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A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement

                                                                                                                                                                   December 2011

The year past – the year ahead
 By Bill Buratto                              that works closely with Haas Automation,     the budget cuts to the Defense Depart-
                                              is opening a facility in Oxnard that will    ment will affect them. We should all be
Where we are                                  bring about 125 jobs. A number of other      concerned about what this could mean
                                              smaller companies have begun sales op-       to the regional economy.
  The Ventura County economy has had
                                              erations in Ventura County over the past       Our educational system is adapting to
an interesting year. Here’s a snapshot of
                                              year. They include: Agile Business, an IT    a new set of realities. Tuitions are rising,
some of the highlights or lowlights, if
                                              company headquartered in Santa Barba-        programs and classes are being cut, em-
you prefer.
                                              ra and Cypress Envirosystems, a silicone     ployees are being laid off and uncertain-
  Unemployment remains high at 10.1%          valley based company that manufac-           ty abounds for state funded education.
(September), as it continues on a down-       tures a wireless pneumatic thermostat.       The good news is that educators remain
ward trend from a high of 11.3% in Au-
                                                                                           focused on providing the highest quality                           Bill Buratto
gust 2010.
                                                Things to watch in 2012                    and most relevant education to their stu-
  The housing sales have plateaued and                                                     dents. They will require our support as
                                                Some things that will require at-
foreclosures continue to be an issue.                                                      they make tough decisions.
                                              tention as the new year unfolds.
The median home price for October is
                                                                                             The entertainment industry could be a
$335,000 an 81.5% decrease since Janu-
ary 2006, just before the financial crisis.     The Port of Hueneme is holding its         bright spot in the local economy. Triliad            Business in general
                                              own, as ports around the country saw         Development’s Moorpark West Studio
  Business in general is looking a little                                                  project is on track to begin construction
brighter. Some sectors are beginning to
                                              decreased business because of the world
                                              economic situation. Auto imports are         in late 2012. Commonwealth Studios still                       is looking
hire. Retailers are sharpening their pen-                                                  has eyes on developing a presence in
                                              up over last year and they are actively
cils and creating deals they hope will
bring in holiday shoppers.
                                              seeking new business with some good          Ventura County. Filming is an excellent                 a little brighter.
                                              prospects. The Oxnard Harbor District is     economic development opportunity for
  In 2011 some businesses relocated op-       conducting a search for a new executive      Ventura County. Our proximity to Hol-
erations out of the county. Weiser Litho      director to replace Anthony Taoramia         lywood as well as our geography and
moved from Westlake Village to Chats-         who recently retiwd. Also, there is un-      climate make us a desirable location for
worth. Harbor Freight Tools announced         certainty about how the re-opening of        filming. It is a clean industry that pays
plans to close four distribution facilities   the improved Panama Canal in 2015 will       well and will stimulate economic activity
in Oxnard that will impact 320 jobs when      impact west coast ports.                     throughout the county. Other entertain-                 What’s inside?
it moves its operations to Moreno Valley.                                                  ment industries such as video gaming
                                                Naval Base Ventura County continues
  Some companies have downsized. Am-                                                       and animation are also good prospects.
                                              to be one of the major regional eco-
gen recently laid off 226 local research      nomic engines. In a 2007 study done by         The Bio-tech sector will continue to see
and other personnel. SolarWorld USA           VCEDA and the Workforce Investment           changes. Amgen, the region’s largest
moved several hundred solar panel man-        Board it was estimated the economic im-      bio-medical firm appears to be restruc-        • Chairman’s Message . . . . . . page 2
ufacturing jobs to their Oregon facility,     pact to be $1.6 billion. A new study being   turing their business model. Due to re-
leaving a marketing and sales force of                                                                                                    • VCEDA Board of Directors . . . page 3
                                              conducted may suggest that number is         cent lay offs hundreds of former Amgen
about 100. Bank of America recently an-       higher. But that’s the past. Budget dis-     employees are looking for new opportu-         • Ventura County Statistical Abstract
nounced the lay off of 140 in the Conejo      cussions in Washington indicate that de-     nities. Most want to stay in the area, but
Valley.                                       fense spending is going to be significant-   they are having a difficult time. Efforts      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3
  On the bright side, we have also seen a     ly cut. The military and civil employees     are underway by the Economic Develop-
                                                                                           ment Collaborative of Ventura County           • Pathways to Prosperity . . . . page 4
number of companies move into the coun-       at Naval Base Ventura County, as well as
ty. Accurate Metal Fabricators, a company     defense contractors, are wondering how       and others to assist those in creating their   • Meeting the Challenges of our
                                                                                           own business. In order for the bio-tech
                                                                                           industry sector to prosper in the region         Future Workforce . . . . . . . page 4
                                                                                           we need to create the infrastructure to
                                                                                                                                          • Reorganization of Foreign Trade
                  Save the Date – January 19, 2012!                                        support it: wet-lab space, other research
                                                                                           facilities, stronger ties to local universi-      Zone Status . . . . . . . . . . . page 5
           VCEDA will celebrate 63 years as the voice of business                          ties and colleges and access to capital.
                                                                                             Other things to keep an eye on: the          • About VCEDA . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6
   VCEDA will hold its 63rd Annual Installation in conjunction with EDC-VC’s               2012 elections and state ballot measures,      • VCEDA’s Holiday Bash . . . . . . page 7
                                                                                           changes in Workers Compensation Insur-
         15th Annual Meeting on January 19, 2012. This year’s event
                                                                                           ance system, pension reform, the state         • EDC-VC Small Business
    “Go Global…Stay Local” will take place at Spanish Hills Country Club in                budget, local regulations that negatively
  Camarillo and will bring together over 200 business and community leaders                impact business and the economy.                 Development Center. . . . . page 8
                             from across the county.                                         As the region’s voice of business, VCEDA     • VCEDA Membership Application
   The annual meeting is a great way to kick off the New Year as we celebrate              will be monitoring these and other eco-
                                                                                           nomic activities in the region. We will do     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9
   accomplishments and install the 2012 Directors. There will be great food,
                                                                                           our best to keep VCEDA members up to
  entertainment and plenty of opportunities to network. The cost to attend is              date on the latest developments and we         • Member News . . . . . . . . . Page 10-11
         $75 for VCEDA or EDC-VC members and $95 for non-members.                          will take action to support and protect        • VCEDA/EDC-VC Joint Annual Meeting
         For information on sponsorships opportunities and/or to make a                    the economic vitality of Ventura County.
               reservation, see page 12 or call VCEDA at 676-1332.                         Make sure to read the VCEDA News and           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12
                                                                                           check our website (
                 We’re looking forward to another great event!                             Your support of our efforts is greatly ap-
2                                                      VC EDA News                          A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement                             December 2011

