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Earn More Than
$100,000 Per Year!
Discover All That You Need To Know To Earn $100,000 Per Year
This is the most thorough piece on how to earn money online seriously, and thanks to
the knowledge you'll gain here, you'll understand the genuine difference between
those who earn $50 per month and those who earn more than $100,000 per year. In
other words: learn how to make great cash.
I advise you to proceed with caution because the material you'll find here is not at all
like the lists of online money-making ways you'll find all over the internet... we're on a
different level, ok?
However, as you might expect, the question of "online profits" is quite contentious.
It's tough to produce an article that everyone understands for one simple reason:
⦁ I'll show you one of the more intricate examples later, but in general, the
individuals that get ripped are those who are seduced by the illusion of easy money.
⦁ I'm not here to pass judgment on you. Once in a lifetime, we've all been duped!
However, before I allow you to proceed, I'd like to clarify one point:
⦁ I'm not going to tell you about betting systems, binary options strategies, or
bitcoin forecasts. I will not, in general, discuss strategies that claim to make money
online rapidly and easily.
Did you present those beautiful pictures of swimming pools, luxury cars, and private
planes right? Well, I ask you to put them aside as you read this article.
To do business online seriously following my directions you will have to work hard,
but I assure you that it will be worth it.
⦁ You will discover that all you need to know to earn $100,000 per year online is how
to earn $27 every day.
⦁ I'll reveal the "secret approach" for earning those $27 each day or, more broadly,
for making money online. (NOTE: it's so top-secret that it was even used by my
⦁ And finally, I will reveal the advanced information for free to work from home as
the only job (the stuff that usually comes with expensive courses)
Do you have to start from scratch when it comes to internet earnings?
If this is your first time engaging in online activities, you may be perplexed as to why
there are so many people offering betting and trading advice.
Here's the big reveal:
Those who try to convince you that there are trading and betting tricks make money
online through a system known as "affiliation."
I'll give you an example to illustrate what I'm talking about:
⦁ It displays the amount of money it earns, as well as sports vehicles and villas.
⦁ It demonstrates a technique that appears to work.
By joining up for the site he uses, he provides you instructions on how to duplicate his
You create an account and make a deposit.
He receives a part of your deposit as payment.
You got it right away.
For bringing in a new customer, the company that operates the trading (or betting)
platform pays the individual a commission.
He makes money regardless of whether you win or lose, which is why he makes
everything appear simple.
However, you can make money by marketing "honest" products (affiliations).
You should be aware that the same approach is used by 99 percent of blogs that
promote things for sale on Amazon, eBay, Zalando, and other similar sites.
However, you can make money by marketing "honest" products (affiliations)
You should be aware that the same approach is used by 99 percent of blogs that
promote things for sale on Amazon, eBay, Zalando, and other similar sites.
The key is that they advertise products and services rather than legalized con artists
like the folks I mentioned earlier.
If you're starting from scratch, I advocate developing a culture of marketing other
people's things, as this is the most fundamental approach for fast making money
Here's how I did it: Affiliate marketing as a source of income
Do you want to know what the super summary is?
You can publish content (for example, a blog) with links to other people's items (for
example, Amazon, eBay, Zalando) and make money every time someone clicks on your
links and purchases the things.
There are no techniques, but you will quickly find that making money on the internet
lawfully on a practical level is simple: simply do what people have been doing since the
beginning of time while utilising the internet's properties.
And, since the beginning of time, what has mankind been doing?
It's something I'm about to tell you about. Let's get this party
Simply learn how to earn $27 per day to earn $100,000 per year online.
Perhaps you believe I am making fun of you (and if you did not suspect anything you
would be crazy or crazy).
Yet, ten years ago, I would have paid money to find an article like this.
Let's keep it brief. I'm going to show you how to get from $30 per day to $100,000 per
year right now.
This may perplex you. It won't happen right away.
I invite you to continue reading carefully from this point forwards.
The idea is as follows:
You must consider $100,000 as of the SUM of something smaller, that "works" and
can benefit from the web's scalability (from the millions of people connected to the
Let me clarify.
If you divide 100,000 by 365 days in a year, you'll see that you just need to make $274
every day to earn $100,000 online.
(274 multiplied by 365 = 100,000)
But there's another way to look at it:
$274 per day is calculated by multiplying (roughly) $27 per day by ten.
(Don't forget about the "multiplied by ten" part; it's crucial.)
Consider this scenario: how to guarantee $10,000 every month.
If you can figure out how to make $27 a day online, you can also figure out how to
“multiply” that profit 10 times and make $100,000 per year.
I'm not trying to multiply money by magic, so don't get too worked up! It's a
completely different situation.
Here's the fact:
You have a wide range of tools at your fingertips when you go online.
Reach out to as many individuals as you want and automatically "communicate"
with them.
