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Disadvantages Of Online Marketing
You can create groups related to your industry or product offerings as a way to reach out to potential customers. Overall Using Facebook to promote
your business can go beyond your page and promotion of your page. You can also use your personal account to make connections with colleagues and
prospects, start conversations and network online.
With clear objectives and plan for managing your connections, you can use Facebook to network and develop great business relationships. The
objective of marketing is to reach potential customers through the channels where they spend time reading, searching, shopping, or socializing online.
Widespread adoption of the Internet for business and personal use has generated many new channels for advertising and marketing engagement,
including those mentioned above. These methods are also not wellā€“suited to controlled experimentation. Today, anyone with an online business (as
well as most offline businesses) can participate in online marketing by creating a website and building customer acquisition campaigns at little to no
cost. Those marketing products and services also have the ability to experiment with optimization to fineā€“tune their campaigns' efficiency and ROI. A
key benefit of using online channels for marketing a business or product is the ability to measure the impact of any given channel, as well as how
visitors acquired through different channels interact with a website or landing page experience. Of the visitors that convert
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Persuasive Essay On Online Classes
Most people think highly of online classes; get to work from home, get to work on a flexible schedule, and anyone can do it. Though no one has
heard the cons of taking one. I personally took three semesters of online classes in high school and had a horrible experience. Because of loose
scheduling, poor communication, and the focus needed, online classes are not suitable for procrastinators. To give a better understanding, I will
summarize my experience with the class. Me, being a procrastinator, thought to myself: I'll just work on the weekends and if I don't finish the class by
the end of the school year, I can finish within the first few weeks of summer. This was a god awful plan. Unsurprisingly, close to nothing was
accomplished on the weekends. Friends would ask me to hang out every weekend, and I did every time. Why would I want to work on my class on the
weekend when I could be having fun? I would later regret this decision. On the days I stayed home and could have worked on the class, I completed
nothing. On these days, I would tell myself: I'll just complete what I didn't do this weekend next weekend. This rarely happened. Thus, the cycle of
getting nothing accomplished started. I disregarded my class for most of the first semester of junior year. With only nine assignments out of eighty
finished after the first semester of the school year, I was immensely behind. I told myself to get my act together during second semester and grind out
these two semesters
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Argumentative Essay On Online Education
Online education is a form of education which is administered and developed through the internet. The transition from Classroom education to online
education has been accepted widely by many countries. It is one of the upcoming trends in education sectors all around the World. With improved
technologies, it has become easier to learn.
As to every topic, there coā€“exist both supporting and denying arguments in this regard. Online education can be possible anywhere with a mobile,
Laptop, Desktop or tab. Just having a stable internet could get you anywhere like getting lectured by a professor from Stanford or MIT. Online
education is possible nowadays even for free through websites like Edx, Coursera etc., Online education is like an ocean, no matter how much we
learn there will be more. Access is one of the happening things from Online education. The opportunity cost of Online education is very high. The time
we spend travelling through these busy roads is cut down entirely. The cost we bear on books, travelling, uniforms, etc., is cut down drastically.
Flexible schedules are possible. Online learning creates the ability to study whenever and wherever. Also, it creates flexibility to study around family
Money, Time and Values are important for any living being. While we see that trends are changing, people tend to claim moral values are
deteriorating. In some way, most of us want to form loving families, raise our children to be good citizens, stand up for the downtrodden and protect
our communities from harm. We still form friendships, business partnerships based on oldā€“fashioned criteria. When our trust is abused or we are
unfairly treated, we see that as a major violation of our relationship and we judge the wrongdoer accordingly. Though online education does not provide
a mentor like the classroomā€“based education does, people still inculcate values through the beautiful curriculum and courses such as right life,
Happiness, positive living etc.,
Online education has proved to be one of the greatest boons in today's world. But unfortunately, India is still lacking to accept distance education/
Online education as equivalent to classroom education. India is now the third largest online market for
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Persuasive Essay On Online Education
Online education is helping many students get a better education. This can be for many reasons. Some reasons could include things like a more
flexible schedule. Of course their are some that believe that online schools are not a good option because they do not offer students face to face time
with teachers, but online schools can be a great way to educate the children of tomorrow because it allows for students in rural areas to get the same
education as somebody in the city and the flexible nature of online school allows students to have more time to be with their family, friends and to do
the activities they love.
One of the great things about online education is that it gives students in rural areas the same education as those in large urban areas. This is because
of many things but most importantly it is because online systems allow for more courses then a small town would be able to provide (Orgill, Jason,
and Douglas Hervey). Having more courses is important because it gives students the opportunity to take deep dives into areas that they are very
interested in. This is an opportunity that many students that live in rural areas don't get because there school simply does not have enough students to
provide those courses. Giving students in rural areas the same course opportunities as those in urban areas is just one of the reasons online education is
so important.
Another great thing about online education is that allows student athletes to have enough time with their families while also putting huge amounts
of time into training and school. The reason athletes get the time they need is because at an online school "you work at your own pace" And on
your own schedule (Snyder, Tom). I know from personal experience being a student athlete in a brick and mortar school is difficult. You wake up
early try and finish your homework, then go directly to school. Then after school you go to training and then more training then maybe you go to the
gym and then finally you get home and you are so tired you just fall into bed. This is really tough because you get hardly any time to spend with your
family and friend. In an online school system you can do your work wherever you are and whenever you have time. This
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Writing An Exemplary Essay
1. Which parts of your essay do you feel most closely meet the expectations for exemplary writing as described in the essay rubric and why?
I feel that the two strongest parts of my essay are my thesis and certain parts of my closing paragraphs. My focus, or thesis, most closely meet the
expectations because it offers significant insight that is precise and creatively stated. It also addresses the content requirements and is fully supported
throughout the essay. I like the wording I used for the thesis, and to me it's inspirational. Secondly, I think that certain parts of my closing are strong,
particularly the lessons in perseverance that I learned from Seth. My grammar and mechanics have fulfilled the definition of exemplary in the essay
rubric as well.
