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By Ron Steven
Copyright © 2011 Ron Steven Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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CHAPTER 1: Female Attraction
Do you want to find out why your girlfriend really called it quits? Do you want to learn the
ultimate secret that women have been hiding all these years? Well, now is the time to get excited
because the majority of men out there will never learn these things in their lifetimes.
First of all, you need to admit that your ex was never attracted to you just because of sheer luck.
Her attraction could be attributed to some strong physiological elements. See, attraction is never
a conscious thing for women, or even men. Your ex was attracted to your behavior and
eventually lost interest based on your behavior, as well. As with the majority of men out there,
you must have stopped showing certain traits that she was once so attracted to. It's that simple.
Although men are usually attracted to the physical aspects of a woman, women are usually more
attracted to the behavior of a man. Men show off certain traits that women find incredibly
attractive and you must have unknowingly shown off some of those traits to attract the girl.
However, as the relationship progressed, you probably lost a lot of those traits and took in some
undesirable ones in their place. "Eureka!"
Well, you are about to learn some things with broader implications as opposed to just winning
your ex-girlfriend back. With these things, you will get to influence all of the female attraction
that you want - consciously! I would say that a lot of men out there do not know how they should
behave when it comes to attracting women, so you are soon going to be a part of the elite
The "Seduction On Steroids” system will give you a much closer look on this subject. If you
don't read it, your chances of winning your ex back will decrease and you will have more trouble
keeping her the second time around if you do win her back.
Unattractive Behavior
Let us talk about unattractive behavior first. This would refer to the types of behavior that you
started to show during your relationship's course - the main reason why you got dumped, even if
she pretended it was something completely different. In most cases, women don't know why they
lose interest in their significant others. It simply happens without them consciously knowing the
reasons behind it. Fortunately, I know those reasons.
This happens to be the number one attraction killer with women. Women simply hate insecure
men as much as men hate women like Rosie O'Donnell. And that's no joke! Insecurity can
manifest itself in a low of ways, the majority of which we will talk about later.
Jealous boyfriends are just as unattractive. Jealousy and insecurity actually kind of go hand-in-
hand. Jealousy says "Other men are threatening because I know you deserve better than me."
Women don't find men who are constantly jealous attractive because jealousy shows weakness.
Jealous guys tend to ask their girls who they're hanging out with and get angry whenever their
girls talk to other guys and hang out with them. They usually make fun of their girls' male friends
just so they can look "cool", too. But the truth is: this kind of behavior will only make them look
incredibly insecure.
This is why you have to take in an attitude that says "other guys only make me look better" and
let her talk to anybody she wants. After everything, you will end up looking better if you do this.
Controlling Behavior
Controlling your girl and pretending she's got your handcuffs on all the time will only show
more insecurity. A lot of men forbid their girlfriends to chill with their friends, whether male or
Well, men are usually only controlling when they feel like they aren't worthy of their girlfriends.
They think they need to control them so they won't leave. Ironically, if you close your fist tighter
around her, she will slip away from you faster.
Human nature makes us rebel against things that try to control us. Just think back on your
childhood and how fun it was to rebel against your parents' limitations.
No Value and Pedestaling
Women want men who value both of the people in the relationship equally. Once you place your
girlfriend on a pedestal and prioritize her needs over yours, she will lose interest and respect for
you and look for someone who values himself the same amount as her instead.
I constantly see insecure and needy guys like this. They only like whatever their girl likes and do
whatever their girl does. Basically, they put their girl on this pedestal which says "You are of
more value to me than me." That's not attractive, dude. Women want men who value both of the
people in the relationship equally. No exceptions.
Do you ever wonder why so many women fall for the jerks? Well, women like how much value
those guys put on themselves. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be a jerk.
You simply need to be more positive about yourself.
Asking your girl for approval all the time is another insecure type of behavior. Being validation-
driven on the outside is probably the hallmark of low self-esteem and insecurity, for that matter.
Does any of this sound familiar to you? Do you like me? Is my penis big? Can you rate me? Are
you having a good time? Is this shirt okay? Am I good in bed? I could keep the list going, but
that would be completely unnecessary. What you need to do is understand what approval-seeking
is and decide whether you were like that during your relationship.
It is never good to spend all of your time together. Diamonds are only valuable because of how
rare they are. If you could leave home and pick up diamonds off the street, nobody would start
paying for it, right?
As common sense as that might be, the majority of people won't imply this socially. However,
this actually applies perfectly to people. Try to consider if you have been clingy in your
relationship, especially right before you got dumped.
Although there are certain types of male behavior that repel the opposite sex, there are also
several dominant traits which can attract them like bees to honey. The mere fact that you're
reading this already tells me several things about you:
Women find you attractive. Ever since you got a girl, you have become dominant, otherwise you
would never have been able to keep a long term relationship to begin with. This makes
everything so much easier.
You can also take charge and fix your life's mistakes. Just the mere fact that you bought this
eBook tells me how many attractive traits yo possess. Here are the dominant traits that can attract
Actively leading and planning things out is of the utmost essence. Did your girlfriend ever ask
you what you should do for the night? Did you ever say, "I don't know. You?" to that? Well,
there happens to be a big problem with that: it showed that you don't have any leadership traits in
your blood. Remember: by nature, women are attracted to certain kinds of men. Their DNA
made them that way.
Each time you don't have plans, she loses a little bit of attraction for you. See, your role says that
you have to lead and she has to follow. Embrace that role.
Everybody knows that women are attracted to jerks somehow. Well, you can thank confidence
for that. Do keep in mind, however, that they aren't attracted to the jerk per se, but to the traits
that he shows. Confidence would be one of them.
Try not to confuse confidence and arrogance, though. Arrogance is fake, transparent and obvious
and women can smell that from miles away. It won't be enough to fake confidence; you have to
be confident.
Women don't want doormats. You have to be sure of your personal beliefs and opinions. I see
many guys who compromise their personal values, just so their girlfriends will love them more.
This means that they change their music taste, fashion sense, etc. Well, guess what? Women
don't want puppies; they want men with personal beliefs, opinions and values.
Men driven by purpose happen to be incredibly powerful at switching attraction as much as they
want. Although men don't really care if women are ambitious and won't get turned off if they are
(as a matter of fact, it will just turn us off or threaten us, if anything), women are the exact
opposite when it comics to men.
So, what exactly is a purpose, you ask? Well, it definitely has nothing to do with going to work
every day, coming back home, playing some video games, eating and sleeping. Boring routines
are actually anti-purpose.
Here are several things that may give your life some purpose: working towards financial
freedom, working out to get ripped or lose weight, focusing on getting record deals, recording an
album, pursuing a sport, or pursuing something that makes you excited or passionate.
Men that are flailing in life without a reason or purpose aren't attractive, most of all if your
girlfriend was your sole purpose. If this happens, you are sure to see a breakup coming your way.
Women don't want boyfriends who only want to please them. That's a turn-off - remember that.
Female/Male Polarity
Men today seem to be missing that special something that we once had. Men are slowly getting
more feminine and women are getting more masculine. Well, women are programmed to look
for dominant men and you have to accept this.
No matter how far society has gone or how self-aware people have become, an animal instinct
will always drive us along. This means that women are always going to find dominant and
masculine men attractive. Always.
Women don't want to have power (I can already hear Oprah crying now). Regardless of what
they may say or the amount of feminists taking over our world, that is the truth. This might seem
sexist at first, but it is true. Women don't want to control the relationship and call every shot.
They want men to take charge.
Right now, who has the power? Your ex. Why? Because she cares less. She isn't reading an
eBook to win you back, is she? Accept that fact and accept that it's okay. You have to understand
that, so you can work on certain tactics to change things around.
Before and After
Think about the man you once were and the person you are now. When you started dating that
girl, you were probably flirtatious, confident and playful. You had the power and felt secure. But
if you're like all the other guys out there, you probably started changing.
You probably started acting more controlling, weak, jealous and needy on a gradual basis and the
polarity began to change. Your girlfriend became more dominant and you become more and
more submissive. This is when her pre-programming must have kicked in and when she started
losing attraction for you.
It's kind of like when women get fat and then call their boyfriends shallow for dumping them. It's
not that he was shallow; it's just that his pre-programming started to kick in and made him lose
attraction. Guys are genetically made to look for certain kinds of shape: a certain hip-to-waist
ratio and facial symmetry, for example.
The same goes for women and the insecure men of today. Insecure men to them are like fat
women to us. They aren't attractive. It's like you get fat on security and your girlfriend leaves you
or it.
CHAPTER 2: Zero Contact
Does the name of this chapter scare you? Well, if that is the case, you need to pay very close
attention now. I won't sugarcoat anything or tiptoe around the point, so let me just say it: do not
be the first to talk to your ex for at least a month - no exceptions. You should never make the
first move here; she needs to be the one to start things up. This can be blamed on a physiological
and scientific basis, which I will tell you about in a bit. I swear this will make you shout
Why is it important not to be the one to start contact here? This "zero contact" rule can
accomplish several things: it will stop you from acting insecure and needy around your ex (as
mentioned before, insecurity and neediness will kill female attraction); it will instill an overall
fear of loss in her (zero contact will push her farther away; she will wonder why this is the case
and will intrigue her); and it will give you the chance to learn as much as you can.
See, regardless of how much you try or what you do, you will show your ex-girlfriend neediness
and insecurity - especially in the beginning.
Even more than men, women are very good at reading non-verbal feelings. Therefore, even
without verbally saying that you miss her and would like to win her back and are hurting deep
inside, she'll end up knowing that because of your actions. This isn't BS; body language really is
A lot of the things in this eBook talk about getting rid of neediness and insecurity, and will give
you various gimmicks and tricks that you can use to look less needy and insecure. No matter how
terrible you may feel inside, I will make you look completely fine.
Stop Being the Emotional Tampon
Post-breakup, women tend to use their exes to get over them and heal. So, if you do not contact
her and make it a point to be in her life only rarely, you can force her into self-healing. Don't be
there to be sensitive or for support, and force her to face reality on her own and to feel lonely. By
doing this, she won't be able to ease out of the relationship with you around.
Your instincts might say that emotionally supporting her and being there for her will bring you
back together, but this isn't true. In essence, she will only leech off you without meaning to. You
can look at her as an emotional vampire here - sucking out your happiness and exchanging
jealousy, shame and hurt for it.
If She Gets in Touch with You
It is highly likely that, after a few days, your ex will try to get in touch with you first - if you
follow the earlier plan as outlined, that is. This would be especially true, though, if she begins to
feel a huge fear of loss and starts to value you again. By nature, she will end up reaching out and
getting in touch with you.
This would be a great sign and, although not really necessary, it will definitely make things
easier later on. The first rule here would be not to be rude or angry, or act depressed in her
presence. If she visits you at the office or calls you up, act cheerful and happy. This will show
her how high your value is and make her wonder why you aren't feeling rotten and miserable.
This will make her intrigued and feel a stronger fear of loss since you will seem like you have
already moved on.
If she ends up getting in touch with you, make some small talk about anything and let her be the
leader conversation-wise. Act happy and cheerful and never seem desperate to speak to her.
Make sure you be the first one to end your conversation over the phone after a few minutes. Be
very polite as you do this and never sound bitter. Also, take some time off before calling her
back. Never seem eager and ensure that you wait several days before making your move.
If you end up running into her somewhere, make some small talk for several minutes and say
something like, "Hey, it was great to talk to you, but I have some things to do." Be cheerful as
you say this, too, as this will demonstrate ultimate security.
Remember: this "zero contact" rule does not mean that your ex cannot get in touch with you. It
would be good if she gets in contact first, but that is the only acceptable bit about it. The
essential thing to keep in mind is that you should never be the first one to contact her, no matter
Basically, what you shouldn't do is act angry, sad, depressed and rude. You should also stop
treating her like shit. Stop bragging about the amount of women you are currently dating or
sleeping, as well, since she will only think you're lying anyway. On that note, don't ask about her
dating or sex life, either. Also, try not to talk about your past relationship with her or beg her for
another chance.
It is highly likely that within the next several weeks, she will get in touch with you. As a matter
of fact, a lot of my students have succeeded with my Zero Contact principle because it made
their exes realize their overall value. After all, it isn't possible to value something if it is always
Again, it is of the utmost essence to act quite calm, collected, cheerful and cool when she gets in
touch with you. Do not act depressed - the end. Let your conversation go on and just talk about
various positive things that aren't related to your relationship at all. Make her talk more and make
her lead with each conversation. If she starts talking about your relationship, it's alright to join in
on the discussion. Just make sure that you aren't the one to bring it up and you will be fine.
To be honest, I can't really count the amount of times I have met guys who went through with
this Zero Contact rule and had exes call them a few weeks later, wanting to give their
relationships another try. They simply sat around and waited for their exes to get in touch with
them - believe it.
Three Weeks is the Loneliness Peak
The so-called "loneliness peak" happens after around a month. This is when she will be at her
loneliest and most vulnerable. Because of this, it will take a lot of effort for her not to get in
touch with you. In the majority of cases, if you stick to this plan, she'll end up getting in touch
with you. If this isn't the case, that's still okay.
After that first month, it will be extremely effective if you get in touch with her since, because of
her loneliness, she will be thinking highly of you and the good memories you shared. The power
balance will then turn around and she will look insecure instead of you.
If She Doesn't Get in Touch
Because the loneliness peak appears at around a month, it will be safe for you to get in touch
around then. In most cases, she will get in touch with you first, but if she doesn't, I would advise
you to wait at least four weeks. Naturally, this will truly depend on how insecure and needy you
acted before you broke up. In more severe cases, it would be smarter to wait a bit longer.
