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Cultural Diffusion: Polynelian Culture
Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural ideas from their place of origin to other regions, groups or
nations. Norfolk Island was predominantly a Polynesian cultural community. Today's cultural
community involves many aspects of British and Pitcairn culture. Moreover, the island has benefited
greatly from the spread of foreign cultures. British immigrants migrate from England, and brought
their own skills, tradition, cultural beliefs, and social activities. The British established Norfolk
Island as a penal colony, and they send criminals from Sydney,Australia to the island. Also, their
culture spread, as they settled at Norfolk Island. However, the penal colony abandoned, and the
population declined. The British Pitcairn islanders (descentants
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Define Cultural Diffusion
1.What are the similarities and differences between subcultures and counterculture? Provide
examples of each.
1.A subculture and a counterculture are both considered a world with in a world, however, they
differ by ways of what their relationship is to the larger world. The subculture tends to not be against
the mainstream beliefs even though their beliefs may be different. Countercultures are in direct
conflict with the mainstream society. An example of a counterculture would be a pagan religious
group. The people involved with this culture have religious beliefs that are in direct conflict with
those of most dominate religions today. On the other hand, an example of a subcultures is animal
rescue organizations. The people involved with the organizations they do have the same beliefs and
values, however, they are not in conflict with the dominant American culture.
2.Define cultural diffusion and cultural leveling, providing an explanation of how they are similar as
well as different.
1.Cultural diffusion is the process of groups learning things from other groups while cultural leveling
is the process where cultures become similar to each other. Cultural diffusion can lead to cultural
leveling because the more one group learns more content...
Role strain is the conflict of issues within a role while role conflict is a conflict between roles. An
example of role strain is when an employee is expected to have completed a project, however, if the
project is done well it will force another co–worker out of the potion. This is a strain because the
employee is expected to do their best, however, they do not want to put the other employee in
danger of losing their job. Role conflict is different because it is a conflict between all the different
roles one has. An example of this conflict is having to stay home with a sick child, the parent role,
and having to be at work for an important presentation, the employee role. These two are in direct
conflict with each
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In this assignment, the author will analyze, and identify differences between the basic and base
concept of international trade theories. The author will examine and critically assess the concept of
international trade. This paper agrees with the economist that international trade is the
interdependence of nations in terms of trade, cultural diffusion, and economic interdependency.
International business trade theories are basically different theories with their concept of trade how
they explain international trade. The concept of majority of economist believe that, trade is about
exchanging goods and services between two people or countries within the world. People do trade
because they believe that, from the exchange of goods and service, both can benefit from each other
resources. They need the goods and services which they are exchanged. Though at the surface, this
may sound very simple, there is a great deal of theory, policy, and business strategy that constitutes
international trade. The author will talk about the different trade theories that have developed over
the past century and which are mine. Most applicable in today 's business world. In addition, the
author will explore the issues which impact international trade and how businesses and governments
use these issues to their respective benefits to promote their international trade.
Adam Smith Absolute Advantage
Adam Smith a Scottish an economist, known as the father of free trade and he was recognized as the
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Cultural Diffusion In Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece is one is one of the most important civilizations in history. Why? Simply because
they were the base of many things that we believe in, practice, or build upon today. Some examples
are language, architecture, art, science, and much more. Over hundreds and thousands of years
technology, agricultural techniques, weapons, and education has advanced and evolved. Many of
these ideas not only started within Ancient Greece, but within other ancient civilizations as well.
Have you ever wondered what life would have been like if the ideas and inventions that Ancient
civilizations had uncovered had not been shared with other societies?
This process of spreading ideas between cultures is called cultural diffusion.
There are three more content...
He drew a conclusion from his fieldwork in the American Northwest, deciding that diffusion and
modification, the act or process of changing parts of something, explained many cultural phenomena.
An example includes how Native American culture and religion was affected and altered over time
by their location to other cultures and customs. Scholars of cultural diffusion created many different
theories around this topic, how it originated, how the idea spread, and more. Heliocentric diffusion
suggests that all cultures emerged from a single civilization.
Many of today's most popular religions did not originate where the majority of their religious
followers live. For example, Hinduism is one of the oldest major religions and it was created
somewhere near or around the Indus Valley (which is now modern day Pakistan). Another example
is Christianity or Christian Orthodox. This religion originated in the eastern section of the Roman
Empire. Eventually both of these religions, along with their customs and beliefs, became popular
amongst other people, cultures, and even nations, therefore spreading across the
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Cultural Diffusion is the study of the spread of elements of culture from its hearth. One example of
diffusion and probably the biggest one is the internet. This technological feat has not only changed
the world in the form of connectivity, but it has also changed the way people from all over the globe
consume culture. Meaning, the internet has changed in many ways the form humans interact with one
another, however, in this paper the discussion will focus on how the internet has spread from its
inception as an American military project in 1969 to the present day.
The internet started as a project funded by the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), this
agency is a branch of the military. Initially, the internet was used to connect the University of Utah
with three other institutions in California. The reason for this connection was to make effective use
of the very expensive computers that these institutions housed by having them share information,
this network system came to be known as ARPANET. One of the first applications used through this
network was Telnet, which allowed researchers to remotely control the computers connected to the
A year since its inception ARPANET had expanded onto the East Coast, with renown institutions like
Harvard and MIT joining the club. Then by 1973 ARPA went international making stops more
As a need for these datacenters was becoming more evident the National Science Network funded
multiple centers around the United States and to connect these centers a network was created called
NSFNET. Then by 1994 the NSFNET is decommissioned and the job that was once done by this
organization is then given to private
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Cultural Diffusion To The New World
Imagine a world without crops such as wheat and rice. Well without the European explorers,
conquistadors, and settlers they would've never made it to the Americas.They played a massive
role in the discovery of important crops and knowledge that the world would not live without it.
