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Argumentative Essay On Creativity
The Creativity Epidemic Most would agree that the technological advances today have caused this
generation to become crippled in their creativity. The lack of face–to–face communication has
severely damaged this generations ability to separate text–speech from formal speeches. Being born
in a generation were technology is only at it's peak, it's hard to separate yourself from the tech–savvy
world. As stated in the article The Creativity Crisis by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman the
accepted definition of creativity is production of something original and useful, and that's what's
reflected in the tests. There is never one right answer. To be creative requires divergent thinking
(generating many unique ideas) and then convergent thinking (combining those ideas into the best
result). When most think of technology you only see the advances made, the achievements fulfilled
and the key factor it plays in our society today, for example as in The Limits to Creativity in
Education: Dilemmas for the Educator It argues that the notion of creativity may be value– and
culture–specific and that this poses the so–called liberal educator with various dilemmas of principle
and pedagogy, which are explored (Anna Craft 1). In other words, technology is a blessing seeing
all the doors its opened for us in the short amount of time its been here. But it's also a curse. In
retrospect others might argue that technology helps open the door to a child's imagination. As stated
in The Pros and Cons of Technology by Amanda Ronan on January 16, 2017; Technology gives
children the ability to learn in ways their parents and grandparents never had. Today's learners have
immediate access to answers and research. Yet, that immediate access is changing the way students
think about work and how they feel emotionally (Amanda Ronan). This significant emotional change
is centered around the deprivation on other social outlets. The youth of today's social and
educational status is complete centered around where they rank in the chain of technological
coherency. Seeing how tablets and computers are replacing textbooks due to everything being
encrypted into software anyone that hasn't evolved is sure to be left behind in a stone age of their
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Design Thinking Essay examples
Design thinking is a process for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an
improved future result. It is the essential ability to combine empathy, creativity and rationality to
meet user needs and drive business success. Unlike analytical thinking, design thinking is a creative
process based around the building up of ideas. There are no judgments early on the design thinking
(Simon, 1969, p. 55). Design thinking includes imagination and reason, a combination of convergent
and divergent thought, and creativity. Design thinking might be thought of as dialectic, or
conversation. It involves design wisdom, judgment, and knowledge. Lastly, design thinking is skill
(Hegeman, 2008).
Design thinking process more content...
Deep understanding of the context of client and user needs is generated through analytical
observation or ethnographic research that task seek to understand the fundamental use and usability
needs of the customer or user and the meaning–based needs (Archer, 1984, 64). In the observation
phase, data is collected to elicit the stories that help to understand culture and meaning in variety of
forms: field notes, focus groups, interviews, transcripts, photographs, video and audio tapes,
participant or non–participant observation, and formal ethnographic (Beckman & Barry, 2007).
The second stage of design thinking is frameworks the design problem: this phase requires
processing and a large amount of information –which is collected from the observation phase– but at
the same time being able to see what is missing for the customers and users information. The
ultimate purpose of the framing phase is to reframe the design problem, to come up with a new
story to tell about how the user might solve his or her problem, or to come up with a new way of
seeing problem, to identify interesting dimension, to identifying and formulation the goals, to
identifying external and internal constrains (Oxman, 1997, p. 344), to create design brief –outline
programme– and time lines and providing the boundaries of the design field (Archer, 1984, p. 67;
Cross, 2006, p. 32).
After framing and reframing the problem, the design innovation process moves to the third stage:
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A Creative Classroom Essay
A Creative Classroom
Art education is an essential part of a child's development through life, and much of their learning for
life takes place inside the classroom. Those first few years are so incredibly important to the
development of each child, and without the creative learning opportunities, children will lack the
qualities they need to grow in this world. Art will be something that they will use throughout their
life time, so it is imperative to introduce it into their lives early on. This research paper will take a
look at how art affects every child, and the importance to keeping art programs active in the growing
education systems.
The Effects of Art in the Classroom Can you imagine a world without color? A more
Businesses and Art Education
Art is a stepping–stone to many things children will strive to do in the future. They will be able to
use the skills they learn from creative thinking in jobs and organizations they work in later in life.
Art really allows children to build work an incredible work ethic and helps them to complete
quality work inside the classroom and out. It stretches their minds and allows for thinking
"outside of the box." This is very important to businesses who want to hire people with a good
grasp on the world and new creative ides. Dr. Joseph M. Calahan,Vice President of the Xerox
Foundation has been quoted to say "Arts education aids students in skills needed in the workplace:
flexibility, the ability to solve problems and communicate; the ability to learn new skills, to be
creative and innovative, and to strive for excellence" But businesses aren't the only people in
support of art programs inside the classroom. Luckily for America we have support from some very
influential people.
George Bush and Art Education
Fortunately our country is being supported by a president who not only believes in art in the
classroom, but also supports it. In a letter written by him for National Arts and Humanities month, he
expresses his admiration for the arts programs in schools, and describes the need for art to
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Reflection Of Creative Writing
Over the course of the semester, I have had the privilege to read and discuss my classmates' writing.
Having a mix of large and small group discussions have allowed me not only to help others improve
their writing, but to learn about different writing styles and techniques. Throughout the course, I
have worked closely with Cory Robinson, a senior at Sacred Heart University, studying English
/Pre–Law with multiple minors, including Creative Writing. In an interview with Robinson, I have
learned about how he gained an interest in writing, what he enjoys writing, and ultimately how he
writes. Robinson grew up on Long Island, New York. Surprisingly, he did not do very much writing
as child and was never the type to keep a journal. However, more content...
He enjoys writing flash fiction because he does not have to commit to a piece of flash as much as he
does to a longer piece. He has contributed several six–word stories to our class discussion board,
pieces he thoroughly enjoys writing. For him, six–word stories are interesting to write because of
their short word limit. Typically, Robinson loves writing with a ton of description and tends to use
a lot of words. However, in a six–word story, every word counts. Therefore, writing this type of
flash challenges him to play around with different words in order to meet the word count. A
technique Robinson uses to write six–word stories is to "write down whatever sounds good." For
example, "Peanut butter stuck between my teeth." When creating this piece, Robinson was
suffering from writer's block. He simply jotted down a few words and liked the way they
sounded together. The piece had no original meaning to him, but his readers are able to give the
piece meaning. He uses this method of writing again when he writes, "Rain drops, Angel's tears,
God's piss." Like the first piece, Robinson did not write this for it to "make sense", but to give his
audience the opportunity to search for a meaning if they choose to, or enjoy the combination of
words as is. Additionally, Robinson draws on inspiration from his life experiences when creating
six–word stories. In his piece from the 6th Week Submissions on Blackboard, Robinson is inspired
by a couple of different aspects of
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Creative Innovation : Creativity And Innovation
Creative report
In face of fierce competition and increasing survival pressure, it has been realized that the striking
role of creativity and its application in the operation and management of modern organization should
be attached with more attention (Tierney and Farmer, 2002). The inspiration and cultivation of
creativity has been considered to be one of the most important features of not only individuals but
also enterprises for that creativity may bring in with new changes and different possibilities in a
variety of ways. In this essay, it will firstly present the differentiating between the concept of
creativity and innovation. Following this, it will make use of a practical example to illustrate the
application of creative solutions in face of problems and the potential opportunities that might be
brought by these creative solutions. In the next part, it will provide suggestions on how to create
creative culture within the organization and some potential barriers in the process.