Because of these possibilities, you can repeat "the technique" to make even a small
amount (such as $27) on a larger scale if you find "the way" to earn even a small
amount (such as $27).
What I'm saying is that you just need to learn how to make ends meet in a smaller way
- even if it means making little money - and then scale up the profits to employ that
knowledge in the larger marketplace.
This is the fundamental rule of any successful online business:
If an offer works on a screen with 100 people, it will work on a screen with 100,000
Reread and repeat this notion, because it is so basic that it is often overlooked, despite
the fact that it is the foundation of every successful business on the planet:
CONCEPT: If an offer works for 100 people, it will work for 100,000 people as well.
“All right, Gerry, but what exactly do you mean by the offer?” "How can I start making
money online from scratch?"
I'm about to tell you about the specifics, but first, consider the following:
All you need is a $600+ monthly loan to acquire one of these autos.
Now I'll ask you a question:
Could one of the houses listed above be your ideal home?
The issue isn't "which" of these residences you prefer, but that they would cost you
$5,000 a month on average.
As a result, a sports car costs $600 per month, while a “dream home” costs $5,000 per
Total: $5600 each month (about $67,000 annually).
Do you realize that $100,000 per year may be more than enough to live comfortably?
Don't even consider the millions. $100,000 a year is plenty to begin working in the
house of your choice, wherever you choose, and with the car, clothes, and vacations of
your choice.
Is this something that can't be done? It's just a smidgeon above average.
Nonetheless, the majority of us are resigned to working a job we don't enjoy, where we
must get up early in the morning and follow orders from our superiors.
Everything appears normal to us, and rightly so. On the one hand, there are those who
have and make money (a lot of money...), and on the other hand, there are those who
must work 5/6 days a week and obtain a mortgage in order to own a home.
But, as you know, there is only one life, and it is yours to live. Only you have control
over your fate, and I'm going to tell you what you need to do...
...but, again, it will not be child's play!
We previously stated that all you need to do to earn $100,000 per year is discover how
to earn $$27 per day "multiplied by ten."
I'd take it from here.
How to make your rst $27 on the internet
I'm not familiar with your dreams, and I'm not quali ed to interpret them.
But I can guarantee you that $100,000 a year does not have to be viewed as a pipe
dream, but rather as a journey with numerous steps.
Now I'll tell you about the only reliable and secure approach to make money online.
Consider this:
What do all businesses, from the smallest to the largest, do?
I ask because you will be required to do the same.
Consider this: what is the motion that rms use to make money?
What occurs in practice to cause euros to accrue in each company's account?
Here's how it works:
You must sell something to make your rst money online. A product or service must
be sold.
Nothing out of the ordinary. "My grandma did, too," I wasn't lying to you:
Selling has been practiced from the beginning of time (before network marketing,
dropshipping, investments, betting, etc.)
But take care:
I am not advising you to start an internet store in order to sell actual goods. You can
make money online without having to invest in items, production, or storage.
Your proposal may be as follows:
⦁ A liation is used to sell a product that is not yours (see: a liate marketing)
⦁ Your digital product's sales (see: creating online courses)
⦁ Your service is being sold (from the "classic" service to consultancy)
People have always purchased items from others to ful ll their needs and desires.
Companies and entrepreneurs have always provided something to others since their
What should you sell to make money on the internet?
It is no longer required to sell "physical" items because of the internet: "knowledge" is
now one of the most in-demand commodities.
Selling information is the most e ective approach to earn $ 27 each day.
People are purchasing information, and they are willing to pay a higher price for it.
You are not required to sell a "physical" item. The factory isn't required.
You have a fantastic opportunity to sell a digital product or service. The most critical
factor is that the data you'll sell (or use to create the service) can help people solve
But what am I able to sell? I am not a professional!
Who said you have to be a professional?
Are you certain you're not?
Take a moment to consider it.
Do you wish to know the truth?
Don't be o ended, but that's ne.
Here's what kept you from taking the next step in your life:
You anticipated being handed a pro table business along with expert instructions.
I'm not playing games with you; I'm constantly assisting you in opening your eyes:
You can market a solution if you know how to x an issue, and you don't need
anyone's permission to do it.
Consider one of the following:
⦁ Is there a subject about which you know more than others as a result of your study
or work?
⦁ Is there a subject that you're passionate about and want to learn more about?
⦁ Is there a topic you'd like to learn more about (for example, by reading books or
watching videos?)
If you responded yes at least once, there are people who lack your abilities and, more
than likely, have an issue that you could address.
Congratulations, you can now sell your solution if this problem is important enough to
warrant a payment.
And here's the best part: even if you start from scratch and have no experience, you can
make money online in this manner:
You don't have to be an expert; all you need is to know "something" that your
potential buyers don't.
expert; all you need to know about your potential consumers is a little more
Some instances are as follows:
⦁ If one of your customers' problems is guring out how to make a website, you
simply need to know how to do it (you DO NOT have to be a super web expert)
⦁ If your clients' issue is weight loss, you must force them to reduce weight (you DO
NOT have to be a top personal trainer)
⦁ If one of your customers' problems is training their puppy, all you need to know is
how to do it (you DO NOT have to be a super trainer).
