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Learning in Damai Today, Growing to be Leaders of Tomorrow.
Core Values
ull commitment
spirations and achievements
igh expectations
Faith, Hope and Charity
Each day in Damai we are taught
Learning and Growing never stops
When we try, we will rise
With the faith that brings us confidence
Faith to believe we can make our nation great
With hardwork and discipline
For excellence we will achieve
Together in Damai we will pledge
For loyalty, we stand up to defend
The hope to live, to give
The strength to love and forgive
Faith, Hope and Charity, is the way of life for me
Striving, achieving, helping others meet their needs
Together in Damai we will pledge
For loyalty, we stand up to defend
The hope to live, to give
The strength to love and forgive
Faith, Hope and Charity, is the key to harmony
School Mission
We nurture our students to be Committed, Competent and
Compassionate Leaders
Honouring the Past
Messages from our Former Principals
Damaians Pay Tribute
Enriching the Present
Wave of Academic Excellence
Wave of Character Excellence
Wave of Staff Excellence
Inspiring the Future
Water Sports Carnival
Inspiring. Honouring. Celebrating through Art
Every 20 cents Counts
Returning to Serve
Our Pioneer Staff
mr chow weisi
Principal, Damai Secondary School
t has been a delight leading and living with the Damai Family for close to
a year after I joined the school in September 2013. From the warm smiles
and sincere greetings along the classroom corridors to the canteen
from whence our Damaian staff and students interact in study and play,
I can’t help but feel the pulse of this community, so close to where it’s
located to Bedok Reservoir, a nature icon that teems with life in the Bedok
Reservoir neighbourhood.
Akin to the rich environment that supports life so diverse, I see the dedication
the Damaian staff have for their young charges – brimming with potential and
dreams. Here we develop our students into “Committed, Competent and
Compassionate” leaders of the future, with qualities that are nurtured through
the various platforms in the Cognitive, Moral, Social, Leadership, Aesthetics
and Water Sports domains. They seek to strengthen our students’ resolve
in character and values, citizenship and leadership competencies, celebrate
diversity and build empathy towards the different needs of the society and the
global environment.
In Damai, we believe that every child has the capacity to learn with the
encouragement, motivation and guidance we give them. Besides providing our
students with an academic curriculum that helps them develop their cognitive
skills, knowledge and attitudes, we also focus on their leadership development.
Our unique niche programme in Water Sports builds students’ confidence, while
providing them with the necessary life-skills like resilience and a collaborative
spirit to navigate life’s challenges.
In response to future socio-economic trends and advancements in technology,
we have also established an Applied Learning Programme in health sciences
and healthcare services and technology this year. With support from our
stakeholders and our collaboration with tertiary institutions, this programme will
provide Secondary 1 to Secondary 3 learners the opportunity to be exposed to
the health sciences, to experience learning through authentic environments and
enrich their knowledge and skills through real-life problem-solving.
As we celebrate our 20th anniversary this year, we will continue to ride on the
waves of excellence that characterise our Damai culture, vision, mission and
values. As a Damai Family, we realise that every Damaian – student, staff and
stakeholder – has and will continue to contribute to the success of Damai. Just
like every drop of water is drawn to each other and accumulates to form the
precious resource that nourishes and nurtures all that partake of it, we aim to
draw in everyone who has contributed to Damai in one way or another, so that
we can affirm our efforts and encourage ourselves to reach our next wave of
As Leonardo Da Vinci aptly described water as “the driving force in nature”, we
believe that every Damaian has the potential to contribute to and be the
driving force for change in society.
t gives me great pleasure to take this opportunity to congratulate Damai
Secondary School as you celebrate the school’s 20th Anniversary. It marks
a significant milestone in the history of the school as you celebrate what
you have achieved over the last 20 years even as you reflect and chart your
next course to meet the challenges of the 21st century. It is said that without
knowing history, one has no direction for the future. Damai is where she is
today because of the contributions of its staff and students who have walked
through the portals of the school. The theme chosen for your 20th Anniversary
celebration, “Honouring the Past, Enriching the Present, Inspiring the Future” is
rich in significance as the school leverages the occasion to show appreciation
to former school leaders, staff and students who are pioneers of the school.
Over the last 20 years, the school can be proud of its many successes in the
pursuit of all-round excellence in the development of your students’ academic
aspirations, character and leadership development, aesthetics and sports
achievements. This would not have been possible without the visionary
school leadership working hand-in-hand with the dedicated staff and the
larger community. I am indeed heartened that even as the school continues
to scale greater heights, it has not forgotten the community. As part of
your 20th Anniversary Celebrations, I am happy to note that the school has
provided a platform for students to display their artistic talents using recycled
plastic bottles through its Values-In-Action (VIA) programme to create an art
installation entitled “Thriving Organisms in a Community ” at Bedok Reservoir
Park. This has also served the objectives of raising students’ awareness
for environmental conservation, and fostering a strong community spirit.
In embracing the challenges of the 21st century, it is equally, if not more
important that the school continues to anchor its students on sound values and
develop them as leaders of good character with a strong sense of belonging
to school and nation. The school remains committed to this mission through
its Learning for Life Programme (LLP) which seeks to develop leadership and
character and an appreciation for lifelong fitness through water sports such as
kayaking, dragon boating and wakeboarding. Through the LLP, all Damaians
learn to appreciate ‘water’ and understand its qualities and value to Singapore.
The school continues to use the Singapore Water Story to inspire students,
motivating them to lead and overcome constraints and future challenges facing
our island state.
As the school strives to develop students holistically, I am also pleased to note
that the school has put in place a strong Student Development Team to deliver
a “Student-Centric, Values-Driven” education and has embarked on its Applied
Learning Programme (ALP) in Health Sciences and Healthcare Technology this
year to expose students to authentic experiences and to enable them to apply
their learning in a real-world context.
I am confident that with the commitment, creativity and collaborative efforts
of the school leaders, staff, students and stakeholders, Damai Secondary will
grow from strength to strength and continue to deliver a high quality education
for successive generations of students. I wish the school every success in its
future endeavours.
Mr Justin Arul Pierre
Superintendent, East 4
Schools Division
Ministry of Education
Dr Ong Chye Hin, James
Head, Education Programme
School of Human Development & Social Services
SIM University
Founding Principal, Damai Secondary School, 1994 - 1998
This year marks the 20th Anniversary of Damai Secondary School. Being the
founding principal of Damai Secondary, I am happy to share in this joyous
occasion. Starting a school and then building a good school from scratch was
very challenging. Back then in 1994, through God’s grace, and a team of very
committed and dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff, we managed to
cultivate in our students pride, discipline, confidence and a belief in themselves.
Our motto of FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY, provided the intrinsic motivation that
saw our students rising above mediocrity and achieving beyond expectations
both academically as well as in many other areas.
Through our motto of CHARITY, our students exhibited social consciousness
by reaching out to the community and those in need. Since then, many of our
students have gone on to achieve in many areas in their lives and we have
Damaians in all areas of profession. These students have been examples for
those who follow after them. We still have till today dedicated staff who are still
with the school. These “pillars” form the institutional memory and experience
and are certainly to be cherished. To all my former staff who have helped me
build up Damai Secondary and to the many batches of students who have
raised our flag high, I want to say a big “Thank You”. It is certainly good to
remember that in whatever state of life we have arrived and the success we have
accomplished, there were always people along the way who had helped us. I
wish all the staff and students and Damai Secondary School more successes to
come. Damai! Damai! Damai!
Mrs Chia Ban Tin
Superintendent, West 6
Schools Division
Ministry of Education
Second Principal, Damai Secondary School, 1998 - 2001
It is my pleasure to join the Damai Family in celebrating two decades of growth,
achievement and excellence. I still see myself as a member of the Damai Family
as Damai Secondary School will always have a special place in my heart. Let
me offer my heartiest congratulations to all students, staff and stakeholders of
Damai Secondary School on its 20th Anniversary as you have many reasons
to celebrate. Over the years, I have seen the school grow from strength to
strength in nurturing many cohorts of students to be “Committed, Competent
and Compassionate” leaders of the future.
My first day in Damai Secondary School was 31 August 1998 which coincided
with the school Teachers’ Day Celebration. It was heart-warming for me to
see Damaians performing meaningful and entertaining concert items, and
expressing deep appreciation to their teachers for their dedication, commitment
and patience in nurturing them. As the Principal of Damai Secondary School
then, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a great team
comprising caring teachers, conscientious non-teaching staff, a committed
School Advisory Committee and a supportive Parent Support Group to bring
out the best in each student. We gave emphasis to helping our students make
decisions based on enduring values. I would often tell my students that “we are
what we are today because of the decisions we made yesterday. What we will
be in the future will depend on the decisions we make today”.
It brings pride to all of us as we read about Damaians who are doing well today
because they had made sound decisions to persevere to overcome challenges.
I am confident that all Damaians will grow to be leaders of tomorrow.
Mr Loh Cheung Ming
Principal, Outram Secondary School
Third Principal, Damai Secondary School, 2002 - 2007
Damai Secondary School always has a special place in my heart as I
was privileged to have had the opportunity to work with an immensely
committed team of staff who exemplified the school’s motto of Faith,
Hope and Charity. 
As the school celebrates 20 years of achievements and relives the wonderful
memories that bind the Damaian family together, I would like to go back to
the school mission and values which have served as cornerstones for both
students and staff alike. The school has been successful in developing its
students holistically to be useful citizens in society, carrying with them the
ethos of the school values of F.A.I.T.H which have been explicitly sown in
the hearts and minds of Damaians through the academic and co-curricular
programmes of the school. These endearing experiences bear the hallmark
of the Damaian schooling years and have undeniably defined the Damaian
educational experience.
Today, the school can be proud of the many accolades and achievements
as it continues to build on a strong foundation to navigate through the
changing educational landscape.  I am proud that the school has built on a
sound character, citizenship and leadership education programme through
its Learning for Life Programme ‘Character and Leadership Development
through Water Sports’.
The challenges that Damai Secondary School will face in the 21st
will be great, but the immense tenacity and passion for teaching and
learning that drive the staff would enable the school to deliver a quality
holistic educational experience for its students. I am confident that the
school will grow from strength to strength as it seeks to deliver a “student-
centric, values driven education” for the 21st century.
My heartiest congratulations on this your 20th
Mr Toh Thiam Chye
Principal, Admiralty Secondary School
Fourth Principal, Damai Secondary School, 2008 - 2013
“Great leaders mirror the qualities of the nations
they lead.”
~ Mr Lee Kuan Yew, 1985
Similarly, good schools mirror the qualities of the leaders who lead them.
The progress and achievements attained by Damai Secondary over the
last two decades is a reflection of the perseverance and dedication of
the entire school team. It is a privilege and an honour for me to have
served on the school team. As the adage goes: It takes ten years to grow
a tree but a century to cultivate a (good) person! It is a joy to see the
fruits of our labour personified by Damaians imbued with timeless values
of Full commitment, Aspiration & achievement, Integrity, Teamwork and
High expectations.
