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Descriptive Essay About Riding A Horse
I extended my tiny hand up into the air to reach the horse's soft, velvety muzzle. The great bay mare
pricked her ears, probably wondering what kind of strange, dwarfish creature I was. She lowered her
face to the small hand in front of her to smell the little one–year–old girl. As my hand made contact
with the mare's nose, a warm feeling rushed through me. Though she was at least five times my size,
I was not afraid. I fell in love. That was the start of everything. Never again would I be able to
imagine a world without horses. These animals, so pure, so elegant, and so powerful, always proved
an integral part of my character, of who I am. I cannot remember a point in my life without them.
My grandparents owned a farm in Argentina since before I was born. That is where I first rode,
learning astride my godfather's bay mare Buena, a name that means "good" in Spanish. I can
remember the first time I felt a horse's flowing strength between my legs, the rocking motion of the
canter, the absolute ecstasy of riding, rushing through me. Though the thought of riding an animal
with a mind of its own frightens many, I have always felt a connection with them; when riding, I
become one with the horse.
Unfortunately, once we moved to Spain, the only time I could ride was when I visited Argentina
with my family, which was once or twice every year. Luckily, when I was seven, my parents noticed
the undeniable gift I had with horses, and they saw the passion I held for them. They asked
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Creative Writing Midterm
Have you ever been to Myrtle Beach during jellyfish season? It is terrible. When you get within
about 50 feet of the water you have to watch every step. Even with jellyfish everywhere, I still like
the beach. They rest of my family hated being stung, but I kept telling them, "suck it up and spray
vinegar on it."The waves were perfect for surfing and skimming. Skimming is like surfing, but you
run into the water with a four to five feet long board then you jump on the board. When you get in
the water and a wave comes, you spin yourself around and head back to shore. It took me a day
before I could do it, but after that I was fine until I fell or got stung on the bottom of my foot.
The first day, I grabbed my board and started to run downstairs ... Show more content on ...
When I fell, I fell on the same big scrape on my knee that had just scabbed over. The cut broke open
again and it took even more layers off of my knee. Blood started running down my leg, but I did not
notice, so I just kept skimming. When the salty, ocean water splashed on the open cut, I knew that it
was way worse than It had been before. I looked down to see how bad it was, and the whole front of
my leg was red. I ran up to my mom and she freaked out. "What happened? Are you okay? You need
to go wash that off! I'll go get the lifeguard." I went up to the shower, where you wash the sand off
your feet, to wash off all of the blood. Then I went to the lifeguard to get a bandage. The lifeguard
was really nice, but he did not speak very good English. He was from Poland. My mom was sitting
next to me and my grandma was on the other side of my mom. My mom was leaning toward taking
pictures as usual. My grandma was trying to see him but my mom was in the way. "Down in front
woman!" my grandma whispered angrily at my mom. This was the closest my grandma had been to
the lifeguard, so she was really happy. After he cleaned my knee, I went back up to the hotel room. I
could not shower because my knee was so bad, so I had to use a hotel cup to get the seawater out of
my hair. I put my pajamas on and went to the lobby to watch television. My family came to the
lobby when it got dark, and we ordered pizza for the seventh
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What Is Good To Tell Essay
One That is Good to Tell but Not to Experience
There once was a little girl who liked to take small risks. She never was an outgoing person but she
would to do certain things that was the slightest dangerous or not the best choice to take. Everyone
makes mistakes every once in a while that might change their life. Back in third grade I lived in a
suburb of Chicago called Yorkville. It was a lovely neighborhood and I had so many friends there
that I played with almost everyday. I had two friends that were sisters that lived across the street,
Ashley and April, that were probably two or three years younger than me and also twins. Ashley,
April and I all were playing in my driveway and I was a dog so I would follow them around the
driveway. It was hard for me to keep up with them since I was on all fours. So I went in the garage
and got a skateboard and jump rope. This wonderful idea jumped in my head to tie the jump rope to
the end of the ... Show more content on ...
I'm lucky that I only got a fat lip and a chipped tooth from this tragedy, I could of gotten a
concussion instead. I'm lucky, I hear stories of kids that had something happen to them way worse
then what happened to me. I'm lucky that I have a supportive family and it's there for me when I
need them in situations like this.
Like a year I was at my cousin's birthday party and I was eating hard candy with my front teeth.
Then all of the sudden there is this crunch, crunch, crunch sound and I felt these really hard pieces
with my tongue. I picked a piece out and realized my fake tooth fell off and I was eating it.
I told my mom and the next day she made a dentist appointment to get another fake tooth. Well we
switched dentists over that year so the new dentist had to redo my fake tooth. After she was done my
tooth felt as smooth as a waxed floor. That's the only problem that I've had with my fake
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Descriptive Essay On Be Brave
Be Brave
I could feel my heart pounding through my chest as I peered over the waterfall. My feet had cuts
from standing on the sharp rocks. The lush green trees surrounded me. Water rushed off the edge
plummeting thirty feet to the ground. The Screams of people throwing themselves off is
unforgettable. I could feel the stream tugging at my feet and pulling me close to the edge. The smell
of the sea can be found anywhere on the island. Wind coming from the ocean gave me chills.
Listening to the peaceful sounds of the waves crashing on the shore miles away helped me relax.
The problem is the only way down is to jump. That feeling I get when my stomach drops is one of
my favorite; or the thrill of doing something crazy. My mom told me we were driving on the road to
Hana, and I knew I had to find something exciting. Luckily for us we came upon a pool with a
beaming waterfall pouring into it. The forest was full of life and lush trees. It looked like a painting
or something out of a dream. Everything was perfect about this place. Walking onto the top of the
waterfall I knew this had to be the place I was telling myself to jump but my legs wouldn't move.
Stuck there I knew I was terrified. The entire time I was telling myself I was brave enough to jump,
but in reality my mind was buzzing with worries. I took a deep breath and wandered closer to the
edge. As I looked over the cliff I saw the pounding water hit the pool. I took a step back and didn't
think I could do it. I looked
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Reflection Paper
"A failure isn't a failure if it prepares you for a successful tomorrow." This quote by Lolo Jones has
kept me calm for the past two years because if I gave up after every failure I've overcame in track I
would not be sitting in this class or even attending Slippery Rock for that matter. As cliché as it
sounds, everything does happen for a reason. I learned this the hard way during my junior and
senior years of high school. Even though most of my experiences from being on the track team are
positive, I ended my junior and senior year with the same feeling; regret and feeling like there was
more I could've done to prevent myself from having to end my season earlier than I initially
intended. I vividly remember waking up junior year to the biggest track meet of my career to date. I
remember it was a beautiful spring morning, not a cloud in the sky. School that morning was a blur.
The bus ride to the meet was quieter than normal for me, I put my headphones in and listened to
music rather than talking to my teammates. The nerves started to set in during the bus ride to
Baldwin's track, on the outside I looked calm, but on the inside my brain was running at about 500
miles per hour. When we finally made it to the track I took one look at the pits, and then told myself,
"Today is the day. I am making it to states." Throughout warm ups, I felt pretty confident about my
steps on the board. I truly thought it was going to be a great day. I took my first three jumps and
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Personal Narrative: A Decision That Changed My Life
I never knew that one action or decision could change you life for ever but on Friday, May 28th
2016 I experienced first hand by jumping into a shallow pool and tore my PCL.
Maddie Emma and I had arrived to Maddie's house excited but I felt a pit in my stomach but i just
ignored it and ran to get changed. Walking towards the pool I felt this pitting feeling throughout my
whole body as if my brain was screaming at me not to get in but like every other decision in my life
I chose to ignore it and slid into the pool. Emma had jumped in and wanted to show Maddie how to
do spinals because thats the first thing that a lifeguard thinks of when entering the pool. Coincidence
or not I was the victim first with my face in the water holding my breath ... Show more content on ...
finally they took me to get an x–ray and thats when the water works started and the radiologest just
ignored me and with out saying a word filled the room with fear. once she took the x–ray she did not
say a thing and when i asked he what she was her exact words where you need to descuse it with
your doctor , that it what they say to people that are dying or have cancer. spoiler alert they found
nothing on the x–ray.a nurse took me back to the emergency area where I got a room where not one
checked on you for hours so I updated my snapchat and explain to everyone what happened but I
had to pee. I will spare you the details and sum it up to 3 words bedpan never again. Shortly after
someone came and finally told me whats going on. My guess is he was a resident but i will give him
props he did a good job telling me the x–ray is clear your knee has swelled to three times its size we
really don't know whats wrong with your could be and ACL tear or smoother ligament, come see a
specialist tomorrow. Next the nurse came to visit me and told my about the brace that I will need
and he will be back in a minute to show me how to put it on and walk on couches. What I didn't
know it that a minute in nurse time is actually 20 minute. When he finally came
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My Experience At The Bus
If somebody loves something, they will never get sick it. I feel exactly that when I board the bus,
packed full to go to track meets in the springtime. When descending up the three stairs onto the bus,
the boys team takes up the whole back half of the bus and the girls team claims the front half. From
front to back, all of the athletes squeeze three bodies into one seat. The guys in the back chant and
yell, in a wonderful mood before the start of the meet while some of the girls team nap or listen to
music or play games to pass the time. Coming from behind, I hear one of my teammates saying "I
spy with my little eye something green" followed by multiple girls all staring out the windows
shooting out quick guesses. Cars zoom by as I stare out my window, listening to music, just waiting
to get to our destination. A lifetime, or so it felt, passed of guys yelling across the bus and girls
singing aloud to music and we were finally at our destination. One by one, we unloaded the bus,
bags and all. Boys, girls and coaches haul bags and coolers and blankets and I take up the rear of the
pack. The day is a cold one, the wind is blowing but the sun is shining down through the clouds. The
team crosses the rubber–like track and onto the infield surrounded by the track. Blankets are laid
across the green grass for bags to be set down and runners to rest on between and before races. All
around the field, opposing teams linger and warm up for competition. In the middle of the field, a
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Personal Narrative : My Birthday Party
"Today is going to be perfect!" I told myself. It was April 1, 2012, and it was my birthday. I had just
finished a long, boring day of school when I started to wait for my eighth birthday party. My mom
and I had spent the entire afternoon searching for cakes, birthday favors, and more. This was all to
lead up to my party. The party was going to be a star–wars themed birthday party with all sorts of
decorations. It was going to be at Kid's Kingdom, a gymnastics center, where we would jump on
trampolines. That was assuming I would be able to jump.
We left the house and began driving to Kid's Kingdom. I stepped out of the car and immediately
tripped over a rock. That was the worst thing I would have ever thought would happen on a
birthday. When we went in Kid's Kingdom, we began to set up decorations. We put the cake in
place, got the table set, got the silverware out, and we were then waiting for the kids to come. There
was still half an hour until the party was going to start, so we waited in the party room. We stood in
there for around 10 minutes until I lost my patience, so I left and jumped on the trampolines early. I
had then remembered there was a new slide that had just opened.
This slide was ginormous. It stood extremely high, and it was completely made of wood. I had to
walk up these very steep and narrow stairs to be able to get on it. My mom had warned me to watch
my step going up the stairs, but I didn't listen. I was too excited to finally slide down it. As I was
running up the stairs, my mom called my name. "Gerson!" yelled my mom. I turned and moved an
inch too forward. Without a breath, I collapsed down the stairs, and I felt every stair hit my body
before I hit my head extremely hard on the oak floor. The bang sounded like someone slamming a
book against a desk. The room was completely quiet. The silence was broken when I let out a
screech like no other. My parents came, and they brought me to the front desk in the lobby. The
employee looked as terrified as I was. My parents sat me on the desk while they scrambled to get
their keys. When I looked in front of me, I saw the sad faces. All of my friends walked by, and I
didn't know what to say. They all had blank expressions not knowing what to
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A Separate Peace Rhetorical Analysis
"Alright pal, you got me," beamed Finny. Phineas, the only perfect person in the world (hyperbole),
just admitted that I had beaten him at something. Once this realization hit me, a moment of pure joy
sunk in, until it quickly passed and was followed by an overwhelming sense of disappointment. It
wasn't enough. Without further thought, I quickly flipped Finny, who was caught off guard by his
euphoric state, over and pinned him to the ground (parallel structure). To my surprise, after the
initial shock left his expression, he began to laugh. Finny had finally been beaten at something
athletic, and all he could do was laugh. "What are you laughing like that for?" "You don't
understand," Finny chuckled, "but you bring out the best in me Gene. You know, like those race
horses (simile)." Finny never changed the subject; everything he said was perfectly related to one
another. "Yeah," he continued, "those race horses. They can be the fastest in the world, but they'll
never win any races unless they have a good jockey." ... Show more content on ...
Sure, I push you to do the things you wouldn't normally do, but you push me to be the best I can be.
No one's ever done that to me before, and I don't know what I'd do without you." It was the best
thing he had ever said to me, it was the worst the he had ever said to me (antithesis), and all I could
do was stare. He picked up my silence as his cue to continue, as he always did. "Yeah, that's what I
mean. You're my best pal, Gene," he said, as if to himself. "You're one of the most competitive
people I know, and that's great." I quickly retorted, "I'm not competitive!" Getting off of Finny's
chest, I wondered aloud, "Am
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Narrative Essay On A Winter Night
On a cold Winter night two people lay to sleep. So far away but that would never stop the dreaming
and magic.
December 1,2003 Concord,Massachusetts Anna:
It's nighttime in Concord. I began to grow tired as the time progresses to 10:30 pm. I go up the stairs
leading to my room not knowing what is to come in this night slumber. I can only imagine what I
might dream. As I lay on my soft bedding cuddling up to my warm fuzzy blanket I began to doze
off. Just before I finally fall asleep I hear the train blow its whistle down the road from my house.
Dream Land: Where everyone's dreams come together. You tend to see people wandering around
aimlessly. In my dream I'm jumping around from cloud to cloud tasting the water from them as I
jump. Flying in between. I continue for a few more minutes. I get tired from jumping so I decided to
fall from the clouds. I jumped from the clouds so that I could watch the twinkling stars. As I jump
and fall I'm then greeted with a hard landing. I look to see what I landed on and it just so happened
to be a boy. I jump up surprised that I didn't squish him from how far I fell. "I'm sorry I didn't mean
to land on you," I said.
"It's alright, it didn't hurt too much it just took me by surprise," the mysteries boy said.
December 1,2003 Concord,Massachusetts Christopher: It's nighttime in the cold Concord. I don't
think that it has ever been this cold here before. I start to get tired at about 10:00 pm. My eyes
getting heaving I walk myself up what
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Peer Pressure Satire
Peer Pressure You ever been peer pressured into something you regret? Let me tell you about the
time when I was peer pressured to jump off a bridge. It was my sophomore year summer, the scene
around me was spirit–lifting, clouds were latched to the unending sky. So a couple of buddies and I
decided to go swimming, we searched far and wide and we wanted to jump rocks. So my friend Ivan
suggested we go to Jones Creek. I have only heard of Jones Creek once or twice from people at
school, but haven't actually had the chance to go. So we packed our stuff, threw it in the car and
headed towards Jones Creek. My body was ecstatic with joy as I have never been cliff jumping. It
was about an hour out from Hillsboro, a little bit pass tillamook. Ever ... Show more content on ...
So I did it like 20 more times before finally resting up on the shore. As time passed by, it felt as if
we spent the whole day swimming and jumping off a helicopter skydiving. Then the unexpected
happen, my best friends Ivan and Nathan decided they wanted to get a go at the bridge. In my head,
I knew this was not a good idea. The bridge was skyscraping, towering, mighty, I can't even think of
words to describe it. It was unmatchable and yet they want to jump off it. I tried to convince them
not to, worrying that something might go wrong if they did. Quite frankly they didn't care what I
had to say and offered me to jump with them. I was already on the bridge with them and they were
on the outside of the rails ready to jump. While all my friends are behind me they wanted to see all
three of us jump at the same time. I was scared shitless. But being me I caved in and vaulted right
over the rail and stood next to 2 of my best friends as we were about to jump a bridge. I've never
been more scared in my life, looking down at my feet it looked like the people below me were ants.
We stood there for a good 5 minutes contemplating on whether we should jump or not. The longer
we sat there the worst it became, we were all trembling with fear. Both Ivan and Nathan had fear in
their eyes like I've never seen before. I bet they were just as scared as I was. The sun was gleaming
at all 3 of us as we stood there in shock and awe. But we had to man up and jump, so we did exactly
that. The water was fragile, universe–blue–colour, making it appear like nature's amphitheatre. At
that very moment all 3 of us jumped, the air felt ice cold, it felt as if everything was statue still, like
time froze on us. It was peaceful and comfortable, I have never experienced such a unique feeling.
As we came racing down we smacked the water and plunged right for the surface gasping for air. It
was a feeling that you can't shake
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My Thoughts On The Fear Of Heights
I can hear the sound of my repeating alarm as it starts fading in louder into my ears, waiting for it to
be turned off. I slowly open my eyes to see the light from outside peeking in through my window
blinds hinting to me that it is now morning. I stretch my arms and legs as much as I can, feeling as if
I am the rope in the game of tug–of–war and two people are pulling me from opposite sides. I can
sense the excitement in my heart of what I am going to do today– something that I have never, but
always, wanted to do. I already imagine how I will feel after today: the adrenaline rush, the
overwhelming confidence, the satisfaction. Today, I am going to cliff jump for the first time; today, I
will conquer my fear of heights; today, I promise that this decision is immutable. I shut off all five
of my alarms and look at the time on my phone; it is 9:30 a.m. I text my friends, waiting for them to
pick me up. Meanwhile, I wash up and get ready for a day that I will remember. The sound of my
phone obnoxiously goes off and I rush over to pick up the call from my friend, Johnny, telling me to
hurry up and come out the house. I scan my room one last time, check my bag, making sure I have
everything I need and head out the door. I open the car door and see my other friends, Brian, Rachel,
and Moses, as they greet me with a hello. Heading over to Abalone Cove, a popular cliff–jumping
place and tide–pools area, I roll down the window to smell the fresh, So Cal weather and to feel the
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Personal Narrative Essay : My Birthday
The morning sunshine seeped through the cracks between my shutters, lighting up my room. I could
hear the clock ticking and the rays of sunlight bouncing off of my eyelids. I barely got any sleep last
night because I was ecstatic that tomorrow was, my birthday! I jumped up out of bed, how could I
have forgotten that it was my birthday? Suddenly all of my drowsiness turned it into excitement and
I jumped up, throwing the red gradient quilt off of my bed. I slowly walked out of my room, making
very little noise, checking to see if anyone else was awake. I peeked through the intricate staircase
railings and tried to spot anyone downstairs, no one was in sight. I tiptoed down the cream coloured
stairs, reached the bottom and got startled when my mom yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!", her voice
bouncing off the walls of house. A grin so big spread across my face, I couldn't believe I was turning
four years old!
Soon after that my sister and dad awoke, it was time to celebrate! I had my favourite breakfast,
scrumptious waffles, with vibrant berries. The sweet wafts of syrup scented heat made my mouth
water. Since we were going to celebrate my birthday in the evening, me and my sister decide to play
some games to pass the time. We played Monopoly and Jenga! Our Monopoly game felt like it
lasted for ages because the game could go on forever. She ended up winning, she had five hotels!
Then we played Jenga. It took us some time to build the tower because I kept knocking it over by
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What Is My Most Important Summer Essay
My Most Important Summer Some people like to stay in control of their life and avoid any amount
of extraordinary risk to protect their self–disclosure. Other people don't shy away from challenges as
they are confident that certain obstacles are nothing more than just another thing standing in their
way from living life to the fullest extent. Through personal experience, I've realized that personal
comfort is nothing more than a variety of fears that limit me from challenging myself. One balmy
summer morning my friends convinced me to come swim in Grapevine Lake, which would be very
enticing if I was a strong swimmer or had any swimming experience whatsoever. I was a fairly
reserved person, and most of the time the idea of risk or failure decided whether or not I would
partake in certain activities. In contrast, my two friends, Austin and Nick, always were willing to
take risks and defy their natural comfort, if they even had any. I accepted their request, although
there was doubt in the back of my mind. I ... Show more content on ...
Immediately, I angled my position and went for a dead sprint toward the water. I jumped off the
cliff. I never felt anything like it; the trajectory had me flying through the air for longer than I
expected. A surge of adrenaline pulsed through my body, bringing a new sense of life to me. The
scorching heat went away as gravity pulled my body toward the water, bringing me a pleasant
breeze through my fall. Then, I finally hit the water. I didn't stick a solid landing, as I went head first
into the water. I panicked and opened my eyes under the murky water, only to see nothing but dirt
and sediments float around me. I kept sinking and saw a monstrous fish swim right in front of my
face. At that very moment, my body went into overdrive, and I managed to project myself back up
to the
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Analysis Of A Wall Of Fire Rising
What is Our Purpose on Earth?
A Wall of Fire Rising is a wonderful book written by Edwidge Danticat. Edwidge was born in Haiti
in 1969. She's written three plays and seven novels. In the Wall of Fire Rising theirs three main
characters which are little guy, Guy, and Lili. Now little guy starts preparing for the play he was
going to be in, which has some lines which seem to always get to his father Guy. Why did Guy get
into the air balloon and jump out? Maybe he thought he'd survive and was willing to take a chance.
It could also be that it was his only way to feel something more then he felt for a long time.
Guy was so worried about little guy doing the play and remembering his lines. In the story it
says,"Guy struggled with the letters of the slave revolutionary's name as he looked over his son's
shoulders, I see some very hard words here, son"( Danticat 149). Why was he being so hard on little
guy about the speech ? Saying things like "very hard words here" ,like his son was incapable of
learning his lines or was it deeper (Danticat 149). Boy recites his lines,''' A wall of fire rising and in
the ashes, I see the bones...'''(Danticat 149). The lines left Lili and Guy both with a "strange feeling"
it says( Danticat 149). Since boy read his first lines Guy wouldn't let him read them again. He'd say
things like"'We have heard them,''' Guy said,"' Don't tire your lips"'(Danticat 151). Why didn't guy
want to hear them again? What was the effect it had on him?
Did he jump
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Bend It Like Beckham Relational Development
In the movie Bend it Like Beckham, the characters, Jess and Julie go through every stage of
relational development up until stagnating, where they make a jump back to intensifying stage. The
two girls start in the initiating phase when Julie see Jess playing soccer in the park and notices she is
really good and decides to introduce herself to Jess and asks her to join her soccer team and many
other questions about herself. This is the beginning of the experimenting stage where the two get to
know each other very well. They quickly move to the intensifying stage where they become best
friends and great teammates. The next stage they enter is the integrating stage, where Julie invites
Jess to various activities to hang out with the rest of the team and friends. This leads into the
bonding stage where they become known as best friends, which for some they are mistaken as being
seen as a lesbian couple. They may have become best friends very quickly, but they soon find things
that they argue about, and enter the differentiating stage where they have a big fight. After the fight,
they enter the circumscribing stage of their relationship; where neither talks to the other and it ...
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Julie and her dad bonded throughout the movie over their love for soccer, however Julie and her
mom have not always seen eye to eye. Julie is not a girly girl, but her mom wishes she was and does
not understand her love for soccer. Julie and her mom were at the differentiating stage throughout
most of the movie. Until Julie got into a fight with her best friend Jess and when they made up
Julie's mom thought she was gay because of how the friends bonded with each other. After Julie
explained what they fought about, her mom understood. At the end of the movie their relationship
turned over to bonding because her mom finally gave soccer a chance and was proud of her
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Descriptive Essay On The Halloween House
On Halloween Day, Mia and her friends went trick–or–treating around her neighborhood. Mia was
dressed as a bumblebee and her friends were ladybugs and butterflies. As they went around the
neighborhood, Mia said "There is always this one house that I think is haunted. I have always
wanted to check it out, but my mom said no... would you guys want to?" Her friends said yes, so
they went to the house and climbed the creaking front porch steps. As they were approaching the
house, they saw that there were broken/shattered windows, some shingles on the roof were gone,
and part of the front door was gone. Mia got chills all up and down my spine as if there were little
needles poking her when she went to reach for the doorbell of the house. All of a sudden, Mia hears
mice squeaking through the house as she rings the doorbell and a bird suddenly flies out of one of
the windows. No one answers them so Mia says "Looks like there isn't anyone home... should we
just go in?" Mia's friend, Maddie, says "Are you crazy? This place is like haunted!" Her other
friend, Alyssa, says "It's probably fine, let's check it out guys!" When they get inside, all they see is
the lots and lots of furniture covered in white/cream colored sheets, tons of dust, and some dirt.
When Alyssa uncovered one of the pieces of furniture sitting by the door, there was some kind of
red drops on it and it looked to be fairly new. "I don't like the look of these drops on the couch... can
we go?" Maddie replies, "You're fine,
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Shipwreck At The Bottom Of The Ocean
Overcoming Adversity
What's The importance of overcoming adversity? why should you try? Read this and you will
change your mind on the way you see yourself or think of yourself.
Shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean is a great book. Not alot happens in the first few chapters
except the background of the sailors. The more you read into the book the more problems that arise.
In one chapter they got low on food and their spirits were down but the next they found food and
were happy and singing. When shackleton was the captain of that ship he pushed his crew as hard as
he could to keep them moving and happy. The main problem in the book was when the ship got
stuck in ice. This ship was a giant reinforced walls it had it all, But when the ... Show more content
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Well i'm still a young person but i do have a story. I was 10 i wanted to go sledding and by my
house there was this really big hill. A construction company started to dig at it. When my friend and
i got to the hill we sled for an hour then we got bored. When you get bored as a kid you look for
something to do so we did. We played with the snow made forts out of snow drifts and we had a
little fun. Then we got bored again we went down the hill and looked at the cliff. My friend and i
wanted to climb it. So we did We climbed it 4 or 5 times each then i wanted to jump off it, I jumped
off it first. We jumped off it twice. My third jump was my last jump and the jump that changed my
life. On my final jump i landed in 2 cm of snow. That snow wasn't close enough to what we were
jumping into a 2 feet of snow kinda ended and i landed on that one spot. My left ankel took most of
the impact. When i hit the ground my ankle had a really sharp pain i tried to walk it off but it just
got worse and at this time i had no clue what to do. I kept on yelling for my mom and no one came i
was scared. I started to yell at my friend. This is when my little brother got to the hill we started to
yell at him telling him to go get my mom. When my brother left it felt like hours went by as i sat
there in pain. My mother finally showed up they loaded me onto one of the 2 sleds we had and
started to pull me. Half way out of the field some person
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Personal Narrative On Suffering
The year is 2019. The humans, as they are called, have recognized our existence for over 2 years
now. Leader #70 has reached Earth and betrayed his home planet once again. He has captured a land
known as America. Now that he has advanced weapons, he's coming for revenge. Last time, he lost
the battle to himself. Unfortunately, he's more powerful than ever now. We never learned from our
past mistakes and that is why tons of soldiers are suffering. I signed up for this. I shouldn't be
suffering. Yet I'm still getting this feeling of regret. I looked down at the endless galaxy I was
expected to willingly jump into. Was I really going to risk my life to save my planet? All the
humans are risking their lives too, but rumour has it that they each ... Show more content on ...
I looked down at the soldiers in battle. They were taking a long time down there. Maybe we're
winning and that's why it's taking so long for my time to jump. Either that, or I'm not paying
attention and other soldiers have already moved in front of me and jumped. It may be possible to
back out now, but if I do I would be known as the soldier who wasn't brave enough. I would have to
live with all the guilt and regret. It's not like I was living without the guilt before. If I wanted to go
back, I would have decided a long time ago.
"Soldier 720, JUMP," the worker announced. I looked down and watched 720 as he gracefully
jumped , almost in a rush. I noticed he started shooting later than he should have. He wasn't shaking
or nervous at all. It was like watching him fall into the arms of death. Somehow, it calmed me down
seeing him leave so easily. I could go that way too, no one would know what happened.
"Soldier 724, JUMP," the worker shouted. It's my turn. The stress and anxiety I have now is nothing
like when I asked her to prom. I clenched the gun and took deep breaths. Just like my mom told me
before, "Breath in and out slowly, you'll never know what she might respond with." The thing is I
am quite sure what will happen if I jump. Every single soldier that left still hasn't come back.
Nothing will change. I have to
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Persuasive Narrative Story
` ` As I started to get out of the water I feel a sharp pain at the bottom of my left foot. 'Ouch' I
thought to myself. I looked down into the green colored lake and saw nothing but my feet, some
sand and tons of slimy rocks. Oh well I thought as I was getting out of the water and double
checking to make sure there was nothing in the water that I could have stepped on. I stood up and
walked to the other pier and jumped off.
As soon as I jump in the green water, I felt the coolness of the water go over me. As I start to surface
out of the water I hear my Dad calling me over, "Savannah, why don't you come on the raft with us"
pointing to my little brother Xavier and my mom. "Do I have to," I complained?
"Unless you want to spend the rest of the night in your room and have no electronics" my dad
warned. "Fine," I said. I swam over to the raft and find the latter, I skip the bottom step, the bottom
step had always been the slimiest. As I start climbing up the ladder my little brothers goes to the top
of the latter and justs sits there and looks at the lake like i'm not waiting to get on the raft!
"Um hello there's somebody down here," I say rolling my eyes. "Opps sorry let me give you a
"Okay, but don't push me back into the water" I say warningly. I gave him my hand and wouldn't
you know it, he pushed me right back in the water, and then went by my mom and dad laughing his
little head off. 'Oh I am so going to get him back, and when I do he's gonna be sorry' I
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Exciting Little Moments That Aren 't Anymore
Exciting Little Moments That Aren't Anymore There were so many fun games that I used to play as
a kid. Games like lava monster involved us jumping and running from one part of a playground to
another and making sure we didn't get caught by the lava monster. Tag and freeze tag got somewhat
dangerous because if we got cornered by the person who was "it," we would try to make sure not to
get caught ― for example, jumping off of the play structures to run away. Four square, four corners,
waterfall and jump rope were all classic games that we played. Jump rope was a challenging game.
We would sing songs as we jumped rope like "Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum", "Ice Cream Soda",
"Miss Mary Mack", or "Cinderella" and try to get the jumper to miss and even add different
challenges to do while you were jumping rope like in "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear":
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Touch the ground.
Nowadays, it's pretty much just sitting there with a piece of technology right in front of me. In my
free time, I used to frequently go outside to play at the park, with my rabbits, read, watch TV, or
play with legos. Now, I'm usually spending my time indoors, making things, reading, surfing the
web or binge watching shows on my laptop. In middle school during lunchtime, some days my
friends and I would eat lunch and chill, walk and talk, or play games like four square. I recall my
friends rushing out the door when the bell rang to grab a ball, jump rope, or even a
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Personal Narrative : The Fear Of A Blue Mountain
I have this huge fear. I break into a cold sweat. My mind goes blank. It causes my arms and legs to
shake. I tightly grasp onto anything near me. As thoughts about injuries or even death enter my
head, I think about my family and friends reactions to my death. What would happen to my
Pokémon cards? "Don't think like that Evan" I am terrified of heights. Of course, this doesn't mean
I'm scared of being in a high place. Rather, it's the sight of a long way to fall, of gravel far below
me. What makes me most afraid is when there are no guardrails, or any other safety devices between
me and the edge. I can only rely on my own ability to balance.
Despite my fear, last summer I somehow found myself climbing a mountain. Over the winter, Blue
Mountain's prime attraction is it's steep mountains; some measured 300 metres high. They are
perfect for skiing and snowboarding. However, many don't know how over the summer, the journey
up and the view at the top is amazing. At least, that is what my brother said. I wasn't feeling excited
at all. After eating our sack lunches at the base of the mountain, we decided to start climbing. The
beginning wasn't so bad because we just had to walk up. The mountain was very steep, but there
was no way to fall down. The majority of my view at that point was rocks and trees that rose in a
tiered manner. This continued until we reached the steepest leg of the climb. The trees cleared and
there were enormous boulders stacked that stretched for what
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Dart Fish Analysis Paper
Flight time was analyzed for six total serves, 3 jump serves and 3 standing overhand serves. Flight
time was discovered using the running clock tool on Dartfish Analysis Software. Table 1 displays
the summarized findings of flight time of 3 jumps serves and 3 standing overhand serves.
Table 1. Summarized findings of flight time for 3 jump serves and 3 standing overhand serves.
Flight time was discovered experimentally through Dartfish Analysis Software.
Average flight time for the jump serve and the standing overhand serve was calculated, and
summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. Average flight time of the jump serve and the standing overhand serve was calculated based
on data from Table 1.
A sample calculation for average flight time is displayed below. Each calculation was performed
identical to the sample.
Ball velocity was calculated for 6 serves, 3 jump serves and 3 standing overhand serves. Ball
velocity was calculated based on distance and flight time. Both of these variables were discovered
through Dartfish Analysis Software. Table 3 displays the summarized ... Show more content on ...
This confirms what the literature has found as well. The jump serve is more likely to have a
decreased flight time, an increased ball velocity and a flatter projection angle. My hypothesis of
which serve would be considered better was confirmed, but I was surprised at the minimal
difference of each factor between each serve. I assumed that each factor would be significantly
different between the two serves. Based on my results, I can confirm that the jump serve is the better
volleyball serve in a competition setting. The reduced flight time allows competitors less time to
react to the ball, the increased ball velocity makes it more difficult to handle and control and the
flatter projection angle makes it more difficult to pass. Therefore, the jump serve is more likely to
earn points in a competition
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Check In Narrative
The car slowly crept down the long gravel road. I turned my head and saw a line of tree's following
behind and above us as we went. The end of the road was only a few feet away, and when we got
there, the sun lit up the inside of the car like a chrismas tree. In front of us, a parking lot with a large
building in the middle. As we drove up and parked, I read a sign on the building. The sign read
"Check In". My parents walked into the building and left me and my sister, who was only paying
attention to her phone.The new campsite was big, and outside the sites, was a pool with a huge
playground next to it. I got out, followed by my sister, and met our friend who was already there.
We ran to the swings and jumped on. We sat there until my parents ... Show more content on ...
It was a beautiful tree, with leaves on all of it's branches except for one, which we were going to
jump off of. I put one foot on and leaped. I reached my hand out and grabbed the forst branch I
could. I reached for the next one and started climbing up. I got to the top, and stopped. The water
looked tranquil. I took in a deep breath of air, and jumped off. I flew up a few inches, and then
plummeted into the water. My feet were the first to hit the cold water, and then the sensations spread
as the rest of my body went in. My first reaction was thrilled, but as I came to my senses, I felt the
cold water. It felt like a cold fall day, but not too cold. I rose from the water with a smile on my face.
My sister and friends saw my smile and knew it was going to be fun. They got up and threw their
phones down and ran over to the tree. First, my sister started to climb up and up until she reached
the top. By the look on her face, I knew she was scared. Out of no where, Her friend ran up and
pushed her off the top of the tree and she flew down into the cool water. She surfaced and gave her
friend a dirty look and swam away. She couldn't hide the fact she had a good time. One after
another, we ran up the tree and had a blast. We all tried different jumps like flips and twists, and a
few made us
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Roping Run Argument
"I need to get a team roping run" said the header I'll rope with you said a random guy well lets enter
up.So they entered up and then when It was their time to rope the header nodded.Rrrrrr goes the
roping chute and off they go to rope the steer "I got it" said the header.Then the header turns left
with the steer the heeler turns left to with the header.He lets the steer takes three hops and then
throws his loop. The loop goes down on the steers feet and gets a double.Then dally's and then the
header faces back to the heeler.The flag drops the time stops the announcer says it's a 3.3.The header
and the heeler throws their hats we won the roping.Then the header goes and takes his rope off of
the steer.And then they walk their horses back
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Persuasive Speech : Base Jumping
You stand there as nervous as you have ever been. You take a deep breath, looking down at how
high up you are, but you know in only a matter of seconds you will be on the ground, and this will
all seem silly. Holding your breath in nervousness, you jump without even thinking about how
stupid you are for making this decision. Or was it a good decision? WAIT, there is no time to think.
All you are focused on is inflating this canopy before you splat on the ground. There is a whole
community of people who do this as a sport. It is called BASE jumping. Just make sure you know
what you are doing before you jump. You will have very little time to react while you are plunging
towards the ground. Think to yourself, is this a good decision?
What is BASE jumping? BASE jumping is jumping off heights with very little equipment. When
people BASE jump, they are launching without a previously inflated canopy, which makes it very
dangerous. Everything that is immobile, and or vertical, can be, or is considered BASE jumpable.
You jump, and you only have a matter of seconds before you can inflate the canopy, and land safely.
It can be considered even more dangerous than parachuting. Lots of people are experts at BASE
jumping, and would recommend trying it. BASE jumping is it's own sport. In July 1980, officials
and permits were first issued by the National Parks. Now, people enjoy it as it's own sport, and it is
very different than all of the others. It is actually more popular
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Narrative Essay About Fishing
My cousins always push me into things I don't want to do. In the past they have pushed me or
convinced me to do something that I don't want to do. They love to go boating and so do I, but when
it comes to one of them driving the boat while we are tubing. I want to stay as far away from the
water as possible. Or else they will jump from tube to tube, or go 50 miles an hour and give me a
huge migraine from yelling at them to slow the boat down. I'm like them in many ways but at the
same time not so much. I don't go hike up the side of a mountain for fun, or jump off a cliff without
a life jacket.. A lot of the older ones are crazier than us young ones. Especially when they are trying
something new that can be dangerous sometimes. Especially when they tried to push me into some
dangerous stunts a couple vacations ago. It was like a gust of exhilaration as I started my descent off
the cliff. It was like a gust of adrenaline as I fell almost 50 feet in the air only to reach a dangerous
deep whirlpool of murky lake water at the bottom. I felt as If I was floating on top of a still pool and
the nice refreshing feel of water giving me chills from the tip of my toes ,through my spine, and to
the outside of my head. I had to get used to it though. But that is just a small part ... Show more
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We all woke up at the crack of dawn because at the time we were sleeping on the top deck the sun
would hit us just right and wake us up. And like always, when one person wakes up, all the others
start to wake up because nobody can shut up. We had a quick breakfast while the older ones set up
the boat with boards, tubes, and life jackets. We have to go wake boarding early because the water is
always the best and isn't choppy. The older ones went wake boarding because it was too early for us
young ones. So we slowly ate and then tried to make a slip and slide that didn't turn out so well,
because the sand was getting on the mat and scratching our
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Personal Narrative Story : A Short Story
"Mom, please! don't leave me here!" I squealed as I held her arm with an iron grip. "Let go. I have
to go to work today," she said as she tried to move while I clenched her arm as I hard as I could. I
just did not want to go on the treacherous, black, and springy trampolines. I was very anxious about
hurting myself badly on the trampolines. "Is Aadit Janu here today?" Ryan our instructor said in a
booming voice as he checked of names on his clipboard. "Go! Ryan is calling your name," My mom
said as she hoped I would leave. "Fine," I moaned as I dashed towards Ryan. "Uh, umm, ya, here!" I
said in a jumbled and mumbled mess. "You were the last person on the list, so now let's get started!
Ryan said enthusiastically as he pointed at the trampolines. "Oh, Hey Adi How are you," My friend
Jack said as he walked toward me with a big smile on his face. I could not believe that Jack would
come all the way from Nashua, New Hampshire just to go to a trampoline park "It has been for ever
since I saw you!" I said happily as I high fived him. "I can't wait to try out the new wall–backflip. I
learned it with my sister," Jack exclaimed "Oh my god, he learned a wall–backflip!?" I thought to
myself as a glanced at the walls around us. "Hey guys why aren't you jumping on the trampolines
yet? You guys are just talking while everyone else is jumping?" Ryan exclaimed with one eyebrow
up. I looked at the dreadful trampolines, I took a big gulp and looked at Jack and thought to
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Essay On Parking Place
Finding a parking spot in Santa Monica Pier was one of the most difficult things ever, especially
with all the heavy traffic it made it even more tedious. With the awful driving of my cousin Oscar, it
took us around 20 minutes to find a free spot in two huge different lots.
When we finally parked we decided to go separate ways since we did not want to do and see the
same things. After getting off, the two separate groups went their own different ways, my two
cousins, Adair and Oscar went to grab something to eat. While my cousin, cousin–in–law and I went
to walk around the different stores there was around. First we walked to Downtown and 3rd Street
Promenade, a shopping outlet which includes dining and entertainment complex. It was a ... Show
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I bought my cousin Zuleyma and I matching necklaces. The rock was purple and shiny, shaped like
a long diamond with a black lace. The lady told us to not let anyone touch it because we could get
their negative vibes, she also instructed us to clean it with ocean water since it had been touched
before by other people.
As expected, there was souvenir stores. They sold t–shirts, sweaters, postcards, mugs, magnets, etc.
Nothing special, stuff you could find at any store.
Getting closer to the pier, we could hear a hispanic church singing choir. They were all dressed in
black and white, they seemed really passionate about their singing because they didn't let all the
noise around them distracting from giving a perfect and outstanding performance. There was a small
crowd, some of them listening and some of them recording, there was also kids laughing and
running around. The environment they gave was very church–like.
There was also several lively street performances. The one that caught my attention the most was
this super funny guy jumping over 5 people who were bending over. He kept making everyone
laugh while jumping and doing amazing backflips. When he was about to jump over the five people
he kept screaming trying to get the crowd hyped. "Come On, look at the black guy over here!" He
said. Getting ready to jump, he backed off a few meters and started running as fast as he could, he
jumped over the people and while he was doing that he
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Brief Summary Of Cliffhanger
The title of the book I read was Cliffhanger. The writer of the book was Skip Press. It takes place in
modern times on a cliff by the beach. The theme of the book is "sometimes you help other people
and sometimes you need help yourself".
There were two main characters Hiro and Jake. Hiro is from Japan he is new to the USA. He has
black hair and apologizes a lot. He likes to write action stories. The other character is Jake. The
author did not describe him much but it said that he likes to rock climb.
The conflict of the story is Jake falls off a cliff because a section of the cliff broke off and he was
hanging by one leg.During the rising action, Jake is practicing rock climbing and he's asking Hiro to
time him. He is taking
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Teamwork Exercises
Cam Nguyen
Written portion guidelines:
Answer the following questions in written paragraph form to be turned in:
What exercises did you choose (listing these out is completely acceptable with duration of each
exercise, in sequence of how they were performed)?
Exercises were performed in this order : Marching, Squat, Lunge, Side Steps, Jump Rope, Jumping
Jacks, Kick Back, Double Side Step, Jap and Punch, High Knees, Bicep Curls, Should Press,
Pushup, Tricep Kickback, Front Kick, Step up, Plank, Sit up
Duration: 30 seconds each.
I grouped 4–5 exercises into a set and repeat each set 3 times with 1–2 minute breaks in between.
How/why did you choose the exercises?
I chose these exercises because I remembered them as the ones I enjoyed doing during
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Reflection : My Experience On A Outdoor Experience
Outdoor Experience Paper Reflection At the beginning of the semester whenever I saw that we had
to go on a camping trip and I wasn't necessarily excited, but I wasn't upset either. I've gone camping
with my family before and it was fun, but I hated staying in a tent. Instead of being negative about
the situation, I told myself that I would make this a fun and positive experience. I would have the
opportunity to meet new people and get close to some of my fellow classmates. As the day for the
camping trip got closer I started getting a little nervous. This would be the first time for me to go
camping without my parents. My parents normally get all my things together and I am only in
charge of packing my clothes. For this trip things would be different. I would not only have to pack
my clothes, but also pack food, drinks, equipment, sleeping supplies, and other things that normally
my parents do. Surprisingly, it wasn't hard getting all my things together. Having to carry all my
equipment is a different story. Our bags were bulky and having to carry all my things to and from
the tent and then up the dock was not my favorite experience of the trip. Getting to camp with my
classmates was so much fun. Not everyone can say that they have gotten to go on a college camping
trip with people from your college class. Surprisingly I took a lot away from this experience. I was
very proud of myself for being able to go two days without my phone. I am incredibly attached to
my phone and
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Descriptive Essay On Gymnastics
Gymnastics was a big part of my life and I was very excited when I got my first complicated skill it
had taken me about 2 years to get the skill. It was Saturday and my day started off by eating some
breakfast, my mom had made pancakes and bacon and they were delicious. I finished off my
breakfast and my dad told me to go get ready because we were going to run some errands and so I
did, I picked out this red shirt with free shoulder it was kind of big on me so, it looked like a dress
but I liked it that way, to go with the long red shirt. I picked out some black tights because they
seemed comfy. On my hair, I did a half up half down with a bun at the top and I got my favorite
brown sandals and put them on. Before my family left I had to do my bed, because my dad said, if I
kept my room clean all year I would be able to get a new phone, I cleaned my bed and rushed out
the door. When my family and I were in the car, my dad started singing and I was cringing so hard
but, I didn't tell him anything because that would be rude. We stopped at Winco to get groceries. My
brother was excited because whenever we went to the grocery store he would get a bar of candy.
This time it wasn't any different, we bought the food and went to pay my job was always to put the
groceries into the bags which is fun. We headed into the car and my parents loaded the groceries
into the trunk. We started driving into the mall, so I could buy some shorts for summer, because all I
had were pants. We
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A Short Story : A Story?
It was a perfect day to be outside. No breeze to blow clouds in front of the sun that was making my
brother and I faces bead with sweat as we hopped out of his SUV. The drive through the gravel
backroads was harsh. We were bouncing everywhere because he needed to replace his shocks on his
red 4 runner.
"This is the place?" I looked around at all the dead grass and juniper trees.
"We have to hike a few miles to get to the falls then we will jump off there." Ezra, my almost 18
year old brother said.
I looked down at my flip flops and noticed all the sand around me.
I leaned up against a sigh that was about as tall as me that said "Steel Head Falls"
"Great. Walking in sand with flip flops." I mocked.
After an hour or so of hiking up hill I hopped from one foot to the other so the hot sand wouldn't
burn both of my feet, as I shook my flip flops to get the sand out.
"How far down is that?" I asked more worried than I wanted.
"About 30 feet" A boy about my brothers age said to my right.
"Great huh!" Ezra called as he was laying a Superman towel down in the sun so he could take off
his shoes.
The teenager that told me how high the cliffs were yelped with joy and jumped off the cliff. I could
even bring myself to look over the edge better yet jump off it.
"You want me to jump off here?" I laughed "That's not going to happen, 30 feet is taller than an
overpass!" I stared at Ezra expecting him to call me a wuss.
"It's not that high. It just looks high. I have done this so
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Descriptivetive Of The Beast : Personal Narrative : The Beast
The Beast
It was and endless repetition of when we jump dog bites our feet through the tramp. When out of
nowhere the dog jumps on. Uh! Oh! We all thought. They all huddled together and I was face to
face with the growling beast. It felt like it was slow motion. My friends moving like a snail towards
each other each step louder and slower than the other. I saw them look towards me and their smile
was changing. What was it changing into? Oh no their face looked worried. Scared to turn my head
in the direction they were staring at it was Brooklyn's dog. He was flying through the air. His feet
one by one landed on the tramp, and making the tramp scream as if he was a roller coaster making
people scream. There standing was the beast. I felt like it was a stare down. Neither one of us dared
to blink and then the dog blinked. When he was barely going to close his eye I decided to move a
little away from where he was staring. He noticed he hurried and opened his eyes. He lunged
forward towards me. Then BOOM!!!! I was tackled by the dog. I immediately went into a ball. As
scared as I was I couldn't let my friend's dog hurt me. "OW!!" I shouted from the top of my lungs.
Then all I saw was blood.... One blazing hot summer day I was walking down the street to my
friends house to jump on her super bouncy tramp. I had just arrived at her two story blue house
when I heard them jumping on the tramp, so I decided to knock (her gate doesn't open). I knocked
and then
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Descriptive Essay On Horses
I have been riding horses for 5 years and over the course of the five years, I have ridden at 3
different barns and ridden nineteen different horses. I have finally found the horse love of my life
and found the best friends anyone could ever ask for at the last barn that I find myself there as much
as I can and spend almost everyday I have there in the summer. The horse I am currently riding is
the craziest but one of the sweetest horses you'll ever meet. This past year me and Stormy competed
in the waupaca county fair and really well for our first (and hopefully not the last) show. I got to
show with my best friends and it's not a memory to forget like playing in the corn pit with Kendra
and Carlee and finding out me and my horse are really good at pole bending.
The course of our show was five days horses got there on Wednesday and left on Sunday. But our
show day was friday. On wednesday me and my mom had to work the 4–H food and didn't get done
until like 2:00 PM and had to rush to get my brother from his friends house and rush over to
Connie's and get stormy ready and watched my horse go crazy and then brought her to the
fairgrounds. By the time we got there it was like 5:30 . Than got everything organized and rode until
it was dark out. The next day was and adventure in it's own self we had the jumping practice and I
was going to do jumping or the show and I went to the practice and that's when everything went
wrong. So I went around the corner to take the jump
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The Raccoons Research Paper
The raccoons chased him into the woods and then I ran off of the trail and weaved through the trees
that were covered in vines and leaves then I came back to the river but the river was in a canyon!
The raccoons were still on my tail so I jumped and I went head over heels and splashed into the
water. When my head came back up to the surface of the water was filled with rapids. I felt
something hit my back and I turn and in the water and the was a fallen tree log. So I held on tightly
to the log and avencily in climbed on and I saw something in the distance in was a humongous rock
. So I jumped of the log and onto the rock and I was so exhausted that I went straight to sleep. The
next morning I woke up and and I was still in the canyon but
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Literary Analysis Of The Falling Girl
What is "The Falling Girl" about? Outline the plot of the story. Exposition – A nine–teen year old
girl named Marta is on top of skyscraper that houses apartments and businesses. She sees the city as
a mess and becomes dizzy over it. Rising Action #1 – She sees the city is filled with mansions,
buildings, parties and affairs. She feels hopeless and decides to let herself go falling off the
skyscraper, when realized she won't achieve her dreams of becoming rich and recognized. Rising
Action #2 – Marta floats by the millionaire parties as they offer her to join. She refused and states
she was in a hurry. Marta craves the attention paid to her by the wealthy as they even invited her,
this satisfied and makes her feel special. Rising Action #3 – She continues to past offices, where
employees sat on long rows working. She notices a large group of people gathering in front of a
building with long black cars and sparkling with jewel attending a party. She always have dreamed
of attending these events. Climax – When she realized she was not the only girl jumping off the
building. There were many other girls more beautiful than her as they were competing. The girls
were competing to get attention and the Resolution – Martha realised there were no one to watch her
die. This made her feel sad and upset since everyone has left the party by now and the long black
cars are gone. "The Falling Girl" is a fantasy story. What makes the story surreal? Provide two
quotations from the
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Growing Up Narrative
We hesitated, honestly, realizing the shared feelings held made us different... Yet, we still jumped.
Faye was different than others. She insisted on staying "icy", with the world seen clearly and head
spins exhilarating. It seemed like a switch in personalities through milliseconds making our
photographic, flowerdness, and stormy lives more interesting than life should've ever been.
Photography is a passion we shared closer to our hearts then our own safety. Her and I fell in love
with telling stories through the adrenaline rushes, cold cut pictures making people understand
without uttering a single word. Demanding to know what darkness held we descended into the
underneath to capture our pain, never trusting someone to stay after losing ... Show more content on ...
There was a tree on the edge of the water that had a branch just high enough to jump off of where
it's safe and still feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins. It took over 5 minutes to swim to
the other side and by then Faye had wanted something that would make her mind icy for longer than
just a couple minutes. Two girls sitting underneath a tree talking about traveling the world together,
dreaming of the perfect twin brothers to come along by the age of 25, and sharing our feelings of
difference from the world was routine. Yet, something was off... I didn't know what but it definitely
wasn't the night for after dark parties or adrenaline rushes. The third fight was our last. The thought
of her starting a fire across her skin before jumping in the ice cold lake left a feeling I couldn't
explain. Jumping from the tree into the lake helped, I knew it did, but I couldn't let her jump
tonight... She'd do it alone and I'd never let her spark adrenaline dangerously by herself. Sisters
fight, it's a natural instinct. Except you never leave your baby sister behind when it's dangerous
outside, no matter how mad you are. I did. Millions of cars searched the streets and calls... so many
calls, were made to find Faye. It was an immediate search after I realized the selfishness of what I'd
done, leaving her there at the lake. Except, no one made it in time. The burn marks and cuts across
our skin marked our stupidity, everyone knew. There's a reason why no one ever worried about us.
We knew how to take care of ourselves and the ice we felt from the blade or the fire or the jumping
was a shock to people at first. Before they realized it was only two stupid teenagers and stopped
telling us we needed help. It was like our minds were in constant searching for something more.
Anything to make the icy feeling clear our flowered lives and
... Get more on ...

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Descriptive Essay About Riding A Horse

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  • 2. Creative Writing Midterm Have you ever been to Myrtle Beach during jellyfish season? It is terrible. When you get within about 50 feet of the water you have to watch every step. Even with jellyfish everywhere, I still like the beach. They rest of my family hated being stung, but I kept telling them, "suck it up and spray vinegar on it."The waves were perfect for surfing and skimming. Skimming is like surfing, but you run into the water with a four to five feet long board then you jump on the board. When you get in the water and a wave comes, you spin yourself around and head back to shore. It took me a day before I could do it, but after that I was fine until I fell or got stung on the bottom of my foot. The first day, I grabbed my board and started to run downstairs ... Show more content on ... When I fell, I fell on the same big scrape on my knee that had just scabbed over. The cut broke open again and it took even more layers off of my knee. Blood started running down my leg, but I did not notice, so I just kept skimming. When the salty, ocean water splashed on the open cut, I knew that it was way worse than It had been before. I looked down to see how bad it was, and the whole front of my leg was red. I ran up to my mom and she freaked out. "What happened? Are you okay? You need to go wash that off! I'll go get the lifeguard." I went up to the shower, where you wash the sand off your feet, to wash off all of the blood. Then I went to the lifeguard to get a bandage. The lifeguard was really nice, but he did not speak very good English. He was from Poland. My mom was sitting next to me and my grandma was on the other side of my mom. My mom was leaning toward taking pictures as usual. My grandma was trying to see him but my mom was in the way. "Down in front woman!" my grandma whispered angrily at my mom. This was the closest my grandma had been to the lifeguard, so she was really happy. After he cleaned my knee, I went back up to the hotel room. I could not shower because my knee was so bad, so I had to use a hotel cup to get the seawater out of my hair. I put my pajamas on and went to the lobby to watch television. My family came to the lobby when it got dark, and we ordered pizza for the seventh ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. Personal Narrative: A Decision That Changed My Life I never knew that one action or decision could change you life for ever but on Friday, May 28th 2016 I experienced first hand by jumping into a shallow pool and tore my PCL. Maddie Emma and I had arrived to Maddie's house excited but I felt a pit in my stomach but i just ignored it and ran to get changed. Walking towards the pool I felt this pitting feeling throughout my whole body as if my brain was screaming at me not to get in but like every other decision in my life I chose to ignore it and slid into the pool. Emma had jumped in and wanted to show Maddie how to do spinals because thats the first thing that a lifeguard thinks of when entering the pool. Coincidence or not I was the victim first with my face in the water holding my breath ... Show more content on ... finally they took me to get an x–ray and thats when the water works started and the radiologest just ignored me and with out saying a word filled the room with fear. once she took the x–ray she did not say a thing and when i asked he what she was her exact words where you need to descuse it with your doctor , that it what they say to people that are dying or have cancer. spoiler alert they found nothing on the x–ray.a nurse took me back to the emergency area where I got a room where not one checked on you for hours so I updated my snapchat and explain to everyone what happened but I had to pee. I will spare you the details and sum it up to 3 words bedpan never again. Shortly after someone came and finally told me whats going on. My guess is he was a resident but i will give him props he did a good job telling me the x–ray is clear your knee has swelled to three times its size we really don't know whats wrong with your could be and ACL tear or smoother ligament, come see a specialist tomorrow. Next the nurse came to visit me and told my about the brace that I will need and he will be back in a minute to show me how to put it on and walk on couches. What I didn't know it that a minute in nurse time is actually 20 minute. When he finally came ... Get more on ...
  • 7. My Experience At The Bus If somebody loves something, they will never get sick it. I feel exactly that when I board the bus, packed full to go to track meets in the springtime. When descending up the three stairs onto the bus, the boys team takes up the whole back half of the bus and the girls team claims the front half. From front to back, all of the athletes squeeze three bodies into one seat. The guys in the back chant and yell, in a wonderful mood before the start of the meet while some of the girls team nap or listen to music or play games to pass the time. Coming from behind, I hear one of my teammates saying "I spy with my little eye something green" followed by multiple girls all staring out the windows shooting out quick guesses. Cars zoom by as I stare out my window, listening to music, just waiting to get to our destination. A lifetime, or so it felt, passed of guys yelling across the bus and girls singing aloud to music and we were finally at our destination. One by one, we unloaded the bus, bags and all. Boys, girls and coaches haul bags and coolers and blankets and I take up the rear of the pack. The day is a cold one, the wind is blowing but the sun is shining down through the clouds. The team crosses the rubber–like track and onto the infield surrounded by the track. Blankets are laid across the green grass for bags to be set down and runners to rest on between and before races. All around the field, opposing teams linger and warm up for competition. In the middle of the field, a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Personal Narrative : My Birthday Party "Today is going to be perfect!" I told myself. It was April 1, 2012, and it was my birthday. I had just finished a long, boring day of school when I started to wait for my eighth birthday party. My mom and I had spent the entire afternoon searching for cakes, birthday favors, and more. This was all to lead up to my party. The party was going to be a star–wars themed birthday party with all sorts of decorations. It was going to be at Kid's Kingdom, a gymnastics center, where we would jump on trampolines. That was assuming I would be able to jump. We left the house and began driving to Kid's Kingdom. I stepped out of the car and immediately tripped over a rock. That was the worst thing I would have ever thought would happen on a birthday. When we went in Kid's Kingdom, we began to set up decorations. We put the cake in place, got the table set, got the silverware out, and we were then waiting for the kids to come. There was still half an hour until the party was going to start, so we waited in the party room. We stood in there for around 10 minutes until I lost my patience, so I left and jumped on the trampolines early. I had then remembered there was a new slide that had just opened. This slide was ginormous. It stood extremely high, and it was completely made of wood. I had to walk up these very steep and narrow stairs to be able to get on it. My mom had warned me to watch my step going up the stairs, but I didn't listen. I was too excited to finally slide down it. As I was running up the stairs, my mom called my name. "Gerson!" yelled my mom. I turned and moved an inch too forward. Without a breath, I collapsed down the stairs, and I felt every stair hit my body before I hit my head extremely hard on the oak floor. The bang sounded like someone slamming a book against a desk. The room was completely quiet. The silence was broken when I let out a screech like no other. My parents came, and they brought me to the front desk in the lobby. The employee looked as terrified as I was. My parents sat me on the desk while they scrambled to get their keys. When I looked in front of me, I saw the sad faces. All of my friends walked by, and I didn't know what to say. They all had blank expressions not knowing what to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. A Separate Peace Rhetorical Analysis "Alright pal, you got me," beamed Finny. Phineas, the only perfect person in the world (hyperbole), just admitted that I had beaten him at something. Once this realization hit me, a moment of pure joy sunk in, until it quickly passed and was followed by an overwhelming sense of disappointment. It wasn't enough. Without further thought, I quickly flipped Finny, who was caught off guard by his euphoric state, over and pinned him to the ground (parallel structure). To my surprise, after the initial shock left his expression, he began to laugh. Finny had finally been beaten at something athletic, and all he could do was laugh. "What are you laughing like that for?" "You don't understand," Finny chuckled, "but you bring out the best in me Gene. You know, like those race horses (simile)." Finny never changed the subject; everything he said was perfectly related to one another. "Yeah," he continued, "those race horses. They can be the fastest in the world, but they'll never win any races unless they have a good jockey." ... Show more content on ... Sure, I push you to do the things you wouldn't normally do, but you push me to be the best I can be. No one's ever done that to me before, and I don't know what I'd do without you." It was the best thing he had ever said to me, it was the worst the he had ever said to me (antithesis), and all I could do was stare. He picked up my silence as his cue to continue, as he always did. "Yeah, that's what I mean. You're my best pal, Gene," he said, as if to himself. "You're one of the most competitive people I know, and that's great." I quickly retorted, "I'm not competitive!" Getting off of Finny's chest, I wondered aloud, "Am ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Narrative Essay On A Winter Night On a cold Winter night two people lay to sleep. So far away but that would never stop the dreaming and magic. December 1,2003 Concord,Massachusetts Anna: It's nighttime in Concord. I began to grow tired as the time progresses to 10:30 pm. I go up the stairs leading to my room not knowing what is to come in this night slumber. I can only imagine what I might dream. As I lay on my soft bedding cuddling up to my warm fuzzy blanket I began to doze off. Just before I finally fall asleep I hear the train blow its whistle down the road from my house. Dream Land: Where everyone's dreams come together. You tend to see people wandering around aimlessly. In my dream I'm jumping around from cloud to cloud tasting the water from them as I jump. Flying in between. I continue for a few more minutes. I get tired from jumping so I decided to fall from the clouds. I jumped from the clouds so that I could watch the twinkling stars. As I jump and fall I'm then greeted with a hard landing. I look to see what I landed on and it just so happened to be a boy. I jump up surprised that I didn't squish him from how far I fell. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to land on you," I said. "It's alright, it didn't hurt too much it just took me by surprise," the mysteries boy said. December 1,2003 Concord,Massachusetts Christopher: It's nighttime in the cold Concord. I don't think that it has ever been this cold here before. I start to get tired at about 10:00 pm. My eyes getting heaving I walk myself up what ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Peer Pressure Satire Peer Pressure You ever been peer pressured into something you regret? Let me tell you about the time when I was peer pressured to jump off a bridge. It was my sophomore year summer, the scene around me was spirit–lifting, clouds were latched to the unending sky. So a couple of buddies and I decided to go swimming, we searched far and wide and we wanted to jump rocks. So my friend Ivan suggested we go to Jones Creek. I have only heard of Jones Creek once or twice from people at school, but haven't actually had the chance to go. So we packed our stuff, threw it in the car and headed towards Jones Creek. My body was ecstatic with joy as I have never been cliff jumping. It was about an hour out from Hillsboro, a little bit pass tillamook. Ever ... Show more content on ... So I did it like 20 more times before finally resting up on the shore. As time passed by, it felt as if we spent the whole day swimming and jumping off a helicopter skydiving. Then the unexpected happen, my best friends Ivan and Nathan decided they wanted to get a go at the bridge. In my head, I knew this was not a good idea. The bridge was skyscraping, towering, mighty, I can't even think of words to describe it. It was unmatchable and yet they want to jump off it. I tried to convince them not to, worrying that something might go wrong if they did. Quite frankly they didn't care what I had to say and offered me to jump with them. I was already on the bridge with them and they were on the outside of the rails ready to jump. While all my friends are behind me they wanted to see all three of us jump at the same time. I was scared shitless. But being me I caved in and vaulted right over the rail and stood next to 2 of my best friends as we were about to jump a bridge. I've never been more scared in my life, looking down at my feet it looked like the people below me were ants. We stood there for a good 5 minutes contemplating on whether we should jump or not. The longer we sat there the worst it became, we were all trembling with fear. Both Ivan and Nathan had fear in their eyes like I've never seen before. I bet they were just as scared as I was. The sun was gleaming at all 3 of us as we stood there in shock and awe. But we had to man up and jump, so we did exactly that. The water was fragile, universe–blue–colour, making it appear like nature's amphitheatre. At that very moment all 3 of us jumped, the air felt ice cold, it felt as if everything was statue still, like time froze on us. It was peaceful and comfortable, I have never experienced such a unique feeling. As we came racing down we smacked the water and plunged right for the surface gasping for air. It was a feeling that you can't shake ... Get more on ...
  • 12. My Thoughts On The Fear Of Heights I can hear the sound of my repeating alarm as it starts fading in louder into my ears, waiting for it to be turned off. I slowly open my eyes to see the light from outside peeking in through my window blinds hinting to me that it is now morning. I stretch my arms and legs as much as I can, feeling as if I am the rope in the game of tug–of–war and two people are pulling me from opposite sides. I can sense the excitement in my heart of what I am going to do today– something that I have never, but always, wanted to do. I already imagine how I will feel after today: the adrenaline rush, the overwhelming confidence, the satisfaction. Today, I am going to cliff jump for the first time; today, I will conquer my fear of heights; today, I promise that this decision is immutable. I shut off all five of my alarms and look at the time on my phone; it is 9:30 a.m. I text my friends, waiting for them to pick me up. Meanwhile, I wash up and get ready for a day that I will remember. The sound of my phone obnoxiously goes off and I rush over to pick up the call from my friend, Johnny, telling me to hurry up and come out the house. I scan my room one last time, check my bag, making sure I have everything I need and head out the door. I open the car door and see my other friends, Brian, Rachel, and Moses, as they greet me with a hello. Heading over to Abalone Cove, a popular cliff–jumping place and tide–pools area, I roll down the window to smell the fresh, So Cal weather and to feel the wind ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Personal Narrative Essay : My Birthday The morning sunshine seeped through the cracks between my shutters, lighting up my room. I could hear the clock ticking and the rays of sunlight bouncing off of my eyelids. I barely got any sleep last night because I was ecstatic that tomorrow was, my birthday! I jumped up out of bed, how could I have forgotten that it was my birthday? Suddenly all of my drowsiness turned it into excitement and I jumped up, throwing the red gradient quilt off of my bed. I slowly walked out of my room, making very little noise, checking to see if anyone else was awake. I peeked through the intricate staircase railings and tried to spot anyone downstairs, no one was in sight. I tiptoed down the cream coloured stairs, reached the bottom and got startled when my mom yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!", her voice bouncing off the walls of house. A grin so big spread across my face, I couldn't believe I was turning four years old! Soon after that my sister and dad awoke, it was time to celebrate! I had my favourite breakfast, scrumptious waffles, with vibrant berries. The sweet wafts of syrup scented heat made my mouth water. Since we were going to celebrate my birthday in the evening, me and my sister decide to play some games to pass the time. We played Monopoly and Jenga! Our Monopoly game felt like it lasted for ages because the game could go on forever. She ended up winning, she had five hotels! Then we played Jenga. It took us some time to build the tower because I kept knocking it over by ... Get more on ...
  • 14. What Is My Most Important Summer Essay My Most Important Summer Some people like to stay in control of their life and avoid any amount of extraordinary risk to protect their self–disclosure. Other people don't shy away from challenges as they are confident that certain obstacles are nothing more than just another thing standing in their way from living life to the fullest extent. Through personal experience, I've realized that personal comfort is nothing more than a variety of fears that limit me from challenging myself. One balmy summer morning my friends convinced me to come swim in Grapevine Lake, which would be very enticing if I was a strong swimmer or had any swimming experience whatsoever. I was a fairly reserved person, and most of the time the idea of risk or failure decided whether or not I would partake in certain activities. In contrast, my two friends, Austin and Nick, always were willing to take risks and defy their natural comfort, if they even had any. I accepted their request, although there was doubt in the back of my mind. I ... Show more content on ... Immediately, I angled my position and went for a dead sprint toward the water. I jumped off the cliff. I never felt anything like it; the trajectory had me flying through the air for longer than I expected. A surge of adrenaline pulsed through my body, bringing a new sense of life to me. The scorching heat went away as gravity pulled my body toward the water, bringing me a pleasant breeze through my fall. Then, I finally hit the water. I didn't stick a solid landing, as I went head first into the water. I panicked and opened my eyes under the murky water, only to see nothing but dirt and sediments float around me. I kept sinking and saw a monstrous fish swim right in front of my face. At that very moment, my body went into overdrive, and I managed to project myself back up to the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Analysis Of A Wall Of Fire Rising What is Our Purpose on Earth? A Wall of Fire Rising is a wonderful book written by Edwidge Danticat. Edwidge was born in Haiti in 1969. She's written three plays and seven novels. In the Wall of Fire Rising theirs three main characters which are little guy, Guy, and Lili. Now little guy starts preparing for the play he was going to be in, which has some lines which seem to always get to his father Guy. Why did Guy get into the air balloon and jump out? Maybe he thought he'd survive and was willing to take a chance. It could also be that it was his only way to feel something more then he felt for a long time. Guy was so worried about little guy doing the play and remembering his lines. In the story it says,"Guy struggled with the letters of the slave revolutionary's name as he looked over his son's shoulders, I see some very hard words here, son"( Danticat 149). Why was he being so hard on little guy about the speech ? Saying things like "very hard words here" ,like his son was incapable of learning his lines or was it deeper (Danticat 149). Boy recites his lines,''' A wall of fire rising and in the ashes, I see the bones...'''(Danticat 149). The lines left Lili and Guy both with a "strange feeling" it says( Danticat 149). Since boy read his first lines Guy wouldn't let him read them again. He'd say things like"'We have heard them,''' Guy said,"' Don't tire your lips"'(Danticat 151). Why didn't guy want to hear them again? What was the effect it had on him? Did he jump ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Bend It Like Beckham Relational Development In the movie Bend it Like Beckham, the characters, Jess and Julie go through every stage of relational development up until stagnating, where they make a jump back to intensifying stage. The two girls start in the initiating phase when Julie see Jess playing soccer in the park and notices she is really good and decides to introduce herself to Jess and asks her to join her soccer team and many other questions about herself. This is the beginning of the experimenting stage where the two get to know each other very well. They quickly move to the intensifying stage where they become best friends and great teammates. The next stage they enter is the integrating stage, where Julie invites Jess to various activities to hang out with the rest of the team and friends. This leads into the bonding stage where they become known as best friends, which for some they are mistaken as being seen as a lesbian couple. They may have become best friends very quickly, but they soon find things that they argue about, and enter the differentiating stage where they have a big fight. After the fight, they enter the circumscribing stage of their relationship; where neither talks to the other and it ... Show more content on ... Julie and her dad bonded throughout the movie over their love for soccer, however Julie and her mom have not always seen eye to eye. Julie is not a girly girl, but her mom wishes she was and does not understand her love for soccer. Julie and her mom were at the differentiating stage throughout most of the movie. Until Julie got into a fight with her best friend Jess and when they made up Julie's mom thought she was gay because of how the friends bonded with each other. After Julie explained what they fought about, her mom understood. At the end of the movie their relationship turned over to bonding because her mom finally gave soccer a chance and was proud of her ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Descriptive Essay On The Halloween House On Halloween Day, Mia and her friends went trick–or–treating around her neighborhood. Mia was dressed as a bumblebee and her friends were ladybugs and butterflies. As they went around the neighborhood, Mia said "There is always this one house that I think is haunted. I have always wanted to check it out, but my mom said no... would you guys want to?" Her friends said yes, so they went to the house and climbed the creaking front porch steps. As they were approaching the house, they saw that there were broken/shattered windows, some shingles on the roof were gone, and part of the front door was gone. Mia got chills all up and down my spine as if there were little needles poking her when she went to reach for the doorbell of the house. All of a sudden, Mia hears mice squeaking through the house as she rings the doorbell and a bird suddenly flies out of one of the windows. No one answers them so Mia says "Looks like there isn't anyone home... should we just go in?" Mia's friend, Maddie, says "Are you crazy? This place is like haunted!" Her other friend, Alyssa, says "It's probably fine, let's check it out guys!" When they get inside, all they see is the lots and lots of furniture covered in white/cream colored sheets, tons of dust, and some dirt. When Alyssa uncovered one of the pieces of furniture sitting by the door, there was some kind of red drops on it and it looked to be fairly new. "I don't like the look of these drops on the couch... can we go?" Maddie replies, "You're fine, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Shipwreck At The Bottom Of The Ocean Overcoming Adversity What's The importance of overcoming adversity? why should you try? Read this and you will change your mind on the way you see yourself or think of yourself. Shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean is a great book. Not alot happens in the first few chapters except the background of the sailors. The more you read into the book the more problems that arise. In one chapter they got low on food and their spirits were down but the next they found food and were happy and singing. When shackleton was the captain of that ship he pushed his crew as hard as he could to keep them moving and happy. The main problem in the book was when the ship got stuck in ice. This ship was a giant reinforced walls it had it all, But when the ... Show more content on ... Well i'm still a young person but i do have a story. I was 10 i wanted to go sledding and by my house there was this really big hill. A construction company started to dig at it. When my friend and i got to the hill we sled for an hour then we got bored. When you get bored as a kid you look for something to do so we did. We played with the snow made forts out of snow drifts and we had a little fun. Then we got bored again we went down the hill and looked at the cliff. My friend and i wanted to climb it. So we did We climbed it 4 or 5 times each then i wanted to jump off it, I jumped off it first. We jumped off it twice. My third jump was my last jump and the jump that changed my life. On my final jump i landed in 2 cm of snow. That snow wasn't close enough to what we were jumping into a 2 feet of snow kinda ended and i landed on that one spot. My left ankel took most of the impact. When i hit the ground my ankle had a really sharp pain i tried to walk it off but it just got worse and at this time i had no clue what to do. I kept on yelling for my mom and no one came i was scared. I started to yell at my friend. This is when my little brother got to the hill we started to yell at him telling him to go get my mom. When my brother left it felt like hours went by as i sat there in pain. My mother finally showed up they loaded me onto one of the 2 sleds we had and started to pull me. Half way out of the field some person ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Personal Narrative On Suffering The year is 2019. The humans, as they are called, have recognized our existence for over 2 years now. Leader #70 has reached Earth and betrayed his home planet once again. He has captured a land known as America. Now that he has advanced weapons, he's coming for revenge. Last time, he lost the battle to himself. Unfortunately, he's more powerful than ever now. We never learned from our past mistakes and that is why tons of soldiers are suffering. I signed up for this. I shouldn't be suffering. Yet I'm still getting this feeling of regret. I looked down at the endless galaxy I was expected to willingly jump into. Was I really going to risk my life to save my planet? All the humans are risking their lives too, but rumour has it that they each ... Show more content on ... I looked down at the soldiers in battle. They were taking a long time down there. Maybe we're winning and that's why it's taking so long for my time to jump. Either that, or I'm not paying attention and other soldiers have already moved in front of me and jumped. It may be possible to back out now, but if I do I would be known as the soldier who wasn't brave enough. I would have to live with all the guilt and regret. It's not like I was living without the guilt before. If I wanted to go back, I would have decided a long time ago. "Soldier 720, JUMP," the worker announced. I looked down and watched 720 as he gracefully jumped , almost in a rush. I noticed he started shooting later than he should have. He wasn't shaking or nervous at all. It was like watching him fall into the arms of death. Somehow, it calmed me down seeing him leave so easily. I could go that way too, no one would know what happened. "Soldier 724, JUMP," the worker shouted. It's my turn. The stress and anxiety I have now is nothing like when I asked her to prom. I clenched the gun and took deep breaths. Just like my mom told me before, "Breath in and out slowly, you'll never know what she might respond with." The thing is I am quite sure what will happen if I jump. Every single soldier that left still hasn't come back. Nothing will change. I have to ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Persuasive Narrative Story ` ` As I started to get out of the water I feel a sharp pain at the bottom of my left foot. 'Ouch' I thought to myself. I looked down into the green colored lake and saw nothing but my feet, some sand and tons of slimy rocks. Oh well I thought as I was getting out of the water and double checking to make sure there was nothing in the water that I could have stepped on. I stood up and walked to the other pier and jumped off. As soon as I jump in the green water, I felt the coolness of the water go over me. As I start to surface out of the water I hear my Dad calling me over, "Savannah, why don't you come on the raft with us" pointing to my little brother Xavier and my mom. "Do I have to," I complained? "Unless you want to spend the rest of the night in your room and have no electronics" my dad warned. "Fine," I said. I swam over to the raft and find the latter, I skip the bottom step, the bottom step had always been the slimiest. As I start climbing up the ladder my little brothers goes to the top of the latter and justs sits there and looks at the lake like i'm not waiting to get on the raft! "Um hello there's somebody down here," I say rolling my eyes. "Opps sorry let me give you a hand!" "Okay, but don't push me back into the water" I say warningly. I gave him my hand and wouldn't you know it, he pushed me right back in the water, and then went by my mom and dad laughing his little head off. 'Oh I am so going to get him back, and when I do he's gonna be sorry' I ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Exciting Little Moments That Aren 't Anymore Exciting Little Moments That Aren't Anymore There were so many fun games that I used to play as a kid. Games like lava monster involved us jumping and running from one part of a playground to another and making sure we didn't get caught by the lava monster. Tag and freeze tag got somewhat dangerous because if we got cornered by the person who was "it," we would try to make sure not to get caught ― for example, jumping off of the play structures to run away. Four square, four corners, waterfall and jump rope were all classic games that we played. Jump rope was a challenging game. We would sing songs as we jumped rope like "Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum", "Ice Cream Soda", "Miss Mary Mack", or "Cinderella" and try to get the jumper to miss and even add different challenges to do while you were jumping rope like in "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear": Teddy bear, teddy bear, Turn around. Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch the ground. Nowadays, it's pretty much just sitting there with a piece of technology right in front of me. In my free time, I used to frequently go outside to play at the park, with my rabbits, read, watch TV, or play with legos. Now, I'm usually spending my time indoors, making things, reading, surfing the web or binge watching shows on my laptop. In middle school during lunchtime, some days my friends and I would eat lunch and chill, walk and talk, or play games like four square. I recall my friends rushing out the door when the bell rang to grab a ball, jump rope, or even a ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Personal Narrative : The Fear Of A Blue Mountain I have this huge fear. I break into a cold sweat. My mind goes blank. It causes my arms and legs to shake. I tightly grasp onto anything near me. As thoughts about injuries or even death enter my head, I think about my family and friends reactions to my death. What would happen to my Pokémon cards? "Don't think like that Evan" I am terrified of heights. Of course, this doesn't mean I'm scared of being in a high place. Rather, it's the sight of a long way to fall, of gravel far below me. What makes me most afraid is when there are no guardrails, or any other safety devices between me and the edge. I can only rely on my own ability to balance. Despite my fear, last summer I somehow found myself climbing a mountain. Over the winter, Blue Mountain's prime attraction is it's steep mountains; some measured 300 metres high. They are perfect for skiing and snowboarding. However, many don't know how over the summer, the journey up and the view at the top is amazing. At least, that is what my brother said. I wasn't feeling excited at all. After eating our sack lunches at the base of the mountain, we decided to start climbing. The beginning wasn't so bad because we just had to walk up. The mountain was very steep, but there was no way to fall down. The majority of my view at that point was rocks and trees that rose in a tiered manner. This continued until we reached the steepest leg of the climb. The trees cleared and there were enormous boulders stacked that stretched for what ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Dart Fish Analysis Paper Flight time was analyzed for six total serves, 3 jump serves and 3 standing overhand serves. Flight time was discovered using the running clock tool on Dartfish Analysis Software. Table 1 displays the summarized findings of flight time of 3 jumps serves and 3 standing overhand serves. Table 1. Summarized findings of flight time for 3 jump serves and 3 standing overhand serves. Flight time was discovered experimentally through Dartfish Analysis Software. Average flight time for the jump serve and the standing overhand serve was calculated, and summarized in Table 2. Table 2. Average flight time of the jump serve and the standing overhand serve was calculated based on data from Table 1. A sample calculation for average flight time is displayed below. Each calculation was performed identical to the sample. Ball velocity was calculated for 6 serves, 3 jump serves and 3 standing overhand serves. Ball velocity was calculated based on distance and flight time. Both of these variables were discovered through Dartfish Analysis Software. Table 3 displays the summarized ... Show more content on ... This confirms what the literature has found as well. The jump serve is more likely to have a decreased flight time, an increased ball velocity and a flatter projection angle. My hypothesis of which serve would be considered better was confirmed, but I was surprised at the minimal difference of each factor between each serve. I assumed that each factor would be significantly different between the two serves. Based on my results, I can confirm that the jump serve is the better volleyball serve in a competition setting. The reduced flight time allows competitors less time to react to the ball, the increased ball velocity makes it more difficult to handle and control and the flatter projection angle makes it more difficult to pass. Therefore, the jump serve is more likely to earn points in a competition ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Check In Narrative The car slowly crept down the long gravel road. I turned my head and saw a line of tree's following behind and above us as we went. The end of the road was only a few feet away, and when we got there, the sun lit up the inside of the car like a chrismas tree. In front of us, a parking lot with a large building in the middle. As we drove up and parked, I read a sign on the building. The sign read "Check In". My parents walked into the building and left me and my sister, who was only paying attention to her phone.The new campsite was big, and outside the sites, was a pool with a huge playground next to it. I got out, followed by my sister, and met our friend who was already there. We ran to the swings and jumped on. We sat there until my parents ... Show more content on ... It was a beautiful tree, with leaves on all of it's branches except for one, which we were going to jump off of. I put one foot on and leaped. I reached my hand out and grabbed the forst branch I could. I reached for the next one and started climbing up. I got to the top, and stopped. The water looked tranquil. I took in a deep breath of air, and jumped off. I flew up a few inches, and then plummeted into the water. My feet were the first to hit the cold water, and then the sensations spread as the rest of my body went in. My first reaction was thrilled, but as I came to my senses, I felt the cold water. It felt like a cold fall day, but not too cold. I rose from the water with a smile on my face. My sister and friends saw my smile and knew it was going to be fun. They got up and threw their phones down and ran over to the tree. First, my sister started to climb up and up until she reached the top. By the look on her face, I knew she was scared. Out of no where, Her friend ran up and pushed her off the top of the tree and she flew down into the cool water. She surfaced and gave her friend a dirty look and swam away. She couldn't hide the fact she had a good time. One after another, we ran up the tree and had a blast. We all tried different jumps like flips and twists, and a few made us ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Roping Run Argument "I need to get a team roping run" said the header I'll rope with you said a random guy well lets enter up.So they entered up and then when It was their time to rope the header nodded.Rrrrrr goes the roping chute and off they go to rope the steer "I got it" said the header.Then the header turns left with the steer the heeler turns left to with the header.He lets the steer takes three hops and then throws his loop. The loop goes down on the steers feet and gets a double.Then dally's and then the header faces back to the heeler.The flag drops the time stops the announcer says it's a 3.3.The header and the heeler throws their hats we won the roping.Then the header goes and takes his rope off of the steer.And then they walk their horses back ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Persuasive Speech : Base Jumping You stand there as nervous as you have ever been. You take a deep breath, looking down at how high up you are, but you know in only a matter of seconds you will be on the ground, and this will all seem silly. Holding your breath in nervousness, you jump without even thinking about how stupid you are for making this decision. Or was it a good decision? WAIT, there is no time to think. All you are focused on is inflating this canopy before you splat on the ground. There is a whole community of people who do this as a sport. It is called BASE jumping. Just make sure you know what you are doing before you jump. You will have very little time to react while you are plunging towards the ground. Think to yourself, is this a good decision? What is BASE jumping? BASE jumping is jumping off heights with very little equipment. When people BASE jump, they are launching without a previously inflated canopy, which makes it very dangerous. Everything that is immobile, and or vertical, can be, or is considered BASE jumpable. You jump, and you only have a matter of seconds before you can inflate the canopy, and land safely. It can be considered even more dangerous than parachuting. Lots of people are experts at BASE jumping, and would recommend trying it. BASE jumping is it's own sport. In July 1980, officials and permits were first issued by the National Parks. Now, people enjoy it as it's own sport, and it is very different than all of the others. It is actually more popular ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Narrative Essay About Fishing My cousins always push me into things I don't want to do. In the past they have pushed me or convinced me to do something that I don't want to do. They love to go boating and so do I, but when it comes to one of them driving the boat while we are tubing. I want to stay as far away from the water as possible. Or else they will jump from tube to tube, or go 50 miles an hour and give me a huge migraine from yelling at them to slow the boat down. I'm like them in many ways but at the same time not so much. I don't go hike up the side of a mountain for fun, or jump off a cliff without a life jacket.. A lot of the older ones are crazier than us young ones. Especially when they are trying something new that can be dangerous sometimes. Especially when they tried to push me into some dangerous stunts a couple vacations ago. It was like a gust of exhilaration as I started my descent off the cliff. It was like a gust of adrenaline as I fell almost 50 feet in the air only to reach a dangerous deep whirlpool of murky lake water at the bottom. I felt as If I was floating on top of a still pool and the nice refreshing feel of water giving me chills from the tip of my toes ,through my spine, and to the outside of my head. I had to get used to it though. But that is just a small part ... Show more content on ... We all woke up at the crack of dawn because at the time we were sleeping on the top deck the sun would hit us just right and wake us up. And like always, when one person wakes up, all the others start to wake up because nobody can shut up. We had a quick breakfast while the older ones set up the boat with boards, tubes, and life jackets. We have to go wake boarding early because the water is always the best and isn't choppy. The older ones went wake boarding because it was too early for us young ones. So we slowly ate and then tried to make a slip and slide that didn't turn out so well, because the sand was getting on the mat and scratching our ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Personal Narrative Story : A Short Story "Mom, please! don't leave me here!" I squealed as I held her arm with an iron grip. "Let go. I have to go to work today," she said as she tried to move while I clenched her arm as I hard as I could. I just did not want to go on the treacherous, black, and springy trampolines. I was very anxious about hurting myself badly on the trampolines. "Is Aadit Janu here today?" Ryan our instructor said in a booming voice as he checked of names on his clipboard. "Go! Ryan is calling your name," My mom said as she hoped I would leave. "Fine," I moaned as I dashed towards Ryan. "Uh, umm, ya, here!" I said in a jumbled and mumbled mess. "You were the last person on the list, so now let's get started! Ryan said enthusiastically as he pointed at the trampolines. "Oh, Hey Adi How are you," My friend Jack said as he walked toward me with a big smile on his face. I could not believe that Jack would come all the way from Nashua, New Hampshire just to go to a trampoline park "It has been for ever since I saw you!" I said happily as I high fived him. "I can't wait to try out the new wall–backflip. I learned it with my sister," Jack exclaimed "Oh my god, he learned a wall–backflip!?" I thought to myself as a glanced at the walls around us. "Hey guys why aren't you jumping on the trampolines yet? You guys are just talking while everyone else is jumping?" Ryan exclaimed with one eyebrow up. I looked at the dreadful trampolines, I took a big gulp and looked at Jack and thought to myself,"I ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay On Parking Place Finding a parking spot in Santa Monica Pier was one of the most difficult things ever, especially with all the heavy traffic it made it even more tedious. With the awful driving of my cousin Oscar, it took us around 20 minutes to find a free spot in two huge different lots. When we finally parked we decided to go separate ways since we did not want to do and see the same things. After getting off, the two separate groups went their own different ways, my two cousins, Adair and Oscar went to grab something to eat. While my cousin, cousin–in–law and I went to walk around the different stores there was around. First we walked to Downtown and 3rd Street Promenade, a shopping outlet which includes dining and entertainment complex. It was a ... Show more content on ... I bought my cousin Zuleyma and I matching necklaces. The rock was purple and shiny, shaped like a long diamond with a black lace. The lady told us to not let anyone touch it because we could get their negative vibes, she also instructed us to clean it with ocean water since it had been touched before by other people. As expected, there was souvenir stores. They sold t–shirts, sweaters, postcards, mugs, magnets, etc. Nothing special, stuff you could find at any store. Getting closer to the pier, we could hear a hispanic church singing choir. They were all dressed in black and white, they seemed really passionate about their singing because they didn't let all the noise around them distracting from giving a perfect and outstanding performance. There was a small crowd, some of them listening and some of them recording, there was also kids laughing and running around. The environment they gave was very church–like. There was also several lively street performances. The one that caught my attention the most was this super funny guy jumping over 5 people who were bending over. He kept making everyone laugh while jumping and doing amazing backflips. When he was about to jump over the five people he kept screaming trying to get the crowd hyped. "Come On, look at the black guy over here!" He said. Getting ready to jump, he backed off a few meters and started running as fast as he could, he jumped over the people and while he was doing that he ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Brief Summary Of Cliffhanger Cliffhanger The title of the book I read was Cliffhanger. The writer of the book was Skip Press. It takes place in modern times on a cliff by the beach. The theme of the book is "sometimes you help other people and sometimes you need help yourself". There were two main characters Hiro and Jake. Hiro is from Japan he is new to the USA. He has black hair and apologizes a lot. He likes to write action stories. The other character is Jake. The author did not describe him much but it said that he likes to rock climb. The conflict of the story is Jake falls off a cliff because a section of the cliff broke off and he was hanging by one leg.During the rising action, Jake is practicing rock climbing and he's asking Hiro to time him. He is taking ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Teamwork Exercises Cam Nguyen Written portion guidelines: Answer the following questions in written paragraph form to be turned in: What exercises did you choose (listing these out is completely acceptable with duration of each exercise, in sequence of how they were performed)? Exercises were performed in this order : Marching, Squat, Lunge, Side Steps, Jump Rope, Jumping Jacks, Kick Back, Double Side Step, Jap and Punch, High Knees, Bicep Curls, Should Press, Pushup, Tricep Kickback, Front Kick, Step up, Plank, Sit up Duration: 30 seconds each. I grouped 4–5 exercises into a set and repeat each set 3 times with 1–2 minute breaks in between. How/why did you choose the exercises? I chose these exercises because I remembered them as the ones I enjoyed doing during ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Reflection : My Experience On A Outdoor Experience Outdoor Experience Paper Reflection At the beginning of the semester whenever I saw that we had to go on a camping trip and I wasn't necessarily excited, but I wasn't upset either. I've gone camping with my family before and it was fun, but I hated staying in a tent. Instead of being negative about the situation, I told myself that I would make this a fun and positive experience. I would have the opportunity to meet new people and get close to some of my fellow classmates. As the day for the camping trip got closer I started getting a little nervous. This would be the first time for me to go camping without my parents. My parents normally get all my things together and I am only in charge of packing my clothes. For this trip things would be different. I would not only have to pack my clothes, but also pack food, drinks, equipment, sleeping supplies, and other things that normally my parents do. Surprisingly, it wasn't hard getting all my things together. Having to carry all my equipment is a different story. Our bags were bulky and having to carry all my things to and from the tent and then up the dock was not my favorite experience of the trip. Getting to camp with my classmates was so much fun. Not everyone can say that they have gotten to go on a college camping trip with people from your college class. Surprisingly I took a lot away from this experience. I was very proud of myself for being able to go two days without my phone. I am incredibly attached to my phone and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Descriptive Essay On Gymnastics Gymnastics was a big part of my life and I was very excited when I got my first complicated skill it had taken me about 2 years to get the skill. It was Saturday and my day started off by eating some breakfast, my mom had made pancakes and bacon and they were delicious. I finished off my breakfast and my dad told me to go get ready because we were going to run some errands and so I did, I picked out this red shirt with free shoulder it was kind of big on me so, it looked like a dress but I liked it that way, to go with the long red shirt. I picked out some black tights because they seemed comfy. On my hair, I did a half up half down with a bun at the top and I got my favorite brown sandals and put them on. Before my family left I had to do my bed, because my dad said, if I kept my room clean all year I would be able to get a new phone, I cleaned my bed and rushed out the door. When my family and I were in the car, my dad started singing and I was cringing so hard but, I didn't tell him anything because that would be rude. We stopped at Winco to get groceries. My brother was excited because whenever we went to the grocery store he would get a bar of candy. This time it wasn't any different, we bought the food and went to pay my job was always to put the groceries into the bags which is fun. We headed into the car and my parents loaded the groceries into the trunk. We started driving into the mall, so I could buy some shorts for summer, because all I had were pants. We ... Get more on ...
  • 34. A Short Story : A Story? It was a perfect day to be outside. No breeze to blow clouds in front of the sun that was making my brother and I faces bead with sweat as we hopped out of his SUV. The drive through the gravel backroads was harsh. We were bouncing everywhere because he needed to replace his shocks on his red 4 runner. "This is the place?" I looked around at all the dead grass and juniper trees. "We have to hike a few miles to get to the falls then we will jump off there." Ezra, my almost 18 year old brother said. I looked down at my flip flops and noticed all the sand around me. I leaned up against a sigh that was about as tall as me that said "Steel Head Falls" "Great. Walking in sand with flip flops." I mocked. After an hour or so of hiking up hill I hopped from one foot to the other so the hot sand wouldn't burn both of my feet, as I shook my flip flops to get the sand out. "How far down is that?" I asked more worried than I wanted. "About 30 feet" A boy about my brothers age said to my right. "Great huh!" Ezra called as he was laying a Superman towel down in the sun so he could take off his shoes. The teenager that told me how high the cliffs were yelped with joy and jumped off the cliff. I could even bring myself to look over the edge better yet jump off it. "You want me to jump off here?" I laughed "That's not going to happen, 30 feet is taller than an overpass!" I stared at Ezra expecting him to call me a wuss. "It's not that high. It just looks high. I have done this so ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Descriptivetive Of The Beast : Personal Narrative : The Beast The Beast It was and endless repetition of when we jump dog bites our feet through the tramp. When out of nowhere the dog jumps on. Uh! Oh! We all thought. They all huddled together and I was face to face with the growling beast. It felt like it was slow motion. My friends moving like a snail towards each other each step louder and slower than the other. I saw them look towards me and their smile was changing. What was it changing into? Oh no their face looked worried. Scared to turn my head in the direction they were staring at it was Brooklyn's dog. He was flying through the air. His feet one by one landed on the tramp, and making the tramp scream as if he was a roller coaster making people scream. There standing was the beast. I felt like it was a stare down. Neither one of us dared to blink and then the dog blinked. When he was barely going to close his eye I decided to move a little away from where he was staring. He noticed he hurried and opened his eyes. He lunged forward towards me. Then BOOM!!!! I was tackled by the dog. I immediately went into a ball. As scared as I was I couldn't let my friend's dog hurt me. "OW!!" I shouted from the top of my lungs. Then all I saw was blood.... One blazing hot summer day I was walking down the street to my friends house to jump on her super bouncy tramp. I had just arrived at her two story blue house when I heard them jumping on the tramp, so I decided to knock (her gate doesn't open). I knocked and then ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Descriptive Essay On Horses I have been riding horses for 5 years and over the course of the five years, I have ridden at 3 different barns and ridden nineteen different horses. I have finally found the horse love of my life and found the best friends anyone could ever ask for at the last barn that I find myself there as much as I can and spend almost everyday I have there in the summer. The horse I am currently riding is the craziest but one of the sweetest horses you'll ever meet. This past year me and Stormy competed in the waupaca county fair and really well for our first (and hopefully not the last) show. I got to show with my best friends and it's not a memory to forget like playing in the corn pit with Kendra and Carlee and finding out me and my horse are really good at pole bending. The course of our show was five days horses got there on Wednesday and left on Sunday. But our show day was friday. On wednesday me and my mom had to work the 4–H food and didn't get done until like 2:00 PM and had to rush to get my brother from his friends house and rush over to Connie's and get stormy ready and watched my horse go crazy and then brought her to the fairgrounds. By the time we got there it was like 5:30 . Than got everything organized and rode until it was dark out. The next day was and adventure in it's own self we had the jumping practice and I was going to do jumping or the show and I went to the practice and that's when everything went wrong. So I went around the corner to take the jump ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Raccoons Research Paper The raccoons chased him into the woods and then I ran off of the trail and weaved through the trees that were covered in vines and leaves then I came back to the river but the river was in a canyon! The raccoons were still on my tail so I jumped and I went head over heels and splashed into the water. When my head came back up to the surface of the water was filled with rapids. I felt something hit my back and I turn and in the water and the was a fallen tree log. So I held on tightly to the log and avencily in climbed on and I saw something in the distance in was a humongous rock . So I jumped of the log and onto the rock and I was so exhausted that I went straight to sleep. The next morning I woke up and and I was still in the canyon but ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Literary Analysis Of The Falling Girl What is "The Falling Girl" about? Outline the plot of the story. Exposition – A nine–teen year old girl named Marta is on top of skyscraper that houses apartments and businesses. She sees the city as a mess and becomes dizzy over it. Rising Action #1 – She sees the city is filled with mansions, buildings, parties and affairs. She feels hopeless and decides to let herself go falling off the skyscraper, when realized she won't achieve her dreams of becoming rich and recognized. Rising Action #2 – Marta floats by the millionaire parties as they offer her to join. She refused and states she was in a hurry. Marta craves the attention paid to her by the wealthy as they even invited her, this satisfied and makes her feel special. Rising Action #3 – She continues to past offices, where employees sat on long rows working. She notices a large group of people gathering in front of a building with long black cars and sparkling with jewel attending a party. She always have dreamed of attending these events. Climax – When she realized she was not the only girl jumping off the building. There were many other girls more beautiful than her as they were competing. The girls were competing to get attention and the Resolution – Martha realised there were no one to watch her die. This made her feel sad and upset since everyone has left the party by now and the long black cars are gone. "The Falling Girl" is a fantasy story. What makes the story surreal? Provide two quotations from the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Growing Up Narrative We hesitated, honestly, realizing the shared feelings held made us different... Yet, we still jumped. Faye was different than others. She insisted on staying "icy", with the world seen clearly and head spins exhilarating. It seemed like a switch in personalities through milliseconds making our photographic, flowerdness, and stormy lives more interesting than life should've ever been. Photography is a passion we shared closer to our hearts then our own safety. Her and I fell in love with telling stories through the adrenaline rushes, cold cut pictures making people understand without uttering a single word. Demanding to know what darkness held we descended into the underneath to capture our pain, never trusting someone to stay after losing ... Show more content on ... There was a tree on the edge of the water that had a branch just high enough to jump off of where it's safe and still feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins. It took over 5 minutes to swim to the other side and by then Faye had wanted something that would make her mind icy for longer than just a couple minutes. Two girls sitting underneath a tree talking about traveling the world together, dreaming of the perfect twin brothers to come along by the age of 25, and sharing our feelings of difference from the world was routine. Yet, something was off... I didn't know what but it definitely wasn't the night for after dark parties or adrenaline rushes. The third fight was our last. The thought of her starting a fire across her skin before jumping in the ice cold lake left a feeling I couldn't explain. Jumping from the tree into the lake helped, I knew it did, but I couldn't let her jump tonight... She'd do it alone and I'd never let her spark adrenaline dangerously by herself. Sisters fight, it's a natural instinct. Except you never leave your baby sister behind when it's dangerous outside, no matter how mad you are. I did. Millions of cars searched the streets and calls... so many calls, were made to find Faye. It was an immediate search after I realized the selfishness of what I'd done, leaving her there at the lake. Except, no one made it in time. The burn marks and cuts across our skin marked our stupidity, everyone knew. There's a reason why no one ever worried about us. We knew how to take care of ourselves and the ice we felt from the blade or the fire or the jumping was a shock to people at first. Before they realized it was only two stupid teenagers and stopped telling us we needed help. It was like our minds were in constant searching for something more. Anything to make the icy feeling clear our flowered lives and ... Get more on ...