumental investments of time. We
embrace brash iconoclasm. Pastoral amateurs will take whatever time
it takes to learn what needs learning, pursue the paths of inquiry that
are open, experimenting to get things right, attending to the details.
Historical Change

                    Cultural Strategy
                       cultural codes

Sales +30-45% in test markets vs. control

Fat Tire is #3 and fastest-growing craft beer in USA,
rolling out nationally
Pregnancy Tests: Cultural Orthodoxy

   Patriarchal-Scientific Medicine

   -Talked down to women as experts
   -Treated women’s bodies as taboo
Subculture: 3rd Wave Feminism
Media Myth: Pop Culture For Educated Women
Cultural Strategy

Embrace 3rd wave’s celebration of woman’s body and

Challenge patriarchal scientific approach to women and
their bodies

Take on category taboos

UK             55% sales increase

Germany        45%

USA            80%

Radio only     35%
Introduce a new music channel vs MTV
MuchMusic USA

     “Me too” imitation of MTV
     No reputation

     Extremely low awareness
     amongst youth target

     Poor production values

     Very limited marketing budget
Cultural Seeding

Efficient and compelling brand communication by
provocatively engaging mass media discourse with brand

•   Pick the right discourse

•   Pick the right tension within the discourse
     Ideological flashpoint

•   Use “cultural seeding” to provocatively assert brand
    ideology in the discourse
Cultural Jujitsu

Special case of cultural seeding

Leverage the power of the category leader to sharply and
efficiently assert point-of-view
Incumbent’s Cultural Achilles Heel

Mid 1990s: Abandoned youth
rebellion against bourgeois

Instead, celebrated the
teenybopper dream of the rich
and beautiful lifestyle
•   Undressed, Sorority Life, Room
•   Brittney, Paris, Jessica Simpson

Great ideological opportunity
Populist Prankser

New anti-bourgeois myth: celebrate rude sloth

Use cultural jamming to mock MTV’s bourgeois tastes

Extend to other points of engagement in discourse

Low fidelity to show up MTV’s slick production
Jam #1
Times Square Billboard Generates
     Real-Time Media Story
Culture Jam #2
MTV’s Spring Break
Culture Jam #3: iPod
Culture Jam #4
Celebrating Reality Soft Porn
Business Results

Viewer Ratings increased 450%
 with no program changes

60 New National Advertisers
Seeding Generated
120 Million Media Impressions

          Ranked #1 Youth brand equity!
Shifts in category ideology
   create massive cultural opportunities
Society changes over time, often seismically, transforming
the key ideologies that structure your category..

These ideological transformations challenge category
conventions, devaluing incumbents and creating
opportunities for new and restaged brands.

This is a far more important innovation driver than generic
Winners become new iconic brands

Successfully responding to historical changes that matter
to category consumers is what transforms a brand into a
cultural icon.

Iconic brands champion a category-relevant ideology that
resonates powerfully in people’s everyday lives.

Which acts as a powerful halo shaping product quality and
benefit perceptions.
Brands take advantage with resonant
   expressions, not declarations
Iconic brands don’t tell people what they stand for.
Rather, they create myths—they act in compelling ways to
dramatize their ideology.

They tell stories with implicit ideological meaning (myths)
that make an emotional connection with the audience.
Requires new approach to strategy
And brand management
Your brand’s meaning and value is to be found in people’s everyday
lives, in the media, in word-of-mouth, not in positioning statements or
white board exercises or brand metrics reports.

Your brand’s opportunities move with history. Game-changing
opportunities emerge from structural changes in society and culture
bearing down on your category. These opportunities can be
researched, but require new kinds of cultural analysis. They are not to
be found in trend reports!

To do cultural branding requires that managers embrace new ways of
doing research, strategy, and creative development.
Cultural branding is a systematic craft.

With practice & perseverance,
you can do it too!

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Douglas holt how to build an iconic brand

  • 1. How To Build an Iconic Brand Douglas Holt
  • 2. What is an iconic brand? A powerful cultural symbol. Brand champions an ideology that resonates, that people care about, and so they use the brand in their everyday lives, an important component of their identities. Because iconic brands play such an important role for consumers, they have very strong and durable brand loyalty, and are amongst most loved and respected brands.
  • 3. Some brands become iconic simply because they provide much “Better Mousetraps”
  • 4. But many iconic brands are not better mousetraps. Rather they are cultural innovators.
  • 5. Every marketer dreams of building an iconic brand. Why do so few succeed?
  • 7. Ads: pouring ¼ moisturizing cream into bar Mind share: gentle, luxurious
  • 8. Users benefits PRODUCT quality emotions personality A brand is a set of emotion-laden, distinctive, relevant associations in customer’s minds
  • 9. Mindshare branding 1950s Roots: Unique Selling Proposition Trout and Ries: Capturing mental real estate Became conventional one-size-fits-all model for MNCs  P&G, Unilever, Coke, Henkel, Nestle, etc  Major ad agencies followed suit  Academics formalize and diffuse via MBA Dominated marketing since 1980s
  • 11. Complicated Unwieldy Version problem-solution Megaperls (german) Orientation Longterm Color Technology Gel Cleanliness Protection Experience Recommendation Innovation (from generation to generation) Skin Care well being Superior Cleanliness trust / Omnipresence (internal care) security Characteristic and Care Tradition Perfume (smell social recognition /History of cleanliness) (external care) Partly Environmental Mainstream authoritarian friendly orientation Family external values representation TheCulturalStrategyGroup
  • 12. Okay for daily stewardship. But mindshare strategies cannot build iconic brands. three problems.
  • 14. Baby Boomers Enter the 1980s “Sixties Generation” middle-class came of age advocating progressive ideals about society and the environment TheCulturalStrategyGroup
  • 15. Political Shift Fuels Cultural Tension The “Reagan Revolution”: antithesis of Sixties ideology dominated Capitalism over environmental and humanitarian values; greed is good ideology; aggressive militaristic posturing Left-of-center baby boomers become deeply alienated Created powerful desire for countervailing challenger to advocate for liberal societal-environmental ideals, taking on Reaganism TheCulturalStrategyGroup
  • 16. Enter Ben & Jerry’s Advanced humanitarian business ideology Source material: -back-to-the-land hippie subculture - Yippie political prankster media stunts
  • 17. What’s The Doughboy Afraid of? When Pillsbury tries to use market power to shut Ben & Jerry’s out of marketplace Cohen responds with a provocative prank that captured the liberal baby- boomer imagination
  • 18. Ben & Jerry’s Vs. Reagan’s Cold War Guerilla campaign and new product launch receives national coverage on all major networks
  • 19. Cherry Garcia: “Euphoria Now” vs. Reagan’s War On Drugs
  • 20. Rainforest Crunch vs. Slash-and-Burn Farming in the Amazon Leverages media wave covering rainforest activist Chico Mendes assassination in 1989 Launch reported on all major television networks and news dailies
  • 21. Cultural branding creates iconic brand. Unilever purchases for $326 Million
  • 22. Iconic brands engage key cultural issues percolating in society (not just conventional category benefits). They do so by championing an ideology.
  • 24. Brands are embedded in history, so their meaning and value is dynamic. So too must be brand strategy.
  • 27. Duels over Emotion Words That Consumers Find Meaningless
  • 28. Typical Abstract Adjective Strategy MOUNTAIN DEW Positioning (circa 1993) You can have the most thrilling, exciting, daring experience but it will never compete with the exhilarating experience of a Mountain Dew.
  • 29. Leads to Strategic Black Box Functional + Emotional Benefits Brand Archetypes Expressions Brand Personality Strategy is too vague to make effective decisions between good and bad brand expressions; it is not doing what strategy is supposed to do.
  • 30. Cultural Strategy provides specific direction on brand expressions Functional + Emotional Benefits Cultural Brand Archetypes Strategy Expressions Brand Personality
  • 31. Cultural Branding Laboratory ACADEMIC RESEARCH (30+) CONSULTING (60+) Budweiser Coca-Cola Volkswagen Converse Snapple Microsoft Windows Mountain Dew Corona MINI Mountain Dew Mastercard Harley-Davidson Jack Daniel’s ESPN Sprite Levi’s Vitaminwater Nike Friskies Marlboro Fancy Feast Jack Daniel’s Amazon Kindle Hyundai Patagonia Ben & Jerry’s Starbucks Planet Green Tango Georgia Coffee Cazadores
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. Modern Quest for Meaning and Identity Religions Ideology Tribes Nations Culture =Idealized Stories Communities Subcultures Myths Life Story Ideal Self Rely on myths - Interpret the world - moral anchors Identity Project - community and status
  • 35. Who authors modern myths? Films Television Politics Sport Music Movements Brands
  • 36. People (and other cultural “actors” such as brands) that perform the myth that society most “needs” at a particular historical moment become icons.
  • 37.