As the school continues to establish its distinctive identity, the
introduction of the Applied Learning Programme in the Health Sciences
and the extension of the Leadership through Water Sports Niche into the
Learning for Life Programme will further enhance the unique Damaian
May these programmes provide the driving force for the school and
continue to inspire future cohorts of Damaians to become Committed,
Competent and Compassionate Leaders over the next two decades
and beyond.
Heartiest congratulations on your 20th
Chia Jia Liang Alvin
Graduated in 1997
Twenty years ago, I enjoyed a challenging and
enjoyable experience. One of my first memories was
of me wearing my new and fresh-smelling uniform on
the first day of school, looking and feeling lost with
no seniors to guide me. But this came to an end soon
when I discovered Softball. The team was excited and
proud when we brought back the first for the Damai
Eagles. In 3 years, we were crowned the “East Zone”
Champion twice and won the bronze at the Nationals.
No mean feat for a young team!
One of my regrets is that I wasn’t as good a student
as I should have been. Thankfully, none gave up on
me and continued to give me all the encouragement
and guidance I needed. Without their support and
guidance, I would not have made it past the ‘O’ levels
and this far in life. Thank you!
So to the current students, I would like to share this:
Believe in yourself. Enjoy what you are doing and
work hard! Never give up on yourself, and remember,
your parents and teachers will never give up on you.
Hence, you will soar and achieve your dreams!
Alvin Chia Jia Liang is a Regulatory Specialist with
the Health Sciences Authority having graduated with
a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology. Alvin is now
married and a father of two sons.
Diana Liu Jiaxin
Graduated in 2004
I entered the school as an EM3 student in the
Normal(Technical) stream and graduated with a GCE
‘O’ level certificate, a goal I once thought impossible.
I achieved this goal because of the faith and trust given
to me through the opportunities I had. I studied hard
and was given the opportunity to study Additional
Mathematics, then, a coveted opportunity offered
to only a few N(A) students. I was also the Vice-
Captain of Winners House when I was in Sec 4. Being
part of the Modern Dance Club, I trained hard and
our dancers were rewarded with some outstanding
accolades at the Singapore Youth Festival. All these
helped develop my confidence and motivated me to
excel in my studies.
I am glad to have been a student of Damai Secondary
School and also thankful for all the memories and
experiences that have and continue to shape my life.
Diana Liu Jiaxin pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in
Events & Conventions Management at Southern Cross
University. She now works at Resorts World Sentosa.
Andrew Sim Shin Chiet
Graduated in 1997
When I graduated in 1997, my impressive results left
me brimming with confidence. But I learnt there was
more to life when I encountered my first setback.
However, I endured and pressed on remembering
the early lessons. I held on to the FAITH that I would
overcome this hurdle.
With the discipline I acquired from DMS, I finally aced
my “A” levels in TJC and went on to read a Degree in
Business Management at SMU. Despite some highs
and lows in my career, one thing I clung on to was
HOPE; I never gave up. I continue to scale greater
heights in my career but always remember the
importance of humility and CHARITY.
My story is a celebration of the dedication and belief
of Mdm Khoo Ah Moi Ms Rose Chen, Ms Au Sau Keng
and Ms Koh Chiaw Choo. My deepest thanks to them.
Andrew Sim Shin Chiet is now the Deputy Constituency
Director, Tanglin-Cairnhill Constituency Office,
People’s Association. Andrew was the President of
the 1st Student Council.
Nurul Baizura Binte Abdul Razak
Graduated in 2007
Damai was where many of my special friendships
were fostered, with the bonds still remaining strong
Tough times in school were always made easier by
the constant support and encouragement given by
teachers. They are indeed the backbones of students.
A very special mention goes out to Mrs Loke Siew
Ping, who was my netball teacher-in-charge. A
gentle and caring person, she was the one teacher
whom I was comfortable confiding in, no matter
what the issue. I am deeply touched that she still
shows her support with her presence at my national
netball matches.
My schooling experience at Damai was nothing short
of wonderful. I would like to take this opportunity
to congratulate Damai on its 20th anniversary and
a big THANK YOU for the experiences which have
impacted my life in many ways!
Nurul Baizura Binti Abdul Razak is currently a netballer
for the Singapore National team which is training hard
for the Asian Championships in September 2014.
She is currently a Teacher-Therapist at St. Andrew’s
Autism School.
Damaians pay tribute...
goh poh chuan
Graduated in 1998
I was never a good student!!! I was the first student
to be caned publicly. But even that did not change
me to be a better student. So what did??
No matter how bad a student I was then, I was
never left behind by Mr James Ong, our Principal
and teachers like Mr Tony Tan, the late Miss Laura
Lau, Mr Lawrence Sim, Mdm Khoo, Mrs Ng, Mr
Gan, Miss Jackie Neo and Mr Andrew Chen. They
changed me by never giving up on me. They put
their trust in me – I was made a student councillor
and was in charge of the school Gymnasium, my
favourite place in school. Because of that trust, I
went on to believe I could do good things. I made my
dream of competing in the National Bodybuilding
Competition a reality and signed on with the
Commandoes in the Singapore Armed Forces.
Even after so many years, I am still very thankful
to Mr James Ong and all the teachers who had
come into my life. I do not know what I would be
doing now if not for them. Thank you, Mr Ong and
Goh Poh Chuan is happily married. He is now
working as a Senior Executive at Nippon Paint Pte
Ltd (Singapore).
Goh Wei Ming
Graduated in 2007
Having enrolled into the Normal Academic
programme with an aggregate score of 184, I could
not be more grateful for the teachers who did not
neglect an underachieving student like me and
selflessly spent extra time after classes to answer my
doubts. Personally, Damai was not merely a place
where I pursued my secondary school education.
This beloved school of mine was a turning point in
my life. Damai provided me with ample opportunity
to grow. First as a class chairperson, soon after
a Senior Peer Leader under Ms Yeo Hailin before
blossoming as a National Education Ambassador
under Ms Koh Chew Choo. I have taken more
than just knowledge from Damai. I took from it the
courage to stand up for what I know is right, the
determination to work hard so I could achieve my
dreams, the leadership and the initiative to support
others when they took charge. FAITH, HOPE and
CHARITY. These three words guided me throughout
my years then and now.
Goh Wei Ming is currently pursuing a degree at the
National University of Singapore. He is undergoing
a lifesaving course to become a qualified lifeguard.
farah shalin hou
Graduated in 1997
I remember how I used to enjoy going to school and
donning the school uniform. I can still hear the voice
of Mr James Ong at morning assembly, as he led
us in unison as he commanded ‘Daammaaaaiiii!’
Those mornings among other things made me feel
proud to be a Damaian.
Over the years, I grew into someone independent
with values instilled in me by teachers who believed
in me. I will always remember Mdm Khoo Ah Moi
who affirmed me and guided me when I was in
the dance club. This built my confidence and gave
me a platform to realise my potential. As a student
councillor, I was again given a chance to develop
my leadership skills. I remember how Mr Teo and Mr
Raj Kanna taught us how to be good role models.
Ms Kwong Wai Mun made Chemistry interesting
through fascinating visuals, determination and
Damai gave me “the hope to live, to give, the
strength to love and forgive”. These seeds of life-
giving qualities have since grown into character
and to date, I use these qualities in my work as a
school counsellor as I sow the same seeds in the
youths today.
Farah Shalin Hou went on to pursue a Degree in
Psychology at Griffith University, Australia and a
Post-graduate Diploma in Counselling from ECTA,
Singapore. She is married with a two year old son
as well as a diving enthusiast.
Isna Sabariah Ramlee
Graduated in 2004
Looking back on my days in Damai, I remembered all
the fun moments during home economics, science
lab sessions and PE lessons. Back then, we had a
treasure hunt camp in school and it was probably
the highlight of my days in Damai. My classmates
and I had a stack of cards with clues written on them
and we worked in groups to complete the treasure
hunt. There was a lot of running, teasing by the
boys, laughing and discussions. That was how we
learnt teamwork.
Damai is also very significant to me for it was where
I found my soulmate who was once my classmate.
I met Fahmy in Secondary 1; we were both in the
same class.
I am ever so grateful to Damai and would like to
express my heartfelt thanks to my teachers - Ms
Shawaleza, Mdm Habibah, Mdm Siti, Ms Veronica
Tan and Mr Ridwan - and my friends of Damai. 4
years is a short time but in those years, Damai has
shaped me to be who I am now.
Isna Sabariah Ramlee is a Senior Staff Nurse
(Operating Theatre) at KK Hospital having
graduated with a Degree in Nursing (Honours). In
2013, she was awarded the Ms Cleo Star 2013,
having inspired many through her work overseas in
providing free surgeries and creating new smiles for
children with cleft lips and palates.
Graduated in 2002
I was blessed with great teachers and peers in Damai.
The learning experience went beyond the stipulated
curriculum. This unique experience was defined by
the hard work and heart work of the dedicated and
inspiring Damai teachers and my buddies. It had
been an experience where our teachers showed faith
in us, constantly imbued in us the hope to achieve our
dreams and goals, and reminded us the importance
of CHARITY in our actions to society.
I have decided to pass down the wisdom that I had
gained from my teachers to the next generation of
Singaporeans. The efforts of the great teachers who
had shared with me their knowledge and perspectives
provide me with the impetus to ensure that my lessons
will engage my students to aspire to achieve and
excel. Now that I have moved on to the next phase
of my public service career, I continue to embrace a
life of “striving, achieving, helping others meet their
Joey Yeo was admitted to the Public Service
Leadership Programme by the Public Service
Division and is looking forward to becoming a dad
this September.
Ng Ling Er
Graduated in 1997
Character building was DMSS’s core business.
Mr James Ong, the first principal, and all teachers
taught and showed us the value of care. Damaians
were taught the importance of helping others in our
community. We were encouraged to help charitable
organisations. On many Saturdays, my peers and I
braved the rain and shine to raise funds on the streets
for the less fortunate during flag days. Mrs Jackie
Chan and Mrs Lam Wai Mun, whom I then knew as
Miss Neo and Miss Kwong, demonstrated the value
of care. They would always brighten up my days
with their captivating smiles. They often stopped in
the midst of their hectic schedule to chat with my
peers and me during our breaks or between lessons.
The CCA which I joined was St. John’s Ambulance
Brigade. The drill and first aid trainings on Saturdays
instilled discipline in me and made me an active
contributor who rendered first aid to help others during
school events.
My days as a Damaian were eventful. I may not be
who I am today if not for the efforts of the teachers in
DMSS inculcating values and building competencies
in me.
Ng Ling Er now pays forward the care she received in
her role as Senior Teacher (Character and Citizenship
Education) in one of our primary schools.
Nasiruddin Mathani
Graduated in 2009
The best memory was me emerging as one of the
top scorers for the 2009 ‘O’ levels. There were many
people who motivated me to achieve this. I had there
great buddies who kept me thinking positively. I
swear life in upper secondary would not have been
so memorable if not for them. We spent so much
time together during and after school hours. From
studying together to de-stressing after school with a
good outing. We did the funniest of things that always
made the class erupt in laughter. I pity Ms Haryani
for having to put up with our antics. Ms Haryani was
in a class of her own. She was memorable for the
right reasons. She was one of those teachers whom
you could talk to like a friend. She gained the class’
respect through her kind and caring nature which
brought the class closer in the period of a year.