Differentiating between creativity and innovation
In more and more occasions such as the regular meeting of teams and annual report statements, the
concept of creativity and innovation has been frequently mentioned and discussed for that
entrepreneurs and managers have been fully aware of the importance and significance of creativity
and innovation (Vehar, 2013). It goes without doubt that their meaning and value have been attached
with enough attention, however, the
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Creative Person
A creative person is someone who uses their imagination and intuition to create something new or to
make changes to something that already exists. Creative people have many attributes such as
openness to new experiences, observance, curiosity, personal freedom, a willingness to take risks,
self reliance, persistence and the freedom from fear of failure. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are
the two most commonly used methods of creative motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to
motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards,
such as money or grades. The motivation comes from the pleasure one gets from the task itself or
from the sense of satisfaction in completing or even working on more content...
It would be good for me to develop non–attachment also as I can't get attached to things I do and I
always want my preferences. It would also be good for me to develop skills that could be used in a
group situation as I do not work well in a group. Van Gundy's also had a list of ten things that would
help me work better in a group.
There are also aspects that can damage or destroy a person's creativity. There are six factors that
when brought upon a person who is doing something creative, will undermine both the intrinsic
interest and creative potential of the project. The six factors are:
1.Expected Evaluation: If a person is expecting somebody to be evaluating their work they will
worry about criticisms the person might make. The pressure will cause a person's creativity to be
2.Surveillance: Creativity would also be harmed if there is a person constantly peering over your
shoulder as you are trying to be creative.
3.Reward: Although the incentive of a reward might help someone, it might also harm creativity as
I believe a person would be trying to hard to do something they cant and also trying to make
something to perfect and never accepting the good work they have done.
4.Competition: If a person is in competition with another they might focus all their energy on the
competition rather than creativity of the project.
5.Restricted Choice: If people have boundaries in what they are
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Change, creativity and innovation are essential elements for survival and growth of an organization.
Creativity is vital for the birth of fresh and beneficial ideas. Creative thinking allows groups and
individuals to solve problems or stimulate to think differently in order to bring forth fruitful ideas.
The above mentioned creative thinking enabled our team of six different personalities to come
together and implement a plan to solve a complex problem in a hospital. Our assigned task was to
recommend a plan in order to alleviate hospital readmission among elderly population within thirty
days of discharge. In this paper the author is narrating the team dynamics, functionalities and
personal competencies in the process of recommending a change in the system. As a member in the
innovation leadership team the author is also reflecting on the assessment, capacity for innovation in
the organization which is the hospital where the team is assigned.
Organizations are dynamic living systems and change is an inherent capacity of living systems. So
organizations need people who can perceive, understand and work effectively in order to make
positive changes (Dawson & Andriopoulos, 2014). Our team assessed the organization which was
the hospital where the readmissions of elderly population have increased. The assessment revealed
the possible causative factors behind the readmission of elderly before thirty days of discharge.
Patients may not recollect all the discharge
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My Passion For Creative Writing
Even as an elementary school student, I loved writing, reading, and telling stories. I wrote and
created short films with my friends and family, printed books I wrote and gave them to my
neighbors to read and review, and got excited whenever my teacher gave a writing assignment for
homework. I took inspiration from the people around me, topics we discussed in school, and other
works of literature I adored. Throughout my years, my skills have improved through hard work and
dedication. I feel that my application would not be complete if I did not share my passion for creative
When I was younger, writing was enjoyable because I had such a vast imagination that needed to
be put onto paper. I was writing daily and asked my parents to read books to me before bed each
night so I could brainstorm ideas for my stories. I loved going to the library and checking out the
books on the 'new releases' shelf. To this day, I write regularly. I still use my imagination to inspire
my stories, along with other works of literature and historical events. I also try to write in different
voices, genres, and points of view.
During my freshman year, I noticed that my school did not have a creative writing club, and so, with
the help of a peer, I founded the Creative Writing Club at my school. The club's goal was to help
young writers share and write new pieces. We would start each day with a prompt, write for ten
minutes, then share what we wrote with the group. We would also focus on a
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What Creativity Means to Me: An Opinion Essay
Introduction Creativity does not have an assigned or universally accepted definition. Thus the
true nature of creativity cannot be confined to a single definition. In this text, I discuss creativity.
More specifically, I concern myself with what creativity means to me and to others. What
Creativity Means to Me In my opinion, creativity has got to do with the ability to come up with
new things or ideas. Over time, we have had individuals design, produce or even manufacture
items which were not in existence before. On the other hand, we also have people who have
sought to improve or build on the ideas of others so as to come up with an even better concept,
design or invention. These two groups of people in my opinion could be regarded as being rather
creative. Further, creativity in my view also has got to do with the ability to solve problems or
challenges in a unique way. For instance, an individual who solves a recurring problem within a
group setting could be regarded creative. Some of the people I consider creative based on their
ability to come up with new ideas and/or build upon the ideas of others include but are not limited
to Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. In my opinion, all these individuals at
some point engaged their creative minds in the development of an entirely new concept, an idea or
product or built upon the ideas of others to come up with even better ideas, concepts or products.
What Creativity Means to Others As I have
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Reflection Of Creative Writing
Creative Writing was a class I never imagined taking. In high school, I enjoyed the small section
of English class that was set aside for creative writing. That was all it was; a small section of my
class time dedicated to writing about whatever I wanted. Reading has been my favorite hobby for
as long as I can remember. Sitting in my advisor's office at the beginning of summer; I was hesitant
about taking this class. I have never actually taken a class specifically for creative writing and was
afraid it wasn't a strong suit for me. When the counselor said that there was a creative writing class
that dealt with the body; I thought that that might work. I enjoyed the small creative writing in high
school and I enjoyed being outside more content...
