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Debates Essay
Before engaging in the debates with Senator Stephen A. Douglas, Lincoln was relatively unknown in the political world and was just beginning his
career in politics. Abraham Lincoln's reputation was just starting to grow, and his life was about to make a drastic change. The Lincoln–Douglas
debates of 1858 were a turning point in Abraham Lincoln's political career.
After being nominated to the Illinois legislature, Lincoln gave his famous "House Divided" speech which caused much grief between the North and the
A short while after he was nominated, Lincoln challenged Stephen A.Douglas to a series of debates. Douglas quickly accepted, and named seven sites
in Illinois more content...
The majority of the people were for slavery, not against it. This debate proved disappointing for Lincoln and his followers.
At Charleston, Lincoln tried to break away from any radicalism. He didn't want to be labeled as an abolitionist. In this particular debate, Lincoln
showed his support of the Fugitive Slave Law. He said that slavery was protected by the Constitution. The main concern of this debate, as well as the
rest of the debates was whether or not the government should ban slavery in the United States, or do the citizens have the democratic right to end
The fifth debate was held at Galesburg. This debate helped Lincoln regain his confidence. He attacked all of Douglas' points firmly. He replied to the
Kansas problem with inspiration and determination. He wanted to prove to the town of Galesburg that slavery was "a moral and political wrong."
The next encounter took place in Quincy, Illinois, on Wednesday, October 13, 1858. It focused on personal issues of both speakers, and the differences
in speaking techniques, physical appearances, and personalities. Lincoln made sure that he was not assumed to be an
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change
Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of
human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and
change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region
because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but
evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions.
"...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate
change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to
the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this
change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have
confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim
Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by
humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have
reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by
military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice
since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War,
according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S.
2011). Luckily, sea ice has not
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Preparing and delivering a successful debate requires a group of people to work together effectively as a team. Team processes and preparation and
public speaking skills are both equally important key factors for success in debating as team processes involved in preparation for debate, such as
group personality composition that creates cohesion and synergy and group norms that enhance the group's ability to work together, equip the team to
work effectively therefore improving performance however if team members are unable to deliver an argument to an audience with confidence due to
communication apprehension, the speaker's credibility will be lessened therefore the message will be less persuasive and the intended communication
goal more content...
When cohesion and synergy are achieved team performance and group effectiveness are increased. Barrick et al (1998: 382) argues that this is because
cohesion and synergy improve communication, conflict resolution and distribution of workload. Tyler et al (2005: 225) explain the positive effects that
synergy has on group effectiveness by stating that 'highly cohesive groups have a strong structure because their members are highly committed to the
group and cooperate to preserve it'. Tyler et al (2005: 225) go on to state that cohesion improves group effectiveness as higher levels of commitment by
team members is favourable to achieving higher levels of performance and that cohesion allows team members to concentrate on performance rather
than group conflict. Barrick et al (1998: 380) furthers the argument that conscientiousness is a trait that leads to synergy and group effectiveness by
suggesting that conscientiousness enables each team member to contribute more to the team performance therefore encouraging better results. The fact
that group personality traits such as cooperation, agreeableness, conscientiousness, achievement motivation and helpfulness lead to cohesion and
synergy and improved group
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Lincoln and Douglas Debates
Lincoln and Douglas Debates The Lincoln–Douglas debates of 1858 were a series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln, the republican
candidate, and the incumbent Senator Stephen Douglas, a Democratic Party candidate, for a seat in the United States Senate. During the time period
of the debates, Senators were elected by state legislators; therefore Lincoln and Douglas were competing for their respective parties to win control of
the Illinois Legislature. The main issue for the debates was overwhelmingly about slavery and anything tied into dealing with slavery. "As the fifties
wore on, an exhaustive, exacerbating and essentially futile conflict over slavery raged to the exclusion of nearly all other topics." So, with slavery at more content...
Lincoln as he had never before been aroused. It was at this time that he fully comprehended the fact that there was to be no peace on the slavery
question until either freedom or slavery should triumph." Lincoln was strongly opposed to popular sovereignty on the issue and believed that it
would only help slavery endure for even longer. "when the Judge reminds me that I have often said to him that the institution of slavery has existed
for eighty years in some States, and yet it does not exist in some others, I agree to the fact, and I account for it by looking at the position in which our
fathers originally placed it–restricting it from the new Territories where it had not gone, and legislating to cut off its source by the abrogation of the
slave–trade thus putting the seal of legislation against its spread. The public mind did rest in the belief that it was in the course of ultimate extinction.
But lately, I think–and in this I charge nothing on the Judge's motives–lately, I think, that he, and those acting with him, have placed that institution on
a new basis, which looks to the perpetuity and nationalization of slavery. And while it is placed upon this new basis, I say, and I have said, that I
believe we shall not have peace upon the question until the opponents of slavery arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall
rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or, on the other hand,
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School Uniform Debate Essay
"School Uniforms: Yes, or No"
The concept of having school uniform is a topic that has been debated fir any years. Some students find uniforms necessary, others just hate the colors. I
think that the students who think uniforms are unnecessary are wrong. Uniforms are an excellent idea and can help school students be more
disciplined, have an equal environment, and enjoy greater academics. School uniforms are a great way to maintain a level of social equality. There are
more positive effects of wearing school uniforms than negative. School uniform makes student's lives easier because it eliminates the job of spending
hours on picking out clothes for school.First, having school uniform maintains discipline in school. more content...
If students are required to wear school uniforms, then they will automatically dress appropriately. Some students hide weapons in their clothes, so if
there is uniform, no one will be able to hide any weapon. Secondly, school uniforms create an equal environment. Uniforms eliminate competition. No
student will be considered less important than the other. Staying out of uniform is not a problem for the rich students. If there is no uniform, children,
who are rich, will wear brand name clothes and children who are poor will wear regular, simple clothing. The poor children will feel left out because
they are different. When children wear school uniform, every child is equal. School uniforms are less expensive compared to regular "play clothing",
it lasts longer, and they can be reused. School uniforms are professional and help kids take school more seriously. When School uniforms help
maintain or rise a school's academic standards. Uniforms help change a person's attitude toward success. Students go to school to learn, not to show off.
