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Counter Reformation Dbq
The development of new ideas and inventions lead to a spread of ideas which resulted in the protestant reformation and in retaliation to this, the
Catholic Church initiated the Counter–Reformation. The Protestant Reformation began because of rapidly changing views on how the world works and
the introduction of new inventions such as the printing press. As people began to focus more on the world around them they began expand their view
of things. Many scientists opposed agreed upon ideas such as the Earth being the center of the universe. The Catholic Church at the time understood
this as blasphemy and excommunicated people from the church. This lead to the creation of protestant denominations. Among the many reformers
Martin Luther and John Calvin are arguably the most known. Martin Luther was not only a reformer but a professor of theology, composer, priest, and
a monk. His belief that freedom from god's punishment could be purchased with money through indulgences. He strongly believed that this was wrong
and against what God wanted. His ideas and beliefs eventually lead to this excommunication and condemnation as an outlaw buy the emperor. Luther's
beliefs include... Show more content on ...
The Counter–Reformation sought to reform four major elements; ecclesiastical reconfiguration, religious orders, spiritual movements, and political
dimensions. Seminaries for proper training of priests, returning of orders to their spiritual foundations, and new spiritual movements focusing on ones
devotional life and relationship with Christ. Among these reforms was the Inquisition. The Inquisition was responsible for the "purifying" of
Christians. They were mostly peaceful but were also known for burning many people at the stake. At times as many as two hundred in one day were
burned under accusations of witchcraft. They aimed to retake areas that had previously been converted to
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The Shroud Of Turin : Deep Inside The Cathedral Of St....
Matthew Douthit
Professor Sullivan
ANTH 2302
28 April 2017
Final Paper – The Shroud of Turin
Deep inside the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy rests a 14.5 x 3.7 inch long linen cloth. This shroud is stored in a custom built,
temperature and humidity controlled, lighttight case made of bulletproof, laminated glass, which weighs about 2,200 pounds. On the shroud bears the
faint image of a man who has been crucified. Many believe it to be the actual burial shroud Jesus of Nazareth was wrapped in when he was buried after
crucifixion. This is the Turin Shroud. The image of the man on the shroud bears a striking resemblance to the historical descriptions of Jesus. Not only
that, but all the wounds align precisely with the ... Show more content on ...
In 1532, the shroud was greatly burned in a fire in Savory, whereafter nuns repaired the damage. In 1578, the shroud was transferred to Turin, Italy
where it has remained in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist ever since. Further repairs were made to the shroud in 1694 and 1868. The whole rest
of world did not learn about the shroud until 1898 when Italian amateur photographer Secondo Pia took the first photographs of it. The image on the
shroud itself is extremely faint, but Pia's photographic negatives brought out the image in striking detail. Pia was shocked at what he had discovered.
"I was looking into the face of the Lord," he later said. And just like that, the Turin Shroud spread like wildfire across the globe.
In 1977, science decided to put the shroud under the microscope. Three American scientists, John Jackson, Eric Jumper, and William Mottern along
with over thirty others, formed the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP). Its goal: figure out how the was image formed. In 1978, despite the
resistance of many in the Vatican, the Turin church agreed to let STURP physically examine the shroud. The church gave them only 120 hours to let
them do their thing, and STURP immediately got to it. They worked literally around the clock to find out how the haunting image got on the linen cloth.
"There were spectral analysis done," Barrie Schwortz, the photojournalist who recorded the event recalls. "There were a mosaic of photographs
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The evolution of apes was a possibility in the 19th...
The evolution of apes was a possibility in the 19th century. Although religion had been cherished for centuries, the doubts in people's mines began to
express many uncertainties about the bible and started to question their own beliefs. The issue of evolution was a huge concern in the 19th century
as it was destroying the view of god and how he made the world; this caused many people to either change their views on life or their religion which
had a huge part in resolving people's beliefs in their own culture. This has had a huge impact on today's society due to the involvement of Charles
Darwin and his theory of evolution. In the 19th century people believed that we came/ were made by Adam & Eve, but through Darwinism there was a
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The impact on today's society has shown us how far science has come. From the release of the evolution theory in 1859, to today, science has changed
phenomenally. The effect on society back in the 19th century was the outstanding criticism that was brought out by this theory. It changed people's
beliefs, views and their overall thought on the world. Today many things have changed; there have been investigations into the evolution theory,
discoveries of bones and many more things which have also changed many people's perspectives.
Charles Darwin's book sparked large debates across the world, large numbers of reviews, critiques and negative responses were published. When
Darwin released the book "The origin of species" he was more worried about the effects it would have on his fellow scientists than the public.
"Through all this, Darwin largely kept his nose out of things, safely hidden in the comfort of Down House, trying to tease out what reviewers thought
of his science amidst all the politics and rhetoric."("Chalres Darwin & Evolution" (2009).). Darwin kept on with his work, publishing the evolution in
plants, animals (including humans), adding to the large amount of evidence he had collected over the years. As the scientific world started to come to
terms with evolutional theory, Darwin collected more and more evidence which started to go in his favour.
The fact that Charles Darwin's idea was not accepted for many years shows us
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Integrative Approaches To Psychology And Christianity By...
The book, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity written by Entwistle, N. David, analyzes the integration between Christianity and
psychology. Entwitle explains why Christianity and psychology cannot integrate in the same area because the former is based on faith while the latter
is based on the truth. However, he emphasizes that the interaction between psychology and Christianity cannot be avoided because the two concepts
help people to understand the source of human behavior, as well as the healing process of a broken heart (Entwistle, 2010, p. 51). The theme of the
whole text is inclined upon the idea that psychology and Christianity can be integrated and used together irrespective of the fact that they are based on
completely different ideas. ... Show more content on ...
