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Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain (2006) 25, 189-195

Developing consciousness: fetal anesthesia and analgesia
Roland Brusseau, MD, and Laura Myers, MD

From the Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts

   KEYWORDS:                           Fetal anatomic study demonstrates that, by 20 weeks gestation, the requisite cytoarchitecture believed
   Fetal consciousness;                to be necessary for consciousness (eg, the thalamus and associated subcortical structures) and its proper
   Fetal                               connections are in place and accompanied by a coordinating electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythm.
   neurodevelopment;                   Given the structural and functional integrity of these portions of the brain, it is reasonable to conclude
   Fetal anesthesia;                   that consciousness is at least possible from this point in fetal development. If a more stringent threshold
   Fetal analgesia                     for continuous EEG activity is required, then it would appear that by 30 weeks gestation, consciousness
                                       is possible. If we are to accept that consciousness is possible by 20 weeks (or, more conservatively, 30
                                       weeks), then it also would appear possible that fetuses could experience something approximating
                                       “pain.” The mere possibility of consciousness and an experience of pain (however rudimentary) would
                                       appear to mandate the provision of appropriate anesthesia and analgesia to fetuses undergoing surgical
                                       © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    When published in 1954, Penfield and Jasper’s “Epilepsy                   certain generalized seizures—not by cortical stimulation but
and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain” could                         rather by experimental stimulation of the midline thalamus,
hardly have been considered a landmark work in the field of                   producing a change from the usual adult EEG to the familiar
fetal consciousness.1 Questions of fetal consciousness were                  spike and wave pattern of the absence seizure.1 Jasper’s
strictly the domain of philosophy and theology, if possessed                 demonstration that consciousness might be mediated by
by any domain at all. Penfield, a neurosurgeon, and Jasper,                   thalamic, and not cortical, stimulation furthered the notion
a psychologist, demonstrated that the consciousness (as                      of consciousness growing out of such subcortical integra-
traditionally understood) of some 750 patients undergoing                    tion.
radical cortical excisions, including hemispherectomies, re-                    What can these observations tell us? The work of Pen-
mained continuous and unimpaired both during and after the                   field and Jasper suggests that the critical structures for
procedures. Certain discrete cortical functions might be lost                organizing and producing consciousness may well be the
or impaired, but consciousness remained. This led to a                       subcortical system and not solely the cortical structures as
critical insight: that the highest integrative functions of the              previously understood. These subcortical structures them-
brain are not organized at the cortical level, but rather within             selves are informed by still other structures in an ascending
a divergent system of subcortical structures that process                    fashion as well as descending cortical inputs. Further, Jas-
cortical and subcortical inputs. Subsequently, Jasper found                  per’s investigations of seizure neurophysiology suggest that
that consciousness might be disrupted in a manner typical of                 there is an inherent electrical rhythm (or rhythms) involved
                                                                             in the conscious state, and that such rhythms may be dis-
                                                                             rupted in a similar way by both experimental thalamic
   Address reprint requests and correspondence: Roland Brusseau, MD,
Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Children’s
                                                                             manipulation and by generalized absence seizure, thus in-
Hospital Boston, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115.                      dicating that some form of concordant EEG rhythm appears
   E-mail address:                    necessary to support the conscious state.

0277-0326/$ -see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
190                                   Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain, Vol 25, No 4, December 2006

   These very subcortical and cortical structures that Pen-       This has come to be known as “cognitive binding” and thus,
field and Jasper suggest as involved in the generation of          the anesthetized state may produce a sort of “cognitive
conscious states, as well as their inherent electrical rhythms,   unbinding.”2
are known to be present in the term neonate, and their               If we are to understand consciousness as a subcortical
development during fetal life is well documented. Is the          integration of diverse subcortical and cortical sub-process-
fetus, then, capable of consciousness at any point prior to       ing entities, we should be able to establish watersheds in
delivery? Is the preterm neonate, in fact, conscious? And if      fetal development when consciousness becomes as least
the fetus and preterm neonate are in fact capable of con-         structurally and functionally possible. As currently we have
sciousness, can they experience pain?                             not any direct way to measure consciousness (though the
   These are some of the questions we hope to address in          Bispectral Index monitor has been suggested as a tool for
this essay. Although a general theory of consciousness is         the measurement of anesthetic-induced cognitive unbind-
well beyond the scope of this essay (or likely this volume,       ing), we may have to conclude that consciousness is at least
for that matter), it may be argued that fetal neuroanatomic       possible when the necessary structures are in place and
development recapitulates the formation of an integrative         proper functional modalities (ie, EEG rhythms) are largely
subcortical mechanism for consciousness, and as such, anal-       continuous. With this structural and functional view of
ysis of the development of these structures may serve as a        consciousness thus presented, we turn to fetal neuroana-
proxy for the development of consciousness itself. Moving         tomic development and, in turn, the possible quickening
from a consideration of fetal neuroanatomical development,        moments of fetal consciousness.
we will go on to consider the possibility of fetal pain as a
surrogate for fetal consciousness and discuss the rationale
for the provision of fetal anesthesia and analgesia for fetal     Fetal neuroanatomic development
surgical intervention.
                                                                  The development of the brain and spinal cord begins as
                                                                  early as the third postconceptual week, when the neural tube
                                                                  forms from neuroectoderm. Neural crest cells migrate out
Consciousness as subcortical integration                          laterally to form peripheral nerves from 4 weeks, with the
                                                                  first synapses between them forming a week later.7,8 Syn-
Penfield and Jasper’s intriguing supposition of a subcortical      apses within the spinal cord begin to develop at 8 weeks
organization of consciousness has, in recent times, gained        gestation, suggesting the first spinal reflexes may be present
support from a growing body of work in the area of anes-          from roughly 8 weeks forward. Between 8 and 18 weeks
thesia and consciousness.2,3 Whereas anesthetics have long        gestation is the time of maximal neuronal development. The
been acknowledged as reversible suppressors of consciousness      first neurons develop in the ventricular zone (an epithelial
(as well as memory and movement), to date the mechanisms          layer) along with glia. These glial cells adopt a radial ar-
of such suppression have been poorly described. Whether           rangement, along which the newly formed neurons migrate
anesthetics act locally (by suppressing certain signals) or       out in waves to form the neocortex. Neurons are first laid
globally (by depressing the entirety of neural function) has      out in the deeper layers and then in the superficial layers.
been the subject of ongoing debate. However, recent evi-          After neural proliferation, synaptogenesis occurs, first in
dence suggests that the anesthetized brain is anything but        peripheral structures and then more centrally. From around
silent. Indeed, the notion that anesthetics globally suppress     20 weeks, this process is at least partly dependent on sen-
brain function appears wholly incorrect—recent studies of         sory stimulation.9
isoflurane have demonstrated a loss of pattern recognition            The development of the nociceptive apparatus proceeds
(an integrating function) but not component recognition in        in parallel with basic CNS development. The first essential
certain cortical areas.4 Similarly, multiple agents have been     requirement for nociception is the presence of sensory re-
demonstrated to uncouple rostrocaudal and intrahemi-              ceptors, which develop first in the perioral area at around 7
spheric brain regions as well as caudorostral visual infor-       weeks gestation. From here, they develop in the rest of the
mation transfer while not suppressing activity within those       face and in the palmar surfaces of the hands and soles of the
regions.2,5,6 The dissociative anesthesia of ketamine serves      feet from 11 weeks. By 20 weeks, they are present through-
as a particularly illuminating example of this uncoupling         out all of the skin and mucosal surfaces.10 The nociceptive
phenomenon. Such work suggests that regional information          apparatus are initially involved in local reflex movements at
processing may persist in the anesthetized state, while the       the spinal cord level without supra-spinal integration. As
representation (or integration) of such information that is       these reflex responses become more complex, they, in turn,
believed to be rendered by subcortical structures is inhib-       involve the brainstem, through which other responses, such
ited. This loss of integration appears to be at the root of       as increases in heart rate and blood pressure, are mediated.
anesthetic-induced loss of consciousness. Consciousness,          However, such reflex responses to noxious stimuli have not
therefore, may be understood (from an anesthetic stand-           been shown to involve the cortex and, thus, traditionally
point, at least) as the coordinated integration of inputs from    have not been thought to be available to conscious percep-
diverse brain regions, mediated by subcortical structures.        tion.8
Brusseau and Myers      Fetal Anesthesia and Analgesia                                                                       191

Consciousness and the cortex                                       arguably, it cannot be until the thalamocortical connections
                                                                   are formed and functional that the fetus may first attain
This raises an interesting question, however. Is a cortex          something approaching Hameroff’s rudimentary conscious-
required for consciousness? If we adopt the view of Hamer-         ness. The thalamus is first identified in a primitive form at
off2 that consciousness, in its most basic form, may be            day 22 or 23 post-conception. Its connections grow out in
considered equivalent to “minimal awareness” without a             phases, initially only as far as the intermediate zone of the
requirement for memory, cognition, or organizational so-           cerebral wall, collecting below the cortical plate. The neu-
phistication, perhaps only subcortical structures are neces-       rons then advance further into the cerebral hemispheres,
sary and sufficient for such a basic consciousness. Reflec-          eventually becoming localized into their specific functional
tive self-consciousness and the higher-order thought that is       fields. The final thalamocortical connections are thought to
typically associated with mature cortical function would be,       be in place by around 26 weeks, although estimates differ.12
in such a view, a more complex form of consciousness, still        In fact, there are thought to be transient cholinergic neurons
mediated through the same subcortical structures, but now          with functioning synapses connecting the thalamus and cor-
with higher-order inputs. (This higher-order consciousness         tical plate from approximately 20 weeks.13 This time point
may, in fact, be that which separates human consciousness          could be taken as the absolute earliest time in gestation
from that of primates and other species, if we are to concede      when a fetus could be aware of nociceptive stimuli, or to
that consciousness may not be a uniquely human attribute.)         “feel pain.”
As Penfield and Jasper suggested, “the highest cortical func-          The link between consciousness and electrical activity
tions of the brain are not completed at the cortical level, but    within the brain can be measured and patterns defined using
in a system of highly convergent subcortical structures sup-       the electroencephalogram (EEG). The presence of EEG
plying the key mechanism of consciousness.”1 Anand, tak-           activity would suggest a degree of functional maturity, in
ing a more extreme view, points to children with hydranen-         addition to structural maturity. Although sporadic electrical
cephaly, born with little or no cortical tissue, as evidence for   activity has been detected in the fetal brain as early as 43
this supposition.11 Despite a near complete lack of cortical       days gestation,14 more coordinated electrical activity (in the
tissue, these children may demonstrate a rudimentary dis-          form of intermittent bursts) has been shown to be present in
criminative awareness, including the ability to distinguish        the brainstem from 12 weeks, and the cerebral hemispheres
familiar and unfamiliar people and environments, musical           at 20 weeks.8 Before 25 weeks, the electrical activity on
preferences, associative learning, and appropriate affective       EEG recordings is discontinuous, with periods of inactivity
responses. Indeed, there is evidence that hydranencephalic         lasting up to 8 minutes and bursts of activity of only 20
children respond to painful and pleasurable stimuli in a           seconds (accounting for only 2% of the total time). From 25
coordinated manner similar to other children.11 It would           to 29 weeks, the periods of activity increase, such that by 30
appear, then, that these children meet Hameroff’s minimal          weeks, although EEG activity is still not continuous (in-
criteria of consciousness.                                         deed, in some infants, it does not become continuous during
    Nevertheless, Penfield and Jasper appear to suggest that        quiet sleep until several weeks after term), distinct patterns
cortical structures are at least in some way required: a           of wakefulness and sleep can be recognized as the precur-
subcortical system, comprised of the basal ganglia, medial         sors of adult patterns.8 At first, these are not necessarily
thalamus, ventrolateral thalamus, substantia nigra, ventral        concordant with behavioral state. However, over the next
tegmental area, superior colliculus, median raphe, and the         few weeks, the degree of concordance improves.15 By 34
midbrain and pontine reticular formation, does not function        weeks, electrical activity is seen 80% of the time. From 34
“by itself alone, independent of the cortex,” but “by means        to 37 weeks, sleep/wake cycles become more defined.8
of employment of various cortical areas.”1 As such, if we             It is arguable when electrical activity in the fetal brain
posit either subcortical or cortical integration of ascending      first becomes indicative of a state of consciousness or at
stimuli as the minimum necessary for conscious interpreta-         least the possibility thereof, but if we attend to Penfield and
tion of noxious stimuli, then at minimum we must consider          Jasper’s contention of some form of cortical involvement in
the structural, functional, and temporal development of the        the generation of conscious states, then the lack of cortical
thalamus.                                                          electrical activity detected below 20 weeks sets the lowest
                                                                   possible limit. As periods of electrical activity gradually
                                                                   lengthen, it would seem likely that no sudden event marks
Development of the thalamus                                        the beginning of consciousness, but that as the gaps between
                                                                   periods of electrical activity gradually shorten, conscious-
The thalamus is the structure responsible for relaying affer-      ness emerges incrementally. If one were to require a greater
ent signals from the spinal cord to various subcortical struc-     continuity of EEG activity as a necessary substrate for
tures and the cerebral cortex itself.8 Thus, if integrative        conscious experience, then the more mature patterns seen
thalamic function is necessary for nociceptive perception          from 30 weeks could well be taken as a pragmatic rational
(ie, “pain”) or any other higher order sensory perception,         cutoff.15
192                                   Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain, Vol 25, No 4, December 2006

Subcortical integration of the physiologic                        Motor response
stress response
                                                                      A motor response can first be seen as a whole-body
If we accept the premise that, given the presence of certain      movement away from a stimulus and observed on a sono-
structural elements (eg, the thalamus) and functional integ-      gram from as early as 7.5 weeks gestation.8 It is difficult to
rities (EEG activity), consciousness is at least possible, then   know if these first movements represent a coordinated and
we may consider whether the fetus has the capacity to             subcortically or cortically integrated reaction or simply a
experience pain. “Pain,” in this context, must be distin-         spinal reflex response to external stimuli. The perioral area
guished from “nociception.” “Pain,” according to the Inter-       is the first part of the body to respond to touch at approxi-
national Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), is an          mately 8 weeks, but by 14 weeks, most of the body is
unpleasant sensation which may be associated with actual or       responsive to touch. As gestation progresses, fetal move-
potential tissue damage, possibly including physical and          ments become increasingly complex, with the fetus showing
emotional components.16 As such, pain is clearly a subjec-        limited responses to stimulation, such as isolated limb
tive phenomenon, one that typically accompanies nocicep-          movement.18
tion, but can also arise without any nociceptive stimulus,            Preterm babies in a neonatal intensive care unit provide
and thus includes the emotional response. Nociception, on         a good opportunity to observe facial expressions and behav-
the other hand, is a neurophysiological term and denotes          ior in relation to potentially painful procedures. Although
specific activity in nerve pathways. It functions as the           artificially ventilated adults are generally provided sedation
transmission mechanism for physiological pain, but does           and analgesia, this is not always the case in ventilated
not necessarily subserve or describe psychological pain           preterm babies. In a study observing ventilated babies from
states.16                                                         28 to 32 weeks gestation, the use of fentanyl analgesia
    Given current knowledge, it is impossible to know ex-         significantly reduced pain-related behaviors, such as agita-
actly when the fetus (or preterm or term neonate, as the case     tion, inconsolability, and facial expressions consistent with
                                                                  discomfort.19 Oral sucrose given during heel lancing for
may be) first becomes aware of pain. Even more difficult
                                                                  neonatal phenylketonuria testing reduced infant crying time
than measuring consciousness in the adult is the challenge
                                                                  by 31%.20 Similar findings are observed in infant rats, with
afforded by making the same determination of conscious-
                                                                  the reduction in behavioral distress being reversed by the
ness in the uterine fetus. If we are to take pain as a subset
                                                                  administration of naltrexone, suggesting that the analgesic
of conscious experience, then the same difficulty applies to
                                                                  effect from sucrose is mediated by endogenous opioids.21
this question. One school of thought insists that the entire
                                                                      Unlike the other physiologic responses observed in rela-
cytoarchitecture of nociceptive signal transduction and pro-
                                                                  tion to pain, these behavioral observations provide some
cessing is necessary to translate noxious inputs into subjec-
                                                                  indication that the preterm baby is indeed sensate, but
tive instantiations of “pain.”17 Others suggest that, whereas     whether this is an integrated, cognitively bound experience
the entire cytoarchitecture (including descending inhibitory      that might qualify as conscious perception of pain is un-
pathways) present in adults may not be fully developed in         clear. Furthermore, the assumption that the prematurely
the fetus, there are transient structures present during fetal    born baby is directly comparable to the fetus, even at the
development that may allow such signal transduction and           same gestational age, is not necessarily correct.
processing on an intermittent basis.13 At present, it is not
known whether either of these suggestions is correct, and         Fetal endocrine response to stress
therefore we cannot be assured that there is, or is not, a
subjective experience of pain available to the fetus. Instead,        Although discussions of fetal consciousness and pain are
one must rely on other fetal physiologic responses that           complicated and controversial, there is little disagreement
could serve as indicators of aversion to a stimulus. Different    about the capacity for a fetal physiochemical stress response
studies have used various indicators of fetal response; all are   from early gestation. Human fetal endocrine responses to
physiologic responses seen in times of stress in older chil-      stress have been demonstrated from as early as 18 weeks
dren and adults. Observed responses fall under three main         gestation. Giannakoulopoulos and colleagues first demon-
categories: motor responses, endocrine responses, and cir-        strated increases in fetal plasma concentrations of cortisol
culatory redistribution. What all these responses have in         and -endorphin in response to prolonged needling of the
common, however, is that they all imply coordinated func-         intrahepatic vein (IHV) for intrauterine transfusion.22 The
tion of the very subcortical structures believed to be in-        median increase was 590% for cortisol and 183% for -en-
volved in the generation of conscious states. Therefore, by       dorphin. Fetuses receiving the same procedure of transfu-
examining at what points in development these various             sion, but via the non-innervated placental cord insertion,
responses become active, we again may be able to set              failed to show these hormonal responses. IHV needling
certain thresholds as to when consciousness, and the sub-         studies have shown a rise in -endorphin and norepineph-
jective experience of nociception as “pain,” is at least pos-     rine during intrahepatic transfusion from 18 weeks gesta-
sible.                                                            tion, which was seen throughout pregnancy independent of
Brusseau and Myers     Fetal Anesthesia and Analgesia                                                                       193

both gestation and the maternal response. A fetal cortisol       the neural processing architecture that might support con-
response, again independent of the mother’s, was observed        sciousness is in place and functional. The complex physio-
from 20 weeks gestation.23 The level of this response in-        logic responses to stress require a neural integration similar
creased throughout gestation. Fetal intravenous administra-      to that proposed for conscious states. Further, it would
tion of an opioid ablated the -endorphin response and            appear that these motor, endocrine, and circulatory re-
partially ablated the cortisol response to the stress of IHV     sponses to stimuli are processed, at least in part, by the same
needling, suggesting an analgesic effect.24                      structures thought to be involved in the binding of conscious
    A randomized controlled trial of fentanyl analgesia dur-     states. If we are to accept that by approximately 20 weeks
ing surgery for patent ductus arteriosus in babies of a mean     the requisite cytoarchitecture for consciousness (eg, the
gestation of 28 weeks found that the rise in -endorphin          thalamus and associated subcortical structures) and its
seen in controls was prevented in the treatment group.25         proper connections are in place and accompanied by a
Treated babies also had lower levels of lactate and pyruvate     coordinating EEG rhythm (even if only intermittently con-
and fewer complications during the postnatal period. Ad-         tinuous), what can we say about the beginning moments of
ministration of low-dose morphine by infusion reduced neu-       a fetal consciousness? Again, it would seem that we may
rological sequelae in preterm infants requiring ventilatory      have to conclude that consciousness is at least possible from
support to 4% compared with a rate of 24% in a placebo           this point forward in fetal development. If a more stringent
group in one randomized controlled trial.26 A reduced cor-       threshold for continuous EEG activity is required, then it
tisol response after fentanyl administration has been ob-        would appear that by 30 weeks gestation, when patterns
served in premature ventilated neonates as young as 28           consistent with wakefulness and sleep may be discrimi-
weeks in neonatal intensive care units.19                        nated, consciousness is, again, at least possible.
    Thus, from these studies, one can conclude that the             This brings us back to the question of the fetal experi-
human fetal hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis is func-         ence of “pain.” If we are to accept that consciousness is
tionally mature enough to produce a -endorphin response          possible by 20 weeks (or, more conservatively, 30 weeks),
by 18 weeks and to produce cortisol and noradrenaline            then it also would appear possible that fetuses could expe-
responses from 20 weeks gestation and that these may be
                                                                 rience something approximating “pain.” Surely the complex
modulated by receptor agonism. Although this does not
                                                                 behavioral responses seen in ventilated neonates have the
indicate that the fetus is aware of pain at these gestational
                                                                 external appearance of “pain,” but as we yet have no metric
ages, the mechanisms for physiologic endocrine reactions to
                                                                 with which to make such a determination, we cannot know
noxious stimuli are certainly in place.
                                                                 this with any confidence. Again, it would appear we are
                                                                 forced to assume that given the appropriate cytoarchitec-
Fetal circulatory redistribution
                                                                 ture, etc., the fetus is capable of experiencing pain. In a
                                                                 certain sense, whether the fetus actually experiences pain or
    Adults respond to extreme cold, hypoxia, or significant
                                                                 not is a moot point, as the possibility of such experience
hemorrhage by a sympathetically derived redistribution of
                                                                 should be sufficient to inform fetal management in this
blood flow to maximize blood flow to the body’s more vital
                                                                 regard. Does the 24-week fetus undergoing an in utero
organs (the brain, heart, and adrenal glands), at the expense
                                                                 percutaneous aortic valvuloplasty experience pain? Should
of the peripheral circulation. These changes have been dem-
onstrated in the fetus in numerous animal studies, in re-        that fetus be provided with appropriate perioperative anes-
sponse to reduced uterine blood flow, hypoxemia, and hem-         thesia and analgesia? The mere possibility of consciousness
orrhage.27-30 Compared with the large amount of animal           and an experience of pain (however rudimentary) would
literature examining acute cardiovascular redistribution, hu-    appear to mandate such a provision of anesthesia and anal-
man studies are limited because they can only observe            gesia.
fetuses undergoing clinically indicated procedures as acute         Indeed, the fetal experience of pain may be even greater
stressors. Consequently, many of these fetuses studied will      than that of the term neonate or young child, owing to the
be abnormal. However, human fetal intrauterine needling          immaturity of systems of descending inhibition. Descending
studies that involve perturbation of the fetal trunk have        inhibition is the process whereby ascending nociceptive
suggested that blood flow is redistributed to the fetal brain     signals in the ascending spinal neurons are dampened via
as early as 16 weeks gestation.31 This was observed as a fall    inhibitory descending serotonin neurons of the dorsal horn
in the middle cerebral artery pulsatility index of 10%, com-     of the spinal cord.33 These inhibitory tracts develop only
bined with an increase in the pulsatility index in the femoral   late in gestation and are still immature at birth. Indeed, in
artery of 22%.32                                                 the rat, descending inhibition has been found to be func-
                                                                 tionally ineffective until the 10th postnatal day.34 This
                                                                 makes it possible that the third trimester fetus, far from
The possibility of fetal consciousness                           being incapable of the sensation of pain, actually perceives
                                                                 pain as being more severe than in the adult.
Again, although such studies do not by themselves provide           Further, when considering the effects of noxious stimuli
direct evidence of fetal consciousness, they do suggest that     on the developing fetus and the rationale for fetal anesthesia
194                                   Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain, Vol 25, No 4, December 2006

and analgesia, we must consider not just the humanitarian         our responsibility to consider and act upon such issues.
need to alleviate the possible distress of pain sensation from    Rather, we are compelled to find the answers.
surgery or other interventions but also whether being sub-
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cause permanent alterations in physiology. This concept is        References
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Developing consciousness fetal anesthesia and analgesia

  • 1. Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain (2006) 25, 189-195 Developing consciousness: fetal anesthesia and analgesia Roland Brusseau, MD, and Laura Myers, MD From the Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts KEYWORDS: Fetal anatomic study demonstrates that, by 20 weeks gestation, the requisite cytoarchitecture believed Fetal consciousness; to be necessary for consciousness (eg, the thalamus and associated subcortical structures) and its proper Fetal connections are in place and accompanied by a coordinating electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythm. neurodevelopment; Given the structural and functional integrity of these portions of the brain, it is reasonable to conclude Fetal anesthesia; that consciousness is at least possible from this point in fetal development. If a more stringent threshold Fetal analgesia for continuous EEG activity is required, then it would appear that by 30 weeks gestation, consciousness is possible. If we are to accept that consciousness is possible by 20 weeks (or, more conservatively, 30 weeks), then it also would appear possible that fetuses could experience something approximating “pain.” The mere possibility of consciousness and an experience of pain (however rudimentary) would appear to mandate the provision of appropriate anesthesia and analgesia to fetuses undergoing surgical intervention. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. When published in 1954, Penfield and Jasper’s “Epilepsy certain generalized seizures—not by cortical stimulation but and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain” could rather by experimental stimulation of the midline thalamus, hardly have been considered a landmark work in the field of producing a change from the usual adult EEG to the familiar fetal consciousness.1 Questions of fetal consciousness were spike and wave pattern of the absence seizure.1 Jasper’s strictly the domain of philosophy and theology, if possessed demonstration that consciousness might be mediated by by any domain at all. Penfield, a neurosurgeon, and Jasper, thalamic, and not cortical, stimulation furthered the notion a psychologist, demonstrated that the consciousness (as of consciousness growing out of such subcortical integra- traditionally understood) of some 750 patients undergoing tion. radical cortical excisions, including hemispherectomies, re- What can these observations tell us? The work of Pen- mained continuous and unimpaired both during and after the field and Jasper suggests that the critical structures for procedures. Certain discrete cortical functions might be lost organizing and producing consciousness may well be the or impaired, but consciousness remained. This led to a subcortical system and not solely the cortical structures as critical insight: that the highest integrative functions of the previously understood. These subcortical structures them- brain are not organized at the cortical level, but rather within selves are informed by still other structures in an ascending a divergent system of subcortical structures that process fashion as well as descending cortical inputs. Further, Jas- cortical and subcortical inputs. Subsequently, Jasper found per’s investigations of seizure neurophysiology suggest that that consciousness might be disrupted in a manner typical of there is an inherent electrical rhythm (or rhythms) involved in the conscious state, and that such rhythms may be dis- rupted in a similar way by both experimental thalamic Address reprint requests and correspondence: Roland Brusseau, MD, Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Children’s manipulation and by generalized absence seizure, thus in- Hospital Boston, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115. dicating that some form of concordant EEG rhythm appears E-mail address: necessary to support the conscious state. 0277-0326/$ -see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1053/j.sane.2006.09.002
  • 2. 190 Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain, Vol 25, No 4, December 2006 These very subcortical and cortical structures that Pen- This has come to be known as “cognitive binding” and thus, field and Jasper suggest as involved in the generation of the anesthetized state may produce a sort of “cognitive conscious states, as well as their inherent electrical rhythms, unbinding.”2 are known to be present in the term neonate, and their If we are to understand consciousness as a subcortical development during fetal life is well documented. Is the integration of diverse subcortical and cortical sub-process- fetus, then, capable of consciousness at any point prior to ing entities, we should be able to establish watersheds in delivery? Is the preterm neonate, in fact, conscious? And if fetal development when consciousness becomes as least the fetus and preterm neonate are in fact capable of con- structurally and functionally possible. As currently we have sciousness, can they experience pain? not any direct way to measure consciousness (though the These are some of the questions we hope to address in Bispectral Index monitor has been suggested as a tool for this essay. Although a general theory of consciousness is the measurement of anesthetic-induced cognitive unbind- well beyond the scope of this essay (or likely this volume, ing), we may have to conclude that consciousness is at least for that matter), it may be argued that fetal neuroanatomic possible when the necessary structures are in place and development recapitulates the formation of an integrative proper functional modalities (ie, EEG rhythms) are largely subcortical mechanism for consciousness, and as such, anal- continuous. With this structural and functional view of ysis of the development of these structures may serve as a consciousness thus presented, we turn to fetal neuroana- proxy for the development of consciousness itself. Moving tomic development and, in turn, the possible quickening from a consideration of fetal neuroanatomical development, moments of fetal consciousness. we will go on to consider the possibility of fetal pain as a surrogate for fetal consciousness and discuss the rationale for the provision of fetal anesthesia and analgesia for fetal Fetal neuroanatomic development surgical intervention. The development of the brain and spinal cord begins as early as the third postconceptual week, when the neural tube forms from neuroectoderm. Neural crest cells migrate out Consciousness as subcortical integration laterally to form peripheral nerves from 4 weeks, with the first synapses between them forming a week later.7,8 Syn- Penfield and Jasper’s intriguing supposition of a subcortical apses within the spinal cord begin to develop at 8 weeks organization of consciousness has, in recent times, gained gestation, suggesting the first spinal reflexes may be present support from a growing body of work in the area of anes- from roughly 8 weeks forward. Between 8 and 18 weeks thesia and consciousness.2,3 Whereas anesthetics have long gestation is the time of maximal neuronal development. The been acknowledged as reversible suppressors of consciousness first neurons develop in the ventricular zone (an epithelial (as well as memory and movement), to date the mechanisms layer) along with glia. These glial cells adopt a radial ar- of such suppression have been poorly described. Whether rangement, along which the newly formed neurons migrate anesthetics act locally (by suppressing certain signals) or out in waves to form the neocortex. Neurons are first laid globally (by depressing the entirety of neural function) has out in the deeper layers and then in the superficial layers. been the subject of ongoing debate. However, recent evi- After neural proliferation, synaptogenesis occurs, first in dence suggests that the anesthetized brain is anything but peripheral structures and then more centrally. From around silent. Indeed, the notion that anesthetics globally suppress 20 weeks, this process is at least partly dependent on sen- brain function appears wholly incorrect—recent studies of sory stimulation.9 isoflurane have demonstrated a loss of pattern recognition The development of the nociceptive apparatus proceeds (an integrating function) but not component recognition in in parallel with basic CNS development. The first essential certain cortical areas.4 Similarly, multiple agents have been requirement for nociception is the presence of sensory re- demonstrated to uncouple rostrocaudal and intrahemi- ceptors, which develop first in the perioral area at around 7 spheric brain regions as well as caudorostral visual infor- weeks gestation. From here, they develop in the rest of the mation transfer while not suppressing activity within those face and in the palmar surfaces of the hands and soles of the regions.2,5,6 The dissociative anesthesia of ketamine serves feet from 11 weeks. By 20 weeks, they are present through- as a particularly illuminating example of this uncoupling out all of the skin and mucosal surfaces.10 The nociceptive phenomenon. Such work suggests that regional information apparatus are initially involved in local reflex movements at processing may persist in the anesthetized state, while the the spinal cord level without supra-spinal integration. As representation (or integration) of such information that is these reflex responses become more complex, they, in turn, believed to be rendered by subcortical structures is inhib- involve the brainstem, through which other responses, such ited. This loss of integration appears to be at the root of as increases in heart rate and blood pressure, are mediated. anesthetic-induced loss of consciousness. Consciousness, However, such reflex responses to noxious stimuli have not therefore, may be understood (from an anesthetic stand- been shown to involve the cortex and, thus, traditionally point, at least) as the coordinated integration of inputs from have not been thought to be available to conscious percep- diverse brain regions, mediated by subcortical structures. tion.8
  • 3. Brusseau and Myers Fetal Anesthesia and Analgesia 191 Consciousness and the cortex arguably, it cannot be until the thalamocortical connections are formed and functional that the fetus may first attain This raises an interesting question, however. Is a cortex something approaching Hameroff’s rudimentary conscious- required for consciousness? If we adopt the view of Hamer- ness. The thalamus is first identified in a primitive form at off2 that consciousness, in its most basic form, may be day 22 or 23 post-conception. Its connections grow out in considered equivalent to “minimal awareness” without a phases, initially only as far as the intermediate zone of the requirement for memory, cognition, or organizational so- cerebral wall, collecting below the cortical plate. The neu- phistication, perhaps only subcortical structures are neces- rons then advance further into the cerebral hemispheres, sary and sufficient for such a basic consciousness. Reflec- eventually becoming localized into their specific functional tive self-consciousness and the higher-order thought that is fields. The final thalamocortical connections are thought to typically associated with mature cortical function would be, be in place by around 26 weeks, although estimates differ.12 in such a view, a more complex form of consciousness, still In fact, there are thought to be transient cholinergic neurons mediated through the same subcortical structures, but now with functioning synapses connecting the thalamus and cor- with higher-order inputs. (This higher-order consciousness tical plate from approximately 20 weeks.13 This time point may, in fact, be that which separates human consciousness could be taken as the absolute earliest time in gestation from that of primates and other species, if we are to concede when a fetus could be aware of nociceptive stimuli, or to that consciousness may not be a uniquely human attribute.) “feel pain.” As Penfield and Jasper suggested, “the highest cortical func- The link between consciousness and electrical activity tions of the brain are not completed at the cortical level, but within the brain can be measured and patterns defined using in a system of highly convergent subcortical structures sup- the electroencephalogram (EEG). The presence of EEG plying the key mechanism of consciousness.”1 Anand, tak- activity would suggest a degree of functional maturity, in ing a more extreme view, points to children with hydranen- addition to structural maturity. Although sporadic electrical cephaly, born with little or no cortical tissue, as evidence for activity has been detected in the fetal brain as early as 43 this supposition.11 Despite a near complete lack of cortical days gestation,14 more coordinated electrical activity (in the tissue, these children may demonstrate a rudimentary dis- form of intermittent bursts) has been shown to be present in criminative awareness, including the ability to distinguish the brainstem from 12 weeks, and the cerebral hemispheres familiar and unfamiliar people and environments, musical at 20 weeks.8 Before 25 weeks, the electrical activity on preferences, associative learning, and appropriate affective EEG recordings is discontinuous, with periods of inactivity responses. Indeed, there is evidence that hydranencephalic lasting up to 8 minutes and bursts of activity of only 20 children respond to painful and pleasurable stimuli in a seconds (accounting for only 2% of the total time). From 25 coordinated manner similar to other children.11 It would to 29 weeks, the periods of activity increase, such that by 30 appear, then, that these children meet Hameroff’s minimal weeks, although EEG activity is still not continuous (in- criteria of consciousness. deed, in some infants, it does not become continuous during Nevertheless, Penfield and Jasper appear to suggest that quiet sleep until several weeks after term), distinct patterns cortical structures are at least in some way required: a of wakefulness and sleep can be recognized as the precur- subcortical system, comprised of the basal ganglia, medial sors of adult patterns.8 At first, these are not necessarily thalamus, ventrolateral thalamus, substantia nigra, ventral concordant with behavioral state. However, over the next tegmental area, superior colliculus, median raphe, and the few weeks, the degree of concordance improves.15 By 34 midbrain and pontine reticular formation, does not function weeks, electrical activity is seen 80% of the time. From 34 “by itself alone, independent of the cortex,” but “by means to 37 weeks, sleep/wake cycles become more defined.8 of employment of various cortical areas.”1 As such, if we It is arguable when electrical activity in the fetal brain posit either subcortical or cortical integration of ascending first becomes indicative of a state of consciousness or at stimuli as the minimum necessary for conscious interpreta- least the possibility thereof, but if we attend to Penfield and tion of noxious stimuli, then at minimum we must consider Jasper’s contention of some form of cortical involvement in the structural, functional, and temporal development of the the generation of conscious states, then the lack of cortical thalamus. electrical activity detected below 20 weeks sets the lowest possible limit. As periods of electrical activity gradually lengthen, it would seem likely that no sudden event marks Development of the thalamus the beginning of consciousness, but that as the gaps between periods of electrical activity gradually shorten, conscious- The thalamus is the structure responsible for relaying affer- ness emerges incrementally. If one were to require a greater ent signals from the spinal cord to various subcortical struc- continuity of EEG activity as a necessary substrate for tures and the cerebral cortex itself.8 Thus, if integrative conscious experience, then the more mature patterns seen thalamic function is necessary for nociceptive perception from 30 weeks could well be taken as a pragmatic rational (ie, “pain”) or any other higher order sensory perception, cutoff.15
  • 4. 192 Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain, Vol 25, No 4, December 2006 Subcortical integration of the physiologic Motor response stress response A motor response can first be seen as a whole-body If we accept the premise that, given the presence of certain movement away from a stimulus and observed on a sono- structural elements (eg, the thalamus) and functional integ- gram from as early as 7.5 weeks gestation.8 It is difficult to rities (EEG activity), consciousness is at least possible, then know if these first movements represent a coordinated and we may consider whether the fetus has the capacity to subcortically or cortically integrated reaction or simply a experience pain. “Pain,” in this context, must be distin- spinal reflex response to external stimuli. The perioral area guished from “nociception.” “Pain,” according to the Inter- is the first part of the body to respond to touch at approxi- national Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), is an mately 8 weeks, but by 14 weeks, most of the body is unpleasant sensation which may be associated with actual or responsive to touch. As gestation progresses, fetal move- potential tissue damage, possibly including physical and ments become increasingly complex, with the fetus showing emotional components.16 As such, pain is clearly a subjec- limited responses to stimulation, such as isolated limb tive phenomenon, one that typically accompanies nocicep- movement.18 tion, but can also arise without any nociceptive stimulus, Preterm babies in a neonatal intensive care unit provide and thus includes the emotional response. Nociception, on a good opportunity to observe facial expressions and behav- the other hand, is a neurophysiological term and denotes ior in relation to potentially painful procedures. Although specific activity in nerve pathways. It functions as the artificially ventilated adults are generally provided sedation transmission mechanism for physiological pain, but does and analgesia, this is not always the case in ventilated not necessarily subserve or describe psychological pain preterm babies. In a study observing ventilated babies from states.16 28 to 32 weeks gestation, the use of fentanyl analgesia Given current knowledge, it is impossible to know ex- significantly reduced pain-related behaviors, such as agita- actly when the fetus (or preterm or term neonate, as the case tion, inconsolability, and facial expressions consistent with discomfort.19 Oral sucrose given during heel lancing for may be) first becomes aware of pain. Even more difficult neonatal phenylketonuria testing reduced infant crying time than measuring consciousness in the adult is the challenge by 31%.20 Similar findings are observed in infant rats, with afforded by making the same determination of conscious- the reduction in behavioral distress being reversed by the ness in the uterine fetus. If we are to take pain as a subset administration of naltrexone, suggesting that the analgesic of conscious experience, then the same difficulty applies to effect from sucrose is mediated by endogenous opioids.21 this question. One school of thought insists that the entire Unlike the other physiologic responses observed in rela- cytoarchitecture of nociceptive signal transduction and pro- tion to pain, these behavioral observations provide some cessing is necessary to translate noxious inputs into subjec- indication that the preterm baby is indeed sensate, but tive instantiations of “pain.”17 Others suggest that, whereas whether this is an integrated, cognitively bound experience the entire cytoarchitecture (including descending inhibitory that might qualify as conscious perception of pain is un- pathways) present in adults may not be fully developed in clear. Furthermore, the assumption that the prematurely the fetus, there are transient structures present during fetal born baby is directly comparable to the fetus, even at the development that may allow such signal transduction and same gestational age, is not necessarily correct. processing on an intermittent basis.13 At present, it is not known whether either of these suggestions is correct, and Fetal endocrine response to stress therefore we cannot be assured that there is, or is not, a subjective experience of pain available to the fetus. Instead, Although discussions of fetal consciousness and pain are one must rely on other fetal physiologic responses that complicated and controversial, there is little disagreement could serve as indicators of aversion to a stimulus. Different about the capacity for a fetal physiochemical stress response studies have used various indicators of fetal response; all are from early gestation. Human fetal endocrine responses to physiologic responses seen in times of stress in older chil- stress have been demonstrated from as early as 18 weeks dren and adults. Observed responses fall under three main gestation. Giannakoulopoulos and colleagues first demon- categories: motor responses, endocrine responses, and cir- strated increases in fetal plasma concentrations of cortisol culatory redistribution. What all these responses have in and -endorphin in response to prolonged needling of the common, however, is that they all imply coordinated func- intrahepatic vein (IHV) for intrauterine transfusion.22 The tion of the very subcortical structures believed to be in- median increase was 590% for cortisol and 183% for -en- volved in the generation of conscious states. Therefore, by dorphin. Fetuses receiving the same procedure of transfu- examining at what points in development these various sion, but via the non-innervated placental cord insertion, responses become active, we again may be able to set failed to show these hormonal responses. IHV needling certain thresholds as to when consciousness, and the sub- studies have shown a rise in -endorphin and norepineph- jective experience of nociception as “pain,” is at least pos- rine during intrahepatic transfusion from 18 weeks gesta- sible. tion, which was seen throughout pregnancy independent of
  • 5. Brusseau and Myers Fetal Anesthesia and Analgesia 193 both gestation and the maternal response. A fetal cortisol the neural processing architecture that might support con- response, again independent of the mother’s, was observed sciousness is in place and functional. The complex physio- from 20 weeks gestation.23 The level of this response in- logic responses to stress require a neural integration similar creased throughout gestation. Fetal intravenous administra- to that proposed for conscious states. Further, it would tion of an opioid ablated the -endorphin response and appear that these motor, endocrine, and circulatory re- partially ablated the cortisol response to the stress of IHV sponses to stimuli are processed, at least in part, by the same needling, suggesting an analgesic effect.24 structures thought to be involved in the binding of conscious A randomized controlled trial of fentanyl analgesia dur- states. If we are to accept that by approximately 20 weeks ing surgery for patent ductus arteriosus in babies of a mean the requisite cytoarchitecture for consciousness (eg, the gestation of 28 weeks found that the rise in -endorphin thalamus and associated subcortical structures) and its seen in controls was prevented in the treatment group.25 proper connections are in place and accompanied by a Treated babies also had lower levels of lactate and pyruvate coordinating EEG rhythm (even if only intermittently con- and fewer complications during the postnatal period. Ad- tinuous), what can we say about the beginning moments of ministration of low-dose morphine by infusion reduced neu- a fetal consciousness? Again, it would seem that we may rological sequelae in preterm infants requiring ventilatory have to conclude that consciousness is at least possible from support to 4% compared with a rate of 24% in a placebo this point forward in fetal development. If a more stringent group in one randomized controlled trial.26 A reduced cor- threshold for continuous EEG activity is required, then it tisol response after fentanyl administration has been ob- would appear that by 30 weeks gestation, when patterns served in premature ventilated neonates as young as 28 consistent with wakefulness and sleep may be discrimi- weeks in neonatal intensive care units.19 nated, consciousness is, again, at least possible. Thus, from these studies, one can conclude that the This brings us back to the question of the fetal experi- human fetal hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis is func- ence of “pain.” If we are to accept that consciousness is tionally mature enough to produce a -endorphin response possible by 20 weeks (or, more conservatively, 30 weeks), by 18 weeks and to produce cortisol and noradrenaline then it also would appear possible that fetuses could expe- responses from 20 weeks gestation and that these may be rience something approximating “pain.” Surely the complex modulated by receptor agonism. Although this does not behavioral responses seen in ventilated neonates have the indicate that the fetus is aware of pain at these gestational external appearance of “pain,” but as we yet have no metric ages, the mechanisms for physiologic endocrine reactions to with which to make such a determination, we cannot know noxious stimuli are certainly in place. this with any confidence. Again, it would appear we are forced to assume that given the appropriate cytoarchitec- Fetal circulatory redistribution ture, etc., the fetus is capable of experiencing pain. In a certain sense, whether the fetus actually experiences pain or Adults respond to extreme cold, hypoxia, or significant not is a moot point, as the possibility of such experience hemorrhage by a sympathetically derived redistribution of should be sufficient to inform fetal management in this blood flow to maximize blood flow to the body’s more vital regard. Does the 24-week fetus undergoing an in utero organs (the brain, heart, and adrenal glands), at the expense percutaneous aortic valvuloplasty experience pain? Should of the peripheral circulation. These changes have been dem- onstrated in the fetus in numerous animal studies, in re- that fetus be provided with appropriate perioperative anes- sponse to reduced uterine blood flow, hypoxemia, and hem- thesia and analgesia? The mere possibility of consciousness orrhage.27-30 Compared with the large amount of animal and an experience of pain (however rudimentary) would literature examining acute cardiovascular redistribution, hu- appear to mandate such a provision of anesthesia and anal- man studies are limited because they can only observe gesia. fetuses undergoing clinically indicated procedures as acute Indeed, the fetal experience of pain may be even greater stressors. Consequently, many of these fetuses studied will than that of the term neonate or young child, owing to the be abnormal. However, human fetal intrauterine needling immaturity of systems of descending inhibition. Descending studies that involve perturbation of the fetal trunk have inhibition is the process whereby ascending nociceptive suggested that blood flow is redistributed to the fetal brain signals in the ascending spinal neurons are dampened via as early as 16 weeks gestation.31 This was observed as a fall inhibitory descending serotonin neurons of the dorsal horn in the middle cerebral artery pulsatility index of 10%, com- of the spinal cord.33 These inhibitory tracts develop only bined with an increase in the pulsatility index in the femoral late in gestation and are still immature at birth. Indeed, in artery of 22%.32 the rat, descending inhibition has been found to be func- tionally ineffective until the 10th postnatal day.34 This makes it possible that the third trimester fetus, far from The possibility of fetal consciousness being incapable of the sensation of pain, actually perceives pain as being more severe than in the adult. Again, although such studies do not by themselves provide Further, when considering the effects of noxious stimuli direct evidence of fetal consciousness, they do suggest that on the developing fetus and the rationale for fetal anesthesia
  • 6. 194 Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain, Vol 25, No 4, December 2006 and analgesia, we must consider not just the humanitarian our responsibility to consider and act upon such issues. need to alleviate the possible distress of pain sensation from Rather, we are compelled to find the answers. surgery or other interventions but also whether being sub- jected to surgical stress during early development might cause permanent alterations in physiology. This concept is References known as programming, defined by Barker as “the process whereby a stimulus or insult at a critical, sensitive period of 1. Penfield W, Jasper HH: Epilepsy and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain. Boston, MA, Little, Brown & Co., 1954 development has permanent effects on structure, physiology 2. Mashour GA: Consciousness unbound: toward a paradigm of general and metabolism.”35 There is now a vast literature document- anesthesia. 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