They should be glorified and celebrated in modern times due to their benefits of cultural diffusion
of knowledge, skills, religion, and food. Spain was one of the main starting point for cultural
diffusion to the new world. Based on articles by Bernal Diaz,and William Duiker, they talk about
how the resources such as wheat, rice and other important crops would've never got the Americas if it
weren't for the Columbian Exchange and cultural diffusion. Explorers would
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What Is Cultural Diffusion
Agriculture: The process of growing, cultivating, or producing crops, and raising livestock Animism:
The belief that not only humane creatures have souls; non–intelligent organisms such as plants and
animals may house spirits *Bureaucracy: A government in which important decisions are made by
non–elected state officials rather than elected representatives City–State: A single state that consists
of a city and its surrounding land Civilization: A certain society made of people, their customs, and
organizations Commerce: An exchange of goods in order for a gain or profit Cultural Diffusion:
The widespread movement of a custom or religion; two or more cultures interacting with each other
Democracy: A society governed by its people,
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Native American Cultural Diffusion
Before the Spanish ship that changed it all, which arrived in the "New World" in 1492, there was a
vast population of native people who had lived on this land for centuries prior. That ship, skippered
by Christopher Columbus, raised arguably one of the most influential turning points in Native
American and European history. It sparked the fire of cultural diffusion in the New World which
profoundly impacted the Native American peoples and the European settlers. Prior to European
contact, Native Americans lived as hunter–gatherers, living and traveling in groups typically less
than 300. These Native Americans had over 400 languages along with a myriad of different religions
(The American Pageant). Across the continent, the Natives built more content...
However, the Native Americans didn't just use these resources they garnered solely for food – they
used the resources in several aspects of their lives, specifically for health. The Native Americans
were dependant on the use of plants and other resources found in nature to use for curatives.
Historians often attest that these curatives were far superior to the ones that Europeans used, and
thus the span of life for Native Americans was often longer than that of the European people (The
People). However, upon Native American and European contact, the Europeans introduced new,
foreign diseases that were deadly because the Native Americans had never been exposed to these
diseases, and thus did not have natural immunities to them. This was the same for other infectious
diseases introduced to the Europeans, namely syphilis. Although, the amount of Europeans affected
by syphilis was not even near the amount of Native Americans killed by some of the European
diseases brought over in the Columbian exchange. BartolomГ© de Las Casas commented on the
epidemic of European viruses that killed thousands of Native Americans: "Who of those in
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Cultural Diffusion: Was Muslim Influence Positive or Negative? When Islam was initially
introduced into West African Muslims were treated differently by the locals. Muslims were living
apart from the main towns. Through trade routes, missionaries, and the military Islam began to
spread. Muslim influence was positive because of the education that it provided and their
willingness to help others. Their willingness to help made a big influence on people. When
Muslims have cash savings from a year's worth of work they give 2.5% of it to zakat, to help the
less fortunate (Islamic Beliefs and Practices). It is a private and voluntary decision. Another way to
participate in zakat is finding another way to help the less fortunate (Islamic Beliefs and Practices).
Such as participating in good moral behaviors and doing anything to the benefit of the less fortunate.
Sundiata was a muslim willing to risk his life to defeat the powerful and evil king, Soumaoro to
help people (The Epic of Sundiata). Once Sundiata defeated Soumaoro he gave land to the people
and created much more peaceful environment than from what it was under Soumaoro's rule. By their
willingness to help people, the Islam religion had made a great more content...
Built in the early fifteenth century, the Sankore Mosque more commonly know as the University of
Timbuktu was the center of a large Muslim community (Artifact #2). The university was respected
and was widely known throughout the Muslim world. The doors of the Sidi Yahia Mosque are part
of Timbuktu (Artifact #6). They stand in the courtyard where many classes took place. There are
about 700,000 manuscripts from the twelfth century through the seventeenth century on things such
as math and astronomy (Artifact #3). Which demonstrates how much they cared about their
education. They provided a great environment for people to learn about their interests and
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Cultural Diffusion In Southeast Asia
There were many cases of cultural diffusion in all of Asia. East Asia included the spread of
Confucianism and Buddhism. Both of these had a positive and negative effect, because at times
they went against each other. Buddhism had a real negative effect because of its belief of
reincarnation. One of the main reasons why there are so many suicide cases in east Asia.
Confucianism had a overall good effect because it taught a moral code. A example of cultural
diffusion in South Asia would be the spread of Hinduism. It had a positive effect because it taught
about telling the truth. Southeast Asia was greatly influenced by Theravada Buddhism. It teaches
about the follower staying away from all evil. Southeast Asia was also greatly influenced by
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Dbq Cultural Diffusion
Throughout time every society has had to address enduring themes with different results. One of
these enduring themes is cultural diffusion and trade. This is particularly apparent during the
1500s When Europeans arrived in the new world. It is also apparent when slaves were brought to
the New World during the Atlantic Slave Trade. Although cultural diffusion was negative in that it
caused the death of many Native Americans overall cultural diffusion was positive in that it
increased communication between the New World and the Old World and it brought new crops
and raw materials to the Old World. In the 1500s, the Conquistadors came to the new world from
Europe. After the Conquistadors came and conquered the new world many Native Americans fell ill
with the diseases brought from Europe. After the Europeans entered the new world an estimated 15
to 20 million Native Americans died (doc 5). A majority of these deaths were due to the
introduction of smallpox from Europe to the new world (doc 5). This is because the majority of the
Native American population did not have the immunity to these diseases as more content...
Africans were brought to the Americas through the Transatlantic Slave Trade to make up for the
labor shortage created after the Native Americans died (doc 1). Most slaves became workers on
plantations which allowed the New World to produce raw materials which would later be traded
with Europe (doc 1). However, the increase of raw materials, such as sugarcane, resulted in the
New World becoming a part of an international trade (doc 2). This allowed them to gain access to
raw materials, such as Indigo rice tobacco coffee cocoa and cotton (doc 2). So even though slaves
were forcibly brought to the Americas, the increase in slave labor resulted in an overall increase of
trade between Europe and the
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Cultural Diffusion
Mr. Reeves
Page 1
Cultural Diffusion in the Ancient World Throughout history, cultures have mixed all over the world,
changing beliefs, creating new ones, and changing the way people look at the world along with
their existence. This can be proven from anything from music to food, but is especially prevalent in
world religion and the way that every culture sees their god, or gods, and how they think, worship,
and even obey, in similar manners. Even though Hebrew conceptions differed from the rest of the
world's views, contact with other cultures spread many beliefs through the ages, and many culture's
ideas of a divine God were changed because of that contact. Most importantly, cultural contact has an
effect on everyone because it more content...