Sustainability Efforts: Regulation Not Required                                                                                       Chairman’s
  Metrics exist today to measure the dol-
lar value of a company’s impact on the
                                             ment. This was apparent at the recent
                                             VCEDA Business Opportunities Confer-
                                                                                           Sharon Dwyer, economic and work-
                                                                                         force development project manager for         Message
environment, but reason would seem           ence.                                       the Ventura County Community College
to dictate that in lieu of regulation,         The almost 200 people in attendance       District, spoke about the current and
companies would not voluntarily go           took a quick survey based on questions      emerging occupations that are required
through the valuation process and espe-      from a fall 2011 survey of 4,700 global     to meet the sustainability needs of busi-
cially not want any negative impact to       business executives conducted by MIT        nesses. Workers are being trained to-
be publicized. Yet some companies are        Sloan Management Review. Seventy-           day for “green” jobs at Ventura County
doing both--and for economically ratio-      eight percent of those responding at        community colleges and adult schools.
nal reasons.                                 the conference felt pursuing sustainabil-   Sharon pointed out that businesses are
  The valuation process gives business-      ity-related strategies were necessary to    not alone if they want to reduce waste
es insight to where they may have the        be competitive (versus 67 percent of the    and energy costs. There are plenty of
largest environmental impact and po-         MIT responders) and 71 percent believed     resources for businesses at state, county
tentially highest risk or opportunity. Be-   their company’s commitment to sustain-      and city levels. For Power Point presen-
yond developing a more efficient use of      ability by way of management attention      tations containing valuable links and in-
resources, this process may reveal other     and investment would increase in 2012       formation from all conference speakers,
solutions such as mitigation technology      (versus 74 percent nationally).             go to the VCEDA website (             Bill Camarillo, Chairman
and substitutes for existing resources.        Keynote speaker Rob Westberg, direc-        The year is quickly coming to an end
  First-adopters of a measurable sustain-    tor of facilities at Amgen, discussed the
                                                                                         and it’s time to set our sights on 2012.
ability effort have the opportunity to       steps that Amgen followed that have                                                       Ventura County businesses
                                                                                         Plan to attend VCEDA’s 63rd annual in-
differentiate their company and capture      lead to the success of its sustainability                                                 are taking sustainability
                                                                                         stallation get-together Thursday, Janu-
market share. These sustainability lead-     program first launched in 2007. These
                                                                                         ary 19 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at         seriously. They are truly
ers may use this information to minimize     steps can apply to any business, large or
                                                                                         Spanish Hills Country Club. The event is      seeing the value of being
the environmental and business risks         small:
                                                                                         in conjunction with EDC-VC’s 15th an-
involved in specific operations and to         --Know where you are                                                                    efficient and are seeking
                                                                                         nual meeting. The focus is “Go Global…
protect near term profits and long-term        --Have a strategy                                                                      out ideas that will not only
                                                                                         Stay Local” and will certainly give every-
continuity.                                    --Set goals
                                                                                         one who attends much to think about as        save money, but also save
  Ventura County businesses are taking         --Improve what you have
                                                                                         we start 2012. Happy holidays to every-           the environment.
sustainability seriously. They are truly       --Plan for the future
                                                                                         one and I look forward to prosperous
seeing the value of being efficient and        --Build sustainability into the core of
                                                  your business                          and successful New Year.
are seeking out ideas that will not only
save money, but also save the environ-         --Announce results

 VCEDA Chairman’s Circle Members
December 2011                                       VC EDA News                   A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement                                             3

          VCEDA Board of Directors
Executive                  Tom Cohen                  Sandy Smith
Committee:                 Alston + Bird LLP          Sespe Consulting, Inc.

Bill Camarillo,            Henry Dubroff              Douglas Tapking
                           Pacific Coast Business     Area Housing Authority
                           Times                      of Ventura County

Mike Silacci,              Tom Gaughan                Robert Wardell
                           Coastal Occupational       St. John’s Regional
Immediate Past Chair/
                           Medical Group              Medical Center
AT&T                       Susie Geiger               Rob Westberg
                           Vintage Production         Amgen
Ellen Brown,
                           California, LLC
Volt Workforce Solutions
                                                      Celina Zacarias
Mark Charney,              Randall George             CSU Channel Islands
                           Nordman Cormany Hair
Nordman Cormany Hair
                           & Compton LLP
& Compton LLP
Nan Drake,                 Ron Golden
                           Chicago Title Insurance
E.J. Harrison & Sons,                                 Sue Chadwick
                           Rudy Gonzales
                                                      Santa Barbara Bank &
                                                      Trust                        The 2011-2012 Ventura County
Ron Greenwood,
Global Energy &
                           Southern California
                                                      Marc Charney              Statistical Abstract is now available!
Technology, Inc.                                      Nordman Cormany Hair
                           Scott Harris               & Compton LLP               The 22nd edition of the VCSA con-     nance projections from the 2000
Mitchel Kahn,
                           Mustang Marketing                                    tains over 125 pages of statistics on   Census, which were revised in 2007,
Nelson Comis Kahn &                                   Ed Lyon
                                                                                Ventura County and its cities. The      and new data from the 2010 Cen-
Sepulveda LLP              Susan Hersberger           Fellowship of Christian
                                                      Athletes                  book contains the most extensive        sus. More detailed information on
                           Aera Energy LLC                                      compilation of data in the area, in-    the VCSA and how to obtain it can
Charles Maxey,
Ph.D.                      Keith Hinkle               Stacy Roscoe              cluding new population projections      be found at the publication web site:
California Lutheran                                                             and demographics to 2020 based /
                           Pepperdine University
University                                                                      on the California Department of Fi-     web-content/vcsa.htm
                           Joseph Kreutz
David Ossentjuk,           County Commerce Bank
Musik Peeler & Garrett                                William Buenger
LLP                        John Krist                 World Affairs Council
                           Farm Bureau of Ventura
Howard Smith,                                         Darren Kettle
Morgan Stanley Smith                                  Ventura County
Barney                     George Leis                Transportation
                           Santa Barbara Bank         Commission
                           & Trust
Directors:                                            Jill Lederer
                           Melissa Sayer              Federated Chambers of
Brian Beggs                Arnold Bleuel LaRochelle   Ventura County
Houweling Nurseries        Mathews & Zirbel LLP
Will Berg                  Mark Sellers               David Sasek
Oxnard Harbor District     Jackson DeMarco            Naval Base Ventura
                           Tidus Peckenpaugh          County
Dan Boughey                LLP
Rabobank                                              Bruce Stenslie
                           David Shore                EDC-VC
Al Cardona                 TWIW Insurance
BMW of North America       Services, LLC              Dick Thomson
                                                      Ventura County
Jaime Casillas             William Sims               Taxpayers Association
Ventura County             Procter & Gamble
Community College          Paper Products
District                                              Staff:
                           David Smith
John Chamberlain           United Way of Ventura      Bill Buratto
Limoneira Company          County                     President/CEO

George Cogswell            Mike Smith                 Darlene Ruz
Ventura County Star        Waste Management           Vice President

                      VCEDA’s Mission Statement:
  To advocate for policies, legislation and programs that stimulate
  business and a vital economy as the foundation for a vibrant quality
  of life in Ventura County.
4   VC EDA News   A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement   December 2011
December 2011                                            VC EDA News                       A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement   5

 Oxnard Harbor District Port of Hueneme receives Go
Ahead for Reorganization of Foreign Trade Zone Status

