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Festival Design DNA is a project produced by Snook for festivalslab.
  It is both a set of practical tools and an exciting new conversation
 about what happens when cultural professionals and organisations
start to think like designers and work to make the experiences they
           create better from a person-centred point of view.

  festivalslab or the Edinburgh Festivals Innovation Lab works with
 and for the twelve Edinburgh Festivals on how to use new thinking
and new tools to the experience of the world’s festival city even better
        for audiences, creative talent and festival organisations.

  Snook is a Glasgow-based service design and social innovation
 agency focusing on transforming the way services are delivered in
               Scotland, ensuring people come first.

Discovering Festival Customers:                      Opening Up Gaps In Your Festival:

This stage is about finding out who your customers   This stage is about understanding where there are
are and developing new customer segments.            significant gaps in your provision or problematic
                                                     areas. Tackle them head on rather than ignore
Big Challenges/Festival Experiences:                 them.

Use this stage to tackle those big challenges you    Scanning The Festival Horizon:
face and look at the total experience of your
festival. Is there a wicked problem you should be
                                                     Use this stage to develop your understanding
solving or an experience you’ve always wanted to
                                                     of what is happening outside of your festival
                                                     experience. You might want to look at what others
                                                     are doing both within and outwith a festivals
This tool is a great way to meet
people associated with your idea
                                       USE ME TO:
and talk to them in an informal
                                       •	 Gain	a	far	more	holistic	
setting. It’s best to carefully
                                          understanding	of	the	people	
consider who you should interview
                                          you	are	designing	for		
and what you want to find out
from them. For example if you are
trying to improve the process of       YOU WILL NEED:
applying to be an act in the Fringe
Festival, interview an act who         •	 Someone	willing	to	be	
found the experience brilliant and        interviewed.
another who found it frustrating.      •	 Equipment	for	recording	your	
Interviews can be conducted            •	 Prepared	open	question
with customers, staff and other
relevant stakeholders. Ideally,
you should visit the person you
would like to interview in their
own environment and use a
combination of questions and
observations to generate the

                                                                          “I TALKED TO SOMEONE ABOUT
insights you want and need.

You can document your

                                                                          WHY THEY DIDN’T COME TO OUR
interview via audio recordings
and photographs - this means
you have rich visual information

to present back to the project
team. A lite interview usually lasts
between fifteen and thirty minutes.
This tool is a great way to meet people associated with your idea and talk to them in an informal
setting. It’s best to carefully consider who you should interview and what you want to find out
from them. For example if you are trying to improve the process of applying to be an act in the
Fringe festival, interview an act who found the experience brilliant and another who found it

      What 5 questions do you want to cover with your interviewee?

                   What did you find out?

                                                                                     hat re and
                                                                                ut w     a
                                                                         P ull o ndings your
                                                                               n fi     nto
                                                                          mai these i ase.
                                                                           take ition ph

50 THINGS                                                              “50 THINGS REALLY SHOWS HOW
                                                                       HARD IT CAN BE FOR A CUSTOMER
This tool is a great way to put
yourself in someone else’s
                                     USE ME TO:                        TO ACCESS OUR FESTIVAL”
shoes.                               •	 Gain	a	new	perspective	on	
                                        experiences	related	to	your	
Pick one activity that is relevant      idea	
to your project and task
everyone in the project with
completing this activity.            YOU WILL NEED:
They then have to write down a       •	 An	activity
list of 50 things related to their   •	 Pen	and	paper
task. What happened? How did
they feel? What did they hear?

For example if you are trying
to improve the way finding of
a particular festival, task the
team with finding their way to
the toilet with vision restricted
glasses. (You can do this using
tape, buying a cheap pair of
sunglasses and colouring
them in etc) Then ask them
to write 50 things about that
Pick one activity that is relevant to your project and task everyone in the project with complet-
ing this activity. They then have to write down a list of 50 things related to their task - What hap-
pened? How did they feel? What did they hear? For example, if you are trying to improve the way
finding of a particular festival, task the team with finding their way to the toilet blindfolded in a
venue. They then have to write 50 things about that experience.

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This tool is an extension of the    USE ME TO:
interview lite tool. A contextual
interview is spending time          •	 Uncover	the	unknown	
with a person in their own             unknowns.
space and asking them loosely       •	 Gain	a	deep	understanding	
structured questions.                  of	behaviour,	needs	
                                       problems,	desire	and	
This technique comes from              motivations.	The	output	
ethnography methods where              of	an	interview	is	rich	and	
ethnographers could spend              meaningful	observations	&	
months or years living and             insights	that	build	a	story	on	
observing different people from        the	participant.	The	stories	
a variety of cultures.                 can	be	supported	and	
                                       emphasised	by	images	&	
You should consider carrying           video	clips.
out a range of interviews with a
range of people for a particular
project in order to achieve a
                                    YOU WILL NEED:
broad array of insights. Finding
the right people in a short         •	
                                         Someone	to	interview
                                         A	place	to	interview	them
                                                                         “SPENDING TIME WITH
space of time can be difficult.

Try and think of an incentive to
                                         Prepared	questions
                                         Recording	equipment             SOMEONE IN THEIR HOME TOLD
                                                                         US SO MUCH ABOUT THEM”
secure the right participants.
This tool is an extension of the interview lite tool. A contextual interview is spending time with a
person in their own space and asking them loosely structured questions. You should consider
carrying out a range of interviews with several different types of people for a particular project in
order to achieve a broad array of insights.

    Who are you interviewing? Name, age and the first thing you find out about them:

     Use this space to lay down questions before meeting your interviewee, or to captue notes
                                                           and sketches during the interview.

                                                                                            to ta
                                                                                      Ask s of
                                                                                           to         e
                                                                                      pho you ar e
                                                                                          o  n        ak
                                                                                     pers         &m     re
                                                                                 the viewing captu
                                                                                      r           u       e
                                                                                  inte that yo ir hom
                                                                                                   e       u
                                                                                   sure ils of th that yo .
                                                                                    deta e place ing the
                                                                                     or t tervie    w

DISCOVER                                                     “WE SPENT TIME ON THE HIGH
OBSERVATION                                                           “BIHIYVLJJFLIUAOYGLNUHAPITU
                                                                      STREET OBSERVING PEOPLE
                                                                      DURING THE FRINGE”
                                      USE ME TO:
Observation is a cheap and
easy way of conducting new
research.                             •	 Create	user	personas
                                      •	 Find	out	more	about	
Using our eyes, stepping                 customers
back and watching customers           •	 Understand	how	a	physical	
engage with a service can                space	works
reveal key information and            •	 Spot	problems	and	
enrich quantitative research.            opportunities
Understanding how users
move in a physical space, their
                                      YOU WILL NEED:
habits, the clothes they wear,
                                      •	 Your	eyes
the bag they carry all build up
                                      •	 Pen	and	paper
a picture of who our customers

All it requires, is for you to take
a step back and observe.
Observation is a cheap and easy way of conducting new research. Using our eyes, stepping back
and watching customers engage with a service can reveal key information and enrich quantitative
research. All it takes, is taking a step back and observing.

    Look at how users move in a physical space, their habits, the clothes they wear, the bag
    they carry. All of this builds up a picture of who your customers are.

                                                                             re interesting:
                                                                     that we
                                                          gs I saw
                                                   10 thin

                                                                                               pho , but
                                                                                       Take u go s
                                                                                        as y to be a le.
                                                                                              er       sib
                                                                                       emb as pos act
                                                                                   em te
                                                                                         re        in to
                                                                                    disc le beg they
                                                                                     Peo ently if ey are
                                                                                      diffe that th ed.
                                                                                       kno watch
                                                                                        be  ing

Shadowing is the action              USE ME TO:
of following someone to
understand what it is like to live   •	 Gain	insights	from	a	
their life. This can be done over       different	point	of	view
the course of a day, week, or
                                     •	 Understand	customers	and	   “SHADOWING A BOX OFFICE MANAGER

Shadowing can be done in
                                     •	 Motivations/needs
                                     •	 Understanding	what	needs	
                                                                    TOLD ME SO MUCH ABOUT THE
a subtle way by following
a member of staff as they
                                        to	change
                                     •	 Influence	new	ideas	for	
                                                                    PROBLEMS THEY FACE AT PEAK TIMES”
undertake their job, or you may         improvement
want to try asking questions
while you shadow.                    YOU WILL NEED:
The point of shadowing is to
                                     •	 Notepad	and	pen
understand first hand what it is
                                     •	 Audio/visual	capturing	
like to deliver or use a service.
                                        device.	(Camera,	
The outcome is an in-depth
                                        dictaphone,	mobile	phone	
understanding of the good and
bad points of a service.

Take notes, capture audio
and visual and when you have
returned to the studio there is
plenty of material to analyse
and use in communicating
some of the sticking points of
the service.
Shadowing is the action of following someone to observe and understand what it is like to live
their life. This can be done over the course of a day, a week, or longer. Shadowing can be done
in a subtle way by following a member of staff as they undertake their job, or you may want to try
asking questions while you shadow. The point of shadowing is to understand first hand what it is
like to deliver or use a service.

    Take notes, capture audio and take photographs. When you have returned to the studio
    there is plenty of material to analyse and use in communicating some of the sticking
    points of the service.

    Where are you?

    Who are you shadowing?

    Do they know that you are there?

    Where do they go?

    What do they see?

    Do they talk to anyone?

    What do they touch?

    What else is happening around them (sights, sounds, smells)?

    How long do you shadow for?

DISCOVER                                                     “WE SENT OUT CULTURAL PROBES
                                                                     TO FESTIVAL CUSTOMERS TO
CULTURAL PROBE                                                       UNDERSTAND MORE ABOUT THEIR
A cultural probe is a small       describe how they feel along a     EXPERIENCES”
kit that is sent to a targeted    timeline. They could be sent a
user. The results help you        text throughout intervals in the
understand their life or          day to capture photographs of
experience of a service without   where they are, or what they
a member of the project team      are doing.
or designer being involved.

Kits often include a camera or    USE ME TO:
audio device and a set of tasks
or images a user must capture.    •	 Gather	user	insights
It builds up a visual picture     •	 Create	a	visual	picture	of	
that creates a more in-depth         people’s	lives
understanding of a user’s life
or experience. Cultural probes
are about scratching the          YOU WILL NEED:
surface of peoples thoughts
and behaviours and really         •	 To	design	a	toolkit	and	a	
understanding their life.            bag	to	package	this
                                  •	 Disposable	camera	or	
The kit should be designed           digital	capture	device
to be engaging and capture        •	 Relationship	//	Stakeholder	
nuances that traditional             map.
engagement methods overlook.

For example a user could
be set a diary to document
their day and use stickers to
Cultural probes are about getting underneath peoples skin and really understanding their life. The
kit should be designed to be engaging and capture nuances that traditional engagement methods
overlook. For example, a user could be sent a diary to document their day and use stickers to
describe how they feel along a timeline. They could be sent a text throughout intervals in the day
to capture photographs of where they are, or what they are doing.

    Think about making this visually engaging. Brand it as your project, package it, think about
    how it arrives with your user, and how they unpack it.

     Some points to consider when making your kit:

           Who is going to be doing it?

           Where would be best for them to complete it?

           How long should it take?

           Does it need to be documented across days?

           Think about whether a lot of writing is necessary.

           Can your user upload their own photos?

     	     Do	you	need	to	develop	films?

           Are you collecting video or audio content?

           How long do you need to consider for posting items back?

           Should you provide an incentive e.g. coffee vouchers?

RELATIONSHIP / STAKEHOLDER MAP                                       “WE MAPPED OUR CUSTOMERS
                                                                     RELATIONSHIPS TO UNDERSTAND
A stakeholder map can
be used to look at who is
                                    USE ME TO:                       WHAT INFLUENCES THEM”
involved around your theme          •	 Plan	project	relationships	
or project. If consider it as a        and	see	the	big	picture
relationship map we can also
look at individuals and the
relationships they have with
                                    YOU WILL NEED:
organisations, friends, families.
                                    •	 Post	its
A map of stakeholders or            •	 Pens
relationships can be visualised     •	 An	open	mind
using concentric circles with
close relationships being
mapped in the centre and
further away relationships
towards the outer circles.

This is a great way to step
back and look holistically at an
individual or group’s influencing
A stakeholder map is useful at the start of the project to understand what other festival
organisations and other cultural orgs who will be part of your idea. Furthermore, it forces you to
consider other influential stakeholders such as Trip Advisor and Stage Coach Travel. This is a
great way to step back and look at who you want to pull closer into the project and question how
you will do this.

    A map of stakeholders can be visualised using concentric circles with close relationships
    being mapped in the centre and further away relationships towards the outer circles.

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                                                                                   jel lyba
DISCOVER                                                            “WE USED GENERATIVE
GENERATIVE TOOLS                                                             TOOLS TO STOP PEOPLE
                                                                             IN THE STREET AND
Sometimes talking to people         USE ME TO:                               GATHER THEIR OPINION”
isn’t easy, and sometimes they
don’t want to talk.                 •	 Inspire	and	inform	new	
Generative tools are more of        •	 Synthesise	user	
a method than a tool. This             personalities	into	categories
is about creating physical          •	 Maintain	a	customer	
objects that act as prompts to         centred	process
encourage people to engage          •	 Test	ideas
with you. Engagement tools are
sometimes not about speaking,
and you learn a great deal from
                                    YOU WILL NEED:
watching someone complete
                                    •	 Customer	insight	
an exercise.
                                       information.	(To	get	this	
                                       information,	conduct	interviews,	
Think of them as conversation          talk	to	customers/staff,	use	
starters. For example, make            quantitative	information	to	create	
a sign asking people what              customer	segments.)
they would change about their
festival experience if they could
wave a magic wand!
Sometimes talking to people isn’t easy, and sometimes they don’t want to talk. Generative tools
are more of a method than a tool. This is about creating physical objects that act as prompts to
encourage people to engage with you. Think of them as conversation starters.

    For example, think about making a sign asking people what they would change about
    their festival experience if they could wave a magic wand!

                            Talk t
                           abou me
                                 t ...

                                                                                                  re n
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                                                                                       akin meone g
                                                                                    M so
                                                                                     that is recor t
                                                                                                     ha rs
                                                                                     team       ns t       e
                                                                              y our teractio g & oth
                                                                                    in         in          u
                                                                               the re hav you. Yo is on
                                                                                 you ions to o put th own
                                                                                        t          t
                                                                                  reac t want write d ost-
                                                                                      gh og, or
                                                                                   mi bl
                                                                                                        d on
                                                                                    yo  ur      u  foun P.O.P.I
                                                                                           t yo      se
                                                                                      wha then u
                                                                                       its &

This technique is a way to         USE ME TO:
generate “man on the street”
interviews in response to a        •	 Find	out	what	the	public	
particular question such as           think	about	a	particular	
“What is the one reason you           topic
would go to a festival?” Usually   •	 Gain	feedback	on	your	idea
the interviewees are in public
places, and give spontaneous
opinions in a chance encounter
                                   YOU WILL NEED:
— unrehearsed and not
                                   •	 Confidence
selected in any way.
                                   •	 Recording	Equipment
The results of vox popping
are unpredictable and usually
the material needs edited.
Although the two can be
quite often confused, a vox

                                                                   “IN JUST 60 SECONDS WE HAD GOT
pop is not a form of a survey.
Each person is asked the
same question; the aim is to
get a variety of answers and
opinions on any given subject.
                                                                   A SNAPSHOT OF WHO WAS VISITING
The interviewees should be of
various ages, genders, classes                                     OUR FESTIVAL AND WHY”
and communities so that the
diverse views and reactions
of the genera public will be
This technique is a way to generate “man on the street” interviews in response to a particular
questions such as “What is the one reason you would go to a festival?” Usually the interviewes
are in public places, and give spontaneous opinions in a chance encounter — unrehearsed and
not selected in any way.

    Consider your questions and how to approach people beforehand. Have questions ready
    but don’t be too prescribed, let the stories emerge.

                I sp oke to

                                                                                         can very
                                                                                   You film
                                                                                    you ovie or yer
                                                                                       n  iM ia Pla
                                                                                 ily o       ed         t
                                                                             eas ows M pload i
                                                                              Win free),
                                                                                             u        log.
                                                                                    h           ps b arge
                                                                               (bot ur grou o ch
                                                                                    yo          t         e
                                                                                to          ber      hon    .
                                                                                     mem cam/p storage
                                                                                 Re flip
                                                                                        r         tr a
                                                                                   you take ex

This tool is great way to
experience someone else’s
                                       USE ME TO:
lifestyle out with the service/
festival. This helps you design
festival experiences that meet
                                       •	 Gain	user	insights
                                       •	 Discover	latent	user	needs
                                                                         “SPENDING A DAY IN THE LIFE WITH
the latent needs of your target
audience. You could spend a
                                       •	 Gain	contextual	
                                          understanding                  PEOPLE WITH NO AGENDA ALLOWED US
day in the life with customers or
staff or members of the public.        YOU WILL NEED:                    TO SPOT OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUR
Although always ask permission
                                       •	 Visual/audio	recording	        FESTIVALS””
This can be done as an isolated           device
task to gain new ideas for             •	 Notepad	&	pen	to	
an organisation by spotting               customers/staff,	use	
opportunities in people’s lives           quantitative	information	to	
or to inform a project team how           create	customer	segment
someone lives and the design of a
new product or service. It’s a great
starting exercise to get the project
team out the office and witnessing
real life in a focused way.

It is ideal to document this
process with photographs and
chronologically lay this out back
in the office. The team can later
annotate the events of the day.
Alternatively it can be filmed and
edited into a short movie.
Spending a day with someone else is a great way to experience their lifestyle. This helps you
design festival experiences that meet the latent needs of your target audience. You could spend a
day in the life with customers or staff or members of the public. Although always ask permission

    It is ideal to document this process with photographs and chronologically layout back
    in the office. You might want to invite them back after developing photos to ask them a
    series of questions about their day.
    Draw on top of them to show opportunities for service improvement and alterations.

      what did they say?

                                      how are they feeling?

                                      overall experience?

    Who is this?

Empathy tools are ways of           USE ME TO:
understanding what it is like to
be in someone else’s shoes.         •	 Understand	the	user’s	
                                       experience	firsthand
Empathy tools can be                •	 Empathise	with	the	user
simply made and used                •	 Gain	deeper	user	insights
when undertaking different
ethnographic techniques within
the discovery period of the         YOU WILL NEED:
development process.
                                    •	 To	make	an	empathy	tool
For example, wearing a heavy        •	 Props/dress	up	box/
bag, or carrying extra weight to       materials/costumes	etc
simulate being pregnant helps       •	 Use	your	imagination	to	
the project team empathise and         make	the	experience	as	
understand what life is like from      realistic	as	possible
another person’s perspective.

