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Crispy outside
                                                                                                    and creamy
                                                                                                 inside... perfect!

       Entertainment At Home

 Ask Karen
  Karen Anand is
    one of India’s        Spinach And Cream
                          Cheese Samosa
 most well-known
  celebrity chefs
   and cookbook
         authors.         Makes: About 8 – 10 samosas
                          For the filling
                        1 bunch spinach (about 150gm), stalks removed;
                                                                                        CHEESY NOTES
                         1 onion, finely chopped; 1tbsp garlic, finely                  They might smell like old socks to some, but are
       Have a             chopped; 1 potato, boiled and mashed; 2 small                 like nectar to others! Cheese is used on pizzas,
    QueStion? ng           green chillies, chopped; 1⁄4 tsp jaiphal (nut-               tacos, on toast, served on a cheese board at society
 If you have anyt en,      m e g) p owd e r ; 1 0 0 g m c r e a m c h e e s e           dinners or just munched as a snack. Chefs are
           to ask Kar
you’d like       india@    (Britannia is an Indian brand available in the
 send it in to com                                                                      using parmesan to coat prawns, gruyere to melt in
                           market); 1tsp jeera powder; 1⁄2 tsp amchur
                          powder; 2tbsp oil; salt and black pepper, to                  pancakes and adding processed cheese to kebabs.
                        taste; oil, for deep frying                                     How do you know what they all taste like and the
                          For the dough                                                 one best suited to your needs? Where do you get
                          2 cups maida; enough water to make a firm                     them? What can you expect to pay? And how, with
                          dough; 1⁄4 tsp ajwain; salt, to taste; 1tbsp ghee             the smell the way it is, can you distinguish the
                          Method                                                        fresh from the rancid? Read on to know more…
                          n Mix the maida, ajwain, salt and ghee together.

                          Add enough water to make a soft, pliable dough.               n Processed Cheese: This type of cheese is soft
                          Cover with a damp cloth; rest for 15 minutes.                 with little real flavour but is constant and uniform
                          n Fry the onion and garlic in oil until golden.               in taste and texture. These types of cheese are less
                          n Blanch the spinach in boiling water for one                 prone to spoilage and take very well to added
                          minute. Drain thoroughly and chop fine. Add                   condiments and flavours such as pepper, garlic and
                          to the potato along with the onion and garlic,                so on. These can be used as spreads in sandwiches,
                          chillies, jaiphal powder, amchur powder and                   in snacks, as well as for cooking and are relatively
                          jeera powder. Mix. Add cream cheese; season.                  inexpensive compared with natural cheese. There
                          n Roll the samosa dough out into small rotis                  are several quality brands in India.
                          (about 4-inch diameter circles).
                          n Put the stuffing in the middle of each roti                 n Cheddar: This is a natural, English hard cheese,
                          without overstuffing it. Fold over into triangles             which can range from mild and mellow to rich and
                            and seal the edges with a little water.                     nutty. It lasts 2 to 3 weeks at least in the fridge. It
                              n Heat oil in a kadhai and deep fry the                   may harden on the edges but this doesn’t affect the
                                samosa until golden brown over medium                   taste. Even if it dries out, it can be grated and used
                                  heat. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve                 in sauces. Avoid cheese with cracks or drying
                                   hot with tomato chutney.                             edges and a strong, sour smell. It is a good snacking
                                                                                                                                                  Photograph (bottom left): Arjun sHAH;

                                                                                        cheese and can be had with slices of apple, in
                                     Know Your Cheese                                   sandwiches, or used in cooking.

                                     Hard: Parmesan, Gruyere                            n Cream Cheeses: These range from cottage
                                     Semi-hard: Gouda, Cheddar, Edam
                                                                                        cheese and the creamier paneer (no, paneer is not
                                     Semi-soft: Processed Cheese
                                                                                        actually cottage cheese – though it comes close),
                                     Soft: Mozzarella, Feta, Brie
                                     Blue: Danish Blue Cheese                           to Philadelphia cream cheese and now Britannia’s
                                     Gorgonzola, Roquefort, Stilton                     cream cheese. Cream cheese is usually used for
                                                                                        cheesecakes or piled onto smoked salmon, celery,

                                 You can also send questions for Karen Anand, along with your photograph, to GOOD HOUSEKEEPING,
 000    good housekeeping june5th Floor, Videocon Tower, E-1 Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi - 110055.
      Entertainment At Home