  Last Spring the Oxnard                                      a major burden on
Harbor District Port of                                       applicants.” Many FTZs
Hueneme       initiated    a                                  that had been approved
program to streamline                                         were lying fallow because
the process for local                                         it was just too cumbersome
companies relying on                                          to activate them.
imports to qualify for a federal program        The rules change makes it easier to
reducing import tariff charges.               broaden the boundaries of the zone to
  The move reorganizing Foreign Trade         a more recognizable area (such as the
Zones under the Government’s new              boundaries of Ventura County) and to
Alternative Site Framework (ASF) expands      move applications through the process in
the area covered by the District’s grant of   30 days.
authority covers all of Ventura County.         As the Grantee for FTZ 205, the District
Companies applying under the ASF and          chose to make the application to operate
complying with established FTZ rules and      under the new rules.
regulations could anticipate receiving
                                                With this approval, the FTZ can reach
zone status within 30 days of application.
                                              out, for example, to manufacturers in
Further, up to 2,000 acres in Ventura
                                              Ventura County who take in foreign
County is now available for Foreign Trade
                                              raw materials, for their manufacturing
Zone compliant operations.
                                              processes. Finished products shipped
  Manufacturers operating within the          out of the country as an export, are not
County’s FTZ are able to import raw           subject to customs fees. Or if the product
materials and parts for use within the        is kept in America, the fee could be
Zone without paying the usual Customs         greatly reduced.
tariffs. This ability allows importers to
operate at a lower cost, creating the           “The Board of Harbor Commissioners
opportunity to increase profitability and     is proud to announce the activation of
allowing for reinvestment of savings for      up to 2000 acres of Foreign Trade Zone
expansion thus creating more jobs.            eligible land in Ventura County, “said
                                              Board President Jess Herrera. “We hope
  The addition of 2,000 acres to Ventura
                                              local businesses will take advantage
County’s FTZ 205 could also entice
                                              of this opportunity and the benefits it
businesses looking to relocate to stay.
                                              provides for economic development and
Ventura County now becomes more
                                              job creation”.
attractive for companies outside the area
to relocate in the County.                      FTZs help level the competition between
                                              American and foreign companies. The
  FTZs were established in the 1930s to
                                              Oxnard Harbor District has long been an
encourage the use of foreign imports to
                                              economic engine for Ventura County, by
spur American manufacturing, imports
                                              providing the opportunity for businesses
that had been damaged by tariff acts.
                                              in global trade and now, more than ever,
Like many well-intention government
                                              as a catalyst to help grow businesses in
programs, this one did not change with
                                              our county.
the times – the need for speed and
flexibility demanded in today’s global          According to Board Commissioner
economy.                                      Mary Anne Rooney, “reorganizing
                                              Foreign Trade Zone # 205 to include
  The Harbor District has been the local
                                              any site within the County aids trade
grantee for FTZ 205 in Ventura County
                                              development agencies in attracting
since 1994. Customers with operations
                                              businesses interested in relocating and
at the port, (BMW of North America,
for instance) use the FTZ. The Foreign        makes a compelling case for retaining
Trade Zones Board recently decided that       those companies involved in foreign
the process for using the FTZ system          trade looking to stay in the County.”
was “overly complicated, outdated,            For More Information contact:
time-consuming, consumed too much             Will Berg
in government resources and imposed           Oxnard Harbor District
6   VC EDA News   A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement   December 2011
December 2011   VC EDA News   A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement   7
8   VC EDA News   A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement   December 2011
December 2011                                    VC EDA News             A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement                                 9

   VCEDA News is the official publica-
tion of the Ventura County Economic
Development Association (VCEDA) and
is published every other month with the
cooperation of the Pacific Coast Business
Times. A concerted effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy of information con-
tained in this publication. VCEDA and
the publisher do not warrant or guarantee
the correctness of information furnished
them, nor against the possibility of errors,
omissions or inaccuracies.
   Therefore, the publisher and VCEDA
assume no liability for correctness, errors
and/or omissions. Official positions of
VCEDA are taken only as a vote of record
of the Board of Directors and are clearly
referenced as such.
   All rights are reserved. Reproductions
in any form, of the whole or any part of
the VCEDA News, for any purpose, is
forbidden unless prior written permission
is obtained from VCEDA.

Produced by
 Southwest Offset Printing

 For information on sponsorship and/
or advertising opportunities, contact
Darlene Ruz at 676-1332.

          4219 Transport Street,
            Ventura, CA 93003
              Ph: (805) 676-1332
              Fax: (805) 676-1362

                                               VCEDA Membership Application

Company                                                                                                 Annual Membership Dues:
                                                                                                          Company (1-39 Emp.)     $400
Contact Name                                                     Title
                                                                                                          Company (40-79 Emp.)    $800
Address                                                                                                   Company (80-139 Emp.) $1200

City                                                            State             Zip                     Company (140-219 Emp.) $1800
                                                                                                          Company (220-299 Emp.) $2400
Phone                                                             Fax
                                                                                                          Company (300+ Emp.)     $3600

E-mail                                                       Web-site

Number of Employees                                    Industry Sector                                  Total $

Brief Description                                                                                       Make checks payable to:
                                                                                                        4219 Transport Street
                                                                                                        Ventura, CA 93003
Referred by                                                                                             Phone: 805-676-1332
                                                                                                        Fax: 805-676-1362
For your convenience, we accept MasterCard and Visa:         MC/VISA                                    Web:
Expiration                                        Authorized Signature                                  VCEDA Tax ID #95-1905685
10                                               VC EDA News                      A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement                              December 2011

                                                       Member News
                          NEW MEMBER:                                                                        NEW MEMBER:
                    Brightwave Energy                                                            Cypress Environsystems
                                                                                                                         also developed and manufactures
                                                                                                                         the Wireless Steam Trap Monitor
                                                                                                                         (WSTM), which detects steam leaks
                                                                                                                         and failures, thereby avoiding ex-
                                                                                                                         pensive energy loss. The applica-
                                                                                 Cypress Envirosystems (cypressen-
                                                                                                                         tion of wireless technology to mod-
                                                                      is the Silicon Val-
                                                                                                                         ernize HVAC and steam distribution
                                                                               ley-based company that developed
                                                                                                                         systems for energy efficiency in ex-
 Brightwave Energy is an energy         program you choose, our goal is        the Wireless Pneumatic Thermostat
                                                                                                                         isting facilities (with payback of in-
consulting company focused on           improved sustainability and cost       (WPT), which reduces energy use
                                                                                                                         stallation costs within 12-16 months)
energy conservation, alternative        reduction for your site.               by retrofitting existing pneumatic
                                                                                                                         without disruption to occupants and
and advanced fuels. We are also                                                thermostats without rewiring, and
                                                                                                                         operations, is valuable to VCEDA
passionate about sustainability.        Contact either Paul Hullar,            integrates with a buildings’ energy
Our focus is to reduce your cost        founder and CEO of Brighwave,                                                    members and building owners com-
                                                                               management system. Cypress Envi-
while, in tandem, reducing your         or Stephanie Carol, Director of                                                  mitted to the continuous improve-
                                                                               rosytems (CE) has applied wireless
carbon footprint. In two phases         Business Development.                                                            ment of energy performance and
                                                                               technology to the traditional pneu-
of improvement we combine                                                                                                the sustainability profile of their
                                                                               matic HVAC control systems found
conservation with green fuels to        Paul Hullar                                                                      facilities. Existing clients include
                                                                               in most existing commercial, indus-
dramatically reduce your base           805-584-9422                                                                     County of Santa Clara, UCLA, USC,
                                                                               trial, institutional and government
carbon footprint by 50-70%. We                                                     Caltech, Kaiser Permanente, St. Jo-
have a variety of programs that                                                (pre-2000)      buildings,  enabling
                                                                                                                         seph’s Medical Center, Google, Ge-
are designed to fit the needs of        Stephanie Carol                        property managers to remotely
                                                                                                                         nentech, and Abbott Laboratories.
your site, whether it is Site Audits,   805-584-9767                           program and control thermostats,
Technical Support, or our Coaching/            at a fraction of the cost of a direct     For more information visit the web:
Support Program. In whatever                                                   digital control (DDC) system. CE