⦁ If your clients' di culty is nding a mate or companion, all you have to do is know
how to x it (you don't have to be the new Cassanova). If you nd a problem, you can
read books, watch videos, and learn from those who have already solved it...
And once you've gured out how to solve it, you may make money online by selling
your answer.
(Even if you're starting from scratch and haven't sold anything online, I'll talk to you
about how to sell this solution shortly.)
My father recently purchased a paid online course to learn how to train the dog a few
months ago.
Whoever sold him the course might have (easily) read a dog training book, gained
expertise with his dog, and then put up a video course to o er online.
Despite the fact that he was not a certi ed trainer, he did not deceive anyone: my
father required that product, and he was glad to acquire it and solve his problem
without having to conduct hundreds of searches.
The premise is that humans are looking for time-saving shortcuts, and you only
have to "work" once to identify one of these answers, which you can then o er
This is, after all, the core idea of all consulting services, as well as many “traditional”
o ine services.
Consider personal trainers, video makers, and Yoga or other discipline instructors.
I'll say it again: anyone can research an issue, create a solution, and then sell it on the
It was done by the guy from the dog training school, it was done by me, and it can be
done by you as well.
Is it too di cult for you?
Do you truly think you'll be able to nd a way to make a lot of money without doing
anything? Are you looking for a solution? It requires dedication, at least at rst.
Remember that everyone despises performing things that require e ort...
… To acquire di erent results, all you have to do is do what others don't (and di erent
bank accounts).
In any event, you may download my step-by-step, error-proof PRACTICE guide by
clicking here. Ok?
In conclusion:
To earn money while working online, you'll need to design an o er that you can sell
For the time being, I've only discussed ways to generate money online in general, such
as through a liate marketing and the sale of digital things and services.
Let's take "the" rst step:
How can you go from making a little money online to making $100,000 a year?
Let's have a discussion about it.
To generate substantial money online, you must CLIMB a "working" business.
I told you that $100,000 a year is only the sum of smaller amounts that "work."
IN OTHER WORDS, if your o er "sells," you've got a gold mine on your hands.
Reason? On the internet, there are a lot of people.
Take a look around. All of them are tethered to their cellphones. Everyone is on
Facebook, Instagram, Google, and other social media platforms.
You should be aware that you have two options for reaching out to these people online:
⦁ Advertising that is paid for
⦁ With Facebook, you may get organic tra c.
For a moment, let's talk about paid tra c.
It is feasible to develop targeted adverts on various sites (such as Facebook) that will
reach some people based on their interests.
If you want to sell a dog training course, for example, simply post an ad and instruct
Facebook to only show it to those who have expressed an interest in dogs.
(Facebook can deduce this from the movies we watch, the pages we like, where we stop
on our wall while scrolling through the homepage, and so on.)
For the time being, don't be concerned with how advertising is employed; it's merely
technical, and a tutorial will be enough to teach you how to use it.
Instead, consider the following:
Advertising on Facebook, like advertising on Google or elsewhere, is not free. However,
if you can get a positive return on investment (earnings + advertising costs), you can
scale your pro ts and produce consistent money.
Do you believe that how much you spend on advertising is unimportant if you make
more money from sales?
Allow me to illustrate with a numerical example:
Let's imagine you need to spend an average of $10 on advertising in order to sell
ONE COPY of your o er.
Advertise for $10, hundreds of individuals see your ad, and one of them decides to buy
your goods for $27.
REMEMBER: If an o er works for 100 people, it will work for 100,000 people as well.
You earn $27 if you buy $10.
You get $54 if you buy $20.
You get $81 if you spend $30.
You earn $108 if you spend $40.
I believe you've gured out where I want to go (we're almost done with the problem)...
You gain 270 points for every $100 you spend...
Is there anything that it reminds you of?
The well-known $270, $27 multiplied by ten per every day equals $100,000!
We've arrived!
ATTENTION: The price of $27 is used as an example to help you comprehend the
concept. To reach $100,000, you would need to sell ten $27 goods per day, but you
might achieve the same outcome by selling one for $270.
What's more, do you know what the most fascinating aspect is? That when the price
rises, scaling up (scaling with advertising) becomes less required... but this is a
somewhat more complicated thing, which I'll cover later.
You now realize that:
You can earn money online by assisting others with their troubles.
By "scaling" your sales using online advertising, you may turn $27 per day into
$100,000 or more per year.
The most crucial factor is to always make money: your advertising costs must always
be less than your earnings.
Do you think it's all a little too wonderful to be true?
