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            An Effectiveness Study of Online Advertising Models

         Juan E. Gilbert, Ph.D.                             Yuehua Lin, M.S.
           Auburn University                               Auburn University
   Human Centered Computing Lab                     Human Centered Computing Lab
Computer Science & Software Engineering          Computer Science & Software Engineering
            107 Dunstan Hall                                107 Dunstan Hall
          Auburn, AL 36849                                 Auburn, AL 36849
            +1 334 844 6316

Abstract: The Web has become an important advertising medium and online advertising

has been growing rapidly. However, research on how to create effective and innovate

online advertising models and how to evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising

models has not kept pace with the widespread of online advertising. This research aims to

propose and implement two creative online advertising models: the background sound

model and a hybrid model. An experiment was conducted to measure the effectiveness of

the background sound model and the hybrid model by comparing them to the banner,

pop-up and pop-under models. A set of metrics were defined to measure advertisement

recall and recognition as well as branding efficacy.

1. Introduction

       The emergence and ubiquity of the Internet has proven itself of having huge

potential as an advertising medium. Online advertising has been the fastest growing part

inside the whole advertising industry. As an interdisciplinary research field, Online

advertising needs support from different disciplines such as business, psychology and

computer science. Unfortunately, the research on online advertising is still remarkably

scarce. Rare conclusions can be found to answer questions like “What ad form will be the

most effective and what should be in the ad.” The current limitation of online advertising

may be concluded as:

        (1) The form of online advertising is still insufficient. As is known, the widely

used online advertising models are only banner, pop-up and pop-under. The effectiveness

of these models are still not satisfatory to advertisers.

        (2) Although there are various evaluation activities involved in compaigns and

experiments, it is still difficult to determine the performance of current online advertising

models. More and more evaluation experience is still required to establish universally

accepted and well approved measurement methodologies and techniques for online


        (3) Most research studies tested the effectiveness of a single model. Little

research has been down on evaluating and comparing two or more online advertising

models. To help advertisers to select appropriate and effective advertising models, it is

necessary to carry out comparison studies among different online advertising models.

        Therefore, it is time to introduce more creative components such as sound,

animation and streaming media to online advertising, by which designers can design and

implement new online advertising models. Also, because our knowledge of what factors

can affect the success of online advertising is limited, it is necessary and valuable to

conduct experiments to evaluate the online advertising models. The findings will be

useful to establish standards and guidelines of online advertising.

        This paper aims to present two new online advertising models: a background

sound model and a hybrid model. In the background sound model, sound is the only

vehicle to convey advertising information. In the hybrid model, advertising information is

conveyed via the combination of banner, pop-up, pop-under and background sound. In

the empirical part of this research, five online advertising models (banner, pop-up, pop-

under, background sound and hybrid) were tested to see their effectiveness on advertising

recall and recognition as well as brand recall and recognition. How these models annoy

the Web users was also measured in the experiment. From this empirical study, the

performance of banner, pop-up, pop-under, background sound and hybrid were evaluated

and compared.

2. New Online Advertising Approaches

       Currently, the most common online advertising models are banner, pop-up and

pop-under. A banner is typically a static or dynamic image in the Web page; a pop-up is a

new displayed browser window that appeared when the Web page is loaded; a pop-under

is similar to a pop-up except that it always hides behind the loaded Web page. Although

these models are used widely, they are still considered ineffective because of their

disadvantages. For example, banners are easy to ignore; pop-up and pop-under

advertisements are often perceived as an annoying and intrusion. With the emergence of

new technologies such as streaming media and rich media, integrating sound and multiple

media into online advertising is a mainstream. The following sections discuss the new

online advertising models: the background sound model and the hybrid model.

2.1 The Background Sound Online Advertising Model

       Considered one of the most important and widely used media for communication

and information dissemination, sound is incorporated into online advertising to build a

new online advertising model: the background sound model. The background sound

model tries to take advantage of human hearing to subliminally appeal to viewers. This

model plays advertisements in the form of streaming audio while users are viewing Web

pages. In general, the embedded audio ad begins to play as soon as the Web page loads.

Compared to other online advertising models, background sound ads have the following

distinct advantages:

       (1) Sound can convey information efficiently. In other words, sound can convey a

vast amount of information at a relatively high speed. A landmark study by Chapanies

found that modes of communication that included voice were much faster than those that

did not. In the Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) community, there have

been a number of compelling demonstrations of the power of voice communication

(Zhang, Wolf, Daijavad, and Touma, 1998).

