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David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
 *blows in ear to undent*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 Did I get the dent out yet?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 Hmm... Did I not blow hard enough or is the ear not gonna work?
David says:
 *raises eyebrow*
David says:
David says:
 You there?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 more homework?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 just not really paying attention?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Pretty much
David says:
 You never answered my question though.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 My dent is still there
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 In need of filling
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Oh wait
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I'm tired... give me a break x3
David says:
David says:
 but that doesn't answer my question...
David says:
 My question was, "am I not blowing hard enough or am I using the wrong hole?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 lWell then
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You blew hard enough
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Dent restored
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 No sexual drama predicted
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
 *nibbles ear*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Lets see a picture of you
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You've seen me
David says:
 My fursona?
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You you
David says:
 I haven't seen a picture of you!
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Yes you have
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Here's a recent one
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Taken today
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Now return the favor
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 Oi, you just keep getting cuter and cuter!
David says:
 alrighty, Lemme get my webcam.
David says:
 if i can find it...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 it was around here somewhere...
David says:
 oh here it is...
David says:
 grumble grumble...
David says:
 stupid windows...
David says:
 wait one more second...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 I have to install the camera and I don't have administrative rights...
David says:
 *grumble grumble*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Now I get to tease you

You have invited David to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or
Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.

David says:
David says:
 you're mean...
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 *sticks tongue out at you*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:

David has accepted your invitation to start viewing webcam.

David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Wait for it...
David says:
 okay, here I am before the disasterous haircut...
David says:
David says:
David says:
 And here I am afterwards...

You have stopped viewing webcam with David.

Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Oh wow
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:

You have invited David to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or
Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.

Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Try once more
David says:
David says:

David has accepted your invitation to start viewing webcam.

Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 If it doesn't work... I'll go to blogtv
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You are one of the few people i can say...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 That you look excellent with and without hair
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
You have stopped viewing webcam with David.

Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 I recently got contacts...
David says:
 you mean with and without alot of hair?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 It means the same thing...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You have no hair means short hair
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 In my book at least
David says:
 I see.
David says:
 yeah, few people can pull off the bald look.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 I personally can't.
David says:
David says:
 link clicked.
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 GAH! xp sucks...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I'm slouching... >.>
David says:
 I slouch all the time.
David says:
old dominion?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 Wat? D
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
David says:
 I just hurt myself...
David says:
 stupid webcam...
David says:
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 Oh yeah
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 And my parents
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 Are sadistic
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 I reached 200lbs today...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 Yeah I know I don't look 200
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 But my goal is >200
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 And now look
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 At what
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 They put
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
 Next to me
David says:
 I see
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox)        says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I ate like four
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
 I wish I could have one...
David says:
 but I can't
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I wonder what My hair looks like
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I've been wearing this hat all day
David says:
David says:
 stop fiddling with it!
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Twas not right
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Had to make it right
David says:
David says:
 well, as I was saying about the donuts..
David says:
 I got cryptosperidiousus...
David says:
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 or however you spell that...
David says:
 when I was like, 3. had to spend a week in the hospital.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 That sucks
David says:
 Then I got dehydrated because of it...
David says:
 the whole thing fucked with my liver and now I can't eat extremely fatty foods.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 like pancakes
David says:
 and donuts
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Pancakes = overated
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Trust me
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You eat a half of one
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And then you die
David says:
 The good side is that now I'll never be an alcoholic!
David says:
 I took some Nyquil and puked...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 "being a comedian, you gotta start the show strong and end the show strong.
 You can't be like pancakes. You're all exited at first, but at the end your fucking
 sick of 'em."
David says:
 -Mitch Hedburg.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 He's epix
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 My humor is basically his humor
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Speaking of dehydration
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I has milk :3
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Best liquid in the world
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And everyone knows it
David says:
 yeah, probably.
David says:
 I feel like an idiot right now...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 I'm hanging up my suit, and I put the shir on before the pants.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Friend of mine just called me pretty x3
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Oh god
David says:
 I don't blame him.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And wha o///o
David says:
 and I'm too lazy to take the shirt off, so I try and put the pants on the hanger
 under the sirt...
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Oh wow
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I can't help it...
David says:
 I just poked myself in the eye with my hanger...
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 I'm talented...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I can imagine
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 You'd be laughing your ass off if you could see me right now...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Brb one sec.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And I bet
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I'm going to take you to my room...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Think you can survive?
David says:
David says:
  I got it!
David says:
David says:
 It can't be any worse than mine...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Wait you got what?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 my suit on the hanger.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You are boy genious
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 How old are you?
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 16 in february
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Ready to get on the move?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Buckle up
David says:
 I'll try not to throw up
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
it's dark in here...
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 My room
David says:
David says:
 What do you mean by Jailbait?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Hot + Young = Jailbait
David says:
 like... SURPRISE! buttsecks?
David says:
David says:
 Yeah, pretty much.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
 Ren-Raku put a collar on me that shocks me anytime I go near my balls...
David says:
 He's also got a remote to activate it...
David says:
 So yeah...
David says:
 I'm his pet at the moment...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:

