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Dissertation master in International Events Management – EM Normandie
The effects of the communication plan and attendees’ age on event mobile apps adoption
The case of music festivals apps
Author: Clémence Boitet
Supervisor/Tutor: Olivier Kovarski
Campus and Date: EM Normandie, Deauville campus – 2015/2016
This document is confidential:
TURNITIN Similarity Index:
(to be completed by supervisor)
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30/08/2016 Clémence BOITET
This dissertation has been written throughout the 2015 – 2016 scholarship year.
Without the help and support of people I will mentioned below this thesis would never had been
accomplished successfully.
Firstly, my academic thesis work would definitely never seen the light of day without the
precious advises and suggestions given from the very beginning by my supervisor M. Kovarski.
I would like to thanks him for supporting me in this adventure. Alongside, he devotedly shared
its time and knowledge to better meet my personal wishes as well as my professional goals all
the academic year long. I am exceedingly grateful for all the encouragements he did to me to
become a better event manager.
Secondly, I would not forget the administrative team’s efforts that spent countless time
overseeing the smooth running of each thesis. More specifically, Mrs. Le Buzullier who had
been highly delightful organizing schedules and matching agendas with my supervisor.
Thirdly, this thesis had been doing a full year processing that was fulfilled with a bunch
of stress. For this reason, I will express warm thanks to my family and friends who tried their
best to support me all year long. Also, thanks heaps to those who generously offered their
support in anyway they could. A big thanks to you for being such the best trustworthy people I
Good reading…
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Abstract in English
The purpose of this thesis is to first identify variables affecting customers to adopt a such
innovation like BtoC event mobile application (app) and more precisely festival mobile app.
Secondly, it aims to compare the 3 most impacting variables to each other and find out how to
generate the best festival mobile app downloading rate. A good understanding of this variables
will actually shape hypothesis that attendee’s profile, in particular their age and the festival
mobile app communication plan are linked together. Their relationship is impacting attendees
decision to download a music festival app or not.
Literature researches will rise variables that trigger positive and negative adoption. The apps
benchmarking is completing experts and mains authors in the event industry hypothesis and
highlight together 3 main factors impacting attendees’ decision. The survey will either confirm
or infirm the former hypothesis.
Theoretical perspective: The study is based upon major variables that impact attendees’
behavior to download the current music festival app.
General research question: The effects of the communication plan and attendees’ age on event
mobile apps adoption. The case of music festivals apps.
Methodology: In order to fulfill the purpose of this thesis, a quantitative approach was followed.
This thesis is a causal research and will discover the effect/impact of 3 variables on the adoption
Experiment field: Firstly, 10 events apps will be analyzed in their entirety. They are compared
to each other, based on their communication plan - digital strategy. Secondly, explorative
questionnaires were conducted to better grow the hypothesis. And thirdly, data were collected
using 100 structured questionnaires administrated online in french and in english through social
networks and emails to understand behavioral variables.
Key words: Diffusion process, Event mobile app, Digital strategy, Communication plan, Music
festivals, BtoC events, festival-goers behavior, Innovation, Adoption
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Conclusion: So far, it has been proved that event mobile apps are became ‘the must have’ in any
kind of events: congress, exhibitions, forums, fairs as well as public events such as music
festivals, running race. But beyond the fact to be trendy, it is a real challenge for event organizers
to push attendees to first download the app and therefore create enough communication around it
to generate the right awareness. Every professionals of the event industry tend to say that there is
a lot to be done in order to reach 100% attendees/downloaders. Academics works and data
collected from event app downloading are relevant enough to confirm that there is a real
adoption process to follow. Former authors and actual event professionals agreed on two main
factors : attendees’ profile and the app communication plan implemented. They are later on slide
up and identified as 3 variables: the attendees’ age, the time awareness and communication
channels to promote the festival app. Experts underlined compelling arguments on how to reach
the highest rate of adoption while addressing the right message at the right time to the right
person. This thesis is exploring how much they are connected together. The hypothesis
confirmed that 3 variables are in sharpe relationship. The results of this thesis are the following:
there is a strong link between each other that can make the adoption rate predictable either if the
attendee have been exposed to the right message at the right time according to its age.
By the end of the study, it has been proven that the impact of the app timeframe + app
communication channels over the attendee age are surely drawing up the skeleton of the event
mobile app success. Therefore, this thesis can give professionals of the industry an early forecast
about the results and ROI of creating a festival mobile app and can be applicable more generally
to BtoC event mobile apps. It can help them out how to best invest in the communication plan to
best generate awareness, downloading, adoption and thus expect money from it.
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Résumé en français
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’identifier dans un premier temps les variables qui ont un impact sur
l’adoption d’une innovation telle que les applications mobile (app) sur évènements grand public et
plus précisément les applications mobiles sur festivals. Deuxièmement, il vise à identifier et
comparer les 3 variables les plus impactantes sur le comportement d’un festivalier lorsqu’il s’agit
de télécharger l’app d’un festival de musique. Une bonne compréhension de ces variables permettra
effectivement de soulever l'hypothèse selon laquelle l’age du participant ainsi que le plan de
communication sont étroitement liés. Les recherches littéraires permettent de distinguer les
variables qui vont accentuer l’adaption de celles qui vont être reconnues comme obstacles à
l’adoption. L’étude va donc venir confirmer ou infirmer cette hypothèse.
Le point de vue théorique: L’étude est menée sur les variables majeures qui viennent impacter
le comportement d’un participant à télécharger l’app mobile mise en place sur un lieu
d’événement et dans ce cas précis sur les festivals de musique.
Question de recherche: Les effets du plan de communication et de l’age du participant sur
l’adoption d’une application mobile sur évènement. Le cas des festivals de musique.
Méthodologie: Dans l’intérêt de prouver dans l’intégralité la relation qui unie les 3 variables de
ce mémoire de recherche une approche quantitative a été choisie. C’est par une méthode de
causalité que seront identifiés les effets et impacts de ces 3 variables sur le processus d’adoption
de cette app.
Terrain expérimental: Premièrement, le marché des app mobiles pour événement sera analysé
dans son intégralité. 10 applications mobiles sur festival vont être étudiées. Leurs stratégies
digitales seront mis en comparaison. Ensuite, un questionnaire exploratif va permettre de faire
murir notre hypothèse. Un total de 100 questionnaires rédigés en français et en anglais seront
administrés sur les réseaux sociaux afin de collecter des données suffisamment pertinentes qui
permettent de comprendre l’effet et le comportement d’une variable sur une autre.
Mots clés: Diffusion d’une innovation, App mobile pour événement, Stratégie digitale, Pan de
communication, Festival de musique, Evénement BtoC, Comportement des festivaliers,
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Adoption Music festivals, BtoC events, festival-goers behavior, Innovation, Processus
Conclusion: Jusqu'à présent, il a été prouvé que l'application mobile d’un événement est
devenue «le must have» pour toutes catégories d'événements: congrès, expositions, forums,
foires ainsi que des événements publics tels que les festivals de musique ou encore les
événements sportifs. Il est un véritable défi pour les organisateurs d’événements de générer le
premier contact avec l’application en amont de l’événement mais également de créer assez de
communication et de promotion autour qui permette de convertir les participants en utilisateurs.
Tous les professionnels de l'événement ont tendance à dire qu'il y a beaucoup à faire pour
atteindre les 100% de participants / téléchargements. Les études académiques sont suffisamment
pertinentes pour confirmer qu'il existe un réel processus d'adoption à suivre. Les auteurs ainsi
que les professionnels du secteur sont d’accords sur l’existence de 3 principales variables qui
importent le comportement du festivalier. Elles sont les suivantes: l’age du participant et le plan
de communication mise en place et plus précisément le temps et les canaux de diffusion
d’infirmations. Les auteurs soulèvent des arguments convaincants sur la façon d'atteindre le plus
haut taux d'adoption en jouant sur ces 3 facteurs.
Il s’agit en d’autres terms de diffuser le bon message au bon moment à la bonne personne. Ce
mémoire explore à quel point les 3 variables ont un effet sur le taux d’adoption d’une app
mobile. Les résultats obtenus confirment l’hypothèse d’une relation dépendante entre ces
variables. Il est donc possible d’anticiper le taux d’adoption de l’app suivant si le participant a
été exposé au message au bon moment en fonction de son âge.
À la fin de l'étude, il a été prouvé que le facteur temps + les canaux de communication du
plan de communication de l’app sont interdépendant et que l’adoption de l’app sera plus ou moins
importante suivant l'âge du participant.
Cette analyse permet donc de dessiner le schéma d’une application mobile pour festival de
musique à succès. Par extension, cette étude donne aux professionnels de l'industrie une prévision
sur les résultats et le retour sur investissement de leur app. Elle peut les guider pour investir mieux
dans leur plan de communication pour mieux sensibiliser au téléchargement, à l'adoption et donc
leur permettre de générer l’expérience participants. Par ricochet, cette étude donne un aperçu des
retombés financières espérées.
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Table of contents
Author’s Declaration of Originality p.2
Acknowledgements p.3
Abstract in French + Key Words p.4
Abstract in English + Key Words p.6
Table of Contents
1. Introduction P.10
1.1 Introduction to the current event mobile App market p.10
1.1.1 Events mobile app, a blooming market p.10
1.1.2 Events mobile app and the actual stakeholders expectations p.13
1.2 Research question p.14
1.3 Objectives and intermediate objectives p.14
1.4 Methodology overview p.15
1.5 Chapters overview p.16
2. Literature reviews P.16
1. Chapter 1 – Introduction to the innovation diffusion process p.16
2.1.1 Mobile app definition p.16
2.1.2 Innovation and adoption definitions p.17
2. Chapter 2 - Factors that impact BtoC event mobile apps adoption p.17
2.2.1 Technology acceptance p.17
A/ The impact of the age: variable 1 p.18
2.2.2 Communication plan strategy introduction p.18
B/ The impact of the time: variable 2 p.18
C/ The impact of the communication channels: variable 3 p.19
2.2.3 Social values p.22
The importance of attendees roles in the social network p.22
The importance of attendee statues: innovators vs followers p.23
2.2.4 Other factors with a lesser impact p.24
3. Chapter 3 - 10 festival mobile apps benchmarking p.26
4. Explorative questionnaire p.31
5. Hypothesis p.36
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3. Research methodology, the empirical researches P.37
3.1 Introduction to the quantitative method p.37
3.1.1 The research design strategies p.37
3.1.2 Type of investigation chosen, causal method p.38
3.1.3 Source of data p.38
3.1.4 Data collection p.39
3.2 Field survey p.39
2.2.1 Sample filters p.39
3.2.2 Questionnaire design , the coding method p.40
3.2.3 Data analysis procedure p.40
4. Results and discussion P.42
4.1 Results presentation p.42
4.1.1 Factors analysis p.42
4.1.2 Correlation coefficients p.48
4.1.3 Likert scale results p.49
4. 2 Discussion p.51
4.2.1 How and when communicating about the festival app to each age category of
attendees ?
5. Conclusion P.53
5.1 General conclusion p.53
5.2 Dissertation limits p.54
5.3 What kind of future for event mobile app? p.55
6. Bibliography P.57
7. Table of content
Table A - Communication channels for BtoC event App p.21
Table B - App downloading previsions by country p.24
Table C - Greencooper apps Downloadings / festival goers ratio p.26
Table D - 2014 Geencooper apps Downloadings/2016 downloading ratio p.27
Table E - Age/Greencooper apps downloading ratio p.28
Table F - Facebook/festival-goers ratio
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8. Appendices P.60
Appendix A - 10 Greencooper festivals apps benchmarking p.60
Appendix B - Explorative questionnaire p.61
Appendix C - Research questionnaire p.63
Appendix D - Coding answers p.66
Appendix E - Data collection p.67
9. Table of tables
Table 1 - Explorative respondents’ ages p.30
Table 2 - Event mobile app usage according to the participants age p.31
Table 3 - Website as of way of promotion p.32
Table 4 - Social network as of way of promotion p.32
Table 5 - Adds as of way of promotion p.32
Table 6 - Timeframe of the event mobile app in the communication plan p.34
Table 7 - Attendees’ age/downloading rates ratio p.42
Table 8 - External motivations items p.42
Table 9 - Facebook/attendees age ratio p.43
Table 10 - Facebook effect plot according to the age p.43
Table 11 - Web site/attendees age Ratio p.43
Table 12 - Website effect plot according to the age p.43
Table 13 - Time awareness distribution p.44
Table 14/15 - Time awareness/attendees age ratio p.45
Table 16 - Attendees’ age / time awareness ratio p.45
Table 17 - Facebook time preference according to attendees’ age p.46
Table 18 - E-mail time preference according to attendees’ age p.46
Table 19 - SMS time preference according to attendees’ age p.47
Table 20 - Media time preference according to attendees’ age p.47
Table 21 - Festival Website time preference according to attendees’ age p.48
Table 22 - Correlation coefficients between 2 variables p.49
Table 23 - App channel tools promotion p.50
Table 24 - Time app awareness promotion p.50
Table 25 - Variables frameworks p.52

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1. Introduction to the current event mobile App market
1.1 Events mobile app, a blooming market
Everything starts from 2007 when the first iPhone3 wave had been released on the
market. Ever since, we have been assisting customers’ behaviors changing. The growing
discourse of mobile technology added to Internet connexion is hitting every phone users and
suppliers. The result is nowadays irreversible, we spend more and more time on phone checking
mails, consulting agenda or connecting to social media (Bedouk, 2014). It became a real Swiss
army knife in the daily life and tends to be even more vital, mandatory. Today, people use their
Smartphone in average 70 min/ day. Among them, 87% use their phone through applications and
with an average of 55 different apps per person. By now, it is possible to download more than
1,3 billion applications on iOS/ android devices.
In the technology race, it has been also raised the question of implementation in the
professional environment in order to be more efficient, doing tasks faster and simpler. Likewise
the mobile technology is growing so fast that event industry has to be up-to-date with techniques
more than others ‘The production team keeps these representatives up-to-date on new
functionalities, upcoming trends.’ (Clark. N., MPI, case study Interop, 2015) ‘Mobile Apps are
considered as the bearer of modernity & trendy attributes’ (Richardson, EventApp Bible 2015,
Event planners are more and more using Smartphone innovations to keep its attendees
more informed, entertained and connected all over the event cycle life, e.g: starting from the
single app such as Air cash pay, Microphones to the all-inclusive event mobile app. ‘The activity
knows a real acceleration for the last three years. Companies, even late, want to have their own
application even if it is not for improving the activity reason, at least to seem more modern too
customers and collaborators’ (Le nouvelEconomiste, 2015) ’We are growing north of 100% year
over year and see no signs of things slowing down ‘ (Pankaj P., DoubleDutch, 2015)
Certainly, professionals are more and more orientated their effort to provide a mainstream
‘One event, one App’. Breaking down a classic event app we can list up to 25 in-app features
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according to the event category: way finding (Map), social networking (photo posting),
satisfaction surveying (questionnaire), pooling (live quiz), matchmaking connection (linkedin,
viadeo, facebook…), agenda building, gaming…. Becoming a so called ‘Swiss army knives
streamline events’ (EventApp Bible 2015, 2015)
Event mobile Apps are already identified as real added-value by Frost & Sullivan (Study
in 2013). They point out its benefits for customers: boost at-venue engagement by over 77%,
increase attendee engagement by 33%, increase early engagement by 50%, provide stronger
involvement, maximise their experience and provide proficient assistance.
Many applications on many Smartphone devices continue developing in the event
industry to boost their engagement. Because we constantly look for an authentic and unique
experience, applications tend to deliver better experience trough personalization. Data collection
of trends for 2015 tend to say that there is no more room left for no-phone anyway related
events, that is to say without implementing a digital strategy. Event mobile apps had already
made a big leap in customer behavior, seeking tirelessly for upgrading more and more their
experiences through the digitization ‘Leverage the mobility of your attendees to connect and
engage your event’s physical and digital ecosystem’ (Solaris. J., 2015 – Event Manager Blog).
The relationship between phone users and attendee seems to be already activated. Event
planners are more and more to use this device as well as suppliers are becoming more and more
professionals around it ‘Mobile app have been essential for every event’ (Barah.P, 2015 - Event
Industry News), the attendees seem however to be stayed at the beginners’ stage. In fact, most
of them never used it before and among them, few spent less than 20min on it. This phenomenon
finds its roots in different issues that are mostly replicable to innovation diffusion process.
Within the global after effects reviews we can hardly conclude that such an event app is
fulfilling all the ROI expectations. Indeed, the previous overviews tend to assume an entire
failure set finding their grassroots at the very beginning of the adoption process : the awareness.
When it comes to diffuse the awareness to attendees, authors come to the same
conclusion ‘The fact that a significant percentage of apps get used only once points to the fact
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that something is broken with the first-use experience (…) A user’s first time with the app is
different from his 3rd visit, which is different from his 10th visit’ (Choudary, S.P., 2013 - The
next web). He then continuing, giving a first incentive to solutions ‘A better way to solve the on-
boarding problem is to design the app separately for a first-time user, a budding expert and a
proficient user(…) The keys to moving from download to active/repeat usage often lie in the first
use experience (..) focused on securing a commitment from the user for subsequent actions.’
1.2 Events mobile app and - The actual stakeholders expectations
In the following chapter, there will be given app features strengthening the global feeling
that mobile app beside the event are becoming an essential digital tool.
In 2011, only 9% event planners used app for their events. Recently, in 2015, the usage
skyrocketed up to 74%. Today, up to 500 public events have their own application
(Greencooper– 2015) within 200 in E.U and only 50 in France. When taking a closer look at the
event mobile app market, we can easily recognize that we are currently facing a booming
market. Here, to name few examples of events app released this year: Cannes festival, Nigh
butterfly, Rock en seine, Nördik Impact, Le Tour de France, RedBull : selfie run, Women’s
DoubleDutch survey reported that 85% of meeting planners are using or will soon use
mobile event apps for their meetings. (Corbin Ball-2014, MPI) ‘Not only are meeting numbers
set to increase, but also overall meeting spend is forecast to grow, reversing the trend from 2015
when declining spend was expected. Global meetings and events spend is expected to increase in
2016 for the first time in five years, said Issa Jouaneh, senior VP and GM, American Express
Meeting & Events, The American Express Meetings and Events 2016 Forecast . Among the 15%
left, 60% will use it in a near future and 96 % in 2016. In 2015, it was 63% app created for
meeting professionals (Successful Meetings - 2014). Nowadays, 5 to 10 mobile app suppliers
can be listed by country.