                          NEW MEMBER:                                             Ventura County Express Employment
       Pacific Oaks Federal Credit Union                                         Professionals Office Earns Top Awards

                                                                                 The Oxnard Express                                      County area,” Mc-
                                                                               Employment Profes-                                        Millan said. “SALES
                                                                               sionals office earned                                     Summit has inspired
                                                                               top honors at the                                         our office with in-
                                                                               international staff-                                      novative ways to im-
                                                                               ing firm’s SALES Summit regional          prove service to our clients and as-
                                                                               meeting held on Sept. 17 in Irvine,       sociates. We are excited about what
                                                                               according to Neil McMillan, local         the next year holds for Express.”
  Founded in 1948 on the Point          economical checking accounts are
                                                                               Express owner.                              The Oxnard Express Employment
Mugu military base, Pacific Oaks        just a few of the services members             The Oxnard Express office         Professionals office began op-
Federal Credit Union is the oldest,     enjoy.                                 received a total of nine awards –         eration in 2006 and just this year
locally-based financial institution       Pacific Oaks is committed to         four first place, three second place,     opened a second location in West-
in the county.                          its mission: Fulfilling members’       and two third place – for excellence      lake Village to better serve all of
  With branches in Camarillo,           dreams, one member at a time.          and achievement in sales, recruit-        Ventura County, with temporary
Oxnard, Thousand Oaks, and              Their long-term, local, service-       ment and job placement.                   help and direct hire employees in
                                                                                       SALES Summit allowed Ex-          a variety of fields, including admin-
Ventura, the credit union is            driven employees live that mission
                                                                               press franchisees and their office        istrative, light industrial, financial,
squarely focused on providing           every day. The credit union’s          staff to participate in learning ses-     technical, sales and more.
exceptional     banking     services    contact center, headquarters, and      sions that focused on recruiting and        Worldwide, Express Employment
to people throughout Ventura            mortgage people are all right          retention strategies, understand-         Professionals puts nearly 300,000
County. As part of a nationwide         here, in our county.                   ing their local markets, building in-     people to work each year and has
network of 28,000 surcharge-              The credit union also believes       ternal teams, providing world-class       over 550 offices in four countries.
free ATM’s, Pacific Oaks offers its     in service to its community, and       customer service and improving            Express provides expertise in eval-
                                                                               communication with customers.             uation hire, temporary staffing,
members the best possible banking       commits enormous time, energy,
                                                                                 Meetings were held in Charlotte,        professional search and human re-
combination: Big time convenience       and resources toward improving
                                                                               N.C., Detroit, Irvine, Calif., Orlando,   sources and works across a wide
with hometown service.                  financial   literacy,   particularly   Fla., Philadelphia, and Seattle, and      variety of industries. Sales for the
  Whether you’re a seasoned             among the young people in our          were attended by more than 700            Oklahoma City-based company
homebuyer or just getting your          county.                                representatives from over 550 Ex-         totaled more than $1.9 billion in
first credit card, Pacific Oaks has       Pacific Oaks invites you to see      press offices across North America.       2010.
all the banking services you need,      just how wonderful a banking                   “It was incredible to be rec-       The Oxnard office, located at 445
                                                                               ognized for our achievements this         E. Esplanade Drive, is currently ac-
even as those needs change.             relationship can be by calling 384-
                                                                               past year, and we can’t wait to use       cepting applications. For more in-
Free online and mobile banking,         1100, or visiting them online at
                                                                               the information and ideas we re-          formation, call 805.973.1870, or
exceptional auto loans, and                   ceived to better serve the Ventura        visit
December 2011                                      VC EDA News                         A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement                                                 11

                                              Member News cont’d.
                State of the Art Video Wall Technology from Wilshire Media Systems
               Wows Military Crowd at Aeronautics & Space Conference in Long Beach
                                          sources--from a network system            not just glorified television panels.      Reservoir Operations Center for use
                                          or from external sources including        The quantity and quality of data           in flood risk reduction. The six-panel
                                          remote video, satellite television        that can be placed on the wall is just     video wall, with video conferencing
                                          and video conferencing,” says Brian       about unlimited.” A video wall can be      integration, monitors dams, reservoirs
  Wilshire Media Systems showed           Smith, Wilshire’s federal accounts        installed with as few as two panels        and waterways within the district.
off the latest video wall technology      manager. “It’s a fully integrated         and can accommodate as many as 200                 Smith believes the new wall
at the 11th American Institute of         network design. From a security           panels without additional software         panel design is a leap in technology.
Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA)         standpoint, we work with individual       or external hardware                       “It’s a game changer,” says Smith.
Space Conference in Long Beach. The       government and business entities to                 “Unlike     most       analog    “Whether they are used in a secure
video wall is specifically designed       ensure the design adheres to their        projection systems currently in use,       government installation or in a
for command and control centers,          approval process.”                        the Wilshire video wall can display        business environment, the access
situational awareness analysis, science            Some conference attendees        very large-sized imagery files, and        to large quantities of instant data
and engineering, communications           already used video walls but              maintain the image’s native resolution     and     lighting-speed      worldwide
and conference rooms making it ideal      expressed      disappointment     with    as it is expanded across the wall,” says   communication       will   soon    be
for military and aerospace users who      their performance and difficulty in       Smith. “This provides the user with        standard.
require high-resolution data, imagery     use. “The new systems are equipped        a truly unparalleled view of their                 Wilshire    Media     Systems
and video display.                        with intuitive user controls that are     subject of interest. The feature has       is based in Thousand Oaks, Calif.
         Wilshire’s   AIAA       booth    integrated into the system for easy       clear applications for scientific study,   and is a division of Wilshire Home
featured at 10 foot wide, 9-panel         use including wireless access from an     military operations and aerospace          Entertainment. For more information,
ultra-definition video wall. “Video       iPad interface,” says Smith. “Most of     design.”                                   contact Smith at BrianSmith@
walls have been around for awhile but     the hardware is built into the panels               Wilshire recently installed, 310-343-3601 or visit
new, ground-breaking technology           so the system has a very small physical   a media wall for the Army Corp             w w
enables the end user to now display       footprint. The panels are designed        of Engineers Los Angeles District.         For a short video on the system, go to
information from any number of            specifically for this purpose and are     The wall system was installed in its       Wilshire Video Wall.

                  John M. Andersen Joins Nordman Cormany Hair & Compton LLP
                   as Chair of Firm’s Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law Group
                            Ventura       documents and representing clients        his unparalleled level of experience       About Nordman Cormany Hair &
                          County-         in probate and trust administration.      in estate and trust planning and           Compton LLP
                          b a s e d       He also advises businesses, property      probate.”                                    Nordman Cormany Hair & Compton
                          law    firm     owners and investors on wealth               Andersen is admitted to practice        (NCHC) LLP has provided trusted
                          Nordman         transfer and business succession and      law in California and Washington and       counsel for more than 70 years
                          Cormany         charitable gift planning. Andersen        is authorized to practice before the       offering broad and advanced legal
                          Hair      &     was previously with Perkins Coie’s        Internal Revenue Service. He received      representation for individual and
                          Compton,        Seattle office.                           his B.A. in history from UCLA in 1986      business clients of all sizes in a vast
                          LLP (NCHC)        This is Andersen’s second stint with    and J.D. in 1992 from the University       array of industries throughout the
 John M. Anderson         announced       NCHC. He was an associate with the                                                   United States. NCHC provides legal
                                                                                    of California, Hastings College of the
                          that John       firm in the early 1990s when he was       Law. Andersen is a member of trusts        services in business, corporate and
M. Andersen has joined the firm as        fresh out of law school. “We are very     and estates sections of the California     individual litigation, employment
a partner and as chair of the firm’s      excited that John has returned to         State Bar and the Ventura County Bar       and labor law, business and
Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law      Nordman,” says Randall H. George,         Association. He is a frequent speaker      commercial law, bankruptcy law
Group.                                    partner and member of the firm’s          on estate planning topics.                 family law, real estate and land use,
   Andersen is a California State         executive committee. “When John              “I had a wonderful experience           environmental law, oil and gas law,
Bar certified specialist in estate        first came to our firm, we were           at Nordman the first time,” says           administrative and       public entity
planning, trust and probate law,          impressed with him. Family reasons        Andersen. “I worked with colleagues        law, intellectual property, taxation
assisting individuals and families        moved him to San Francisco and            whom I respected as I just started my      and estate planning, probate, and
with     planning,    drafting    and     eventually Seattle. We’re thrilled to     practice. I’m glad to be back.             trust law. For more information,
implementing       estate    planning     have him back, bringing with him                                                     visit

            VCCCD Workplace Learning Resource Center Aids NBVC Cyber Security
  Beginning in 2007 the Ventura           and CompTIA Security+                                 motivated trainees have led    program which is a pathway for
County Community College District’s       to help their employees                               to CompTIA certification       existing CompTIA certification holders
Workplace Learning Resource Center        who conduct information                               pass rates of 85% over the     to keep their certifications current
and the Computer Networking Program       assurance functions meet                              dozen CompTIA training         which is required by the Department
at Oxnard College, led by Professor       the Department of Defense                             courses conducted over         of Defense.
Alex Lynch, have worked together to       Directive 8570.                                       the past 4 years. We look
conduct contract education IT training      This has been a successful                          forward     to    continue
for employees of US Navy Base Ventura     partnership over the past                             to provide the existing        For more information, contact:
County as well as subcontractors with     4 years as our experienced computer       training courses in CompTIA Network+
the Navy Base. Principally we have        networking instructors, top notch lab     and CompTIA Security+ and evolve           Terry Schukart, Director,Workplace
provided training and certification       facilities, PearsonVUE Testing Center,    into new training opportunities such       Learning Resource Center
proctoring in CompTIA Network+            dedicated WpLRC specialist, and highly    as the CompTIA continuing education        805-654-6429
12   VC EDA News   A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement   December 2011

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December 2011 The Year Past The Year Ahead

