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Otahuna Lodge

ReCiPes AnD FOOD sTYLinG BY JimmY mcinTYRe

96 C u i s i n e
Otahuna LOdge’s executive chef Jimmy mcintyre has a magicaL
  sOurce Of year-rOund inspiratiOn just Out the back dOOr

                                                      C u i s i n e 97
Beetroot Soup                                to a clean saucepan and if too thick,
                                                                                                  let it down with a little more water.
                                                     This is one of my all-time favourite         Add salt and a little white pepper to
                                                     soups. It has such a sweet earthiness        taste if needed. We serve the soup
                                                     and the perfect accompaniment is a           with a quenelle (a rounded spoonful)
                                                     fresh chèvre-style goat’s cheese and         of goat’s cheese whipped with a little
                                                     a rich, lush Pinot Gris. One of my           finely chopped lemon thyme and a
                                                     favourites is the Crater Rim Rata            drizzle of lemon-infused olive oil.
                                                     Vineyard Pinot Gris from Akaroa.             Serves 6.
                                                        In winter, when the tomatoes are
                                                     not up to scratch, we use a tomato           tai tapu Duck with
                                                     conserve which is a homemade tomato          carameliSeD Shallot
                                                     paste made when the tomatoes are             tart with Shallot purée
                                                     at their best. A good-quality tomato
                                                     paste is an adequate substitute.             We get our ducks from Hurst Growers
                                                                                                  just down the road from us in Tai Tapu
 Jimmy                                               l   4-5 large beetroot                       who rear free-range and certified
mcintyre                                             l   2 tablespoons olive oil                  organic Muscovy ducks. The meat is
executive chef,                                      l   1 large onion, peeled and sliced         a lot tastier, as they are fed on organic
Otahuna LOdge
                            The bountiful potager    l   2 sprigs fresh lemon thyme               sweetcorn and strawberries, which the
                         at Otahuna Lodge is not     l   2 medium tomatoes, cut into              producer also grows.
                     just a pretty place. Planted        chunks, or 2 tablespoons tomato             One of my all-time favourites, the
            in a stone-walled paddock once               conserve                                 confit is an old method of preserving
          home to Clydesdale stallions, it is        l
                                                         ⁄2 cup dry white wine                    so is a little salty. Don’t be put off as
          certainly scenic but, more to the          l   1 teaspoon freshly grated orange         this is an extremely satisfying dish and
          point, it’s a prolific source of fresh
                                                         zest                                     needs to be served with something
          produce and inspiration.
                                                     l   pinch of ground cloves                   sweet to balance it, my favourite
             “We’ve got so much stuff – it never
          ends. so we have to keep coming up         l   pinch of white pepper                    being the pot-roast quince we make
          with ideas,” says Jimmy. He is helped      l   salt to taste                            from the fruit of our trees.
          in this by a talented duo, sous-chef                                                       Don’t salt the duck legs too long
          Jeremy scheiblauer and chef de             Wash the beetroot and boil until just        and wash the salt mix off thoroughly
          partie Adrian Harrison.                    cooked through (about 45 minutes).           before braising in rendered duck
             Jimmy tends not to plan his menus,      Be careful not to overcook while they        fat. You can use pork fat if you like,
          but rather works with the seasons. in      are still in their skins or they can get a   but duck fat, which is available from
          late may he was harvesting the second      bitter woodsy flavour. Allow to cool         specialty food stores, is better and will
          planting of broad beans and peas, and
                                                     then peel and slice.                         keep for a long time in the fridge.
          beetroot were still going – seen in his
                                                        Meanwhile, add the olive oil to a            Always do more than you need
          delicious beetroot soup here. Golden
          yams and other root vegetables were        heavy-based saucepan and sweat the           and what you don’t use can be stored
          about to come up and he was using          onions over a low heat with the thyme        completely covered in the duck fat for
          the fennel bulbs that flourish all year.   for 10-15 minutes until soft without         many weeks. Just carefully remove the
             much of the produce is heirloom,        browning. Add the beetroot and               duck legs from the fat and crisp up in
          with at least 15 varieties of tomatoes     tomatoes, and cook for a few minutes         a hot oven.
          and some rare potatoes. The oaks           more. Add the wine and cook until               You can also cut the legs in half
          planted when the house was built in        it has nearly evaporated then add the        through the knuckle so you have a
          1895 host porcini mushrooms, while         orange zest and cloves, and enough           drumstick and a thigh if you wish so
          shiitake and oyster mushrooms grow
                                                     cold water to cover by about 2cm.            you can serve a smaller portion size.
          in the old apple house. The vegetarian
                                                        Bring to a gentle simmer and cook         This is a good idea if you are doing
          pigs provide lardo, coppa, prosciutto
          and pancetta (see image at right).         for a further 25-30 minutes then purée       more than two or three courses.
             The lodge was refurbished a couple      in a blender. Be very careful – getting         Here I serve the confit duck with
          of years ago with what is considered       burned by hot soup is not fun. Fill the      thinly sliced pan-seared duck breast.
          one of the best restorations of a          blender only halfway and with a tea          Serve with whatever vegetables are in
          building of that period, and houses        towel press down firmly on the lid.          season. Maybe wilt some greens in a
          a significant private new Zealand art      Pulse the blender a few times to get it      little olive oil or blanch some broccoli
          collection – an ideal match with the       going then blend on full speed for 30        and simmer some carrots with a splash
          artistry back of house.                    seconds. Pass the puréed soup through        of water and a tablespoon of honey
              Toni mason
                                                     a very fine sieve; this will give it a       and butter.