Without school uniform, kids will spend more time on picking out clothes rather than doing homework. If children don't have choice to show off, make
fun, or feel left out, then they will concentrate more on their studies. It is proven that schools that have uniforms have higher benchmark scores, SAT
scores, and students which decide to go to college. In conclusion, school uniforms do not affect who
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Argumentative Essay
English Composition
Language and Identity
Who am I? What is it that defines that personality? Anzaldua argues in her essay that the language is what defines one's identity. Language is indeed an
important component of culture, and culture is known to be a crucial definer of identity. People use language to connect to their identities and
communicating their realities and values to themselves and to the world around them... In other words, language is important because people use it to
express their thoughts and beliefs. "People evolve a language in order to describe and thus control their circumstances" (Baldwin 109). Consequently,
language does not necessarily define identity as much as identity defines language. People decide more content...
Tan clearly mentions in her story that she had to speak two different languages to her Asian mom who had her own made up English. Tan relates to
both her Asian descent and American belongings by using her mom's made up English to speak with her mom, and uses the proper English to give
lectures and speak to most Americans. On the same grounds, Anzaldua learned through her life experiences to frequently use multiple types of English,
and many other Dialects of proper Spanish and Mexican Spanish. She uses each language to communicate, connect and affiliate to specific people
according to their background. This proves that the assumption that language defines culture and identity fails. What happens to the people who speak
many languages, do they not get the benefit and pride of belonging to a certain community? Rather the contrary, they belong to multiple communities
and they choose which group they want to communicate with and with which language. People have the ability to switch from a language to another to
be part of a group and this supports the idea that identity defines and shapes language, and not the opposite.
Language is used as a way to identify with people, but it is also used to distinguish between them. People use language to differentiate between people
and associate them to a specific culture and community according to the language they speak. America is known for having a diverse
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Lincoln-Douglas Debate Essay examples
Every single moment that takes place in history arguably leaves an effect that lasts much longer than just the initial outcome. The Lincoln Douglas
Debates are by far one of the truest examples of this happening. The seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas that took place in
1858 had extreme importance in Illinois that created effects that decided the presidential election of 1860.
The Lincoln Douglas debates were a series of several debates that took place all over the state of Illinois. In these debates, two men argued in order to
express their beliefs and standpoints on certain issues, primarily slavery, in an attempt to be elected into a seat in the U.S. Senate. The two men that
participated in these debates more content...
Abraham Lincoln began as a lawyer born in Kentucky who gained attention to himself through having contrasting beliefs to Douglas over the topic of
slavery. Through the Lincoln Douglas debates, Lincoln morphed into a candidate prepared to become an unforgettable president (History).
On June 16, 1858 made the statement "a house divided against itself cannot stand," in a speech about slavery, deeply contrasting with Douglas's
views and speaking about the conspiracy of the democratic plot to get slavery legalized in every state. This conspiracy, of course, was being partly
conspired by Stephen Douglas. Three weeks later, Stephen Douglas refuted these claims while also calling Abraham Lincoln a dangerous abolitionist
(Looking for Lincoln). Being an abolitionist at the time held a very negative connotation because abolitionists were often irrational extremists (Morel
4). The following evening, in the exact same place as Douglas had spoken, Lincoln spoke once more.
The Lincoln Douglas debates all began due to the fact that Douglas had been travelling all over the state of Illinois making speeches in order to
increase the likelihood of his chance to be reelected into the U.S. Senate. More often than not, less than a week later, sometimes the very same night,
the annoying Republican candidate, Lincoln would follow suit and speak to the same group of
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Example of a Debate Speech
Thank you Madam Speaker. A very good morning I would like to wish to the honourable adjudicators, precise timekeepers, fellow members of the
government, members of the opposition and members of the floor. We are gathered here today to debate on a very important motion that is THBT
physically challenged people should not be seperated in schools. And, we, the government strongly back this motion.
To address this motion, please allow me to start off by specifying my role and the role of my fellow members of the government. I, as the Prime
Minister, have the main task in hand in which I have to state the motion, which I have already done earlier. Next, I will highlight some of the keywords
and define the motion of today's debate. more content...
everyone has their own aspiration and ambitions that serve to define themselves in their lives. self motivation comes from within the person. being
able to compete with more physically able students personally makes a physically challenged student to get rid of his/her prejudice of him
/herself(lack of physical abilities makes him/her unable to compete mentally with normal students), thus motivating and spurring the individual to
move forward. put it at a way that you were able to beat one of your classmates that is more "complete" than you, how would that make you feel?
of course, it makes you feel better of yourself. proving that nothing is impossible for you to do. for example, muhammad rosli and ahmad of sekolah
kebangsaan seksyen 27 in shah alam were born as conjoined twins and now succesfully seperated following an operation in saudi arabia in 2002.
eventhough they were not like normal students, they still manage to get good results in their upsr which was 4a's and 1b in 2011 and are still educated
in a normal school. this relates back to being part of the society by having the attention of being able to do something you're more capable of. just
imagine, ladies and gentlemen if they did not share the same school with normal people at their young ages, they probally would not get the self
motivation needed for their future adulthoods being in the society itself. a great statistics to prove this is that, the national resources centre on learning
disablity found that
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Determinism Vs Libertarianism
The controversial metaphysical debate of free will in philosophy revolves around the blatant discordancy between casual determinism and society's
perception of free will. In Philosophy by Manuel Velasquez, he describes this debate as "a controversy that still rages in our society" (p. 202). The
three foremost theories that are used in this deliberation are hard determinism, libertarianism, and compatibilism. Philosophers defend and believe in
each one of these theories based upon their individual characteristics. The claim that a set of laws govern the universe and that all events have a
purpose is known as the casual determinism theory (p. 204). Casual determinism presents the idea that it is plausible that all future events are
predictable and "that there is only one path leading from the past" to the future (p. 204). The belief in this theory conceives the possibility that
everything can be explained with reasoning based upon the laws of the universe. This concept would ease an individual's concern of the future with a
sense of security by knowing that the uncertainties of life's events are foreseeable. An example would be knowing that an individual's car will break
down on the highway during morning traffic or when a tree is going to fall on the roof of the house during a more content...
204). It argues that casual determinism and free will cannot coexist, and that casual determinism is the only viable explanation for human actions (p.