And there is still a massive di culty to address... a problem that still gives me
The sales revolution is changing the way people generate money online.
It is NOT enough to make a nice product to sell online... and I have tested this on my
I won't get into speci cs; just know that during my early days in the eld, I attempted
to develop an eBook to sell online.
I was ecstatic because I was con dent that once the product was developed and
promoted to the appropriate demographic, it would be picked up...
… The reason for this is simple: it was a fantastic product!
It wasn't something I made just to make money online - I truly believed in the
product, it had taken time and work to develop, and I was con dent that future
consumers would enjoy it.
Wow, sell and then scale up! I was quite ecstatic.
Consider the following scenario...
I make the product available for download for a price once it's nished.
I make a product presentation page (a sales page) and launch marketing campaigns to
promote it.
I turn o the computer and leave the house in a good mood.
After a few hours, I return home and restart the computer...
Kapow! The universe crumbles around me:
There are no sales. A heart that is broken.
"Oh well," I say, "there will be something that isn't quite right."
Double-check everything. It was all up and running and online.
I make an e ort to be patient.
(At the same time, advertising costs were rising.)
I've been waiting for hours. I've been waiting for days.
There are no sales.
Here's the truth: I'd squandered both money and time.
I was sobbing uncontrollably.
But here's the twist: just when I was about to give up, a sale happened.
That chance $10 sale rekindled my hope and gave me the courage to keep going.
Then I persisted, and with the passage of time (a long period), I realized what I had
done wrong.
The rst thing I learned was:
When you use sponsored advertising to market something, you're essentially a
salesperson knocking on people's doors.
And when individuals watch an advertisement, they frequently make the following
Maybe they're interested in the product, or maybe it's for them... However, they do not
Have you ever experienced something similar? Have you ever thought to yourself,
"Perhaps I'll buy it next time"?
It occurs frequently. Almost all of the time.
People love to buy, but they despise being sold things.
Take a close look at this quote:
“When people feel insecure about something, they look around for validation. Show
them that other people trust you.” –Francisco Rosales.
And here is another important quote to help you along the way:
“We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw
up royally sometimes — understanding that failure is not the opposite of success,
it’s part of success.” — Arianna Hu ngton, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global
The majority of marketers rely on advertisements.
The majority of marketers "sell stu " by knocking on potential consumers' doors.
I prefered to do things the other way around.
The rst component is as follows:
How to generate money on the internet without spending money on advertising
You are not obligated to use Facebook advertising or bought tra c in general to create
tra c. Organic tra c is a di erent form of tra c.
It is feasible to position yourself on search engines like Google and YouTube so that you
appear on the rst page for speci c searches.
And for at least two reasons, this form of tra c is ideal for beginning to generate
money online:
⦁ It's free: you don't have to worry about spending more than you earn.
⦁ It does not identify you as a seller: if your consumers nd you while searching for
something, it does not identify you as a vendor.
That, I would argue, is a completely di erent matter.
I don't think anyone can argue that free tra c is better "by de nition" than paid
tra c, can they? It's free in that sense!
This would already save the lives of many ambitious internet entrepreneurs who are
compelled to give up their aspirations when they observe an increase in expenses
(advertising costs) without a return on investment (sales).
But it's "the absence of the selling impact" that's most intriguing:
Those who nd you on Google or YouTube are not as bothered as those who see your
Facebook ad.
He was the one who went out of his way to nd you!
This makes a big impact, which is why I recommend launching a blog initially for
individuals who are just getting started with online income.
It will serve as your gym for generating free tra c and putting your o erings to the
Conclusions and Insights on Online Earning
Phew... I hope I've explained things a little for you!
You realize that the most e ective way to make money online is to sell something.
You realize that you can do the same because you don't need a tangible object to sell
You realize that, contrary to what the great Gurus teach you, you don't need to pay for
tra c (NOTE that this article is on Google, and as such is the de nitive proof of this
Here's everything you need to know right now to start making $100,000 a year:
⦁ How to be seen as an authority on the internet
⦁ How to construct a persuasive argument
⦁ How to start selling from the ground up
But don't worry, I'm not going to give up on you!
I guarantee that my blog has more material than most paid online courses (and it's
Here are some articles that you must read if you are serious about earning money
How to Pro t from A liate Marketing
What is the best way to design and sell online courses?
What is the best way to make money with a blog?
Good luck with your ongoing business-making and marketing, reading, goals - and
keep up the good work!
- Gerry
(Just sharing the love)
P.S. I remind you that if you prefer a step-by-step guide at this moment you can access
my points of reference for free, and learn all these things by replicating what I do.
