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Paediatr Croat 2007; 51 (Supl 1): 93-98                                                                                               Pregled


                                               IVICA KOSTOVIĆ1, ZDRAVKO PETANJEK1, 2

     This paper reveals data on developmental reorganization of the human cortex. Three criteria were used to determine reorga-
nization: (1) presence of transient cellular zones: ventricular (VZ), subventricular (SVZ), intermediate (IZ) zone, subplate (SP),
cortical plate (CP) and marginal zone (MZ); (2) intensity of specific neurodevelopmental cellular events: proliferation, migration,
differentiation, growth of axon and synaptogenesis; (3) pattern of functional organization: (a) endogenous, transient circuitry and
(b) permanent, sensory driven circuitry. First half of gestation is characterized by proliferation and migration. During the second
half of gestation major axonal pathways grow through the intermediate zone and "wait" in the subplate. Initial synaptogenesis
begins during third month of gestation and is related to the endogenous, spontaneous circuitry. In early preterm thalamocortical
fibers relocate from the subplate (after 24th postconceptional weeks) and first evoked potentials may be recorded. The fundamental
pattern is coexistence of endogenous and permanent, sensory driven circuitry. In neonatal brain synaptogenesis is main neuroge-
netic event and there is gradual disappearance of transient endogenous circuitry and transient cellular zones. The review support
ideas of developmental "windows", selective vulnerability of specific transient cellular zones (subplate) and increased vulnerability
of the human fetal and neonatal brain.

     Acknowledgements: This work was          ● presence of transient circuitry and          ● Functional patterns in developing
supported by grants 108-1081870-1876            transient functions (1).                       brain might be (a) endogenous (spon-
(I.K.) and 108-1081870-1932 (Z.P.) from                                                        taneous), transient circuitry, mostly
the Croatian Ministry of Science, Educa-           In this review we will discuss reor-        characterized with oscillatory prop-
tion & Sport.                                 ganization of developing brain based on          erties and (b) sensory driven, perma-
                                              these three basic patterns of organiza-          nent circuitry (2, 3).
                 Introduction                 tion. Our focus will be on fetal, early pre-
                                              term, late preterm and neonatal period.        Transient patterns and their reorganization during
     Fetal cortex differs from the neona-
                                              In order to describe each of this periods      prenatal and perinatal developmental "windows"
tal in three different aspects of organiza-
                                              of development it is necessarily to define
                                              transient zones, neurogenetic events and
                                                                                                              Fetal period
● presence of transient cell zones in         types of transient functional patterns.
  which cellular events takes place;                                                              Fetal period is dominated by two
                                              ● Transient zones (Figure 1) in which
                                                                                             neurodevelopment events, proliferation
● intensity of specific neurodevelop-            neurodevelopmental events take
                                                                                             and migration (4, 5). It is also a period
  mental cellular events;                       places are ventricular zone (VZ),
                                                                                             when synaptogenesis begins and axonal
                                                subventricular zone (SVZ), interme-
                                                                                             pathways (projections) establish. Prolif-
  Department of Neuroscience                    diate zone (IZ), subplate (SP), cor-
Croatian Institute for Brain Research                                                        eration: Neurons are generated in ven-
                                                tical plate (CP) and marginal zone
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb                                                     tricular and subventricular zone from
  Department of Anatomy                                                                      the neuronal stem cells by asymmetric
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb                                                     and symmetric divisions. The period of
                                              ● The neurodevelopmental cellular
Address:                                        events which will be considered in           proliferation of neurons is between 4th
Zdravko Petanjek, MD, PhD, Professor of         this review are proliferation, migra-        and 28th postconceptional week (Rakic
Anatomy & Neuroscience                                                                       2006, Cerebral Cortex). According to re-
Department of Neuroscience
                                                tion and differentiation of neurons,
Croatian Institute for Brain Research           axonal growth and synaptogenesis.            cent evidence radial glia cells also serve
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb        Myelinization and cell death will be         as neural stem cell and might produce
10000 Zagreb, Šalata 12, Croatia                not discussed in this review.                pyramidal neurons (Rakic 2006). The
E-mail:                                                                     GABA-ergic (inhibitory interneurons) in

I. Kostović et al. Developmental reorganization... Paediatr Croat 2007; 51 (Supl 1): 93-98

                                                            Migration: Newly generated neu-               Pattern of functional organization:
                                                       rons migrate along radial glia cells          In the fetal cortex there is no sensory
                                                       through intermediate zone and form em-        driven activity. However, synapse seems
                                                       bryonic column (4). The disturbances of       to be very active (3). This type of oscilla-
                                                       proliferation and migration might result      tory activity was described as spontane-
                                                       in so called migratory disorders, which       ous activity (2, 3, 5, 17). Early thalamic
                                                       are frequently associated with epilepsy       input to subplate might participate in this
                                                       and mental retardation. Transient lami-       circuitry, as a transient input. Subplate
                                                       nar pattern: After 13 postconceptional        neurons have also efferent projection to
                                                       week a new lamina develops below cor-         thalamus and subcortical centers and
                                                       tical plate and became very soon thickest     this presumably glutamatergic output
                                                       lamina of the telencephalon. This lamina      might contribute to generation of fetal
                                                       is subplate zone which can be seen on         general movements (18). In conclusion,
                                                       both Nissl preparations and magnetic          early fetal circuitry is transient and it is
                                                       resonance images in vivo and in vitro (6,     related to transient pattern of structural
                                                       7). Prominent subplate zone is the main       organization. This concept is accepted
                                                       characteristic of fetal pattern of laminar    by most modern neurophysiologist and it
                                                       organization. It is easy to distinguish the   is in contrast with some classical opin-
                                                       following layers (from ventricle to pia):     ions about reflex type generation of fetal
                                                       VZ, SVZ, IZ, SP, CP and MZ (Figure 1).        motility.
                                                       The subplate zone is site of early syn-
                                                       aptogenesis, endogenous neural activity                 Early preterm period
                                                       and neuronal differentiation.
 Figure 1                                                                                                 During early preterm period several
 Transient laminar organization of the                      Growth of axonal pathways: The           reorganizational events take place. This
 telencephalic wall:
 Cresyl violet (Nissl) staining of the                 earliest pathways which arrive in fe-         period is characterized by development
 telencephalic wall in the human fetus during          tal cortex are monoaminergic afferents        of primary gyri and sulci (19-21). Tran-
 midgestation; transient zones in which                from brain stem tegmentum and cholin-         sient laminar organization: For the first
 neurodevelopmental events take place are              ergic afferents from the basal nucleus        time there is initial lamination in corti-
 ventricular zone (VZ), subventricular zone
 (SVZ), intermediate zone (IZ), subplate (SP),         of Maynert (8-10). Next afferents in se-      cal plate, which coexists with extremely
 cortical plate (CP) and marginal zone (MZ)            quentional growth are massive pathways        prominent subplate zone. This is a spe-
 Slika 1.                                              originating in thalamus. Thalamic fibers       cial feature of preterm cortex and mix-
 Prolazna laminarna organizacija stjenke               originate not only from sensory tha-          ture of fetal and permanent patterns (2,
 telencefalona:                                        lamic nuclei, but also from associative       14). Neurogenetic events: Intensity of
 Krezil violet (Nisslovo) bojanje stjenke                                                            proliferation and migration during pre-
                                                       thalamic nuclei (2, 5, 11-13). This most
 telencefalona u fetusa čovjeka tijekom srednje
 trećine trudnoće: prolazni stanični slojevi koji      massive input grows throughout subplate       term period decreased significantly. Ven-
 su mjesto specifičnih neurorazvojnih događaja          zone during prolonged period of axonal        tricular zone become thinner and neural
 su: ventrikularni (VZ), subventrikularni              pathfinding (14). At the end of fetal pe-      stem cells gradually stop producing neu-
 (SVZ), intermedijarni (IZ) sloj (zona), sloj                                                        rons and continue to produce glia cell
                                                       riod that is between 21-23 postconcep-
 ispod ploče (subplate-SP), kortikalna ploča
 (CP) i marginalni sloj (zona) (MZ)                    tional weeks, thalamocortical afferents       lines (proolygodendrocites, astrocytes).
                                                       accumulate in the superficial part of the      Migration decreases in intensity and late
                                                       subplate zone (5, 13). These fibers are de-    born neurons only might be found to mi-
humans originate in the pallial (cortical)
                                                       scribed as "waiting" fibers.                   grate through intermediate zone.
ventricular zone, while in rodent brain
main source of GABA-ergic neurons is                       Synaptogenesis: Early synapses de-             Axonal growth: The crucial event in
in another germinal structure called gan-              velop above and below cortical plate.         axonal growth is relocation of thalamic
glionic eminence. Several distinct fea-                Below cortical plate is plexiform pre-        afferents from subplate zone and their
tures distinguish human brain from other               subplate layer and above cortical plate is    ingrowth into cortical plate. That event
species, especially rodents (4). This is on            marginal zone. This early fetal pattern of    occurs almost simultaneously in primary
the first place increased number of mitot-              synaptic distribution might be described      and associative cortex (11-13). Parallel to
ic cycles (35 in human compared to 11 in               as period of two synaptic strata (15, 16).    the thalamo-cortical ingrowth there is
the rodents). Second, there is local gen-              The early postsynaptic elements are pre-      rapid areal differentiation (14, 22). Syn-
eration of the GABA-ergic interneurons                 plate and marginal zone neurons, as well      aptogenesis: In the early preterm infant
(as stated above). Third, ganglionic emi-              as branches of cortical plate neurons         synapses are formed, for the first time,
nence which is the basal enlargement of                which are distributed in marginal zone        within deep part of the cortical plate (15,
the basal telencephalic ventricular zone               and preplate (15).                            16). This intracortical synaptogenesis is
generates also neurons for thalamus (4).                                                             related to development of thalamo-corti-
                                                                                                     cal circuitry (12-14).

I. Kostović et al. Developmental reorganization... Paediatr Croat 2007; 51 (Supl 1): 93-98

     Functional pattern of organization:      still waiting in subplate, and majority             as it was show by Burkhalter et al. (42).
Development of thalamocortical connec-        of "permanent" axons are already in the             Functional pattern: The main character-
tivity explains early evoked potential in     cortical plate.                                     istic of neonatal period is establishment
preterm infant (23-27). The early devel-                                                          of sensory driven activity. This is par-
opment of evoked potential in preterm              Synaptogenesis and neuronal differ-            ticularly important for development of
infant together with transient circuitry in   entiation: Synaptogenesis is proceeding             columnar organization in sensory corti-
subplate shows that there are interactions    very fast in superficial part of cortical            ces (3). Also, there is synchronization in
between endogenous circuitry of the sub-      plate paralleled with accelerated devel-            EEG and sleep pattern, transient general
plate zone, and thalamic sensory driven       opment of dendrites pyramidal neurons               movements still persist in the neonatal
circuitry (2, 3). Same thalamic terminals     (35, 36). Functional pattern: Due to the            period indicating immaturity of cortical
might activate cell in the cortical plate     fast synaptogenesis in superficial cortex,           and subcortical circuitry (18).
and form synapses in subplate. This co-       cortical electrical dipole changes and
existence with transient endogens and         surface negative response dominates in
                                              electrical recordings. There is gradual                                Discussion
permanent driven circuitry might exist
in the human preterm for a prolonged          disappearance of giant potentials and
                                                                                                       In this review we have presented
time (2). This combined circuitry seems       synchronization of EEG (23, 37).
                                                                                                  evidence that fetal and preterm cortex
to be essential feature of the preterm in-                                                        shows transient pattern of organiza-
fant and underlie transient electrophysi-                 Neonatal period                         tion and permanent developmental re-
ological and behavioral phenomena (23,                                                            organization. These phenomena were
28-30). Establishment of thalamo-corti-            During neonatal period fetal and               also observed using different structural
cal connection with somatosensory cor-        preterm patterns are reorganized dra-               approaches and physiological record-
tex attracted recently a great attention      matically. This reorganization from tran-           ings (1, 4). Neurodevelopmental cellu-
among anesthesiologists, due to the fact      sitional patterns to final organization is           lar event occur with different intensity
that this pathway may represent anatom-       crucial for understanding physiological             throughout development. The periods of
ical substrate for pain input to cortex in    and behavioral phenomena in neonatal                increased cellular activity might also be
early preterm infants (7, 14, 16, 31, 32).    period. Laminar organization: Neocor-               described as developmental "windows".
The final prove that pain stimuli can          tex develops into typical six layered pat-          Throughout each developmental window
reach human cortex in early preterm in-       tern. However, layer IV (granular layer)            transient zones display characteristic
fants comes from study of M. Fitcgerald       is still present in motor cortex (in adult          structural and chemical properties. In
showing changes in cortical blood flow         motor cortex is agranular) (14). Second,            our review we have emphasized out that
detected by infrared monitoring after         subplate zone is not different cytoarchi-           transient zones are essential spatial pa-
pain peripheral stimuli (33).                 tectonic layer due to the full development          rameters for cellular events (4, 6). Using
                                              of white matter in cortical gyri. Howev-            imaging techniques it is possible to visu-
                                              er, subplate neurons remain as the inter-           alize all transient cellular zones (7). Ex-
              Late preterm                    face between layer VI and white matter.             ception is marginal zone which is visible
     Transient laminar pattern: In the        In the associative cortex neurons of the            in the hippocampal cortex only, while in
late preterm transient laminar pattern        subplate might exist as a distinct popula-          neocortical areas is beyond resolution of
gradually disappear and six layer Brod-       tion as long as 6 months (38). Some of              1.5 T imaging.
mann grundtypus appeared (1, 14). De-         the cells die by naturally occurring cell
velopmental events: There is no produc-       death (4, 15).                                           The demonstration of transient cel-
tion of neurons, except in hippocampal                                                            lular zones is important for in-vivo as-
                                                   Neurogenetic events: Two neuro-                sessment of structural and functional
cellular formation and olfactory region.      genetic events dominate early postna-
All neurons are in final position and mi-                                                          development and reorganization of the
                                              tal development. First this is explosive            human fetal and preterm brain (5). In ad-
gratory processes stopped. Radial glial       development of synapses and second
cells which were main guides for radial                                                           dition, magnetic resonance imaging of
                                              is the extensive production of postsyn-             transient patterns of organization is im-
migratory neurons undergone transfor-         aptic spines (39, 40). Axons: The major
mation in atrocities (4). Axonal growth:                                                          portant for contemporary diagnostic pro-
                                              reorganization during neonatal period               cedures (20, 21, 43-45). We believe that
Callosal fibers show overgrowth phe-           is related to exuberant callosal axons.
nomena (exuberance) and the number of                                                             abnormalities of transient cellular zones
                                              The newborn monkey shows three times                might be objectively analyzed in differ-
axons in corpus callosum is higher then       grater number of axons than adult mon-
in adult brain. The overgrowth of corpus                                                          ent genetic and epigenetic pathologies.
                                              key (34). The same phenomena have                   The knowledge about reorganization of
callosum was proven by counting axons         been described in the human brain (41).
on the midsagital sections (34). Within                                                           developing cortex is of great significance
                                              However, the exact time of axon reduc-              of our understanding of structural plas-
the hemisphere there are three major          tion in man is not known, but is expected
patterns of callosal distribution. Some                                                           ticity and vulnerability of the human
                                              to occur during early postnatal time (41).          brain. For example, thalamocortical af-
axons are distributed within the white        During neonatal period there is continua-
matter around ventricles, other axons are                                                         ferents are in "waiting" position in the
                                              tion of short corticocortical fiber growth

I. Kostović et al. Developmental reorganization... Paediatr Croat 2007; 51 (Supl 1): 93-98

                                                       poxia-ischemia (44, 49). It was proposed      growing axons and subplate zone, pos-
                                                       that subplate neural elements might be        sibilities of neuroprotection and their vi-
                                                       partially involved in diffuse periven-        sualization with modern magnetic reso-
                                                       tricular "lesion", so called DEHSI (5, 44,    nance imaging techniques, is the most
                                                       48, 50). It was found using diffusion ten-    challenging task in modern developmen-
                                                       sor imaging that DEHSI is the most fre-       tal neurology. The role of transient neu-
                                                       quent finding in preterm infants (51-53).      ronal circuitry and plasticity opens new
                                                       Searching for structural correlates and       visitas for the treatment of the children
                                                       pathogenesis of this important MR find-        with perinatal brain injury.
                                                       ing remains the most challenging task in
                                                       the contemporary perinatal medicine.                           LITERATURE

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                                                 RAZVOJNA REORGANIZACIJA KORE MOZGA ČOVJEKA

                                                                     I. Kostović, Z. Petanjek

     U ovom preglednom članku osvrnuli smo se na razvojnu reorganizaciju ljudskog mozga. Tri kriterija korištena su u svrhu
određivanja reorganizacije: (1) prisutnost prolaznih staničnih slojeva: ventrikularni (VZ), subventrikularni (SVZ), intermedijarni
(IZ) sloj (zona), sloj ispod ploče (subplate-SP), kortikalna ploča (CP) i marginalni sloj (zona) (MZ); (2) intenzitet specifičnih neu-
rorazvojnih staničnih događaja: proliferacija, migracija, diferencijacija, izrastanje aksona i sinaptogeneza; (3) obrazac unutarnje
funkcionalne organizacije: (a) prolazni, endogeni neuralni krugovi, te (b) trajni, osjetno stimulirani neuralni krugovi. Prva polovi-
ca trudnoće obilježena je proliferacijom i migracijom. Tijekom druge polovice trudnoće glavni aksonski putovi urastaju kroz inter-
medijarni sloj i "čekaju" u sloju pod pločom. Prve sinapse vidljive su tijekom trećeg mjeseca trudnoće i povezane su s unutarnjim,
spontanim neuralnim krugovima. U ranog prematurusa (nakon 24. postkoncepcijskog tjedna) talamokortikalna vlakna premještaju
se iz sloja pod pločom i urastaju u kortikalnu ploču, te se mogu po prvi puta zapaziti evocirani potencijali. Osnovno obilježje je
istodobna prisutnost unutarnjih i trajnih, osjetno stimuliranih neuralnih krugova. U mozgu novorođenčeta sinaptogeneza je glavno
neurorazvojno događanje, a također dolazi i do postupnog nestanka prolaznih unutarnjih neuralnih krugova i prolaznih staničnih
slojeva. Ovaj pregledni rad podupire hipotezu o razvojnim "prozorima", selektivnoj vulnerabilnosti i specifičnim, prolaznim fetal-
nim slojevima (subplate), te povećanoj vulnerabilnosti mozga fetusa i novorođenčeta čovjeka.


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Developmental reorganization of the human cerebral cortex

  • 1. Paediatr Croat 2007; 51 (Supl 1): 93-98 Pregled Review DEVELOPMENTAL REORGANIZATION OF THE HUMAN CEREBRAL CORTEX IVICA KOSTOVIĆ1, ZDRAVKO PETANJEK1, 2 This paper reveals data on developmental reorganization of the human cortex. Three criteria were used to determine reorga- nization: (1) presence of transient cellular zones: ventricular (VZ), subventricular (SVZ), intermediate (IZ) zone, subplate (SP), cortical plate (CP) and marginal zone (MZ); (2) intensity of specific neurodevelopmental cellular events: proliferation, migration, differentiation, growth of axon and synaptogenesis; (3) pattern of functional organization: (a) endogenous, transient circuitry and (b) permanent, sensory driven circuitry. First half of gestation is characterized by proliferation and migration. During the second half of gestation major axonal pathways grow through the intermediate zone and "wait" in the subplate. Initial synaptogenesis begins during third month of gestation and is related to the endogenous, spontaneous circuitry. In early preterm thalamocortical fibers relocate from the subplate (after 24th postconceptional weeks) and first evoked potentials may be recorded. The fundamental pattern is coexistence of endogenous and permanent, sensory driven circuitry. In neonatal brain synaptogenesis is main neuroge- netic event and there is gradual disappearance of transient endogenous circuitry and transient cellular zones. The review support ideas of developmental "windows", selective vulnerability of specific transient cellular zones (subplate) and increased vulnerability of the human fetal and neonatal brain. Descriptors: PREMATURUS, KORTIKALNE VEZE, TALAMOKORTIKALNA VLAKNA, SINAPTOGENEZA, HISTOGENEZA Acknowledgements: This work was ● presence of transient circuitry and ● Functional patterns in developing supported by grants 108-1081870-1876 transient functions (1). brain might be (a) endogenous (spon- (I.K.) and 108-1081870-1932 (Z.P.) from taneous), transient circuitry, mostly the Croatian Ministry of Science, Educa- In this review we will discuss reor- characterized with oscillatory prop- tion & Sport. ganization of developing brain based on erties and (b) sensory driven, perma- these three basic patterns of organiza- nent circuitry (2, 3). Introduction tion. Our focus will be on fetal, early pre- term, late preterm and neonatal period. Transient patterns and their reorganization during Fetal cortex differs from the neona- In order to describe each of this periods prenatal and perinatal developmental "windows" tal in three different aspects of organiza- of development it is necessarily to define tion: transient zones, neurogenetic events and Fetal period ● presence of transient cell zones in types of transient functional patterns. which cellular events takes place; Fetal period is dominated by two ● Transient zones (Figure 1) in which neurodevelopment events, proliferation ● intensity of specific neurodevelop- neurodevelopmental events take and migration (4, 5). It is also a period mental cellular events; places are ventricular zone (VZ), when synaptogenesis begins and axonal subventricular zone (SVZ), interme- pathways (projections) establish. Prolif- 1 Department of Neuroscience diate zone (IZ), subplate (SP), cor- Croatian Institute for Brain Research eration: Neurons are generated in ven- tical plate (CP) and marginal zone School of Medicine, University of Zagreb tricular and subventricular zone from (MZ). 2 Department of Anatomy the neuronal stem cells by asymmetric School of Medicine, University of Zagreb and symmetric divisions. The period of ● The neurodevelopmental cellular Address: events which will be considered in proliferation of neurons is between 4th Zdravko Petanjek, MD, PhD, Professor of this review are proliferation, migra- and 28th postconceptional week (Rakic Anatomy & Neuroscience 2006, Cerebral Cortex). According to re- Department of Neuroscience tion and differentiation of neurons, Croatian Institute for Brain Research axonal growth and synaptogenesis. cent evidence radial glia cells also serve School of Medicine, University of Zagreb Myelinization and cell death will be as neural stem cell and might produce 10000 Zagreb, Šalata 12, Croatia not discussed in this review. pyramidal neurons (Rakic 2006). The E-mail: GABA-ergic (inhibitory interneurons) in 93
  • 2. I. Kostović et al. Developmental reorganization... Paediatr Croat 2007; 51 (Supl 1): 93-98 Migration: Newly generated neu- Pattern of functional organization: rons migrate along radial glia cells In the fetal cortex there is no sensory through intermediate zone and form em- driven activity. However, synapse seems bryonic column (4). The disturbances of to be very active (3). This type of oscilla- proliferation and migration might result tory activity was described as spontane- in so called migratory disorders, which ous activity (2, 3, 5, 17). Early thalamic are frequently associated with epilepsy input to subplate might participate in this and mental retardation. Transient lami- circuitry, as a transient input. Subplate nar pattern: After 13 postconceptional neurons have also efferent projection to week a new lamina develops below cor- thalamus and subcortical centers and tical plate and became very soon thickest this presumably glutamatergic output lamina of the telencephalon. This lamina might contribute to generation of fetal is subplate zone which can be seen on general movements (18). In conclusion, both Nissl preparations and magnetic early fetal circuitry is transient and it is resonance images in vivo and in vitro (6, related to transient pattern of structural 7). Prominent subplate zone is the main organization. This concept is accepted characteristic of fetal pattern of laminar by most modern neurophysiologist and it organization. It is easy to distinguish the is in contrast with some classical opin- following layers (from ventricle to pia): ions about reflex type generation of fetal VZ, SVZ, IZ, SP, CP and MZ (Figure 1). motility. The subplate zone is site of early syn- aptogenesis, endogenous neural activity Early preterm period and neuronal differentiation. Figure 1 During early preterm period several Transient laminar organization of the Growth of axonal pathways: The reorganizational events take place. This telencephalic wall: Cresyl violet (Nissl) staining of the earliest pathways which arrive in fe- period is characterized by development telencephalic wall in the human fetus during tal cortex are monoaminergic afferents of primary gyri and sulci (19-21). Tran- midgestation; transient zones in which from brain stem tegmentum and cholin- sient laminar organization: For the first neurodevelopmental events take place are ergic afferents from the basal nucleus time there is initial lamination in corti- ventricular zone (VZ), subventricular zone (SVZ), intermediate zone (IZ), subplate (SP), of Maynert (8-10). Next afferents in se- cal plate, which coexists with extremely cortical plate (CP) and marginal zone (MZ) quentional growth are massive pathways prominent subplate zone. This is a spe- Slika 1. originating in thalamus. Thalamic fibers cial feature of preterm cortex and mix- Prolazna laminarna organizacija stjenke originate not only from sensory tha- ture of fetal and permanent patterns (2, telencefalona: lamic nuclei, but also from associative 14). Neurogenetic events: Intensity of Krezil violet (Nisslovo) bojanje stjenke proliferation and migration during pre- thalamic nuclei (2, 5, 11-13). This most telencefalona u fetusa čovjeka tijekom srednje trećine trudnoće: prolazni stanični slojevi koji massive input grows throughout subplate term period decreased significantly. Ven- su mjesto specifičnih neurorazvojnih događaja zone during prolonged period of axonal tricular zone become thinner and neural su: ventrikularni (VZ), subventrikularni pathfinding (14). At the end of fetal pe- stem cells gradually stop producing neu- (SVZ), intermedijarni (IZ) sloj (zona), sloj rons and continue to produce glia cell riod that is between 21-23 postconcep- ispod ploče (subplate-SP), kortikalna ploča (CP) i marginalni sloj (zona) (MZ) tional weeks, thalamocortical afferents lines (proolygodendrocites, astrocytes). accumulate in the superficial part of the Migration decreases in intensity and late subplate zone (5, 13). These fibers are de- born neurons only might be found to mi- humans originate in the pallial (cortical) scribed as "waiting" fibers. grate through intermediate zone. ventricular zone, while in rodent brain main source of GABA-ergic neurons is Synaptogenesis: Early synapses de- Axonal growth: The crucial event in in another germinal structure called gan- velop above and below cortical plate. axonal growth is relocation of thalamic glionic eminence. Several distinct fea- Below cortical plate is plexiform pre- afferents from subplate zone and their tures distinguish human brain from other subplate layer and above cortical plate is ingrowth into cortical plate. That event species, especially rodents (4). This is on marginal zone. This early fetal pattern of occurs almost simultaneously in primary the first place increased number of mitot- synaptic distribution might be described and associative cortex (11-13). Parallel to ic cycles (35 in human compared to 11 in as period of two synaptic strata (15, 16). the thalamo-cortical ingrowth there is the rodents). Second, there is local gen- The early postsynaptic elements are pre- rapid areal differentiation (14, 22). Syn- eration of the GABA-ergic interneurons plate and marginal zone neurons, as well aptogenesis: In the early preterm infant (as stated above). Third, ganglionic emi- as branches of cortical plate neurons synapses are formed, for the first time, nence which is the basal enlargement of which are distributed in marginal zone within deep part of the cortical plate (15, the basal telencephalic ventricular zone and preplate (15). 16). This intracortical synaptogenesis is generates also neurons for thalamus (4). related to development of thalamo-corti- cal circuitry (12-14). 94
  • 3. I. Kostović et al. Developmental reorganization... Paediatr Croat 2007; 51 (Supl 1): 93-98 Functional pattern of organization: still waiting in subplate, and majority as it was show by Burkhalter et al. (42). Development of thalamocortical connec- of "permanent" axons are already in the Functional pattern: The main character- tivity explains early evoked potential in cortical plate. istic of neonatal period is establishment preterm infant (23-27). The early devel- of sensory driven activity. This is par- opment of evoked potential in preterm Synaptogenesis and neuronal differ- ticularly important for development of infant together with transient circuitry in entiation: Synaptogenesis is proceeding columnar organization in sensory corti- subplate shows that there are interactions very fast in superficial part of cortical ces (3). Also, there is synchronization in between endogenous circuitry of the sub- plate paralleled with accelerated devel- EEG and sleep pattern, transient general plate zone, and thalamic sensory driven opment of dendrites pyramidal neurons movements still persist in the neonatal circuitry (2, 3). Same thalamic terminals (35, 36). Functional pattern: Due to the period indicating immaturity of cortical might activate cell in the cortical plate fast synaptogenesis in superficial cortex, and subcortical circuitry (18). and form synapses in subplate. This co- cortical electrical dipole changes and existence with transient endogens and surface negative response dominates in electrical recordings. There is gradual Discussion permanent driven circuitry might exist in the human preterm for a prolonged disappearance of giant potentials and In this review we have presented time (2). This combined circuitry seems synchronization of EEG (23, 37). evidence that fetal and preterm cortex to be essential feature of the preterm in- shows transient pattern of organiza- fant and underlie transient electrophysi- Neonatal period tion and permanent developmental re- ological and behavioral phenomena (23, organization. These phenomena were 28-30). Establishment of thalamo-corti- During neonatal period fetal and also observed using different structural cal connection with somatosensory cor- preterm patterns are reorganized dra- approaches and physiological record- tex attracted recently a great attention matically. This reorganization from tran- ings (1, 4). Neurodevelopmental cellu- among anesthesiologists, due to the fact sitional patterns to final organization is lar event occur with different intensity that this pathway may represent anatom- crucial for understanding physiological throughout development. The periods of ical substrate for pain input to cortex in and behavioral phenomena in neonatal increased cellular activity might also be early preterm infants (7, 14, 16, 31, 32). period. Laminar organization: Neocor- described as developmental "windows". The final prove that pain stimuli can tex develops into typical six layered pat- Throughout each developmental window reach human cortex in early preterm in- tern. However, layer IV (granular layer) transient zones display characteristic fants comes from study of M. Fitcgerald is still present in motor cortex (in adult structural and chemical properties. In showing changes in cortical blood flow motor cortex is agranular) (14). Second, our review we have emphasized out that detected by infrared monitoring after subplate zone is not different cytoarchi- transient zones are essential spatial pa- pain peripheral stimuli (33). tectonic layer due to the full development rameters for cellular events (4, 6). Using of white matter in cortical gyri. Howev- imaging techniques it is possible to visu- er, subplate neurons remain as the inter- alize all transient cellular zones (7). Ex- Late preterm face between layer VI and white matter. ception is marginal zone which is visible Transient laminar pattern: In the In the associative cortex neurons of the in the hippocampal cortex only, while in late preterm transient laminar pattern subplate might exist as a distinct popula- neocortical areas is beyond resolution of gradually disappear and six layer Brod- tion as long as 6 months (38). Some of 1.5 T imaging. mann grundtypus appeared (1, 14). De- the cells die by naturally occurring cell velopmental events: There is no produc- death (4, 15). The demonstration of transient cel- tion of neurons, except in hippocampal lular zones is important for in-vivo as- Neurogenetic events: Two neuro- sessment of structural and functional cellular formation and olfactory region. genetic events dominate early postna- All neurons are in final position and mi- development and reorganization of the tal development. First this is explosive human fetal and preterm brain (5). In ad- gratory processes stopped. Radial glial development of synapses and second cells which were main guides for radial dition, magnetic resonance imaging of is the extensive production of postsyn- transient patterns of organization is im- migratory neurons undergone transfor- aptic spines (39, 40). Axons: The major mation in atrocities (4). Axonal growth: portant for contemporary diagnostic pro- reorganization during neonatal period cedures (20, 21, 43-45). We believe that Callosal fibers show overgrowth phe- is related to exuberant callosal axons. nomena (exuberance) and the number of abnormalities of transient cellular zones The newborn monkey shows three times might be objectively analyzed in differ- axons in corpus callosum is higher then grater number of axons than adult mon- in adult brain. The overgrowth of corpus ent genetic and epigenetic pathologies. key (34). The same phenomena have The knowledge about reorganization of callosum was proven by counting axons been described in the human brain (41). on the midsagital sections (34). Within developing cortex is of great significance However, the exact time of axon reduc- of our understanding of structural plas- the hemisphere there are three major tion in man is not known, but is expected patterns of callosal distribution. Some ticity and vulnerability of the human to occur during early postnatal time (41). brain. For example, thalamocortical af- axons are distributed within the white During neonatal period there is continua- matter around ventricles, other axons are ferents are in "waiting" position in the tion of short corticocortical fiber growth 95
  • 4. I. Kostović et al. Developmental reorganization... Paediatr Croat 2007; 51 (Supl 1): 93-98 poxia-ischemia (44, 49). It was proposed growing axons and subplate zone, pos- that subplate neural elements might be sibilities of neuroprotection and their vi- partially involved in diffuse periven- sualization with modern magnetic reso- tricular "lesion", so called DEHSI (5, 44, nance imaging techniques, is the most 48, 50). It was found using diffusion ten- challenging task in modern developmen- sor imaging that DEHSI is the most fre- tal neurology. The role of transient neu- quent finding in preterm infants (51-53). ronal circuitry and plasticity opens new Searching for structural correlates and visitas for the treatment of the children pathogenesis of this important MR find- with perinatal brain injury. ing remains the most challenging task in the contemporary perinatal medicine. LITERATURE 1. Kostović I. 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  • 6. I. Kostović et al. Developmental reorganization... Paediatr Croat 2007; 51 (Supl 1): 93-98 Sažetak RAZVOJNA REORGANIZACIJA KORE MOZGA ČOVJEKA I. Kostović, Z. Petanjek U ovom preglednom članku osvrnuli smo se na razvojnu reorganizaciju ljudskog mozga. Tri kriterija korištena su u svrhu određivanja reorganizacije: (1) prisutnost prolaznih staničnih slojeva: ventrikularni (VZ), subventrikularni (SVZ), intermedijarni (IZ) sloj (zona), sloj ispod ploče (subplate-SP), kortikalna ploča (CP) i marginalni sloj (zona) (MZ); (2) intenzitet specifičnih neu- rorazvojnih staničnih događaja: proliferacija, migracija, diferencijacija, izrastanje aksona i sinaptogeneza; (3) obrazac unutarnje funkcionalne organizacije: (a) prolazni, endogeni neuralni krugovi, te (b) trajni, osjetno stimulirani neuralni krugovi. Prva polovi- ca trudnoće obilježena je proliferacijom i migracijom. Tijekom druge polovice trudnoće glavni aksonski putovi urastaju kroz inter- medijarni sloj i "čekaju" u sloju pod pločom. Prve sinapse vidljive su tijekom trećeg mjeseca trudnoće i povezane su s unutarnjim, spontanim neuralnim krugovima. U ranog prematurusa (nakon 24. postkoncepcijskog tjedna) talamokortikalna vlakna premještaju se iz sloja pod pločom i urastaju u kortikalnu ploču, te se mogu po prvi puta zapaziti evocirani potencijali. Osnovno obilježje je istodobna prisutnost unutarnjih i trajnih, osjetno stimuliranih neuralnih krugova. U mozgu novorođenčeta sinaptogeneza je glavno neurorazvojno događanje, a također dolazi i do postupnog nestanka prolaznih unutarnjih neuralnih krugova i prolaznih staničnih slojeva. Ovaj pregledni rad podupire hipotezu o razvojnim "prozorima", selektivnoj vulnerabilnosti i specifičnim, prolaznim fetal- nim slojevima (subplate), te povećanoj vulnerabilnosti mozga fetusa i novorođenčeta čovjeka. Deskriptori: PRETERM INFANT, CEREBRAL PATHWAYS, THALAMOCORTICAL AFFERENTS, SYNAPTOGENESIS, HISTOGENESIS 98