204). This theory would eliminate the various stressors of life today because responsibility for one's actions would no longer be needed. An individual
could commit a crime and then claim that they did not have a choice because it was predetermined. If this were true then punishment should not exist
and "the saint should be no more praised than the criminal should be [imprisoned]"
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Lincoln-Douglas Debate Essay examples
The Lincoln–Douglas Debates of 1858 was a very influential event that occurred in American history and has much significance, even till this day. The
debates were in contest for the United States Senate seat in Illinois. The main topic involved in the debates was based around slavery and the separation
of the union because of it. Both Lincoln and Douglas refer to the U.S. Constitution in their remarks and state different opinions surrounding what they
interpret the meaning of certain parts regarding slavery to be. Abraham Lincoln's position on slavery was the belief that the expansion of it to Free states
and new territories should be ceased and that it eventually be abolished completely throughout the country. He believed simply more
Lincoln suggests that the institution of slavery be contained by preventing the spread of it to the new territories and Free states, although he had
no interest in interfering with the already entitled slave states. He agrees that it was the right of the state to make its own decisions, not the
federal government. Although Lincoln did not favor getting involved with abolishing slavery in the already declared slave states, he did favor
total abolition in the distant future. He was first worried about stopping the expansion of slavery and then the next step to be taken would have
been the "ultimate extinction" of it throughout the states. Lincoln did believe that every white man had no more equality than another. For this is
one of the main reasons why at this time a resolution needed to be found in order to keep this equality in the new territories. Lincoln made a valid
point in his speech that if slave holders were to settle in a new territory along with people opposed to slavery, which party has the right to decide
what type of territory and future state it will be declared as? As for the rights of slaves, Lincoln agreed with Douglas that slaves did not have the
same individual rights as everyone else, but he did believe that the liberties given under the Declaration of Independence involved such slaves. It is
obvious that the Republicans of this time find slavery as being a "moral, social, and political wrong",
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A Proposal for a Debate Club of a School
Kurmitola HIGH SCHOOL Debate Club
–STUDENT, 2008)
–STUDENT, 2008)
* Name: KURMITOLA HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE CLUB (KHS DC) will be the name of the club. It is proposed by us. If there is any problem about
the name, the name will decide later.
* Why does a school need a debate club?
A school is a playground of the students. Here a student can built his career with the light of education and the help of the respective teachers. A
school is not only a place for study; it is also a place for growing one's extra–curricular activities. Debate is one of the most respected extra–curricular
activities. A more content...
We are practicing debate ad participate in different tournament. Beside this we have also other activities like: * Arranging debate tournament in
national level and local level. * Maintaining practice sessions for our debaters. * Arranging workshop for the improvement of debaters. * Arranging
leading and legendary debaters' class as the national and international level workshop. * Practice for Bengali and English debate. * Club Committee:
Every club has an active committee for maintaining the disciplines of the club. We will also have an active club committee. The format is given below:
* Chief Advisor: Head Master himself. * Advisor: One concerned Teacher. * Club Conveyors: Three Senior Ex
–students. * Mentors: Could be Ex–
students. * President: One Active Student. * Vice–President: One Active Student. * Head of Logistics Department: One Active Student. * Head of
Debate and Workshop: One Active Student. * Head of Public Relation: One Active Student. * Treasurer: One Active Student. * Head of Socials: One
Active Student. * Head of Sponsors: One Active Student. * Members: Two Active Junior Representatives. There will no discrimination for the
designations. Every single individual who is qualified for the post will look after that department. Every active committee will elected for one year.
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My Reflection Of Speech : My Importance Of Debate
This year I took debate and throughout this whole year I learned in many ways how taking debate is beneficial to me, and how it helped me
throughout my school year and my later life in general. Such as how to speak clearly, extend my voice and how to pronounce and enunciate
clearly so that my voice is vocalized clearly and in a way that is in a way that is very understandable to everyone. Which can be seen on numerous
occasions from ballots at the beginning of the year such as " AST # 1 " which I learned a lot from as it was my first debate and at this tournament I took
congressional debate and what I learned from this is that I have to use my voice because if I didn't I wouldn't be able to speak which is what
happened to me and at more content...
One thing that greatly affected me was my self–confidence, that had taken the better of me before I had taken debate, and once I took the class my
confidence in anything was much improved, for example just like our debate quote " I spoke my mind " more frequently after I took debate. Which
has liberated my voice to what I want to say, no matter what anybody believes about me, and leading to myself not getting held back at all Debate has
taught me how to have more in–depth conversations with people and a better way of communicating in a way that is clear and complex. I struggled
in a lot of areas in debate and even currently I still struggle in a few areas. For example, these past 3 school quarters in debate I have not done so
well and I fell short many times just trying to look for what my calling was in debate. But in the end, I found out what the purpose of a debate was
which is, " an engagement of an argument by discussing opposing points " and for me the two sides of my debate where the part which learned and
the part that struggled. Such as, the part of me that struggled remembering points and the part that forgot to practice, which held me back from
succeeding in speech and debate. But the part of me learned, and it learned from the struggles I had, such as how I spoke to how I acted, and
changed them to a more advanced and proper way, that where some areas I struggled in and how I learned from them. I can improve upon areas such as
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Debates On Global Warming
I. Global Warming: Fact or Fiction
A. Background of the debate on the perceived global warming phenomenon 1. Temperature increase 2. Disparity and the reasons why
B. Arguments for the perceived fact of human influence on global warming 1. The greenhouse effect 2. Global disaster C. Arguments that human
influence on global warming is fictitious 1. Amount of CO2 2. Natural reasons for global warming
One of the most longstanding and most passionately debated topics in the scientific community today is based on conceptions of global warming. The
one aspect that the scientific community seems to agree on is the fact that since the mid to late 19th century, just prior to the Industrial Age, theearth
has increased its annual median temperature. Some scientific theories, however, state that this effect has largely to do with humanity's propensity for
burning fossil fuels, and speculate that this tendency will wreak devastating consequences on the earth due to this fact. On the other side of the debate
lies those who state that these perceived effects of global warming is a hoax, as is the effect of humanity on the earth's average median temperature,
Proponents that claim global warming is a fact that is largely in response to mankind's penchant for burning fossil fuels since the advent of the 20th
century back up this assertion by alluding to the greenhouse effect. According to this greenhouse theory, the fossil fuels that are released into the earth's
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Essay about The Global Warming Debate
"Global warming is not a conqueror to kneel before – but a challenge to rise to. A challenge we must rise to."
–– Joe Lieberman
Global warming is a controversial environmental topic in today's society. Global warming is when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor,
methane, chlorofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and nitrous oxide) act as a blanket that insulates the earth and prevents heat from escaping into
space, which in turn causes the global temperature to rise. This "greenhouse effect" is a naturally occurring phenomenon; without it, the earth would be
too cold for any life to inhabit. However, due to fossil fuel burning and other human activities, there is an excess amount of more
The majority of scientists link this temperature rise to the increase in carbon dioxide; however, other scientists argue that the temperature rise is a part
of a natural fluctuation. In 1997, delegates to an international summit on global warming in Kyoto, Japan approved an agreement called the Kyoto
Protocol, which requires 38 industrialized nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions. These nations must accept legally binding limits, which will
reduce greenhouse emissions to levels that are an average of five percent below the emission levels of 1990. The reduced levels are to be achieved
between 2008 and 2012 ( PRO ARGUMENT Greenhouse gases reduce the escape of the earth's infrared radiation into space.