Visit Here To Get Instant Access To My Proven Steps:--->>
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Make Great Cash Online From Home

  • 1. Earn More Than $100,000 Per Year! Discover All That You Need To Know To Earn $100,000 Per Year Online MakeGreatCash
  • 2. This is the most thorough piece on how to earn money online seriously, and thanks to the knowledge you'll gain here, you'll understand the genuine difference between those who earn $50 per month and those who earn more than $100,000 per year. In other words: learn how to make great cash. I advise you to proceed with caution because the material you'll find here is not at all like the lists of online money-making ways you'll find all over the internet... we're on a different level, ok? However, as you might expect, the question of "online profits" is quite contentious. It's tough to produce an article that everyone understands for one simple reason: ⦁ I'll show you one of the more intricate examples later, but in general, the individuals that get ripped are those who are seduced by the illusion of easy money. ⦁ I'm not here to pass judgment on you. Once in a lifetime, we've all been duped! However, before I allow you to proceed, I'd like to clarify one point: ⦁ I'm not going to tell you about betting systems, binary options strategies, or bitcoin forecasts. I will not, in general, discuss strategies that claim to make money online rapidly and easily. Did you present those beautiful pictures of swimming pools, luxury cars, and private planes right? Well, I ask you to put them aside as you read this article. To do business online seriously following my directions you will have to work hard, but I assure you that it will be worth it. ⦁ You will discover that all you need to know to earn $100,000 per year online is how to earn $27 every day. ⦁ I'll reveal the "secret approach" for earning those $27 each day or, more broadly, for making money online. (NOTE: it's so top-secret that it was even used by my grandmother!) ⦁ And finally, I will reveal the advanced information for free to work from home as the only job (the stuff that usually comes with expensive courses) Do you have to start from scratch when it comes to internet earnings? MakeGreatCash
  • 3. If this is your first time engaging in online activities, you may be perplexed as to why there are so many people offering betting and trading advice. Here's the big reveal: Those who try to convince you that there are trading and betting tricks make money online through a system known as "affiliation." I'll give you an example to illustrate what I'm talking about: ⦁ It displays the amount of money it earns, as well as sports vehicles and villas. ⦁ It demonstrates a technique that appears to work. By joining up for the site he uses, he provides you instructions on how to duplicate his technique. You create an account and make a deposit. He receives a part of your deposit as payment. You got it right away. For bringing in a new customer, the company that operates the trading (or betting) platform pays the individual a commission. He makes money regardless of whether you win or lose, which is why he makes everything appear simple. Clear? However, you can make money by marketing "honest" products (affiliations). MakeGreatCash
  • 4. You should be aware that the same approach is used by 99 percent of blogs that promote things for sale on Amazon, eBay, Zalando, and other similar sites. However, you can make money by marketing "honest" products (affiliations) You should be aware that the same approach is used by 99 percent of blogs that promote things for sale on Amazon, eBay, Zalando, and other similar sites. The key is that they advertise products and services rather than legalized con artists like the folks I mentioned earlier. If you're starting from scratch, I advocate developing a culture of marketing other people's things, as this is the most fundamental approach for fast making money online. Here's how I did it: Affiliate marketing as a source of income Do you want to know what the super summary is? You can publish content (for example, a blog) with links to other people's items (for example, Amazon, eBay, Zalando) and make money every time someone clicks on your links and purchases the things. There are no techniques, but you will quickly find that making money on the internet lawfully on a practical level is simple: simply do what people have been doing since the beginning of time while utilising the internet's properties. And, since the beginning of time, what has mankind been doing? It's something I'm about to tell you about. Let's get this party MakeGreatCash
  • 5. started! Simply learn how to earn $27 per day to earn $100,000 per year online. Perhaps you believe I am making fun of you (and if you did not suspect anything you would be crazy or crazy). Yet, ten years ago, I would have paid money to find an article like this. Let's keep it brief. I'm going to show you how to get from $30 per day to $100,000 per year right now. This may perplex you. It won't happen right away. I invite you to continue reading carefully from this point forwards. The idea is as follows: You must consider $100,000 as of the SUM of something smaller, that "works" and can benefit from the web's scalability (from the millions of people connected to the internet). Let me clarify. If you divide 100,000 by 365 days in a year, you'll see that you just need to make $274 every day to earn $100,000 online. (274 multiplied by 365 = 100,000) But there's another way to look at it: $274 per day is calculated by multiplying (roughly) $27 per day by ten. (Don't forget about the "multiplied by ten" part; it's crucial.) MakeGreatCash