However, event mobile apps find their boundaries and limits. Indeed, only 50%
download the app during BtoB events against 23% for the best BtoC events app downloading in
2015. The general average is alarming. Till last year only 1/10 people were using the current
event app besides attending either BtoB or BtoC events. However, This data tend to improve
with years.
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According to the 2016 Event mobile app bible, when it comes to adoption, ’42% of
events (BtoB and BtoC all inclusive) have more than half of their attendees actually using the
app. This is increased by 8% compared to last year’. 1/4 event professionals is not aware of their
adoption rate. The bible sum up with the general aspect saying ‘In 2016/2017 seems a more
positive year in regard to adoption. There is still some work that needs to be done in helping
event professionals using apps, communicating them to their audience and measuring results’.
The global analyse is clear: majority of apps go unused. When paying further attention to
BtoC events the statement is even more alarming. In 2015, Indeed, 70% of the time the app
didn’t find users. ‘It makes sense, but I am confused’, the dominant feeling for experts
approaching event applications for the first time (Event App Bible – 2015).
2. Research question and objectives
2.1 Research question
Three research questions have been identify as:
1- What is the effect of attendees profile and especially its age on the event mobile app
adoption ?
2- How important the time frame and the tools used are when considering an event mobile app
communication plan and how can affect its adoption?
3- To what extend is it possible to create a toolkit for event professionals of the industry to best
generate ROI ?
2.2 Objectives
The purpose of the study is to confirm or infirm the hypothesis that these 3 variables
identified earlier in former academic researches are connected and can impact the event mobile
app adoption. This will prove either they have a real impact or not on the general adoption
process. These objectives will be reach through intermediate objectives, as follow:
The first intermediate objective is to describe app adoption innovation process and point
out the existing internal and external factors that may impact the rate of downloading and
therefore important to consider while launching the event mobile app for the first time.
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The second intermediate objective is to figure out the tools and time frame mistakes done
all along the communication strategy plan that avoids visitors to be aware of the app.
The third intermediate objective is to study the impact of the 3 variables on festival-goers
decision-making regarding the festival mobile app download.
The fourth and last intermediate objective will be to find out how and to who
communicate efficiently to encourage attendees to download the app.
This dissertation is to first provide the reader informations about the current event mobile
app market and its tendencies. Furthermore, this study achievement give advises to event
professionals and event developers to gain visitors satisfaction while facing the app for the 1st
time. Finally, he will be given tips to make them downloading and second- use the actual event
mobile app thanks to interpersonal and digital strategies. In few words, this is a compelling guide
to make your event mobile app successful and ever lasting. As a consequence, this is the
breakdown structure to proceed and reach objectives.
2.3 Methodology overview
The first and the second intermediate objectives will be reached through a full literature
examination on the adoption process and the factors impacting event mobile app adoption. The
existing reviews will stretch out 3 variables adoption to be considered to better-fit visitors
Regarding the second intermediate objective it will be accomplished by a benchmarking
studying 10 festival mobile apps as well as an exploration questionnaire that would lead together
to the hypothesis and give a first idea on the 3 variables impacts on each other.
The third intermediate objective will be fulfilled by a quantitative method that will either
confirm or infirm the hypothesis. A survey will be done from the opening source method. It will
be publishing online through the 10 official festival platforms, and social networks. This
structured questionnaire will be designed and addressed to 100 festival attendees.
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The fourth and last intermediate objective will be finally achieved through a statistical
analysis (Minitab Express and Excel softwares) shaping the prediction of downloading rates
according to the 3 variables.
2.4 Chapter overview
In the following chapters authors advocate on different variables to increase mobile app
adoption. The attendees’ age as well as the app communication plan strategy will be analyzed in
their integrality to drive event app mobile efficiently. In the aftermath, there will be highlighted
‘powerful tactics’ (EventTM, 2013 – Innovation), that is to say the best variable management to
foster the best uptake of the festival mobile app.
2.1 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the innovation diffusion process
2.1.1 Mobile app definition
According to Garin, F. (2009) a mobile application - or mobile app is a ‘software
application that runs on a mobile device (smart phone, tablet, iPod, etc.), and has an operating
system that supports standalone software’. The same year, The Mobile Marketing Association
defines mobile app as ‘software or content that consumers download to or find pre-installed on
their mobile phone and then resides on the phone’. Event mobile apps are part of branded apps
classification. The focus of these apps is ‘providing an experience for customers, promoting the
brand and eventually building a meaningful relationship’ (Distimo, 2011).
2.1.2 Innovation and adoption definitions
The innovation system is viewed as ‘the interlinked network of sites, competencies,
ideas and resources, which are capable over time of developing novel technologies and
solutions’ (Tilson and Lytinnen, 2006). Adoption has been fist introduced by Rogers in 1962, he
stated: ’The innovation adoption is differencing from the trial version and has various meanings
according to the context. In the sustainable goods sector it refers to the first purchasing without
regular use. In the case the product purchasing is constant, the purchasing repetition is necessary
to consider the product as adopted’.
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Rogers’ theory (1962, 2003) serves as a comprehensive framework for understanding the
spread of an innovation. Later on, in 1995, Beal and Bohen first identified 6 steps of the
innovation adoption; It goes as follow:
1. Knowledge about the innovation itself and its features
2. Persuasion: generated upon information collecting by the client, it will create either positive or
negative attitude
3. Decision: Either the client will reject or accept the innovation
4. Implementation: use the innovation thanks to a trial or purchasing, straight on the premises or
at home, at work, with friends….
5. Confirmation/disconfirmation: strengthen client choices after using the product or questioning
6. Surrender: stop using the innovation
In 2004, Brée J. stated ‘dailylife products do not necessary require informational
reflexion. The consumer doesn't need to seek for motivation as they are considered as low risk.
You expect people to buy the product just by making it visible and then recognized’. By now and
from his interpretation, mobile app can be perceived like daily life product and don’t need such
bigs motivations to proceed to the purchasing.
Consequently, according to these meanings, mobile app are assumed to be a constant
purchasing that is to say need to be opened few times before to be adopted. Rogers goes further
in the definition to the diffusion adoption process and specified as the process by which an
innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the participants in a
social system.
2.2 Chapter 2 - Factors that impact BtoC event mobile apps adoption
Rogers is indeed the very first to associate driving factors together that are accelerating
the rate of adoption. From his analysis four elements can influence the spread of the
innovation: the innovation itself, communication channels, time and a social value. In 2007,
Damsgaard J., Klleher C. analysis highlighted ‘the dangers of examining individual factors
influencing the adoption and diffusion in isolation’. From this early studies conducted, they both
come with the conclusion that factors are connected together.
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2.2.1 Technology acceptance
In 1989 Davis presented the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that is explaining the
determinants of user acceptance of a wide range of end-user computing technologies. This model is
based on the Theory of Reasoned Action made up in 1980 by Ajzen and Fishbein. This TAM is
pointing out that ‘perceived usefulness and perceived ease can affect the intention to use’. The
perceived usefulness has been defined by David as ‘the degree to which a person believes that using
a particular system would enhance his or her job performance’. The perceived ease of use had been
defined as ‘the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free from
In 2005, Eija Kaasinen studied the four factors to build user acceptance: perceived value of
the service, perceived ease of use, trust and perceived ease of adoption. The twain authors
mentioned the usefulness part of the innovation. It is certainly required to get the users from
intention-to use to actual usage.
Barnes and Huff (2003) claims that the technology acceptance theory operates principally at
the level of an individual and therefore someone will use a mobile device if it’s been perceived as
useful and easy to use. Funk in 2004 predicted a change in customer population : ‘The first adopters
may be totally different to the lead customers of the old technology’. This new leaders are later on
defined as young people. This intern components such as the perception of the technology
usefulness its practicality as well as the age of the user were yet factors that influence adoption
A/ The impact of the age: variable 1
The generation Y is identifying ‘people born in the 1980s and have grown up with the
Internet’. ‘Professionals’ marketers must be more customers orientated than ever
before‘ (Greenberg, 2009). The studies conducted by Taylor D.G., Voelker T.A., Pentina I. in
2011 examines patterns of diffusion and acceptance of the app technology among mobile
phone users individual's most significant advisor effects the adoptions preferences for apps
among young adults. In 2011, Le Nagard,A., Manceau,D. expounded that most of products
adopted by the consumers refer to those enhancing the experience. It can be economical,
security, gain of time, attractiveness, social position. This new generation obliges marketers
to be more customer focused than ever before (Greenberg, 2009).
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /18 70
2.2.2 Communication plan strategy introduction
According to the marketing dictionary, the communication plan strategy belongs to the
business model which is aiming to best accomplish actions and decisions making related to the
objectives. To fulfill this purpose, their have been risen steps that belong to the communication
1. Diagnostic of the organisation
2. Objectives
3. Targets and message
4. Creative approach
5. Communication: tools and channels
6. Planning: time management
7. Budgets
8. Measurement
Communication tools, channels and the planning of the communication plan strategy are
aligned with previous Rogers statement. They are part of the four best influencers factors to the
adoption. They both impact actively on the adoption process. In other words they can infer
positively on negatively on the decision making. To some extend, regarding the context of the
event mobile app, this 2 variables must be taken into consideration when launching the festival
mobile app. More generally they both contribute in the success of any event mobile app.
B/ Time aspect: variable 2
Time dimension in the diffusion of innovation is often ignored in most behavioral research
(Rogers, 2003). However, the time aspect is essential for studying the innovation-diffusion
process, the impact of innovators on adaptors, and the growth rates of adoptions. From the
diffusion of innovation and user interface perspectives, the question of app adoption or
non-adoption could depend on ‘whether and when the user has been exposed to
information’ (Rogers, 2003). This is now commonly called awareness.
The importance of time learning had been risen by Le Nagard,A., Manceau,D. in 2011. They
advocated on intermediate step in the launching process to be implemented in order to make the
consumer aware of this new product. The profits acknowledgment have be recognize at the very
beginning. They continue on ‘More the product is said complex more time is needed to the
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /19 70
consumer to be train at the innovation use’. They agreed on the diffusion pace ‘If the innovation
is too big then the diffusion over the market is slow’. It involves behavioral evolution more
C/ Communication channels - variable 3
From the diffusion of innovation and user interface perspectives, the question of
app adoption or non-adoption could depend on whether the user has been exposed to the
information (Bass, F. 1969). Beal and Bohen and Rogers also advocated communication channels as
factors that render adoption easier: announcement prior the launching from articles rode in the press
or other expositions to media/events: radio, TV, Internet…Exposition to media that create brand
image about the event / forums / social network feedbacks. The impact of the salesman, influencers,
and the 1st experience related to the packaging. The sampling, trial version, demonstrations. And
finally, the product quality and clear explanations about the using process.
In many event mobile apps released here are few communication channels mentioned and
listed to promote a festival mobile app:
Guides / academic works Quotes
Many channels Crowd Compass, 2014 ‘You need one champion (many
channels) who is empowered and
accountable for accelerating
Guidebook, 2014 ‘Guide promotion is most effective
when it's part of a planned, multi-
channel marketing-style effort over
time; before the event launches and
Staff member on-site Choudary, S.P, 2013 - How to
Grow Adoption and Engagement
for your Mobile App
‘App downloaders usually
download on impulse and
want quick benefits, not
educational guides’
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /20 70
Table A - Communication channels for BtoC event App
2.2.3 Social Values
The last point risen by Rogers has been defined by Sheth in 1991 as the ‘perceived utility
acquired from an alternative’s association with one or more specific social groups’. It relates to
social approval and the enhancement of self-image among other individuals (Sweeney & Soutar,
2001). A recent research conducted by Wang & Liao in 2013 proved that mobile apps are
nowadays considered to be fashionable. The results showed that social value is affected
positively the behavioral intention to use mobile apps. Yet in 2011, Pan W., Aharon N., Peatland
A. analyzed the social value and the impact of the network that can predict mobile applications
installation. However, there are still disagreement remaining from the real effect of the network
on app adoption.
Indeed, Yang and Leskovec 2010 conducted researches about social network proving that
network is the only mechanism for adoption where ‘the best way to install an app is to see
someone doing it’. Pan W., Aharon N., Peatland A. disagreed on that point pointing out the fact
that ‘user will only download the app if it appears interesting to him without any peer influence’.
With what made them to assume that someone can download an app without any external
influence or information.
QR-Code Event App bible, 2015 ‘Integration with additional
technologies that facilitate or
deepen attendee experience. Some
examples of this are badge QR
codes that make it easy for
attendees to swap contact
Tuto CrowdCompass, 2014 ‘Create two or three 60 – 90 second
videos that showcase benefits of
three mobile app features. Tuto is
your best route for sharing this
information and growing word-of-
mouth recommendations’
Email and signage CrowdCompass, 2014 ‘Email marketing and on-site
signage rank as the most effective
ways to increase app downloads’
Guides / academic works QuotesCommunication
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /21 70
The importance of attendees roles and engagement in the social network
Rogers (2003) defined a social system as ‘a set of interrelated units engaged in joint problem
solving to accomplish a common goal’. It mentioned the diffusion among members of a social
system. He indicated the characteristics of social systems such as: social norms, opinion
leaders, change agents, and types of innovation decisions, which can promote or hinder
the diffusion of innovations.
An extension of Rogers’ theory, the Bass diffusion model was developed by Frank Bass; it
describes the process of how new products get adopted as an interaction between early
adaptors and potential adaptors (Bass, F. 1969). Studies suggest that social network play an
important role in consumer decisions to download and use the mobile application. The network
play an important role in the diffusion of innovation (J.J Brown & Reingen, 1987,
Goldenberg,Han, Lehmann & Hong, 2009; Christophe Van den Bulte & Joshi, 2007,Christopher
Van den Bulte & Wuyts 2007). Social influence is particularly important, as the adoption of these
devices is often used to enhance the consumer's sense of self-importance and social status
(Sarker & Wells, 2003).
In the new released Event app bible, 3rd edition, social network is connected to engagement
which one is defined as ‘the emotional involvement or commitment in comparison with rational
reasons such as paycheck material security or social pressure. As its core, engagement is an in-
the-moment experience. Another characteristic is that it builds community, (…) bond people
around a shared experience’. In other words, apps adoption is based on the influence of peers
and others within their social networks. The adoption of apps in general is driven by peer-to-peer
In most of the times, literature reviews divide ties into two king of categories: strong and
weak. While weak refers to causal relationship the first ones consist of family, friends and ‘those
with whom contact is frequent and relationships are close’ (Granovetter, 1973, 1983) ‘While
family members share a biological connection and emotional bond that often result in strong ties,
social relationships (i.e., friends) tend to be more similar in attitudes and opinions’ (David G.
Taylor, Troy A. Voelker, Iryna Pentina, 2011). The authors came up with the hypothesis that ‘the
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /22 70
adoption of mobile apps will be more strongly influenced by a consumer’s social contacts such
as friends compared to family members’.
The importance of attendee statues: innovators vs followers
Midgley and Dowling (1993) defines innovators as the ‘consumer who is acting quickly
in decision-making and who has no reliance upon others opinions’. He identified 3 key elements
in the decision-making: capacity of self-dependent, higher risks appetite than others with strong
uncertainness and the taste for innovation product. According to them, they are the first one to be
targeted during the launching/diffusion processes. The diffusion models is representing ‘the
spread of innovative products over time, depicting the increase in the number of adopters over
time’ (Mahajan & Muller, 1979). Innovation spread is done through a process of imitation
(Rogers & Shoamaker, 1971).
In 2011, Jacob Goldenberg, Sangman Han, Donald R. Lehmann, & Jae Weon Hong
designated two types of hubs : innovative and follower hubs. Contrary to recent arguments, hubs
tend to adopt earlier in the diffusion process, even though they are not necessarily innovative.
Opinion leaders can either increase the likelihood of adoption or, conversely, prevent the
adoption of a product or prevent the adoption of a product. In the social network, such people are
called influentials, opinion leaders, mavens or hubs (Van den Bulte and Wuyts 2007).
In 2015, Ball C. classified four major categories of attendees when it comes to technology
adoption. ‘Each type of attendee comes into your event with various perspectives and experiences
so it’s important you identify these categories and support each one’.
- TechnoPhobe : attendees who are not tech-able, and afraid of technology. Therefore they do not
have a smartphone capable of downloading your app. Or they don’t know how to use their phone.
- Traumatized: attendees who are reluctant to download the app because of bad past experiences
with other event mobile apps. Early adopters and influencers fall into this category because they
often adopt technology before all the kinks are worked out.
- Overly Active: Their phones are likely tapped out for space and they may not be willing to
download yet another app.
- In the dark: Attendees who just don’t know that your app exists
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22.4 Other factors with a leaser impact
- The culture
The flourishing market of apps is nowadays accessible to everyone, everywhere in the
world. Even though some countries tend to be on a mature market such as Japan, USA and
Europe, few more and left behind like India. However according to Annies' pronostic published
in 2016, ‘In this last couple years India and more generally Asia seemed to be catching up the
market and soon will even takeover the average adoption rates. Where culture tended to be a
hurdle, it doesn’t looks like anymore and won’t be true in the next following years’.
Table B - App downloading previsions by country (Annies’sources)
- The security and privacy
One of the main hurdles to adoption was first introduced in Rao and Minakakis (2003)
researches. They point out the current limitations of technical solutions are potential intrusions into
user privacy. Corporate agencies as well as customers fell concerned with privacy and data
protection when approach apps (The Event Mobile app Bible, 2016).