       (2) Sound allows human computer interaction to occur in a natural and emotional

way to communicate. As a medium of sound, audio has the ability to emotionally involve

customers with advertising (Gusco, 2001). By providing a rich audio environment in

which to engage, entertain and interact with customers, audio advertising could be a

better way to communicate a message to a user.

       (3) Streaming audio has two advantages over streaming video. First, streaming

audio needs considerably less bandwidth to achieve high quality than streaming video.

Secondly, users can access streaming audio even when they are working, playing games

or surfing the net. This facilitates the design and implementation of subliminal

advertising, which is a technique of exposing consumers to advertising stimuli without

the consumers having conscious awareness. Because customers are believed to decode

the information and act upon it without being able to acknowledge a communication

stimulus, subliminal advertising can minimize its annoyance.

       (4) Background sound ads generally don’t occupy any screen space. Therefore,

Web pages have more space for Web designers to design visually appealing Websites. At

the same time, sound can convey a considerable amount of information without wasting

any screen resource.

       According to the above analysis, background sound is a promising model for

online advertising. With the widespread of streaming media technology, background

sound advertising will be more accepted and applied.

2.2 The Hybrid Online Advertising Model

       The hybrid model combines different individual online models. It can mix banner,

pop-up, pop-under or background sound. The goal of the hybrid model is to get optimal

combination of different online advertising models so as to take advantage of the strength

of these models and overcome the weakness of them individually. Obviously, this model

has its distinct advantages:

       (1) Any given Web site could feasibly employ combined model advertising where

specific Web pages use specific models. For example, a pop-up ad is not appropriate for a

Web page that has a pop-up window as its content. Otherwise, it is possible to cause

confusion in the viewers because it is hard to distinguish which pop-up window is the

content or the ad within a glimpse. The relative weighting of each individual model is

adjustable, and can be modified during campaign or experiment to increase hybrid

advertisements’ effectiveness.

       (2) The hybrid model accommodates more interactivity and technological

flexibility. The hybrid model generally combines different online advertising models,

which expands its capacity to accommodate different types of objects such as rich media

and digital creative technologies. An optimal combination of more than one model should

be able to maximize the effectiveness and minimize the annoyance of online advertising.

       Defining the background sound and hybrid advertising models alone is not good

enough. The models must be evaluated through experimentation to determine their


3. Experiment and Analysis

       To discover the performance of the background sound and the hybrid models by

comparing them to the banner, pop-up and pop-under models, an experiment was

conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these five models. It was expected that the

background sound and hybrid models could have better recall and recognition

effectiveness than the banner, pop-up and pop-under models.

3.1 Method


       In this research, advertisements were designed for a wireless service provider:

CDS. It is a fictitious brand that can guarantee the experiment participants have no

awareness of this brand prior to this study, so we can eliminate the influence of

awareness difference. Five online advertising models were implemented: banner, pop-up,

pop-under, background sound and hybrid. Each model contains four advertisements for

CDS. These four advertisements convey the same information, although they are in

different models. The advertisements are embedded in a JavaScript Web tutorial. They

are also located on the same Web pages in different models. Therefore, we can guarantee

three identities among these five models. (1) They convey almost the same information

such as product/service category, the brand, and advertising message. Therefore, all

models delivered the same advertising contents. (2) They are embedded in the same Web

pages in a Web tutorial. (3) The total exposure of each advertisement is the same. These

identities minimize the differences caused by other factors like the advertisement

contents. Figure 1 contains a sample illustration of the banner advertising model used in

this experiment. Figure 2 contains a sample illustration of the pop-up advertising model.

Figure 3 has a pop-under advertisement. Because pop-under advertisements appear

behind the main browser window, it can only be seen in the task bar at the bottom. When

the main browser window is closed, the pop-under advertisement becomes visible, see

figure 4. The background sound advertisement has no visual appearance, it operates

using sound. The hybrid model uses combinations of all of the models.

                    Figure 1: Illustration of a Banner Advertisement

 Figure 2: Illustration of a Pop-up Advertisement

Figure 3: Illustration of a Pop-under Advertisement

 Figure 4: Illustration of a Pop-under Advertisement closing the main browser window.

        Participants and Procedures

       Participants for this experiment were Computer Science students enrolled in an

introductory programming language course. They could be considered as Web users with

similar experience. They were divided into five groups randomly and these five groups

were involved in the test of the five ad models respectively. The participants who did the

advertisement experiment and gave their feedback were also called respondents.