David just sent you a nudge.

David says:
 accidental nudge
David says:
 eh, It's all in good fun.
David says:

David says:
 I wanna put my webcam up...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Dooo ie
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
I can't...
David says:
 *pouty face*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Making my bed
David says:
 your cam's a little high
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 If you were wokdering
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
 Making your bed = overrated
David says:

David says:

David says:
 And Kyle said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!"
David says:
 ooh, your sillouette.
David says:
 Me likey
David says:
David says:
David says:
 Wha's that?
David says:
 *tilts head*
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 The orb?
David says:
 I know!
David says:
 one of those lightning orb thingies!
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 I love those!
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 It's like dead now
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I can tell you how to get around your parents stuff
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I really shouldn't.
David says:
David says:
David says:
 I'm not gonna do anything bad.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 besides, I'll probably forget it after a while.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Well... restart your computer and press F10... then start your computer up in safemode.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Then go into the User called Administrator
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Then create a new admin account
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Restart your computer, log on to th the admin account, do your business, then delete the account on
 the Administrator level later tonight.
David says:
David says:
 hmmm. How, and why, did you figure that trick out?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I would rather not go into it
David says:
David says:
 tut tut tut.
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Talkin to someone else bout it
David says:
 I like that shirt.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Thanks :3
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You know of ODU?
David says:
 Alrighty. I'll see what I can do.
David says:
 well, you just held up your shirt...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Go... come back with a progress report
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
 I actually just saluted...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Oh wow
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 alright. I'll see you in a sec.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
 It didn't work...
David says:
 I couldn't log into anything but my own account...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Did you bring it up in SAFEMODE?
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And you are using XP?
David says:
David says:
 what's VGO mode?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And I dunno
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:

Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 *grumble grumble*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Probably going to go to bed here soon
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I'm pretty bored for some reason
David says:
 because you're not talking to me
David says:
David says:

David says:
 I'm the least boring person I know!
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Oi vey
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 It's more that I'm used to doing six billion things at once
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And now I don't have to
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 So my body is like "Wtf"
David says:
David says:
 My fingers want to type "Fap" but my brain says NOOOOO
David says:
David says:
David says:
 *sits on hands*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *runs a claw down your back and grins*
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Something wrong... ? You seem a bit stressed out...
David says:
 *shakes head* no,... no... *gulp*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *purrs softly*
David says:
 *closes eyes and relaxes at the sound*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 So :3 To completely destroy your serenity... tell bout yourself :3
David says:
 like... What?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 What do I want to know?
David says:
David says:
David says:
David says:
 I uhh...
David says:
 I've always enjoyed being tied up...?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *smiles and sings softly to his music*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I meant more or less you in general
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 But ok...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 What music you listen to you? What kind of student are you? What do you do in your spare time?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Stuffs like that
David says:
 Anything good, A pretty smart one, go online and talk to friends...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
 Weird and smart.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 I'm probably the weirdest kid in my school...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I'm not that wierd... ._. I'm like moderate wierd.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 With a dash of douchebag
David says:
Bisexual furry with most likely at least borderline genius IQ, hates violence,
David says:
David says:
 complete nerd...
David says:
 need I go on?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I own the complete costume of an old republic jedi....
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And I wore it to school
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Hold on
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Singing time...
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *dances around room&
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Alright I'm done
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 For now
David says:
David says:
 come on, lets dance!
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 *puppy eyes*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *giggles and smiles*
David says:
David says:
 *dances the dance of life*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 My playlist
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 For Myspace
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Tell me what you like :3
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
  I can't get that song out of my head now!
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Hahahaha Ocean avenue gives me GOOSEbumps!
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I love that song!
David says:
David says:
 heh, goosebumps...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 *looks at your hand and shivers*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I have... I have you -- Breathing down my neck breathing down my neck...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You should listen to Feelin This...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You would like it
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 You might die
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Tis on my playlist
David says:
 one sec...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Nother song that gives me goosebumps
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I love it
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *touches your paw with his and smiles*
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *giggles a little*
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Fate felll short this time, smile fades in the summer-- place your hand in mine I'll leave when I wanna...
David says:
 *grabs your paw*
David says:
 Did I ever tell you that felines were my favorite species?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *opens his maw* ah-- *blushes and closes it... looking at your paw bashfully*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 .... no....
David says:
David says:
 *puts other paw on your shoulder*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *blushes again from the touch, his bright green eyes looking up at you curiously, his muzzle still a bit
David says:
 *blushes and quivers a little* I was trying to think of some lyrics to go with the
 situation, but I can't think of any...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *chuckles a little as a song comes on*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 That's horrible...
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Guess what JUST came on...
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Can you feel the love tonight - The Lion King
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
David says:
 I'm actually shaking...
David says:
 like, really.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Ohmygod I awwed in real life x3
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 What time is it there?
David says:
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I actually know every lyric to both, Can you Feel the Love Tonight... and Love will Find a Way...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Lion king 1 & 2 songs
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I was addicted to them for so long... because I have these elaborate fantasies that will probably never
 happen -_-
David says:
 *sways to the music*
David says:
 And why would that be?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I just can't seem to find anyone to match me.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And even harder when I'm just looking around me
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Online, the only person I kinda have a thing for is Milo... but even he is kinda fading because I'm
 learning more and more about him.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 But like... I dunno.
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I just haven't found anyone who likes romance like I do...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Passion... Trust... Love...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 They just go "Oh yeah love you too babe give me a blowjob"
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And that's when I punch them in the face.
David says:
David says:
 good for you.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 probably human huh?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 What's up? Your grammar died... and if you are anything like me, that means something's on your
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 And yeah
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Humans are pigs
David says:
 aw geez...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I hate females more than Males
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 But I've been seeing alot of jerks...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
David says:
 We've known each other for about three days and you already know me too
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I guess... x3
David says:
 Well, females are difficult to understand...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Females have their own fucking mindset
David says:
 yeah, you were right.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 "OH well I'm more important than he is..."
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 "I like him... but he has to ask ME out..."
David says:
 God... I'm still shaking...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *shivers a little* .... why?
David says:
David says:
David says:
 It's, well, kinda the things you see in movies...
David says:
 music playing, we start dancing. first touch...
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Well... yeah....
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *smiles a little*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *blushes a little and mutters something quietly*
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 ... Oh... nothing...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Don't worry about it...
David says:
 *stares into your deep, green eyes*
David says:
 You don't have to hide anything from me...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *locks eyes with you and whimpers a little* I- ...
David says:
 *pulls in a little closer* Yes?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *whispers a little, his warm breath brushing across your cheeks gently* Kiss me...
David says:
 *whispers softly* As you wish...
David says:
 *Kisses you as tenderly as heavenly possible*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *melts into the kiss and brings a paw up to your cheek gently, his ears pinning back against his head as
 his body flushes hotly*
David says:
 *pulls you in tighter, kissing you passionately, the shivers in his body melting
 into bliss*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *leans his body against yours, his fingers sliding through your hair as his lips press into yours with
 sparkling affection. His tail wraps around your waist slowly and softly*
David says:
 *shakes softly as tears of joy start slowly emerging*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *slowly breaks the kiss and opens his eyes to look into yours* Hey... hey... *he whispers soothingly*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 What's wrong... ? *wipes your eyes with his thumb gently*
David says:
 *gently touches your hand on my face* I...
David says:
 You're just so amazing... so beautiful...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *blushes furiously*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 No I'm not... I'm just normal... average and ordinary...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *looks away slightly*
David says:
 *reaches his hand and turns your head to face him*
David says:
 You are the greatest man I have ever met.
David says:
 You are far from ordinary.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *locks eyes with you again and flushes* R-really... ?
David says:
 I would never lie to you.
David says:
 I mean it with all my heart and soul.
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *shivers and whimpers*
David says:
 *gently caresses your cheek and stares into those green pools of joy you call
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *his face entirely pink, he purrs softly... unable to think...*
David says:
 *exhales softly* Your purr...
David says:
 The purest poetry cannot express this moment...
David says:
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *whimpers a little* Why do you always have the most perfect thing to say...?
David says:
 *looks deeply into your eyes*
David says:
 Because I love you...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *opens his mouth*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *nothing comes out*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *blushes furiously and looks away* But... we like only met a couple days ago... why me?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 Why not someone else... ?
David says:
David says:
 *closes mouth and opens it, closes it again*
David says:
 I don't decide these things...
David says:
 But does it really matter?
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *looks down, his bangs covering his eyes, muttering quietly*
David says:
 *lifts your chin gently and brushes the hair from your eyes*
David says:
 It's okay.
David says:
 *for once in his life, can't think of a thing else to say*
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 I just don't know what to say...
Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
 *gazes up at you and searches you for something*

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  • 1. David says: Hi... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Hai David says: *pokes* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *dents* David says: AAAH! David says: *blows in ear to undent* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: O_O David says: Did I get the dent out yet? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lol Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: x3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: No David says: Hmm... Did I not blow hard enough or is the ear not gonna work? David says: *raises eyebrow* David says: hmmm? David says: You there? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Kinda David says: more homework? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Nope David says: just not really paying attention? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Pretty much David says: You never answered my question though. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: My dent is still there Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: In need of filling Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Oh wait Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: <3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I'm tired... give me a break x3 David says:
  • 2. Lol! David says: but that doesn't answer my question... David says: My question was, "am I not blowing hard enough or am I using the wrong hole? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: OHhhhh Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lol Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: lWell then Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You blew hard enough Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Dent restored Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: No sexual drama predicted Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: <3 David says: XD David says: *nibbles ear* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: x3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: So Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lets see a picture of you Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: :3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You've seen me David says: My fursona? David says: well, Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: No Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: x3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You you David says: I haven't seen a picture of you! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Yes you have Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Here's a recent one David says: ah.
  • 3. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Taken today Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Now return the favor Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: x3 David says: Oi, you just keep getting cuter and cuter! David says: alrighty, Lemme get my webcam. David says: if i can find it... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: X3 David says: it was around here somewhere... David says: oh here it is... David says: grumble grumble... David says: stupid windows... David says: wait one more second... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: >.> Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: <.< David says: I have to install the camera and I don't have administrative rights... David says: *grumble grumble* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Haha Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Now I get to tease you You have invited David to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation. David says: oh... David says: you're mean... David says: X3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: <3 David says: *sticks tongue out at you* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Acccceeeeppptt Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
  • 4. DO IT David says: okay David has accepted your invitation to start viewing webcam. David says: there. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Wait for it... David says: okay, here I am before the disasterous haircut... David says: David says: David says: And here I am afterwards... You have stopped viewing webcam with David. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Oh wow Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: O_O You have invited David to start viewing webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Try once more David says: David says: David has accepted your invitation to start viewing webcam. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: If it doesn't work... I'll go to blogtv David says: okay. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You are one of the few people i can say... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: That you look excellent with and without hair David says: ... David says: Thanks? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lol
  • 5. You have stopped viewing webcam with David. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: :3? David says: I recently got contacts... David says: you mean with and without alot of hair? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lol Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: It means the same thing... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You have no hair means short hair Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: In my book at least David says: I see. David says: yeah, few people can pull off the bald look. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: David says: I personally can't. David says: EVAR David says: link clicked. David says: 5 David says: 4 David says: 3 David says: 2 David says: 1 David says: DING David says: Hi Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Hai Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: :3 David says: GAH! xp sucks... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I'm slouching... >.> David says: I slouch all the time. David says:
  • 6. old dominion? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Yah David says: lol David says: ow... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Wat? D Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: D: David says: I just hurt myself... David says: stupid webcam... David says: lol David says: ! David says: XD Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Oh yeah Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And my parents Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Are sadistic Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I reached 200lbs today... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Yeah I know I don't look 200 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: >.> David says: and? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: But my goal is >200 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And now look Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: At what Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: They put Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Next to me David says: I see David says: HAHAHAHAHAHHA David says: OMG Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Blows.
  • 7. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I ate like four Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: ;--; David says: aww. David says: I wish I could have one... David says: but I can't Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I wonder what My hair looks like Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: D: Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I've been wearing this hat all day David says: Nice David says: stop fiddling with it! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Twas not right Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: D: Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Had to make it right David says: ah. David says: well, as I was saying about the donuts.. David says: I got cryptosperidiousus... David says: lol David says: or... David says: *drools* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *evil* David says: or however you spell that... David says: when I was like, 3. had to spend a week in the hospital. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: D: Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: That sucks David says: Then I got dehydrated because of it... David says: the whole thing fucked with my liver and now I can't eat extremely fatty foods. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
  • 8. :c David says: like pancakes David says: and donuts Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Pancakes = overated Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Trust me Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You eat a half of one Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And then you die David says: The good side is that now I'll never be an alcoholic! David says: I took some Nyquil and puked... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: :0 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Omg David says: "being a comedian, you gotta start the show strong and end the show strong. You can't be like pancakes. You're all exited at first, but at the end your fucking sick of 'em." David says: -Mitch Hedburg. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Yup Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: He's epix Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: My humor is basically his humor Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Speaking of dehydration Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: BRBRBRBRBRB David says: ya David says: lol Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I has milk :3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Mew! David says: lol Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Best liquid in the world Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And everyone knows it David says: yeah, probably.
  • 9. David says: I feel like an idiot right now... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Why? David says: I'm hanging up my suit, and I put the shir on before the pants. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Friend of mine just called me pretty x3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: LOL Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Oh god David says: I don't blame him. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And wha o///o David says: and I'm too lazy to take the shirt off, so I try and put the pants on the hanger under the sirt... David says: *shirt David says: *sigh* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Oh wow David says: I SAW THAT! David says: XD Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I can't help it... David says: I just poked myself in the eye with my hanger... David says: HAHAHAHA Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!| David says: I'm talented... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I can imagine Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: >.> Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Alright... David says: You'd be laughing your ass off if you could see me right now... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Brb one sec. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And I bet David says: kk
  • 10. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Alright Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I'm going to take you to my room... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Think you can survive? David says: HAHA! David says: I got it! David says: yay! David says: It can't be any worse than mine... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Wait you got what? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: x3 David says: my suit on the hanger. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lol Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: YEah Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Gratz Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You are boy genious Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: How old are you? David says: 15, Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: D: David says: 16 in february Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Jailbayt David says: what? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Ready to get on the move? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Buckle up David says: I'll try not to throw up David says: X3 David says: WHEEEEE! David says: I CANT SEE ANYTHING! David says:
  • 11. it's dark in here... David says: heheh. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: My room David says: *claps* David says: What do you mean by Jailbait? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Hot + Young = Jailbait David says: like... SURPRISE! buttsecks? David says: ah. David says: Yeah, pretty much. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: brb David says: kk David says: Ren-Raku put a collar on me that shocks me anytime I go near my balls... David says: He's also got a remote to activate it... David says: So yeah... David says: I'm his pet at the moment... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: That's Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Gross Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: :/ David says: oops David just sent you a nudge. David says: accidental nudge David says: eh, It's all in good fun. David says: David says: I wanna put my webcam up... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Dooo ie Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: it David says:
  • 12. I can't... David says: *pouty face* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Making my bed David says: your cam's a little high Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: If you were wokdering Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lol David says: ah... David says: Making your bed = overrated David says: David says: David says: And Kyle said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" David says: ooh, your sillouette. David says: Me likey David says: xp David says: fidgety... David says: Wha's that? David says: *tilts head* David says: OH! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: The orb? David says: I know! David says: one of those lightning orb thingies! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Yup David says: I love those! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: It's like dead now Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I can tell you how to get around your parents stuff Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: D: Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I really shouldn't.
  • 13. David says: O.o David says: really? David says: I'm not gonna do anything bad. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Yeah David says: besides, I'll probably forget it after a while. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Well... restart your computer and press F10... then start your computer up in safemode. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Then go into the User called Administrator Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Then create a new admin account Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Restart your computer, log on to th the admin account, do your business, then delete the account on the Administrator level later tonight. David says: huh... David says: hmmm. How, and why, did you figure that trick out? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Ugh Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I would rather not go into it David says: heheh. David says: tut tut tut. David says: ODU Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Talkin to someone else bout it David says: I like that shirt. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Thanks :3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You know of ODU? David says: Alrighty. I'll see what I can do. David says: well, you just held up your shirt... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lol Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: >.> Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Go... come back with a progress report Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: x3
  • 14. David says: YES SIR! David says: *salutes* David says: omg... David says: I actually just saluted... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Oh wow Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: <3 David says: alright. I'll see you in a sec. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: K David says: BBRBRBRBRBRBRBRB David says: ugh... David says: It didn't work... David says: I couldn't log into anything but my own account... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: lOL Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lol* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Did you bring it up in SAFEMODE? David says: yes Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And you are using XP? David says: yeah David says: what's VGO mode? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Strange Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And I dunno David says: grrrr...*slumps* David says: ANNOYANCES! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Heh The following message could not be delivered to all recipients: Heh Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says:
  • 15. Heh David says: *grumble grumble* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *hugs* David says: *hugs* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Probably going to go to bed here soon Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I'm pretty bored for some reason David says: because you're not talking to me David says: X3 David says: David says: I'm the least boring person I know! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lol Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Oi vey Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: It's more that I'm used to doing six billion things at once Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And now I don't have to Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: So my body is like "Wtf" David says: GAH! David says: My fingers want to type "Fap" but my brain says NOOOOO David says: RESIST!!! David says: *struggles* David says: *sits on hands* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *runs a claw down your back and grins* David says: *shivers* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Something wrong... ? You seem a bit stressed out... David says: *shakes head* no,... no... *gulp* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *purrs softly* David says: *closes eyes and relaxes at the sound* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: So :3 To completely destroy your serenity... tell bout yourself :3
  • 16. David says: like... What? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Anything... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: What do I want to know? David says: uhhh. David says: well, David says: uh... David says: I uhh... David says: I've always enjoyed being tied up...? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *smiles and sings softly to his music* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I meant more or less you in general Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: But ok... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: x3 David says: okay.. David says: heh... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Like... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: What music you listen to you? What kind of student are you? What do you do in your spare time? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Stuffs like that David says: Anything good, A pretty smart one, go online and talk to friends... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Elaborate? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Smartie? David says: yeah. David says: Weird and smart. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Same... David says: I'm probably the weirdest kid in my school... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I'm not that wierd... ._. I'm like moderate wierd. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: With a dash of douchebag David says:
  • 17. Bisexual furry with most likely at least borderline genius IQ, hates violence, David says: lol David says: complete nerd... David says: need I go on? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I own the complete costume of an old republic jedi.... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And I wore it to school Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Hold on Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Singing time... David says: lol! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: IF I COULD FIND YOU NOW, THINGS WOULD GET BETTTURRR Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *dances around room& Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Alright I'm done Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: For now David says: aww. David says: come on, lets dance! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Nope Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Ok David says: *puppy eyes* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *giggles and smiles* David says: YAY! David says: *dances the dance of life* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: My playlist Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: For Myspace Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Tell me what you like :3 David says: nice Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: WELL BE TOGETHER FOR ONE MORE NIGHT SOMEWHERE--- SOME HOW...
  • 18. David says: I can't get that song out of my head now! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Hahahaha Ocean avenue gives me GOOSEbumps! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I love that song! David says: WOOT! David says: heh, goosebumps... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Omg.... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: YES David says: *looks at your hand and shivers* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I have... I have you -- Breathing down my neck breathing down my neck... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You should listen to Feelin This... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You would like it Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: ;3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: You might die Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Tis on my playlist David says: one sec... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I WANNA TAKE OFF HER CLOTHS! SHOW ME THE WAY TO BED! SHOW ME THE WAY YOU MOVE! Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Nother song that gives me goosebumps Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: So PASSIONATE Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I love it Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: <33 David says: wow... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *touches your paw with his and smiles* David says: *starts* David says: *smiles* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *giggles a little* David says: *blushes*
  • 19. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Fate felll short this time, smile fades in the summer-- place your hand in mine I'll leave when I wanna... ~ David says: *grabs your paw* David says: Did I ever tell you that felines were my favorite species? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *opens his maw* ah-- *blushes and closes it... looking at your paw bashfully* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: .... no.... David says: *chuckles* David says: *puts other paw on your shoulder* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *blushes again from the touch, his bright green eyes looking up at you curiously, his muzzle still a bit pink* David says: *blushes and quivers a little* I was trying to think of some lyrics to go with the situation, but I can't think of any... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *chuckles a little as a song comes on* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: That's horrible... David says: what? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Guess what JUST came on... David says: what? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Can you feel the love tonight - The Lion King Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: >///< David says: *blushes* David says: I'm actually shaking... David says: like, really. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Ohmygod I awwed in real life x3 Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: What time is it there? David says: 11:52 David says: pm Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I actually know every lyric to both, Can you Feel the Love Tonight... and Love will Find a Way... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Lion king 1 & 2 songs
  • 20. David says: heh... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I was addicted to them for so long... because I have these elaborate fantasies that will probably never happen -_- David says: *sways to the music* David says: And why would that be? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Because. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I just can't seem to find anyone to match me. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And even harder when I'm just looking around me Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Online, the only person I kinda have a thing for is Milo... but even he is kinda fading because I'm learning more and more about him. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: But like... I dunno. David says: yeah... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I just haven't found anyone who likes romance like I do... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Passion... Trust... Love... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: They just go "Oh yeah love you too babe give me a blowjob" Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And that's when I punch them in the face. David says: yeah... David says: good for you. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Heh. David says: probably human huh? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: What's up? Your grammar died... and if you are anything like me, that means something's on your mind... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: And yeah Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Humans are pigs David says: aw geez... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I hate females more than Males Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: But I've been seeing alot of jerks... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: lately
  • 21. David says: We've known each other for about three days and you already know me too well... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Heh. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I guess... x3 David says: Well, females are difficult to understand... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Females have their own fucking mindset David says: yeah, you were right. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: "OH well I'm more important than he is..." Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: "I like him... but he has to ask ME out..." David says: God... I'm still shaking... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *shivers a little* .... why? David says: It's... David says: Oy.. David says: It's, well, kinda the things you see in movies... David says: music playing, we start dancing. first touch... David says: *blushes* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Well... yeah.... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *smiles a little* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *blushes a little and mutters something quietly* David says: Huh? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: ... Oh... nothing... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Don't worry about it... David says: *stares into your deep, green eyes* David says: You don't have to hide anything from me... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *locks eyes with you and whimpers a little* I- ... David says: *pulls in a little closer* Yes? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *whispers a little, his warm breath brushing across your cheeks gently* Kiss me...
  • 22. David says: *whispers softly* As you wish... David says: *Kisses you as tenderly as heavenly possible* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *melts into the kiss and brings a paw up to your cheek gently, his ears pinning back against his head as his body flushes hotly* David says: *pulls you in tighter, kissing you passionately, the shivers in his body melting into bliss* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *leans his body against yours, his fingers sliding through your hair as his lips press into yours with sparkling affection. His tail wraps around your waist slowly and softly* David says: *shakes softly as tears of joy start slowly emerging* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *slowly breaks the kiss and opens his eyes to look into yours* Hey... hey... *he whispers soothingly* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: What's wrong... ? *wipes your eyes with his thumb gently* David says: *gently touches your hand on my face* I... David says: You're just so amazing... so beautiful... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *blushes furiously* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: No I'm not... I'm just normal... average and ordinary... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *looks away slightly* David says: *reaches his hand and turns your head to face him* David says: You are the greatest man I have ever met. David says: You are far from ordinary. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *locks eyes with you again and flushes* R-really... ? David says: I would never lie to you. David says: I mean it with all my heart and soul. Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *shivers and whimpers* David says: *gently caresses your cheek and stares into those green pools of joy you call eyes* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *his face entirely pink, he purrs softly... unable to think...* David says: *exhales softly* Your purr... David says: The purest poetry cannot express this moment... David says:
  • 23. I... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *whimpers a little* Why do you always have the most perfect thing to say...? David says: *looks deeply into your eyes* David says: Because I love you... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *opens his mouth* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *nothing comes out* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *blushes furiously and looks away* But... we like only met a couple days ago... why me? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: Why not someone else... ? David says: I... David says: *closes mouth and opens it, closes it again* David says: I don't decide these things... David says: But does it really matter? Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *looks down, his bangs covering his eyes, muttering quietly* David says: *lifts your chin gently and brushes the hair from your eyes* David says: It's okay. David says: *for once in his life, can't think of a thing else to say* Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: I just don't know what to say... Kyle (Admin545/maceWrox) says: *gazes up at you and searches you for something*