Despite ridicule from peers, Noah obeys and is rewarded with a covenant from god promising no
more floods to wipe out humanity. This story illustrates how powerful Yahweh really is, the
wrath he has to bestow on those who do not obey his commands and the mercy he has for those who
will trust in him and do as he says. Yahweh also shows compassion in many biblical stories. In
Genesis 2:18 says, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone; I will make
Page 4 a fitting helper for him.' His concern for Adam's loneliness is an example of how he is a
caring god. In the story of Job, Satan takes control of Job's possessions in order to test him. Yahweh
allows all of this to happen and watches as Job loses his family, possessions, and his health. Job is
picking at sores all over his skin with broken pieces of pottery as god sits by and watches, and Satan
anxiously waits for Job to give it up and curse Yahweh, who he as always been faithful to. Is this
really the doing of a merciful god? It's debatable– this would probably fit under the category of just,
not kind or loving. God allowing a faithful servant to be tested could be called cruel, but Yahweh
gave him everything that he had to begin with, as far as the Hebrews are concerned.
This Hebrew idea of a divine being differs greatly from other cultures and to some is very similar.
Many cultures, such as the Mesopotamians, were polytheistic, and
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Three Types Of Cultural Diffusion
Cultural diffusion is when one culture borrows aspects of another culture. It is the spread of culture
and the borrowing of foreign cultural aspects into a culture.
2.What is acculturation? What is an example of this?
Acculturation is when a culture conforms to a different culture through large–scale alteration. An
example of acculturation can be seen when one group conquers another and imposes their laws and
customs on the conquered. A specific example of this could be when the colonists came to America.
They took the land from the and forced their culture on the Native Americans. Native Americans
children were separated from their families to attend American Indian boarding schools. There, they
were given American names, dressed as American children, forbidden to speak their tribal language,
given an American education, and forced to convert to Christianity. As these children grew up, they
taught their children the American ways of life, causing their own culture to fade away. In this way,
although it was forced, the Native American culture went through acculturation.
3.What are three types of cultural diffusion? Describe each type.
The three types of cultural diffusion are direct, forced, and indirect diffusion. Direct diffusion is
when two cultures that live close to one another interact frequently. Occurences such as warfare,
trading, and intermarriage will bring the two cultures in contact with one another. When this happens
the cultures may adopt the clothing,
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Cultural Diffusion Research Paper
An example of cultural diffusion is learning about a different culture in some form and spreading
the knowledge to others. My example is the Sweetgrass basket made by true artisans. I would love
to learn to craft one of these beautiful baskets, but unfortunately they don't teach the craft to
outsiders. I don't take that as offensive, it's their culture. It can only be learned from being passed
down from generation to generation. The Sweetgrass basket is thought to be the oldest African art
known in America. Sweetgrass baskets have been made in South Carolina since the 17th century,
mainly here in Charleston. The art was brought to America by enslaved Africans mostly from the
Windward and Rice Coasts of West Africa. The "sweetgrass" is
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Cultural Diffusion Examples
Cultural Diffusion
Bananas are the most popular fruit throughout Europe with a 50% advantage while apples are
followed by 38%. Without the effects of Cultural Diffusion individuals will not be able to enjoy the
benefits of these fruits. As through the spread of foods and goods come the advantages of Cultural
Diffusion. Cultural Diffusion is the spread of the beliefs and social activities of one culture to
different ethnicities, religions, nationalities. In this case the spread of new technologies has occured,
new religion, and lastly new imported goods. The question is did Cultural Diffusion have a positive
or negative impact on society? Cultural Diffusion had a positive impact on society because it led to
many advances in society such as,technological,religion, and trading of more content...
According to it states " New diseases brought to the Americas by the
Europeans directly led to hundreds of thousands of deaths of natives who had never had contact
with the new diseases. Diseases such as AIDS , Smallpox , and the Bubonic Plague have killed
millions of people as they were spread from one are to another". This example shows that many
diseases diseases brought over by the europeans killed people from the Americas as they were not
accustomed to the diseases being brought upon. Which shows that a negative effect of Cultural
Diffusion was the spread of diseases as approximately 90% of Native Americans were killed due to
diseases. However Cultural Diffusion impacted our society rather more positively than negatively
because. Cultural Diffusion allowed the expansion of new technological innovations such as paper
and the printing press, the spread of Christianity, and lastly Cultural Diffusion through the columbian
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Cultural Diffusion In American Culture Essay
Through stories like Blaxicans, Of Plymouth Plantation, and Mother Tongue, the element of
immigration is shown strongly throughout. The encounters of immigration are in America with other
cultures and each culture deals with different encounters followed by different struggles. These
encounters affected the people coming to america and the people already in America but overall it
changed America as a whole nation. Immigration changed America and the lives of those who settled
here through widespreads of cultural diffusion. In Of Plymouth Plantation, signs of cultural diffusion
are shown through new found lifestyle methods. When the Puritans first arrived to America they
struggled to settle and find ways of surviving. In the first couple of months lots of Puritans died from
sickness and starvation and they went through an unbearable winter. But when they finally met
Squanto, the local Indian, he taught the Puritans how to farm, hunt, and fish, to survive. On the
other hand more content...
In the story, Amy's mother struggles in America due to the fact that english is not her first language.