       Participants were told that the purpose of this experiment was to learn JavaScript

using a Web tutorial. The participants were not aware that the experiment was an online

advertising experiment. They worked alone to read this tutorial during 30 to 40 minutes,

which displayed or played the ads in one of the models. After they finished their reading,

they were given a quiz on JavaScript. At the end of the experiment, participants were

interviewed and asked if they saw or heard any ads during their JavaScript tutorial. If

they answered “yes”, they were asked to answer questions on a questionnaire related to

the advertisements. Upon completion, they were told not to talk to their classmates about

the experiment to make sure that all participants had an equal amount of knowledge of

the experiment coming into it.


         Today, there is an increasing usage of metrics on consumer’s attitude, branding

effect and advertisement recall and recognition in evaluating online advertising

effectiveness (Higie, Sweall, 1991; Sukpanich, Chen, 1998). To evaluate the

effectiveness of ads in different models, three metrics were employed: Ad

recall/recognition, Brand recall/recognition and annoyance to this experiment. Ad

recall/recognition is the major metric of this experiment; brand recall/recognition is a

subset of ad recall/recognition for evaluating the branding effects; Annoyance is a general

attitude for the online advertising models, which is also an important factor affecting the

ad effectiveness. To evaluate this, we define annoyance as a measure. The following

definitions were used:

         Ad recall/recognition: measure the extent to which respondents can recall or

recognize the contents of the ad. It is determined by product or service, brand and

message recall and recognition. Message recall and recognition measures the extent to

which respondents can recall or recognize message other than the product/service and


         Brand recall/recognition: measure the extent to which respondents can recall or

recognize the brand name, and it is decided by both brand recall and brand recognition.

       Annoyance: measure the level of annoyance of each Ad model. It is the

percentage of respondents that feel the ads are annoying. In other words, it is the

proportion of annoyed respondents versus total number of respondents.

       To evaluate these measurements, a set of questions was designed for interviewing

participants in the form of a questionnaire, see Table 1.

                       Table 1 The Question Design of Measurement

     Measurement                                     Question

 Product/service recall     Do you recall what product/service was advertised? If

                            yes, can you write down the product/service?

      Brand recall          Do you recall what brand was advertised? If yes, can you

                            please write down the brand name?

     Message recall         Do you recall what else the advertisements said about the


    Product/service         Do you recall seeing/hearing any ad for wireless service?

       recognition          Select “Yes” or “No”

   Brand recognition        Do you think which brand was advertised on the

                            JavaScript tutorial? Select the brand from a list of brands

  Message recognition       What do you remember about the ad(s)? Select the

                            messages advertised from a list of messages.

       Annoyance            If you were describing these ads to a friend, would you

                            say these ads are…Select all that apply from a list of

                            impressions like “interesting”, “informative”,

                            “confusing” and “annoying” as well as “no opinion”.

3.2 Results and Discussion

       All the respondents’ feedback data were collected and used to calculate the values

of the measurements. All values of the measurements were calculated as percentages of

the sample that recall or recognize the specific contents of the ads and feel annoyed by

the ads. The following are the equations.

       Product/service recall = number of respondents who recalled the product or

service / number of respondents.

       Brand recall = number of respondents who recalled the brand / number of


       Message recall = number of respondents who recalled the advertising message /

number of respondents.

       Product/service recognition = number of respondents who recognized the product

or service / number of respondents.

       Brand recognition = number of respondents who recognized the brand / number

of respondents.

       Message recognition = number of respondents who recognized the advertising

message/ number of respondents.

       Ad recall/recognition = (Product/service recall + Brand recall + Message recall +

Product/service recognition + Brand recognition + Message recognition) / count of the

total recall and recognition measurements.

       Brand recall/recognition = (Brand recall + Brand recognition) / count of the

brand recall and recognition measurements.

       Annoyance = Number of Respondents Annoyed / Total Number of Respondents.

       In this case, count of the total recall and recognition measurements is 6 and count

of the brand recall and recognition measurements is 2. Figures 5, 6 and 7 show the results

of ad recall/recognition, and brand recall/recognition as well as annoyance measurements,


                         Figure 5: Advertisement Recall/Recognition

       According to Figure 5, the ad recall/recognition values of banner, pop-up and

pop-under were 50%, 41% and 46% respectively, while those of background sound and

hybrid are 75% and 70%. In other words, 46% of the respondents could recall or

recognized the ads in the banner, pop-up and pop-under models, about 73% respondents

could recall or recognize those ads in the background sound and the hybrid models.

