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How would you finally like to do
something easy without leaving your
home where
In fact, I’ll send it to you this week and if you do
exactly what I show you and this somehow doesn’t
make a single penny for you over the next 12 months -
though it would actually be pretty difficult not to make
£1,000 IN CASH
Hello again,
Well this will completely change the way you think
about how money is made as it just doesn’t get
any easier than this because:-
I will pay you up to £270 for EVERY copy of my
Sunday Times Business Best Seller book that you
I have a new opening for you to work with me from your
home, which comes with a quite fantastic Financial &
Rewards Package.
So if you’re looking to take a new exciting direction in your
life, this is something I thing you’ll jump at. It’s a position
which could, for example, see you soon pulling up outside
your house in a BRAND NEW JAGUAR XFwith my
A car which could be yours as a reward - simply based
on giving away JUST 186 of the books you’re paid up
to £270 each on!
But this is just one of the many rewards I treat those who work
successfully with me to. There are many others as you’ll see in a
moment. However, as I said, in addition to the rewards package, this
opening also comes with a great FINANCIAL PACKAGE. Let’s look at
some examples:-
…and you could be making up to £540 A WEEK! Or an extra £28,080.00 a year in other words, in your spare
…and you could make up to £1,890 A WEEK – that’s £98,550.00 A YEAR!
…and you could make up to £3,780 A WEEK – or £196,560 A YEAR!
Now I know what you’re wondering, how can I possibly
pay you up to £270 for EVERY ONE of these books when
you’re giving them away FREE?
In fact, you DO NOT even have to stock any books … sell
anything personally … meet anyone face-to-face ... or
even talk over the phone…
There is NO expensive workshop for you to attend
… NO expensive seminar for you to attend
… NOexpensive private consultation with me for you to
It’s quite simple, if you want to take one of these
Well I can promise you there’s NO CATCH (as you’ll see in a second). This is one of those things which
really is as simple as it sounds.
So sit back, relax and enjoy what you are about to read…
OK let’s start by having a closer look at that Reward Package I mentioned. The first thing you need to
know even before I tell you the kind of rewards I’m offering, is to appreciate the way I work. It’s very
important you understand that:-
It’s the way I’ve built all my businesses. The way I’ve managed to become a Multi-Millionaire myself. The way
I’ve banked over £50 MILLION POUNDS in the process, whilst at the same time helping students of mine
to bank their first million pounds too.
I like to create great working environments and relationships which, if you work with me over the next few
months on this unique opening, you’ll see and experience for yourself first hand.
So with that said let’s take a more detailed look at just some of the rewards which could be coming your way
over the next few weeks (these remember are IN ADDITION to paying you up to £270 FOR EVERY BOOK you
give away free for me).
And let’s start with that Jaguar I mentioned. Indeed imagine how you’d feel if:-
I handed you the keys to a
A car fresh from the showroom and registered in your name. You will own
it outright and never have to return it to me like a company car. You are
free to keep it or sell it on as you wish. In a moment:-
I’ll show you how you could be
driving this away based on
you’ve given away FREE!
Or how would you feel if I rewarded you with a Brand New VW
Once again this car comes fresh from the showroom directly to you and like the Jaguar
will be registered in your name. Likewise you will own it outright and never have to
return it to me, free to keep it or sell it on as you wish from day 1.
I’ll show you how you
could be
driving this away based on
you’ve given away FREE!
How about if I sent you a Brand New 27” Apple Mac Desktop Computer or
Laptop … so you could do something online at home for me much faster...
Would that help convince you? And how about if it came with an iPad 2 and
iPhone 6 plus?
I’ll show you how you could be taking delivery at home of all this based on
you’ve given away FREE!
And how about being very well rewarded with luxuries like a £3,000+ Breitling
Watch of your choice …
A watch which will be delivered to you by overnight courier!
Once again, this is yours to keep. You just need to let me know which model, from the
ones I can offer you, you’d prefer and whether you want a men’s or women’s watch.
I’ll show you how you could be
wearing this on your wrist based on
you’ve given away FREE!
How would you like to be rewarded with a paid-for luxury 2 weeks holiday in either:-
New York … Sydney … Dubai!
I will pay for two first class flights plus 4 to 5 star accommodation for you and your
partner for two weeks in either Dubai, New York or Sydney…
I’ll show you how you could be
jetting off based on
you’ve given away FREE!
Well you get the idea, pretty good rewards right?
Let’s Put It This Way, You Will Find I Am VERY
GENEROUS To Those That Help Me Attain My Own
WITH ME A CHEQUE FOR OVER £400,000 simply as a
reward for the background work he did for me on a few
I also did something similar with a number of customers of
mine just like you when I first tested the idea out a few years
Well you might be interested to know that for just one of these individuals – a guy living in
Yorkshire actually who’d never done this before:-
I wrote him a cheque for £46,960.00 – a sum he now regularly earns.
I just opened the infusionsoft dashboard I have installed on this laptop to check - this is the automated
software I use to track deposits and which holds the latest commission figures for students of mine –
and I can see instantly that LAST MONTH just some of their individual amounts were:-
Needless to say these individuals were very happy.
Well wouldn’t you be if I was sending you a cheque like this every month just for giving away
my book free for example?
In fact, I HAVE PAID OUT MILLIONS OF POUNDS and treated them to many luxuries while they were
working for me.
Cars … Financial Bonuses … great Country Properties for them to live in … rewarded them with 5 Star
Holidays which have spanned the globe - everywhere from the USA to Australia.
And really that’s just a small list of things. Great for them but:-
So let's take a look at this new opportunity to work with me...
And of course let me explain how am I able to pay you up to £270 for each copy of my book you
simply give away FREE?
In fact, this is going to make you feel like a kid all over
again … something which makes you excited about
jumping out of bed every morning full of energy,
passion and a zest for life.
The way making a living should be!
But before I tell you what I'd like you to do and how this
all works, firstly let me tell you a little about that best-
selling book of mine.
Then I’ll show you what I’d like you to do and how I am
able to give you up to £270 per copy just for giving it
away free. And of course, how you are able to do it
WITHOUT ever meeting anyone face-to-face or talking
over the phone
In fact, I’ll tell you how this is so unique … such a new way of making a living, that:-
Even though I will be giving you up to £270 per copy, amazingly I stand to make a lot of
money too, by doing so...
Which actually is why I can afford to give you up to £270 per copy. It’s a real win-win
situation as you’ll now see...
“I had people queuing up for this book – the
response in my test has been pretty spectacular
and even took me by surprise...”
Right let me begin by first telling you a little about the book I’m talking
about. I promise I’ll be very quick. I know you want to secure one of
these openings before someone else does and are more interested in
the financial and rewards package, but it’s good just to have a tiny bit
of background info. Makes everything else easy to understand.
OK, let’s start with the book! Now the book I wrote, which you may
have read, is called Copy This Idea. It was originally published by
Wiley who are one of the UK’s big business book publishers.
I negotiated with Wiley to launch a first edition purely for the UK book
trade in order to test the waters as it were, something I wanted to do
before embarking on what will be a huge major international launch
later this year.
Now I suspected that even in the test of the first edition, that this book would cause a massive reaction
but I’ve got to be honest, I wasn’t prepared for the scale of what happened and neither were Wiley who
I don’t think have seen anything like it. I literally ended up with people queuing up for a copy of my
book at launch trade shows.
In fact, this first edition test run shot the Copy This Idea
book straight to the NUMBER ONE slot of WHSmith’s
Non-Fiction Charts and the Number one slot of
WHSmith’s Business Charts almost overnight. It was
The book has since been voted the WHSmith’s Non-
Fiction book of the week – a superb accolade.
And already reached the top 3 slot in the Sunday Times Business
Best Seller Charts…
That remarkable success I think not only shows how
significant this is but that we’ve hit upon something very
big here
The book also featured in over 500 Sainsbury’s stores
nationwide and stayed in their book charts for weeks …
apparently an amazing feat for any new Author of a non-
fiction book in this genre within a superstore.
During this test-marketing period it was also launched in
Airport Shops up and down the country with HUGE
For example, in the WH Smith Airport Branches it
NUMBER ONE slot in BOTH their Non-Fiction Chart and
Business Charts. Once again this is pretty much unheard
And of course the book has been on sale in all of the
leading online outlets such as Amazon, Waterstones,
Blackwells etc.
Finally, even though we only did this one small test, the
book caused such a positive reaction on the shelves that it
got the attention of the press, receiving excellent press
In short, overnight this became a seriously successful book…
However, during 2015 I now want to take it to the next level…
And that’s where you
come in!
I am completely committed to taking this book to that
next level. In fact, I AM BOOKED SOLID to make sure that
word gets out about this new product with Launches …
Book Signings … Personal Promotional Appearances on
the Radio and TV … and speaking at Large Events around
the UK.
I have a whirlwind of a timetable ahead of me with hardly
a spare day all the way through to the middle of 2016.
In addition I have a HUGE MARKETING CAMPAIGN in
process which includes FULL PAGE ADS in nearly all the
national newspapers and a host of magazines. I am
negotiating a large Poster Campaign placed through
major tube stations, national railway stations and
international airports.
I am even taking this to the USA, The Far East and
Australia in the coming 12 months. It’s a huge amount of
work for me personally which means I just haven’t got
time to focus on probably the biggest market for my
book, and that’s ONLINE!
I simply cannot do everything
and though a Multi-Millionaire,
at the end of the day I am a
one-man ‘business’ working
from my beach house.
Imagine if this was your ‘office’ … where you can
earn all the money you could possibly want and
need all from your beach home. Let me teach you
how to do this and show you a system to help you
attain it.
So what I would like to do is rather than open offices, train and employ individuals and get bogged down in
red tape, health and safety regulations, employees’ wages etc – which I don’t have time to do or oversee
anyway - I’d prefer to give the opportunity to some of my new students dotted around the country who:-
This year can help me to GIVE AWAY …
absolutely FREE:-
And for doing so, as I pointed out, you could be very well paid and enjoy some incredible
rewards. Remember for example, that:-
TO £270 EACH…
…you’d make up to £3,780 A WEEK – or to put it another way, £196,560 A YEAR!
And at that rate it would only take a few weeks for you to also become the registered owner of a Brand New
Jaguar XF fresh out of the showroom.
Tell me what other business, job, or trading system can realistically offer that kind of ‘pay-back’ so quickly (not
to mention the £50,220 you would have earned in reaching this level)?
Indeed, imagine driving past your neighbours and pulling up in that outside your house ;-) It’s not a dream, it
can happen for you.
I was once struggling and living in tiny rented accommodation with virtually not a penny to my name (and I
was in my 40’s at the time so no spring chicken), yet right at this moment I am writing this on the balcony of my
Million Pound Beach House looking out to sea, my £155,000 Bentley Continental parked in my drive and I
regularly bank around £38,000 A WEEK from home.
In other words, I’m PROOF that anyone can become wealthy and lead a glorious life. Now let me help you.
OK Andrew, sounds very interesting. So how does this
work? How can I be one of the ‘students’ you’re taking on?
And how can you afford to pay me up to £270 per book and
reward me with cars, watches, holidays etc?
Well the first thing you need to know as far as giving away these
books is concerned, is that:-
You NEVER even have to handle a single book or
personally meet a single individual who you give this book
away to.
And that’s because you’ll be doing it entirely online for me. This is
the 21st century after all.
So NO standing around street corners in all weathers handing
out these books. Instead you’ll be able to do this right from the
comfort of your home.
You’ll soon be wondering why no one else has thought about this
Everything on your part will be done on your laptop or PC at
home. Now don’t worry there is NOTHING TECHIE involved for
you to do … it’s all very simple ONE-CLICK STUFF! Actually come
to think about it, it is as simple as handing someone a free book
in the street.
And you’ll be pleased to know, you DON’T even have to post the
book off or even stock any of them in your garage or spare room.
This is because everything will be handled by a website I’ll have
set up for you. A web site that individuals will go to in order to
collect their FREE COPY of the ‘Copy This Idea’ book.
Once on that site these individuals will be greeted by an
ONLINE VIDEO MESSAGE featuring myself.
In this video I will explain to them a little more about the book
and the simple, ‘click below’ step they need to take so I can
send them a FREE COPY of the book direct to their home.
This by the way is sent directly from my fulfillment company,
remember, you DON’T ever have to handle a single book or
talk to a single customer.
Furthermore, on your website which you’ll be overseeing while
I am busy taking care of the speaking engagements and
offline promotional campaign, I will have additional personal
videos incorporated which will not just present them with
access to a free hard copy of the Copy This Idea book, but
which AUTOMATICALLY offer upsells to higher-end related
products (such as home study courses, workshops, private
consultations etc).
So what precisely do I want you to do - and how exactly do you get up to £270 for each free
book being given away on the website I’ve set up for you?
Well it’s beautifully simple…
If you’ve read the book or studied my monthly Cash-on-Demand course, you’ll know all about ‘back end’
products (you don’t need to have read that by the way).
