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Dark side of Android
apps modularization
David Bilík
> 8 years experience with Android development
> Android Team Lead @AckeeCZ
> Lecturer of Android course at Czech Technical University in Prague
> Focused on architecture, testing and beautiful designs
Why am I here?
Why am I here?
> Modularization became popular topic in 2018
> Every conference had at least one talk “How to modularize your app”
> Since we are hype-oriented programmers we hopped on the train in 2019
> But we’ve hit some bumps along the way
What we expected
> Faster build times
> Improved architecture
> Preparation for instant apps/dynamic features
Modularized architecture
> Main inspiration
Modularized architecture
Modularized architecture
> Looks simple
> But contains multiple shady areas
> Google does not have the answers
> Community does not have all answers
> Because they do not exist
> Apps contains tens of dependencies
> Not all of them used in all modules
> Good idea to define them in one place
> Leverage buildSrc folder in gradle project
> Contains common code (constants, tasks) used in build.gradle scripts
> Can be written in Kotlin
object Config {

const val minSdk = 26

const val compileSdk = 29

const val targetSdk = 29

val javaVersion = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8


android {

compileSdkVersion Config.compileSdk

defaultConfig {

minSdkVersion Config.minSdk

targetSdkVersion Config.targetSdk

versionCode 1

versionName "1.0"


object Deps {

"// Koin

private const val koinVersion = "2.0.1"

const val koin = "org.koin:koin-android:$koinVersion"

const val koinScope = "org.koin:koin-androidx-scope:$koinVersion"

const val koinViewModel = "org.koin:koin-androidx-viewmodel:$koinVersion"

"// Epoxy

private const val epoxyVersion = "3.9.0"

const val epoxy = "$epoxyVersion"

const val epoxyProcessor = "$epoxyVersion"

"// OkHttp

private const val okHttpVersion = "4.3.1"

const val okHttp = "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:$okHttpVersion"

const val okHttpLoggingInterceptor = “com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:$okHttpVersion"


dependencies {

"// Koin

implementation Deps.koin

implementation Deps.koinViewModel
Version updates
> Automatic Android Studio version check is not available
> Plugins exists but not they are not suitable for us
> So.. we check manually 😞
Shared gradle scripts
> A lot of the build.gradle code will be completely the same
≥ defaultConfig with minSdk, compileOptions, applied plugins, …
> Common code can be extracted and applied in module build.gradle
> Applied code is merged with the code inside module’s build.gradle script
apply plugin: ''

apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'

apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'

android {

compileSdkVersion Config.compileSdk

defaultConfig {

minSdkVersion Config.minSdk

targetSdkVersion Config.targetSdk

versionCode 1

versionName "1.0"


buildTypes {



productFlavors {



compileOptions {

sourceCompatibility = 1.8

targetCompatibility = 1.8



kotlinOptions {

jvmTarget = "1.8"

freeCompilerArgs += "-Xopt-in=kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime"


testOptions {

unitTests.all {





apply from: “$rootDir/gradle/common-library-script.gradle”

dependencies {

implementation Deps.junit

implementation Deps.rxJava

implementation Deps.rxAndroid

implementation Deps.appCompat


android {

productFlavors {

flavorDimensions "api"

devApi {

dimension "api"


prodApi {

dimension "api"




apply from: “$rootDir/gradle/common-library-script.gradle”

android {

productFlavors {

flavorDimensions "api"

devApi {

dimension "api"

buildConfigField("String", "BASE_URL", """")


prodApi {

dimension “api"

buildConfigField("String", "BASE_URL", """")



Build variants
Build variants
> Example: flavors defining base url for api environment
> What modules care about this flavor?
≥ :app - control what variant of app to build
≥ :networking - contains buildConfigFields with base api url
Build variants
* What went wrong:

Could not determine the dependencies of task ':events:compileDebugAidl'.

> Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':events:debugCompileClasspath'.

> Could not resolve project :networking.

Required by:

project :events

> Cannot choose between the following variants of project :networking:

- devApiDebugRuntime

- devApiDebugUnitTestCompile

- devApiDebugUnitTestRuntime

- devApiReleaseAndroidTestCompile

- devApiReleaseAndroidTestRuntime

- devApiReleaseApiElements


./gradlew assembleDevApiDebug
Build variants
android {

defaultConfig {

missingDimensionStrategy "api", "devApi"


android {


productFlavors {

flavorDimensions "api"

devApi {

dimension "api"


prodApi {

dimension "api"




android {


productFlavors {

flavorDimensions "api"

devApi {

dimension "api"

buildConfigField("String", "BASE_URL", """")


prodApi {

dimension "api"

buildConfigField("String", "BASE_URL", """")




data class ApiDefinition(

val url: HttpUrl


fun provideRetrofit(api: ApiDefinition): Retrofit {

return Retrofit.Builder()




fun provideApiDefinition(): ApiDefinition{

return ApiDefinition(



Final tip
> Improve organization of modules with directories
Module folders protip
> Prefix module name with directory for automatic placement
Code sharing
Code sharing
> Our apps (try to) follow Uncle Bob’s Clean Architecture
Clean architecture Android
Shared library module
Split feature module
Shared module
Shared module
> Feature modules are independent of each other
> ActivityA in :featureA does not have access to ActivityB in :featureB
> unified solution for in-feature and between-feature navigation
Navigation #1 solution
object Intents {

fun startingActivity(context: Context): Intent? {

return loadClass<Activity>(“cz.ackee.sample.StartingActivity”)

"?.let { Intent(context, it) }



object Fragments {

fun contactsFragment(context: Context): Fragment? {

return loadClass<Fragment>(“cz.ackee.sample.contacts.ContactsFragment”)

"?.let { Fragment.instantiate(context, }



fun <T> loadClass(className:String): Class<T>? {

return try {


} catch (e: Exception) {


} as? Class<T>

#1 solution - problems
> Not using typical pattern like MyFragment.newInstance(args)
> Fully qualified class names in Strings not changed in refactorings
Arguments passing
> Problems with passing the arguments through :navigation module
> Does not have access to feature classes
object Fragments {

fun contactDetailFragment(context: Context, contact: Contact): Fragment? {

return loadClass<Fragment>("")

"?.let { Fragment.instantiate(context,, bundleOf(Arguments.CONTACT_KEY to contact)) }



object Fragments {

fun contactDetailFragment(context: Context, contact: Parcelable): Fragment? {

return loadClass<Fragment>("")

"?.let { Fragment.instantiate(context,, bundleOf(Arguments.CONTACT_KEY to contact)) }



Parcelable solution
> Easiest solution
> Type safety is lost
object Fragments {

fun contactDetailFragment(context: Context, contact: ContactDetailNavArgs): Fragment? {

return ClassesCache.loadClassOrNull<Fragment>("")

"?.let { Fragment.instantiate(context,, bundleOf(NAV_ARGS_KEY to navArgs)) }




data class ContactDetailNavArgs(

val contactId: String,

val name: String

): Parcelable

inline fun <reified T: Parcelable> Fragment.navArgs() : T {

return requireArguments().getParcelable(NAV_ARGS_KEY)


class ContactDetailFragment : Fragment() {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


toolbar.title = navArgs<ContactDetailNavArgs>().name



NavArgs solution
> Improved type safety
> More boilerplate
Abstracted navigation
> Introduce abstraction over navigation
> Free Fragments/Activities of knowing details of navigation
interface Navigator {

fun openContactDetail(args: ContactDetailNavArgs)

class ContactsListFragment : Fragment() {

private val navigator: Navigator by inject()

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

contactsList.setOnContactClickListener { contact "->





Navigation Architecture Component
> Navigator implemented with Navigation Architecture Component
> :navigation module still a library module
> Contains navigation graphs, Navigator interface and implementation of this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<navigation xmlns:android="http:"//"






android:name="cz.bilik.sample.contacts.ContactsListFragment" >







app:popExitAnim="@anim/nav_default_exit_anim" "/>




android:name="cz.bilik.sample.contacts.ContactDetailFragment" "/>

class NavigationComponentNavigator : Navigator {

private var navigationController: NavController? = null

override fun openContactDetail(navArgs: ContactDetailNavArgs) {






fun bindController(navigationController: NavController) {

this.navigationController = navigationController


fun unbindController() {

this.navigationController = null

abstract class NavigationActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

val navigator : NavigationComponentNavigator by inject()

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {





private fun setupNavigation() {



override fun onDestroy() {





Abstracted navigation
> Growing Navigator interface
≥ Create multiple smaller Navigators and NavigationActivity
implements all of them
> Multiple Activity
≥ Multiple navigation graphs with multiple NavigationActivitys
> Room used as database library
> No native support for multimodule projects
> Need to define all entities and DAOs in single Database class
Database per feature
Database per feature
➕ Encapsulated within single module
➕ Each database can have different settings - eg. descructive migrations rule
− Aggregations over mutliple tables not possible
− Multiple connections to database
Single database
Single database
➕ Easy to maintain
− Breaks the encapsulation of the features.
> :database module containing definition of RoomDatabase
> Keep DAOs and entities within features
> :database module depends on all features and define RoomDatabase class
> DI for DAOs must be defined in this module
@Entity(tableName = "contacts")

data class DbContact(

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id: Long = 0,

val eventId: Int,

val name: String


@Entity(tableName = "events")

data class DbEvent(

@PrimaryKey val id: Int = 0,

val name: String



select events.* from events 

join contacts on (contacts.eventId = 

where "== :contactId


abstract fun getEventForContact(contactId: Long): DbEvent
> Where to define utilities in tests?
≥ custom JUnit rules for RxJava/Coroutines
≥ extensions on LiveData to retrieve value once available
≥ …
Testing module
> Define them in one place
> Can’t be placed in :base module test source set folder
> Gradle does not support dependencies on test source sets of different
module in android projects
Testing module
> Separate:testing library module
> Contains also dependencies to common testing dependencies
≥ Mocking framework, testing dependencies for coroutines, AndroidX, …
> Important note - don’t declare this dependencies as testXXX and also don’t
place the code to the test source set folder
fun <T> LiveData<T>.getOrAwaitValue(

time: Long = 2,

timeUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS,

afterObserve: () "-> Unit = {}

): T {


dependencies {

api Deps.architectureComponentsTesting

api Deps.mockitoInline

api Deps.mockitoKotlin

api Deps.coroutinesTesting

dependencies {


testImplementation project(':libraries:testing')

Test fixtures
> Same problem with test fixtures of feature module
> How to reuse eg. test doubles in different feature module tests?
Test fixtures
Testing database
Testing database
class RoomDatabaseRule : TestWatcher() {

lateinit var database: MyDatabase

override fun starting(description: Description?) {

database = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(), MyDatabase"




override fun finished(description: Description?) {




class ContactsLocalDataSourceTest {


val databaseRule = RoomDatabaseRule()

private fun createDataSource(): ContactsLocalDataSource {

return ContactsLocalDataSource(




> :networking library module with common setup - OkHttpClient, Moshi,
> Each feature contains Retrofit API interface with transfer objects (DTO)
≥ eg. LoginRequest, LoginResponse
> What about generated classes?
≥ gRPC, Swagger-codegen
> Generation of this classes is handled in :networking module
> Feature modules use this generated classes
> Would I modularize new app right from the beginning?
> Have we learned anything?
> What about our expectations?
Questions time 🤗
Thanks for participation!

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Dark side of Android apps modularization

  • 1. Dark side of Android apps modularization David Bilík @bilikdavid
  • 2. #selfpromo > 8 years experience with Android development > Android Team Lead @AckeeCZ > Lecturer of Android course at Czech Technical University in Prague > Focused on architecture, testing and beautiful designs
  • 3. Why am I here?
  • 4. Why am I here? > Modularization became popular topic in 2018 > Every conference had at least one talk “How to modularize your app” > Since we are hype-oriented programmers we hopped on the train in 2019 > But we’ve hit some bumps along the way
  • 5. What we expected > Faster build times > Improved architecture > Preparation for instant apps/dynamic features
  • 8. Modularized architecture > Looks simple > But contains multiple shady areas > Google does not have the answers > Community does not have all answers > Because they do not exist
  • 10. Gradle > Apps contains tens of dependencies > Not all of them used in all modules > Good idea to define them in one place
  • 11. buildSrc > Leverage buildSrc folder in gradle project > Contains common code (constants, tasks) used in build.gradle scripts > Can be written in Kotlin
  • 12. object Config { const val minSdk = 26 const val compileSdk = 29 const val targetSdk = 29 val javaVersion = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } android { compileSdkVersion Config.compileSdk defaultConfig { minSdkVersion Config.minSdk targetSdkVersion Config.targetSdk versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/Config.kt app/build.gradle
  • 13. buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/Deps.kt object Deps { "// Koin private const val koinVersion = "2.0.1" const val koin = "org.koin:koin-android:$koinVersion" const val koinScope = "org.koin:koin-androidx-scope:$koinVersion" const val koinViewModel = "org.koin:koin-androidx-viewmodel:$koinVersion" "// Epoxy private const val epoxyVersion = "3.9.0" const val epoxy = "$epoxyVersion" const val epoxyProcessor = "$epoxyVersion" "// OkHttp private const val okHttpVersion = "4.3.1" const val okHttp = "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:$okHttpVersion" const val okHttpLoggingInterceptor = “com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:$okHttpVersion" … app/build.gradle dependencies { "// Koin implementation Deps.koin implementation Deps.koinViewModel
  • 14.
  • 15. Version updates > Automatic Android Studio version check is not available > Plugins exists but not they are not suitable for us > So.. we check manually 😞
  • 16. Shared gradle scripts > A lot of the build.gradle code will be completely the same ≥ defaultConfig with minSdk, compileOptions, applied plugins, … > Common code can be extracted and applied in module build.gradle scripts > Applied code is merged with the code inside module’s build.gradle script
  • 17. apply plugin: '' apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions' android { compileSdkVersion Config.compileSdk defaultConfig { minSdkVersion Config.minSdk targetSdkVersion Config.targetSdk versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } buildTypes { … } productFlavors { … } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility = 1.8 targetCompatibility = 1.8 } … … kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = "1.8" freeCompilerArgs += "-Xopt-in=kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime" } testOptions { unitTests.all { setIgnoreFailures(true) } } } gradle/common-library-script.gradle
  • 18. apply from: “$rootDir/gradle/common-library-script.gradle” dependencies { implementation Deps.junit implementation Deps.rxJava implementation Deps.rxAndroid implementation Deps.appCompat } mymodule/build.gradle
  • 19. android { productFlavors { flavorDimensions "api" devApi { dimension "api" } prodApi { dimension "api" } } } gradle/common-library-script.gradle
  • 20. networking/build.gradle apply from: “$rootDir/gradle/common-library-script.gradle” android { productFlavors { flavorDimensions "api" devApi { dimension "api" buildConfigField("String", "BASE_URL", """") } prodApi { dimension “api" buildConfigField("String", "BASE_URL", """") } } }
  • 22. Build variants > Example: flavors defining base url for api environment > What modules care about this flavor? ≥ :app - control what variant of app to build ≥ :networking - contains buildConfigFields with base api url
  • 24. * What went wrong: Could not determine the dependencies of task ':events:compileDebugAidl'. > Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':events:debugCompileClasspath'. > Could not resolve project :networking. Required by: project :events > Cannot choose between the following variants of project :networking: - devApiDebugRuntime - devApiDebugUnitTestCompile - devApiDebugUnitTestRuntime - devApiReleaseAndroidTestCompile - devApiReleaseAndroidTestRuntime - devApiReleaseApiElements … ./gradlew assembleDevApiDebug
  • 27. gradle/common-library-script.gradle android { … productFlavors { flavorDimensions "api" devApi { dimension "api" } prodApi { dimension "api" } } … }
  • 28. app/build.gradle android { … productFlavors { flavorDimensions "api" devApi { dimension "api" buildConfigField("String", "BASE_URL", """") } prodApi { dimension "api" buildConfigField("String", "BASE_URL", """") } } … }
  • 29. networking/src/main/java/…/ApiDefinition.kt data class ApiDefinition( val url: HttpUrl ) fun provideRetrofit(api: ApiDefinition): Retrofit { return Retrofit.Builder() .baseUrl(api.url) .build() } networking/src/main/java/…/RetrofitDI.kt app/src/main/java/…/ApiDI.kt fun provideApiDefinition(): ApiDefinition{ return ApiDefinition( BuildConfig.BASE_URL.toHttpUrl() ) }
  • 30. Final tip > Improve organization of modules with directories
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. Module folders protip > Prefix module name with directory for automatic placement
  • 35. Code sharing > Our apps (try to) follow Uncle Bob’s Clean Architecture
  • 42. Navigation > Feature modules are independent of each other > ActivityA in :featureA does not have access to ActivityB in :featureB > unified solution for in-feature and between-feature navigation
  • 44. object Intents { fun startingActivity(context: Context): Intent? { return loadClass<Activity>(“cz.ackee.sample.StartingActivity”) "?.let { Intent(context, it) } } } object Fragments { fun contactsFragment(context: Context): Fragment? { return loadClass<Fragment>(“cz.ackee.sample.contacts.ContactsFragment”) "?.let { Fragment.instantiate(context, } } } navigation/src/main/…/Intents.kt navigation/src/main/…/Fragments.kt fun <T> loadClass(className:String): Class<T>? { return try { Class.forName(className) } catch (e: Exception) { null } as? Class<T> }
  • 45. #1 solution - problems > Not using typical pattern like MyFragment.newInstance(args) > Fully qualified class names in Strings not changed in refactorings
  • 46. Arguments passing > Problems with passing the arguments through :navigation module > Does not have access to feature classes
  • 47. object Fragments { fun contactDetailFragment(context: Context, contact: Contact): Fragment? { return loadClass<Fragment>("") "?.let { Fragment.instantiate(context,, bundleOf(Arguments.CONTACT_KEY to contact)) } } } object Fragments { fun contactDetailFragment(context: Context, contact: Parcelable): Fragment? { return loadClass<Fragment>("") "?.let { Fragment.instantiate(context,, bundleOf(Arguments.CONTACT_KEY to contact)) } } } navigation/src/main/…/Fragments.kt
  • 48. Parcelable solution > Easiest solution > Type safety is lost
  • 49. object Fragments { fun contactDetailFragment(context: Context, contact: ContactDetailNavArgs): Fragment? { return ClassesCache.loadClassOrNull<Fragment>("") "?.let { Fragment.instantiate(context,, bundleOf(NAV_ARGS_KEY to navArgs)) } } } @Parcelize data class ContactDetailNavArgs( val contactId: String, val name: String ): Parcelable navigation/src/main/…/navargs/ContactDetailNavArgs.kt navigation/src/main/…/Fragments.kt
  • 50. inline fun <reified T: Parcelable> Fragment.navArgs() : T { return requireArguments().getParcelable(NAV_ARGS_KEY) } class ContactDetailFragment : Fragment() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) toolbar.title = navArgs<ContactDetailNavArgs>().name } } contacts/src/main/…/ContactDetailFragment.kt navigation/src/main/…/FragmentKtx.kt
  • 51. NavArgs solution > Improved type safety > More boilerplate
  • 52. Abstracted navigation > Introduce abstraction over navigation > Free Fragments/Activities of knowing details of navigation
  • 53. interface Navigator { fun openContactDetail(args: ContactDetailNavArgs) } class ContactsListFragment : Fragment() { private val navigator: Navigator by inject() override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) contactsList.setOnContactClickListener { contact "-> navigator.openContactDetail(ContactDetailNavArgs(, } } } navigation/src/main/…/Navigator.kt contacts/src/main/…/ContactDetailFragment.kt
  • 54. Navigation Architecture Component > Navigator implemented with Navigation Architecture Component > :navigation module still a library module > Contains navigation graphs, Navigator interface and implementation of this interface
  • 55. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <navigation xmlns:android="http:"//" xmlns:app="http:"//" android:id="@+id/navigation_graph" app:startDestination="@+id/navigation_contacts_list"> <fragment android:id="@+id/navigation_contacts_list" android:name="cz.bilik.sample.contacts.ContactsListFragment" > <action android:id="@+id/navigation_action_open_contact_detail" app:destination="@id/navigation_contact_detail" app:enterAnim="@anim/nav_default_enter_anim" app:exitAnim="@anim/nav_default_exit_anim" app:popEnterAnim="@anim/nav_default_pop_enter_anim" app:popExitAnim="@anim/nav_default_exit_anim" "/> "</fragment> <fragment android:id="@+id/navigation_contact_detail" android:name="cz.bilik.sample.contacts.ContactDetailFragment" "/> "</navigation> navigation/src/main/res/values/nav_graph.xml
  • 56. class NavigationComponentNavigator : Navigator { private var navigationController: NavController? = null override fun openContactDetail(navArgs: ContactDetailNavArgs) { navigationController"?.navigate(, navArgs.toBundle() ) } } navigation/src/main/…/NavigationComponentNavigator.kt fun bindController(navigationController: NavController) { this.navigationController = navigationController } fun unbindController() { this.navigationController = null }
  • 57. abstract class NavigationActivity : AppCompatActivity() { val navigator : NavigationComponentNavigator by inject() override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_navigation) setupNavigation() } private fun setupNavigation() { navigator.bindController(findNavController( } override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() navigator.unbindController() } } navigation/src/main/…/NavigationActivity.kt
  • 58. Abstracted navigation > Growing Navigator interface ≥ Create multiple smaller Navigators and NavigationActivity implements all of them > Multiple Activity ≥ Multiple navigation graphs with multiple NavigationActivitys
  • 60. Database > Room used as database library > No native support for multimodule projects > Need to define all entities and DAOs in single Database class
  • 62. Database per feature ➕ Encapsulated within single module ➕ Each database can have different settings - eg. descructive migrations rule − Aggregations over mutliple tables not possible − Multiple connections to database
  • 64. Single database ➕ Easy to maintain − Breaks the encapsulation of the features.
  • 65. Compromise > :database module containing definition of RoomDatabase > Keep DAOs and entities within features
  • 67. Compromise > :database module depends on all features and define RoomDatabase class > DI for DAOs must be defined in this module
  • 68. @Entity(tableName = "contacts") data class DbContact( @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) val id: Long = 0, val eventId: Int, val name: String ) features/contacts/…/DbContactfeatures/events/…/DbEvent @Entity(tableName = "events") data class DbEvent( @PrimaryKey val id: Int = 0, val name: String ) features/events/…/EventsDao @Query(""" select events.* from events join contacts on (contacts.eventId = where "== :contactId """) abstract fun getEventForContact(contactId: Long): DbEvent
  • 70. Testing > Where to define utilities in tests? ≥ custom JUnit rules for RxJava/Coroutines ≥ extensions on LiveData to retrieve value once available ≥ …
  • 71. Testing module > Define them in one place > Can’t be placed in :base module test source set folder > Gradle does not support dependencies on test source sets of different module in android projects
  • 72. Testing module > Separate:testing library module > Contains also dependencies to common testing dependencies ≥ Mocking framework, testing dependencies for coroutines, AndroidX, … > Important note - don’t declare this dependencies as testXXX and also don’t place the code to the test source set folder
  • 73. fun <T> LiveData<T>.getOrAwaitValue( time: Long = 2, timeUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS, afterObserve: () "-> Unit = {} ): T { … } libraries/testing/src/main/java/LiveDataKtx.kt libraries/testing/build.gradle dependencies { api Deps.architectureComponentsTesting api Deps.mockitoInline api Deps.mockitoKotlin api Deps.coroutinesTesting }
  • 75. Test fixtures > Same problem with test fixtures of feature module > How to reuse eg. test doubles in different feature module tests?
  • 79. libraries/database-testing/src/main/java/RoomDatabaseRule.kt class RoomDatabaseRule : TestWatcher() { lateinit var database: MyDatabase override fun starting(description: Description?) { database = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(), MyDatabase" .allowMainThreadQueries() .build() } override fun finished(description: Description?) { database.close() } }
  • 80. @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4"::class) class ContactsLocalDataSourceTest { @get:Rule val databaseRule = RoomDatabaseRule() private fun createDataSource(): ContactsLocalDataSource { return ContactsLocalDataSource( databaseRule.database.contactsDao() ) } … features/contacts/app/src/test/…/ContactsLocalDataSourceTest.kt
  • 82. Networking > :networking library module with common setup - OkHttpClient, Moshi, Retrofit > Each feature contains Retrofit API interface with transfer objects (DTO) ≥ eg. LoginRequest, LoginResponse
  • 83. Networking > What about generated classes? ≥ gRPC, Swagger-codegen > Generation of this classes is handled in :networking module > Feature modules use this generated classes
  • 85. Summary > Would I modularize new app right from the beginning? > Have we learned anything? > What about our expectations?