These experiment results reflect the background sound ads and the hybrid ads are more

likely to be recalled or recognized than the banner, pop-up and pop-under ads. The

background sound model has the highest ad recall and recognition effectiveness, 75%.

Therefore sound is possibly playing an important role in increasing ad recall/recognition.

                           Figure 6: Brand Recall/Recognition

       As far as branding efficacy, the background sound model and the hybrid model

are also more effective than the banner, pop-up and pop-under models. According to

Figure 6, while the brand recall/recognition values of banner, pop-up and pop-under were

20%, 14% and 26% respectively; the brand recall/recognition values of background

sound and hybrid were 42% and 40%. In other words, about 20% of the respondents

could recall or recognize the brand name, in the cases of banner, pop-up and pop-under.

About 41% of the respondents in the cases of background sound and hybrid, could recall

or recognize the brand name. Therefore, we could summarize that the background sound

and the hybrid models were twice as effective as the banner, pop-up and pop-under

models in recalling and recognizing brand.

                                    Figure 7: Annoyance

       The experiment results of annoyance indicated that banner ads were the least

annoying, only 40% respondents thought they were annoying. However, the annoyance

values of pop-up and pop-under are close, which are 86% and 88%, respectively. The

annoyance value of background sound is 83%, which means that 83% of the respondents

thought the background sound ads were annoying. The hybrid model has the highest

annoyance value: 100%. All respondents thought hybrid ads were annoying, which

suggests this model should be used where the users’ interests are known and relate to the

advertised product or service.

       In summary, compared with the banner, pop-up and pop-under models, the

background sound and hybrid models were more effective in ad recall and recognition as

well as brand recall and recognition. Background sound was the most effective model

among these five models. It implies sound is an effective vehicle to convey advertising

information online. By taking advantage of sound, background sound advertising appears

to be more powerful than banner, pop-up and pop-under advertising to build brand

awareness that favorably influences purchasing behaviors. Its ability to embed typical

sounds like a cell phone ring into the ad gets the viewers’ attention and helps them to be

aware of the advertisements. Only more annoying than banners, background sound ads

were not as intrusive as expected. But, to minimize the annoyance is critical in applying

sound to online ads because they are very easy to be suppressed. As observed, some

respondents turned down the speakers when they heard the ads. The hybrid model had 4

different ad models: banner, pop-up, pop-under and background sound. Although the

contribution each ad form made to ad recall and recognition was not determined in this

experiment, it still implies that the combination of different ad models improves ad

effectiveness in recall and recognition. However, all respondents felt hybrid ads were

annoying. The reason is possibly that it is very difficult for respondents to get use to

different ad formats in a short period of exposure.

       To avoid high risk of being suppressed, the background sound and hybrid ads

should be targeted appropriately and relevant to viewers’ interests. It is also important to

keep the advertising message close to the content of the Web page. These are all keys to

successful online advertising.

4. Conclusions

       Two major works have been done in this study. First, two new online advertising

models (the background sound model and the hybrid model) were addressed. Secondly,

an experiment was conducted to compare the effectiveness of these five online

advertising models: banner, pop-up, pop-under, background sound and hybrid.

       Several interesting conclusions can be reached from the results and observations

made during the experiment. The background sound ads and the hybrid ads were more

effective in ad recall/recognition and brand recall/recognition than the banner, pop-up and

pop-under ads. Banner ads had the lowest annoyance value, the pop-up, pop-under,

background sound and the hybrid ads all have high annoyance value. This effect is

probably due to the fact that banner ads are most commonly used in practice. Therefore,

the participants were use to seeing and ignoring banner ads. So it suggested the hybrid

model and the background sound model should be used where the viewer’s interests are

known and the content of the ads relate to these interests. Otherwise, these advertising

models can become a deterrent. In general, the results of this study support the

background sound advertising model and the hybrid advertising model as promising

alternative models of online advertising if they are used carefully. This was a small

controlled study conducted to compare three existing online advertising models to two

new advertising models. The results are reported here, but more extensive studies should

be conducted with a larger participant base to further support the findings of this study.