Now, when I have a lot of things going on and I get frustrated, I take a walk; it helps to clean my
head. Before this class I used to check my phone or Instagram every time I become overwhelmed.
This class not only helped grow me as a writer, but it also helped me grow as a human being.
Walking helps me relax and get a new perspective on things. Coming into this class with a very
small background in creative writing, I was worried I would stand out like a sore thumb. I had only
written one previous nonfiction piece and hadn't really been graded on it. Writing the first essay
wasn't bad; the workshop on the other hand was a different story. I had never had a workshop
before and in high school "peer review" was getting together with your friends and them telling
you it was good. When it was time for my essay to be workshop, I got defensive and didn't like the
feedback. I simply wasn't used to constructive criticism. By the second workshop, I wasn't as
defensive and wanted to hear how I could make the second essay better. The second essay was a
little harder to come up with the topic. Typically, I don't walk around town; I try to stay in the
country or woods. When it came time for workshop, the professor brought up concerns about my
commas. No one had ever told me that I had an issue with my commas before. I plan to ask her for
help because I want to become a better writer. I really enjoyed this class; all except for the third
essay. Essay number 3 was
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Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
Critical thinking and creative problem solving working together can enhance a person's creative
skills. However, if there is not a correct balance between the two, a person may not find the correct
resolution. To find the right balance between critical thinking and creative problem solving, one
must understand the similarities and differences between the two. This paper will attempt to show
those ideas.
Critical Thinking
According to Shah (2010) and the American Heritage Dictionary, critical thinking is defined as "The
mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and
evaluating information more content...
Similarities and Differences
Prior to completing this paper, I thought that critical thinking and creative problem solving were
very different. However, I find that they are very much alike. Critical thinking and creative problem
solving follow very similar steps to reach a solution.
Conceptualizing and preparing are the beginning phases at which time one realizes there is a
problem. Stage two is the applying and analyzing or incubation stage. After success has been reached
at this stage, the process proceeds to the synthesizing or illumination stage. This could also be
considered the Aha stage where an idea comes to light. The last stage is the evaluation or verification
to determine the success of the solution.
One difference that should be discussed is that the creative process appears to be more open and
looks for more than one resolution to a problem. An example of this is the story at the end of
chapter nine. The question presented was "Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall
building with the aid of barometer" (Dacey & Lennon, 1998, p. 185). The professor expected
an answer using physics logic, but the student was creative and thought outside the box. By doing
this, there were many answers to the question. The critical thinking process is rigid and expects to
find only one resolution.
My Experiences
One experience that comes to mind involving creative problem solving came in my tenure as
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Creative Writing: The Storm
The storm raged on – both internally and externally. The struggle between her crushing depression
and her desperate, primal instincts for survival battled it out, destroying her life. She sat there
alone, sobbing like a lost child needing either guidance or the sweet release of the end. As she
waited, disinterested in her own dismal fate, she wallowed in her ever–present sorrow. The fiery gin
seared her throat on its way down, and again on its way back up, though she did not seem to care.
She could still taste the foul vomit that she had so violently thrown up half a bottle of gin earlier.
Or had she thrown up again? Did it really matter at this point? She hated the sour taste of gin almost
as much as her miserable life. Why had she more content...
She could feel the burn of the gin and bile in her throat. The shards of broken glass stabbed into
her like as many demons attacking her very soul. She could barely notice the waterfall of hot
tears on her face as she began to slip away into cold nothingness. Though her nose, still seared by
the reek of the bitter gin, was unable to smell anything, she remembered the scent of the dirt she
was pushed into by her childhood tormentors. She smelled the alcohol at her first party. She
smelled his sweat after her first time. She thought of the metallic smell of her own blood as he
beat her. She reminisced on the smell of weed, her first perfect escape. She saw nothing, her eyes
sealed by her own will against the demons swirling around her soul. She saw black fade to absolute
dark – the complete absence of all light. Then she was blinded, not by the pure, white light of
heaven, but of the flickering fires of Hell. She was no more. She cared not what happened next as
she flung her identity as far from her soul as she could manage. For as instant, a tiny moment, she
realized what had happened to her – but even that was not enough to cause any reaction. And then
the end. Nothingness. Escape. The storm that had so long raged in her life was finally, completely
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Storm Creative Writing
The immense storm clouds swallowed up all of the moons light and rain bucketed down. I was
all alone in my home, the television was on but the volume was down so soft I could barely hear
a whisper coming from the speakers. The heavy rain and thunder drowned out all sound in the
house and lightning snapped every now and again as though a giant photographer was flashing
pictures of the world around them. I was curled up on the couch in my warmest pyjamas with
countless of blankets upon me but no matter how much I tried to conserve some heat for my
freezing body, It was impossible to shake the unusual chill in the house. I could not ignore the
feeling of beady eyes following my every move. That's when I heard it. It sounded like something more content...
Do I go confront it? Do I stay here an see if it finds me? Was it a burglar? It could just be a
possum. I waited for a few moments, debating my own mind when it shuffled again. The curiosity
got the better of me as my numb fingers unwrapped myself from my cotton cocoon. As soon as I
stood up, bats screeched outside my window causing me to jump. I was sure to step lightly to be
sure not to bring the intruders attention to me. I snatched my torch from the kitchen bench and
shoved it into my dressing gown's pocket. Each step my stomach tighten more and more. Each
step my fingers began to shake. I had made it to the hallway before the staircase, my back sliding
against the wall to be sure nothing could grab me from behind. The ruckus upstairs became more
violent the closer I came. I could hear items being thrown, banging against the walls with a loud
thud that sent jolts down my spine. That's when the lights in the long hallway began to flicker. "It's
just the storm." I reminded myself under my breath. Nearly at the end of the hallway the lights were
snuffed out and my stomach exploded. I flicked my torch on limiting my view to a small tunnel of
light in front of
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Personal Reflection On Creativity
Reflection Paper on Creativity Throughout this creative arts class, I have learned much about
creativity and how it fits in our world around us. I see myself as creative person and am so thankful
that I understand and appreciate God's gift of creativity given to us. We are to use our creativity to
glorify God in all that we do. I appreciate all of God's creation and use it to be more creative. My
views of creativity have changed by learning more about how creativity has been valued over time in
our cultures. Creativity is essential for sustainability in the future. I believe that creativity will
continue to change over time. Werner (2000) sums this up, "I believe that as our lives and our
global ideology of creativity evolve, we will acknowledge more clearly both how much lies
beyond creativity, and how creativity is our human drive toward the beyond" (p. 270). Being
created in God's image allows us to be creative and to glorify God through our own creativity. In
Genesis 1:27, the Bible tells us that God created man in his own image. "So God created mankind
in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them". Being
created in the image of God, as Christians we are to glorify God through our creativity. Since we
are created in His image, we therefore possess some of the characteristics of God, including
creativity. Creativity is the human impulse to take what God has made, shape it, and make it new.