                                                                                                                                                                         this is not a feature of the cheese. The      Roquefort in France, gorgonzola, a
                                                                                       FaQ’s                                                                             smell means it has just over ripened          creamy blue which comes from the
      Serve at least 4                                                                                                                                                   and should be thrown away. Always             village of the same name in Milan and
                                                                                       NATURAL VS PROCESSED
      types of cheese on                                                               A natural cheese is one, which is
                                                                                                                                                                         look for a surface, which may range           English stilton. Danish blue is the most
      a cheeseboard                                                                    allowed to ripen and mature to                                                    from snowy white in younger cheese            accessible of the blue brigade in India.
                                                                                       its peak, without any further                                                     to creamy with a little coloration            It is soft textured with a buttery
                                                                                       manufacturing or heat treatment.                                                  across the edge. Brie in tins is widely       consistency, easy to spread and slice.
                                                                                       Processed cheese is made by                                                       available in India and is now available       Avoid cheese which has any signs of
                                                                                       stopping the ripening action at a
                                                                                                                                                                         cut in city delicatessens too. Although       “greyness” or looks dry. Wrap and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Photograph (top left, Polaroid frame): PHIlIP FrIEDMAn/sTuDIo D; (bottom left):
                                                                                       given point, by heat treatment.
                                                                                       As a result, the cheese remains                                                   milder than the original in flavour, it       store in the refrigerator away from any
                                                                                       constant and uniform in taste                                                     has a relatively long shelf life out of the   delicate foods. If stored well it should
                                                                                       and texture throughout its life.                                                  refrigerator, but should be eaten quick-      last 2 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. It

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   lArA robbY/sTuDIo D/sTuDIo D; courtesy Good Housekeeping US
                                                                                       Unripened cheese is fresh and                                                     ly once opened and should have a              is ideal as an after-dinner cheese or in
                                                                                       has no maturing or cooking
                                                                                                                                                                         consistent creamy, honey-like centre.         a salad dressing or dip. Blues are lovely
                                                                                       processes involved. Ripened
                                                                                       cheese reaches its own unique
                                                                                                                                                                         Wait an hour for it to reach room tem-        eaten as is with figs or a stone fruit
                                                                                       texture and taste through                                                         perature once opened and eat it before        chutney and a glass of fortified or
                                                                                       complex chemical and physical        clear, moist looking cheese, which           it goes runny. Brie is best with walnuts      sweet wine.
                                                                                       changes over time. Surface           should be in brine when you buy it.          and fresh fruit.
                                                                                       ripened, surface mould ripened,      Store it in the brine in the refrigerator.
                                                                                       surface smear ripened and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ReaDeR QueRY
                                                                                       washed rind cheese are ripened
                                                                                                                            Remove what you need, drain and              n Gruyere: It has a sweet, dry flavour
                                                                                       by the action of special bacteria,   crumble it into spinach dishes, sauces       with a nutty aftertaste. It is harder and       Your column on wine in the April
                                                                                       moulds or yeast applied to the       or salads. It is used a lot in cooking and   has fewer holes than emmental. It               issue was very informative. I am
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         a wine lover and enjoy the
                                                                                       surface of the cheese. Internal      salads, but never on a cheese board.         keeps for several weeks in the fridge, if
                                                                                       mould ripened cheese is ripened                                                                                                   occasional glass. I am also
                                                                                                                                                                         wrapped properly. It is an ideal after-         diabetic and often stick to dry
                                                                                       internally by introducing into the
                                                                                                                            n Gouda: It is a firm, sliceable cheese      dinner cheese with dried fruit and              wines. Is red wine good for
                                                                                       cheese milk special penicillium
                                                                                       glaucum or penicillium roqueforti    with a buttery taste, which deepens as       nuts. It is also used in fondue.                diabetics? Can you suggest a
                                                                                       spores, used in the production of    the cheese matures. It has a yellow wax                                                      wine which will not increase my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sugar levels?
                                                                                       blue vein cheese.                    rind and is creamier than edam. It           n Blue: You either love or hate this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Hiru, via email
or used as a base for dips. Mascarpone      packets, which can be used in pasta. It    HOW FATTENING IS                     keeps for weeks in the refrigerator and      natural cheese, which has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         n You will have to consult your
is the Italian version of cream cheese      can also be paired with any sweet fruit,   CHEESE?                              is a great table and cooking cheese.         injected with a penicillin fungus to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         doctor about what is considered
and is integral to the dessert tiramisu.    or enjoyed in soups and rice dishes.       Cream cheese has a fat content       The gouda produced in India is good.         produce blue veins. The most notorious          acceptable for your level of
It can also be mixed with liqueurs or                                                  of approximately 28 percent.                                                      of all cheese, it is only appreciated by        diabetes. Dry red wines have a
                                                                                       Processed cheese has about 26
dried fruits for an easy sweet treat.       n  Mozzarella: A soft, white, bland                                             n Brie: This is a soft, creamy cheese,       real connoisseurs. They have an                 sugar content of 0.15 to 0.3
                                                                                       to 27 percent, (including cheese
                                            tasting cheese which is used on pizzas                                          which has an edible, white surface           overbearing aroma and a very sharp              percent (i.e 1.5gm to 3gm per
                                                                                       spreads). Natural cheddar has 36
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         litre), which is negligible. I
n  Parmesan: This is the Queen of           because of its stretchability and quick    percent. To give you a compari-      mould. Brie comes in the shape of a          taste. The three Great Blues are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         work with a winery and our
Italian cheese! It is hard, crumbly with    melting properties. Fresh mozzarella       son; butter has 80 percent fat       disc and is mild, buttery and flavourful.    roquefort, made from sheep’s milk and           red wines have 0.15 percent
a grainy texture and has a sharp aroma      will last about 10 to 12 days maximum      and oil has 100 percent fat!         Avoid cheese that smells like ammonia;       ripened in the limestone caves near             sugar (i.e 1.5 grams per
and piquant flavour. It comes from          in your fridge and tends to sour after     HEALTH FACTORS                                                                                                                    litre). Calorie wise, 100ml

Parma in northern Italy and is aged for     that. It usually has an expiry date        Cheese is an excellent source of                                                                                                  red wine (1⁄2 glass) has 13
                                                                                       calcium and phosphorous and a                                                                                                     percent alcohol, 70 calories
about two to three years. It is produced    which is quite specific. Look for shiny
                                                                                       moderate source of protein and                                                                                                    from the alcohol itself.
in the form of a large, deep wheel and      smooth, moist, creamy white cheese                                                                                                                                           About 300ml red
                                                                                       Vitamin A. It is high in saturated
lasts for several years thanks to its low   with an elastic texture. It lasts longer   fats with moderate amounts of             How to store cheese: It is usually wrapped in greaseproof
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         wine is considered
moisture content and hard texture.          if vacuum packed. A popular salad          cholesterol. Nutritionally 30gm           paper and kept on a windowsill or in the cold part of the house                         a healthy
                                                                                                                                                                                                 it better to
But nobody keeps it that long. It may       called Caprese (from Capri) involves       of hard cheese is equal to about          Europe. However in India, with our humidity and heat, I find                            daily intake.
harden which is fine because you grate      sliced fresh buffalo mozzarella with       250 ml of milk except that a              wrap  cheese in foil or cling film and keep it in the warmest part of
                                                                                       large amount of salt (sodium) is          refrigerator (cheese compartment) or     in the vegetable tray. Try not to
it. Parmigiano Reggiano is the best         tomatoes and basil.                                                                                                                                       ility.
                                                                                       added and Vitamin B is removed            freeze cheese. Freezing will affect the taste, texture and malleab
variety that money can buy. Parmesan                                                   during the process of making              Cheese has to breathe to maintain life and vigour. Don’t be
                                                                                                                                                                                                afraid of a
is best bought from the wheel itself.       n Feta: This is a salty, white Greek       hard cheese.                              bit of mould. This is a sign that the cheese is “natural” with
You can also buy it pre-grated in sealed    cheese used mainly in salads. Choose                                                 preservatives. just cut or scrape it off and use the rest.

000    good housekeeping june 2011                                                                                                                                                                                            good housekeeping june 2011    000