5. References

 1. Gusco, R. (2001). The Audio Evolution—Streaming Audio Series Part II:

     Streaming audio ads. [Online] Available at

 2. Higie, R. A. & Sewall, M.A. (1991). Using Recall and Brand Preference to

     Evaluate Advertising Effectiveness, Journal of Advertising Reseach, 31, 2, 56-63.

 3. Sukpanich, N. & Chen, L. (1998). Measuring the Effectiveness of Web Advertising.

     [Online] Available at

 4. Zhang, Q., Wolf, C.G., Daijavad, S. & Touma, M. (1998). Talking to Customers on

     the Web: A Comparison of Three Voice Alternatives, in Proceedings of the ACM

     Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Seattle, WA USA,

     November 14-18, 1998, pp. 109-117.

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  • 1. 1 An Effectiveness Study of Online Advertising Models Juan E. Gilbert, Ph.D. Yuehua Lin, M.S. Auburn University Auburn University Human Centered Computing Lab Human Centered Computing Lab Computer Science & Software Engineering Computer Science & Software Engineering 107 Dunstan Hall 107 Dunstan Hall Auburn, AL 36849 Auburn, AL 36849 +1 334 844 6316 Abstract: The Web has become an important advertising medium and online advertising has been growing rapidly. However, research on how to create effective and innovate online advertising models and how to evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising models has not kept pace with the widespread of online advertising. This research aims to propose and implement two creative online advertising models: the background sound model and a hybrid model. An experiment was conducted to measure the effectiveness of the background sound model and the hybrid model by comparing them to the banner, pop-up and pop-under models. A set of metrics were defined to measure advertisement recall and recognition as well as branding efficacy. 1. Introduction The emergence and ubiquity of the Internet has proven itself of having huge potential as an advertising medium. Online advertising has been the fastest growing part inside the whole advertising industry. As an interdisciplinary research field, Online advertising needs support from different disciplines such as business, psychology and computer science. Unfortunately, the research on online advertising is still remarkably scarce. Rare conclusions can be found to answer questions like “What ad form will be the
  • 2. 2 most effective and what should be in the ad.” The current limitation of online advertising may be concluded as: (1) The form of online advertising is still insufficient. As is known, the widely used online advertising models are only banner, pop-up and pop-under. The effectiveness of these models are still not satisfatory to advertisers. (2) Although there are various evaluation activities involved in compaigns and experiments, it is still difficult to determine the performance of current online advertising models. More and more evaluation experience is still required to establish universally accepted and well approved measurement methodologies and techniques for online advertising. (3) Most research studies tested the effectiveness of a single model. Little research has been down on evaluating and comparing two or more online advertising models. To help advertisers to select appropriate and effective advertising models, it is necessary to carry out comparison studies among different online advertising models. Therefore, it is time to introduce more creative components such as sound, animation and streaming media to online advertising, by which designers can design and implement new online advertising models. Also, because our knowledge of what factors can affect the success of online advertising is limited, it is necessary and valuable to conduct experiments to evaluate the online advertising models. The findings will be useful to establish standards and guidelines of online advertising. This paper aims to present two new online advertising models: a background sound model and a hybrid model. In the background sound model, sound is the only vehicle to convey advertising information. In the hybrid model, advertising information is
  • 3. 3 conveyed via the combination of banner, pop-up, pop-under and background sound. In the empirical part of this research, five online advertising models (banner, pop-up, pop- under, background sound and hybrid) were tested to see their effectiveness on advertising recall and recognition as well as brand recall and recognition. How these models annoy the Web users was also measured in the experiment. From this empirical study, the performance of banner, pop-up, pop-under, background sound and hybrid were evaluated and compared. 2. New Online Advertising Approaches Currently, the most common online advertising models are banner, pop-up and pop-under. A banner is typically a static or dynamic image in the Web page; a pop-up is a new displayed browser window that appeared when the Web page is loaded; a pop-under is similar to a pop-up except that it always hides behind the loaded Web page. Although these models are used widely, they are still considered ineffective because of their disadvantages. For example, banners are easy to ignore; pop-up and pop-under advertisements are often perceived as an annoying and intrusion. With the emergence of new technologies such as streaming media and rich media, integrating sound and multiple media into online advertising is a mainstream. The following sections discuss the new online advertising models: the background sound model and the hybrid model. 2.1 The Background Sound Online Advertising Model Considered one of the most important and widely used media for communication and information dissemination, sound is incorporated into online advertising to build a new online advertising model: the background sound model. The background sound model tries to take advantage of human hearing to subliminally appeal to viewers. This