2. Which parts of your essay could use improvement, and why?
While there are many parts of my essay that could use improvement, I am only going to focus on a couple. In paragraph four it feels as though I am
rambling a bit about the details of the Domino Project story. I do think that how the project played out is important, I more content...
Specifically, when moving from paragraph five to paragraph six, besides using the word "another" twice in a row, it seems forced, like I am
jumping into the next idea. How can I clearly transition without sounding automated? Also, the last sentence in paragraph five sounds like I just
threw it in there. Should I take it out completely or rewrite it? I don't like how the last two sentences of my essay flow, although I really like the
wording I used. How can I mix or add to these ideas to create more flow for the ending? Another thing I can improve upon is my style or voice.
Sometimes I can sound a little sterile. How can I show more easygoing flow while retaining the professional feel of the essay? The audience I chose is
future employers so I want to sound intelligent but not
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Essay on Writing Experience
My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences,
forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the
future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no
errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in
kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers
taught more content...
I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form
as it comes to mind. Runā€“ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My
goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my
whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs,
essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will
have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and
sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and
collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so
that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift
changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not
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Are Online Friends Are Real Friends?
Are online friends "real friends"? Many people think they are not. However, is that the truth? No, the real truth is that online friends are good and
real friends, and important to have. Of the numerous reasons as to why they are important, three of them stand out from the rest. A sum of those
three reasons, in no particular order, is that having online friends can help people be more social, it can help those who cannot make friends be
able to make friends due to a number of reasons, and it increases the number of friends people have in general. Firstly, online friends are important
because it helps people learn how to be more social. This is because it allows there to be an anonymous setting in which people are allowed to talk
about their problems and normal things without fear of judgment. As writer Sally Arthur describes it, "[Being anonymous] allows people to practice
their social skills in an anonymous setting." As a result, people can hold the friendships they have off of the internet easier if they have friendships
online. Also, online it is easy for people to control how they present themselves. On the Internet, nobody has to share any of their personal information
with anyone but everyone has the option of choosing how they wish to be viewed by others. It is much easier for individuals to be who they want to be
online, Arthur highlights. Accordingly, anyone can act their true self online without the fear of losing their social status and getting shunned by their
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Reflection Of Creative Writing
It is my belief that through this class and the tools provided, that my growth as a writer has grown through leaps and bounds I would never have
assumed possible. It is not so much the skill I refer to, although I would think skill has gone up in some levels as well, but more so the appreciation
for the craft of writing itself. Intially, at the start of this class my sole goal was to further my understanding and appreciation of the writer's and books
that I so love to read. Through further evaluation within the first week, a few other goals came to mind, of which were, making writing a habit,
finishing what I start, stop second guess my writing skills and making effective use of detail and description. Through the use of the many articles,
various reading materials, whether poems or short stories, and especially through the workshop, I feel I was able to really push myself to
accomplishing these goals. I have thus far learned how important it is not to be skilled at writing per say, but to have the will to write, that poetry is
as much about it's sound as it is about it's subject, just how important character development is, how the narration and point of view of a story is
essential to the way the story is told, and just how much of a difference peer's critiques can make to your writing.
Since before the beginning of this creative writing course, I have always struggled to find a point to writing. By this, I mean that I always felt that
having great skill and talent was what was required to be a writer, let alone a great one. From this point, I felt there was no need to continue my
writing as I felt that in a sense it just wasn't good enough. However, reading the article "A Way of Writing", I found new hope. Here was a writer
who says things such as "I must be willing to fail. If I am to keep on writing, I cannot bother to insist on high standards. I must get into action and not
let anything stop me, or even slow me much"(Stafford) and quotes that writers don't necessarily have any special talent. The article "Why I Write"
instilled further optimism through the authors view on just being a writer, not focusing on being good or bad. I found her words in which she writes
"entirely to find out what I'm
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Online Reading Essay
Online Reading Essay
America, a country created by the outcasts of Europe in the 1700's, is a nation that consists of a diversity not known by any other country. Since
the first settlers travelled to this new nation, people from all over the world have come to this great country for many different reasons. Some
people come to make a better life for their families, some people come to experience freedom, some have come to stay alive and avoid genocide of
their own nation, in the past some have even been forced to come to America with their lives being changed forever. In schools today, we learn about
the reasons people come to this nation, but it's not often that we learn what happened after they arrived. Textbooks are often written more
I was an outcast because I had come from another culture that these girls didn't quite understand. If they had been taught about different cultures in
their schools before college they would have been able to have a better understanding of where I came from which would have helped them not to
judge me so quickly. There are many ways a teacher can incorporate multicultural literature into a classroom. One of the more popular forms of
incorporating outside reading is through book clubs or literature circles. In literature circles the teacher brings in about four or five copies of four
or five different books. Before beginning to read the books, the teacher will give a brief description of each book to the class (Tompkins). It is
usually best if the teacher has already read each book so they can give a better overview of the book. After the students have had a chance to learn a
little about each book they will then choose their book, as well as other members for their group. Some teachers may make exceptions to the amount
of choices the students have, but the students should be given as much freedom as possible. Most times the books will each tell a story from the
perspective of someone from a different culture. The cultures represented may be the same cultures displayed in the classroom or different cultures. All
the books however, usually share a
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English Composition Reflective Essay
English composition has taught me everything I know now, from how to effectively write a thesis to grammatically fix my essay. This class fixed my
writing skills to speak and write incorrect terms. English composition gave me the edge I need to take my writing skills to next level. This class has
helped me understand the importance of documentation in a research skill. English composition showed me that sources either make or break your essay
. The true honesty of this course was that I am glad I took it. At first, I hate this class so much, because this class required so much extra work to be
done, but over time I realized that the extra work really pushes you over the edge to make your essay great. The extra work justifies your essay and
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In the 21st century, technology is becoming an essential to our everyday life. Even kids these days as young as three to four years old knows how to
use an ipad or an iphone. So society has made use of the technology we have today for learning. It has moved on from the traditional classroom and
whiteboard style to online learning with the supplementation of the mobile phone. There are various benefits of online and mobile learning however
there are benefits that the traditional method of learning that technology cannot overcome.
