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DisasterRecoveryPlanReport.docxby Varun
Milestone One: Situation Analysis
Southern New Hampshire University
Chaston Carter
Business-Related Challenges Faced by the Organization
The organization I chose is the Top Secret Inc. (TSI) which is
an operating system organization dealing mainly with embedded
operating systems for controls systems and alarm systems. The
TSI faces various challenges while carrying out their business
and this includes the inability of their operating systems to run
more than one program at a time. This is to say that when the
operating system is handling a task, it has no ability to handle
another task concurrently until it finishes the one and embarks
on the other one (Tanenbaum, Andrew & Bos, Herbert, 2015).
Additionally, the operating system for TSI only handles specific
calls such as open calls, closed calls or read calls and writes
calls. This is attributed to the fact that the operating systems do
not have call interfaces and thus the back office applications
which offer multithreaded operations are not found also. In this
regards, the TSI will only use the open source software which
the developers have the ability to remove the multithreading
functionality and operate smoothly and successfully.
Further, the TSI developers lack the access to the systems call
and therefore resort to using the long process of getting access
by use of the API which invokes the system call. This process,
therefore, puts a lot of limitations on the activities carried out
using the system calls with more challenges arising when the
developers have to customize the responses of calls through the
modification of the traps to fit the kernel mode (Tolomei,
2017). In addition, the TSI systems have no confidentiality and
integrity since the network is unsecured and thus vulnerable to
being hacked.
Related Case Study
The case study which is related to TSI is that of Joy
entertainment which commenced its operations using a single
operating system. The major role of the business was to deliver
DJ services for the clients. However, with the increase in
demand for DJ services, there was a need to ensure that there
are multiprogramming and system call interfaces to be put in
place. This, in essence, denoted that upgrade of their system
was very important so as to attain the desired growth.
Moreover, the company required more than one CPU systems
which will enable them to carry out their processes efficiently
and numerously leading them to meet the client demands. There
was also a need for security which enables the support for the
files deemed confidential so as to ensure that the owner and not
the contractors manage the company. Back up as well was
necessary since the company saved their files and therefore the
need to ensure the security of such files (Tanenbaum, Andrew &
Bos, Herbert, 2015).
How the features played a role in my productivity at School
The multiprogramming and multithreading, as well as call
interfaces and backup devices, are some of the features of the
GPOS. In essence, taking an online course is very challenging,
but the assistance features which are linked to the assignments
and storage features is a very important feature. This makes the
work easier and most importantly less complicated. It is worth
noting that lack of memory storage will make one to find
difficulty in saving their files o that it can be used in the future
(Tolomei, 2017). In this regards, these features are apparently
very crucial to stack with any operating system as it ensures the
smooth running of the tasks in a system.
Tolomei, Gabriele (2017). Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing,
Multitasking and Multithreading. Retrieved from
Tanenbaum, Andrew S. & Bos, Herbert (2015). Modern
Operating System 4th edition. Pearson Education, Inc.
Milestone Two: Analytical Organizational Profile
Institution Affiliation
Chaston Carter
GPOS Feature
Profile Criteria
Student Analysis
Tech Description
Multiprogramming can be expressed as the rapid movement
which exists between the processes in a CPU which is used in
executing the program processes which are running in the
operating system.
Business Requirement
If multiprogramming is not applicable in a system, the business
operations will be affected since employees who are based in
workstations will not have the ability of running numerous
programs at once which in turn limits the organization's
operational productivity (McHoes, & Flynn, 2018).
Tech Description
Multiprocessing is expressed as the utilization of two CPUs or
more in a computer system to execute the processes which are
being run in the operating system. It is worth noting that
Multiprocessing enables the simultaneous execution of
numerous programs in the operating system.
Business Requirement
If multiprocessing is not utilized in an organization, it can lead
to slowing down of tasks performed as it adds wasted time to
the operational tasks which could have been run once.
Tech Description
Multithreading can be described as an operating system's ability
to executes some parts of the processes simultaneously without
necessarily allowing the threads to interfere with each other. In
essence, threads are part of the processes usually termed as the
sub processes. (McHoes, & Flynn, 2018).
Business Requirement
Absence of multithreading on the operations of business
workstations can affect the productivity since the employees
will not be able to run numerous processes at once.
Additionally, the operations in workstations will be slower as
each process ought to be accomplished before running a new
Virtual Memory
Tech Description
Virtual memory is a strategy which uses the software together
with the hardware to manage memory. Virtual memory maps the
addresses of the memory which is used by a specific program to
a physical address in the hardware's memory. In essence, the
operating system is responsible for managing virtual addresses
(McHoes, & Flynn, 2018).
Business Requirement
The absence of virtual memory on the organization will lead to
an increase in costs of operations since physical memory ought
to be acquired to store important files and information. The
virtual memory ought to be present in all workstations so that
each employee can be able to save their tasks.
System Call Interface
Tech Description
System call interface can be expressed as an interface which
exists between the processes and the operating system. The
system call enables the user level processes to ask for services
from the operating systems in which it could not have been
possible in the process itself.
Business Requirement
Absence of system call interface in business operations will
lead to failure in running applications such as API programming
which in turn will affect the operations of the business as well
as productivity. As well, it can limit the business application
choices which the workstations can run.
Tech Description
Security is expressed as a strategy which is implemented in
ensuring that the hardware, as well as the safety of software, is
guaranteed against threats and attacks which can be perpetrated
by unauthorized individuals.
Business Requirement
Lack of security in the workstations will make the systems
vulnerable to outside threats as well as unauthorized access to
the sensitive information of the organization. This will
indubitably expose the organization to legal liability especially
when their systems store information which is sensitive.
Device Drivers
Tech Description
Device drivers are software programs that are designed to
enable interaction with hardware devices. The device driver will
communicate with the hardware bus where the hardware is
connected to. Device drivers are operating system specific and
hardware connected.
Business Requirement
The absence of device drivers in the systems used in
workstations will make the employees to have difficulty in
utilizing time as the connections to the system will not be
complete. Therefore, the business operations can be hard to
continue (Hansen, 2011).
Fault Tolerance
Tech Description
Fault tolerance is a method where the operating systems react to
the hardware and software failure. This, therefore, depicts that
it is the ability of the system to allow for the system failures
and the ability of the software to combine.
Business Requirement
Absence of fault tolerance leads to various business risks and
moreover increases the server downtime in an organization.
This will indubitably impact the operations of business and
productivity of the organization. The business as well decreases
the programs and data availability as well as information stored
in the network to be used to run the business operations
(Hansen, 2011).