  • 4. 4 model plays advertisements in the form of streaming audio while users are viewing Web pages. In general, the embedded audio ad begins to play as soon as the Web page loads. Compared to other online advertising models, background sound ads have the following distinct advantages: (1) Sound can convey information efficiently. In other words, sound can convey a vast amount of information at a relatively high speed. A landmark study by Chapanies found that modes of communication that included voice were much faster than those that did not. In the Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) community, there have been a number of compelling demonstrations of the power of voice communication (Zhang, Wolf, Daijavad, and Touma, 1998). (2) Sound allows human computer interaction to occur in a natural and emotional way to communicate. As a medium of sound, audio has the ability to emotionally involve customers with advertising (Gusco, 2001). By providing a rich audio environment in which to engage, entertain and interact with customers, audio advertising could be a better way to communicate a message to a user. (3) Streaming audio has two advantages over streaming video. First, streaming audio needs considerably less bandwidth to achieve high quality than streaming video. Secondly, users can access streaming audio even when they are working, playing games or surfing the net. This facilitates the design and implementation of subliminal advertising, which is a technique of exposing consumers to advertising stimuli without the consumers having conscious awareness. Because customers are believed to decode the information and act upon it without being able to acknowledge a communication stimulus, subliminal advertising can minimize its annoyance.
  • 5. 5 (4) Background sound ads generally don’t occupy any screen space. Therefore, Web pages have more space for Web designers to design visually appealing Websites. At the same time, sound can convey a considerable amount of information without wasting any screen resource. According to the above analysis, background sound is a promising model for online advertising. With the widespread of streaming media technology, background sound advertising will be more accepted and applied. 2.2 The Hybrid Online Advertising Model The hybrid model combines different individual online models. It can mix banner, pop-up, pop-under or background sound. The goal of the hybrid model is to get optimal combination of different online advertising models so as to take advantage of the strength of these models and overcome the weakness of them individually. Obviously, this model has its distinct advantages: (1) Any given Web site could feasibly employ combined model advertising where specific Web pages use specific models. For example, a pop-up ad is not appropriate for a Web page that has a pop-up window as its content. Otherwise, it is possible to cause confusion in the viewers because it is hard to distinguish which pop-up window is the content or the ad within a glimpse. The relative weighting of each individual model is adjustable, and can be modified during campaign or experiment to increase hybrid advertisements’ effectiveness. (2) The hybrid model accommodates more interactivity and technological flexibility. The hybrid model generally combines different online advertising models,
  • 6. 6 which expands its capacity to accommodate different types of objects such as rich media and digital creative technologies. An optimal combination of more than one model should be able to maximize the effectiveness and minimize the annoyance of online advertising. Defining the background sound and hybrid advertising models alone is not good enough. The models must be evaluated through experimentation to determine their effectiveness. 3. Experiment and Analysis To discover the performance of the background sound and the hybrid models by comparing them to the banner, pop-up and pop-under models, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these five models. It was expected that the background sound and hybrid models could have better recall and recognition effectiveness than the banner, pop-up and pop-under models. 3.1 Method Materials In this research, advertisements were designed for a wireless service provider: CDS. It is a fictitious brand that can guarantee the experiment participants have no awareness of this brand prior to this study, so we can eliminate the influence of awareness difference. Five online advertising models were implemented: banner, pop-up, pop-under, background sound and hybrid. Each model contains four advertisements for CDS. These four advertisements convey the same information, although they are in different models. The advertisements are embedded in a JavaScript Web tutorial. They are also located on the same Web pages in different models. Therefore, we can guarantee
  • 7. 7 three identities among these five models. (1) They convey almost the same information such as product/service category, the brand, and advertising message. Therefore, all models delivered the same advertising contents. (2) They are embedded in the same Web pages in a Web tutorial. (3) The total exposure of each advertisement is the same. These identities minimize the differences caused by other factors like the advertisement contents. Figure 1 contains a sample illustration of the banner advertising model used in this experiment. Figure 2 contains a sample illustration of the pop-up advertising model. Figure 3 has a pop-under advertisement. Because pop-under advertisements appear behind the main browser window, it can only be seen in the task bar at the bottom. When the main browser window is closed, the pop-under advertisement becomes visible, see figure 4. The background sound advertisement has no visual appearance, it operates using sound. The hybrid model uses combinations of all of the models. Figure 1: Illustration of a Banner Advertisement