According to the book, the term integrated should be viewed as a verb and as a noun because the role played by integration becomes both imperative
and feasible (Entwistle, 2010, p. 26). Entwistle continues to explain that the main reason why faith and science have been in endless conflict for quite a
long time is due to the fact that, science directly opposes theological ideas and concepts. Even though Entwistle (2010) supports this notion to some
extent, he claims that the way a person understands the relationship between faith and science depends on individual assumptions. If a psychologist
could understand that there is a direct conflict between faith and science, then they could appreciate why it is difficult to use science to prove the
intelligence of Christ (Entwistle,
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Similarities Between Roman Catholicism And Eastern Orthodoxy
Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy The Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism are organized using a hierarchical system. Much like the
ancient times in which these religions were established, they govern from the top down with bishops or leaders having ultimate authority and then
several classifications that extend down to priest. They feel their top leaders stand in for Christ. For Eastern Othodoxy the leader is Eccumencial
Patriarch and for the Roman Catholics it is the Pope. (VB: Polity in Catholicism and Orthodoxy) The formal principles for these two religions are the
Bible plus tradition and decress. However, Eastern Orthodoxy uses the 66 books of the Canon and Apocrypha and the Roman Catholicism use the 66
books of the Cannon and Canonical. To them the Bible and the tradition of worship are equally important. The material principles for these religions are
that they are saved by faith with works infused grace through the priests on the via to earn God's glory. (The Christian Church on Earth) The worship of
the Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodoxy are both highly liturgical and ornate with icons. They have a low use of preaching in their worship
services. The teachings for these two religions include infant baptism for the remission of original sin and the gift of faith. The Roman Catholics teach
the Lord's Supper is the sacrament through Transubstantiation but they view the Lord's Supper as unbloody sacrifice through Transubstantiation. They
both teach
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Religion: Christian Science
Christian Science is an idealistic and most radical form of transcendental religiosity. The study of Christian Science teaches a feeling of understanding
of God's goodness and the differences between good and evil, life and death. The purpose of this paper is to address how the study of Christian Science
helps us better understand the impact of globalization in America, as well as the impact of American on globalization. This paper is important because
globalization features a dominant worldview. All throughout the world people believe, study and teach different types of religious movements that
impact others. People need to better understand how certain religions modify, conflict with, and impact the world. First, it will discuss... Show more
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This movement asserts humanity and the universe as one. It's spiritual rather than material in nature. Worship and devotion in daily life involves
praying and studying the Christian Science Bible. Throughout the year, one hour Sunday services are held and testimonies of healing were weekly on
Wednesdays. The beliefs that go along with this new revelation teaches us of the existence of an all–powerful God and the gratefulness, authority and
inspiration of the Bible. Any and everything created on this world is entirely spiritual and perfect and that matter does not exist. One of the main
things Christian Science teaches is that they can heal themselves spiritually through prayer and realizing illness, sin and death do not exist. Also,
Christian Science adherents believe in the practice of telepathy for a form of psychic healing. Besides praying every day for welfare and health of the
local communities, Christian Scientists would host public events regularly where people could learn about this new religious movement. This event
helped Christian Science globalize because the world was learning about this religion through the words of its adherents. America, having a remarkable
religious diversity, easily spread the thoughts and ideas of Christian Science where it quickly became a well know religious movement. When hearing
about a new religion such as Adventism, New
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Christian Scientist Religion
Religion beliefs play an important role in the life of many individuals and way the religion is founded as well as what is their belief is important.
Christian Scientist is a religion founded by a woman and is characterized by a unique belief and overview about the human way of healing. What
makes this religion to be unique it is free of any type of discrimination as well as the way it's started.
Christian Scientist religious beliefs are based on science, and also focus on the teaching and work of Jesus Christ and emphasizes on spiritual
enlargement and healing. It is also known as The Church of Christ Scientist. The founder of this religion was Mary Morse Barker Eddy. She was
born on July 16, 1821, in a town in New Hampshire. Eddy died on ... Show more content on ...
God is understood to have unchanging love that explains the spiritual laws of love that grant permission for Jesus to heal sickness and sin. Its
more as the infinity principle that is universal, constant, inclusive, eternal and the only true power and source of all good. In addition, science can
answer a few questions such as evil, eternal life and reality. Beliefs and teachings play an important part or tenets of this religion. The bible, by
King James, is used to inspired and guide in eternal life. This religion recognizes and adores on the supreme and infinity of God. Acknowledge his
son, one Christ, the holy ghost or divine comforter and man in God's image and likeness Christian science. Accept that the crucifixion of Jesus and
his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal life. Jesus atonement as the evidence of divine, edification love; man is saved through
Christ, through truth, life and love. To treat others, the way you want others to treat us with pure, mercy and justice. Also, accepted that Jesus was
born from the Virgin Mary, (born, life and victory) and God is both "father and mother." God and life are against the evil, sin and dead. Healing is
accomplished through a growing understanding of God and recognizes God as one identity. Also, they do not pray for jobs or money, they pray for
spiritual enfoldment and right ideas for wisdom and intelligence to take the right step to serve man–kind. Beliefs that human are incapable of sin,
sickness and dead. Due to these tents and beliefs Christian Science is considered to be a
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Shroud Of Turin Case Study
Shroud of Turin to Go on Display Again
The controversial Shroud of Turin will be put on display again after a five–year absence. Beginning April 19 through June 24, 2015, the shroud will be
on display at its home at the Turin Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist . Although viewing is free, if you plan to travel to see it, a reservation is
necessary to get in to see the display. When the Shroud was last on display in 2010, organizers say that 2.5 million people came to see the religious relic.
What is the Shroud of Turin?