Hansen, P. B. (2011). Classic Operating Systems: From Batch
Processing To Distributed Systems. New York, NY: Springer
New York.
McHoes, A. M. I., & Flynn, I. M. (2018). Understanding
operating systems.
IT 600 Final Project Milestone Three Template: Full
Organizational Profile
Chaston Carter
GPOS Feature
Profile Criteria
Student Analysis
Tech Description
This is a basic system of parallel processing in which several
programs are executed simultaneously on a uniprocessor. Since
the operating system has only one processor, it will only
execute only one of the programs at a time though the user sees
as if all the programs are running at the same time. If the
machine has the capability of causing interruption to the
system, then the operating system will run one program and
then execute the other after a given time. For a system with the
capability of protecting memory, a bug in one program will less
likely disrupt the execution of other programs unlike3 when the
system does not have memory protection and can cause
interruption to other programs causing a system crash.
Business Requirement
Multiprogramming would undoubtedly be of significant help to
TSI since they use a single processor that processes one
program at a time similar to First In First Out. If a big program
needs to run it would block minor executions until it completes.
Application Benefit
Multiprogramming is more beneficial since many processes can
be accomplished simultaneously, therefore, many things can be
accomplished within a given period of time.
Implementation Tasks
Implementing multiprogramming entails the designing of the
program on the operating system that completes tasks in the
order in which the programmer sets. The system executes the
program in bits until the all the programs are executed.
Tech Description
Unlike multiprogramming, multiprocessing will run multiple
processors which can work on two processes simultaneously.
Multiprocessors need access memory to complete and are bigger
than threads.
Business Requirement
The utilization of multiprocessors will double the speed
compared to single processor systems meaning service time will
significantly decline creating more efficiency for customer
Application Benefit
It is applicable to systems that use one processor but at the
same time it’s faster than multiprogramming on one processor
and therefore, faster and more efficient.
Implementation Tasks
Utilization of multiprocessor will require the installation of
another processor. The operating system on the other hand will
require to be programmed in order to use both processors in
order to increase efficiency.
Tech Description
Multithreading uses cache to be shared much quickly. Threads
creates process together and are faster as compared when bigger
processes require to main memory which can take much longer
time. In contrast, threads are more scalable since their
processing is faster in RAM.
Business Requirement
TSI should work towards the removal of the thread functionality
due to the lack of system call interface which are beyond open,
close, read and write. TSI on its capacity cannot create multiple
Application Benefit
Threads are speedy access so multithreading is quicker than
multiprocessing. Nevertheless, multithreading can make
multiprocessing faster because threads make up a process in the
process table.
Implementation Tasks
It is crucial for TSI to employ a better system call interface that
will support more command multithreading. This will improve
the system efficiency for use in the long term.
Virtual Memory
Tech Description
Virtue memory is the pages of data transfer from the RAM the
disk and protects the system from crashing. It acts as a
temporary transfer when the RAM is overloaded.
Business Requirement
Virtue memory is used to reinforce systems with inadequate
memory to protect them from crushing. TSI need a virtual
memory that uses paging so that their systems can be protected
from constant crashing.
Application Benefit
Virtual memory will always stop programs from running into
each other when the threads have their own address space.
Implementation Tasks
TSI would implement virtual memory by the threads their own
address space to be retrieved in cache then allow the multiple
programs to use the threads simultaneously.
System Call Interface
Tech Description
The system call interface is the one that translates the command
the user gives to the computer into a kernel language in order to
execute the command. Organizations like TSI need to develop
system call interface that translates commands into kernel
language for the customers and also have manual repair for the
Business Requirement
TSI need to have system call interface since they are currently
using the basic interface that is not compatible with other types
of software. They need the system user interface in order to
make it more efficient for their customers and to reduce the
manual work for the developers when trying to repair and
maintain current software.
Application Benefit
Utilization of a better system call interface would be beneficial
for the customer and would save TSUI from creating work
rounds for their customers. Their system would be more
efficient and easy to implement.
Implementation Tasks
TSI should d implement their own system call interface. The
customers need to have a template for their operating system
software which is the area TSI should concentrate on.
Tech Description
Security form the technical sense is the protection of the
software from unauthorized access to the system information.
Even the people who work in the organization should only have
access to the information that is necessary.
Business Requirement
TSI should be keen on their low security levels and therefore
should integrate security systems to their software to prevent
unauthorized access to their information and login to the
Application Benefit
Security is the main feature that the customer will look at when
making decision on the software they want to buy, therefore,
enhanced security will increase the customers for their products.
Implementation Tasks
TSI should ensure that the system access is only accessible by a
given category of their employees or they can outsource.
Device Drivers
Tech Description
Device drivers control the connection of a device to a program.
All the devices that are connected to the computer must have
drivers for them to be compatible to the program.
Business Requirement
TSI should use custom programming to make device drivers to
ensure that they are compatible with all the software instead of
creating different device drivers for each customer.
Application Benefit
TSI device drivers have better compatibility with other devices
drivers although their systems lack other key components.
Implementation Tasks
TSI need to create software that allows other device drivers to
function on their computers instead of creating a new device for
each customer.
Fault Tolerance
Tech Description
Fault tolerance puts up with problems and protects the system
from crashing. It makes it possible to create a different program
that will make changes before the crash of the system.
Business Requirement
TSI is faced with the problem of programming for all the things
they would like to create due to lack of the required
programming skills even though they make their own devices.
They need to employ more fault tolerance which they can do by
employing more experienced programing expert.
Application Benefit
New programming expert would be of great help since they will
protect the system from crashing often and also retain as well as
attract more customers.
Implementation Tasks
An experienced programming expert would create codes that
will prevent the system from crashing more often.
Insert recommendation below
Due to the level of clients that TSI work with, it will be of great
importance to ensure that security concerns inherent with their
systems are addressed early enough before the situation move
out of hand.
To begin with, multiprogramming would be necessary for TSI to
upgrade their systems. Also multiprocessing on each processor
will also upgrade their system and make it efficient to work
with. Upgrade of the virtual memory as well as security
enhancement are areas that the company need to address with
their clients to get areas recommendations on what they can do
to reinforce their security concerns. The security needs to be
outsourced and higher new programming experts who are more
experienced to contrivance multiprogramming as well as virtual
memory. In brief, TSI need to work in collaboration with more
experienced staff to handle the prevailing challenges.