Try undertaking the service
experience using an empathy
tool and document how you
feel at every stage.
                                                                   “I HAD NEVER CONSIDERED
                                                                   WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO BE
                                                                   PREGNANT AND VISIT A SHOW”
Empathy tools are ways of understanding what it is like to be in someone else’s shoes. Empathy
tools can be simply made and used when undertaking different ethnographic techniques within
the discovery period of the development process. For example, wearing a heavy bag, or carrying
extra weight to simulate being pregnant helps the project team empathise and understand what
life is like from another person’s perspective.

    Try undertaking the service experience using an empathy tool and
    document how you feel at every stage.

    What journey/ experience will you be testing?

                                                    T hink a asy?
                                                           is e
                                                    What difficult?       to you
                                                     W  hat is thers react different?
                                                              oo          as
                                                      How d you wish w

SERVICE WALKTHROUGH                                                     “WE SPENT TIME PICKING UP
                                                                        TICKETS WITH OUR CUSTOMERS
                                    USE ME TO:
                                                                        AT THE BOX OFFICE”
Walking through an experience
with someone is great way
of capturing how they feel
                                    •	 Gather	visual	evidence	of	
during it and where you can
                                       how	a	festival	works
make improvements or spot
                                    •	 Ideas	on	how	to	improve	
opportunities for innovation.
                                       particular	service	interaction
                                    •	 Empathise	with	the	people	
Try attend a festival show with
                                       you	are	designing	for
someone, organise spending
time with them from booking
the ticket to taking the bus to     YOU WILL NEED:
picking up their ticket to seeing
the show.                           •	 A	customer	who	is	willing	to	
                                       work	with	you
Try and take photographs along      •	 Recording	equipment	
the route from beginning to            (camera/audio)
end, this will give you visual
documentation of how the
experience feels as a whole.
Remember to capture the detail
as well.

How does your customer
interact with the touchpoints of
the festival? Is it easy for them
to find the box office using
signage? Does the website work
well? How do they respond to
the printed ticket?
Walking through an experience with someone is great way of capturing how they feel during it
and where you can make improvements or spot opportunities for innovation. Try attend a festival
show with someone, organise spending time with them from booking the ticket to taking the
bus to picking up their ticket to seeing the show. Try take photographs along the route from
beginning to end, this will give you visual documentation of how the experience feels as a whole.

    Either walkthrough with someone or as someone. Try walking through with/as a single
    parent, an elderly gentleman, a family with 3 kids, a French exchange student, one of the
    service providers ... how many can you do?
    Print out your images and place them in chonological order. Circling all of the touchpoints
    you encounter will help to draw out the elements of the service.

       what did they say?

                                      how are they feeling?

                                      overall experience?                                      s
                                                                                          rd a        are
                                                                                   R eco . if you
Who are yo                                                                                go        try
           u?                                                                       you ideos, ra
or who are                                                                                 v          e
                                                                                     ing         cam
           you with?                                                             ptur e your us
                                                                              ca ak
                                                                               to m conspi so that t
                                                                                    n           ,         i
                                                                                as i ssible ct as if
                                                                                      o           a
                                                                                 as p le will
                                                                                  peo t there.
                                                                                   is n

This tool is about choosing a     USE ME TO:
day in your calendar when your
organisation will open up its     •	 Meet	your	customers
doors and invite customers in!    •	 Gain	the	trust	of	the	
                                     stakeholders	you	are	
They will be given the chance        designing	for
to meet colleagues and better     •	 Gain	real	feedback	on	your	
understand how festivals work.       ideas	and	current	service	
Transparency builds trust.           offerings
Trust is at an all-time premium
given today’s economy. This       YOU WILL NEED:
initiative demonstrates the
respect your organisation has     •	 An	agenda	for	the	customer	
for your customers.                  day
                                  •	 A	range	of	customers	to	
It offers customers the              invite
opportunity to get to know your   •	 Recording	equipment
organisation better. It makes
your festival more human, and
your colleagues more involved.
                                                                   “ALL WE DID WAS INVITE OUR
                                                                   CUSTOMERS IN AND HAVE LUNCH
                                                                   WITH THEM AND TALK TO THEM
                                                                   ABOUT GOING TO FESTIVALS”
                                                                    “MY EYES WERE OPENED TO ALL
                                                                    THIS AMAZING TECHNICAL STUFF WE
A Tech Day is about bringing
in people who are experts in
                                   USE ME TO:                       COULD BRING IN TO OUR FESTIVAL”
the field of technology and        •	 Develop	new	ideas
innovation.                        •	 Be	inspired	by	disciplines	
                                      that	differ	from	your	own
Bring in people to talk about      •	 Understand	the	impact	
technology, give short                technology	can	have	on	
presentations, discuss projects       your	ideas	and	services
and even do some hands on
                                   YOU WILL NEED:
By seeing the possibility of
what technology can do, it         •	 A	space	to	hold	the	event
can open a whole realm of          •	 A	mix	of	people	to	invite
possibilities and give you ideas   •	 Food	and	drink
for improvement.

Asset mapping is based on the      USE ME TO:
idea that you don’t know what
you need until you know what       •	 Understand	what	you	
you have.                             currently	have
                                   •	 Understand	where	the	gaps	
It is an approach you can use         are
to bring all the positive assets   •	 Discover	untapped	
of your organisation to the           resources	that	you	have	
surface.                              access	too
By holding a session on
asset mapping you can work
                                   YOU WILL NEED:
corroboratively with the people
you invite to really explore the   •	 A	space
depth of the assets in your        •	 An	agenda
festival.                          •	 A	map	or	visualisation	of	
                                      your	organisation	or	location	
                                      (this	can	be	sketched	or	
                                      mocked	up	professionally	
                                      on	publishing	software)
                                   •	 A	wide	range	of	people	from	
                                      your	organisation                “LOOKING POSITIVELY AT WHAT
                                                                       ALREADY EXISTS HIGHLIGHTED
                                                                       NUMEROUS POSSIBILITIES”
4 1

         3 2

At this stage, after getting a
feel for your festival experience,
                                       USE ME TO:
some user needs and what else
                                       •	 Succinctly	communicate	your	
is happening out there you may
want to write a brief to bring other
                                       •	 Reflect	on	your	work	and	
professionals in to help you work
up the themes and define some of
                                       •	 Extend	the	networks	who	are	
the research into tangibles.
                                          interested	in	your	work
Writing a brief can be a difficult
challenge, it’s important you call     YOU WILL NEED:
on expertise when necessary. A
good brief should outline what         •	 Any	publishing	software
you have found out, a summary of
your research and what steps you
would like to take forward. Keep
the brief fairly open at this stage.

