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The	Ultimate	Digital	Nomad	Guide
What	is	a	digital	nomad	lifestyle?
Living	a	digital	nomad	lifestyle	means	solely	living	and	relying	on	the	Internet	for
financial	purposes.	Having	this	type	of	lifestyle	allows	people	to	become	independent
through	their	location	and	full	internet	connection.	They	are	always	moving	through	cities
and	countries	while	they	are	working	remotely.A	Digital	Nomad	working	at	beach
There	are	so	many	new	opportunities	coming	to	light	each	day	regarding	living	a	digital
nomad	lifestyle.	It	is	becoming	more	popular	and	easier	to	change	a	career	to	a	digital
nomad	lifestyle.	More	importantly,	this	type	of	lifestyle	was	created	by	those	who	grew
tired	of	working	for	dead	end	jobs.	They	have	decided	against	ungrateful
More	importantly,	this	type	of	lifestyle	was	created	by	those	who	grew	tired	of	working
for	dead	end	jobs.	They	have	decided	against	ungrateful	employer	to	work	while	traveling
and	still	meeting	financial	needs.
The	general	idea	of	the	digital	nomad	lifestyle	has	evolved	from	the	notion	of	freelancing.
Whether	it	be	through	writing	or	random	jobs	that	can	be	done	anywhere.	Working	on	the
road	does	have	definite	advantages,	mainly	that	you	can	do	everything	you	want	while
making	a	living.Remote	Work	for	a	Remote	Digital	Nomad
Overall,	digital	nomads	put	an	emphasis	on	creating	a	personal	work	environment	that	is
not	location	specific.	It	is	something	that	can	be	done	anywhere,	whether	it	be	5	or	5000
miles	from	home.
Who	is	a	digital	nomad?
A	digital	nomad	can	be	practically	anyone,	but	it	all	depends	on	what	your	career	choice
is.	The	more	clients,	skills,	and	proper	gear	you	acquire,	the	better	your	chances	are	at
successfully	becoming	a	digital	nomad.	If	all	of	that	can	be	achieved,	say	goodbye	to
being	figuratively	handcuffed	to	the	desk	job	that	you	hate.Anyone	can	become	a	digital
Why	should	you	become	a	digital	nomad?
Becoming	a	digital	nomad	offers	more	freedom	in	your	life.	If	you’re	tired	of	working
underneath	someone	in	a	job	that	is	not	going	to	improve	your	life,	you	have	options.
Becoming	a	digital	nomad	is	a	great	way	to	gain	control	of	your	life.
You	can	do	what	you	want	for	once,	and	have	a	sense	of	never	having	to	work	again
You	make	your	hours	the	majority	of	the	time	and	never	have	to	deal	with	face	to	face
You	also	have	control	over	the	amount	of	money	that	you’ll	be	making.	Most	consider	a
digital	nomad	lifestyle	for	multiple	reasons.Same	work	you	do	in	a	office	can	also	be	done
remotely	using	a	laptop
Most	including	ailments	that	make	working	in	a	business	setting	challenging,	such	as
chronic	pain	or	fatigue.	Building	a	career	that	is	solely	a	digital	nomadic	lifestyle	can	be
difficult	at	the	start,	no	doubt.	However,	once	the	ball	gets	rolling,	the	results	begin	to
speak	for	themselves.
How	do	digital	nomads	earn	money?
Digital	nomads	make	money	through	random	jobs	or	by	working	for	clients.	They	can	be
paid	through	a	bank	transfer,	which	is	the	most	modern	form.	PayPal,	Skrill,	or	any	other
version	of	an	online	wallet	are	another	route,	as	well.
While	most	assume	that	freelancing	is	easy	money,	beginning	a	digital	nomadic	lifestyle	is
tough.	It	takes	a	lot	of	time	and	effort.Blogging	is	one	of	the	most	popular	work	of	most
digital	nomads
However,	those	who	stick	with	it	have	the	ability	to	generate	more	income	than	someone
who	works	at	a	desk	does.	This	is,	of	course,	as	long	as	they	stick	with	the	right
opportunities	from	the	beginning.
Digital	nomads	make	money	by	offering	their	services	online,	whether	it	be	from
freelancing	or	being	a	virtual	assistant.	The	most	important	aspect	being	building	a
clientele	list	that	consists	of	one	or	more	paying	clients.
What	do	digital	nomads	do?
There	are	hundreds	of	careers	that	digital	nomads	can	choose	from.	The	variety	is	why	it’s
such	a	popular	up	and	coming	career	choice.	The	most	popular	choices	range	from	little
work	done	to	about	a	full	day	of	working.	Again,	you	get	to	make	your	hours	the	majority
of	the	time.
Freelance	writing	is	the	biggest	digital	nomad	career	currently	going.	Freelance	writing
consists	of	copywriting,	article	writing,	ghostwriting,	you	name	it.	All	it	takes	are	building
a	clientele	list	and	having	a	decent	laptop	that	can	handle	traveling.	You	will	also	need	the
ability	to	take	a	few	hours	each	day	to	get	some	work	done,	too.Digital	Nomad	Co-
Working	Office
Virtual	assistance	is	another	popular	one.	It	consists	of	email	correspondence,	answering
phone	calls,	data	entry,	and	whatever	your	clients	require	from	you.	Depending	on	how
big	the	business	or	company	you	are	working	for	is,	you	can	do	it	wherever	you	like.
Some	will	want	to	correspond	with	you	face	to	face,	however.	Skype,	for	example,	will	be
a	big	help	in	this	instance.
