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Cultural Diversity Presentation Essay
Cultural Diversity Presentation
Jose Ortiz
ELL 240 Linguistically & Culturally Diverse Learners
Ashford University
Instructor: Catherine Tapia
Date: 10/06/2013
This presentation that I will be displaying is to demonstrate the schools, parents and teachers the importance of English language learners and to
encourage all parents to get involved and be part of the school culture activities. The involvement is important in assisting students in the schools. Also
these courses and affiliations to include families, parents are to value the support and raise the level of their participation, whereas students progress
their accomplishment, way of thinking, more content...
They might turn out to be puzzled, alarmed, and irritated. These arguments can generate a meaning of anguish and stress. Schools can assist parents in
the course of shifting into the United States typical ethnicity by making them sense that they are wanted and worthy. While parents comprehend how
they can maintain their kid's schooling and once schools discover the means to lecture to and integrate these parents' cultural offerings, every person
Activity 1
The participations of families
Aim Activity one:
Recommend families with information about the encouraging influence of parental participation.
Estimated time involves: One hour and a half
Supplies: Indicator Marker and White board
Topic Number one: When families get concerned in their kid's schooling.
Your best course of action:
Warm–up Activity number one (15 minutes): Previous to opening the activity make clear the specific grounds of this gathering. Then have every
single close relative present him or herself and speak for a moment about his or her point of views of the value of teaching in their kids' lives.
Carry a Full Group Activity: Give a (15 minute). For a little time explaining the vital stages of family participation and the way in which they can
encouragingly influence their kid's schooling.
Group Activity number
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Cultural Diversity Essay
Diversity & Family Life in the Classroom
"We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community – and this
nation (Cesar Chavez)." This quote has one meaning overall that I love. We need to honor the ethnic and cultural diversity that helps our community
grow along with our nation. Without diversity, our country and community our world would be boring and dull.
I had the privilege of interviewing an intern at my job place right now, who happens to be going for the same career choice that I am going for. Her
name is Teyha Graham and we met through her internship at CitiFamily Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Teyha is 25% African American and
75% German. She was very open to me interviewing her. Actually, what happened was I was telling her about my assignment and told her I needed
one more person to interview for my class and she said, "Interview me." I thought to myself that would be awesome, but how are you diverse from
me? She said, "I am African American." Honestly, I didn't even put the connection together, because she is not very dark skinned, but isn't very fair
skinned either.
The first question I asked her was, "Have you ever experienced racism? How did it make you feel, and what was your reaction?" Teyha answered, "Yes,
I have. I grew up in a small town and I felt 'different' then others, because of my skin color. I got called the 'N' word one when I was younger. I cried, but
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Cultural Diversity Essay
INTRO The business world has many different aspects when looking at it. Everyone is trying to see how they can improve their business, or get it
to be the best it can be. Many people have tried many different theories and checked what works and what does not. One of the most debated
subjects is the effects of diversity in the work place and if it benefits the work place. People have also looked if having more multicultural
employees in your business help the business out, or does it worsen the business by bringing in more conflict in the work environment. After careful
research, it is shown that all though there are many draw backs, multicultural diversity does indeed help out a work force more than it has
negatives. Multicultural benefits in the Business world The first reason as to why have cultural diversity in the work place helps is, that having
more diverse cultural perspective can inspire creativity and drive innovation. Believe it or not, but cultural influences the way that many people see
the world today. A lot of those viewpoints are from a professional aspects and experiences. Also having a lot of diversity is also known for having
more creativity alongside it (Hult News, 2017). These people are very innovative and are known for having excellent problem–solving skills. The
reasoning for this is because they have a lot of out of the box experiences that come from having a lot of different backgrounds. The following reason
would be that they have a lot of local
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Cultural Diversity Essay
You are a care staff for a community service organisation from some time where five new staff members have recently been appointed. Your manager
has asked you to make a presentation to the new staff members; explaining the following: пѓјThe ways in which cultural diversity can impact on your
work пѓјHow cultural diversity should be valued and accommodated пѓјThe Methods that might be used to overcome Cultural diversity is a major
factor that the workplace environment must consider to maintain the wellbeing of staff and clients, some aspects to cultural diversity in the
workplace consist of religion, heritage and many more. Religion can be defined as a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion and practices.
An example of religion is Christianity, in this religion believers are encouraged to pray regularly and partake in communion and baptism as well as
have a strong relationship with a priest who in society can be viewed as a counsellor. Other factors that differentiate people from one another in
terms of culture consist of food preferences; Muslims are restricted from eating foods such as pork and non halal certified products. These factors
should be counted important by the workplace to reduce any type of miscommunication a client could have with a career furthermore, being aware of
what the client believes in, will help to provide high quality services for clients. To support the cultural requirements of a client, the work place should
provide a space that would
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Cultural Diversity
The ways in which diversity can impact on work and work relationships and benefits to diversity. Another advantage of workplace diversity is the
opportunity for personal growth, being exposed to new ideas, cultures and perspectives can help individuals to reach out intellectually and gain a
clearer view of their surroundings and their place in the world, spending time with culturally diverse co–workers can slowly break down the
subconscious barriers of ethnocentrism encouraging employees to be more well–rounded members of society. Spending time with diverse employees
can break down communication barriers over the long–term, but first impressions and co–workers' orientation periods can be difficult to control when
cultures clash, diversity can strengthen your company's relationships with specific customer groups by making communication more effective.
the need for inclusivity, cultural safety and cultural competence
Culturally Inclusive Environment A culturally inclusive environment requires mutual respect, effective relationships, clear communication, explicit
understandings about expectations and critical self–reflection. In an inclusive environment, people of all cultural orientations can: Freely express who
they are, their own opinions and points of view. Fully participate in teaching, learning, work and social activities. Feel safe from abuse, harassment or
unfair criticism. A culturally inclusive workplace means that: Staff experience less stress and have
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Cultural Diversity Essay
Cultural Diversity: Campus Climates and Classroom Instruction
American Society has been and continues to become increasingly mixed, complex, and variegated in its cultural practices and ethnic make up.
However, the state schools have fallen short of race goals established thirty–one years ago in a desegregation case now known as Geier v. Sundquist.
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville has notoriously had one of the worst recruiting efforts for diversifying undergraduates. This realization makes
the cultural atmosphere at Knoxville non–diversified resulting in a predominantly white campus. Despite recent statistics from 1993–1994, African
Americans' enrollment is about 5 percent of the student body, and only 4 percent of the more content...
The recruiting efforts would generally cost money and the research would take time to acquire. In addition to monetary issues, there could be
insinuations concerning quotas or even affirmation action for allowing a preference to one race or gender for the sake of diversity. Restructuring and
developing cost reductive techniques and applying certain guidelines for diversity on campus so that the idea of a quota or misuse of affirmative action
would be abolished would generally eliminate these objections.
In my case, I would be elated to be able to explore other backgrounds and broaden my general conception of cultures different from my own. In this
society, we as a nation are continually becoming more diverse and variegated in our practices that it would be necessary to expand our knowledge and
appreciate other cultures. On another note, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville is one of the largest universities in the South and for it to be, as
large as it is one would expect more diversity. Chancellor Snyder states in his mission statement, "Diversity has become a necessity for the reason we
are encompassing a multiracial and multicultural community that relics on the potential of each person to meet society's expectations. And society's
expectations are culturally diverse and we need to value other's background for we will be working with different backgrounds throughout our
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Cultural Diversity Essay
In recent decades, diversity have played an important role in society than what it did before. Cultural diversity, defined as differences that exist
between peoples, such as languages, style, age, race, ethnicity, and traditions are representative within societies. Societies are various of groups or
communities associated together for different purposes. I assert that being on diverse college campuses, where is mixed with different races and
backgrounds of people will educate you and allow you to meet people you may not have met. Also, I believe that a diverse college campus can
impact certain areas of society. Whether areas around the campus or in our future workplace. In that it makes us become more competitive on the
world stage, by more ideas brought to the discussion, variety of perspective are pooled, innovation and creativity emerge. Moreover, since societies
now are more diverse, people are more likely to pay more attention to impacts of diversity.
Diversity is a wide component, which effects on the society such as educations, employment, and economy.Culture, the most frequently seen topic in
diversity can also be found in colleges and universities. Especially colleges and universities in the US, we can see people from all around the world.
Whether Chinese, Indonesian, or Japanese, people with different nationalities brought diversity into the society. Therefore, various groups of people
were built up, culture around have been more and more diverse. Cultural
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Cultural Diversity Essay
To work with culturally diverse people we should be aware of their culture, norms and traditions and accordingly reflect in it. We should also maintain
the communication strategies and respect strategies so that we can avoid conflict and communication barriers at the workplace. We should be well–
informed of all their cultures restrictions as well to avoid any misunderstanding. We should always treat them equally and adore their uniqueness.
2.What types of diversity may you encounter in your role?
Ans: I may encounter both cultural and ethnicity diversity.For example I am Nepalese and I follow Nepalese culture. Now I am in Australia and I can
encounter lots of cultural and work differences.
3.How can your attitudes impact diverse groups of people?
Ans : My attitudes can hugely impact the diverse groups of people. For instance if I looked down at their cultural norms and values, this will result in
racial conflict. Thus if I perform any activities that is against the diverse group then a huge clash will be the consequences. Thus my attitudes can
hugely impact both me and the diverse group. So it is important for me to act cautiously towards them so that they don't become offended.
4.How may cultural diversity impact different areas of work?
Ans: Cultural diversity impact different areas of work by :
Impact of culture in tourism : the impact of culture on tourism examines the growing relationship between tourism and culture, and the way in which
they have together
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Cultural Diversity Essay
Cultural Diversity
Children should be exposed to all segments of society. Youngsters learning with children of different races, nationalities, and religions tend to be more
tolerant and accepting of individual differences. They learn customs, beliefs and rituals of classmates that maybe quite different from what they have
been taught. Youngsters learning in an environment ofdiversity are well prepared to deal more effectively in society after they complete their education.
A mutual respect and understanding of other cultures removes barriers and stereotypes. Individual differences need to be threatening. In fact,
knowledge of other cultures helps a person realize and appreciate the similarities more than the differences. It is more content...
Parents could choose a private school or public one; and in either case the voucher money would go to the school. The voucher system blurs the
distinction between public and private schools. The downside is that the voucher system might produce a lowering of the standards of the public school
system and money would be drained as well. It also might produce a racial or ethnic balkanization of society."(
/hawaiiansovereighty/publicprivatespecialbasic. html). A voucher system would be a mute point if the public and private sectors were comparable.
Equality for all socio–economic classes
An educational system should allow every student to reach his or her potential. The concept of equality is clearly stated in the Encyclopedia Britannica,
"The constitution guarantees...freedom of opinion, expression, press, publication, assembly and association... any political party based on race,
religion, region, or language is forbidden."(Encyclopedia Britannica). It would appear that an educational system that ignores this guarantee violates
the spirit as well as the letter of the law. In fact, the delivery of education varies dramatically based on the socio–economic level of a community. More
affluent areas have the tax base and the resources to provide the best education possible. Top salaries attract the best and the brightest teachers. In this
environment, specific
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Cultural Diversity Essay
In a utopian society everyone is equal, and one culture is not more dominate than another culture. Also, social and cultural diversity would not exist.
Since a utopian society does not exist members of society must strive for inclusion and understanding for cultures that are different from theirs. People
exposed to diverse cultures learn to understand the different viewpoints of others. A person'sculture shapes his or her identity and influences his or her
behavior and interactions with the world. Also, people tend to use their culture to judge other cultures. When utilized inappropriately, one can
discriminate against another race or ethnic group. People tend to fear the unknown or fear other cultures that they do not understand (Okeke–Adeyanju
et al., 2014; Sue & Sue, 2016). Cultural diversity is a common term utilized today to describe the practices of diverse cultures, as well as, creates
awareness to a melting pot society. This awareness shed light to the inequality and social and cultural issues that are faced by individuals from
culturally diverse populations. This paper will describe my personal biases and how my experiences with discrimination affect my relationships with
people of different racial and cultural backgrounds. It will include my understanding of the concepts regarding racism and discrimination, as well as,
provide information regarding multicultural counseling as stated in the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the National Association of
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Cultural Diversity Essay
1.Cultural diversity: Throughout this semester, I have gained a better understanding about cultural diversity in classroom and why teachers should
promote their cultural competence. Before I took the class, I was not aware of the issues of diversity play an important role on effecting the classroom.
Students come to schools with different backgrounds, race, class, and cultural contexts, which lead to different learning styles. How a teacher
incorporates teaching strategies for addressing differences is the key to students' success, especially when facing minority groups. Ogbu mentioned that
what is even more significant is the nature of the relationship between minority cultures/ languages and the culture and language of the dominant white
Americans and the public schools they control (Ogbu, 1992.) This is why I need to foster cultural awareness by learning different types of cultural
characteristic of minorities. I also conclude that effective teaching is also about teachers who embraces students' cultural backgrounds. From the class, I
also enjoy writing personal narrative history and family tree. It helps me to gain a new insight of what a multicultural perspective is about, that is, to
affirm differences rather than deny them.
2.Equality and social justice: One of my favorite quote from the reading material is "Treating everyone is the same way will not necessarily lead to
equality; rather, it may end up perpetuating the inequality that already exists"(Nieto & Bode,
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Cultural Diversity Presentation Essay

  • 1. Cultural Diversity Presentation Essay Cultural Diversity Presentation Jose Ortiz ELL 240 Linguistically & Culturally Diverse Learners Ashford University Instructor: Catherine Tapia Date: 10/06/2013 Introduction: This presentation that I will be displaying is to demonstrate the schools, parents and teachers the importance of English language learners and to encourage all parents to get involved and be part of the school culture activities. The involvement is important in assisting students in the schools. Also these courses and affiliations to include families, parents are to value the support and raise the level of their participation, whereas students progress their accomplishment, way of thinking, more content... They might turn out to be puzzled, alarmed, and irritated. These arguments can generate a meaning of anguish and stress. Schools can assist parents in the course of shifting into the United States typical ethnicity by making them sense that they are wanted and worthy. While parents comprehend how they can maintain their kid's schooling and once schools discover the means to lecture to and integrate these parents' cultural offerings, every person gains. Activity 1 The participations of families Aim Activity one: Recommend families with information about the encouraging influence of parental participation.
  • 2. Estimated time involves: One hour and a half Supplies: Indicator Marker and White board Topic Number one: When families get concerned in their kid's schooling. Your best course of action: Warm–up Activity number one (15 minutes): Previous to opening the activity make clear the specific grounds of this gathering. Then have every single close relative present him or herself and speak for a moment about his or her point of views of the value of teaching in their kids' lives. Carry a Full Group Activity: Give a (15 minute). For a little time explaining the vital stages of family participation and the way in which they can encouragingly influence their kid's schooling. Group Activity number Get more content on
  • 3. Cultural Diversity Essay Diversity & Family Life in the Classroom "We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community – and this nation (Cesar Chavez)." This quote has one meaning overall that I love. We need to honor the ethnic and cultural diversity that helps our community grow along with our nation. Without diversity, our country and community our world would be boring and dull. I had the privilege of interviewing an intern at my job place right now, who happens to be going for the same career choice that I am going for. Her name is Teyha Graham and we met through her internship at CitiFamily Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Teyha is 25% African American and 75% German. She was very open to me interviewing her. Actually, what happened was I was telling her about my assignment and told her I needed one more person to interview for my class and she said, "Interview me." I thought to myself that would be awesome, but how are you diverse from me? She said, "I am African American." Honestly, I didn't even put the connection together, because she is not very dark skinned, but isn't very fair skinned either. The first question I asked her was, "Have you ever experienced racism? How did it make you feel, and what was your reaction?" Teyha answered, "Yes, I have. I grew up in a small town and I felt 'different' then others, because of my skin color. I got called the 'N' word one when I was younger. I cried, but Get more content on
  • 4. Cultural Diversity Essay INTRO The business world has many different aspects when looking at it. Everyone is trying to see how they can improve their business, or get it to be the best it can be. Many people have tried many different theories and checked what works and what does not. One of the most debated subjects is the effects of diversity in the work place and if it benefits the work place. People have also looked if having more multicultural employees in your business help the business out, or does it worsen the business by bringing in more conflict in the work environment. After careful research, it is shown that all though there are many draw backs, multicultural diversity does indeed help out a work force more than it has negatives. Multicultural benefits in the Business world The first reason as to why have cultural diversity in the work place helps is, that having more diverse cultural perspective can inspire creativity and drive innovation. Believe it or not, but cultural influences the way that many people see the world today. A lot of those viewpoints are from a professional aspects and experiences. Also having a lot of diversity is also known for having more creativity alongside it (Hult News, 2017). These people are very innovative and are known for having excellent problem–solving skills. The reasoning for this is because they have a lot of out of the box experiences that come from having a lot of different backgrounds. The following reason would be that they have a lot of local Get more content on
  • 5. Cultural Diversity Essay You are a care staff for a community service organisation from some time where five new staff members have recently been appointed. Your manager has asked you to make a presentation to the new staff members; explaining the following: пѓјThe ways in which cultural diversity can impact on your work пѓјHow cultural diversity should be valued and accommodated пѓјThe Methods that might be used to overcome Cultural diversity is a major factor that the workplace environment must consider to maintain the wellbeing of staff and clients, some aspects to cultural diversity in the workplace consist of religion, heritage and many more. Religion can be defined as a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion and practices. An example of religion is Christianity, in this religion believers are encouraged to pray regularly and partake in communion and baptism as well as have a strong relationship with a priest who in society can be viewed as a counsellor. Other factors that differentiate people from one another in terms of culture consist of food preferences; Muslims are restricted from eating foods such as pork and non halal certified products. These factors should be counted important by the workplace to reduce any type of miscommunication a client could have with a career furthermore, being aware of what the client believes in, will help to provide high quality services for clients. To support the cultural requirements of a client, the work place should provide a space that would Get more content on
  • 6. Cultural Diversity The ways in which diversity can impact on work and work relationships and benefits to diversity. Another advantage of workplace diversity is the opportunity for personal growth, being exposed to new ideas, cultures and perspectives can help individuals to reach out intellectually and gain a clearer view of their surroundings and their place in the world, spending time with culturally diverse co–workers can slowly break down the subconscious barriers of ethnocentrism encouraging employees to be more well–rounded members of society. Spending time with diverse employees can break down communication barriers over the long–term, but first impressions and co–workers' orientation periods can be difficult to control when cultures clash, diversity can strengthen your company's relationships with specific customer groups by making communication more effective. the need for inclusivity, cultural safety and cultural competence Culturally Inclusive Environment A culturally inclusive environment requires mutual respect, effective relationships, clear communication, explicit understandings about expectations and critical self–reflection. In an inclusive environment, people of all cultural orientations can: Freely express who they are, their own opinions and points of view. Fully participate in teaching, learning, work and social activities. Feel safe from abuse, harassment or unfair criticism. A culturally inclusive workplace means that: Staff experience less stress and have Get more content on
  • 7. Cultural Diversity Essay Cultural Diversity: Campus Climates and Classroom Instruction American Society has been and continues to become increasingly mixed, complex, and variegated in its cultural practices and ethnic make up. However, the state schools have fallen short of race goals established thirty–one years ago in a desegregation case now known as Geier v. Sundquist. The University of Tennessee at Knoxville has notoriously had one of the worst recruiting efforts for diversifying undergraduates. This realization makes the cultural atmosphere at Knoxville non–diversified resulting in a predominantly white campus. Despite recent statistics from 1993–1994, African Americans' enrollment is about 5 percent of the student body, and only 4 percent of the more content... The recruiting efforts would generally cost money and the research would take time to acquire. In addition to monetary issues, there could be insinuations concerning quotas or even affirmation action for allowing a preference to one race or gender for the sake of diversity. Restructuring and developing cost reductive techniques and applying certain guidelines for diversity on campus so that the idea of a quota or misuse of affirmative action would be abolished would generally eliminate these objections. In my case, I would be elated to be able to explore other backgrounds and broaden my general conception of cultures different from my own. In this society, we as a nation are continually becoming more diverse and variegated in our practices that it would be necessary to expand our knowledge and appreciate other cultures. On another note, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville is one of the largest universities in the South and for it to be, as large as it is one would expect more diversity. Chancellor Snyder states in his mission statement, "Diversity has become a necessity for the reason we are encompassing a multiracial and multicultural community that relics on the potential of each person to meet society's expectations. And society's expectations are culturally diverse and we need to value other's background for we will be working with different backgrounds throughout our Get more content on
  • 8. Cultural Diversity Essay In recent decades, diversity have played an important role in society than what it did before. Cultural diversity, defined as differences that exist between peoples, such as languages, style, age, race, ethnicity, and traditions are representative within societies. Societies are various of groups or communities associated together for different purposes. I assert that being on diverse college campuses, where is mixed with different races and backgrounds of people will educate you and allow you to meet people you may not have met. Also, I believe that a diverse college campus can impact certain areas of society. Whether areas around the campus or in our future workplace. In that it makes us become more competitive on the world stage, by more ideas brought to the discussion, variety of perspective are pooled, innovation and creativity emerge. Moreover, since societies now are more diverse, people are more likely to pay more attention to impacts of diversity. Diversity is a wide component, which effects on the society such as educations, employment, and economy.Culture, the most frequently seen topic in diversity can also be found in colleges and universities. Especially colleges and universities in the US, we can see people from all around the world. Whether Chinese, Indonesian, or Japanese, people with different nationalities brought diversity into the society. Therefore, various groups of people were built up, culture around have been more and more diverse. Cultural Get more content on
  • 9. Cultural Diversity Essay To work with culturally diverse people we should be aware of their culture, norms and traditions and accordingly reflect in it. We should also maintain the communication strategies and respect strategies so that we can avoid conflict and communication barriers at the workplace. We should be well– informed of all their cultures restrictions as well to avoid any misunderstanding. We should always treat them equally and adore their uniqueness. 2.What types of diversity may you encounter in your role? Ans: I may encounter both cultural and ethnicity diversity.For example I am Nepalese and I follow Nepalese culture. Now I am in Australia and I can encounter lots of cultural and work differences. 3.How can your attitudes impact diverse groups of people? Ans : My attitudes can hugely impact the diverse groups of people. For instance if I looked down at their cultural norms and values, this will result in racial conflict. Thus if I perform any activities that is against the diverse group then a huge clash will be the consequences. Thus my attitudes can hugely impact both me and the diverse group. So it is important for me to act cautiously towards them so that they don't become offended. 4.How may cultural diversity impact different areas of work? Ans: Cultural diversity impact different areas of work by : Impact of culture in tourism : the impact of culture on tourism examines the growing relationship between tourism and culture, and the way in which they have together Get more content on
  • 10. Cultural Diversity Essay Cultural Diversity Children should be exposed to all segments of society. Youngsters learning with children of different races, nationalities, and religions tend to be more tolerant and accepting of individual differences. They learn customs, beliefs and rituals of classmates that maybe quite different from what they have been taught. Youngsters learning in an environment ofdiversity are well prepared to deal more effectively in society after they complete their education. A mutual respect and understanding of other cultures removes barriers and stereotypes. Individual differences need to be threatening. In fact, knowledge of other cultures helps a person realize and appreciate the similarities more than the differences. It is more content... Parents could choose a private school or public one; and in either case the voucher money would go to the school. The voucher system blurs the distinction between public and private schools. The downside is that the voucher system might produce a lowering of the standards of the public school system and money would be drained as well. It also might produce a racial or ethnic balkanization of society."( /hawaiiansovereighty/publicprivatespecialbasic. html). A voucher system would be a mute point if the public and private sectors were comparable. Equality for all socio–economic classes An educational system should allow every student to reach his or her potential. The concept of equality is clearly stated in the Encyclopedia Britannica, "The constitution guarantees...freedom of opinion, expression, press, publication, assembly and association... any political party based on race, religion, region, or language is forbidden."(Encyclopedia Britannica). It would appear that an educational system that ignores this guarantee violates the spirit as well as the letter of the law. In fact, the delivery of education varies dramatically based on the socio–economic level of a community. More affluent areas have the tax base and the resources to provide the best education possible. Top salaries attract the best and the brightest teachers. In this environment, specific Get more content on
  • 11. Cultural Diversity Essay In a utopian society everyone is equal, and one culture is not more dominate than another culture. Also, social and cultural diversity would not exist. Since a utopian society does not exist members of society must strive for inclusion and understanding for cultures that are different from theirs. People exposed to diverse cultures learn to understand the different viewpoints of others. A person'sculture shapes his or her identity and influences his or her behavior and interactions with the world. Also, people tend to use their culture to judge other cultures. When utilized inappropriately, one can discriminate against another race or ethnic group. People tend to fear the unknown or fear other cultures that they do not understand (Okeke–Adeyanju et al., 2014; Sue & Sue, 2016). Cultural diversity is a common term utilized today to describe the practices of diverse cultures, as well as, creates awareness to a melting pot society. This awareness shed light to the inequality and social and cultural issues that are faced by individuals from culturally diverse populations. This paper will describe my personal biases and how my experiences with discrimination affect my relationships with people of different racial and cultural backgrounds. It will include my understanding of the concepts regarding racism and discrimination, as well as, provide information regarding multicultural counseling as stated in the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the National Association of Get more content on
  • 12. Cultural Diversity Essay 1.Cultural diversity: Throughout this semester, I have gained a better understanding about cultural diversity in classroom and why teachers should promote their cultural competence. Before I took the class, I was not aware of the issues of diversity play an important role on effecting the classroom. Students come to schools with different backgrounds, race, class, and cultural contexts, which lead to different learning styles. How a teacher incorporates teaching strategies for addressing differences is the key to students' success, especially when facing minority groups. Ogbu mentioned that what is even more significant is the nature of the relationship between minority cultures/ languages and the culture and language of the dominant white Americans and the public schools they control (Ogbu, 1992.) This is why I need to foster cultural awareness by learning different types of cultural characteristic of minorities. I also conclude that effective teaching is also about teachers who embraces students' cultural backgrounds. From the class, I also enjoy writing personal narrative history and family tree. It helps me to gain a new insight of what a multicultural perspective is about, that is, to affirm differences rather than deny them. 2.Equality and social justice: One of my favorite quote from the reading material is "Treating everyone is the same way will not necessarily lead to equality; rather, it may end up perpetuating the inequality that already exists"(Nieto & Bode, Get more content on