The Shroud of Turin is believed by the Christian faith to be the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth. It is a piece of linen cloth that is 4.4 meters (nearly
14.5 feet) long that is thought to show the image of Christ. The
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Leonardo Da Vinci Last Supper Analysis
An early example of fantastic renaissance and one of the world's most recognizable paintings, as considered to many all over the world, is
Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper, which is an iconic and powerful work of art. Finished in 1494, it has stood the test the time and you can go see
this painting currently in Milan, Italy at the Santa Maria delle Grazie. In order to paint it, Leonardo used an oil/tempera mix and applied it to a dry
wall. "He did this because he wanted to capture the look of an oil painting, but even within his lifetime it began to wear off. Further destruction was
caused in the seventeenth century, when a door was cut into the bottom," according to As it stands today, this masterpiece is
currently 523 years old which is impressive due to the fact that it has been through so many tragic events, such as countless wars and occupations of
different countries. Natural disasters could have also easily destroyed it as well like countless other paintings last throughout time.
"Leonardo imagined, and has succeeded in expressing, the desire that has entered the minds of the apostles to know who is betraying their Master. So
in the face of each one may be seen love, fear, indignation, or grief at not being able to understand the meaning of Christ; and this excites no less
astonishment than the obstinate hatred and treachery to be seen in Judas." (Georgio Vasari, Lives of the Artists, 1568; translated by George Bull). In
painting the Last
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The Last Supper
The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most famous works of art in the world. This painting represents the religious ceremony with
Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples. This is the last meal that was shared between him and his disciples before his arrest and his untimely crucifixion.
Leonardo was commissioned to execute the painting in the Dominican monastery of this Church by Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza. Leonardo da Vinci
was an artist, scientist, architect, author, engineer, inventor, and humanist. He was born in 1452 near Vinci in Italy, and died in Amboise, near Tours
France in 1519. The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa are his most famous works of art. Although it took a little over three years to complete, da Vinci did
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The Last Supper measures 460 cm Г— 880 cm (180 in Г— 350 in) and till this day covers an end wall of the dining hall at the monastery of Santa
Maria delle Grazie, a church and Dominican convent in Milan, northern Italy. When I see the painting the shape is symmetric in the sense that there are
the same amount of people on both sides of Jesus. The genre of this painting is Christian art.There are also four panels on both sides of the walls. In
my opinion, the target audience that this painting was intended for are those who are believers of Christ. I feel this way because I think that this
painting portrays the event that is talked about in the bible in the scripture Matthew 26, verse 21 where Jesus says "..."Truly I tell you, one of you
will betray me.". He then continues in verse 23 saying, "The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me". In the painting,
you can clearly see the man two seats away from his right reaching for the bowl at the same time as Christ. This event lead to the Holy Eucharist,
also known as communion or the Lord's Supper where Christ takes the bread which was to symbolize his body and wine which was to symbolize his
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Tertullian And Justin Martyr
Both Tertullian and Justin Martyr are apologists defending the Christian faith; however, their approach is from two different mindsets. The mindset in
which Justin Martyr approaches faith, reason, and philosophy shares similarities with the ideals of early Christian scientists who sought to grow in their
faith through their studies and therefore saw their studies as extensions of their faith. Justin saw that the faith in Jesus Christ was the inevitable answer
to his philosophical questions. Justin utilizes the prophesies and history of the Jewish people to explain his reasoning as to the soundness of the
philosophy and faith in Christ. Even arguing that Plato, himself, developed his line of reasoning from the prophets and so by careful
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Reaffirming Jesus : How Convictions Challenged By...
Daniel Barabino
Jesus through the Centuries
Dr. Millicent Feske
5 April 2017
Reaffirming Jesus:
How Convictions Challenged by Conflicting Evidence Yield Stronger Beliefs Jesus has been presented to me in a consistent way from my youth
beginning in kindergarten through my high school experience. My initial understanding of Jesus is that he is a fully human, fully divine savior that
serves as a teacher for his historical peers through contemporary times. The conceptions and understanding I have of Jesus had not been contested,
challenged or questioned until I came to St. Joseph's. While my original ideas of Jesus have largely remained unchanged throughout the course, they
have been significantly strengthened through exploring and ... Show more content on ...
This division is knowledge is largely attributed to the scientific revolution. For example, in early India, God was said to be present where priests were
left silent. This ancient understanding of divinity was rooted solely in mythos. As science developed and rose to a paramount discipline with the likes
of Copernicus and Newton, religion was tested against a logos way of thinking. Because of this, people demanded that science yield proof of
biblical accuracies and so were born atheism and fundamentalism. People were reading the Bible far too literally (which was not nearly as pervasive
a thought prior to the scientific revolution), and concurrently the certainty that began being expected of the Bible was too demanding. Interpreters of
the Bible began holding up something to the laws of logos, that is intrinsically grounded in mythos Theres a misconception that a scientist cannot be
involved in organized religion, that these two systems are diametrically opposed. Scientists are only "supposed" to be believe in the observable and
quantifiable things that we can physically have proof of, and religion is seen as fundamentally against everything being a scientist is about. This
thinking really helped me to better understand Jesus, and perhaps more generally God an organized religion. I am a skeptical and rational person
(perhaps because my father is scientist), but that does not preclude me from believing or participating in religion. I do
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Evangelical Culture Essay
Christianity has the world's largest following with over 2.4 billion adherents. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, Christianity has been not
only a widely followed religion in America, but an influential one as well. However, there has become a problem with the ways in which those who
associate themselves with the Christian religion interact with opposing views. Despite Christianity's mission to live like Christ, Evangelicals ––
followers of the Christian religion –– continually go to social media outlets to voice their political and cultural opinions. In the Evangelical culture, it
has become common today to dismiss what other's opinions are in regards to the discussions of pro–life vs. pro–choice, the definition of marriage, and
gun control in America. These heated debates of cultural and political issues are referred to as the "culture wars." Influential Christians in the United
States have developed their own dominant opinions in these "culture wars" and ... Show more content on ...