Web	design	is	another	prime	example	of	a	digital	nomad	career.	Building	websites	through
WordPress,	for	instance,	is	a	great	way	to	gain	a	traveling	and	working	lifestyle.	Winning
clients	isn’t	hard.	Plenty	of	businesses	looks	for	someone	skilled	enough	to	build	a	website
on	their	own	without	handholding.	Therefore,	it’s	something	that	is	worth	looking	into.
Skills	need	to	become	a	digital	nomad
Any	lifestyle	transition	is	never	an	easy	one,	especially	when	it	comes	to	becoming	a
digital	nomad.	The	skills	required	depending	on	what	you	plan	on	getting	into	are	not
going	to	fall	into	your	lap.	They	take	time	and	effort,	some	longer	than	others,	but	the
result	is	always	a	rewarding	one.Another	Digital	Nomad	hard	at	work
To	start,	you	will	need	basic	and	more	thorough	computer	skills.	Knowing	how	to	turn	it
on,	set	up	the	program	of	your	choice,	and	use	is	not	enough.	For	example,	if	you	are
doing	data	entry	as	an	assistant,	you’re	going	to	have	to	learn	a	lot.	Knowing	how	to
balance	the	data,	use	spreadsheets,	and	enter	data	is	vital	to	your	digital	nomad	career.
If	freelance	writing	is	your	choice,	you	will	need	to	know	how	to	write	like	a	professional.
Freelance	writers	are	now	a	dime	a	dozen.
It’s	very	easy	to	find	someone	in	India	who	will	do	a	large	project	for	the	lowest	price
possible.Therefore,	becoming	the	best	will	take	perfect	grammar,	spelling,	punctuation,
sentence	structure,	etc.	Knowing	how	to	convince	a	convince	a	client,	you	are	the	best	for
the	job	is	also	important.
Overall,	however,	building	your	internet	marketing	skills	is	what	you	are	going	to	need	the
most.	You	will	need	to	learn	which	websites	are	essential	for	advertising	your	services.
Knowing	how	to	build	a	portfolio	with	no	previous	work	is	ideal,	too.	You	will	also	need
to	know	how	exactly	to	promote	yourself,	something	that	is	not	easily	done.
The	skills	that	are	required	will	greatly	depend	upon	which	career	you	are	going	to	choose
ultimately.	Once	you	have	what	you	want	to	do,	build	on	that	and	always	improve.	It	never
hurts	to	keep	perfecting	your	trade,	especially	with	a	digital	nomad	lifestyle.
More	about	Digital	Nomads.
Best	Places	for	Digital	Nomads
As	a	digital	nomad,	it’s	crucial	to	plan	everything	out,	especially	where	you	are	going	to
be	working.	Taking	a	page	out	of	real	estate,	location	is	extremely	important	to	your	way
of	life.	You	may	be	looking	for	your	next	travel	destination	as	a	vacation/place	to	work.
This	could	also	be	for	the	purpose	of	moving	there,	as	well.	If	so,	you	are	going	to	have	a
lot	to	go	through.	Plenty	of	decisions	will	need	to	be	made	on	your	part.
The	Total	Cost	of	Living	for	Digital	Nomads
One	of	the	most	important	factors	to	consider	is	what	your	budget	it.	This	is	because	the
cost	of	living	for	where	you	are	planning	will	need	to	match	up.	This	will	require	you	to
do	some	research	on	the	area	that	you	are	planning	on	going	to.	For	example,
approximately	$2,000	USD	per	month	in	Costa	Rica	is	enough	to	live	comfortably.	This
average	includes	rent,	utilities,	food,	etc.
Creating	a	budget	based	on	your	existing	clients	and	current	expenses	is	an	absolute	must.
From	there,	you	will	be	able	to	research	what	the	cost	of	expenses	generally	is.	For
example,	rent	in	South	America	averages	at	4,500	R	for	a	one	bedroom.
Deciding	whether	or	not	an	area	is	worth	traveling	or	moving	to	will	be	decided	through
your	estimated	budget.
Needed	Accommodations
Accommodation	for	digital	nomadsMaking	the	needed	accommodations	are	also	critical	to
success	while	traveling	or	moving	to	a	new	destination.	Short-term	rentals	often	go	better
for	digital	nomads	when	done	through	apartments.	While	hostels	and	hotels	may	be	easier
to	book,	they	are	more	costly	in	the	end.	Saving	money	is	sometimes	a	necessary
However,	if	money	is	not	an	issue	and	you’d	rather	a	hotel,	go	for	it.	Though,	if	you	are
traveling	or	moving	long-term,	an	apartment	rental	is	easier	and	more	ideal.	Depending	on
the	duration	of	your	stay,	you	can	either	rent	by	the	month	or	sign	a	one-year	lease.	Hotels
and	hostels	charge	daily,	weekly	and	monthly	on	average.
Finding	Work
Unless	you	work	from	your	laptop	or	smart	device,	you	will	need	to	find	work.	Depending
on	what	type	of	digital	nomad	career	you	have,	it	can	be	difficult	to	find	work	for	yourself.
However,	there	are	multiple	websites	and	platforms	you	can	use.	Listed	below	are	just	a
few	of	the	many	digital	nomad	job	boards	online:
Digital	Nomad	Jobs
Remote	Ok
Working	Nomads
Flex	Jobs
We	Work	Remotely
As	a	digital	nomad,	your	job	options	are	sky	high.	Researching	to	find	jobs	while	traveling
takes	some	work,	but	it’s	definitely	more	than	possible.
Possible	Language	Barrier	for	Travelers
If	English	is	your	first	language	or	the	only	language	you	speak,	you	need	to	work	with
that.	You	can’t	move	to	Japan	if	you	don’t	speak	Japanese,	for	example.	In	truth,	you
could,	but	you’d	struggle.
If	you	know	there	is	going	to	be	a	language	barrier,	prepare	for	it.	Learn	as	much	of	the
language	as	you	can	beforehand.	Once	you’re	there,	pick	it	up	as	you	go	and	you’ll	do
Your	Safety	while	Traveling
If	you’re	going	to	be	traveling	or	moving,	stay	away	from	places	with	a	high	crime	rate.
Even	if	you	can	handle	yourself	it’s	best	to	avoid	a	problem	before	it	can	even	start.	Below
are	10	countries	with	areas	you’ll	probably	want	to	avoid:Digital	Nomads	should	avoid
these	places
South	Sudan
South	Africa
Papua	New	Guinea
Trinidad	and	Tobago
El	Salvador
While	these	countries	may	not	be	all	bad,	a	lot	of	the	areas	indeed	are.	Plan	your	move	or
travels	with	caution!
What	the	Weather	Will	Bring
Are	you	interested	in	a	hot	or	cold	climate,	or	maybe	one	that	has	both?	This	is	also
something	you	should	greatly	consider,	as	well.	Researching	the	different	climates	that	can
vary	per	country,	region,	etc	will	help	with	your	decision.	This	could	be	necessary	based
on	a	job	requirement,	such	as	photography	in	a	certain	climate.
You	will	also	need	to	be	wary	of	weather	for	other	reasons,	as	well.	For	example,
hurricanes	and	tsunamis	are	a	big	problem	in	a	lot	of	countries.	Listed	below	are	countries
and	regions	with	extreme	weather	and	natural	disaster	risks:
Port	Vila
Taipei	City
New	Orleans
Before	considering	moving	or	traveling	to	any	of	these	places,	ensure	you	look	at	the	most
recent	weather	risk	reports.	They	will	be	able	to	show	you	whether	or	not	it’s	worth	it.
The	Culture
Like	the	weather,	the	culture	is	also	a	big	factor	here.	Research	the	culture	for	the	country
you	are	planning	on	traveling	or	moving	to.	If	the	culture	and/or	laws	are	something	you
will	not	be	able	to	work	with,	don’t	even	bother.Thailand	is	one	of	the	favourite	countries
of	digital	nomads
For	example,	you	are	a	female	and	traveling	to	a	country	that	is	mostly	Muslim.	However,
you	do	not	want	to	wear	a	headscarf	in	public.	This	is	a	prime	example	of	a	culture	being
not	for	you.	Understanding	and	respecting	a	country’s	culture	is	extremely	important.	If
you	cannot	for	whatever	reason,	choose	a	different	country	out	of	respect.
Finding	Cheap	Long-Term	Accommodation	while	Traveling
Earlier	accommodation	was	touched	on,	but	now	it	will	be	explained	further	in	depth.
Short-term	accommodation	is	relatively	easy	to	figure	out,	whereas	long-term	is	not.
However,	you	do	have	a	couple	of	options	to	comb	through	in	this	case.
Hotels	and	Hostels
Finding	cheap	accomodation	for	digital	nomadsTo	start,	booking	a	hostel	online	is
definitely	possible,	even	if	you	were	told	otherwise.	There	are	websites	that	can	help	you
to	do	so	anywhere	in	the	world,	such	as	Hostelling	International.
Hotels,	on	the	other	hand,	are	a	lot	easier	to	book.	You	have	more	than	a	handful	of
options	available	to	you.	Expedia,	Trivago,	Kayak	and	Hotwire	are	just	a	few	of	the	many
examples	of	hotel	booking	sites	that	can	help	you.
This	typically	only	works	if	you	are	traveling	or	moving	to	a	place	where	you	already
know	someone.	Some	will	do	it	with	random	people,	but	that’s	not	recommended.
However,	it’s	all	up	to	you	either	way.
Local	Renting	Websites	and	Housesitting
Unless	you’ve	been	specifically	asked	to	housesit	or	have	applied	and	been	approved,	this
one	is	difficult.	Locally	renting	websites	are	your	best	bet	here.	Long	Term	Lettings,
Airbnb	Sublets,	Wimdu,	and	PandaBed	are	all	great	examples	of	local	renting	websites.
You	can	browse	by	country,	region,	city,	etc.
While	Craigslist	can	be	reliable	for	many	things,	finding	long-term	accommodation	is	not
one	of	them.	You	may	be	lucky	during	your	search	but	don’t	get	your	hopes	up	too	much.
But	sometimes	it	does	work.
Choosing	Your	Travel	Destinations	As	A	Digital	Nomad
By	properly	preparing	for	anything	and	everything,	your	trip	or	move	will	go	much
smoother	than	you	think.	It’s	important	to	do	your	research,	budget,	and	always	plan.	Even
if	it’s	for	the	absolute	worst,	you’ve	still	got	your	bases	covered.
Make	a	list	out	of	the	subheadings	outlined	within	this	article	and	you	should	have	no
problem.	Stay	safe,	have	fun,	and	succeed	as	a	digital	nomad.
Read	More	about	Best	Places	for	Digital	Nomads.
These	are	the	Best	Jobs	for	Digital
Digital	nomads	have	a	great	range	when	it	comes	to	jobs	both	available	and	suited	for
them.	Most	think	that	there	are	only	a	few	jobs	for	digital	nomads,	but	that	couldn’t	be
more	untrue.	The	following	points	are	the	top	jobs	for	digital	nomads,	what	they	are,	what
is	the	earning	potential	exists,	and	more.
The	Best	Digital	Nomad	Jobs	or	Jobs	with	Remote	Work
All	the	jobs	in	the	following	list	will	allow	you	to	work	from	anywhere	in	the	world.
There	may	be	more	jobs	with	remote	work	opportunities	but	these	are	the	most	popular
Software	Developer/Engineer
Software	developers,	also	known	as	software	engineers,	are	the	brains	behind	our
computer	programs.	Whether	it	be	an	application	or	a	PC	program,	software	developers
are	in	charge	or	creating	these	through	pure	skill	and	know-how.	They	also	develop
underlying	systems	that	are	used	to	control	or	run	a	network,	as	well.
What	you	make	as	a	software	developer	all	depends	on	multiple	factors.	How	good	you
are,	how	many	clients	have,	etc.	The	best	of	the	best	have	the	opportunity	to	make	up	to
$100,000	each	year,	but	you	have	to	be	especially	useful.
Becoming	a	software	developing	digital	nomad	takes	a	bit	of	work.	Before	you	even	think
about	beginning	your	travels,	build	a	medium-sized	client	list.	Once	you	have	a	couple	of
clients	under	your	belt,	it’ll	be	smooth	sailing	from	there.
Freelance	Writing
Freelance	writing	as	a	digital	nomad	is	one	of	the	most	popular	and	top	jobs	for	digital
nomads.	As	a	freelance	writer,	you	are	in	charge	of	writing	articles	and	blogs,	editing	your
work,	copywriting,	and	more.	A	typical	freelance	writer	will	aid	in	building	a	client’s
website	through	content	creation	and	other	forms	of	writing.
The	salary	of	a	freelance	writer	depends	on	the	amount	of	work	you	are	willing	to	do.	It
also	depends	on	whether	you’re	working	for	high	paying	clients	or	not.	The	average	salary
for	freelance	writers	sits	at	around	$30,000	annually.	However,	you	can	change	this	by
going	after	the	bigger	customers	and	gaining	more	work.
Becoming	a	freelance	writing	digital	nomad	is	relatively	easy.	There	are	tens	of	platforms
online	to	use	to	help	you	build	a	profile,	such	as	Upwork	and	Freelancer.	Once	you	create
a	profile,	you	can	bid	on	jobs	and	start	building	a	clientele	list.
Online	Marketing
Online	marketers	help	businesses	with	an	online	presence	to	bring	more	traffic,	sales,	and
overall	business	to	their	website.	They	do	this	through	blogs,	social	media,	advertising,
Search	Engine	Optimization,	and	other	tools	used	for	online	marketing.
The	average	digital	nomad	online	marketer	can	make	up	to	approximately	$60,000
annually.	However,	it	all	does,	again,	depend	on	the	amount	of	work	and	number	of	clients
you	have.
Becoming	an	online	marketer	is	much	like	becoming	a	freelance	writer.	You	must	propose
your	services	to	potential	customers	and	prove	you	will	bring	in	the	most	traffic.	Once	you
have	somewhat	of	a	good	portfolio	and	profile	going,	you’ll	be	set.
Web	Design
​​Digital	Nomad	website	designers	build	client’s	websites	through	graphics,	HTML,
content,	you	name	it.	Overall	web	designers	are	in	charge	of	creating	the	features,	look,
and	general	layout	of	a	website.	This	type	of	work	more	often	than	not	is	paired	with
software	developing	and	graphic	design.	They	can	work	solely	on	their	own	of	with	a
development	team.
Digital	nomad	web	designers	are	paid	relatively	well.	The	average	nomad	web	designer
makes	approximately	$60,000	per	year.	However,	if	you	are	a	complete	expert	and	have	a
large	clientele	list,	you	could	be	making	over	$100,000.
Becoming	a	web	designer	can	be	quite	difficult.	You	need	to	know	how	to	build	a	website
entirely,	and	doing	HTML	can	be	tricky.	Once	you’re	more	than	confident	in	your	ability
to	make,	market	yourself.	Always	remember	to	learn	from	these	jobs,	too.	Web	design	is	a
very	educational	career.
Digital	nomads	who	speak	multiple	languages	benefit	from	working	as	an	online	and	in-
person	translator.	Translators	can	either	do	work	for	a	client	in	a	different	language	or
translate	something	for	them.	If	it’s	in-person,	however,	they	will	translate	conversations
for	them.	Digital	nomads	can	also	do	the	in	person	translation	work	should	they	choose	to
do	so.
Digital	nomad	translator	salaries	will	vary	by	country.	In	the	United	States,	for	example,
you	could	make	up	to	$60,000	per	year.
The	best	way	to	be	successful	at	becoming	a	translator	is	to	get	certified.	There	are
multiple	ways	to	become	certified,	but	it	varies	by	country.	From	there	you	should	test
yourself,	gain	needed	experience,	and	market	yourself.	A	lot	of	digital	nomad	translators
gain	clients	through	freelancing	platforms,	so	starting	there	is	your	best	bet.
Video	Editing
Video	editors	do	exactly	what	video	editing	sounds	like:	they	edit	videos.	A	lot	of	clients
create	their	videos	and	then	need	someone	to	edit	them	for	them.	This	is	where	video
editors	come	in.
The	salary	of	a	video	editor	can	range	very	widely.	The	lowest	salary	on	average	is	around
$30,000	per	year,	while	the	highest	could	go	up	to	$160,000.	It	all	depends	on	who	you’re
working	for	and	how	many	clients	you	have.
Becoming	a	video	editor	requires	a	lot	of	skills.	You	will	need	to	know	how	to	tweak	a
video	to	a	client’s	exact	specification.	Being	educated	and	always	learning	how	video
editing	works	are	the	best	ways	to	become	a	digital	nomad	video	editor.
Online	Trading
Online	trading	is	buying	and	selling	stock.	It	can	be	through	foreign	currencies,
investments	in	companies,	or	any	form	of	financial	security	in	general.
The	average	salary	for	an	online	trader	is	approximately	$45,000	each	year.	It	depends	on
what	you’re	trading	and	investing	in,	however.
A	lot	of	digital	nomads	in	online	trading	use	specific	trading	platforms,	which	is	a	great
place	to	start.	If	you	have	little	knowledge	of	how	it	works,	use	a	free	online	trading
website	first.	They	are	relatively	easy	to	find,	and	they	help	you	get	better	at	it.
Virtual	Assistant
A	virtual	assistant	does	any	job	that	a	regular	assistantt	would	do,	but	online	from	a	remote
location.	This	could	include	data	entry,	booking	appointments,	answering	emails,	etc.
The	average	salary	varies	through	different	countries.	For	example,	an	American	virtual
assistant	has	an	average	salary	of	approximately	$16	per	hour.	It	also	depends	on	who	you
are	working	for,	too.
Becoming	a	virtual	assistant	is	just	like	becoming	a	regular	assistant,	but	with	a	twist.	You
have	to	prove	that	you	are	reliable	and	will	commit	like	any	other	job,	but	with	added
Online	Accountant
An	online	accountant	is	much	like	an	assistant,	but	with	financial	reasons	and	tasks
instead.	They	are	in	charge	of	balancing	the	books,	financial	data	entry,	and	all	needs	that
are	strictly	financial.	However,	they	work	from	remote	locations.
Entry-level	online	accountants	can	start	at	an	average	salary	of	up	to	$40,000	per	year.
Senior	level	online	accountants	can	earn	double,	going	up	to	a	salary	of	$80,000	annually.
Becoming	an	accountant,	in	general,	will	require	education	and	a	degree	more	often	than
not.	Online	accounting	may	not,	but	it’s	still	good	to	have.	Otherwise,	do	hours	of	research
to	ensure	you	are	up	to	the	task.
Other	Top	Jobs	for	Digital	Nomads
There	are	other	possibilities	too.	Like	you	work	in	your	existing	company	and	start	doing
the	work	remotely.	You	can	become	a	contractor.	As	you	can	clearly	see,	there	are	tons	of
career	opportunities	for	digital	nomads.
You	can	also	look	up	the	type	of	job	offers	on	freelance	sites	like	Upwork	or	Freelancer.
Then	try	to	pick	one	and	learn	everything	about	it.
You	can	do	these	jobs	from	anywhere	in	the	world.	Recognize	your	skills,	pick	something
you	like,	and	you’ll	become	a	professional	in	whichever	job	in	no	time!
Read	more	about	Top	Jobs	for	Digital	Nomads.
The	Essential	Gear	List	for	Digital
Being	a	digital	nomad	is	no	easy	feat.	In	fact,	the	amount	of	gear	you’re	going	to	need
can	extend	to	a	very	extensive	list.	It	all	depends	on	what	your	digital	nomad	career	is.
Within	this	guide,	we	will	go	over	the	essential	gear	for	digital	nomads.	It	includes	what’s
needed	to	complete	their	daily	jobs	for	clients.
A	Laptop
Having	a	working	laptop	as	a	digital	nomad	is	crucial	to	their	career,	no	matter	what	it
may	be.	While	there	are	jobs	that	may	not	always	need	one,	it’s	a	necessity	for	acquiring
clients	during	their	travels.
Having	a	decent	laptop,	it	does	not	need	to	be	incredibly	high-tech,	will	help	your	career
soar	farther	and	faster	than	you	thought	possible.
A	Smartphone	or	Smart	Device
Keeping	an	Android	or	iOS	phone,	a	tablet,	or	any	other	form	of	smart	device	is	essential
for	your	career.	For	example,	you	are	a	virtual	assistant	digital	nomad.	You	will	need	to	be
able	to	answer	calls	from	your	client	or	do	some	necessary	work	on	a	tablet.
While	unlikely,	working	from	a	smart	device	overall	could	eliminate	the	need	for	a	laptop
entirely.	Whether	it	be	a	smartphone	or	a	tablet.	It	all	depends	on	what	your	digital	nomad
career	choice	is,	however.
You	can	use	what	is	called	“HotSpot”	through	your	smartphone	or	smart	device.	This
instantly	gives	you	internet	by	tethering	your	data	connection.	It’s	incredibly	useful	if	you
need	to	get	some	work	done,	but	use	it	only	if	there	are	no	WiFi	connections	available
Pocket	Modem/Router
Much	like	tethering	your	smartphone,	a	pocket	modem	or	router	works	by	giving	you	the
internet	from	remote	locations.	This	is	perfect	for	a	digital	nomad	who	does	not	have	a
smartphone	with	Hot	Spot	capabilities	as	a	replacement.	They	cost	a	pretty	penny	usually,
but	they	are	more	than	worth	the	investment.
Headphones	are	an	obvious	choice	for	a	digital	nomad.	For	example,	say	you	are	a
professional	video	editor	and	need	to	work.	Although,	you’re	on	a	plane	or	a	train	ride	but
do	not	want	to	disturb	those	around	you.	This	is	where	the	need	for	headphones	comes	in.
Having	headphones	is	an	essential	piece	of	gear	for	digital	nomads	no	matter	what	your
career	choice	may	be.	Especially	if	you	need	to	tune	out	everything	around	you	to	focus
on	your	work	more.
External	Hard	Drive
Having	an	external	hard	drive	is	crucial	to	some	digital	nomad	careers.	For	example,	you
are	a	freelance	writer	who	has	run	out	of	space	on	your	laptop.	You	cannot	transfer	any
files,	leaving	you	with	the	only	option	of	having	to	delete	needed	files.	What	do	you	do	if
a	client	asks	for	one	of	the	files	you	deleted?	If	you	did	not	store	it	elsewhere,	that	data	is
gone,	and	maybe	the	client,	too.
This	is	where	an	external	hard	drive	comes	in.	They	are	incredibly	important	to	have	when
you	are	on	the	road.	Having	one	could	save	you	and	your	job.	Having	a	drive	where	you
can	backup	and	store	files	in	case	something	should	happen	to	your	laptop	is	critical.
Make	sure	you	have	one	on	hand	at	all	times	and	back	your	drives	up.
Universal	Power	Adapter
Having	one	of	these	could	also	save	you,	as	well.	Digital	nomads	travel	to	some	of	the
most	random	countries	on	the	planet.	This	means	you	are	going	to	need	to	be	prepared	for
anything.	This	includes	the	varieties	of	power	supply	outlets	you	are	going	to	find,	too.
For	example,	say	you	want	to	plug	your	laptop	in,	but	the	outlet	has	a	different	design.
Your	charger	does	not	have	this	design,	so	what	do	you	do?	Having	a	universal	power
adapter	eliminates	this	problem	entirely.
USB	Battery	Pack
USB	battery	packs	are	life	savers	when	it	comes	to	digital	nomad	careers.	Say	you	forgot
your	charger	at	your	hotel	and	cannot	go	back	to	get	it.	What	do	you	do	now?	You	have	a
deadline	coming	up	but	cannot	work.	This	is	where	as	USB	battery	pack	comes	in.
They	act	as	an	external	power	source	that	brings	life	back	to	your	device.	If	your	laptop
charger	is	not	on	hand,	a	USB	battery	pack	works	just	as	well.	It	could	save	your	career	or
a	client.
eBook	Readers
While	eBook	Readers,	such	as	Kindles,	are	typically	good	for	reading,	one	with	a	camera
can	help	in	other	ways.	For	example,	if	you	are	taking	basic	photographs	for	a	client	of	an
area	you	are	traveling	in,	this	will	help.	It	will	ensure	that	you	don’t	need	to	splurge	on	a
professional	camera	unless	you	have	to.
You	can	also	take	an	iPad	if	you	like.
Professional	Camera
If	your	job	requires	you	to	take	professional	photographs,	you	are	going	to	need	a
professional	camera.	For	example,	some	digital	nomads	work	for	clients	to	take	photos	in
their	name.	They	travel	and	take	pictures	of	whatever	their	customer	needs	and	then
relinquish	their	name	to	them.	This	is	what’s	known	as	“ghost	photography.”
Portable	Monitors
For	those	who	need	a	more	professional,	thorough	setup,	a	portable	monitor	will	be
required.	This	type	of	screen	can	be	taken	anywhere	with	you	and	connected	to	a	port	in
your	laptop.	From	there	you	can	work	on	dual	screens	and	get	a	lot	more	done.
This	is	not	required	of	all	digital	nomads,	however.	Only	those	who	feel	that	they	need	to
have	a	portable	monitor	as	an	extension	will	do	so.	Portable	monitors	are	incredibly	easy
to	find	and	relatively	cheap.	Some	of	them	are	specifically	for	travel	but	take	some	time	to
find.	No	doubt	they	have	to	be	extra	durable	when	compared	to	regular	monitors.
Laptop	Stands/Tables
For	those	who	want	to	work	comfortably,	a	laptop	stand	or	table	is	perfect.	You	just	place
it	on	your	lap	and	put	your	laptop	on	top.	It	works	as	a	primary	table	that	is	great	for	your
posture	and	overall	comfort	levels.	Laptop	stands	and	tables	are	perfect	for	traveling,
especially	when	you	have	limited	space.
A	lot	of	digital	nomads	use	one	of	these	when	on	a	plane	or	a	train	for	comfort.	Otherwise,
they	can	be	utilized	anywhere	and	however;	you’d	like.	This	is	an	essential	for	most
digital	nomads	who	are	working	abroad	with	a	laptop	in	general.
Wireless	Keyboard
If	you	are	working	on	a	laptop,	then	you	do	not	need	this,	but	some	digital	nomads	prefer
something	else.	A	lot	of	digital	nomads	prefer	to	work	from	a	tablet	or	iPad.	However,	the
lack	of	a	keyboard	can	be	frustrating.	This	is	where	a	wireless	keyboard	comes	in.	They
can	use	it	whenever	they	like.	In	this	case,	a	wireless	mouse	is	also	a	good	idea,	as	well.
Other	Essential	Gear	for	Digital	Nomads
Having	the	right	equipment	for	the	right	career	is	crucial	as	a	digital	nomad.	If	you	don’t
have	what	you	need,	how	do	you	expect	to	keep	your	clients	and	make	money?	Knowing
exactly	what	you	need	is	vital.	Even	if	you	have	a	couple	of	extras	with	you,	such	as	a
laptop	table,	it	goes	a	very	long	way.
As	a	digital	nomad,	it’s	critical	to	keep	your	gear	in	good	condition.	Should	something
break,	you	will	need	to	replace	it	straight	away.	While	being	a	digital	nomad	may	not	be
cheap	at	the	start,	it	pays	off.
Read	More	about	Essentail	Gears	for	Digital	Nomads.
Top	Online	Business	Ideas	for	Beginners
which	are	Easy	and	Highly	Profitable
Digital	nomads	have	endless	choices	when	it	comes	to	choosing	a	business	for
themselves.	Because	the	lifestyle	is	such	a	lenient	and	on	a	“whenever	I	want”	basis,	the
careers	are	typically	the	same.	Some	of	these	are	already	very	popular	with	digital
nomads,	while	the	rest	are	quickly	gaining	popular	ground.	One	thing	is	for	sure,	though,
variety	is	the	spice	of	a	digital	nomad’s	life.
Most	of	the	online	business	ideas	in	this	list	can	be	started	from	home	and	are	aimed	at
Writing	Novels
Writing	a	book	has	very	few	restrictions.	You	could	choose	to	go	with	fiction,	nonfiction,
and	whatever	floats	your	boat.	Writing	novels	is	one	of	the	most	popular	businesses	that
digital	nomads	decide	to	do.	You	can	work	on	it,	or	them	if	there’s	more	than	one,
wherever	and	whenever.
If	you	write	and	release	even	one	novel	that	becomes	a	best	seller,	you	may	not	need	to
work	again.	In	truth,	earning	through	writing	books	can	be	pretty	difficult.	However,	the
average	author	who	has	decent	sales	can	make	up	to	$60,000	annually.
All	you	need	is	a	creative	idea,	a	good	editor,	a	publishing	company,	and	even	an	agent.
Having	an	agent	is	entirely	up	to	you,	but	it	will	help	push	your	career	further.
These	days	blogging	is	a	huge	market,	especially	because	it’s	not	just	writing	anymore.
All	you	need	is	your	website	that	can	be	created	through	GoDaddy,	WordPress,	etc.	Or,
you	could	always	freelance	and	write	blogs	for	paying	clients.
The	earnings	can	be	very	low	or	incredibly	high	depending	on	what	you	do.	For	example,
affiliate	programs	can	offer	up	to	commissions	from	sales	up	to	75%.	This	usually	entails
having	a	product	link	somewhere	on	your	website.	Once	someone	clicks	it	and	makes	a
purchase,	you	make	a	percentage	from	that	purchase.
The	following	is	a	list	of	the	most	popular	affiliate	programs	for	bloggers:
Amazon	Associates
Commission	Junction
If	you	choose	to	go	through	an	affiliate	program,	you	will	need	to	have	your	website.	You
will	also	need	to	generate	written	content	such	as	articles,	too.
Dropshipping	should	not	be	confused	with	retail.	A	digital	nomad	drop	shipper	is	a	model
of	fulfillment.	You	purchase	the	products	wanted	by	a	customer.	However,	instead	of
doing	it	straight	from	the	manufacturer,	you	go	through	a	wholesaler.	Dropshippers	team
up	with	a	drop	shipping	supplier.	From	there,	their	merchandise	is	then	listed	for	sale.
The	profits	you	make	all	depend	on	who	you’re	working	with	because	it’s	all	commission.
For	example,	expensive	electronics	and	technology	will	bring	a	lower	percentage.
Clothing,	shoes,	and	accessories	bring	a	much	higher	rate.	The	average	earning	margin
usually	sits	around	20%	regardless.
Like	blogging,	you	will	need	your	website	for	this.	You	will	also	need	to	find	a	supplier
that	offers	drop	shipping.	From	there	you	will	need	to	set	your	website	up	and	market	it.
Social	media	is	great	for	marketing	in	this	area.
Dropshipping	is	one	of	the	safest	online	selling	business	ideas	that	require	a	very	low
upfront	cost.
E-commerce	is	a	fancy	word	for	an	online	store.	If	you	write	books,	make	crafts,	or	have
something	that	you’d	like	to	sell,	e-commerce	is	definitely	for	you.	Amazon,	for	example,
is	the	most	famous	and	largest	example	of	e-commerce.
Earnings	cannot	be	pinpointed	because	you	are	in	charge	of	that	completely.	You	list	your
items,	make	your	prices,	etc.	However,	e-commerce	could	also	be	paired	with
dropshipping.	Therefore,	you	have	options.
There	are	platforms	you	can	use	to	set	up	a	smaller	personal	e-commerce.	For	example,
selling	old	clothes,	you	no	longer	want,	which	Depop	is	ideal	for.	Shopify	is	also	another
great	example.
Unlike	Dropshipping,	e-commerce	can	be	considered	online	retail	business	and	there	are
tons	of	ideas	for	getting	started.