This is the key to earning that £270 PER BOOK! This is because individuals picking up their FREE book from
your website will also have the opportunity to purchase a series of RELATED PRODUCTS for which:-
I’ve already tested this out by the way and the conversion rate through to these higher priced upsells is very
In other words, while an individual is ‘picking up’ their free Copy This Idea book from your website you’ll be
automatically paid 50% on every single back-end purchase that free book customer buys while doing so.
Your ONLY task – for which I am going to show you a simple point and click strategy - is to
work from home on your PC or laptop doing what I don’t have the time to do because of all
my speaking engagements, TV appearances and marketing campaigns for the book. And
that’s bringing individuals to your web site – I’ll show you how this is done.
Once an individual is on your website, I’ll take over for you (through my
videos and the automated back-end offers on your website)…
Whilst my fulfillment house will actually handle ALL the orders for you and dispatch both the
free books and other related products ordered from your site.
That’s ALL you need to concentrate on. You’ve got
NOTHING else to worry about.
There’ll be NO complicated techie stuff … NO actual
handling of this product or any related products.
NO chatting to customers on the phone.
All you are doing is chilling out at home and doing your
simple daily tasks to bring individuals onto the website I set
up for you in order for them to initially pick up their free
best-seller – i.e.
Copy This Idea.
As I said, the rest is done by me through the videos and
upsells whilst the well-oiled machine which actually
produces these books, packages them and sends them to
your customers, is all working for you in the background.
In practical terms what this means is you have an online business but with zero headaches:-
 You NEVER sell a thing…
 You NEVER talk to a customer…
 You NEVER handle a single book or related product…
 You NEVER pay for producing a single book or related product…
But maybe best of all, as I mentioned at the start, you are
In fact, if you do exactly what I show you and this somehow doesn’t
make a single penny for you in the next 12 months – something that
would actually be extremely difficult incidentally - then:-
£1,000 IN CASH
And it’s an opening that has all come about because of a seemingly unrelated event that has
caused a big change in my personal life...
Something which I don't mind admitting, was a very
frightening experience and which I am sharing outside of
my family for the first time here today.
It first happened back in July last year when I awoke one
morning and, having flicked on the TV in my hotel room,
started watching the morning newsroom programme on
As I was watching, I suddenly noticed that a section of the
TV screen in the top right hand corner seemed to be
missing. In fact, there was this big white patch appearing.
It looked a bit like this:-
Initially I assumed it was a fault with the hotel’s satellite
box and that some pixels on the screen were missing.
But as I wandered around the room I noticed that the same patch was missing
from everything I could see...
The wardrobe, the bed, the desk, the bath – EVERYTHING!
As you can imagine, this sent me into panic mode. Within minutes I phoned a
nearby private eye clinic and explained my symptoms. Their reply?
An hour later I was sat in a small room surrounded by all
manner of optical scanning equipment.
There were bright lights buzzing around my head, stinging
drops being applied to my eyes, while the
ophthalmologist was giving worrying glances over to his
I was then told not to move and to stay where I was. A
minute or two later one of the country’s leading optical
experts walked into the examination room and gave me a
very sombre hard stare as he announced:-
The consequence was that I had immediate and specialist treatment, then and there and was told there
was nothing more they could do for me at this point. It was a question of waiting to see if that treatment
had at least managed to slow down the decline in my sight.
Worryingly however over the next 2 weeks my eye experienced MASSIVE deterioration...
I could barely make out rough shapes or outlines...
If you look at that photo of the BBC newsroom programme again, and then compare it with the
one below, that’ll give you a good idea as to the level of deterioration occurring:-
24 hours later, it was even worse:-
My vision in my right eye was going…
You can imagine the sheer state of panic I was now in. From being a normal healthy person one
minute, to potentially going blind in a couple of weeks – with something which came completely
out of the blue - well, it was the stuff of nightmares.
I was in such a state that day I even made an appointment
with a leading professor from London’s Harley Street, who
I was able to get an immediate, but costly, private session
with. This was one of the UKs leading professors in
Ophthalmology. I was convinced that the diagnosis that I
could lose my sight must be wrong, there must be
something which could be done.
When he asked who had given me the treatment so far –
and I told him – he looked very surprised and asked me if I
was aware that I had one of the top experts in the UK
already handling my case.
However, he agreed to take another look and I was soon having some further tests...
The first of these tests did nothing to ease my fears one little bit!
He asked me to cover up my left eye - before showing me a
bright light-box eye-chart on the wall, and asking me what I could
“Three jagged lines...”, was my rather pleased reply, relieved that I
had passed his first test:-
However, my initial relief was soon dispelled when the specialist told me
to now cover up my other eye and look at the light box again… only this
time through my left eye. Instead of the 3 jagged lines the true image
emerged – a very bold, full on black letter “E”.
I was in complete shock. And even more so when the Harley Street
specialist told me that if I didn’t have the necessary treatment at the clinic
OF MY LIFE - I’d go blind in that eye. After which, he paused before
calmly proceeding to give me more ‘good’ news:-
“The treatment is not cheap, I'm afraid. EACH monthly treatment will cost you £2,000 but it’s the only
way to save your sight…”.
I explained that I was fortunate enough to be in a financial situation where I could come up with £2000
a month. We went ahead and booked a course of treatment which repaired a large part of my vision.
I dread to think what would have happened if I had not been able to get in to see the top specialists
Or if I'd been unable to afford the monthly treatment…
It made me realise how fortunate I was to have stumbled upon a way of making money years ago from
my laptop, which ticks away in the background, using an automated system which does nearly all of
the work for me.
You see, all the time I was being treated and tested … all the time I was away from my laptop business
focusing on my severe and terrifying optical issues, something amazing was happening.
Something working in the background even when I wasn’t around to monitor it…
In fact, in the first month, while all of this eye trauma was going on – while I was undergoing the
tests and getting all manner of frightening treatment to restore some of my lost vision – my little
autopilot system carried on trading for me in the background. In fact during that one single
month alone – my autopilot systems were trading away for me and deposited into my bank
account exactly:-
And I genuinely hadn’t done a scrap of work that month. NOTHING AT ALL!
Yet this money had been deposited into my bank account automatically as I was being treated –
most of which was PROFIT by the way. Actually, I wasn’t even aware of the money coming in at the
time because, as I said, I was in panic mode and hadn’t even turned on my laptop to check.
So why has my eye problem ended up in me writing to you?
And offering you one of the exciting new openings to work directly with me
which I am making available today?
I vowed to raise money for the charity ‘Blind
Children UK’. A charity devoted to helping those
children with visual impairments and blindness.
So a few days ago in a lovely cosmopolitan venue
by the south coast in Brighton, to raise money
for Blind Children UK, I held a very special 3-DAY
The result of all this is that I’m extremely proud to say we
managed to raise...
EXACTLY £162,460.00
An amount I was privilleged to present to the charity on stage.
It was the start of what proved to be an extraordinary one-
off UK event where over 3 days:-
For the FIRST TIME I revealed the opening you are reading about today.
I explained how to apply and secure one of the Book Promoter positions I’m looking to fulfill
over the next week or so…
I explained how it all works … talked about the financial package these positions come with
… demonstrated the reward package … how to reach the targets all the way from giving
away JUST 12 OF THE BOOKS FREE for which you get up to £270 each on and how in return
that could earn you £3,240 PLUS A BRAND NEW £3,000 BRIETLING WATCH…
… all the way to giving away JUST 186 OF THE BOOKS FREE for which you get up to £270
each on and how in return that could earn you £50,220 PLUS A BRAND NEW
I explained in detail how it works … how individuals could pick up their free copy of my
book on the website I set up for you … and of course how they are taken through to
the high-end related products upon which you’ll be paid 50%.
And where I gathered together probably the largest number of Self-Made Millionaires
and Multi-Millionaires at one event in the UK…
All who came along at my request in support of Blind
Children UK to demonstrate exactly how they created
their wealth.
Ordinary people from all walks of life who know some
very simple ways of making extraordinary incomes
which provide them with quite extraordinary lifestyles.
Wait until you see how some of them live … and what
they earn. Amazing and very exciting to think you
could copy what they do!
Everything from trading systems they are using to Bank Millions on Currency and Forex Trading from home, to creating
Multi-Million Pound Property Portfolios. Systems and businesses different from my own which you can copy yourself and
run from home even if you’ve absolutely done nothing like any of this before.
I’ll tell you a little bit more about each of these wealthy individuals and what they do in a moment.
Of course it’s such a shame you missed it, because if you’ve got any real desire to be wealthy, but just don’t know how - if
you’ve ever wanted to be given a clear path of going from where you are right now to becoming a millionaire:-
This Was The One Single Event In Your Life You Should Have Been To…
How’d you like to be pulling up in your own
Lamborghini as my guest at an event in the future?
Forget ANY other workshop ... ANY other seminar … ANY book you’ve read …
ANY DVD or TV Programme you’ve watched … ANY CD you’ve listened to …
For what was said and demonstrated over that weekend in Brighton, this is the
one place in your life you really needed to be. It was a game changer – actually
a life changer.
Certainly I’ve never been involved in anything which comes even close and I
have seen just about everything over the years. I’ve shared a stage with
Billionaire Donald Trump, the world’s top motivational coach and guru Tony
Robbins, in fact with some of the richest and most successful people you could
meet, but NOTHING, absolutely nothing like this.
The vibe was incredible and I’ve got to say the feedback which I received from
those lucky enough to be in attendance really took me aback.
I believe for those that witnessed this, it changed the way they thought money
was and could be made for ever and opened up to them real possibilities of
earning real money in a way they’d never before imagined.
Which is why it was a real shame you couldn’t come. I think those 3 days would
have been the start of an epic journey for you.
Sadly this event will NOT be repeated again
However, I can offer maybe something EVEN BETTER for you because:-
I had the entire weekend professionally filmed live by a Broadcast Company and
recorded in High Definition…
Every single second of the entire 3 days was captured and
if you’re interested I’m going let you ACCESS IT
The entire Box Set. You’ll be able to watch this on your PC,
Laptop, Tablet or Phone anywhere you want and be
INSTANTLY transported into that room in Brighton.
Now you can have the BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE
and can simply sit back and access this anywhere
in the world … on any device…
It’ll all be there for you 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK, 365 DAYS OF THE YEAR! So you can
watch it and decide if you want to become one of the Book Promoters who I’m looking to set up
around the country.
In fact, switch on your PC, Laptop, Tablet or Phone and you’ll experience the Brighton event as if
you are sitting in that room live – everything filmed in glorious HD colour. You’ll sit in comfort as I
literally show you how:-
By spending around 30 TO 60 MINUTES A DAY in front of a screen like
this in your own home:-
You can receive cheques like this just for giving away a few books
online each week:-
And enjoy rewards from me like these which can be yours for just a few of
the books you could be paid £270 on:-
Plus of course, I’ll also send you a physical FULL BOX SET ON DVD for you to own – that’s
the entire 3-Day Fast-Track-To-A-Millionaire event:-
Furthermore, you will also have access to my Brand New Fast-Track DVD Book
Promoter’s Coaching System…
So you have me as Your Personal Multi-Millionaire Mentor on tap 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
to help and guide you through.
Every single month I will produce a very detailed DVD
and send it to you the next day so I can coach you on
to your next step. This is something which I think
you’ll come to really appreciate and look forward to.
DON’T underestimate the value of this. Being
mentored – coached – in any walk of life is vital. I can’t
emphasise that enough. It’s just something EVERYONE
that wants to achieve anything in life simply MUST
have. I have had one and every millionaire and
successful person I know has had one too.
To have access to your own Multi-Millionaire Mentor … to be basically taken by the hand and
coached, guided and schooled through every step of the way … being told and shown exactly what
to do week-by-week, month-by-month … is going to make an enormous difference in your life
Which is why I’m not just going to set you up, train you
through the On-Demand Box Set and leave you. On the
contrary, to all intents and purposes I’ll be with you in your
I’ll make sure you reach the financial and reward goals
you have set yourself. Just think about that for a second.
Imagine what you can do … what you could achieve if I
was there helping and inspiring you month after month.
Now normally I would charge £99 per month plus vat for this monthly training alone - but as part of
the On-Demand Box Set Access I will give you the first three months of my Private Fast Track DVD
Coaching System – specifically targeted in making YOUR Book Promoter Website successful:-
That way you have 3 MONTHS to play around with the system … 3 months to see how many free
books you can give away and how much you’re earning a week … 3 months to test out the rewards
package … 3 months to experience what it is really like to have your own personal multi-millionaire
Then after the 3 months if you’d still like to keep going with my coaching…
And I think you will as the rewards and cheques come in…
…you’ll pay just £99 plus vat per month. Which actually is almost a token amount as this could be covered
by just giving away ONE free book a month on your website.
Only something you do if you want to. And of course you can stop this monthly coaching whenever you like
anyway. Have it for 4 months, 5 months, the full 12 months, whatever – up to you. If you want to stop – just
let me know (I’ll give you an email address to do this quickly and easily).
Finally, gathered in Brighton a few days ago in support of Blind Children UK, as I indicated a few moments
Several Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires arrived to give FREE PRESENTATIONS of what they do to
generate their wealth….
The systems if you like, they use right now to maintain
their wealth and live their amazing lifestyles.
Perhaps this was the biggest gathering of ordinary people
who have become self-made millionaires at a single event.
They arrived from all over by first class plane, in their
luxury cars, such as Lamborghinis and Aston Martins, in
fact in all manner of ways simply to attend this one-off
This will enable you to do what I do and use one or two of
these, or several if you want, to CREATE MULTIPLE
STREAMS OF INCOME – all of which you can run from
your laptop alongside the one I’ll be helping you to set up.
I’ll tell you a little more about these individuals and what
they do in a second
I’ll tell you a little more about these individuals and what they do in a second.
You simply choose the income streams which appeal to you
and add them to the one I’ll teach you…
It can really help you to build a financial nest egg for you and your family. This was perfectly
demonstrated for me when I had that traumatic month last year and nearly lost my sight.
Remember that £187,106.52 I mentioned which had come into me in the background while I was
receiving my treatment? Well this was made up of several income streams like you’ll learn how to create
yourself from the On-Demand Box Set and DVD Box Sets. In fact, in that month when I was first having my
eye problems, I had multiple project income streams, EACH bringing in different amounts of money.
Here’s just 4 of them:-
Income Stream 1:- £34,927.20
Income Stream 2:- £40,337.78
Income Stream 3:- £45,374.00
Income Stream 4:- £39,129.80
In other words, four little income streams which brought me in between £35,000- £45,000 EACH just in the month I was
being treated. Which is why I am so excited to be able to offer, via your Private On-Demand Access and the DVD Set, these
very successful individuals who are making money using entirely different income streams to my own.
You’ll be amazed what they’re doing and the trading systems they are using which is just making them money day after day
on auto-pilot. Each one of which you can copy from your own home.
In short, it will be like you were in the room in Brighton with them…
Only difference, you get to watch it all at your speed, so you’ll MISS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
and can follow along at your own pace…
In fact it’s even better than being there live because with both the On-Demand Box Set and DVD Box Set you’ll
be able to pause the Millionaire speakers, rewind what they had to say if you’ve missed anything and watch
their presentations over and over again. Things you just could not obviously do if you had been in attendance
In fact, now’s a good time to tell you about these other millionaire speakers. And I really would like to do this
because I do want you to appreciate something you may not fully realize at the moment, and that’s just what a
wonderful opportunity to essentially be coached by successful people you’d not otherwise have access to
Remember, a key to success is to immerse yourself with people already getting the results you want. This you’ll
be able to do through the On-Demand Access and DVD Box Set.
So let me now introduce you to these individuals right now so you can see what they do and have an idea as to
the kind of presentations you’ll be watching when you access your On-Demand & DVD Box Set package.
Obviously at this point I will keep their full identities private until I know whether or not you wish me to send
you the package.
This guy is going to impress you massively. A Multi-Millionaire By
His Twenties, he has gone on to create and run a highly successful
business that blazed a path for the everyday man in the street to sit
at home and from their laptops make the kind of money only those
professionals in the financial district of London might earn.
He is just massively successful having all the trappings you’d
associate with that, from a stunning multi-million pound home to
driving around in either his Lamborghini Aventador or Aston Martin
DBS. And he has made it all doing something I know you’ll not only
love doing, but will be buzzing about once you’ve seen him
demonstrate how he does what he does, because the profits can be
simply enormous. In fact:-
In One Live Demonstration He Made
£19,000 In Just 4 Minutes!
It’s just mind-boggling. Today he travels the world teaching people how to become millionaires doing what he does -
and when you see this on the On-Demand Box Set and/or DVD Set I know you are going to be very surprised just
how easy this is… and as he says, you’ll possibly be a little annoyed that it's taken you so long to discover this. DO
At 27, this guy was hanging around with the wrong crowd and getting
nowhere in life. But at 27 he had a ‘lightbulb’ moment when he realised
something that I cover in my book, Copy This Idea:-
That if you want to get rich, you need to copy the rich bloke (I touched on
this a moment ago too if you recall). It was a massive wake up call.
Something shifted inside of him. He got angry and furious that he’d sunk so
low and vowed to immediately do something about it.
The first thing he did was cut ALL contact with his peer group. He knew
deep down that he needed to be around successful people so he could find
out what they were doing differently, and then do the same by copying what
they were doing. There’s no point copying poor (or average) people if you
want to be rich!
Within a few months he had quit his £1,500 a month job working for an
Insurance company and had started his own business. Within just 5 years
that little business, launched right here in the UK, had pulled in over
In fact its now pulled in over £56 MILLION and still going strong. His story is
an absolute inspiration and you’ll want to ‘copy his idea’ yourself.
I’ve been trying to persuade this guy to fly over from the USA for about 10
years now. I’m pleased to say that finally he agreed.
Why was I so keen? Well here’s a little clue:-
Imagine if all you had to do was GIVE STUFF AWAY ONLINE … to get paid
hundreds of pounds every time you did it. That would be a pretty neat way
to make a living don’t you agree.
In addition to this, the reason I wanted him over here so badly is because I
know he has something which can directly help you with the business I’ll help
you to set up. You know of course about the millions of individuals who we
know are going to have an interest in the products I give you, in the UK alone,
but imagine if you had a way of bringing those individuals through to your
‘Book Promotion Product Website’.
This is where this guy’s system comes to the fore. He is one of the top experts in the world for getting individuals
interested in the products featured on your websites and guiding those individuals all the way through to ALL
your products. In our case, that would be through to the FREE Copy This Idea Book and all the related back-end
products. He’s the guy who regularly features at the top of the affiliate league tables when all the top guys in the
States compete to sell most product in the big $Million dollar launches online.
Now he doesn’t have the ‘rags to riches’ story of some of our other coaches. In fact, before stumbling upon
his system for generating online profits, he was an attorney (but we won’t hold that against him). And he’s a
quietly spoken guy, but what he does have is a ‘secret’ way to succeed which has seen him start one
successful business after another. EACH of which have pulled in MILLIONS OF POUNDS.
In fact, his Internet related companies have shattered online sales records:-
It’s pretty impressive. For example, among other things he demonstrated:
 How to start from scratch and make money online fast…
 Why – and how – giving stuff away can make you £80,000+ a year…
 How to get tons of FREE visitors to your website the easiest ways possible…
 The fastest ways to turn those visitors into cash…
 The step-by-step blueprint for putting this all together…
In my view what this one guy revealed in Brighton over the weekend we were together, and which I recorded live
remember, could be worth all those rewards I mentioned heading your way because what he has and what he can share
with you, can directly help you with the fast-track business I am helping you set up.
This guy has cracked it!
He’s found a great yet simple way to use social media sites like
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and others to make money.
He can show you how to do it all starting from scratch at home in your
spare time – just like he did when he started just 5 years ago.
Word of his Multi-Million Pound System spread and he very quickly drew
attention from the ‘big boys’. As well as running his own system on his
laptop at home or on his travels, he has also now worked with
companies such as, Costa and Premier Inn, among others,
as well as Hollywood & Sporting Celebrities, to help with their social
media and digital marketing.
This guy knows his stuff and he flew in especially to spend time with us
and share his system, so you can copy what he does. Once again, this will
be perfect for you if you take one of the openings I am offering for you
to work with me. And will certainly help you quickly move through all
those rewards such as the VW Tiguan and 5 Star Holiday to a place of
your choice such as Sydney, Australia or Dubai etc, not to mention the
earning levels which you’ll receive as a result.
As an immigrant, with just £200 in his pocket and unable to speak
English, this guy had plenty of excuses why he could not be a success -
and plenty of motivation to become successful too.
After stumbling across a simple way of making money using a borrowed
PC and an internet connection, this guy went from sleeping under
newspaper, to running several businesses, banking over £1million a year.
When I emailed him and told him what I was trying to do here, in raising
money for Blind Children UK, he emailed straight back saying “I’ll be
there – count me in!”. He’s just the kind of person that genuinely wants
to help others.
He agreed to come along and share with us exactly what he did, how he
makes money – and how he can help you get started too with an
autopilot online business of your own.
This guy achieved financial independence in his 20’s having almost
unintentionally built a Multi-Million Pound business.
He stumbled on a way to make such a great living that today he has
turned his attention to teaching others how to do the same.
Now, what he does is something you will definitely want to copy. Already
‘students’ of his are enjoying incredible success CREATING BUSINESSES
cashflow coming directly to them EVERY MONTH.
This has probably been the number one way to become wealthy in the
last 50 years and it's certainly going to be no different in the next 50
years. Actually I am very excited for you to watch his On-Demand ‘live’
presentation so you can also learn how to go from where you are right
now – regardless of your financial position – to create not just a great
monthly income but to have assets worth millions.
Already many of his students are enjoying incredible success – and after
what I witnessed from him in Brighton, I would say you can definitely join
Remember, ALL these Millionaire Coaches came in from around the world for this event…
Some jetted in from abroad, first class of course … others drove to Brighton in their Aston Martins or
Lamborghinis from across the UK…
But whichever way they travelled, one thing I’d like to reiterate is
that to get so many millionaires and multi-millionaires in the
same room willing to teach you what they do, let alone have
access to all of them, is totally unprecedented.
Actually, unprecedented that they were all together to each
share with you and demonstrate to you how they make their
millions and how you can do the same.
You’ll just never get this calibre of people under one roof again,
let alone be able to get the kind of information and
presentations they gave.
Indeed, if you were to spend an hour privately with these people
However, with access to them ON-DEMAND 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK via
both the On-Demand Coaching System and the physical DVD Box Set of the event
recorded live, you can watch and listen to them over and over again WITHOUT
Ok Andrew, so how can I have access to the entire
On-Demand Fast Track Event and take one of the
positions you’re offering?
Well despite the fact that it includes FULL TRAINING to be one of my Book
The opportunity where you’re paid up to £270 for EACH copy of my book
you simply give away free and which comes with a high-end rewards
Despite the fact that I will set you up as one of my Book Promotion
Partners and personally meet the cost to set you up with your own Book
Promoters Web Site.
Despite the fact that it includes putting all my Videos on that web site in
order to offer the free books and sell related products on your behalf so
you can automatically earn an additional 50% on everything sold … where
the website does everything automatically and sends you a
commission each week or month depending on your preference
Despite the fact that you are essentially just pressing a few buttons
at home on your desktop or laptop, or even tablet or smart phone,
while in the background, there is a very well-oiled machine
The Fulfilment Centre … my Beach House Office … the Studios …
the Web Sites … the Videos doing the upsells for you … the
Designers and Programmers setting up those websites … the
Production Team and Engineers filming and editing …
The Staff packaging, labelling and delivering the products at the
fulfilment centre …
The Customer Service Operators dealing with your customer’s
orders and queries … not to mention all their salaries.
All working for you in the background.
Despite the fact that it includes my own Private Fast-Track Book
Promoters Coaching and Mentoring Programme free for 3 months
where for a whole year I’ll guide and school you through every step of
the way…
Despite the fact it comes with immediate access to the On-Demand
Box Set featuring the Training and Presentations from all of the
other Millionaire and Multi-Millionaire Coaches who came to
Brighton. Presentations featuring multiple streams of income you’d not
otherwise have access to without it costing you a lot of money…
Despite the fact that it literally took me months and months of a lot
of hard work and time to contact them all personally and arrange for
them to come over from all over the world for that one weekend a few
days ago (honestly that was a mammoth effort to not just get them to
agree to divulge what they do but to get them all under one roof at
the same time in their busy schedules)…
Despite the fact that I am even sending you a physical
FULL BOX SET ON DVD for you to own – that’s the entire
3-Day Fast-Track-To-A-Millionaire event captured live…
Despite the fact that I FUNDED AND PAID FOR
A Broadcast Crew for 3 days … Sound And Editing
Crews to produce the DVD Box Set and On-Demand
Box Set for you … a Film Studio … the Venue and Staff
for 3 days ...
Despite all this I DON’T WANT THE TENS OF THOUSANDS this is actually
worth, or indeed cost me personally…
Instead I’m going to let you have:-
Of course, I can’t provide everyone with access to the On-Demand Box Set or send everyone the free
DVD’s. I only want people that are serious about working with me.
Serious about learning how to be paid up to £270 per book just for giving them away and serious about
reaching rewards such as the Jaguar XF.
Serious about helping me to give away one hundred thousand of these books this year. And of course
serious about making money with me. It’s too important as I am putting a huge amount of effort into
promoting this book offline. I have a huge marketing campaign underway, am committed to a host of
speaking engagements for it and of course you’ve seen from this letter, I have put an enormous effort into
putting the Brighton event all together.
Because of this, you’ll understand that I do NOT want timewasters
It’s not worth it for me or for you especially when it comes to personally mentoring you.
So to have immediate access to everything I’ve mentioned and for the Full On-Demand Training
Package, all I require so I can be sure you’re serious is a ONE-OFF £497+vat which is not only:-
…but comes with the total back-up of having a GUARANTEED TO MAKE MONEY TRIPLE
GUARANTEE which I’ll tell you about in a second.
That way you can TRY IT OUT WITHOUT RISK … see how
many books you can give away … watch how many
convert to the higher-end products paying you up to £270
PER COPY … actually experience making money … see
how the deposits are paid … see how the rewards
automatically kick in.
For example, give away JUST 38 BOOKS FREE which you
are paid £270 on and this will automatically trigger the
release of the reward programme which in this case means
you’ll take delivery of an Apple Pack including Apple Mac
27” Desktop, iPad 2 and iPhone 6+.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, why the fully refundable figure is £497+vat?
If you go to a website like you’ll see
how much it would have been to stay in a hotel for 3
or 4 nights just for one person alone over a summer
weekend. And that doesn’t include of course your
travelling costs, food and drink costs etc.
Well it’s because that’s the minimum it would have probably cost you
had you come to the event in Brighton over the weekend for the 3 days.
It would have been at least that in travelling costs, for the charity
donation, for food costs and hotel costs. Actually probably a lot more.
So the fully secure and refundable £497 (+vat) will prove you are at least
serious in giving this a trial run whilst ensuring that I am not putting all
the time and effort into setting everything up for you and coaching you
only to find out you’re not even interested. Remember, I am looking for
Book Promoters to help me GIVE AWAY 100,000 BOOKS THIS YEAR so
there’s a lot of money to be made for both of us if we help each other
But of course I also want you to be happy with working with me … happy
with the training given on the On-Demand Box Set and DVD Box Set …
happy with the Financial and Rewards Package etc.
So, as I mentioned, I am not just going to FULLY PROTECT this £497
(+vat) for you but provide you with total peace of mind in every area by
giving you a TRIPLE GUARANTEE!
In fact, the strongest guarantee I have ever given:-
Remember, you are GUARANTEED to make money with this so it doesn’t
get much easier. But to fully protect you I’ll do this for you:-
If you do exactly what I show you and this somehow doesn’t make a
single penny for you over the next 12 months - though it would actually
be pretty difficult not to make money then I will personally give you
…and think how great just that is for a moment. It’s akin to going to the 3-day event and if you
didn’t feel it was for you, being paid back your charity donation, your travelling costs, your hotel
But in addition to this:-
£1,000 IN CASH
In other words, you’ll receive over 3 times what you secured this for. Which in this case
would mean:-
…and think how great just that is for a moment. It’s akin to going to the 3-day event and if you
didn’t feel it was for you, being paid back your charity donation, your travelling costs, your hotel
But in addition to this:-
£1,000 IN CASH
So are you ready to also help yourself and your own family?
I ask this last question because you’ll also NEVER get a better opportunity than the one you have
in front of you right at this moment to start on the road to a BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE!
I promise to put absolutely everything I have into this for you and help you to succeed. Equally, I
promise that the 3 day event in Brighton was just the absolute best I have ever been a part of. And
I think when you either watch the DVD’s or access the On-Demand recording, whether it be on
your PC, Laptop, Tablet or Phone, you will feel like you’ve also been part of the most extraordinary
3-day experience of your life.
This Will Be The Start Of
A Wonderful Journey!
A journey which can start for you right now by clicking here now:-
In short, as you watch the On-Demand Box Set and you see the kind of amazing life which can
open up in front of you.
The kind of life where you get to choose the days you work. Where you
have the freedom and flexibility to work around your own personal
commitments and weekly plans.
In fact, imagine working from your future home overlooking the sea for
instance. A private beach in front of you … a private space personal to you
where you can create an area where you’ll feel inspired … creative … where
you’ll be really happy and feel proud at what you’re producing.
Where you’ll be relaxed, calm and free from worries.
Imagine all that, and then I think you’ll at least have some idea as to what
life, working with me on this, can be like and where it can take you.
Indeed this is how making money should be:-
Because it’s not just about trying to help you make the
income of your choice, but helping you to be someone who
really OWNS their life. To provide you with more options to
create the ideal life YOU personally would like to lead.
To help you make more money to buy more time, buy more
freedom and buy more choices.
There’s never been another event quite like this in this country
and probably won’t be again. Unfortunately you missed it
over the weekend, but now you have a second chance – an
opportunity to experience this ‘live’ wherever you may be.
And that’s an opportunity to experience this on your own
terms… in your own time … in your own home … in fact,
whenever you want and wherever you want. And I just think is
too good to miss again.
Of course, it’s natural to have a bit of fear of the unknown – a bit of disbelief. I totally understand that, I’ve been
there as have the millionaire coaches which came along to Brighton for the 3-day event. We’ve all been at the
point you are now. We’ve all had the same doubts.
Yes it might seem like an impossible dream from where you’re sitting now but it’s definitely there for you.
Imagine if this was your future ‘office’ … where you can earn all
the money you could possibly want and need all from your
beach home. It can happen for you
Remember what I said earlier, it’s not a dream, it can happen for you. I was once
struggling and living in tiny rented accommodation with virtually not a penny to my
name yet right at this moment I am writing this on the balcony of my Million Pound
Beach House looking out to sea, my £155,000 Bentley Continental parked in my drive
and I regularly bank around £38,000 A WEEK from home.
In other words, I’M LIVING PROOF OF THAT! that anyone can become wealthy and lead
a glorious life. Now let me help you.
The point is, no matter where you are, your life can change massively. And even if you
doubt it now ... by the time you’ve watched the full 3-days and what took place ... you’ll
not just believe it, you’ll be very clear in your mind how to do it.
I guess what you’ve really got to ask yourself right now is:-
What would be the cost to you and your family of NOT viewing the On-Demand Box Set
and DVDs?
Think About It Seriously! At the end of the day what’s the worst that can happen? After all,
remember I’ll not just help to set this up for you and personally mentor you on, but where:-
A business remember where I’ll pay you up to £270 for EVERY copy of my book YOU GIVE
AWAY FREE … something where if you do end up doing exactly what I show you and this
somehow doesn’t make a single penny for you in the next 12 months:-
£1,000 IN CASH
However, I realise that until you sit down and see this for yourself you’ll never truly know that
for sure
You WON’T get another chance to get this so take this opportunity with both hands now by reserving
your access and full set right now. Why let others get there first and seize the reward which could be
Further down the line if you do nothing you are likely to be in
exactly the same place as you are now. Nothing would have
changed in your life. Whilst there’ll be others who do seize this
opening, and are earning thousands of pounds a week and driving
around in their Brand New Jaguar XF, while their partner is driving
their VW TIGUAN, wearing their £3,000 Brietling Watch, working
on their brand new Apple Mac and planning the 5 star holiday to
Australia they’ve just been given.
In short, living the kind of life which could have been yours. Should
have been yours. At least for you to have the opportunity of
So don’t you think at least you owe it to yourself and your family to
take a look especially when reviewing this at home is just a matter
of making one click.
Just ONE CLICK now could change your life, makes you think doesn’t it:
Which just leaves me to say that I very much look forward to working with you and to handing you the keys to
rewards like the New Jaguar XF, or sending you a New £3,000 Brietling Watch for your efforts. We can do this.
And finally, thank you so, so much for going out of your way and spending the time to read this letter. It is genuinely
much appreciated.
Whatever you decide, have a great future.
With my very best wishes…
Andrew Reynolds
P.S.1 Don’t forget you are fully protected by my TRIPLE 100% NO RISK GUARANTEE!
P.S.2 Remember you are GUARANTEED TO MAKE MONEY. If you don’t make a single penny in the next
12 months, after you’ve done exactly what I’ve shown you – and it would be difficult not to make money –
then you will not only receive a cheque for £497 back but in addition to this I’ll even give you £1,000 IN
CASH just for test-driving it from your home!
P.S.3 In other words, you’ll receive OVER 3 TIMES what you secured this for. Which in this case would
mean just for trying it, if it doesn’t make you a single penny – and you have a whole year to try this – then
I’LL GIVE YOU A TOTAL OF £1,497.00 as a thank you for at least testing it out.
P.S.4 Please also remember that this is the ONLY chance you have of experiencing this. The Brighton event
will NOT be repeated. I am only looking for a few Book Promoters to help me give away 100,000 copies of
the book to earn up to £270 PER BOOK YOU GIVE AWAY FREE and enjoy rewards such as a Brand New
Jaguar XF which could be yours with JUST 186 OF THE BOOKS YOU GIVE AWAY.
P.S.5 I can confirm you will also receive 3 MONTHS of my Book Promoters Coaching Programme
COMPLETELY FREE! And let me make this promise to you:- I will be the best coach and mentor you
could wish for and do my very best in helping you achieve the epic life you deserve. This is more than just
about the money, this is about doing something which makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning
full of passion, vigour and that glad-to-be-alive feeling. To feel like a kid all over again excited for the day
P.S.6 With access to the On Demand Box Set let me remind you that I will also send you the FULL DVD
Box Set of the entire 3-Day event, ABSOLUTELY FREE!
ORDER Your On-Demand
Package TODAY For A
Was a special THANK YOU for making the decision TODAY and securing your place to
work with me as one of my Book Promoters, I would like to give you a gift which is:-
WORTH £7,500!
You can have it with my compliments and will mark the start of knowing what it’s like
working with me and that I intend to help you as much as possible.
In fact, I’ll do something I’ve NEVER even done for my private millionaire students by giving you access
to my Private Members Product Syndicate.
You’ll NOT have heard of this before as I’ve NEVER
mentioned this in my Book, Home Study Course or
Newsletter, but it is a VERY EXCLUSIVE behind closed
doors source for brand new products that become
available but NEVER get talked about on the open market.
It’s where I and a handful of millionaires in the trade get
together to have first viewing of brand new products
which come in from all around the world. In a private
venue they are presented to us by the product developers
prior to release into the market.
Now usually just to have access to this small Private Product Syndicate is AROUND £300 PER
MONTH, however I’ve arranged not just to include access to it along with my On Demand Fast
Track Coaching programme, but to give you:-
This will include Ready-Made Licensed products to the
value of £7,500 for you to make additional income by
enabling you to copy my own cash-on-demand style
business on your laptop, like the one featured in my
Sunday Times Best Selling book Copy This Idea.
The same one where not only have several of my students
already banked their FIRST MILLION POUNDS as a result
but it will allow you to copy the same system…
I’ve banked over £50 MILLION POUNDS running a cash-
on-demand laptop business - now let me help you. The
£7,500 of ready-made products can launch you on the
road to an amazing lifestyle. I love living by the beach in a
just some profits I made with this over a few weeks. How
would you like to live in a place like this too? Imagine
that’s your home office and view above. It can happen.
OF £38,000 A WEEK FROM!

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Discover how one ordinary guy stumbled upon an easy way to make a LOT of money

  • 2. How would you finally like to do something easy without leaving your home where YOU’RE GUARANTEED TO MAKE MONEY?
  • 3. In fact, I’ll send it to you this week and if you do exactly what I show you and this somehow doesn’t make a single penny for you over the next 12 months - though it would actually be pretty difficult not to make money:– I'LL EVEN GIVE YOU £1,000 IN CASH JUST FOR TEST-DRIVING IT FROM YOUR HOME!
  • 4. Hello again, Well this will completely change the way you think about how money is made as it just doesn’t get any easier than this because:- I will pay you up to £270 for EVERY copy of my Sunday Times Business Best Seller book that you simply… GIVE AWAY FREE!!
  • 5. I have a new opening for you to work with me from your home, which comes with a quite fantastic Financial & Rewards Package. So if you’re looking to take a new exciting direction in your life, this is something I thing you’ll jump at. It’s a position which could, for example, see you soon pulling up outside your house in a BRAND NEW JAGUAR XFwith my compliments. A car which could be yours as a reward - simply based on giving away JUST 186 of the books you’re paid up to £270 each on!
  • 6. THINK YOU COULD DO THAT? But this is just one of the many rewards I treat those who work successfully with me to. There are many others as you’ll see in a moment. However, as I said, in addition to the rewards package, this opening also comes with a great FINANCIAL PACKAGE. Let’s look at some examples:-
  • 7. GIVE AWAY JUST TWO BOOKS A WEEK… …and you could be making up to £540 A WEEK! Or an extra £28,080.00 a year in other words, in your spare time…
  • 8. GIVE AWAY JUST ONE BOOK A DAY… …and you could make up to £1,890 A WEEK – that’s £98,550.00 A YEAR!
  • 9. GIVE AWAY JUST A COUPLE OF BOOKS A DAY FREE… …and you could make up to £3,780 A WEEK – or £196,560 A YEAR!
  • 10. Now I know what you’re wondering, how can I possibly pay you up to £270 for EVERY ONE of these books when you’re giving them away FREE? In fact, you DO NOT even have to stock any books … sell anything personally … meet anyone face-to-face ... or even talk over the phone… There is NO expensive workshop for you to attend … NO expensive seminar for you to attend … NOexpensive private consultation with me for you to attend… It’s quite simple, if you want to take one of these openings:- Well I can promise you there’s NO CATCH (as you’ll see in a second). This is one of those things which really is as simple as it sounds.
  • 11. YOU CAN HAVE IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO IT OVER THE NEXT FEW MINUTES! NO RISK … NO OBLIGATION … NO WAITING! So sit back, relax and enjoy what you are about to read… OK let’s start by having a closer look at that Reward Package I mentioned. The first thing you need to know even before I tell you the kind of rewards I’m offering, is to appreciate the way I work. It’s very important you understand that:- I BELIEVE THAT IF YOU WORK WITH ME, AND YOU DO WELL, THEN YOU DESERVE TO BE REWARDED!
  • 12. It’s the way I’ve built all my businesses. The way I’ve managed to become a Multi-Millionaire myself. The way I’ve banked over £50 MILLION POUNDS in the process, whilst at the same time helping students of mine to bank their first million pounds too. I like to create great working environments and relationships which, if you work with me over the next few months on this unique opening, you’ll see and experience for yourself first hand. So with that said let’s take a more detailed look at just some of the rewards which could be coming your way over the next few weeks (these remember are IN ADDITION to paying you up to £270 FOR EVERY BOOK you give away free for me).
  • 13. And let’s start with that Jaguar I mentioned. Indeed imagine how you’d feel if:- I handed you the keys to a BRAND NEW JAGUAR XF:- IMAGINE SITTING BEHIND THE WHEEL OF THIS BRAND NEW JAGUAR XF
  • 14. A car fresh from the showroom and registered in your name. You will own it outright and never have to return it to me like a company car. You are free to keep it or sell it on as you wish. In a moment:- I’ll show you how you could be driving this away based on JUST 186 OF THE BOOKS you’ve given away FREE!
  • 15. Or how would you feel if I rewarded you with a Brand New VW TIGUAN 4x4… Once again this car comes fresh from the showroom directly to you and like the Jaguar will be registered in your name. Likewise you will own it outright and never have to return it to me, free to keep it or sell it on as you wish from day 1.
  • 16. I’ll show you how you could be driving this away based on JUST 93 OF THE BOOKS you’ve given away FREE!
  • 17. How about if I sent you a Brand New 27” Apple Mac Desktop Computer or Laptop … so you could do something online at home for me much faster...
  • 18. Would that help convince you? And how about if it came with an iPad 2 and iPhone 6 plus? I’ll show you how you could be taking delivery at home of all this based on JUST 38 OF THE BOOKS you’ve given away FREE!
  • 19. And how about being very well rewarded with luxuries like a £3,000+ Breitling Watch of your choice … A watch which will be delivered to you by overnight courier!
  • 20. Once again, this is yours to keep. You just need to let me know which model, from the ones I can offer you, you’d prefer and whether you want a men’s or women’s watch. I’ll show you how you could be wearing this on your wrist based on JUST 12 OF THE BOOKS you’ve given away FREE!
  • 21. FANCY FIRST CLASS TRIPS ABROAD? How would you like to be rewarded with a paid-for luxury 2 weeks holiday in either:- New York … Sydney … Dubai! I will pay for two first class flights plus 4 to 5 star accommodation for you and your partner for two weeks in either Dubai, New York or Sydney…
  • 22. I’ll show you how you could be jetting off based on JUST 75 OF THE BOOKS you’ve given away FREE!
  • 23. Well you get the idea, pretty good rewards right? Let’s Put It This Way, You Will Find I Am VERY GENEROUS To Those That Help Me Attain My Own Goals... As an example, I HANDED SOMEONE WHO WORKED WITH ME A CHEQUE FOR OVER £400,000 simply as a reward for the background work he did for me on a few projects. I also did something similar with a number of customers of mine just like you when I first tested the idea out a few years ago.
  • 24. Well you might be interested to know that for just one of these individuals – a guy living in Yorkshire actually who’d never done this before:- I wrote him a cheque for £46,960.00 – a sum he now regularly earns.
  • 25. I just opened the infusionsoft dashboard I have installed on this laptop to check - this is the automated software I use to track deposits and which holds the latest commission figures for students of mine – and I can see instantly that LAST MONTH just some of their individual amounts were:- £34,667.34 £33,487.21 £25,531.78 Needless to say these individuals were very happy. Well wouldn’t you be if I was sending you a cheque like this every month just for giving away my book free for example? In fact, I HAVE PAID OUT MILLIONS OF POUNDS and treated them to many luxuries while they were working for me. Cars … Financial Bonuses … great Country Properties for them to live in … rewarded them with 5 Star Holidays which have spanned the globe - everywhere from the USA to Australia. And really that’s just a small list of things. Great for them but:- NOW IT’S YOUR TURN!
  • 26. So let's take a look at this new opportunity to work with me... And of course let me explain how am I able to pay you up to £270 for each copy of my book you simply give away FREE? In fact, this is going to make you feel like a kid all over again … something which makes you excited about jumping out of bed every morning full of energy, passion and a zest for life. The way making a living should be! But before I tell you what I'd like you to do and how this all works, firstly let me tell you a little about that best- selling book of mine. Then I’ll show you what I’d like you to do and how I am able to give you up to £270 per copy just for giving it away free. And of course, how you are able to do it WITHOUT ever meeting anyone face-to-face or talking over the phone
  • 27. In fact, I’ll tell you how this is so unique … such a new way of making a living, that:- Even though I will be giving you up to £270 per copy, amazingly I stand to make a lot of money too, by doing so... Which actually is why I can afford to give you up to £270 per copy. It’s a real win-win situation as you’ll now see... “I had people queuing up for this book – the response in my test has been pretty spectacular and even took me by surprise...” Right let me begin by first telling you a little about the book I’m talking about. I promise I’ll be very quick. I know you want to secure one of these openings before someone else does and are more interested in the financial and rewards package, but it’s good just to have a tiny bit of background info. Makes everything else easy to understand. OK, let’s start with the book! Now the book I wrote, which you may have read, is called Copy This Idea. It was originally published by Wiley who are one of the UK’s big business book publishers. I negotiated with Wiley to launch a first edition purely for the UK book trade in order to test the waters as it were, something I wanted to do before embarking on what will be a huge major international launch later this year.
  • 28. Now I suspected that even in the test of the first edition, that this book would cause a massive reaction but I’ve got to be honest, I wasn’t prepared for the scale of what happened and neither were Wiley who I don’t think have seen anything like it. I literally ended up with people queuing up for a copy of my book at launch trade shows. In fact, this first edition test run shot the Copy This Idea book straight to the NUMBER ONE slot of WHSmith’s Non-Fiction Charts and the Number one slot of WHSmith’s Business Charts almost overnight. It was astonishing. The book has since been voted the WHSmith’s Non- Fiction book of the week – a superb accolade. And already reached the top 3 slot in the Sunday Times Business Best Seller Charts…
  • 29. That remarkable success I think not only shows how significant this is but that we’ve hit upon something very big here The book also featured in over 500 Sainsbury’s stores nationwide and stayed in their book charts for weeks … apparently an amazing feat for any new Author of a non- fiction book in this genre within a superstore. During this test-marketing period it was also launched in Airport Shops up and down the country with HUGE SUCCESS!
  • 30. For example, in the WH Smith Airport Branches it appeared in, IT ROCKETED STRAIGHT INTO THEIR NUMBER ONE slot in BOTH their Non-Fiction Chart and Business Charts. Once again this is pretty much unheard of. And of course the book has been on sale in all of the leading online outlets such as Amazon, Waterstones, Blackwells etc. Finally, even though we only did this one small test, the book caused such a positive reaction on the shelves that it got the attention of the press, receiving excellent press coverage.
  • 31. In short, overnight this became a seriously successful book… However, during 2015 I now want to take it to the next level…
  • 32. And that’s where you come in! I am completely committed to taking this book to that next level. In fact, I AM BOOKED SOLID to make sure that word gets out about this new product with Launches … Book Signings … Personal Promotional Appearances on the Radio and TV … and speaking at Large Events around the UK. I have a whirlwind of a timetable ahead of me with hardly a spare day all the way through to the middle of 2016. In addition I have a HUGE MARKETING CAMPAIGN in process which includes FULL PAGE ADS in nearly all the national newspapers and a host of magazines. I am negotiating a large Poster Campaign placed through major tube stations, national railway stations and international airports.
  • 33. I am even taking this to the USA, The Far East and Australia in the coming 12 months. It’s a huge amount of work for me personally which means I just haven’t got time to focus on probably the biggest market for my book, and that’s ONLINE! I simply cannot do everything and though a Multi-Millionaire, at the end of the day I am a one-man ‘business’ working from my beach house. Imagine if this was your ‘office’ … where you can earn all the money you could possibly want and need all from your beach home. Let me teach you how to do this and show you a system to help you attain it.
  • 34. So what I would like to do is rather than open offices, train and employ individuals and get bogged down in red tape, health and safety regulations, employees’ wages etc – which I don’t have time to do or oversee anyway - I’d prefer to give the opportunity to some of my new students dotted around the country who:- This year can help me to GIVE AWAY … absolutely FREE:- ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND BOOKS ONLINE!
  • 35. And for doing so, as I pointed out, you could be very well paid and enjoy some incredible rewards. Remember for example, that:- IF YOU GAVE AWAY JUST A COUPLE OF THESE BOOKS A DAY ON WHICH YOU ARE PAID UP TO £270 EACH… …you’d make up to £3,780 A WEEK – or to put it another way, £196,560 A YEAR!
  • 36. And at that rate it would only take a few weeks for you to also become the registered owner of a Brand New Jaguar XF fresh out of the showroom. Tell me what other business, job, or trading system can realistically offer that kind of ‘pay-back’ so quickly (not to mention the £50,220 you would have earned in reaching this level)? Indeed, imagine driving past your neighbours and pulling up in that outside your house ;-) It’s not a dream, it can happen for you. I was once struggling and living in tiny rented accommodation with virtually not a penny to my name (and I was in my 40’s at the time so no spring chicken), yet right at this moment I am writing this on the balcony of my Million Pound Beach House looking out to sea, my £155,000 Bentley Continental parked in my drive and I regularly bank around £38,000 A WEEK from home. In other words, I’m PROOF that anyone can become wealthy and lead a glorious life. Now let me help you.
  • 37. OK Andrew, sounds very interesting. So how does this work? How can I be one of the ‘students’ you’re taking on? And how can you afford to pay me up to £270 per book and reward me with cars, watches, holidays etc? Well the first thing you need to know as far as giving away these books is concerned, is that:- You NEVER even have to handle a single book or personally meet a single individual who you give this book away to. PRETTY NEAT YES?
  • 38. And that’s because you’ll be doing it entirely online for me. This is the 21st century after all. So NO standing around street corners in all weathers handing out these books. Instead you’ll be able to do this right from the comfort of your home. You’ll soon be wondering why no one else has thought about this before. Everything on your part will be done on your laptop or PC at home. Now don’t worry there is NOTHING TECHIE involved for you to do … it’s all very simple ONE-CLICK STUFF! Actually come to think about it, it is as simple as handing someone a free book in the street. And you’ll be pleased to know, you DON’T even have to post the book off or even stock any of them in your garage or spare room. This is because everything will be handled by a website I’ll have set up for you. A web site that individuals will go to in order to collect their FREE COPY of the ‘Copy This Idea’ book.
  • 39. Once on that site these individuals will be greeted by an ONLINE VIDEO MESSAGE featuring myself. In this video I will explain to them a little more about the book and the simple, ‘click below’ step they need to take so I can send them a FREE COPY of the book direct to their home. This by the way is sent directly from my fulfillment company, remember, you DON’T ever have to handle a single book or talk to a single customer. Furthermore, on your website which you’ll be overseeing while I am busy taking care of the speaking engagements and offline promotional campaign, I will have additional personal videos incorporated which will not just present them with access to a free hard copy of the Copy This Idea book, but which AUTOMATICALLY offer upsells to higher-end related products (such as home study courses, workshops, private consultations etc).
  • 40. So what precisely do I want you to do - and how exactly do you get up to £270 for each free book being given away on the website I’ve set up for you? Well it’s beautifully simple… If you’ve read the book or studied my monthly Cash-on-Demand course, you’ll know all about ‘back end’ products (you don’t need to have read that by the way). This is the key to earning that £270 PER BOOK! This is because individuals picking up their FREE book from your website will also have the opportunity to purchase a series of RELATED PRODUCTS for which:- YOU’LL RECEIVE 50% OF THE PROFITS! I’ve already tested this out by the way and the conversion rate through to these higher priced upsells is very good. In other words, while an individual is ‘picking up’ their free Copy This Idea book from your website you’ll be automatically paid 50% on every single back-end purchase that free book customer buys while doing so.
  • 41. Your ONLY task – for which I am going to show you a simple point and click strategy - is to work from home on your PC or laptop doing what I don’t have the time to do because of all my speaking engagements, TV appearances and marketing campaigns for the book. And that’s bringing individuals to your web site – I’ll show you how this is done. Once an individual is on your website, I’ll take over for you (through my videos and the automated back-end offers on your website)… Whilst my fulfillment house will actually handle ALL the orders for you and dispatch both the free books and other related products ordered from your site.
  • 42. That’s ALL you need to concentrate on. You’ve got NOTHING else to worry about. There’ll be NO complicated techie stuff … NO actual handling of this product or any related products. NO chatting to customers on the phone. All you are doing is chilling out at home and doing your simple daily tasks to bring individuals onto the website I set up for you in order for them to initially pick up their free best-seller – i.e. Copy This Idea. As I said, the rest is done by me through the videos and upsells whilst the well-oiled machine which actually produces these books, packages them and sends them to your customers, is all working for you in the background.
  • 43. In practical terms what this means is you have an online business but with zero headaches:-  You NEVER sell a thing…  You NEVER talk to a customer…  You NEVER handle a single book or related product…  You NEVER pay for producing a single book or related product… But maybe best of all, as I mentioned at the start, you are GUARANTEED TO MAKE MONEY!
  • 44. In fact, if you do exactly what I show you and this somehow doesn’t make a single penny for you in the next 12 months – something that would actually be extremely difficult incidentally - then:- I'LL EVEN GIVE YOU £1,000 IN CASH JUST FOR TEST-DRIVING IT FROM YOUR HOME!
  • 45. And it’s an opening that has all come about because of a seemingly unrelated event that has caused a big change in my personal life... Something which I don't mind admitting, was a very frightening experience and which I am sharing outside of my family for the first time here today. It first happened back in July last year when I awoke one morning and, having flicked on the TV in my hotel room, started watching the morning newsroom programme on BBC1. As I was watching, I suddenly noticed that a section of the TV screen in the top right hand corner seemed to be missing. In fact, there was this big white patch appearing. It looked a bit like this:- Initially I assumed it was a fault with the hotel’s satellite box and that some pixels on the screen were missing.
  • 46. But as I wandered around the room I noticed that the same patch was missing from everything I could see... The wardrobe, the bed, the desk, the bath – EVERYTHING! IT WASN’T THE TV – IT WAS MY RIGHT EYE! As you can imagine, this sent me into panic mode. Within minutes I phoned a nearby private eye clinic and explained my symptoms. Their reply? YOU NEED TO COME IN RIGHT NOW MR REYNOLDS!
  • 47. An hour later I was sat in a small room surrounded by all manner of optical scanning equipment. There were bright lights buzzing around my head, stinging drops being applied to my eyes, while the ophthalmologist was giving worrying glances over to his assistant. I was then told not to move and to stay where I was. A minute or two later one of the country’s leading optical experts walked into the examination room and gave me a very sombre hard stare as he announced:- “I AM AFRAID THIS IS VERY SERIOUS!” The consequence was that I had immediate and specialist treatment, then and there and was told there was nothing more they could do for me at this point. It was a question of waiting to see if that treatment had at least managed to slow down the decline in my sight.
  • 48. Worryingly however over the next 2 weeks my eye experienced MASSIVE deterioration... I could barely make out rough shapes or outlines... If you look at that photo of the BBC newsroom programme again, and then compare it with the one below, that’ll give you a good idea as to the level of deterioration occurring:-
  • 50. My vision in my right eye was going… You can imagine the sheer state of panic I was now in. From being a normal healthy person one minute, to potentially going blind in a couple of weeks – with something which came completely out of the blue - well, it was the stuff of nightmares. I was in such a state that day I even made an appointment with a leading professor from London’s Harley Street, who I was able to get an immediate, but costly, private session with. This was one of the UKs leading professors in Ophthalmology. I was convinced that the diagnosis that I could lose my sight must be wrong, there must be something which could be done. When he asked who had given me the treatment so far – and I told him – he looked very surprised and asked me if I was aware that I had one of the top experts in the UK already handling my case.
  • 51. However, he agreed to take another look and I was soon having some further tests... The first of these tests did nothing to ease my fears one little bit! He asked me to cover up my left eye - before showing me a bright light-box eye-chart on the wall, and asking me what I could see. “Three jagged lines...”, was my rather pleased reply, relieved that I had passed his first test:- However, my initial relief was soon dispelled when the specialist told me to now cover up my other eye and look at the light box again… only this time through my left eye. Instead of the 3 jagged lines the true image emerged – a very bold, full on black letter “E”. I was in complete shock. And even more so when the Harley Street specialist told me that if I didn’t have the necessary treatment at the clinic – which I would require EVERY FEW WEEKS OR MONTHS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE - I’d go blind in that eye. After which, he paused before calmly proceeding to give me more ‘good’ news:-
  • 52. “The treatment is not cheap, I'm afraid. EACH monthly treatment will cost you £2,000 but it’s the only way to save your sight…”. I explained that I was fortunate enough to be in a financial situation where I could come up with £2000 a month. We went ahead and booked a course of treatment which repaired a large part of my vision. I dread to think what would have happened if I had not been able to get in to see the top specialists though... Or if I'd been unable to afford the monthly treatment… It made me realise how fortunate I was to have stumbled upon a way of making money years ago from my laptop, which ticks away in the background, using an automated system which does nearly all of the work for me. You see, all the time I was being treated and tested … all the time I was away from my laptop business focusing on my severe and terrifying optical issues, something amazing was happening. Something working in the background even when I wasn’t around to monitor it…
  • 53. In fact, in the first month, while all of this eye trauma was going on – while I was undergoing the tests and getting all manner of frightening treatment to restore some of my lost vision – my little autopilot system carried on trading for me in the background. In fact during that one single month alone – my autopilot systems were trading away for me and deposited into my bank account exactly:- £187,106.52 And I genuinely hadn’t done a scrap of work that month. NOTHING AT ALL! Yet this money had been deposited into my bank account automatically as I was being treated – most of which was PROFIT by the way. Actually, I wasn’t even aware of the money coming in at the time because, as I said, I was in panic mode and hadn’t even turned on my laptop to check.
  • 54. So why has my eye problem ended up in me writing to you? And offering you one of the exciting new openings to work directly with me which I am making available today? I vowed to raise money for the charity ‘Blind Children UK’. A charity devoted to helping those children with visual impairments and blindness. So a few days ago in a lovely cosmopolitan venue by the south coast in Brighton, to raise money for Blind Children UK, I held a very special 3-DAY EVENT called the FAST-TRACK-TO-A-MILLION ENTREPRENEURS BOOTCAMP!
  • 55. The result of all this is that I’m extremely proud to say we managed to raise... EXACTLY £162,460.00 FOR BLIND CHILDREN UK! An amount I was privilleged to present to the charity on stage.
  • 56. It was the start of what proved to be an extraordinary one- off UK event where over 3 days:- For the FIRST TIME I revealed the opening you are reading about today. I explained how to apply and secure one of the Book Promoter positions I’m looking to fulfill over the next week or so… I explained how it all works … talked about the financial package these positions come with … demonstrated the reward package … how to reach the targets all the way from giving away JUST 12 OF THE BOOKS FREE for which you get up to £270 each on and how in return that could earn you £3,240 PLUS A BRAND NEW £3,000 BRIETLING WATCH… … all the way to giving away JUST 186 OF THE BOOKS FREE for which you get up to £270 each on and how in return that could earn you £50,220 PLUS A BRAND NEW JAGUAR XF!
  • 57. I explained in detail how it works … how individuals could pick up their free copy of my book on the website I set up for you … and of course how they are taken through to the high-end related products upon which you’ll be paid 50%.
  • 58. And where I gathered together probably the largest number of Self-Made Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires at one event in the UK… All who came along at my request in support of Blind Children UK to demonstrate exactly how they created their wealth. Ordinary people from all walks of life who know some very simple ways of making extraordinary incomes which provide them with quite extraordinary lifestyles. Wait until you see how some of them live … and what they earn. Amazing and very exciting to think you could copy what they do! Everything from trading systems they are using to Bank Millions on Currency and Forex Trading from home, to creating Multi-Million Pound Property Portfolios. Systems and businesses different from my own which you can copy yourself and run from home even if you’ve absolutely done nothing like any of this before. I’ll tell you a little bit more about each of these wealthy individuals and what they do in a moment. Of course it’s such a shame you missed it, because if you’ve got any real desire to be wealthy, but just don’t know how - if you’ve ever wanted to be given a clear path of going from where you are right now to becoming a millionaire:- This Was The One Single Event In Your Life You Should Have Been To…
  • 59. How’d you like to be pulling up in your own Lamborghini as my guest at an event in the future? Forget ANY other workshop ... ANY other seminar … ANY book you’ve read … ANY DVD or TV Programme you’ve watched … ANY CD you’ve listened to … For what was said and demonstrated over that weekend in Brighton, this is the one place in your life you really needed to be. It was a game changer – actually a life changer. Certainly I’ve never been involved in anything which comes even close and I have seen just about everything over the years. I’ve shared a stage with Billionaire Donald Trump, the world’s top motivational coach and guru Tony Robbins, in fact with some of the richest and most successful people you could meet, but NOTHING, absolutely nothing like this. The vibe was incredible and I’ve got to say the feedback which I received from those lucky enough to be in attendance really took me aback. I believe for those that witnessed this, it changed the way they thought money was and could be made for ever and opened up to them real possibilities of earning real money in a way they’d never before imagined. Which is why it was a real shame you couldn’t come. I think those 3 days would have been the start of an epic journey for you.
  • 60. Sadly this event will NOT be repeated again However, I can offer maybe something EVEN BETTER for you because:- I had the entire weekend professionally filmed live by a Broadcast Company and recorded in High Definition… Every single second of the entire 3 days was captured and if you’re interested I’m going let you ACCESS IT IMMEDIATELY ON-DEMAND ONLINE! The entire Box Set. You’ll be able to watch this on your PC, Laptop, Tablet or Phone anywhere you want and be INSTANTLY transported into that room in Brighton. Now you can have the BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE and can simply sit back and access this anywhere in the world … on any device…
  • 61.  NO HOTEL COSTS…  NO TRAVELLING COSTS…  NO RESTAURANT COSTS…  NO EXPENSIVE SEMINAR COSTS…  NO EXPENSIVE WORKSHOP COSTS… It’ll all be there for you 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK, 365 DAYS OF THE YEAR! So you can watch it and decide if you want to become one of the Book Promoters who I’m looking to set up around the country. In fact, switch on your PC, Laptop, Tablet or Phone and you’ll experience the Brighton event as if you are sitting in that room live – everything filmed in glorious HD colour. You’ll sit in comfort as I literally show you how:-
  • 62. By spending around 30 TO 60 MINUTES A DAY in front of a screen like this in your own home:-
  • 63. You can receive cheques like this just for giving away a few books online each week:-
  • 64. And enjoy rewards from me like these which can be yours for just a few of the books you could be paid £270 on:-
  • 65. Plus of course, I’ll also send you a physical FULL BOX SET ON DVD for you to own – that’s the entire 3-Day Fast-Track-To-A-Millionaire event:- COMPLETELY FREE WITH MY COMPLIMENTS! Furthermore, you will also have access to my Brand New Fast-Track DVD Book Promoter’s Coaching System…
  • 66. So you have me as Your Personal Multi-Millionaire Mentor on tap 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help and guide you through. Every single month I will produce a very detailed DVD and send it to you the next day so I can coach you on to your next step. This is something which I think you’ll come to really appreciate and look forward to. DON’T underestimate the value of this. Being mentored – coached – in any walk of life is vital. I can’t emphasise that enough. It’s just something EVERYONE that wants to achieve anything in life simply MUST have. I have had one and every millionaire and successful person I know has had one too.
  • 67. It’s:- VERY IMPORTANT! To have access to your own Multi-Millionaire Mentor … to be basically taken by the hand and coached, guided and schooled through every step of the way … being told and shown exactly what to do week-by-week, month-by-month … is going to make an enormous difference in your life Which is why I’m not just going to set you up, train you through the On-Demand Box Set and leave you. On the contrary, to all intents and purposes I’ll be with you in your home EACH MONTH OVER THE NEXT YEAR! I’ll make sure you reach the financial and reward goals you have set yourself. Just think about that for a second. Imagine what you can do … what you could achieve if I was there helping and inspiring you month after month.
  • 68. Now normally I would charge £99 per month plus vat for this monthly training alone - but as part of the On-Demand Box Set Access I will give you the first three months of my Private Fast Track DVD Coaching System – specifically targeted in making YOUR Book Promoter Website successful:- ABSOLUTELY FREE! That way you have 3 MONTHS to play around with the system … 3 months to see how many free books you can give away and how much you’re earning a week … 3 months to test out the rewards package … 3 months to experience what it is really like to have your own personal multi-millionaire mentor… AND ALL FOR FREE AND AT ZERO RISK!! Then after the 3 months if you’d still like to keep going with my coaching…
  • 69. And I think you will as the rewards and cheques come in… …you’ll pay just £99 plus vat per month. Which actually is almost a token amount as this could be covered by just giving away ONE free book a month on your website. EVEN SO I MUST STRESS THIS IS NOT OBLIGATORY! Only something you do if you want to. And of course you can stop this monthly coaching whenever you like anyway. Have it for 4 months, 5 months, the full 12 months, whatever – up to you. If you want to stop – just let me know (I’ll give you an email address to do this quickly and easily). Finally, gathered in Brighton a few days ago in support of Blind Children UK, as I indicated a few moments ago:- Several Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires arrived to give FREE PRESENTATIONS of what they do to generate their wealth….
  • 70. The systems if you like, they use right now to maintain their wealth and live their amazing lifestyles. Perhaps this was the biggest gathering of ordinary people who have become self-made millionaires at a single event. They arrived from all over by first class plane, in their luxury cars, such as Lamborghinis and Aston Martins, in fact in all manner of ways simply to attend this one-off event. This will enable you to do what I do and use one or two of these, or several if you want, to CREATE MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME – all of which you can run from your laptop alongside the one I’ll be helping you to set up. I’ll tell you a little more about these individuals and what they do in a second I’ll tell you a little more about these individuals and what they do in a second. You simply choose the income streams which appeal to you and add them to the one I’ll teach you…
  • 71. It can really help you to build a financial nest egg for you and your family. This was perfectly demonstrated for me when I had that traumatic month last year and nearly lost my sight. Remember that £187,106.52 I mentioned which had come into me in the background while I was receiving my treatment? Well this was made up of several income streams like you’ll learn how to create yourself from the On-Demand Box Set and DVD Box Sets. In fact, in that month when I was first having my eye problems, I had multiple project income streams, EACH bringing in different amounts of money. Here’s just 4 of them:- Income Stream 1:- £34,927.20 Income Stream 2:- £40,337.78 Income Stream 3:- £45,374.00 Income Stream 4:- £39,129.80 In other words, four little income streams which brought me in between £35,000- £45,000 EACH just in the month I was being treated. Which is why I am so excited to be able to offer, via your Private On-Demand Access and the DVD Set, these very successful individuals who are making money using entirely different income streams to my own. You’ll be amazed what they’re doing and the trading systems they are using which is just making them money day after day on auto-pilot. Each one of which you can copy from your own home.
  • 72. In short, it will be like you were in the room in Brighton with them… Only difference, you get to watch it all at your speed, so you’ll MISS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and can follow along at your own pace… In fact it’s even better than being there live because with both the On-Demand Box Set and DVD Box Set you’ll be able to pause the Millionaire speakers, rewind what they had to say if you’ve missed anything and watch their presentations over and over again. Things you just could not obviously do if you had been in attendance yourself. In fact, now’s a good time to tell you about these other millionaire speakers. And I really would like to do this because I do want you to appreciate something you may not fully realize at the moment, and that’s just what a wonderful opportunity to essentially be coached by successful people you’d not otherwise have access to Remember, a key to success is to immerse yourself with people already getting the results you want. This you’ll be able to do through the On-Demand Access and DVD Box Set. So let me now introduce you to these individuals right now so you can see what they do and have an idea as to the kind of presentations you’ll be watching when you access your On-Demand & DVD Box Set package. Obviously at this point I will keep their full identities private until I know whether or not you wish me to send you the package.
  • 73. YOUR ON-DEMAND MILLIONAIRE COACH 1:- This guy is going to impress you massively. A Multi-Millionaire By His Twenties, he has gone on to create and run a highly successful business that blazed a path for the everyday man in the street to sit at home and from their laptops make the kind of money only those professionals in the financial district of London might earn. He is just massively successful having all the trappings you’d associate with that, from a stunning multi-million pound home to driving around in either his Lamborghini Aventador or Aston Martin DBS. And he has made it all doing something I know you’ll not only love doing, but will be buzzing about once you’ve seen him demonstrate how he does what he does, because the profits can be simply enormous. In fact:- In One Live Demonstration He Made £19,000 In Just 4 Minutes! It’s just mind-boggling. Today he travels the world teaching people how to become millionaires doing what he does - and when you see this on the On-Demand Box Set and/or DVD Set I know you are going to be very surprised just how easy this is… and as he says, you’ll possibly be a little annoyed that it's taken you so long to discover this. DO NOT MISS HIS PRESENTATION!!
  • 74. YOUR ON-DEMAND MILLIONAIRE COACH 2:- At 27, this guy was hanging around with the wrong crowd and getting nowhere in life. But at 27 he had a ‘lightbulb’ moment when he realised something that I cover in my book, Copy This Idea:- That if you want to get rich, you need to copy the rich bloke (I touched on this a moment ago too if you recall). It was a massive wake up call. Something shifted inside of him. He got angry and furious that he’d sunk so low and vowed to immediately do something about it. The first thing he did was cut ALL contact with his peer group. He knew deep down that he needed to be around successful people so he could find out what they were doing differently, and then do the same by copying what they were doing. There’s no point copying poor (or average) people if you want to be rich! Within a few months he had quit his £1,500 a month job working for an Insurance company and had started his own business. Within just 5 years that little business, launched right here in the UK, had pulled in over £21,000,000. In fact its now pulled in over £56 MILLION and still going strong. His story is an absolute inspiration and you’ll want to ‘copy his idea’ yourself.
  • 75. YOUR ON-DEMAND MILLIONAIRE COACH 3:- I’ve been trying to persuade this guy to fly over from the USA for about 10 years now. I’m pleased to say that finally he agreed. Why was I so keen? Well here’s a little clue:- Imagine if all you had to do was GIVE STUFF AWAY ONLINE … to get paid hundreds of pounds every time you did it. That would be a pretty neat way to make a living don’t you agree. In addition to this, the reason I wanted him over here so badly is because I know he has something which can directly help you with the business I’ll help you to set up. You know of course about the millions of individuals who we know are going to have an interest in the products I give you, in the UK alone, but imagine if you had a way of bringing those individuals through to your ‘Book Promotion Product Website’. This is where this guy’s system comes to the fore. He is one of the top experts in the world for getting individuals interested in the products featured on your websites and guiding those individuals all the way through to ALL your products. In our case, that would be through to the FREE Copy This Idea Book and all the related back-end products. He’s the guy who regularly features at the top of the affiliate league tables when all the top guys in the States compete to sell most product in the big $Million dollar launches online.
  • 76. Now he doesn’t have the ‘rags to riches’ story of some of our other coaches. In fact, before stumbling upon his system for generating online profits, he was an attorney (but we won’t hold that against him). And he’s a quietly spoken guy, but what he does have is a ‘secret’ way to succeed which has seen him start one successful business after another. EACH of which have pulled in MILLIONS OF POUNDS. In fact, his Internet related companies have shattered online sales records:- OFTEN SELLING OVER $1,000,000 IN A SINGLE DAY! It’s pretty impressive. For example, among other things he demonstrated:  How to start from scratch and make money online fast…  Why – and how – giving stuff away can make you £80,000+ a year…  How to get tons of FREE visitors to your website the easiest ways possible…  The fastest ways to turn those visitors into cash…  The step-by-step blueprint for putting this all together… In my view what this one guy revealed in Brighton over the weekend we were together, and which I recorded live remember, could be worth all those rewards I mentioned heading your way because what he has and what he can share with you, can directly help you with the fast-track business I am helping you set up.
  • 77. YOUR ON-DEMAND MILLIONAIRE COACH 4:- This guy has cracked it! He’s found a great yet simple way to use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and others to make money. He can show you how to do it all starting from scratch at home in your spare time – just like he did when he started just 5 years ago. Word of his Multi-Million Pound System spread and he very quickly drew attention from the ‘big boys’. As well as running his own system on his laptop at home or on his travels, he has also now worked with companies such as, Costa and Premier Inn, among others, as well as Hollywood & Sporting Celebrities, to help with their social media and digital marketing. This guy knows his stuff and he flew in especially to spend time with us and share his system, so you can copy what he does. Once again, this will be perfect for you if you take one of the openings I am offering for you to work with me. And will certainly help you quickly move through all those rewards such as the VW Tiguan and 5 Star Holiday to a place of your choice such as Sydney, Australia or Dubai etc, not to mention the earning levels which you’ll receive as a result.
  • 78. YOUR ON-DEMAND MILLIONAIRE COACH 5:- As an immigrant, with just £200 in his pocket and unable to speak English, this guy had plenty of excuses why he could not be a success - and plenty of motivation to become successful too. After stumbling across a simple way of making money using a borrowed PC and an internet connection, this guy went from sleeping under newspaper, to running several businesses, banking over £1million a year. When I emailed him and told him what I was trying to do here, in raising money for Blind Children UK, he emailed straight back saying “I’ll be there – count me in!”. He’s just the kind of person that genuinely wants to help others. He agreed to come along and share with us exactly what he did, how he makes money – and how he can help you get started too with an autopilot online business of your own.
  • 79. YOUR ON-DEMAND MILLIONAIRE COACH 6:- This guy achieved financial independence in his 20’s having almost unintentionally built a Multi-Million Pound business. He stumbled on a way to make such a great living that today he has turned his attention to teaching others how to do the same. Now, what he does is something you will definitely want to copy. Already ‘students’ of his are enjoying incredible success CREATING BUSINESSES WORTH MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF POUNDS and very, very high cashflow coming directly to them EVERY MONTH. This has probably been the number one way to become wealthy in the last 50 years and it's certainly going to be no different in the next 50 years. Actually I am very excited for you to watch his On-Demand ‘live’ presentation so you can also learn how to go from where you are right now – regardless of your financial position – to create not just a great monthly income but to have assets worth millions. Already many of his students are enjoying incredible success – and after what I witnessed from him in Brighton, I would say you can definitely join them.
  • 80. Remember, ALL these Millionaire Coaches came in from around the world for this event… Some jetted in from abroad, first class of course … others drove to Brighton in their Aston Martins or Lamborghinis from across the UK… But whichever way they travelled, one thing I’d like to reiterate is that to get so many millionaires and multi-millionaires in the same room willing to teach you what they do, let alone have access to all of them, is totally unprecedented. Actually, unprecedented that they were all together to each share with you and demonstrate to you how they make their millions and how you can do the same. You’ll just never get this calibre of people under one roof again, let alone be able to get the kind of information and presentations they gave. Indeed, if you were to spend an hour privately with these people IT WOULD COST YOU THOUSANDS OF POUNDS for EACH one.
  • 81. However, with access to them ON-DEMAND 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK via both the On-Demand Coaching System and the physical DVD Box Set of the event recorded live, you can watch and listen to them over and over again WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY A PENNY EXTRA FOR THEIR TIME. Ok Andrew, so how can I have access to the entire On-Demand Fast Track Event and take one of the positions you’re offering?
  • 82. Well despite the fact that it includes FULL TRAINING to be one of my Book Promoters… The opportunity where you’re paid up to £270 for EACH copy of my book you simply give away free and which comes with a high-end rewards package… Despite the fact that I will set you up as one of my Book Promotion Partners and personally meet the cost to set you up with your own Book Promoters Web Site. THE DESIGN OF IT … THE WEB HOSTING … THE ONLINE COPY/VIDEOS … CREDIT CARD PROCESSING … EVERYTHING! Despite the fact that it includes putting all my Videos on that web site in order to offer the free books and sell related products on your behalf so you can automatically earn an additional 50% on everything sold … where the website does everything automatically and sends you a commission each week or month depending on your preference
  • 83. Despite the fact that you are essentially just pressing a few buttons at home on your desktop or laptop, or even tablet or smart phone, while in the background, there is a very well-oiled machine RUNNING 24 HOURS A DAY FOR YOU from:- The Fulfilment Centre … my Beach House Office … the Studios … the Web Sites … the Videos doing the upsells for you … the Designers and Programmers setting up those websites … the Production Team and Engineers filming and editing … The Staff packaging, labelling and delivering the products at the fulfilment centre … The Customer Service Operators dealing with your customer’s orders and queries … not to mention all their salaries. All working for you in the background.
  • 84. Despite the fact that it includes my own Private Fast-Track Book Promoters Coaching and Mentoring Programme free for 3 months where for a whole year I’ll guide and school you through every step of the way… Despite the fact it comes with immediate access to the On-Demand Box Set featuring the Training and Presentations from all of the other Millionaire and Multi-Millionaire Coaches who came to Brighton. Presentations featuring multiple streams of income you’d not otherwise have access to without it costing you a lot of money… Despite the fact that it literally took me months and months of a lot of hard work and time to contact them all personally and arrange for them to come over from all over the world for that one weekend a few days ago (honestly that was a mammoth effort to not just get them to agree to divulge what they do but to get them all under one roof at the same time in their busy schedules)…
  • 85. Despite the fact that I am even sending you a physical FULL BOX SET ON DVD for you to own – that’s the entire 3-Day Fast-Track-To-A-Millionaire event captured live… Despite the fact that I FUNDED AND PAID FOR EVERYTHING OUT OF MY OWN POCKET from hiring:- A Broadcast Crew for 3 days … Sound And Editing Crews to produce the DVD Box Set and On-Demand Box Set for you … a Film Studio … the Venue and Staff for 3 days ...