This "greenhouse effect" causes the earth to maintain warm temperatures. Due to human activities, the earth's temperature has steadily increased, thus
causing global warming. This rise in temperature leads to climate change, an increase of infectious diseases, droughts, changes in precipitation, the
rising and warming of oceans, and glacial melting.
One effect of climate change is the spread of infectious diseases, such as vector–borne ones. Vector–borne diseases are illness transmitted to humans
directly from insects or animals ( Some examples of vector–borne illnesses are hantavirus, rabies,
dengue fever, river blindness, Lyme disease, sleeping
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The Same Sex Marriage Debate Essay
The Same Sex Marriage Debate
The controversial debate over whether same sex marriage should be legalized has gained a lot of attention in recent years and there are strong
arguments for each side of the issue. There are many different factors that must be looked at when considering same–sex marriage. A marriage is not
something that is just slapped on a piece of paper to show a couple's love; it involves legal, social, economic, and spiritual issues. Throughout this
essay, I intend to focus on all of the issues just mentioned, and how all of these issues are interrelated in some way, shape or form. I will also pay
attention to the state influence on marriage, how one state's decision affects another state's actions, and last how more content...
Although the gay community makes up a small percentage of the American population, they have and will be very influential in our society. Our
society sets many standards for people to live by, but often times these standards evolve through time in such a way that no one can predict.
Slavery serves as a good example: A survey done in the 1700's of the American colonies would probably reveal a majority of people felt slavery was
alright, some might have even pointed out that Christians used slavery in the past, as mentioned in the bible. Slowly the black population, who was
clearly the minority, gained more and more support for freedom. While there are still Americans who do not see the black community as equals, it is
safe to say that society as a whole believes discrimination against blacks is wrong.
While slavery is far more extreme of an issue than homosexuality, the two have some things in common. For example, during the civil war there were
Americans on one side that supported an amendment to ban slavery and those on the other side who opposed it. Today there are citizens who support
an amendment to ban same sex marriages just as there are those who are against legislation. Even though the black community sought out the slavery
amendment and the gay community is trying to stop the amendment to ban same sex marriage, both minorities were trying to change a precedent in
society. The gay
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A Debate of the Death Penalty Essay
The death penalty raises important questions about the right to life, who has a right to life, and under what circumstances a right to life can be taken
away. I believe there are no circumstances under which capital punishment is justified. I will proceed to defend my claim that capital punishment is
unjustified by arguing a position that killing is wrong because it deprives individuals of valuable futures. To support my thesis thatcapital punishment is
not justified, I will expand upon an argument made my Don Marquis in his essay "Why Abortion is Immoral" in which he argues that killing is
immoral on the grounds that it deprives human beings of a valuable future. My argument is as follows:
1.Killing is wrong because it deprives more content...
The outside factors and conditions are irrelevant. Rather, the value is determined by how that person perceives his or her own life and these future
experiences. Thus, when someone is killed, he or she is deprived of all the things that were of value and will be of value to him or her in the future.
Causing this loss of a valuable future is ultimately what makes killing wrong and immoral because that individual has permanently lost the opportunity
to enjoy his or her future experiences which are valuable to him or her. My second premise states that death row criminals are in the same moral
category as other human beings with respect to the moral value of their lives. The only factor which differentiates a criminal from a non–criminal is the
fact that the criminal, usually irrefutably, violated community standards and the law to commit a crime. In the case of a criminal on death row, he or she
would have had to have committed a serious capital crime to receive the death sentence. Since committing a capital offense is the only reason death
row criminals are different from other human beings, death row criminals are the same as other human beings in every other respect, including with
respect to the value of their futures. Furthermore, the future of a criminal on death row is just as valuable as the future of a human being not on death
row. Any form of capital punishment is a form of killing. It does not matter who is actually doing the
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Argumentative Essay On Genocide
Genocide is one of the evillest moral crimes any ruling authority such as a government can commit against its people and it happens more than we
think. A general definition of Genocide is the intention to destroy or murder people because of their race, beliefs, or even political and economic
status. As we have been taught in this course Raphael Lemkin, created the term 'Genocide' 1944. Lemkin combined the ancient Greek word 'genos'
which means race and the Latin word 'cide' which translates to killing. There are many examples of genocide in the world but the most recognizable
is that of the Holocaust and how the German powers that be sought and attempted to kill all Jews. A recent example is the Rwandan Genocide in 1994
where the assassination of JuvГ©nal Habyarimana caused a violent reaction resulting in mass killings. In efforts to reduce Genocide, the Convention
on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (UNCG) was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and was placed in force in 1951. On
July 1, 2002 the International Criminal Court (ICC) came into force. The ICC not only accepted the UNCG's definition of Genocide but expanded it to
include crimes against humanity such as enslavement, deportation, torture, rape, enforced disappearance and apartheid. There have been many
organizations created throughout the world to defend and prevent genocide and even communities, religions and even colleges are forming
organizations and these are just some examples of how
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Free Will Essay example
Free Will I want to argue that there is indeed free will. In order to defend the position that free will means that human beings can cause some of what
they do on their own; in other words, what they do is not explainable solely by references to factors that have influenced them. My thesis then, is that
human beings are able to cause their own actions and they are therefore responsible for what they do. In a basic sense we are all original actors
capable of making moves in the world. We are initiators of our own behavior. The first matter to be noted is that this view is in no way in contradiction
to science. Free will is a natural phenomenon, something that emerged in nature with the emergence of human beings, with more content...
Dogs, lizards, fish, cats, frogs, etc.; have no free will and therefore it appears arbitrary to impute it to human beings. Why should we do things that the
rest of nature lacks? It would be an impossible aberration. The answer here, is that there is enough variety in nature–some things swim, some fly, some
just lie there, some breathe, some grow, while others do not; so there is plenty of evidence of plurality of types and kinds of things in nature.