  • 6. Consider this scenario: how to guarantee $10,000 every month. If you can figure out how to make $27 a day online, you can also figure out how to “multiply” that profit 10 times and make $100,000 per year. I'm not trying to multiply money by magic, so don't get too worked up! It's a completely different situation. Here's the fact: You have a wide range of tools at your fingertips when you go online. Reach out to as many individuals as you want and automatically "communicate" with them. Because of these possibilities, you can repeat "the technique" to make even a small amount (such as $27) on a larger scale if you find "the way" to earn even a small amount (such as $27). What I'm saying is that you just need to learn how to make ends meet in a smaller way - even if it means making little money - and then scale up the profits to employ that knowledge in the larger marketplace. This is the fundamental rule of any successful online business: If an offer works on a screen with 100 people, it will work on a screen with 100,000 people. Reread and repeat this notion, because it is so basic that it is often overlooked, despite the fact that it is the foundation of every successful business on the planet: CONCEPT: If an offer works for 100 people, it will work for 100,000 people as well. “All right, Gerry, but what exactly do you mean by the offer?” "How can I start making MakeGreatCash
  • 7. money online from scratch?" I'm about to tell you about the specifics, but first, consider the following: MakeGreatCash
  • 10. All you need is a $600+ monthly loan to acquire one of these autos. Now I'll ask you a question: Could one of the houses listed above be your ideal home? The issue isn't "which" of these residences you prefer, but that they would cost you $5,000 a month on average. As a result, a sports car costs $600 per month, while a “dream home” costs $5,000 per month. Total: $5600 each month (about $67,000 annually). Do you realize that $100,000 per year may be more than enough to live comfortably? Don't even consider the millions. $100,000 a year is plenty to begin working in the house of your choice, wherever you choose, and with the car, clothes, and vacations of your choice. Is this something that can't be done? It's just a smidgeon above average. Nonetheless, the majority of us are resigned to working a job we don't enjoy, where we must get up early in the morning and follow orders from our superiors. Everything appears normal to us, and rightly so. On the one hand, there are those who have and make money (a lot of money...), and on the other hand, there are those who must work 5/6 days a week and obtain a mortgage in order to own a home. But, as you know, there is only one life, and it is yours to live. Only you have control over your fate, and I'm going to tell you what you need to do... ...but, again, it will not be child's play! MakeGreatCash
  • 11. We previously stated that all you need to do to earn $100,000 per year is discover how to earn $$27 per day "multiplied by ten." I'd take it from here. How to make your rst $27 on the internet I'm not familiar with your dreams, and I'm not quali ed to interpret them. But I can guarantee you that $100,000 a year does not have to be viewed as a pipe dream, but rather as a journey with numerous steps. Now I'll tell you about the only reliable and secure approach to make money online. Consider this: What do all businesses, from the smallest to the largest, do? I ask because you will be required to do the same. Consider this: what is the motion that rms use to make money? What occurs in practice to cause euros to accrue in each company's account? Here's how it works: You must sell something to make your rst money online. A product or service must be sold. Nothing out of the ordinary. "My grandma did, too," I wasn't lying to you: Selling has been practiced from the beginning of time (before network marketing, dropshipping, investments, betting, etc.) MakeGreatCash
  • 12. But take care: I am not advising you to start an internet store in order to sell actual goods. You can make money online without having to invest in items, production, or storage. Your proposal may be as follows: ⦁ A liation is used to sell a product that is not yours (see: a liate marketing) ⦁ Your digital product's sales (see: creating online courses) ⦁ Your service is being sold (from the "classic" service to consultancy) People have always purchased items from others to ful ll their needs and desires. Companies and entrepreneurs have always provided something to others since their inception. What should you sell to make money on the internet? It is no longer required to sell "physical" items because of the internet: "knowledge" is now one of the most in-demand commodities. Selling information is the most e ective approach to earn $ 27 each day. People are purchasing information, and they are willing to pay a higher price for it. You are not required to sell a "physical" item. The factory isn't required. You have a fantastic opportunity to sell a digital product or service. The most critical factor is that the data you'll sell (or use to create the service) can help people solve problems. But what am I able to sell? I am not a professional! MakeGreatCash
  • 13. Ok. Anchors. Who said you have to be a professional? Are you certain you're not? Take a moment to consider it. Do you wish to know the truth? Don't be o ended, but that's ne. Here's what kept you from taking the next step in your life: You anticipated being handed a pro table business along with expert instructions. I'm not playing games with you; I'm constantly assisting you in opening your eyes: You can market a solution if you know how to x an issue, and you don't need anyone's permission to do it. Ok? Consider one of the following: ⦁ Is there a subject about which you know more than others as a result of your study or work? ⦁ Is there a subject that you're passionate about and want to learn more about? ⦁ Is there a topic you'd like to learn more about (for example, by reading books or MakeGreatCash