Online learning is the process of studying without having to physically attending classes or lectures and mobile learning is to help online learning more
efficient by quickly being able to obtain information via the internet through the smart phones we have today. By not having to physically attend
lectures, students are able to do their assignments anywhere. This is very productive as every student have their own studying preferences or places
that they can have more content...
It is a interactive learning, through practical challenges and handsā€“on experience, developing their creativity and taking in information as they move
from one place to another. Claimed by Feldman and McPhee, kinesthetic learners are most successful when totally engaged with a learning activity.
They acquire information fastest when participating in a science lab, drama presentation, skit, field trip, dance, or other active activity. Online learning
is not able to do this as it is only based on the computer knowledge and what the computer is able to do. Kinesthetic learning can be learnt by all ages
from the young to the old as it based on the activities and learnt through those activities. The young or the old may not know how to operate a
computer or a smart phone. Therefore, online learning and mobile learning may not be suitable for all the
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English 101 Made Me a Better Writer
Everyone on the planet has a goal set in life, but only a handful attempt to improve to obtain their goal by studying the subject their goal is in. In
my English class, English 101 this quarter I was astonished by how much I had progressed as a writer sharpening my writing skills and also
learned a lot about writing that I hadn't learned before. In my writing portfolio for this quarter I had to write an autobiography essay, a research
essay, and this reflection essay to develop my writing skills better. The writing assignments were fun to do because it challenged me to work on
essays of different styles that were new to me. The essay assignments helped me grow as a better writer that gave me the selfā€“confidence and skills to
take on the world on my own. During the beginning of the English 101 when we began the writing process: I thought at first that we spent too
much time on our essays but I soon realized how important it was spending time on the essays to improve them . The revisions that my teacher and
classmates made on my essays were truly helpful for me because it allowed me to better my writing. For every week in the entire course we went
over the MLA formatting process, annotating, citing within the essay, and how to make the paper flow better. I had the most troubles in this quarter
when I started writing some of my essays for my portfolio because I didn't have a clue how to start them at first. After a while of brainstorming ideas
and seeing examples the teacher
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Experience Of Writing
Writing, it has it's good, and it's bad. Regardless of who you are however, you have had an experience with it. College, High School, Middle
School, etc. We all have written something at some point in our lives. Personally I haven't been exposed to massive amounts of writing outside of
school although, I do enjoy writing songs. There's many different types from Novels, Poetry, Music, all the way to texting. Most people I feel
enjoy writing and as do I. I enjoy writing for a few reasons,One. It allows me to relieve stress or anything on my mind and keep sane. I have a journal
to keep track of days for later memories and I add to it every day. I have a few experiences worth sharing as well. One of my first experiences
seriously writing is when, I was in Highschool, and had to write a speech. I spent four days writing this speech. Although it wasn't what you would
call outstandingly fun. The speech was for my graduation on the last day of school BSEP. BSEP was a project all seniors had to complete and pass to
graduate. I have been out of school for two years since that more content...
I began writing songs about a year ago. The drive really came out of nowhere I wasn't in a very good place emotionally. Since I was feeling kind of
down I began to write songs mostly R&B and as well as Hip Hop. Writing these however doesn't require much punctuation. I write a lot of songs,
and I have compiled about 30 total in the past year. I get a lot of good feedback from the people who have heard them but I am very skittish about
singing in front of people. I mostly do it for self satisfaction in my own head it helps me relax. I'm also building a skill that might one day turn out to
become something
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Sea Creative Writing
The young boy rolls up his swag and puts it in the old wagon. He has parked in a secluded spot he has found to camp while on his travels in search
of the perfect wave. He loves this car. It is old and starting to rust but like an old friend it has been with him on all his journeys. He doesn't bother to
lock his car as no one else comes here. He comes here often and has found that the beach is always bare; free of surfers, swimmers or kids building
sandcastles. Just him and the water. He inhales the fresh morning air and lets it flow through his body like a well earned drink.
He grabs his shortboard and heads for the water. The waves are perfect and beckon him. He runs light footedly across the hot sand that squelches under
his feet. more content...
When he feels the wave getting closer he starts paddling faster and harder, in a strong rhythm. As he feels the wave on top of him and the water
rising beneath him, he jumps to his feet just as he's done a million times before. His feet reconnect with the board and he regains his balance
effortlessly. He is racing down the wave at top speed, the adrenaline rushing through his body like electricity. His heart is thumping in his ears, like
drums at a rock concert. The lip of the wave slowly curls over to create a tube. The excitement builds as he crouches down low and braces himself.