          otahuna Lodge, Tai Tapu, Canterbury,       velvety texture, but more importantly
                              will remove the thyme stalks. Return

 98 C u i s i n e
C u i s i n e 99
BeeTrooT soup            Beetroot Soup
recipe page 98

                          Tai Tapu Duck
                     with Caramelised Shallot
                     Tart with Shallot Purée

                    Chocolate & Almond Cake

100 C u i s i n e     
Tai Tapu Duck wiTh carameLiseD shaLLoT
TarT wiTh shaLLoT purée
recipe page 98                        C u i s i n e 101
Duck Confit                                 Combine the oil, thyme, vinegar and        in a blender or food processor. Pass
         l 1 cup rock salt                           some pepper in a bowl and marinate         through a fine sieve if you wish and
         l 2 tablespoons sugar                       the duck breasts overnight.                set the purée aside or refrigerate until
         l 1 teaspoon freshly ground black             Take the breasts from the marinade       ready for use.
           pepper                                    and season with a little flaky sea salt.      Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut
         l 4 cloves garlic, sliced                   Place the breasts skin side down in a      the pastry into 6 discs about 6cm in
         l 6 bay leaves, crushed                     non-stick pan over low heat. Leave         diameter, place on a baking tray lined
         l 6 sprigs fresh thyme                      until the skin starts to caramelise and    with baking paper and prick with the
         l 1 teaspoon ground or fresh minced         crisp (around 10 minutes). Be careful      point of a knife or a fork. Refrigerate
           ginger                                    not to burn. This will render a lot of     for about 30 minutes.
         l 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg                  fat from the skin; discard any excess.        Place another piece of baking paper
         l pinch of ground cloves                      When the skin is nice and crisp          on top of the pastry and another
         l 6 duck legs                               turn the breasts over and cook until       baking tray the same size as the
         l 1kg rendered duck fat                     medium rare. Do not overcook or the        bottom one on top. This stops the
                                                     meat will be tough and dry.                pastry rising too much and ensures
         Combine the salt, sugar, pepper,              Rest the duck for about 5 minutes        it is all the same height. Bake until
         garlic, herbs and spices. You may not       before slicing thinly across the grain.    golden (about 10 minutes). Cool and
         need all this mixture so you can store                                                 set aside until ready to use.
         what you don’t need in a glass jar until    To serve
         needed again.                               While the duck breasts are resting, put    For the caramelised shallots
            In a non-reactive tray lined with        the confit duck legs in a hot oven until   l 500g shallots, peeled

         baking paper, evenly sprinkle some          crisp. Heat some plates.                   l 250g caster sugar

         of the salt mixture to cover, place the       Arrange some vegetables alongside        l 30g butter

         duck legs on top and sprinkle as much       the tart (recipe follows) and place a      l 200ml berry vinegar

         again over the duck legs. Pack tightly,     duck leg against the tart as well. Place
         cover and refrigerate for 16-24 hours.      4 slices of duck breast on top and         Boil the shallots in salted water for
         Thoroughly rinse off the salt mixture       drizzle around a little more shallot       6-8 minutes or until tender. Strain and
         under cold running water and pat dry        syrup if you wish. Fantastic with a        allow to cool slightly then remove
         with paper towels.                          full-bodied Pinot Noir. Serves 6.          and discard the outer layer from each
            With a heavy knife or chopper, cut                                                  shallot with your fingers.
         off the knuckles. Place a piece of baking   Caramelised Shallot Tart with                 Place the sugar in a saucepan and
         paper in the bottom of a casserole or       Shallot Purée                              stir constantly over medium heat until
         deep roasting dish followed by the duck     This is a variation on a recipe by         it starts to caramelise. Add the butter
         legs so they fit in snugly. Heat the duck   Matt Moran from Aria in Sydney.            and stir until the mixture is golden
         fat and pour over the legs. Cover with      Everything can be made well in             brown. Add the whole shallots and
         baking paper and foil or a tight-fitting    advance. I use mulberry vinegar, which     vinegar, and continue cooking until the
         lid and bake at 140°C-150°C for 3           we make here. You can substitute           shallots are very tender and the liquid
         hours or until the duck is tender.          raspberry vinegar, sherry vinegar or       coats the back of a spoon. This may
            Be careful not to cook the duck          even balsamic.                             take 15-20 minutes. Be very careful as
         at too high a temperature or it will                                                   the liquid will be extremely hot.
         become dry. Check the duck after            For the purée and pastry                      To serve, warm the shallot purée in
         1 hour; if the fat is simmering too         l 300g shallots, peeled and sliced         the microwave or in a saucepan on a
         vigorously, reduce the temperature so       l 60g butter                               low heat. Meanwhile, place the pastry
         it cooks at a very gentle simmer. The       l 2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced       discs in the oven to warm through.
         slower the duck is cooked the better.       l 100ml cream                              Heat the caramelised shallots. Place
            Remove from the oven and cool            l salt and freshly ground black pepper     a spoonful of shallot purée on each of
         completely before refrigerating or          l 1 puff pastry sheet                      6 warmed plates, put a pastry disc on
         remove the duck from the fat and                                                       top and spoon 3 shallots with a little
         reheat on a roasting tray lined with        Blanch the shallots in boiling water       syrup on the pastry. Serves 6.
         baking paper in a hot oven until crisp.     for 2 minutes then refresh in a sieve
                                                     under cold running water. Put the          chocolate & almonD cake
         Pan-Seared Duck Breasts                     butter and garlic in a saucepan and
         l 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil      sweat the shallots over a gentle heat,     This is a recipe I got from Stephanie
         l 1 tablespoon thyme leaves                 stirring often, until soft and tender.     Alexander, who has been a huge
         l 1 tablespoon berry vinegar                Do not brown!                              inspiration to me, although it was
         l freshly ground black pepper                  In a separate saucepan bring the        made famous by Elizabeth David
         l 2-3 duck breasts                          cream to nearly boiling then add to        and was based on the French classic
         l flaky sea salt to taste                   the shallots, season to taste and purée    Reine de Saba or Queen of Sheba

102 C u i s i n e                                                                                        
cake. It is made from ground almonds
and therefore gluten free.
   Easy to make and very moist, serve
it simply with whipped cream, a ball
of vanilla bean ice-cream or with a
scoop of the rhubarb and raspberry
sorbet. Yum!

l   250g good-quality dark chocolate,
l   2 tablespoons brandy or cognac
l   2 tablespoons double espresso
l   200g butter, softened
l   200g caster sugar
l   200g ground almonds
l   6 eggs, separated
l   Dutch cocoa or icing sugar for

Preheat the oven to 160°C. Butter a
28cm springform cake tin and line
with baking paper.
   Combine the chocolate, brandy and
coffee in a bowl over simmering water
or in a double boiler. Stir when melted
and add the butter and sugar. Mix
well. Add the ground almonds and
mix again very well.
   Beat the egg yolks and stir into the
chocolate mix off the heat. Beat the
egg whites until firm. Stir a spoonful
into the chocolate mix then fold in the
rest of the whites and spoon into the
prepared tin.
   Bake for 40-45 minutes. The cake
will set a little gooey in the centre.
It will have developed a crust and be
very fragile. Cool completely in the tin
and invert on to a serving plate. Dust                               chocoLaTe & aLmonD cake
with Dutch cocoa powder or icing
sugar, and serve with the sorbet.
                                           Mix the fruit and sugar together           scraper, smash up the frozen purée
Rhubarb Sorbet                             and place in a saucepan with a             and process in a food processor until
Rhubarb is such an underrated              tight-fitting lid.                         it resembles creamy slushy snow. Pour
ingredient. Technically it is savoury         Place over a low heat and bring to      into a suitable container and place in
but with the addition of sugar it turns    a simmer, stirring often, until all the    the freezer covered with greaseproof
into something magical and can be          rhubarb and raspberries are soft and       paper and a tight-fitting lid until
served with any number of dishes.          tender. Cool then purée in a blender,      ready for use.
I add a few raspberries left over from     being careful not to overfill. Pass the       Allow at least 3 hours in the freezer
summer to make this delicious sorbet.      purée through a sieve, discarding any      before scooping with an ice-cream
                                           seeds and stringy bits.                    scoop or use a large tablespoon.
l   500g rhubarb, trimmed, washed             Add enough of the sugar syrup to        Serves 12-16.                         l
    and cut into 2cm pieces                balance the tart acidity of the fruit so
l   500g frozen raspberries                you get a nice sweet and sour flavour.
l   300g caster sugar                      Taste continually and remember, not
l   500ml sugar syrup (250ml of hot        too sweet and not too sour.
                                                                                      n Kieran Scott and Tamara West flew from
    water added to 250g caster sugar          Churn in an ice-cream machine or        Auckland to Christchurch courtesy of Pacific
    and stirred until dissolved)           freeze overnight and, using a metal        Blue,                                                                                                             C u i s i n e 103

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Cuisine July 2009 - Otahuna Luxury Lodge New Zealand

  • 1. Otahuna Lodge ReCiPes AnD FOOD sTYLinG BY JimmY mcinTYRe PHOTOGRAPHY BY KieRAn sCOTT / sTYLe eDiTOR TAmARA WesT 96 C u i s i n e
  • 2. the constant garden Otahuna LOdge’s executive chef Jimmy mcintyre has a magicaL sOurce Of year-rOund inspiratiOn just Out the back dOOr C u i s i n e 97
  • 3. Beetroot Soup to a clean saucepan and if too thick, let it down with a little more water. This is one of my all-time favourite Add salt and a little white pepper to soups. It has such a sweet earthiness taste if needed. We serve the soup and the perfect accompaniment is a with a quenelle (a rounded spoonful) fresh chèvre-style goat’s cheese and of goat’s cheese whipped with a little a rich, lush Pinot Gris. One of my finely chopped lemon thyme and a favourites is the Crater Rim Rata drizzle of lemon-infused olive oil. Vineyard Pinot Gris from Akaroa. Serves 6. In winter, when the tomatoes are not up to scratch, we use a tomato tai tapu Duck with conserve which is a homemade tomato carameliSeD Shallot paste made when the tomatoes are tart with Shallot purée at their best. A good-quality tomato paste is an adequate substitute. We get our ducks from Hurst Growers just down the road from us in Tai Tapu Jimmy l 4-5 large beetroot who rear free-range and certified mcintyre l 2 tablespoons olive oil organic Muscovy ducks. The meat is executive chef, l 1 large onion, peeled and sliced a lot tastier, as they are fed on organic Otahuna LOdge The bountiful potager l 2 sprigs fresh lemon thyme sweetcorn and strawberries, which the at Otahuna Lodge is not l 2 medium tomatoes, cut into producer also grows. just a pretty place. Planted chunks, or 2 tablespoons tomato One of my all-time favourites, the in a stone-walled paddock once conserve confit is an old method of preserving home to Clydesdale stallions, it is l 1 ⁄2 cup dry white wine so is a little salty. Don’t be put off as certainly scenic but, more to the l 1 teaspoon freshly grated orange this is an extremely satisfying dish and point, it’s a prolific source of fresh zest needs to be served with something produce and inspiration. l pinch of ground cloves sweet to balance it, my favourite “We’ve got so much stuff – it never ends. so we have to keep coming up l pinch of white pepper being the pot-roast quince we make with ideas,” says Jimmy. He is helped l salt to taste from the fruit of our trees. in this by a talented duo, sous-chef Don’t salt the duck legs too long Jeremy scheiblauer and chef de Wash the beetroot and boil until just and wash the salt mix off thoroughly partie Adrian Harrison. cooked through (about 45 minutes). before braising in rendered duck Jimmy tends not to plan his menus, Be careful not to overcook while they fat. You can use pork fat if you like, but rather works with the seasons. in are still in their skins or they can get a but duck fat, which is available from late may he was harvesting the second bitter woodsy flavour. Allow to cool specialty food stores, is better and will planting of broad beans and peas, and then peel and slice. keep for a long time in the fridge. beetroot were still going – seen in his Meanwhile, add the olive oil to a Always do more than you need delicious beetroot soup here. Golden yams and other root vegetables were heavy-based saucepan and sweat the and what you don’t use can be stored about to come up and he was using onions over a low heat with the thyme completely covered in the duck fat for the fennel bulbs that flourish all year. for 10-15 minutes until soft without many weeks. Just carefully remove the much of the produce is heirloom, browning. Add the beetroot and duck legs from the fat and crisp up in with at least 15 varieties of tomatoes tomatoes, and cook for a few minutes a hot oven. and some rare potatoes. The oaks more. Add the wine and cook until You can also cut the legs in half planted when the house was built in it has nearly evaporated then add the through the knuckle so you have a 1895 host porcini mushrooms, while orange zest and cloves, and enough drumstick and a thigh if you wish so shiitake and oyster mushrooms grow cold water to cover by about 2cm. you can serve a smaller portion size. in the old apple house. The vegetarian Bring to a gentle simmer and cook This is a good idea if you are doing pigs provide lardo, coppa, prosciutto and pancetta (see image at right). for a further 25-30 minutes then purée more than two or three courses. The lodge was refurbished a couple in a blender. Be very careful – getting Here I serve the confit duck with of years ago with what is considered burned by hot soup is not fun. Fill the thinly sliced pan-seared duck breast. one of the best restorations of a blender only halfway and with a tea Serve with whatever vegetables are in building of that period, and houses towel press down firmly on the lid. season. Maybe wilt some greens in a a significant private new Zealand art Pulse the blender a few times to get it little olive oil or blanch some broccoli collection – an ideal match with the going then blend on full speed for 30 and simmer some carrots with a splash artistry back of house. seconds. Pass the puréed soup through of water and a tablespoon of honey Toni mason a very fine sieve; this will give it a and butter. n v otahuna Lodge, Tai Tapu, Canterbury, velvety texture, but more importantly will remove the thyme stalks. Return 98 C u i s i n e
  • 4. C u i s i n e 99
  • 5. BeeTrooT soup Beetroot Soup recipe page 98 Tai Tapu Duck with Caramelised Shallot Tart with Shallot Purée Chocolate & Almond Cake 100 C u i s i n e
  • 6. Tai Tapu Duck wiTh carameLiseD shaLLoT TarT wiTh shaLLoT purée recipe page 98 C u i s i n e 101
  • 7. Duck Confit Combine the oil, thyme, vinegar and in a blender or food processor. Pass l 1 cup rock salt some pepper in a bowl and marinate through a fine sieve if you wish and l 2 tablespoons sugar the duck breasts overnight. set the purée aside or refrigerate until l 1 teaspoon freshly ground black Take the breasts from the marinade ready for use. pepper and season with a little flaky sea salt. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut l 4 cloves garlic, sliced Place the breasts skin side down in a the pastry into 6 discs about 6cm in l 6 bay leaves, crushed non-stick pan over low heat. Leave diameter, place on a baking tray lined l 6 sprigs fresh thyme until the skin starts to caramelise and with baking paper and prick with the l 1 teaspoon ground or fresh minced crisp (around 10 minutes). Be careful point of a knife or a fork. Refrigerate ginger not to burn. This will render a lot of for about 30 minutes. l 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg fat from the skin; discard any excess. Place another piece of baking paper l pinch of ground cloves When the skin is nice and crisp on top of the pastry and another l 6 duck legs turn the breasts over and cook until baking tray the same size as the l 1kg rendered duck fat medium rare. Do not overcook or the bottom one on top. This stops the meat will be tough and dry. pastry rising too much and ensures Combine the salt, sugar, pepper, Rest the duck for about 5 minutes it is all the same height. Bake until garlic, herbs and spices. You may not before slicing thinly across the grain. golden (about 10 minutes). Cool and need all this mixture so you can store set aside until ready to use. what you don’t need in a glass jar until To serve needed again. While the duck breasts are resting, put For the caramelised shallots In a non-reactive tray lined with the confit duck legs in a hot oven until l 500g shallots, peeled baking paper, evenly sprinkle some crisp. Heat some plates. l 250g caster sugar of the salt mixture to cover, place the Arrange some vegetables alongside l 30g butter duck legs on top and sprinkle as much the tart (recipe follows) and place a l 200ml berry vinegar again over the duck legs. Pack tightly, duck leg against the tart as well. Place cover and refrigerate for 16-24 hours. 4 slices of duck breast on top and Boil the shallots in salted water for Thoroughly rinse off the salt mixture drizzle around a little more shallot 6-8 minutes or until tender. Strain and under cold running water and pat dry syrup if you wish. Fantastic with a allow to cool slightly then remove with paper towels. full-bodied Pinot Noir. Serves 6. and discard the outer layer from each With a heavy knife or chopper, cut shallot with your fingers. off the knuckles. Place a piece of baking Caramelised Shallot Tart with Place the sugar in a saucepan and paper in the bottom of a casserole or Shallot Purée stir constantly over medium heat until deep roasting dish followed by the duck This is a variation on a recipe by it starts to caramelise. Add the butter legs so they fit in snugly. Heat the duck Matt Moran from Aria in Sydney. and stir until the mixture is golden fat and pour over the legs. Cover with Everything can be made well in brown. Add the whole shallots and baking paper and foil or a tight-fitting advance. I use mulberry vinegar, which vinegar, and continue cooking until the lid and bake at 140°C-150°C for 3 we make here. You can substitute shallots are very tender and the liquid hours or until the duck is tender. raspberry vinegar, sherry vinegar or coats the back of a spoon. This may Be careful not to cook the duck even balsamic. take 15-20 minutes. Be very careful as at too high a temperature or it will the liquid will be extremely hot. become dry. Check the duck after For the purée and pastry To serve, warm the shallot purée in 1 hour; if the fat is simmering too l 300g shallots, peeled and sliced the microwave or in a saucepan on a vigorously, reduce the temperature so l 60g butter low heat. Meanwhile, place the pastry it cooks at a very gentle simmer. The l 2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced discs in the oven to warm through. slower the duck is cooked the better. l 100ml cream Heat the caramelised shallots. Place Remove from the oven and cool l salt and freshly ground black pepper a spoonful of shallot purée on each of completely before refrigerating or l 1 puff pastry sheet 6 warmed plates, put a pastry disc on remove the duck from the fat and top and spoon 3 shallots with a little reheat on a roasting tray lined with Blanch the shallots in boiling water syrup on the pastry. Serves 6. baking paper in a hot oven until crisp. for 2 minutes then refresh in a sieve under cold running water. Put the chocolate & almonD cake Pan-Seared Duck Breasts butter and garlic in a saucepan and l 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil sweat the shallots over a gentle heat, This is a recipe I got from Stephanie l 1 tablespoon thyme leaves stirring often, until soft and tender. Alexander, who has been a huge l 1 tablespoon berry vinegar Do not brown! inspiration to me, although it was l freshly ground black pepper In a separate saucepan bring the made famous by Elizabeth David l 2-3 duck breasts cream to nearly boiling then add to and was based on the French classic l flaky sea salt to taste the shallots, season to taste and purée Reine de Saba or Queen of Sheba 102 C u i s i n e
  • 8. cake. It is made from ground almonds and therefore gluten free. Easy to make and very moist, serve it simply with whipped cream, a ball of vanilla bean ice-cream or with a scoop of the rhubarb and raspberry sorbet. Yum! l 250g good-quality dark chocolate, chopped l 2 tablespoons brandy or cognac l 2 tablespoons double espresso l 200g butter, softened l 200g caster sugar l 200g ground almonds l 6 eggs, separated l Dutch cocoa or icing sugar for dusting Preheat the oven to 160°C. Butter a 28cm springform cake tin and line with baking paper. Combine the chocolate, brandy and coffee in a bowl over simmering water or in a double boiler. Stir when melted and add the butter and sugar. Mix well. Add the ground almonds and mix again very well. Beat the egg yolks and stir into the chocolate mix off the heat. Beat the egg whites until firm. Stir a spoonful into the chocolate mix then fold in the rest of the whites and spoon into the prepared tin. Bake for 40-45 minutes. The cake will set a little gooey in the centre. It will have developed a crust and be very fragile. Cool completely in the tin and invert on to a serving plate. Dust chocoLaTe & aLmonD cake with Dutch cocoa powder or icing sugar, and serve with the sorbet. Mix the fruit and sugar together scraper, smash up the frozen purée Rhubarb Sorbet and place in a saucepan with a and process in a food processor until Rhubarb is such an underrated tight-fitting lid. it resembles creamy slushy snow. Pour ingredient. Technically it is savoury Place over a low heat and bring to into a suitable container and place in but with the addition of sugar it turns a simmer, stirring often, until all the the freezer covered with greaseproof into something magical and can be rhubarb and raspberries are soft and paper and a tight-fitting lid until served with any number of dishes. tender. Cool then purée in a blender, ready for use. I add a few raspberries left over from being careful not to overfill. Pass the Allow at least 3 hours in the freezer summer to make this delicious sorbet. purée through a sieve, discarding any before scooping with an ice-cream seeds and stringy bits. scoop or use a large tablespoon. l 500g rhubarb, trimmed, washed Add enough of the sugar syrup to Serves 12-16. l and cut into 2cm pieces balance the tart acidity of the fruit so l 500g frozen raspberries you get a nice sweet and sour flavour. l 300g caster sugar Taste continually and remember, not l 500ml sugar syrup (250ml of hot too sweet and not too sour. n Kieran Scott and Tamara West flew from water added to 250g caster sugar Churn in an ice-cream machine or Auckland to Christchurch courtesy of Pacific and stirred until dissolved) freeze overnight and, using a metal Blue, C u i s i n e 103