Discovering that something has free will could be yet another addition to all the varieties of nature. I am going to give four agruments on why, in my
opinion free will exists. The first argument has to deal with determinism. If we are fully determined in what we think, believe and do, then of course
the belief that determinism is true is also a result of this determinism. But the same is true for the belief that determinism is false. There is nothing you
can do about whatever you believe–you had to believe it. There is no way to take an independent stance and consider the arguments unprejudiced
because all various forces making us assimilate the evidence in the world just the way we do. One either turns out to be a determinist or not and in
neither case can we appraise the issue because we are pre–determined to have a view on that matter one way or another. We will never be able to
resolve this debate, since there is no way of truly knowing. In
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Debates Essay

  • 1. Debates Essay Before engaging in the debates with Senator Stephen A. Douglas, Lincoln was relatively unknown in the political world and was just beginning his career in politics. Abraham Lincoln's reputation was just starting to grow, and his life was about to make a drastic change. The Lincoln–Douglas debates of 1858 were a turning point in Abraham Lincoln's political career. After being nominated to the Illinois legislature, Lincoln gave his famous "House Divided" speech which caused much grief between the North and the South. A short while after he was nominated, Lincoln challenged Stephen A.Douglas to a series of debates. Douglas quickly accepted, and named seven sites in Illinois more content... The majority of the people were for slavery, not against it. This debate proved disappointing for Lincoln and his followers. At Charleston, Lincoln tried to break away from any radicalism. He didn't want to be labeled as an abolitionist. In this particular debate, Lincoln showed his support of the Fugitive Slave Law. He said that slavery was protected by the Constitution. The main concern of this debate, as well as the rest of the debates was whether or not the government should ban slavery in the United States, or do the citizens have the democratic right to end slavery. The fifth debate was held at Galesburg. This debate helped Lincoln regain his confidence. He attacked all of Douglas' points firmly. He replied to the Kansas problem with inspiration and determination. He wanted to prove to the town of Galesburg that slavery was "a moral and political wrong." The next encounter took place in Quincy, Illinois, on Wednesday, October 13, 1858. It focused on personal issues of both speakers, and the differences in speaking techniques, physical appearances, and personalities. Lincoln made sure that he was not assumed to be an Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Climate Change Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions. "...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War, according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not Get more content on
  • 3. Preparing and delivering a successful debate requires a group of people to work together effectively as a team. Team processes and preparation and public speaking skills are both equally important key factors for success in debating as team processes involved in preparation for debate, such as group personality composition that creates cohesion and synergy and group norms that enhance the group's ability to work together, equip the team to work effectively therefore improving performance however if team members are unable to deliver an argument to an audience with confidence due to communication apprehension, the speaker's credibility will be lessened therefore the message will be less persuasive and the intended communication goal more content... When cohesion and synergy are achieved team performance and group effectiveness are increased. Barrick et al (1998: 382) argues that this is because cohesion and synergy improve communication, conflict resolution and distribution of workload. Tyler et al (2005: 225) explain the positive effects that synergy has on group effectiveness by stating that 'highly cohesive groups have a strong structure because their members are highly committed to the group and cooperate to preserve it'. Tyler et al (2005: 225) go on to state that cohesion improves group effectiveness as higher levels of commitment by team members is favourable to achieving higher levels of performance and that cohesion allows team members to concentrate on performance rather than group conflict. Barrick et al (1998: 380) furthers the argument that conscientiousness is a trait that leads to synergy and group effectiveness by suggesting that conscientiousness enables each team member to contribute more to the team performance therefore encouraging better results. The fact that group personality traits such as cooperation, agreeableness, conscientiousness, achievement motivation and helpfulness lead to cohesion and synergy and improved group Get more content on
  • 4. Lincoln and Douglas Debates Lincoln and Douglas Debates The Lincoln–Douglas debates of 1858 were a series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln, the republican candidate, and the incumbent Senator Stephen Douglas, a Democratic Party candidate, for a seat in the United States Senate. During the time period of the debates, Senators were elected by state legislators; therefore Lincoln and Douglas were competing for their respective parties to win control of the Illinois Legislature. The main issue for the debates was overwhelmingly about slavery and anything tied into dealing with slavery. "As the fifties wore on, an exhaustive, exacerbating and essentially futile conflict over slavery raged to the exclusion of nearly all other topics." So, with slavery at more content... Lincoln as he had never before been aroused. It was at this time that he fully comprehended the fact that there was to be no peace on the slavery question until either freedom or slavery should triumph." Lincoln was strongly opposed to popular sovereignty on the issue and believed that it would only help slavery endure for even longer. "when the Judge reminds me that I have often said to him that the institution of slavery has existed for eighty years in some States, and yet it does not exist in some others, I agree to the fact, and I account for it by looking at the position in which our fathers originally placed it–restricting it from the new Territories where it had not gone, and legislating to cut off its source by the abrogation of the slave–trade thus putting the seal of legislation against its spread. The public mind did rest in the belief that it was in the course of ultimate extinction. But lately, I think–and in this I charge nothing on the Judge's motives–lately, I think, that he, and those acting with him, have placed that institution on a new basis, which looks to the perpetuity and nationalization of slavery. And while it is placed upon this new basis, I say, and I have said, that I believe we shall not have peace upon the question until the opponents of slavery arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or, on the other hand, Get more content on
  • 5. School Uniform Debate Essay "School Uniforms: Yes, or No" The concept of having school uniform is a topic that has been debated fir any years. Some students find uniforms necessary, others just hate the colors. I think that the students who think uniforms are unnecessary are wrong. Uniforms are an excellent idea and can help school students be more disciplined, have an equal environment, and enjoy greater academics. School uniforms are a great way to maintain a level of social equality. There are more positive effects of wearing school uniforms than negative. School uniform makes student's lives easier because it eliminates the job of spending hours on picking out clothes for school.First, having school uniform maintains discipline in school. more content... If students are required to wear school uniforms, then they will automatically dress appropriately. Some students hide weapons in their clothes, so if there is uniform, no one will be able to hide any weapon. Secondly, school uniforms create an equal environment. Uniforms eliminate competition. No student will be considered less important than the other. Staying out of uniform is not a problem for the rich students. If there is no uniform, children, who are rich, will wear brand name clothes and children who are poor will wear regular, simple clothing. The poor children will feel left out because they are different. When children wear school uniform, every child is equal. School uniforms are less expensive compared to regular "play clothing", it lasts longer, and they can be reused. School uniforms are professional and help kids take school more seriously. When School uniforms help maintain or rise a school's academic standards. Uniforms help change a person's attitude toward success. Students go to school to learn, not to show off. Without school uniform, kids will spend more time on picking out clothes rather than doing homework. If children don't have choice to show off, make fun, or feel left out, then they will concentrate more on their studies. It is proven that schools that have uniforms have higher benchmark scores, SAT scores, and students which decide to go to college. In conclusion, school uniforms do not affect who Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essay English Composition Language and Identity Who am I? What is it that defines that personality? Anzaldua argues in her essay that the language is what defines one's identity. Language is indeed an important component of culture, and culture is known to be a crucial definer of identity. People use language to connect to their identities and communicating their realities and values to themselves and to the world around them... In other words, language is important because people use it to express their thoughts and beliefs. "People evolve a language in order to describe and thus control their circumstances" (Baldwin 109). Consequently, language does not necessarily define identity as much as identity defines language. People decide more content... Tan clearly mentions in her story that she had to speak two different languages to her Asian mom who had her own made up English. Tan relates to both her Asian descent and American belongings by using her mom's made up English to speak with her mom, and uses the proper English to give lectures and speak to most Americans. On the same grounds, Anzaldua learned through her life experiences to frequently use multiple types of English, and many other Dialects of proper Spanish and Mexican Spanish. She uses each language to communicate, connect and affiliate to specific people according to their background. This proves that the assumption that language defines culture and identity fails. What happens to the people who speak many languages, do they not get the benefit and pride of belonging to a certain community? Rather the contrary, they belong to multiple communities and they choose which group they want to communicate with and with which language. People have the ability to switch from a language to another to be part of a group and this supports the idea that identity defines and shapes language, and not the opposite. Language is used as a way to identify with people, but it is also used to distinguish between them. People use language to differentiate between people and associate them to a specific culture and community according to the language they speak. America is known for having a diverse Get more content on
  • 7. Lincoln-Douglas Debate Essay examples Every single moment that takes place in history arguably leaves an effect that lasts much longer than just the initial outcome. The Lincoln Douglas Debates are by far one of the truest examples of this happening. The seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas that took place in 1858 had extreme importance in Illinois that created effects that decided the presidential election of 1860. The Lincoln Douglas debates were a series of several debates that took place all over the state of Illinois. In these debates, two men argued in order to express their beliefs and standpoints on certain issues, primarily slavery, in an attempt to be elected into a seat in the U.S. Senate. The two men that participated in these debates more content... Abraham Lincoln began as a lawyer born in Kentucky who gained attention to himself through having contrasting beliefs to Douglas over the topic of slavery. Through the Lincoln Douglas debates, Lincoln morphed into a candidate prepared to become an unforgettable president (History). On June 16, 1858 made the statement "a house divided against itself cannot stand," in a speech about slavery, deeply contrasting with Douglas's views and speaking about the conspiracy of the democratic plot to get slavery legalized in every state. This conspiracy, of course, was being partly conspired by Stephen Douglas. Three weeks later, Stephen Douglas refuted these claims while also calling Abraham Lincoln a dangerous abolitionist (Looking for Lincoln). Being an abolitionist at the time held a very negative connotation because abolitionists were often irrational extremists (Morel 4). The following evening, in the exact same place as Douglas had spoken, Lincoln spoke once more. The Lincoln Douglas debates all began due to the fact that Douglas had been travelling all over the state of Illinois making speeches in order to increase the likelihood of his chance to be reelected into the U.S. Senate. More often than not, less than a week later, sometimes the very same night, the annoying Republican candidate, Lincoln would follow suit and speak to the same group of Get more content on
  • 8. Example of a Debate Speech Thank you Madam Speaker. A very good morning I would like to wish to the honourable adjudicators, precise timekeepers, fellow members of the government, members of the opposition and members of the floor. We are gathered here today to debate on a very important motion that is THBT physically challenged people should not be seperated in schools. And, we, the government strongly back this motion. To address this motion, please allow me to start off by specifying my role and the role of my fellow members of the government. I, as the Prime Minister, have the main task in hand in which I have to state the motion, which I have already done earlier. Next, I will highlight some of the keywords and define the motion of today's debate. more content... everyone has their own aspiration and ambitions that serve to define themselves in their lives. self motivation comes from within the person. being able to compete with more physically able students personally makes a physically challenged student to get rid of his/her prejudice of him /herself(lack of physical abilities makes him/her unable to compete mentally with normal students), thus motivating and spurring the individual to move forward. put it at a way that you were able to beat one of your classmates that is more "complete" than you, how would that make you feel? of course, it makes you feel better of yourself. proving that nothing is impossible for you to do. for example, muhammad rosli and ahmad of sekolah kebangsaan seksyen 27 in shah alam were born as conjoined twins and now succesfully seperated following an operation in saudi arabia in 2002. eventhough they were not like normal students, they still manage to get good results in their upsr which was 4a's and 1b in 2011 and are still educated in a normal school. this relates back to being part of the society by having the attention of being able to do something you're more capable of. just imagine, ladies and gentlemen if they did not share the same school with normal people at their young ages, they probally would not get the self motivation needed for their future adulthoods being in the society itself. a great statistics to prove this is that, the national resources centre on learning disablity found that Get more content on
  • 9. Determinism Vs Libertarianism The controversial metaphysical debate of free will in philosophy revolves around the blatant discordancy between casual determinism and society's perception of free will. In Philosophy by Manuel Velasquez, he describes this debate as "a controversy that still rages in our society" (p. 202). The three foremost theories that are used in this deliberation are hard determinism, libertarianism, and compatibilism. Philosophers defend and believe in each one of these theories based upon their individual characteristics. The claim that a set of laws govern the universe and that all events have a purpose is known as the casual determinism theory (p. 204). Casual determinism presents the idea that it is plausible that all future events are predictable and "that there is only one path leading from the past" to the future (p. 204). The belief in this theory conceives the possibility that everything can be explained with reasoning based upon the laws of the universe. This concept would ease an individual's concern of the future with a sense of security by knowing that the uncertainties of life's events are foreseeable. An example would be knowing that an individual's car will break down on the highway during morning traffic or when a tree is going to fall on the roof of the house during a more content... 204). It argues that casual determinism and free will cannot coexist, and that casual determinism is the only viable explanation for human actions (p. 204). This theory would eliminate the various stressors of life today because responsibility for one's actions would no longer be needed. An individual could commit a crime and then claim that they did not have a choice because it was predetermined. If this were true then punishment should not exist and "the saint should be no more praised than the criminal should be [imprisoned]" Get more content on
  • 10. Lincoln-Douglas Debate Essay examples The Lincoln–Douglas Debates of 1858 was a very influential event that occurred in American history and has much significance, even till this day. The debates were in contest for the United States Senate seat in Illinois. The main topic involved in the debates was based around slavery and the separation of the union because of it. Both Lincoln and Douglas refer to the U.S. Constitution in their remarks and state different opinions surrounding what they interpret the meaning of certain parts regarding slavery to be. Abraham Lincoln's position on slavery was the belief that the expansion of it to Free states and new territories should be ceased and that it eventually be abolished completely throughout the country. He believed simply more content... Lincoln suggests that the institution of slavery be contained by preventing the spread of it to the new territories and Free states, although he had no interest in interfering with the already entitled slave states. He agrees that it was the right of the state to make its own decisions, not the federal government. Although Lincoln did not favor getting involved with abolishing slavery in the already declared slave states, he did favor total abolition in the distant future. He was first worried about stopping the expansion of slavery and then the next step to be taken would have been the "ultimate extinction" of it throughout the states. Lincoln did believe that every white man had no more equality than another. For this is one of the main reasons why at this time a resolution needed to be found in order to keep this equality in the new territories. Lincoln made a valid point in his speech that if slave holders were to settle in a new territory along with people opposed to slavery, which party has the right to decide what type of territory and future state it will be declared as? As for the rights of slaves, Lincoln agreed with Douglas that slaves did not have the same individual rights as everyone else, but he did believe that the liberties given under the Declaration of Independence involved such slaves. It is obvious that the Republicans of this time find slavery as being a "moral, social, and political wrong", Get more content on
  • 11. A Proposal for a Debate Club of a School Kurmitola HIGH SCHOOL Debate Club A BRIEF PROPOSAL FOR OPENING THE CLUB –PREPARED BY– SAYED AHMED PALLAB (EX –STUDENT, 2008) MD. WAHIDUL ALAM (EX –STUDENT, 2008) MAHEDI JINAT (EX–STUDENT, 2008) * * Name: KURMITOLA HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE CLUB (KHS DC) will be the name of the club. It is proposed by us. If there is any problem about the name, the name will decide later. * Why does a school need a debate club? A school is a playground of the students. Here a student can built his career with the light of education and the help of the respective teachers. A school is not only a place for study; it is also a place for growing one's extra–curricular activities. Debate is one of the most respected extra–curricular activities. A more content... We are practicing debate ad participate in different tournament. Beside this we have also other activities like: * Arranging debate tournament in national level and local level. * Maintaining practice sessions for our debaters. * Arranging workshop for the improvement of debaters. * Arranging leading and legendary debaters' class as the national and international level workshop. * Practice for Bengali and English debate. * Club Committee: Every club has an active committee for maintaining the disciplines of the club. We will also have an active club committee. The format is given below: * Chief Advisor: Head Master himself. * Advisor: One concerned Teacher. * Club Conveyors: Three Senior Ex –students. * Mentors: Could be Ex– students. * President: One Active Student. * Vice–President: One Active Student. * Head of Logistics Department: One Active Student. * Head of Debate and Workshop: One Active Student. * Head of Public Relation: One Active Student. * Treasurer: One Active Student. * Head of Socials: One Active Student. * Head of Sponsors: One Active Student. * Members: Two Active Junior Representatives. There will no discrimination for the
  • 12. designations. Every single individual who is qualified for the post will look after that department. Every active committee will elected for one year. * Get more content on
  • 13. My Reflection Of Speech : My Importance Of Debate This year I took debate and throughout this whole year I learned in many ways how taking debate is beneficial to me, and how it helped me throughout my school year and my later life in general. Such as how to speak clearly, extend my voice and how to pronounce and enunciate clearly so that my voice is vocalized clearly and in a way that is in a way that is very understandable to everyone. Which can be seen on numerous occasions from ballots at the beginning of the year such as " AST # 1 " which I learned a lot from as it was my first debate and at this tournament I took congressional debate and what I learned from this is that I have to use my voice because if I didn't I wouldn't be able to speak which is what happened to me and at more content... One thing that greatly affected me was my self–confidence, that had taken the better of me before I had taken debate, and once I took the class my confidence in anything was much improved, for example just like our debate quote " I spoke my mind " more frequently after I took debate. Which has liberated my voice to what I want to say, no matter what anybody believes about me, and leading to myself not getting held back at all Debate has taught me how to have more in–depth conversations with people and a better way of communicating in a way that is clear and complex. I struggled in a lot of areas in debate and even currently I still struggle in a few areas. For example, these past 3 school quarters in debate I have not done so well and I fell short many times just trying to look for what my calling was in debate. But in the end, I found out what the purpose of a debate was which is, " an engagement of an argument by discussing opposing points " and for me the two sides of my debate where the part which learned and the part that struggled. Such as, the part of me that struggled remembering points and the part that forgot to practice, which held me back from succeeding in speech and debate. But the part of me learned, and it learned from the struggles I had, such as how I spoke to how I acted, and changed them to a more advanced and proper way, that where some areas I struggled in and how I learned from them. I can improve upon areas such as Get more content on
  • 14. Debates On Global Warming I. Global Warming: Fact or Fiction A. Background of the debate on the perceived global warming phenomenon 1. Temperature increase 2. Disparity and the reasons why B. Arguments for the perceived fact of human influence on global warming 1. The greenhouse effect 2. Global disaster C. Arguments that human influence on global warming is fictitious 1. Amount of CO2 2. Natural reasons for global warming One of the most longstanding and most passionately debated topics in the scientific community today is based on conceptions of global warming. The one aspect that the scientific community seems to agree on is the fact that since the mid to late 19th century, just prior to the Industrial Age, theearth has increased its annual median temperature. Some scientific theories, however, state that this effect has largely to do with humanity's propensity for burning fossil fuels, and speculate that this tendency will wreak devastating consequences on the earth due to this fact. On the other side of the debate lies those who state that these perceived effects of global warming is a hoax, as is the effect of humanity on the earth's average median temperature, Proponents that claim global warming is a fact that is largely in response to mankind's penchant for burning fossil fuels since the advent of the 20th century back up this assertion by alluding to the greenhouse effect. According to this greenhouse theory, the fossil fuels that are released into the earth's Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about The Global Warming Debate "Global warming is not a conqueror to kneel before – but a challenge to rise to. A challenge we must rise to." –– Joe Lieberman INTRODUCTION Global warming is a controversial environmental topic in today's society. Global warming is when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and nitrous oxide) act as a blanket that insulates the earth and prevents heat from escaping into space, which in turn causes the global temperature to rise. This "greenhouse effect" is a naturally occurring phenomenon; without it, the earth would be too cold for any life to inhabit. However, due to fossil fuel burning and other human activities, there is an excess amount of more content... The majority of scientists link this temperature rise to the increase in carbon dioxide; however, other scientists argue that the temperature rise is a part of a natural fluctuation. In 1997, delegates to an international summit on global warming in Kyoto, Japan approved an agreement called the Kyoto Protocol, which requires 38 industrialized nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions. These nations must accept legally binding limits, which will reduce greenhouse emissions to levels that are an average of five percent below the emission levels of 1990. The reduced levels are to be achieved between 2008 and 2012 ( PRO ARGUMENT Greenhouse gases reduce the escape of the earth's infrared radiation into space. This "greenhouse effect" causes the earth to maintain warm temperatures. Due to human activities, the earth's temperature has steadily increased, thus causing global warming. This rise in temperature leads to climate change, an increase of infectious diseases, droughts, changes in precipitation, the rising and warming of oceans, and glacial melting. One effect of climate change is the spread of infectious diseases, such as vector–borne ones. Vector–borne diseases are illness transmitted to humans directly from insects or animals ( Some examples of vector–borne illnesses are hantavirus, rabies, dengue fever, river blindness, Lyme disease, sleeping Get more content on