He feels the wind rushing through his hair and the wave envelopes him in a cocoon of cool salt water. He keeps his eye fixed on the end of the
tube, and reaches out his hand, gently brushing against the wall of water that has formed around him. The water feels cool and refreshing on his
fingertips and he finds it hard to imagine that something so calming could create such power. The pressure of the tube is slowly building, like a
volcano about to erupt into an overwhelming flow of red lava. The best part of the ride is still to come. The moment that he lives for, the final rush of
adrenaline, the climax of the surfing experience; the
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Free Papers
If you are looking for free academic papers such as free essays, free term papers, free research papers, free dissertations, free book reports/book
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free example papers on any topic. You can use these free college papers, free high school papers and free university papers as sample/example papers
for writing your own academic paper but not for downloading purposes. Beware of these websites because they can spoil your academic
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For any kind of academic writing, the references page plays an important role and teachers' marking is based on it. Our academic writers are fully
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Reflection About My Writing Course
At the end of this course, I feel that a lot has improved with my writing. When I first started this course, I was struggling with a lot of writing
mechanisms. One of the things was transition. I was just writing without thinking of how to connect my thoughts. After completing numerous writing
assignments, I am fully confident with my ability to have a paper that flows. Another thing that I struggled with was organization. Although I still have
a lot of improvement to make, I think this aspect of my writing has improved. One of the things that helped me immensely was creating an outline
before writing my paper. Another aspect of my writing that also improved has to do with runā€“on sentences. I see a lot of changes in my writing and
writing runā€“on
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Luxor Cosmetics Essay
"Case Analysis of Luxor Cosmetic"
Date: March 25th, 2013
Weekā€“4 assignment
MSAA 609: Cost Management
Executive Summary
An effective business strategy and budgeting is very essential in a manufacturing industry. A company without a proper business strategy and master
budgeting plan would usually faces tremendous challenges and losses during its business operations. The importance of company's business strategies
and budgeting plans, as well as the challenges and losses in the absence of these items has clearly presented in this case study. ("Wiley," 2013)
Luxor Cosmetics is a cosmetic company which manufactures variety of lipstick, nail polish, and cosmetic more content...
For instance, from schedule A: inventory movement expressed in WSP in exhibit 1, shows that Luxor's inventory increases every year, except its
inventory on creams. (Hopkins, 2009)
Nail Polish
Ending inventory at 12/31/2007
Ending inventory at 12/31/2008
Ending inventory at 12/31/2009
Ending inventory at 12/31/2010
The detail full version of this table is presented in appendix 1 in page number 8 (Hopkins, 2009).
The company's creams inventory remains constant because it does not follow a trend in innovation and changes so often as the other products. The
surplus in inventory is a big disadvantage since; last year's products may not be in style this year in addition to the cost of storage. For all these
reasons their cash flow is less in comparison with previous years causing that Luxor Cosmetics keeps increasing their bank loans, creating more debt,
making it harder to pay out as 2011. In this particular situation the company could have either decrease its budgeted sales (productions) or increase its
actual sales by improving more effective marketing strategy and research and development of its products in the markets. This way their inventory
would decrease and their cash flow would increase. (Hopkins, 2009)
Further, through effective marketing strategy Luxor
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Online Classes
1.Online classes are making it easier for people to go to college. If it was not for online classes students who do not live near a college or have busy
schedules could not get a degree. I am receiving my degree completely online. I choose to take online classes because I work in Cape Vincent and
Clayton and live in Adams. Living on campus would not be an option for me and commuting would be a nightmare. I do not think that students who
receive their degree online should receive a different degree than someone who receives it taking faceā€“toā€“face classes. Degree programs require
students to take all of the same classes whether they are taken faceā€“toā€“face or online. The learning outcome from these classes is the same. If colleges
had an more content...
If students get caught they should have to face the consequences whether it is in a class online or a faceā€“toā€“face. Professors should take the necessary
measures to keep students from cheating. These measures should include running papers through turn it in, changing test questions each semester
and personalizing questions as much as possible so questions cannot be found online. Cheating is a serious problem, but it hurts the student in the
end. Although students know that cheating is against school policy and professors are trying their best to make it difficult to cheat, students are
still going to find ways to do it. Professors should not have to focus all of their attention on catching cheating. They need to focus most of their
time and attention on the students who want to learn and to well in their class. Students who choose to use these sites instead of doing the work
themselves are not going to do well in their future job. When entering into a job after graduating college you are expected to remember the
information you were taught in college. An employer will be able to determine quickly if you know what you are supposed to know or not. If you
are not able to remember the basic information taught in college you most likely are going to fired. Employers are not going to waste their time
teaching a college graduate what they were supposed to be learn in college. This person is then going to have to explain at future job
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My Writing Experience
Reading and writing has always created a sense of understanding for me in my art. Reading in the literal sense is a way that we understand text or
symbols in our minds which in turn create meaning. Writing also in a literal sense is our way of communicating our knowledge and emotions to others
through symbols in text. The human experience for all people includes communication and through reading and writing this experience is created.
From the beginning of this course, my only prior experience with reading and writing were high school level course over literature and reading. I had
an average level of rhetoric,reading,writing and language overall however, understanding the significance of these subjects was never put forth in such
a way until I took this course. I discovered through this course that reading is a combination of not only our "visual information" but also our
"nonvisual information". My comprehension of reading has evolved from more content...
I feel that organization is both a strength and a weakness in my writing. Free writing is something that helped me gain a better sense of my ideas and
through this I was able to create more structured ideas. However, the formation of a structurally sound essay that contains writing that flows was
extremely difficult for myself. Fluidity was a challenge throughout my time in this course, but is was also something that created a better voice in my
writing. The understanding of reading and writing in this course was extremely meaningful for me and made a huge impact on my writing overall.
Writing motivates me and inspires me in my own work to create stories and share with others what I feel is memorable and should be shared. Although
it may never be something perfect, writing is something I wish to continue improving on and creating in order to share with
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Reflection On My English 101 Experience
Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and
done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the
middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my
essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I
use to always skip the preā€“writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing,
and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not
have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that preā€“writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it
holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the
importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the preā€“writing that I was fortunate
enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the
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Online Marketing Essay
These days, businesses are going for different ways to promote their products. Before the inception of the Internet, businesses were trying to promote
their products through conventional marketing strategies. But now the whole scenario has been changed dramatically. Whether it's a small business
or a corporate sector, every one out there is trying to promote their business through the Internet. The Internet has proven to be one of the most cost
effective ways for promoting product or service. There is hardly any platform like the Internet that can bring you such a good way to exhibit your
product or service on the global screen. With the help of Internet, globalization of businesses is becoming easier for people from all around
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Otherwise you are not going to get substantial amount of web traffic for your website. Web traffic is an essential element for success of your website
on the World Wide Web
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Article writing can be taken as a powerful marketing tool through which you can make some tremendous publications about your business, product
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Leadership Theories Essay
Leadership History Tatiana M. Castaneda Vasquez Regent University
When power no longer guarantees the success, leadership becomes essential. In search of understand the secret behind outstanding leadership, history
has created and revealed leadership theories, starting with Great Man approach, the identification of Trait and Characteristics, and later shifting to
Behavior Theory, fomenting Contingency and Influence Models, concluding with Emerging Leadership. When environmental and societal changes
occurred, the approaches were modified as scholar attempt of interpreting society and the impact that leaders have in history.
Historical more content...
LEADERSHIP HISTORY Contingency Theories (CT)
CT interpret effective leadership as affected by situational variables, including the followers, work environment and tasks, and the external
environment (Daft, 2005, p.111). CT includes Fiedler's proposal of predominance and interaction between relationship or taskoriented leadership
styles, as well as Hersey and Blanchard's focus on the characteristics of followers as producing favorable or unfavorable results, followed by the
pathā€“goal theory, Vroom Jago model, and substitutesā€“forā€“leadership approaches. If the leader understands how to properly interrelate with situational
variables, the possibilities for success would be maximized. Influence Theories Leaders are challenged to persuade followers effectively integrating
power and influence. Followers should be motivated, shaped and guided through Charismatic Leadership, "influence based...on the qualities and
personality of the leader." (Daft, 2005, p.24). Bolman and Terrence (1991) identify four Leader worldviews that influence this approach: Structural,
Human Resources, Political and Symbolic perspectives. The balanced perspective of leaders is directly related to Leadership vision to produce the best
outcomes. (Daft, 2005). Relational Theories (RL) Motivation, empowerment, and strategic communication are crucial to the generation of success
conditions. RL lead teams into
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  • 5. Writing An Exemplary Essay 1. Which parts of your essay do you feel most closely meet the expectations for exemplary writing as described in the essay rubric and why? I feel that the two strongest parts of my essay are my thesis and certain parts of my closing paragraphs. My focus, or thesis, most closely meet the expectations because it offers significant insight that is precise and creatively stated. It also addresses the content requirements and is fully supported throughout the essay. I like the wording I used for the thesis, and to me it's inspirational. Secondly, I think that certain parts of my closing are strong, particularly the lessons in perseverance that I learned from Seth. My grammar and mechanics have fulfilled the definition of exemplary in the essay rubric as well. 2. Which parts of your essay could use improvement, and why? While there are many parts of my essay that could use improvement, I am only going to focus on a couple. In paragraph four it feels as though I am rambling a bit about the details of the Domino Project story. I do think that how the project played out is important, I more content... Specifically, when moving from paragraph five to paragraph six, besides using the word "another" twice in a row, it seems forced, like I am jumping into the next idea. How can I clearly transition without sounding automated? Also, the last sentence in paragraph five sounds like I just threw it in there. Should I take it out completely or rewrite it? I don't like how the last two sentences of my essay flow, although I really like the wording I used. How can I mix or add to these ideas to create more flow for the ending? Another thing I can improve upon is my style or voice. Sometimes I can sound a little sterile. How can I show more easygoing flow while retaining the professional feel of the essay? The audience I chose is future employers so I want to sound intelligent but not Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Writing Experience My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content... I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Runā€“ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not Get more content on
  • 7. Are Online Friends Are Real Friends? Are online friends "real friends"? Many people think they are not. However, is that the truth? No, the real truth is that online friends are good and real friends, and important to have. Of the numerous reasons as to why they are important, three of them stand out from the rest. A sum of those three reasons, in no particular order, is that having online friends can help people be more social, it can help those who cannot make friends be able to make friends due to a number of reasons, and it increases the number of friends people have in general. Firstly, online friends are important because it helps people learn how to be more social. This is because it allows there to be an anonymous setting in which people are allowed to talk about their problems and normal things without fear of judgment. As writer Sally Arthur describes it, "[Being anonymous] allows people to practice their social skills in an anonymous setting." As a result, people can hold the friendships they have off of the internet easier if they have friendships online. Also, online it is easy for people to control how they present themselves. On the Internet, nobody has to share any of their personal information with anyone but everyone has the option of choosing how they wish to be viewed by others. It is much easier for individuals to be who they want to be online, Arthur highlights. Accordingly, anyone can act their true self online without the fear of losing their social status and getting shunned by their Get more content on
  • 8. Reflection Of Creative Writing It is my belief that through this class and the tools provided, that my growth as a writer has grown through leaps and bounds I would never have assumed possible. It is not so much the skill I refer to, although I would think skill has gone up in some levels as well, but more so the appreciation for the craft of writing itself. Intially, at the start of this class my sole goal was to further my understanding and appreciation of the writer's and books that I so love to read. Through further evaluation within the first week, a few other goals came to mind, of which were, making writing a habit, finishing what I start, stop second guess my writing skills and making effective use of detail and description. Through the use of the many articles, various reading materials, whether poems or short stories, and especially through the workshop, I feel I was able to really push myself to accomplishing these goals. I have thus far learned how important it is not to be skilled at writing per say, but to have the will to write, that poetry is as much about it's sound as it is about it's subject, just how important character development is, how the narration and point of view of a story is essential to the way the story is told, and just how much of a difference peer's critiques can make to your writing. Since before the beginning of this creative writing course, I have always struggled to find a point to writing. By this, I mean that I always felt that having great skill and talent was what was required to be a writer, let alone a great one. From this point, I felt there was no need to continue my writing as I felt that in a sense it just wasn't good enough. However, reading the article "A Way of Writing", I found new hope. Here was a writer who says things such as "I must be willing to fail. If I am to keep on writing, I cannot bother to insist on high standards. I must get into action and not let anything stop me, or even slow me much"(Stafford) and quotes that writers don't necessarily have any special talent. The article "Why I Write" instilled further optimism through the authors view on just being a writer, not focusing on being good or bad. I found her words in which she writes "entirely to find out what I'm Get more content on