  • 8. 8 Figure 2: Illustration of a Pop-up Advertisement Figure 3: Illustration of a Pop-under Advertisement
  • 9. 9 Figure 4: Illustration of a Pop-under Advertisement closing the main browser window. Participants and Procedures Participants for this experiment were Computer Science students enrolled in an introductory programming language course. They could be considered as Web users with similar experience. They were divided into five groups randomly and these five groups were involved in the test of the five ad models respectively. The participants who did the advertisement experiment and gave their feedback were also called respondents. Participants were told that the purpose of this experiment was to learn JavaScript using a Web tutorial. The participants were not aware that the experiment was an online advertising experiment. They worked alone to read this tutorial during 30 to 40 minutes, which displayed or played the ads in one of the models. After they finished their reading, they were given a quiz on JavaScript. At the end of the experiment, participants were
  • 10. 10 interviewed and asked if they saw or heard any ads during their JavaScript tutorial. If they answered “yes”, they were asked to answer questions on a questionnaire related to the advertisements. Upon completion, they were told not to talk to their classmates about the experiment to make sure that all participants had an equal amount of knowledge of the experiment coming into it. Measurement Today, there is an increasing usage of metrics on consumer’s attitude, branding effect and advertisement recall and recognition in evaluating online advertising effectiveness (Higie, Sweall, 1991; Sukpanich, Chen, 1998). To evaluate the effectiveness of ads in different models, three metrics were employed: Ad recall/recognition, Brand recall/recognition and annoyance to this experiment. Ad recall/recognition is the major metric of this experiment; brand recall/recognition is a subset of ad recall/recognition for evaluating the branding effects; Annoyance is a general attitude for the online advertising models, which is also an important factor affecting the ad effectiveness. To evaluate this, we define annoyance as a measure. The following definitions were used: Ad recall/recognition: measure the extent to which respondents can recall or recognize the contents of the ad. It is determined by product or service, brand and message recall and recognition. Message recall and recognition measures the extent to which respondents can recall or recognize message other than the product/service and brand. Brand recall/recognition: measure the extent to which respondents can recall or recognize the brand name, and it is decided by both brand recall and brand recognition.
  • 11. 11 Annoyance: measure the level of annoyance of each Ad model. It is the percentage of respondents that feel the ads are annoying. In other words, it is the proportion of annoyed respondents versus total number of respondents. To evaluate these measurements, a set of questions was designed for interviewing participants in the form of a questionnaire, see Table 1. Table 1 The Question Design of Measurement Measurement Question Product/service recall Do you recall what product/service was advertised? If yes, can you write down the product/service? Brand recall Do you recall what brand was advertised? If yes, can you please write down the brand name? Message recall Do you recall what else the advertisements said about the product/service? Product/service Do you recall seeing/hearing any ad for wireless service? recognition Select “Yes” or “No” Brand recognition Do you think which brand was advertised on the JavaScript tutorial? Select the brand from a list of brands Message recognition What do you remember about the ad(s)? Select the messages advertised from a list of messages. Annoyance If you were describing these ads to a friend, would you say these ads are…Select all that apply from a list of impressions like “interesting”, “informative”, “confusing” and “annoying” as well as “no opinion”.
  • 12. 12 3.2 Results and Discussion All the respondents’ feedback data were collected and used to calculate the values of the measurements. All values of the measurements were calculated as percentages of the sample that recall or recognize the specific contents of the ads and feel annoyed by the ads. The following are the equations. Product/service recall = number of respondents who recalled the product or service / number of respondents. Brand recall = number of respondents who recalled the brand / number of respondents. Message recall = number of respondents who recalled the advertising message / number of respondents. Product/service recognition = number of respondents who recognized the product or service / number of respondents. Brand recognition = number of respondents who recognized the brand / number of respondents. Message recognition = number of respondents who recognized the advertising message/ number of respondents. Ad recall/recognition = (Product/service recall + Brand recall + Message recall + Product/service recognition + Brand recognition + Message recognition) / count of the total recall and recognition measurements.