  • 14. watching videos?) If you responded yes at least once, there are people who lack your abilities and, more than likely, have an issue that you could address. Congratulations, you can now sell your solution if this problem is important enough to warrant a payment. And here's the best part: even if you start from scratch and have no experience, you can make money online in this manner: You don't have to be an expert; all you need is to know "something" that your potential buyers don't. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Reread: You don't have to be an expert; all you need to know about your potential consumers is a little more information. Some instances are as follows: ⦁ If one of your customers' problems is guring out how to make a website, you simply need to know how to do it (you DO NOT have to be a super web expert) ⦁ If your clients' issue is weight loss, you must force them to reduce weight (you DO NOT have to be a top personal trainer) ⦁ If one of your customers' problems is training their puppy, all you need to know is how to do it (you DO NOT have to be a super trainer). ⦁ If your clients' di culty is nding a mate or companion, all you have to do is know how to x it (you don't have to be the new Cassanova). If you nd a problem, you can read books, watch videos, and learn from those who have already solved it... And once you've gured out how to solve it, you may make money online by selling MakeGreatCash
  • 15. your answer. (Even if you're starting from scratch and haven't sold anything online, I'll talk to you about how to sell this solution shortly.) EXAMPLE FROM REAL LIFE My father recently purchased a paid online course to learn how to train the dog a few months ago. Whoever sold him the course might have (easily) read a dog training book, gained expertise with his dog, and then put up a video course to o er online. ... AND THEN BOOM! Despite the fact that he was not a certi ed trainer, he did not deceive anyone: my father required that product, and he was glad to acquire it and solve his problem without having to conduct hundreds of searches. The premise is that humans are looking for time-saving shortcuts, and you only have to "work" once to identify one of these answers, which you can then o er online. This is, after all, the core idea of all consulting services, as well as many “traditional” o ine services. Consider personal trainers, video makers, and Yoga or other discipline instructors. I'll say it again: anyone can research an issue, create a solution, and then sell it on the internet. It was done by the guy from the dog training school, it was done by me, and it can be MakeGreatCash
  • 16. done by you as well. Is it too di cult for you? Do you truly think you'll be able to nd a way to make a lot of money without doing anything? Are you looking for a solution? It requires dedication, at least at rst. Remember that everyone despises performing things that require e ort... … To acquire di erent results, all you have to do is do what others don't (and di erent bank accounts). In any event, you may download my step-by-step, error-proof PRACTICE guide by clicking here. Ok? In conclusion: To earn money while working online, you'll need to design an o er that you can sell online. For the time being, I've only discussed ways to generate money online in general, such as through a liate marketing and the sale of digital things and services. Let's take "the" rst step: How can you go from making a little money online to making $100,000 a year? Let's have a discussion about it. To generate substantial money online, you must CLIMB a "working" business. MakeGreatCash
  • 17. I told you that $100,000 a year is only the sum of smaller amounts that "work." IN OTHER WORDS, if your o er "sells," you've got a gold mine on your hands. Reason? On the internet, there are a lot of people. Take a look around. All of them are tethered to their cellphones. Everyone is on Facebook, Instagram, Google, and other social media platforms. You should be aware that you have two options for reaching out to these people online: ⦁ Advertising that is paid for ⦁ With Facebook, you may get organic tra c. For a moment, let's talk about paid tra c. It is feasible to develop targeted adverts on various sites (such as Facebook) that will reach some people based on their interests. If you want to sell a dog training course, for example, simply post an ad and instruct Facebook to only show it to those who have expressed an interest in dogs. (Facebook can deduce this from the movies we watch, the pages we like, where we stop on our wall while scrolling through the homepage, and so on.) For the time being, don't be concerned with how advertising is employed; it's merely technical, and a tutorial will be enough to teach you how to use it. Instead, consider the following: MakeGreatCash
  • 18. Advertising on Facebook, like advertising on Google or elsewhere, is not free. However, if you can get a positive return on investment (earnings + advertising costs), you can scale your pro ts and produce consistent money. Do you believe that how much you spend on advertising is unimportant if you make more money from sales? Allow me to illustrate with a numerical example: Let's imagine you need to spend an average of $10 on advertising in order to sell ONE COPY of your o er. Advertise for $10, hundreds of individuals see your ad, and one of them decides to buy your goods for $27. REMEMBER: If an o er works for 100 people, it will work for 100,000 people as well. You earn $27 if you buy $10. But... You get $54 if you buy $20. You get $81 if you spend $30. You earn $108 if you spend $40. I believe you've gured out where I want to go (we're almost done with the problem)... You gain 270 points for every $100 you spend... MakeGreatCash
  • 19. Is there anything that it reminds you of? The well-known $270, $27 multiplied by ten per every day equals $100,000! BOOM! We've arrived! ATTENTION: The price of $27 is used as an example to help you comprehend the concept. To reach $100,000, you would need to sell ten $27 goods per day, but you might achieve the same outcome by selling one for $270. What's more, do you know what the most fascinating aspect is? That when the price rises, scaling up (scaling with advertising) becomes less required... but this is a somewhat more complicated thing, which I'll cover later. You now realize that: You can earn money online by assisting others with their troubles. By "scaling" your sales using online advertising, you may turn $27 per day into $100,000 or more per year. The most crucial factor is to always make money: your advertising costs must always be less than your earnings. Ok? Do you think it's all a little too wonderful to be true? And there is still a massive di culty to address... a problem that still gives me nightmares! MakeGreatCash