  • 9. Online Reading Essay Online Reading Essay America, a country created by the outcasts of Europe in the 1700's, is a nation that consists of a diversity not known by any other country. Since the first settlers travelled to this new nation, people from all over the world have come to this great country for many different reasons. Some people come to make a better life for their families, some people come to experience freedom, some have come to stay alive and avoid genocide of their own nation, in the past some have even been forced to come to America with their lives being changed forever. In schools today, we learn about the reasons people come to this nation, but it's not often that we learn what happened after they arrived. Textbooks are often written more content... I was an outcast because I had come from another culture that these girls didn't quite understand. If they had been taught about different cultures in their schools before college they would have been able to have a better understanding of where I came from which would have helped them not to judge me so quickly. There are many ways a teacher can incorporate multicultural literature into a classroom. One of the more popular forms of incorporating outside reading is through book clubs or literature circles. In literature circles the teacher brings in about four or five copies of four or five different books. Before beginning to read the books, the teacher will give a brief description of each book to the class (Tompkins). It is usually best if the teacher has already read each book so they can give a better overview of the book. After the students have had a chance to learn a little about each book they will then choose their book, as well as other members for their group. Some teachers may make exceptions to the amount of choices the students have, but the students should be given as much freedom as possible. Most times the books will each tell a story from the perspective of someone from a different culture. The cultures represented may be the same cultures displayed in the classroom or different cultures. All the books however, usually share a Get more content on
  • 10. English Composition Reflective Essay English composition has taught me everything I know now, from how to effectively write a thesis to grammatically fix my essay. This class fixed my writing skills to speak and write incorrect terms. English composition gave me the edge I need to take my writing skills to next level. This class has helped me understand the importance of documentation in a research skill. English composition showed me that sources either make or break your essay . The true honesty of this course was that I am glad I took it. At first, I hate this class so much, because this class required so much extra work to be done, but over time I realized that the extra work really pushes you over the edge to make your essay great. The extra work justifies your essay and molds Get more content on
  • 11. In the 21st century, technology is becoming an essential to our everyday life. Even kids these days as young as three to four years old knows how to use an ipad or an iphone. So society has made use of the technology we have today for learning. It has moved on from the traditional classroom and whiteboard style to online learning with the supplementation of the mobile phone. There are various benefits of online and mobile learning however there are benefits that the traditional method of learning that technology cannot overcome. Online learning is the process of studying without having to physically attending classes or lectures and mobile learning is to help online learning more efficient by quickly being able to obtain information via the internet through the smart phones we have today. By not having to physically attend lectures, students are able to do their assignments anywhere. This is very productive as every student have their own studying preferences or places that they can have more content... It is a interactive learning, through practical challenges and handsā€“on experience, developing their creativity and taking in information as they move from one place to another. Claimed by Feldman and McPhee, kinesthetic learners are most successful when totally engaged with a learning activity. They acquire information fastest when participating in a science lab, drama presentation, skit, field trip, dance, or other active activity. Online learning is not able to do this as it is only based on the computer knowledge and what the computer is able to do. Kinesthetic learning can be learnt by all ages from the young to the old as it based on the activities and learnt through those activities. The young or the old may not know how to operate a computer or a smart phone. Therefore, online learning and mobile learning may not be suitable for all the Get more content on
  • 12. English 101 Made Me a Better Writer Everyone on the planet has a goal set in life, but only a handful attempt to improve to obtain their goal by studying the subject their goal is in. In my English class, English 101 this quarter I was astonished by how much I had progressed as a writer sharpening my writing skills and also learned a lot about writing that I hadn't learned before. In my writing portfolio for this quarter I had to write an autobiography essay, a research essay, and this reflection essay to develop my writing skills better. The writing assignments were fun to do because it challenged me to work on essays of different styles that were new to me. The essay assignments helped me grow as a better writer that gave me the selfā€“confidence and skills to take on the world on my own. During the beginning of the English 101 when we began the writing process: I thought at first that we spent too much time on our essays but I soon realized how important it was spending time on the essays to improve them . The revisions that my teacher and classmates made on my essays were truly helpful for me because it allowed me to better my writing. For every week in the entire course we went over the MLA formatting process, annotating, citing within the essay, and how to make the paper flow better. I had the most troubles in this quarter when I started writing some of my essays for my portfolio because I didn't have a clue how to start them at first. After a while of brainstorming ideas and seeing examples the teacher Get more content on
  • 13. Experience Of Writing Writing, it has it's good, and it's bad. Regardless of who you are however, you have had an experience with it. College, High School, Middle School, etc. We all have written something at some point in our lives. Personally I haven't been exposed to massive amounts of writing outside of school although, I do enjoy writing songs. There's many different types from Novels, Poetry, Music, all the way to texting. Most people I feel enjoy writing and as do I. I enjoy writing for a few reasons,One. It allows me to relieve stress or anything on my mind and keep sane. I have a journal to keep track of days for later memories and I add to it every day. I have a few experiences worth sharing as well. One of my first experiences seriously writing is when, I was in Highschool, and had to write a speech. I spent four days writing this speech. Although it wasn't what you would call outstandingly fun. The speech was for my graduation on the last day of school BSEP. BSEP was a project all seniors had to complete and pass to graduate. I have been out of school for two years since that more content... I began writing songs about a year ago. The drive really came out of nowhere I wasn't in a very good place emotionally. Since I was feeling kind of down I began to write songs mostly R&B and as well as Hip Hop. Writing these however doesn't require much punctuation. I write a lot of songs, and I have compiled about 30 total in the past year. I get a lot of good feedback from the people who have heard them but I am very skittish about singing in front of people. I mostly do it for self satisfaction in my own head it helps me relax. I'm also building a skill that might one day turn out to become something Get more content on
  • 14. Sea Creative Writing The young boy rolls up his swag and puts it in the old wagon. He has parked in a secluded spot he has found to camp while on his travels in search of the perfect wave. He loves this car. It is old and starting to rust but like an old friend it has been with him on all his journeys. He doesn't bother to lock his car as no one else comes here. He comes here often and has found that the beach is always bare; free of surfers, swimmers or kids building sandcastles. Just him and the water. He inhales the fresh morning air and lets it flow through his body like a well earned drink. He grabs his shortboard and heads for the water. The waves are perfect and beckon him. He runs light footedly across the hot sand that squelches under his feet. more content... When he feels the wave getting closer he starts paddling faster and harder, in a strong rhythm. As he feels the wave on top of him and the water rising beneath him, he jumps to his feet just as he's done a million times before. His feet reconnect with the board and he regains his balance effortlessly. He is racing down the wave at top speed, the adrenaline rushing through his body like electricity. His heart is thumping in his ears, like drums at a rock concert. The lip of the wave slowly curls over to create a tube. The excitement builds as he crouches down low and braces himself. He feels the wind rushing through his hair and the wave envelopes him in a cocoon of cool salt water. He keeps his eye fixed on the end of the tube, and reaches out his hand, gently brushing against the wall of water that has formed around him. The water feels cool and refreshing on his fingertips and he finds it hard to imagine that something so calming could create such power. The pressure of the tube is slowly building, like a volcano about to erupt into an overwhelming flow of red lava. The best part of the ride is still to come. The moment that he lives for, the final rush of adrenaline, the climax of the surfing experience; the Get more content on
  • 15. Free Papers If you are looking for free academic papers such as free essays, free term papers, free research papers, free dissertations, free book reports/book reviews, free essays, free speeches, there exists a chance of being accused of plagiarism. Free papers downloaded from essay databases and essay sites can be easily detected by plagiarism detection systems and sofwares. You can find a lot of resources and sites with databases of free sample papers and free example papers on any topic. You can use these free college papers, free high school papers and free university papers as sample/example papers for writing your own academic paper but not for downloading purposes. Beware of these websites because they can spoil your academic more content... For any kind of academic writing, the references page plays an important role and teachers' marking is based on it. Our academic writers are fully aware of all writing patterns due to which they always write by following that pattern that is assigned to them for writing. also provides plagiarism free APA papers, plagiarism free MLA papers and other custom written papers for the betterment of our customers who consult us for their problems regarding plagiarism free papers writing in terms of term papers, research papers, thesis, essay papers and other customized papers. We provide our customers with plagiarism free papers written from scratch. Our custom written free papers will always help the students in terms of improvement in their writing capabilities that are needed by them in the course of their education. We also provide plagiarism free papers online that are 100% plagiarism free term papers, plagiarism free research papers, thesis, essay papers, report papers, speech papers, dissertation papers and other academic papers for money. Our custom papers are nonā€“plagiarized and error free. Firstly, because our writers are fully trained professionals and Get more content on
  • 16. Reflection About My Writing Course At the end of this course, I feel that a lot has improved with my writing. When I first started this course, I was struggling with a lot of writing mechanisms. One of the things was transition. I was just writing without thinking of how to connect my thoughts. After completing numerous writing assignments, I am fully confident with my ability to have a paper that flows. Another thing that I struggled with was organization. Although I still have a lot of improvement to make, I think this aspect of my writing has improved. One of the things that helped me immensely was creating an outline before writing my paper. Another aspect of my writing that also improved has to do with runā€“on sentences. I see a lot of changes in my writing and writing runā€“on Get more content on
  • 17. Luxor Cosmetics Essay "Case Analysis of Luxor Cosmetic" REGIS UNIVERSITY Date: March 25th, 2013 Weekā€“4 assignment MSAA 609: Cost Management Executive Summary An effective business strategy and budgeting is very essential in a manufacturing industry. A company without a proper business strategy and master budgeting plan would usually faces tremendous challenges and losses during its business operations. The importance of company's business strategies and budgeting plans, as well as the challenges and losses in the absence of these items has clearly presented in this case study. ("Wiley," 2013) Luxor Cosmetics is a cosmetic company which manufactures variety of lipstick, nail polish, and cosmetic more content... For instance, from schedule A: inventory movement expressed in WSP in exhibit 1, shows that Luxor's inventory increases every year, except its inventory on creams. (Hopkins, 2009) Lipstick Nail Polish Creams Ending inventory at 12/31/2007 9.5 9.5 9.5 Ending inventory at 12/31/2008 11.5 11.5
  • 18. 9.5 Ending inventory at 12/31/2009 13.5 14 9.5 Ending inventory at 12/31/2010 15 14.4 9.7 The detail full version of this table is presented in appendix 1 in page number 8 (Hopkins, 2009). The company's creams inventory remains constant because it does not follow a trend in innovation and changes so often as the other products. The surplus in inventory is a big disadvantage since; last year's products may not be in style this year in addition to the cost of storage. For all these reasons their cash flow is less in comparison with previous years causing that Luxor Cosmetics keeps increasing their bank loans, creating more debt, making it harder to pay out as 2011. In this particular situation the company could have either decrease its budgeted sales (productions) or increase its actual sales by improving more effective marketing strategy and research and development of its products in the markets. This way their inventory would decrease and their cash flow would increase. (Hopkins, 2009) Further, through effective marketing strategy Luxor Get more content on