My whole life I have heard it said that I "should love others just as Jesus has loved me," John 15:12. I have grown up in the Christian Church and
have developed a relationship with my God, Jesus Christ. As I have matured in my spiritual relationship and in my social understanding, I began to
notice the hypocrisy within the Christian Church and how our leaders have undermined the very foundation that they preach on. I've always believed
that I should be "subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one to be peaceable and
considerate and always to be gentle toward everyone," Titus 3:1. While this is the message that the leaders and public figures of the Christian Church
preach on, their actions in American political and cultural issues describe
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Judgement Day, Or The Judgement
A huge concern for most people, Christ–follower or not, is the question of what happens in the end? What happens when humans die? It is a question
that many people do not want to discuss because it brings up fear. Regardless of what people believe, all humankind will be judged in the end.
Judgement Day, or the Judgement, is something that will happen in end times where God has selected a day to judge the world in righteousness. All
people who have lived upon the earth, including fallen angels, will stand before Christ and give an account for his or her actions, thoughts, and
words. The Judgment will be discussed in order to describe how it has been interpreted and studied as well as why it is important in life today.
In order for one to believe that there will be a final judgement, one must have a specific worldview. One must believe that there is a God. This does
not necessarily mean they are Christian as a person can believe in a God without actually following Him. One must believe in the Bible and that it is
the inerrant word of God. One must also believe in Heaven and Hell and a basic belief in Eschatology. Eschatology comes from a Greek word
"eschados" which means "last" and "logia" which means "the study of". It is the study of what happens in end times. One must believe that when they
die, he or she's soul will leave their body and go to Heaven. From there, they will then be reunited with their body at the resurrection, and then await
final judgement.
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The Christian Science Monitor (CSM)
The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) is a universal news association that conveys worldwide scope by means of its site, week after week
magazine, every day news preparation, email bulletins, Amazon Kindle membership, and versatile site. It was begun in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy,
the originator of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Starting 2011, the print flow was 75,052. The CSM is a daily paper that covers global and United
States current occasions. The paper incorporates a day by day religious component on "The Home Forum" page, yet expresses the production is not a
stage for evangelizing. On October 28, 2008, Editor John Yemma reported that the Monitor would end its day by day print adaptation to concentrate
on electronic distributed. Rather than a day by day print version, CSM would distribute a week by week news magazine with a worldwide core interest
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It was begun in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, the originator of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Starting 2011, the print flow was
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The Shroud Of Turin: The Burial Clothing Of Jesus
The Shroud of Turin
Many people believe the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. It is made with linen cloth and is about thirteen and a half feet long by
four and a half feet wide. It has been dated in various time periods, but those that have faith that it is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, believe it is from
the first century. Some carbon dating testing, however, indicates that the Shroud is from the thirteenth and fourteenth century. For this reason, many
people debate when the Shroud was made or whether or not it is authentic. The Shroud of Turin is real because of the image on the Shroud, the
evidence of pollens and flowers, and the bloodstains on the Shroud.
The Shroud of Turin was first spotted in Lirey, France
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Shroud Of Turin Essay
The Shroud of Turin: Priceless "Artifact" of Jesus Christ
The Shroud of Turin is not real because there are three main pieces of evidence pointing towards that conclusion. One piece of evidence would be
that scientific evidence has shown that the Shroud may only be as much as 600 years old. There were also many different fake shrouds circulating
during the time that this particular shroud was thought to be real. Lastly, the fact that the blood on the Shroud is very red and appears to look too
much like a picture. There are many more pieces of evidence but these three seem to support this claim strongly. One reason that lead me to believe that
The Shroud of Turin is not real is that there is evidence that the Shroud may only be as little ... Show more content on ...
"Is It a Fake? DNA Testing Deepens Mystery of Shroud of Turin."LiveScience, Purch, 23 Oct. 2015,
Greene, Richard Allen. "Scientist Re–Creates Turin Shroud to Show It's Fake." CNN, Cable News Network, 7 Oct. 2009,
MailOnline, Matthew Kalman for. "The Turin Shroud Is a Fake... and It's One of 40: Historian Claims Linen Cloths Were Produced 1,300 Years after
Crucifixion." Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 11 June 2012,–2157217
Investigative Briefs with Joe Nickell, Feb 05, 2018, et al. "Investigative Briefs: Turin Shroud: 'Blood' Still Fake – Center for Inquiry." CFI – Center for
Inquiry, 28 July 2017, Accessed 10 Feb.
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The Trial Of Galileo And The Catholic Church
In the Trial of Galileo, The Roman Catholic church is the largest christian church in the Western civilization .The moral aspect concerns salvation. The
Catholic Church was directed by the Holy Scripture by the Church Fathers, which provided the means of eternal salvation: those don 't renounce the
Catholic Church of Catholicism place their souls in peril. Protestantism was an enemy Galileo had encountered but it derives the Catholic Church of
converts because it deprives people from the true ideal of salvation amongst early catholic people. But in some situations got difficult for Galileo to
handle more than one role played. The Galileo case for many anti catholics, is to be proven that church abhors science, refuse to abandon outdated
teachings. The Church was not anti–scientific but it supported scientific endeavors for centuries. The Jesuits were a respected group of astronomers and
scientist in Rome during Galileo 's time. Individuals and church officials and from the church, were many notable scientist who received fundings.
During this time period Church funding from many scientific advances were contributed by clerics. Therefore if Galileo had not been prosecuted with
the political controversy of the Catholic Church, he would have lived a longer life contributing more towards his theories and inventions as a scientist
than his religious obedience.