If you have no choice but to get in touch first, talk to her like you would with an old friend. I
need to remind you again that you shouldn't show any hints of neediness, desperation or
depression whatsoever as you do this. Instead, you need to seem absolutely fine after your
breakup and act as if you think the breakup was a good idea overall.
In fact, after getting in touch with her, I would advise you to say that you thought the breakup
was a good idea and that you shouldn't throw away your friendship because of this. Say
something like, "I think you were right all along. The breakup was a good idea. It would be sad
to throw our friendship away because of this, though. So how about getting some coffee
sometime, buddy? We can become better friends that way. No hard feelings."
It would be extremely vital for you to keep a platonic and friendly feel to it as you say it, though.
This is important because you have to instill fear of loss inside her. Keep in mind that people
tend to value things they don't have. So, no matter who makes contact with the other first, you
will have to use friendship as a way to get in there and present a new, less needy and more
confident version of you to the world. In other words, you have to use your friend-position to
build up attraction once again.
Several Potential Objections
So, what should you do if you simply can't not contact her? What if you work together, have a
child together or live together? What should you do in those situations?
Well, everything depends on your behavior during those circumstances. Since you don't want to
look childish or insecure by acting jealous and angry or ignoring her altogether, you can keep
your contact to a bare minimum at best.
If you currently live with her, make sure that you leave to meet your friends often. Do not bring
women back to get the jealousy flaring, though, because this will definitely hurt any chances you
might have of winning her back. What she'll end up doing is bringing some guy back and the
cycle will simply turn into a vicious one. Avoid that at all costs.
What you want to do instead is get your ex-girlfriend to start up most of your conversations. You
don't want to ignore her since this will make you look insecure. You have to act cheerful and
happy instead, as if you are alright with you breaking up and that you have already moved on.
Make her lead each conversation and work more during those conversations. Again, never ignore
her and let her work more all the time.
CHAPTER 3: The Push/Pull Technique
The push/pull technique revolves around wanting what we can't have. Admit it: people of both
genders tend to pursue things that retreat the other way. As a matter of fact, one primary reason
why you want to get your ex-girlfriend back is because she has rejected you. Because you don't
have her anymore, it is driving you crazy. Well, it would really drive anyone crazy. That's how
human nature works.
See, people interact in only two ways: we push someone away or pull them to us. Pulling means
you are showing interest, while pushing means you are showing disinterest.
Whenever a woman pushes us farther away, we respond by trying to pull her back in, right?
Well, this is because the fear of loss has been created and, by nature, we want to get rid of that
fear and re-fill that gap. This holds most true in romantic relationships between men and women.
Pushing can refer to anything from phrases like "I just need space" and "You annoy me" to a
straightforward breakup. Basically, it refers to anything that she might do or say to show
indifference or disinterest toward you.
Right now, your instincts might tell you to pull her back in when you should actually push her
away. Unfortunately, pulling her in will pressure her and, in turn, force her to send you away. If
you show her that she can have what she wants, she will not want it anymore. Plus, it will
destroy any sexual tension that exists between you two.
I have already shown you one highly powerful tactic, which harnesses the Push/Pull Technique.
If you do not get in touch with your ex first, she will start to wonder whether you've already
moved on or not. She'll probably begin to reminisce about your good times together, as well, and
want those good times back. Keep in mind that after a month, she will be at the peak of
It would also be vital to realize that it is possible to pull and push far too much; sexual tension
only occurs whenever you mix the two together. A lot of the time, you will hear women call this
"mixed signals". They might talk about a guy sending them mixed signals and them, in turn,
wanting those guys even more, for example.
The secret to an effective push/pull would be to find the perfect balance. Push her a little bit and
pull her in again. Then push her some more and pull again.
Now, I happen to be an expert pickup artist and because of this, I am now a master of push/pull.
All you want to do is get an ex back, though, so you shouldn't think about things too much. All
you have to do is ensure that you understand that a lot of pulling or pushing would be bad. You
need to show interest and disinterest all at the same time. Keep repeating this.
Your inner mindset is incredibly vital when using the ReSeduction System, so you have to get
rid of any insecurity if you want it to work. If you really want to win your ex back, following the
plan is going to be easy. The next part, however, will be incredibly counterintuitive. Still, I
assure you that the whole thing is based on a psychology with deep roots.
Accept the fact that it is over and start to move on. Yes, that's right. You have to let your ex go
before you try to win her back. How counterintuitive is that? You have to keep in mind that an
insecure, needy guy will repel women, if anything, so really letting her go will significantly
increase your changes of winning her back, just because it eliminates any behavior that seeks
approval from her. Here are several tips that shouldn't be ignored. Follow them to prove you are
a real man.
Step One: Get some paper, write your ex's contact details on it and place it somewhere where it
is hard to see. Step Two: Get rid of any contact mode and memory that you share with her. Get
rid of her phone number, her MSN name, Skype and AIM name from any of your instant
messengers. Trash all her previous emails - without reading them! - as well.
Your only exception here should be MySpace and Facebook. If you do not have accounts on
those websites, don't worry. But if you do, keep her on your friend's list without viewing her
profile. This has to be stressed. Do not view her profile!
Again: get rid of any contact modes - phone number, emails and IMs. Get rid of any digital
photos and everything else that could stir memories of her within you, as well. Never view her
profiles online.
Step Three: collect any physical reminders you might have of your ex. This would include teddy
bears, posters, cards, clothes, pictures and watches - anything physical! Collect all of it into a box
and make sure the box is safely hidden and hard to find. You can put the box into your basement
or give it to a friend for safekeeping. Under the bed is not enough.
Step Four: Think of other girls. Fantasize about these other girls, too. Never let your mind stray
and never start thinking about your ex-girlfriend in a sexual manner. Whenever you do end up
thinking about her, force fantasies of more gorgeous women into your head. It would also be
helpful to think about other pleasurable things in these cases, like a heap of money.
Realize that fantasizing about her will not help in comforting you or easing your pain. It will
simply make you feel the complete opposite and this is why you have to force yourself to say
goodbye. In another two weeks, the pain will significantly get lower.
Step Five: Focus solely on your ex's negative aspects. During a breakup, there will be something
known as selective memory present. You will only end up thinking about the great times you
have had with her together and how happy the relationship was. Your ex will start to become a
kind of drug, which you will try to withdraw from. Things will get hard, but you really need to
concentrate on the negative things now.
CHAPTER 5: Getting Your Own Life Back
Things will start to get interesting from here on out. By getting back to your life, you can show
your ex that you no longer need her. Keep in mind that women don't want men who desperately
need them. They want independent men who have their own sense of reality. instead This is why
you have to hold the key to that.
By actively showing her that you have healed and moved on, you can start to turn on a lot of
attraction switches - the same dominant trait switches that got her attention to begin with. It
would be your job to show her that those traits still exist within you.
Begin Dating Other People
This is definitely my favorite tactic in the world of really moving on. There is no need to take
any of these dates seriously, but they are sure to give you a huge ego and confidence boost that
will help get rid of any underlying neediness and insecurity you might still have.
I realize that dating is probably the last thing on your mind right now, but you need to force
yourself into this. Yes, you need to look for other dateable women. This must sound extremely
counterintuitive to you, too, so let me explain:
Going out with other women will build up your confidence (a trait that women love) while
shedding any insecurities you might still have at the same time. Plus, when your ex hears about
it, she will feel a fear of loss and she wills subconsciously think, "Wow, he replaced me so
quickly. He must be more valuable than I thought."
Having said that, go ask that accounting cutie out on a date or even that hottie at your favorite
coffee place. You will seriously be happy that you did afterwards. This advice may sound "feel
good" to you, but there really are thousands of hot and dateable women in this day and age.
Right now, you're extremely emotional and probably aren't thinking logically at all. However,
you are attractive, so it won't be too hard for you to find other dates if you set your mind to it.
Now, if everything else fails, i.e. you can't get any dates within two weeks, then it is alright to
fake things. If you want, you can start things off with the faking until you score some actual
dates. The essential thing would be to try and get several real dates, though, and ensure that your
ex hears about them somehow. This will do wonders for that low self-esteem of yours - trust me.
Tactics to Ensure that She Hears about Them
Hang Out IMs
You probably use an instant messenger like AIM or MSN. Usually, the display name will tell
people what you are doing. For instance: "Henry - Out with Phil Tonight. Text me." Actually,
this is quite common where I'm from.
If you score a date (try not to be picky as you try to), ensure that you mention who you're out
with on your personal IM display name. For instance: "Henry - Be back later. Out with Anna."
See that? We just created a jealousy plot line, which can increase your value and create a fear of
loss in your ex at the same time.
If you aren't able to get dates, fake things as needed. Invent a random name and type "Out with
Jenny" or whatever. No matter what, don't make it seem like the jealousy is intentional, though.
This will only make things end in disaster. You have to show that you have moved on and that
you are dating other women, but she can't know that you're playing her so you can win her back
Allude to Her Own Friends
There are high chances that you still talk to someone your ex still sees regularly. Casually talk to
them and ask what their weekend plans are. After they tell you, they will probably ask the same
After they ask, say you're chilling with Jenny, some girl you met recently. Then change the
subject really fast! Don't directly go for a statement like "Yeah, I have a date tonight" since you'll
only end up looking like the loser who's trying to get his ex jealous. Make it seem like you don't
want them to find out about the date and that it only slipped out.
Social Website Flirting
Nowadays, everybody is on Facebook or MySpace. If you don't have one, though, ignore this
part. If you are on one of these websites, however, take the chance to flirt on the network a little
bit. Just talk to other women and send them messages. What is great about Facebook and
MySpace is that there are public message boards that everybody on your list will be able to read -
including your ex - and trust me, she will definitely view your profile to find out how you are,
most of all if you haven't gotten in touch with her yet.
Again, a jealousy plot line will be created here. Your ex will see that other women find you
attractive and feel a fear of loss. Although she is the one who initiated the breakup, she still likes
to feel like she owns you. She used to have you for herself, too, so when other women start
flirting with you in public, she will get jealous and see how horrible her decision was to break up
with you.
Social Website Faking
You can step things up a bit and register a new account with a fake woman's name. Place a fake
photo up of an attractive girl and make sure that the photo doesn't look fake. If it is an ultra
gorgeous girl or a celebrity, forget about looking genuine. To get the best effect out of this,
choose a woman who is only a little bit prettier than your ex.
Make sure you set that fake profile to private, as well. This is incredibly important. Setting it to
private will make sure that no one can really see it. After all, you will seem like a loser if your ex
sees a fake profile that is clearly made to get her jealous.
Next, make several posts to your actual account from that fake account with things like
"awesome movie - we should go see another one" or "wow, you're funny - you free this
You basically have to make it sound like you're seeing someone pretty. Don't post sexual things
like "your cock is huge" or anything lame like that, though. Keep things subtle and ensure that
you change how you type. If you abbreviate words all the time, use certain slang and spell things
properly so you don't give things away for a change. Pay close heed to how you type, so you can
ensure that it is very different from the fake account.
Keep in mind that these tactics aren't actually necessary, though. I only recommend them since
they can make your ex be afraid of really losing you and knock her straight back to reality.
She'll be so overcome by jealousy if you play your cards right. After all, you will show higher
value and build up your own self-esteem and self-confidence. The main advantage here will
come from actual dates, though, since your self-esteem will really skyrocket from them. You will
have faith in your looks once again - something that you will never feel from faking things. Even
though you really need to, know that the choice is there. Just ensure that you do things subtly, so
you don't brag about it. Losers are the only ones who brag.
Secondly, you have to use your imagination, so you can think of other creative ways on how to
subtly allude your dates with other people. I have already started you out with some good
examples, so just make sure you don't overdo things and end up looking like a loser through
bragging and obviously trying to get her to feel jealous.
Have a Lot of Fun
Next, you have to show that you're having a lot of fun. She needs to regret leaving you and has to
start thinking that she has been holding you back from life. Whether she was or not, get out there
and have fun. Have drinks with your guy friends during the weekends, go to clubs or bars, and
get your adrenaline going. Go on trips, if you want to. Just have a lot of fun, in general.
What this will do is get rid of your insecure and needy mindset. It will also show your ex that
you won't sit around in pity because of the breakup. Stop thinking about your ex-girlfriend, as
well (this goes hand-in-hand with getting rid of insecurity).
The most important thing I would recommend for you to do would be to work up. Join a gym
and work out like crazy for a month. And don't feel like you have to; do it because it's fun.
Exercise happens to release endorphins that will make you feel great. This is proven by science.
Working out will let tons of endorphins out and boost your levels of testosterone, which can, in
turn, increase your self-confidence and attract women. Plus, your mind will be busy and will stop
thinking about your ex. And, at the end of the day, you'll be fit and more physically attractive.
There are a lot of other things you could do aside from working out, too. You could submerse
yourself in a hobby or something. Try learning something completely new whenever you feel
troubled, as a start.
I would strongly recommend you to take this chance to relax and learn about the psychology of
women and all about attract them. If you're like me in any way, you will be very fascinated by
this useful subject.
Just keep in mind that sitting around in self-pity every day will only show your ex-girlfriend how
much of a loser you really are and how justified she is in letting you go. She happens to expect
you to sit in self-pity because this is how guys are expected to react after a bad breakup. This is
why you have to be different by being happy and cheerful about it.
You need to think this way even though you cared a lot about your ex: there is more to the world
than that relationship and the breakup was probably a good thing.
Women never go back to guys who sit around in self-pity. Women are strange, by nature. They
run back to guys who have no trouble moving on. They begin to doubt themselves and start
wondering how you got over them so quickly. Then, just as you push them away and start
enjoying your own life, they will try to pull you back to them. As you push, they will pull.
Before long, the tables will turn and your ex will be your girlfriend once again. She will crawl
back into your arms after you prove to her what a strong man you really are.
Take a Ton of Photos
While you're out on adventures and having fun, ensure that you take a ton of digital photos and
post them on your IMs, on MySpace or on Facebook. You basically have to post them on social
networking websites that your ex is a part of, as well since seeing those photos will show how
high your value actually is and will remind her of how much fun you had together. This
technique works extremely well - trust me.
CHAPTER 6 - If She's Already on the Field
So, what should you do if your ex is already dating other guys or is dating one guy quite
frequently? First and foremost, do not worry too much. Rebounds hardly every work out.
Chances are, she is only using those guys to ease her pain and comfort herself after your
breakup. Women are famous for having various replacement guys ready, but they are of poor
quality, so you shouldn't worry about them, really.
Knowing that, you have to stay very cool. When an ex of mine called (after I hadn't called her for
7 days) she instantly tried to get the jealousy juices stirring by talking about a date she had been
on. Funnily enough, women already know the stuff that I'm teaching you by instinct.
Anyway, as she talked about her date, I stayed very cool. I didn't even react since I knew she was
only doing it to get me jealous. I said that was great and then changed the topic. I didn't act hurt,
bitter or angry in any way, but merely played it off as nothing
If You See Them Together
What if you end up meeting the guy she goes out with? If you have already read everything up to
here, you should already know what to do. Be cool. Don't show anger or jealous and don't
pretend like he isn't there. Don't act rude or put him down, either. You have to do the complete
opposite of all of that. You have to be happy and cheerful when you see them. Shake his hand
and say something playful while keeping a smile going. Stay cheerful during the small talk then
leave. You have to act completely cool, secure and calm at all times, even if she's with somebody
Yes, your insides will be writhing in anger, but you need to repress any feelings of insecurity.
Don't let those feelings manifest on the outside. If you act cool, your ex will get more frustrated
and the guy will feel threatened because of how calm and confident you are.
CHAPTER 7: Looking Great
Okay, stud, it's time for you to freshen up. No matter if you already have style, it would still be
vital for you to look fresh. You basically have to look new to her, in case you decide to catch up
one day. She shouldn't see the old you because it will put negative thoughts in her head. New is
totally unexplored and neutral. It's completely exciting. (TIP: Were you aware that, if sexual
boredom occurs in a relationship, you simply have to dress up differently and don some wigs to
get the lust going again? The second my girlfriend put a blue wig on, I jumped her. Seriously.
This psychological principle can be used for my recommendation here, as well.)
I already talked about working out to look great, feel great and boost your confidence. So do that
first. Next, find a fresh look. She needs to think "Wow. I'm definitely missing out here." It would
also be important to know that you shouldn't change your looks or clothes completely. Don't
change for the girl. After all, women want men who stay true to themselves. All you have to do
is buy several new clothes and get a haircut. Just look new and fresh by the end of it.
This happens to be a powerful trick of physiology that I strongly urge you to take seriously. New
look, new clothes - as soon as possible. They can even make you feel more confident. By putting
on new clothes that actually make you feel great, you can instantly get a confidence boost. It
would be recommended for you to buy a whole new get up before you meet. The newer the
things are, the bigger the confidence boost will be in the end.
Again, buying new clothes will do two things for you. It will make see you in an unexplored and
fresh, new light, as well as boost your levels of confidence.
Several Fast Tips on Fashion
Ensure that your nails are trimmed and clean at all times. This is the first thing women look at.
Women will notice your fingernails before they notice your new watch.
Buy and use a tongue scraper. The tongue is a bad breath source, after all (read: disgusting).
I see many guys out there who wear clothes that are far to big for them. I think they do this to
hide their body fat. But the truth is: these clothes will make you look even fatter. Whenever you
try to reach the ceiling, you need to see your belly. If you can't do this, your shirt is too baggy -
it's as simple as that.
Make sure that your clothes all work together as a style. Don't look like a DJ one day and a rock
star the next. It's vital for you to choose a style that can match your personality's core. Then, stick
to it. Several clothes are timeless: black blazers, leather jackets and jeans, for example. Have
some of these inside your closet.
Find a tailor who can take proper measurements for you. Then, write them down on a card and
keep it in your wallet. This will come in very handy somebody - believe me.
Watch your eyebrows! Get rid of unibrows! Pluck and shape your eyebrows if you need to. Visit
a salon if you need to. And get a tan! This will up your levels of attractiveness in no time -
definitely worth it!
Ensure that you trim your pubes, too. If you think bushes are gross, women think the same way.
The same goes for nose hair. Long nose hair is disgusting. In fact, it's probably on the same level
as bad breath.
Ensure that you have matching shoes and belts. Women tend to notice guys with matching belts
and shoes. Find this out for yourself..
If you have more layers on, your look will seem more put together. Try wearing a button-up shirt
under a sweater. Either way, layers are always great.
Nice shoes are vital. Shoes happen to be the very first thing that women see on men. On that
note, stay away from black dress shoes and go for brown ones instead.
What I personally love doing is dressing down clothing items that people see as formal. I love
wearing blue jeans and a blazer, for example. If you are formal and dressy, in general, though,
try buying something more casual and laid-back. Mix things up a bit.
Get an expensive haircut. Professional stylists can shape your hair, so that it fits your features
and facial structure - did you know that? After getting the cut, take several pictures from every
angle and have a cheaper place duplicate it next time. Simply show them the photos and it's all
Test out various colognes. Try each cologne out and find one that suits you best.
Think about it: how much time does a woman need to look good before going out? Women do
this, so you will think they look great. How much time do you take, though? Think about using
up more time to look good and women will take notice right away.
Do not brag about the efforts that you put in to look the way you do, though. It has to look
effortless. Also, brush any compliments off with a "thanks". Without a doubt, guys who are
naturally good-looking have no trouble here, but there's a thick line between looking good and
being good-looking. Looking good can actually suffice, so don't think that women only like real
Think about it: women out there date ugly guys all the time. This is because women are mostly
attracted to male behavior. If a man is an alpha male, he doesn't have to worry too much about
attracting women because he will.
CHAPTER 8: The Meet Up
The main rule here would be not to think of the whole thing as a date. Do not have an agenda
ready, either. All you're going to do is see an ex and see where things go. Things should progress
naturally and you shouldn't put any pressure on fooling around or doing anything sexual or
romantic together.
Basically, you have to keep going the way you've been going so far. Keep a happy and cheerful
vibe going and do not look depressed or angry. We have already talked about this before, so you
should know the point already.
Do not talk about what you're doing. Don't make hints or talk about getting back together. All
you have to do is be attractive and let her think about where your relationship is going. If you try
to pull her in and try to get a date out of her again, she will push you away. What you need is for
her to do the pulling and for her to chase you.
Avoid disagreements and arguments at all costs, too. Most of the time, this can be done by
avoiding talks about your relationship, in general. If she talks about it, that's alright. But you
should never bring up your relationship or past problems up. Don't blame her for anything,
either, since she will automatically defend herself if you do. Just be cool.
The C's
Conversation - During your meet-up, you need to be able to talk. Don’t do the predictable
“movie-and-dinner” date. Besides, since it isn't supposed to feel like a date, movies are definitely
out anyway.
Being able to talk is vital because it can help you build a new connection. Once you meet up, she
will probably want to fix the connection that you lost anyway, and bridge that new Zero Contact
Convenience - It has to be convenient on both ends, most of all on yours. Don't show that you're
willing to go out of the way to see her. That would only be a massive pull, so avoid that, no
matter what.
Cheapness - Do not spend a lot of money for it since this will be another huge pull. Paying says
"Date me again" in bold. Even though that is what you want, you shouldn't tell her this until she
talks about it first.
So, if you can't go to the movies, and a trip is inconvenient, and dinner is too expensive, what
should you do? Well, you can shop, have coffee, or watch a movie at her place or your place.
Whenever possible, make sure that you can have a great time together. If you can add some
adventure into the mix, that will really boost things up even more.
Platonic Vibes
Pay close heed to this, as this is extremely important. You need to use platonic vibes to rebuild
the attraction that you lost. This means that you have to hang out as friends (read: nothing
sexual). If she appears to be skeptical about meeting you, mention that the breakup was a
actually a good idea and you just want to be friends. If you agree that the breakup was fine, her
defenses will go down and she will no longer avoid meeting up with you.
Basically, you need to hang out as friends while being attractive and getting rid of any potential
negative traits you might have had before. Keep in mind that showing these traits is very
important because it will rebuild the attraction with her very fast.
Also keep in mind that your sole advantage lies with your old strong connection. After all, other
guys can't just get in there and build high connections and comfort levels with her. This would be
another reason why other guys shouldn't be threats to you.
The connection isn't what you lost; it's the attraction that you lost. Besides, if you agree that the
breakup was a good idea, things will look up for you. Try saying "I must admit you were right. It
was smart to break up. It would be sad if we had to say goodbye to being friends, though."
Be the Leader
Now that you know how attractive leaders are to women, you can have a general action plan
when you choose to meet up. Do not ask about what she would like to do, but pretend like you
already know what she would like to do. This doesn't mean that you need to plan out every single
detail, though. You simply need to know where to go and how you can get there. Be in the lead.
For instance, if she says you should meet up, says: "Okay, that sounds great. I have to get some
jeans at South Mall, though, so we can meet there. We'll have fun. Does that sound good to
you?" She'll probably agree and then you can tell her when you'll come to pick her up
(recommend a time that works for you). If she says that doesn't work because she's busy at that
time, recommend another until you find one that fits the two of you. Accommodate her, but not
too much. You need to act like you want to see her, but aren't desperate to.
Go get her, go to the mall, walk around a few stores, send some jokes her way and have fun. Talk
about positive, upbeat and fun things. Don't nag or talk about the past negatively. Simply put,
you shouldn't let her think about the horrible times you shared. If you can leave all of the bad
out, she will instantly concentrate on the good.
CHAPTER 9: Potent Blueprint of Step Seduction
Believe it - you only got lucky in getting a girlfriend and getting all the dates that led to a
relationship before because you presented yourself in the proper way. Yes, how you
subconsciously communicated every trait we have mentioned earlier really had a lot to do with it.
I will now teach you a very potent process of step seduction that will boost the attraction of your
ex toward you. One other benefit that comes with this is that it can work on any woman of your
choice. It doesn't even have to be an ex. Keep this in mind for every woman you might want to
date in the future!
Step One: The Teasing Art
Forget the things you believe about flirting. In a nutshell, flirting is teasing. This means that
every rule that once worked in kindergarten can be used again. After completing all of the steps
and getting the meet-up by showing what kind of a man you used to be (secure, confident, etc),
you can now lay down some tactics of attraction.
You need to show that you are a little cooler compared to her. This doesn't mean you should be
condescending, rude or ignorant, though - just a little bit cooler. This is the mentality you need to
have. See her as the dorky little sister you might have.
It would be great if you can give her a teasing nickname like nerd dweeb or dork muffinhead.
These are merely non-specific, generic nicknames, though. If possible, call her something like
polka dots if she likes wearing them. I personally always look for things that make girls stand out
- something unusual and unique that can be made fun of in a playful way. Don't confuse playful
teasing with insults, though.
Also, you should never overdo certain teases. Don't call her polka dots every five minutes. It
might be funny the first time, but start using it sparingly afterwards and look for other things to
make fun about.
You should basically poke fun at some mild insecurities of her or make her feel a little insecure
about things (like her haircut, shirt or shoes). The secret in doing this the right way would be to
ensure that the insecurities are really mild.
This tactic happens to work wonders if done the right way. It would be essential to realize that
you shouldn't pick out things she is really insecure about. If the woman is a bit on the big side,
don't say she's fat - no matter what! Your goal here should be not to insult her, but to show that
you're a playful and confident guy that likes to have some fun.
You can make fun of her hair, shoes or funky outfits - the choices are endless. Provided you
seem non-insulting, you will be safe. I see many guys mess up here by being too insulting. This
is why you need to keep a smile on that can show her how playful you're being.
Reverse SOI (Statement of Intent)
This refers to reversing your roles of sexual intent. Basically, you have to pretend like she's the
one hitting on you.
"So, polka dots, when are you going to take me out? I'm quite high maintenance, you know, so I
only expect to have dinner at great restaurants. Also, you have to buy the best foods and take me
there in a limo. :)"
"What type of guy do you see me as? I'm not going to bring you home and provide you with
earth-shattering orgasms and endless adventures for nothing, man. You need to buy me several
drinks first, dear! :)"
Drama is always great during female interactions. If a woman hits on me, I look shocked and say
"That hurts!" very loudly while shoving her playfully. If you overreact in a playful manner, you
will succeed.
Positive and Happy Energy
This is probably the most vital attraction tool out there. It isn't really a technique, but a mindset;
still, I think it is incredibly important in generating female attraction. In general, have a higher
energy level compared to her.
Ensure that you are in an upbeat and positive mood around gorgeous women and everybody
else, for that matter. Happiness happens to be an addictive trait. So, whenever I'm spending time
with a woman, I choose to concentrate on having a good time together before anything else. This
means that I ensure I have a blast because of the great time we're having. This will make her feel
the same way.
Mood transferring really is a true phenomenon. If you are around someone who is in a bad mood,
it will probably rub off onto you. This goes for positive energy, too. If she feels a lot of positive
energy whenever you are together, things will go well.
Having an upbeat and positive mindset will be extremely conductive of teasing and flirting. In a
nutshell, if you focus on having a good time, you will no longer need to concentrate on teasing
and flirting too much anymore because it will just come to you naturally.
Step Two: Kino
Kino refers to kinesthetics, or touching. It would be absolutely vital for her to be comfortable
with your touches early during your interactions.
Incidental Kino
Accidentally brushing her arms or legs. Touching her on the arms whenever you want to
emphasize something. Standing nearer to her while grazing your arm on hers. Sitting near her
with both of your legs grazing each other. Pretending to brush hair off her face. Pinching her
cheeks in a playful manner. Playfully pushing or shoving her.
Incidental kino is going to be easy because you're already comfortable with one another in a
physical manner (after all, you have had sex together). What I am going to highlight here,
though, is that you shouldn't stay away from her or things will eventually get awkward between
Think about some awkward dates you have been on in the past. I bet these occurred because no
incidental kino was present to establish any comfort. Touching power happens to be amazing!
Direct Kino
Straightforward hugs. Holding hands. Kisses. Arm-in-arm escorting. Tickling. Massages.
Step Three: Take Things Up a Notch
If you haven't made a mistake so far, then I no longer doubt that your ex-girlfriend will subtly
look for excuses in order to touch you and tease you. That would be a good sign!
By now, you will really he to watch her body language. As a rule, you shouldn't put more energy
to your interactions than she already does. You shouldn't work harder or show more affection
compared to her, either.
To find out how receptive she is being to your teases, check whether she begins to hit you ever
so slightly while giggling. If these reactions are very obvious from her, you're definitely in!
The next sign you should look for would be the tranquilizing gaze. This basically means that she
is staring at your lips while pouting or licking hers. If she ends up doing this, she is saying she
wants you to kiss her.
Usually, when I'm hanging out with a girl, I will slowly boost the kino during the interaction.
Naturally, I will begin small by pinching her cheeks or shoving her in a playful manner when she
acts stupid (I might even call her dorky while I'm at it).
I won't stop until I get her onto my bed or my couch or until I get to tickle or massage her (direct
kino). Once a girl lets you tickle her and when she laughs and has a good time, you can go in for
the kiss without being scared of rejection. After tickling, I have never experienced rejection.
Also, if you choose to massage her, you know you can kiss her if she tilts her head slightly to the
side. See, women are constantly indirect. This means that they expect guys to understand subtle
cues. The truth is, though, we guys never pick those cues up.
Instead of jumping straight to kiss, I also prefer to breathe into her ear, nibble on it, and smell her
hair. If you can get somehow get away with these things, all you have to wait for is the head tilt
before you can kiss her.
Most of the time, you may come to find that your ex will initiate the kiss. All you have to do is
pump her up with some playful kino and teasing. Note: if you are at her house instead of yours,
spray some of your cologne onto her bedroom pillow or bathroom towel (without getting
caught). Naturally, you should only spray a little of it - any more might arouse suspicion. Your
scent will keep reminding her of you and make her miss you. Women happen to find smells very
CHAPTER 10: A Case Study
My friend Ryan was quite sad when he and his girl broke up. They were together for months
before that, so it really hit him hard, even if he was sort of expecting it.
As with the majority of guys out there, Ryan knew something was wrong, though he didn't really
know how to fix things or why things were wrong to begin with. He was literally totally lost. He
didn't even approach me until things ended and they were already broken up.
I had heard the same story tons of times in the past. His girl slowly lost interest in him and
wouldn't call him. Her voice sounded different and she started to get annoyed by small things
and find his jokes lame. All in all, Ryan felt horrible about himself and his self-confidence got
shot to pieces.
He finally ran to me for advice because his confidence was messed up. He explained everything
as needed, so I could find the cause for the breakup. I already knew that there was more to it than
"wanting space". And, as suspected, Ryan had developed an approval-seeking and needy
mindset, causing his girlfriend to lose attraction for him.
To begin with, he put a lot of effort in the relationship. When they started dating, Ryan said that
she was running after him. Ryan had the power and was the leader. Somewhere down the road,
however, a shift occurred in the female/male polarity. His girlfriend started assuming the
dominant role and Ryan turned all the more submissive.
I told Ryan this was natural since women are hard-coded to test their men by pushing their
relationship boundaries. She didn't really have any conscious control over the situation and just
had to do it.
What Ryan should've done, though, was keep his dominance without giving in to her behavior,
no matter what. He had to put his feet down and show her from the start that he wouldn't allow
her to disrespect him.
Sadly, he didn't do this. Instead, he ended up giving in to her every unreasonable demand and
slowly started to prioritize her needs over his own. To women, this would be an example of weak
behavior, causing them to lose interest fast because they are in control of their relationship. By
now, she didn't want to have sex or share any intimate encounters with him. Common stuff that I
always hear, to be honest.
See, once a guy turns into a beta male, the woman will lose interest, stop sleeping with him and
either cheat on him or break up with him in order to find a more suitable alpha male. I know
Ryan personally and I know that, in the beginning, he was a real alpha male. It saddens me to see
such a change in him. To be completely honest, I had to admit this to him and hurt his feelings in
the process. I knew it would do him well, after all.
The more he thought things through, Ryan realized that he was turning more insecure by the
minute. He would get mad at his girl whenever she spoke to other guys, ask about her
whereabouts all the time, ask about the people she was with and just be overly protective, in
Then, the difficult part came. How could he change things? How could he attract her once again?
I said this wasn't difficult at all. He merely had to stop calling her and wait for her to get in touch
with him. He had to re-establish the connection with his attractive and masculine side and work
on his self-confidence again, so he could feel safe in his own skin.
The first thing he did was take all of her things and place them inside a box. At first, he wanted
to hide that box under his bed, but instead I took the box and hid it myself. By doing that, I made
sure that he couldn't get drunk and look through the things and call her, crying. That would've
been horrible. The box was hidden in my house instead, then.
Then, I took Ryan to the mall. He was quite a good dresser but that wasn't my point. He needed
to feel fresh and new. Fortunately, new clothes make people feel more confident, most of all if
the clothes look great. As for the gym, I got him to join one. It turns out he just needed an excuse
to work out. The bad news is: he didn't want to do things alone, so I ended up joining a gym with
That same night, we called some friends up for a night out. I admit I liked having Ryan back in
the singles game because I missed the good old days of us partying. I knew he was acting more
positive now; he probably missed it, too.
I invited several girl friends out, too, so Ryan could practice flirting again. One of them ended up
liking him a lot and they set up a date. Great.
You can just imagine how happy Ryan was about all of this. His self-confidence went through
the roof, though he knew he needed to look confident in front of his ex. We went out again the
following night and I brought my camera to take pictures with. Since Ryan's ex has a Facebook, I
posted them all onto his account. Some of the pictures had the new girl sitting on his lap and I'm
sure this made his ex pretty jealous.
I was right. Around ten days after starting the Zero Contact rule, his ex ended up caving in. She
called and acted innocent, asking how he was. Ryan didn't brag or anything, though. He brushed
the question off and just said he was busy with the guys. When she asked to hang out, he agreed.
"Why not?" he asked. "I need some new jeans, so you can help me pick out a pair."
Good boy, Ryan. He said the right thing and she agreed in seemingly an instant. He saw her the
next day with a plan in mind. They went through the mall looking for jeans, laughing and having
a good time. Everything went smoothly. Ryan never got upset or angry and never talked about
their past relationship. They hung out like close friends and that's it.
After leaving the mall, she asked what he wanted to do next and Ryan instantly said, "I'm quite
hungry. Want to eat?" She agreed and they went for pizza.
Now, Ryan didn't offer up a lot of details on what happened afterwards, but they did end up at
his place - that's all you need to know. Things worked out in the end and they're still together
now, thanks to Ryan realizing that he had to be a man and take the lead in their relationship.
Ever since Ryan's breakup, I have come up with a lot of other tactics. So put on your thinking
cap, so you can use them to your full advantage.
CHAPTER 11: Makeup Sex
The majority of guys out there don't want tips on getting better in bed, I know, but I really
couldn't leave this out. Forget your ego for now and read this because I have some strong tricks
and tips on how to get and give more pleasure in bed overall.
I have always believed that women really love sex. You might have had an ex manipulate you
with it before or one who only slept with you if you acted nicely. Well, I think that's bullshit.
You need to be the leader when it comes to lovemaking; and if you are great in the sack, you will
be able to take the lead - always.
Did you know that female orgasms are far more powerful than those of men? Are you jealous? I
know I am. That's great news either way, though, because if you can give her mind-numbing
orgasms repeatedly, you can get se anytime you want it and she will keep asking for more, too.
This is the primary thing that you have to bring to the bedroom. Women like men who can take
charge in bed (and everywhere else, really). Women like it when men tell them what to do, and
when and how to do it, so try to dominate her physically by moving her into sexual positions that
you want to try out. Also, tell her whenever she does something good.
Grunt or moan whenever you like her moves. Give her some dirty talk, too. Several women
actually love acting like animals. This is why animalistic sex really turns on the ladies.
The Most Powerful Bedroom Tool Ever
Your voice - more specifically, how you show dominance and what you say - happens to be the
number one tool in bed. Yes, you got that right. Use your voice a lot by telling her what to do,
what you will do and say naughty things while you're at it.
The majority of guys out there aren't very noisy in bed. They only wheeze and groan until the
end. That's bad. You're better than that, aren't you?
My very first girlfriend absolutely loved the animalistic side of me in bed. The more dirty talk I
sent her way, the wilder she became, sending us both into multi-orgasmic heaven.
I would call her naughty, and even get her all slutty and wet. Sure, it took courage in the
beginning, but she loved every raunchy line I sent her way - every single time.
I think dirty talk is mentally stimulating and therefore very powerful. Men may get more aroused
by the visual, but women love the feel, sound and touch of everything. Women actually like
feeling slutty during sex, too. Sadly, the majority of guys out there are too shy or have limiting
beliefs that they don't even try this out.
Many guys are worried that their girlfriend will get insulted by dirty talk. First and foremost,
women like dirty talk in bed. Keep that in mind. Second of all, you should ease into it. Start by
saying several small dirty things and check how she reacts. I bet she'll love it. Use dirty talk to
build up your confident until you can get words out of your mouth that will really slut her up.
CHAPTER 12: Preventing Breakups Before They Actually Happen
Most guys who read this will have gone through breakups already. However, some of you might
buy this while merely anticipating one. Either way, all the readers of this eBook are sure to
benefit from it some way.
The power behind this tactic is sure to come in handy in the future. Knowing exactly what to do
about a breakup will definitely take a weight off of you. Now, let me begin by stating that this
tactic isn't always effective. Nothing really is, for that matter; and if anybody claims to know
everything, they're only trying to sell something or they're lying - the end.
The Tactic
Preventing breakups as they happen is actually quite easy. Everybody can feel when a woman is
losing love interest in a man. They stop looking at that man with loving eyes. They start fights
for no reason. They stop having sex. Everyone has gone through some form of it, anyway.
Everything culminates until "the talk". The woman will usually begin by saying something glide
"We have to talk" or she might just break up with the guy spontaneously after a planned-out
fight, using it to justify the actual breakup.
The trick is extremely counterintuitive (again). The key is that you have to agree with what she
decides to do. If you see a breakup coming, tell her to say goodbye yourself. It's scary, yes, but it
has to be done. See, women respect and love men who don't mind walking away if a lack of
integrity appears. The same thing works for these situations.
If a woman thinks you don't mind breaking up with her, you will be able to keep your place of
integrity. The majority of men tend to react by pleading, begging and crying, and trust me when I
say this kind of behavior really doesn't help in flicking any attraction switches.
Here are several examples of things you can say right before she breaks up with you: "Daisy,
you're great. You really make me happy, but I feel like I'm not right for you. Perhaps you should
just break up with me, if your heart is telling you to."
Or, if she is blatantly telling you she wants a breakup: "I think you're right. You need to follow
your heart. If I'm not right for you, I'm not right for you. It's obvious that I like you, but this is
how life works. It sucks, but I accept it."
Do not seem hateful or bitter as you say these things, though. Do not act like you couldn't care
less or act aloof, either. Just be lighthearted and think about how great she is, but that you'll
survive without her. Remember that life goes on.
It would be essential not to initiate the breakup. Although it may seem right to do so, you will
have to run after her and talk to her first afterwards. Zero Contact is essential, but won't be
effective if you dump her because the dynamic will change completely.
This is why you have to tell her nicely that she should break up with you; it's highly effective.
Keep the script going and everything will be alright. However, try to see what the underlying
reason and meaning is behind those words. You basically have to tell her she's great and that you
like her, but that it's okay for things to end if her heart tells her so. No hard feelings. The
dynamic will throw her off completely because it isn't even in the vicinity of what she expects
you to say or do.
If She Agrees to the Breakup Anyway
I need to warn you that she might agree and break up with you anyway. She might be hesitant yet
still do it. Do not panic if this is the case. It's alright.
At least you have saved your self-respect and dignity, right? Even if she breaks up with you, you
can be sure that your reaction will confuse and shake her anyway. Match this tactic with Zero
Contact and you will definitely win her back. Add some jealousy plot lines into the mix and it
will work for you for sure.
More Preventative Measures
If you can see a breakup up ahead, get the adrenaline going. This means you have to plan
adventures and have a lot of fun together. Adrenaline can help you reconnect fast.
This solution isn't permanent, though. If the problem's root doesn't get solved, things will only
get delayed. By reading this manual, you can understand female attraction more clearly and see
how different things actually are. You will also get specific advice on your behavior.
Here are several adventurous ideas: go for a trip to an exotic location. New surroundings will be
fresh and exciting, giving you a good chance to spark the lost attraction again by showing the
characteristics of an attractive man. Go to an amusement park. Nothing can get the adrenaline
pumping faster than that. Climb rock. Go to the arcade or play laser tag. Break your routine.
After all, by breaking your routine of the past few years or months, you can give yourself a new
Finally, if you believe you need extra help in getting your ex-girlfriend back, then email me (my
email address is below). I’ll be happy to hear from you, and I will personally address your
specific problems and situations.
I know it’s tough going through a breakup by yourself… but with me as your coach helping you
going through this, things will most probably work out in your favor.
All the best to you, and good luck!
Ron Steven

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Date your ex again guide

  • 1. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE “ReSeduction™” By Ron Steven Copyright © 2011 Ron Steven Consulting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. COPYRIGHT NOTICE. You do not have permission to reproduce or transmit this publication by any means – including emailing, recording and photocopying. This copy is illegal if obtained elsewhere apart from or at any other websites which have received written consent from the publisher to distribute this publication. This is NOT a free report.
  • 2. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 1: Female Attraction Do you want to find out why your girlfriend really called it quits? Do you want to learn the ultimate secret that women have been hiding all these years? Well, now is the time to get excited because the majority of men out there will never learn these things in their lifetimes. First of all, you need to admit that your ex was never attracted to you just because of sheer luck. Her attraction could be attributed to some strong physiological elements. See, attraction is never a conscious thing for women, or even men. Your ex was attracted to your behavior and eventually lost interest based on your behavior, as well. As with the majority of men out there, you must have stopped showing certain traits that she was once so attracted to. It's that simple. Although men are usually attracted to the physical aspects of a woman, women are usually more attracted to the behavior of a man. Men show off certain traits that women find incredibly attractive and you must have unknowingly shown off some of those traits to attract the girl. However, as the relationship progressed, you probably lost a lot of those traits and took in some undesirable ones in their place. "Eureka!" Well, you are about to learn some things with broader implications as opposed to just winning your ex-girlfriend back. With these things, you will get to influence all of the female attraction that you want - consciously! I would say that a lot of men out there do not know how they should behave when it comes to attracting women, so you are soon going to be a part of the elite numbers. The "Seduction On Steroids” system will give you a much closer look on this subject. If you don't read it, your chances of winning your ex back will decrease and you will have more trouble keeping her the second time around if you do win her back. Unattractive Behavior Let us talk about unattractive behavior first. This would refer to the types of behavior that you started to show during your relationship's course - the main reason why you got dumped, even if she pretended it was something completely different. In most cases, women don't know why they
  • 3. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE lose interest in their significant others. It simply happens without them consciously knowing the reasons behind it. Fortunately, I know those reasons. Insecurity This happens to be the number one attraction killer with women. Women simply hate insecure men as much as men hate women like Rosie O'Donnell. And that's no joke! Insecurity can manifest itself in a low of ways, the majority of which we will talk about later. Jealousy Jealous boyfriends are just as unattractive. Jealousy and insecurity actually kind of go hand-in- hand. Jealousy says "Other men are threatening because I know you deserve better than me." Women don't find men who are constantly jealous attractive because jealousy shows weakness. Jealous guys tend to ask their girls who they're hanging out with and get angry whenever their girls talk to other guys and hang out with them. They usually make fun of their girls' male friends just so they can look "cool", too. But the truth is: this kind of behavior will only make them look incredibly insecure. This is why you have to take in an attitude that says "other guys only make me look better" and let her talk to anybody she wants. After everything, you will end up looking better if you do this. Controlling Behavior Controlling your girl and pretending she's got your handcuffs on all the time will only show more insecurity. A lot of men forbid their girlfriends to chill with their friends, whether male or female. Well, men are usually only controlling when they feel like they aren't worthy of their girlfriends. They think they need to control them so they won't leave. Ironically, if you close your fist tighter around her, she will slip away from you faster. Human nature makes us rebel against things that try to control us. Just think back on your childhood and how fun it was to rebel against your parents' limitations.
  • 4. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE No Value and Pedestaling Women want men who value both of the people in the relationship equally. Once you place your girlfriend on a pedestal and prioritize her needs over yours, she will lose interest and respect for you and look for someone who values himself the same amount as her instead. I constantly see insecure and needy guys like this. They only like whatever their girl likes and do whatever their girl does. Basically, they put their girl on this pedestal which says "You are of more value to me than me." That's not attractive, dude. Women want men who value both of the people in the relationship equally. No exceptions. Do you ever wonder why so many women fall for the jerks? Well, women like how much value those guys put on themselves. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be a jerk. You simply need to be more positive about yourself. Approval-Seeking Asking your girl for approval all the time is another insecure type of behavior. Being validation- driven on the outside is probably the hallmark of low self-esteem and insecurity, for that matter. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Do you like me? Is my penis big? Can you rate me? Are you having a good time? Is this shirt okay? Am I good in bed? I could keep the list going, but that would be completely unnecessary. What you need to do is understand what approval-seeking is and decide whether you were like that during your relationship. Clinginess It is never good to spend all of your time together. Diamonds are only valuable because of how rare they are. If you could leave home and pick up diamonds off the street, nobody would start paying for it, right? As common sense as that might be, the majority of people won't imply this socially. However, this actually applies perfectly to people. Try to consider if you have been clingy in your relationship, especially right before you got dumped.
  • 5. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE Dominance Although there are certain types of male behavior that repel the opposite sex, there are also several dominant traits which can attract them like bees to honey. The mere fact that you're reading this already tells me several things about you: Women find you attractive. Ever since you got a girl, you have become dominant, otherwise you would never have been able to keep a long term relationship to begin with. This makes everything so much easier. You can also take charge and fix your life's mistakes. Just the mere fact that you bought this eBook tells me how many attractive traits yo possess. Here are the dominant traits that can attract women: Leadership Actively leading and planning things out is of the utmost essence. Did your girlfriend ever ask you what you should do for the night? Did you ever say, "I don't know. You?" to that? Well, there happens to be a big problem with that: it showed that you don't have any leadership traits in your blood. Remember: by nature, women are attracted to certain kinds of men. Their DNA made them that way. Each time you don't have plans, she loses a little bit of attraction for you. See, your role says that you have to lead and she has to follow. Embrace that role. Confidence Everybody knows that women are attracted to jerks somehow. Well, you can thank confidence for that. Do keep in mind, however, that they aren't attracted to the jerk per se, but to the traits that he shows. Confidence would be one of them. Try not to confuse confidence and arrogance, though. Arrogance is fake, transparent and obvious and women can smell that from miles away. It won't be enough to fake confidence; you have to be confident.
  • 6. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE Self-Assurance Women don't want doormats. You have to be sure of your personal beliefs and opinions. I see many guys who compromise their personal values, just so their girlfriends will love them more. This means that they change their music taste, fashion sense, etc. Well, guess what? Women don't want puppies; they want men with personal beliefs, opinions and values. Purpose Men driven by purpose happen to be incredibly powerful at switching attraction as much as they want. Although men don't really care if women are ambitious and won't get turned off if they are (as a matter of fact, it will just turn us off or threaten us, if anything), women are the exact opposite when it comics to men. So, what exactly is a purpose, you ask? Well, it definitely has nothing to do with going to work every day, coming back home, playing some video games, eating and sleeping. Boring routines are actually anti-purpose. Here are several things that may give your life some purpose: working towards financial freedom, working out to get ripped or lose weight, focusing on getting record deals, recording an album, pursuing a sport, or pursuing something that makes you excited or passionate. Men that are flailing in life without a reason or purpose aren't attractive, most of all if your girlfriend was your sole purpose. If this happens, you are sure to see a breakup coming your way. Women don't want boyfriends who only want to please them. That's a turn-off - remember that. Female/Male Polarity Men today seem to be missing that special something that we once had. Men are slowly getting more feminine and women are getting more masculine. Well, women are programmed to look for dominant men and you have to accept this. No matter how far society has gone or how self-aware people have become, an animal instinct will always drive us along. This means that women are always going to find dominant and
  • 7. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE masculine men attractive. Always. Women don't want to have power (I can already hear Oprah crying now). Regardless of what they may say or the amount of feminists taking over our world, that is the truth. This might seem sexist at first, but it is true. Women don't want to control the relationship and call every shot. They want men to take charge. Right now, who has the power? Your ex. Why? Because she cares less. She isn't reading an eBook to win you back, is she? Accept that fact and accept that it's okay. You have to understand that, so you can work on certain tactics to change things around. Before and After Think about the man you once were and the person you are now. When you started dating that girl, you were probably flirtatious, confident and playful. You had the power and felt secure. But if you're like all the other guys out there, you probably started changing. You probably started acting more controlling, weak, jealous and needy on a gradual basis and the polarity began to change. Your girlfriend became more dominant and you become more and more submissive. This is when her pre-programming must have kicked in and when she started losing attraction for you. It's kind of like when women get fat and then call their boyfriends shallow for dumping them. It's not that he was shallow; it's just that his pre-programming started to kick in and made him lose attraction. Guys are genetically made to look for certain kinds of shape: a certain hip-to-waist ratio and facial symmetry, for example. The same goes for women and the insecure men of today. Insecure men to them are like fat women to us. They aren't attractive. It's like you get fat on security and your girlfriend leaves you or it.
  • 8. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 2: Zero Contact Does the name of this chapter scare you? Well, if that is the case, you need to pay very close attention now. I won't sugarcoat anything or tiptoe around the point, so let me just say it: do not be the first to talk to your ex for at least a month - no exceptions. You should never make the first move here; she needs to be the one to start things up. This can be blamed on a physiological and scientific basis, which I will tell you about in a bit. I swear this will make you shout "eureka!" Why is it important not to be the one to start contact here? This "zero contact" rule can accomplish several things: it will stop you from acting insecure and needy around your ex (as mentioned before, insecurity and neediness will kill female attraction); it will instill an overall fear of loss in her (zero contact will push her farther away; she will wonder why this is the case and will intrigue her); and it will give you the chance to learn as much as you can. See, regardless of how much you try or what you do, you will show your ex-girlfriend neediness and insecurity - especially in the beginning. Even more than men, women are very good at reading non-verbal feelings. Therefore, even without verbally saying that you miss her and would like to win her back and are hurting deep inside, she'll end up knowing that because of your actions. This isn't BS; body language really is powerful. A lot of the things in this eBook talk about getting rid of neediness and insecurity, and will give you various gimmicks and tricks that you can use to look less needy and insecure. No matter how terrible you may feel inside, I will make you look completely fine. Stop Being the Emotional Tampon Post-breakup, women tend to use their exes to get over them and heal. So, if you do not contact her and make it a point to be in her life only rarely, you can force her into self-healing. Don't be there to be sensitive or for support, and force her to face reality on her own and to feel lonely. By doing this, she won't be able to ease out of the relationship with you around. Your instincts might say that emotionally supporting her and being there for her will bring you
  • 9. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE back together, but this isn't true. In essence, she will only leech off you without meaning to. You can look at her as an emotional vampire here - sucking out your happiness and exchanging jealousy, shame and hurt for it. If She Gets in Touch with You It is highly likely that, after a few days, your ex will try to get in touch with you first - if you follow the earlier plan as outlined, that is. This would be especially true, though, if she begins to feel a huge fear of loss and starts to value you again. By nature, she will end up reaching out and getting in touch with you. This would be a great sign and, although not really necessary, it will definitely make things easier later on. The first rule here would be not to be rude or angry, or act depressed in her presence. If she visits you at the office or calls you up, act cheerful and happy. This will show her how high your value is and make her wonder why you aren't feeling rotten and miserable. This will make her intrigued and feel a stronger fear of loss since you will seem like you have already moved on. If she ends up getting in touch with you, make some small talk about anything and let her be the leader conversation-wise. Act happy and cheerful and never seem desperate to speak to her. Make sure you be the first one to end your conversation over the phone after a few minutes. Be very polite as you do this and never sound bitter. Also, take some time off before calling her back. Never seem eager and ensure that you wait several days before making your move. If you end up running into her somewhere, make some small talk for several minutes and say something like, "Hey, it was great to talk to you, but I have some things to do." Be cheerful as you say this, too, as this will demonstrate ultimate security. Remember: this "zero contact" rule does not mean that your ex cannot get in touch with you. It would be good if she gets in contact first, but that is the only acceptable bit about it. The essential thing to keep in mind is that you should never be the first one to contact her, no matter what. Basically, what you shouldn't do is act angry, sad, depressed and rude. You should also stop treating her like shit. Stop bragging about the amount of women you are currently dating or
  • 10. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE sleeping, as well, since she will only think you're lying anyway. On that note, don't ask about her dating or sex life, either. Also, try not to talk about your past relationship with her or beg her for another chance. It is highly likely that within the next several weeks, she will get in touch with you. As a matter of fact, a lot of my students have succeeded with my Zero Contact principle because it made their exes realize their overall value. After all, it isn't possible to value something if it is always there. Again, it is of the utmost essence to act quite calm, collected, cheerful and cool when she gets in touch with you. Do not act depressed - the end. Let your conversation go on and just talk about various positive things that aren't related to your relationship at all. Make her talk more and make her lead with each conversation. If she starts talking about your relationship, it's alright to join in on the discussion. Just make sure that you aren't the one to bring it up and you will be fine. To be honest, I can't really count the amount of times I have met guys who went through with this Zero Contact rule and had exes call them a few weeks later, wanting to give their relationships another try. They simply sat around and waited for their exes to get in touch with them - believe it. Three Weeks is the Loneliness Peak The so-called "loneliness peak" happens after around a month. This is when she will be at her loneliest and most vulnerable. Because of this, it will take a lot of effort for her not to get in touch with you. In the majority of cases, if you stick to this plan, she'll end up getting in touch with you. If this isn't the case, that's still okay. After that first month, it will be extremely effective if you get in touch with her since, because of her loneliness, she will be thinking highly of you and the good memories you shared. The power balance will then turn around and she will look insecure instead of you. If She Doesn't Get in Touch Because the loneliness peak appears at around a month, it will be safe for you to get in touch around then. In most cases, she will get in touch with you first, but if she doesn't, I would advise
  • 11. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE you to wait at least four weeks. Naturally, this will truly depend on how insecure and needy you acted before you broke up. In more severe cases, it would be smarter to wait a bit longer. If you have no choice but to get in touch first, talk to her like you would with an old friend. I need to remind you again that you shouldn't show any hints of neediness, desperation or depression whatsoever as you do this. Instead, you need to seem absolutely fine after your breakup and act as if you think the breakup was a good idea overall. In fact, after getting in touch with her, I would advise you to say that you thought the breakup was a good idea and that you shouldn't throw away your friendship because of this. Say something like, "I think you were right all along. The breakup was a good idea. It would be sad to throw our friendship away because of this, though. So how about getting some coffee sometime, buddy? We can become better friends that way. No hard feelings." It would be extremely vital for you to keep a platonic and friendly feel to it as you say it, though. This is important because you have to instill fear of loss inside her. Keep in mind that people tend to value things they don't have. So, no matter who makes contact with the other first, you will have to use friendship as a way to get in there and present a new, less needy and more confident version of you to the world. In other words, you have to use your friend-position to build up attraction once again. Several Potential Objections So, what should you do if you simply can't not contact her? What if you work together, have a child together or live together? What should you do in those situations? Well, everything depends on your behavior during those circumstances. Since you don't want to look childish or insecure by acting jealous and angry or ignoring her altogether, you can keep your contact to a bare minimum at best. If you currently live with her, make sure that you leave to meet your friends often. Do not bring women back to get the jealousy flaring, though, because this will definitely hurt any chances you might have of winning her back. What she'll end up doing is bringing some guy back and the cycle will simply turn into a vicious one. Avoid that at all costs.
  • 12. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE What you want to do instead is get your ex-girlfriend to start up most of your conversations. You don't want to ignore her since this will make you look insecure. You have to act cheerful and happy instead, as if you are alright with you breaking up and that you have already moved on. Make her lead each conversation and work more during those conversations. Again, never ignore her and let her work more all the time.
  • 13. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 3: The Push/Pull Technique The push/pull technique revolves around wanting what we can't have. Admit it: people of both genders tend to pursue things that retreat the other way. As a matter of fact, one primary reason why you want to get your ex-girlfriend back is because she has rejected you. Because you don't have her anymore, it is driving you crazy. Well, it would really drive anyone crazy. That's how human nature works. See, people interact in only two ways: we push someone away or pull them to us. Pulling means you are showing interest, while pushing means you are showing disinterest. Whenever a woman pushes us farther away, we respond by trying to pull her back in, right? Well, this is because the fear of loss has been created and, by nature, we want to get rid of that fear and re-fill that gap. This holds most true in romantic relationships between men and women. Pushing can refer to anything from phrases like "I just need space" and "You annoy me" to a straightforward breakup. Basically, it refers to anything that she might do or say to show indifference or disinterest toward you. Right now, your instincts might tell you to pull her back in when you should actually push her away. Unfortunately, pulling her in will pressure her and, in turn, force her to send you away. If you show her that she can have what she wants, she will not want it anymore. Plus, it will destroy any sexual tension that exists between you two. I have already shown you one highly powerful tactic, which harnesses the Push/Pull Technique. If you do not get in touch with your ex first, she will start to wonder whether you've already moved on or not. She'll probably begin to reminisce about your good times together, as well, and want those good times back. Keep in mind that after a month, she will be at the peak of loneliness. It would also be vital to realize that it is possible to pull and push far too much; sexual tension only occurs whenever you mix the two together. A lot of the time, you will hear women call this "mixed signals". They might talk about a guy sending them mixed signals and them, in turn, wanting those guys even more, for example.
  • 14. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE The secret to an effective push/pull would be to find the perfect balance. Push her a little bit and pull her in again. Then push her some more and pull again. Now, I happen to be an expert pickup artist and because of this, I am now a master of push/pull. All you want to do is get an ex back, though, so you shouldn't think about things too much. All you have to do is ensure that you understand that a lot of pulling or pushing would be bad. You need to show interest and disinterest all at the same time. Keep repeating this.
  • 15. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 4: Let Go Your inner mindset is incredibly vital when using the ReSeduction System, so you have to get rid of any insecurity if you want it to work. If you really want to win your ex back, following the plan is going to be easy. The next part, however, will be incredibly counterintuitive. Still, I assure you that the whole thing is based on a psychology with deep roots. Accept the fact that it is over and start to move on. Yes, that's right. You have to let your ex go before you try to win her back. How counterintuitive is that? You have to keep in mind that an insecure, needy guy will repel women, if anything, so really letting her go will significantly increase your changes of winning her back, just because it eliminates any behavior that seeks approval from her. Here are several tips that shouldn't be ignored. Follow them to prove you are a real man. Step One: Get some paper, write your ex's contact details on it and place it somewhere where it is hard to see. Step Two: Get rid of any contact mode and memory that you share with her. Get rid of her phone number, her MSN name, Skype and AIM name from any of your instant messengers. Trash all her previous emails - without reading them! - as well. Your only exception here should be MySpace and Facebook. If you do not have accounts on those websites, don't worry. But if you do, keep her on your friend's list without viewing her profile. This has to be stressed. Do not view her profile! Again: get rid of any contact modes - phone number, emails and IMs. Get rid of any digital photos and everything else that could stir memories of her within you, as well. Never view her profiles online. Step Three: collect any physical reminders you might have of your ex. This would include teddy bears, posters, cards, clothes, pictures and watches - anything physical! Collect all of it into a box and make sure the box is safely hidden and hard to find. You can put the box into your basement or give it to a friend for safekeeping. Under the bed is not enough. Step Four: Think of other girls. Fantasize about these other girls, too. Never let your mind stray and never start thinking about your ex-girlfriend in a sexual manner. Whenever you do end up thinking about her, force fantasies of more gorgeous women into your head. It would also be
  • 16. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE helpful to think about other pleasurable things in these cases, like a heap of money. Realize that fantasizing about her will not help in comforting you or easing your pain. It will simply make you feel the complete opposite and this is why you have to force yourself to say goodbye. In another two weeks, the pain will significantly get lower. Step Five: Focus solely on your ex's negative aspects. During a breakup, there will be something known as selective memory present. You will only end up thinking about the great times you have had with her together and how happy the relationship was. Your ex will start to become a kind of drug, which you will try to withdraw from. Things will get hard, but you really need to concentrate on the negative things now.
  • 17. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 5: Getting Your Own Life Back Things will start to get interesting from here on out. By getting back to your life, you can show your ex that you no longer need her. Keep in mind that women don't want men who desperately need them. They want independent men who have their own sense of reality. instead This is why you have to hold the key to that. By actively showing her that you have healed and moved on, you can start to turn on a lot of attraction switches - the same dominant trait switches that got her attention to begin with. It would be your job to show her that those traits still exist within you. Begin Dating Other People This is definitely my favorite tactic in the world of really moving on. There is no need to take any of these dates seriously, but they are sure to give you a huge ego and confidence boost that will help get rid of any underlying neediness and insecurity you might still have. I realize that dating is probably the last thing on your mind right now, but you need to force yourself into this. Yes, you need to look for other dateable women. This must sound extremely counterintuitive to you, too, so let me explain: Going out with other women will build up your confidence (a trait that women love) while shedding any insecurities you might still have at the same time. Plus, when your ex hears about it, she will feel a fear of loss and she wills subconsciously think, "Wow, he replaced me so quickly. He must be more valuable than I thought." Having said that, go ask that accounting cutie out on a date or even that hottie at your favorite coffee place. You will seriously be happy that you did afterwards. This advice may sound "feel good" to you, but there really are thousands of hot and dateable women in this day and age. Right now, you're extremely emotional and probably aren't thinking logically at all. However, you are attractive, so it won't be too hard for you to find other dates if you set your mind to it. Now, if everything else fails, i.e. you can't get any dates within two weeks, then it is alright to fake things. If you want, you can start things off with the faking until you score some actual dates. The essential thing would be to try and get several real dates, though, and ensure that your
  • 18. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE ex hears about them somehow. This will do wonders for that low self-esteem of yours - trust me. Tactics to Ensure that She Hears about Them Hang Out IMs You probably use an instant messenger like AIM or MSN. Usually, the display name will tell people what you are doing. For instance: "Henry - Out with Phil Tonight. Text me." Actually, this is quite common where I'm from. If you score a date (try not to be picky as you try to), ensure that you mention who you're out with on your personal IM display name. For instance: "Henry - Be back later. Out with Anna." See that? We just created a jealousy plot line, which can increase your value and create a fear of loss in your ex at the same time. If you aren't able to get dates, fake things as needed. Invent a random name and type "Out with Jenny" or whatever. No matter what, don't make it seem like the jealousy is intentional, though. This will only make things end in disaster. You have to show that you have moved on and that you are dating other women, but she can't know that you're playing her so you can win her back eventually. Allude to Her Own Friends There are high chances that you still talk to someone your ex still sees regularly. Casually talk to them and ask what their weekend plans are. After they tell you, they will probably ask the same thing. After they ask, say you're chilling with Jenny, some girl you met recently. Then change the subject really fast! Don't directly go for a statement like "Yeah, I have a date tonight" since you'll only end up looking like the loser who's trying to get his ex jealous. Make it seem like you don't want them to find out about the date and that it only slipped out. Social Website Flirting Nowadays, everybody is on Facebook or MySpace. If you don't have one, though, ignore this
  • 19. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE part. If you are on one of these websites, however, take the chance to flirt on the network a little bit. Just talk to other women and send them messages. What is great about Facebook and MySpace is that there are public message boards that everybody on your list will be able to read - including your ex - and trust me, she will definitely view your profile to find out how you are, most of all if you haven't gotten in touch with her yet. Again, a jealousy plot line will be created here. Your ex will see that other women find you attractive and feel a fear of loss. Although she is the one who initiated the breakup, she still likes to feel like she owns you. She used to have you for herself, too, so when other women start flirting with you in public, she will get jealous and see how horrible her decision was to break up with you. Social Website Faking You can step things up a bit and register a new account with a fake woman's name. Place a fake photo up of an attractive girl and make sure that the photo doesn't look fake. If it is an ultra gorgeous girl or a celebrity, forget about looking genuine. To get the best effect out of this, choose a woman who is only a little bit prettier than your ex. Make sure you set that fake profile to private, as well. This is incredibly important. Setting it to private will make sure that no one can really see it. After all, you will seem like a loser if your ex sees a fake profile that is clearly made to get her jealous. Next, make several posts to your actual account from that fake account with things like "awesome movie - we should go see another one" or "wow, you're funny - you free this weekend?" You basically have to make it sound like you're seeing someone pretty. Don't post sexual things like "your cock is huge" or anything lame like that, though. Keep things subtle and ensure that you change how you type. If you abbreviate words all the time, use certain slang and spell things properly so you don't give things away for a change. Pay close heed to how you type, so you can ensure that it is very different from the fake account. Keep in mind that these tactics aren't actually necessary, though. I only recommend them since they can make your ex be afraid of really losing you and knock her straight back to reality.
  • 20. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE She'll be so overcome by jealousy if you play your cards right. After all, you will show higher value and build up your own self-esteem and self-confidence. The main advantage here will come from actual dates, though, since your self-esteem will really skyrocket from them. You will have faith in your looks once again - something that you will never feel from faking things. Even though you really need to, know that the choice is there. Just ensure that you do things subtly, so you don't brag about it. Losers are the only ones who brag. Secondly, you have to use your imagination, so you can think of other creative ways on how to subtly allude your dates with other people. I have already started you out with some good examples, so just make sure you don't overdo things and end up looking like a loser through bragging and obviously trying to get her to feel jealous. Have a Lot of Fun Next, you have to show that you're having a lot of fun. She needs to regret leaving you and has to start thinking that she has been holding you back from life. Whether she was or not, get out there and have fun. Have drinks with your guy friends during the weekends, go to clubs or bars, and get your adrenaline going. Go on trips, if you want to. Just have a lot of fun, in general. What this will do is get rid of your insecure and needy mindset. It will also show your ex that you won't sit around in pity because of the breakup. Stop thinking about your ex-girlfriend, as well (this goes hand-in-hand with getting rid of insecurity). The most important thing I would recommend for you to do would be to work up. Join a gym and work out like crazy for a month. And don't feel like you have to; do it because it's fun. Exercise happens to release endorphins that will make you feel great. This is proven by science. Working out will let tons of endorphins out and boost your levels of testosterone, which can, in turn, increase your self-confidence and attract women. Plus, your mind will be busy and will stop thinking about your ex. And, at the end of the day, you'll be fit and more physically attractive. There are a lot of other things you could do aside from working out, too. You could submerse yourself in a hobby or something. Try learning something completely new whenever you feel troubled, as a start.
  • 21. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE I would strongly recommend you to take this chance to relax and learn about the psychology of women and all about attract them. If you're like me in any way, you will be very fascinated by this useful subject. Just keep in mind that sitting around in self-pity every day will only show your ex-girlfriend how much of a loser you really are and how justified she is in letting you go. She happens to expect you to sit in self-pity because this is how guys are expected to react after a bad breakup. This is why you have to be different by being happy and cheerful about it. You need to think this way even though you cared a lot about your ex: there is more to the world than that relationship and the breakup was probably a good thing. Women never go back to guys who sit around in self-pity. Women are strange, by nature. They run back to guys who have no trouble moving on. They begin to doubt themselves and start wondering how you got over them so quickly. Then, just as you push them away and start enjoying your own life, they will try to pull you back to them. As you push, they will pull. Before long, the tables will turn and your ex will be your girlfriend once again. She will crawl back into your arms after you prove to her what a strong man you really are. Take a Ton of Photos While you're out on adventures and having fun, ensure that you take a ton of digital photos and post them on your IMs, on MySpace or on Facebook. You basically have to post them on social networking websites that your ex is a part of, as well since seeing those photos will show how high your value actually is and will remind her of how much fun you had together. This technique works extremely well - trust me.
  • 22. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 6 - If She's Already on the Field So, what should you do if your ex is already dating other guys or is dating one guy quite frequently? First and foremost, do not worry too much. Rebounds hardly every work out. Chances are, she is only using those guys to ease her pain and comfort herself after your breakup. Women are famous for having various replacement guys ready, but they are of poor quality, so you shouldn't worry about them, really. Knowing that, you have to stay very cool. When an ex of mine called (after I hadn't called her for 7 days) she instantly tried to get the jealousy juices stirring by talking about a date she had been on. Funnily enough, women already know the stuff that I'm teaching you by instinct. Anyway, as she talked about her date, I stayed very cool. I didn't even react since I knew she was only doing it to get me jealous. I said that was great and then changed the topic. I didn't act hurt, bitter or angry in any way, but merely played it off as nothing If You See Them Together What if you end up meeting the guy she goes out with? If you have already read everything up to here, you should already know what to do. Be cool. Don't show anger or jealous and don't pretend like he isn't there. Don't act rude or put him down, either. You have to do the complete opposite of all of that. You have to be happy and cheerful when you see them. Shake his hand and say something playful while keeping a smile going. Stay cheerful during the small talk then leave. You have to act completely cool, secure and calm at all times, even if she's with somebody else. Yes, your insides will be writhing in anger, but you need to repress any feelings of insecurity. Don't let those feelings manifest on the outside. If you act cool, your ex will get more frustrated and the guy will feel threatened because of how calm and confident you are.
  • 23. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 7: Looking Great Okay, stud, it's time for you to freshen up. No matter if you already have style, it would still be vital for you to look fresh. You basically have to look new to her, in case you decide to catch up one day. She shouldn't see the old you because it will put negative thoughts in her head. New is totally unexplored and neutral. It's completely exciting. (TIP: Were you aware that, if sexual boredom occurs in a relationship, you simply have to dress up differently and don some wigs to get the lust going again? The second my girlfriend put a blue wig on, I jumped her. Seriously. This psychological principle can be used for my recommendation here, as well.) I already talked about working out to look great, feel great and boost your confidence. So do that first. Next, find a fresh look. She needs to think "Wow. I'm definitely missing out here." It would also be important to know that you shouldn't change your looks or clothes completely. Don't change for the girl. After all, women want men who stay true to themselves. All you have to do is buy several new clothes and get a haircut. Just look new and fresh by the end of it. This happens to be a powerful trick of physiology that I strongly urge you to take seriously. New look, new clothes - as soon as possible. They can even make you feel more confident. By putting on new clothes that actually make you feel great, you can instantly get a confidence boost. It would be recommended for you to buy a whole new get up before you meet. The newer the things are, the bigger the confidence boost will be in the end. Again, buying new clothes will do two things for you. It will make see you in an unexplored and fresh, new light, as well as boost your levels of confidence. Several Fast Tips on Fashion Ensure that your nails are trimmed and clean at all times. This is the first thing women look at. Women will notice your fingernails before they notice your new watch. Buy and use a tongue scraper. The tongue is a bad breath source, after all (read: disgusting). I see many guys out there who wear clothes that are far to big for them. I think they do this to hide their body fat. But the truth is: these clothes will make you look even fatter. Whenever you try to reach the ceiling, you need to see your belly. If you can't do this, your shirt is too baggy -
  • 24. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE it's as simple as that. Make sure that your clothes all work together as a style. Don't look like a DJ one day and a rock star the next. It's vital for you to choose a style that can match your personality's core. Then, stick to it. Several clothes are timeless: black blazers, leather jackets and jeans, for example. Have some of these inside your closet. Find a tailor who can take proper measurements for you. Then, write them down on a card and keep it in your wallet. This will come in very handy somebody - believe me. Watch your eyebrows! Get rid of unibrows! Pluck and shape your eyebrows if you need to. Visit a salon if you need to. And get a tan! This will up your levels of attractiveness in no time - definitely worth it! Ensure that you trim your pubes, too. If you think bushes are gross, women think the same way. The same goes for nose hair. Long nose hair is disgusting. In fact, it's probably on the same level as bad breath. Ensure that you have matching shoes and belts. Women tend to notice guys with matching belts and shoes. Find this out for yourself.. If you have more layers on, your look will seem more put together. Try wearing a button-up shirt under a sweater. Either way, layers are always great. Nice shoes are vital. Shoes happen to be the very first thing that women see on men. On that note, stay away from black dress shoes and go for brown ones instead. What I personally love doing is dressing down clothing items that people see as formal. I love wearing blue jeans and a blazer, for example. If you are formal and dressy, in general, though, try buying something more casual and laid-back. Mix things up a bit. Get an expensive haircut. Professional stylists can shape your hair, so that it fits your features and facial structure - did you know that? After getting the cut, take several pictures from every angle and have a cheaper place duplicate it next time. Simply show them the photos and it's all good.
  • 25. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE Test out various colognes. Try each cologne out and find one that suits you best. Think about it: how much time does a woman need to look good before going out? Women do this, so you will think they look great. How much time do you take, though? Think about using up more time to look good and women will take notice right away. Do not brag about the efforts that you put in to look the way you do, though. It has to look effortless. Also, brush any compliments off with a "thanks". Without a doubt, guys who are naturally good-looking have no trouble here, but there's a thick line between looking good and being good-looking. Looking good can actually suffice, so don't think that women only like real studs. Think about it: women out there date ugly guys all the time. This is because women are mostly attracted to male behavior. If a man is an alpha male, he doesn't have to worry too much about attracting women because he will.
  • 26. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 8: The Meet Up The main rule here would be not to think of the whole thing as a date. Do not have an agenda ready, either. All you're going to do is see an ex and see where things go. Things should progress naturally and you shouldn't put any pressure on fooling around or doing anything sexual or romantic together. Basically, you have to keep going the way you've been going so far. Keep a happy and cheerful vibe going and do not look depressed or angry. We have already talked about this before, so you should know the point already. Do not talk about what you're doing. Don't make hints or talk about getting back together. All you have to do is be attractive and let her think about where your relationship is going. If you try to pull her in and try to get a date out of her again, she will push you away. What you need is for her to do the pulling and for her to chase you. Avoid disagreements and arguments at all costs, too. Most of the time, this can be done by avoiding talks about your relationship, in general. If she talks about it, that's alright. But you should never bring up your relationship or past problems up. Don't blame her for anything, either, since she will automatically defend herself if you do. Just be cool. The C's Conversation - During your meet-up, you need to be able to talk. Don’t do the predictable “movie-and-dinner” date. Besides, since it isn't supposed to feel like a date, movies are definitely out anyway. Being able to talk is vital because it can help you build a new connection. Once you meet up, she will probably want to fix the connection that you lost anyway, and bridge that new Zero Contact gap. Convenience - It has to be convenient on both ends, most of all on yours. Don't show that you're willing to go out of the way to see her. That would only be a massive pull, so avoid that, no matter what.
  • 27. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE Cheapness - Do not spend a lot of money for it since this will be another huge pull. Paying says "Date me again" in bold. Even though that is what you want, you shouldn't tell her this until she talks about it first. So, if you can't go to the movies, and a trip is inconvenient, and dinner is too expensive, what should you do? Well, you can shop, have coffee, or watch a movie at her place or your place. Whenever possible, make sure that you can have a great time together. If you can add some adventure into the mix, that will really boost things up even more. Platonic Vibes Pay close heed to this, as this is extremely important. You need to use platonic vibes to rebuild the attraction that you lost. This means that you have to hang out as friends (read: nothing sexual). If she appears to be skeptical about meeting you, mention that the breakup was a actually a good idea and you just want to be friends. If you agree that the breakup was fine, her defenses will go down and she will no longer avoid meeting up with you. Basically, you need to hang out as friends while being attractive and getting rid of any potential negative traits you might have had before. Keep in mind that showing these traits is very important because it will rebuild the attraction with her very fast. Also keep in mind that your sole advantage lies with your old strong connection. After all, other guys can't just get in there and build high connections and comfort levels with her. This would be another reason why other guys shouldn't be threats to you. The connection isn't what you lost; it's the attraction that you lost. Besides, if you agree that the breakup was a good idea, things will look up for you. Try saying "I must admit you were right. It was smart to break up. It would be sad if we had to say goodbye to being friends, though." Be the Leader Now that you know how attractive leaders are to women, you can have a general action plan when you choose to meet up. Do not ask about what she would like to do, but pretend like you already know what she would like to do. This doesn't mean that you need to plan out every single
  • 28. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE detail, though. You simply need to know where to go and how you can get there. Be in the lead. For instance, if she says you should meet up, says: "Okay, that sounds great. I have to get some jeans at South Mall, though, so we can meet there. We'll have fun. Does that sound good to you?" She'll probably agree and then you can tell her when you'll come to pick her up (recommend a time that works for you). If she says that doesn't work because she's busy at that time, recommend another until you find one that fits the two of you. Accommodate her, but not too much. You need to act like you want to see her, but aren't desperate to. Go get her, go to the mall, walk around a few stores, send some jokes her way and have fun. Talk about positive, upbeat and fun things. Don't nag or talk about the past negatively. Simply put, you shouldn't let her think about the horrible times you shared. If you can leave all of the bad out, she will instantly concentrate on the good.
  • 29. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 9: Potent Blueprint of Step Seduction Believe it - you only got lucky in getting a girlfriend and getting all the dates that led to a relationship before because you presented yourself in the proper way. Yes, how you subconsciously communicated every trait we have mentioned earlier really had a lot to do with it. I will now teach you a very potent process of step seduction that will boost the attraction of your ex toward you. One other benefit that comes with this is that it can work on any woman of your choice. It doesn't even have to be an ex. Keep this in mind for every woman you might want to date in the future! Step One: The Teasing Art Forget the things you believe about flirting. In a nutshell, flirting is teasing. This means that every rule that once worked in kindergarten can be used again. After completing all of the steps and getting the meet-up by showing what kind of a man you used to be (secure, confident, etc), you can now lay down some tactics of attraction. You need to show that you are a little cooler compared to her. This doesn't mean you should be condescending, rude or ignorant, though - just a little bit cooler. This is the mentality you need to have. See her as the dorky little sister you might have. It would be great if you can give her a teasing nickname like nerd dweeb or dork muffinhead. These are merely non-specific, generic nicknames, though. If possible, call her something like polka dots if she likes wearing them. I personally always look for things that make girls stand out - something unusual and unique that can be made fun of in a playful way. Don't confuse playful teasing with insults, though. Also, you should never overdo certain teases. Don't call her polka dots every five minutes. It might be funny the first time, but start using it sparingly afterwards and look for other things to make fun about. You should basically poke fun at some mild insecurities of her or make her feel a little insecure about things (like her haircut, shirt or shoes). The secret in doing this the right way would be to
  • 30. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE ensure that the insecurities are really mild. This tactic happens to work wonders if done the right way. It would be essential to realize that you shouldn't pick out things she is really insecure about. If the woman is a bit on the big side, don't say she's fat - no matter what! Your goal here should be not to insult her, but to show that you're a playful and confident guy that likes to have some fun. You can make fun of her hair, shoes or funky outfits - the choices are endless. Provided you seem non-insulting, you will be safe. I see many guys mess up here by being too insulting. This is why you need to keep a smile on that can show her how playful you're being. Reverse SOI (Statement of Intent) This refers to reversing your roles of sexual intent. Basically, you have to pretend like she's the one hitting on you. "So, polka dots, when are you going to take me out? I'm quite high maintenance, you know, so I only expect to have dinner at great restaurants. Also, you have to buy the best foods and take me there in a limo. :)" "What type of guy do you see me as? I'm not going to bring you home and provide you with earth-shattering orgasms and endless adventures for nothing, man. You need to buy me several drinks first, dear! :)" Over-the-Top-ness Drama is always great during female interactions. If a woman hits on me, I look shocked and say "That hurts!" very loudly while shoving her playfully. If you overreact in a playful manner, you will succeed. Positive and Happy Energy This is probably the most vital attraction tool out there. It isn't really a technique, but a mindset; still, I think it is incredibly important in generating female attraction. In general, have a higher energy level compared to her.
  • 31. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE Ensure that you are in an upbeat and positive mood around gorgeous women and everybody else, for that matter. Happiness happens to be an addictive trait. So, whenever I'm spending time with a woman, I choose to concentrate on having a good time together before anything else. This means that I ensure I have a blast because of the great time we're having. This will make her feel the same way. Mood transferring really is a true phenomenon. If you are around someone who is in a bad mood, it will probably rub off onto you. This goes for positive energy, too. If she feels a lot of positive energy whenever you are together, things will go well. Having an upbeat and positive mindset will be extremely conductive of teasing and flirting. In a nutshell, if you focus on having a good time, you will no longer need to concentrate on teasing and flirting too much anymore because it will just come to you naturally. Step Two: Kino Kino refers to kinesthetics, or touching. It would be absolutely vital for her to be comfortable with your touches early during your interactions. Incidental Kino Accidentally brushing her arms or legs. Touching her on the arms whenever you want to emphasize something. Standing nearer to her while grazing your arm on hers. Sitting near her with both of your legs grazing each other. Pretending to brush hair off her face. Pinching her cheeks in a playful manner. Playfully pushing or shoving her. Incidental kino is going to be easy because you're already comfortable with one another in a physical manner (after all, you have had sex together). What I am going to highlight here, though, is that you shouldn't stay away from her or things will eventually get awkward between you. Think about some awkward dates you have been on in the past. I bet these occurred because no incidental kino was present to establish any comfort. Touching power happens to be amazing!
  • 32. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE Direct Kino Straightforward hugs. Holding hands. Kisses. Arm-in-arm escorting. Tickling. Massages. Step Three: Take Things Up a Notch If you haven't made a mistake so far, then I no longer doubt that your ex-girlfriend will subtly look for excuses in order to touch you and tease you. That would be a good sign! By now, you will really he to watch her body language. As a rule, you shouldn't put more energy to your interactions than she already does. You shouldn't work harder or show more affection compared to her, either. To find out how receptive she is being to your teases, check whether she begins to hit you ever so slightly while giggling. If these reactions are very obvious from her, you're definitely in! The next sign you should look for would be the tranquilizing gaze. This basically means that she is staring at your lips while pouting or licking hers. If she ends up doing this, she is saying she wants you to kiss her. Usually, when I'm hanging out with a girl, I will slowly boost the kino during the interaction. Naturally, I will begin small by pinching her cheeks or shoving her in a playful manner when she acts stupid (I might even call her dorky while I'm at it). I won't stop until I get her onto my bed or my couch or until I get to tickle or massage her (direct kino). Once a girl lets you tickle her and when she laughs and has a good time, you can go in for the kiss without being scared of rejection. After tickling, I have never experienced rejection. Also, if you choose to massage her, you know you can kiss her if she tilts her head slightly to the side. See, women are constantly indirect. This means that they expect guys to understand subtle cues. The truth is, though, we guys never pick those cues up. Instead of jumping straight to kiss, I also prefer to breathe into her ear, nibble on it, and smell her hair. If you can get somehow get away with these things, all you have to wait for is the head tilt before you can kiss her.
  • 33. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE Most of the time, you may come to find that your ex will initiate the kiss. All you have to do is pump her up with some playful kino and teasing. Note: if you are at her house instead of yours, spray some of your cologne onto her bedroom pillow or bathroom towel (without getting caught). Naturally, you should only spray a little of it - any more might arouse suspicion. Your scent will keep reminding her of you and make her miss you. Women happen to find smells very stimulating.
  • 34. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 10: A Case Study My friend Ryan was quite sad when he and his girl broke up. They were together for months before that, so it really hit him hard, even if he was sort of expecting it. As with the majority of guys out there, Ryan knew something was wrong, though he didn't really know how to fix things or why things were wrong to begin with. He was literally totally lost. He didn't even approach me until things ended and they were already broken up. I had heard the same story tons of times in the past. His girl slowly lost interest in him and wouldn't call him. Her voice sounded different and she started to get annoyed by small things and find his jokes lame. All in all, Ryan felt horrible about himself and his self-confidence got shot to pieces. He finally ran to me for advice because his confidence was messed up. He explained everything as needed, so I could find the cause for the breakup. I already knew that there was more to it than "wanting space". And, as suspected, Ryan had developed an approval-seeking and needy mindset, causing his girlfriend to lose attraction for him. To begin with, he put a lot of effort in the relationship. When they started dating, Ryan said that she was running after him. Ryan had the power and was the leader. Somewhere down the road, however, a shift occurred in the female/male polarity. His girlfriend started assuming the dominant role and Ryan turned all the more submissive. I told Ryan this was natural since women are hard-coded to test their men by pushing their relationship boundaries. She didn't really have any conscious control over the situation and just had to do it. What Ryan should've done, though, was keep his dominance without giving in to her behavior, no matter what. He had to put his feet down and show her from the start that he wouldn't allow her to disrespect him. Sadly, he didn't do this. Instead, he ended up giving in to her every unreasonable demand and slowly started to prioritize her needs over his own. To women, this would be an example of weak
  • 35. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE behavior, causing them to lose interest fast because they are in control of their relationship. By now, she didn't want to have sex or share any intimate encounters with him. Common stuff that I always hear, to be honest. See, once a guy turns into a beta male, the woman will lose interest, stop sleeping with him and either cheat on him or break up with him in order to find a more suitable alpha male. I know Ryan personally and I know that, in the beginning, he was a real alpha male. It saddens me to see such a change in him. To be completely honest, I had to admit this to him and hurt his feelings in the process. I knew it would do him well, after all. The more he thought things through, Ryan realized that he was turning more insecure by the minute. He would get mad at his girl whenever she spoke to other guys, ask about her whereabouts all the time, ask about the people she was with and just be overly protective, in general. Then, the difficult part came. How could he change things? How could he attract her once again? I said this wasn't difficult at all. He merely had to stop calling her and wait for her to get in touch with him. He had to re-establish the connection with his attractive and masculine side and work on his self-confidence again, so he could feel safe in his own skin. The first thing he did was take all of her things and place them inside a box. At first, he wanted to hide that box under his bed, but instead I took the box and hid it myself. By doing that, I made sure that he couldn't get drunk and look through the things and call her, crying. That would've been horrible. The box was hidden in my house instead, then. Then, I took Ryan to the mall. He was quite a good dresser but that wasn't my point. He needed to feel fresh and new. Fortunately, new clothes make people feel more confident, most of all if the clothes look great. As for the gym, I got him to join one. It turns out he just needed an excuse to work out. The bad news is: he didn't want to do things alone, so I ended up joining a gym with him. That same night, we called some friends up for a night out. I admit I liked having Ryan back in the singles game because I missed the good old days of us partying. I knew he was acting more positive now; he probably missed it, too.
  • 36. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE I invited several girl friends out, too, so Ryan could practice flirting again. One of them ended up liking him a lot and they set up a date. Great. You can just imagine how happy Ryan was about all of this. His self-confidence went through the roof, though he knew he needed to look confident in front of his ex. We went out again the following night and I brought my camera to take pictures with. Since Ryan's ex has a Facebook, I posted them all onto his account. Some of the pictures had the new girl sitting on his lap and I'm sure this made his ex pretty jealous. I was right. Around ten days after starting the Zero Contact rule, his ex ended up caving in. She called and acted innocent, asking how he was. Ryan didn't brag or anything, though. He brushed the question off and just said he was busy with the guys. When she asked to hang out, he agreed. "Why not?" he asked. "I need some new jeans, so you can help me pick out a pair." Good boy, Ryan. He said the right thing and she agreed in seemingly an instant. He saw her the next day with a plan in mind. They went through the mall looking for jeans, laughing and having a good time. Everything went smoothly. Ryan never got upset or angry and never talked about their past relationship. They hung out like close friends and that's it. After leaving the mall, she asked what he wanted to do next and Ryan instantly said, "I'm quite hungry. Want to eat?" She agreed and they went for pizza. Now, Ryan didn't offer up a lot of details on what happened afterwards, but they did end up at his place - that's all you need to know. Things worked out in the end and they're still together now, thanks to Ryan realizing that he had to be a man and take the lead in their relationship. Ever since Ryan's breakup, I have come up with a lot of other tactics. So put on your thinking cap, so you can use them to your full advantage.
  • 37. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 11: Makeup Sex The majority of guys out there don't want tips on getting better in bed, I know, but I really couldn't leave this out. Forget your ego for now and read this because I have some strong tricks and tips on how to get and give more pleasure in bed overall. I have always believed that women really love sex. You might have had an ex manipulate you with it before or one who only slept with you if you acted nicely. Well, I think that's bullshit. You need to be the leader when it comes to lovemaking; and if you are great in the sack, you will be able to take the lead - always. Did you know that female orgasms are far more powerful than those of men? Are you jealous? I know I am. That's great news either way, though, because if you can give her mind-numbing orgasms repeatedly, you can get se anytime you want it and she will keep asking for more, too. Dominance This is the primary thing that you have to bring to the bedroom. Women like men who can take charge in bed (and everywhere else, really). Women like it when men tell them what to do, and when and how to do it, so try to dominate her physically by moving her into sexual positions that you want to try out. Also, tell her whenever she does something good. Grunt or moan whenever you like her moves. Give her some dirty talk, too. Several women actually love acting like animals. This is why animalistic sex really turns on the ladies. The Most Powerful Bedroom Tool Ever Your voice - more specifically, how you show dominance and what you say - happens to be the number one tool in bed. Yes, you got that right. Use your voice a lot by telling her what to do, what you will do and say naughty things while you're at it. The majority of guys out there aren't very noisy in bed. They only wheeze and groan until the end. That's bad. You're better than that, aren't you? My very first girlfriend absolutely loved the animalistic side of me in bed. The more dirty talk I
  • 38. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE sent her way, the wilder she became, sending us both into multi-orgasmic heaven. I would call her naughty, and even get her all slutty and wet. Sure, it took courage in the beginning, but she loved every raunchy line I sent her way - every single time. I think dirty talk is mentally stimulating and therefore very powerful. Men may get more aroused by the visual, but women love the feel, sound and touch of everything. Women actually like feeling slutty during sex, too. Sadly, the majority of guys out there are too shy or have limiting beliefs that they don't even try this out. Many guys are worried that their girlfriend will get insulted by dirty talk. First and foremost, women like dirty talk in bed. Keep that in mind. Second of all, you should ease into it. Start by saying several small dirty things and check how she reacts. I bet she'll love it. Use dirty talk to build up your confident until you can get words out of your mouth that will really slut her up.
  • 39. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE CHAPTER 12: Preventing Breakups Before They Actually Happen Most guys who read this will have gone through breakups already. However, some of you might buy this while merely anticipating one. Either way, all the readers of this eBook are sure to benefit from it some way. The power behind this tactic is sure to come in handy in the future. Knowing exactly what to do about a breakup will definitely take a weight off of you. Now, let me begin by stating that this tactic isn't always effective. Nothing really is, for that matter; and if anybody claims to know everything, they're only trying to sell something or they're lying - the end. The Tactic Preventing breakups as they happen is actually quite easy. Everybody can feel when a woman is losing love interest in a man. They stop looking at that man with loving eyes. They start fights for no reason. They stop having sex. Everyone has gone through some form of it, anyway. Everything culminates until "the talk". The woman will usually begin by saying something glide "We have to talk" or she might just break up with the guy spontaneously after a planned-out fight, using it to justify the actual breakup. The trick is extremely counterintuitive (again). The key is that you have to agree with what she decides to do. If you see a breakup coming, tell her to say goodbye yourself. It's scary, yes, but it has to be done. See, women respect and love men who don't mind walking away if a lack of integrity appears. The same thing works for these situations. If a woman thinks you don't mind breaking up with her, you will be able to keep your place of integrity. The majority of men tend to react by pleading, begging and crying, and trust me when I say this kind of behavior really doesn't help in flicking any attraction switches. Here are several examples of things you can say right before she breaks up with you: "Daisy, you're great. You really make me happy, but I feel like I'm not right for you. Perhaps you should just break up with me, if your heart is telling you to." Or, if she is blatantly telling you she wants a breakup: "I think you're right. You need to follow
  • 40. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE your heart. If I'm not right for you, I'm not right for you. It's obvious that I like you, but this is how life works. It sucks, but I accept it." Do not seem hateful or bitter as you say these things, though. Do not act like you couldn't care less or act aloof, either. Just be lighthearted and think about how great she is, but that you'll survive without her. Remember that life goes on. It would be essential not to initiate the breakup. Although it may seem right to do so, you will have to run after her and talk to her first afterwards. Zero Contact is essential, but won't be effective if you dump her because the dynamic will change completely. This is why you have to tell her nicely that she should break up with you; it's highly effective. Keep the script going and everything will be alright. However, try to see what the underlying reason and meaning is behind those words. You basically have to tell her she's great and that you like her, but that it's okay for things to end if her heart tells her so. No hard feelings. The dynamic will throw her off completely because it isn't even in the vicinity of what she expects you to say or do. If She Agrees to the Breakup Anyway I need to warn you that she might agree and break up with you anyway. She might be hesitant yet still do it. Do not panic if this is the case. It's alright. At least you have saved your self-respect and dignity, right? Even if she breaks up with you, you can be sure that your reaction will confuse and shake her anyway. Match this tactic with Zero Contact and you will definitely win her back. Add some jealousy plot lines into the mix and it will work for you for sure. More Preventative Measures If you can see a breakup up ahead, get the adrenaline going. This means you have to plan adventures and have a lot of fun together. Adrenaline can help you reconnect fast. This solution isn't permanent, though. If the problem's root doesn't get solved, things will only get delayed. By reading this manual, you can understand female attraction more clearly and see
  • 41. EXCLUSIVE COPY FOR RESEDUCTION COACHING CLIENTS ONLY: PLEASE DO NOT SHARE how different things actually are. You will also get specific advice on your behavior. Here are several adventurous ideas: go for a trip to an exotic location. New surroundings will be fresh and exciting, giving you a good chance to spark the lost attraction again by showing the characteristics of an attractive man. Go to an amusement park. Nothing can get the adrenaline pumping faster than that. Climb rock. Go to the arcade or play laser tag. Break your routine. After all, by breaking your routine of the past few years or months, you can give yourself a new start. Finally, if you believe you need extra help in getting your ex-girlfriend back, then email me (my email address is below). I’ll be happy to hear from you, and I will personally address your specific problems and situations. I know it’s tough going through a breakup by yourself… but with me as your coach helping you going through this, things will most probably work out in your favor. All the best to you, and good luck! Ron Steven Email: