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Dear Researcher: Should I get my child a pet?
Recently, a parent reached out to me with the following
question: Dear Researcher, my daughter has been asking for a
pet for several years now, but I have been hesitant. What does
the research say on the benefits of owning a pet? After
receiving this question, I decided to dig into the research on the
benefits and drawbacks of owning a pet. I have often heard of
the positive emotional impact that owning a pet has, but I had
not reviewed what the research said on this topic until receiving
this question. So, thank you for your question reader!
Before viewing the benefits of pet ownership, I think it is
important to first focus on the possible drawbacks. Research has
shown that the biggest drawbacks of pet ownership is the stress
caused from a pet’s death or worry about the pet’s safety
(Bryant, 1990). While the death of a beloved pet is eventually
inevitable, worries about safety could be reduced by having a
pet safe environment within your home.
While the drawbacks are important to consider, there are also
many benefits given to pet owners, such as increased emotional
well-being. A recent study has shown that pets are an essential
source of social support to their owners and their owners have
an increased sense of emotional well-being associated with their
pet ownership (McConnell, Brown, Shoda, Stayton, & Martin,
2011). Pets also have been shown to offer support to people
facing a significant stress in their life (McConnell et al., 2011).
The study conducted by Bryant (1990) that listed the drawbacks
to pet ownership also agreed that pet ownership offers the
owner emotional benefits.
Along with the emotional benefits, there are also important
health benefits to owning a pet. People who interact with pets
while in the hospital have better health outcomes (Friedmann,
Barker, & Allen, 2011). Pet owners also have better medical
outcomes on the whole when compared to non-pet owners
(Friedmann et al., 2011). In addition, pet owners make fewer
annual visits to the doctor’s office and are on less medications
associated with sleeping issues and heart problems (Headey,
Overall, the research is in strong support of the benefits to
owning a pet. From the health benefits to the emotional benefits
given to a child, owning a pet definitely has its perks. However,
the research is focused on cat and dog ownership, so these
benefits may not apply to more low maintenance pets such as
fish. Please be sure to consider if your house can accommodate
the needs of owning a pet before adopting or purchasing one!
This list of ten considerations may be helpful to view before
you purchase a pet of your own. As a proud pet owner myself, I
wish you the best of luck on your new pet journey! Feel free to
ask any further questions about pet ownership below.
Weekly journal #3
Ahmed Rahhali
GRAD 695
Research configuration can be clarified as the reason behind the
lead of the exploration. The examination configuration may take
in the reasons to build the acknowledgment with some specific
and evident realities or to recognize connections between
explicit factors. Research configuration is additionally
separated into three kinds including illustrative research plan,
exploratory research structure and graphic research structure.
Informative plan attempts the correlation and assessment of the
distinctive research factors. In like manner, the point behind the
exploratory research is to gather top to bottom discernments
about the examination field that is beforehand not known by the
analysts. Besides, unmistakable research configuration alludes
the social event of more information from a formerly look into
region and to depict the equivalent. The structure of this
exploration is logical that will help in recognizing and
characterizing the connection between Drivers training and its
impact on accidents and crashes reduction.
Choice of a suitable research system helps in get-together the
information as per the extent of the examination. A few sorts of
research procedures have been recognized in existing writing
that for the most part comprises of study, ethnography, activity
inquire about, grounded hypothesis, examinations and
contextual analyses. Because of the subjective methodology and
illustrative research plan, the system utilized right now to the
overview procedure through an un-organized meeting from the
chose test of IT experts. The open-finished poll, in the 20
minutes talk with session, will be given to the respondents after
the advancement of nature of certainty with the members. They
will be required to fill it as per their individual information and
encounters and a similar will help in the assortment of required
and top to bottom data about the targets as the goals help with
picking up the procedure in which the presentation Drivers
training and its impact on accidents and crashes reduction.
Data Collection Methods
Information assortment implies the ways and techniques to
gather the examination information. Generally, information
assortment strategy is likewise isolated into two critical parts
including essential information assortment and auxiliary
information assortment. Essential information would be
gathered through the open–finished survey given to the chose
Drivers in a 20 minutes talk with session that will give a chance
to investigate their perspectives about the exhibitions of their
driving and event of mishaps. Auxiliary information would be
expected to direct the writing survey on Drivers preparing and
its effect on mishaps and accidents decrease. A similar will be
accumulated through number of reports that comprise of
approved books, diaries, articles and other documented records.
Sampling alludes to the zone of research wherein the subjective
research requests to portray the general issues, agent or
'naturalistic' assessment of research goals covering the spots,
times and people. In choosing about the examining for an
investigation, testing system and size of the example is given
explicit thought. Testing strategies are estimated as the
methodology used to pull back a suitable example size from the
general populace. There are commonly two sorts of examining
procedures utilized including arbitrary inspecting and non-
irregular testing. With the end goal of this, examine non-
arbitrary testing will be utilized to direct purposive inspecting
strategy by picking Drivers, which are considered as competent
to intricate and express their high encounters with the setting of
this exploration.
Data Analysis Methods
The information so accumulated in any investigation can be
broke down utilizing quantitative examination strategies and
subjective investigation techniques. Right now, information will
be broken down utilizing the subjective information methods
that will be useful in the significant and extensive increment in
the estimation of research results and effective execution of the
examination targets. In addition, the examination information
gathered through the open-finished survey in un-organized
meeting, would be investigated and inspected through the pie
diagrams with percent insightful reactions.
Ahmed Rahhali
Grad 695
Weekly journal #5
My research seeks to expound on the way driver education
reduces accidents rate and the associated costs. In addition, it
explores other means of mitigating accidents and crashes rates.
These means could either be in the form of incentives to the
drivers, mitigating accident management costs and long-term
changes is a hard task but can result in substantial cost savings
and secure the lives of drivers and the general public. It is the
mandate of every road safety authority to ensure that sufficient
and proper training is provided, and all the vehicles have the
recommended safety features.
Driver education and training are arguably paramount in every
aspect of driver and road safety and the right educational and
learning technologies must be implemented to achieve it.
Several other factors should be strictly adhered to and applied
as the essential rules and requirements. Incorporating a driver
policy is one of them. Driving policies should be introduced and
taught in appealing methods and group learning environment.
The policies should guide the on-road driving behaviors,
penalties applicable for poor driving, steps to take after an
unfortunate collision incident, and the inspection to be carried
out on the vehicles for pre and post route deliveries.
Drivers ought to be equipped with accurate information on past
crush incidents and other severe accidents. Monitoring
accidents goes beyond formal education and training. Drivers
must be aware of recent incidents and make a considerable
effort to learn from them. Such information should be
accurately outlined and cover all the aspects of the accident i.e.,
the cause, casualties, and how the driver could have avoided it.
Regular assessment of the drivers’ skills. Drivers should update
their license and check on the health issues like the eyesight
that may affect them on the road — ensuring that vehicles are
roadworthy and might the safety standards and requirements.
This can be achieved by installing up-to-date safety features,
programs and regular repairs to avoid on-road breakups that
compromise the driving dynamics.
Ahmed Rahhali
Grad 695
Weekly journal #6
Delivery Drivers, especially new and young drivers register
high crash rates according to William (1999), States that young
drivers are involved in more crashes as compared to drivers who
have experience and have worked in this sector for some time.
The reason for the high number of Accidents and Crashes in
young drivers is due to lack of enough experience and lack of
the necessary driving skills, which means maybe the training
was not well conducted or it had some mishaps. This is due to
the fact that driving is not an easy task as it is considered to
self-paced and complex, at the same time requiring the
combination of basic tasks, like steering, accelerating and
braking and other complex skills lie problem solving and hazard
perception, that are required for normal vehicle operation. The
delivery driver most of the time are racing against time so that
they can get the order on time, which adds on to the pressure of
driving. Therefore, the skills needed to drive should be properly
taught for the driver to be considered to have passed the road
test. However, it is not the most important aim of training
programs and driver education of such drivers and any other
driver., the main aim is automatically to produce drivers who
are safer. Although the basic belief is that the driver training
should create a safety value, such programs have not done that
and cannot be considered to be efficient, this may be wrong but
evidence show that there are no safety benefits that can arise
from the training of formal driver education. various empirical
studies have shown that some of the driver training programs
pose a safety risk and at the same time fail to show positive
effects of delivery driver training, in fact at some point poses a
risk as through such programs it easy for anyone to get a
There have been various authors who provided their reviews on
contemporary driver training/education and mainly focusing on
the new licensing systems compiled around 30 reviews that
were from different countries whereby the reviews looked at the
effectiveness of formal driver training ad education, including
advanced training courses (Novice drivers) and motorcycle rider
training and education. the review that included scientific
evaluation gave put small support on the claim that an effective
countermeasure at the moment can be driver instruction. The
majority of the evidence failed to prove that students who were
formally trained had a lower record number of crashes than the
drivers who did not receive the same training. Additionally, the
results continued to be more discouraging as few studies have
actually proven there is no safety benefits in such training and
education, in fact an increase in crashes rather than a decrease
as expected. In some f the cases provide that such an occurrence
might be caused by early license issued through driver
education and company policies that, like pressure to deliver on
time that makes the new driver vulnerable to crashes. Whereby
the focus of this paper is mostly based on the disbenefits and
benefits of driver education and training, the following
“contemporary” reviews came up with the same conclusion.
The study of driver education and training, that was published
in Australia, for Transport South Australia, came up with the
literature on car-training effecting which had the following
conclusion (Woolley 2000):
“Very little new evidence has emerged to support driver
education and training in high schools and the bulk of the
scientific literature is damning of the ability of high school
driver education and training to deliver net road safety benefits.
Such education generally leads to increased licensure rates and
younger driver ages, causing problems which far outweigh any
benefits achieved” (p. ii)
On the other hand, more additional training for novice driver
training programs should take place, because “programs have
been shown to change behaviors known to be linked to increases
in crash risks, behaviors such as long glances inside the vehicle
and failures to glance towards latent hazards.” At the same up
to date there was no program that was to change the narrative of
crashes and accidents among delivery drivers, with the focus on
hazard anticipation, such a training program has turned out to
be effective for drivers who were amateurs drivers who had
experiences for over 36 months. Delivery driver training is not
effective, as the job entails a lot of factors and not just training.
Therefore, focus on the young Driver Training in addition to the
training program is important.
Williams, A. (1999). Graduated licensing comes to the United
States. Injury Prevention, 5(2), 133.
Woolley, J. (2000). In-car driver training at high schools: a
literature review (No. 6/2000, HS-043 200).
Zhang, T., Li, J., Thai, H., Zafian, T., Samuel, S., & Fisher, D.
L. (2016, September). Evaluation of the effect of a novice
driver training program on citations and crashes. In Proceedings
of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual
Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1991-1995). Sage CA: Los
Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Delivery Drivers Training and its Impact on Accidents and
Crashes Reduction
Annotated Bibliography 7
Ahmed Rahhali
GRAD 695
Vernick, J. S., Li, G., Ogaitis, S., MacKenzie, E. J., Baker, S.
P., & Gielen, A. C. (1999). Effects of high school driver
education on motor vehicle crashes, violations, and
licensure. American journal of preventive medicine, 16(1), 40-
This source was credible for this research as it gave out
details of looking into the effectiveness of high school driving
education, which is basically the first kind of education anyone
is able to receive. The result from the research was that high
school education does not reduce crashes in young drivers.
Mayhew, D. R., Simpson, H. M., Williams, A. F., & Ferguson,
S. A. (1998). Effectiveness and role of driver education and
training in a graduated licensing system. Journal of public
health policy, 19(1), 51-67.
The article looks at formal driver training
programs/education around the world. The programs are
considered to be effective and helps drivers to drive safely but
at the same time there is no empirical evidence that supports
this notion. With the introduction of graduated driver licensing,
it has somehow helped to improve the standards of driver
licensing. The article contemporary review of driver training
and education.
Zhang, T., Li, J., Thai, H., Zafian, T., Samuel, S., & Fisher, D.
L. (2016, September). Evaluation of the effect of a novice
driver training program on citations and crashes. In Proceedings
of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual
Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1991-1995). Sage CA: Los
Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
This resource on the hand focus on the Novice driver
training programs, also know as the delivery drivers in this
case. The report has come around the fact that the conventional
driver training and education is not enough for delivery drivers
or for nay driver in that case, but the novice driver training is
effective as it proves to reduce crashes and accidents through
the special program; hazard anticipation.
Ahmed Rahhali
Grad 695
Weekly journal #7
The training programs for delivery drivers have to improve the
behavior of drivers not focusing on impending hazards but
having long glances inside their vehicles and this is what at the
end of the day leads to crashes and accidents. Up to the moment
no program had been able to change the real frequency of
crashes and citations. This program that was proven to reduce
crashes it was only administered once during the time that
license was issued, and it only took 17 minutes to complete this
program. The training program addressed both attention
maintenance skills and hazard anticipation, Distractology 101,
and it was established that all these aspects took twice the time
if the program had only hazard anticipation. At the same time, it
is important to understand the fact that delivery drivers were
under and inflated risk if crashing than any other driver,
especially if they had just the regular drive training and
education (Williams 2003). Just as any other driver, distraction/
attention loss has been a significant contributor to the road
crashes registered, and most specifically in teens it has caused
almost 58% of the crashes. Therefore, one reason that seems to
explain this phenomenon of inflated crashes among young
drivers, is the willingness to engage in activities that are
distractive during driving, or while on the road. These activities
are mostly related to technology related activities such as cell
phones text messaging or conversations (Young et al. 2010). A
survey carried out on driver-cell phone use while driving
showed that 43% of drivers of the age 18 to 24 years, have used
their cell phones while driving specifically texting, which is a
he percentage as compared to elderly drivers whereby drivers
between the age of 30 to 59 only 12% of them have texted while
driving. Whereby this explains one aspect that most of the
Accidents and Crashes are registered under drivers who are
young, maybe due to inexperience or other influences like
distraction through cell phone text messaging.
Additionally, hazard anticipation has been considered the other
reason that such individuals register high crashes and accidents.
That is in his case the hazard can be the pedestrian is potential
or latent because in most of the cases the pedestrian will not
emerge. A good example whereby a minivan might be parked
uphill, this automatically obstructs the view of the driver
coming from behind and will see the pedestrian approaching the
crosswalk. The failure of hazard anticipation has been linked to
increased crash risk and accidents. Therefore, with proper
training on avoidance of distraction and hazard anticipation will
help the delivery drivers to be involved in a lot of crashes and
accidents. This is because the young drivers up to the moment
have been thought to be careless and not clueless, which means
that their hazard anticipation was less developed than the
experience drivers, who register less crashes and accidents as
mentioned before.
The Distractology 101 program has proven to be effective,
according to Zhang et al. 2016, they were able to conduct a
research on about 28 ,000 young drivers who had less than three
years of driving experience. The training program had two
distinct training periods which were conducted under the
presence of an experimenter. The following table gives the
summary of the training that was mainly based on the two
aspects mentioned above distraction (D) and Hazard
Anticipation (HA).
Summary of the Training Scenarios in the Distractology 101
program (HA, D)
Hidden Stop Sign after curve in the road (HA)
Marked mid-Block crosswalk with pedestrian obscured by cars
Oncoming Truck making a left turn, while participant turns left
Left turn onto one-way street with pedestrian crossing (HA)
Sudden hand-braking vehicle in front of participant rural road
Sudden hand-braking in front of participant urban road (D)
The crashes and accidents were measured over a one-year
period for both control and experimental groups. The results
were taken before and after the participants had taken the
Distractology 101 program.
Number of Drivers who had crashes and Drivers who did not
have crashes
Distractology program drivers
Control Drivers in the experiment
This study showed the effectiveness of the training program, the
Distractology 101 program, that was based on real life, actual
driving experiment. Looking at the crashes and infractions
based on the hazard anticipation and distraction elements of the
program. The program proved to be effective, in improving the
skills of the targeted drivers, it is still unclear if the training
was actually the reason for the reduction in the accidents and
crash risks. Whereby the evidence in this case provides
adequate data that Distractology 101 program has a positive
effect on developing safer young drivers, therefore if it was to
be initiated in Delivery driver training then the it will positively
impact the rate of the crashes and the accidents. Therefore, such
programs should be extended to all novice drivers.
Williams, A. F. (2003). Teenage drivers: patterns of
risk. Journal of safety research, 34(1), 5-15.
Young, K. L., & Lenné, M. G. (2010). Driver engagement in
distracting activities and the strategies used to minimise
risk. Safety Science, 48(3), 326-332.
Zhang, T., Li, J., Thai, H., Zafian, T., Samuel, S., & Fisher, D.
L. (2016, September). Evaluation of the effect of a novice
driver training program on citations and crashes. In Proceedings
of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual
Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1991-1995). Sage CA: Los
Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Ahmed Rahhali
GRAD 695
Weekly Journal #4
My research paper will comprehend the safety value of driver
education and training. New drivers, especially those of tender
age, have very high crash rates. Formal guidance, which
includes in-vehicle training and in-class education, has been
leveraged to address the rising rates of road accidents and crash
rates. The research paper seeks also to elaborate on the evidence
on the safety value of such driving programs and recommend
possible improvements in delivering the content and programs
that may achieve safety benefits.
New and young drivers have extremely high crash rates because
they are inexperienced, lack the essential driving capabilities
and skills. These skills include steering and braking, problem-
solving, and hazard perception. To curb these menaces, drivers
ought to acquire the recommended training, skills, and
capabilities before full licensing is permitted. It is generally
assumed that drivers with formal driving instructions should
pose lower crash rates compared to unexposed drivers.
In logistics environment, formally trained drivers have
relatively lower frequencies of a crash compared to the
untrained one. The ignorable differences exist since driver
education results in earlier and uninformed licensure, increasing
the likelihood of crash occurrence. Driver education does not
convincingly mitigate the rate of motor vehicle crash since
driver education, and training does not exploit the essential
skills and knowledge cardinal for safe driving. Training and
education should be inclined to address the aspects of driving
tasks linked to the risk of collision. Driver education teaches
safety skills, but most learners are not motivated to apply them.
It cannot significantly influence the driving dynamics chosen by
the students.
Driver education fosters overconfidence that may increase the
risk of collisions. It provides emergency maneuver skills but
does not instill the toxic overconfidence. Driver education also
fails to address lifestyle issues sufficiently. Psychosocial
variables that are not addressed through training like sensation
behavior and risk-taking relate the lifestyles and collision rates.
Ahmed Rahhali
Grad 695
Annotated Bibliographies #3
Dr. Ron Christie, in his article ‘the effectiveness of driver
training as a road safety measure,' provides a summary of the
effectiveness of driver training programs, talks of pre-license
programs for specialized driver training in the field. The
program intends to develop and nurture safe driving techniques
on both off-road tracks or roads. He suggests that the training
impacts basic car controls and road law knowledge skills, which
has little on casualty crushes. He points out considerable
evidence that affects advanced learners' skills, including skid
controls. He attributes this to increased car crushes to increased
car crashes among young males. He generally considers that
there is no significant between drivers trained off-road and
those trained on the road when comparing the cases of crashes
(Ron 2009).
Dr. Ron suggests that real-world experience during the learning
time has proved significant, reducing crashes by about 35%. In
comparison with the crashes relating to those trained
professionally and those trained by their relation. He points out
the best training system being on the road. Learner drivers on
the road have a low risk of crash involvement. He cites
experience on the way as a contributor to reduced crashes.
Evidence shown is that advanced driving courses reduced car
crash rates. He points great experience saying that they had a
low crash rate per distance covered
Finally, the article further suggests that driving training does
not seem to reduce accidents effectively. He argues that
promoting driver training does not consider other deficiencies
in skills. He also suggests that these skill deficiencies were
much responsible for the increased risk. He points out to young
drivers making mistakes that had nothing to do with their skills
or experience but pointing out on psychological factors.
Overall, his research more current driver training contributes
little to accident reduction. Improving skills does not always
impact on-road behavior
Dr. Ron, R., Høye, A., Vaa, T., & Sørensen, M. (2009). Driver
Training and Regulation of Professional Drivers', The Handbook
of Road Safety Measures (pp. 759-857). Emerald Group
Publishing Limited
Annotated Bibliography #3
Ahmed Rahhali
GRAD 695
programs are presently well known; how much they decrease
crash contribution stays questionable. This paper intends to
decide how viable driver training has been in improving
youthful beginner drivers' on-street wellbeing and to distinguish
key research confinements. A writing audit was attempted
looking at assessments of driver training programs,
fundamentally those distributed inside the previous decade
(2001-2011). The survey used friend assessed diaries, gathering
procedures, books, government reports and specialist reports.
Both pre-and post-permit training programs were considered.
Pre-permit training programs intend to build up the abilities that
are required to get a driver's permit and drive securely, for
example, fundamental vehicle control and traffic evaluation.
Post-permit training programs intend to improve abilities that
are viewed as pertinent to crash counteraction including slide
control, danger observation and propelled vehicle control
aptitudes. The consequences of the audit show that a few types
of training have been successful for procedural aptitude
procurement and different projects have been found to improve
drivers' danger discernment. On the other hand, proof proposes
that conventional driver training programs have not decreased
youthful drivers' accident hazard. Alert is asked when
deciphering this finding as major methodological blemishes
were distinguished in past assessment contemplates, including:
no benchmark group; non-irregular gathering task; inability to
control or gauge frustrating factors; and poor program plan.
Further, the legitimacy and handiness of crash rates as a result
measure is flawed. Progressively strong research ought to be
attempted to assess driver training programs, utilizing
increasingly touchy measures to survey drivers' on-street
Beanland, V., Goode, N., Salmon, P.M. and Lenné, M.G., 2013.
Is there a case for driver training? A review of the efficacy of
pre-and post-licence driver training. Safety science, 51(1),
Weekly journal #2
Ahmed Rahhali
GRAD 695Research Objective
The objective of the research study is illustrated as follows:
· Drivers training and its impact on accidents and crashes
reductionResearch Problem Consistently, drivers all through the
world are slaughtered or harmed in street traffic. Youthful
drivers run a more serious hazard all over the place, and this
issue is still generally unsolved. Better comprehension of the
fundamental procedures could, be that as it may, be a valuable
device in preventive undertakings. To change a youthful driver's
objectives behind driving and the setting in which it is done, a
wide range of strategies for influence ought to be tried. Both
"delicate" and "hard" techniques ought to be utilized. For
instance, correspondence and expanded authorization might be
utilized at the same time. Correspondence crusades or preparing
should feature the perils of risky conduct and specifically target
youthful guys. Preparing that utilize convincing, passionate
messages are best where youthful drivers are concerned.
Research shows that dispositions about security are shaped at an
early age, some time before lawful driving, and consequently it
would likewise be critical to target youthful young people.
Laws need implementation to be powerful and should target
territories of specific hazard to youthful drivers. Driver
instruction or correspondence crusades can't be required to
fundamentally change a youngster's life objectives. For that
reason, dynamic learning techniques that utilize the student's
own encounters must be applied. Unique courses for youthful
drivers intended to make people aware of their own inclinations
and the sort of social setting that influences their driving
conduct could be useful, regardless of whether offered through
the normal educational system or at driving schools.
The methodology in the exploration study alludes to the strategy
used to complete it. There are for the most part four sorts of
research approach, every one of which envelops explicit
ascribes as per the diverse idea of the investigations. These
sorts incorporate subjective methodology, quantitative
methodology, blended methodology and participatory
methodology. Subjective methodology is chosen to assemble
knowledge data in regards to the populace under research.
Quantitative methodology alludes to the ID and arrangement of
the exact and address discoveries. Blended methodology is
gainful in the circumstances requiring questioning utilizing both
subjective and quantitative procedures and participatory
methodology is picked in the looks into having any political
motivation. The subjective research approach is chosen for this
examination to investigate the drivers training and its impact on
accidents and crashes reduction. The reason behind the chose
approach is the idea of research inquiries to concentrate on
common settings, alternate points of view and contemplations,
investigation of components at fundamental level utilizing the
perceptions, meetings, reports, and created polls.
Research Design
Research configuration can be clarified as the reason behind the
lead of the exploration. The examination configuration may take
in the reasons to build the acknowledgment with some specific
and evident realities or to recognize connections between
explicit factors. Research configuration is additionally
separated into three kinds including illustrative research plan,
exploratory research structure and graphic research structure.
Informative plan attempts the correlation and assessment of the
distinctive research factors. In like manner, the point behind the
exploratory research is to gather top to bottom discernments
about the examination field that is beforehand not known by the
analysts. Besides, unmistakable research configuration alludes
the social event of more information from a formerly look into
region and to depict the equivalent. The structure of this
exploration is logical that will help in recognizing and
characterizing the connection between Drivers training and its
impact on accidents and crashes reduction.
Annotated Bibliography 2
Ahmed Rahhali
GRAD 695
The job that a particular driver preparing exercises and engine
sport play in altering driver conduct on open streets is an
exceptionally passionate and politicized theme, about which
there are many varying perspectives. In the primary phase of
this undertaking, the analyst directed an audit of the writing on
the relationship between both specific driver preparing
exercises and engine sport investment with driver conduct and
security out and about. The writing audit was exhibited to
AIMSS, CAMS and RACQ in May, 2017. For the second phase
of the venture, we gathered and examined self-report
information to respond to the subject of whether there is a
relationship between crashes on open streets and propelled
driver preparing and additionally engine sport support.
Information were gathered through a cross-sectional online
overview from Australian grown-ups who normally drive on
open streets in Australia. The discoveries from this second
phase of the undertaking are introduced right now. The general
research question was: Is there a relationship between inclusion
in impacts on open streets and association in pre-permit and
post-permit propelled driver preparing as well as engine sport?
The last investigation was directed to find out about the
variables that are related with engine sport cooperation that
could be identified with being a driver in an engine vehicle
impact in the past 5 years. The investigation was restricted to
engine sport members. A couple of variables straightforwardly
identified with engine sport preparing and rivalry were
altogether connected with being a driver in an engine vehicle
impact. Initially, engine sport members who had gotten no
engine sport preparing before the hour of the impact were bound
to be engaged with a crash as a driver contrasted and the
individuals who had gotten preparing in any event 10 years
preceding cooperation in the study. Second, engine sport
members were bound to report being a driver in an impact on
the off chance that they had contended in stock vehicle hustling
than if they had not. Conversely, the individuals who had
contended in visit vehicle dashing were less inclined to report
being a driver in a crash than those members who had not
contended in that kind of occasion.
Altogether, 663 respondents were alumni of ADT programs and
were not members in four-wheeled engine sport. About portion
of these respondents were moderately aged (48%) and in all day
work (48%). Most were male (87%) and lived in a capital city
(56%). Around 33% (37%) drove, overall, in any event 20,000
km/year, and generally (85%) normally drove under 20
hours/week on open streets. By and large, these ADT graduates
had negative demeaners towards speeding, low degrees of
unsafe or forceful driving conduct, and low penchants towards
chance taking conduct all the more by and large. Around one-
fourth of (27%) revealed a driving offense/encroachment in the
past 5 years, and 15% detailed being a driver in an engine
vehicle crash right now. The study didn't evaluate on the off
chance that they were to blame in the impacts. Around 33%
(35%) had gotten ADT before getting an open permit, and over
half (57%) had gotten ADT subsequent to getting an open
permit. Nine percent had gotten driver preparing for an engine
sport permit yet were not taking an interest in an engine sport as
a driver or a traveller.Reference
Heesch, K. and Ng, A., 2017. Associations between advanced
driver training, involvement in four-wheeled motor sport, and
collisions on public roads: Report on a Survey Study.
Ahmed Rahhali
Grad 695
Annotated bibliography #
Cassarino and murphy point out in their article the involvement
of young and less trained drivers as a contributor to road
accidents. The article shows that accidents relating to low skills
in the road were a significant transport issue worldwide. Writers
say that extensive evidence concerning individual and
environmental factors contributing to risk while driving. They
suggest a defined clear indicator of risk as well as effective
interventions in the field. In their study, they point out on
young drivers with fewer experience skills a crash report over
the past years to provide risk and protective factors across
various sectors from individual behavior to levels of training,
social influences, and matters concerning road network
In the article, Cassirono and Murphy adopted a perspective
ecological system to discuss and identify risk indicators,
especially those associated with young drivers. They make a
comparison between the experienced drivers and young drivers
to recognize the importance of quality training and experience
in reducing car crashes. They made a collection of evidence on
social and environmental factors' role in the drivers' behavior
and their impacts on the number of accidents on the road. They
proceeded to bring out the environmental factors that can
improve the driver’s behavior to reduce the rate of crashes on
the way. They both point out that driver training is a factor of
concern in reducing crashes.
Finally, among the factors, they gave much concern on was the
maturation of cognitive skills, that they say is crucial to safe
driving. They offer interest in training involving visual
scanning, hazard anticipation, and handling of vehicle
distractions (Cassarino & Murphy 2018). Social influences were
noted as among determinants of safety on the road for both
experienced and young drivers. Growing awareness of factors
intervening in all drivers, coupled up with technological
advances, has dramatically reduced the number of crashes.
However, further programs are required to provide maximum
skills to drivers adequately.
Cassarino, M., & Murphy,G. (2018). Reducing young drivers’
crash risk: are we there yet? An ecological systems-based
review of the last decade of research. Transportation research
part F: traffic psychology and behavior, 56, 54-73.
Annotated Bibliography 6
Ahmed Rahhali
GRAD 695
Horswill, M. S., & McKenna, F. P. (2004). Drivers’ hazard
perception ability: Situation awareness on the road. A cognitive
approach to situation awareness: Theory and application, 155-
This source discusses about the importance of hazard
anticipation, in addition to distraction which are the major
cause of crashes and accidents. The hazard anticipation maybe
an incoming pedestrian in a blind spot and distractions which
are self-developed, maybe text messaging while driving. This
source helps to further develop the discussion in the
recommendation of Distractology programs for the Delivery
Drivers Training, as the regular training is not enough.
McDonald, C. C., Goodwin, A. H., Pradhan, A. K., Romoser, M.
R., & Williams, A. F. (2015). A review of hazard anticipation
training programs for young drivers. Journal of Adolescent
Health, 57(1), S15-S23.
This article helps to further the discussion of
effectiveness of delivery driver training. Adding to the
discussion the authors discusses the importance of Hazard
anticipation training programs especially for young drivers.
Hazard Anticipation is actually the cause of most crashes,
because as established most drivers, young drivers who engage
in crashes are not clueless they are careless. This is because
poor hazard anticipation skills are liked to high motor vehicle
Zhang, T., Li, J., Thai, H., Zafian, T., Samuel, S., & Fisher, D.
L. (2016, September). Evaluation of the effect of a novice
driver training program on citations and crashes. In Proceedings
of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual
Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1991-1995). Sage CA: Los
Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
This source mainly focuses on the effectiveness of
novice driver training programs with the main focus being on
citations and crashes. The hypothesis of the paper is that actual
and regular driver education and training is not effective
enough. Therefore, there is the need to provide additionally
training for novice drivers, which is the Distractology 101
program, that turned out to be effective, in reducing infractions
and crashes.

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  • 1. Dear Researcher: Should I get my child a pet? Recently, a parent reached out to me with the following question: Dear Researcher, my daughter has been asking for a pet for several years now, but I have been hesitant. What does the research say on the benefits of owning a pet? After receiving this question, I decided to dig into the research on the benefits and drawbacks of owning a pet. I have often heard of the positive emotional impact that owning a pet has, but I had not reviewed what the research said on this topic until receiving this question. So, thank you for your question reader! Before viewing the benefits of pet ownership, I think it is important to first focus on the possible drawbacks. Research has shown that the biggest drawbacks of pet ownership is the stress caused from a pet’s death or worry about the pet’s safety (Bryant, 1990). While the death of a beloved pet is eventually inevitable, worries about safety could be reduced by having a pet safe environment within your home. While the drawbacks are important to consider, there are also many benefits given to pet owners, such as increased emotional well-being. A recent study has shown that pets are an essential source of social support to their owners and their owners have an increased sense of emotional well-being associated with their pet ownership (McConnell, Brown, Shoda, Stayton, & Martin, 2011). Pets also have been shown to offer support to people facing a significant stress in their life (McConnell et al., 2011). The study conducted by Bryant (1990) that listed the drawbacks to pet ownership also agreed that pet ownership offers the owner emotional benefits. Along with the emotional benefits, there are also important health benefits to owning a pet. People who interact with pets
  • 2. while in the hospital have better health outcomes (Friedmann, Barker, & Allen, 2011). Pet owners also have better medical outcomes on the whole when compared to non-pet owners (Friedmann et al., 2011). In addition, pet owners make fewer annual visits to the doctor’s office and are on less medications associated with sleeping issues and heart problems (Headey, 1999). Overall, the research is in strong support of the benefits to owning a pet. From the health benefits to the emotional benefits given to a child, owning a pet definitely has its perks. However, the research is focused on cat and dog ownership, so these benefits may not apply to more low maintenance pets such as fish. Please be sure to consider if your house can accommodate the needs of owning a pet before adopting or purchasing one! This list of ten considerations may be helpful to view before you purchase a pet of your own. As a proud pet owner myself, I wish you the best of luck on your new pet journey! Feel free to ask any further questions about pet ownership below. 4 Weekly journal #3 Ahmed Rahhali GRAD 695 Research configuration can be clarified as the reason behind the lead of the exploration. The examination configuration may take in the reasons to build the acknowledgment with some specific and evident realities or to recognize connections between explicit factors. Research configuration is additionally separated into three kinds including illustrative research plan, exploratory research structure and graphic research structure. Informative plan attempts the correlation and assessment of the distinctive research factors. In like manner, the point behind the exploratory research is to gather top to bottom discernments about the examination field that is beforehand not known by the
  • 3. analysts. Besides, unmistakable research configuration alludes the social event of more information from a formerly look into region and to depict the equivalent. The structure of this exploration is logical that will help in recognizing and characterizing the connection between Drivers training and its impact on accidents and crashes reduction. Choice of a suitable research system helps in get-together the information as per the extent of the examination. A few sorts of research procedures have been recognized in existing writing that for the most part comprises of study, ethnography, activity inquire about, grounded hypothesis, examinations and contextual analyses. Because of the subjective methodology and illustrative research plan, the system utilized right now to the overview procedure through an un-organized meeting from the chose test of IT experts. The open-finished poll, in the 20 minutes talk with session, will be given to the respondents after the advancement of nature of certainty with the members. They will be required to fill it as per their individual information and encounters and a similar will help in the assortment of required and top to bottom data about the targets as the goals help with picking up the procedure in which the presentation Drivers training and its impact on accidents and crashes reduction. Data Collection Methods Information assortment implies the ways and techniques to gather the examination information. Generally, information assortment strategy is likewise isolated into two critical parts including essential information assortment and auxiliary information assortment. Essential information would be gathered through the open–finished survey given to the chose Drivers in a 20 minutes talk with session that will give a chance to investigate their perspectives about the exhibitions of their driving and event of mishaps. Auxiliary information would be expected to direct the writing survey on Drivers preparing and its effect on mishaps and accidents decrease. A similar will be accumulated through number of reports that comprise of approved books, diaries, articles and other documented records.
  • 4. Sampling Sampling alludes to the zone of research wherein the subjective research requests to portray the general issues, agent or 'naturalistic' assessment of research goals covering the spots, times and people. In choosing about the examining for an investigation, testing system and size of the example is given explicit thought. Testing strategies are estimated as the methodology used to pull back a suitable example size from the general populace. There are commonly two sorts of examining procedures utilized including arbitrary inspecting and non- irregular testing. With the end goal of this, examine non- arbitrary testing will be utilized to direct purposive inspecting strategy by picking Drivers, which are considered as competent to intricate and express their high encounters with the setting of this exploration. Data Analysis Methods The information so accumulated in any investigation can be broke down utilizing quantitative examination strategies and subjective investigation techniques. Right now, information will be broken down utilizing the subjective information methods that will be useful in the significant and extensive increment in the estimation of research results and effective execution of the examination targets. In addition, the examination information gathered through the open-finished survey in un-organized meeting, would be investigated and inspected through the pie diagrams with percent insightful reactions. Ahmed Rahhali Grad 695 Weekly journal #5 My research seeks to expound on the way driver education reduces accidents rate and the associated costs. In addition, it explores other means of mitigating accidents and crashes rates. These means could either be in the form of incentives to the
  • 5. drivers, mitigating accident management costs and long-term changes is a hard task but can result in substantial cost savings and secure the lives of drivers and the general public. It is the mandate of every road safety authority to ensure that sufficient and proper training is provided, and all the vehicles have the recommended safety features. Driver education and training are arguably paramount in every aspect of driver and road safety and the right educational and learning technologies must be implemented to achieve it. Several other factors should be strictly adhered to and applied as the essential rules and requirements. Incorporating a driver policy is one of them. Driving policies should be introduced and taught in appealing methods and group learning environment. The policies should guide the on-road driving behaviors, penalties applicable for poor driving, steps to take after an unfortunate collision incident, and the inspection to be carried out on the vehicles for pre and post route deliveries. Drivers ought to be equipped with accurate information on past crush incidents and other severe accidents. Monitoring accidents goes beyond formal education and training. Drivers must be aware of recent incidents and make a considerable effort to learn from them. Such information should be accurately outlined and cover all the aspects of the accident i.e., the cause, casualties, and how the driver could have avoided it. Regular assessment of the drivers’ skills. Drivers should update their license and check on the health issues like the eyesight that may affect them on the road — ensuring that vehicles are roadworthy and might the safety standards and requirements. This can be achieved by installing up-to-date safety features, programs and regular repairs to avoid on-road breakups that compromise the driving dynamics. Ahmed Rahhali Grad 695 Weekly journal #6
  • 6. Delivery Drivers, especially new and young drivers register high crash rates according to William (1999), States that young drivers are involved in more crashes as compared to drivers who have experience and have worked in this sector for some time. The reason for the high number of Accidents and Crashes in young drivers is due to lack of enough experience and lack of the necessary driving skills, which means maybe the training was not well conducted or it had some mishaps. This is due to the fact that driving is not an easy task as it is considered to self-paced and complex, at the same time requiring the combination of basic tasks, like steering, accelerating and braking and other complex skills lie problem solving and hazard perception, that are required for normal vehicle operation. The delivery driver most of the time are racing against time so that they can get the order on time, which adds on to the pressure of driving. Therefore, the skills needed to drive should be properly taught for the driver to be considered to have passed the road test. However, it is not the most important aim of training programs and driver education of such drivers and any other driver., the main aim is automatically to produce drivers who are safer. Although the basic belief is that the driver training should create a safety value, such programs have not done that and cannot be considered to be efficient, this may be wrong but evidence show that there are no safety benefits that can arise from the training of formal driver education. various empirical studies have shown that some of the driver training programs pose a safety risk and at the same time fail to show positive effects of delivery driver training, in fact at some point poses a risk as through such programs it easy for anyone to get a license. There have been various authors who provided their reviews on contemporary driver training/education and mainly focusing on the new licensing systems compiled around 30 reviews that were from different countries whereby the reviews looked at the effectiveness of formal driver training ad education, including advanced training courses (Novice drivers) and motorcycle rider
  • 7. training and education. the review that included scientific evaluation gave put small support on the claim that an effective countermeasure at the moment can be driver instruction. The majority of the evidence failed to prove that students who were formally trained had a lower record number of crashes than the drivers who did not receive the same training. Additionally, the results continued to be more discouraging as few studies have actually proven there is no safety benefits in such training and education, in fact an increase in crashes rather than a decrease as expected. In some f the cases provide that such an occurrence might be caused by early license issued through driver education and company policies that, like pressure to deliver on time that makes the new driver vulnerable to crashes. Whereby the focus of this paper is mostly based on the disbenefits and benefits of driver education and training, the following “contemporary” reviews came up with the same conclusion. The study of driver education and training, that was published in Australia, for Transport South Australia, came up with the literature on car-training effecting which had the following conclusion (Woolley 2000): “Very little new evidence has emerged to support driver education and training in high schools and the bulk of the scientific literature is damning of the ability of high school driver education and training to deliver net road safety benefits. Such education generally leads to increased licensure rates and younger driver ages, causing problems which far outweigh any benefits achieved” (p. ii) On the other hand, more additional training for novice driver training programs should take place, because “programs have been shown to change behaviors known to be linked to increases in crash risks, behaviors such as long glances inside the vehicle and failures to glance towards latent hazards.” At the same up to date there was no program that was to change the narrative of crashes and accidents among delivery drivers, with the focus on hazard anticipation, such a training program has turned out to be effective for drivers who were amateurs drivers who had
  • 8. experiences for over 36 months. Delivery driver training is not effective, as the job entails a lot of factors and not just training. Therefore, focus on the young Driver Training in addition to the training program is important. References Williams, A. (1999). Graduated licensing comes to the United States. Injury Prevention, 5(2), 133. Woolley, J. (2000). In-car driver training at high schools: a literature review (No. 6/2000, HS-043 200). Zhang, T., Li, J., Thai, H., Zafian, T., Samuel, S., & Fisher, D. L. (2016, September). Evaluation of the effect of a novice driver training program on citations and crashes. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1991-1995). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. Delivery Drivers Training and its Impact on Accidents and Crashes Reduction Annotated Bibliography 7
  • 9. Ahmed Rahhali GRAD 695 Vernick, J. S., Li, G., Ogaitis, S., MacKenzie, E. J., Baker, S. P., & Gielen, A. C. (1999). Effects of high school driver education on motor vehicle crashes, violations, and licensure. American journal of preventive medicine, 16(1), 40- 46. This source was credible for this research as it gave out details of looking into the effectiveness of high school driving education, which is basically the first kind of education anyone is able to receive. The result from the research was that high school education does not reduce crashes in young drivers. Mayhew, D. R., Simpson, H. M., Williams, A. F., & Ferguson, S. A. (1998). Effectiveness and role of driver education and training in a graduated licensing system. Journal of public health policy, 19(1), 51-67. The article looks at formal driver training programs/education around the world. The programs are considered to be effective and helps drivers to drive safely but at the same time there is no empirical evidence that supports this notion. With the introduction of graduated driver licensing, it has somehow helped to improve the standards of driver licensing. The article contemporary review of driver training and education. Zhang, T., Li, J., Thai, H., Zafian, T., Samuel, S., & Fisher, D. L. (2016, September). Evaluation of the effect of a novice driver training program on citations and crashes. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1991-1995). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. This resource on the hand focus on the Novice driver training programs, also know as the delivery drivers in this case. The report has come around the fact that the conventional
  • 10. driver training and education is not enough for delivery drivers or for nay driver in that case, but the novice driver training is effective as it proves to reduce crashes and accidents through the special program; hazard anticipation. Ahmed Rahhali Grad 695 Weekly journal #7 The training programs for delivery drivers have to improve the behavior of drivers not focusing on impending hazards but having long glances inside their vehicles and this is what at the end of the day leads to crashes and accidents. Up to the moment no program had been able to change the real frequency of crashes and citations. This program that was proven to reduce crashes it was only administered once during the time that license was issued, and it only took 17 minutes to complete this program. The training program addressed both attention maintenance skills and hazard anticipation, Distractology 101, and it was established that all these aspects took twice the time if the program had only hazard anticipation. At the same time, it is important to understand the fact that delivery drivers were under and inflated risk if crashing than any other driver, especially if they had just the regular drive training and education (Williams 2003). Just as any other driver, distraction/ attention loss has been a significant contributor to the road crashes registered, and most specifically in teens it has caused almost 58% of the crashes. Therefore, one reason that seems to explain this phenomenon of inflated crashes among young drivers, is the willingness to engage in activities that are distractive during driving, or while on the road. These activities are mostly related to technology related activities such as cell phones text messaging or conversations (Young et al. 2010). A survey carried out on driver-cell phone use while driving showed that 43% of drivers of the age 18 to 24 years, have used their cell phones while driving specifically texting, which is a
  • 11. he percentage as compared to elderly drivers whereby drivers between the age of 30 to 59 only 12% of them have texted while driving. Whereby this explains one aspect that most of the Accidents and Crashes are registered under drivers who are young, maybe due to inexperience or other influences like distraction through cell phone text messaging. Additionally, hazard anticipation has been considered the other reason that such individuals register high crashes and accidents. That is in his case the hazard can be the pedestrian is potential or latent because in most of the cases the pedestrian will not emerge. A good example whereby a minivan might be parked uphill, this automatically obstructs the view of the driver coming from behind and will see the pedestrian approaching the crosswalk. The failure of hazard anticipation has been linked to increased crash risk and accidents. Therefore, with proper training on avoidance of distraction and hazard anticipation will help the delivery drivers to be involved in a lot of crashes and accidents. This is because the young drivers up to the moment have been thought to be careless and not clueless, which means that their hazard anticipation was less developed than the experience drivers, who register less crashes and accidents as mentioned before. The Distractology 101 program has proven to be effective, according to Zhang et al. 2016, they were able to conduct a research on about 28 ,000 young drivers who had less than three years of driving experience. The training program had two distinct training periods which were conducted under the presence of an experimenter. The following table gives the summary of the training that was mainly based on the two aspects mentioned above distraction (D) and Hazard Anticipation (HA). Summary of the Training Scenarios in the Distractology 101 program (HA, D) Hidden Stop Sign after curve in the road (HA) Marked mid-Block crosswalk with pedestrian obscured by cars
  • 12. (HA) Oncoming Truck making a left turn, while participant turns left (HA) Left turn onto one-way street with pedestrian crossing (HA) Sudden hand-braking vehicle in front of participant rural road (D) Sudden hand-braking in front of participant urban road (D) The crashes and accidents were measured over a one-year period for both control and experimental groups. The results were taken before and after the participants had taken the Distractology 101 program. Number of Drivers who had crashes and Drivers who did not have crashes Crash Number Total Distractology program drivers 99 9.61% 740 71.84% 839 Control Drivers in the experiment 4,000 14.85% 22,932 85.15% 26,932 Total 4,099 23,672 27,771
  • 13. This study showed the effectiveness of the training program, the Distractology 101 program, that was based on real life, actual driving experiment. Looking at the crashes and infractions based on the hazard anticipation and distraction elements of the program. The program proved to be effective, in improving the skills of the targeted drivers, it is still unclear if the training was actually the reason for the reduction in the accidents and crash risks. Whereby the evidence in this case provides adequate data that Distractology 101 program has a positive effect on developing safer young drivers, therefore if it was to be initiated in Delivery driver training then the it will positively impact the rate of the crashes and the accidents. Therefore, such programs should be extended to all novice drivers. References Williams, A. F. (2003). Teenage drivers: patterns of risk. Journal of safety research, 34(1), 5-15. Young, K. L., & Lenné, M. G. (2010). Driver engagement in distracting activities and the strategies used to minimise risk. Safety Science, 48(3), 326-332. Zhang, T., Li, J., Thai, H., Zafian, T., Samuel, S., & Fisher, D. L. (2016, September). Evaluation of the effect of a novice driver training program on citations and crashes. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1991-1995). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. Ahmed Rahhali GRAD 695 Weekly Journal #4 My research paper will comprehend the safety value of driver
  • 14. education and training. New drivers, especially those of tender age, have very high crash rates. Formal guidance, which includes in-vehicle training and in-class education, has been leveraged to address the rising rates of road accidents and crash rates. The research paper seeks also to elaborate on the evidence on the safety value of such driving programs and recommend possible improvements in delivering the content and programs that may achieve safety benefits. New and young drivers have extremely high crash rates because they are inexperienced, lack the essential driving capabilities and skills. These skills include steering and braking, problem- solving, and hazard perception. To curb these menaces, drivers ought to acquire the recommended training, skills, and capabilities before full licensing is permitted. It is generally assumed that drivers with formal driving instructions should pose lower crash rates compared to unexposed drivers. In logistics environment, formally trained drivers have relatively lower frequencies of a crash compared to the untrained one. The ignorable differences exist since driver education results in earlier and uninformed licensure, increasing the likelihood of crash occurrence. Driver education does not convincingly mitigate the rate of motor vehicle crash since driver education, and training does not exploit the essential skills and knowledge cardinal for safe driving. Training and education should be inclined to address the aspects of driving tasks linked to the risk of collision. Driver education teaches safety skills, but most learners are not motivated to apply them. It cannot significantly influence the driving dynamics chosen by the students. Driver education fosters overconfidence that may increase the risk of collisions. It provides emergency maneuver skills but does not instill the toxic overconfidence. Driver education also fails to address lifestyle issues sufficiently. Psychosocial variables that are not addressed through training like sensation behavior and risk-taking relate the lifestyles and collision rates.
  • 15. Ahmed Rahhali Grad 695 Annotated Bibliographies #3 Dr. Ron Christie, in his article ‘the effectiveness of driver training as a road safety measure,' provides a summary of the effectiveness of driver training programs, talks of pre-license programs for specialized driver training in the field. The program intends to develop and nurture safe driving techniques on both off-road tracks or roads. He suggests that the training impacts basic car controls and road law knowledge skills, which has little on casualty crushes. He points out considerable evidence that affects advanced learners' skills, including skid controls. He attributes this to increased car crushes to increased car crashes among young males. He generally considers that there is no significant between drivers trained off-road and those trained on the road when comparing the cases of crashes (Ron 2009). Dr. Ron suggests that real-world experience during the learning time has proved significant, reducing crashes by about 35%. In comparison with the crashes relating to those trained professionally and those trained by their relation. He points out the best training system being on the road. Learner drivers on the road have a low risk of crash involvement. He cites experience on the way as a contributor to reduced crashes. Evidence shown is that advanced driving courses reduced car crash rates. He points great experience saying that they had a low crash rate per distance covered Finally, the article further suggests that driving training does not seem to reduce accidents effectively. He argues that promoting driver training does not consider other deficiencies in skills. He also suggests that these skill deficiencies were much responsible for the increased risk. He points out to young drivers making mistakes that had nothing to do with their skills or experience but pointing out on psychological factors. Overall, his research more current driver training contributes
  • 16. little to accident reduction. Improving skills does not always impact on-road behavior References Dr. Ron, R., Høye, A., Vaa, T., & Sørensen, M. (2009). Driver Training and Regulation of Professional Drivers', The Handbook of Road Safety Measures (pp. 759-857). Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1 Annotated Bibliography #3 Ahmed Rahhali GRAD 695 programs are presently well known; how much they decrease crash contribution stays questionable. This paper intends to decide how viable driver training has been in improving youthful beginner drivers' on-street wellbeing and to distinguish key research confinements. A writing audit was attempted looking at assessments of driver training programs, fundamentally those distributed inside the previous decade (2001-2011). The survey used friend assessed diaries, gathering procedures, books, government reports and specialist reports. Both pre-and post-permit training programs were considered. Pre-permit training programs intend to build up the abilities that are required to get a driver's permit and drive securely, for example, fundamental vehicle control and traffic evaluation. Post-permit training programs intend to improve abilities that are viewed as pertinent to crash counteraction including slide control, danger observation and propelled vehicle control aptitudes. The consequences of the audit show that a few types of training have been successful for procedural aptitude procurement and different projects have been found to improve drivers' danger discernment. On the other hand, proof proposes that conventional driver training programs have not decreased youthful drivers' accident hazard. Alert is asked when
  • 17. deciphering this finding as major methodological blemishes were distinguished in past assessment contemplates, including: no benchmark group; non-irregular gathering task; inability to control or gauge frustrating factors; and poor program plan. Further, the legitimacy and handiness of crash rates as a result measure is flawed. Progressively strong research ought to be attempted to assess driver training programs, utilizing increasingly touchy measures to survey drivers' on-street security. References Beanland, V., Goode, N., Salmon, P.M. and Lenné, M.G., 2013. Is there a case for driver training? A review of the efficacy of pre-and post-licence driver training. Safety science, 51(1), pp.127-137. 4 Weekly journal #2 Ahmed Rahhali GRAD 695Research Objective The objective of the research study is illustrated as follows: · Drivers training and its impact on accidents and crashes reductionResearch Problem Consistently, drivers all through the world are slaughtered or harmed in street traffic. Youthful drivers run a more serious hazard all over the place, and this issue is still generally unsolved. Better comprehension of the fundamental procedures could, be that as it may, be a valuable device in preventive undertakings. To change a youthful driver's objectives behind driving and the setting in which it is done, a wide range of strategies for influence ought to be tried. Both "delicate" and "hard" techniques ought to be utilized. For instance, correspondence and expanded authorization might be
  • 18. utilized at the same time. Correspondence crusades or preparing should feature the perils of risky conduct and specifically target youthful guys. Preparing that utilize convincing, passionate messages are best where youthful drivers are concerned. Research shows that dispositions about security are shaped at an early age, some time before lawful driving, and consequently it would likewise be critical to target youthful young people. Laws need implementation to be powerful and should target territories of specific hazard to youthful drivers. Driver instruction or correspondence crusades can't be required to fundamentally change a youngster's life objectives. For that reason, dynamic learning techniques that utilize the student's own encounters must be applied. Unique courses for youthful drivers intended to make people aware of their own inclinations and the sort of social setting that influences their driving conduct could be useful, regardless of whether offered through the normal educational system or at driving schools. The methodology in the exploration study alludes to the strategy used to complete it. There are for the most part four sorts of research approach, every one of which envelops explicit ascribes as per the diverse idea of the investigations. These sorts incorporate subjective methodology, quantitative methodology, blended methodology and participatory methodology. Subjective methodology is chosen to assemble knowledge data in regards to the populace under research. Quantitative methodology alludes to the ID and arrangement of the exact and address discoveries. Blended methodology is gainful in the circumstances requiring questioning utilizing both subjective and quantitative procedures and participatory methodology is picked in the looks into having any political motivation. The subjective research approach is chosen for this examination to investigate the drivers training and its impact on accidents and crashes reduction. The reason behind the chose approach is the idea of research inquiries to concentrate on common settings, alternate points of view and contemplations,
  • 19. investigation of components at fundamental level utilizing the perceptions, meetings, reports, and created polls. Research Design Research configuration can be clarified as the reason behind the lead of the exploration. The examination configuration may take in the reasons to build the acknowledgment with some specific and evident realities or to recognize connections between explicit factors. Research configuration is additionally separated into three kinds including illustrative research plan, exploratory research structure and graphic research structure. Informative plan attempts the correlation and assessment of the distinctive research factors. In like manner, the point behind the exploratory research is to gather top to bottom discernments about the examination field that is beforehand not known by the analysts. Besides, unmistakable research configuration alludes the social event of more information from a formerly look into region and to depict the equivalent. The structure of this exploration is logical that will help in recognizing and characterizing the connection between Drivers training and its impact on accidents and crashes reduction. 1 Annotated Bibliography 2 Ahmed Rahhali GRAD 695 The job that a particular driver preparing exercises and engine sport play in altering driver conduct on open streets is an exceptionally passionate and politicized theme, about which there are many varying perspectives. In the primary phase of this undertaking, the analyst directed an audit of the writing on the relationship between both specific driver preparing exercises and engine sport investment with driver conduct and security out and about. The writing audit was exhibited to
  • 20. AIMSS, CAMS and RACQ in May, 2017. For the second phase of the venture, we gathered and examined self-report information to respond to the subject of whether there is a relationship between crashes on open streets and propelled driver preparing and additionally engine sport support. Information were gathered through a cross-sectional online overview from Australian grown-ups who normally drive on open streets in Australia. The discoveries from this second phase of the undertaking are introduced right now. The general research question was: Is there a relationship between inclusion in impacts on open streets and association in pre-permit and post-permit propelled driver preparing as well as engine sport? The last investigation was directed to find out about the variables that are related with engine sport cooperation that could be identified with being a driver in an engine vehicle impact in the past 5 years. The investigation was restricted to engine sport members. A couple of variables straightforwardly identified with engine sport preparing and rivalry were altogether connected with being a driver in an engine vehicle impact. Initially, engine sport members who had gotten no engine sport preparing before the hour of the impact were bound to be engaged with a crash as a driver contrasted and the individuals who had gotten preparing in any event 10 years preceding cooperation in the study. Second, engine sport members were bound to report being a driver in an impact on the off chance that they had contended in stock vehicle hustling than if they had not. Conversely, the individuals who had contended in visit vehicle dashing were less inclined to report being a driver in a crash than those members who had not contended in that kind of occasion. Altogether, 663 respondents were alumni of ADT programs and were not members in four-wheeled engine sport. About portion of these respondents were moderately aged (48%) and in all day work (48%). Most were male (87%) and lived in a capital city (56%). Around 33% (37%) drove, overall, in any event 20,000 km/year, and generally (85%) normally drove under 20
  • 21. hours/week on open streets. By and large, these ADT graduates had negative demeaners towards speeding, low degrees of unsafe or forceful driving conduct, and low penchants towards chance taking conduct all the more by and large. Around one- fourth of (27%) revealed a driving offense/encroachment in the past 5 years, and 15% detailed being a driver in an engine vehicle crash right now. The study didn't evaluate on the off chance that they were to blame in the impacts. Around 33% (35%) had gotten ADT before getting an open permit, and over half (57%) had gotten ADT subsequent to getting an open permit. Nine percent had gotten driver preparing for an engine sport permit yet were not taking an interest in an engine sport as a driver or a traveller.Reference Heesch, K. and Ng, A., 2017. Associations between advanced driver training, involvement in four-wheeled motor sport, and collisions on public roads: Report on a Survey Study. Ahmed Rahhali Grad 695 Annotated bibliography # Cassarino and murphy point out in their article the involvement of young and less trained drivers as a contributor to road accidents. The article shows that accidents relating to low skills in the road were a significant transport issue worldwide. Writers say that extensive evidence concerning individual and environmental factors contributing to risk while driving. They suggest a defined clear indicator of risk as well as effective interventions in the field. In their study, they point out on young drivers with fewer experience skills a crash report over the past years to provide risk and protective factors across various sectors from individual behavior to levels of training, social influences, and matters concerning road network environment.
  • 22. In the article, Cassirono and Murphy adopted a perspective ecological system to discuss and identify risk indicators, especially those associated with young drivers. They make a comparison between the experienced drivers and young drivers to recognize the importance of quality training and experience in reducing car crashes. They made a collection of evidence on social and environmental factors' role in the drivers' behavior and their impacts on the number of accidents on the road. They proceeded to bring out the environmental factors that can improve the driver’s behavior to reduce the rate of crashes on the way. They both point out that driver training is a factor of concern in reducing crashes. Finally, among the factors, they gave much concern on was the maturation of cognitive skills, that they say is crucial to safe driving. They offer interest in training involving visual scanning, hazard anticipation, and handling of vehicle distractions (Cassarino & Murphy 2018). Social influences were noted as among determinants of safety on the road for both experienced and young drivers. Growing awareness of factors intervening in all drivers, coupled up with technological advances, has dramatically reduced the number of crashes. However, further programs are required to provide maximum skills to drivers adequately. References Cassarino, M., & Murphy,G. (2018). Reducing young drivers’ crash risk: are we there yet? An ecological systems-based review of the last decade of research. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behavior, 56, 54-73. Annotated Bibliography 6 Ahmed Rahhali GRAD 695 Horswill, M. S., & McKenna, F. P. (2004). Drivers’ hazard
  • 23. perception ability: Situation awareness on the road. A cognitive approach to situation awareness: Theory and application, 155- 175. This source discusses about the importance of hazard anticipation, in addition to distraction which are the major cause of crashes and accidents. The hazard anticipation maybe an incoming pedestrian in a blind spot and distractions which are self-developed, maybe text messaging while driving. This source helps to further develop the discussion in the recommendation of Distractology programs for the Delivery Drivers Training, as the regular training is not enough. McDonald, C. C., Goodwin, A. H., Pradhan, A. K., Romoser, M. R., & Williams, A. F. (2015). A review of hazard anticipation training programs for young drivers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57(1), S15-S23. This article helps to further the discussion of effectiveness of delivery driver training. Adding to the discussion the authors discusses the importance of Hazard anticipation training programs especially for young drivers. Hazard Anticipation is actually the cause of most crashes, because as established most drivers, young drivers who engage in crashes are not clueless they are careless. This is because poor hazard anticipation skills are liked to high motor vehicle crashes. Zhang, T., Li, J., Thai, H., Zafian, T., Samuel, S., & Fisher, D. L. (2016, September). Evaluation of the effect of a novice driver training program on citations and crashes. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1991-1995). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. This source mainly focuses on the effectiveness of novice driver training programs with the main focus being on citations and crashes. The hypothesis of the paper is that actual and regular driver education and training is not effective
  • 24. enough. Therefore, there is the need to provide additionally training for novice drivers, which is the Distractology 101 program, that turned out to be effective, in reducing infractions and crashes.