The Catholic Church teaches the most important that is the one true church founded by Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church
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Homosexuality and the Christian Church Essay
Homosexuality and the Christian Church
In today's Christian churches there has come about a very controversial subject, one that has been developing for many years, and is now at the fore
front of controversial issues dealing with the church. The issue at hand is homosexuality and the Christian church. This controversy has caused there to
be a split between the church into two different beliefs, liberal and evangelical, which one is right and which and which one is wrong? Issues such as
should homosexuals be aloud in the church? If so how involved should they be? And most importantly what does God have to say about homosexuality?
These are tough question brought about by a tough issue and the only way these questions can be ... Show more content on ...
We are obligated to Biblically uphold what God has clearly explained in the Bible about homosexuality. In doing so, churches are faced with hard
questions that only God's word can give direction in. The main question is where do you draw the line with homosexuals in the church? When does it
become appropriate for a church that openly accepts homosexuals to come in and repent of their sin to a church that is looking to honor God and do
what is best for the well being of their entire church body by asking the homosexual to leave. This is a very touchy subject among heterosexuals and
homosexuals alike in the church. Unfortunately there is a separation of views within the church as a whole. The two different views are represented by
the liberal church and the evangelical church. The liberal church believes that homosexuals should be allowed to have membership, carry leadership
positions, and that even the blessing of marriage should be bestowed upon gay couples. While on the other hand, there is the evangelical church, which
strongly opposes homosexuals within the church and believes that homosexuals should not be allowed to hold membership, leadership positions, or
receive the blessing of same sex marriage.
This essay is directed towards the evangelical church as a reminder of what the Bible says about this issue and where we should stand. It is also an
essay geared towards any Christian who might be confused on the issue of
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How Did C. W. Dickey Influence Hawaiian Architecture
C. W. Dickey is one of the most important figures in Hawaiian architecture. His material grandfather, William P Alexander, was a missionary to
Hawaii. This contributed to Dickey's interest in Hawaiian architecture. He believes that with such unique weather condition and geographic location,
Hawaiian architecture ought to have a distinctive style in order to cope with the weather. In 1926, Dickey declared that "Hawaiian architecture is a
type distinctive to itself and Mediterranean style must be adapted to fit local conditions before they are at all suite to the islands" ("Famous Hawaii
Architects"). In fact, the over–hanging roof with projecting eaves (the hut–like roof) became such a Dickey trademark that it is now referred as the
'Dickey Roof'.
Dickey's contribution to Hawaiian architecture started with his recognition that Hawaii ... Show more content on ...
Peter Vincent, a contemporary architect, claims that "[the Halekulani Hotel is] the epitome of casual elegance... [It has] become a model of Hawaiian
architecture" ("Honolulu's Best Architecture").
Another significant building of C. W. Dickey is the Alexander and Baldwin Building built in 1929. The Alexander and Baldwin Building is a four story
building with steel frame with concrete casting, very much like its contemporary concrete–cast architecture in Chicago. However, what makes it
Hawaiian is its overhanging Dickey Roof. In addition, this building is significant in its blend of Oriental ornament with Western design, reflecting upon
the historical relevance of Hawaii.
Dickey designed this building alongside with another significant architect of Hawaii, Hart Wood. Dickey and Wood had been collaborating with one
another on and off since 1919, they were once in partnership but in charge of different
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The Importance Of Electronic Media And Communication
We are to meet the people where they are at. With whatever means are available.
What about our youth. If we aren't able to understands our youths way of communication and not only get involved with their language we have to
educate them of the pitfalls of electronic media and communications. If the church doesn't find a way to stay "in–step" with our youth we are going to
lose them.
What I propose is to teach them proper ethical and spiruitual principles as it realates to electronic communication (i.e. texting, email, video
conferencing, facebook). We would not be able to participate in on–line educational discussions if we didn't have the electronic means to do so.
This vision demands that leaders in the church wrestle with the complexity of embodying the Gospel in culture. As the church rediscovers its unique
role in culture, and supports the calling of their cultural influencers, it will be a force for good in our communities, cities and the country.
The call to the church–to all Christians–is to rediscover the cultural mandate, embracing the opportunity to influence culture. In the church, we must
teach about calling and cultural influence and provide vital support to cultural leaders. We must become an integral piece of the local culture,
convening and encouraging creation of future culture that serves the common good. We must become connoisseurs of good culture, recognizing and
celebrating the good, the true, and the beautiful to the glory of God, and begin to
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The Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution revolutionized the middle ages. The concepts of secularization, scientific method, heliocentrism, as well as the creation of
major fields of science. The Scientific Revolution paved the way for modern science. Much of the work that created during the sixteenth and
seventeenth century is still considered to be the foundation of many major fields such as chemistry, physics, astronomy and biology. During the
revolution, science began to be excepted by both the Protestant and the Catholic churches. Matter of fact, science was encouraged by the church.
However, the church had control over the scientist and would commonly censor individuals that spoke out against the church. Scientific Method is the
combination of experimental observation and mathematical deduction. This concept was used to determine the laws of nature. The Scientific Method
was first developed in the seventeenth century and became the standard of truth seeking. The old Christian doctrine that was established by the
scientific teachings of ancient philosophers such as Ptolemy and Aristotle. According to The Making of the West by Lynn Hunt, "Scientific method of
determining the laws of nature undermined traditional accounts of natural phenomena" (Hunt 493). The traditional accounts of natural phenomena,
which was established by the ancient philosophers came under question. Many scientists such as Isaac Newton, except the scientific method. The use of
Scientific Method, led to ground
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Christian Science
"There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All–in–all. Spirit is immortal
Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness.
Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual." (S&H 468)
"Christian Science founder, Mary Baker Eddy was born in Bow, New Hampshire, in 1821. Her parents were devout Christians and she joined a
Congregational Church at age 17. She was chronically sick growing up with many ailments including paralysis, hysteria, seizures and convulsions. At
22, she married her first of three husbands, George Glover, who died within 6 months from ... Show more content on ...
Principia is a pre–school–college that is located in the St Louis area for Christian Scientists and many families have moved their so their children can
attend. Boston is the home of The Mother Church and The Christian Science Monitor amongst others and so many people live and work in that area.
rica ) Christian Scientists refer to God as "Father–Mother" rather than the biblical "Father." Though unconventional, this is not a major departure from
mainstream Christianity, since God is believed to encompass both male and female (both were created "in the image of God"). Christian Science
teaches that Jesus is divine but not God, and that Jesus' human nature is a separate entity from the divine Christ. "Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus
himself declared, but is the Son of God" (Science and Health, 361:12–13). "Jesus is the name of the man who, more than all other men, has presented
Christ, the true idea of God, healing the sick and sinning and destroying the power of death" (Science and Health, 473:10–17). Mrs. Eddy rejected the
traditional doctrine of the Trinity, saying that it suggests polytheism (Science and Health,
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Christian Science Research Papers
Cristian Science Christian Science is an ongoing religious cult that was started in the early nineteenth century. Mary Baker Eddy was the original
founder who started the idea in the United States during 1879. After a thirty–five year revision period, she finished the Christian Science textbook,
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. The textbook was finally published in 1875, which stated all the beliefs of Christian Science. Some of
the beliefs include the tenets of Christian Science. Each tenet explains what a Christian Scientist believes about God, the Bible, and Jesus. The largest
controversy when it comes to Christian Science is the belief about healing and medicine. They believe that prayer and spiritual means to heal
themselves of any sickness. The concept was produced when Mary was reading the Bible while being ill. Her idea of spiritual healing is also
believed to be a large part of redemption. If a person does not believe that God will heal them through prayer, then they are not saved. After teaching a
class her newfound belief on healing, she established a school called the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. Many of her students became believers
and were able to heal people. It was during this time that the belief grew until the twenty–first ... Show more content on ...
They believe that Jesus is a divine human being that is not considered a deity. While they do believe in both the crucifixion and resurrection, they do
not believe that Jesus is simply a moral example. Christian Scientists follow the Bible's teachings and the Trinity. To them, God is omnipotent and
purposeful as well. It is taught that God is infinite love and good. His laws are considered good and the only reality. With the power of God, one
glimpse can overcome sin, sickness, and evil. Over all, the belief is similar to Christianity except the spiritual healing
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The Importance Of The Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg a German invented the first printing press with movable type during the 1440's. The printing press allowed for an easy way to
mass produce physical copies of the text. The easy production allowed for a fast diffusion of ideas throughout Europe allowing for more people to
develop a desire to become literate. The Number one text that was printed was the Bible, allowing for people to carry around their own copies and this
also created question against the church. The invention of the printing press impact the lives of many Europeans. It allowed for people to challenge with
the church has been teaching them and spread their own ideas and opinions to the mass.
Europe's literacy level was not high at the time of the printing ... Show more content on ...
(POV) Tyndale is probably saying this against the Church's text because as an English theologian and a reformer he doesn't see the church's teachings
as the true authority and truth. (Doc 3)This support against the scripture and the church created problems for the church. (Outside) The printing press
aided the reformation. The protestant reformation was a movement against the Catholic Church's teachings. The reformation was led by different
reformers including Martin Luther and John Calvin who each had their different interpretations of the Scripture that were published and shared to the
masses by the press. The spread of information against the church gained momentum and support for and against the reformers and changed the way
people thought about the church. Many would leave the church in support for reforms impacting the religious life of Europe.
The religious life of Europeans was impacted by the printing press due to the interpretations people had about the Scripture. The church had trouble
controlling activists who denounced the Scripture, those who argued against it in their own works like Jan Hus had their works burned and deemed
heretical. The press gave people the power to stand up against the Church and gain support for their ideas. (POV) The Council of Constance is
probably saying Jan Huss is a heteric and so are his sons because they side with
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How Do Catholic And Protestant Christianity Differ? Essay
Broadly speaking, how do Catholic and Protestant Christianity differ? There are several essential differences between Catholics and Protestants.