  • 19. Online Classes 1.Online classes are making it easier for people to go to college. If it was not for online classes students who do not live near a college or have busy schedules could not get a degree. I am receiving my degree completely online. I choose to take online classes because I work in Cape Vincent and Clayton and live in Adams. Living on campus would not be an option for me and commuting would be a nightmare. I do not think that students who receive their degree online should receive a different degree than someone who receives it taking faceā€“toā€“face classes. Degree programs require students to take all of the same classes whether they are taken faceā€“toā€“face or online. The learning outcome from these classes is the same. If colleges had an more content... If students get caught they should have to face the consequences whether it is in a class online or a faceā€“toā€“face. Professors should take the necessary measures to keep students from cheating. These measures should include running papers through turn it in, changing test questions each semester and personalizing questions as much as possible so questions cannot be found online. Cheating is a serious problem, but it hurts the student in the end. Although students know that cheating is against school policy and professors are trying their best to make it difficult to cheat, students are still going to find ways to do it. Professors should not have to focus all of their attention on catching cheating. They need to focus most of their time and attention on the students who want to learn and to well in their class. Students who choose to use these sites instead of doing the work themselves are not going to do well in their future job. When entering into a job after graduating college you are expected to remember the information you were taught in college. An employer will be able to determine quickly if you know what you are supposed to know or not. If you are not able to remember the basic information taught in college you most likely are going to fired. Employers are not going to waste their time teaching a college graduate what they were supposed to be learn in college. This person is then going to have to explain at future job Get more content on
  • 20. My Writing Experience Reading and writing has always created a sense of understanding for me in my art. Reading in the literal sense is a way that we understand text or symbols in our minds which in turn create meaning. Writing also in a literal sense is our way of communicating our knowledge and emotions to others through symbols in text. The human experience for all people includes communication and through reading and writing this experience is created. From the beginning of this course, my only prior experience with reading and writing were high school level course over literature and reading. I had an average level of rhetoric,reading,writing and language overall however, understanding the significance of these subjects was never put forth in such a way until I took this course. I discovered through this course that reading is a combination of not only our "visual information" but also our "nonvisual information". My comprehension of reading has evolved from more content... I feel that organization is both a strength and a weakness in my writing. Free writing is something that helped me gain a better sense of my ideas and through this I was able to create more structured ideas. However, the formation of a structurally sound essay that contains writing that flows was extremely difficult for myself. Fluidity was a challenge throughout my time in this course, but is was also something that created a better voice in my writing. The understanding of reading and writing in this course was extremely meaningful for me and made a huge impact on my writing overall. Writing motivates me and inspires me in my own work to create stories and share with others what I feel is memorable and should be shared. Although it may never be something perfect, writing is something I wish to continue improving on and creating in order to share with Get more content on
  • 21. Reflection On My English 101 Experience Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I use to always skip the preā€“writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that preā€“writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the preā€“writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the Get more content on
  • 22. Online Marketing Essay These days, businesses are going for different ways to promote their products. Before the inception of the Internet, businesses were trying to promote their products through conventional marketing strategies. But now the whole scenario has been changed dramatically. Whether it's a small business or a corporate sector, every one out there is trying to promote their business through the Internet. The Internet has proven to be one of the most cost effective ways for promoting product or service. There is hardly any platform like the Internet that can bring you such a good way to exhibit your product or service on the global screen. With the help of Internet, globalization of businesses is becoming easier for people from all around more content... Otherwise you are not going to get substantial amount of web traffic for your website. Web traffic is an essential element for success of your website on the World Wide Web . Websites that are receiving good amount of quality traffic are also gaining good business. If your website can gain good and quality traffic then the client conversion rate will enhance. On the other hand you will be receiving a good amount of business deals. Over the years, article writing has given online world many possibilities to promote businesses to their desired height. Now it's not remained as a secret that article writing can bring us more number of quality traffic. Rather many webmasters choose to opt for article writing as an effective way to promote their websites. Writing unique content can bring you tremendous success such as: It always allows you to establish yourself as a specialist in your respective field. It allows you to get connected with tons of potential clients that even don't know about you. It allows you to get the name and fame for your company through your website. Always try to produce unique and informative content so that your potential clients are never going to feel dozy about you. The client conversion is sure to be enhanced with the writing and publishing of unique and informative articles. Article writing can be taken as a powerful marketing tool through which you can make some tremendous publications about your business, product Get more content on
  • 23. Leadership Theories Essay LEADERSHIP HISTORY 1 Leadership History Tatiana M. Castaneda Vasquez Regent University LEADERSHIP HISTORY Abstract 2 When power no longer guarantees the success, leadership becomes essential. In search of understand the secret behind outstanding leadership, history has created and revealed leadership theories, starting with Great Man approach, the identification of Trait and Characteristics, and later shifting to Behavior Theory, fomenting Contingency and Influence Models, concluding with Emerging Leadership. When environmental and societal changes occurred, the approaches were modified as scholar attempt of interpreting society and the impact that leaders have in history. LEADERSHIP HISTORY 3 Historical more content... LEADERSHIP HISTORY Contingency Theories (CT) 5 CT interpret effective leadership as affected by situational variables, including the followers, work environment and tasks, and the external environment (Daft, 2005, p.111). CT includes Fiedler's proposal of predominance and interaction between relationship or taskoriented leadership
  • 24. styles, as well as Hersey and Blanchard's focus on the characteristics of followers as producing favorable or unfavorable results, followed by the pathā€“goal theory, Vroom Jago model, and substitutesā€“forā€“leadership approaches. If the leader understands how to properly interrelate with situational variables, the possibilities for success would be maximized. Influence Theories Leaders are challenged to persuade followers effectively integrating power and influence. Followers should be motivated, shaped and guided through Charismatic Leadership, "influence based...on the qualities and personality of the leader." (Daft, 2005, p.24). Bolman and Terrence (1991) identify four Leader worldviews that influence this approach: Structural, Human Resources, Political and Symbolic perspectives. The balanced perspective of leaders is directly related to Leadership vision to produce the best outcomes. (Daft, 2005). Relational Theories (RL) Motivation, empowerment, and strategic communication are crucial to the generation of success conditions. RL lead teams into Get more content on