IT 600 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
IT professionals are often called upon to make decisions,
provide recommendations, and perform analyses that require an
in-depth understanding
of the inner workings of an operating system. This summative
assessment will provide students with the knowledge and skills
required to achieve
and maintain this level of understanding throughout their
careers. For the summative assessment, students will perform a
technical evaluation of
an operating system. Students will be offered a choice of
operating systems to analyze. Students will use real-time and
log-based tools, empirical
observation, and scholarly research to analyze the core
subsystems of the operating system. For each subsystem,
students will research and
describe the technology used in that subsystem and compare it
to other available technologies. For the final report, students
will assess the results
of their analyses and perform an overall evaluation of the
operating system, with recommendations for how it might be
For the summative assessment you will perform an in-depth
technical evaluation of an operating system. The evaluation will
be made in terms of
the ability of the system and its supporting hardware to meet a
set of organizational needs and technical requirements. The
organization is a global
enterprise that provides premium technical support to other
enterprise businesses.
Management will use your evaluation as one element among
several in their assessment of options for future technology
adoption. You will define
the technical requirements, based on tasks performed by the
organization, the applications used, system loads, security,
system management,
maintenance, and performance. The scope of the evaluation will
include analyses and assessments of the hardware-software
interface, the
techniques used to implement processes and threads, the file
systems supported by the operating system, the input/output
subsystem, and the
operating system security features. You will use these analyses
and assessments to produce a comprehensive evaluation, which
will be written in
the form of a detailed technology review.
SNHU will provide tools to support analysis of some commonly
used operating systems, but you may select another operating
system if you have
the resources to do so. There will also be several milestones
throughout the course that will allow you to develop the
evaluation incrementally.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be
submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold
learning and ensure quality
final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in
Modules Two, Three, and Seven. Your final report will be
submitted in Module Nine.
Your technical evaluation of an operating system should include
analyses and assessments of the hardware-software interface,
the techniques used
to implement processes and threads, the file systems supported
by the operating system, the I/O subsystem, and the operating
system security
features. You will use these analyses and assessments to
produce a comprehensive evaluation, which will be written in
the form of a detai led
technology review.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Organizational Needs and Requirements
A. Develop an organizational profile that analyzes the tasks
performed by the organization, the computer applications in use
expected to be in use, and the estimated system loads
anticipated for the operating system.
B. What are the organizational, security, and performance and
reliability requirements related to operating system function,
management, and maintenance?
II. Computer Architecture
A. What hardware is required to host the operating system? This
should include an identification of the minimal hardware
and an assessment of what would be needed to support
organizational needs and requirements.
B. Analyze the architecture in terms of support and
functionality of process management, memory management, I/O,
and mass
C. Analyze the architectural support for multiprocessor systems
and assess the organization, connection, and control aspects.
What are
some architectural issues that might arise regarding
technologies used in multiprocessor systems and how would you
utilizing multiprocessor systems in light of these issues?
III. Process Management
A. Assess the operating system process management in terms of
its responsiveness to organizational requirements. Use process
monitoring tools to gather data for your assessment.
B. Assess software tools for thread analysis and deadlock
detection that are available for the operating system. What
strategies does
the operating system provide for handling deadlocks?
C. What support does the operating system provide for
multiprocessing? Assess the applicability and ability of the
operating system to
allocate tasks between multiple processors.
IV. Memory Management
A. Describe how the types of memory supported by the
operating system are used. What memory abstraction does the
system use?
Use an analysis tool to investigate the mapping to physical
B. Describe the system support for virtual memory, memory
paging, and segmentation. Use a monitoring tool to assess their
under heavily loaded conditions.
C. Assess the techniques used for memory management policy
and mechanism separation and their utility in managing
V. I/O and Mass Storage
A. Describe the hardware-software interface for I/O
management used by the operating system. Various techniques
are used for
enabling the operating system to communicate with devices.
What techniques are supported and what are their advantages
B. Analyze the file systems supported by the operating system.
Use file system performance tests to assess the available file sys
C. What is the relationship between scheduled process context
switching and I/O interrupt handling? Analyze the use of device
interrupts in the operating system and compare them to other
possible approaches to input/output.
VI. Security
A. What formal security model does the system support?
Analyze the system to determine what support it provides for
security models and assess the relevant tools and services made
available to administrators.
B. Recommend techniques and best practices to further support
security of the operating system.
VII. Overall Evaluation: Using the defined requirements,
analyses, and assessments, develop a comprehensive detailed
recommendation. Include an integrated assessment of the
operating system’s capability to support organizational needs
and technical
Milestone One: Situation Analysis
In Module Two, you will conduct a situational analysis. You
will write a short paper that describes the business-related
challenges faced by the
organization. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone
One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Analytical Organizational Profile
In Module Three, you will conduct an analytical organizational
profile. Your work will be completed in the Milestone Two
Template document. This
milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Full Organizational Profile
In Module Seven, you will complete a full organizational
profile. Your work will be completed in the Milestone Three
Template document. This
milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Technical Evaluation of an Operating System
In Module Nine, you will consider the questions below and
make revisions to the document you submitted for Milestone
Three. With your
Milestone Three document in front of you, consider the
following and make revisions as necessary:
a) Have you incorporated all of the feedback and suggestions
you received from your instructor?
b) Does your submission address all of the critical elements
outlined above?
c) Does the operating system you selected match the specific
requirements your organization identified?
d) Do you have title and references pages?
e) Is your submission at least 15 pages of content not including
title and reference pages?
f) Have you supported each of your positions with a credible
g) Have you properly cited your sources and made proper
attribution for any copyrighted graphics or photos?
h) Does your submission make a clearly stated recommendation
for an operating system?
Your final submission should be a polished artifact containing
all of the critical elements of the final project. It should reflect
the incorporation of
feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be
graded using the Final Project Rubric (below).
Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading
One Situation Analysis Two Graded separately; Milestone One
Two Analytical Organizational Profile Three Graded separately;
Milestone Two Rubric
Three Full Organizational Profile Seven Graded separately;
Milestone Three Rubric
Final Submission: Technical Evaluation
of an Operating System
Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your report should be 15 pages
double-spaced paper or the completed template provided in
Milestone Three,
professionally written, with necessary citations in APA format
and any accompanying visuals or additional artifacts submitted
as part of an
appendix section.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs
Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
organizational profile shows keen
insight into organizational needs
and requirements
Develops an accurate and detailed
organizational profile that
analyzes the tasks performed by
the organization, the computer
applications in use or expected to
be in use, and the estimated
system loads
Develops an organizational profile
that analyzes the tasks performed
by the organization, the computer
applications in use or expected to
be in use, and the estimated
system loads, but with gaps in
accuracy or details
Does not develop an
organizational profile that
analyzes the tasks performed by
the organization, the computer
applications in use or expected to
be in use, and the estimated
system loads
Management, and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws insightful conclusions or
inferences about the implications
of the requirements for the
operating system
Fully describes the organizational,
security, performance, and
reliability requirements as they
relate to operating system
function, management, and
Describes the organizational,
security, performance, and
reliability requirements as they
relate to operating system
function, management, and
maintenance, but with gaps in
Does not describe the
organizational, security,
performance, and reliability
requirements as they relate to
operating system function,
management, and maintenance
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws insightful conclusions or
inferences about the implications
of the requirements for the
Accurately explains the hardware
required to support the operating
system, and assesses the
hardware needed to support
organizational needs and
Explains the hardware required to
support the operating system, and
assesses the hardware needed to
support organizational needs and
requirements, but with gaps in
accuracy or details
Does not explain the hardware
required to support the operating
Support and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
analysis shows keen insight into
the significance of the
architecture for process
management, memory
management, I/O, and mass
Accurately analyzes the
architecture in terms of support
and functionality of process
management, memory
management, I/O, and mass
Analyzes the architecture in terms
of support and functionality of
process management, memory
management, I/O, and mass
storage, but analysis is inaccurate
or lacking detail
Does not analyze the architecture
in terms of support and
functionality of process
management, memory
management, I/O, and mass
Architectural Issues
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
analysis shows keen insight into
the significance of the
architecture multiprocessor
Accurately analyzes the
architectural support for
multiprocessor systems and
assesses the organization,
connection, and control aspects of
the system
Analyzes the architectural support
for multiprocessor systems and
assesses aspects of the system,
but with gaps in accuracy or
Does not analyze the architectural
support for multiprocessor
Responsiveness to
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws insightful conclusions or
inferences about the value of
process management in terms of
its responsiveness to
organizational requirements
Assesses operating system
process management in terms of
its responsiveness to
organizational requirements,
using process monitoring tools to
gather data
Assesses operating system
process management but the
assessment lacks detail or the use
of process monitoring tools is not
Does not assess operating system
process management
Software Tools
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows keen insight into the
significance of deadlocks and
related problems and the tools
and techniques used in detection,
recovery, avoidance, and
Assesses software tools for thread
analysis and deadlock detection
available for the operating system
and explains associated strategies
Assesses software tools for thread
analysis and deadlock detection
available for the operating system
and explains associated strategies,
but with gaps in detail or accuracy
Does not assess software tools for
thread analysis and deadlock
detection available for the
operating system and explain
associated strategies
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
evidences keen insight into the
technology of multiprocessing and
its applicability in organizational
needs and requirements
Accurately assesses the
applicability and ability of the
operating system to allocate tasks
between multiple processors
Assesses the applicability and
ability of the operating system to
allocate tasks between multiple
processors, but with gaps in
accuracy, analysis, or detail
Does not assess the applicability
and ability of the operating
system to allocate tasks between
multiple processors
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows keen insight into the
significance of the memory
abstraction for system util ity
Accurately describes how the
types of memory supported by
the operating systems function
based on analysis
Describes how the types of
memory supported by the
operating systems function but
with gaps in detail or accuracy
Does not describe how the types
of memory supported by the
operating systems function
Assess Activity
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows keen insight into the
advantages and disadvantages of
memory management
Assesses the system support for
virtual memory, memory paging,
and segmentation
Assesses the system support for
virtual memory, memory paging,
and segmentation, but the
assessment lacks accuracy or
Does not assess the system
support for virtual memory,
memory paging, and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
shows keen insight into how
separation of policy from
mechanism can serve as a general
principle for reducing complexity
Assesses the techniques used for
memory management policy and
mechanism separation for their
util ity in managing complexity
Assesses the techniques used for
memory management policy and
mechanism for their util ity in
managing complexity, but some
techniques are omitted or the
assessment lacks accuracy
Does not assess the techniques
used for memory management
policy and mechanism separation
for their util ity in managing
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws insightful conclusions or
inferences about I/O techniques
across the full range of devices
and I/O subsystems
Fully describes the hardware-
software interface for I/O
management used by the
operating system
Describes the hardware-software
interface for I/O management,
but lacks detail or accuracy of
explanation around the role of the
operating system in controlling
the computer’s I/O
Does not describe the hardware-
software interface for I/O
File Systems
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws insightful conclusions or
inferences about the performance
of the fi le systems supported by
the operating system
Analyzes the fi le systems
supported by the operating
system, including an assessment
of fi le system performance
Analyzes the fi le systems
supported by the operating
system, but the analysis is
incomplete or inaccurate
Does not analyze the fi le systems
supported by the operating
Context Switching
and I/O Interrupt
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates clearly the
applicability of context switching
and I/O interrupt handling
Accurately and comprehensively
analyzes the relationship between
scheduled process context
switching and I/O interrupt
handling and compares to other
Analyzes the relationship between
scheduled process context
switching and I/O interrupt
handling and compares to other
approaches, but the analysis is
incomplete or inaccurate
Does not analyze the relationship
between scheduled process
context switching and I/O
interrupt handling or compare to
other approaches
Security Model
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
evidences keen insight into the
value of formal security models
Concisely analyzes the system to
determine the formal securi ty
model the system supports
Analyzes the system to determine
the formal security model the
system supports, but with gaps in
detail or accuracy
Does not analyze the system to
determine the formal security
model the system supports
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
evidences keen insight into the
effect recommended techniques
and best practices would have on
further supporting security of the
operating system
Recommends techniques and best
practices to further support
security of the operating system
Recommends techniques and best
practices, but the
recommendations are not
applicable to the operating
system or would not logically
support security
Does not recommend techniques
and best practices for supporting
the operating system
Overall Evaluation
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
evidences keen insight into the
value of the recommendations
and their feasibility
Develops a comprehensive,
integrated technology
recommendation for the case
based on the analyses,
assessments, and defined
Develops a technology
recommendation for the case, but
is not comprehensive or not
based on the analyses,
assessments, and defined
Does not develop a technology
recommendation for the case
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total 100%