Teachers and peers play a huge role in shaping our
character and values as a person and I am thankful to
have Ms Haryani as an inspirational mentor that has
stood the test of time.
Nasiruddin Mathanif is currently serving his National
Service in the role of 3rd Sergeant in the Basic Military
Training Centre. He holds a Diploma in Biomedical
Science from Temasek Polytechnic.
Wang Jian bin
Graduated in 1997
Damai Secondary School is the place where it all
began for me. I grew, matured and it is the beginning
of what made me who I am today. I am proud to have
been part of the Rugby team to have played and
scored in every game in the 1995 novice cup finals
the year rugby was introduced.
I believe I was more of a sports person than a
studious one, but somehow the teachers in Damai
were able to weave their magic and equip me with a
very strong academic foundation. Their inspiration
and motivation were second to none.
The Damai experience was indeed all it promised
to be!
Wang Jianbin resides in Melbourne with his wife where
he holds the position of Postdoctoral Researcher at
the University of Melbourne having graduated with a
Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Molecular Biology.
10Norhasrin bte Sagiman
Graduated in 1997
Mr James Ong was feared but just as intensely,
he was respected and loved. Mr Ong encouraged
us to give feedback. Nothing was too small or
insignificant. If he thought it was a valid point and
would lead to improvement, he would ensure the
feedback was taken up. This made us feel Damai
was our school, our responsibility.
The discipline learnt during our schooldays was
perhaps the most important of life lessons learnt.
Though ‘painful’ then, it developed in us a deep
sense of responsibility to ourselves and to others
and made us realise dreams can only happen when
we have self-discipline. Thank you, Mr Ong, from the
bottom of our hearts! We cannot thank you enough!
Damai was a place where I grew in character and
thought and it is with great joy and pride that my
daughter Zauwiyah is now a student here in my
alma mater.
I am confident she will enjoy her Damai experience
and will grow into a successful and confident young
as well.
Norhasrin bte Sagiman is now a proud mother of
two teenagers, one of whom is a current Damaian.
Priscilla Chin Soo Ling
Graduated in 2006
I was an active member of the St John Ambulance
Brigade, and a peer leader in school. My secondary
school life was one of the most fruitful periods of
my life. The first thing that comes to mind when I
think of school is this bunch of great schoolmates
whom I am still in contact with. I remember the days
when we studied and played hard together. These
memories are precious and unforgettable.
Many teachers were instrumental in moulding my
friends and me. They inspired confidence and
excellence in us through their own commitment and
excellence towards us. If I had to put a finger on
that one pivotal moment, it must be the time when
our Principal, Mr Loh came to our class speak to
us to remind us and to motivate us to do our best
for the national exam. That he had taken the time
showed the care and concern and I think this
subconsciously pushed me on to work harder.
I also enjoyed myself in the CCAs and school events
I participated in. Being in the St John Ambulance
Brigade developed in me leadership skills and in
particular a keen interest in paramedical support
which led me to my current career as a nurse.
School life wasn’t always a bed of roses but
being a Damaian and making friends with this
bunch of people has made the journey irreplaceable.
Priscilla Chin Soo Ling is now a Staff Nurse at KK
Women & Children’s Hospital. She is currently
pursuing further studies at Nanyang Polytechnic
to enable her to be a Specialist Advanced Practice
Paediatric Nurse.
Sadhana d/o Jayaseelan
Graduated in 2009
Damai’s environment is something I will always be
proud to have had the chance to be a part of.
My turning point was in Sec 3 when I began
developing retinal vasculitis, a severe eye condition
which plagues me to today. I could hardly see which
bus to flag. In all honestly, if it had not been for
Tan Hui Ping, the best classmate ever, I would
have been as good as blind. She was my eyes and
literally read out everything for me and at times,
copied notes off the board for me. Also, Damai
gave me the most dedicated and helpful bunch
of teachers who had my notes and eventually test
papers printed in billboard-worthy font size. You
could see it from rows behind! It was hillarious but
at the same time a very heartwarming effort on
their part.
Honestly, the memories in Damai are many and
colourful. I think I have met some of the most
faithful friends and teachers. Many of us are all still
in contact and these memories continue to keep us
Sadhana d/o Jayaseelan has gone on to pursue a
degree in Biological Sciences at NTU.
Graduated in 2011
NPCC offered me the chance to break limits and
unleash my potential. In my lower secondary
years, I was not comfortable with stepping up
and taking on leadership roles. However, through
constant encouragement by my CCA teacher, Mr
Chua Hock Kheng, I found myself becoming more
outspoken and confident. Camps at Pulau Ubin
with cadets from other schools further enhanced
my experiences. Having been inspired, I went on
to be a NPCC volunteer after graduating. Seeing
batches of juniors entering NPCC as nonchalant
and innocent cadets, and graduating as persons
with purpose in life has been a rewarding journey.
Those four years of education and CCA life were
definitely enriching and memorable for me.
Loh Yi Xiang is a first year undergraduate at the
National University of Singapore, School of Design
and Environment. He has been a volunteer with
Damai’s NPCC Unit since 2012.
Fong Yoong Kheong
Graduated in 2002
My interest in current affairs was stoked by Ms Yeo
Hai Lin’s exciting History lessons that would later lead
me to take up Political Science in University. Mrs Judy
Ling’s Biology lessons were something that I looked
forward to. Her patience helped me excel in the subject.
We also learnt beyond academics, from caring Form
Teachers like Mrs Mary Koh who treated her students
as her friends and shared many life lessons.
The school left me with many precious memories. The
school was like a second home and students were
very much connected with one another. While the
physical structure of the school might have changed,
many faces like Mr Yue, the friendly Operations
Manager and Music Teacher, Ms Lee Ley Har remind
us of the Damai we know so dearly.
Fong Yoong Kheong read Political Science at NUS.
He is now a Senior Industrial Relations Officer, NTUC
Administration & Research Unit. He is also Chairman,
Eunos Zone ‘3’ Residents’ Committee.
Graduated in 1997
I was blessed with kind and patient teachers; figures
I could look up to for motivation and assurance.
I still vividly remember how Ms Goh Lee Choo
spent time after school to coach me in Additional
Mathematics. It was a nightmare for me. No matter
how much I struggled, Ms Goh never gave up on me.
She taught me not just Maths but also perseverance
and resilience.
The hardest subject eventually turned out to be a
monster we tamed and I scored an A2 in my O levels.
Thank you, Ms Goh and all the teachers who made
a difference.
As then principal, Mr James Ong would say: “the sky
is the limit”. I have learnt to always try my best to
pursue my dreams and never give up. As the sky is
the limit, may Damai soar to greater heights.
Chew Shu Fang has a Bachelor of Science (Business).
She is an Asset Manager and is married with a child.
Her siblings Joanne Chew Shu Pei and Chew Yi Hao
are also Damaians.
Graduated in 2009
Being chosen for the Temasek Regatta was the
turning point for me. I found myself as I trained hard
with my fellow team mates to do our school proud. The
opportunity to participate lit the flame of enthusiasm,
the success was the icing on the cake. There was no
turning back.
I channelled my energies into other opportunities
that came my way. I participated in the inter-class
debates for English Week and external photography
competitions which also slowly helped build my
interest in school and soon I found myself wanting
to achieve.
My time in Damai taught me to go out and create
opportunities for myself. I realize being an active
student was instrumental in my success. We must
always choose to be a part of the energy that will take
us beyond what we imagined possible.
My deepest thanks go to Mrs Lee Pei Kee, Mr Phoa
Yew Hui and Mdm Siti Haryani for the dedication and
faith in us.
Chervon Rachel Lee has a Diploma in Business
Management. She is currently reading International
Business at the University of Birmingham.
Graduated in 1997
To be honest, I was not a model student when
I was in school. I wasn’t keen on studying and
making sure that I did well for my exams. Good
fortune smiled on me when my parents took the
risk and invested in me through an opportunity
to study in Melbourne. That was the turning
point. There, I matured and took ownership of
my education to ensure a better future for myself.
What kept me rooted along with other things were
flashbacks of how Mrs Jackie Neo bothered about
me when I did not seem to bother about myself.
Though annoyed then at the pressure from the extra
attention, I eventually understood where she was
coming from and what she was trying to accomplish
in me. To this day, I am grateful to her.
As I live my life now as an adult, I recognise how
paramount a good education is. To all the current
students, this is my advice - simple trust in your
teachers will give you that first step to success. What
you do today will determine what you become in the
future. In Damai, you are in good hands.
I wish you the very best in your journey.
Ishpal Sandhu graduated with a Bachelor of Business
in Information Systems and went on to be a lecturer
in Information Technology, Physics and Project
Management at Victoria University in Melbourne,
Riding on the Waves of Academic Excellence, Character Excellence and
Staff Excellence, a Damaian is not only developed for academic success but
also nurtured to be a competent, committed and compassionate leader of
the 21st century. Across the next few pages, you will enjoy a glimpse of what
the Damaian experience is like today.
Wave of Academic
Fieldwork (Geography): Secondary One students investigate the quality of water at
the nearby Bedok Reservoir while Secondary Three students locate the “coolest cafe”
within the school by using weather instruments. Secondary Four students consider
destination factors that make Orchard Road a tourist destination.
Public Speaking Programme (English Department): Our students are moulded into
confident and articulate speakers at school-wide platforms like Inspiring Tuesdays
and morning assembly. Outstanding students enjoy further exposure through talent
management programmes like the Interschool Public Speaking competitions and Plain
English Speaking Awards.
Applied Learning Programme (Science Department): Our Health Sciences and
Healthcare Technology Programme, developed under the ambit of MOE’s Applied
Learning Programme (ALP), creates opportunities for authentic learning via workshops
and attachments in health sciences and healthcare Technology. All this made possible
through our partnership with Nanyang Polytechnic.
Map and Scales (Mathematics Department): Applying the Mathematical skills of
Maps and Scales to real life, students work within a given budget to decorate a stipulated
size bedroom from scratch. Students had an engaging time choosing furniture from
IKEA to meet their needs.
Wave of Character
Damaians become Competent, Confident and Compassionate leaders
through the Values-In-Action, Character and Citizenship Education
programmes as well as a healthy exposure to Sports and the Aesthetics.
Students volunteer their time and effort at the National Kidney Foundation,
homes for the elderly and PPIS, the Kallang Waterways Clean-up
programme and visits to organisations such as the Ren Chi Hospital and
National University Hospital to put into practice lessons taught in class.
Through exposure to the Aesthetics like our very first Art Installation at Bedok
Reservoir Park, our students show their commitment and responsibility to
protecting and conserving our Earth.
Exciting Inter-House Games as well as the robust and rigorous Water
Sports Elective Programme drive home the importance of our FAITH
values in life.
Wave of Staff
Teachers and staff in Damai enhance competencies and relationships to
stay on top of their game through a balance between work and fun.