  • 38. Iconic communications drove both functional + emotional benefits Resonance, Identification Best tasting Makes me happy Most refreshing Makes me optimistic Most invigorating Makes me feel good
  • 39. If we reverse engineer.. how would we describe the strategy that led to these ads?
  • 40. Consumers collectively experience a cultural tension caused by a social disruption.
  • 41. Media obsessed with rioting Politics becomes police crackdowns
  • 42. Media filled with disturbing images of Vietnam war Sparks huge protests, also dominates media
  • 43. Media imagined black men from the ‘hood as the nation’s nightmare
  • 44. Brand responds with myths that bring to life the ideology that consumers demand Coke’s Utopian Humanitarian Ideology Drinking a Coke is a moment of communion with the world—a pause that not only refreshes, but that also allows us to feel our common humanity with peoples very different than us. Drinking a Coke produces a profound sort of happiness that comes from integrating our life with disparate others, rather than experience life as isolated individuals. Coke embodies this utopian humanitarian ideology because, time and again, the brand (and company) has inspired its customers to imagine a world in which the most troubling inhumanities and social inequalities can be overcome if only each of us acts every day to make it so. When the world has problems, we have come to rely on Coke to inspire us and to take action.
  • 45.
  • 46. Red Ocean Branding BRANDS DUKE IT OUT WITHIN CATEGORY’S CULTURAL ORTHODOXY Benefits trench warfare Emotion words slugfests Chasing generic trends Clichéd ideology
  • 47. Cultural Orthodoxy social class = modern corporate titan
  • 48.
  • 49. Historical Change Cultural Orthodoxy Ideological Opportunity Demand for Better Ideology Source Material Subculture. Media Myth. Brand Assets.
  • 50. Revival of Frontier Masculinity
  • 51. Historical Change Cultural Orthodoxy Ideological Opportunity Social Disruption creates Cultural Tension TheCulturalStrategyGroup
  • 53. Mythologized in upscale men’s magazines
  • 54. Historical Change Cultural Orthodoxy Ideological Opportunity Social Disruption Source Material Subculture. Media Myth. Brand Assets. TheCulturalStrategyGroup
  • 55.
  • 56. Historical Change Cultural Strategy ideology myth cultural codes TheCulturalStrategyGroup
  • 58. Pop Culture amplifies Frontier Masculinity
  • 59. Hard Rock & Metal
  • 60. From Western to Military Thrillers
  • 61.
  • 63. Better Mousetraps competition fades Leveraged emerging discipline of biomechanics Brooks developed kinetic wedge Asics introduced dual density midsoles Early technical advances provided quantum leaps in performance, but soon became incremental Nike Air barely noticed in late Seventies
  • 68. Nike champions competitive runners’ ideology as antidote Ideology Transcend barriers with Combative Solo Willpower Cultural Codes Runners “backstage” training by themselves in terrible weather with great cheer + determination
  • 69. Now what? After casuals flop, basketball Cultural Strategy Group
  • 71. Americans faced huge challenges competing in the new economy
  • 72. Code innovation #1 dramatize ideology outside professional athlete subculture Code innovation #2 useCultural extreme disadvantage contexts to set up myth of transcendence Strategy Group
  • 73. Mythologize ideology in the ‘hood Subculture: harshest place in USA, impossible to succeed Myth: if you embrace the right ideology, you can achieve The American Dream even in the very worst circumstances
  • 74. mythologized across other sports via portrayals of discrimination.
  • 79. Historical Change Cultural Orthodoxy Cultural Tension creates Ideological Opportunity Cultural Strategy Ideology-myth-cultural codes Social Disruption Source Material Subcultures-Media Myths-Brand Assets
  • 80. Historical Change Discourse Analysis Of Category Competition Media Discourse Analysis + Identity Project Interviews Sociological Analyses Literary Analysis. Ethnographic Immersion. Brand Genealogy. TheCulturalStrategyGroup
  • 82. Social Disruption: Demographic Explosion Creates Craft Segment Early 90s—first generation to grow up with college- educated parents comes of age For upper-middle class “bourgeois-bohemians” (Bobos), huge pent-up demand for new products and services that conveyed cultural sophistication Food/drinks were bulls-eye
  • 83. Category Orthodoxy for Craft Beer Cosmopolitan Artisanal-
  • 84. Red Ocean Branding BRANDS DUKE IT OUT WITHIN CATEGORY’S CULTURAL ORTHODOXY Benefits trench warfare Emotion words slugfests Chasing generic trends
  • 85. Social Disruption II: Cultural Sophistication Migrates to Work New professional work ideology: Creative inventive work, making “insanely great” stuff
  • 86. But few did. Routine work in stressful organizations was the norm. And they make big bucks so they can’t walk away.. They can only dream of another life. Cultural Tension = The ache of the Bobo..
  • 87. Historical Change Cultural Orthodoxy Cultural Tension = Ideological Opportunity Social Disruption Source Material Subculture. Media Myth. Brand Assets.
  • 88. Popular articles on avocational connoisseurship e.g., starting a boutique organic farm TheCulturalStrategyGroup