  • 1. A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement December 2011 The year past – the year ahead By Bill Buratto that works closely with Haas Automation, the budget cuts to the Defense Depart- is opening a facility in Oxnard that will ment will affect them. We should all be Where we are bring about 125 jobs. A number of other concerned about what this could mean smaller companies have begun sales op- to the regional economy. The Ventura County economy has had erations in Ventura County over the past Our educational system is adapting to an interesting year. Here’s a snapshot of year. They include: Agile Business, an IT a new set of realities. Tuitions are rising, some of the highlights or lowlights, if company headquartered in Santa Barba- programs and classes are being cut, em- you prefer. ra and Cypress Envirosystems, a silicone ployees are being laid off and uncertain- Unemployment remains high at 10.1% valley based company that manufac- ty abounds for state funded education. (September), as it continues on a down- tures a wireless pneumatic thermostat. The good news is that educators remain ward trend from a high of 11.3% in Au- focused on providing the highest quality Bill Buratto gust 2010. Things to watch in 2012 and most relevant education to their stu- The housing sales have plateaued and dents. They will require our support as Some things that will require at- foreclosures continue to be an issue. they make tough decisions. tention as the new year unfolds. The median home price for October is The entertainment industry could be a $335,000 an 81.5% decrease since Janu- ary 2006, just before the financial crisis. The Port of Hueneme is holding its bright spot in the local economy. Triliad Business in general own, as ports around the country saw Development’s Moorpark West Studio Business in general is looking a little project is on track to begin construction brighter. Some sectors are beginning to decreased business because of the world economic situation. Auto imports are in late 2012. Commonwealth Studios still is looking hire. Retailers are sharpening their pen- has eyes on developing a presence in up over last year and they are actively cils and creating deals they hope will bring in holiday shoppers. seeking new business with some good Ventura County. Filming is an excellent a little brighter. prospects. The Oxnard Harbor District is economic development opportunity for In 2011 some businesses relocated op- conducting a search for a new executive Ventura County. Our proximity to Hol- erations out of the county. Weiser Litho director to replace Anthony Taoramia lywood as well as our geography and moved from Westlake Village to Chats- who recently retiwd. Also, there is un- climate make us a desirable location for worth. Harbor Freight Tools announced certainty about how the re-opening of filming. It is a clean industry that pays plans to close four distribution facilities the improved Panama Canal in 2015 will well and will stimulate economic activity in Oxnard that will impact 320 jobs when impact west coast ports. throughout the county. Other entertain- What’s inside? it moves its operations to Moreno Valley. ment industries such as video gaming Naval Base Ventura County continues Some companies have downsized. Am- and animation are also good prospects. to be one of the major regional eco- gen recently laid off 226 local research nomic engines. In a 2007 study done by The Bio-tech sector will continue to see and other personnel. SolarWorld USA VCEDA and the Workforce Investment changes. Amgen, the region’s largest moved several hundred solar panel man- Board it was estimated the economic im- bio-medical firm appears to be restruc- • Chairman’s Message . . . . . . page 2 ufacturing jobs to their Oregon facility, pact to be $1.6 billion. A new study being turing their business model. Due to re- leaving a marketing and sales force of • VCEDA Board of Directors . . . page 3 conducted may suggest that number is cent lay offs hundreds of former Amgen about 100. Bank of America recently an- higher. But that’s the past. Budget dis- employees are looking for new opportu- • Ventura County Statistical Abstract nounced the lay off of 140 in the Conejo cussions in Washington indicate that de- nities. Most want to stay in the area, but Valley. fense spending is going to be significant- they are having a difficult time. Efforts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 On the bright side, we have also seen a ly cut. The military and civil employees are underway by the Economic Develop- ment Collaborative of Ventura County • Pathways to Prosperity . . . . page 4 number of companies move into the coun- at Naval Base Ventura County, as well as ty. Accurate Metal Fabricators, a company defense contractors, are wondering how and others to assist those in creating their • Meeting the Challenges of our own business. In order for the bio-tech industry sector to prosper in the region Future Workforce . . . . . . . page 4 we need to create the infrastructure to • Reorganization of Foreign Trade Save the Date – January 19, 2012! support it: wet-lab space, other research facilities, stronger ties to local universi- Zone Status . . . . . . . . . . . page 5 VCEDA will celebrate 63 years as the voice of business ties and colleges and access to capital. Other things to keep an eye on: the • About VCEDA . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6 VCEDA will hold its 63rd Annual Installation in conjunction with EDC-VC’s 2012 elections and state ballot measures, • VCEDA’s Holiday Bash . . . . . . page 7 changes in Workers Compensation Insur- 15th Annual Meeting on January 19, 2012. This year’s event ance system, pension reform, the state • EDC-VC Small Business “Go Global…Stay Local” will take place at Spanish Hills Country Club in budget, local regulations that negatively Camarillo and will bring together over 200 business and community leaders impact business and the economy. Development Center. . . . . page 8 from across the county. As the region’s voice of business, VCEDA • VCEDA Membership Application The annual meeting is a great way to kick off the New Year as we celebrate will be monitoring these and other eco- nomic activities in the region. We will do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9 accomplishments and install the 2012 Directors. There will be great food, our best to keep VCEDA members up to entertainment and plenty of opportunities to network. The cost to attend is date on the latest developments and we • Member News . . . . . . . . . Page 10-11 $75 for VCEDA or EDC-VC members and $95 for non-members. will take action to support and protect • VCEDA/EDC-VC Joint Annual Meeting For information on sponsorships opportunities and/or to make a the economic vitality of Ventura County. reservation, see page 12 or call VCEDA at 676-1332. Make sure to read the VCEDA News and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12 check our website ( We’re looking forward to another great event! Your support of our efforts is greatly ap- preciated.
  • 2. 2 VC EDA News A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement December 2011 Sustainability Efforts: Regulation Not Required Chairman’s Metrics exist today to measure the dol- lar value of a company’s impact on the ment. This was apparent at the recent VCEDA Business Opportunities Confer- Sharon Dwyer, economic and work- force development project manager for Message environment, but reason would seem ence. the Ventura County Community College to dictate that in lieu of regulation, The almost 200 people in attendance District, spoke about the current and companies would not voluntarily go took a quick survey based on questions emerging occupations that are required through the valuation process and espe- from a fall 2011 survey of 4,700 global to meet the sustainability needs of busi- cially not want any negative impact to business executives conducted by MIT nesses. Workers are being trained to- be publicized. Yet some companies are Sloan Management Review. Seventy- day for “green” jobs at Ventura County doing both--and for economically ratio- eight percent of those responding at community colleges and adult schools. nal reasons. the conference felt pursuing sustainabil- Sharon pointed out that businesses are The valuation process gives business- ity-related strategies were necessary to not alone if they want to reduce waste es insight to where they may have the be competitive (versus 67 percent of the and energy costs. There are plenty of largest environmental impact and po- MIT responders) and 71 percent believed resources for businesses at state, county tentially highest risk or opportunity. Be- their company’s commitment to sustain- and city levels. For Power Point presen- yond developing a more efficient use of ability by way of management attention tations containing valuable links and in- resources, this process may reveal other and investment would increase in 2012 formation from all conference speakers, solutions such as mitigation technology (versus 74 percent nationally). go to the VCEDA website ( Bill Camarillo, Chairman and substitutes for existing resources. Keynote speaker Rob Westberg, direc- The year is quickly coming to an end First-adopters of a measurable sustain- tor of facilities at Amgen, discussed the and it’s time to set our sights on 2012. ability effort have the opportunity to steps that Amgen followed that have Ventura County businesses Plan to attend VCEDA’s 63rd annual in- differentiate their company and capture lead to the success of its sustainability are taking sustainability stallation get-together Thursday, Janu- market share. These sustainability lead- program first launched in 2007. These ary 19 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at seriously. They are truly ers may use this information to minimize steps can apply to any business, large or Spanish Hills Country Club. The event is seeing the value of being the environmental and business risks small: in conjunction with EDC-VC’s 15th an- involved in specific operations and to --Know where you are efficient and are seeking nual meeting. The focus is “Go Global… protect near term profits and long-term --Have a strategy out ideas that will not only Stay Local” and will certainly give every- continuity. --Set goals one who attends much to think about as save money, but also save Ventura County businesses are taking --Improve what you have we start 2012. Happy holidays to every- the environment. sustainability seriously. They are truly --Plan for the future one and I look forward to prosperous seeing the value of being efficient and --Build sustainability into the core of your business and successful New Year. are seeking out ideas that will not only save money, but also save the environ- --Announce results VCEDA Chairman’s Circle Members
  • 3. December 2011 VC EDA News A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement 3 VCEDA Board of Directors Executive Tom Cohen Sandy Smith Committee: Alston + Bird LLP Sespe Consulting, Inc. Bill Camarillo, Henry Dubroff Douglas Tapking Pacific Coast Business Area Housing Authority Chairman Times of Ventura County Agromin Mike Silacci, Tom Gaughan Robert Wardell Coastal Occupational St. John’s Regional Immediate Past Chair/ Medical Group Medical Center Treasurer AT&T Susie Geiger Rob Westberg Vintage Production Amgen Ellen Brown, California, LLC Volt Workforce Solutions Celina Zacarias Mark Charney, Randall George CSU Channel Islands Nordman Cormany Hair Nordman Cormany Hair & Compton LLP & Compton LLP Lifetime: Nan Drake, Ron Golden Chicago Title Insurance E.J. Harrison & Sons, Sue Chadwick Company Inc. Rudy Gonzales Santa Barbara Bank & Trust The 2011-2012 Ventura County Ron Greenwood, Global Energy & Southern California Edison Marc Charney Statistical Abstract is now available! Technology, Inc. Nordman Cormany Hair Scott Harris & Compton LLP The 22nd edition of the VCSA con- nance projections from the 2000 Mitchel Kahn, Mustang Marketing tains over 125 pages of statistics on Census, which were revised in 2007, Nelson Comis Kahn & Ed Lyon Ventura County and its cities. The and new data from the 2010 Cen- Sepulveda LLP Susan Hersberger Fellowship of Christian Athletes book contains the most extensive sus. More detailed information on Aera Energy LLC compilation of data in the area, in- the VCSA and how to obtain it can Charles Maxey, Ph.D. Keith Hinkle Stacy Roscoe cluding new population projections be found at the publication web site: California Lutheran and demographics to 2020 based / Pepperdine University University on the California Department of Fi- web-content/vcsa.htm Ex-Officio: Joseph Kreutz David Ossentjuk, County Commerce Bank Musik Peeler & Garrett William Buenger LLP John Krist World Affairs Council Farm Bureau of Ventura Howard Smith, Darren Kettle County Morgan Stanley Smith Ventura County Barney George Leis Transportation Santa Barbara Bank Commission & Trust Directors: Jill Lederer Melissa Sayer Federated Chambers of Brian Beggs Arnold Bleuel LaRochelle Ventura County Houweling Nurseries Mathews & Zirbel LLP Captain Will Berg Mark Sellers David Sasek Oxnard Harbor District Jackson DeMarco Naval Base Ventura Tidus Peckenpaugh County Dan Boughey LLP Rabobank Bruce Stenslie David Shore EDC-VC Al Cardona TWIW Insurance BMW of North America Services, LLC Dick Thomson Ventura County Jaime Casillas William Sims Taxpayers Association Ventura County Procter & Gamble Community College Paper Products District Staff: David Smith John Chamberlain United Way of Ventura Bill Buratto Limoneira Company County President/CEO George Cogswell Mike Smith Darlene Ruz Ventura County Star Waste Management Vice President VCEDA’s Mission Statement: To advocate for policies, legislation and programs that stimulate business and a vital economy as the foundation for a vibrant quality of life in Ventura County.
  • 4. 4 VC EDA News A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement December 2011
  • 5. December 2011 VC EDA News A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement 5 Oxnard Harbor District Port of Hueneme receives Go Ahead for Reorganization of Foreign Trade Zone Status Last Spring the Oxnard a major burden on Harbor District Port of applicants.” Many FTZs Hueneme initiated a that had been approved program to streamline were lying fallow because the process for local it was just too cumbersome companies relying on to activate them. imports to qualify for a federal program The rules change makes it easier to reducing import tariff charges. broaden the boundaries of the zone to The move reorganizing Foreign Trade a more recognizable area (such as the Zones under the Government’s new boundaries of Ventura County) and to Alternative Site Framework (ASF) expands move applications through the process in the area covered by the District’s grant of 30 days. authority covers all of Ventura County. As the Grantee for FTZ 205, the District Companies applying under the ASF and chose to make the application to operate complying with established FTZ rules and under the new rules. regulations could anticipate receiving With this approval, the FTZ can reach zone status within 30 days of application. out, for example, to manufacturers in Further, up to 2,000 acres in Ventura Ventura County who take in foreign County is now available for Foreign Trade raw materials, for their manufacturing Zone compliant operations. processes. Finished products shipped Manufacturers operating within the out of the country as an export, are not County’s FTZ are able to import raw subject to customs fees. Or if the product materials and parts for use within the is kept in America, the fee could be Zone without paying the usual Customs greatly reduced. tariffs. This ability allows importers to operate at a lower cost, creating the “The Board of Harbor Commissioners opportunity to increase profitability and is proud to announce the activation of allowing for reinvestment of savings for up to 2000 acres of Foreign Trade Zone expansion thus creating more jobs. eligible land in Ventura County, “said Board President Jess Herrera. “We hope The addition of 2,000 acres to Ventura local businesses will take advantage County’s FTZ 205 could also entice of this opportunity and the benefits it businesses looking to relocate to stay. provides for economic development and Ventura County now becomes more job creation”. attractive for companies outside the area to relocate in the County. FTZs help level the competition between American and foreign companies. The FTZs were established in the 1930s to Oxnard Harbor District has long been an encourage the use of foreign imports to economic engine for Ventura County, by spur American manufacturing, imports providing the opportunity for businesses that had been damaged by tariff acts. in global trade and now, more than ever, Like many well-intention government as a catalyst to help grow businesses in programs, this one did not change with our county. the times – the need for speed and flexibility demanded in today’s global According to Board Commissioner economy. Mary Anne Rooney, “reorganizing Foreign Trade Zone # 205 to include The Harbor District has been the local any site within the County aids trade grantee for FTZ 205 in Ventura County development agencies in attracting since 1994. Customers with operations businesses interested in relocating and at the port, (BMW of North America, for instance) use the FTZ. The Foreign makes a compelling case for retaining Trade Zones Board recently decided that those companies involved in foreign the process for using the FTZ system trade looking to stay in the County.” was “overly complicated, outdated, For More Information contact: time-consuming, consumed too much Will Berg in government resources and imposed Oxnard Harbor District
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  • 9. December 2011 VC EDA News A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement 9 VCEDA News is the official publica- tion of the Ventura County Economic Development Association (VCEDA) and is published every other month with the cooperation of the Pacific Coast Business Times. A concerted effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information con- tained in this publication. VCEDA and the publisher do not warrant or guarantee the correctness of information furnished them, nor against the possibility of errors, omissions or inaccuracies. Therefore, the publisher and VCEDA assume no liability for correctness, errors and/or omissions. Official positions of VCEDA are taken only as a vote of record of the Board of Directors and are clearly referenced as such. All rights are reserved. Reproductions in any form, of the whole or any part of the VCEDA News, for any purpose, is forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from VCEDA. Produced by VCEDA Printing Southwest Offset Printing For information on sponsorship and/ or advertising opportunities, contact Darlene Ruz at 676-1332. VCEDA 4219 Transport Street, Ventura, CA 93003 Ph: (805) 676-1332 Fax: (805) 676-1362 VCEDA Membership Application Company Annual Membership Dues: Company (1-39 Emp.) $400 Contact Name Title Company (40-79 Emp.) $800 Address Company (80-139 Emp.) $1200 City State Zip Company (140-219 Emp.) $1800 Company (220-299 Emp.) $2400 Phone Fax Company (300+ Emp.) $3600 E-mail Web-site Number of Employees Industry Sector Total $ Brief Description Make checks payable to: VCEDA 4219 Transport Street Ventura, CA 93003 Referred by Phone: 805-676-1332 Fax: 805-676-1362 For your convenience, we accept MasterCard and Visa: MC/VISA Web: E-Mail: Expiration Authorized Signature VCEDA Tax ID #95-1905685
  • 10. 10 VC EDA News A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement December 2011 Member News NEW MEMBER: NEW MEMBER: Brightwave Energy Cypress Environsystems also developed and manufactures the Wireless Steam Trap Monitor (WSTM), which detects steam leaks and failures, thereby avoiding ex- pensive energy loss. The applica- Cypress Envirosystems (cypressen- tion of wireless technology to mod- is the Silicon Val- ernize HVAC and steam distribution ley-based company that developed systems for energy efficiency in ex- Brightwave Energy is an energy program you choose, our goal is the Wireless Pneumatic Thermostat isting facilities (with payback of in- consulting company focused on improved sustainability and cost (WPT), which reduces energy use stallation costs within 12-16 months) energy conservation, alternative reduction for your site. by retrofitting existing pneumatic without disruption to occupants and and advanced fuels. We are also thermostats without rewiring, and operations, is valuable to VCEDA passionate about sustainability. Contact either Paul Hullar, integrates with a buildings’ energy Our focus is to reduce your cost founder and CEO of Brighwave, members and building owners com- management system. Cypress Envi- while, in tandem, reducing your or Stephanie Carol, Director of mitted to the continuous improve- rosytems (CE) has applied wireless carbon footprint. In two phases Business Development. ment of energy performance and technology to the traditional pneu- of improvement we combine the sustainability profile of their matic HVAC control systems found conservation with green fuels to Paul Hullar facilities. Existing clients include in most existing commercial, indus- dramatically reduce your base 805-584-9422 County of Santa Clara, UCLA, USC, trial, institutional and government carbon footprint by 50-70%. We Caltech, Kaiser Permanente, St. Jo- have a variety of programs that (pre-2000) buildings, enabling seph’s Medical Center, Google, Ge- are designed to fit the needs of Stephanie Carol property managers to remotely nentech, and Abbott Laboratories. your site, whether it is Site Audits, 805-584-9767 program and control thermostats, Technical Support, or our Coaching/ at a fraction of the cost of a direct For more information visit the web: Support Program. In whatever