Staff are active participants in Professional Learning Communities
through tools like Lesson Study and Action Research. Competencies are
enhanced through these robust conversations and research.
Focused Group Discussions are another way staff tap on each other’s
strengths to arrive at shared effective strategies to enhance the learning
environment and experience for our students. Experienced and inexperienced
teachers alike level up their competencies through new perspectives
and approaches.
Staff Bonding happens through exercise and fun… it always works!
Staff to walk the talk through their annual Staff Values-In-Action
programmes like Project Sphere - a collaboration between schools and HDB
to reach out to those who need a little help.
Inspiring our students on, our 20th anniversary celebrations for the year
started with a splash at our inaugural Water Sport Carnival held in April at the
Bedok Reservoir.
Students enjoyed the main water events like kayaking, canoeing and
dragonboating. Spectators-cum-picnic goers lined the reservoir to cheer their
teams on while enjoying the sunshine and revelry.
For the less water-confident, fringe activities were held at the adjoining Bedok
Reservoir Park.
The entire day’s excitement ended with an adrenalin-pumping cheerleading
competition which showcased creativity, skill and dare. The spirit and energy of
our students was unquestionably high.
The inaugural Water Sports Carnival was indeed a splashing success with all
present the real winners!
Water SportS Carnival
OUR Heritage Wall
The Heritage Wall traces the development of our school over these past 20 years while
honouring our pioneer Principals – Dr James Ong, Mrs Chia Ban Tin, Mr Loh Cheung
Ming and Mr Toh Thiam Chye - who led the school to what it is today with dedication and
vision. Each building on the legacy of the past, our Heritage Wall captures vignettes of
this journey.
The brainchild of our Senior Teacher, Ms Yeo Hailin, in collaboration with the Art
department, the Heritage Wall inspires all our staff and students to aspire “With hardwork
and discipline/For excellence we will achieve!”
‘Thriving Organisms in a Community’
840 students and 70 staff members came together to transform 2,253 salvaged plastic
bottles over 120 hours into a magnificent piece of art measuring 6m by 3.7m. Harnessing
the artistic talents of our students and staff led by the creative genius of the school’s Art
department in collaboration with Temasek Polytechnic (School of Design) and NParks,
this art installation drives home the critical message of water conservation and the
positive impact the community can effect on the environment.
Voyage of The Imagination
Limited only by their Imagination, Upcycling takes flight in our students’ creation of haute
couture fashion made out of their discarded clothes and recyclable materials like the
ubiquitous bottle caps and newspapers to the amusing bubble wrap and cable ties.
These creations inspire us to explore the environmental and social impact of fashion as
we strive for sustainable responsible actions for an environmentally-safe future.
through art
Every 20th of the month, students are encouraged to
donate in denominations of 20 cents using 20-cent coins.
Funds raised go towards helping their peers on the
Financial Assistance Scheme.
Donations are optional.
… teaches me to save money as a small amount of money
can still help many people.
- Liang Peisi Vivian
…. teaches me to help whenever as everybody leads
a different life and not everyone has a good life.
- Rachel Lim
… is a wonderful way to celebrate our 20th anniversary. -
Ang Tat Swee
….. teaches me that a small amount, with many willing
hearts will eventually lead to a huge amount.
- Dorothy Law Yi Lun
As a FAS student, I appreciate the donation drive that is
being carried out that will help peers in a similar position
as me. I have become more appreciative of the support
I’ve been given and will apply this same generosity learnt
from this drive when I am financially independent to help
others who need financial help.
- Eric Tan Wei Lun
….. teaches me not to waste money but to donate it to
those who are less fortunate.
- Thao Vy
… teaches us that we have a choice in our actions.
After this collection, the school will share with us how
the money is distributed. This teaches us integrity and
responsibility in accounting for public trust.
- Xavier Ng
We cannot really buy anything with 20 cents but we can
make a huge impact if we donate it regularly through this
donation drive.
- Muhd Rivalsyah
It is very unique as it gives everyone a chance to help each
other and it depends on everyone for the success of this
- Jessie Wong
… teaches me to let go of the mindset that an individual
cannot do anything impactful.
- Kwek Wen Hao
I am happy that I could help my schoolmates through this
- Nurul Syazwina Bte Mohd Rawi
I feel elated as I have helped others with just a small act of
kindness. It is certainly better to give than to receive.
- Gene Kate Gemino Fernandez
This collective effort reminds the needy students they are
not forgotten.
- Janessa Lee
Every month we have the opportunity to do something
within our limited means as students yet create a big impact.
- Benny Cheng Zhi Hao
We should always rally together for it is only together that
we can accomplish big things.
- Tuhfah Maryam
I see everyone donating willingly and cheerfully, and this
is very touching.
- Vivian Choo Ya Ping
This reminds me to count my blessings and to appreciate
whatever I have.
- Gaius Lim
My initial scepticism turned to amazement as I saw how
persistence can turn something into a success.
- Hail Ashraf
Even the smallest amount of money can make a difference.
- Lim Yan Quan
It is a creative way to help needy pupils. It has taught me
the importance of sharing. Even a small act can make a
huge difference.
- Syahidah Bte Kassim
Every 20 cents counts...
I was a short, unfit and fat boy when I
joined canoeing in DMS. I remembered
clocking 16 minutes for my first 2.4km run
and 0 pull-ups. By the time I graduated, I
was clocking in just a little over 5 minutes
and 20 pull-ups. Along with the improved
physical fitness, my self-confidence grew.
My teacher-in-charge, Ms Teo Chew Lee,
a dedicated teacher, was there for every
training. I will never forget the 100 plus
drinks and buns she prepared for us at
every competition.
My Form and Mathematics teacher was
Mrs Loke Siew Ping. When she walked
into class, everyone would sit up straight
and look to the front. There was an aura
of discipline in her that made us want
to listen and learn. There were many
others who impacted my life. Each of
them inspiring me differently with one
common characteristic - they cared a lot
for us.
As I embark on my teaching career, I aspire
to be one of them.
Andy graduated in 2002. He returned as
a Trainee Teacher (PE/Maths) in Semester
1 this year before graduating as a full-
fledged DMS teacher in Semester 2.
Candy Zhang Shu Hui
Our teachers, under the leadership of
our first principal, Dr James Ong, were
a team of dedicated individuals who
went the extra mile for us. The school
encouraged student-initiated activities
and thus, the Community Service Club
was formed by students and teachers
who were interested in voluntary work. If
not for the compassionate and exemplary
role-models in Mdm Siti Hawa and Mr Tan
Cher Chong who led the club, I do not
think I would be an active volunteer today.
We achieved much because of the many
long hours of trainings and rehearsals for
the performance. Every time, we would
return tired and aching from the long hours
of trainings and the demanding school
calendar which seemed packed with
assignment due dates, tests and exams.
It didn’t help that we were expected by
our teachers to display the same high
level of performance off stage. But we
did. With teamwork, perseverance, self-
discipline and time management, we did it!
Today, I remember these lessons and
apply them in my daily life, especially when
it gets demanding. I could then, I know I
can now.
For ‘Once a Damaian, always a Damaian!’
Catherine graduated in 2004 and now
supports the Art Department as an Allied
Educator (Teaching and Learning).
My years in Damai were among the most
interesting and memorable times of my
life. I still remember those days where my
classmates and I struggled with the many
subjects we had to take. Thankfully, our
teachers were always there to provide us
the guidance to stay on the right track.
They went the extra mile, wanting us to
succeed and always assuring us that we
were never alone.
I would like to take this opportunity to
thank Mrs Jackie Chan, Mrs Loke Siew
Ping, Mdm Khoo Ai Moi and Mdm Siti
Hawa who were always there for me then
and even now as I return to serve the
school. They were instrumental in helping
me excel in life.
Ivan is the school’s IT Trainer and official
photographer. He graduated in 2003.
Maryam Anuar
Damai Secondary School is my alma
mater and now my workplace. I am now
a teacher, an educator in my very own
school. It is a joy working together with
my former-teachers-turned-colleagues.
Being in different shoes allows me to see
things in a different perspective which has
aided me in gaining insights and various
experiences to improve myself as an
educator. I enjoy a sense of satisfaction
giving back to my alma mater, knowing that
I am furthering the aims of the institution
that did so much to educate, provide me
opportunities and new experiences and
prepare me well for life. Education is a
never-ending process. We continue to
learn even after we graduate and continue
to impact and influence in ways we never
realised we could as students.
Clockwise - Andy Law, Maryam Anuar,
Sum Hwee Hong Ivan,
Candy Zhang Shu Hui,
Chua Jing Tong Catherine
Through the activities, I acquired invaluable
lessons and skills. The experience from
serving the community has taught me to
be less self-centred and I experienced the
joy of helping other people.
Now back here as a teacher, I will work
towards creating meaningful learning
experiences for my students just as Mdm Siti
Hawa and Mr Tan Cher Chong did for me.
I am extremely thankful that I made the
right choice 20 years ago and then again
in 2006 to return as teacher.
Candy graduated in 1997 and continues to
inspire as she was inspired through her role
as Senior Teacher/ Character Development
and Art.
to serve
It is indeed a pleasure and a privilege to
be back.
Maryam touches the lives of the next
generation of Damaians as an English
Language and Art teacher. Maryam
graduated in 2004.
We salute our Pioneer Staff for being with us all through these years, from
the beginning to now. You are our assets from our past who have enriched
our present and continue to inspire us all.
Thank you!
Mr Yue Choon Mun	
Operations Manager
joined December 1998
mohamed gaus
bin allapitchy
joined April 2006
Mr Tan Wan Watt
Operations Support Officer
joined December 1993
Mdm Siti Hawa
Bte Shaini
Teacher, Food and Nutrition
joined January 1994
Mdm Khoo Ah Moi
Contract Adjunct Teacher,
Chinese Language
joined January 1994
Mdm Neo Ai Ling Jackie
Year Head (Upper Sec)
joined March 1994
Mdm Kwong Wai Mun
Senior Teacher, Chemistry
joined March 1994
Mr Pek Tiam Hock
Technical Support Officer
joined January 1995
Mdm Soraya Suleiman
Head of Department,
Craft & Technology
joined March 1995
Mdm Yeo Loo Eng
Management Support Officer
joined June 1995
Ms Lee Ley Har
Head of Department,
Aesthetucs &CCA
joined July 1995
Ms Yeo Hailin
Senior Teacher, History
joined January 1996
Mdm Chua Kim Lan Judy
Head of Department,
joined April 1996
Mdm Rosmi Osman
Corporate Support Office
joined September 1996
Mdm Rosnani
Bte Abd Majid
Technical Support Officer
joined January 1997
Mdm Low Siew Ping
Head of Department,
Character and Citizenship
joined April 1997		
Mdm Goh Hwee Ling Mary
Teacher, Chinese Language
joined June 1996
Our Pioneer Staff
The 20th anniversary logo comprises the numeral ‘20’, three waves and the theme for the celebration.
The stylised numeral ‘20’ reflects our emphasis and pursuit over the last 20 years of an innovative
holistic learning environment through the academic programmes, exposure to aesthetics and our
niches of excellence.
The three waves depict the broad strategic focus of the school – Academic, Character and Staff
Excellence - in achieving this engaging and transformative experience that develops a lifelong love for
learning in our students.
Our theme underscores these efforts in nurturing our students by saluting our predecessors for their
pivotal leadership, as we continue their good work and inspire all those who pass through the gates of
Damai to be Committed, Competent and Compassionate Leaders.
4800 Bedok Reservoir Road 479229
Tel: 64436848 Fax: 64425629

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Damai Commemorative 2014

  • 2. SCHOOL Vision Learning in Damai Today, Growing to be Leaders of Tomorrow. Core Values ull commitment spirations and achievements ntegrity eamwork igh expectations F A i t h Faith, Hope and Charity Each day in Damai we are taught Learning and Growing never stops When we try, we will rise With the faith that brings us confidence Faith to believe we can make our nation great With hardwork and discipline For excellence we will achieve Together in Damai we will pledge For loyalty, we stand up to defend The hope to live, to give The strength to love and forgive Faith, Hope and Charity, is the way of life for me Striving, achieving, helping others meet their needs Together in Damai we will pledge For loyalty, we stand up to defend The hope to live, to give The strength to love and forgive Faith, Hope and Charity, is the key to harmony School Mission We nurture our students to be Committed, Competent and Compassionate Leaders
  • 3. contents PRINCIPAL’S FOREWORD SUPERINTENDENT’S FOREWORD Honouring the Past Messages from our Former Principals Damaians Pay Tribute Enriching the Present Wave of Academic Excellence Wave of Character Excellence Wave of Staff Excellence Inspiring the Future Water Sports Carnival Inspiring. Honouring. Celebrating through Art Every 20 cents Counts Returning to Serve Our Pioneer Staff 2 3 4 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  • 4. principal’s foreword mr chow weisi Principal, Damai Secondary School I t has been a delight leading and living with the Damai Family for close to a year after I joined the school in September 2013. From the warm smiles and sincere greetings along the classroom corridors to the canteen from whence our Damaian staff and students interact in study and play, I can’t help but feel the pulse of this community, so close to where it’s located to Bedok Reservoir, a nature icon that teems with life in the Bedok Reservoir neighbourhood. Akin to the rich environment that supports life so diverse, I see the dedication the Damaian staff have for their young charges – brimming with potential and dreams. Here we develop our students into “Committed, Competent and Compassionate” leaders of the future, with qualities that are nurtured through the various platforms in the Cognitive, Moral, Social, Leadership, Aesthetics and Water Sports domains. They seek to strengthen our students’ resolve in character and values, citizenship and leadership competencies, celebrate diversity and build empathy towards the different needs of the society and the global environment. In Damai, we believe that every child has the capacity to learn with the encouragement, motivation and guidance we give them. Besides providing our students with an academic curriculum that helps them develop their cognitive skills, knowledge and attitudes, we also focus on their leadership development. Our unique niche programme in Water Sports builds students’ confidence, while providing them with the necessary life-skills like resilience and a collaborative spirit to navigate life’s challenges. In response to future socio-economic trends and advancements in technology, we have also established an Applied Learning Programme in health sciences and healthcare services and technology this year. With support from our stakeholders and our collaboration with tertiary institutions, this programme will provide Secondary 1 to Secondary 3 learners the opportunity to be exposed to the health sciences, to experience learning through authentic environments and enrich their knowledge and skills through real-life problem-solving. As we celebrate our 20th anniversary this year, we will continue to ride on the waves of excellence that characterise our Damai culture, vision, mission and values. As a Damai Family, we realise that every Damaian – student, staff and stakeholder – has and will continue to contribute to the success of Damai. Just like every drop of water is drawn to each other and accumulates to form the precious resource that nourishes and nurtures all that partake of it, we aim to draw in everyone who has contributed to Damai in one way or another, so that we can affirm our efforts and encourage ourselves to reach our next wave of success. As Leonardo Da Vinci aptly described water as “the driving force in nature”, we believe that every Damaian has the potential to contribute to and be the driving force for change in society.
  • 5. I t gives me great pleasure to take this opportunity to congratulate Damai Secondary School as you celebrate the school’s 20th Anniversary. It marks a significant milestone in the history of the school as you celebrate what you have achieved over the last 20 years even as you reflect and chart your next course to meet the challenges of the 21st century. It is said that without knowing history, one has no direction for the future. Damai is where she is today because of the contributions of its staff and students who have walked through the portals of the school. The theme chosen for your 20th Anniversary celebration, “Honouring the Past, Enriching the Present, Inspiring the Future” is rich in significance as the school leverages the occasion to show appreciation to former school leaders, staff and students who are pioneers of the school. Over the last 20 years, the school can be proud of its many successes in the pursuit of all-round excellence in the development of your students’ academic aspirations, character and leadership development, aesthetics and sports achievements. This would not have been possible without the visionary school leadership working hand-in-hand with the dedicated staff and the larger community. I am indeed heartened that even as the school continues to scale greater heights, it has not forgotten the community. As part of your 20th Anniversary Celebrations, I am happy to note that the school has provided a platform for students to display their artistic talents using recycled plastic bottles through its Values-In-Action (VIA) programme to create an art installation entitled “Thriving Organisms in a Community ” at Bedok Reservoir Park. This has also served the objectives of raising students’ awareness for environmental conservation, and fostering a strong community spirit. In embracing the challenges of the 21st century, it is equally, if not more important that the school continues to anchor its students on sound values and develop them as leaders of good character with a strong sense of belonging to school and nation. The school remains committed to this mission through its Learning for Life Programme (LLP) which seeks to develop leadership and character and an appreciation for lifelong fitness through water sports such as kayaking, dragon boating and wakeboarding. Through the LLP, all Damaians learn to appreciate ‘water’ and understand its qualities and value to Singapore. The school continues to use the Singapore Water Story to inspire students, motivating them to lead and overcome constraints and future challenges facing our island state. As the school strives to develop students holistically, I am also pleased to note that the school has put in place a strong Student Development Team to deliver a “Student-Centric, Values-Driven” education and has embarked on its Applied Learning Programme (ALP) in Health Sciences and Healthcare Technology this year to expose students to authentic experiences and to enable them to apply their learning in a real-world context. I am confident that with the commitment, creativity and collaborative efforts of the school leaders, staff, students and stakeholders, Damai Secondary will grow from strength to strength and continue to deliver a high quality education for successive generations of students. I wish the school every success in its future endeavours. superintendent’s foreword Mr Justin Arul Pierre Superintendent, East 4 Schools Division Ministry of Education
  • 6. Dr Ong Chye Hin, James Head, Education Programme School of Human Development & Social Services SIM University Founding Principal, Damai Secondary School, 1994 - 1998 This year marks the 20th Anniversary of Damai Secondary School. Being the founding principal of Damai Secondary, I am happy to share in this joyous occasion. Starting a school and then building a good school from scratch was very challenging. Back then in 1994, through God’s grace, and a team of very committed and dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff, we managed to cultivate in our students pride, discipline, confidence and a belief in themselves. Our motto of FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY, provided the intrinsic motivation that saw our students rising above mediocrity and achieving beyond expectations both academically as well as in many other areas. Through our motto of CHARITY, our students exhibited social consciousness by reaching out to the community and those in need. Since then, many of our students have gone on to achieve in many areas in their lives and we have Damaians in all areas of profession. These students have been examples for those who follow after them. We still have till today dedicated staff who are still with the school. These “pillars” form the institutional memory and experience and are certainly to be cherished. To all my former staff who have helped me build up Damai Secondary and to the many batches of students who have raised our flag high, I want to say a big “Thank You”. It is certainly good to remember that in whatever state of life we have arrived and the success we have accomplished, there were always people along the way who had helped us. I wish all the staff and students and Damai Secondary School more successes to come. Damai! Damai! Damai! MESSAGE HONOURINGTHEPAST 4
  • 7. Mrs Chia Ban Tin Superintendent, West 6 Schools Division Ministry of Education Second Principal, Damai Secondary School, 1998 - 2001 HONOURINGTHEPAST MESSAGE It is my pleasure to join the Damai Family in celebrating two decades of growth, achievement and excellence. I still see myself as a member of the Damai Family as Damai Secondary School will always have a special place in my heart. Let me offer my heartiest congratulations to all students, staff and stakeholders of Damai Secondary School on its 20th Anniversary as you have many reasons to celebrate. Over the years, I have seen the school grow from strength to strength in nurturing many cohorts of students to be “Committed, Competent and Compassionate” leaders of the future. My first day in Damai Secondary School was 31 August 1998 which coincided with the school Teachers’ Day Celebration. It was heart-warming for me to see Damaians performing meaningful and entertaining concert items, and expressing deep appreciation to their teachers for their dedication, commitment and patience in nurturing them. As the Principal of Damai Secondary School then, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with a great team comprising caring teachers, conscientious non-teaching staff, a committed School Advisory Committee and a supportive Parent Support Group to bring out the best in each student. We gave emphasis to helping our students make decisions based on enduring values. I would often tell my students that “we are what we are today because of the decisions we made yesterday. What we will be in the future will depend on the decisions we make today”. It brings pride to all of us as we read about Damaians who are doing well today because they had made sound decisions to persevere to overcome challenges. I am confident that all Damaians will grow to be leaders of tomorrow. 5
  • 8. Mr Loh Cheung Ming Principal, Outram Secondary School Third Principal, Damai Secondary School, 2002 - 2007 MESSAGE Damai Secondary School always has a special place in my heart as I was privileged to have had the opportunity to work with an immensely committed team of staff who exemplified the school’s motto of Faith, Hope and Charity.  As the school celebrates 20 years of achievements and relives the wonderful memories that bind the Damaian family together, I would like to go back to the school mission and values which have served as cornerstones for both students and staff alike. The school has been successful in developing its students holistically to be useful citizens in society, carrying with them the ethos of the school values of F.A.I.T.H which have been explicitly sown in the hearts and minds of Damaians through the academic and co-curricular programmes of the school. These endearing experiences bear the hallmark of the Damaian schooling years and have undeniably defined the Damaian educational experience. Today, the school can be proud of the many accolades and achievements as it continues to build on a strong foundation to navigate through the changing educational landscape.  I am proud that the school has built on a sound character, citizenship and leadership education programme through its Learning for Life Programme ‘Character and Leadership Development through Water Sports’. The challenges that Damai Secondary School will face in the 21st century will be great, but the immense tenacity and passion for teaching and learning that drive the staff would enable the school to deliver a quality holistic educational experience for its students. I am confident that the school will grow from strength to strength as it seeks to deliver a “student- centric, values driven education” for the 21st century. My heartiest congratulations on this your 20th Anniversary. HONOURINGTHEPAST 6