This can be a painter, a
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Reflection Essay On Creativity
Creativity flows from our fingertips and consumers our bodies, letting us erupted our unsaid
thoughts and feelings in an constructive healthy way. Life would be drape without creativity.
Creativity brings people together and forces them apart, hindering their relationship for the love of
art, a beautiful and wretched process all at the same time. It amazes me how people can be nurtured
in similar environments yet still have such unique and vast ideas and ways they express creativity.
From this humanities class I have learned multiple ways on how artist use their creativity in a
structured way. I can know tell when vanishing points pop up in my day to day life. For my future
career I will have to have a high level of creativity. I wanted to become a dietitian, which means I
will have to use my creativity everyday to construct meal plans for patients. Nature and dancer are
one of the biggest things that has impacted my creativity. These two things go hand in hand in my
life. Humanities taught me that creativity can explode from anything and I also can better
comprehend myself and how I am creative in my personal life.
Creativity is an amazing thing, it is so impactful to every area of one's life. From taking this
humanities class I have increased by knowledge of art and the different creative processes that take
place. Artist masterfully place different elements in their pieces to draw one's focus to a spot. For
example vanishing points allow an artist to create an illusion
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Creative Writing : The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby Creative Assignment Rough The moment Daisy parted with Gatsby, she flew
towards her house and threw open the massive, Dalbergia door. As she floated up the grand
staircase, everything seemed to be out of focus and out of reach. Nothing seemed real – not the
spotless floors, not the aged portraits of her family on hanging on the walls, not even herself.
Eventually, she passed a seemingly familiar room and ventured into its depths. There, she
recognized her lavish bed calling to her. Without a second thought, she flung herself onto it and
gracefully landed in a dramatic heap. Rolling to her back, she began to trace the patterns
engraved on the bedpost with her eyes. "Such beautiful art," she sighed, "I should take up art.
Something nice to do in my spare time." She lay like this, motionless for an immeasurable
amount of time. At some point, tears had begun to spill from Daisy's eyes and a wandering
melody drifted from her slightly parted lips. Her tune was infused with a burning passion and
acute sorrow. It was an unintentional ode that exuded her love for Gatsby, her anger at Tom and
her moral culpability. Daisy's aria, accompanied by her tears, crescendoed as she walked to her
vanity and sat on its stool. "Oh goodness, this is not how a lady ought to look. Let's fix this up," she
muttered. But it was pointless. Her tears only washed away her efforts. Instead, she took upon
brushing her hair. Daisy sat there humming to herself until she saw glaring lights
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Creative Writing: Trapped! Essay
She almost floated across the empty, box–like room. A cold shiver relentlessly weaved its way down
Emma's spine as she ran her bony hand down the bleak wall. The fireplace glared at her – its mouth
opened wide. The unfamiliar surroundings struck her as if forcing themselves against her weak body
–engulfing her. A soft breeze seething its way into the room from the uneven cracks underneath the
door meant that the desolate room of openness had become filled with the sigh of the wind. It was
as if it was crying, almost howling for its voice to be heard.
The young girl slowly ebbed towards the corner of the room. Something had caught her eye –
perhaps a sense of relief from more content...
"Don't leave me here... I don't think I can take it anymore."
Almost as soon as she thought things couldn't get worse, the most terrifying sound rang in her ears.
The sudden bolt of the bedroom door unlatching itself made her thin face grow pale. And then she
saw him. It was at this point that her imaginings were in fact reality. Draped in a long black coat,
stood a man – his eyes pierced her skin as he stared almost straight through her. His face – hidden by
the dark layers of shadows – was square and pointed. He lurched forward and seemed to look straight
past the young helpless girl. A tight knot in her throat almost strangled her. She screamed...but no
sound escaped her lips...
At first she felt nothing, but then a surge of anger mixed with the overwhelming thoughts of
humiliation swept through her body. Wispy tendrils of his hair, brushed against her face, causing
her to shiver slightly. She could feel his garments moving against her thin nightgown. She
remembered how the night before a gentle touch graced her forehead, a hand, and it moved down
her face, tracing her eyes...her cheek...her mouth. She tried to pull away, as fear began to
overwhelm her senses, but he refused to let her go. He pulled her closer to him and she could feel
his warm breath on her face. A tingle, partly fear and partly excitement, shot through her and her
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Reflective Essay On Creative Writing
Learning to Create English 283 is a creative writing class. The class I took was taught by the
well–respected Dr. Stewart. She has dedicated a majority of her life to writing novels, poems and
short stories. What makes her writing unique is the careful details and moment capturing scenes she
constructs. Creative nonfiction is the bread and butter of writing. The stories or poems are soaking
with true facts and experiences. Aiming to create a bond within our class, Week Ones assignment
was to compose a letter of introduction. We as a class shared our strengths, weakness and what we
expect to gain from the class. This broke the ice for our class, making our transition into small
groups easier. Each week, I took baby steps more content...
Titled, 20 different ways to talk about creative nonfiction. I learned about back–story, factual vs
emotional truth, narrative tension and voice. These elements that carried me through the rest of the
semester. Moving into Weeks Five and Six, revision was the main focus. Revising of lines folded
into the reading of sounds and Sonics. Both very important to the finalization of a creative nonfiction
draft. Weeks 8–12 pushed the importance of drafts and revision strategies. Our small groups
started to meet at least once every week working to develop better drafts for our final portfolio. Our
creative piece should reflect our growth as a writer, using shape, structure, style, drafting and
revision as tools to create our own story. Dr. Stewart left us in confidence to pick whatever subjects
we wanted to write about. With all these skills learned, the most important step in creative nonfiction
is the research. Most of my research derived from our class readings. I paid close attention to the
writers approached there craft. Reading pieces out of writing true such as "The Role of Research"
and "Under the Influence". Had a huge impact on my learning. I began to understand the flow and
how to examine what I wanted to write about deeper. Without the influence of research, catching the
reader's emotional, imaginative and intellectual attention is extremely difficult. Having the correct
structure and research combination in
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Creative Essays Examples

  • 1. Argumentative Essay On Creativity The Creativity Epidemic Most would agree that the technological advances today have caused this generation to become crippled in their creativity. The lack of face–to–face communication has severely damaged this generations ability to separate text–speech from formal speeches. Being born in a generation were technology is only at it's peak, it's hard to separate yourself from the tech–savvy world. As stated in the article The Creativity Crisis by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman the accepted definition of creativity is production of something original and useful, and that's what's reflected in the tests. There is never one right answer. To be creative requires divergent thinking (generating many unique ideas) and then convergent thinking (combining those ideas into the best result). When most think of technology you only see the advances made, the achievements fulfilled and the key factor it plays in our society today, for example as in The Limits to Creativity in Education: Dilemmas for the Educator It argues that the notion of creativity may be value– and culture–specific and that this poses the so–called liberal educator with various dilemmas of principle and pedagogy, which are explored (Anna Craft 1). In other words, technology is a blessing seeing all the doors its opened for us in the short amount of time its been here. But it's also a curse. In retrospect others might argue that technology helps open the door to a child's imagination. As stated in The Pros and Cons of Technology by Amanda Ronan on January 16, 2017; Technology gives children the ability to learn in ways their parents and grandparents never had. Today's learners have immediate access to answers and research. Yet, that immediate access is changing the way students think about work and how they feel emotionally (Amanda Ronan). This significant emotional change is centered around the deprivation on other social outlets. The youth of today's social and educational status is complete centered around where they rank in the chain of technological coherency. Seeing how tablets and computers are replacing textbooks due to everything being encrypted into software anyone that hasn't evolved is sure to be left behind in a stone age of their own. Get more content on
  • 2. Design Thinking Essay examples Design thinking is a process for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an improved future result. It is the essential ability to combine empathy, creativity and rationality to meet user needs and drive business success. Unlike analytical thinking, design thinking is a creative process based around the building up of ideas. There are no judgments early on the design thinking (Simon, 1969, p. 55). Design thinking includes imagination and reason, a combination of convergent and divergent thought, and creativity. Design thinking might be thought of as dialectic, or conversation. It involves design wisdom, judgment, and knowledge. Lastly, design thinking is skill (Hegeman, 2008). Design thinking process more content... Deep understanding of the context of client and user needs is generated through analytical observation or ethnographic research that task seek to understand the fundamental use and usability needs of the customer or user and the meaning–based needs (Archer, 1984, 64). In the observation phase, data is collected to elicit the stories that help to understand culture and meaning in variety of forms: field notes, focus groups, interviews, transcripts, photographs, video and audio tapes, participant or non–participant observation, and formal ethnographic (Beckman & Barry, 2007). The second stage of design thinking is frameworks the design problem: this phase requires processing and a large amount of information –which is collected from the observation phase– but at the same time being able to see what is missing for the customers and users information. The ultimate purpose of the framing phase is to reframe the design problem, to come up with a new story to tell about how the user might solve his or her problem, or to come up with a new way of seeing problem, to identify interesting dimension, to identifying and formulation the goals, to identifying external and internal constrains (Oxman, 1997, p. 344), to create design brief –outline programme– and time lines and providing the boundaries of the design field (Archer, 1984, p. 67; Cross, 2006, p. 32). After framing and reframing the problem, the design innovation process moves to the third stage: Get more content on
  • 3. A Creative Classroom Essay A Creative Classroom Art education is an essential part of a child's development through life, and much of their learning for life takes place inside the classroom. Those first few years are so incredibly important to the development of each child, and without the creative learning opportunities, children will lack the qualities they need to grow in this world. Art will be something that they will use throughout their life time, so it is imperative to introduce it into their lives early on. This research paper will take a look at how art affects every child, and the importance to keeping art programs active in the growing education systems. The Effects of Art in the Classroom Can you imagine a world without color? A more content... ( Businesses and Art Education Art is a stepping–stone to many things children will strive to do in the future. They will be able to use the skills they learn from creative thinking in jobs and organizations they work in later in life. Art really allows children to build work an incredible work ethic and helps them to complete quality work inside the classroom and out. It stretches their minds and allows for thinking "outside of the box." This is very important to businesses who want to hire people with a good grasp on the world and new creative ides. Dr. Joseph M. Calahan,Vice President of the Xerox Foundation has been quoted to say "Arts education aids students in skills needed in the workplace: flexibility, the ability to solve problems and communicate; the ability to learn new skills, to be creative and innovative, and to strive for excellence" But businesses aren't the only people in support of art programs inside the classroom. Luckily for America we have support from some very influential people. George Bush and Art Education Fortunately our country is being supported by a president who not only believes in art in the classroom, but also supports it. In a letter written by him for National Arts and Humanities month, he expresses his admiration for the arts programs in schools, and describes the need for art to Get more content on
  • 4. Reflection Of Creative Writing Over the course of the semester, I have had the privilege to read and discuss my classmates' writing. Having a mix of large and small group discussions have allowed me not only to help others improve their writing, but to learn about different writing styles and techniques. Throughout the course, I have worked closely with Cory Robinson, a senior at Sacred Heart University, studying English /Pre–Law with multiple minors, including Creative Writing. In an interview with Robinson, I have learned about how he gained an interest in writing, what he enjoys writing, and ultimately how he writes. Robinson grew up on Long Island, New York. Surprisingly, he did not do very much writing as child and was never the type to keep a journal. However, more content... He enjoys writing flash fiction because he does not have to commit to a piece of flash as much as he does to a longer piece. He has contributed several six–word stories to our class discussion board, pieces he thoroughly enjoys writing. For him, six–word stories are interesting to write because of their short word limit. Typically, Robinson loves writing with a ton of description and tends to use a lot of words. However, in a six–word story, every word counts. Therefore, writing this type of flash challenges him to play around with different words in order to meet the word count. A technique Robinson uses to write six–word stories is to "write down whatever sounds good." For example, "Peanut butter stuck between my teeth." When creating this piece, Robinson was suffering from writer's block. He simply jotted down a few words and liked the way they sounded together. The piece had no original meaning to him, but his readers are able to give the piece meaning. He uses this method of writing again when he writes, "Rain drops, Angel's tears, God's piss." Like the first piece, Robinson did not write this for it to "make sense", but to give his audience the opportunity to search for a meaning if they choose to, or enjoy the combination of words as is. Additionally, Robinson draws on inspiration from his life experiences when creating six–word stories. In his piece from the 6th Week Submissions on Blackboard, Robinson is inspired by a couple of different aspects of Get more content on
  • 5. Creative Innovation : Creativity And Innovation Creative report Introduction In face of fierce competition and increasing survival pressure, it has been realized that the striking role of creativity and its application in the operation and management of modern organization should be attached with more attention (Tierney and Farmer, 2002). The inspiration and cultivation of creativity has been considered to be one of the most important features of not only individuals but also enterprises for that creativity may bring in with new changes and different possibilities in a variety of ways. In this essay, it will firstly present the differentiating between the concept of creativity and innovation. Following this, it will make use of a practical example to illustrate the application of creative solutions in face of problems and the potential opportunities that might be brought by these creative solutions. In the next part, it will provide suggestions on how to create creative culture within the organization and some potential barriers in the process. Differentiating between creativity and innovation In more and more occasions such as the regular meeting of teams and annual report statements, the concept of creativity and innovation has been frequently mentioned and discussed for that entrepreneurs and managers have been fully aware of the importance and significance of creativity and innovation (Vehar, 2013). It goes without doubt that their meaning and value have been attached with enough attention, however, the Get more content on
  • 6. Creative Person A creative person is someone who uses their imagination and intuition to create something new or to make changes to something that already exists. Creative people have many attributes such as openness to new experiences, observance, curiosity, personal freedom, a willingness to take risks, self reliance, persistence and the freedom from fear of failure. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are the two most commonly used methods of creative motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards, such as money or grades. The motivation comes from the pleasure one gets from the task itself or from the sense of satisfaction in completing or even working on more content... It would be good for me to develop non–attachment also as I can't get attached to things I do and I always want my preferences. It would also be good for me to develop skills that could be used in a group situation as I do not work well in a group. Van Gundy's also had a list of ten things that would help me work better in a group. There are also aspects that can damage or destroy a person's creativity. There are six factors that when brought upon a person who is doing something creative, will undermine both the intrinsic interest and creative potential of the project. The six factors are: 1.Expected Evaluation: If a person is expecting somebody to be evaluating their work they will worry about criticisms the person might make. The pressure will cause a person's creativity to be restricted. 2.Surveillance: Creativity would also be harmed if there is a person constantly peering over your shoulder as you are trying to be creative. 3.Reward: Although the incentive of a reward might help someone, it might also harm creativity as I believe a person would be trying to hard to do something they cant and also trying to make something to perfect and never accepting the good work they have done. 4.Competition: If a person is in competition with another they might focus all their energy on the competition rather than creativity of the project. 5.Restricted Choice: If people have boundaries in what they are Get more content on
  • 7. Change, creativity and innovation are essential elements for survival and growth of an organization. Creativity is vital for the birth of fresh and beneficial ideas. Creative thinking allows groups and individuals to solve problems or stimulate to think differently in order to bring forth fruitful ideas. The above mentioned creative thinking enabled our team of six different personalities to come together and implement a plan to solve a complex problem in a hospital. Our assigned task was to recommend a plan in order to alleviate hospital readmission among elderly population within thirty days of discharge. In this paper the author is narrating the team dynamics, functionalities and personal competencies in the process of recommending a change in the system. As a member in the innovation leadership team the author is also reflecting on the assessment, capacity for innovation in the organization which is the hospital where the team is assigned. Organizations Organizations are dynamic living systems and change is an inherent capacity of living systems. So organizations need people who can perceive, understand and work effectively in order to make positive changes (Dawson & Andriopoulos, 2014). Our team assessed the organization which was the hospital where the readmissions of elderly population have increased. The assessment revealed the possible causative factors behind the readmission of elderly before thirty days of discharge. Patients may not recollect all the discharge Get more content on
  • 8. My Passion For Creative Writing Even as an elementary school student, I loved writing, reading, and telling stories. I wrote and created short films with my friends and family, printed books I wrote and gave them to my neighbors to read and review, and got excited whenever my teacher gave a writing assignment for homework. I took inspiration from the people around me, topics we discussed in school, and other works of literature I adored. Throughout my years, my skills have improved through hard work and dedication. I feel that my application would not be complete if I did not share my passion for creative writing. When I was younger, writing was enjoyable because I had such a vast imagination that needed to be put onto paper. I was writing daily and asked my parents to read books to me before bed each night so I could brainstorm ideas for my stories. I loved going to the library and checking out the books on the 'new releases' shelf. To this day, I write regularly. I still use my imagination to inspire my stories, along with other works of literature and historical events. I also try to write in different voices, genres, and points of view. During my freshman year, I noticed that my school did not have a creative writing club, and so, with the help of a peer, I founded the Creative Writing Club at my school. The club's goal was to help young writers share and write new pieces. We would start each day with a prompt, write for ten minutes, then share what we wrote with the group. We would also focus on a Get more content on
  • 9. What Creativity Means to Me: An Opinion Essay Introduction Creativity does not have an assigned or universally accepted definition. Thus the true nature of creativity cannot be confined to a single definition. In this text, I discuss creativity. More specifically, I concern myself with what creativity means to me and to others. What Creativity Means to Me In my opinion, creativity has got to do with the ability to come up with new things or ideas. Over time, we have had individuals design, produce or even manufacture items which were not in existence before. On the other hand, we also have people who have sought to improve or build on the ideas of others so as to come up with an even better concept, design or invention. These two groups of people in my opinion could be regarded as being rather creative. Further, creativity in my view also has got to do with the ability to solve problems or challenges in a unique way. For instance, an individual who solves a recurring problem within a group setting could be regarded creative. Some of the people I consider creative based on their ability to come up with new ideas and/or build upon the ideas of others include but are not limited to Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. In my opinion, all these individuals at some point engaged their creative minds in the development of an entirely new concept, an idea or product or built upon the ideas of others to come up with even better ideas, concepts or products. What Creativity Means to Others As I have Get more content on
  • 10. Reflection Of Creative Writing Creative Writing was a class I never imagined taking. In high school, I enjoyed the small section of English class that was set aside for creative writing. That was all it was; a small section of my class time dedicated to writing about whatever I wanted. Reading has been my favorite hobby for as long as I can remember. Sitting in my advisor's office at the beginning of summer; I was hesitant about taking this class. I have never actually taken a class specifically for creative writing and was afraid it wasn't a strong suit for me. When the counselor said that there was a creative writing class that dealt with the body; I thought that that might work. I enjoyed the small creative writing in high school and I enjoyed being outside more content... Now, when I have a lot of things going on and I get frustrated, I take a walk; it helps to clean my head. Before this class I used to check my phone or Instagram every time I become overwhelmed. This class not only helped grow me as a writer, but it also helped me grow as a human being. Walking helps me relax and get a new perspective on things. Coming into this class with a very small background in creative writing, I was worried I would stand out like a sore thumb. I had only written one previous nonfiction piece and hadn't really been graded on it. Writing the first essay wasn't bad; the workshop on the other hand was a different story. I had never had a workshop before and in high school "peer review" was getting together with your friends and them telling you it was good. When it was time for my essay to be workshop, I got defensive and didn't like the feedback. I simply wasn't used to constructive criticism. By the second workshop, I wasn't as defensive and wanted to hear how I could make the second essay better. The second essay was a little harder to come up with the topic. Typically, I don't walk around town; I try to stay in the country or woods. When it came time for workshop, the professor brought up concerns about my commas. No one had ever told me that I had an issue with my commas before. I plan to ask her for help because I want to become a better writer. I really enjoyed this class; all except for the third essay. Essay number 3 was Get more content on
  • 11. Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving Critical thinking and creative problem solving working together can enhance a person's creative skills. However, if there is not a correct balance between the two, a person may not find the correct resolution. To find the right balance between critical thinking and creative problem solving, one must understand the similarities and differences between the two. This paper will attempt to show those ideas. Critical Thinking According to Shah (2010) and the American Heritage Dictionary, critical thinking is defined as "The mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information more content... Similarities and Differences Prior to completing this paper, I thought that critical thinking and creative problem solving were very different. However, I find that they are very much alike. Critical thinking and creative problem solving follow very similar steps to reach a solution. Conceptualizing and preparing are the beginning phases at which time one realizes there is a problem. Stage two is the applying and analyzing or incubation stage. After success has been reached at this stage, the process proceeds to the synthesizing or illumination stage. This could also be considered the Aha stage where an idea comes to light. The last stage is the evaluation or verification to determine the success of the solution. One difference that should be discussed is that the creative process appears to be more open and looks for more than one resolution to a problem. An example of this is the story at the end of chapter nine. The question presented was "Show how it is possible to determine the height of a tall building with the aid of barometer" (Dacey & Lennon, 1998, p. 185). The professor expected an answer using physics logic, but the student was creative and thought outside the box. By doing this, there were many answers to the question. The critical thinking process is rigid and expects to find only one resolution. My Experiences One experience that comes to mind involving creative problem solving came in my tenure as Get more content on
  • 12. Creative Writing: The Storm The storm raged on – both internally and externally. The struggle between her crushing depression and her desperate, primal instincts for survival battled it out, destroying her life. She sat there alone, sobbing like a lost child needing either guidance or the sweet release of the end. As she waited, disinterested in her own dismal fate, she wallowed in her ever–present sorrow. The fiery gin seared her throat on its way down, and again on its way back up, though she did not seem to care. She could still taste the foul vomit that she had so violently thrown up half a bottle of gin earlier. Or had she thrown up again? Did it really matter at this point? She hated the sour taste of gin almost as much as her miserable life. Why had she more content... She could feel the burn of the gin and bile in her throat. The shards of broken glass stabbed into her like as many demons attacking her very soul. She could barely notice the waterfall of hot tears on her face as she began to slip away into cold nothingness. Though her nose, still seared by the reek of the bitter gin, was unable to smell anything, she remembered the scent of the dirt she was pushed into by her childhood tormentors. She smelled the alcohol at her first party. She smelled his sweat after her first time. She thought of the metallic smell of her own blood as he beat her. She reminisced on the smell of weed, her first perfect escape. She saw nothing, her eyes sealed by her own will against the demons swirling around her soul. She saw black fade to absolute dark – the complete absence of all light. Then she was blinded, not by the pure, white light of heaven, but of the flickering fires of Hell. She was no more. She cared not what happened next as she flung her identity as far from her soul as she could manage. For as instant, a tiny moment, she realized what had happened to her – but even that was not enough to cause any reaction. And then the end. Nothingness. Escape. The storm that had so long raged in her life was finally, completely Get more content on
  • 13. Storm Creative Writing The immense storm clouds swallowed up all of the moons light and rain bucketed down. I was all alone in my home, the television was on but the volume was down so soft I could barely hear a whisper coming from the speakers. The heavy rain and thunder drowned out all sound in the house and lightning snapped every now and again as though a giant photographer was flashing pictures of the world around them. I was curled up on the couch in my warmest pyjamas with countless of blankets upon me but no matter how much I tried to conserve some heat for my freezing body, It was impossible to shake the unusual chill in the house. I could not ignore the feeling of beady eyes following my every move. That's when I heard it. It sounded like something more content... Do I go confront it? Do I stay here an see if it finds me? Was it a burglar? It could just be a possum. I waited for a few moments, debating my own mind when it shuffled again. The curiosity got the better of me as my numb fingers unwrapped myself from my cotton cocoon. As soon as I stood up, bats screeched outside my window causing me to jump. I was sure to step lightly to be sure not to bring the intruders attention to me. I snatched my torch from the kitchen bench and shoved it into my dressing gown's pocket. Each step my stomach tighten more and more. Each step my fingers began to shake. I had made it to the hallway before the staircase, my back sliding against the wall to be sure nothing could grab me from behind. The ruckus upstairs became more violent the closer I came. I could hear items being thrown, banging against the walls with a loud thud that sent jolts down my spine. That's when the lights in the long hallway began to flicker. "It's just the storm." I reminded myself under my breath. Nearly at the end of the hallway the lights were snuffed out and my stomach exploded. I flicked my torch on limiting my view to a small tunnel of light in front of Get more content on
  • 14. Personal Reflection On Creativity Reflection Paper on Creativity Throughout this creative arts class, I have learned much about creativity and how it fits in our world around us. I see myself as creative person and am so thankful that I understand and appreciate God's gift of creativity given to us. We are to use our creativity to glorify God in all that we do. I appreciate all of God's creation and use it to be more creative. My views of creativity have changed by learning more about how creativity has been valued over time in our cultures. Creativity is essential for sustainability in the future. I believe that creativity will continue to change over time. Werner (2000) sums this up, "I believe that as our lives and our global ideology of creativity evolve, we will acknowledge more clearly both how much lies beyond creativity, and how creativity is our human drive toward the beyond" (p. 270). Being created in God's image allows us to be creative and to glorify God through our own creativity. In Genesis 1:27, the Bible tells us that God created man in his own image. "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them". Being created in the image of God, as Christians we are to glorify God through our creativity. Since we are created in His image, we therefore possess some of the characteristics of God, including creativity. Creativity is the human impulse to take what God has made, shape it, and make it new. This can be a painter, a Get more content on
  • 15. Reflection Essay On Creativity Creativity flows from our fingertips and consumers our bodies, letting us erupted our unsaid thoughts and feelings in an constructive healthy way. Life would be drape without creativity. Creativity brings people together and forces them apart, hindering their relationship for the love of art, a beautiful and wretched process all at the same time. It amazes me how people can be nurtured in similar environments yet still have such unique and vast ideas and ways they express creativity. From this humanities class I have learned multiple ways on how artist use their creativity in a structured way. I can know tell when vanishing points pop up in my day to day life. For my future career I will have to have a high level of creativity. I wanted to become a dietitian, which means I will have to use my creativity everyday to construct meal plans for patients. Nature and dancer are one of the biggest things that has impacted my creativity. These two things go hand in hand in my life. Humanities taught me that creativity can explode from anything and I also can better comprehend myself and how I am creative in my personal life. Creativity is an amazing thing, it is so impactful to every area of one's life. From taking this humanities class I have increased by knowledge of art and the different creative processes that take place. Artist masterfully place different elements in their pieces to draw one's focus to a spot. For example vanishing points allow an artist to create an illusion Get more content on
  • 16. Creative Writing : The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby Creative Assignment Rough The moment Daisy parted with Gatsby, she flew towards her house and threw open the massive, Dalbergia door. As she floated up the grand staircase, everything seemed to be out of focus and out of reach. Nothing seemed real – not the spotless floors, not the aged portraits of her family on hanging on the walls, not even herself. Eventually, she passed a seemingly familiar room and ventured into its depths. There, she recognized her lavish bed calling to her. Without a second thought, she flung herself onto it and gracefully landed in a dramatic heap. Rolling to her back, she began to trace the patterns engraved on the bedpost with her eyes. "Such beautiful art," she sighed, "I should take up art. Something nice to do in my spare time." She lay like this, motionless for an immeasurable amount of time. At some point, tears had begun to spill from Daisy's eyes and a wandering melody drifted from her slightly parted lips. Her tune was infused with a burning passion and acute sorrow. It was an unintentional ode that exuded her love for Gatsby, her anger at Tom and her moral culpability. Daisy's aria, accompanied by her tears, crescendoed as she walked to her vanity and sat on its stool. "Oh goodness, this is not how a lady ought to look. Let's fix this up," she muttered. But it was pointless. Her tears only washed away her efforts. Instead, she took upon brushing her hair. Daisy sat there humming to herself until she saw glaring lights Get more content on
  • 17. Creative Writing: Trapped! Essay She almost floated across the empty, box–like room. A cold shiver relentlessly weaved its way down Emma's spine as she ran her bony hand down the bleak wall. The fireplace glared at her – its mouth opened wide. The unfamiliar surroundings struck her as if forcing themselves against her weak body –engulfing her. A soft breeze seething its way into the room from the uneven cracks underneath the door meant that the desolate room of openness had become filled with the sigh of the wind. It was as if it was crying, almost howling for its voice to be heard. The young girl slowly ebbed towards the corner of the room. Something had caught her eye – perhaps a sense of relief from more content... "Don't leave me here... I don't think I can take it anymore." Almost as soon as she thought things couldn't get worse, the most terrifying sound rang in her ears. The sudden bolt of the bedroom door unlatching itself made her thin face grow pale. And then she saw him. It was at this point that her imaginings were in fact reality. Draped in a long black coat, stood a man – his eyes pierced her skin as he stared almost straight through her. His face – hidden by the dark layers of shadows – was square and pointed. He lurched forward and seemed to look straight past the young helpless girl. A tight knot in her throat almost strangled her. She screamed...but no sound escaped her lips... At first she felt nothing, but then a surge of anger mixed with the overwhelming thoughts of humiliation swept through her body. Wispy tendrils of his hair, brushed against her face, causing her to shiver slightly. She could feel his garments moving against her thin nightgown. She remembered how the night before a gentle touch graced her forehead, a hand, and it moved down her face, tracing her eyes...her cheek...her mouth. She tried to pull away, as fear began to overwhelm her senses, but he refused to let her go. He pulled her closer to him and she could feel his warm breath on her face. A tingle, partly fear and partly excitement, shot through her and her heart Get more content on
  • 18. Reflective Essay On Creative Writing Learning to Create English 283 is a creative writing class. The class I took was taught by the well–respected Dr. Stewart. She has dedicated a majority of her life to writing novels, poems and short stories. What makes her writing unique is the careful details and moment capturing scenes she constructs. Creative nonfiction is the bread and butter of writing. The stories or poems are soaking with true facts and experiences. Aiming to create a bond within our class, Week Ones assignment was to compose a letter of introduction. We as a class shared our strengths, weakness and what we expect to gain from the class. This broke the ice for our class, making our transition into small groups easier. Each week, I took baby steps more content... Titled, 20 different ways to talk about creative nonfiction. I learned about back–story, factual vs emotional truth, narrative tension and voice. These elements that carried me through the rest of the semester. Moving into Weeks Five and Six, revision was the main focus. Revising of lines folded into the reading of sounds and Sonics. Both very important to the finalization of a creative nonfiction draft. Weeks 8–12 pushed the importance of drafts and revision strategies. Our small groups started to meet at least once every week working to develop better drafts for our final portfolio. Our creative piece should reflect our growth as a writer, using shape, structure, style, drafting and revision as tools to create our own story. Dr. Stewart left us in confidence to pick whatever subjects we wanted to write about. With all these skills learned, the most important step in creative nonfiction is the research. Most of my research derived from our class readings. I paid close attention to the writers approached there craft. Reading pieces out of writing true such as "The Role of Research" and "Under the Influence". Had a huge impact on my learning. I began to understand the flow and how to examine what I wanted to write about deeper. Without the influence of research, catching the reader's emotional, imaginative and intellectual attention is extremely difficult. Having the correct structure and research combination in Get more content on