  • 16. The Same Sex Marriage Debate Essay The Same Sex Marriage Debate The controversial debate over whether same sex marriage should be legalized has gained a lot of attention in recent years and there are strong arguments for each side of the issue. There are many different factors that must be looked at when considering same–sex marriage. A marriage is not something that is just slapped on a piece of paper to show a couple's love; it involves legal, social, economic, and spiritual issues. Throughout this essay, I intend to focus on all of the issues just mentioned, and how all of these issues are interrelated in some way, shape or form. I will also pay attention to the state influence on marriage, how one state's decision affects another state's actions, and last how more content... Although the gay community makes up a small percentage of the American population, they have and will be very influential in our society. Our society sets many standards for people to live by, but often times these standards evolve through time in such a way that no one can predict. Slavery serves as a good example: A survey done in the 1700's of the American colonies would probably reveal a majority of people felt slavery was alright, some might have even pointed out that Christians used slavery in the past, as mentioned in the bible. Slowly the black population, who was clearly the minority, gained more and more support for freedom. While there are still Americans who do not see the black community as equals, it is safe to say that society as a whole believes discrimination against blacks is wrong. While slavery is far more extreme of an issue than homosexuality, the two have some things in common. For example, during the civil war there were Americans on one side that supported an amendment to ban slavery and those on the other side who opposed it. Today there are citizens who support an amendment to ban same sex marriages just as there are those who are against legislation. Even though the black community sought out the slavery amendment and the gay community is trying to stop the amendment to ban same sex marriage, both minorities were trying to change a precedent in society. The gay Get more content on
  • 17. A Debate of the Death Penalty Essay The death penalty raises important questions about the right to life, who has a right to life, and under what circumstances a right to life can be taken away. I believe there are no circumstances under which capital punishment is justified. I will proceed to defend my claim that capital punishment is unjustified by arguing a position that killing is wrong because it deprives individuals of valuable futures. To support my thesis thatcapital punishment is not justified, I will expand upon an argument made my Don Marquis in his essay "Why Abortion is Immoral" in which he argues that killing is immoral on the grounds that it deprives human beings of a valuable future. My argument is as follows: 1.Killing is wrong because it deprives more content... The outside factors and conditions are irrelevant. Rather, the value is determined by how that person perceives his or her own life and these future experiences. Thus, when someone is killed, he or she is deprived of all the things that were of value and will be of value to him or her in the future. Causing this loss of a valuable future is ultimately what makes killing wrong and immoral because that individual has permanently lost the opportunity to enjoy his or her future experiences which are valuable to him or her. My second premise states that death row criminals are in the same moral category as other human beings with respect to the moral value of their lives. The only factor which differentiates a criminal from a non–criminal is the fact that the criminal, usually irrefutably, violated community standards and the law to commit a crime. In the case of a criminal on death row, he or she would have had to have committed a serious capital crime to receive the death sentence. Since committing a capital offense is the only reason death row criminals are different from other human beings, death row criminals are the same as other human beings in every other respect, including with respect to the value of their futures. Furthermore, the future of a criminal on death row is just as valuable as the future of a human being not on death row. Any form of capital punishment is a form of killing. It does not matter who is actually doing the Get more content on
  • 18. Argumentative Essay On Genocide Genocide is one of the evillest moral crimes any ruling authority such as a government can commit against its people and it happens more than we think. A general definition of Genocide is the intention to destroy or murder people because of their race, beliefs, or even political and economic status. As we have been taught in this course Raphael Lemkin, created the term 'Genocide' 1944. Lemkin combined the ancient Greek word 'genos' which means race and the Latin word 'cide' which translates to killing. There are many examples of genocide in the world but the most recognizable is that of the Holocaust and how the German powers that be sought and attempted to kill all Jews. A recent example is the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 where the assassination of JuvГ©nal Habyarimana caused a violent reaction resulting in mass killings. In efforts to reduce Genocide, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (UNCG) was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and was placed in force in 1951. On July 1, 2002 the International Criminal Court (ICC) came into force. The ICC not only accepted the UNCG's definition of Genocide but expanded it to include crimes against humanity such as enslavement, deportation, torture, rape, enforced disappearance and apartheid. There have been many organizations created throughout the world to defend and prevent genocide and even communities, religions and even colleges are forming organizations and these are just some examples of how Get more content on
  • 19. Free Will Essay example Free Will I want to argue that there is indeed free will. In order to defend the position that free will means that human beings can cause some of what they do on their own; in other words, what they do is not explainable solely by references to factors that have influenced them. My thesis then, is that human beings are able to cause their own actions and they are therefore responsible for what they do. In a basic sense we are all original actors capable of making moves in the world. We are initiators of our own behavior. The first matter to be noted is that this view is in no way in contradiction to science. Free will is a natural phenomenon, something that emerged in nature with the emergence of human beings, with more content... Dogs, lizards, fish, cats, frogs, etc.; have no free will and therefore it appears arbitrary to impute it to human beings. Why should we do things that the rest of nature lacks? It would be an impossible aberration. The answer here, is that there is enough variety in nature–some things swim, some fly, some just lie there, some breathe, some grow, while others do not; so there is plenty of evidence of plurality of types and kinds of things in nature. Discovering that something has free will could be yet another addition to all the varieties of nature. I am going to give four agruments on why, in my opinion free will exists. The first argument has to deal with determinism. If we are fully determined in what we think, believe and do, then of course the belief that determinism is true is also a result of this determinism. But the same is true for the belief that determinism is false. There is nothing you can do about whatever you believe–you had to believe it. There is no way to take an independent stance and consider the arguments unprejudiced because all various forces making us assimilate the evidence in the world just the way we do. One either turns out to be a determinist or not and in neither case can we appraise the issue because we are pre–determined to have a view on that matter one way or another. We will never be able to resolve this debate, since there is no way of truly knowing. In Get more content on