  • 9. Mr Toh Thiam Chye Principal, Admiralty Secondary School Fourth Principal, Damai Secondary School, 2008 - 2013 MESSAGE “Great leaders mirror the qualities of the nations they lead.” ~ Mr Lee Kuan Yew, 1985 Similarly, good schools mirror the qualities of the leaders who lead them. The progress and achievements attained by Damai Secondary over the last two decades is a reflection of the perseverance and dedication of the entire school team. It is a privilege and an honour for me to have served on the school team. As the adage goes: It takes ten years to grow a tree but a century to cultivate a (good) person! It is a joy to see the fruits of our labour personified by Damaians imbued with timeless values of Full commitment, Aspiration & achievement, Integrity, Teamwork and High expectations. As the school continues to establish its distinctive identity, the introduction of the Applied Learning Programme in the Health Sciences and the extension of the Leadership through Water Sports Niche into the Learning for Life Programme will further enhance the unique Damaian Experience. May these programmes provide the driving force for the school and continue to inspire future cohorts of Damaians to become Committed, Competent and Compassionate Leaders over the next two decades and beyond. Heartiest congratulations on your 20th Anniversary! HONOURINGTHEPAST 7
  • 10. Chia Jia Liang Alvin Graduated in 1997 Twenty years ago, I enjoyed a challenging and enjoyable experience. One of my first memories was of me wearing my new and fresh-smelling uniform on the first day of school, looking and feeling lost with no seniors to guide me. But this came to an end soon when I discovered Softball. The team was excited and proud when we brought back the first for the Damai Eagles. In 3 years, we were crowned the “East Zone” Champion twice and won the bronze at the Nationals. No mean feat for a young team! One of my regrets is that I wasn’t as good a student as I should have been. Thankfully, none gave up on me and continued to give me all the encouragement and guidance I needed. Without their support and guidance, I would not have made it past the ‘O’ levels and this far in life. Thank you! So to the current students, I would like to share this: Believe in yourself. Enjoy what you are doing and work hard! Never give up on yourself, and remember, your parents and teachers will never give up on you. Hence, you will soar and achieve your dreams! Alvin Chia Jia Liang is a Regulatory Specialist with the Health Sciences Authority having graduated with a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology. Alvin is now married and a father of two sons. Diana Liu Jiaxin Graduated in 2004 I entered the school as an EM3 student in the Normal(Technical) stream and graduated with a GCE ‘O’ level certificate, a goal I once thought impossible. I achieved this goal because of the faith and trust given to me through the opportunities I had. I studied hard and was given the opportunity to study Additional Mathematics, then, a coveted opportunity offered to only a few N(A) students. I was also the Vice- Captain of Winners House when I was in Sec 4. Being part of the Modern Dance Club, I trained hard and our dancers were rewarded with some outstanding accolades at the Singapore Youth Festival. All these helped develop my confidence and motivated me to excel in my studies. I am glad to have been a student of Damai Secondary School and also thankful for all the memories and experiences that have and continue to shape my life. Diana Liu Jiaxin pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Events & Conventions Management at Southern Cross University. She now works at Resorts World Sentosa. Andrew Sim Shin Chiet Graduated in 1997 When I graduated in 1997, my impressive results left me brimming with confidence. But I learnt there was more to life when I encountered my first setback. However, I endured and pressed on remembering the early lessons. I held on to the FAITH that I would overcome this hurdle. With the discipline I acquired from DMS, I finally aced my “A” levels in TJC and went on to read a Degree in Business Management at SMU. Despite some highs and lows in my career, one thing I clung on to was HOPE; I never gave up. I continue to scale greater heights in my career but always remember the importance of humility and CHARITY. My story is a celebration of the dedication and belief of Mdm Khoo Ah Moi Ms Rose Chen, Ms Au Sau Keng and Ms Koh Chiaw Choo. My deepest thanks to them. Andrew Sim Shin Chiet is now the Deputy Constituency Director, Tanglin-Cairnhill Constituency Office, People’s Association. Andrew was the President of the 1st Student Council. Nurul Baizura Binte Abdul Razak Graduated in 2007 Damai was where many of my special friendships were fostered, with the bonds still remaining strong today. Tough times in school were always made easier by the constant support and encouragement given by teachers. They are indeed the backbones of students. A very special mention goes out to Mrs Loke Siew Ping, who was my netball teacher-in-charge. A gentle and caring person, she was the one teacher whom I was comfortable confiding in, no matter what the issue. I am deeply touched that she still shows her support with her presence at my national netball matches. My schooling experience at Damai was nothing short of wonderful. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Damai on its 20th anniversary and a big THANK YOU for the experiences which have impacted my life in many ways! Nurul Baizura Binti Abdul Razak is currently a netballer for the Singapore National team which is training hard for the Asian Championships in September 2014. She is currently a Teacher-Therapist at St. Andrew’s Autism School. Damaians pay tribute... HONOURINGTHEPAST 8
  • 11. goh poh chuan Graduated in 1998 I was never a good student!!! I was the first student to be caned publicly. But even that did not change me to be a better student. So what did?? No matter how bad a student I was then, I was never left behind by Mr James Ong, our Principal and teachers like Mr Tony Tan, the late Miss Laura Lau, Mr Lawrence Sim, Mdm Khoo, Mrs Ng, Mr Gan, Miss Jackie Neo and Mr Andrew Chen. They changed me by never giving up on me. They put their trust in me – I was made a student councillor and was in charge of the school Gymnasium, my favourite place in school. Because of that trust, I went on to believe I could do good things. I made my dream of competing in the National Bodybuilding Competition a reality and signed on with the Commandoes in the Singapore Armed Forces. Even after so many years, I am still very thankful to Mr James Ong and all the teachers who had come into my life. I do not know what I would be doing now if not for them. Thank you, Mr Ong and Teachers! Goh Poh Chuan is happily married. He is now working as a Senior Executive at Nippon Paint Pte Ltd (Singapore). Goh Wei Ming Graduated in 2007 Having enrolled into the Normal Academic programme with an aggregate score of 184, I could not be more grateful for the teachers who did not neglect an underachieving student like me and selflessly spent extra time after classes to answer my doubts. Personally, Damai was not merely a place where I pursued my secondary school education. This beloved school of mine was a turning point in my life. Damai provided me with ample opportunity to grow. First as a class chairperson, soon after a Senior Peer Leader under Ms Yeo Hailin before blossoming as a National Education Ambassador under Ms Koh Chew Choo. I have taken more than just knowledge from Damai. I took from it the courage to stand up for what I know is right, the determination to work hard so I could achieve my dreams, the leadership and the initiative to support others when they took charge. FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY. These three words guided me throughout my years then and now. Goh Wei Ming is currently pursuing a degree at the National University of Singapore. He is undergoing a lifesaving course to become a qualified lifeguard. farah shalin hou Graduated in 1997 I remember how I used to enjoy going to school and donning the school uniform. I can still hear the voice of Mr James Ong at morning assembly, as he led us in unison as he commanded ‘Daammaaaaiiii!’ Those mornings among other things made me feel proud to be a Damaian. Over the years, I grew into someone independent with values instilled in me by teachers who believed in me. I will always remember Mdm Khoo Ah Moi who affirmed me and guided me when I was in the dance club. This built my confidence and gave me a platform to realise my potential. As a student councillor, I was again given a chance to develop my leadership skills. I remember how Mr Teo and Mr Raj Kanna taught us how to be good role models. Ms Kwong Wai Mun made Chemistry interesting through fascinating visuals, determination and patience. Damai gave me “the hope to live, to give, the strength to love and forgive”. These seeds of life- giving qualities have since grown into character and to date, I use these qualities in my work as a school counsellor as I sow the same seeds in the youths today. Farah Shalin Hou went on to pursue a Degree in Psychology at Griffith University, Australia and a Post-graduate Diploma in Counselling from ECTA, Singapore. She is married with a two year old son as well as a diving enthusiast. Isna Sabariah Ramlee Graduated in 2004 Looking back on my days in Damai, I remembered all the fun moments during home economics, science lab sessions and PE lessons. Back then, we had a treasure hunt camp in school and it was probably the highlight of my days in Damai. My classmates and I had a stack of cards with clues written on them and we worked in groups to complete the treasure hunt. There was a lot of running, teasing by the boys, laughing and discussions. That was how we learnt teamwork. Damai is also very significant to me for it was where I found my soulmate who was once my classmate. I met Fahmy in Secondary 1; we were both in the same class. I am ever so grateful to Damai and would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my teachers - Ms Shawaleza, Mdm Habibah, Mdm Siti, Ms Veronica Tan and Mr Ridwan - and my friends of Damai. 4 years is a short time but in those years, Damai has shaped me to be who I am now. Isna Sabariah Ramlee is a Senior Staff Nurse (Operating Theatre) at KK Hospital having graduated with a Degree in Nursing (Honours). In 2013, she was awarded the Ms Cleo Star 2013, having inspired many through her work overseas in providing free surgeries and creating new smiles for children with cleft lips and palates. HONOURINGTHEPAST 9
  • 12. JOEY YEO Graduated in 2002 I was blessed with great teachers and peers in Damai. The learning experience went beyond the stipulated curriculum. This unique experience was defined by the hard work and heart work of the dedicated and inspiring Damai teachers and my buddies. It had been an experience where our teachers showed faith in us, constantly imbued in us the hope to achieve our dreams and goals, and reminded us the importance of CHARITY in our actions to society. I have decided to pass down the wisdom that I had gained from my teachers to the next generation of Singaporeans. The efforts of the great teachers who had shared with me their knowledge and perspectives provide me with the impetus to ensure that my lessons will engage my students to aspire to achieve and excel. Now that I have moved on to the next phase of my public service career, I continue to embrace a life of “striving, achieving, helping others meet their needs”. Joey Yeo was admitted to the Public Service Leadership Programme by the Public Service Division and is looking forward to becoming a dad this September. Ng Ling Er Graduated in 1997 Character building was DMSS’s core business. Mr James Ong, the first principal, and all teachers taught and showed us the value of care. Damaians were taught the importance of helping others in our community. We were encouraged to help charitable organisations. On many Saturdays, my peers and I braved the rain and shine to raise funds on the streets for the less fortunate during flag days. Mrs Jackie Chan and Mrs Lam Wai Mun, whom I then knew as Miss Neo and Miss Kwong, demonstrated the value of care. They would always brighten up my days with their captivating smiles. They often stopped in the midst of their hectic schedule to chat with my peers and me during our breaks or between lessons. The CCA which I joined was St. John’s Ambulance Brigade. The drill and first aid trainings on Saturdays instilled discipline in me and made me an active contributor who rendered first aid to help others during school events. My days as a Damaian were eventful. I may not be who I am today if not for the efforts of the teachers in DMSS inculcating values and building competencies