Although over the years, numerous endeavors have been made to seek a mutual understanding between the two, differences remain and they are just as
key today as they were at the commencement of the Reformation. Molloy makes some very clear distinctions (Molloy, p 373 and p 378). Protestants
believe every Christian has the right to extensively question and reinterpret Christian belief and practice. This practice is oftentimes referred to the
Protestant Principle. Catholics, however, believe individual Bible interpretation must be guided by the Catholic Church. Protestants frequently define
the concept of salvation as being achieved through the grace of Christ alone. Catholics, on the other hand, view this justification as a process through
Church participation, which is seen as the foundation of saving grace. Another difference is the view of the authority of the Pope, who is viewed as the
surrogate head of Jesus. This gives the Pope the authority to make his teaching infallible and requisite upon all Christians. The Protestants, however,
consider no human is infallible and that Jesus Christ, alone, is the head of the Church. In other words, while Catholics depend upon apostolic
succession to establish the Pope's authority, the Protestants believe the Church's authority comes from the Word of God rather than apostolic
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The Church Of Worship Associated With Their Religion
For the many people who choose to follow a religion, the place of worship associated with their religion often serves as the center of their religious
experience. For followers of Christianity, this significant place is a church. By attending church services weekly, or sometimes even daily, more
common among extremely devoted members, people give meaning to the church itself. Without the church community, meaning the people who
belong to the church, the church could be just any another brick building at the end of the street. This is not the case, however, as active church
members, and even just visitors, like myself, each instill their own meaning into the church, and the sum of all of these individual experiences is
what makes the church so meaningful. Before this past weekend, I had only ever been to churches for weddings and funerals. I did not grow up in
a religious family, so the concept of "going to church" was never prominent in my mind, nor a part of my life. From a young age, though, I could
always tell that churches were significant places. While many churches are large and grand, clearly displaying their importance, even smaller, more
simple churches still seem to demand a level of respect that other sorts of buildings just do not. So, I decided to use this opportunity to find out what I
had been missing throughout my life: going to a Sunday church service. My friend Camille is a member of the Church of Christ, Scientist, a relatively
new denomination of
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Leonardo Da Vinci A Renaissance Man
William Byrd and Leonardo Da Vinci and the composer and artist duo that I have chosen from the Renaissance era or music and art. As Leonardo
Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in a city called Vinci, Republic of Florence which today is not modern day Italy and died on May 2, 1519 at the
age of 67 in the city of Amboise, Kingdom of France. Da Vinci was more known as an artist and scientist, but was also an inventor, architect, musician,
mathmation, engineer, astronomy, writer, historian, and geologist. So you could say that Da Vinci was a "Renaissance man," meaning that he was
pretty much good at everything he did. Da Vinci's most notable works of art were the "Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man, and the Lady
with an Ermine." Da ... Show more content on ...
Da Vinci's artwork of "The Last Supper" is as a piece of art that captures the moment of Christ just after he tells his disciples that one of them will
betray him is a very influential moment of the bible and is beautifully depicted in this art work. I believe this work of art is a stand–alone piece of art
that is great in that it shows Christ in the moment having his hands spread apart showing that they are pointed at a piece of bread and a glass of
wine. Which in turn represents the body of Christ in the bread and the blood of Christ in the wine, which is the sacrament. What is also interesting
about the painting is that Jesus's hand that is reaching for the wine is also near a dish on the table which Judas is reaching for symbolizing that
fact that Judas is the one who betrays Jesus and has a bag of silver in his other hand in the painting. As for William Byrd, I believe his music is
beautiful in the fact that it is very calming and easy listening, which makes me just want to listen to more of it. His style of music reminds me of the
Gothic era of music in a way because of the deep echo voices in the background, but it has more to it as the other singers bring a more full sound to
the piece of music and make the texture a nice soft but abrasive type of listening that has emotion in its sound. I enthusiastically enjoyed
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The Influences Of The Scientific Revolution On The...
The Influences of the Scientific Revolution on the Enlightenment
The Scientific Revolution was a period of rapid scientific advances that occurred in the European nations between the 16th and 17th century. Famed
scientists such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei questioned the widely held beliefs on astronomy based upon the assertions of the Catholic
church. These curiosities lead to an unquenchable desire to explore and observe the occurences of the natural world and slowly lead the scientists away
from the authority of the church. More scientists such as Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes focused their explorations on inductive and deductive
reasoning to more efficiently analyze situations. Philosophers during the Enlightenment used ... Show more content on ...
Novum Organum, written by Francis Bacon, focused on how to hypothesize during experiments. Bacon suggested that "it is idle to expect any great
advancement in science from super inducing and engrafting of new things upon old." Bacon also emphasized the fact that only referencing arguments
on past experiments was pointless. By only viewing past experiments, it was impossible for scientists to develop more in their new experiments. The
combination of viewing both types of experiments, new and old, was a major part of inductive reasoning. Descartes focused more on deductive
reasoning compared to Bacon. Rene aspired to create a new system of truth through deductive reasoning. In his book, I Think, Therefore I Am, he
stated that he refused to accept any knowledge unless it was clearly true. Another one of his methods was to isolate each part of everything he examined
to avoid bias. Descartes found through his methods that deductive reasoning required only accepting the truth, breaking the problem into parts and
analyzing the problem. John Locke addressed inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning with his theories in his publication, Some Thoughts
Concerning Education. John Locke claimed that every person was born with a clean slate and their education was vital to their well–being. His mission
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Religious Liberty Paper
Is our society's strict adherence to religious freedoms costing the lives of innocent children? The Christian Science Church rely on the Establishment
Clause and The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment as granting themselves and their children exemption from medical intervention. But
because of their insistence in relying solely on prayer for the healing their sick children, approximately one child a month in the U.S. is known to die
from an illness that would have been curable had they had medical attention. 1 Religious liberties of parents might protect their beliefs, but it should not
protect their conduct of denying the rights of a child to his or her life. Section 1. of the 14th Amendment states, "No State shall make or... Show more
content on ...
Walker) said the state's religious exemption law applied to a neglect statute and not to the manslaughter statute.(Masskids–7) As of 2011, Oregon made
it a total of six states , along with Nebraska, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland and North Carolina to do away with religious exemptions in civil or
criminal code cases pertaining to the medical care of sick or injured children. (Swan finally PDF–8)
As American Christians we should rally around Constitutionally protected religious liberties granted under the First Amendment clauses but not those
that compromise Bible truths. 1 John 4 says, " Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because
many false prophets have gone out into the world." Cult leaders dazzle the uniformed with the seeming insightfulness in their grasp of the Bible.
(Holman Bible – find a way to cite – 9) Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy is believed to have received her insights from divine revelation
and so her text Science and Health supersede all others including the Bible. (Hoekema–10) She said that she wrote Science and Health to help her
befuddled members through intricacies in the Bible they just would not understands and says "...therefore, we recommend that Materia Medica,
Physiology, Laws of Health, Mesmerism and Mediumship be given a public execution at the hands of our Sheriff, Progress. The supreme bench
decides in favor of
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How Did The Enlightenment Influence Western Civilization
How Did the Enlightenment Change Western Civilization? How Much Do Enlightenment Idea's Continue to Influence the World? The Enlightenment,
it was also known as the Age of Reason, it was a philosophical and cultural movement that took place in Europe later and spread to North America, The
Enlightenment gave rise to new concepts and strong beliefs in Education, liberty and freedom.
