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CrossRef Cited-by Linking Webinar
17 April 2014
Carol Anne Meyer, Business Development & Marketing
Today’s Agenda
• What is CrossRef Cited-by Linking?
• How Does it Look? Some Examples
• Who is Involved?
• What Does it Cost?
• How Does it Work?
• What do Publishers Have to Do?
• Questions
What is CrossRef Cited-by Linking?
A way to answer the
“Who’s Citing You?”• An optional reference linking
service of CrossRef
• Additional navigation for your
publication web site
• Demonstration to your
readers the relevance of your
• Added discoverability through
optional reference distribution
to CrossRef Affiliates
What is the Difference Between
CrossRef Cited-by Linking and Forward
• We changed the
name a few years
• You will still see
references in the
schema to
“Forward Linking”
or “FL”.
What happens to a publisher’s
It Depends on the
• Can be included in
CrossRef Metadata
• Can be included in
Open Reference
CrossRef Metadata Services Opt-out
To make sure CrossRef Affiliates receive your
references, make sure not to opt-out of
references (This is the default)
How Does it Look? Some
How Does it Look?
Some Examples
Who participates?
Almost 400 CrossRef Members
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
# of CrossRef Cited-by Publishers
ABEAT - Associacao Brasileira de Especialistas em Alta Tecnologia * Advanced Research Journals * Agricultural History Society * Agricultural Institute of Canada * Air & Waste
Management Association * Akademiai Kiado * American Academy of Pediatrics * American Academy of Periodontology * American Association for the Advancement of Science
(AAAS) * American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists * American Chemical Society * American Economic Association * American Fisheries Society * American Geophysical
Union (AGU) * American Institute of Mathematical Sciences * American Institute of Physics (AIP) * American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE) * American Marketing
Association * American Meteorological Society * American Pharmacists' Association * American Physical Society * American Psychiatric Publishing * American Society for Clinical
Investigation * American Society for Clinical Pathology * American Society for Microbiology * American Society of Hematology * American Society of Neuroradiology * American
Society of Plant Biologists * American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene * American Statistical Association * Ammons Scientific * Annual Reviews * AOSIS OpenJournals
Publishing * Asia Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology (APAAACI) * Associacao Portuguesa dos Recursos Hidricos (APRH) * Association for Career and
Technical Education Research * Association for Experiential Education * Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology (ARVO) * Association of Fire Ecology * Baskar *
Baywood Publishing Co., Inc. * BC Decker * Behaviormetric Society of Japan * Bellwether Publishing * BioInfoBank Institute * BioOne * BioScientifica * Botanic Garden and
Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem * Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists * CAIRN * Cambridge University Press * Canadian Academic Accounting Association * Canadian Centre of
Academic Art and Science * Canadian Institute of Geomatics * Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society * Canadian Science Publishing * Canadian Water Resources
Association * Carden Jennings Publishing Co. * Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation * Centers for Diease Control and Prevention * CFA Institute * China Science Publishing Group
Co., Ltd. (Science Press) * Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering * CIG Media Group, LP * CLEO * Co-Action Publishing * Consortia Academia Publishing *
CSIRO Publishing * Czech Geological Society * Czech Geological Survey * Czechoslovak TeX Users Group (CSTUG) * Dentaquest * Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural
University * Department of Biomedical Imaging, University of Malaya * Dialogue and Discourse * Dietitians of Canada * Digital Science Press * Duncker & Humblot GmbH *
Ecological Society of America * Edinburgh University Press * EDP Sciences * Edward Elgar Publishing * El Profesional de la Informacion - EPI SCP * Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) * Elsevier * Emerald * English Literature in Transition * Environmental Health Perspectives * Equinox Publishing Ltd. * European
Journal of Chemistry * European Optical Society * EURP * Expert Reviews * Faculty of 1000 * Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Banja Luka * Future Medicine
Ltd * Gemological Institute of America * Geological Society of America * Geophysical Center RAS * George Washington University * Green Theory & Praxis: The Journal of
Ecopedagogy * Growing Science * Grupo Comunicar * Guilford Publications, Inc. * Gunther Eysenbach (JMIR) / University Health Network) * Healthcare Bulletin * Heldref
Publications * Hindawi Publishing Corporation * Hogrefe & Huber * Image Processing On Line * Inderscience Publishers Ltd. * Indian Academy of Neurosciences * Indiana
University Press * Informa UK Limited * Insight Knowledge * Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) * Institute of Hematology, Catholic University * Institute of Organic
Chemistry & Biochemistry * Institute of Pure and Applied Physics * Institutional Investor Journals * International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) *
International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) * International Dental Research * International Dose-Response Society * International Food Policy Research Institute
(IFPRI) * International Reading Association * International Society for Gerontechnology * International Union of Crystallography * International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(IUPAC) * IODP * IOP Publishing * IP Publishing Ltd. * Is,Guc The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources * IUCN * J. Ross Publishing, Inc. * Japan Science and
Technology Agency (JST) * Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing * JMIR Publications Inc. * Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine Press * Journal of Gambling Issues (CAMH) *
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise * Journal of Medical Internet Research * Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG) * Journal of Tropical Soils * Journal of Zhejiang
University SCIENCE * JSTOR * Korea Basic Science Institute * Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE) * Korean Institute of Science and Technology Information
(KISTI) * Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology * Kowsar * Laser Pages Publishing LTD. * Libyan Journal of Medicine Society * Linkoping University Electronic Press *
Lithuanian Physical Society * Liverpool University Press * Logical Methods in Computer Science * M.E. Sharpe Inc. * MAFTREE * Mars Informatics * Mary Ann Liebert *
Mathematical Science Publishers * Medical Education Online * Medknow Publications * Men's Studies Press LLC. * Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture * MIT
Press - Journals * ML CommunicationsCo., Ltd. * Monash University ePress * Morgan & Claypool Publishers LLC. * Mycotaxon, Ltd. * National Institute of Informatics * National
Library of Serbia * Nature Publishing Group * New England Journal of Medicine * New Leaf Associates, Inc. * Norwegian Society of Automatic Control * Nozomi Science * Oak
Ridge National Laboratory DAAC * OceanSide Publications * Oldenbourg Wissenschaft * OMICS Publishing Group * Oncology Nursing Society * Open Journals Publishing (African
Online Scientific Information Systems, Ltd) * Optical Society of America (OSA) * Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health) * Oxford University Press * Pensoft Publishers *
Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc. * Polish Botanical Society * Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Paleobiologii (Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences) * Portland
Press Ltd. * Primary Care Respiratory Society UK * Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences * Professional Engineering Publishing Limited * Public Library of Science *
Research Foundation of the CFA Institute * Revista Universo Contabil * Rockefeller University Press * Royal Irish Academy * Royal Society of Chemistry * S. Karger AG * Science
Alert * Science China Press., Co. Ltd. * Science Publications * Scientific Research Centre (ZRC SAZU) * Scientific Societies * ScopeMed International Medical Journal
Management and Indexing System * Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment * Sociedade Portuguesa de Vida Selvagem (SPVS) * Society for General Microbiology *
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) * Sociological Research Online * Springer Publishing Company * Springer SBM * Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava * Steklov
Mathematical Institute * Surgisphere Corporation * Tamkang Journal of Math * The Company of Biologists * The Genomic Standards Consortium * The Journal of Solid Waste
Technology and Management * The Policy Press * The Royal Society * The Sedimentological Society of Japan * Thomas Land * Thomas Telford Publishing * Trans Tech
Publications AG * Transportation Research Board * Turk Ortopedi ve Travmatologi Dernegi * Turpion Ltd. * Ubiquity Press Ltd. * United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG) * University
Nove de Julho - UNINOVE * University of California Press * University of Chicago Press * University of Toronto Press Inc. * University of Zagreb, Department of Mathematics *
Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk (UFN) Journal * VBRI Press * Versita * Vilnius Gediminas Technical University * Wageningen Academic Publishers * Walsh Medical Media LLC. *
Walter de Gruyter * White Horse Press * Wiley-Blackwell * Woodhead Publishing Ltd. * World Bank * ZBW - German National Library of Economics *
Number of Articles with
References Deposited 21,540,177
Number of Cited-By Links 390,162,087
Number of CrossRef DOIs
with at least one Cited-by
% of CrossRef DOIs with at
least one Cited-by link
What are the Rules?
• Participation is optional.
• Members must deposit references from
their current material to retrieve Cited-
by links.
• Members (or Affiliates acting on their
behalf) can retrieve Cited-by links to
display in Members’ primary content.
• Cited-by Linking is not available for
secondary publishers.
What if you want to be
really open?
• Members may deposit and distribute
unstructured references, but they don’t work
for Cited-by linking
• Members who want other publishers’
references need Enhanced CrossRef
Metadata Services at an additional fee
• Members may make all of their reference
available to users of our UNIXML query
interface by emailing
How Does it Work?
Pub A
Pub B
Scenario #1
Pub A deposits DOI #11
2 Pub B deposits DOI #2 with
references—one cites DOI #1
DOI #2 cites DOI #1
Pub A queries CrossRef
“Who cites DOI #1?”
Pub A
How Does it Work?
Scenario #2
Pub A
Pub A deposits DOI #11
4 Stored Query Alert:
DOI #2 cites DOI #1
Pub A
2 Pub A queries CrossRef
“Who cites DOI #1?”Pub A
Pub B
Pub B deposits DOI #2 with
references—one cites DOI #1
What Do Publishers
Need to Do?
1.Sign up at
2.Deposit reference lists for each
document at CrossRef
3.Query CrossRef (using the document
DOI) for a list of all DOIs citing a
• No special permission beyond CrossRef
account is required to make deposits
a) XML Reference Deposit
Deposit as many citations as
the article has,
but the list replaces whatever
was deposited before
Can include just a
Another optionUsed to line-up a return
match with a specific
query item
a) XML – Reference Deposit
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<doi_citations_batch version="1.0.1"
<depositor> … </depositor>
<citation key="ref1">
<journal_title>Current Opinion in Oncology</journal_title>
<citation key="ref2">
<citation key="ref3">
The DOI of the ‘citing’ article
A ‘cited’ tagged
The DOI of a
‘cited’ reference
a) XML – Reference Deposit Results
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doi_batch_diagnostic status="completed" sp="CR4">
<record_diagnostic status="Success">
<msg>Successfully updated</msg>
<citation key="ref1" status="resolved_reference">
<citation key="ref2" status="resolved_reference">10.5555/small_md_0001</citation>
<citation key="ref3" status="stored_query"></citation>
The DOI of the ‘citing’ article
Hope for Smaller
Coming soon: PDF Reference Extraction
b) Simple Text Query
Reference Deposit
b) Simple Text Query
Reference Deposit
• The STQ form submits reference
deposits to the CR system
• You receive an e-mail with deposit
b) Simple Text Query
Reference Deposit
• The deposit will contain all the references STQ
can extract
• Parsed references that do not find a DOI
submitted as a stored metadata query
• References that do find a DOI submitted as
b) Simple Text Query
Reference Deposit
• Each deposit will overwrite previous deposits
• Make each request a complete list of all
• Delete a reference by re-submitting deposit
without the reference
The DOI of the article containing
this reference
b) Simple Text Query
Reference Deposits
Paste in references
Get DOIs
Submit “Forward Link”
2. Querying for Cited-by
• A CrossRef user account must have
permission to submit Cited-by Linking
• The CrossRef user can only retrieve
Cited-by links to articles “owned” by that
user’s prefix
• 3 ways to query
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query_batch version="2.0" xmlns =
<fl_query alert=”true">
set alert="true" if we want to receive future
emails when someone else cites this article
This is the DOI of the article that is
'cited’; We must be the owner to retrieve
any cited-by links
XML – Cited-by Query
Save as .xml file
Upload XML Query
XML --Cited-by Query Results
• The article being cited
• # of times the citing
item is itself cited
• Pub type: full_text
• DOI type: journal
article / book /
dissertation / …
• The DOI of the citing
Email alerts let you know when a new item cites your content.
HTTP Queries
The response to HTTP requests will also be formatted as XML
DOI query: This format retrieves all cited-by matches for a single DOI
within a specified date range:<username>&pwd=
By-date query: This format retrieves cited-by matches established on a
single day for a DOI prefix. Only the prefix owner may retrieve matches.<username>&pwd=
Queries or large data may cause “504 Gateway Time-out error”
If the CrossRef system can't find a suitable match for a query, it returns a result of
"unresolved." In this case, you can resubmit the same query at a later time to see
whether the item you are seeking has been deposited (called polling).
To set the forward-match attribute, use this format:
<query key="key" forward-match="true/false">
You can also retrieve a list of stored queries that resolved within a specific date
range using the following URL:
Storing Queries to Get Future Results
OAI-PMH Request to retrieve cited-by links
This format retrieves cited-by matches established within a date range for
a given title. Only the prefix owner may retrieve matches.<username>
Some OAI-PMH requests are too big to be retrieved in a single
transaction. If a given response contains a resumption token the user
must make an additional request to retrieve the rest of the data.
OAI-PMH Results
Once retrieved, cited-by links should be included on DOI response pages.
Once retrieved, cited-by links should be included on DOI response pages.
Useful CrossRef Help Pages
• CrossRef Cited-by Linking Overview
• Depositing References
• Querying for Cited-by References
• Depositing and distributing references
• About UNIXML
Any Questions?
Technical Questions? or
Business Questions?

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CrossRef Cited-by Linking Webinar

  • 1. CrossRef Cited-by Linking Webinar 17 April 2014 Carol Anne Meyer, Business Development & Marketing @meyercarol
  • 2. Today’s Agenda • What is CrossRef Cited-by Linking? • How Does it Look? Some Examples • Who is Involved? • What Does it Cost? • How Does it Work? • What do Publishers Have to Do? • Questions
  • 3. What is CrossRef Cited-by Linking? A way to answer the question: “Who’s Citing You?”• An optional reference linking service of CrossRef • Additional navigation for your publication web site • Demonstration to your readers the relevance of your content • Added discoverability through optional reference distribution to CrossRef Affiliates
  • 4. What is the Difference Between CrossRef Cited-by Linking and Forward Linking? Nothing! • We changed the name a few years ago. • You will still see references in the schema to “Forward Linking” or “FL”.
  • 5. What happens to a publisher’s references? It Depends on the Publisher • Can be included in Enhanced CrossRef Metadata Services • Can be included in Open Reference Citations
  • 6. CrossRef Metadata Services Opt-out To make sure CrossRef Affiliates receive your references, make sure not to opt-out of references (This is the default)
  • 7. How Does it Look? Some Examples
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  • 12. How Does it Look? Some Examples
  • 13.
  • 14. Who participates? Almost 400 CrossRef Members 394 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 # of CrossRef Cited-by Publishers
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ABEAT - Associacao Brasileira de Especialistas em Alta Tecnologia * Advanced Research Journals * Agricultural History Society * Agricultural Institute of Canada * Air & Waste Management Association * Akademiai Kiado * American Academy of Pediatrics * American Academy of Periodontology * American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) * American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists * American Chemical Society * American Economic Association * American Fisheries Society * American Geophysical Union (AGU) * American Institute of Mathematical Sciences * American Institute of Physics (AIP) * American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE) * American Marketing Association * American Meteorological Society * American Pharmacists' Association * American Physical Society * American Psychiatric Publishing * American Society for Clinical Investigation * American Society for Clinical Pathology * American Society for Microbiology * American Society of Hematology * American Society of Neuroradiology * American Society of Plant Biologists * American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene * American Statistical Association * Ammons Scientific * Annual Reviews * AOSIS OpenJournals Publishing * Asia Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology (APAAACI) * Associacao Portuguesa dos Recursos Hidricos (APRH) * Association for Career and Technical Education Research * Association for Experiential Education * Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology (ARVO) * Association of Fire Ecology * Baskar * Baywood Publishing Co., Inc. * BC Decker * Behaviormetric Society of Japan * Bellwether Publishing * BioInfoBank Institute * BioOne * BioScientifica * Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem * Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists * CAIRN * Cambridge University Press * Canadian Academic Accounting Association * Canadian Centre of Academic Art and Science * Canadian Institute of Geomatics * Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society * Canadian Science Publishing * Canadian Water Resources Association * Carden Jennings Publishing Co. * Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation * Centers for Diease Control and Prevention * CFA Institute * China Science Publishing Group Co., Ltd. (Science Press) * Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering * CIG Media Group, LP * CLEO * Co-Action Publishing * Consortia Academia Publishing * CSIRO Publishing * Czech Geological Society * Czech Geological Survey * Czechoslovak TeX Users Group (CSTUG) * Dentaquest * Department of Biology, Bogor Agricultural University * Department of Biomedical Imaging, University of Malaya * Dialogue and Discourse * Dietitians of Canada * Digital Science Press * Duncker & Humblot GmbH * Ecological Society of America * Edinburgh University Press * EDP Sciences * Edward Elgar Publishing * El Profesional de la Informacion - EPI SCP * Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) * Elsevier * Emerald * English Literature in Transition * Environmental Health Perspectives * Equinox Publishing Ltd. * European Journal of Chemistry * European Optical Society * EURP * Expert Reviews * Faculty of 1000 * Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of Banja Luka * Future Medicine Ltd * Gemological Institute of America * Geological Society of America * Geophysical Center RAS * George Washington University * Green Theory & Praxis: The Journal of Ecopedagogy * Growing Science * Grupo Comunicar * Guilford Publications, Inc. * Gunther Eysenbach (JMIR) / University Health Network) * Healthcare Bulletin * Heldref Publications * Hindawi Publishing Corporation * Hogrefe & Huber * Image Processing On Line * Inderscience Publishers Ltd. * Indian Academy of Neurosciences * Indiana University Press * Informa UK Limited * Insight Knowledge * Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) * Institute of Hematology, Catholic University * Institute of Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry * Institute of Pure and Applied Physics * Institutional Investor Journals * International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) * International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) * International Dental Research * International Dose-Response Society * International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) * International Reading Association * International Society for Gerontechnology * International Union of Crystallography * International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) * IODP * IOP Publishing * IP Publishing Ltd. * Is,Guc The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources * IUCN * J. Ross Publishing, Inc. * Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) * Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing * JMIR Publications Inc. * Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine Press * Journal of Gambling Issues (CAMH) * Journal of Human Sport and Exercise * Journal of Medical Internet Research * Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG) * Journal of Tropical Soils * Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE * JSTOR * Korea Basic Science Institute * Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE) * Korean Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) * Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology * Kowsar * Laser Pages Publishing LTD. * Libyan Journal of Medicine Society * Linkoping University Electronic Press * Lithuanian Physical Society * Liverpool University Press * Logical Methods in Computer Science * M.E. Sharpe Inc. * MAFTREE * Mars Informatics * Mary Ann Liebert * Mathematical Science Publishers * Medical Education Online * Medknow Publications * Men's Studies Press LLC. * Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture * MIT Press - Journals * ML CommunicationsCo., Ltd. * Monash University ePress * Morgan & Claypool Publishers LLC. * Mycotaxon, Ltd. * National Institute of Informatics * National Library of Serbia * Nature Publishing Group * New England Journal of Medicine * New Leaf Associates, Inc. * Norwegian Society of Automatic Control * Nozomi Science * Oak Ridge National Laboratory DAAC * OceanSide Publications * Oldenbourg Wissenschaft * OMICS Publishing Group * Oncology Nursing Society * Open Journals Publishing (African Online Scientific Information Systems, Ltd) * Optical Society of America (OSA) * Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health) * Oxford University Press * Pensoft Publishers * Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc. * Polish Botanical Society * Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Paleobiologii (Institute of Paleobiology, Polish Academy of Sciences) * Portland Press Ltd. * Primary Care Respiratory Society UK * Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences * Professional Engineering Publishing Limited * Public Library of Science * Research Foundation of the CFA Institute * Revista Universo Contabil * Rockefeller University Press * Royal Irish Academy * Royal Society of Chemistry * S. Karger AG * Science Alert * Science China Press., Co. Ltd. * Science Publications * Scientific Research Centre (ZRC SAZU) * Scientific Societies * ScopeMed International Medical Journal Management and Indexing System * Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment * Sociedade Portuguesa de Vida Selvagem (SPVS) * Society for General Microbiology * Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) * Sociological Research Online * Springer Publishing Company * Springer SBM * Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava * Steklov Mathematical Institute * Surgisphere Corporation * Tamkang Journal of Math * The Company of Biologists * The Genomic Standards Consortium * The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management * The Policy Press * The Royal Society * The Sedimentological Society of Japan * Thomas Land * Thomas Telford Publishing * Trans Tech Publications AG * Transportation Research Board * Turk Ortopedi ve Travmatologi Dernegi * Turpion Ltd. * Ubiquity Press Ltd. * United Kingdom Serials Group (UKSG) * University Nove de Julho - UNINOVE * University of California Press * University of Chicago Press * University of Toronto Press Inc. * University of Zagreb, Department of Mathematics * Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk (UFN) Journal * VBRI Press * Versita * Vilnius Gediminas Technical University * Wageningen Academic Publishers * Walsh Medical Media LLC. * Walter de Gruyter * White Horse Press * Wiley-Blackwell * Woodhead Publishing Ltd. * World Bank * ZBW - German National Library of Economics *
  • 16. Number of Articles with References Deposited 21,540,177 Number of Cited-By Links 390,162,087 Number of CrossRef DOIs with at least one Cited-by link 26,889,355 % of CrossRef DOIs with at least one Cited-by link 40%
  • 17. What are the Rules? • Participation is optional. • Members must deposit references from their current material to retrieve Cited- by links. • Members (or Affiliates acting on their behalf) can retrieve Cited-by links to display in Members’ primary content. • Cited-by Linking is not available for secondary publishers.
  • 18. What if you want to be really open? • Members may deposit and distribute unstructured references, but they don’t work for Cited-by linking • Members who want other publishers’ references need Enhanced CrossRef Metadata Services at an additional fee • Members may make all of their reference available to users of our UNIXML query interface by emailing
  • 19. How Does it Work? cites Pub A Pub B Scenario #1 Pub A deposits DOI #11 2 Pub B deposits DOI #2 with references—one cites DOI #1 DOI #2 cites DOI #1 3 Pub A queries CrossRef “Who cites DOI #1?” Pub A
  • 20. How Does it Work? Scenario #2 Pub A Pub A deposits DOI #11 4 Stored Query Alert: DOI #2 cites DOI #1 Pub A Nobody 2 Pub A queries CrossRef “Who cites DOI #1?”Pub A 3 Pub B Pub B deposits DOI #2 with references—one cites DOI #1 cites
  • 21. What Do Publishers Need to Do? 1.Sign up at 2.Deposit reference lists for each document at CrossRef 3.Query CrossRef (using the document DOI) for a list of all DOIs citing a document.
  • 22. Depositing References • No special permission beyond CrossRef account is required to make deposits
  • 23. a) XML Reference Deposit Deposit as many citations as the article has, but the list replaces whatever was deposited before Can include just a DOI Another optionUsed to line-up a return match with a specific query item
  • 24. a) XML – Reference Deposit <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <doi_citations_batch version="1.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <head> <doi_batch_id>123456</doi_batch_id> <depositor> … </depositor> </head> <body> <doi_citations> <doi>10.5555/small_md_0001</doi> <citation_list> <citation key="ref1"> <journal_title>Current Opinion in Oncology</journal_title> <author>Chauncey</author> <volume>13</volume> <first_page>21</first_page> <cYear>2001</cYear> </citation> <citation key="ref2"> <doi>10.5555/small_md_0001</doi> </citation> <citation key="ref3"> … </citation> </citation_list> The DOI of the ‘citing’ article A ‘cited’ tagged reference The DOI of a ‘cited’ reference
  • 25. a) XML – Reference Deposit Results <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <doi_batch_diagnostic status="completed" sp="CR4"> <submission_id>334701547</submission_id> <batch_id>04260730</batch_id> <record_diagnostic status="Success"> <doi>10.5555/small_md_0001</doi> <msg>Successfully updated</msg> <citations_diagnostic> <citation key="ref1" status="resolved_reference"> 10.1016/0197-4580(90)90059-9 </citation> <citation key="ref2" status="resolved_reference">10.5555/small_md_0001</citation> <citation key="ref3" status="stored_query"></citation> </citations_diagnostic> </record_diagnostic> <batch_data> <record_count>1</record_count> <success_count>1</success_count> <warning_count>0</warning_count> <failure_count>0</failure_count> </batch_data> </doi_batch_diagnostic> The DOI of the ‘citing’ article
  • 26. Hope for Smaller Publishers Coming soon: PDF Reference Extraction Tools
  • 27. b) Simple Text Query Reference Deposit
  • 28. b) Simple Text Query Reference Deposit • The STQ form submits reference deposits to the CR system • You receive an e-mail with deposit results
  • 29. b) Simple Text Query Reference Deposit • The deposit will contain all the references STQ can extract • Parsed references that do not find a DOI submitted as a stored metadata query • References that do find a DOI submitted as a DOI
  • 30. b) Simple Text Query Reference Deposit • Each deposit will overwrite previous deposits • Make each request a complete list of all references • Delete a reference by re-submitting deposit without the reference
  • 31. The DOI of the article containing this reference b) Simple Text Query Reference Deposits Paste in references Get DOIs Submit “Forward Link”
  • 32. 2. Querying for Cited-by Links • A CrossRef user account must have permission to submit Cited-by Linking queries • The CrossRef user can only retrieve Cited-by links to articles “owned” by that user’s prefix • 3 ways to query • XML • HTTP • OAI-PMH
  • 33. <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <query_batch version="2.0" xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <head> <email_address></email_address> <doi_batch_id>fl_001</doi_batch_id> </head> <body> <fl_query alert=”true"> <doi>10.1103/PhysRev.100.935</doi> </fl_query> </body> </query_batch> set alert="true" if we want to receive future emails when someone else cites this article This is the DOI of the article that is 'cited’; We must be the owner to retrieve any cited-by links XML – Cited-by Query Save as .xml file
  • 36. XML --Cited-by Query Results • The article being cited • # of times the citing item is itself cited • Pub type: full_text /abstract • DOI type: journal article / book / dissertation / … • The DOI of the citing item
  • 37. Email alerts let you know when a new item cites your content.
  • 38. HTTP Queries The response to HTTP requests will also be formatted as XML DOI query: This format retrieves all cited-by matches for a single DOI within a specified date range:<username>&pwd= <password>&doi=<doi>&startDate=<startDate>&endDate=<endDate By-date query: This format retrieves cited-by matches established on a single day for a DOI prefix. Only the prefix owner may retrieve matches.<username>&pwd= <password>&doi=<prefix>&date=YYYY-MM-DD Queries or large data may cause “504 Gateway Time-out error”
  • 39. If the CrossRef system can't find a suitable match for a query, it returns a result of "unresolved." In this case, you can resubmit the same query at a later time to see whether the item you are seeking has been deposited (called polling). To set the forward-match attribute, use this format: <query key="key" forward-match="true/false"> You can also retrieve a list of stored queries that resolved within a specific date range using the following URL: /servlet/downloadStoredQueries?usr=<USERNAME>&pwd=<PASSWORD>&startDate=<FIR STDATE>&endDate=<LASTDATE> Storing Queries to Get Future Results
  • 40. OAI-PMH Request to retrieve cited-by links This format retrieves cited-by matches established within a date range for a given title. Only the prefix owner may retrieve matches.<username> &pwd=<password> &set=J10.5555&from=2011-11-01&until=2011-11-14 &metadataPrefix=cr_citedby Some OAI-PMH requests are too big to be retrieved in a single transaction. If a given response contains a resumption token the user must make an additional request to retrieve the rest of the data.
  • 42. Once retrieved, cited-by links should be included on DOI response pages.
  • 43. Once retrieved, cited-by links should be included on DOI response pages.
  • 45. Useful CrossRef Help Pages • CrossRef Cited-by Linking Overview • Depositing References • Querying for Cited-by References • Depositing and distributing references • About UNIXML

Editor's Notes

  1. Note that Elsevier has an enormous number of references, and we are about 75% of the way through depositing them.
  2. Currently testing the new deposit system for unstructured citations.
  3. Newest query method—since late 2011. Addresses performance issues with previous implementation.