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Ask karen

  • 1. Crispy outside and creamy inside... perfect! goodfood Entertainment At Home Ask Karen Karen Anand is one of India’s Spinach And Cream Cheese Samosa most well-known celebrity chefs and cookbook authors. Makes: About 8 – 10 samosas For the filling 1 bunch spinach (about 150gm), stalks removed; CHEESY NOTES 1 onion, finely chopped; 1tbsp garlic, finely They might smell like old socks to some, but are Have a chopped; 1 potato, boiled and mashed; 2 small like nectar to others! Cheese is used on pizzas, QueStion? ng green chillies, chopped; 1⁄4 tsp jaiphal (nut- tacos, on toast, served on a cheese board at society hi If you have anyt en, m e g) p owd e r ; 1 0 0 g m c r e a m c h e e s e dinners or just munched as a snack. Chefs are to ask Kar you’d like india@ (Britannia is an Indian brand available in the gh send it in to com using parmesan to coat prawns, gruyere to melt in intoday. market); 1tsp jeera powder; 1⁄2 tsp amchur powder; 2tbsp oil; salt and black pepper, to pancakes and adding processed cheese to kebabs. taste; oil, for deep frying How do you know what they all taste like and the For the dough one best suited to your needs? Where do you get 2 cups maida; enough water to make a firm them? What can you expect to pay? And how, with dough; 1⁄4 tsp ajwain; salt, to taste; 1tbsp ghee the smell the way it is, can you distinguish the Method fresh from the rancid? Read on to know more… n Mix the maida, ajwain, salt and ghee together. Add enough water to make a soft, pliable dough. n Processed Cheese: This type of cheese is soft Cover with a damp cloth; rest for 15 minutes. with little real flavour but is constant and uniform n Fry the onion and garlic in oil until golden. in taste and texture. These types of cheese are less n Blanch the spinach in boiling water for one prone to spoilage and take very well to added minute. Drain thoroughly and chop fine. Add condiments and flavours such as pepper, garlic and to the potato along with the onion and garlic, so on. These can be used as spreads in sandwiches, chillies, jaiphal powder, amchur powder and in snacks, as well as for cooking and are relatively jeera powder. Mix. Add cream cheese; season. inexpensive compared with natural cheese. There n Roll the samosa dough out into small rotis are several quality brands in India. (about 4-inch diameter circles). n Put the stuffing in the middle of each roti n Cheddar: This is a natural, English hard cheese, without overstuffing it. Fold over into triangles which can range from mild and mellow to rich and and seal the edges with a little water. nutty. It lasts 2 to 3 weeks at least in the fridge. It n Heat oil in a kadhai and deep fry the may harden on the edges but this doesn’t affect the samosa until golden brown over medium taste. Even if it dries out, it can be grated and used heat. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve in sauces. Avoid cheese with cracks or drying hot with tomato chutney. edges and a strong, sour smell. It is a good snacking Photograph (bottom left): Arjun sHAH; cheese and can be had with slices of apple, in Know Your Cheese sandwiches, or used in cooking. Hard: Parmesan, Gruyere n Cream Cheeses: These range from cottage Semi-hard: Gouda, Cheddar, Edam cheese and the creamier paneer (no, paneer is not Semi-soft: Processed Cheese actually cottage cheese – though it comes close), Soft: Mozzarella, Feta, Brie Blue: Danish Blue Cheese to Philadelphia cream cheese and now Britannia’s Gorgonzola, Roquefort, Stilton cream cheese. Cream cheese is usually used for cheesecakes or piled onto smoked salmon, celery, You can also send questions for Karen Anand, along with your photograph, to GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, 000 good housekeeping june5th Floor, Videocon Tower, E-1 Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi - 110055. 2011
  • 2. goodfood Entertainment At Home this is not a feature of the cheese. The Roquefort in France, gorgonzola, a FaQ’s smell means it has just over ripened creamy blue which comes from the Serve at least 4 and should be thrown away. Always village of the same name in Milan and NATURAL VS PROCESSED types of cheese on A natural cheese is one, which is look for a surface, which may range English stilton. Danish blue is the most a cheeseboard allowed to ripen and mature to from snowy white in younger cheese accessible of the blue brigade in India. its peak, without any further to creamy with a little coloration It is soft textured with a buttery manufacturing or heat treatment. across the edge. Brie in tins is widely consistency, easy to spread and slice. Processed cheese is made by available in India and is now available Avoid cheese which has any signs of stopping the ripening action at a cut in city delicatessens too. Although “greyness” or looks dry. Wrap and Photograph (top left, Polaroid frame): PHIlIP FrIEDMAn/sTuDIo D; (bottom left): given point, by heat treatment. As a result, the cheese remains milder than the original in flavour, it store in the refrigerator away from any constant and uniform in taste has a relatively long shelf life out of the delicate foods. If stored well it should and texture throughout its life. refrigerator, but should be eaten quick- last 2 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator. It lArA robbY/sTuDIo D/sTuDIo D; courtesy Good Housekeeping US Unripened cheese is fresh and ly once opened and should have a is ideal as an after-dinner cheese or in has no maturing or cooking consistent creamy, honey-like centre. a salad dressing or dip. Blues are lovely processes involved. Ripened cheese reaches its own unique Wait an hour for it to reach room tem- eaten as is with figs or a stone fruit texture and taste through perature once opened and eat it before chutney and a glass of fortified or complex chemical and physical clear, moist looking cheese, which it goes runny. Brie is best with walnuts sweet wine. changes over time. Surface should be in brine when you buy it. and fresh fruit. ripened, surface mould ripened, Store it in the brine in the refrigerator. surface smear ripened and ReaDeR QueRY washed rind cheese are ripened Remove what you need, drain and n Gruyere: It has a sweet, dry flavour by the action of special bacteria, crumble it into spinach dishes, sauces with a nutty aftertaste. It is harder and Your column on wine in the April moulds or yeast applied to the or salads. It is used a lot in cooking and has fewer holes than emmental. It issue was very informative. I am a wine lover and enjoy the surface of the cheese. Internal salads, but never on a cheese board. keeps for several weeks in the fridge, if mould ripened cheese is ripened occasional glass. I am also wrapped properly. It is an ideal after- diabetic and often stick to dry internally by introducing into the n Gouda: It is a firm, sliceable cheese dinner cheese with dried fruit and wines. Is red wine good for cheese milk special penicillium glaucum or penicillium roqueforti with a buttery taste, which deepens as nuts. It is also used in fondue. diabetics? Can you suggest a spores, used in the production of the cheese matures. It has a yellow wax wine which will not increase my sugar levels? blue vein cheese. rind and is creamier than edam. It n Blue: You either love or hate this Hiru, via email or used as a base for dips. Mascarpone packets, which can be used in pasta. It HOW FATTENING IS keeps for weeks in the refrigerator and natural cheese, which has been n You will have to consult your is the Italian version of cream cheese can also be paired with any sweet fruit, CHEESE? is a great table and cooking cheese. injected with a penicillin fungus to doctor about what is considered and is integral to the dessert tiramisu. or enjoyed in soups and rice dishes. Cream cheese has a fat content The gouda produced in India is good. produce blue veins. The most notorious acceptable for your level of It can also be mixed with liqueurs or of approximately 28 percent. of all cheese, it is only appreciated by diabetes. Dry red wines have a Processed cheese has about 26 dried fruits for an easy sweet treat. n Mozzarella: A soft, white, bland n Brie: This is a soft, creamy cheese, real connoisseurs. They have an sugar content of 0.15 to 0.3 to 27 percent, (including cheese tasting cheese which is used on pizzas which has an edible, white surface overbearing aroma and a very sharp percent (i.e 1.5gm to 3gm per spreads). Natural cheddar has 36 litre), which is negligible. I n Parmesan: This is the Queen of because of its stretchability and quick percent. To give you a compari- mould. Brie comes in the shape of a taste. The three Great Blues are work with a winery and our Italian cheese! It is hard, crumbly with melting properties. Fresh mozzarella son; butter has 80 percent fat disc and is mild, buttery and flavourful. roquefort, made from sheep’s milk and red wines have 0.15 percent a grainy texture and has a sharp aroma will last about 10 to 12 days maximum and oil has 100 percent fat! Avoid cheese that smells like ammonia; ripened in the limestone caves near sugar (i.e 1.5 grams per and piquant flavour. It comes from in your fridge and tends to sour after HEALTH FACTORS litre). Calorie wise, 100ml Tip Parma in northern Italy and is aged for that. It usually has an expiry date Cheese is an excellent source of red wine (1⁄2 glass) has 13 calcium and phosphorous and a percent alcohol, 70 calories about two to three years. It is produced which is quite specific. Look for shiny moderate source of protein and from the alcohol itself. in the form of a large, deep wheel and smooth, moist, creamy white cheese About 300ml red Vitamin A. It is high in saturated lasts for several years thanks to its low with an elastic texture. It lasts longer fats with moderate amounts of How to store cheese: It is usually wrapped in greaseproof in wine is considered moisture content and hard texture. if vacuum packed. A popular salad cholesterol. Nutritionally 30gm paper and kept on a windowsill or in the cold part of the house a healthy it better to But nobody keeps it that long. It may called Caprese (from Capri) involves of hard cheese is equal to about Europe. However in India, with our humidity and heat, I find daily intake. the harden which is fine because you grate sliced fresh buffalo mozzarella with 250 ml of milk except that a wrap cheese in foil or cling film and keep it in the warmest part of large amount of salt (sodium) is refrigerator (cheese compartment) or in the vegetable tray. Try not to it. Parmigiano Reggiano is the best tomatoes and basil. ility. added and Vitamin B is removed freeze cheese. Freezing will affect the taste, texture and malleab variety that money can buy. Parmesan during the process of making Cheese has to breathe to maintain life and vigour. Don’t be afraid of a no is best bought from the wheel itself. n Feta: This is a salty, white Greek hard cheese. bit of mould. This is a sign that the cheese is “natural” with You can also buy it pre-grated in sealed cheese used mainly in salads. Choose preservatives. just cut or scrape it off and use the rest. 000 good housekeeping june 2011 good housekeeping june 2011 000