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  • 1. DisasterRecoveryPlanReport.doc x by Varun Shah Submission dat e : 02- Mar- 2019 08:17 PM (UT C- 0800) Submission ID: 1086658154 File name : 20567 _Varun_Shah_DisasterReco veryPlanRepo rt_1337 cx Word count : 27 65 Charact e r count : 164 69
  • 2. 54% SIMILARIT Y INDEX 17% INT ERNET SOURCES 3% PUBLICAT IONS 51% ST UDENT PAPERS 1 38% 2 8% 3 3% 4 1% 5 1% 6 1% 7 1% 8 1% 9 DisasterRecoveryPlanReport.docx ORIGINALITY REPORT
  • 3. PRIMARY SOURCES Submitted to Campbellsville University St udent Paper Submitted to (school name not available) St udent Paper Submitted to Colorado Technical University Online St udent Paper Int ernet Source www.att.f r Int ernet Source Int ernet Source Submitted to The Chartered Insurance Institute St udent Paper Submitted to Grand Canyon University St udent Paper <1% 10 <1% Exclude quo tes Of f
  • 4. Exclude biblio graphy On Exclude matches Of f Int ernet Source Int ernet Source DisasterRecoveryPlanReport.docxby Varun ShahDisasterRecoveryPlanReport.docxORIGINALITY REPORTPRIMARY SOURCES Running Head: MILESTONE ONE: SITUATION ANALYSIS 1 MILESTONE ONE: SITUATION ANALYSIS 2 Milestone One: Situation Analysis Southern New Hampshire University Chaston Carter Business-Related Challenges Faced by the Organization The organization I chose is the Top Secret Inc. (TSI) which is an operating system organization dealing mainly with embedded operating systems for controls systems and alarm systems. The
  • 5. TSI faces various challenges while carrying out their business and this includes the inability of their operating systems to run more than one program at a time. This is to say that when the operating system is handling a task, it has no ability to handle another task concurrently until it finishes the one and embarks on the other one (Tanenbaum, Andrew & Bos, Herbert, 2015). Additionally, the operating system for TSI only handles specific calls such as open calls, closed calls or read calls and writes calls. This is attributed to the fact that the operating systems do not have call interfaces and thus the back office applications which offer multithreaded operations are not found also. In this regards, the TSI will only use the open source software which the developers have the ability to remove the multithreading functionality and operate smoothly and successfully. Further, the TSI developers lack the access to the systems call and therefore resort to using the long process of getting access by use of the API which invokes the system call. This process, therefore, puts a lot of limitations on the activities carried out using the system calls with more challenges arising when the developers have to customize the responses of calls through the modification of the traps to fit the kernel mode (Tolomei, 2017). In addition, the TSI systems have no confidentiality and integrity since the network is unsecured and thus vulnerable to being hacked. Related Case Study The case study which is related to TSI is that of Joy entertainment which commenced its operations using a single operating system. The major role of the business was to deliver DJ services for the clients. However, with the increase in demand for DJ services, there was a need to ensure that there are multiprogramming and system call interfaces to be put in place. This, in essence, denoted that upgrade of their system was very important so as to attain the desired growth. Moreover, the company required more than one CPU systems
  • 6. which will enable them to carry out their processes efficiently and numerously leading them to meet the client demands. There was also a need for security which enables the support for the files deemed confidential so as to ensure that the owner and not the contractors manage the company. Back up as well was necessary since the company saved their files and therefore the need to ensure the security of such files (Tanenbaum, Andrew & Bos, Herbert, 2015). How the features played a role in my productivity at School The multiprogramming and multithreading, as well as call interfaces and backup devices, are some of the features of the GPOS. In essence, taking an online course is very challenging, but the assistance features which are linked to the assignments and storage features is a very important feature. This makes the work easier and most importantly less complicated. It is worth noting that lack of memory storage will make one to find difficulty in saving their files o that it can be used in the future (Tolomei, 2017). In this regards, these features are apparently very crucial to stack with any operating system as it ensures the smooth running of the tasks in a system. Reference Tolomei, Gabriele (2017). Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Multitasking and Multithreading. Retrieved from systems/multiprogramming-multiprocessing-multitasking- multithreading/ Tanenbaum, Andrew S. & Bos, Herbert (2015). Modern Operating System 4th edition. Pearson Education, Inc. Running Head: MILESTONE TWO: ANALYTICAL ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE
  • 7. 1 MILESTONE TWO: ANALYTICAL ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE 2 Milestone Two: Analytical Organizational Profile Institution Affiliation Chaston Carter 1/13/19 GPOS Feature Profile Criteria Student Analysis Multiprogramming Tech Description Multiprogramming can be expressed as the rapid movement which exists between the processes in a CPU which is used in executing the program processes which are running in the operating system. Business Requirement If multiprogramming is not applicable in a system, the business
  • 8. operations will be affected since employees who are based in workstations will not have the ability of running numerous programs at once which in turn limits the organization's operational productivity (McHoes, & Flynn, 2018). Multiprocessing Tech Description Multiprocessing is expressed as the utilization of two CPUs or more in a computer system to execute the processes which are being run in the operating system. It is worth noting that Multiprocessing enables the simultaneous execution of numerous programs in the operating system. Business Requirement If multiprocessing is not utilized in an organization, it can lead to slowing down of tasks performed as it adds wasted time to the operational tasks which could have been run once. Multithreading Tech Description Multithreading can be described as an operating system's ability to executes some parts of the processes simultaneously without necessarily allowing the threads to interfere with each other. In essence, threads are part of the processes usually termed as the sub processes. (McHoes, & Flynn, 2018). Business Requirement Absence of multithreading on the operations of business workstations can affect the productivity since the employees will not be able to run numerous processes at once. Additionally, the operations in workstations will be slower as each process ought to be accomplished before running a new one. Virtual Memory Tech Description Virtual memory is a strategy which uses the software together with the hardware to manage memory. Virtual memory maps the addresses of the memory which is used by a specific program to
  • 9. a physical address in the hardware's memory. In essence, the operating system is responsible for managing virtual addresses (McHoes, & Flynn, 2018). Business Requirement The absence of virtual memory on the organization will lead to an increase in costs of operations since physical memory ought to be acquired to store important files and information. The virtual memory ought to be present in all workstations so that each employee can be able to save their tasks. System Call Interface Tech Description System call interface can be expressed as an interface which exists between the processes and the operating system. The system call enables the user level processes to ask for services from the operating systems in which it could not have been possible in the process itself. Business Requirement Absence of system call interface in business operations will lead to failure in running applications such as API programming which in turn will affect the operations of the business as well as productivity. As well, it can limit the business application choices which the workstations can run. Security Tech Description Security is expressed as a strategy which is implemented in ensuring that the hardware, as well as the safety of software, is guaranteed against threats and attacks which can be perpetrated by unauthorized individuals. Business Requirement Lack of security in the workstations will make the systems vulnerable to outside threats as well as unauthorized access to the sensitive information of the organization. This will indubitably expose the organization to legal liability especially
  • 10. when their systems store information which is sensitive. Device Drivers Tech Description Device drivers are software programs that are designed to enable interaction with hardware devices. The device driver will communicate with the hardware bus where the hardware is connected to. Device drivers are operating system specific and hardware connected. Business Requirement The absence of device drivers in the systems used in workstations will make the employees to have difficulty in utilizing time as the connections to the system will not be complete. Therefore, the business operations can be hard to continue (Hansen, 2011). Fault Tolerance Tech Description Fault tolerance is a method where the operating systems react to the hardware and software failure. This, therefore, depicts that it is the ability of the system to allow for the system failures and the ability of the software to combine. Business Requirement Absence of fault tolerance leads to various business risks and moreover increases the server downtime in an organization. This will indubitably impact the operations of business and productivity of the organization. The business as well decreases the programs and data availability as well as information stored in the network to be used to run the business operations (Hansen, 2011). References Hansen, P. B. (2011). Classic Operating Systems: From Batch Processing To Distributed Systems. New York, NY: Springer New York.
