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Funding Innovation through
Innovation in Funding
Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez
MSc Economics of Science and Innovation, 2011
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
Supervisor: Paco Conde, LTC Project (Barcelona).

Do you know crowdfunding? In an online survey conducted primarily among entrepreneurs and students
in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, almost 50% answered “No”. Even cutting-edge innovator
Google continuously suggested the authors of this thesis to check the spelling of “crowdfunding” when
writing the thesis on Google docs. Further anecdotal evidence can be found in our classes and seminars.
During our master program, we have been taught different ways how startup ventures can raise capital
and have engaged in discussions with entrepreneurs and technology transfer officers. Crowdfunding was
not mentioned. Yet, we remember our thesis advisor and innovation consultant Paco Conde of LTC saying
that many of his clients, when thinking about innovation, primarily think of their production process there-
by neglecting the importance of innovation at the financing (and distribution) stage.

In July 2010, thus almost coinciding with the beginning of our studies at Barcelona Graduate School of
Economics, the search term “crowdfunding” for the first time generated enough traffic to be spotted by
Google Trends (Figure 1). Throughout the last year search volume has steadily increased, demonstrating
growing interest and awareness of the topic.

Figure 1 Google Trends Search
Volume Index for “crowdfunding”,
July 2010-June 2011.
(Source: Google Trends)

Crowdfunding in general and crowdfunding for startup companies in particular are nascent phenomena
that made it to the headlines only recently but bear the potential to drastically change the way startup
companies are financed today. With this thesis we seek to give an overview of where the crowdfunding
phenomenon ideologically comes from, which form it currently takes and where crowdfunding for startup
companies may potentially go.

Therefore, the remainder of the thesis is organized as follows: Section 2 briefly comments on the me-
thodology. Section 3 introduces a definition and discusses the background and basic ideas of crowdfun-
ding. Section 4 explains changing paradigms that relate to crowdfunding. Section 5 analyses the current
crowdfunding market. Section 6 shifts the focus to the current regulatory environment. Section 7 is devo-
ted to the future of crowdfunding for startups. Section 8 concludes.
2                                      Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                       2 Methodology                                                   propose a crowdfunding definition within the
                                       Due to its short history, only very few data                    scope of high-growth startup financing. In simple
                                       on crowdfunding for startup companies are                       terms, crowdfunding is “the financing of a project
                                       available. In an attempt to collect primary data,               or a venture by a group of individuals instead of
                                       we have set up an online survey that was spread                 professional parties, [i.e. instance, banks, venture
                                       through relevant LinkedIn groups, personal con-                 capitalists or business angels]. Individuals already
                                       tacts and to potential multipliers such as the 22@              finance investments indirectly through their
                                       Barcelona Incubation Center or the ESADE-                       savings —since banks act as intermediary. In con-
                                       Creapolis network. Unfortunately, with only 99                  trast, crowdfunding occurs [ideally] without any
                                       responses out of which 46% had not heard about                  intermediary”. However, as we will see along this
                                       crowdfunding before, the survey did not generate                paper, crowdfunding faces some legal challenges
Sidenote 1 In Appendix 1, we provide   enough data to draw conclusions from1.                          that oblige indeed to use some mediation.
a link and a password to the survey
                                       For the same reason as data scarcity, theoretical               3.2 Different kinds of investments
                                       research on the topic has just begun. Where                     Investments in the crowdfunded venture can take
                                       possible we will refer to research that focuses on              different forms. Schwienbacher and Larralde
                                       crowdfunding in general rather than aiming at                   (2012) propose three different stages: The lowest
                                       startup companies. Since crowdfunding for star-                 level of engagement takes place when the crowd
                                       tup ventures is driven by practitioners, weblogs                donates money instead of investing. A well-
                                       are one major sources of information. We have                   known example is the grassroots fundraising
                                       also leveraged on relevant research from other                  campaign of Barack Obama during the 2008
                                       fields.                                                         presidential campaign. Since crowdfunding
                                                                                                       originated in the social and cultural sector and
                                                                                                       already is at a more mature development stage
                                       3 Definition and basic ideas                                    than in the startup sector, donations still play a
                                       3.1 Definition of crowdfunding                                  major role. For the scope of this paper, they are,
                                       Crowdfunding, particularly for startup com-                     however, of minor interest.
                                       panies, is still in its early development stage.
                                       Until now, the amount of theoretical research is                At the next level, passive investments by the
                                       limited. Thus, there is no agreed-upon standard                 crowd also do not offer any engagement in the
                                       definition.                                                     invested project. Unlike donation, passive inves-
                                                                                                       tments are, however, based on the expectation of
                                       Reflecting that crowdfunding, by its name, is                   a return. Project owners seeking passive inves-
                                       an effort of the crowd, Lawton and Marom                        tments do no offer active involvement. Rather,
                                       (2010) use the crowd-generated definition cu-                   they are solely interested in raising money.
                                       rrently available on Wikipedia, which describes                 Active investments on the other hand, actively
                                       crowdfunding as “a collective operation, atten-                 involve the crowd, e.g. through requiring infor-
                                       tion and trust by people who network and pool                   mal expertise, formal investor boards or votings
                                       their money and other resources together, usually               about product characteristics. Offering active
                                       the Internet, to support efforts initiated by other             investments is a way to access “smart money”, i.e.
                                       people and organizations”.                                      financial investments plus the promise to support
                                                                                                       the project in some additional way. Investors,
                                       Among the efforts taken at a theoretical level,                 who actively engage in the production process,
                                       Kleemann et al. (2008) highlight the trade-                     yield valuable information about the market sen-
                                       off factors involved in the phenomenon and                      timent and may help to select optimal consumer
                                       describe crowdfunding as “an open call, essen-                  targets.
                                       tially through the Internet, for the provision of
                                       financial resources either in form of donation or               The latter two forms include rewards for the in-
                                       in exchange for some form of reward and/or vo-                  vestors either in kind or monetary. Rewards can
                                       ting rights in order to support initiatives”. More              take various forms from pre-ordering discounts
                                       recently, Schwienbacher and Larralde (2012)                     at a discount to profit shares or equity in the
3                                        Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                         startup. Different forms of financial rewards will              1.	 Collaboration permits to combine each
                                         be discussed in sections 5 and 6.                                   other’s knowledge and resources.
                                                                                                         2.	 Openness allows people to contribute freely
                                         Turning from the dimension of the involvement                       to different projects.
                                         to the type of investments, financial support,                  3.	 Participation is increased thanks to the ease
                                         the crowd can also contribute in kind. Platforms                    of access.
                                         such as GrowVC (see Appendix 2) allow parti-
                                         cipation as ‘expert’. Under this scheme, valuable               In line with Lee et al.’s arguments, Kleemann et
                                         consulting inputs count as investments. In this                 al. (2008) underline the importance of the “Web
                                         respect, we can find in the literature (Schwienba-              2.0 prerequisite” for the development of the
                                         cher & Larralde, 2012) cases where the inputs in                crowd:
                                         professional services have reduced the need for
                                         cash initially calculated:, a tourism-               4.	 From the social point of view, the Web 2.0
                                         related French website, had the goal of raising                     allows for an easier gathering of people who
                                         €90,000 (divided in 300 shares of €300). Since                      share a common interest.
                                         some people in the crowd was actively collabora-                5.	 From the economic point of view, the abili-
                                         ting with them in the development of the site —                     ty of anyone to create content and upload it
                                         in exchange for shares— but also helping spread                     on the web, for public viewing and sharing.
                                         the word on the internet. Given that they were
                                         getting from the crowd services that otherwise                  Motivation is also a key element to understand
                                         would had being commissioned to ‘normal’                        the inner workings of the crowd. Kleemann et al.
                                         suppliers— their cash needs decreased and they                  claim that participants in crowdsourcing projects
                                         were able to stop the process at €55,800.                       have both an intrinsic motivation (that relates to
                                                                                                         the pleasure or fun of doing the particular task)
                                         3.3 The origin of crowdfunding:                                 and an extrinsic motivation (particularly, external
                                         Web 2.0 and crowdsourcing                                       reward —money and goods— career benefits,
                                         Crowdfunding has its roots in the advent of the                 learning, recognition or even dissatisfaction with
                                         social web and its capacity to leverage on massive              current products —prosumer2 behavior).
Sidenote 2 In this context prosumer      groups of individuals to perform certain tasks:
can be thought of as converse to the     crowdsourcing. The term itself was coined by Jeff               Establishing the relation between crowdsourcing
consumer with a passive role, denoting
an active role as the individual gets
                                         Howe and Mark Robinson in the June 2006 issue                   and crowdfunding is fairly intuitive and only
more involved in the creation and        of Wired Magazine.                                              takes a stone’s throw: substitute effort and con-
development process.                                                                                     tent by money and the crowd turns from a source
                                         Kleemann et al. (2008) provide a good scholar                   into a fund.
                                         definition for the phenomenon: “Crowdsourcing
                                         takes place when a profit oriented firm outsour-                3.4 Risk, moral hazard,
                                         ces specific tasks essential for the making or sale             and information asymmetry in the
                                         of its product to the general public (the crowd)                crowdfunding setting
                                         in the form of an open call over the Internet,                  Crowdfunding involves also certain information
                                         with the intention of animating individuals to                  and uncertainty problems, similar to those in the
                                         make a [voluntary] contribution to the firm’s                   traditional settings but slightly different in their
                                         production process for free or for significantly                impact.
                                         less than that contribution is worth to the firm.”
                                         One prime example is Wikipedia, where a large                   The sharing of risk in crowdfunding is explained
                                         enough number of individuals exerting a multitu-                in the same way as in traditional funding setting.
                                         de of little efforts can produce a huge amount of               According to Schwienbacher and Larralde (2012)
                                         high-quality content.                                           equity investments are “a way to spread risk over
                                                                                                         different people” while debt financing makes “the
                                         Social web —or Web 2.0—, the context which                      entrepreneur, provided he is the only shareholder,
                                         enables the crowd has, according to Lee et al.                  bear the risk alone”. Since the amounts invested
                                         (2008), three main characteristics:                             in crowdfunding tend to be rather small, the
4                                        Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding      Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                                  risk borne by individual investors is lower than                   (they may not be specialized) and also the past
                                                  in traditional investment form. One practical                      performance of the entrepreneur (out of the pla-
                                                  example of how crowdfunding platforms address                      tform) and many other pieces of value-relevant
                                                  the risk of loss, is discussed in the first case study             information might be missing.
                                                  on Grow VC (Appendix 2).
                                                                                                                     The same authors argue that entrepreneur might
                                                  Regarding moral hazard, traditional investors                      be even more reluctant to disclose information
                                                  tackle this issue e.g. by the use of several finan-                to this type of investors, due to their number and
                                                  cing rounds, milestones, or due diligence. In the                  lack of professionalism. At the same time, the
                                                  crowdfunding setting the same elements can be                      disclose of this information in public setting and
                                                  combined with a constant flow of information                       the number of people that have access to it is so-
                                                  between entrepreneur and investors by leve-                        mehow directly related to the investment levels.
                                                  raging in the capacities of the social web. It is                  Schwienbacher and Larralde also argue that Idea
                                                  also important to highlight, that in networked                     stealing may further be particularly strong here,
                                                  environments the incentives for moral hazard be-                   since the entrepreneur needs to disclose sensible
                                                  havior decrease since entrepreneurs are strongly                   information to a wider audience than under
                                                  observed by their investors. If the effort is not                  traditional forms of fundraising. However a well-
                                                  high enough, this will circulate quickly among                     designed screening process can decrease the risk
                                                  investors and other people on the platform. Once                   involved in this operation.
                                                  the reputation of an entrepreneur decreased,
                                                  future investments are likely to decrease signifi-                 Lawton and Marom (2010) present a potential
                                                  cantly.                                                            solution to this problem. They propose a sequen-
                                                                                                                     tial model in which entrepreneurs initially only
                                                  With regard to the state of information asym-                      expose a little part of their idea. As the intensity
                                                  metry in the crowdfunding setting, when                            of interactions between the crowd and potential
                                                  striking a deal the parties engaged in a deal may                  investors increases, thus the audience decreases,
                                                  not have the same level of information (Myers &                    the entrepreneurs publish more information,
                                                  Majluf, 1984; and Naranayan, 1998). In this res-                   thereby decreasing the information asymmetry.
                                                  pect, Schwienbacher and Larralde (2012) point                      At the same time, with a smaller audience, it
                                                  out that in crowdfunding information asymme-                       becomes easier, to protect the idea, e.g. through
                                                  try may be more acute, since the investors may                     a non-disclosure agreement. This process is
                                                  not have so much information about the industry                    illustrated below.

                                                          Amount of                                                                      Lots of information
                                                     information disclosed                                                                 to few people
         Figure 2 Decreasing the information
         asymmetry through sequentially
         increased disclosure. (Source: Adapted
         from Lawton and Marom, 2010)

                        Amount of                                                                            Lots of information
                   information disclosed                                                                       to few people
                                                                                                                                             Audience size
                                                                               Little information
                                                                                to many people
     Amount of                                                                          Lots of information
information disclosed                                                                     to few people
                                                                                                                  Audience size
                                                  Little information
                                                   to many people

                                                                                            Audience size
                         Little information
                          to many people
5   Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

    3.5 Meet the crowd                                              As early as 1907, Galton found evidence that the
    According to Lawton and Marom (2010), “one of                   median estimate of a group can be more accurate
    the most important components in the struc-                     than estimates of experts (Galton, 1907). Further
    ture of a networked crowd is formed by affinity                 investigating this effect, Surowiecki (2004) finds
    groups, which can be loosely defined as a group                 that the aggregation of information in groups,
    of people with similar interests or motivations.”               results in decisions that are often better than they
    The crowd, being enabled by a globally accessible               could have been if made by any single member of
    technology, i.e. the internet, is regarded as incre-            the group. Hence, the funding crowd would be
    dibly diverse. This diversity (enriched by different            more efficient than a few equity investors alone.
    cultures, points of view, backgrounds, etc.) is key             However, crowds, and more specifically networ-
    when trying to explain its capabilities such as ac-             ked crowds, face complex forces that undermine
    curate predictions. This effect is called “Wisdom               this ‘wisdom’ quite easily. Drawing from the
    of the Crowds”. Relatedly, one can also speak of                fields of psychology, sociology and social and
    “madness of crowds” at times, when an uncoor-                   network economics we review some explanations
    dinated crowds lead to sub-optimal outcomes.                    of the sources of this undermining.
    The current financial crisis is one example. Both
    topics the wisdom of the crowd and the process                  As mentioned, the basic argument is that the
    of undermining it will be carefully analyzed in                 crowd needs a sufficient level of diversity of
    following pages.                                                opinions in order to be wise (Surowiecki, 2004).
                                                                    This necessary diversity is narrowed by social in-
    Although there is no clear average internet user,               fluence (“knowledge about estimates of others”),
    the profile of individuals engaging in higher level             making subjects’ predictions and valuations
    internet activities such as crowdsourcing has                   converge (Lorenz, Rauhut, Schweitzer & Hel-
    some common features. According to Brabham                      bing, 2011). Lorenz et al. argue that the effect is
    (2008) who investigated users of IStockPhoto,                   weakened in three different ways:
    the so-called ‘web elite user’ is middle-to-upper
    class, highly educated, married, middle-aged,                   1.	 The “social influence effect” diminishes
    white man with high speed Internet connec-                          the opinion diversity of the crowd without
    tion. Even though there are no data available,                      improvements of its collective error.
    it is rational to assume that the average startup               2.	 The “range reduction effect” moves the
    crowdfunder would be even less diverse, with                        position of the truth to peripheral regions
    a larger proportion of business-minded, highly                      of the range of estimates so that the crowd
    educated, high income types. This collides                          becomes less reliable in providing expertise
    frontally with the theoretical, widely regarded                     for external observers.
    diversity of the crowd. The crowd, greatly diverse              3.	 The “confidence effect” boosts individuals’
    in principle, can indeed be culturally, socially and                confidence after convergence of their estima-
    economically biased to a great extent. As we will                   tes despite lack of improved accuracy.
    see in section 5, e.g. 60% of the startup-oriented
    crowdfunding sites are located in Anglo-Saxon                   Social influence among human group members
    countries. The lack of diversity has important                  may trigger individuals to revise their estimates
    implications for the effectiveness of the crowd in              for various reasons:
    developing certain tasks which will be analysed
    in the next section.                                            •	    The belief that others may have better
    3.6 Analyzing the ”Wisdom                                       •	    Peer pressure toward conformity.
    of the Crowd” effect                                            •	    Inclination to adjust their opinion to those
    Understanding the capabilities, formation logic                       of others so that they gradually converge
    and behavior of the crowd is key to paint a richer                    toward consensus.
    picture of crowdfunding and also has implica-
    tions for a more effective design and implementa-               Another concept that tries to explain the
    tion of crowdfunding platforms.                                 narrowing of diversity, thus making the crowd
6   Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

    less wise, is homophily which is the tendency of                on networks built by traditional methods –e.g.
    agents in some networks to connect to others si-                meetings, congresses, and personal introduc-
    milar to them in parameters such race, education,               tions. The potential of the used methods used
    religion (and possibly professional background                  are somehow limited.With the advent of the
    in the case of crowdfunding); (Lazarsfeld &                     information technologies and, more specifically,
    Merton, 1954).                                                  the development of the internet a better way to
                                                                    gather, discuss, interact, organize and decide was
    Also important is the concept of diffusion and                  put in the hands of people and companies. The
    imitation as studied by Bass (whose model                       digital agora has the same use as the ancient one,
    describes the process of how new products get                   but is by far more powerful: more agile, with the
    adopted as an interaction between users and                     capacity of reach many individuals at the same
    potential users) and Rogers (whose theory seeks                 time but, more importantly, an unprecedented
    to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas                 capacity to create larger economies of scale than
    and technology spread through cultures [or also                 ever before. The internet is rapidly disrupting the
    network clusters in the case of crowdfunding].                  structure of many industries by a flow of creative
                                                                    destruction never seen before: transport, com-
                                                                    munications, retail, and publishing all are going
    4. Changing paradigms                                           through severe changes.

    “Society rearranges itself —its worldview—; its                 In this new state, traditional institutions that
    basic values; its social and political structure; its           have enabled certain processes, not only demo-
    arts; its key institutions. Fifty years later there is a        cratic but also legal, financial and those created
    new world. And the people born then cannot                      by citizens themselves in a more direct way,
    even imagine the world in which their own parents               become obsolete. These formerly necessary
    were born.”                                                     institutions incurred in huge inefficiencies, e.g.
                                                                    in the form of transaction costs or due diligence
    Quote from the book “The Crowdfun-                              processes.
    ding Revolution”, by Kevin Lawton and
    Dan Marom.
                                                                    Institutions are not the end but the means that
                                                                    societies figured out to solve different challenges.
                                                                    Because of the explosion of the digital era these
    Societies have been using institutions as tools to              institutions have become somehow obsolete.
    deal with different problems since the wake of                  Because of social networking, institutions such
    civilizations. To give an example, to implement                 as VC are no longer the only way to get the right
    democracy, citizens vote, elect representatives,                amount of money for an enterprise. Through the
    and these take the will of the people to an insti-              use of crowdfunding platforms, micro contribu-
    tution (namely, congress or senate). Ideally, this              tions by a far larger group of people can equal,
    created institution provides the means to elicit                in total, the money that a group of wealthy
    people desires and manage a country accordingly.                investors allocates through an investment fund.
    When it comes to allocation of capital, countries               Besides this quantitative factor there are others
    rely on their financial sectors to invest money.                that make of crowdfunding a powerful tool. In-
    This money is saved previously by different                     teraction with a massive group of people provides
    individuals and companies and is invested in                    a great amount of information about the state of
    the most valuable enterprises, projects, etc. In                the markets which is very difficult to reach in the
    this respect commercial banks provide cash for                  traditional setting.
    individuals and small companies and, typically,
    Venture Capital Funds, place the money if its                   4.1 The Trust Economy
    investors in risky projects with the potential of               The network and possibilities provided by
    yielding high returns. The reach of these ventures              a crowdfunding platform are much larger
    was somehow limited consisting only on per-                     than those of traditional ‘investing relations’.
    sonal “face-to-face” interactions and leveraging                Crowdfunding e.g. provides enhanced partner
7                                           Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                            searching capabilities, expert advice, and the                  based of free market and individual freedom
                                            opportunity to build a collaborative ecosystem.                 rights. The key elements fit perfectly the bill for
                                            However, due to several factors, strong and trust-              crowdfunding:
                                            worthy relationships are harder to build in this
                                            online environment (Hoffman, Novak, & Peral-                    1.	 allows and supports the development and
                                            ta, 1999). But the fact that members’ behavior is                   accumulation of rational science;
                                            ‘observed’ by the crowd eliminates the incentives               2.	 channels the personal pride into non-
                                            for wrongdoing to a great extent as observed by                     destructive forms and the people focus on
                                            Mao (Mao, 2011) in his manifesto “Sharism”, and                     economic wellbeing;
                                            supported by extensive research in the field of                 3.	 allows regular change and refreshment of
                                            behavioral economics.                                               the social leadership.

                                            Another important implication for the use of                    In this framework, Fukuyama proposes inter-
                                            Web 2.0 for funding ventures is that the likeliho-              personal trust and social virtues as a conduit for
                                            od of two strangers exhibiting trust depends on                 economic growth and prosperity. The author
                                            social, legal, biological and economic environ-                 develops a scheme where the advantages of high
                                            ments, namely, those of the ‘hybrid environment’                trust are:
                                            created from the crowdfunding platform and the
                                            country where the transaction, operations and                   1.	 lower administration costs, higher institu-
                                            enforcement happens. In connected environ-                          tional reliability;
                                            ments, trust, built by the use of market-driven                 2.	 large and efficient organizations;
                                            institutions, rather than just legal frameworks,
                                            will provide the stability needed to carry on                   Crowdfunding is a collaborative effort. Accor-
                                            with economic actions (Hoffman, Novak, &                        ding to La Porta et al. (1997), trust is a strong
                                            Peralta, 1999). GrowVC, for example, argues                     driver for cooperation, especially in large organi-
                                            that by increasing the levels of trust, the need                zations, or transferred to crowdfunding in large
                                            for legal counseling decreases thus increasing                  networks.
Sidenote 3 For further information          the efficiency of the system and its growth rate3.
on Grow VC refer to the case study          This argument is clearly in line with abundant                  Fukuyama (1995) also points out that personal
(Appendix 2).
                                            research around the topics of trust and growth,                 and institutional networks are means of trust
                                            from which we provide some insights with impli-                 generation and that their trust-producing ability
Sidenote 4 In a crowdfunding environ-       cations for crowdfunding.                                       depends on their rules. Ideally, they should be
ment the role of the press is carried out                                                                   simple, transparent, coherent, and applied with
by the crowd itself.
                                            Crowdfunding networks can be seen as a form of                  consequence.
                                            economies. Not enclosed in national boundaries
                                            but rather acting as a meta-entity that potentially             However, the most useful research to understand
                                            spans across different countries. Crowdfunding                  the crowdfunding phenomenon so far may be
                                            can be also seen as the purest way of free market               ‘Neuroeconomics of Trust’. Zak (2005) argues
                                            capitalism, where formal institutions, transaction              that neoclassical economic theory -agents always
                                            costs are and public intervention are rather light.             try to maximize their profits- does not apply very
                                                                                                            much to certain observed behaviors. Instead,
                                            These networks are self-regulating environments.                persons as social animals, care strongly about
                                            However lack of trust, because of the implica-                  what people think about them. In the heavily
                                            tions, can be a downside when trying to promote                 networked environment of crowdfunding, this
                                            economic growth of these networks. Trust in an                  element is key to retain the favor of the crowd
                                            economic environment, both offline and online,                  and succeed socially and, thus, economically.
                                            is a key factor for its sustained growth, as discus-            Moreover, increased trust reduces transaction
                                            sed by many authors.                                            costs. Under this framework, Zak recommends
                                                                                                            trust-building policies including education which
                                            Fukuyama (1995) argues that best way of promo-                  strongly improves the quality of institutions,
                                            ting economic growth is the liberal capitalism                  press freedom and civil liberties4.
8                                  Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                   5 Status quo: the crowdfunding                                  well recognized that attracting external finance
                                   environment for startup ventures                                at the very initial stages of a venture is one of
                                   The rising interest in crowdfunding as a way to                 the biggest challenges of entrepreneurs (Cosh,
                                   fund startup companies does not come out of                     Cumming, & Hughes, 2009). In the aftermath
                                   the blue. It can be traced back to two funda-                   of the financial crisis, the global venture capital
                                   mental trends. As described in earlier sections,                industry currently recovers from a severe slump.
                                   the rise of the internet and its evolution from a               According to Dow Jones VentureSource (2010)
                                   source of information to an arena of interaction                total investment in the United States fell by 36%
                                   and networking was a necessary condition for                    in 2009. Outside the U.S. the picture was even
                                   entrepreneurs, investors, and experts to link up                bleaker with a fall of 51%. In the first quarter
                                   with each other.                                                of 2010 the worldwide VC investment made a
                                                                                                   return, increasing by 13%. One trend, however,
                                   Crowdfunding originated as a funding mecha-                     seems to be persistent. Venture capital funds seek
                                   nism for cultural and social projects and only                  less stormy waters and shift their investments
                                   recently started to diffuse into a business-orien-              from the startup and early stage towards later
                                   ted direction. This leads to the second driver                  stages of the funding process. According to
                                   behind the increasing interest in crowdfunding:                 Knowledge@Wharton (2010), the VC funds’
                                   a shortage in traditional funding. Before the                   continuous growth in size and number increa-
                                   internet enabled niche interests to gather online,              ses competition for large venture investments.
                                   funding a project like the Catalan film [No-Res]                The need to invest larger sums goes in line with
                                   that criticizes Barcelona’s ongoing gentrification              coming on board later in a startups life-cycle. Be-
                                   in the district Colònia Castells, might have                    sides this economic argument, VCs also usually
                                   been a major obstacle. Donation from directly                   have minimum threshold investments beyond
                                   involved people would probably be the major                     the capital needs of early stage ventures (Bhidé,
                                   source. By applying crowdfunding, the project                   1992). The consequences are twofold: while com-
                                   not only receives inter-regional attention but                  petition keeps valuations of later stage ventures
                                   widens the reach of potential donors to anyone                  inflated, the interest in early stage investments
                                   interested in Barcelona, gentrification or urban                decreases. Lawton and Marom (2010) connect
                                   documentaries. The shortage in funding argu-                    the latter to the exponentially increasing rate of
                                   ment also partly explains why crowdfunding for                  technological change and conclude that “chasing
                                   financing startup companies and strictly profit-                later-term deals is in some ways, an attempt at
                                   oriented projects increasingly gets traction. It is             chasing history”.

Figure 3 The Rate of Change
(Source: Adapted from Lawton and                                   RATE OF
Marom, 2010).                                                      CHANGE

                                                                                      Internet                        Browser           Google   Facebook

9                                          Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                           The initial funding stages are traditionally                    the plethora of microcredit initiatives that aim
Sidenote 5 For further information on      home to Family & Friends, personal savings and                  to fuel entrepreneurship in developing coun-
Diaspora, refer to Appendix 3.             business angels but the declining engagement                    tries. Smarter Money lists 19 of these platforms,
                                           of venture capital funds leaves a gap crowdfun-                 among them powerhouses such as Kiva which
Sidenote 6 http://www.smartermoney.        ding platforms might tap into. The potential of                 has already connected more than one million
nl                                         this gap becomes clearer when reflecting that                   entrepreneurs and lenders and channeled loans
                                           according to a University of Dartmouth study                    worth more than $200M.
Sidenote 7 For a study of a truly          “only 1% to 2% of all business plans presented to
international crowdfunding platform        either angels or VCs receive funding” (Center for               The geographic pattern raises an interesting
that addresses startup founders refer
to Appendix 2.
                                           Private Equity and Entrepreneurship, 2005).                     issue. Agrawal et al. (2011) show that that average
                                           Since the use of crowdfunding for entrepre-                     distance between a crowdinvestor and the project
Sidenote 8 Smarter Money does not          neurial ventures is very young - according to                   owner is approximately 3,000 miles 9. While this
list VC4Africa which, however, would be    Belleflemme et al. (2010) it dates back only to                 confirms the bias towards a regional scope also
assigned to the Netherlands.
                                           2007 - market data are scarce. To date Belleflem-               from the investors’ perspective, it contradicts tra-
Sidenote 9 The study of Agrawal et al.     me et al. is the only study yielding empirical data             ditional theory and empirical observations which
(2011) is based on data from Sellaband,    on the topic. Focusing on crowdfunded projects                  predict that investors in early stage entrepre-
a crowdfunding platform to finance
the production of music. Although the
                                           and ventures and projects instead of intermediary               neurial ventures tend to be local; e.g. Sorenson
platform does not allow investing in       platforms, their study finds that about 60% took                and Stuart (2001), Zook (2002), Mason (2007).
startups, the authors still extrapolate-   place in Anglo-Saxon countries. The sample did                  More specifically, Sorenson and Stuart (2005)
their results to this field.
                                           not show a tendency towards certain industries                  find that the average distance between the lead
Sidenote 10 Brazilean platform             but covered a wide range including e.g. infor-                  VC and the firm they finance is about 70 miles.
Ikermart was removed due to its beta       mation and communication technologies, sport,                   Accounting for business angels, Sohl (1999)
stadium and no detailed information.
                                           journalism and movies. The median targeted                      and Wong (2002) report that they also tend to
                                           funding sum was about € 100,000 and entrepre-                   locate in rather close proximity to their targeted
                                           neurs raised around € 28,500 (median). Bearing                  ventures.
                                           in mind outliers such as Diaspora5 or the IPod
                                           Nano-based wristwatch LunaTik that raised                       3,000 miles Crowdinvestor — Entrepreneur (avg. distance)
                                           nearly $1M through Kickstarter, these numbers
                                           indicate that crowdfunding primarily appeals to
Figure 4 Average distance between          entrepreneurs during the seed and early stages of
                                                                                                           70 miles VC — Entrepreneur (avg. distance)
Investors and Entrepreneurs.               their venture.
(Source: the authors)

                                           Turning to the platforms, the crowdfunding blog
                                           Smarter Money6 currently lists 217 crowdfunding                 Thus, while most crowdfunding platforms
                                           platforms, 31 of which are exclusively dedicated                directed at startups are still act within national
                                           to investing in startups. Most of the platforms                 boundaries, they bear the potential to overcome
                                           only emerged in 2010 and some of them still                     distance-related frictions often faced in the finan-
                                           run as beta versions. Looking at geographic                     cing of entrepreneurial ventures. One crowdfun-
                                           patterns, it turns out that although enabled by                 ding example that illustrates the international po-
                                           the World Wide Web, crowdfunding companies                      tential is discussed in Appendix 4. The primary
                                           for startups still largely operate with a national              obstacle towards a truly global crowdfunding
                                           or regional scope 7. The origin of the platforms                environment, namely regulatory inconsistencies,
                                           reflects Belleflemme et al.’s findings. Approxi-                will be discussed in the next section.
                                           mately 60% of startup-oriented crowdfunding
                                           platforms are located in Anglo-Saxon countries                  Finally, the market of crowdfunding platforms
                                           and serve these markets. Furthermore, South                     for startup companies can be divided according
                                           African and Brazil are the only countries to host               to the investment structure. There are three
                                           startup crowdfunding platforms outside North                    major channels through which investors can earn
                                           America, Europe and Australia 8. Concluding that                a return on their investments: equity, interest
                                           crowdfunding for entrepreneurial purposes is a                  on loans and revenue shares. Figure 5 shows the
                                           first world phenomenon would, however, neglect                  financing means of the Smarter Money sample10.
10                                 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                   While six platforms offer various ways to invest, a             cial transactions as a given, the dichotomy does
                                   majority of 54% employs equity-based crowdfun-                  not end here. Despite initial efforts during the
                                   ding.                                                           world financial crisis from 2007 to 2010, financial
                                                                                                   regulation remains fragmented as a largely na-
                                                                                                   tional undertaking. Reflecting the high mobility
                                                                                                   of money, this may be criticized as a general
Figure 5 Financing structure of                                                                    shortcoming. Certainly, it is a major obstacle if
startup-oriented crowdfunding                                                                      crowdfunding is to unfold its entire potential
platforms. (Source: the authors)
                                         Bonds         1                                           that yields beyond national borders.
                                                                               16     Equity
                                   Profits share       4
                                                                                                   Remaining at the national level, the United
                                                            3                                      States are of particular importance for the future
                                                                                                   development of startup-oriented crowdfunding.
                                                                                                   Not only do the United States regularly appear
                                                                                                   among the top entrepreneurial economies and
                                                                                                   rank third in the Global Entrepreneurship and
                                   Differences in the structure of the financing mo-               Development Index, they are also particularly
                                   dels are due to different objectives and, leading               strong in startup skills and new technologies; Acs
                                   to the following section, reflect the regulations of            & Szerb (2009) and Acs & Szerb (2010). Further
                                   the countries where the crowdfunding compa-                     reasons are the sheer size of their economy and
                                   nies are based. Again, entrepreneurship-oriented                that about 40% of startup-oriented crowdfun-
                                   microcredit platforms such as Kiva but also                     ding platforms according to the Smarter Money
                                   peer-to-peer lending platforms that give business               list are based in United States.
                                   loans, e.g. Lending Club, are not included.
                                                                                                   At its current state, U.S. American law allows
                                                                                                   crowdfunding through donation, debt-based
                                   6 Status quo: the regulatory                                    instruments and revenue shares but prohibits
                                   environment of crowdfunding                                     equity-based crowdfunding. Since equity inves-
                                   One reason why crowdfunding originated as a                     tments are widely regarded as the most appro-
                                   form of fundraising for artists and peer-to-peer                priate structure to fund startups – after all, this is
                                   social lending was shortage in funding. A second                what Business Angels and VCs do at a larger scale
                                   line of reasoning is related to the regulatory stan-            – the progress of crowdfunding for startups is
                                   dards for online transactions that aim at earning               slowed down. Equity-based crowdfunding is also
                                   a ROI and legal issues regarding equity issuance                regarded as superior to debt because shares the
                                   and multiple investors in private companies.                    risk between the entrepreneur and the investor
                                   While in-kind rewards or non-interest microcre-                 and thereby aligns incentives (Schwienbacher &
                                   dits evoke less regulatory interest, crowdfunding               Larralde, 2012). More specifically, two regulatory
                                   for startups embodies a risk of loss and potential              interventions prevent crowdfunding as a mecha-
                                   profits.                                                        nism of equity-investing: First, Section 12 (g)
                                                                                                   of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires
                                   In crowdfunding two antagonistic paradigms                      private companies to disclose their finances to
                                   clash with each other and will have to amalgama-                the S.E.C. once 500 or more individuals have
                                   te to allow international scalability and larger-               invested (S.E.C., 2009). The adverse effect on
                                   scale investments: On the one hand crowdfun-                    crowdfunded ventures, e.g. Diaspora with its
                                   ding derives its strength from libertarian and                  6,479 backers, is obvious. Goldman Sachs has
                                   largely unregulated crowd phenomenon that                       recently increased public awareness of this regu-
                                   was described earlier. On the other hand, and as                lation when setting up a Special Purpose Vehicle
                                   opposed to crowdsourcing, the defining element                  for high net worth individuals to invest in Fa-
                                   of crowdfunding for entrepreneurial ventures is                 cebook at a pre-IPO stage; e.g. Davidoff (2011).
                                   usually a financial investment and thus applicable              Second, Section 4 (2) of the same Act basically
                                   to strict regulations. Taking regulation of finan-              excludes the large parts of the crowd from inves-
11                                        Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                          tments in private companies by requiring them                   as crowdfunding platforms, trust will replace
                                          to “have enough knowledge and experience in                     regulatory standards as the most important
                                          finance and business matters to evaluate the risks              stability safeguard. To foster international best
                                          and merits of the investment (the “sophisticated                practice sharing and discussion on the future sha-
                                          investor”), or be able to bear the investment’s                 pe regulation of crowdfunding, Lawton founded
                                          economic risk” (S.E.C., 2009). When this                        the International Organization of CrowdFun-
                                          regulation was introduced, in the aftermath of                  ding Commission (IOCFC) on LinkedIn.
                                          the Wall Street Crash of 1929, legislators aimed
                                          to protect unsuspecting investors from fraud.                   While reform efforts still go into different
                                          Almost eighty years later, these restrictions put a             directions, public actors have recently picked up
                                          halt on equity-based crowdfunding in the most                   the ball. Responding to a letter of Congressman
                                          important economy.                                              Darrell Issa, Chairman of the Committee on
                                                                                                          Oversight and Government Reform, Mary
                                          Efforts to update the backward legislation are                  Schapiro, Chair of the S.E.C., writes that “the
                                          well in place and take different forms. On a                    staff are taking a fresh look at the [SEC] rules to
                                          practical level, platforms such as Profounder                   develop ideas for the Commission about ways to
                                          switched to the second best alternative and offer               reduce the regulatory burdens on small busines-
                                          revenue shares of funded ventures instead of                    ses capital formation in a manner consistent with
                                          equity. Others, such as GrowVC are registered                   investor protection.” Among these regulatory
                                          in Hong Kong and limit their funding side to                    burdens, she namely mentions the 500-rule
                                          experienced startup investors and entrepreneurs.                (Schapiro, 2011).
                                          Another solution is discussed in the VC4Africa
                                          case (Appendix 4) where the final investment                    Meanwhile, Dutch authorities have taken the lead
                                          contract takes a rather traditional form while the              by allowing a new kind of investment vehicle rather
                                          due diligence and networking engages the crowd.                 than applying new regulation. In nutshell, the
                                          On the legal side, several initiatives stimulate le-            mechanism works as follows: Startup companies
                                          gislative change through petitions and discussion.              place their equity in a cooperative holding com-
                                          Most prominently, the Crowdfunding Campaign                     pany (CHC) that acts as one single shareholder.
                                          to Change Crowdfunding Law jointly with the                     Members of the CHC can invest in the company
                                          Sustainable Economies Law Center submitted a                    through their membership units in the cooperative.
                                          “Petition for rulemaking: Exempt securities offe-               Once the startup has raised its investment target,
                                          rings up to $100,000 with $100 maximum per                      the membership units are transferred to a second
                                          investor from registration” in July 2010. Another               cooperative set up by the venture itself. Since the
                                          petition initiated by serial entrepreneur Sherwo-               first platform exclusively acts as a mechanism
                                          od Neiss proposes an exemption framework for                    for facilitating the transaction between the investors
Sidenote 11 The ‘Autoriteit Financiële    small businesses with revenues below $5M and                    and the entrepreneur, it is not applicable to AFM11
Markten’ (AFM) is the Dutch counterpart   individual investments below $10K. Educational                  regulations; (Espoti, 2011).
to the S.E.C.
For further information on the mecha-
                                          measures for crowdinvestors and eliminating the
nism refer to      500-rule add to the more sophisticated approach                 It will be interesting to observe which direction
                                          than the first petition. However, applying for                  the regulation takes. Financial services provider
                                          exemptions is not regarded as the silver bullet by              have shown their ability to innovate around
                                          all crowdfunding advocates. Lawton and Marom                    regulatory barriers many times. Crowdfunding
                                          (2010) fear that arbitrary exemptions will hinder               itself can be regarded as a disruptive innovation
                                          crowdfunding from unfolding its entire potential                that challenges the current startup financing and
                                          and could rather be “a form of self-inclined pre-               regulatory system. It is to be seen whether the
                                          vention.” They call for best practices instead and              lack of consistent regulation will foster fur-
                                          claim that “regulation should follow crowdfun-                  ther innovation in the crowdfunding sector or
                                          ding leadership, and not the other way around”,                 whether it will put a brake on its future develop-
                                          i.e. they believe in self-regulation. This paradigm             ment. Whatever shape a new form of regulation
                                          mirrors Hoffman et al.’s (1999) proposal accor-                 will take, it will heavily influence the future of
                                          ding to which in connected environments, such                   crowdfunding.
12                                  Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding                Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                    7 Quo vadis: future scenarios                                                to prepare their exit. The hybridization scena-
                                    Crowdfunding is currently experiencing a boom.                               rio can end in a win-win-win situation. Given
                                    New platforms pop up almost on a daily basis                                 the current environment where seedfunding is
                                    and startup-oriented crowdfunding is the latest                              scarce and equity-based crowdinvestments are
                                    trend within the trend. Considering the very                                 complicated in most countries, variations of this
                                    young phase of the industry, it does not take a                              scenario are the most likely future development.
                                    fortune teller to predict further growth in the                              Figure 6 illustrates the involvement of crowdfun-
                                    short-term future. Shifting perspectives towards                             ding in the different funding stages. Already
                                    the mid-term, there are, however, a few scenarios                            today, no two crowdfunding platforms are the
                                    worth taking a look at.                                                      same. This diversity might well lead to multi-

Figure 6 The Hybridization Model.                     10,000K                   —integrated with other
                                                                                                                             Stock exchange.
(Source: The authors and Smarter                                                 forms of financing.
                                                                                                                              Private equity.


                                                                                                         Venture capital firms




                                                                      Prepare                Start                  Growth             Consolidation

                                    The central question for the future development                              staged crowdfunding processes involving diffe-
                                    is connected to the prior chapter: What shape will                           rent platforms. A company like Diaspora that
                                    the future regulation of crowdfunding have? In a                             successfully raised first round capital through
                                    favorable legal environment crowdfunding might                               investments that grant only in-kind rewards,
                                    revolutionize startup funding. However, strict top-                          might at a later stage transfer their project to a
                                    down limitations might as well turn crowdfunding                             platform that offers non-dilutive debt or equity-
                                    into just one more source of capital.                                        based investments. Moving between platforms,
                                                                                                                 however, requires rigorous standards. However,
                                    Lawton and Marom (2010) develop one scenario                                 the current fragmented, incoherent regulatory
                                    called hybridization. In this model old and new                              framework that forces crowdfunding platforms
                                    ways of funding merge with each other. Both                                  to build around pre-internet laws is a major obs-
                                    GrowVC and VC4Africa indicate where the                                      tacle. Another prerequisite for the multi-staged
                                    future may lie. VCs and angel investors tap the                              crowdfunding approach is for certain platforms
                                    crowd to screen new ideas, outsource due diligen-                            to become able to fund larger amounts than they
                                    ce or get contacts beyond their Rolodex and the                              do today, i.e. the crowdfunding ecosystem has to
                                    crowdfunding platforms reach out to profes-                                  become more heterogeneous than today. Again,
                                    sionals as a signal our expertise and scalability                            hybridization may help here.
                                    of their projects. Entrepreneurs, finally, benefit
                                    from a wider choice of funding options and can                               Another potential advancement is coined as the
                                    use crowdfunding as an indicator of the market                               “rolling close” funding model. Crowdfunding
                                    potential while using professionals at a later stage                         gathers a group of investors and could, thanks
13                                     Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding                  Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

                                                                                                             Crowd-sourced                 Crowd-sourced IP
                                                              Public Equity Exchange
                                                                                                           valuation platform        & competitive diligence platform

                                                               Publicly trade vehicle
                                                              for crowd-funded startup                                                  Social networking site #1

                                                Crowdfunding                 Crowdfunding               Private equity
                                                 platform #1                  platform #2                 exchange
                                                                                                                                                            Startup G

                                                  Startup A                    Startup C                  Startup E                                         Startup H

                                                               Startup B                    Startup D                    Startup F
Figure 7 Startups as an asset class.
(Source: adapted from Lawton and
Marom, 2010).

                                       to broadband internet connections, happen in                                   in crowdfunded startups. Here, crowdfunded
                                       real-time. Using the rolling close funding model,                              includes various processes besides the actual
                                       in the future, entrepreneurs could take money                                  funding, such as diligence, valuation, or team-
                                       from investors one-at-a-time. Y-Combinator has                                 building. With regard to the capital allocation
                                       pioneered this model in Silicon Valley and is cu-                              decisions within these new vehicles, Lawton
                                       rrently hugely successful. According to its foun-                              proposes several groundbreaking mechanisms:
                                       der Paul Graham, rolling close funding “requires                               “decisions could stem from prediction markets,
                                       less reliance on a lead investor, takes less time out                          classic human oriented investment thinking, or
                                       of product development, and gives investors less                               even a democratic vote from the shareholders”.
                                       room to drag things along or collude” (Gannes,                                 In a final consequence, the vehicles would open
                                       2010). That being said, Y-Combinator neither                                   investments in startups to the general public even
                                       uses an online platform nor does it involve the                                beyond the degree crowdfunding already does.
                                       crowd. Combining both strands might be one                                     Figure 7 illustrates the proposal.
                                       future innovation.
                                                                                                                      While the latest scenario obviously requires
                                       Finally, crowdfunding visionary Kevin Lawton                                   fundamental ideological and legal changes, it is
                                       presents an idea how startups, thanks to                                       certain to say that crowdfunding will grow in
                                       crowdfunding, might turn into an asset class                                   scale and outreach. The future is uncertain and
                                       (Lawton & Marom, 2010). Thanks to “increa-                                     thus prone to unpredictable events. Crowdfun-
                                       singly transparent seed-stage mechanisms which                                 ding, however, is present and future and thus
                                       tend to also be inherently computer accessible”,                               here to stay.
                                       Lawton proposes that professional investors
                                       will not only co-invest with the crowd, as in
                                       the hybridization model. On top, he sees other
                                       private equity forms injecting money directly
                                       into crowdfunded startups and publically traded
                                       vehicles will be created with a charter to invest
14   Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

     8 Conclusion
     Crowdfunding for startups is undoubtedly an
     exciting phenomenon. It does nothing less than
     turning the traditional model on its head. His-
     torically, the “smaller” investors only enter when
     companies become large enough to get listed on
     a stock exchange. With crowdfunding, they can
     access innovative startups during their very initial

     Throughout this paper we have introduced the
     crowdfunding phenomenon by showing its
     ideological sources. While there is no eventual
     agreement on the wisdom of the crowd, one
     thing is certain: irrespective of its “mental” ca-
     pacity, the crowd is here to stay. Social networks
     continuously change human behavior and have
     already disrupted various industries.
     At its current stage, crowdfunding is almost as
     diverse as the crowd itself. While GrowVC is
     often cited as a best practice, it is to be seen if one
     of the current models excels. The major impact
     of external interventions, namely regulation,
     has been stressed and will continue to affect the
     potential of crowdfunding.

     While the future form of crowdfunding remains
     highly uncertain, the current growth increases
     the probability that one future breakthrough
     innovation will be crowdfunded. If the “next big
     thing”, maybe even Diaspora, is crowdfunded,
     awareness and thus importance will rise. At the
     same time, and this risk also relates to Diaspora, a
     major failure would probably sustainably decrea-
     se the enormous potential of crowdfunding.
     This potential was illustrated in three cases that
     show different facets of crowdfunding for startup

     In any case, the growing number of crowdfunded
     ventures will yield massive amounts of data that
     allow future research. Do crowdfunded ventures
     outperform traditionally funded ones? How are
     decision rights distributed among investors in the
     crowd? How do entrepreneurs optimally leverage
     the input of the crowd? And does crowdfunding
     foster entrepreneurship beyond the innovation
15   Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez

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18   Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding   Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez


         APPENDIX 1: Online crowdfunding survey
         Password: mesi_thesis_nssg
Crowdfunding: Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding – BGSE Thesis
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Crowdfunding: Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding – BGSE Thesis
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Crowdfunding: Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding – BGSE Thesis

  • 1. Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez MSc Economics of Science and Innovation, 2011 Barcelona Graduate School of Economics Supervisor: Paco Conde, LTC Project (Barcelona). 1. INTRODUCTION Do you know crowdfunding? In an online survey conducted primarily among entrepreneurs and students in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship, almost 50% answered “No”. Even cutting-edge innovator Google continuously suggested the authors of this thesis to check the spelling of “crowdfunding” when writing the thesis on Google docs. Further anecdotal evidence can be found in our classes and seminars. During our master program, we have been taught different ways how startup ventures can raise capital and have engaged in discussions with entrepreneurs and technology transfer officers. Crowdfunding was not mentioned. Yet, we remember our thesis advisor and innovation consultant Paco Conde of LTC saying that many of his clients, when thinking about innovation, primarily think of their production process there- by neglecting the importance of innovation at the financing (and distribution) stage. In July 2010, thus almost coinciding with the beginning of our studies at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, the search term “crowdfunding” for the first time generated enough traffic to be spotted by Google Trends (Figure 1). Throughout the last year search volume has steadily increased, demonstrating growing interest and awareness of the topic. Figure 1 Google Trends Search Volume Index for “crowdfunding”, July 2010-June 2011. (Source: Google Trends) Crowdfunding in general and crowdfunding for startup companies in particular are nascent phenomena that made it to the headlines only recently but bear the potential to drastically change the way startup companies are financed today. With this thesis we seek to give an overview of where the crowdfunding phenomenon ideologically comes from, which form it currently takes and where crowdfunding for startup companies may potentially go. Therefore, the remainder of the thesis is organized as follows: Section 2 briefly comments on the me- thodology. Section 3 introduces a definition and discusses the background and basic ideas of crowdfun- ding. Section 4 explains changing paradigms that relate to crowdfunding. Section 5 analyses the current crowdfunding market. Section 6 shifts the focus to the current regulatory environment. Section 7 is devo- ted to the future of crowdfunding for startups. Section 8 concludes.
  • 2. 2 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez 2 Methodology propose a crowdfunding definition within the Due to its short history, only very few data scope of high-growth startup financing. In simple on crowdfunding for startup companies are terms, crowdfunding is “the financing of a project available. In an attempt to collect primary data, or a venture by a group of individuals instead of we have set up an online survey that was spread professional parties, [i.e. instance, banks, venture through relevant LinkedIn groups, personal con- capitalists or business angels]. Individuals already tacts and to potential multipliers such as the 22@ finance investments indirectly through their Barcelona Incubation Center or the ESADE- savings —since banks act as intermediary. In con- Creapolis network. Unfortunately, with only 99 trast, crowdfunding occurs [ideally] without any responses out of which 46% had not heard about intermediary”. However, as we will see along this crowdfunding before, the survey did not generate paper, crowdfunding faces some legal challenges Sidenote 1 In Appendix 1, we provide enough data to draw conclusions from1. that oblige indeed to use some mediation. a link and a password to the survey results. For the same reason as data scarcity, theoretical 3.2 Different kinds of investments research on the topic has just begun. Where Investments in the crowdfunded venture can take possible we will refer to research that focuses on different forms. Schwienbacher and Larralde crowdfunding in general rather than aiming at (2012) propose three different stages: The lowest startup companies. Since crowdfunding for star- level of engagement takes place when the crowd tup ventures is driven by practitioners, weblogs donates money instead of investing. A well- are one major sources of information. We have known example is the grassroots fundraising also leveraged on relevant research from other campaign of Barack Obama during the 2008 fields. presidential campaign. Since crowdfunding originated in the social and cultural sector and already is at a more mature development stage 3 Definition and basic ideas than in the startup sector, donations still play a 3.1 Definition of crowdfunding major role. For the scope of this paper, they are, Crowdfunding, particularly for startup com- however, of minor interest. panies, is still in its early development stage. Until now, the amount of theoretical research is At the next level, passive investments by the limited. Thus, there is no agreed-upon standard crowd also do not offer any engagement in the definition. invested project. Unlike donation, passive inves- tments are, however, based on the expectation of Reflecting that crowdfunding, by its name, is a return. Project owners seeking passive inves- an effort of the crowd, Lawton and Marom tments do no offer active involvement. Rather, (2010) use the crowd-generated definition cu- they are solely interested in raising money. rrently available on Wikipedia, which describes Active investments on the other hand, actively crowdfunding as “a collective operation, atten- involve the crowd, e.g. through requiring infor- tion and trust by people who network and pool mal expertise, formal investor boards or votings their money and other resources together, usually about product characteristics. Offering active the Internet, to support efforts initiated by other investments is a way to access “smart money”, i.e. people and organizations”. financial investments plus the promise to support the project in some additional way. Investors, Among the efforts taken at a theoretical level, who actively engage in the production process, Kleemann et al. (2008) highlight the trade- yield valuable information about the market sen- off factors involved in the phenomenon and timent and may help to select optimal consumer describe crowdfunding as “an open call, essen- targets. tially through the Internet, for the provision of financial resources either in form of donation or The latter two forms include rewards for the in- in exchange for some form of reward and/or vo- vestors either in kind or monetary. Rewards can ting rights in order to support initiatives”. More take various forms from pre-ordering discounts recently, Schwienbacher and Larralde (2012) at a discount to profit shares or equity in the
  • 3. 3 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez startup. Different forms of financial rewards will 1. Collaboration permits to combine each be discussed in sections 5 and 6. other’s knowledge and resources. 2. Openness allows people to contribute freely Turning from the dimension of the involvement to different projects. to the type of investments, financial support, 3. Participation is increased thanks to the ease the crowd can also contribute in kind. Platforms of access. such as GrowVC (see Appendix 2) allow parti- cipation as ‘expert’. Under this scheme, valuable In line with Lee et al.’s arguments, Kleemann et consulting inputs count as investments. In this al. (2008) underline the importance of the “Web respect, we can find in the literature (Schwienba- 2.0 prerequisite” for the development of the cher & Larralde, 2012) cases where the inputs in crowd: professional services have reduced the need for cash initially calculated:, a tourism- 4. From the social point of view, the Web 2.0 related French website, had the goal of raising allows for an easier gathering of people who €90,000 (divided in 300 shares of €300). Since share a common interest. some people in the crowd was actively collabora- 5. From the economic point of view, the abili- ting with them in the development of the site — ty of anyone to create content and upload it in exchange for shares— but also helping spread on the web, for public viewing and sharing. the word on the internet. Given that they were getting from the crowd services that otherwise Motivation is also a key element to understand would had being commissioned to ‘normal’ the inner workings of the crowd. Kleemann et al. suppliers— their cash needs decreased and they claim that participants in crowdsourcing projects were able to stop the process at €55,800. have both an intrinsic motivation (that relates to the pleasure or fun of doing the particular task) 3.3 The origin of crowdfunding: and an extrinsic motivation (particularly, external Web 2.0 and crowdsourcing reward —money and goods— career benefits, Crowdfunding has its roots in the advent of the learning, recognition or even dissatisfaction with social web and its capacity to leverage on massive current products —prosumer2 behavior). Sidenote 2 In this context prosumer groups of individuals to perform certain tasks: can be thought of as converse to the crowdsourcing. The term itself was coined by Jeff Establishing the relation between crowdsourcing consumer with a passive role, denoting an active role as the individual gets Howe and Mark Robinson in the June 2006 issue and crowdfunding is fairly intuitive and only more involved in the creation and of Wired Magazine. takes a stone’s throw: substitute effort and con- development process. tent by money and the crowd turns from a source Kleemann et al. (2008) provide a good scholar into a fund. definition for the phenomenon: “Crowdsourcing takes place when a profit oriented firm outsour- 3.4 Risk, moral hazard, ces specific tasks essential for the making or sale and information asymmetry in the of its product to the general public (the crowd) crowdfunding setting in the form of an open call over the Internet, Crowdfunding involves also certain information with the intention of animating individuals to and uncertainty problems, similar to those in the make a [voluntary] contribution to the firm’s traditional settings but slightly different in their production process for free or for significantly impact. less than that contribution is worth to the firm.” One prime example is Wikipedia, where a large The sharing of risk in crowdfunding is explained enough number of individuals exerting a multitu- in the same way as in traditional funding setting. de of little efforts can produce a huge amount of According to Schwienbacher and Larralde (2012) high-quality content. equity investments are “a way to spread risk over different people” while debt financing makes “the Social web —or Web 2.0—, the context which entrepreneur, provided he is the only shareholder, enables the crowd has, according to Lee et al. bear the risk alone”. Since the amounts invested (2008), three main characteristics: in crowdfunding tend to be rather small, the
  • 4. 4 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez risk borne by individual investors is lower than (they may not be specialized) and also the past in traditional investment form. One practical performance of the entrepreneur (out of the pla- example of how crowdfunding platforms address tform) and many other pieces of value-relevant the risk of loss, is discussed in the first case study information might be missing. on Grow VC (Appendix 2). The same authors argue that entrepreneur might Regarding moral hazard, traditional investors be even more reluctant to disclose information tackle this issue e.g. by the use of several finan- to this type of investors, due to their number and cing rounds, milestones, or due diligence. In the lack of professionalism. At the same time, the crowdfunding setting the same elements can be disclose of this information in public setting and combined with a constant flow of information the number of people that have access to it is so- between entrepreneur and investors by leve- mehow directly related to the investment levels. raging in the capacities of the social web. It is Schwienbacher and Larralde also argue that Idea also important to highlight, that in networked stealing may further be particularly strong here, environments the incentives for moral hazard be- since the entrepreneur needs to disclose sensible havior decrease since entrepreneurs are strongly information to a wider audience than under observed by their investors. If the effort is not traditional forms of fundraising. However a well- high enough, this will circulate quickly among designed screening process can decrease the risk investors and other people on the platform. Once involved in this operation. the reputation of an entrepreneur decreased, future investments are likely to decrease signifi- Lawton and Marom (2010) present a potential cantly. solution to this problem. They propose a sequen- tial model in which entrepreneurs initially only With regard to the state of information asym- expose a little part of their idea. As the intensity metry in the crowdfunding setting, when of interactions between the crowd and potential striking a deal the parties engaged in a deal may investors increases, thus the audience decreases, not have the same level of information (Myers & the entrepreneurs publish more information, Majluf, 1984; and Naranayan, 1998). In this res- thereby decreasing the information asymmetry. pect, Schwienbacher and Larralde (2012) point At the same time, with a smaller audience, it out that in crowdfunding information asymme- becomes easier, to protect the idea, e.g. through try may be more acute, since the investors may a non-disclosure agreement. This process is not have so much information about the industry illustrated below. Amount of Lots of information information disclosed to few people Figure 2 Decreasing the information asymmetry through sequentially increased disclosure. (Source: Adapted from Lawton and Marom, 2010) Amount of Lots of information information disclosed to few people Audience size Little information to many people Amount of Lots of information information disclosed to few people Audience size Little information to many people Audience size Little information to many people
  • 5. 5 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez 3.5 Meet the crowd As early as 1907, Galton found evidence that the According to Lawton and Marom (2010), “one of median estimate of a group can be more accurate the most important components in the struc- than estimates of experts (Galton, 1907). Further ture of a networked crowd is formed by affinity investigating this effect, Surowiecki (2004) finds groups, which can be loosely defined as a group that the aggregation of information in groups, of people with similar interests or motivations.” results in decisions that are often better than they The crowd, being enabled by a globally accessible could have been if made by any single member of technology, i.e. the internet, is regarded as incre- the group. Hence, the funding crowd would be dibly diverse. This diversity (enriched by different more efficient than a few equity investors alone. cultures, points of view, backgrounds, etc.) is key However, crowds, and more specifically networ- when trying to explain its capabilities such as ac- ked crowds, face complex forces that undermine curate predictions. This effect is called “Wisdom this ‘wisdom’ quite easily. Drawing from the of the Crowds”. Relatedly, one can also speak of fields of psychology, sociology and social and “madness of crowds” at times, when an uncoor- network economics we review some explanations dinated crowds lead to sub-optimal outcomes. of the sources of this undermining. The current financial crisis is one example. Both topics the wisdom of the crowd and the process As mentioned, the basic argument is that the of undermining it will be carefully analyzed in crowd needs a sufficient level of diversity of following pages. opinions in order to be wise (Surowiecki, 2004). This necessary diversity is narrowed by social in- Although there is no clear average internet user, fluence (“knowledge about estimates of others”), the profile of individuals engaging in higher level making subjects’ predictions and valuations internet activities such as crowdsourcing has converge (Lorenz, Rauhut, Schweitzer & Hel- some common features. According to Brabham bing, 2011). Lorenz et al. argue that the effect is (2008) who investigated users of IStockPhoto, weakened in three different ways: the so-called ‘web elite user’ is middle-to-upper class, highly educated, married, middle-aged, 1. The “social influence effect” diminishes white man with high speed Internet connec- the opinion diversity of the crowd without tion. Even though there are no data available, improvements of its collective error. it is rational to assume that the average startup 2. The “range reduction effect” moves the crowdfunder would be even less diverse, with position of the truth to peripheral regions a larger proportion of business-minded, highly of the range of estimates so that the crowd educated, high income types. This collides becomes less reliable in providing expertise frontally with the theoretical, widely regarded for external observers. diversity of the crowd. The crowd, greatly diverse 3. The “confidence effect” boosts individuals’ in principle, can indeed be culturally, socially and confidence after convergence of their estima- economically biased to a great extent. As we will tes despite lack of improved accuracy. see in section 5, e.g. 60% of the startup-oriented crowdfunding sites are located in Anglo-Saxon Social influence among human group members countries. The lack of diversity has important may trigger individuals to revise their estimates implications for the effectiveness of the crowd in for various reasons: developing certain tasks which will be analysed in the next section. • The belief that others may have better information. 3.6 Analyzing the ”Wisdom • Peer pressure toward conformity. of the Crowd” effect • Inclination to adjust their opinion to those Understanding the capabilities, formation logic of others so that they gradually converge and behavior of the crowd is key to paint a richer toward consensus. picture of crowdfunding and also has implica- tions for a more effective design and implementa- Another concept that tries to explain the tion of crowdfunding platforms. narrowing of diversity, thus making the crowd
  • 6. 6 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez less wise, is homophily which is the tendency of on networks built by traditional methods –e.g. agents in some networks to connect to others si- meetings, congresses, and personal introduc- milar to them in parameters such race, education, tions. The potential of the used methods used religion (and possibly professional background are somehow limited.With the advent of the in the case of crowdfunding); (Lazarsfeld & information technologies and, more specifically, Merton, 1954). the development of the internet a better way to gather, discuss, interact, organize and decide was Also important is the concept of diffusion and put in the hands of people and companies. The imitation as studied by Bass (whose model digital agora has the same use as the ancient one, describes the process of how new products get but is by far more powerful: more agile, with the adopted as an interaction between users and capacity of reach many individuals at the same potential users) and Rogers (whose theory seeks time but, more importantly, an unprecedented to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas capacity to create larger economies of scale than and technology spread through cultures [or also ever before. The internet is rapidly disrupting the network clusters in the case of crowdfunding]. structure of many industries by a flow of creative destruction never seen before: transport, com- munications, retail, and publishing all are going 4. Changing paradigms through severe changes. “Society rearranges itself —its worldview—; its In this new state, traditional institutions that basic values; its social and political structure; its have enabled certain processes, not only demo- arts; its key institutions. Fifty years later there is a cratic but also legal, financial and those created new world. And the people born then cannot by citizens themselves in a more direct way, even imagine the world in which their own parents become obsolete. These formerly necessary were born.” institutions incurred in huge inefficiencies, e.g. in the form of transaction costs or due diligence Quote from the book “The Crowdfun- processes. ding Revolution”, by Kevin Lawton and Dan Marom. Institutions are not the end but the means that societies figured out to solve different challenges. Because of the explosion of the digital era these Societies have been using institutions as tools to institutions have become somehow obsolete. deal with different problems since the wake of Because of social networking, institutions such civilizations. To give an example, to implement as VC are no longer the only way to get the right democracy, citizens vote, elect representatives, amount of money for an enterprise. Through the and these take the will of the people to an insti- use of crowdfunding platforms, micro contribu- tution (namely, congress or senate). Ideally, this tions by a far larger group of people can equal, created institution provides the means to elicit in total, the money that a group of wealthy people desires and manage a country accordingly. investors allocates through an investment fund. When it comes to allocation of capital, countries Besides this quantitative factor there are others rely on their financial sectors to invest money. that make of crowdfunding a powerful tool. In- This money is saved previously by different teraction with a massive group of people provides individuals and companies and is invested in a great amount of information about the state of the most valuable enterprises, projects, etc. In the markets which is very difficult to reach in the this respect commercial banks provide cash for traditional setting. individuals and small companies and, typically, Venture Capital Funds, place the money if its 4.1 The Trust Economy investors in risky projects with the potential of The network and possibilities provided by yielding high returns. The reach of these ventures a crowdfunding platform are much larger was somehow limited consisting only on per- than those of traditional ‘investing relations’. sonal “face-to-face” interactions and leveraging Crowdfunding e.g. provides enhanced partner
  • 7. 7 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez searching capabilities, expert advice, and the based of free market and individual freedom opportunity to build a collaborative ecosystem. rights. The key elements fit perfectly the bill for However, due to several factors, strong and trust- crowdfunding: worthy relationships are harder to build in this online environment (Hoffman, Novak, & Peral- 1. allows and supports the development and ta, 1999). But the fact that members’ behavior is accumulation of rational science; ‘observed’ by the crowd eliminates the incentives 2. channels the personal pride into non- for wrongdoing to a great extent as observed by destructive forms and the people focus on Mao (Mao, 2011) in his manifesto “Sharism”, and economic wellbeing; supported by extensive research in the field of 3. allows regular change and refreshment of behavioral economics. the social leadership. Another important implication for the use of In this framework, Fukuyama proposes inter- Web 2.0 for funding ventures is that the likeliho- personal trust and social virtues as a conduit for od of two strangers exhibiting trust depends on economic growth and prosperity. The author social, legal, biological and economic environ- develops a scheme where the advantages of high ments, namely, those of the ‘hybrid environment’ trust are: created from the crowdfunding platform and the country where the transaction, operations and 1. lower administration costs, higher institu- enforcement happens. In connected environ- tional reliability; ments, trust, built by the use of market-driven 2. large and efficient organizations; institutions, rather than just legal frameworks, will provide the stability needed to carry on Crowdfunding is a collaborative effort. Accor- with economic actions (Hoffman, Novak, & ding to La Porta et al. (1997), trust is a strong Peralta, 1999). GrowVC, for example, argues driver for cooperation, especially in large organi- that by increasing the levels of trust, the need zations, or transferred to crowdfunding in large for legal counseling decreases thus increasing networks. Sidenote 3 For further information the efficiency of the system and its growth rate3. on Grow VC refer to the case study This argument is clearly in line with abundant Fukuyama (1995) also points out that personal (Appendix 2). research around the topics of trust and growth, and institutional networks are means of trust from which we provide some insights with impli- generation and that their trust-producing ability Sidenote 4 In a crowdfunding environ- cations for crowdfunding. depends on their rules. Ideally, they should be ment the role of the press is carried out simple, transparent, coherent, and applied with by the crowd itself. Crowdfunding networks can be seen as a form of consequence. economies. Not enclosed in national boundaries but rather acting as a meta-entity that potentially However, the most useful research to understand spans across different countries. Crowdfunding the crowdfunding phenomenon so far may be can be also seen as the purest way of free market ‘Neuroeconomics of Trust’. Zak (2005) argues capitalism, where formal institutions, transaction that neoclassical economic theory -agents always costs are and public intervention are rather light. try to maximize their profits- does not apply very much to certain observed behaviors. Instead, These networks are self-regulating environments. persons as social animals, care strongly about However lack of trust, because of the implica- what people think about them. In the heavily tions, can be a downside when trying to promote networked environment of crowdfunding, this economic growth of these networks. Trust in an element is key to retain the favor of the crowd economic environment, both offline and online, and succeed socially and, thus, economically. is a key factor for its sustained growth, as discus- Moreover, increased trust reduces transaction sed by many authors. costs. Under this framework, Zak recommends trust-building policies including education which Fukuyama (1995) argues that best way of promo- strongly improves the quality of institutions, ting economic growth is the liberal capitalism press freedom and civil liberties4.
  • 8. 8 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez 5 Status quo: the crowdfunding well recognized that attracting external finance environment for startup ventures at the very initial stages of a venture is one of The rising interest in crowdfunding as a way to the biggest challenges of entrepreneurs (Cosh, fund startup companies does not come out of Cumming, & Hughes, 2009). In the aftermath the blue. It can be traced back to two funda- of the financial crisis, the global venture capital mental trends. As described in earlier sections, industry currently recovers from a severe slump. the rise of the internet and its evolution from a According to Dow Jones VentureSource (2010) source of information to an arena of interaction total investment in the United States fell by 36% and networking was a necessary condition for in 2009. Outside the U.S. the picture was even entrepreneurs, investors, and experts to link up bleaker with a fall of 51%. In the first quarter with each other. of 2010 the worldwide VC investment made a return, increasing by 13%. One trend, however, Crowdfunding originated as a funding mecha- seems to be persistent. Venture capital funds seek nism for cultural and social projects and only less stormy waters and shift their investments recently started to diffuse into a business-orien- from the startup and early stage towards later ted direction. This leads to the second driver stages of the funding process. According to behind the increasing interest in crowdfunding: Knowledge@Wharton (2010), the VC funds’ a shortage in traditional funding. Before the continuous growth in size and number increa- internet enabled niche interests to gather online, ses competition for large venture investments. funding a project like the Catalan film [No-Res] The need to invest larger sums goes in line with that criticizes Barcelona’s ongoing gentrification coming on board later in a startups life-cycle. Be- in the district Colònia Castells, might have sides this economic argument, VCs also usually been a major obstacle. Donation from directly have minimum threshold investments beyond involved people would probably be the major the capital needs of early stage ventures (Bhidé, source. By applying crowdfunding, the project 1992). The consequences are twofold: while com- not only receives inter-regional attention but petition keeps valuations of later stage ventures widens the reach of potential donors to anyone inflated, the interest in early stage investments interested in Barcelona, gentrification or urban decreases. Lawton and Marom (2010) connect documentaries. The shortage in funding argu- the latter to the exponentially increasing rate of ment also partly explains why crowdfunding for technological change and conclude that “chasing financing startup companies and strictly profit- later-term deals is in some ways, an attempt at oriented projects increasingly gets traction. It is chasing history”. Figure 3 The Rate of Change (Source: Adapted from Lawton and RATE OF Marom, 2010). CHANGE Twitter Internet Browser Google Facebook TIME
  • 9. 9 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez The initial funding stages are traditionally the plethora of microcredit initiatives that aim Sidenote 5 For further information on home to Family & Friends, personal savings and to fuel entrepreneurship in developing coun- Diaspora, refer to Appendix 3. business angels but the declining engagement tries. Smarter Money lists 19 of these platforms, of venture capital funds leaves a gap crowdfun- among them powerhouses such as Kiva which Sidenote 6 http://www.smartermoney. ding platforms might tap into. The potential of has already connected more than one million nl this gap becomes clearer when reflecting that entrepreneurs and lenders and channeled loans according to a University of Dartmouth study worth more than $200M. Sidenote 7 For a study of a truly “only 1% to 2% of all business plans presented to international crowdfunding platform either angels or VCs receive funding” (Center for The geographic pattern raises an interesting that addresses startup founders refer to Appendix 2. Private Equity and Entrepreneurship, 2005). issue. Agrawal et al. (2011) show that that average Since the use of crowdfunding for entrepre- distance between a crowdinvestor and the project Sidenote 8 Smarter Money does not neurial ventures is very young - according to owner is approximately 3,000 miles 9. While this list VC4Africa which, however, would be Belleflemme et al. (2010) it dates back only to confirms the bias towards a regional scope also assigned to the Netherlands. 2007 - market data are scarce. To date Belleflem- from the investors’ perspective, it contradicts tra- Sidenote 9 The study of Agrawal et al. me et al. is the only study yielding empirical data ditional theory and empirical observations which (2011) is based on data from Sellaband, on the topic. Focusing on crowdfunded projects predict that investors in early stage entrepre- a crowdfunding platform to finance the production of music. Although the and ventures and projects instead of intermediary neurial ventures tend to be local; e.g. Sorenson platform does not allow investing in platforms, their study finds that about 60% took and Stuart (2001), Zook (2002), Mason (2007). startups, the authors still extrapolate- place in Anglo-Saxon countries. The sample did More specifically, Sorenson and Stuart (2005) their results to this field. not show a tendency towards certain industries find that the average distance between the lead Sidenote 10 Brazilean platform but covered a wide range including e.g. infor- VC and the firm they finance is about 70 miles. Ikermart was removed due to its beta mation and communication technologies, sport, Accounting for business angels, Sohl (1999) stadium and no detailed information. journalism and movies. The median targeted and Wong (2002) report that they also tend to funding sum was about € 100,000 and entrepre- locate in rather close proximity to their targeted neurs raised around € 28,500 (median). Bearing ventures. in mind outliers such as Diaspora5 or the IPod Nano-based wristwatch LunaTik that raised 3,000 miles Crowdinvestor — Entrepreneur (avg. distance) nearly $1M through Kickstarter, these numbers indicate that crowdfunding primarily appeals to Figure 4 Average distance between entrepreneurs during the seed and early stages of 70 miles VC — Entrepreneur (avg. distance) Investors and Entrepreneurs. their venture. (Source: the authors) Turning to the platforms, the crowdfunding blog Smarter Money6 currently lists 217 crowdfunding Thus, while most crowdfunding platforms platforms, 31 of which are exclusively dedicated directed at startups are still act within national to investing in startups. Most of the platforms boundaries, they bear the potential to overcome only emerged in 2010 and some of them still distance-related frictions often faced in the finan- run as beta versions. Looking at geographic cing of entrepreneurial ventures. One crowdfun- patterns, it turns out that although enabled by ding example that illustrates the international po- the World Wide Web, crowdfunding companies tential is discussed in Appendix 4. The primary for startups still largely operate with a national obstacle towards a truly global crowdfunding or regional scope 7. The origin of the platforms environment, namely regulatory inconsistencies, reflects Belleflemme et al.’s findings. Approxi- will be discussed in the next section. mately 60% of startup-oriented crowdfunding platforms are located in Anglo-Saxon countries Finally, the market of crowdfunding platforms and serve these markets. Furthermore, South for startup companies can be divided according African and Brazil are the only countries to host to the investment structure. There are three startup crowdfunding platforms outside North major channels through which investors can earn America, Europe and Australia 8. Concluding that a return on their investments: equity, interest crowdfunding for entrepreneurial purposes is a on loans and revenue shares. Figure 5 shows the first world phenomenon would, however, neglect financing means of the Smarter Money sample10.
  • 10. 10 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez While six platforms offer various ways to invest, a cial transactions as a given, the dichotomy does majority of 54% employs equity-based crowdfun- not end here. Despite initial efforts during the ding. world financial crisis from 2007 to 2010, financial regulation remains fragmented as a largely na- tional undertaking. Reflecting the high mobility of money, this may be criticized as a general Various Figure 5 Financing structure of shortcoming. Certainly, it is a major obstacle if 6 startup-oriented crowdfunding crowdfunding is to unfold its entire potential platforms. (Source: the authors) Bonds 1 that yields beyond national borders. 16 Equity Profits share 4 Remaining at the national level, the United 3 States are of particular importance for the future development of startup-oriented crowdfunding. Debt Not only do the United States regularly appear among the top entrepreneurial economies and rank third in the Global Entrepreneurship and Differences in the structure of the financing mo- Development Index, they are also particularly dels are due to different objectives and, leading strong in startup skills and new technologies; Acs to the following section, reflect the regulations of & Szerb (2009) and Acs & Szerb (2010). Further the countries where the crowdfunding compa- reasons are the sheer size of their economy and nies are based. Again, entrepreneurship-oriented that about 40% of startup-oriented crowdfun- microcredit platforms such as Kiva but also ding platforms according to the Smarter Money peer-to-peer lending platforms that give business list are based in United States. loans, e.g. Lending Club, are not included. At its current state, U.S. American law allows crowdfunding through donation, debt-based 6 Status quo: the regulatory instruments and revenue shares but prohibits environment of crowdfunding equity-based crowdfunding. Since equity inves- One reason why crowdfunding originated as a tments are widely regarded as the most appro- form of fundraising for artists and peer-to-peer priate structure to fund startups – after all, this is social lending was shortage in funding. A second what Business Angels and VCs do at a larger scale line of reasoning is related to the regulatory stan- – the progress of crowdfunding for startups is dards for online transactions that aim at earning slowed down. Equity-based crowdfunding is also a ROI and legal issues regarding equity issuance regarded as superior to debt because shares the and multiple investors in private companies. risk between the entrepreneur and the investor While in-kind rewards or non-interest microcre- and thereby aligns incentives (Schwienbacher & dits evoke less regulatory interest, crowdfunding Larralde, 2012). More specifically, two regulatory for startups embodies a risk of loss and potential interventions prevent crowdfunding as a mecha- profits. nism of equity-investing: First, Section 12 (g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires In crowdfunding two antagonistic paradigms private companies to disclose their finances to clash with each other and will have to amalgama- the S.E.C. once 500 or more individuals have te to allow international scalability and larger- invested (S.E.C., 2009). The adverse effect on scale investments: On the one hand crowdfun- crowdfunded ventures, e.g. Diaspora with its ding derives its strength from libertarian and 6,479 backers, is obvious. Goldman Sachs has largely unregulated crowd phenomenon that recently increased public awareness of this regu- was described earlier. On the other hand, and as lation when setting up a Special Purpose Vehicle opposed to crowdsourcing, the defining element for high net worth individuals to invest in Fa- of crowdfunding for entrepreneurial ventures is cebook at a pre-IPO stage; e.g. Davidoff (2011). usually a financial investment and thus applicable Second, Section 4 (2) of the same Act basically to strict regulations. Taking regulation of finan- excludes the large parts of the crowd from inves-
  • 11. 11 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez tments in private companies by requiring them as crowdfunding platforms, trust will replace to “have enough knowledge and experience in regulatory standards as the most important finance and business matters to evaluate the risks stability safeguard. To foster international best and merits of the investment (the “sophisticated practice sharing and discussion on the future sha- investor”), or be able to bear the investment’s pe regulation of crowdfunding, Lawton founded economic risk” (S.E.C., 2009). When this the International Organization of CrowdFun- regulation was introduced, in the aftermath of ding Commission (IOCFC) on LinkedIn. the Wall Street Crash of 1929, legislators aimed to protect unsuspecting investors from fraud. While reform efforts still go into different Almost eighty years later, these restrictions put a directions, public actors have recently picked up halt on equity-based crowdfunding in the most the ball. Responding to a letter of Congressman important economy. Darrell Issa, Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Mary Efforts to update the backward legislation are Schapiro, Chair of the S.E.C., writes that “the well in place and take different forms. On a staff are taking a fresh look at the [SEC] rules to practical level, platforms such as Profounder develop ideas for the Commission about ways to switched to the second best alternative and offer reduce the regulatory burdens on small busines- revenue shares of funded ventures instead of ses capital formation in a manner consistent with equity. Others, such as GrowVC are registered investor protection.” Among these regulatory in Hong Kong and limit their funding side to burdens, she namely mentions the 500-rule experienced startup investors and entrepreneurs. (Schapiro, 2011). Another solution is discussed in the VC4Africa case (Appendix 4) where the final investment Meanwhile, Dutch authorities have taken the lead contract takes a rather traditional form while the by allowing a new kind of investment vehicle rather due diligence and networking engages the crowd. than applying new regulation. In nutshell, the On the legal side, several initiatives stimulate le- mechanism works as follows: Startup companies gislative change through petitions and discussion. place their equity in a cooperative holding com- Most prominently, the Crowdfunding Campaign pany (CHC) that acts as one single shareholder. to Change Crowdfunding Law jointly with the Members of the CHC can invest in the company Sustainable Economies Law Center submitted a through their membership units in the cooperative. “Petition for rulemaking: Exempt securities offe- Once the startup has raised its investment target, rings up to $100,000 with $100 maximum per the membership units are transferred to a second investor from registration” in July 2010. Another cooperative set up by the venture itself. Since the petition initiated by serial entrepreneur Sherwo- first platform exclusively acts as a mechanism od Neiss proposes an exemption framework for for facilitating the transaction between the investors Sidenote 11 The ‘Autoriteit Financiële small businesses with revenues below $5M and and the entrepreneur, it is not applicable to AFM11 Markten’ (AFM) is the Dutch counterpart individual investments below $10K. Educational regulations; (Espoti, 2011). to the S.E.C. For further information on the mecha- measures for crowdinvestors and eliminating the nism refer to 500-rule add to the more sophisticated approach It will be interesting to observe which direction than the first petition. However, applying for the regulation takes. Financial services provider exemptions is not regarded as the silver bullet by have shown their ability to innovate around all crowdfunding advocates. Lawton and Marom regulatory barriers many times. Crowdfunding (2010) fear that arbitrary exemptions will hinder itself can be regarded as a disruptive innovation crowdfunding from unfolding its entire potential that challenges the current startup financing and and could rather be “a form of self-inclined pre- regulatory system. It is to be seen whether the vention.” They call for best practices instead and lack of consistent regulation will foster fur- claim that “regulation should follow crowdfun- ther innovation in the crowdfunding sector or ding leadership, and not the other way around”, whether it will put a brake on its future develop- i.e. they believe in self-regulation. This paradigm ment. Whatever shape a new form of regulation mirrors Hoffman et al.’s (1999) proposal accor- will take, it will heavily influence the future of ding to which in connected environments, such crowdfunding.
  • 12. 12 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez 7 Quo vadis: future scenarios to prepare their exit. The hybridization scena- Crowdfunding is currently experiencing a boom. rio can end in a win-win-win situation. Given New platforms pop up almost on a daily basis the current environment where seedfunding is and startup-oriented crowdfunding is the latest scarce and equity-based crowdinvestments are trend within the trend. Considering the very complicated in most countries, variations of this young phase of the industry, it does not take a scenario are the most likely future development. fortune teller to predict further growth in the Figure 6 illustrates the involvement of crowdfun- short-term future. Shifting perspectives towards ding in the different funding stages. Already the mid-term, there are, however, a few scenarios today, no two crowdfunding platforms are the worth taking a look at. same. This diversity might well lead to multi- Crowdfunding Figure 6 The Hybridization Model. 10,000K —integrated with other Stock exchange. (Source: The authors and Smarter forms of financing. Private equity. Money). 1,000K Venture capital firms 100K Informal investors 20K F&F Prepare Start Growth Consolidation The central question for the future development staged crowdfunding processes involving diffe- is connected to the prior chapter: What shape will rent platforms. A company like Diaspora that the future regulation of crowdfunding have? In a successfully raised first round capital through favorable legal environment crowdfunding might investments that grant only in-kind rewards, revolutionize startup funding. However, strict top- might at a later stage transfer their project to a down limitations might as well turn crowdfunding platform that offers non-dilutive debt or equity- into just one more source of capital. based investments. Moving between platforms, however, requires rigorous standards. However, Lawton and Marom (2010) develop one scenario the current fragmented, incoherent regulatory called hybridization. In this model old and new framework that forces crowdfunding platforms ways of funding merge with each other. Both to build around pre-internet laws is a major obs- GrowVC and VC4Africa indicate where the tacle. Another prerequisite for the multi-staged future may lie. VCs and angel investors tap the crowdfunding approach is for certain platforms crowd to screen new ideas, outsource due diligen- to become able to fund larger amounts than they ce or get contacts beyond their Rolodex and the do today, i.e. the crowdfunding ecosystem has to crowdfunding platforms reach out to profes- become more heterogeneous than today. Again, sionals as a signal our expertise and scalability hybridization may help here. of their projects. Entrepreneurs, finally, benefit from a wider choice of funding options and can Another potential advancement is coined as the use crowdfunding as an indicator of the market “rolling close” funding model. Crowdfunding potential while using professionals at a later stage gathers a group of investors and could, thanks
  • 13. 13 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez Crowd-sourced Crowd-sourced IP Public Equity Exchange valuation platform & competitive diligence platform Publicly trade vehicle for crowd-funded startup Social networking site #1 investments. Crowdfunding Crowdfunding Private equity platform #1 platform #2 exchange Startup G Startup A Startup C Startup E Startup H Startup B Startup D Startup F Figure 7 Startups as an asset class. (Source: adapted from Lawton and Marom, 2010). to broadband internet connections, happen in in crowdfunded startups. Here, crowdfunded real-time. Using the rolling close funding model, includes various processes besides the actual in the future, entrepreneurs could take money funding, such as diligence, valuation, or team- from investors one-at-a-time. Y-Combinator has building. With regard to the capital allocation pioneered this model in Silicon Valley and is cu- decisions within these new vehicles, Lawton rrently hugely successful. According to its foun- proposes several groundbreaking mechanisms: der Paul Graham, rolling close funding “requires “decisions could stem from prediction markets, less reliance on a lead investor, takes less time out classic human oriented investment thinking, or of product development, and gives investors less even a democratic vote from the shareholders”. room to drag things along or collude” (Gannes, In a final consequence, the vehicles would open 2010). That being said, Y-Combinator neither investments in startups to the general public even uses an online platform nor does it involve the beyond the degree crowdfunding already does. crowd. Combining both strands might be one Figure 7 illustrates the proposal. future innovation. While the latest scenario obviously requires Finally, crowdfunding visionary Kevin Lawton fundamental ideological and legal changes, it is presents an idea how startups, thanks to certain to say that crowdfunding will grow in crowdfunding, might turn into an asset class scale and outreach. The future is uncertain and (Lawton & Marom, 2010). Thanks to “increa- thus prone to unpredictable events. Crowdfun- singly transparent seed-stage mechanisms which ding, however, is present and future and thus tend to also be inherently computer accessible”, here to stay. Lawton proposes that professional investors will not only co-invest with the crowd, as in the hybridization model. On top, he sees other private equity forms injecting money directly into crowdfunded startups and publically traded vehicles will be created with a charter to invest
  • 14. 14 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez 8 Conclusion Crowdfunding for startups is undoubtedly an exciting phenomenon. It does nothing less than turning the traditional model on its head. His- torically, the “smaller” investors only enter when companies become large enough to get listed on a stock exchange. With crowdfunding, they can access innovative startups during their very initial phase. Throughout this paper we have introduced the crowdfunding phenomenon by showing its ideological sources. While there is no eventual agreement on the wisdom of the crowd, one thing is certain: irrespective of its “mental” ca- pacity, the crowd is here to stay. Social networks continuously change human behavior and have already disrupted various industries. At its current stage, crowdfunding is almost as diverse as the crowd itself. While GrowVC is often cited as a best practice, it is to be seen if one of the current models excels. The major impact of external interventions, namely regulation, has been stressed and will continue to affect the potential of crowdfunding. While the future form of crowdfunding remains highly uncertain, the current growth increases the probability that one future breakthrough innovation will be crowdfunded. If the “next big thing”, maybe even Diaspora, is crowdfunded, awareness and thus importance will rise. At the same time, and this risk also relates to Diaspora, a major failure would probably sustainably decrea- se the enormous potential of crowdfunding. This potential was illustrated in three cases that show different facets of crowdfunding for startup companies. In any case, the growing number of crowdfunded ventures will yield massive amounts of data that allow future research. Do crowdfunded ventures outperform traditionally funded ones? How are decision rights distributed among investors in the crowd? How do entrepreneurs optimally leverage the input of the crowd? And does crowdfunding foster entrepreneurship beyond the innovation clusters?
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  • 18. 18 Crowdfunding Funding Innovation through Innovation in Funding Niels Schlesier & Sergio Gutiérrez Appendix APPENDIX 1: Online crowdfunding survey Link: Password: mesi_thesis_nssg