  • 13. 13 Brand recall/recognition = (Brand recall + Brand recognition) / count of the brand recall and recognition measurements. Annoyance = Number of Respondents Annoyed / Total Number of Respondents. In this case, count of the total recall and recognition measurements is 6 and count of the brand recall and recognition measurements is 2. Figures 5, 6 and 7 show the results of ad recall/recognition, and brand recall/recognition as well as annoyance measurements, respectively. Figure 5: Advertisement Recall/Recognition According to Figure 5, the ad recall/recognition values of banner, pop-up and pop-under were 50%, 41% and 46% respectively, while those of background sound and hybrid are 75% and 70%. In other words, 46% of the respondents could recall or recognized the ads in the banner, pop-up and pop-under models, about 73% respondents could recall or recognize those ads in the background sound and the hybrid models. These experiment results reflect the background sound ads and the hybrid ads are more likely to be recalled or recognized than the banner, pop-up and pop-under ads. The
  • 14. 14 background sound model has the highest ad recall and recognition effectiveness, 75%. Therefore sound is possibly playing an important role in increasing ad recall/recognition. Figure 6: Brand Recall/Recognition As far as branding efficacy, the background sound model and the hybrid model are also more effective than the banner, pop-up and pop-under models. According to Figure 6, while the brand recall/recognition values of banner, pop-up and pop-under were 20%, 14% and 26% respectively; the brand recall/recognition values of background sound and hybrid were 42% and 40%. In other words, about 20% of the respondents could recall or recognize the brand name, in the cases of banner, pop-up and pop-under. About 41% of the respondents in the cases of background sound and hybrid, could recall or recognize the brand name. Therefore, we could summarize that the background sound and the hybrid models were twice as effective as the banner, pop-up and pop-under models in recalling and recognizing brand.
  • 15. 15 Figure 7: Annoyance The experiment results of annoyance indicated that banner ads were the least annoying, only 40% respondents thought they were annoying. However, the annoyance values of pop-up and pop-under are close, which are 86% and 88%, respectively. The annoyance value of background sound is 83%, which means that 83% of the respondents thought the background sound ads were annoying. The hybrid model has the highest annoyance value: 100%. All respondents thought hybrid ads were annoying, which suggests this model should be used where the users’ interests are known and relate to the advertised product or service. In summary, compared with the banner, pop-up and pop-under models, the background sound and hybrid models were more effective in ad recall and recognition as well as brand recall and recognition. Background sound was the most effective model among these five models. It implies sound is an effective vehicle to convey advertising information online. By taking advantage of sound, background sound advertising appears to be more powerful than banner, pop-up and pop-under advertising to build brand
  • 16. 16 awareness that favorably influences purchasing behaviors. Its ability to embed typical sounds like a cell phone ring into the ad gets the viewers’ attention and helps them to be aware of the advertisements. Only more annoying than banners, background sound ads were not as intrusive as expected. But, to minimize the annoyance is critical in applying sound to online ads because they are very easy to be suppressed. As observed, some respondents turned down the speakers when they heard the ads. The hybrid model had 4 different ad models: banner, pop-up, pop-under and background sound. Although the contribution each ad form made to ad recall and recognition was not determined in this experiment, it still implies that the combination of different ad models improves ad effectiveness in recall and recognition. However, all respondents felt hybrid ads were annoying. The reason is possibly that it is very difficult for respondents to get use to different ad formats in a short period of exposure. To avoid high risk of being suppressed, the background sound and hybrid ads should be targeted appropriately and relevant to viewers’ interests. It is also important to keep the advertising message close to the content of the Web page. These are all keys to successful online advertising. 4. Conclusions Two major works have been done in this study. First, two new online advertising models (the background sound model and the hybrid model) were addressed. Secondly, an experiment was conducted to compare the effectiveness of these five online advertising models: banner, pop-up, pop-under, background sound and hybrid.
  • 17. 17 Several interesting conclusions can be reached from the results and observations made during the experiment. The background sound ads and the hybrid ads were more effective in ad recall/recognition and brand recall/recognition than the banner, pop-up and pop-under ads. Banner ads had the lowest annoyance value, the pop-up, pop-under, background sound and the hybrid ads all have high annoyance value. This effect is probably due to the fact that banner ads are most commonly used in practice. Therefore, the participants were use to seeing and ignoring banner ads. So it suggested the hybrid model and the background sound model should be used where the viewer’s interests are known and the content of the ads relate to these interests. Otherwise, these advertising models can become a deterrent. In general, the results of this study support the background sound advertising model and the hybrid advertising model as promising alternative models of online advertising if they are used carefully. This was a small controlled study conducted to compare three existing online advertising models to two new advertising models. The results are reported here, but more extensive studies should be conducted with a larger participant base to further support the findings of this study.
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