digital control (DDC) system. CE NEW MEMBER: Ventura County Express Employment Pacific Oaks Federal Credit Union Professionals Office Earns Top Awards The Oxnard Express County area,” Mc- Employment Profes- Millan said. “SALES sionals office earned Summit has inspired top honors at the our office with in- international staff- novative ways to im- ing firm’s SALES Summit regional prove service to our clients and as- meeting held on Sept. 17 in Irvine, sociates. We are excited about what according to Neil McMillan, local the next year holds for Express.” Founded in 1948 on the Point economical checking accounts are Express owner. The Oxnard Express Employment Mugu military base, Pacific Oaks just a few of the services members The Oxnard Express office Professionals office began op- Federal Credit Union is the oldest, enjoy. received a total of nine awards – eration in 2006 and just this year locally-based financial institution Pacific Oaks is committed to four first place, three second place, opened a second location in West- in the county. its mission: Fulfilling members’ and two third place – for excellence lake Village to better serve all of With branches in Camarillo, dreams, one member at a time. and achievement in sales, recruit- Ventura County, with temporary Oxnard, Thousand Oaks, and Their long-term, local, service- ment and job placement. help and direct hire employees in SALES Summit allowed Ex- a variety of fields, including admin- Ventura, the credit union is driven employees live that mission press franchisees and their office istrative, light industrial, financial, squarely focused on providing every day. The credit union’s staff to participate in learning ses- technical, sales and more. exceptional banking services contact center, headquarters, and sions that focused on recruiting and Worldwide, Express Employment to people throughout Ventura mortgage people are all right retention strategies, understand- Professionals puts nearly 300,000 County. As part of a nationwide here, in our county. ing their local markets, building in- people to work each year and has network of 28,000 surcharge- The credit union also believes ternal teams, providing world-class over 550 offices in four countries. free ATM’s, Pacific Oaks offers its in service to its community, and customer service and improving Express provides expertise in eval- communication with customers. uation hire, temporary staffing, members the best possible banking commits enormous time, energy, Meetings were held in Charlotte, professional search and human re- combination: Big time convenience and resources toward improving N.C., Detroit, Irvine, Calif., Orlando, sources and works across a wide with hometown service. financial literacy, particularly Fla., Philadelphia, and Seattle, and variety of industries. Sales for the Whether you’re a seasoned among the young people in our were attended by more than 700 Oklahoma City-based company homebuyer or just getting your county. representatives from over 550 Ex- totaled more than $1.9 billion in first credit card, Pacific Oaks has Pacific Oaks invites you to see press offices across North America. 2010. all the banking services you need, just how wonderful a banking “It was incredible to be rec- The Oxnard office, located at 445 ognized for our achievements this E. Esplanade Drive, is currently ac- even as those needs change. relationship can be by calling 384- past year, and we can’t wait to use cepting applications. For more in- Free online and mobile banking, 1100, or visiting them online at the information and ideas we re- formation, call 805.973.1870, or exceptional auto loans, and ceived to better serve the Ventura visit
  • 11. December 2011 VC EDA News A VCEDA Sponsored Supplement 11 Member News cont’d. State of the Art Video Wall Technology from Wilshire Media Systems Wows Military Crowd at Aeronautics & Space Conference in Long Beach sources--from a network system not just glorified television panels. Reservoir Operations Center for use or from external sources including The quantity and quality of data in flood risk reduction. The six-panel remote video, satellite television that can be placed on the wall is just video wall, with video conferencing and video conferencing,” says Brian about unlimited.” A video wall can be integration, monitors dams, reservoirs Wilshire Media Systems showed Smith, Wilshire’s federal accounts installed with as few as two panels and waterways within the district. off the latest video wall technology manager. “It’s a fully integrated and can accommodate as many as 200 Smith believes the new wall at the 11th American Institute of network design. From a security panels without additional software panel design is a leap in technology. Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA) standpoint, we work with individual or external hardware “It’s a game changer,” says Smith. Space Conference in Long Beach. The government and business entities to “Unlike most analog “Whether they are used in a secure video wall is specifically designed ensure the design adheres to their projection systems currently in use, government installation or in a for command and control centers, approval process.” the Wilshire video wall can display business environment, the access situational awareness analysis, science Some conference attendees very large-sized imagery files, and to large quantities of instant data and engineering, communications already used video walls but maintain the image’s native resolution and lighting-speed worldwide and conference rooms making it ideal expressed disappointment with as it is expanded across the wall,” says communication will soon be for military and aerospace users who their performance and difficulty in Smith. “This provides the user with standard. require high-resolution data, imagery use. “The new systems are equipped a truly unparalleled view of their Wilshire Media Systems and video display. with intuitive user controls that are subject of interest. The feature has is based in Thousand Oaks, Calif. Wilshire’s AIAA booth integrated into the system for easy clear applications for scientific study, and is a division of Wilshire Home featured at 10 foot wide, 9-panel use including wireless access from an military operations and aerospace Entertainment. For more information, ultra-definition video wall. “Video iPad interface,” says Smith. “Most of design.” contact Smith at BrianSmith@ walls have been around for awhile but the hardware is built into the panels Wilshire recently installed, 310-343-3601 or visit new, ground-breaking technology so the system has a very small physical a media wall for the Army Corp w w enables the end user to now display footprint. The panels are designed of Engineers Los Angeles District. For a short video on the system, go to information from any number of specifically for this purpose and are The wall system was installed in its Wilshire Video Wall. John M. Andersen Joins Nordman Cormany Hair & Compton LLP as Chair of Firm’s Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law Group Ventura documents and representing clients his unparalleled level of experience About Nordman Cormany Hair & County- in probate and trust administration. in estate and trust planning and Compton LLP b a s e d He also advises businesses, property probate.” Nordman Cormany Hair & Compton law firm owners and investors on wealth Andersen is admitted to practice (NCHC) LLP has provided trusted Nordman transfer and business succession and law in California and Washington and counsel for more than 70 years Cormany charitable gift planning. Andersen is authorized to practice before the offering broad and advanced legal Hair & was previously with Perkins Coie’s Internal Revenue Service. He received representation for individual and Compton, Seattle office. his B.A. in history from UCLA in 1986 business clients of all sizes in a vast LLP (NCHC) This is Andersen’s second stint with and J.D. in 1992 from the University array of industries throughout the John M. Anderson announced NCHC. He was an associate with the United States. NCHC provides legal of California, Hastings College of the that John firm in the early 1990s when he was Law. Andersen is a member of trusts services in business, corporate and M. Andersen has joined the firm as fresh out of law school. “We are very and estates sections of the California individual litigation, employment a partner and as chair of the firm’s excited that John has returned to State Bar and the Ventura County Bar and labor law, business and Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law Nordman,” says Randall H. George, Association. He is a frequent speaker commercial law, bankruptcy law Group. partner and member of the firm’s on estate planning topics. family law, real estate and land use, Andersen is a California State executive committee. “When John “I had a wonderful experience environmental law, oil and gas law, Bar certified specialist in estate first came to our firm, we were at Nordman the first time,” says administrative and public entity planning, trust and probate law, impressed with him. Family reasons Andersen. “I worked with colleagues law, intellectual property, taxation assisting individuals and families moved him to San Francisco and whom I respected as I just started my and estate planning, probate, and with planning, drafting and eventually Seattle. We’re thrilled to practice. I’m glad to be back. trust law. For more information, implementing estate planning have him back, bringing with him visit VCCCD Workplace Learning Resource Center Aids NBVC Cyber Security Beginning in 2007 the Ventura and CompTIA Security+ motivated trainees have led program which is a pathway for County Community College District’s to help their employees to CompTIA certification existing CompTIA certification holders Workplace Learning Resource Center who conduct information pass rates of 85% over the to keep their certifications current and the Computer Networking Program assurance functions meet dozen CompTIA training which is required by the Department at Oxnard College, led by Professor the Department of Defense courses conducted over of Defense. Alex Lynch, have worked together to Directive 8570. the past 4 years. We look conduct contract education IT training This has been a successful forward to continue for employees of US Navy Base Ventura partnership over the past to provide the existing For more information, contact: County as well as subcontractors with 4 years as our experienced computer training courses in CompTIA Network+ the Navy Base. Principally we have networking instructors, top notch lab and CompTIA Security+ and evolve Terry Schukart, Director,Workplace provided training and certification facilities, PearsonVUE Testing Center, into new training opportunities such Learning Resource Center proctoring in CompTIA Network+ dedicated WpLRC specialist, and highly as the CompTIA continuing education 805-654-6429
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