  • 11. McHoes, A. M. I., & Flynn, I. M. (2018). Understanding operating systems. Running Head: IT 600 FINAL PROJECT MILESTONE THREE TEMPLATE: FULL ORGANIZATION PROFILE 3 IT 600 Final Project Milestone Three Template: Full Organizational Profile Chaston Carter GPOS Feature Profile Criteria Student Analysis Multiprogramming Tech Description This is a basic system of parallel processing in which several programs are executed simultaneously on a uniprocessor. Since the operating system has only one processor, it will only
  • 12. execute only one of the programs at a time though the user sees as if all the programs are running at the same time. If the machine has the capability of causing interruption to the system, then the operating system will run one program and then execute the other after a given time. For a system with the capability of protecting memory, a bug in one program will less likely disrupt the execution of other programs unlike3 when the system does not have memory protection and can cause interruption to other programs causing a system crash. Business Requirement Multiprogramming would undoubtedly be of significant help to TSI since they use a single processor that processes one program at a time similar to First In First Out. If a big program needs to run it would block minor executions until it completes. Application Benefit Multiprogramming is more beneficial since many processes can be accomplished simultaneously, therefore, many things can be accomplished within a given period of time. Implementation Tasks Implementing multiprogramming entails the designing of the program on the operating system that completes tasks in the order in which the programmer sets. The system executes the program in bits until the all the programs are executed. Multiprocessing Tech Description Unlike multiprogramming, multiprocessing will run multiple processors which can work on two processes simultaneously. Multiprocessors need access memory to complete and are bigger than threads. Business Requirement The utilization of multiprocessors will double the speed compared to single processor systems meaning service time will
  • 13. significantly decline creating more efficiency for customer service. Application Benefit It is applicable to systems that use one processor but at the same time it’s faster than multiprogramming on one processor and therefore, faster and more efficient. Implementation Tasks Utilization of multiprocessor will require the installation of another processor. The operating system on the other hand will require to be programmed in order to use both processors in order to increase efficiency. Multithreading Tech Description Multithreading uses cache to be shared much quickly. Threads creates process together and are faster as compared when bigger processes require to main memory which can take much longer time. In contrast, threads are more scalable since their processing is faster in RAM. Business Requirement TSI should work towards the removal of the thread functionality due to the lack of system call interface which are beyond open, close, read and write. TSI on its capacity cannot create multiple threads. Application Benefit Threads are speedy access so multithreading is quicker than multiprocessing. Nevertheless, multithreading can make multiprocessing faster because threads make up a process in the process table. Implementation Tasks It is crucial for TSI to employ a better system call interface that will support more command multithreading. This will improve
  • 14. the system efficiency for use in the long term. Virtual Memory Tech Description Virtue memory is the pages of data transfer from the RAM the disk and protects the system from crashing. It acts as a temporary transfer when the RAM is overloaded. Business Requirement Virtue memory is used to reinforce systems with inadequate memory to protect them from crushing. TSI need a virtual memory that uses paging so that their systems can be protected from constant crashing. Application Benefit Virtual memory will always stop programs from running into each other when the threads have their own address space. Implementation Tasks TSI would implement virtual memory by the threads their own address space to be retrieved in cache then allow the multiple programs to use the threads simultaneously. System Call Interface Tech Description The system call interface is the one that translates the command the user gives to the computer into a kernel language in order to execute the command. Organizations like TSI need to develop system call interface that translates commands into kernel language for the customers and also have manual repair for the problems. Business Requirement TSI need to have system call interface since they are currently using the basic interface that is not compatible with other types of software. They need the system user interface in order to make it more efficient for their customers and to reduce the manual work for the developers when trying to repair and
  • 15. maintain current software. Application Benefit Utilization of a better system call interface would be beneficial for the customer and would save TSUI from creating work rounds for their customers. Their system would be more efficient and easy to implement. Implementation Tasks TSI should d implement their own system call interface. The customers need to have a template for their operating system software which is the area TSI should concentrate on. Security Tech Description Security form the technical sense is the protection of the software from unauthorized access to the system information. Even the people who work in the organization should only have access to the information that is necessary. Business Requirement TSI should be keen on their low security levels and therefore should integrate security systems to their software to prevent unauthorized access to their information and login to the systems. Application Benefit Security is the main feature that the customer will look at when making decision on the software they want to buy, therefore, enhanced security will increase the customers for their products. Implementation Tasks TSI should ensure that the system access is only accessible by a given category of their employees or they can outsource. Device Drivers Tech Description Device drivers control the connection of a device to a program.
  • 16. All the devices that are connected to the computer must have drivers for them to be compatible to the program. Business Requirement TSI should use custom programming to make device drivers to ensure that they are compatible with all the software instead of creating different device drivers for each customer. Application Benefit TSI device drivers have better compatibility with other devices drivers although their systems lack other key components. Implementation Tasks TSI need to create software that allows other device drivers to function on their computers instead of creating a new device for each customer. Fault Tolerance Tech Description Fault tolerance puts up with problems and protects the system from crashing. It makes it possible to create a different program that will make changes before the crash of the system. Business Requirement TSI is faced with the problem of programming for all the things they would like to create due to lack of the required programming skills even though they make their own devices. They need to employ more fault tolerance which they can do by employing more experienced programing expert. Application Benefit New programming expert would be of great help since they will protect the system from crashing often and also retain as well as attract more customers. Implementation Tasks An experienced programming expert would create codes that
  • 17. will prevent the system from crashing more often. Insert recommendation below Due to the level of clients that TSI work with, it will be of great importance to ensure that security concerns inherent with their systems are addressed early enough before the situation move out of hand. To begin with, multiprogramming would be necessary for TSI to upgrade their systems. Also multiprocessing on each processor will also upgrade their system and make it efficient to work with. Upgrade of the virtual memory as well as security enhancement are areas that the company need to address with their clients to get areas recommendations on what they can do to reinforce their security concerns. The security needs to be outsourced and higher new programming experts who are more experienced to contrivance multiprogramming as well as virtual memory. In brief, TSI need to work in collaboration with more experienced staff to handle the prevailing challenges. IT 600 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview IT professionals are often called upon to make decisions, provide recommendations, and perform analyses that require an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of an operating system. This summative assessment will provide students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve and maintain this level of understanding throughout their
  • 18. careers. For the summative assessment, students will perform a technical evaluation of an operating system. Students will be offered a choice of operating systems to analyze. Students will use real-time and log-based tools, empirical observation, and scholarly research to analyze the core subsystems of the operating system. For each subsystem, students will research and describe the technology used in that subsystem and compare it to other available technologies. For the final report, students will assess the results of their analyses and perform an overall evaluation of the operating system, with recommendations for how it might be improved. For the summative assessment you will perform an in-depth technical evaluation of an operating system. The evaluation will be made in terms of the ability of the system and its supporting hardware to meet a set of organizational needs and technical requirements. The organization is a global enterprise that provides premium technical support to other enterprise businesses. Management will use your evaluation as one element among several in their assessment of options for future technology adoption. You will define the technical requirements, based on tasks performed by the organization, the applications used, system loads, security, system management, maintenance, and performance. The scope of the evaluation will include analyses and assessments of the hardware-software interface, the techniques used to implement processes and threads, the file systems supported by the operating system, the input/output subsystem, and the
  • 19. operating system security features. You will use these analyses and assessments to produce a comprehensive evaluation, which will be written in the form of a detailed technology review. SNHU will provide tools to support analysis of some commonly used operating systems, but you may select another operating system if you have the resources to do so. There will also be several milestones throughout the course that will allow you to develop the evaluation incrementally. The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, and Seven. Your final report will be submitted in Module Nine. Prompt Your technical evaluation of an operating system should include analyses and assessments of the hardware-software interface, the techniques used to implement processes and threads, the file systems supported by the operating system, the I/O subsystem, and the operating system security features. You will use these analyses and assessments to produce a comprehensive evaluation, which will be written in the form of a detai led technology review.
  • 20. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Organizational Needs and Requirements A. Develop an organizational profile that analyzes the tasks performed by the organization, the computer applications in use or expected to be in use, and the estimated system loads anticipated for the operating system. B. What are the organizational, security, and performance and reliability requirements related to operating system function, management, and maintenance? II. Computer Architecture A. What hardware is required to host the operating system? This should include an identification of the minimal hardware required and an assessment of what would be needed to support organizational needs and requirements. B. Analyze the architecture in terms of support and functionality of process management, memory management, I/O, and mass storage. C. Analyze the architectural support for multiprocessor systems and assess the organization, connection, and control aspects. What are some architectural issues that might arise regarding technologies used in multiprocessor systems and how would you recommend utilizing multiprocessor systems in light of these issues?
  • 21. III. Process Management A. Assess the operating system process management in terms of its responsiveness to organizational requirements. Use process monitoring tools to gather data for your assessment. B. Assess software tools for thread analysis and deadlock detection that are available for the operating system. What strategies does the operating system provide for handling deadlocks? C. What support does the operating system provide for multiprocessing? Assess the applicability and ability of the operating system to allocate tasks between multiple processors. IV. Memory Management A. Describe how the types of memory supported by the operating system are used. What memory abstraction does the system use? Use an analysis tool to investigate the mapping to physical memory. B. Describe the system support for virtual memory, memory paging, and segmentation. Use a monitoring tool to assess their activity under heavily loaded conditions. C. Assess the techniques used for memory management policy and mechanism separation and their utility in managing complexity.
  • 22. V. I/O and Mass Storage A. Describe the hardware-software interface for I/O management used by the operating system. Various techniques are used for enabling the operating system to communicate with devices. What techniques are supported and what are their advantages and disadvantages? B. Analyze the file systems supported by the operating system. Use file system performance tests to assess the available file sys tems. C. What is the relationship between scheduled process context switching and I/O interrupt handling? Analyze the use of device interrupts in the operating system and compare them to other possible approaches to input/output. VI. Security A. What formal security model does the system support? Analyze the system to determine what support it provides for implementing security models and assess the relevant tools and services made available to administrators. B. Recommend techniques and best practices to further support security of the operating system. VII. Overall Evaluation: Using the defined requirements, analyses, and assessments, develop a comprehensive detailed technology
  • 23. recommendation. Include an integrated assessment of the operating system’s capability to support organizational needs and technical requirements. Milestones Milestone One: Situation Analysis In Module Two, you will conduct a situational analysis. You will write a short paper that describes the business-related challenges faced by the organization. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Analytical Organizational Profile In Module Three, you will conduct an analytical organizational profile. Your work will be completed in the Milestone Two Template document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Full Organizational Profile In Module Seven, you will complete a full organizational profile. Your work will be completed in the Milestone Three Template document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Final Submission: Technical Evaluation of an Operating System In Module Nine, you will consider the questions below and make revisions to the document you submitted for Milestone Three. With your Milestone Three document in front of you, consider the following and make revisions as necessary:
  • 24. a) Have you incorporated all of the feedback and suggestions you received from your instructor? b) Does your submission address all of the critical elements outlined above? c) Does the operating system you selected match the specific requirements your organization identified? d) Do you have title and references pages? e) Is your submission at least 15 pages of content not including title and reference pages? f) Have you supported each of your positions with a credible source? g) Have you properly cited your sources and made proper attribution for any copyrighted graphics or photos? h) Does your submission make a clearly stated recommendation for an operating system? Your final submission should be a polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric (below). Deliverables Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading One Situation Analysis Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric Two Analytical Organizational Profile Three Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