Since her first language is chinese and her english is not that proficient, she has trouble getting by
when it comes to communicating and Amy usually translates for her day by day. But, overtime
Amy's mother learns the basics of english and develops a form of "broken english" and Amy
communicates with her through a "watered down english". Although cultural diffusion lacks on the
other side of perspective where proficiently speaking Americans who have tried to communicate with
Amy's mother have ignored the effort to learn her language; the way she's learned theirs. This shows
signs of cultural diffusion through language integration, because Amy's mother struggled to come to
a new country and adjust to both the customs and language yet she found a way to do both despite
her language
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Cultural Diffusion In The Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages there were three cultures, one gained, one suffered, and one started the Crusades
because of greed, fear and intolerance. The first culture that gained the most in the Middle Ages
were the Muslims because In Unity, O'Roark and Wood stated that "Abd al–Rahman III allowed
cultural diffusion by allowing for growth of knowledge in agriculture, text" (O' Roark and Wood)
also Muslim, "The Caliph Al Andalus identified ways to bring cultural diffusion to his land, by
building monuments, pristine architecture, enormous economic expansion, allowing lots more
money. His palace was open with arches everywhere, the gardens were lush and part of the
decoration. The rooms were filled with gifts from around the world." (O'Roak and Wood). The
evidence collected consistently supports the assumption of the Muslim towns having functioning
bathhouses with WARM water to soak in. Lastly Abd al– Rahman hires a Jewish scholar, Ibn Sharut,
to be an ambassador and his personal physician. This man cured Top Rahman, Top Rahman trusted
him implicitly. Ibn Shaprut also worked with Byzantine men and Eastern Monks to decipher what
medicinal books said because they were written in Greek and Latin. But some may also argue that
the Muslims suffered greatly during the Crusade leaving devastation everywhere because they
attacked Spain (Al–Andalus) causing cultural division between German Visigoths (Christians) and
Muslims because the Muslims also won the war against the Visigoths.
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Cultural Diffusion In America Essay
America is a country where individuals are able to find their own niche within their community, to
connect with other individuals with common beliefs, and to have an American identity without
losing their own roots. One of the reasons why America is what it is today is because of how its
history was started and founded. Ever since its discovery, people from different continents such as
Africa, Europe, and Asia have immigrated to America for various reasons, allowing America to be
ethnically diverse. Throughout the world, cultural diffusion occurs; however, in America, cultural
diffusion has been part of the country's culture since the colonial era. For example, the colonies in
America did not only interact with their mother country, more content...
Due to this, cities such as New York City and Los Angeles are known as "America's Melting
Pots," because of the various diverse neighborhoods have developed over the years. In New York
City, examples of neighborhoods where people with different cultures and ethnicities are ____. The
picture of a tree whose leaves are changing colors best represents America because of the symbolism
it portrays. A tree is the symbol of life, strength, security, and ambition, which are key ideas that
encompass America. The actual elements illustrated in the image such as the different colors of the
leaves and the roots symbolize the cultural diffusion found in America. The differently–colored
leaves represent the various cultures, ethnicities, and beliefs that individuals in America possess; all
the leaves of the tree represent what America's culture is: a country where individuals have an
American identity, without losing their own original identity. The tree's trunk symbolize America's
origins, how and why it was founded and on what principles it was founded. After the Constitution
was written, America was founded on the principles that individuals could assemble freely, could
express their opinions freely, and could practice their
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Native American Cultural Diffusion Examples
Cultural diffusion is the contagious cycle of beliefs, practices, cultures, and ideas spreading from
location to location. Europeans led voyages to expand Christianity throughout other countries. An
example of this would be Jesuits see to convert others as a serving to god, and helping those without
God at their side. Trade resulted in new products being transported to various countries within the
Columbian exchange. Countries continuously set out to conquer more land, during the age of
exploration Hernando Cortes set out to defeat the Aztecs and obtain their land. THESIS; Cultural
diffusion impacted society because it was responsible for the ample amount of knowledge,
innovation, product and diversity being spread from country to country.
Europeans led voyages to spread Religions to other countries, this effected societies by inflicting
cultures such as Christianity and protestant religions onto others. An example of cultural diffusion
during the spread of religion would be the interaction between Catholic Jesuits from countries like
Spain, Portugal, and France and natives who were converted to Catholicism. Jesuits were followers
of Jesus, more content...
Hernando Cortez defeated the Aztecs and conquered their land which is now modern day Mexico.
Pizzaro captured the Incas and stole their goods such as their gold and land. Conquest effected
many cultures but one in specific were the native Americans. Natives died due to exposure when
the Europeans came to conquer land. When land was conquered most conquerors would add and
increase the production to their newly obtained land, like when peter the great conquered Sweden's
ports and granted permission to come in contact with the west. This interaction was so key because
it began easy travel and westernization. This impacted society because it allowed the escalation of a
modern army as well as the transfer off ideas and
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Cultural diffusion and Globalization can be described as the spread of cultural beliefs, ideas, foods,
technology, goods, and social activities from one group to another. Basically, it is when one group of
people passes down one of their customs; whether it's through trade, war, or migration. Today, most
globalization occurs through the internet, or media. The United States has passed on many original
ideas to other groups of people so far during its 240 years as a country. However, it's not nicknamed
"The Melting Pot" for no reason. Most of our customs come from the millions of different
immigrants that have come to our country. One of the main things these immigrants brought to our
country was food. Most of "American" food is not more content...
Kroc noticed how unique and efficient this new restaurant operated. Their format allowed Richard
and Maurice to produce huge quantities of food, quickly, and allowing them to charge only fifteen
cents a burger! Competing restaurants charged double this amount! There was no need for waiters
and waitresses, with their new self–service counter. Plus, all hamburgers were cooked ahead of time,
pre–wrapped, and kept warm under heat lamps, ready for hungry customers working against the
clock. Seeing great promise in their restaurant, Kroc began a franchise program for the McDonald
brothers, opened their first franchise on April 15, 1955, in Des Plaines, Illinois, launched their
corporation in the same year, and eventually, Ray Kroc bought out the company in 1961. As the
new burger chain became more and more popular, Kroc decided the company needed a new
public face. In 1963, Ronald McDonald was born. He was extremely popular, so the corporation
continued to develop symbols to represent McDonald's, such as the Big Mac (1968), the Egg
McMuffin (1973), Happy Meals (1979), and Chicken McNuggets (1983). Even more characters
were introduced, such as Hamburglar, Mayor McCheese, Officer Big Mac, and Grimace, to name
a few. According to Britannica School, "McDonald's effectively became the most popular family
restaurant in the world, emphasizing affordable food, fun, and flavors that appeal to children and
adults alike." (Britannica School, par. 5) Soon, McDonald's extended into Canada in 1968, and by
1988, they had reached a total of 10,000 restaurants. But all of this was just the
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Cultural Diffusion Essay

  • 1. Cultural Diffusion: Polynelian Culture Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural ideas from their place of origin to other regions, groups or nations. Norfolk Island was predominantly a Polynesian cultural community. Today's cultural community involves many aspects of British and Pitcairn culture. Moreover, the island has benefited greatly from the spread of foreign cultures. British immigrants migrate from England, and brought their own skills, tradition, cultural beliefs, and social activities. The British established Norfolk Island as a penal colony, and they send criminals from Sydney,Australia to the island. Also, their culture spread, as they settled at Norfolk Island. However, the penal colony abandoned, and the population declined. The British Pitcairn islanders (descentants Get more content on
  • 2. Define Cultural Diffusion 1.What are the similarities and differences between subcultures and counterculture? Provide examples of each. 1.A subculture and a counterculture are both considered a world with in a world, however, they differ by ways of what their relationship is to the larger world. The subculture tends to not be against the mainstream beliefs even though their beliefs may be different. Countercultures are in direct conflict with the mainstream society. An example of a counterculture would be a pagan religious group. The people involved with this culture have religious beliefs that are in direct conflict with those of most dominate religions today. On the other hand, an example of a subcultures is animal rescue organizations. The people involved with the organizations they do have the same beliefs and values, however, they are not in conflict with the dominant American culture. 2.Define cultural diffusion and cultural leveling, providing an explanation of how they are similar as well as different. 1.Cultural diffusion is the process of groups learning things from other groups while cultural leveling is the process where cultures become similar to each other. Cultural diffusion can lead to cultural leveling because the more one group learns more content... Role strain is the conflict of issues within a role while role conflict is a conflict between roles. An example of role strain is when an employee is expected to have completed a project, however, if the project is done well it will force another co–worker out of the potion. This is a strain because the employee is expected to do their best, however, they do not want to put the other employee in danger of losing their job. Role conflict is different because it is a conflict between all the different roles one has. An example of this conflict is having to stay home with a sick child, the parent role, and having to be at work for an important presentation, the employee role. These two are in direct conflict with each Get more content on
  • 3. In this assignment, the author will analyze, and identify differences between the basic and base concept of international trade theories. The author will examine and critically assess the concept of international trade. This paper agrees with the economist that international trade is the interdependence of nations in terms of trade, cultural diffusion, and economic interdependency. International business trade theories are basically different theories with their concept of trade how they explain international trade. The concept of majority of economist believe that, trade is about exchanging goods and services between two people or countries within the world. People do trade because they believe that, from the exchange of goods and service, both can benefit from each other resources. They need the goods and services which they are exchanged. Though at the surface, this may sound very simple, there is a great deal of theory, policy, and business strategy that constitutes international trade. The author will talk about the different trade theories that have developed over the past century and which are mine. Most applicable in today 's business world. In addition, the author will explore the issues which impact international trade and how businesses and governments use these issues to their respective benefits to promote their international trade. Adam Smith Absolute Advantage Adam Smith a Scottish an economist, known as the father of free trade and he was recognized as the Get more content on
  • 4. Cultural Diffusion In Ancient Greece Ancient Greece is one is one of the most important civilizations in history. Why? Simply because they were the base of many things that we believe in, practice, or build upon today. Some examples are language, architecture, art, science, and much more. Over hundreds and thousands of years technology, agricultural techniques, weapons, and education has advanced and evolved. Many of these ideas not only started within Ancient Greece, but within other ancient civilizations as well. Have you ever wondered what life would have been like if the ideas and inventions that Ancient civilizations had uncovered had not been shared with other societies? This process of spreading ideas between cultures is called cultural diffusion. There are three more content... He drew a conclusion from his fieldwork in the American Northwest, deciding that diffusion and modification, the act or process of changing parts of something, explained many cultural phenomena. An example includes how Native American culture and religion was affected and altered over time by their location to other cultures and customs. Scholars of cultural diffusion created many different theories around this topic, how it originated, how the idea spread, and more. Heliocentric diffusion suggests that all cultures emerged from a single civilization. Many of today's most popular religions did not originate where the majority of their religious followers live. For example, Hinduism is one of the oldest major religions and it was created somewhere near or around the Indus Valley (which is now modern day Pakistan). Another example is Christianity or Christian Orthodox. This religion originated in the eastern section of the Roman Empire. Eventually both of these religions, along with their customs and beliefs, became popular amongst other people, cultures, and even nations, therefore spreading across the Get more content on
  • 5. Cultural Diffusion is the study of the spread of elements of culture from its hearth. One example of diffusion and probably the biggest one is the internet. This technological feat has not only changed the world in the form of connectivity, but it has also changed the way people from all over the globe consume culture. Meaning, the internet has changed in many ways the form humans interact with one another, however, in this paper the discussion will focus on how the internet has spread from its inception as an American military project in 1969 to the present day. The internet started as a project funded by the Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), this agency is a branch of the military. Initially, the internet was used to connect the University of Utah with three other institutions in California. The reason for this connection was to make effective use of the very expensive computers that these institutions housed by having them share information, this network system came to be known as ARPANET. One of the first applications used through this network was Telnet, which allowed researchers to remotely control the computers connected to the ARPANET. A year since its inception ARPANET had expanded onto the East Coast, with renown institutions like Harvard and MIT joining the club. Then by 1973 ARPA went international making stops more content... As a need for these datacenters was becoming more evident the National Science Network funded multiple centers around the United States and to connect these centers a network was created called NSFNET. Then by 1994 the NSFNET is decommissioned and the job that was once done by this organization is then given to private Get more content on
  • 6. Cultural Diffusion To The New World Imagine a world without crops such as wheat and rice. Well without the European explorers, conquistadors, and settlers they would've never made it to the Americas.They played a massive role in the discovery of important crops and knowledge that the world would not live without it. They should be glorified and celebrated in modern times due to their benefits of cultural diffusion of knowledge, skills, religion, and food. Spain was one of the main starting point for cultural diffusion to the new world. Based on articles by Bernal Diaz,and William Duiker, they talk about how the resources such as wheat, rice and other important crops would've never got the Americas if it weren't for the Columbian Exchange and cultural diffusion. Explorers would Get more content on
  • 7. What Is Cultural Diffusion Agriculture: The process of growing, cultivating, or producing crops, and raising livestock Animism: The belief that not only humane creatures have souls; non–intelligent organisms such as plants and animals may house spirits *Bureaucracy: A government in which important decisions are made by non–elected state officials rather than elected representatives City–State: A single state that consists of a city and its surrounding land Civilization: A certain society made of people, their customs, and organizations Commerce: An exchange of goods in order for a gain or profit Cultural Diffusion: The widespread movement of a custom or religion; two or more cultures interacting with each other Democracy: A society governed by its people, Get more content on
  • 8. Native American Cultural Diffusion Before the Spanish ship that changed it all, which arrived in the "New World" in 1492, there was a vast population of native people who had lived on this land for centuries prior. That ship, skippered by Christopher Columbus, raised arguably one of the most influential turning points in Native American and European history. It sparked the fire of cultural diffusion in the New World which profoundly impacted the Native American peoples and the European settlers. Prior to European contact, Native Americans lived as hunter–gatherers, living and traveling in groups typically less than 300. These Native Americans had over 400 languages along with a myriad of different religions (The American Pageant). Across the continent, the Natives built more content... However, the Native Americans didn't just use these resources they garnered solely for food – they used the resources in several aspects of their lives, specifically for health. The Native Americans were dependant on the use of plants and other resources found in nature to use for curatives. Historians often attest that these curatives were far superior to the ones that Europeans used, and thus the span of life for Native Americans was often longer than that of the European people (The People). However, upon Native American and European contact, the Europeans introduced new, foreign diseases that were deadly because the Native Americans had never been exposed to these diseases, and thus did not have natural immunities to them. This was the same for other infectious diseases introduced to the Europeans, namely syphilis. Although, the amount of Europeans affected by syphilis was not even near the amount of Native Americans killed by some of the European diseases brought over in the Columbian exchange. BartolomГ© de Las Casas commented on the epidemic of European viruses that killed thousands of Native Americans: "Who of those in Get more content on
  • 9. Cultural Diffusion: Was Muslim Influence Positive or Negative? When Islam was initially introduced into West African Muslims were treated differently by the locals. Muslims were living apart from the main towns. Through trade routes, missionaries, and the military Islam began to spread. Muslim influence was positive because of the education that it provided and their willingness to help others. Their willingness to help made a big influence on people. When Muslims have cash savings from a year's worth of work they give 2.5% of it to zakat, to help the less fortunate (Islamic Beliefs and Practices). It is a private and voluntary decision. Another way to participate in zakat is finding another way to help the less fortunate (Islamic Beliefs and Practices). Such as participating in good moral behaviors and doing anything to the benefit of the less fortunate. Sundiata was a muslim willing to risk his life to defeat the powerful and evil king, Soumaoro to help people (The Epic of Sundiata). Once Sundiata defeated Soumaoro he gave land to the people and created much more peaceful environment than from what it was under Soumaoro's rule. By their willingness to help people, the Islam religion had made a great more content... Built in the early fifteenth century, the Sankore Mosque more commonly know as the University of Timbuktu was the center of a large Muslim community (Artifact #2). The university was respected and was widely known throughout the Muslim world. The doors of the Sidi Yahia Mosque are part of Timbuktu (Artifact #6). They stand in the courtyard where many classes took place. There are about 700,000 manuscripts from the twelfth century through the seventeenth century on things such as math and astronomy (Artifact #3). Which demonstrates how much they cared about their education. They provided a great environment for people to learn about their interests and Get more content on
  • 10. Cultural Diffusion In Southeast Asia There were many cases of cultural diffusion in all of Asia. East Asia included the spread of Confucianism and Buddhism. Both of these had a positive and negative effect, because at times they went against each other. Buddhism had a real negative effect because of its belief of reincarnation. One of the main reasons why there are so many suicide cases in east Asia. Confucianism had a overall good effect because it taught a moral code. A example of cultural diffusion in South Asia would be the spread of Hinduism. It had a positive effect because it taught about telling the truth. Southeast Asia was greatly influenced by Theravada Buddhism. It teaches about the follower staying away from all evil. Southeast Asia was also greatly influenced by Get more content on
  • 11. Dbq Cultural Diffusion Throughout time every society has had to address enduring themes with different results. One of these enduring themes is cultural diffusion and trade. This is particularly apparent during the 1500s When Europeans arrived in the new world. It is also apparent when slaves were brought to the New World during the Atlantic Slave Trade. Although cultural diffusion was negative in that it caused the death of many Native Americans overall cultural diffusion was positive in that it increased communication between the New World and the Old World and it brought new crops and raw materials to the Old World. In the 1500s, the Conquistadors came to the new world from Europe. After the Conquistadors came and conquered the new world many Native Americans fell ill with the diseases brought from Europe. After the Europeans entered the new world an estimated 15 to 20 million Native Americans died (doc 5). A majority of these deaths were due to the introduction of smallpox from Europe to the new world (doc 5). This is because the majority of the Native American population did not have the immunity to these diseases as more content... Africans were brought to the Americas through the Transatlantic Slave Trade to make up for the labor shortage created after the Native Americans died (doc 1). Most slaves became workers on plantations which allowed the New World to produce raw materials which would later be traded with Europe (doc 1). However, the increase of raw materials, such as sugarcane, resulted in the New World becoming a part of an international trade (doc 2). This allowed them to gain access to raw materials, such as Indigo rice tobacco coffee cocoa and cotton (doc 2). So even though slaves were forcibly brought to the Americas, the increase in slave labor resulted in an overall increase of trade between Europe and the Get more content on
  • 12. Cultural Diffusion Mr. Reeves Page 1 Cultural Diffusion in the Ancient World Throughout history, cultures have mixed all over the world, changing beliefs, creating new ones, and changing the way people look at the world along with their existence. This can be proven from anything from music to food, but is especially prevalent in world religion and the way that every culture sees their god, or gods, and how they think, worship, and even obey, in similar manners. Even though Hebrew conceptions differed from the rest of the world's views, contact with other cultures spread many beliefs through the ages, and many culture's ideas of a divine God were changed because of that contact. Most importantly, cultural contact has an effect on everyone because it more content... Despite ridicule from peers, Noah obeys and is rewarded with a covenant from god promising no more floods to wipe out humanity. This story illustrates how powerful Yahweh really is, the wrath he has to bestow on those who do not obey his commands and the mercy he has for those who will trust in him and do as he says. Yahweh also shows compassion in many biblical stories. In Genesis 2:18 says, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone; I will make Page 4 a fitting helper for him.' His concern for Adam's loneliness is an example of how he is a caring god. In the story of Job, Satan takes control of Job's possessions in order to test him. Yahweh allows all of this to happen and watches as Job loses his family, possessions, and his health. Job is picking at sores all over his skin with broken pieces of pottery as god sits by and watches, and Satan anxiously waits for Job to give it up and curse Yahweh, who he as always been faithful to. Is this really the doing of a merciful god? It's debatable– this would probably fit under the category of just, not kind or loving. God allowing a faithful servant to be tested could be called cruel, but Yahweh gave him everything that he had to begin with, as far as the Hebrews are concerned. This Hebrew idea of a divine being differs greatly from other cultures and to some is very similar. Many cultures, such as the Mesopotamians, were polytheistic, and Get more content on
  • 13. Three Types Of Cultural Diffusion Cultural diffusion is when one culture borrows aspects of another culture. It is the spread of culture and the borrowing of foreign cultural aspects into a culture. 2.What is acculturation? What is an example of this? Acculturation is when a culture conforms to a different culture through large–scale alteration. An example of acculturation can be seen when one group conquers another and imposes their laws and customs on the conquered. A specific example of this could be when the colonists came to America. They took the land from the and forced their culture on the Native Americans. Native Americans children were separated from their families to attend American Indian boarding schools. There, they were given American names, dressed as American children, forbidden to speak their tribal language, given an American education, and forced to convert to Christianity. As these children grew up, they taught their children the American ways of life, causing their own culture to fade away. In this way, although it was forced, the Native American culture went through acculturation. 3.What are three types of cultural diffusion? Describe each type. The three types of cultural diffusion are direct, forced, and indirect diffusion. Direct diffusion is when two cultures that live close to one another interact frequently. Occurences such as warfare, trading, and intermarriage will bring the two cultures in contact with one another. When this happens the cultures may adopt the clothing, Get more content on
  • 14. Cultural Diffusion Research Paper An example of cultural diffusion is learning about a different culture in some form and spreading the knowledge to others. My example is the Sweetgrass basket made by true artisans. I would love to learn to craft one of these beautiful baskets, but unfortunately they don't teach the craft to outsiders. I don't take that as offensive, it's their culture. It can only be learned from being passed down from generation to generation. The Sweetgrass basket is thought to be the oldest African art known in America. Sweetgrass baskets have been made in South Carolina since the 17th century, mainly here in Charleston. The art was brought to America by enslaved Africans mostly from the Windward and Rice Coasts of West Africa. The "sweetgrass" is Get more content on
  • 15. Cultural Diffusion Examples Cultural Diffusion Bananas are the most popular fruit throughout Europe with a 50% advantage while apples are followed by 38%. Without the effects of Cultural Diffusion individuals will not be able to enjoy the benefits of these fruits. As through the spread of foods and goods come the advantages of Cultural Diffusion. Cultural Diffusion is the spread of the beliefs and social activities of one culture to different ethnicities, religions, nationalities. In this case the spread of new technologies has occured, new religion, and lastly new imported goods. The question is did Cultural Diffusion have a positive or negative impact on society? Cultural Diffusion had a positive impact on society because it led to many advances in society such as,technological,religion, and trading of more content... According to it states " New diseases brought to the Americas by the Europeans directly led to hundreds of thousands of deaths of natives who had never had contact with the new diseases. Diseases such as AIDS , Smallpox , and the Bubonic Plague have killed millions of people as they were spread from one are to another". This example shows that many diseases diseases brought over by the europeans killed people from the Americas as they were not accustomed to the diseases being brought upon. Which shows that a negative effect of Cultural Diffusion was the spread of diseases as approximately 90% of Native Americans were killed due to diseases. However Cultural Diffusion impacted our society rather more positively than negatively because. Cultural Diffusion allowed the expansion of new technological innovations such as paper and the printing press, the spread of Christianity, and lastly Cultural Diffusion through the columbian Get more content on
  • 16. Cultural Diffusion In American Culture Essay Through stories like Blaxicans, Of Plymouth Plantation, and Mother Tongue, the element of immigration is shown strongly throughout. The encounters of immigration are in America with other cultures and each culture deals with different encounters followed by different struggles. These encounters affected the people coming to america and the people already in America but overall it changed America as a whole nation. Immigration changed America and the lives of those who settled here through widespreads of cultural diffusion. In Of Plymouth Plantation, signs of cultural diffusion are shown through new found lifestyle methods. When the Puritans first arrived to America they struggled to settle and find ways of surviving. In the first couple of months lots of Puritans died from sickness and starvation and they went through an unbearable winter. But when they finally met Squanto, the local Indian, he taught the Puritans how to farm, hunt, and fish, to survive. On the other hand more content... In the story, Amy's mother struggles in America due to the fact that english is not her first language. Since her first language is chinese and her english is not that proficient, she has trouble getting by when it comes to communicating and Amy usually translates for her day by day. But, overtime Amy's mother learns the basics of english and develops a form of "broken english" and Amy communicates with her through a "watered down english". Although cultural diffusion lacks on the other side of perspective where proficiently speaking Americans who have tried to communicate with Amy's mother have ignored the effort to learn her language; the way she's learned theirs. This shows signs of cultural diffusion through language integration, because Amy's mother struggled to come to a new country and adjust to both the customs and language yet she found a way to do both despite her language Get more content on
  • 17. Cultural Diffusion In The Middle Ages In the Middle Ages there were three cultures, one gained, one suffered, and one started the Crusades because of greed, fear and intolerance. The first culture that gained the most in the Middle Ages were the Muslims because In Unity, O'Roark and Wood stated that "Abd al–Rahman III allowed cultural diffusion by allowing for growth of knowledge in agriculture, text" (O' Roark and Wood) also Muslim, "The Caliph Al Andalus identified ways to bring cultural diffusion to his land, by building monuments, pristine architecture, enormous economic expansion, allowing lots more money. His palace was open with arches everywhere, the gardens were lush and part of the decoration. The rooms were filled with gifts from around the world." (O'Roak and Wood). The evidence collected consistently supports the assumption of the Muslim towns having functioning bathhouses with WARM water to soak in. Lastly Abd al– Rahman hires a Jewish scholar, Ibn Sharut, to be an ambassador and his personal physician. This man cured Top Rahman, Top Rahman trusted him implicitly. Ibn Shaprut also worked with Byzantine men and Eastern Monks to decipher what medicinal books said because they were written in Greek and Latin. But some may also argue that the Muslims suffered greatly during the Crusade leaving devastation everywhere because they attacked Spain (Al–Andalus) causing cultural division between German Visigoths (Christians) and Muslims because the Muslims also won the war against the Visigoths. Get more content on
  • 18. Cultural Diffusion In America Essay America America is a country where individuals are able to find their own niche within their community, to connect with other individuals with common beliefs, and to have an American identity without losing their own roots. One of the reasons why America is what it is today is because of how its history was started and founded. Ever since its discovery, people from different continents such as Africa, Europe, and Asia have immigrated to America for various reasons, allowing America to be ethnically diverse. Throughout the world, cultural diffusion occurs; however, in America, cultural diffusion has been part of the country's culture since the colonial era. For example, the colonies in America did not only interact with their mother country, more content... Due to this, cities such as New York City and Los Angeles are known as "America's Melting Pots," because of the various diverse neighborhoods have developed over the years. In New York City, examples of neighborhoods where people with different cultures and ethnicities are ____. The picture of a tree whose leaves are changing colors best represents America because of the symbolism it portrays. A tree is the symbol of life, strength, security, and ambition, which are key ideas that encompass America. The actual elements illustrated in the image such as the different colors of the leaves and the roots symbolize the cultural diffusion found in America. The differently–colored leaves represent the various cultures, ethnicities, and beliefs that individuals in America possess; all the leaves of the tree represent what America's culture is: a country where individuals have an American identity, without losing their own original identity. The tree's trunk symbolize America's origins, how and why it was founded and on what principles it was founded. After the Constitution was written, America was founded on the principles that individuals could assemble freely, could express their opinions freely, and could practice their Get more content on
  • 19. Native American Cultural Diffusion Examples Cultural diffusion is the contagious cycle of beliefs, practices, cultures, and ideas spreading from location to location. Europeans led voyages to expand Christianity throughout other countries. An example of this would be Jesuits see to convert others as a serving to god, and helping those without God at their side. Trade resulted in new products being transported to various countries within the Columbian exchange. Countries continuously set out to conquer more land, during the age of exploration Hernando Cortes set out to defeat the Aztecs and obtain their land. THESIS; Cultural diffusion impacted society because it was responsible for the ample amount of knowledge, innovation, product and diversity being spread from country to country. Europeans led voyages to spread Religions to other countries, this effected societies by inflicting cultures such as Christianity and protestant religions onto others. An example of cultural diffusion during the spread of religion would be the interaction between Catholic Jesuits from countries like Spain, Portugal, and France and natives who were converted to Catholicism. Jesuits were followers of Jesus, more content... Hernando Cortez defeated the Aztecs and conquered their land which is now modern day Mexico. Pizzaro captured the Incas and stole their goods such as their gold and land. Conquest effected many cultures but one in specific were the native Americans. Natives died due to exposure when the Europeans came to conquer land. When land was conquered most conquerors would add and increase the production to their newly obtained land, like when peter the great conquered Sweden's ports and granted permission to come in contact with the west. This interaction was so key because it began easy travel and westernization. This impacted society because it allowed the escalation of a modern army as well as the transfer off ideas and Get more content on
  • 20. Cultural diffusion and Globalization can be described as the spread of cultural beliefs, ideas, foods, technology, goods, and social activities from one group to another. Basically, it is when one group of people passes down one of their customs; whether it's through trade, war, or migration. Today, most globalization occurs through the internet, or media. The United States has passed on many original ideas to other groups of people so far during its 240 years as a country. However, it's not nicknamed "The Melting Pot" for no reason. Most of our customs come from the millions of different immigrants that have come to our country. One of the main things these immigrants brought to our country was food. Most of "American" food is not more content... Kroc noticed how unique and efficient this new restaurant operated. Their format allowed Richard and Maurice to produce huge quantities of food, quickly, and allowing them to charge only fifteen cents a burger! Competing restaurants charged double this amount! There was no need for waiters and waitresses, with their new self–service counter. Plus, all hamburgers were cooked ahead of time, pre–wrapped, and kept warm under heat lamps, ready for hungry customers working against the clock. Seeing great promise in their restaurant, Kroc began a franchise program for the McDonald brothers, opened their first franchise on April 15, 1955, in Des Plaines, Illinois, launched their corporation in the same year, and eventually, Ray Kroc bought out the company in 1961. As the new burger chain became more and more popular, Kroc decided the company needed a new public face. In 1963, Ronald McDonald was born. He was extremely popular, so the corporation continued to develop symbols to represent McDonald's, such as the Big Mac (1968), the Egg McMuffin (1973), Happy Meals (1979), and Chicken McNuggets (1983). Even more characters were introduced, such as Hamburglar, Mayor McCheese, Officer Big Mac, and Grimace, to name a few. According to Britannica School, "McDonald's effectively became the most popular family restaurant in the world, emphasizing affordable food, fun, and flavors that appeal to children and adults alike." (Britannica School, par. 5) Soon, McDonald's extended into Canada in 1968, and by 1988, they had reached a total of 10,000 restaurants. But all of this was just the Get more content on