in me. Ng Ling Er now pays forward the care she received in her role as Senior Teacher (Character and Citizenship Education) in one of our primary schools. Nasiruddin Mathani Graduated in 2009 The best memory was me emerging as one of the top scorers for the 2009 ‘O’ levels. There were many people who motivated me to achieve this. I had there great buddies who kept me thinking positively. I swear life in upper secondary would not have been so memorable if not for them. We spent so much time together during and after school hours. From studying together to de-stressing after school with a good outing. We did the funniest of things that always made the class erupt in laughter. I pity Ms Haryani for having to put up with our antics. Ms Haryani was in a class of her own. She was memorable for the right reasons. She was one of those teachers whom you could talk to like a friend. She gained the class’ respect through her kind and caring nature which brought the class closer in the period of a year. Teachers and peers play a huge role in shaping our character and values as a person and I am thankful to have Ms Haryani as an inspirational mentor that has stood the test of time. Nasiruddin Mathanif is currently serving his National Service in the role of 3rd Sergeant in the Basic Military Training Centre. He holds a Diploma in Biomedical Science from Temasek Polytechnic. Wang Jian bin Graduated in 1997 Damai Secondary School is the place where it all began for me. I grew, matured and it is the beginning of what made me who I am today. I am proud to have been part of the Rugby team to have played and scored in every game in the 1995 novice cup finals the year rugby was introduced. I believe I was more of a sports person than a studious one, but somehow the teachers in Damai were able to weave their magic and equip me with a very strong academic foundation. Their inspiration and motivation were second to none. The Damai experience was indeed all it promised to be! Wang Jianbin resides in Melbourne with his wife where he holds the position of Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Melbourne having graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Molecular Biology. HONOURINGTHEPAST 10
  • 13. 10Norhasrin bte Sagiman Graduated in 1997 Mr James Ong was feared but just as intensely, he was respected and loved. Mr Ong encouraged us to give feedback. Nothing was too small or insignificant. If he thought it was a valid point and would lead to improvement, he would ensure the feedback was taken up. This made us feel Damai was our school, our responsibility. The discipline learnt during our schooldays was perhaps the most important of life lessons learnt. Though ‘painful’ then, it developed in us a deep sense of responsibility to ourselves and to others and made us realise dreams can only happen when we have self-discipline. Thank you, Mr Ong, from the bottom of our hearts! We cannot thank you enough! Damai was a place where I grew in character and thought and it is with great joy and pride that my daughter Zauwiyah is now a student here in my alma mater. I am confident she will enjoy her Damai experience and will grow into a successful and confident young ladywithasmanyenrichingmemoriesofhertimehere as well. Norhasrin bte Sagiman is now a proud mother of two teenagers, one of whom is a current Damaian. Priscilla Chin Soo Ling Graduated in 2006 I was an active member of the St John Ambulance Brigade, and a peer leader in school. My secondary school life was one of the most fruitful periods of my life. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of school is this bunch of great schoolmates whom I am still in contact with. I remember the days when we studied and played hard together. These memories are precious and unforgettable. Many teachers were instrumental in moulding my friends and me. They inspired confidence and excellence in us through their own commitment and excellence towards us. If I had to put a finger on that one pivotal moment, it must be the time when our Principal, Mr Loh came to our class speak to us to remind us and to motivate us to do our best for the national exam. That he had taken the time showed the care and concern and I think this subconsciously pushed me on to work harder. I also enjoyed myself in the CCAs and school events I participated in. Being in the St John Ambulance Brigade developed in me leadership skills and in particular a keen interest in paramedical support which led me to my current career as a nurse. School life wasn’t always a bed of roses but being a Damaian and making friends with this bunch of people has made the journey irreplaceable. Priscilla Chin Soo Ling is now a Staff Nurse at KK Women & Children’s Hospital. She is currently pursuing further studies at Nanyang Polytechnic to enable her to be a Specialist Advanced Practice Paediatric Nurse. Sadhana d/o Jayaseelan Graduated in 2009 Damai’s environment is something I will always be proud to have had the chance to be a part of. My turning point was in Sec 3 when I began developing retinal vasculitis, a severe eye condition which plagues me to today. I could hardly see which bus to flag. In all honestly, if it had not been for Tan Hui Ping, the best classmate ever, I would have been as good as blind. She was my eyes and literally read out everything for me and at times, copied notes off the board for me. Also, Damai gave me the most dedicated and helpful bunch of teachers who had my notes and eventually test papers printed in billboard-worthy font size. You could see it from rows behind! It was hillarious but at the same time a very heartwarming effort on their part. Honestly, the memories in Damai are many and colourful. I think I have met some of the most faithful friends and teachers. Many of us are all still in contact and these memories continue to keep us close. Sadhana d/o Jayaseelan has gone on to pursue a degree in Biological Sciences at NTU. LOH YI XIANG Graduated in 2011 NPCC offered me the chance to break limits and unleash my potential. In my lower secondary years, I was not comfortable with stepping up and taking on leadership roles. However, through constant encouragement by my CCA teacher, Mr Chua Hock Kheng, I found myself becoming more outspoken and confident. Camps at Pulau Ubin with cadets from other schools further enhanced my experiences. Having been inspired, I went on to be a NPCC volunteer after graduating. Seeing batches of juniors entering NPCC as nonchalant and innocent cadets, and graduating as persons with purpose in life has been a rewarding journey. Those four years of education and CCA life were definitely enriching and memorable for me. Loh Yi Xiang is a first year undergraduate at the National University of Singapore, School of Design and Environment. He has been a volunteer with Damai’s NPCC Unit since 2012. HONOURINGTHEPAST 11
  • 14. HONOURINGTHEPAST Fong Yoong Kheong Graduated in 2002 My interest in current affairs was stoked by Ms Yeo Hai Lin’s exciting History lessons that would later lead me to take up Political Science in University. Mrs Judy Ling’s Biology lessons were something that I looked forward to. Her patience helped me excel in the subject. We also learnt beyond academics, from caring Form Teachers like Mrs Mary Koh who treated her students as her friends and shared many life lessons. The school left me with many precious memories. The school was like a second home and students were very much connected with one another. While the physical structure of the school might have changed, many faces like Mr Yue, the friendly Operations Manager and Music Teacher, Ms Lee Ley Har remind us of the Damai we know so dearly. Fong Yoong Kheong read Political Science at NUS. He is now a Senior Industrial Relations Officer, NTUC Administration & Research Unit. He is also Chairman, Eunos Zone ‘3’ Residents’ Committee. CHEW SHU FANG Graduated in 1997 I was blessed with kind and patient teachers; figures I could look up to for motivation and assurance. I still vividly remember how Ms Goh Lee Choo spent time after school to coach me in Additional Mathematics. It was a nightmare for me. No matter how much I struggled, Ms Goh never gave up on me. She taught me not just Maths but also perseverance and resilience. The hardest subject eventually turned out to be a monster we tamed and I scored an A2 in my O levels. Thank you, Ms Goh and all the teachers who made a difference. As then principal, Mr James Ong would say: “the sky is the limit”. I have learnt to always try my best to pursue my dreams and never give up. As the sky is the limit, may Damai soar to greater heights. Chew Shu Fang has a Bachelor of Science (Business). She is an Asset Manager and is married with a child. Her siblings Joanne Chew Shu Pei and Chew Yi Hao are also Damaians. CHERvON RACHEL LEE Graduated in 2009 Being chosen for the Temasek Regatta was the turning point for me. I found myself as I trained hard with my fellow team mates to do our school proud. The opportunity to participate lit the flame of enthusiasm, the success was the icing on the cake. There was no turning back. I channelled my energies into other opportunities that came my way. I participated in the inter-class debates for English Week and external photography competitions which also slowly helped build my interest in school and soon I found myself wanting to achieve. My time in Damai taught me to go out and create opportunities for myself. I realize being an active student was instrumental in my success. We must always choose to be a part of the energy that will take us beyond what we imagined possible. My deepest thanks go to Mrs Lee Pei Kee, Mr Phoa Yew Hui and Mdm Siti Haryani for the dedication and faith in us. Chervon Rachel Lee has a Diploma in Business Management. She is currently reading International Business at the University of Birmingham. ISHPAL SANDHU Graduated in 1997 To be honest, I was not a model student when I was in school. I wasn’t keen on studying and making sure that I did well for my exams. Good fortune smiled on me when my parents took the risk and invested in me through an opportunity to study in Melbourne. That was the turning point. There, I matured and took ownership of my education to ensure a better future for myself. What kept me rooted along with other things were flashbacks of how Mrs Jackie Neo bothered about me when I did not seem to bother about myself. Though annoyed then at the pressure from the extra attention, I eventually understood where she was coming from and what she was trying to accomplish in me. To this day, I am grateful to her. As I live my life now as an adult, I recognise how paramount a good education is. To all the current students, this is my advice - simple trust in your teachers will give you that first step to success. What you do today will determine what you become in the future. In Damai, you are in good hands. I wish you the very best in your journey. Ishpal Sandhu graduated with a Bachelor of Business in Information Systems and went on to be a lecturer in Information Technology, Physics and Project Management at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia. 12
  • 15. Riding on the Waves of Academic Excellence, Character Excellence and Staff Excellence, a Damaian is not only developed for academic success but also nurtured to be a competent, committed and compassionate leader of the 21st century. Across the next few pages, you will enjoy a glimpse of what the Damaian experience is like today. Wave of Academic Excellence Fieldwork (Geography): Secondary One students investigate the quality of water at the nearby Bedok Reservoir while Secondary Three students locate the “coolest cafe” within the school by using weather instruments. Secondary Four students consider destination factors that make Orchard Road a tourist destination. Public Speaking Programme (English Department): Our students are moulded into confident and articulate speakers at school-wide platforms like Inspiring Tuesdays and morning assembly. Outstanding students enjoy further exposure through talent management programmes like the Interschool Public Speaking competitions and Plain English Speaking Awards. Applied Learning Programme (Science Department): Our Health Sciences and Healthcare Technology Programme, developed under the ambit of MOE’s Applied Learning Programme (ALP), creates opportunities for authentic learning via workshops and attachments in health sciences and healthcare Technology. All this made possible through our partnership with Nanyang Polytechnic. Map and Scales (Mathematics Department): Applying the Mathematical skills of Maps and Scales to real life, students work within a given budget to decorate a stipulated size bedroom from scratch. Students had an engaging time choosing furniture from IKEA to meet their needs. ENRICHINGTHEPRESENTENRICHINGTHEPRESENT 13
  • 16. Wave of Character Excellence Damaians become Competent, Confident and Compassionate leaders through the Values-In-Action, Character and Citizenship Education programmes as well as a healthy exposure to Sports and the Aesthetics. Students volunteer their time and effort at the National Kidney Foundation, homes for the elderly and PPIS, the Kallang Waterways Clean-up programme and visits to organisations such as the Ren Chi Hospital and National University Hospital to put into practice lessons taught in class. Through exposure to the Aesthetics like our very first Art Installation at Bedok Reservoir Park, our students show their commitment and responsibility to protecting and conserving our Earth. Exciting Inter-House Games as well as the robust and rigorous Water Sports Elective Programme drive home the importance of our FAITH values in life. ENRICHINGTHEPRESENT 14
  • 17. Wave of Staff Excellence Teachers and staff in Damai enhance competencies and relationships to stay on top of their game through a balance between work and fun. Staff are active participants in Professional Learning Communities through tools like Lesson Study and Action Research. Competencies are enhanced through these robust conversations and research. Focused Group Discussions are another way staff tap on each other’s strengths to arrive at shared effective strategies to enhance the learning environment and experience for our students. Experienced and inexperienced teachers alike level up their competencies through new perspectives and approaches. Staff Bonding happens through exercise and fun… it always works! Staff to walk the talk through their annual Staff Values-In-Action programmes like Project Sphere - a collaboration between schools and HDB to reach out to those who need a little help. ENRICHINGTHEPRESENT 15
  • 18. INSPIRINGTHEFUTURE Inspiring our students on, our 20th anniversary celebrations for the year started with a splash at our inaugural Water Sport Carnival held in April at the Bedok Reservoir. Students enjoyed the main water events like kayaking, canoeing and dragonboating. Spectators-cum-picnic goers lined the reservoir to cheer their teams on while enjoying the sunshine and revelry. For the less water-confident, fringe activities were held at the adjoining Bedok Reservoir Park. The entire day’s excitement ended with an adrenalin-pumping cheerleading competition which showcased creativity, skill and dare. The spirit and energy of our students was unquestionably high. The inaugural Water Sports Carnival was indeed a splashing success with all present the real winners! Water SportS Carnival 16
  • 19. OUR Heritage Wall The Heritage Wall traces the development of our school over these past 20 years while honouring our pioneer Principals – Dr James Ong, Mrs Chia Ban Tin, Mr Loh Cheung Ming and Mr Toh Thiam Chye - who led the school to what it is today with dedication and vision. Each building on the legacy of the past, our Heritage Wall captures vignettes of this journey. The brainchild of our Senior Teacher, Ms Yeo Hailin, in collaboration with the Art department, the Heritage Wall inspires all our staff and students to aspire “With hardwork and discipline/For excellence we will achieve!” ‘Thriving Organisms in a Community’ 840 students and 70 staff members came together to transform 2,253 salvaged plastic bottles over 120 hours into a magnificent piece of art measuring 6m by 3.7m. Harnessing the artistic talents of our students and staff led by the creative genius of the school’s Art department in collaboration with Temasek Polytechnic (School of Design) and NParks, this art installation drives home the critical message of water conservation and the positive impact the community can effect on the environment. Voyage of The Imagination Limited only by their Imagination, Upcycling takes flight in our students’ creation of haute couture fashion made out of their discarded clothes and recyclable materials like the ubiquitous bottle caps and newspapers to the amusing bubble wrap and cable ties. These creations inspire us to explore the environmental and social impact of fashion as we strive for sustainable responsible actions for an environmentally-safe future. Inspiring. Honouring. Celebrating through art INSPIRINGTHEFUTURE 17
  • 20. INSPIRINGTHEFUTURE Every 20th of the month, students are encouraged to donate in denominations of 20 cents using 20-cent coins. Funds raised go towards helping their peers on the Financial Assistance Scheme. Donations are optional. … teaches me to save money as a small amount of money can still help many people. - Liang Peisi Vivian …. teaches me to help whenever as everybody leads a different life and not everyone has a good life. - Rachel Lim … is a wonderful way to celebrate our 20th anniversary. - Ang Tat Swee ….. teaches me that a small amount, with many willing hearts will eventually lead to a huge amount. - Dorothy Law Yi Lun As a FAS student, I appreciate the donation drive that is being carried out that will help peers in a similar position as me. I have become more appreciative of the support I’ve been given and will apply this same generosity learnt from this drive when I am financially independent to help others who need financial help. - Eric Tan Wei Lun ….. teaches me not to waste money but to donate it to those who are less fortunate. - Thao Vy … teaches us that we have a choice in our actions. After this collection, the school will share with us how the money is distributed. This teaches us integrity and responsibility in accounting for public trust. - Xavier Ng We cannot really buy anything with 20 cents but we can make a huge impact if we donate it regularly through this donation drive. - Muhd Rivalsyah It is very unique as it gives everyone a chance to help each other and it depends on everyone for the success of this drive. - Jessie Wong … teaches me to let go of the mindset that an individual cannot do anything impactful. - Kwek Wen Hao I am happy that I could help my schoolmates through this drive. - Nurul Syazwina Bte Mohd Rawi I feel elated as I have helped others with just a small act of kindness. It is certainly better to give than to receive. - Gene Kate Gemino Fernandez This collective effort reminds the needy students they are not forgotten. - Janessa Lee Every month we have the opportunity to do something within our limited means as students yet create a big impact. - Benny Cheng Zhi Hao We should always rally together for it is only together that we can accomplish big things. - Tuhfah Maryam I see everyone donating willingly and cheerfully, and this is very touching. - Vivian Choo Ya Ping This reminds me to count my blessings and to appreciate whatever I have. - Gaius Lim My initial scepticism turned to amazement as I saw how persistence can turn something into a success. - Hail Ashraf Even the smallest amount of money can make a difference. - Lim Yan Quan It is a creative way to help needy pupils. It has taught me the importance of sharing. Even a small act can make a huge difference. - Syahidah Bte Kassim Every 20 cents counts... 18
  • 21. ANDY LAW I was a short, unfit and fat boy when I joined canoeing in DMS. I remembered clocking 16 minutes for my first 2.4km run and 0 pull-ups. By the time I graduated, I was clocking in just a little over 5 minutes and 20 pull-ups. Along with the improved physical fitness, my self-confidence grew. My teacher-in-charge, Ms Teo Chew Lee, a dedicated teacher, was there for every training. I will never forget the 100 plus drinks and buns she prepared for us at every competition. My Form and Mathematics teacher was Mrs Loke Siew Ping. When she walked into class, everyone would sit up straight and look to the front. There was an aura of discipline in her that made us want to listen and learn. There were many others who impacted my life. Each of them inspiring me differently with one common characteristic - they cared a lot for us. As I embark on my teaching career, I aspire to be one of them. Andy graduated in 2002. He returned as a Trainee Teacher (PE/Maths) in Semester 1 this year before graduating as a full- fledged DMS teacher in Semester 2. Candy Zhang Shu Hui Our teachers, under the leadership of our first principal, Dr James Ong, were a team of dedicated individuals who went the extra mile for us. The school encouraged student-initiated activities and thus, the Community Service Club was formed by students and teachers who were interested in voluntary work. If not for the compassionate and exemplary role-models in Mdm Siti Hawa and Mr Tan Cher Chong who led the club, I do not think I would be an active volunteer today. CHUA JING TONG CATHERINE We achieved much because of the many long hours of trainings and rehearsals for the performance. Every time, we would return tired and aching from the long hours of trainings and the demanding school calendar which seemed packed with assignment due dates, tests and exams. It didn’t help that we were expected by our teachers to display the same high level of performance off stage. But we did. With teamwork, perseverance, self- discipline and time management, we did it! Today, I remember these lessons and apply them in my daily life, especially when it gets demanding. I could then, I know I can now. For ‘Once a Damaian, always a Damaian!’ Catherine graduated in 2004 and now supports the Art Department as an Allied Educator (Teaching and Learning). SUM HWEE HONG, ivan My years in Damai were among the most interesting and memorable times of my life. I still remember those days where my classmates and I struggled with the many subjects we had to take. Thankfully, our teachers were always there to provide us the guidance to stay on the right track. They went the extra mile, wanting us to succeed and always assuring us that we were never alone. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Jackie Chan, Mrs Loke Siew Ping, Mdm Khoo Ai Moi and Mdm Siti Hawa who were always there for me then and even now as I return to serve the school. They were instrumental in helping me excel in life. Ivan is the school’s IT Trainer and official photographer. He graduated in 2003. Maryam Anuar Damai Secondary School is my alma mater and now my workplace. I am now a teacher, an educator in my very own school. It is a joy working together with my former-teachers-turned-colleagues. Being in different shoes allows me to see things in a different perspective which has aided me in gaining insights and various experiences to improve myself as an educator. I enjoy a sense of satisfaction giving back to my alma mater, knowing that I am furthering the aims of the institution that did so much to educate, provide me opportunities and new experiences and prepare me well for life. Education is a never-ending process. We continue to learn even after we graduate and continue to impact and influence in ways we never realised we could as students. Clockwise - Andy Law, Maryam Anuar, Sum Hwee Hong Ivan, Candy Zhang Shu Hui, Chua Jing Tong Catherine Through the activities, I acquired invaluable lessons and skills. The experience from serving the community has taught me to be less self-centred and I experienced the joy of helping other people. Now back here as a teacher, I will work towards creating meaningful learning experiences for my students just as Mdm Siti Hawa and Mr Tan Cher Chong did for me. I am extremely thankful that I made the right choice 20 years ago and then again in 2006 to return as teacher. Candy graduated in 1997 and continues to inspire as she was inspired through her role as Senior Teacher/ Character Development and Art. Returning to serve INSPIRINGTHEFUTURE It is indeed a pleasure and a privilege to be back. Maryam touches the lives of the next generation of Damaians as an English Language and Art teacher. Maryam graduated in 2004. 19
  • 22. INSPIRINGTHEFUTURE We salute our Pioneer Staff for being with us all through these years, from the beginning to now. You are our assets from our past who have enriched our present and continue to inspire us all. Thank you! Mr Yue Choon Mun Operations Manager joined December 1998 mohamed gaus bin allapitchy Cleaner joined April 2006 Mr Tan Wan Watt Operations Support Officer joined December 1993 Mdm Siti Hawa Bte Shaini Teacher, Food and Nutrition joined January 1994 Mdm Khoo Ah Moi Contract Adjunct Teacher, Chinese Language joined January 1994 Mdm Neo Ai Ling Jackie Year Head (Upper Sec) joined March 1994 Mdm Kwong Wai Mun Senior Teacher, Chemistry joined March 1994 Mr Pek Tiam Hock Technical Support Officer joined January 1995 Mdm Soraya Suleiman Head of Department, Craft & Technology joined March 1995 Mdm Yeo Loo Eng Management Support Officer joined June 1995 Ms Lee Ley Har Head of Department, Aesthetucs &CCA joined July 1995 Ms Yeo Hailin Senior Teacher, History joined January 1996 Mdm Chua Kim Lan Judy Head of Department, Science joined April 1996 Mdm Rosmi Osman Corporate Support Office joined September 1996 Mdm Rosnani Bte Abd Majid Technical Support Officer joined January 1997 Mdm Low Siew Ping Head of Department, Character and Citizenship Education joined April 1997 Mdm Goh Hwee Ling Mary Teacher, Chinese Language joined June 1996 Our Pioneer Staff 20
  • 23. The 20th anniversary logo comprises the numeral ‘20’, three waves and the theme for the celebration. The stylised numeral ‘20’ reflects our emphasis and pursuit over the last 20 years of an innovative holistic learning environment through the academic programmes, exposure to aesthetics and our niches of excellence. The three waves depict the broad strategic focus of the school – Academic, Character and Staff Excellence - in achieving this engaging and transformative experience that develops a lifelong love for learning in our students. Our theme underscores these efforts in nurturing our students by saluting our predecessors for their pivotal leadership, as we continue their good work and inspire all those who pass through the gates of Damai to be Committed, Competent and Compassionate Leaders.
  • 24. DAMAI SECONDARY SCHOOL 4800 Bedok Reservoir Road 479229 Tel: 64436848 Fax: 64425629 Email: Website: