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Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Crystal of light
Episode 1
Cithianus Murder
Part 5
Paul Ellsworth
This document is copyright by Paul Ellsworth © 2014. All rights reserved. The contents of this
document may be used by individuals and small groups for gaming purposes.
Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Appendix C: How to Make Dwarven Steel Notes and Procedure
by Cithianus
There has been a great deal of difficulty in duplicating the weapons made by the dwarven weapon smiths. Two
assumptions were always made; the first is that they were using the purest raw iron, and the second is that the
weapons were infused with magic. Which are the major reasons why dwarven steel weapons have not been duplicated
by other weapon smiths. Dwarves rarely use magic and that their weapon smith would do so seemed to me to be an
unreasonable assumption. The source of iron that the dwarven weapon smiths are using contains very small traces of
other metals. The closest raw iron in this area that is similar to the dwarven iron comes from the mountain mines near
the city of Portus. Many other samples were tested from most of the mines around Centuria and the majority does not
contain the required trace impurities. The many sample acquired from other regions, which includes mines from Dacia,
Dumnonia, Kellikantzaron, Mysia, Parthia, and Urartu. It was not possible to test samples from all the possible sources
from these regions due to time and difficulty of acquiring the many sample and a great many remain to be tested. A
promising example is iron from one of the Bactria mines near the Dumnonia-Bactria border that looks like it may have
the required trace impurities as well; however, the acquired sample was too small for a full analysis. I have requested
additional ore from this mine.
To create dwarven steel it is required to first assemble the ingredients to load into the crucible. High-purity iron
(50%), sorel iron from Portus (45%), charcoal (4%), glass chips and green leaves (1%). Heat the crucible. During this
process the glass melts forming a slag that protects the ingot from oxidizing. The green leaves increase the carbon
content. The goal is 1.5% for forming hard iron carbide particles. The temperature has to be to a point where the iron
melts to a liquid but no hotter. Too much heat ruins the process at any stage.
After cooling remove the wootz cakes from the crucible. The ingot needs to be heated until red hot but not to
the point where the metal is molten. Forge the ingot with hammer blows while it is still hot. When the ingot gets too cold
to deform without cracking, heat it up and forge again. Repeat this process until the sword is formed. It will require fifty
or more cycles of heating and forging. Next cut the sword to its final shape and then hand forge to add the fine details.
Remove the excess steel and decarburize the metal surface by grinding.
At this point a pattern can be added to the sword by cutting groves or drilling holes into the surface of the blade.
Forge the blade flat again and polish the surface to give the blade its near final form. Etch the swords surface with acid
to bring out the pattern; the softer steel on the surface of the sword will darkens and the harder steel appears as
brighter lines.
Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
In testing these swords are far superior to the swords currently in use by the legions. Test has shown that these
swords are able to cut through the legions existing swords within ten strikes. Although difficult and time consuming to
make, the quality of these weapons is so high as to make it a priority that mass production be started as soon as
possible. The current staff and facilities can make approximately 100 swords per month. The present shortage of iron
from the Portus region precludes any large production of these weapons. Experiments with hardened shields and armor
are proceeding satisfactory.
(Note – this was the last report from Cithianus that was sent to the Senate two days before his murder).
Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Appendix D – Dark Lords
1 Lucifer – Known as the shining one. He is the leader of the Dark Lords and creates the war plan for
conquering the known world. He has the special power of blinding light. He rides an ancient black dragon.
2 Dracos – Lucifer’s second in command. He has charm power over the dragons. He rides an ancient
white dragon.
3 Sytri – The charmer. He rules over 60 legions of lesser demons.
4 Haagenti – Can summon any number of snakes. He rules 33 legions of demons.
5 Forneus – Can transform into a sea monster at will. He rules 29 legions of lesser demons. He rides a
blue dragon.
6 Chemosh – The destroyer. He can call down a shower of meteoroids at will. He rides an ancient red
7 Anzu – The fire breather. He has a breath weapon of green fire. He rides an ancient green dragon.
8 Yeqon – The watcher. He is able to see all things in the present and the near future. He can slow time
in a small area. He rides an ancient black dragon.
9 Armaros – The accursed one. He has to power to cast a curse. He rides an ancient green dragon.
10 Mastema – The father of all evil. He can cause an earthquake or summon a tornado. He rides an
ancient brown dragon.
11 Suanggi – The evil one who brings pestilence, disease and illness. He rides an ancient purple dragon.
12 Belial – Summoner of chaos. Causes strife and attracts a legion of lawless men at will. He rides an
ancient red dragon.
13 Rusalka – Controls water spirits. He can summon water elementals at will. He rides an ancient blue
Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Aire World Map
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Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Empire of Akkad
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The land of the Elves
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Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Land of the Orcs
There are seven major orc clans located in Uruk plus the city of Hoowah, which has a mix of all the
clans and the tala nob, . Each clan has one major city plus any number of smaller satellite villages. The seven
clans are Buorka Srinkh, Ghaash Clog, Goth Burzum, Kihagh Trughu, Magru Prath, Ogba Rukh and Throku
Uuk. Each orc clan has one warrior band that is available to the Dark Lords. The believe Lucifer is the Trugulu
or War God and they obey his commands unquestionably.
In order for an orc to become a gruntee (young warrior) he has to be able to count to three; ash, dub,
gakh. Three is an important number for the orcs. Each grunt (warrior) has two gruntee which forms a triad. The
leader is known as the nob.
Takruka is the tala nob of the orcs and is nominal ruler of all the orc clans and lives in Hoowah.
Jughragh is the bubhosh namakh or great shaman. He is one of the very few shamans in Uruk.
Tasia a young half-elvain female orc hunter was known to the orcs as Burguul Trughu, the shadow
warrior. She would often come into an orc camp and take a warrior and leave with his head with none the wiser.
There was bounty paid by the King’s agents for each orc killed.
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Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Orc Warrior12
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The Land of the Dark Lords
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Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
The following will provide some of the back story of the major characters. Some of the characters listed
here may not show up in this scenario but will be used in future scenarios. These scenarios are based on a series
of unpublished novels that I have been working on for quite a number of years.
Agippina is dwarven warehouse owner. Her warehouse was partially burned down one week before
Cithianus’ Murder.
Ashmadia is high level necromancer in the Mortuus Conlegium He is nominally obeying the Dark
Lords but is secretly planning to open a gate to the neither world and bring a Xapham demon to this world to
destroy the dark lords and to take over.
Calvus, Licnius is the current Imperio Consul and head of the Centurian government.
Cithianus was a skilled blacksmith and researcher working for the Centurian military in creating better
weapons and armor. His research leads him to develop a steel making technique similar to the dwarven steel.
Most presume his murder was because of his developing dwarven steel; however, he was targeted because of his
other improvements to the Centurian military equipment prior to the development of dwarven steel.
Cohortes Gilda Latro or Thieve’s Guild. A well-organized thieving operation they spread their thefts
around the city so that no one area was hit to hard or too often. Bribes paid to government officials kept the
Vigilis interest to a minimum.
Cohortes Vigilis (The Night Watch) is the constabulary organization that patrols Centuria City.
Originally found to fight fires there activates were expanded to include investigating crimes and arresting
criminals. There is one cohort (approximately 100 men) for each ward of the city or a nominal strength of 1400.
In an emergency they can call upon the ready legion outside the city for assistance. Fifty three men died in battle
trying to protect the public during the Night of the Zombies. Members of the Vigillis will provide all the help
they can to the player characters as they want revenge on the perpetrators.
Cult of the Dark Moon is a front for one of the branches of the Mortuus Conlegium They are
currently attempting to take over Centuria. They have a large temple in the under-city.
Cursor is the Director of the Centurian Intelligence Agency. A retired senator and close friend of
Licinius Calvus he was asked to take command of the IA.
Dark Lords are ancient demi-god like beings of great magical power. They were the master of Aire for
thousands of years until they were driven out by a young shepherd named Lucern, fourteen hundred years ago.
So long ago the stories are considered a myth in the present age. The Mortuus Conlegium managed to open a
gate to neither-world and thirteen dark lords were able to returned to Aire before the gate closed. The Mortuus
Conlegium foolishly thought they could control these ancient beings but in turn were taken over by the Dark
Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Lords. The dark lords led by Lucifer intend to take control of Aire and rule as they once did in the past. The
dark lords often ride ancient dragons. Lucifer rides a black dragon, Dracos rides a white dragon, Sytri rides a
purple dragon, Haagenti rides a black dragon, Forneus rides a blue dragon, Chemosh rides red dragon, Anzu
rides a green dragon, Yeqon is a black dragon, Armaros rides a green dragon, Mastema rides a brown dragon,
Suanggi rides a purple dragon, Belial rides a red dragon and Rusalka rides a blue dragon.
Derro are a race of half-human and half-dwarve, possibly the mix of evil humans and duergar but no
one knows for certain. They have been known to live and work with the dark elves. A group of twenty derro
have been hired by the Mortuus Conlegium to assassinate certain high government officials. Cithianus was their
first target. Other personnel targeted for assignation include Director Tylden, Director Cursor, Chairman Pera
and Imperio Consul Licinius Calvus.
Garth a high level necromancer working to cause chaos in Centuria City. He is a member of the
Mortuus Conlegium
Gratius is a young decanus (leader of a patrol) who tells of the death of Rubellius another constable that
was killed in a manner similar to Cithianus.
Gordian is a young fighter / thief. He was an apprentice of Nonus but got caught trying to steal from
the IA. He was given the choice of working for the IA or imprisonment and he choose to work for the IA.
Originally just a rogue he been training as a fighter. He is a member of ST9. He has also fallen in love with
Katrina is a bard and member of ST9. She was responsible for training IA recruits in using the
crossbow. She is the first woman to be assigned to a Shadow Team. She is fairly wealthy as her grandfather left
her a small estate within the city of Centuria.
Krone is an ancient seer who knows the location of the Crystal of Light. She appears to be middle aged
however she is Lucern’s granddaughter and is nearly fourteen hundred years old. She appears to Shandra and
tries to persuade her to give up the hunt for the Crystal of Light although she tell her where it is hidden.
Leopold is a prince of the Kingdom of Dumnonia and acting ambassador. He has become quite
attached to Katrina.
Mortuus Conlegium is an organization of necromancers formed in ancient times and continuing onto
the present. They are wizards who have perfected the art of raising the dead. The organization exist in most
countries and is not affiliated with any specific country although many Dark Elves from Svartalfhiem have
become necromancers. In most civilized countries the practice is considered evil and is banned and
necromancers have to remain hidden. In Centuria the practice of necromancy is punishable by death. Currently
the Mortuus Conlegium has allied itself with (or taken over by) the Dark Lords.
Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
Nakula is a 8th
level rogue working for Nonus.
Nicephorus is a necromancer who converted from being a warlock and became a member of the
Mortuus Conlegium and is a 3rd
level necromancer. He is the Cult of the Dark Moon’s representative to deal
with the derro, which he hired to assassinate members of the public. He has alternated between important
members of the Centurian government and the public at large. The method they are using is to take a citizen
late at night to the under-city where they are killed and robbed. So far no one has connected the disappearance
of random citizens with the guild. Only the assassination of public figures like Cithianus has generated an
Nezidera is a dark elf wizard specializing in necromancy. As a member of the Mortuus Conlegium she
has been assigned to the group of necromancers working to over throw the government of Centuria. She is also
half-sister to Onyx. Being the same age and being raised together she loves her brother and she is both fighting
against him and in her own way trying to save him by bringing him back into the fold. She is unable to
understand why he has turned against his family and the dark elves. In the end her deep love for Onyx will
cause her to betray everything she values.
Nonus is leader of the Cohortes Gilda Latro (Thieve’s Guild). A powerful individual he is nominally an
ally in that he will provide whatever intelligence he has gather on the Mortuus Conlegium He lost some of his
guild members in the Night of the Zombies. His guild has also been blamed for some of the robberies and acts
of sabotage against the Centurian military, which he knows his people did not do. He has an extensive under-
city headquarters.
Onyx is a half-human and half-dark elf. Ostracizes by the society of the dark elves and disgusted with
their evil practices and rituals he left their society and made his way to the east working in various jobs. Skilled
as a hunter he easily became a ranger. Because of his skills he came to the attention of the IA and was recruited.
A superior operative he quickly rose in rank and became leader of ST3. His team was assigned to protect a
visiting king’s daughter. They were attacked. Most of his team was killed in battle and he was badly wounded.
Surviving his wounds he was blamed he was blamed by some senators for the death of the consul’s daughter.
He was to be fired but instead was sent to a training unit. He stayed there for a few years until he was brought in
to lead a new team, ST9.
Pera is chairman of the Executive Council which advises Imperio Consul Licinius Calvus.
Rowena is a beautiful young woman who is primarily a healer. She is a cleric of Deus Unus. She is
daughter of the powerful senator Rufius. She choose to become a member of the IA and Rufius was able to
secure a place for her. Initially she acted as assistant to Director Tylden but was assigned to ST9 when that unit
Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
was formed. Rowena is a bubbly happy person that sometimes makes mistakes but doesn’t let that get her
down. She also likes to show up late to work.
Rubellius is a constable murdered two weeks before Cithianus in a way that was similar to his murder.
It is obvious that the two murders were perpetrated by the same assailant.
Rufius is a well-respected senator of the republic. He has an estate about ½ days ride outside of
Centuria city.
Sarakana is a beautiful elf and Nonus assistant. She carries a jagged dagger and is an 8th
level rouge and
a 3rd
level fighter.
Seth a high level necromancer working to cause chaos in Centuria City. He is a member of the Mortuus
Shadow Teams are groups of specialist working for the IA as a team to perform undercover missions
in other countries. There were eight shadow teams until recently. Onyx was brought in as leader of the new
team ST9. Director Tylden has been authorized to create up to twenty teams after the Night of the Zombies.
Shandra is a young and beautiful wizard with huge potential. She is brought in as a member of Shadow
Team 9 to search for the Crystal of Light. She was selected because of her pure heart and dedication to Deus
Unus. She is the only person in the IA who can safely (relatively) touch the Crystal of Light. She immediately
falls in love with Onyx the leader of ST9, which leads to a great many complications. She also has a tendency to
disobey orders, which cause Onyx a great deal of trouble.
Sordello is a former knight and champion swordsman. He was Centuria’s undefeated champion
swordsman for ten years straight until he retired from the competition when he started working for the IA. He
was a member of ST7 but is recuperating from a battle injury. Nearly healed he has been reassigned to assist
Onyx in running ST9.
Tylden or Decius Tylden is Director of Special Operations for the Centurian Intelligence Agency. He
manages all of the Shadow Teams. Formally he was assistant director and prior to that leader of ST5 for many
Xiltyn is the centurian in charge of the inner city ward of Cohortes Vigilis.
Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14
References & Comments
The following are borrowed images found on the internet. I am temporarily borrowing these images to help me create the
characters and to create the story line. By the time I have a final release version of this document these pictures will be replaced by
pictures that I will have commissioned by my students to draw for me like the one of Shandra created by David Luna. I trade David
two anime expo tickets for a set of sailor moon drawings. Images used in this document are copyrighted by their respective owners.
1 Image retrieved from on 12/26/14. This image is just perfect for how I envision
2 Image retrieved from
On 09/25/14. This is just an amazing picture. Nezidera is a high level necromancer in the Mortuus Conlegium I
found this picture on multiple web-sites. This picture is so amazing it actually caused me to change the role of this
character in the story.
3 Image retrieved from on 09/26/14. An image of Gordian a
rogue working for the IA.
4 Image retrieved from a8fed6f2edc5e31c09399ee60a902b0e.jpg on
06/23/14. An image of a Night Watch patrol.
5 Image retrieved from on 09/29/14.
An image of a wealthy merchant and business man. Most any picture but I like this as reminds me of Sir Walter
6 Image retrieved from on 06/23/14. An image of a
dwarf shop keeper.
7 Image of Lady Shandra drawn for me by David Luna in February 2013.
8 Image retrieved from on
06/23/14. This is how I image Nonus would look.
9 Image retrieved from on 09/30/14, artwork by Jason Chan. I
original found the image from another web-site but searching the image lead back to this site. This is an amazing
drawing of an elf and is a perfect image of Sarakana.
10 Image retrieved from on 06/23/14.
11 Image retrieved from on 10/09/14.
12 Image retrieved from on 12/02/14.

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Crystal of light adventure no 1 part 5

  • 1. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 340 Crystal of light Episode 1 Cithianus Murder Part 5 By Paul Ellsworth This document is copyright by Paul Ellsworth © 2014. All rights reserved. The contents of this document may be used by individuals and small groups for gaming purposes.
  • 2. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 341 Appendix C: How to Make Dwarven Steel Notes and Procedure by Cithianus There has been a great deal of difficulty in duplicating the weapons made by the dwarven weapon smiths. Two assumptions were always made; the first is that they were using the purest raw iron, and the second is that the weapons were infused with magic. Which are the major reasons why dwarven steel weapons have not been duplicated by other weapon smiths. Dwarves rarely use magic and that their weapon smith would do so seemed to me to be an unreasonable assumption. The source of iron that the dwarven weapon smiths are using contains very small traces of other metals. The closest raw iron in this area that is similar to the dwarven iron comes from the mountain mines near the city of Portus. Many other samples were tested from most of the mines around Centuria and the majority does not contain the required trace impurities. The many sample acquired from other regions, which includes mines from Dacia, Dumnonia, Kellikantzaron, Mysia, Parthia, and Urartu. It was not possible to test samples from all the possible sources from these regions due to time and difficulty of acquiring the many sample and a great many remain to be tested. A promising example is iron from one of the Bactria mines near the Dumnonia-Bactria border that looks like it may have the required trace impurities as well; however, the acquired sample was too small for a full analysis. I have requested additional ore from this mine. To create dwarven steel it is required to first assemble the ingredients to load into the crucible. High-purity iron (50%), sorel iron from Portus (45%), charcoal (4%), glass chips and green leaves (1%). Heat the crucible. During this process the glass melts forming a slag that protects the ingot from oxidizing. The green leaves increase the carbon content. The goal is 1.5% for forming hard iron carbide particles. The temperature has to be to a point where the iron melts to a liquid but no hotter. Too much heat ruins the process at any stage. After cooling remove the wootz cakes from the crucible. The ingot needs to be heated until red hot but not to the point where the metal is molten. Forge the ingot with hammer blows while it is still hot. When the ingot gets too cold to deform without cracking, heat it up and forge again. Repeat this process until the sword is formed. It will require fifty or more cycles of heating and forging. Next cut the sword to its final shape and then hand forge to add the fine details. Remove the excess steel and decarburize the metal surface by grinding. At this point a pattern can be added to the sword by cutting groves or drilling holes into the surface of the blade. Forge the blade flat again and polish the surface to give the blade its near final form. Etch the swords surface with acid to bring out the pattern; the softer steel on the surface of the sword will darkens and the harder steel appears as brighter lines.
  • 3. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 342 In testing these swords are far superior to the swords currently in use by the legions. Test has shown that these swords are able to cut through the legions existing swords within ten strikes. Although difficult and time consuming to make, the quality of these weapons is so high as to make it a priority that mass production be started as soon as possible. The current staff and facilities can make approximately 100 swords per month. The present shortage of iron from the Portus region precludes any large production of these weapons. Experiments with hardened shields and armor are proceeding satisfactory. (Note – this was the last report from Cithianus that was sent to the Senate two days before his murder).
  • 4. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 343 Appendix D – Dark Lords 1 Lucifer – Known as the shining one. He is the leader of the Dark Lords and creates the war plan for conquering the known world. He has the special power of blinding light. He rides an ancient black dragon. 2 Dracos – Lucifer’s second in command. He has charm power over the dragons. He rides an ancient white dragon. 3 Sytri – The charmer. He rules over 60 legions of lesser demons. 4 Haagenti – Can summon any number of snakes. He rules 33 legions of demons. 5 Forneus – Can transform into a sea monster at will. He rules 29 legions of lesser demons. He rides a blue dragon. 6 Chemosh – The destroyer. He can call down a shower of meteoroids at will. He rides an ancient red dragon. 7 Anzu – The fire breather. He has a breath weapon of green fire. He rides an ancient green dragon. 8 Yeqon – The watcher. He is able to see all things in the present and the near future. He can slow time in a small area. He rides an ancient black dragon. 9 Armaros – The accursed one. He has to power to cast a curse. He rides an ancient green dragon. 10 Mastema – The father of all evil. He can cause an earthquake or summon a tornado. He rides an ancient brown dragon. 11 Suanggi – The evil one who brings pestilence, disease and illness. He rides an ancient purple dragon. 12 Belial – Summoner of chaos. Causes strife and attracts a legion of lawless men at will. He rides an ancient red dragon. 13 Rusalka – Controls water spirits. He can summon water elementals at will. He rides an ancient blue dragon.
  • 5. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 344 Aire World Map
  • 6. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 345 AireWorldMapPart1 Alignmentcolumn1row1
  • 7. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 346 AireWorldMapPart2 Alignmentcolumn1row2
  • 8. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 347 AireWorldMapPart3 Alignmentcolumn1row3
  • 9. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 348 AireWorldMapPart4 Alignmentcolumn1row4
  • 10. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 349 AireWorldMapPart5 Alignmentcolumn2row1
  • 11. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 350 AireWorldMapPart6 Alignmentcolumn2row2
  • 12. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 351 AireWorldMapPart7 Alignmentcolumn2row3
  • 13. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 352 AireWorldMapPart8 Alignmentcolumn2row4
  • 14. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 353 AireWorldMapPart9 Alignmentcolumn3row1
  • 15. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 354 AireWorldMapPart10 Alignmentcolumn3row2
  • 16. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 355 AireWorldMapPart11 Alignmentcolumn3row3
  • 17. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 356 AireWorldMapPart12 Alignmentcolumn3row4
  • 18. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 357 Empire of Akkad
  • 19. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 358 AkkadianEmpire
  • 20. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 359 ALFHEIM The land of the Elves
  • 21. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 360 Alfheim–LandoftheElves
  • 22. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 361 DUMNONIA
  • 23. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 362 KingdomofDumnonia
  • 24. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 363 URUK Land of the Orcs There are seven major orc clans located in Uruk plus the city of Hoowah, which has a mix of all the clans and the tala nob, . Each clan has one major city plus any number of smaller satellite villages. The seven clans are Buorka Srinkh, Ghaash Clog, Goth Burzum, Kihagh Trughu, Magru Prath, Ogba Rukh and Throku Uuk. Each orc clan has one warrior band that is available to the Dark Lords. The believe Lucifer is the Trugulu or War God and they obey his commands unquestionably. In order for an orc to become a gruntee (young warrior) he has to be able to count to three; ash, dub, gakh. Three is an important number for the orcs. Each grunt (warrior) has two gruntee which forms a triad. The leader is known as the nob. Takruka is the tala nob of the orcs and is nominal ruler of all the orc clans and lives in Hoowah. Jughragh is the bubhosh namakh or great shaman. He is one of the very few shamans in Uruk. Tasia a young half-elvain female orc hunter was known to the orcs as Burguul Trughu, the shadow warrior. She would often come into an orc camp and take a warrior and leave with his head with none the wiser. There was bounty paid by the King’s agents for each orc killed.
  • 25. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 364 Uruk–ThelandoftheOrcs
  • 26. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 365 Orc Warrior12
  • 27. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 366 OLC TALAMH The Land of the Dark Lords
  • 28. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 367 OlcTalamh–ThelandsoftheDarkLords
  • 29. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 368 Svartalfheim
  • 30. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 369 KingdomofSvartalfheim TheDarkElves
  • 31. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 370 URARTU
  • 32. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 371 KingdomofUrartu
  • 33. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 372 Glossary The following will provide some of the back story of the major characters. Some of the characters listed here may not show up in this scenario but will be used in future scenarios. These scenarios are based on a series of unpublished novels that I have been working on for quite a number of years. Agippina is dwarven warehouse owner. Her warehouse was partially burned down one week before Cithianus’ Murder. Ashmadia is high level necromancer in the Mortuus Conlegium He is nominally obeying the Dark Lords but is secretly planning to open a gate to the neither world and bring a Xapham demon to this world to destroy the dark lords and to take over. Calvus, Licnius is the current Imperio Consul and head of the Centurian government. Cithianus was a skilled blacksmith and researcher working for the Centurian military in creating better weapons and armor. His research leads him to develop a steel making technique similar to the dwarven steel. Most presume his murder was because of his developing dwarven steel; however, he was targeted because of his other improvements to the Centurian military equipment prior to the development of dwarven steel. Cohortes Gilda Latro or Thieve’s Guild. A well-organized thieving operation they spread their thefts around the city so that no one area was hit to hard or too often. Bribes paid to government officials kept the Vigilis interest to a minimum. Cohortes Vigilis (The Night Watch) is the constabulary organization that patrols Centuria City. Originally found to fight fires there activates were expanded to include investigating crimes and arresting criminals. There is one cohort (approximately 100 men) for each ward of the city or a nominal strength of 1400. In an emergency they can call upon the ready legion outside the city for assistance. Fifty three men died in battle trying to protect the public during the Night of the Zombies. Members of the Vigillis will provide all the help they can to the player characters as they want revenge on the perpetrators. Cult of the Dark Moon is a front for one of the branches of the Mortuus Conlegium They are currently attempting to take over Centuria. They have a large temple in the under-city. Cursor is the Director of the Centurian Intelligence Agency. A retired senator and close friend of Licinius Calvus he was asked to take command of the IA. Dark Lords are ancient demi-god like beings of great magical power. They were the master of Aire for thousands of years until they were driven out by a young shepherd named Lucern, fourteen hundred years ago. So long ago the stories are considered a myth in the present age. The Mortuus Conlegium managed to open a gate to neither-world and thirteen dark lords were able to returned to Aire before the gate closed. The Mortuus Conlegium foolishly thought they could control these ancient beings but in turn were taken over by the Dark
  • 34. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 373 Lords. The dark lords led by Lucifer intend to take control of Aire and rule as they once did in the past. The dark lords often ride ancient dragons. Lucifer rides a black dragon, Dracos rides a white dragon, Sytri rides a purple dragon, Haagenti rides a black dragon, Forneus rides a blue dragon, Chemosh rides red dragon, Anzu rides a green dragon, Yeqon is a black dragon, Armaros rides a green dragon, Mastema rides a brown dragon, Suanggi rides a purple dragon, Belial rides a red dragon and Rusalka rides a blue dragon. Derro are a race of half-human and half-dwarve, possibly the mix of evil humans and duergar but no one knows for certain. They have been known to live and work with the dark elves. A group of twenty derro have been hired by the Mortuus Conlegium to assassinate certain high government officials. Cithianus was their first target. Other personnel targeted for assignation include Director Tylden, Director Cursor, Chairman Pera and Imperio Consul Licinius Calvus. Garth a high level necromancer working to cause chaos in Centuria City. He is a member of the Mortuus Conlegium Gratius is a young decanus (leader of a patrol) who tells of the death of Rubellius another constable that was killed in a manner similar to Cithianus. Gordian is a young fighter / thief. He was an apprentice of Nonus but got caught trying to steal from the IA. He was given the choice of working for the IA or imprisonment and he choose to work for the IA. Originally just a rogue he been training as a fighter. He is a member of ST9. He has also fallen in love with Rowena. Katrina is a bard and member of ST9. She was responsible for training IA recruits in using the crossbow. She is the first woman to be assigned to a Shadow Team. She is fairly wealthy as her grandfather left her a small estate within the city of Centuria. Krone is an ancient seer who knows the location of the Crystal of Light. She appears to be middle aged however she is Lucern’s granddaughter and is nearly fourteen hundred years old. She appears to Shandra and tries to persuade her to give up the hunt for the Crystal of Light although she tell her where it is hidden. Leopold is a prince of the Kingdom of Dumnonia and acting ambassador. He has become quite attached to Katrina. Mortuus Conlegium is an organization of necromancers formed in ancient times and continuing onto the present. They are wizards who have perfected the art of raising the dead. The organization exist in most countries and is not affiliated with any specific country although many Dark Elves from Svartalfhiem have become necromancers. In most civilized countries the practice is considered evil and is banned and necromancers have to remain hidden. In Centuria the practice of necromancy is punishable by death. Currently the Mortuus Conlegium has allied itself with (or taken over by) the Dark Lords.
  • 35. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 374 Nakula is a 8th level rogue working for Nonus. Nicephorus is a necromancer who converted from being a warlock and became a member of the Mortuus Conlegium and is a 3rd level necromancer. He is the Cult of the Dark Moon’s representative to deal with the derro, which he hired to assassinate members of the public. He has alternated between important members of the Centurian government and the public at large. The method they are using is to take a citizen late at night to the under-city where they are killed and robbed. So far no one has connected the disappearance of random citizens with the guild. Only the assassination of public figures like Cithianus has generated an investigation. Nezidera is a dark elf wizard specializing in necromancy. As a member of the Mortuus Conlegium she has been assigned to the group of necromancers working to over throw the government of Centuria. She is also half-sister to Onyx. Being the same age and being raised together she loves her brother and she is both fighting against him and in her own way trying to save him by bringing him back into the fold. She is unable to understand why he has turned against his family and the dark elves. In the end her deep love for Onyx will cause her to betray everything she values. Nonus is leader of the Cohortes Gilda Latro (Thieve’s Guild). A powerful individual he is nominally an ally in that he will provide whatever intelligence he has gather on the Mortuus Conlegium He lost some of his guild members in the Night of the Zombies. His guild has also been blamed for some of the robberies and acts of sabotage against the Centurian military, which he knows his people did not do. He has an extensive under- city headquarters. Onyx is a half-human and half-dark elf. Ostracizes by the society of the dark elves and disgusted with their evil practices and rituals he left their society and made his way to the east working in various jobs. Skilled as a hunter he easily became a ranger. Because of his skills he came to the attention of the IA and was recruited. A superior operative he quickly rose in rank and became leader of ST3. His team was assigned to protect a visiting king’s daughter. They were attacked. Most of his team was killed in battle and he was badly wounded. Surviving his wounds he was blamed he was blamed by some senators for the death of the consul’s daughter. He was to be fired but instead was sent to a training unit. He stayed there for a few years until he was brought in to lead a new team, ST9. Pera is chairman of the Executive Council which advises Imperio Consul Licinius Calvus. Rowena is a beautiful young woman who is primarily a healer. She is a cleric of Deus Unus. She is daughter of the powerful senator Rufius. She choose to become a member of the IA and Rufius was able to secure a place for her. Initially she acted as assistant to Director Tylden but was assigned to ST9 when that unit
  • 36. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 375 was formed. Rowena is a bubbly happy person that sometimes makes mistakes but doesn’t let that get her down. She also likes to show up late to work. Rubellius is a constable murdered two weeks before Cithianus in a way that was similar to his murder. It is obvious that the two murders were perpetrated by the same assailant. Rufius is a well-respected senator of the republic. He has an estate about ½ days ride outside of Centuria city. Sarakana is a beautiful elf and Nonus assistant. She carries a jagged dagger and is an 8th level rouge and a 3rd level fighter. Seth a high level necromancer working to cause chaos in Centuria City. He is a member of the Mortuus Conlegium Shadow Teams are groups of specialist working for the IA as a team to perform undercover missions in other countries. There were eight shadow teams until recently. Onyx was brought in as leader of the new team ST9. Director Tylden has been authorized to create up to twenty teams after the Night of the Zombies. Shandra is a young and beautiful wizard with huge potential. She is brought in as a member of Shadow Team 9 to search for the Crystal of Light. She was selected because of her pure heart and dedication to Deus Unus. She is the only person in the IA who can safely (relatively) touch the Crystal of Light. She immediately falls in love with Onyx the leader of ST9, which leads to a great many complications. She also has a tendency to disobey orders, which cause Onyx a great deal of trouble. Sordello is a former knight and champion swordsman. He was Centuria’s undefeated champion swordsman for ten years straight until he retired from the competition when he started working for the IA. He was a member of ST7 but is recuperating from a battle injury. Nearly healed he has been reassigned to assist Onyx in running ST9. Tylden or Decius Tylden is Director of Special Operations for the Centurian Intelligence Agency. He manages all of the Shadow Teams. Formally he was assistant director and prior to that leader of ST5 for many years. Xiltyn is the centurian in charge of the inner city ward of Cohortes Vigilis.
  • 37. Dungeon & Dragons Crystal of Light Cithianus’ Murder Rev. 0.6 31-Dec-14 376 References & Comments The following are borrowed images found on the internet. I am temporarily borrowing these images to help me create the characters and to create the story line. By the time I have a final release version of this document these pictures will be replaced by pictures that I will have commissioned by my students to draw for me like the one of Shandra created by David Luna. I trade David two anime expo tickets for a set of sailor moon drawings. Images used in this document are copyrighted by their respective owners. 1 Image retrieved from on 12/26/14. This image is just perfect for how I envision Rowena. 2 Image retrieved from On 09/25/14. This is just an amazing picture. Nezidera is a high level necromancer in the Mortuus Conlegium I found this picture on multiple web-sites. This picture is so amazing it actually caused me to change the role of this character in the story. 3 Image retrieved from on 09/26/14. An image of Gordian a rogue working for the IA. 4 Image retrieved from a8fed6f2edc5e31c09399ee60a902b0e.jpg on 06/23/14. An image of a Night Watch patrol. 5 Image retrieved from on 09/29/14. An image of a wealthy merchant and business man. Most any picture but I like this as reminds me of Sir Walter Drake. 6 Image retrieved from on 06/23/14. An image of a dwarf shop keeper. 7 Image of Lady Shandra drawn for me by David Luna in February 2013. 8 Image retrieved from on 06/23/14. This is how I image Nonus would look. 9 Image retrieved from on 09/30/14, artwork by Jason Chan. I original found the image from another web-site but searching the image lead back to this site. This is an amazing drawing of an elf and is a perfect image of Sarakana. 10 Image retrieved from on 06/23/14. 11 Image retrieved from on 10/09/14. 12 Image retrieved from on 12/02/14.