  • 86. Despite all this I DON’T WANT THE TENS OF THOUSANDS this is actually worth, or indeed cost me personally… Instead I’m going to let you have:- INSTANT ACCESS TO THIS OVER THE NEXT FEW MINUTES!! Of course, I can’t provide everyone with access to the On-Demand Box Set or send everyone the free DVD’s. I only want people that are serious about working with me. Serious about learning how to be paid up to £270 per book just for giving them away and serious about reaching rewards such as the Jaguar XF. Serious about helping me to give away one hundred thousand of these books this year. And of course serious about making money with me. It’s too important as I am putting a huge amount of effort into promoting this book offline. I have a huge marketing campaign underway, am committed to a host of speaking engagements for it and of course you’ve seen from this letter, I have put an enormous effort into putting the Brighton event all together.
  • 87. Because of this, you’ll understand that I do NOT want timewasters please... It’s not worth it for me or for you especially when it comes to personally mentoring you. So to have immediate access to everything I’ve mentioned and for the Full On-Demand Training Package, all I require so I can be sure you’re serious is a ONE-OFF £497+vat which is not only:- FULLY REFUNDABLE! …but comes with the total back-up of having a GUARANTEED TO MAKE MONEY TRIPLE GUARANTEE which I’ll tell you about in a second.
  • 88. That way you can TRY IT OUT WITHOUT RISK … see how many books you can give away … watch how many convert to the higher-end products paying you up to £270 PER COPY … actually experience making money … see how the deposits are paid … see how the rewards automatically kick in. For example, give away JUST 38 BOOKS FREE which you are paid £270 on and this will automatically trigger the release of the reward programme which in this case means you’ll take delivery of an Apple Pack including Apple Mac 27” Desktop, iPad 2 and iPhone 6+.
  • 89. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, why the fully refundable figure is £497+vat? If you go to a website like you’ll see how much it would have been to stay in a hotel for 3 or 4 nights just for one person alone over a summer weekend. And that doesn’t include of course your travelling costs, food and drink costs etc. Well it’s because that’s the minimum it would have probably cost you had you come to the event in Brighton over the weekend for the 3 days. It would have been at least that in travelling costs, for the charity donation, for food costs and hotel costs. Actually probably a lot more. So the fully secure and refundable £497 (+vat) will prove you are at least serious in giving this a trial run whilst ensuring that I am not putting all the time and effort into setting everything up for you and coaching you only to find out you’re not even interested. Remember, I am looking for Book Promoters to help me GIVE AWAY 100,000 BOOKS THIS YEAR so there’s a lot of money to be made for both of us if we help each other out. But of course I also want you to be happy with working with me … happy with the training given on the On-Demand Box Set and DVD Box Set … happy with the Financial and Rewards Package etc. So, as I mentioned, I am not just going to FULLY PROTECT this £497 (+vat) for you but provide you with total peace of mind in every area by giving you a TRIPLE GUARANTEE! In fact, the strongest guarantee I have ever given:-
  • 90. TOTALLY RISK FREE TRIPLE GUARANTEE! Remember, you are GUARANTEED to make money with this so it doesn’t get much easier. But to fully protect you I’ll do this for you:- If you do exactly what I show you and this somehow doesn’t make a single penny for you over the next 12 months - though it would actually be pretty difficult not to make money then I will personally give you TRIPLE YOUR MONEY BACK! I WILL NOT ONLY GIVE YOU YOUR £497 BACK …and think how great just that is for a moment. It’s akin to going to the 3-day event and if you didn’t feel it was for you, being paid back your charity donation, your travelling costs, your hotel bill, EVERYTHING! But in addition to this:- I'LL EVEN GIVE YOU £1,000 IN CASH JUST FOR TEST-DRIVING IT FROM YOUR HOME!
  • 91. In other words, you’ll receive over 3 times what you secured this for. Which in this case would mean:- JUST FOR TESTING IT I’LL GIVE YOU A TOTAL OF £1,497.00 I WILL NOT ONLY GIVE YOU YOUR £497 BACK …and think how great just that is for a moment. It’s akin to going to the 3-day event and if you didn’t feel it was for you, being paid back your charity donation, your travelling costs, your hotel bill, EVERYTHING! But in addition to this:- I'LL EVEN GIVE YOU £1,000 IN CASH JUST FOR TEST-DRIVING IT FROM YOUR HOME!
  • 92. So are you ready to also help yourself and your own family? I ask this last question because you’ll also NEVER get a better opportunity than the one you have in front of you right at this moment to start on the road to a BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE! I promise to put absolutely everything I have into this for you and help you to succeed. Equally, I promise that the 3 day event in Brighton was just the absolute best I have ever been a part of. And I think when you either watch the DVD’s or access the On-Demand recording, whether it be on your PC, Laptop, Tablet or Phone, you will feel like you’ve also been part of the most extraordinary 3-day experience of your life. This Will Be The Start Of A Wonderful Journey!
  • 93. A journey which can start for you right now by clicking here now:- In short, as you watch the On-Demand Box Set and you see the kind of amazing life which can open up in front of you. The kind of life where you get to choose the days you work. Where you have the freedom and flexibility to work around your own personal commitments and weekly plans. In fact, imagine working from your future home overlooking the sea for instance. A private beach in front of you … a private space personal to you where you can create an area where you’ll feel inspired … creative … where you’ll be really happy and feel proud at what you’re producing. Where you’ll be relaxed, calm and free from worries. Imagine all that, and then I think you’ll at least have some idea as to what life, working with me on this, can be like and where it can take you.
  • 94. Indeed this is how making money should be:- STRESS FREE, ENJOYABLE AND HAVING FUN LIKE NOBODY’S WATCHING! Because it’s not just about trying to help you make the income of your choice, but helping you to be someone who really OWNS their life. To provide you with more options to create the ideal life YOU personally would like to lead. To help you make more money to buy more time, buy more freedom and buy more choices. There’s never been another event quite like this in this country and probably won’t be again. Unfortunately you missed it over the weekend, but now you have a second chance – an opportunity to experience this ‘live’ wherever you may be. And that’s an opportunity to experience this on your own terms… in your own time … in your own home … in fact, whenever you want and wherever you want. And I just think is too good to miss again.
  • 95. THIS REALLY CAN BE THE START OF AN EPIC LIFE FOR YOU! Of course, it’s natural to have a bit of fear of the unknown – a bit of disbelief. I totally understand that, I’ve been there as have the millionaire coaches which came along to Brighton for the 3-day event. We’ve all been at the point you are now. We’ve all had the same doubts. Yes it might seem like an impossible dream from where you’re sitting now but it’s definitely there for you. Imagine if this was your future ‘office’ … where you can earn all the money you could possibly want and need all from your beach home. It can happen for you Remember what I said earlier, it’s not a dream, it can happen for you. I was once struggling and living in tiny rented accommodation with virtually not a penny to my name yet right at this moment I am writing this on the balcony of my Million Pound Beach House looking out to sea, my £155,000 Bentley Continental parked in my drive and I regularly bank around £38,000 A WEEK from home. In other words, I’M LIVING PROOF OF THAT! that anyone can become wealthy and lead a glorious life. Now let me help you. The point is, no matter where you are, your life can change massively. And even if you doubt it now ... by the time you’ve watched the full 3-days and what took place ... you’ll not just believe it, you’ll be very clear in your mind how to do it. I guess what you’ve really got to ask yourself right now is:- What would be the cost to you and your family of NOT viewing the On-Demand Box Set and DVDs?
  • 96. Think About It Seriously! At the end of the day what’s the worst that can happen? After all, remember I’ll not just help to set this up for you and personally mentor you on, but where:- YOU ARE GUARANTEED TO MAKE MONEY! A business remember where I’ll pay you up to £270 for EVERY copy of my book YOU GIVE AWAY FREE … something where if you do end up doing exactly what I show you and this somehow doesn’t make a single penny for you in the next 12 months:- I'LL EVEN GIVE YOU £1,000 IN CASH JUST FOR TEST-DRIVING IT FROM YOUR HOME However, I realise that until you sit down and see this for yourself you’ll never truly know that for sure
  • 97. SO DON’T THROW IT ALL AWAY! You WON’T get another chance to get this so take this opportunity with both hands now by reserving your access and full set right now. Why let others get there first and seize the reward which could be yours? Further down the line if you do nothing you are likely to be in exactly the same place as you are now. Nothing would have changed in your life. Whilst there’ll be others who do seize this opening, and are earning thousands of pounds a week and driving around in their Brand New Jaguar XF, while their partner is driving their VW TIGUAN, wearing their £3,000 Brietling Watch, working on their brand new Apple Mac and planning the 5 star holiday to Australia they’ve just been given. In short, living the kind of life which could have been yours. Should have been yours. At least for you to have the opportunity of enjoying. So don’t you think at least you owe it to yourself and your family to take a look especially when reviewing this at home is just a matter of making one click.
  • 98. Just ONE CLICK now could change your life, makes you think doesn’t it: Which just leaves me to say that I very much look forward to working with you and to handing you the keys to rewards like the New Jaguar XF, or sending you a New £3,000 Brietling Watch for your efforts. We can do this. And finally, thank you so, so much for going out of your way and spending the time to read this letter. It is genuinely much appreciated. Whatever you decide, have a great future. With my very best wishes… Andrew Reynolds
  • 99. P.S.1 Don’t forget you are fully protected by my TRIPLE 100% NO RISK GUARANTEE! P.S.2 Remember you are GUARANTEED TO MAKE MONEY. If you don’t make a single penny in the next 12 months, after you’ve done exactly what I’ve shown you – and it would be difficult not to make money – then you will not only receive a cheque for £497 back but in addition to this I’ll even give you £1,000 IN CASH just for test-driving it from your home! P.S.3 In other words, you’ll receive OVER 3 TIMES what you secured this for. Which in this case would mean just for trying it, if it doesn’t make you a single penny – and you have a whole year to try this – then I’LL GIVE YOU A TOTAL OF £1,497.00 as a thank you for at least testing it out. P.S.4 Please also remember that this is the ONLY chance you have of experiencing this. The Brighton event will NOT be repeated. I am only looking for a few Book Promoters to help me give away 100,000 copies of the book to earn up to £270 PER BOOK YOU GIVE AWAY FREE and enjoy rewards such as a Brand New Jaguar XF which could be yours with JUST 186 OF THE BOOKS YOU GIVE AWAY. P.S.5 I can confirm you will also receive 3 MONTHS of my Book Promoters Coaching Programme COMPLETELY FREE! And let me make this promise to you:- I will be the best coach and mentor you could wish for and do my very best in helping you achieve the epic life you deserve. This is more than just about the money, this is about doing something which makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning full of passion, vigour and that glad-to-be-alive feeling. To feel like a kid all over again excited for the day ahead. P.S.6 With access to the On Demand Box Set let me remind you that I will also send you the FULL DVD Box Set of the entire 3-Day event, ABSOLUTELY FREE!
  • 100. ORDER Your On-Demand Package TODAY For A £7,500 BONUS FREE Was a special THANK YOU for making the decision TODAY and securing your place to work with me as one of my Book Promoters, I would like to give you a gift which is:- GENUINELY WORTH £7,500! You can have it with my compliments and will mark the start of knowing what it’s like working with me and that I intend to help you as much as possible.
  • 101. In fact, I’ll do something I’ve NEVER even done for my private millionaire students by giving you access to my Private Members Product Syndicate. You’ll NOT have heard of this before as I’ve NEVER mentioned this in my Book, Home Study Course or Newsletter, but it is a VERY EXCLUSIVE behind closed doors source for brand new products that become available but NEVER get talked about on the open market. It’s where I and a handful of millionaires in the trade get together to have first viewing of brand new products which come in from all around the world. In a private venue they are presented to us by the product developers prior to release into the market.
  • 102. 3 MONTHS ACCESS COMPLETELY FREE! Now usually just to have access to this small Private Product Syndicate is AROUND £300 PER MONTH, however I’ve arranged not just to include access to it along with my On Demand Fast Track Coaching programme, but to give you:- This will include Ready-Made Licensed products to the value of £7,500 for you to make additional income by enabling you to copy my own cash-on-demand style business on your laptop, like the one featured in my Sunday Times Best Selling book Copy This Idea. The same one where not only have several of my students already banked their FIRST MILLION POUNDS as a result but it will allow you to copy the same system… I’ve banked over £50 MILLION POUNDS running a cash- on-demand laptop business - now let me help you. The £7,500 of ready-made products can launch you on the road to an amazing lifestyle. I love living by the beach in a home I PAID OVER A MILLION POUND IN CASH FOR from just some profits I made with this over a few weeks. How would you like to live in a place like this too? Imagine that’s your home office and view above. It can happen.