- The event mobile app content
A study had been conducted toward event professionals to understand better effectiveness
criteria of any event action. Whistle they are quite numerous the most important ones had been
listed in the offical 2012 Anaé announcers barometer, as the following: 17% audience and 17%
visibility reaching, against 15% accorded for originality, interactivity, conviviality and content.
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The Crowd Compass studies released that 34% of attendees are looking for relevant
content (CrowdCompass, 2014). The Event mobile App bible last released about 2016 trends is
pointing out this point saying about apps ‘They need to be easy to access, clean, and intuitive to
use. As simple as possible!’ continuing saying that ‘bad design and user experience intrinsically
linked to poor app adoption’
The studies conducted by CrowdCompass, showed that people under 25 years are
looking for event mobiles app that give them access to exclusive informations and be first aware
of what’s happening on the event. Then come the importance to be able to participate, be
engaged into the event through sharing actions/tools. While people over 25 are looking for event
apps that can allow them to be ready for the visit: they are mostly seeking first for some
informations, ticket registrations and transportations. When young people are searching for one-
off event app, the oldest are actually looking for an event app that is running prior the vent,
during and beyond. Those results indicate important details about the content. Among a same
event, is it important to know more about the visitors to shape an app that best suits attendees
- The personnalization
Dinca.A, Henrike Engling L. stated in 2012 that ‘Even though apps are sometimes still
used for traditional marketing, most brands have recognized that customers have become more
empowered and that this form of one-way communication is not adequate any longer. Instead, a
more interactive communication approach consisting of a four-step process is required: first,
initiate communication through permission based marketing; second, personalize communication
through one-to-one marketing; third, involve customers through engaging content and fourth,
trigger brand advocacy’.
This personnalisation trend will be adapted to who you are and become more and more
social orientated. The digital is about to ‘become the mirror of your contacts, people surrounding
you, the place your are, your experiences past in order to adapt better your needs’ (Duffour-
Wargnier, 2011).
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Chapter 3 – The 10 Greencooper apps benchmarking
In 2014, Greencooper and Sourdoreille studied together downloading behaviors at
festivals and released the results on La scène magazine. They focused on 10 festival apps, all
made up by Greencooper, the french leadership supplier at event apps.
The 10 festivals apps all had been created in 2013. They are all native app which means
works without connexion as well as they are more or less using as much memory in the phone.
Even thought there are festival who have different music lovers, they all targeting the same
category of age: 17-35 years old. Despite moderating variables remaining, downloading rates
seems different to each festivals Beside, ss this is the 3rd festival app, the adoption rate in only
focusing on first downloading
When taking a closer look at the event mobile app it is quite relevant that even thought
there had been created by the same supplier Greencooper, they definitely have a different
adoption rate between each of them; 5,6% for the lowest (Nuits secrètes) versus 50% for the
highest (Hellfest festival). The benchmarking first gave hints about the relations between age,
communication plan and the event app downloading rate - Appendix A p.
Table C - Greencooper apps Downloadings / festival goers ratio (Greencooper sources)
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /26 70
Nuits Sonores
Raggae Sun Ska
Cabaret Vert
Francofolies La Rochelle
Vieilles Charrues
Nuits Secrètes
0 75000 150000 225000 300000
85 000,00
175 000,00
102 000,00
225 000,00
130 000,00
94 000,00
75 000,00
130 000,00
65 000,00
150 000,00
Table D - 2014 Geencooper apps Downloadings / 2016 downloading ratio
(app store/google play sources)
Data released in the table D and E are a general analyse of music event app downloading
rates. Over the 10 events mentioned bellow, an average of 9,5% of the festival-goers used the
actual event app. There are still 90% to reach, make them aware and thus download. In 3 years,
the table D shows that the amount of people downloading the app had increased by 30% to 50%
in the best case (Helfest festival). Among them, we can infer there are repeated downloading
over the year. Some people satisfied, loyal and therefore willing to download it over the years.
Table E - Age/Greencooper apps downloading ratio (Greencooper source)
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /27 70
Nuits Sonores
Raggae Sun Ska
Cabaret Vert
Francofolies La Rochelle
Vieilles Charrues
Nuits Secrètes
Festival goers
0 75000 150000 225000 300000
Nuits Sonores
Raggae Sun Ska
Cabaret Vert
Francofolies La Rochelle
Vieilles Charrues
Nuits Secrètes
0 20000 40000 60000 80000
Age and downloading relationship - Variable 1
Indeed, over the 10 french music event apps created by the same developer the most
representative category who actually downloaded the app are clusters people ranked between 25
and 34 years old. They represent in average 61% of the downloading rates.
Hypotheses : The ‘youngest’ attendees at festival are more likely to download the mobile app
Communication plan - Communication channels: Variable 2
Festival goers and Social network relationship
Table F - Facebook/festival-goers ratio (Greencooper source)
Whistle those 10 festivals are related to different kind of music and then different king of
target profiles, they first all have a Facebook event page linked to the festival and they all have at
least as much followers as festival-goers. Over the past 3 years, festivals started creating their
own communities through this social network, a perfect platform to connect event organizers to
their audience and consequently a perfect place to communicate.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /28 70
Nuits Sonores
Raggae Sun Ska
Cabaret Vert
Francofolies La Rochelle
Vieilles Charrues
Nuits Secrètes
0 150000 300000 450000 600000
85 000
175 000
102 000
225 000
130 000
94 000
75 000
130 000
65 000
150 000
98 755
123 735
109 241
291 857
79 199
60 331
230 292
98 750
99 637
339 601
Festival goers and Website relationship
It is appropriate to say that there are a sharp connexion existing between rate
downloading and web site communication. Indeed, for those who didn’t announce the app
through the official web site get low downloading rates. And at the opposite, when announcing
on digital platform: web site and social network such as Facebook and Instagram they all get
better downloading rates, between 20% and 50% against 5,6% for Nuits Secrètes and 15,4% for
the highest rate, Cabaret Vert.
Hypothesis: Channels used as well as the moment posting adds on social walls impact
the final downloading rate. The event app communication plan is link to the adoption rate.
Hellfest festival, Garorock, Nuits Sonores and Raggae Sun ska implemented a
communication time table with repeated messages. They all informed their followers 2 or 3
times about the actual event app starting for the earliest 3 months prior the event with an average
of 30% downloading. The latest who aware about the app is Les vieilles Charrues festival and
only had 12% downloading rate.
Hypothesis: There is a right moment to aware the audience about an event app. Repeated
messages as well as repeated channels seems to be a perfect combinaison to reach as much as
festival-goers as possible. When figuring out the right time slot to post, there would be up to
50% more downloading.
Conclusion: Events mentioned above where all activated on social media thought an
event Facebook page. Any event manager knowing the audience and its habits means much on
how to interact. In those case studies, people following the event are for most of them people
attending or show interest in the event. The average festival-goers is between 18 and 35 years
old. There is almost in the case as much followers as festival-goers and they all show much
active social interest on social media. They give a clear picture of how receptive they are, which
means that event managers should all used this free advertisement to broadcast awareness and
spread it over thanks to the sharing link and reduce the likelihood by 2 of not downloading.
Limits: when looking further into details, whistle Les Francofolies La Rochelle and Les
Eurockéennes seems to be quite similar it is alarming to see the gap existing, downloading wise
talking. Indeed, they're would be more hurdles. The 1st app is the only one not proposing to buy
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /29 70
ticket through the app which make it less downloadable than not posting any informations about
the app on social media such as did Les Eurockéenes festival organizers. The content seems to be
important to attendees when fostering the event app.
4. Explorative questionnaire
A preliminary questionnaire were developed to ensure the consistency and soundness of
measurement of value structure. The initial questions were pilot testes in a 1-1 questionnaire.
The questions had been designed in accordance with the primary data extracted from literature
and benchmarking analyses. The use of the explorative questions prior to a second deeper
questionnaire gave the opportunity to have a first prospective respondents. This method pre-
confirm / infirme the primary data regarding variables impacts. This one had been administrated
randomly to 8 people. The questionnaire is available at the end of the chapter - Appendix B p.61
Table 1 - Explorative respondents’ ages
Table 1 is showing respondents ages repartition. Out of the 8 explorative questionnaires
distributed, the respondents age varied. Half of them were ranged between 18 and 25 years old, 2
between 25 and 35 against only one between 35 and 45 as well as only one over 45 years old.
The majority of the sample thats is to say 70% of them were under 35 years old. Age distribution
is quite similar to age repartition at festivals.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /30 70
Age Frequency Percentage
18-25 4 50 %
25-35 2 25 %
35-45 1 15 %
45+ 1 15 %
Variable 1 - Age and downloading relationship
Table 2 - Event mobile app usage according to the participants age
Table 2 reveals that over all the respondent, half of them have already used an event app
on mobile devise. 100% of the people who ever used an app are 35 years old or younger. The
other half ranged over 35 years old never used any because there weren't or because they were
not aware of the app (Table 2). The downloading rate is as high as the best festival downloading
rates created by Greencooper (e.g: 50% for the Hellfest festival).
This results are aligned with the hypothesis that age and event app usage are linked. The
origines of the non-using are located at he 1st stage of the product chain line : awareness. From
those who never used the actual event apps they were older, ranged between 35 and 45+. This
means that the communication plan settled were not good enough to reach those target either
from the channel or the tools used to promote and make people aware of the current event app.
When interrogating about the impact of the age on event app adoption they are 7/8 agreed
with this hypothesis. Most of them think that ‘young people’ ‘ Y generation ‘ ’15-35 years old ‘
are more likely to use it, versus only one is actually disagree and tend to think that ‘everyone is
into it’. According to the respondents the 18-35 categorized as ‘youngs’ would be more likely to
use app mobile when attending a public event. It looks like there is a category of people that is
more likely to use it.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /31 70
Variable 2 - Age and communication plan relationship, communication channels impact
Table 3 - Website as of way of promotion Table 4- Social network as of way of promotion
Table 5 - Adds as of way of promotion
a) Promotion/media channels: Table 3 is indicating 75% of the respondents tend to say
that digitalization is the best way to promote an event app, with the official event web site that
has been 1st mentioned to promote the app before the event. 62,5% of the respondents
mentioned the event website as of way of communication. Among them 80% were under 35
years old. Mailing tends to be the 1st digital tool for those over 35.
Table 4 is pointing out for 75% of the people questioned, adds such as press articles,
billboard or flyers are still mentioned to be a good way for promotion an event app (table 4).
According to 50% of the respondents, Facebook would be one of the first social network used to
promote the App. 100% of them are under 35 (table 5).
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /32 70
18-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 18-25 25-35 35-45 45+
18-25 25-35 35-45 45+
This results are alined with the hypothesis that there are different tools and channels to
use when promoting and event app according to the targets. Is seems thats everyone agreed on
the fact that the current event website would be the first digital connexion when looking for any
informations or wish to buy a ticket. This make believe that when promotion the app on the
actual website would be the first move to reach any targets.
However, when looking in further details it has been first released that social network
would be a perfect communication channel to reach people under 35 years old versus the oldest
would be more likely to be inform about the event app from media like press or flyers. This tend
to say that communication tools and channel are different considering the promotion of the event
b) Social value: For ¾ of the respondents, friends and family are first maned when it
comes to recommend the app. Word-of-mouth seems to be the first way to communicate the
existence of the app. When it comes to trust in someone, almost ½ admit to consider reviews and
comments liked to the app from other users.
From 18 to over 45 years old they all believe that family and friends are the most reliable
people. 50% are considering reviews and professional feedbacks prior to download the event
app. This results indicate that the age is no longer involve in such decision however it s relevant
enough to consider family and friends as channel communication - social network might be the
place to communicate thats is to say the hub of intern communication « Useful » is the first word
mentioned when they talk about an event app. It is quickly followed by simple, free and
engaging. They all look for an App that will provide them udpated informations, and easy access
to this informations. The added-value is from far one of the opportunity that make people use the
App before, during, after.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /33 70
Variable 3 - Age and communication plan relationship, time awareness
Table 6 - Timeframe of the event mobile app in the communication plan
According to the table 6, 6/8 of the respondents agreed to say that between 3 and 14 days
prior the event is the right moment to be aware of the event app. 100% among them are under 35
years old. It seems that there is a different time frame to follow in order to reach as much as
people according to their age. This shows that the hypothesis that age and time frame in the
event mobile app are clearly linked.
External motivations
Among the responds to the question what make people use the app during an event most
of the time they are first mentioning to first have a smartphone then to have free wifi and the
capacity to be able to interact with the app. Just one pointed out the fact that the weather may
impact the decision to use or not the device. Theses answers can give few hints about external
factors that can impact the adoption.
Others features come alongside the App adoption such as having a Smartphone, having
access to free wifi onsite as well as the weather being appropriated when the event is running.
These are outside sources of hurdles that could cope with the App adoption.
The weather as well as the Smartphone access are indépendant to the App création.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /34 70
18-25 25-35 35-45 45+
However, free connexion can be set up in two ways :
- Native App – doesn’t need wifi to connect
- Free connexion access onsite provide by the event organizers
Later on, when questioning about the motivations to use the app over the 8 respondents 6
first spoke about the useful aspect of the device and to be easy to use. However there are still
hurdles remaining that can affect the decision such as the battery and memory capacity that had
been mentioned 4 times. Being useful is one of the first attention when downloading the app,the
content and the exclusivity wise seems to be highly important. The app has to be also simple – or
easy to use and free. These results are alined with the authors.
Intermediate results
The digit revealed from the first question confirm that only half of the population have
ever used an event app. Although event app have been implemented alongside the event there are
still hurdles existing to cope with awareness, adoption and usage. Awareness refers to issues
linked to the digital strategy and communication launching. The respondents affirmed that 3 days
to 2 weeks prior the event would be the best practice to reach as much as possible downloading.
Alongside, channels used to promote is something that event organizers should closely
deal with. Each event is targeting different customer profiles. As mentioned earlier, some of them
would be more receptive with digital promotion such as social network and others, older would
like to be informed through e-mailing/newletters whereas the elders would appreciate to be
helped and guided onsite by staff members and papers informations to download the app.
The very first internal hurdles would be the age. It appears that the 15-35, named as
« youngs » would be more likely to embrace the mobile app. That means that event app can’t be
made for every kind of event as long as the core target are over a limit age. It is hardly possible
to think that implementing such an app for old singer concert would be thinkable.
When Familly- friends are really important as well as professionals to consider when
launching an app. Those 3 put together are orientating the channel used to transfer information
and then to reach people where they speak, that is to say social network, the hub for friends,
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /35 70
family and professionals. In such event, it would be hardly impossible to think launching an app
without inform people on Facebook, twitter or Linked-in regarding the category of event.
From this first expertise the cycle-life of the event épp shouldn’t be more than one month
lasting when it comes to be used for a BtoC event. 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after to be good
enough to be aware enough time in advance to let people get used to it, get updated informations
onsite and be able to share the event on others platforms after the event.
5. Hypothesis
1 - Festival attendees age is impacting the event mobile app downloading rate
2 - The event app communication plan and attendees' age are both connected and can predict
downloading rates
3 - The app awareness is different for each category of festival participants

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3.1 Introduction to the quantitative method
There are two different ways to approach a dissertation: quantitative and qualitative
method. A qualitative method is aiming to investigate deeper, producing and analyzing
descriptive data such as written words or say observatory behavior of individuals (Taylor and
Bogdan, 1984). It will provide a detailed and complete description of the research topic.
The quantitative method is aiming to describe, explain or synthesize links, causalities or
typologies. Quantitative research is focused in counting and classifying features and constructing
statistical models and figures to explain what is observed. This approach is intending to make
decisions easier for the future, ranking, counting, visualizing or summarizing the results using
tools such as questionnaires, surveys and other equipment to collect numerical or measurable
data (Sekaran, 2003). Quantitative research is objective in approach in the sense that it only
seeks precise measurements and analysis of target concepts to answer his inquiry (Experiment-, 2009).
According to the purpose of the subject it is more appropriate to undertake a quantitative
approach. Indeed, in the following work variables effects will be analyzed. As this a very topic
matter concern there are not enough academic works and researches yet released explaining the
weak rate of festival mobile app downloading.
3.1.1 The research design strategies
The research design is considered as specific methods and procedures to obtain information
needed. Studies research can either be exploratory, descriptive, or causal. An exploratory research is
aiming to identify and define a problem. This kind of research design is used at the very beginning
when professionals haven’t much informations about the issues. A descriptive research would have
been done to describe the relation between the variables (Barnes, 1992).
The descriptive study is aiming to understand the relationship between different variables as
much as understand what are the reasons linked to the phenomenon. This would help out
professionals to make relevant decisions regarding the different sources impacting the good
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /37 70
(Carricano M., Poujol., 2006). However, in this case the hypothesis could not be confirmed or
The last one, causal research is also called the explanatory research and they are undertaken
to prove or disprove the scientifically anticipated claims, ‘hypothesis testing usually explain the
nature of certain relationships or establish the differences among groups or the independence of two
or more factors in a situation’ (Sekaran 2003). A causal research is looking for more than a just a
correlation and is investigating about cause-and-effect relationship. This can be reachable through
experiment, manipulating the potential causes to examine effect on variables and test its
effectiveness or thanks to statistical researches. Causal studies help to predict causes of deriving
such hypothesis. The key purpose here is to define relationships of causal factors to the effects of
predictions (Smith, Albaum, 2005).
3.1.2 Type of investigation chosen, the causal method
A causal study seems to be more appropriate as long as it is aiming to determine if the
manipulation of 3 variables, called the independent variables, affects another variable, called the
dependent variable. The causal studies usually requires the interference of the researcher to
manipulate certain variables, measure their effects and make a prediction of outcomes based on
former hypotheses. Then, the hypotheses will be tested to finally analyse either they are
determine as false or correct. ‘This hypothesis testing explains the nature of certain relationships
or establish the differences among groups or the independence of two or more factors in a
situation’ (Sekaran 2003). Time wise speaking, and because to the limited access to engage a
certain amount of participants an experimental study were not considered relevant enough an
thus, a statistical study were more appropriate, based on the festival mobile app case study.
3.1.3 Source of data
Primary data refers to ‘information obtained firsthand by the researcher on the variables
of interest for the specific purpose of the study’ (Sekaran 2003).There are collected by the
researcher using methods such as questionnaires, interviews and observations to answer his/her
research objectives. Primary resources includes individuals, focus groups, panels of respondents,
and other sources (Smith, Albaum, 2005).
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /38 70
While secondary data “refer to information gathered from sources already
existing’ (Sekaran 2003). Secondary data, is usually used in the literature survey of any research
and it explores the results of previous studies related to the research topic. Secondary sources
includes articles, records, archives, publications, media analysis, websites, and the Internet
(Smith, Albaum, 2005).
3.1.4 Data collection
The data can be obtained from either primary or secondary sources. Primary datas
collection had be done through a questionnaire posted on social networks. The data had been
collected through an internet survey conducted. The questionnaire were posted online and
addressed to the official festival Facebook page, to invite respondents. Responses that were
inconsistence or incomplete were deleted through data filtering. Over 152 responds received a
total number of exactly 100 viable responses had been gathered.
Secondary sources collection had be done through books, academic articles and
publications released around the study theme. Because it is a brand new phenomenon there are
not enough relevant data to take for granted. That is why a benchmarking were conducted based
on a 10 music festival mobile apps case study.
3.2 Field survey
3.2.1 Sampling filter
In order to improve the accuracy and the consistency of responses to the variables
studied it is required to implement a stratified sampling (Carricano M. Poujol F..2006). In this
particular case, the sampling target had been yet chosen because they all participated to one of
the 10 music festival studied.
As well as it was important to investigate the impact of the variables within the same
environment that is to say with the same mitigating variables. Those 10 mobile apps were all
created by the same software supplier, Greencooper with free wifi onsite. All of them are free
app, pretty much with the same weighting the same, and available on both device: iOS and
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /39 70
3.2.2 Questionnaire design
To be efficient, Marton-Williams claims in 1986 that the quantitative questionnaire
should fulfill five functions:involving the respondents, communicating to them, helping to
workout on the answers, be easy for the interviewer and provide a basis for data processing. In
1987, Tull and Hawkin’s defined the survey research as ‘the systematic gathering of information
from respondents for the purpose of understanding and/or predicting some aspect of the behavior
of the population of interest’. Baker stated in 2003 that ‘opinion researches are used to improve
understanding of motivation’ why people behave the way they do and also to help predict
behaviour’. It has been designed online thanks to website. The questionnaire was
translated into english for the non french-speaking.
The Website link for french questionnaire:
The Website link for the english questionnaire:
The survey has been designed in order to analyse the hypothesis formulated at the very
beginning and have been organized in two sections measuring the effect of the event app
communication channels and the time frame over the age.
The coding method used is helping out for the questionnaire designing, dealing with
items and variables one by one and thus, better answer former hypothesis risen in the first part.
Indeed, data collected in the first part were listed in this table and will allow the researcher build
up the questionnaire in accordance- Appendix D p.27
The questionnaire very started with a demographic section. It has been testing in both
languages prior to be broadcast on social networks. There will be attached a copy of the
questionnaire in the appendix D at the end of the chapter.
3.2.3 Data analysis and the coding method
Respondents were enquiring about a set of 26 questions going through the different items
catalogued in the coding table, Appendix E; 13 of them were listed on a 5-point Likert-type scale
(1= strongly disagree, 5 strongly agree) to better understand the relationships tendencies with the
3 variables. The other 13 questions were built up from a closed question method; Multiple
choices answers allowed the respondents to provide a precise answers about topics addressed.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /40 70
The survey had been connected to the Excel as well as Google analytics softwares to
better analyse the results. The survey aims to both measuring the impact of the communication
channels and the time frame over attendees’ age. Minicab Express, a statistical software has been
used to measure correlations between those variables.

EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /41 70
4.1 Results presentation
4.1.1 Factors analysis
Table 7 - Attendess’Age/downloading rates ratio
According to table 7, 85% of the respondents claims to be between 15 and 35 years old,
there are mainly girls (73%). Only 8% of the respondents who attended one this ten festivals had
downloaded the festival mobile app. 100% of them are under 35 years old. They all have
dowloaded it for the very 1st this year.
Table 8 - External motivations items
Table 8 released that in 50% of the case, the respondent tend to take the most intention in the
price of the app when deciding to download the app or not. Shorty followed by the possibility to
enjoy the WIFI onsite in 48% on the time. The weight and the battery consuming are considered
less important, and had been mentioned only in 14% of the time. And finally, the weather is not
consider as a main hurdles to adoption.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /42 70
15-25 25-35 35-45 45+
Age Donwloading
WIFI on site
Weight of the app
Battery consuming
Weather during the festival
Price of the festival mobile App
0 12,5 25 37,5 50
When it has to be coping with all of this items, in 100% of the time the festival mobile
offered by Greencooper are free, and are native app which is to say without need to be connected to
any network. The weight of any of them are in the average of the every app suggested in any the
app store. And to finish, battery consuming is more important in the second phase, when the app
had been yet downloaded. This external hurdles would not impacting the decision-making and
affect the adoption.
For 65% of the respondents, Facebook is the main social networks that have been
considered as the most important communication channels to use when communicating about the
festival mobile app. The official festival Web site has been mentioned by 8% of the respondents.
Table 9 - Facebook/attendees age ratio Table 10 - Facebook effect plot according to the age
Table 11 - Web site/attendees age Ratio Table 12 - Website effect plot according to the age
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /43 70
15-25 25-35 35-45 45+
Age Facebook
15-25 25-35 35-45 45+
Age Web site
In a further examination, when break-downing communication channels, data released in
tables 9 and 11 about attendees’ profils are more relevants. In most of the time, people who claimed
Facebook as the most important way of communication seem to be in 95% of the time under 35
years old while those who preferred the official festival website are between 25 and 45 years old.
Results showed that 66% of attendees under 25 years old are more into social networks with a big
preference for Facebook pages when it comes to communicate about the festival app.
Attendees aged between 25 and 35 years are split over two categories. 67% of them prefer
Facebook, 14% rather like the official festival website. Attendees who are between 35 and 45
claimed in 87% of the case to prefer the official website. Attendees aged over 45 years old declared
in 67% of the time, email and Newsletter as the best communication channels.
Table 13 - Time awareness distribution
For 31% of the respondents, 1 month seems to be the perfect time to be aware about the
festival mobile app. However, 6 month prior the event seems to be to early as much as the day of
the festival seems to be to late. 69% of them are declaring the best time between 3 days and 1
month before the event. When break downing time awareness preference, it is quite relevant to
notice that attendees aged between 15 and 35 years old represent the majority of the respondents
who considered between 3 days and 1 month as the best time to be aware of the festival mobile app.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /44 70
5 %
17 %
21 %
31 %
18 %
8 % 6 Months
2 Months
1 Month
2 Weeks
3 Days
Festival Day
Table 14/15 - Time awareness/attendees age ratio
Table 16 - Attendees’ age / time awareness ratio
Respondents declaring 6 months as the best time are all over 35 years old. Among them
100% of the 45+ declared so. Most of the people who declared the day of the festival as the best
time are under 25 years old.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /45 70
15-25 25-35 35-45 45+
Age 3 days - 1 month
15-25 25-35 35-45 45+
Age Day of the event
15-25 25-35 35-45 45+
Age 6 months
Table 17 - Facebook time preference according to attendees’ age
3 days seems to be the general preference for any age categories to be aware of the
festival mobile app from Facebook. In a further examination, when taking a closer look at each age
bracket, the youngest attendees are the latest they prefer to be aware of the app. Indeed,
respondents over 45 admitted in 50% of the case to prefer be aware of it 3 months or earlier
versus 90% of respondents under rather like to be aware within 1 month.
Table 18 - E-mail time preference according to attendees’ age
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /46 70
0 30 60 90 120
Festival Day < 3 days 2 weeks
1 month 3 months 6 months
0 3 15 30 90 180
0 30 60 90 120
Festival Day < 3 days 2 weeks
1 month 3 months 6 months
Table 19 - SMS time preference according to attendees’ age
When regarding SMS preference time awareness, in 48% of the case attendees showed more
willingness to receive the information within 3 days all ages brackets.
Table 20 - Media time preference according to attendees’ age
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /47 70
0 25 50 75 100
Festival Day < 3 days
2 weeks 1 month
3 months 6 months
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
0 30 60 90 120
Festival Day < 3 days 2 weeks
1 month 3 months 6 months
0 3 15 30 90 180
Table 21 - Festival Website time preference according to attendees’ age
Finally, festival website time preference is quite relevant regarding the pattern of the time
preferences. Indeed, attendees under 35 declared to prefer being aware of the festival mobile app
within 3 days. However, from 35 and over, attendees claimed to rather being aware sooner in time,
that is to say before 2 weeks and over prior the event.
4.1.2 Correlation coefficients
The correlation coefficient discovered in 1996 by Bravais-Pearson is measuring the
direction and the strength of a linear relationship between two variables. It can determines the
degree to which two variables' movements are associated. The range of values for the correlation
coefficient is -1.0 to 1.0. A value of exactly 1.0 means there is a perfect positive relationship between
the two variables. Just the opposite, -1.0 means there is a perfect negative relationship between the
two variables. This shows the variables move in opposite directions; If the correlation is 0, this
simply means there is no relationship between the two variables (Investopedia website). If the value
is ranked between 0 and 0,5 or 0 and - 0, 5 this means the correlation is weak. The table 22 shows
correlation coefficient between 2 variables studied.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /48 70
0 25 50 75 100
Festival Day < 3 days 2 weeks
1 month 3 months 6 months
0 3 15 30 90 180
Table 22 - Correlation coefficients between 2 variables
The correlation coefficient had been individually calculated from 2 softwares: Minicab
Express and Excel programs. Every coefficients found but e-mail relationship with age are all
ranked between 0,5 and 1 or -0,5 and -1 which means they are all strong coefficients. In other
words, when studying the impact of the first variable, the age over the 2 other variables it is quite
relevant to say that a strong relationship is existing. This are the results:
- The correlation coefficient between age and downloading rate is 0,99.
- Correlation coefficient between age and web site is 0,72
- Correlation coefficient between age and Facebook : 0,99
- Correlation coefficient between age / time awareness (3days/1month) : 0,93
- Correlation coefficient between age/time awareness (Day of the event) : 0,74
- Correlation coefficient between age/time awareness (+6 months) : -0,83
4.1.3 Likert scale results
The Likert-type scale is a survey method that is inspired from a 5-point scale. Attendees
were asked to answer a set of questions specifying either there are :
1= strongly disagree
2 = disagree
3 = Neither/nor agree
4 = agree
5 = strongly agree
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /49 70
Table 23 - App channel tools promotion
Table 24 - Time app awareness promotion
Tables 23 and 24 are presenting the average tendencies regarding the different variables
impacts on attendees’ behavior. They have been sorted in the ascending order so as to identify the
most representative channels tools and time awareness preferences.
Friends and family members seems to be the most important people when considering
downloading the festival mobile app. Versus, video tutos as well as QR-code tend to be the less
impacting attendees’ behavior.
Out of 100 respondents, the average feeling concerning time awareness is the day of the
festival. A late app promotion would be more efficient.
Variable 2 - Channels tools Average Rate
Friend 3,78/5
Familly 3,73/5
Reviews 3,29/5
Media 3,21/5
Blogger 2,88/5
Staff member 2,87/5
Tuto 2,78/5
QR-Code 2,23/5
Variable 3 - Time awareness Average rate
The day of the festival 3,29/5
6 month before the festival 2,55/5
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /50 70
4.2 Discussion
By now, even thought many event app guides had been released, there is not yet any digital
experts that exposed communication plan strategy, attendees’ orientated wise speaking. Indeed, all
the efforts made so far had been done to first satisfy stockholders who are inputting in the event app
budget. However, whistle they are important to take into consideration, they are nevertheless not the
one using it and therefore the one to target. For multiple reasons and certainly this last one is first
giving hints on how to improve ROI. In order to uptake app adoption rate, it was interesting to
consider attendees wishes and came up with a new brand communication strategy plan.
When questioning about attendees motivations, many external motivations had been
pointing out. So far, experts coped with them pretty well; giving them access to free wifi on-site,
shrinking down the app program into a very light one with a slow battery consuming, moving the
app to a native one without any purchasing phase and so forth. Adoption issues are not externals but
Taking a closer look at literature reviews, the 10 festival apps benchmarking as well as the
explorative questionnaire, the assessments are fitting. Authors, music festival attendees feedbacks
and the actual adoptions rates are merging toward the same solution: the app awareness. Indeed,
attendees are not at the first stage of the adoption process as experts used to say. More and more
festival goers are into technology, and thus likely to adopt really fast any innovation. If attendees
don’t download the festival app it is because of a weak promotion, lake of information broadcast
and on top of that a communication plan that don’t fit the festival target. A good time management
with channel tools strategy used accordingly to attendees age would uptake downloading rate by
60% (tables 23/24).
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /51 70
- How and when communicate about the festival app to each age category of attendees ?
Table 25 - Variables frameworks
When launching the festival mobile app it is a first attention to know more about
attendees profile. Indeed, this framework is guiding any event professionals in how and when
communicate about the festival app. The general feeling tend to assume that any promotion
should be done over the month prior the event to optimize the downloading rate.
However, the youngest the audience is the later the promotion should be done to be
efficient. Promotion and communication channels used are more or less efficient according to the
target. The best way to reach audience under 35 is through social network, by communicating
between 3 days and 1 month, whereas the best way to reach audience over 35 is thanks to adds,
press articles, e-mail between 2 months and 6 months before the festival. This results predicate
that accordingly to the audience the festival app should be 1 off-app under 35 and ever lasting
for those hosting attendees over 35 years old. But still some communication tools such as SMS
and the official website are quite important to consider as they are reaching every age category.
Besides, friends, family and reviews are considered highly-important when considering
downloading the festival app. Those can affect attendees behavior and boost downloading rates
by 70%. Friends and bloggers have a better impact on ‘youngs’ versus family members opinions
are more important to attendees over 35 years old.
Results showed that a late festival app promotion is more efficient than an early one.
65% of them would download it on-site and only 51% would download it 6 months before.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /52 70
5.1 General conclusion
As mentioned by the head master at the very beginning of the academic year, it is
important to find a topic that raise interest for the searcher and for the professionals at the same
time. Hence, the first intention was to meet both needs. Several interviews with event managers
conduct to the same topic matter: digital. It had been even more relevant while visiting project
managers: Hopscotch, Ubi Bene, GL events and Occurrence who all agreed on the same issues:
digital tools are growing but they don’t have the best command of it.
Also, it has been required to be a polyvalent event manager to perform. Digital had
become really important this last decade and will become even more next years. To have
acknowledgement about the digital solutions can offer more opportunities.
Nowadays, event experts necessary position events in a digital strategy to be at the
cutting edge. Among them, to list the solutions: website, social media, touch screens, interactive
exchange and recently applications. According to them, event App seems to be more and more
activated but still there are coping with unknown adoption breaks.
Moreover, facing event mobile App in the daily life orientated the general theme. Indeed,
while working for the Women Forum 15’ it has been given enough bad feedbacks from the
attendees to quickly understand that the trendy App is facing real adoption challenge beside
external issues.
Alongside, the application developers’ job is booming since a couple of years. The
market is growing as much as the competences and skills required. They are learning from
former mistakes to better enhance the new App. This dissertation is coming complementary to
actual needs and provides them an accurate overview of it. It is also a guide for event
professionals to help them either to create or to renew an event App on the market.
However, technology is constantly moving. What can be rise in 2016 can be out of date
next year. That is to say that this dissertation content and statement can change throughout the
writing process.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /53 70
So far, time management as well as attendee profile raised searcher interest in the
adoption process while launching a new app. Indeed, these two variables have to be highly
considered to better-fit attendees expectations when facing the event app. The digital app
strategy is the first variable to be undertaken really closely. The schedule, therefore time
management has an important role in the communication plan. It will definitely modify the rate
of adaptors. First observations make us think that the sooner the app is launched the sooner it is
getting known by the attendee and then getting sooner adopted.
The interpersonal variable is the second variable that affect on app adoption. Actually,
attendees’ statue, his role in the social network, his age will also affect on adoption capacity.
Some of them seem to be more likely to adopt, identify as innovators and others, named, as
followers will both generate adoption.
It is necessary to understand the power of these two variables to maximize event mobile
adoption and then provide the right content to the right person at the right time. It will generate
the highest rate of downloading as well as more ROI for professionals and experts side such as
event planners, clients and event mobile App developers.
As hypothesized, the results of the current study confirm that the age of the audience and
the communication plan are linked together. Indeed, the time awareness and communication
tools are impacting the downloading rates accordingly to attendees’ age.
5.2 Dissertation limits
Time horizon has been mentioned as of the first important variable to consider when
launching an app. From first literature investigations to the end, the adoption behavior have been
changing over time. This study had been undertaken over a period of 10 months and aimed to
answer the research question settled at the beginning of the researches.
Using a correlational design, we do not manipulate an independent variable, and we
certainly make little effort to control for other possible factors that may also vary with the three
variables we measured. For this reason, a significant correlation does not show that one factor
causes changes in a second factor (Privitera & Wallace, 2011).
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /54 70
5.3 What kind of future for event mobile app ?
In those last couple years, and in particularly this year, the event mobile apps ecosystem
skyrocketed, increasing by 5 the number of professionals, all work positions included : digital/
design program / supplier commercial experts. It is became important to any event professionals to
engage the event in a digital complex.
Consequently, festival attendees are currently expecting diversification with different app
added-values. Indeed, by now and because of the wide competition occurring over the event apps
industry, festival-goers are dealing with different king of event apps types. From the former one,
‘the swiss army knife’ to the brand new ones just released that are fulfilling a special request. From
now, it is possible to download a festival app that is specialized in one need:
- A cashless app system proposed by Nordik Impact festival
- A friends finding app at festivals proposed by Triber app
- A tents finding app
- …
The adoptions rate grew by twice last year; it is worth considering the event apps market
will reach the perfect combinaison between the different stockholders needs. The digital budget
should be more important over the years and promotions tools come along. In other word, the event
mobile app should move from one-off usage toward ever lasting app.
The event apps market is growing and from now is expending over the boundaries. It is
expecting in the next couple of years Asia, India to becoming the next flourishing market. App
analytics are pretty auspicious.
EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /55 70
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Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption
Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption

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Dissertation - The effect of the communication an and attendees' age on event mobile app adoption

  • 1. Dissertation master in International Events Management – EM Normandie The effects of the communication plan and attendees’ age on event mobile apps adoption The case of music festivals apps Author: Clémence Boitet Supervisor/Tutor: Olivier Kovarski Campus and Date: EM Normandie, Deauville campus – 2015/2016 This document is confidential: YES NO TURNITIN Similarity Index: (to be completed by supervisor) EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /1 70
  • 2. 
 EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /2 70 30/08/2016 Clémence BOITET
  • 3. Acknowledgements: This dissertation has been written throughout the 2015 – 2016 scholarship year. Without the help and support of people I will mentioned below this thesis would never had been accomplished successfully. Firstly, my academic thesis work would definitely never seen the light of day without the precious advises and suggestions given from the very beginning by my supervisor M. Kovarski. I would like to thanks him for supporting me in this adventure. Alongside, he devotedly shared its time and knowledge to better meet my personal wishes as well as my professional goals all the academic year long. I am exceedingly grateful for all the encouragements he did to me to become a better event manager. Secondly, I would not forget the administrative team’s efforts that spent countless time overseeing the smooth running of each thesis. More specifically, Mrs. Le Buzullier who had been highly delightful organizing schedules and matching agendas with my supervisor. Thirdly, this thesis had been doing a full year processing that was fulfilled with a bunch of stress. For this reason, I will express warm thanks to my family and friends who tried their best to support me all year long. Also, thanks heaps to those who generously offered their support in anyway they could. A big thanks to you for being such the best trustworthy people I know. Good reading… EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /3 70
  • 4. Abstract in English The purpose of this thesis is to first identify variables affecting customers to adopt a such innovation like BtoC event mobile application (app) and more precisely festival mobile app. Secondly, it aims to compare the 3 most impacting variables to each other and find out how to generate the best festival mobile app downloading rate. A good understanding of this variables will actually shape hypothesis that attendee’s profile, in particular their age and the festival mobile app communication plan are linked together. Their relationship is impacting attendees decision to download a music festival app or not. Literature researches will rise variables that trigger positive and negative adoption. The apps benchmarking is completing experts and mains authors in the event industry hypothesis and highlight together 3 main factors impacting attendees’ decision. The survey will either confirm or infirm the former hypothesis. Theoretical perspective: The study is based upon major variables that impact attendees’ behavior to download the current music festival app. General research question: The effects of the communication plan and attendees’ age on event mobile apps adoption. The case of music festivals apps. Methodology: In order to fulfill the purpose of this thesis, a quantitative approach was followed. This thesis is a causal research and will discover the effect/impact of 3 variables on the adoption process. Experiment field: Firstly, 10 events apps will be analyzed in their entirety. They are compared to each other, based on their communication plan - digital strategy. Secondly, explorative questionnaires were conducted to better grow the hypothesis. And thirdly, data were collected using 100 structured questionnaires administrated online in french and in english through social networks and emails to understand behavioral variables. Key words: Diffusion process, Event mobile app, Digital strategy, Communication plan, Music festivals, BtoC events, festival-goers behavior, Innovation, Adoption EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /4 70
  • 5. Conclusion: So far, it has been proved that event mobile apps are became ‘the must have’ in any kind of events: congress, exhibitions, forums, fairs as well as public events such as music festivals, running race. But beyond the fact to be trendy, it is a real challenge for event organizers to push attendees to first download the app and therefore create enough communication around it to generate the right awareness. Every professionals of the event industry tend to say that there is a lot to be done in order to reach 100% attendees/downloaders. Academics works and data collected from event app downloading are relevant enough to confirm that there is a real adoption process to follow. Former authors and actual event professionals agreed on two main factors : attendees’ profile and the app communication plan implemented. They are later on slide up and identified as 3 variables: the attendees’ age, the time awareness and communication channels to promote the festival app. Experts underlined compelling arguments on how to reach the highest rate of adoption while addressing the right message at the right time to the right person. This thesis is exploring how much they are connected together. The hypothesis confirmed that 3 variables are in sharpe relationship. The results of this thesis are the following: there is a strong link between each other that can make the adoption rate predictable either if the attendee have been exposed to the right message at the right time according to its age. By the end of the study, it has been proven that the impact of the app timeframe + app communication channels over the attendee age are surely drawing up the skeleton of the event mobile app success. Therefore, this thesis can give professionals of the industry an early forecast about the results and ROI of creating a festival mobile app and can be applicable more generally to BtoC event mobile apps. It can help them out how to best invest in the communication plan to best generate awareness, downloading, adoption and thus expect money from it. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /5 70
  • 6. Résumé en français L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’identifier dans un premier temps les variables qui ont un impact sur l’adoption d’une innovation telle que les applications mobile (app) sur évènements grand public et plus précisément les applications mobiles sur festivals. Deuxièmement, il vise à identifier et comparer les 3 variables les plus impactantes sur le comportement d’un festivalier lorsqu’il s’agit de télécharger l’app d’un festival de musique. Une bonne compréhension de ces variables permettra effectivement de soulever l'hypothèse selon laquelle l’age du participant ainsi que le plan de communication sont étroitement liés. Les recherches littéraires permettent de distinguer les variables qui vont accentuer l’adaption de celles qui vont être reconnues comme obstacles à l’adoption. L’étude va donc venir confirmer ou infirmer cette hypothèse. Le point de vue théorique: L’étude est menée sur les variables majeures qui viennent impacter le comportement d’un participant à télécharger l’app mobile mise en place sur un lieu d’événement et dans ce cas précis sur les festivals de musique. Question de recherche: Les effets du plan de communication et de l’age du participant sur l’adoption d’une application mobile sur évènement. Le cas des festivals de musique. Méthodologie: Dans l’intérêt de prouver dans l’intégralité la relation qui unie les 3 variables de ce mémoire de recherche une approche quantitative a été choisie. C’est par une méthode de causalité que seront identifiés les effets et impacts de ces 3 variables sur le processus d’adoption de cette app. Terrain expérimental: Premièrement, le marché des app mobiles pour événement sera analysé dans son intégralité. 10 applications mobiles sur festival vont être étudiées. Leurs stratégies digitales seront mis en comparaison. Ensuite, un questionnaire exploratif va permettre de faire murir notre hypothèse. Un total de 100 questionnaires rédigés en français et en anglais seront administrés sur les réseaux sociaux afin de collecter des données suffisamment pertinentes qui permettent de comprendre l’effet et le comportement d’une variable sur une autre. Mots clés: Diffusion d’une innovation, App mobile pour événement, Stratégie digitale, Pan de communication, Festival de musique, Evénement BtoC, Comportement des festivaliers, EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /6 70
  • 7. Adoption Music festivals, BtoC events, festival-goers behavior, Innovation, Processus d’adoption. Conclusion: Jusqu'à présent, il a été prouvé que l'application mobile d’un événement est devenue «le must have» pour toutes catégories d'événements: congrès, expositions, forums, foires ainsi que des événements publics tels que les festivals de musique ou encore les événements sportifs. Il est un véritable défi pour les organisateurs d’événements de générer le premier contact avec l’application en amont de l’événement mais également de créer assez de communication et de promotion autour qui permette de convertir les participants en utilisateurs. Tous les professionnels de l'événement ont tendance à dire qu'il y a beaucoup à faire pour atteindre les 100% de participants / téléchargements. Les études académiques sont suffisamment pertinentes pour confirmer qu'il existe un réel processus d'adoption à suivre. Les auteurs ainsi que les professionnels du secteur sont d’accords sur l’existence de 3 principales variables qui importent le comportement du festivalier. Elles sont les suivantes: l’age du participant et le plan de communication mise en place et plus précisément le temps et les canaux de diffusion d’infirmations. Les auteurs soulèvent des arguments convaincants sur la façon d'atteindre le plus haut taux d'adoption en jouant sur ces 3 facteurs. Il s’agit en d’autres terms de diffuser le bon message au bon moment à la bonne personne. Ce mémoire explore à quel point les 3 variables ont un effet sur le taux d’adoption d’une app mobile. Les résultats obtenus confirment l’hypothèse d’une relation dépendante entre ces variables. Il est donc possible d’anticiper le taux d’adoption de l’app suivant si le participant a été exposé au message au bon moment en fonction de son âge. À la fin de l'étude, il a été prouvé que le facteur temps + les canaux de communication du plan de communication de l’app sont interdépendant et que l’adoption de l’app sera plus ou moins importante suivant l'âge du participant. Cette analyse permet donc de dessiner le schéma d’une application mobile pour festival de musique à succès. Par extension, cette étude donne aux professionnels de l'industrie une prévision sur les résultats et le retour sur investissement de leur app. Elle peut les guider pour investir mieux dans leur plan de communication pour mieux sensibiliser au téléchargement, à l'adoption et donc leur permettre de générer l’expérience participants. Par ricochet, cette étude donne un aperçu des retombés financières espérées. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /7 70
  • 8. Table of contents Page Author’s Declaration of Originality p.2 Acknowledgements p.3 Abstract in French + Key Words p.4 Abstract in English + Key Words p.6 Table of Contents 1. Introduction P.10 1.1 Introduction to the current event mobile App market p.10 1.1.1 Events mobile app, a blooming market p.10 1.1.2 Events mobile app and the actual stakeholders expectations p.13 1.2 Research question p.14 1.3 Objectives and intermediate objectives p.14 1.4 Methodology overview p.15 1.5 Chapters overview p.16 2. Literature reviews P.16 1. Chapter 1 – Introduction to the innovation diffusion process p.16 2.1.1 Mobile app definition p.16 2.1.2 Innovation and adoption definitions p.17 2. Chapter 2 - Factors that impact BtoC event mobile apps adoption p.17 2.2.1 Technology acceptance p.17 A/ The impact of the age: variable 1 p.18 2.2.2 Communication plan strategy introduction p.18 B/ The impact of the time: variable 2 p.18 C/ The impact of the communication channels: variable 3 p.19 2.2.3 Social values p.22 The importance of attendees roles in the social network p.22 The importance of attendee statues: innovators vs followers p.23 2.2.4 Other factors with a lesser impact p.24 3. Chapter 3 - 10 festival mobile apps benchmarking p.26 4. Explorative questionnaire p.31 5. Hypothesis p.36 EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /8 70
  • 9. 3. Research methodology, the empirical researches P.37 3.1 Introduction to the quantitative method p.37 3.1.1 The research design strategies p.37 3.1.2 Type of investigation chosen, causal method p.38 3.1.3 Source of data p.38 3.1.4 Data collection p.39 3.2 Field survey p.39 2.2.1 Sample filters p.39 3.2.2 Questionnaire design , the coding method p.40 3.2.3 Data analysis procedure p.40 4. Results and discussion P.42 4.1 Results presentation p.42 4.1.1 Factors analysis p.42 4.1.2 Correlation coefficients p.48 4.1.3 Likert scale results p.49 4. 2 Discussion p.51 4.2.1 How and when communicating about the festival app to each age category of attendees ? 5. Conclusion P.53 5.1 General conclusion p.53 5.2 Dissertation limits p.54 5.3 What kind of future for event mobile app? p.55 6. Bibliography P.57 7. Table of content Table A - Communication channels for BtoC event App p.21 Table B - App downloading previsions by country p.24 Table C - Greencooper apps Downloadings / festival goers ratio p.26 Table D - 2014 Geencooper apps Downloadings/2016 downloading ratio p.27 Table E - Age/Greencooper apps downloading ratio p.28 Table F - Facebook/festival-goers ratio EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /9 70
  • 10. 8. Appendices P.60 Appendix A - 10 Greencooper festivals apps benchmarking p.60 Appendix B - Explorative questionnaire p.61 Appendix C - Research questionnaire p.63 Appendix D - Coding answers p.66 Appendix E - Data collection p.67 9. Table of tables Table 1 - Explorative respondents’ ages p.30 Table 2 - Event mobile app usage according to the participants age p.31 Table 3 - Website as of way of promotion p.32 Table 4 - Social network as of way of promotion p.32 Table 5 - Adds as of way of promotion p.32 Table 6 - Timeframe of the event mobile app in the communication plan p.34 Table 7 - Attendees’ age/downloading rates ratio p.42 Table 8 - External motivations items p.42 Table 9 - Facebook/attendees age ratio p.43 Table 10 - Facebook effect plot according to the age p.43 Table 11 - Web site/attendees age Ratio p.43 Table 12 - Website effect plot according to the age p.43 Table 13 - Time awareness distribution p.44 Table 14/15 - Time awareness/attendees age ratio p.45 Table 16 - Attendees’ age / time awareness ratio p.45 Table 17 - Facebook time preference according to attendees’ age p.46 Table 18 - E-mail time preference according to attendees’ age p.46 Table 19 - SMS time preference according to attendees’ age p.47 Table 20 - Media time preference according to attendees’ age p.47 Table 21 - Festival Website time preference according to attendees’ age p.48 Table 22 - Correlation coefficients between 2 variables p.49 Table 23 - App channel tools promotion p.50 Table 24 - Time app awareness promotion p.50 Table 25 - Variables frameworks p.52
 EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /10 70
  • 11. INTRODUCTION 1. Introduction to the current event mobile App market 1.1 Events mobile app, a blooming market Everything starts from 2007 when the first iPhone3 wave had been released on the market. Ever since, we have been assisting customers’ behaviors changing. The growing discourse of mobile technology added to Internet connexion is hitting every phone users and suppliers. The result is nowadays irreversible, we spend more and more time on phone checking mails, consulting agenda or connecting to social media (Bedouk, 2014). It became a real Swiss army knife in the daily life and tends to be even more vital, mandatory. Today, people use their Smartphone in average 70 min/ day. Among them, 87% use their phone through applications and with an average of 55 different apps per person. By now, it is possible to download more than 1,3 billion applications on iOS/ android devices. In the technology race, it has been also raised the question of implementation in the professional environment in order to be more efficient, doing tasks faster and simpler. Likewise the mobile technology is growing so fast that event industry has to be up-to-date with techniques more than others ‘The production team keeps these representatives up-to-date on new functionalities, upcoming trends.’ (Clark. N., MPI, case study Interop, 2015) ‘Mobile Apps are considered as the bearer of modernity & trendy attributes’ (Richardson, EventApp Bible 2015, 2015). Event planners are more and more using Smartphone innovations to keep its attendees more informed, entertained and connected all over the event cycle life, e.g: starting from the single app such as Air cash pay, Microphones to the all-inclusive event mobile app. ‘The activity knows a real acceleration for the last three years. Companies, even late, want to have their own application even if it is not for improving the activity reason, at least to seem more modern too customers and collaborators’ (Le nouvelEconomiste, 2015) ’We are growing north of 100% year over year and see no signs of things slowing down ‘ (Pankaj P., DoubleDutch, 2015) Certainly, professionals are more and more orientated their effort to provide a mainstream ‘One event, one App’. Breaking down a classic event app we can list up to 25 in-app features EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /11 70
  • 12. according to the event category: way finding (Map), social networking (photo posting), satisfaction surveying (questionnaire), pooling (live quiz), matchmaking connection (linkedin, viadeo, facebook…), agenda building, gaming…. Becoming a so called ‘Swiss army knives streamline events’ (EventApp Bible 2015, 2015) Event mobile Apps are already identified as real added-value by Frost & Sullivan (Study in 2013). They point out its benefits for customers: boost at-venue engagement by over 77%, increase attendee engagement by 33%, increase early engagement by 50%, provide stronger involvement, maximise their experience and provide proficient assistance. Many applications on many Smartphone devices continue developing in the event industry to boost their engagement. Because we constantly look for an authentic and unique experience, applications tend to deliver better experience trough personalization. Data collection of trends for 2015 tend to say that there is no more room left for no-phone anyway related events, that is to say without implementing a digital strategy. Event mobile apps had already made a big leap in customer behavior, seeking tirelessly for upgrading more and more their experiences through the digitization ‘Leverage the mobility of your attendees to connect and engage your event’s physical and digital ecosystem’ (Solaris. J., 2015 – Event Manager Blog). The relationship between phone users and attendee seems to be already activated. Event planners are more and more to use this device as well as suppliers are becoming more and more professionals around it ‘Mobile app have been essential for every event’ (Barah.P, 2015 - Event Industry News), the attendees seem however to be stayed at the beginners’ stage. In fact, most of them never used it before and among them, few spent less than 20min on it. This phenomenon finds its roots in different issues that are mostly replicable to innovation diffusion process. Within the global after effects reviews we can hardly conclude that such an event app is fulfilling all the ROI expectations. Indeed, the previous overviews tend to assume an entire failure set finding their grassroots at the very beginning of the adoption process : the awareness. When it comes to diffuse the awareness to attendees, authors come to the same conclusion ‘The fact that a significant percentage of apps get used only once points to the fact EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /12 70
  • 13. that something is broken with the first-use experience (…) A user’s first time with the app is different from his 3rd visit, which is different from his 10th visit’ (Choudary, S.P., 2013 - The next web). He then continuing, giving a first incentive to solutions ‘A better way to solve the on- boarding problem is to design the app separately for a first-time user, a budding expert and a proficient user(…) The keys to moving from download to active/repeat usage often lie in the first use experience (..) focused on securing a commitment from the user for subsequent actions.’ 1.2 Events mobile app and - The actual stakeholders expectations In the following chapter, there will be given app features strengthening the global feeling that mobile app beside the event are becoming an essential digital tool. In 2011, only 9% event planners used app for their events. Recently, in 2015, the usage skyrocketed up to 74%. Today, up to 500 public events have their own application (Greencooper– 2015) within 200 in E.U and only 50 in France. When taking a closer look at the event mobile app market, we can easily recognize that we are currently facing a booming market. Here, to name few examples of events app released this year: Cannes festival, Nigh butterfly, Rock en seine, Nördik Impact, Le Tour de France, RedBull : selfie run, Women’s forum. DoubleDutch survey reported that 85% of meeting planners are using or will soon use mobile event apps for their meetings. (Corbin Ball-2014, MPI) ‘Not only are meeting numbers set to increase, but also overall meeting spend is forecast to grow, reversing the trend from 2015 when declining spend was expected. Global meetings and events spend is expected to increase in 2016 for the first time in five years, said Issa Jouaneh, senior VP and GM, American Express Meeting & Events, The American Express Meetings and Events 2016 Forecast . Among the 15% left, 60% will use it in a near future and 96 % in 2016. In 2015, it was 63% app created for meeting professionals (Successful Meetings - 2014). Nowadays, 5 to 10 mobile app suppliers can be listed by country. However, event mobile apps find their boundaries and limits. Indeed, only 50% download the app during BtoB events against 23% for the best BtoC events app downloading in 2015. The general average is alarming. Till last year only 1/10 people were using the current event app besides attending either BtoB or BtoC events. However, This data tend to improve with years. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /13 70
  • 14. According to the 2016 Event mobile app bible, when it comes to adoption, ’42% of events (BtoB and BtoC all inclusive) have more than half of their attendees actually using the app. This is increased by 8% compared to last year’. 1/4 event professionals is not aware of their adoption rate. The bible sum up with the general aspect saying ‘In 2016/2017 seems a more positive year in regard to adoption. There is still some work that needs to be done in helping event professionals using apps, communicating them to their audience and measuring results’. The global analyse is clear: majority of apps go unused. When paying further attention to BtoC events the statement is even more alarming. In 2015, Indeed, 70% of the time the app didn’t find users. ‘It makes sense, but I am confused’, the dominant feeling for experts approaching event applications for the first time (Event App Bible – 2015). 2. Research question and objectives 2.1 Research question Three research questions have been identify as: 1- What is the effect of attendees profile and especially its age on the event mobile app adoption ? 2- How important the time frame and the tools used are when considering an event mobile app communication plan and how can affect its adoption? 3- To what extend is it possible to create a toolkit for event professionals of the industry to best generate ROI ? 2.2 Objectives The purpose of the study is to confirm or infirm the hypothesis that these 3 variables identified earlier in former academic researches are connected and can impact the event mobile app adoption. This will prove either they have a real impact or not on the general adoption process. These objectives will be reach through intermediate objectives, as follow: The first intermediate objective is to describe app adoption innovation process and point out the existing internal and external factors that may impact the rate of downloading and therefore important to consider while launching the event mobile app for the first time. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /14 70
  • 15. The second intermediate objective is to figure out the tools and time frame mistakes done all along the communication strategy plan that avoids visitors to be aware of the app. The third intermediate objective is to study the impact of the 3 variables on festival-goers decision-making regarding the festival mobile app download. The fourth and last intermediate objective will be to find out how and to who communicate efficiently to encourage attendees to download the app. This dissertation is to first provide the reader informations about the current event mobile app market and its tendencies. Furthermore, this study achievement give advises to event professionals and event developers to gain visitors satisfaction while facing the app for the 1st time. Finally, he will be given tips to make them downloading and second- use the actual event mobile app thanks to interpersonal and digital strategies. In few words, this is a compelling guide to make your event mobile app successful and ever lasting. As a consequence, this is the breakdown structure to proceed and reach objectives. 2.3 Methodology overview The first and the second intermediate objectives will be reached through a full literature examination on the adoption process and the factors impacting event mobile app adoption. The existing reviews will stretch out 3 variables adoption to be considered to better-fit visitors expectations. Regarding the second intermediate objective it will be accomplished by a benchmarking studying 10 festival mobile apps as well as an exploration questionnaire that would lead together to the hypothesis and give a first idea on the 3 variables impacts on each other. The third intermediate objective will be fulfilled by a quantitative method that will either confirm or infirm the hypothesis. A survey will be done from the opening source method. It will be publishing online through the 10 official festival platforms, and social networks. This structured questionnaire will be designed and addressed to 100 festival attendees. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /15 70
  • 16. The fourth and last intermediate objective will be finally achieved through a statistical analysis (Minitab Express and Excel softwares) shaping the prediction of downloading rates according to the 3 variables. 2.4 Chapter overview In the following chapters authors advocate on different variables to increase mobile app adoption. The attendees’ age as well as the app communication plan strategy will be analyzed in their integrality to drive event app mobile efficiently. In the aftermath, there will be highlighted ‘powerful tactics’ (EventTM, 2013 – Innovation), that is to say the best variable management to foster the best uptake of the festival mobile app. 2. LITERATURE REVIEWS 2.1 Chapter 1 - Introduction to the innovation diffusion process 2.1.1 Mobile app definition According to Garin, F. (2009) a mobile application - or mobile app is a ‘software application that runs on a mobile device (smart phone, tablet, iPod, etc.), and has an operating system that supports standalone software’. The same year, The Mobile Marketing Association defines mobile app as ‘software or content that consumers download to or find pre-installed on their mobile phone and then resides on the phone’. Event mobile apps are part of branded apps classification. The focus of these apps is ‘providing an experience for customers, promoting the brand and eventually building a meaningful relationship’ (Distimo, 2011). 2.1.2 Innovation and adoption definitions The innovation system is viewed as ‘the interlinked network of sites, competencies, ideas and resources, which are capable over time of developing novel technologies and solutions’ (Tilson and Lytinnen, 2006). Adoption has been fist introduced by Rogers in 1962, he stated: ’The innovation adoption is differencing from the trial version and has various meanings according to the context. In the sustainable goods sector it refers to the first purchasing without regular use. In the case the product purchasing is constant, the purchasing repetition is necessary to consider the product as adopted’. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /16 70
  • 17. Rogers’ theory (1962, 2003) serves as a comprehensive framework for understanding the spread of an innovation. Later on, in 1995, Beal and Bohen first identified 6 steps of the innovation adoption; It goes as follow: 1. Knowledge about the innovation itself and its features 2. Persuasion: generated upon information collecting by the client, it will create either positive or negative attitude 3. Decision: Either the client will reject or accept the innovation 4. Implementation: use the innovation thanks to a trial or purchasing, straight on the premises or at home, at work, with friends…. 5. Confirmation/disconfirmation: strengthen client choices after using the product or questioning around 6. Surrender: stop using the innovation In 2004, Brée J. stated ‘dailylife products do not necessary require informational reflexion. The consumer doesn't need to seek for motivation as they are considered as low risk. You expect people to buy the product just by making it visible and then recognized’. By now and from his interpretation, mobile app can be perceived like daily life product and don’t need such bigs motivations to proceed to the purchasing. Consequently, according to these meanings, mobile app are assumed to be a constant purchasing that is to say need to be opened few times before to be adopted. Rogers goes further in the definition to the diffusion adoption process and specified as the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the participants in a social system. 2.2 Chapter 2 - Factors that impact BtoC event mobile apps adoption Rogers is indeed the very first to associate driving factors together that are accelerating the rate of adoption. From his analysis four elements can influence the spread of the innovation: the innovation itself, communication channels, time and a social value. In 2007, Damsgaard J., Klleher C. analysis highlighted ‘the dangers of examining individual factors influencing the adoption and diffusion in isolation’. From this early studies conducted, they both come with the conclusion that factors are connected together. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /17 70
  • 18. 2.2.1 Technology acceptance In 1989 Davis presented the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that is explaining the determinants of user acceptance of a wide range of end-user computing technologies. This model is based on the Theory of Reasoned Action made up in 1980 by Ajzen and Fishbein. This TAM is pointing out that ‘perceived usefulness and perceived ease can affect the intention to use’. The perceived usefulness has been defined by David as ‘the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance’. The perceived ease of use had been defined as ‘the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free from effort’. In 2005, Eija Kaasinen studied the four factors to build user acceptance: perceived value of the service, perceived ease of use, trust and perceived ease of adoption. The twain authors mentioned the usefulness part of the innovation. It is certainly required to get the users from intention-to use to actual usage. Barnes and Huff (2003) claims that the technology acceptance theory operates principally at the level of an individual and therefore someone will use a mobile device if it’s been perceived as useful and easy to use. Funk in 2004 predicted a change in customer population : ‘The first adopters may be totally different to the lead customers of the old technology’. This new leaders are later on defined as young people. This intern components such as the perception of the technology usefulness its practicality as well as the age of the user were yet factors that influence adoption rates. A/ The impact of the age: variable 1 The generation Y is identifying ‘people born in the 1980s and have grown up with the Internet’. ‘Professionals’ marketers must be more customers orientated than ever before‘ (Greenberg, 2009). The studies conducted by Taylor D.G., Voelker T.A., Pentina I. in 2011 examines patterns of diffusion and acceptance of the app technology among mobile phone users individual's most significant advisor effects the adoptions preferences for apps among young adults. In 2011, Le Nagard,A., Manceau,D. expounded that most of products adopted by the consumers refer to those enhancing the experience. It can be economical, security, gain of time, attractiveness, social position. This new generation obliges marketers to be more customer focused than ever before (Greenberg, 2009). EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /18 70
  • 19. 2.2.2 Communication plan strategy introduction According to the marketing dictionary, the communication plan strategy belongs to the business model which is aiming to best accomplish actions and decisions making related to the objectives. To fulfill this purpose, their have been risen steps that belong to the communication plan: 1. Diagnostic of the organisation 2. Objectives 3. Targets and message 4. Creative approach 5. Communication: tools and channels 6. Planning: time management 7. Budgets 8. Measurement Communication tools, channels and the planning of the communication plan strategy are aligned with previous Rogers statement. They are part of the four best influencers factors to the adoption. They both impact actively on the adoption process. In other words they can infer positively on negatively on the decision making. To some extend, regarding the context of the event mobile app, this 2 variables must be taken into consideration when launching the festival mobile app. More generally they both contribute in the success of any event mobile app. B/ Time aspect: variable 2 Time dimension in the diffusion of innovation is often ignored in most behavioral research (Rogers, 2003). However, the time aspect is essential for studying the innovation-diffusion process, the impact of innovators on adaptors, and the growth rates of adoptions. From the diffusion of innovation and user interface perspectives, the question of app adoption or non-adoption could depend on ‘whether and when the user has been exposed to information’ (Rogers, 2003). This is now commonly called awareness. The importance of time learning had been risen by Le Nagard,A., Manceau,D. in 2011. They advocated on intermediate step in the launching process to be implemented in order to make the consumer aware of this new product. The profits acknowledgment have be recognize at the very beginning. They continue on ‘More the product is said complex more time is needed to the EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /19 70
  • 20. consumer to be train at the innovation use’. They agreed on the diffusion pace ‘If the innovation is too big then the diffusion over the market is slow’. It involves behavioral evolution more important. C/ Communication channels - variable 3 From the diffusion of innovation and user interface perspectives, the question of app adoption or non-adoption could depend on whether the user has been exposed to the information (Bass, F. 1969). Beal and Bohen and Rogers also advocated communication channels as factors that render adoption easier: announcement prior the launching from articles rode in the press or other expositions to media/events: radio, TV, Internet…Exposition to media that create brand image about the event / forums / social network feedbacks. The impact of the salesman, influencers, and the 1st experience related to the packaging. The sampling, trial version, demonstrations. And finally, the product quality and clear explanations about the using process. In many event mobile apps released here are few communication channels mentioned and listed to promote a festival mobile app: Communication Channels Guides / academic works Quotes Many channels Crowd Compass, 2014 ‘You need one champion (many channels) who is empowered and accountable for accelerating adoption’ Guidebook, 2014 ‘Guide promotion is most effective when it's part of a planned, multi- channel marketing-style effort over time; before the event launches and on-site’ Staff member on-site Choudary, S.P, 2013 - How to Grow Adoption and Engagement for your Mobile App ‘App downloaders usually download on impulse and want quick benefits, not educational guides’ Communication Channels EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /20 70
  • 21. Table A - Communication channels for BtoC event App 2.2.3 Social Values The last point risen by Rogers has been defined by Sheth in 1991 as the ‘perceived utility acquired from an alternative’s association with one or more specific social groups’. It relates to social approval and the enhancement of self-image among other individuals (Sweeney & Soutar, 2001). A recent research conducted by Wang & Liao in 2013 proved that mobile apps are nowadays considered to be fashionable. The results showed that social value is affected positively the behavioral intention to use mobile apps. Yet in 2011, Pan W., Aharon N., Peatland A. analyzed the social value and the impact of the network that can predict mobile applications installation. However, there are still disagreement remaining from the real effect of the network on app adoption. Indeed, Yang and Leskovec 2010 conducted researches about social network proving that network is the only mechanism for adoption where ‘the best way to install an app is to see someone doing it’. Pan W., Aharon N., Peatland A. disagreed on that point pointing out the fact that ‘user will only download the app if it appears interesting to him without any peer influence’. With what made them to assume that someone can download an app without any external influence or information. QR-Code Event App bible, 2015 ‘Integration with additional technologies that facilitate or deepen attendee experience. Some examples of this are badge QR codes that make it easy for attendees to swap contact information’ Tuto CrowdCompass, 2014 ‘Create two or three 60 – 90 second videos that showcase benefits of three mobile app features. Tuto is your best route for sharing this information and growing word-of- mouth recommendations’ Email and signage CrowdCompass, 2014 ‘Email marketing and on-site signage rank as the most effective ways to increase app downloads’ Guides / academic works QuotesCommunication Channels EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /21 70
  • 22. The importance of attendees roles and engagement in the social network Rogers (2003) defined a social system as ‘a set of interrelated units engaged in joint problem solving to accomplish a common goal’. It mentioned the diffusion among members of a social system. He indicated the characteristics of social systems such as: social norms, opinion leaders, change agents, and types of innovation decisions, which can promote or hinder the diffusion of innovations. An extension of Rogers’ theory, the Bass diffusion model was developed by Frank Bass; it describes the process of how new products get adopted as an interaction between early adaptors and potential adaptors (Bass, F. 1969). Studies suggest that social network play an important role in consumer decisions to download and use the mobile application. The network play an important role in the diffusion of innovation (J.J Brown & Reingen, 1987, Goldenberg,Han, Lehmann & Hong, 2009; Christophe Van den Bulte & Joshi, 2007,Christopher Van den Bulte & Wuyts 2007). Social influence is particularly important, as the adoption of these devices is often used to enhance the consumer's sense of self-importance and social status (Sarker & Wells, 2003). In the new released Event app bible, 3rd edition, social network is connected to engagement which one is defined as ‘the emotional involvement or commitment in comparison with rational reasons such as paycheck material security or social pressure. As its core, engagement is an in- the-moment experience. Another characteristic is that it builds community, (…) bond people around a shared experience’. In other words, apps adoption is based on the influence of peers and others within their social networks. The adoption of apps in general is driven by peer-to-peer contact. In most of the times, literature reviews divide ties into two king of categories: strong and weak. While weak refers to causal relationship the first ones consist of family, friends and ‘those with whom contact is frequent and relationships are close’ (Granovetter, 1973, 1983) ‘While family members share a biological connection and emotional bond that often result in strong ties, social relationships (i.e., friends) tend to be more similar in attitudes and opinions’ (David G. Taylor, Troy A. Voelker, Iryna Pentina, 2011). The authors came up with the hypothesis that ‘the EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /22 70
  • 23. adoption of mobile apps will be more strongly influenced by a consumer’s social contacts such as friends compared to family members’. The importance of attendee statues: innovators vs followers Midgley and Dowling (1993) defines innovators as the ‘consumer who is acting quickly in decision-making and who has no reliance upon others opinions’. He identified 3 key elements in the decision-making: capacity of self-dependent, higher risks appetite than others with strong uncertainness and the taste for innovation product. According to them, they are the first one to be targeted during the launching/diffusion processes. The diffusion models is representing ‘the spread of innovative products over time, depicting the increase in the number of adopters over time’ (Mahajan & Muller, 1979). Innovation spread is done through a process of imitation (Rogers & Shoamaker, 1971). In 2011, Jacob Goldenberg, Sangman Han, Donald R. Lehmann, & Jae Weon Hong designated two types of hubs : innovative and follower hubs. Contrary to recent arguments, hubs tend to adopt earlier in the diffusion process, even though they are not necessarily innovative. Opinion leaders can either increase the likelihood of adoption or, conversely, prevent the adoption of a product or prevent the adoption of a product. In the social network, such people are called influentials, opinion leaders, mavens or hubs (Van den Bulte and Wuyts 2007). In 2015, Ball C. classified four major categories of attendees when it comes to technology adoption. ‘Each type of attendee comes into your event with various perspectives and experiences so it’s important you identify these categories and support each one’. - TechnoPhobe : attendees who are not tech-able, and afraid of technology. Therefore they do not have a smartphone capable of downloading your app. Or they don’t know how to use their phone. - Traumatized: attendees who are reluctant to download the app because of bad past experiences with other event mobile apps. Early adopters and influencers fall into this category because they often adopt technology before all the kinks are worked out. - Overly Active: Their phones are likely tapped out for space and they may not be willing to download yet another app. - In the dark: Attendees who just don’t know that your app exists EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /23 70
  • 24. 22.4 Other factors with a leaser impact - The culture The flourishing market of apps is nowadays accessible to everyone, everywhere in the world. Even though some countries tend to be on a mature market such as Japan, USA and Europe, few more and left behind like India. However according to Annies' pronostic published in 2016, ‘In this last couple years India and more generally Asia seemed to be catching up the market and soon will even takeover the average adoption rates. Where culture tended to be a hurdle, it doesn’t looks like anymore and won’t be true in the next following years’. Table B - App downloading previsions by country (Annies’sources) - The security and privacy One of the main hurdles to adoption was first introduced in Rao and Minakakis (2003) researches. They point out the current limitations of technical solutions are potential intrusions into user privacy. Corporate agencies as well as customers fell concerned with privacy and data protection when approach apps (The Event Mobile app Bible, 2016). - The event mobile app content A study had been conducted toward event professionals to understand better effectiveness criteria of any event action. Whistle they are quite numerous the most important ones had been listed in the offical 2012 Anaé announcers barometer, as the following: 17% audience and 17% visibility reaching, against 15% accorded for originality, interactivity, conviviality and content. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /24 70
  • 25. The Crowd Compass studies released that 34% of attendees are looking for relevant content (CrowdCompass, 2014). The Event mobile App bible last released about 2016 trends is pointing out this point saying about apps ‘They need to be easy to access, clean, and intuitive to use. As simple as possible!’ continuing saying that ‘bad design and user experience intrinsically linked to poor app adoption’ The studies conducted by CrowdCompass, showed that people under 25 years are looking for event mobiles app that give them access to exclusive informations and be first aware of what’s happening on the event. Then come the importance to be able to participate, be engaged into the event through sharing actions/tools. While people over 25 are looking for event apps that can allow them to be ready for the visit: they are mostly seeking first for some informations, ticket registrations and transportations. When young people are searching for one- off event app, the oldest are actually looking for an event app that is running prior the vent, during and beyond. Those results indicate important details about the content. Among a same event, is it important to know more about the visitors to shape an app that best suits attendees needs. - The personnalization Dinca.A, Henrike Engling L. stated in 2012 that ‘Even though apps are sometimes still used for traditional marketing, most brands have recognized that customers have become more empowered and that this form of one-way communication is not adequate any longer. Instead, a more interactive communication approach consisting of a four-step process is required: first, initiate communication through permission based marketing; second, personalize communication through one-to-one marketing; third, involve customers through engaging content and fourth, trigger brand advocacy’. This personnalisation trend will be adapted to who you are and become more and more social orientated. The digital is about to ‘become the mirror of your contacts, people surrounding you, the place your are, your experiences past in order to adapt better your needs’ (Duffour- Wargnier, 2011). EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /25 70
  • 26. Chapter 3 – The 10 Greencooper apps benchmarking In 2014, Greencooper and Sourdoreille studied together downloading behaviors at festivals and released the results on La scène magazine. They focused on 10 festival apps, all made up by Greencooper, the french leadership supplier at event apps. The 10 festivals apps all had been created in 2013. They are all native app which means works without connexion as well as they are more or less using as much memory in the phone. Even thought there are festival who have different music lovers, they all targeting the same category of age: 17-35 years old. Despite moderating variables remaining, downloading rates seems different to each festivals Beside, ss this is the 3rd festival app, the adoption rate in only focusing on first downloading When taking a closer look at the event mobile app it is quite relevant that even thought there had been created by the same supplier Greencooper, they definitely have a different adoption rate between each of them; 5,6% for the lowest (Nuits secrètes) versus 50% for the highest (Hellfest festival). The benchmarking first gave hints about the relations between age, communication plan and the event app downloading rate - Appendix A p. Table C - Greencooper apps Downloadings / festival goers ratio (Greencooper sources) EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /26 70 Hellfest Garorock Nuits Sonores Raggae Sun Ska Cabaret Vert Francofolies La Rochelle Vieilles Charrues Eurockéennes Solidays Nuits Secrètes 0 75000 150000 225000 300000 85 000,00 175 000,00 102 000,00 225 000,00 130 000,00 94 000,00 75 000,00 130 000,00 65 000,00 150 000,00 1950 10500 6120 15750 10400 8460 6750 14300 7800 34500 DOWNLOADINGS 2014 FESTIVAL GOERS
  • 27. Table D - 2014 Geencooper apps Downloadings / 2016 downloading ratio (app store/google play sources) Data released in the table D and E are a general analyse of music event app downloading rates. Over the 10 events mentioned bellow, an average of 9,5% of the festival-goers used the actual event app. There are still 90% to reach, make them aware and thus download. In 3 years, the table D shows that the amount of people downloading the app had increased by 30% to 50% in the best case (Helfest festival). Among them, we can infer there are repeated downloading over the year. Some people satisfied, loyal and therefore willing to download it over the years. Table E - Age/Greencooper apps downloading ratio (Greencooper source) EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /27 70 Hellfest Garorock Nuits Sonores Raggae Sun Ska Cabaret Vert Francofolies La Rochelle Vieilles Charrues Eurockéennes Solidays Nuits Secrètes Festival goers 0 75000 150000 225000 300000 13-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-55 55+ Hellfest Garorock Nuits Sonores Raggae Sun Ska Cabaret Vert Francofolies La Rochelle Vieilles Charrues Eurockéennes Solidays Nuits Secrètes 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 DOWNLOADINGS 2014 DOWNLOADINGS 2016
  • 28. Age and downloading relationship - Variable 1 Indeed, over the 10 french music event apps created by the same developer the most representative category who actually downloaded the app are clusters people ranked between 25 and 34 years old. They represent in average 61% of the downloading rates. Hypotheses : The ‘youngest’ attendees at festival are more likely to download the mobile app Communication plan - Communication channels: Variable 2 Festival goers and Social network relationship Table F - Facebook/festival-goers ratio (Greencooper source) Whistle those 10 festivals are related to different kind of music and then different king of target profiles, they first all have a Facebook event page linked to the festival and they all have at least as much followers as festival-goers. Over the past 3 years, festivals started creating their own communities through this social network, a perfect platform to connect event organizers to their audience and consequently a perfect place to communicate. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /28 70 Hellfest Garorock Nuits Sonores Raggae Sun Ska Cabaret Vert Francofolies La Rochelle Vieilles Charrues Eurockéennes Solidays Nuits Secrètes 0 150000 300000 450000 600000 85 000 175 000 102 000 225 000 130 000 94 000 75 000 130 000 65 000 150 000 98 755 123 735 109 241 291 857 79 199 60 331 230 292 98 750 99 637 339 601 FACEBOOK LIKES FESTIVAL GOERS
  • 29. Festival goers and Website relationship It is appropriate to say that there are a sharp connexion existing between rate downloading and web site communication. Indeed, for those who didn’t announce the app through the official web site get low downloading rates. And at the opposite, when announcing on digital platform: web site and social network such as Facebook and Instagram they all get better downloading rates, between 20% and 50% against 5,6% for Nuits Secrètes and 15,4% for the highest rate, Cabaret Vert. Hypothesis: Channels used as well as the moment posting adds on social walls impact the final downloading rate. The event app communication plan is link to the adoption rate. Hellfest festival, Garorock, Nuits Sonores and Raggae Sun ska implemented a communication time table with repeated messages. They all informed their followers 2 or 3 times about the actual event app starting for the earliest 3 months prior the event with an average of 30% downloading. The latest who aware about the app is Les vieilles Charrues festival and only had 12% downloading rate. Hypothesis: There is a right moment to aware the audience about an event app. Repeated messages as well as repeated channels seems to be a perfect combinaison to reach as much as festival-goers as possible. When figuring out the right time slot to post, there would be up to 50% more downloading. Conclusion: Events mentioned above where all activated on social media thought an event Facebook page. Any event manager knowing the audience and its habits means much on how to interact. In those case studies, people following the event are for most of them people attending or show interest in the event. The average festival-goers is between 18 and 35 years old. There is almost in the case as much followers as festival-goers and they all show much active social interest on social media. They give a clear picture of how receptive they are, which means that event managers should all used this free advertisement to broadcast awareness and spread it over thanks to the sharing link and reduce the likelihood by 2 of not downloading. Limits: when looking further into details, whistle Les Francofolies La Rochelle and Les Eurockéennes seems to be quite similar it is alarming to see the gap existing, downloading wise talking. Indeed, they're would be more hurdles. The 1st app is the only one not proposing to buy EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /29 70
  • 30. ticket through the app which make it less downloadable than not posting any informations about the app on social media such as did Les Eurockéenes festival organizers. The content seems to be important to attendees when fostering the event app. 4. Explorative questionnaire A preliminary questionnaire were developed to ensure the consistency and soundness of measurement of value structure. The initial questions were pilot testes in a 1-1 questionnaire. The questions had been designed in accordance with the primary data extracted from literature and benchmarking analyses. The use of the explorative questions prior to a second deeper questionnaire gave the opportunity to have a first prospective respondents. This method pre- confirm / infirme the primary data regarding variables impacts. This one had been administrated randomly to 8 people. The questionnaire is available at the end of the chapter - Appendix B p.61 Table 1 - Explorative respondents’ ages Table 1 is showing respondents ages repartition. Out of the 8 explorative questionnaires distributed, the respondents age varied. Half of them were ranged between 18 and 25 years old, 2 between 25 and 35 against only one between 35 and 45 as well as only one over 45 years old. The majority of the sample thats is to say 70% of them were under 35 years old. Age distribution is quite similar to age repartition at festivals. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /30 70 Age Frequency Percentage 18-25 4 50 % 25-35 2 25 % 35-45 1 15 % 45+ 1 15 %
  • 31. Variable 1 - Age and downloading relationship Table 2 - Event mobile app usage according to the participants age Table 2 reveals that over all the respondent, half of them have already used an event app on mobile devise. 100% of the people who ever used an app are 35 years old or younger. The other half ranged over 35 years old never used any because there weren't or because they were not aware of the app (Table 2). The downloading rate is as high as the best festival downloading rates created by Greencooper (e.g: 50% for the Hellfest festival). This results are aligned with the hypothesis that age and event app usage are linked. The origines of the non-using are located at he 1st stage of the product chain line : awareness. From those who never used the actual event apps they were older, ranged between 35 and 45+. This means that the communication plan settled were not good enough to reach those target either from the channel or the tools used to promote and make people aware of the current event app. When interrogating about the impact of the age on event app adoption they are 7/8 agreed with this hypothesis. Most of them think that ‘young people’ ‘ Y generation ‘ ’15-35 years old ‘ are more likely to use it, versus only one is actually disagree and tend to think that ‘everyone is into it’. According to the respondents the 18-35 categorized as ‘youngs’ would be more likely to use app mobile when attending a public event. It looks like there is a category of people that is more likely to use it. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /31 70 USED NEVER USED
  • 32. Variable 2 - Age and communication plan relationship, communication channels impact Table 3 - Website as of way of promotion Table 4- Social network as of way of promotion Table 5 - Adds as of way of promotion a) Promotion/media channels: Table 3 is indicating 75% of the respondents tend to say that digitalization is the best way to promote an event app, with the official event web site that has been 1st mentioned to promote the app before the event. 62,5% of the respondents mentioned the event website as of way of communication. Among them 80% were under 35 years old. Mailing tends to be the 1st digital tool for those over 35. Table 4 is pointing out for 75% of the people questioned, adds such as press articles, billboard or flyers are still mentioned to be a good way for promotion an event app (table 4). According to 50% of the respondents, Facebook would be one of the first social network used to promote the App. 100% of them are under 35 (table 5). EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /32 70 18-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 18-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 18-25 25-35 35-45 45+
  • 33. This results are alined with the hypothesis that there are different tools and channels to use when promoting and event app according to the targets. Is seems thats everyone agreed on the fact that the current event website would be the first digital connexion when looking for any informations or wish to buy a ticket. This make believe that when promotion the app on the actual website would be the first move to reach any targets. However, when looking in further details it has been first released that social network would be a perfect communication channel to reach people under 35 years old versus the oldest would be more likely to be inform about the event app from media like press or flyers. This tend to say that communication tools and channel are different considering the promotion of the event app. b) Social value: For ¾ of the respondents, friends and family are first maned when it comes to recommend the app. Word-of-mouth seems to be the first way to communicate the existence of the app. When it comes to trust in someone, almost ½ admit to consider reviews and comments liked to the app from other users. From 18 to over 45 years old they all believe that family and friends are the most reliable people. 50% are considering reviews and professional feedbacks prior to download the event app. This results indicate that the age is no longer involve in such decision however it s relevant enough to consider family and friends as channel communication - social network might be the place to communicate thats is to say the hub of intern communication « Useful » is the first word mentioned when they talk about an event app. It is quickly followed by simple, free and engaging. They all look for an App that will provide them udpated informations, and easy access to this informations. The added-value is from far one of the opportunity that make people use the App before, during, after. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /33 70
  • 34. Variable 3 - Age and communication plan relationship, time awareness Table 6 - Timeframe of the event mobile app in the communication plan According to the table 6, 6/8 of the respondents agreed to say that between 3 and 14 days prior the event is the right moment to be aware of the event app. 100% among them are under 35 years old. It seems that there is a different time frame to follow in order to reach as much as people according to their age. This shows that the hypothesis that age and time frame in the event mobile app are clearly linked. External motivations Among the responds to the question what make people use the app during an event most of the time they are first mentioning to first have a smartphone then to have free wifi and the capacity to be able to interact with the app. Just one pointed out the fact that the weather may impact the decision to use or not the device. Theses answers can give few hints about external factors that can impact the adoption. Others features come alongside the App adoption such as having a Smartphone, having access to free wifi onsite as well as the weather being appropriated when the event is running. These are outside sources of hurdles that could cope with the App adoption. The weather as well as the Smartphone access are indépendant to the App création. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /34 70 18-25 25-35 35-45 45+
  • 35. However, free connexion can be set up in two ways : - Native App – doesn’t need wifi to connect - Free connexion access onsite provide by the event organizers Later on, when questioning about the motivations to use the app over the 8 respondents 6 first spoke about the useful aspect of the device and to be easy to use. However there are still hurdles remaining that can affect the decision such as the battery and memory capacity that had been mentioned 4 times. Being useful is one of the first attention when downloading the app,the content and the exclusivity wise seems to be highly important. The app has to be also simple – or easy to use and free. These results are alined with the authors. Intermediate results The digit revealed from the first question confirm that only half of the population have ever used an event app. Although event app have been implemented alongside the event there are still hurdles existing to cope with awareness, adoption and usage. Awareness refers to issues linked to the digital strategy and communication launching. The respondents affirmed that 3 days to 2 weeks prior the event would be the best practice to reach as much as possible downloading. Alongside, channels used to promote is something that event organizers should closely deal with. Each event is targeting different customer profiles. As mentioned earlier, some of them would be more receptive with digital promotion such as social network and others, older would like to be informed through e-mailing/newletters whereas the elders would appreciate to be helped and guided onsite by staff members and papers informations to download the app. The very first internal hurdles would be the age. It appears that the 15-35, named as « youngs » would be more likely to embrace the mobile app. That means that event app can’t be made for every kind of event as long as the core target are over a limit age. It is hardly possible to think that implementing such an app for old singer concert would be thinkable. When Familly- friends are really important as well as professionals to consider when launching an app. Those 3 put together are orientating the channel used to transfer information and then to reach people where they speak, that is to say social network, the hub for friends, EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /35 70
  • 36. family and professionals. In such event, it would be hardly impossible to think launching an app without inform people on Facebook, twitter or Linked-in regarding the category of event. From this first expertise the cycle-life of the event épp shouldn’t be more than one month lasting when it comes to be used for a BtoC event. 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after to be good enough to be aware enough time in advance to let people get used to it, get updated informations onsite and be able to share the event on others platforms after the event. 5. Hypothesis 1 - Festival attendees age is impacting the event mobile app downloading rate 2 - The event app communication plan and attendees' age are both connected and can predict downloading rates 3 - The app awareness is different for each category of festival participants
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  • 37. 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - THE EMPIRICAL RESEARCH 3.1 Introduction to the quantitative method There are two different ways to approach a dissertation: quantitative and qualitative method. A qualitative method is aiming to investigate deeper, producing and analyzing descriptive data such as written words or say observatory behavior of individuals (Taylor and Bogdan, 1984). It will provide a detailed and complete description of the research topic. The quantitative method is aiming to describe, explain or synthesize links, causalities or typologies. Quantitative research is focused in counting and classifying features and constructing statistical models and figures to explain what is observed. This approach is intending to make decisions easier for the future, ranking, counting, visualizing or summarizing the results using tools such as questionnaires, surveys and other equipment to collect numerical or measurable data (Sekaran, 2003). Quantitative research is objective in approach in the sense that it only seeks precise measurements and analysis of target concepts to answer his inquiry (Experiment-, 2009). According to the purpose of the subject it is more appropriate to undertake a quantitative approach. Indeed, in the following work variables effects will be analyzed. As this a very topic matter concern there are not enough academic works and researches yet released explaining the weak rate of festival mobile app downloading. 3.1.1 The research design strategies The research design is considered as specific methods and procedures to obtain information needed. Studies research can either be exploratory, descriptive, or causal. An exploratory research is aiming to identify and define a problem. This kind of research design is used at the very beginning when professionals haven’t much informations about the issues. A descriptive research would have been done to describe the relation between the variables (Barnes, 1992). The descriptive study is aiming to understand the relationship between different variables as much as understand what are the reasons linked to the phenomenon. This would help out professionals to make relevant decisions regarding the different sources impacting the good EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /37 70
  • 38. (Carricano M., Poujol., 2006). However, in this case the hypothesis could not be confirmed or rejected. The last one, causal research is also called the explanatory research and they are undertaken to prove or disprove the scientifically anticipated claims, ‘hypothesis testing usually explain the nature of certain relationships or establish the differences among groups or the independence of two or more factors in a situation’ (Sekaran 2003). A causal research is looking for more than a just a correlation and is investigating about cause-and-effect relationship. This can be reachable through experiment, manipulating the potential causes to examine effect on variables and test its effectiveness or thanks to statistical researches. Causal studies help to predict causes of deriving such hypothesis. The key purpose here is to define relationships of causal factors to the effects of predictions (Smith, Albaum, 2005). 3.1.2 Type of investigation chosen, the causal method A causal study seems to be more appropriate as long as it is aiming to determine if the manipulation of 3 variables, called the independent variables, affects another variable, called the dependent variable. The causal studies usually requires the interference of the researcher to manipulate certain variables, measure their effects and make a prediction of outcomes based on former hypotheses. Then, the hypotheses will be tested to finally analyse either they are determine as false or correct. ‘This hypothesis testing explains the nature of certain relationships or establish the differences among groups or the independence of two or more factors in a situation’ (Sekaran 2003). Time wise speaking, and because to the limited access to engage a certain amount of participants an experimental study were not considered relevant enough an thus, a statistical study were more appropriate, based on the festival mobile app case study. 3.1.3 Source of data Primary data refers to ‘information obtained firsthand by the researcher on the variables of interest for the specific purpose of the study’ (Sekaran 2003).There are collected by the researcher using methods such as questionnaires, interviews and observations to answer his/her research objectives. Primary resources includes individuals, focus groups, panels of respondents, and other sources (Smith, Albaum, 2005). EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /38 70
  • 39. While secondary data “refer to information gathered from sources already existing’ (Sekaran 2003). Secondary data, is usually used in the literature survey of any research and it explores the results of previous studies related to the research topic. Secondary sources includes articles, records, archives, publications, media analysis, websites, and the Internet (Smith, Albaum, 2005). 3.1.4 Data collection The data can be obtained from either primary or secondary sources. Primary datas collection had be done through a questionnaire posted on social networks. The data had been collected through an internet survey conducted. The questionnaire were posted online and addressed to the official festival Facebook page, to invite respondents. Responses that were inconsistence or incomplete were deleted through data filtering. Over 152 responds received a total number of exactly 100 viable responses had been gathered. Secondary sources collection had be done through books, academic articles and publications released around the study theme. Because it is a brand new phenomenon there are not enough relevant data to take for granted. That is why a benchmarking were conducted based on a 10 music festival mobile apps case study. 3.2 Field survey 3.2.1 Sampling filter In order to improve the accuracy and the consistency of responses to the variables studied it is required to implement a stratified sampling (Carricano M. Poujol F..2006). In this particular case, the sampling target had been yet chosen because they all participated to one of the 10 music festival studied. As well as it was important to investigate the impact of the variables within the same environment that is to say with the same mitigating variables. Those 10 mobile apps were all created by the same software supplier, Greencooper with free wifi onsite. All of them are free app, pretty much with the same weighting the same, and available on both device: iOS and android. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /39 70
  • 40. 3.2.2 Questionnaire design To be efficient, Marton-Williams claims in 1986 that the quantitative questionnaire should fulfill five functions:involving the respondents, communicating to them, helping to workout on the answers, be easy for the interviewer and provide a basis for data processing. In 1987, Tull and Hawkin’s defined the survey research as ‘the systematic gathering of information from respondents for the purpose of understanding and/or predicting some aspect of the behavior of the population of interest’. Baker stated in 2003 that ‘opinion researches are used to improve understanding of motivation’ why people behave the way they do and also to help predict behaviour’. It has been designed online thanks to website. The questionnaire was translated into english for the non french-speaking. The Website link for french questionnaire: The Website link for the english questionnaire: The survey has been designed in order to analyse the hypothesis formulated at the very beginning and have been organized in two sections measuring the effect of the event app communication channels and the time frame over the age. The coding method used is helping out for the questionnaire designing, dealing with items and variables one by one and thus, better answer former hypothesis risen in the first part. Indeed, data collected in the first part were listed in this table and will allow the researcher build up the questionnaire in accordance- Appendix D p.27 The questionnaire very started with a demographic section. It has been testing in both languages prior to be broadcast on social networks. There will be attached a copy of the questionnaire in the appendix D at the end of the chapter. 3.2.3 Data analysis and the coding method Respondents were enquiring about a set of 26 questions going through the different items catalogued in the coding table, Appendix E; 13 of them were listed on a 5-point Likert-type scale (1= strongly disagree, 5 strongly agree) to better understand the relationships tendencies with the 3 variables. The other 13 questions were built up from a closed question method; Multiple choices answers allowed the respondents to provide a precise answers about topics addressed. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /40 70
  • 41. The survey had been connected to the Excel as well as Google analytics softwares to better analyse the results. The survey aims to both measuring the impact of the communication channels and the time frame over attendees’ age. Minicab Express, a statistical software has been used to measure correlations between those variables.