You may want to include your
Slidedeck of findings to ask
companies to develop responses
to the brief before hiring a team to
go into the definition stage.
                                                                         “WE WROTE A SIMPLE BRIEF TO
This brief is more about refining
the research you found and
                                                                         GET HELP ON WHAT OUR
digging deeper on what it means.
                                                                         RESEARCH MEANT”
4 1

         3 2

A Slidedeck of findings is ideal   USE ME TO:
to present back what you found
during the discovery phase.        •	 Share	your	findings.
                                   •	 Get	buy	in	for	the	definition	
Try to not use Powerpoint, and        stage
avoid lots of words. What you
want to do is show a visually      YOU WILL NEED:
compelling story, bringing
together what you found out        •	 Slideshare	if	you	want	to	
and the faces behind this             publish	the	findings	online
research.                          •	 A	projector	&	suitable	room
Use the visual material you
generated, people will be able
to relate with it much more
than bullet points or a standard

                                                                       “OUR SLIDE DECK WAS IDEAL TO
                                                                       COMMUNICATE THE RESEARCH WE
                                                                       HAD DONE WITH PARTNERS”
A process to explore more about your festival,
 what people need and what else is going on
        outside of your organisation.


            The Interview (Lite)
                 50 Things
           Contextual Interviews
              Cultural Probe
             Relationship Map
             Generative Tools
               Vox Popping
              Day In The Life
              Empathy Tools
           Service Walkthrough
              Customer Day
                 Tech Day
             Asset Map Class

              find out more at

   An initiative of Edinburgh’s Festivals

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Discovering your innovation project idea

  • 2. WHERE HAS THIS COME FROM Festival Design DNA is a project produced by Snook for festivalslab. It is both a set of practical tools and an exciting new conversation about what happens when cultural professionals and organisations start to think like designers and work to make the experiences they create better from a person-centred point of view. festivalslab or the Edinburgh Festivals Innovation Lab works with and for the twelve Edinburgh Festivals on how to use new thinking and new tools to the experience of the world’s festival city even better for audiences, creative talent and festival organisations. Snook is a Glasgow-based service design and social innovation agency focusing on transforming the way services are delivered in Scotland, ensuring people come first.
  • 3. STAGE ONE: DISCOVER Discovering Festival Customers: Opening Up Gaps In Your Festival: This stage is about finding out who your customers This stage is about understanding where there are are and developing new customer segments. significant gaps in your provision or problematic areas. Tackle them head on rather than ignore Big Challenges/Festival Experiences: them. Use this stage to tackle those big challenges you Scanning The Festival Horizon: face and look at the total experience of your festival. Is there a wicked problem you should be Use this stage to develop your understanding solving or an experience you’ve always wanted to of what is happening outside of your festival deliver? experience. You might want to look at what others are doing both within and outwith a festivals context.
  • 4. DISCOVER THE INTERVIEW LITE This tool is a great way to meet people associated with your idea USE ME TO: and talk to them in an informal • Gain a far more holistic setting. It’s best to carefully understanding of the people consider who you should interview you are designing for and what you want to find out from them. For example if you are trying to improve the process of YOU WILL NEED: applying to be an act in the Fringe Festival, interview an act who • Someone willing to be found the experience brilliant and interviewed. another who found it frustrating. • Equipment for recording your interview Interviews can be conducted • Prepared open question with customers, staff and other relevant stakeholders. Ideally, you should visit the person you would like to interview in their own environment and use a combination of questions and observations to generate the “I TALKED TO SOMEONE ABOUT insights you want and need. You can document your WHY THEY DIDN’T COME TO OUR interview via audio recordings and photographs - this means you have rich visual information FESTIVAL” to present back to the project team. A lite interview usually lasts between fifteen and thirty minutes.
  • 5. INTERVIEW (LITE) This tool is a great way to meet people associated with your idea and talk to them in an informal setting. It’s best to carefully consider who you should interview and what you want to find out from them. For example if you are trying to improve the process of applying to be an act in the Fringe festival, interview an act who found the experience brilliant and another who found it frustrating. What 5 questions do you want to cover with your interviewee? What did you find out? r you hat re and ut w a P ull o ndings your n fi nto mai these i ase. take ition ph n defi FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 6. DISCOVER 50 THINGS “50 THINGS REALLY SHOWS HOW HARD IT CAN BE FOR A CUSTOMER This tool is a great way to put yourself in someone else’s USE ME TO: TO ACCESS OUR FESTIVAL” shoes. • Gain a new perspective on experiences related to your Pick one activity that is relevant idea to your project and task everyone in the project with completing this activity. YOU WILL NEED: They then have to write down a • An activity list of 50 things related to their • Pen and paper task. What happened? How did they feel? What did they hear? For example if you are trying to improve the way finding of a particular festival, task the team with finding their way to the toilet with vision restricted glasses. (You can do this using tape, buying a cheap pair of sunglasses and colouring them in etc) Then ask them to write 50 things about that experience.
  • 7. 50 THINGS Pick one activity that is relevant to your project and task everyone in the project with complet- ing this activity. They then have to write down a list of 50 things related to their task - What hap- pened? How did they feel? What did they hear? For example, if you are trying to improve the way finding of a particular festival, task the team with finding their way to the toilet blindfolded in a venue. They then have to write 50 things about that experience. 1 26 2 27 3 28 4 29 5 30 6 31 7 32 8 33 9 34 10 35 11 36 12 37 13 38 14 39 15 40 16 41 17 42 18 43 19 44 20 45 21 46 22 47 23 48 24 49 25 50 FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 8. DISCOVER CONTEXTUAL INTERVIEW This tool is an extension of the USE ME TO: interview lite tool. A contextual interview is spending time • Uncover the unknown with a person in their own unknowns. space and asking them loosely • Gain a deep understanding structured questions. of behaviour, needs problems, desire and This technique comes from motivations. The output ethnography methods where of an interview is rich and ethnographers could spend meaningful observations & months or years living and insights that build a story on observing different people from the participant. The stories a variety of cultures. can be supported and emphasised by images & You should consider carrying video clips. out a range of interviews with a range of people for a particular project in order to achieve a YOU WILL NEED: broad array of insights. Finding the right people in a short • • Someone to interview A place to interview them “SPENDING TIME WITH space of time can be difficult. Try and think of an incentive to • • Prepared questions Recording equipment SOMEONE IN THEIR HOME TOLD US SO MUCH ABOUT THEM” secure the right participants.
  • 9. CONTEXTUAL INTERVIEWS This tool is an extension of the interview lite tool. A contextual interview is spending time with a person in their own space and asking them loosely structured questions. You should consider carrying out a range of interviews with several different types of people for a particular project in order to achieve a broad array of insights. Who are you interviewing? Name, age and the first thing you find out about them: Use this space to lay down questions before meeting your interviewee, or to captue notes and sketches during the interview. ke to ta Ask s of to e pho you ar e o n ak pers &m re the viewing captu r u e inte that yo ir hom e u sure ils of th that yo . m deta e place ing the h or t tervie w in are FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 10. DISCOVER “WE SPENT TIME ON THE HIGH OBSERVATION “BIHIYVLJJFLIUAOYGLNUHAPITU STREET OBSERVING PEOPLE GVPAJBV;BBIBZIYOYOCUYVHZCV DURING THE FRINGE” USE ME TO: HBJHBZLFYH” Observation is a cheap and easy way of conducting new research. • Create user personas • Find out more about Using our eyes, stepping customers back and watching customers • Understand how a physical engage with a service can space works reveal key information and • Spot problems and enrich quantitative research. opportunities Understanding how users move in a physical space, their YOU WILL NEED: habits, the clothes they wear, • Your eyes the bag they carry all build up • Pen and paper a picture of who our customers are. All it requires, is for you to take a step back and observe.
  • 11. OBSERVATION Observation is a cheap and easy way of conducting new research. Using our eyes, stepping back and watching customers engage with a service can reveal key information and enrich quantitative research. All it takes, is taking a step back and observing. Look at how users move in a physical space, their habits, the clothes they wear, the bag they carry. All of this builds up a picture of who your customers are. re interesting: that we gs I saw 10 thin tos pho , but Take u go s o as y to be a le. er sib emb as pos act em te r re in to disc le beg they p Peo ently if ey are r diffe that th ed. w kno watch be ing FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 12. DISCOVER SHADOWING Shadowing is the action USE ME TO: of following someone to understand what it is like to live • Gain insights from a their life. This can be done over different point of view the course of a day, week, or longer. • Understand customers and “SHADOWING A BOX OFFICE MANAGER staff’s Shadowing can be done in • Motivations/needs • Understanding what needs TOLD ME SO MUCH ABOUT THE a subtle way by following a member of staff as they to change • Influence new ideas for PROBLEMS THEY FACE AT PEAK TIMES” undertake their job, or you may improvement want to try asking questions while you shadow. YOU WILL NEED: The point of shadowing is to • Notepad and pen understand first hand what it is • Audio/visual capturing like to deliver or use a service. device. (Camera, The outcome is an in-depth dictaphone, mobile phone understanding of the good and app) bad points of a service. Take notes, capture audio and visual and when you have returned to the studio there is plenty of material to analyse and use in communicating some of the sticking points of the service.
  • 13. SHADOWING Shadowing is the action of following someone to observe and understand what it is like to live their life. This can be done over the course of a day, a week, or longer. Shadowing can be done in a subtle way by following a member of staff as they undertake their job, or you may want to try asking questions while you shadow. The point of shadowing is to understand first hand what it is like to deliver or use a service. Take notes, capture audio and take photographs. When you have returned to the studio there is plenty of material to analyse and use in communicating some of the sticking points of the service. Where are you? Who are you shadowing? Do they know that you are there? Where do they go? What do they see? Do they talk to anyone? What do they touch? What else is happening around them (sights, sounds, smells)? How long do you shadow for? FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 14. DISCOVER “WE SENT OUT CULTURAL PROBES TO FESTIVAL CUSTOMERS TO CULTURAL PROBE UNDERSTAND MORE ABOUT THEIR A cultural probe is a small describe how they feel along a EXPERIENCES” kit that is sent to a targeted timeline. They could be sent a user. The results help you text throughout intervals in the understand their life or day to capture photographs of experience of a service without where they are, or what they a member of the project team are doing. or designer being involved. Kits often include a camera or USE ME TO: audio device and a set of tasks or images a user must capture. • Gather user insights It builds up a visual picture • Create a visual picture of that creates a more in-depth people’s lives understanding of a user’s life or experience. Cultural probes are about scratching the YOU WILL NEED: surface of peoples thoughts and behaviours and really • To design a toolkit and a understanding their life. bag to package this • Disposable camera or The kit should be designed digital capture device to be engaging and capture • Relationship // Stakeholder nuances that traditional map. engagement methods overlook. For example a user could be set a diary to document their day and use stickers to
  • 15. CULTURAL PROBES Cultural probes are about getting underneath peoples skin and really understanding their life. The kit should be designed to be engaging and capture nuances that traditional engagement methods overlook. For example, a user could be sent a diary to document their day and use stickers to describe how they feel along a timeline. They could be sent a text throughout intervals in the day to capture photographs of where they are, or what they are doing. Think about making this visually engaging. Brand it as your project, package it, think about how it arrives with your user, and how they unpack it. Some points to consider when making your kit: Who is going to be doing it? Where would be best for them to complete it? How long should it take? Does it need to be documented across days? Think about whether a lot of writing is necessary. Can your user upload their own photos? Do you need to develop films? Are you collecting video or audio content? How long do you need to consider for posting items back? Should you provide an incentive e.g. coffee vouchers? FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 16. DISCOVER RELATIONSHIP / STAKEHOLDER MAP “WE MAPPED OUR CUSTOMERS RELATIONSHIPS TO UNDERSTAND A stakeholder map can be used to look at who is USE ME TO: WHAT INFLUENCES THEM” involved around your theme • Plan project relationships or project. If consider it as a and see the big picture relationship map we can also look at individuals and the relationships they have with YOU WILL NEED: organisations, friends, families. • Post its A map of stakeholders or • Pens relationships can be visualised • An open mind using concentric circles with close relationships being mapped in the centre and further away relationships towards the outer circles. This is a great way to step back and look holistically at an individual or group’s influencing factors.
  • 17. RELATIONSHIP / STAKEHOLDER MAP A stakeholder map is useful at the start of the project to understand what other festival organisations and other cultural orgs who will be part of your idea. Furthermore, it forces you to consider other influential stakeholders such as Trip Advisor and Stage Coach Travel. This is a great way to step back and look at who you want to pull closer into the project and question how you will do this. A map of stakeholders can be visualised using concentric circles with close relationships being mapped in the centre and further away relationships towards the outer circles. at k th u thin If yo will e ther t of lo ertain ea be quit nt of c our eme ss y mov le acro work - p peo as you res, or ent u map ego fig repres el to us bies jel lyba . them FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 18. DISCOVER “WE USED GENERATIVE GENERATIVE TOOLS TOOLS TO STOP PEOPLE IN THE STREET AND Sometimes talking to people USE ME TO: GATHER THEIR OPINION” isn’t easy, and sometimes they don’t want to talk. • Inspire and inform new ideas Generative tools are more of • Synthesise user a method than a tool. This personalities into categories is about creating physical • Maintain a customer objects that act as prompts to centred process encourage people to engage • Test ideas with you. Engagement tools are sometimes not about speaking, and you learn a great deal from YOU WILL NEED: watching someone complete • Customer insight an exercise. information. (To get this information, conduct interviews, Think of them as conversation talk to customers/staff, use starters. For example, make quantitative information to create a sign asking people what customer segments.) they would change about their festival experience if they could wave a magic wand!
  • 19. GENERATIVE TOOLS Sometimes talking to people isn’t easy, and sometimes they don’t want to talk. Generative tools are more of a method than a tool. This is about creating physical objects that act as prompts to encourage people to engage with you. Think of them as conversation starters. For example, think about making a sign asking people what they would change about their festival experience if they could wave a magic wand! Talk t o abou me t ... re n g su i akin meone g M so din that is recor t ha rs team ns t e y our teractio g & oth in in u the re hav you. Yo is on a you ions to o put th own t t reac t want write d ost- gh og, or mi bl p d on yo ur u foun P.O.P.I t yo se wha then u its & FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 20. DISCOVER VOX POPPING This technique is a way to USE ME TO: generate “man on the street” interviews in response to a • Find out what the public particular question such as think about a particular “What is the one reason you topic would go to a festival?” Usually • Gain feedback on your idea the interviewees are in public places, and give spontaneous opinions in a chance encounter YOU WILL NEED: — unrehearsed and not • Confidence selected in any way. • Recording Equipment The results of vox popping are unpredictable and usually the material needs edited. Although the two can be quite often confused, a vox “IN JUST 60 SECONDS WE HAD GOT pop is not a form of a survey. Each person is asked the same question; the aim is to get a variety of answers and opinions on any given subject. A SNAPSHOT OF WHO WAS VISITING The interviewees should be of various ages, genders, classes OUR FESTIVAL AND WHY” and communities so that the diverse views and reactions of the genera public will be known.
  • 21. VOX POPPING This technique is a way to generate “man on the street” interviews in response to a particular questions such as “What is the one reason you would go to a festival?” Usually the interviewes are in public places, and give spontaneous opinions in a chance encounter — unrehearsed and not selected in any way. Consider your questions and how to approach people beforehand. Have questions ready but don’t be too prescribed, let the stories emerge. : I sp oke to Who edit can very You film r you ovie or yer n iM ia Pla ily o ed t eas ows M pload i d Win free), u log. h ps b arge (bot ur grou o ch yo t e to ber hon . mem cam/p storage Re flip r tr a you take ex and FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 22. DISCOVER A DAY IN THE LIFE This tool is great way to experience someone else’s USE ME TO: lifestyle out with the service/ festival. This helps you design festival experiences that meet • Gain user insights • Discover latent user needs “SPENDING A DAY IN THE LIFE WITH the latent needs of your target audience. You could spend a • Gain contextual understanding PEOPLE WITH NO AGENDA ALLOWED US day in the life with customers or staff or members of the public. YOU WILL NEED: TO SPOT OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUR Although always ask permission first! • Visual/audio recording FESTIVALS”” This can be done as an isolated device task to gain new ideas for • Notepad & pen to an organisation by spotting customers/staff, use opportunities in people’s lives quantitative information to or to inform a project team how create customer segment someone lives and the design of a new product or service. It’s a great starting exercise to get the project team out the office and witnessing real life in a focused way. It is ideal to document this process with photographs and chronologically lay this out back in the office. The team can later annotate the events of the day. Alternatively it can be filmed and edited into a short movie.
  • 23. DAY IN THE LIFE Spending a day with someone else is a great way to experience their lifestyle. This helps you design festival experiences that meet the latent needs of your target audience. You could spend a day in the life with customers or staff or members of the public. Although always ask permission first! It is ideal to document this process with photographs and chronologically layout back in the office. You might want to invite them back after developing photos to ask them a series of questions about their day. Draw on top of them to show opportunities for service improvement and alterations. what did they say? how are they feeling? overall experience? Who is this? Notes: FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 24. DISCOVER EMPATHY TOOLS Empathy tools are ways of USE ME TO: understanding what it is like to be in someone else’s shoes. • Understand the user’s experience firsthand Empathy tools can be • Empathise with the user simply made and used • Gain deeper user insights when undertaking different ethnographic techniques within the discovery period of the YOU WILL NEED: development process. • To make an empathy tool For example, wearing a heavy • Props/dress up box/ bag, or carrying extra weight to materials/costumes etc simulate being pregnant helps • Use your imagination to the project team empathise and make the experience as understand what life is like from realistic as possible another person’s perspective. Try undertaking the service experience using an empathy tool and document how you feel at every stage. “I HAD NEVER CONSIDERED WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO BE PREGNANT AND VISIT A SHOW”
  • 25. EMPATHY TOOLS Empathy tools are ways of understanding what it is like to be in someone else’s shoes. Empathy tools can be simply made and used when undertaking different ethnographic techniques within the discovery period of the development process. For example, wearing a heavy bag, or carrying extra weight to simulate being pregnant helps the project team empathise and understand what life is like from another person’s perspective. Try undertaking the service experience using an empathy tool and document how you feel at every stage. What journey/ experience will you be testing? bout: T hink a asy? is e What difficult? to you ? W hat is thers react different? oo as How d you wish w do What FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 26. DISCOVER SERVICE WALKTHROUGH “WE SPENT TIME PICKING UP TICKETS WITH OUR CUSTOMERS USE ME TO: AT THE BOX OFFICE” Walking through an experience with someone is great way of capturing how they feel • Gather visual evidence of during it and where you can how a festival works make improvements or spot • Ideas on how to improve opportunities for innovation. particular service interaction • Empathise with the people Try attend a festival show with you are designing for someone, organise spending time with them from booking the ticket to taking the bus to YOU WILL NEED: picking up their ticket to seeing the show. • A customer who is willing to work with you Try and take photographs along • Recording equipment the route from beginning to (camera/audio) end, this will give you visual documentation of how the experience feels as a whole. Remember to capture the detail as well. How does your customer interact with the touchpoints of the festival? Is it easy for them to find the box office using signage? Does the website work well? How do they respond to the printed ticket?
  • 27. SERVICE WALKTHROUGHS Walking through an experience with someone is great way of capturing how they feel during it and where you can make improvements or spot opportunities for innovation. Try attend a festival show with someone, organise spending time with them from booking the ticket to taking the bus to picking up their ticket to seeing the show. Try take photographs along the route from beginning to end, this will give you visual documentation of how the experience feels as a whole. Either walkthrough with someone or as someone. Try walking through with/as a single parent, an elderly gentleman, a family with 3 kids, a French exchange student, one of the service providers ... how many can you do? Print out your images and place them in chonological order. Circling all of the touchpoints you encounter will help to draw out the elements of the service. what did they say? how are they feeling? overall experience? s rd a are R eco . if you Who are yo go try u? you ideos, ra or who are v e ing cam you with? ptur e your us ca ak cuo to m conspi so that t n , i as i ssible ct as if o a as p le will p peo t there. o is n FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA
  • 28. DISCOVER EVENTS/PLATFORMS/TOOL CUSTOMER DAY This tool is about choosing a USE ME TO: day in your calendar when your organisation will open up its • Meet your customers doors and invite customers in! • Gain the trust of the stakeholders you are They will be given the chance designing for to meet colleagues and better • Gain real feedback on your understand how festivals work. ideas and current service Transparency builds trust. offerings Trust is at an all-time premium given today’s economy. This YOU WILL NEED: initiative demonstrates the respect your organisation has • An agenda for the customer for your customers. day • A range of customers to It offers customers the invite opportunity to get to know your • Recording equipment organisation better. It makes your festival more human, and your colleagues more involved. “ALL WE DID WAS INVITE OUR CUSTOMERS IN AND HAVE LUNCH WITH THEM AND TALK TO THEM ABOUT GOING TO FESTIVALS”
  • 29. DISCOVER EVENTS/PLATFORMS/TOOL “MY EYES WERE OPENED TO ALL TECH DAY THIS AMAZING TECHNICAL STUFF WE A Tech Day is about bringing in people who are experts in USE ME TO: COULD BRING IN TO OUR FESTIVAL” the field of technology and • Develop new ideas innovation. • Be inspired by disciplines that differ from your own Bring in people to talk about • Understand the impact technology, give short technology can have on presentations, discuss projects your ideas and services and even do some hands on demonstrations. YOU WILL NEED: By seeing the possibility of what technology can do, it • A space to hold the event can open a whole realm of • A mix of people to invite possibilities and give you ideas • Food and drink for improvement.
  • 30. DISCOVER EVENTS/PLATFORMS/TOOL ASSET MAP CLASS Asset mapping is based on the USE ME TO: idea that you don’t know what you need until you know what • Understand what you you have. currently have • Understand where the gaps It is an approach you can use are to bring all the positive assets • Discover untapped of your organisation to the resources that you have surface. access too By holding a session on asset mapping you can work YOU WILL NEED: corroboratively with the people you invite to really explore the • A space depth of the assets in your • An agenda festival. • A map or visualisation of your organisation or location (this can be sketched or mocked up professionally on publishing software) • A wide range of people from your organisation “LOOKING POSITIVELY AT WHAT ALREADY EXISTS HIGHLIGHTED NUMEROUS POSSIBILITIES”
  • 31. 4 1 DELIVER DISCOVER 3 2 DEVELOP DEFINE EXIT WRITE A BRIEF (DISCOVER) At this stage, after getting a feel for your festival experience, USE ME TO: some user needs and what else • Succinctly communicate your is happening out there you may project want to write a brief to bring other • Reflect on your work and professionals in to help you work process up the themes and define some of • Extend the networks who are the research into tangibles. interested in your work Writing a brief can be a difficult challenge, it’s important you call YOU WILL NEED: on expertise when necessary. A good brief should outline what • Any publishing software you have found out, a summary of your research and what steps you would like to take forward. Keep the brief fairly open at this stage. You may want to include your Slidedeck of findings to ask companies to develop responses to the brief before hiring a team to go into the definition stage. “WE WROTE A SIMPLE BRIEF TO This brief is more about refining the research you found and GET HELP ON WHAT OUR digging deeper on what it means. RESEARCH MEANT”
  • 32. 4 1 DELIVER DISCOVER 3 2 DEVELOP DEFINE EXIT SLIDEDECK OF FINDINGS A Slidedeck of findings is ideal USE ME TO: to present back what you found during the discovery phase. • Share your findings. • Get buy in for the definition Try to not use Powerpoint, and stage avoid lots of words. What you want to do is show a visually YOU WILL NEED: compelling story, bringing together what you found out • Slideshare if you want to and the faces behind this publish the findings online research. • A projector & suitable room Use the visual material you generated, people will be able to relate with it much more than bullet points or a standard report. “OUR SLIDE DECK WAS IDEAL TO COMMUNICATE THE RESEARCH WE HAD DONE WITH PARTNERS”
  • 33. A process to explore more about your festival, what people need and what else is going on outside of your organisation. Includes; The Interview (Lite) 50 Things Contextual Interviews Observation Shadowing Cultural Probe Relationship Map Generative Tools Vox Popping Day In The Life Empathy Tools Service Walkthrough Customer Day Tech Day Asset Map Class Brief Slidedeck find out more at FESTIVAL DESIGN DNA An initiative of Edinburgh’s Festivals