Mobile	and	Web	Apps
The	easiest	way	to	create	an	application	is	to	go	through	an	app	builder.	You	could	do	it	on
your	own	if	you	have	the	proper	skills,	as	well.,	for	example,	is	a	great
application	builder.	App	building	is	practically	the	same	process	no	matter	how	you	do	it,
You’ll	need	specific	software	and	a	general	template.	From	there	you	will	need	to	edit,
which	could	include	the	following:
Uploading	a	logo
Designing	graphics
Adding	pictures	and	videos,	optional
Audio,	if	you	want	any
The	ability	to	link	social	media	accounts,	also	optional
The	best	way	to	make	a	significant	salary	through	app	developing	is	by	doing	it	for
businesses.	You	could	reach	an	average	wage	of	up	to	$70,000	annually.	You	could	make
even	more	by	working	for	multiple	larger	firms.
A	typical	matchmaker	brings	two	people	together	for	relationships,	marriage,	and	more.
Some	even	do	the	same	with	the	prospect	of	a	business	partnership.	Matchmaking	is	all
about	guidance,	typically	through	the	process	of	dating.
Becoming	one	is	not	an	easy	feat.	You	will	need	to	be	exceptional	at	reading	people	and
surrounding	situations.	You	will	need	to	have	online	connections,	lots	of	friends,	etc.
While	this	may	not	always	pay,	it’s	the	best	way	to	gain	critical	experience.	Playing
therapist	is	also	in	the	job	description,	as	well.	Giving	advice	and	general	guidance	to
clients	is	critical	in	matchmaking.
Enrolling	in	programs	and	courses	is	your	best	bet.	You	will	have	real	credentials	and	not
just	your	hunch	working	for	you.	From	there	you	could	collaborate	with	a	team	or	even	on
your	own.	There	are	matchmaking	businesses	and	organizations	out	there	to	work	with.
The	salary	isn’t	too	big,	typically	around	$50,000	per	year.	It	all	depends	on	if	you	work
alone,	in	a	team,	your	client	list,	etc.	If	you	have	a	lot	of	clients	who	pay	a	lot,	you	can
quickly	go	past	the	average	salary.
Tech	Support
Technical	support,	or	“tech	support,”	is	a	very	standard	job.	It’s	becoming	more	popular
with	digital	nomads,	as	well.	These	people	work	from	a	remote	location	to	help	clients
with	their	equipment.	This	usually	means	with	a	phone	or	a	computer.	Companies	are	now
hiring	digital	nomads	for	tech	support,	as	well.
You	will	need	computer	skills,	knowledge	of	how	the	company’s	products	work,	and
business	software.	You	will	also	need	a	good	computer.	The	average	salary	for	tech
support	is	around	$50,000	annually.
Travel	Expert/Agent
Travel	agents	provide	tourism	and	travel	related	services.	This	includes	vacation,	rental
car,	and	hotel	bookings,	to	name	a	few.	They	either	work	privately	on	their	own	or	through
a	travel	agency.	In	this	case,	digital	nomads	work	privately	from	a	remote	location.
You	will	need	to	pass	an	exam	and	become	certified.	These	exams	and	certification	will
depend	on	where	you	are	living,	so	it	will	take	research.	The	average	salary	of	a	travel
agent	sits	around	$40,000	per	year.	There	are	opportunities	to	make	commission,	but	only
through	travel	agencies.
Life	Coach/Consult
A	life	coach	is	someone	that	helps	you	with	daily	living.	Whether	it	be	helping	you	make
decisions	or	guiding	you	to	where	you	want	to	be	in	life.	They	are	much	like	a
matchmaker,	but	they	match	you	to	making	the	right	choices.	They	help	you	to	set	goals,
be	the	best	you	can	be,	and	improve	yourself.
To	become	a	life	coach,	you	will	need	to	look	at	programs	in	your	area.	Training	programs
range	from	everyday	life	up	to	business	coaching.	One	you	choose	your	niche,	enroll	in
the	right	program,	and	you’re	ready	to	go.	Gaining	clients	will	involve	marketing	yourself
very	highly	because	this	isn’t	easy	to	break	into.
The	average	life	coach	has	a	salary	of	approximately	$160	per	hour.	Business	coaches	can
make	around	$235,	while	executive	coaches	make	around	$325.
Most	Life	Coaches	are	location	independent	and	online	life	coach	is	a	booming	business
idea	with	high	profitability.
Content	Curator
Content	curators	gather	relevant	information	regarding	a	particular	area	of	interest	or
topic.	They	help	people	with	their	businesses	through	gaining	valuable	data	and	help	their
business	grow	and	achieve	overall.	Social	content	curation,	for	example,	uses	websites
such	as	Reddit	and	Digg	for	these	purposes.
To	become	a	content	curator	you	will	need	to	be	good	at	research	and	overall	marketing.
These	skills	are	what	will	help	you	be	great	at	the	job	best.	The	average	digital	nomad
content	curator	makes	up	to	$45,000	per	year.
This	is	one	the	trending	online	business	idea	with	little	or	no	competition	depending	on
your	niche.
Other	Top	Business	Ideas	for	Digital	Nomads
Becoming	a	digital	nomad	is	a	great	way	to	spend	your	life.	You’re	free	to	do	whatever
you	choose,	whenever	you	want.	While	selecting	a	business	idea	to	grow	and	gain	from
may	be	difficult,	it’s	worth	it.	Taking	the	necessary	time	and	steps	to	building	a	digital
nomad	career	brings	freedom	and	earning	benefits.
Which	one	you	want	to	become?	Let	us	know	and	we	will	help	you	get	started.
Get	more	easy	and	profitable	business	Ideas.

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