  • 20. The sales revolution is changing the way people generate money online. It is NOT enough to make a nice product to sell online... and I have tested this on my skin. I won't get into speci cs; just know that during my early days in the eld, I attempted to develop an eBook to sell online. I was ecstatic because I was con dent that once the product was developed and promoted to the appropriate demographic, it would be picked up... … The reason for this is simple: it was a fantastic product! It wasn't something I made just to make money online - I truly believed in the product, it had taken time and work to develop, and I was con dent that future consumers would enjoy it. Wow, sell and then scale up! I was quite ecstatic. Consider the following scenario... I make the product available for download for a price once it's nished. I make a product presentation page (a sales page) and launch marketing campaigns to promote it. I turn o the computer and leave the house in a good mood. After a few hours, I return home and restart the computer... Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Kapow! The universe crumbles around me: MakeGreatCash
  • 21. There are no sales. A heart that is broken. "Oh well," I say, "there will be something that isn't quite right." Double-check everything. It was all up and running and online. I make an e ort to be patient. (At the same time, advertising costs were rising.) I've been waiting for hours. I've been waiting for days. There are no sales. Zero. Here's the truth: I'd squandered both money and time. I was sobbing uncontrollably. But here's the twist: just when I was about to give up, a sale happened. That chance $10 sale rekindled my hope and gave me the courage to keep going. Then I persisted, and with the passage of time (a long period), I realized what I had done wrong. The rst thing I learned was: When you use sponsored advertising to market something, you're essentially a MakeGreatCash
  • 22. salesperson knocking on people's doors. And when individuals watch an advertisement, they frequently make the following expression: Maybe they're interested in the product, or maybe it's for them... However, they do not purchase. Have you ever experienced something similar? Have you ever thought to yourself, "Perhaps I'll buy it next time"? It occurs frequently. Almost all of the time. People love to buy, but they despise being sold things. Take a close look at this quote: “When people feel insecure about something, they look around for validation. Show them that other people trust you.” –Francisco Rosales. And here is another important quote to help you along the way: “We need to accept that we won’t always make the right decisions, that we’ll screw up royally sometimes — understanding that failure is not the opposite of success, it’s part of success.” — Arianna Hu ngton, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global The majority of marketers rely on advertisements. The majority of marketers "sell stu " by knocking on potential consumers' doors. I prefered to do things the other way around. MakeGreatCash
  • 23. The rst component is as follows: How to generate money on the internet without spending money on advertising You are not obligated to use Facebook advertising or bought tra c in general to create tra c. Organic tra c is a di erent form of tra c. It is feasible to position yourself on search engines like Google and YouTube so that you appear on the rst page for speci c searches. And for at least two reasons, this form of tra c is ideal for beginning to generate money online: ⦁ It's free: you don't have to worry about spending more than you earn. ⦁ It does not identify you as a seller: if your consumers nd you while searching for something, it does not identify you as a vendor. That, I would argue, is a completely di erent matter. I don't think anyone can argue that free tra c is better "by de nition" than paid tra c, can they? It's free in that sense! This would already save the lives of many ambitious internet entrepreneurs who are compelled to give up their aspirations when they observe an increase in expenses (advertising costs) without a return on investment (sales). But it's "the absence of the selling impact" that's most intriguing: Those who nd you on Google or YouTube are not as bothered as those who see your MakeGreatCash
  • 24. Facebook ad. He was the one who went out of his way to nd you! This makes a big impact, which is why I recommend launching a blog initially for individuals who are just getting started with online income. It will serve as your gym for generating free tra c and putting your o erings to the test. Conclusions and Insights on Online Earning Phew... I hope I've explained things a little for you! You realize that the most e ective way to make money online is to sell something. You realize that you can do the same because you don't need a tangible object to sell information. You realize that, contrary to what the great Gurus teach you, you don't need to pay for tra c (NOTE that this article is on Google, and as such is the de nitive proof of this statement) Here's everything you need to know right now to start making $100,000 a year: ⦁ How to be seen as an authority on the internet ⦁ How to construct a persuasive argument ⦁ How to start selling from the ground up But don't worry, I'm not going to give up on you! I guarantee that my blog has more material than most paid online courses (and it's MakeGreatCash
  • 25. free!). Here are some articles that you must read if you are serious about earning money online: How to Pro t from A liate Marketing What is the best way to design and sell online courses? What is the best way to make money with a blog? Good luck with your ongoing business-making and marketing, reading, goals - and keep up the good work! - Gerry 😍😍😍 (Just sharing the love) P.S. I remind you that if you prefer a step-by-step guide at this moment you can access my points of reference for free, and learn all these things by replicating what I do. Visit Here To Get Instant Access To My Proven Steps:--->> Who Else Can We Help? 🤨🤨 Send An Email To Get Started To:---->>> MakeGreatCash