  • 89. Gathered Subculture Source Materials to Curate Brand Story COMMUNITY OF AMATEURS Stubbornly independent renegades who opted out of careers to passionately pursue avocations, allowing them absolute freedom to turn work into creative inventive expression Don McClung 29” single-speed mountain bike pioneer
  • 91. Fat Tire Equities were perfect fit TheCulturalStrategyGroup
  • 92. Historical Change Cultural Orthodoxy Cultural Tension = Ideological Opportunity Social Disruption Source Material Subculture. Media Myth. Brand Assets.
  • 93. Cultural Strategy (summary) New Belgium is a community of pastoral amateurs with many avocations, including brewing beer. We celebrate quixotic playful exploration. Pastoral amateurs investigate their chosen domain with intensity. But this isn’t a masculine conquest. Our approach is communal, not competitive. We prefer childlike innocence to jaded professionalism. This is a playground, not a frontier. We champion wildly non-instrumental investments of time. We embrace brash iconoclasm. Pastoral amateurs will take whatever time it takes to learn what needs learning, pursue the paths of inquiry that are open, experimenting to get things right, attending to the details.
  • 94. Historical Change Cultural Strategy ideology myth cultural codes
  • 95.
  • 96. Results Sales +30-45% in test markets vs. control Fat Tire is #3 and fastest-growing craft beer in USA, rolling out nationally
  • 97.
  • 98. Pregnancy Tests: Cultural Orthodoxy Patriarchal-Scientific Medicine -Talked down to women as experts -Treated women’s bodies as taboo
  • 100. Media Myth: Pop Culture For Educated Women
  • 101. Cultural Strategy Embrace 3rd wave’s celebration of woman’s body and sexuality Challenge patriarchal scientific approach to women and their bodies Take on category taboos
  • 102.
  • 103.
  • 104. Results UK 55% sales increase Germany 45% USA 80% Radio only 35%
  • 105. Introduce a new music channel vs MTV
  • 106. MuchMusic USA “Me too” imitation of MTV No reputation Extremely low awareness amongst youth target Poor production values Very limited marketing budget
  • 107. Cultural Seeding Efficient and compelling brand communication by provocatively engaging mass media discourse with brand ideology • Pick the right discourse • Pick the right tension within the discourse  Ideological flashpoint • Use “cultural seeding” to provocatively assert brand ideology in the discourse
  • 108. Cultural Jujitsu Special case of cultural seeding Leverage the power of the category leader to sharply and efficiently assert point-of-view
  • 109. Incumbent’s Cultural Achilles Heel Mid 1990s: Abandoned youth rebellion against bourgeois adulthood Instead, celebrated the teenybopper dream of the rich and beautiful lifestyle • Undressed, Sorority Life, Room Raiders • Brittney, Paris, Jessica Simpson Great ideological opportunity
  • 110. Populist Prankser New anti-bourgeois myth: celebrate rude sloth Use cultural jamming to mock MTV’s bourgeois tastes Extend to other points of engagement in discourse Low fidelity to show up MTV’s slick production
  • 112. Times Square Billboard Generates Real-Time Media Story
  • 113. Culture Jam #2 MTV’s Spring Break
  • 114.
  • 116.
  • 117.
  • 118.
  • 119. Culture Jam #4 Celebrating Reality Soft Porn
  • 120. Business Results Viewer Ratings increased 450%  with no program changes 60 New National Advertisers
  • 121. Seeding Generated 120 Million Media Impressions
  • 122. Results Ranked #1 Youth brand equity!
  • 124. Shifts in category ideology create massive cultural opportunities Society changes over time, often seismically, transforming the key ideologies that structure your category.. These ideological transformations challenge category conventions, devaluing incumbents and creating opportunities for new and restaged brands. This is a far more important innovation driver than generic trends
  • 125. Winners become new iconic brands Successfully responding to historical changes that matter to category consumers is what transforms a brand into a cultural icon. Iconic brands champion a category-relevant ideology that resonates powerfully in people’s everyday lives. Which acts as a powerful halo shaping product quality and benefit perceptions.
  • 126. Brands take advantage with resonant expressions, not declarations Iconic brands don’t tell people what they stand for. Rather, they create myths—they act in compelling ways to dramatize their ideology. They tell stories with implicit ideological meaning (myths) that make an emotional connection with the audience.
  • 127. Requires new approach to strategy
  • 128. And brand management Your brand’s meaning and value is to be found in people’s everyday lives, in the media, in word-of-mouth, not in positioning statements or white board exercises or brand metrics reports. Your brand’s opportunities move with history. Game-changing opportunities emerge from structural changes in society and culture bearing down on your category. These opportunities can be researched, but require new kinds of cultural analysis. They are not to be found in trend reports! To do cultural branding requires that managers embrace new ways of doing research, strategy, and creative development.
  • 129. Cultural branding is a systematic craft. With practice & perseverance, you can do it too!