  • 25. Three Full Organizational Profile Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric Final Submission: Technical Evaluation of an Operating System Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your report should be 15 pages double-spaced paper or the completed template provided in Milestone Three, professionally written, with necessary citations in APA format and any accompanying visuals or additional artifacts submitted as part of an appendix section. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Organizational Profile [IT-600-06] Meets “Proficient” criteria and organizational profile shows keen insight into organizational needs
  • 26. and requirements Develops an accurate and detailed organizational profile that analyzes the tasks performed by the organization, the computer applications in use or expected to be in use, and the estimated system loads Develops an organizational profile that analyzes the tasks performed by the organization, the computer applications in use or expected to be in use, and the estimated system loads, but with gaps in accuracy or details Does not develop an organizational profile that analyzes the tasks performed by the organization, the computer applications in use or expected to be in use, and the estimated system loads 5.75 Function, Management, and Maintenance [IT-600-06]
  • 27. Meets “Proficient” criteria and draws insightful conclusions or inferences about the implications of the requirements for the operating system Fully describes the organizational, security, performance, and reliability requirements as they relate to operating system function, management, and maintenance Describes the organizational, security, performance, and reliability requirements as they relate to operating system function, management, and maintenance, but with gaps in details Does not describe the organizational, security, performance, and reliability requirements as they relate to operating system function, management, and maintenance
  • 28. 5.75 Hardware [IT-600-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and draws insightful conclusions or inferences about the implications of the requirements for the hardware Accurately explains the hardware required to support the operating system, and assesses the hardware needed to support organizational needs and requirements Explains the hardware required to support the operating system, and assesses the hardware needed to support organizational needs and requirements, but with gaps in accuracy or details Does not explain the hardware required to support the operating system 5.75 Support and
  • 29. Functionality [IT-600-01] Meets “Proficient” criteria and analysis shows keen insight into the significance of the architecture for process management, memory management, I/O, and mass storage Accurately analyzes the architecture in terms of support and functionality of process management, memory management, I/O, and mass storage Analyzes the architecture in terms of support and functionality of process management, memory management, I/O, and mass storage, but analysis is inaccurate or lacking detail Does not analyze the architecture in terms of support and functionality of process
  • 30. management, memory management, I/O, and mass storage 5.75 Architectural Issues [IT-600-05] Meets “Proficient” criteria and analysis shows keen insight into the significance of the architecture multiprocessor systems Accurately analyzes the architectural support for multiprocessor systems and assesses the organization, connection, and control aspects of the system Analyzes the architectural support for multiprocessor systems and assesses aspects of the system, but with gaps in accuracy or details Does not analyze the architectural support for multiprocessor systems
  • 31. 5.75 Responsiveness to Organizational Requirements [IT-600-02] Meets “Proficient” criteria and draws insightful conclusions or inferences about the value of process management in terms of its responsiveness to organizational requirements Assesses operating system process management in terms of its responsiveness to organizational requirements, using process monitoring tools to gather data Assesses operating system process management but the assessment lacks detail or the use of process monitoring tools is not evident Does not assess operating system
  • 32. process management 5.75 Software Tools [IT-600-02] Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into the significance of deadlocks and related problems and the tools and techniques used in detection, recovery, avoidance, and prevention Assesses software tools for thread analysis and deadlock detection available for the operating system and explains associated strategies Assesses software tools for thread analysis and deadlock detection available for the operating system and explains associated strategies, but with gaps in detail or accuracy Does not assess software tools for thread analysis and deadlock detection available for the operating system and explain associated strategies
  • 33. 5.75 Support [IT-600-05] Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the technology of multiprocessing and its applicability in organizational needs and requirements Accurately assesses the applicability and ability of the operating system to allocate tasks between multiple processors Assesses the applicability and ability of the operating system to allocate tasks between multiple processors, but with gaps in accuracy, analysis, or detail Does not assess the applicability and ability of the operating system to allocate tasks between multiple processors 5.75 Memory Abstraction [IT-600-03]
  • 34. Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into the significance of the memory abstraction for system util ity Accurately describes how the types of memory supported by the operating systems function based on analysis Describes how the types of memory supported by the operating systems function but with gaps in detail or accuracy Does not describe how the types of memory supported by the operating systems function 5.75 Assess Activity [IT-600-03] Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into the advantages and disadvantages of memory management technologies Assesses the system support for virtual memory, memory paging,
  • 35. and segmentation Assesses the system support for virtual memory, memory paging, and segmentation, but the assessment lacks accuracy or detail Does not assess the system support for virtual memory, memory paging, and segmentation 5.75 Techniques [IT-600-03] Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into how separation of policy from mechanism can serve as a general principle for reducing complexity Assesses the techniques used for memory management policy and mechanism separation for their util ity in managing complexity
  • 36. Assesses the techniques used for memory management policy and mechanism for their util ity in managing complexity, but some techniques are omitted or the assessment lacks accuracy Does not assess the techniques used for memory management policy and mechanism separation for their util ity in managing complexity 5.75 Hardware-Software Interface [IT-600-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and draws insightful conclusions or inferences about I/O techniques across the full range of devices and I/O subsystems Fully describes the hardware- software interface for I/O management used by the operating system
  • 37. Describes the hardware-software interface for I/O management, but lacks detail or accuracy of explanation around the role of the operating system in controlling the computer’s I/O Does not describe the hardware- software interface for I/O management 5.75 File Systems [IT-600-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and draws insightful conclusions or inferences about the performance of the fi le systems supported by the operating system Analyzes the fi le systems supported by the operating system, including an assessment of fi le system performance Analyzes the fi le systems supported by the operating system, but the analysis is
  • 38. incomplete or inaccurate Does not analyze the fi le systems supported by the operating system 5.75 Context Switching and I/O Interrupt Handling [IT-600-04] Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates clearly the applicability of context switching and I/O interrupt handling technologies Accurately and comprehensively analyzes the relationship between scheduled process context switching and I/O interrupt handling and compares to other approaches Analyzes the relationship between scheduled process context switching and I/O interrupt handling and compares to other approaches, but the analysis is
  • 39. incomplete or inaccurate Does not analyze the relationship between scheduled process context switching and I/O interrupt handling or compare to other approaches 5.75 Security Model [IT-600-06] Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the value of formal security models Concisely analyzes the system to determine the formal securi ty model the system supports Analyzes the system to determine the formal security model the system supports, but with gaps in detail or accuracy Does not analyze the system to determine the formal security model the system supports 5.75
  • 40. Recommended Techniques [IT-600-06] Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the effect recommended techniques and best practices would have on further supporting security of the operating system Recommends techniques and best practices to further support security of the operating system Recommends techniques and best practices, but the recommendations are not applicable to the operating system or would not logically support security Does not recommend techniques and best practices for supporting the operating system 5.75 Overall Evaluation [IT-600-06] Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the
  • 41. value of the recommendations and their feasibility Develops a comprehensive, integrated technology recommendation for the case based on the analyses, assessments, and defined requirements Develops a technology recommendation for the case, but is not comprehensive or not based on the analyses, assessments, and defined requirements Does not develop a technology recommendation for the case 5.75 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization
  • 42. and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 2.25 Earned Total 100%