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  • 42. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Results presentation 4.1.1 Factors analysis Table 7 - Attendess’Age/downloading rates ratio According to table 7, 85% of the respondents claims to be between 15 and 35 years old, there are mainly girls (73%). Only 8% of the respondents who attended one this ten festivals had downloaded the festival mobile app. 100% of them are under 35 years old. They all have dowloaded it for the very 1st this year. Table 8 - External motivations items Table 8 released that in 50% of the case, the respondent tend to take the most intention in the price of the app when deciding to download the app or not. Shorty followed by the possibility to enjoy the WIFI onsite in 48% on the time. The weight and the battery consuming are considered less important, and had been mentioned only in 14% of the time. And finally, the weather is not consider as a main hurdles to adoption. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /42 70 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ Age Donwloading WIFI on site Weight of the app Battery consuming Weather during the festival Price of the festival mobile App 0 12,5 25 37,5 50
  • 43. When it has to be coping with all of this items, in 100% of the time the festival mobile offered by Greencooper are free, and are native app which is to say without need to be connected to any network. The weight of any of them are in the average of the every app suggested in any the app store. And to finish, battery consuming is more important in the second phase, when the app had been yet downloaded. This external hurdles would not impacting the decision-making and affect the adoption. For 65% of the respondents, Facebook is the main social networks that have been considered as the most important communication channels to use when communicating about the festival mobile app. The official festival Web site has been mentioned by 8% of the respondents. Table 9 - Facebook/attendees age ratio Table 10 - Facebook effect plot according to the age Table 11 - Web site/attendees age Ratio Table 12 - Website effect plot according to the age EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /43 70 0 20 40 60 80 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ Age Facebook 0 15 30 45 60 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ Age Web site
  • 44. In a further examination, when break-downing communication channels, data released in tables 9 and 11 about attendees’ profils are more relevants. In most of the time, people who claimed Facebook as the most important way of communication seem to be in 95% of the time under 35 years old while those who preferred the official festival website are between 25 and 45 years old. Results showed that 66% of attendees under 25 years old are more into social networks with a big preference for Facebook pages when it comes to communicate about the festival app. Attendees aged between 25 and 35 years are split over two categories. 67% of them prefer Facebook, 14% rather like the official festival website. Attendees who are between 35 and 45 claimed in 87% of the case to prefer the official website. Attendees aged over 45 years old declared in 67% of the time, email and Newsletter as the best communication channels. Table 13 - Time awareness distribution For 31% of the respondents, 1 month seems to be the perfect time to be aware about the festival mobile app. However, 6 month prior the event seems to be to early as much as the day of the festival seems to be to late. 69% of them are declaring the best time between 3 days and 1 month before the event. When break downing time awareness preference, it is quite relevant to notice that attendees aged between 15 and 35 years old represent the majority of the respondents who considered between 3 days and 1 month as the best time to be aware of the festival mobile app. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /44 70 5 % 17 % 21 % 31 % 18 % 8 % 6 Months 2 Months 1 Month 2 Weeks 3 Days Festival Day
  • 45. Table 14/15 - Time awareness/attendees age ratio Table 16 - Attendees’ age / time awareness ratio Respondents declaring 6 months as the best time are all over 35 years old. Among them 100% of the 45+ declared so. Most of the people who declared the day of the festival as the best time are under 25 years old. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /45 70 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ Age 3 days - 1 month 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ Age Day of the event 0 12,5 25 37,5 50 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ Age 6 months
  • 46. Table 17 - Facebook time preference according to attendees’ age 3 days seems to be the general preference for any age categories to be aware of the festival mobile app from Facebook. In a further examination, when taking a closer look at each age bracket, the youngest attendees are the latest they prefer to be aware of the app. Indeed, respondents over 45 admitted in 50% of the case to prefer be aware of it 3 months or earlier versus 90% of respondents under rather like to be aware within 1 month. Table 18 - E-mail time preference according to attendees’ age EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /46 70 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 0 30 60 90 120 Festival Day < 3 days 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 3 15 30 90 180 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 0 30 60 90 120 Festival Day < 3 days 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months
  • 47. Table 19 - SMS time preference according to attendees’ age When regarding SMS preference time awareness, in 48% of the case attendees showed more willingness to receive the information within 3 days all ages brackets. Table 20 - Media time preference according to attendees’ age EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /47 70 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 0 25 50 75 100 Festival Day < 3 days 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 0 30 60 90 120 Festival Day < 3 days 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 3 15 30 90 180 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+
  • 48. Table 21 - Festival Website time preference according to attendees’ age Finally, festival website time preference is quite relevant regarding the pattern of the time preferences. Indeed, attendees under 35 declared to prefer being aware of the festival mobile app within 3 days. However, from 35 and over, attendees claimed to rather being aware sooner in time, that is to say before 2 weeks and over prior the event. 4.1.2 Correlation coefficients The correlation coefficient discovered in 1996 by Bravais-Pearson is measuring the direction and the strength of a linear relationship between two variables. It can determines the degree to which two variables' movements are associated. The range of values for the correlation coefficient is -1.0 to 1.0. A value of exactly 1.0 means there is a perfect positive relationship between the two variables. Just the opposite, -1.0 means there is a perfect negative relationship between the two variables. This shows the variables move in opposite directions; If the correlation is 0, this simply means there is no relationship between the two variables (Investopedia website). If the value is ranked between 0 and 0,5 or 0 and - 0, 5 this means the correlation is weak. The table 22 shows correlation coefficient between 2 variables studied. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /48 70 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+ 0 25 50 75 100 Festival Day < 3 days 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 3 15 30 90 180 15-25 25-35 35-45 45+
  • 49. Table 22 - Correlation coefficients between 2 variables The correlation coefficient had been individually calculated from 2 softwares: Minicab Express and Excel programs. Every coefficients found but e-mail relationship with age are all ranked between 0,5 and 1 or -0,5 and -1 which means they are all strong coefficients. In other words, when studying the impact of the first variable, the age over the 2 other variables it is quite relevant to say that a strong relationship is existing. This are the results: - The correlation coefficient between age and downloading rate is 0,99. - Correlation coefficient between age and web site is 0,72 - Correlation coefficient between age and Facebook : 0,99 - Correlation coefficient between age / time awareness (3days/1month) : 0,93 - Correlation coefficient between age/time awareness (Day of the event) : 0,74 - Correlation coefficient between age/time awareness (+6 months) : -0,83 4.1.3 Likert scale results The Likert-type scale is a survey method that is inspired from a 5-point scale. Attendees were asked to answer a set of questions specifying either there are : 1= strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = Neither/nor agree 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /49 70
  • 50. Table 23 - App channel tools promotion Table 24 - Time app awareness promotion Tables 23 and 24 are presenting the average tendencies regarding the different variables impacts on attendees’ behavior. They have been sorted in the ascending order so as to identify the most representative channels tools and time awareness preferences. Friends and family members seems to be the most important people when considering downloading the festival mobile app. Versus, video tutos as well as QR-code tend to be the less impacting attendees’ behavior. Out of 100 respondents, the average feeling concerning time awareness is the day of the festival. A late app promotion would be more efficient. Variable 2 - Channels tools Average Rate Friend 3,78/5 Familly 3,73/5 Reviews 3,29/5 Media 3,21/5 Blogger 2,88/5 Staff member 2,87/5 Tuto 2,78/5 QR-Code 2,23/5 Variable 3 - Time awareness Average rate The day of the festival 3,29/5 6 month before the festival 2,55/5 EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /50 70
  • 51. 4.2 Discussion By now, even thought many event app guides had been released, there is not yet any digital experts that exposed communication plan strategy, attendees’ orientated wise speaking. Indeed, all the efforts made so far had been done to first satisfy stockholders who are inputting in the event app budget. However, whistle they are important to take into consideration, they are nevertheless not the one using it and therefore the one to target. For multiple reasons and certainly this last one is first giving hints on how to improve ROI. In order to uptake app adoption rate, it was interesting to consider attendees wishes and came up with a new brand communication strategy plan. When questioning about attendees motivations, many external motivations had been pointing out. So far, experts coped with them pretty well; giving them access to free wifi on-site, shrinking down the app program into a very light one with a slow battery consuming, moving the app to a native one without any purchasing phase and so forth. Adoption issues are not externals but intrinsics. Taking a closer look at literature reviews, the 10 festival apps benchmarking as well as the explorative questionnaire, the assessments are fitting. Authors, music festival attendees feedbacks and the actual adoptions rates are merging toward the same solution: the app awareness. Indeed, attendees are not at the first stage of the adoption process as experts used to say. More and more festival goers are into technology, and thus likely to adopt really fast any innovation. If attendees don’t download the festival app it is because of a weak promotion, lake of information broadcast and on top of that a communication plan that don’t fit the festival target. A good time management with channel tools strategy used accordingly to attendees age would uptake downloading rate by 60% (tables 23/24). EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /51 70
  • 52. - How and when communicate about the festival app to each age category of attendees ? Table 25 - Variables frameworks When launching the festival mobile app it is a first attention to know more about attendees profile. Indeed, this framework is guiding any event professionals in how and when communicate about the festival app. The general feeling tend to assume that any promotion should be done over the month prior the event to optimize the downloading rate. However, the youngest the audience is the later the promotion should be done to be efficient. Promotion and communication channels used are more or less efficient according to the target. The best way to reach audience under 35 is through social network, by communicating between 3 days and 1 month, whereas the best way to reach audience over 35 is thanks to adds, press articles, e-mail between 2 months and 6 months before the festival. This results predicate that accordingly to the audience the festival app should be 1 off-app under 35 and ever lasting for those hosting attendees over 35 years old. But still some communication tools such as SMS and the official website are quite important to consider as they are reaching every age category. Besides, friends, family and reviews are considered highly-important when considering downloading the festival app. Those can affect attendees behavior and boost downloading rates by 70%. Friends and bloggers have a better impact on ‘youngs’ versus family members opinions are more important to attendees over 35 years old. Results showed that a late festival app promotion is more efficient than an early one. 65% of them would download it on-site and only 51% would download it 6 months before. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /52 70
  • 53. 5. CONCLUSION 5.1 General conclusion As mentioned by the head master at the very beginning of the academic year, it is important to find a topic that raise interest for the searcher and for the professionals at the same time. Hence, the first intention was to meet both needs. Several interviews with event managers conduct to the same topic matter: digital. It had been even more relevant while visiting project managers: Hopscotch, Ubi Bene, GL events and Occurrence who all agreed on the same issues: digital tools are growing but they don’t have the best command of it. Also, it has been required to be a polyvalent event manager to perform. Digital had become really important this last decade and will become even more next years. To have acknowledgement about the digital solutions can offer more opportunities. Nowadays, event experts necessary position events in a digital strategy to be at the cutting edge. Among them, to list the solutions: website, social media, touch screens, interactive exchange and recently applications. According to them, event App seems to be more and more activated but still there are coping with unknown adoption breaks. Moreover, facing event mobile App in the daily life orientated the general theme. Indeed, while working for the Women Forum 15’ it has been given enough bad feedbacks from the attendees to quickly understand that the trendy App is facing real adoption challenge beside external issues. Alongside, the application developers’ job is booming since a couple of years. The market is growing as much as the competences and skills required. They are learning from former mistakes to better enhance the new App. This dissertation is coming complementary to actual needs and provides them an accurate overview of it. It is also a guide for event professionals to help them either to create or to renew an event App on the market. However, technology is constantly moving. What can be rise in 2016 can be out of date next year. That is to say that this dissertation content and statement can change throughout the writing process. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /53 70
  • 54. So far, time management as well as attendee profile raised searcher interest in the adoption process while launching a new app. Indeed, these two variables have to be highly considered to better-fit attendees expectations when facing the event app. The digital app strategy is the first variable to be undertaken really closely. The schedule, therefore time management has an important role in the communication plan. It will definitely modify the rate of adaptors. First observations make us think that the sooner the app is launched the sooner it is getting known by the attendee and then getting sooner adopted. The interpersonal variable is the second variable that affect on app adoption. Actually, attendees’ statue, his role in the social network, his age will also affect on adoption capacity. Some of them seem to be more likely to adopt, identify as innovators and others, named, as followers will both generate adoption. It is necessary to understand the power of these two variables to maximize event mobile adoption and then provide the right content to the right person at the right time. It will generate the highest rate of downloading as well as more ROI for professionals and experts side such as event planners, clients and event mobile App developers. As hypothesized, the results of the current study confirm that the age of the audience and the communication plan are linked together. Indeed, the time awareness and communication tools are impacting the downloading rates accordingly to attendees’ age. 5.2 Dissertation limits Time horizon has been mentioned as of the first important variable to consider when launching an app. From first literature investigations to the end, the adoption behavior have been changing over time. This study had been undertaken over a period of 10 months and aimed to answer the research question settled at the beginning of the researches. Using a correlational design, we do not manipulate an independent variable, and we certainly make little effort to control for other possible factors that may also vary with the three variables we measured. For this reason, a significant correlation does not show that one factor causes changes in a second factor (Privitera & Wallace, 2011). EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /54 70
  • 55. 5.3 What kind of future for event mobile app ? In those last couple years, and in particularly this year, the event mobile apps ecosystem skyrocketed, increasing by 5 the number of professionals, all work positions included : digital/ design program / supplier commercial experts. It is became important to any event professionals to engage the event in a digital complex. Consequently, festival attendees are currently expecting diversification with different app added-values. Indeed, by now and because of the wide competition occurring over the event apps industry, festival-goers are dealing with different king of event apps types. From the former one, ‘the swiss army knife’ to the brand new ones just released that are fulfilling a special request. From now, it is possible to download a festival app that is specialized in one need: - A cashless app system proposed by Nordik Impact festival - A friends finding app at festivals proposed by Triber app - A tents finding app - … - The adoptions rate grew by twice last year; it is worth considering the event apps market will reach the perfect combinaison between the different stockholders needs. The digital budget should be more important over the years and promotions tools come along. In other word, the event mobile app should move from one-off usage toward ever lasting app. The event apps market is growing and from now is expending over the boundaries. It is expecting in the next couple of years Asia, India to becoming the next flourishing market. App analytics are pretty auspicious. EM Normandie 2015-2016 Page /55 70
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