During this period, Salons were places people gathered to discuss varies topics The
Enlightenment produced thinkers and who were questioned the status quote. The influence of the
Enlightenment periods can be seen in several categories: Politics, Philosophy, Religion, Arts,
Science John Locke (1632–1704). Believed in the natural rights of the individual. and ... Show more content on ...
The influence of the movement would find its way into one of our nation most valuable documents "The Declaration of Independents". Voltaire, was by
far the most celebrated of his peers during the period of Enlightenment. He used Satire and criticism to show injustices as he felt were in the Catholic
Church. He promoted freedom of expression and separation of Church and state. Today separation of church and state is practiced the Western culture.
Isaac Newton (1642–1727) was an English mathematician and physicist He is credited for laying the foundation for mechanics and calculus. And
major in the law of motion and gravitational pulls. His contribution would lay the foundation for respected area of scientist study. Music: Bach, Johann
Sebastian (1685 – 1750): German Composer polyphonic compositions Who made contributions to the world of music during the
Enlightenment age. His emotional expressiveness in his music continued to connect with listers centuries after his death. The First Great Awakening
was an evangelical renewal that made its way across Europe Britain and America especially the American colonies, in the 1730s and
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Christian Science Research Paper
There are many Church of Christ, Scientist spread around internationally. The First Church of Christ, Scientist was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in
1879 in Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Baker was an Influential Author as well as a religious leader. During her time she published "Science and Health"
along with launching "The Christian Science Monitor". Thus inspiring people to become a part of her new profound Church.
Around February 5,1920 a Christian Science Society was organized by friends in McAllen, Texas who gathered at private homes. Meetings were
continued, but as time passed they began renting rooms, facility's, where services would be made more public. Their services consisted of getting
together on any day they were available since set days nor times were yet to be spoken of. A year later By–Laws were adopted on January 12, 1921
and the first Wednesday evening testimony was held yet another year later, on February 8,1922. Sunday School was finally established in 1923 as
well as the first Christian Science Lecture and Thanksgiving Day service. In 1927 the Society was organized into a church in McAllen, Texas. An
application was made to the Mother Church in Boston, and on July 1 the Board of Directors granted the request. ... Show more content on ...
Their set dates were officially Sunday and Wednesday services. On Sunday their sermon is based on a weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson,
consisting of readings from the "Bible and Science and Health" written by Mary Baker Eddy. A democratically elected "First Reader conducts the
Sunday service and reads from Science and Health while a "Second Reader" is chosen to read from the bible. Wednesday service consists of
Testimony Meetings. They also obtain a Christian Science Reading Room which is open to the public on
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The Scientific Revolution : The Evolution Of The...
In the beginning God created the heavens with the Earth along with man in his own image. For over 1500 years, Christian followers were heavy
believers of the bible, seeing it as the primary source for knowledge. Then came the scientific revolution in the 1500s, a movement which challenged
the Christian view of the universe. It was a time when people were looking for a new way of thinking about the world. Since then and to this day, there
has been several instances in which scientific inquiry and religious belief have collided in their ideologies.
What is now called science, emerged around 4 centuries ago. The hard work of scientists brought new ways of interpreting the world. They no longer
relied on the deliberate word of God. The scientific revolution put individual curiosity, inquiry, reason, and experiments abovereligion. Throughout the
Renaissance, the increased advancements in science forced the Catholic church to execute "rebellious" researchers who opposed their religious views.
When scientists were sentenced to death they were charged by the church for denying the divinity of Jesus Christ and questioning the church's
authority. The 19th century, also known as the Age of Reason, had brought many new great minds who challengedChristianity, forcing the church to
step down. Great thinkers such as Darwin removed the argument for God's main existence. All making science the biggest challenge Christianity will
ever have to face. If this ongoing revolution of science
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The Renaissance And The Rebirth Of The Renaissance
The Renaissance and the Reformation acted as a rebirth. This included the rebirth of art, education, Greek and Roman values, and religion. An
important part of the rebirth is art. This played a big role in the rebirth of the middle ages. The rebirth of art shows the rebirth of technology with
Raphael and Michelangelo which allowed them to portray reality. With new technical knowledge like the study of anatomy and astronomy, artists
achieved new places in religious paintings. As skills increased, artist's skills raised and art methods were improved. This was to up the ability to
represent reality which was an ideal factor in the Renaissance. Because reality was so important, there was increase of the importance of psychological
and physical reality for the glorification of the human body. An example of this would be Brunelleschi's Resurrection of the Son of Theophilus in
which he paints the face with wrinkles, pimples, and more. This shows the reality of the face. Education was an important part of the rebirth of culture
and customs. During the times of the Germanic invasions, education only focused on perfection and idealistic beliefs, not the realistic views of the
Renaissance. An example of this would be the polis. During the early middle ages before the Renaissance the idea of the perfect polis, like Athens and
Sparta, was very important. Ideas of perfection with education was not important during the Renaissance. The idea of reality started with Francesco
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The Medieval Er The Great Height Of Glorious...
In today's day and age, a common view of the Medieval Era is that it was a dark period, full of non–civility and ignorance. It is a generally accepted
approach to consider only the bad aspects of the time, and one either ignores or has no knowledge of the many accomplishments that occurred during
this period. Although it is true that there were bad aspects about the Medieval Era, no time is without its faults, and this period in particular rose to a
great height of glorious accomplishment and advancement that continues to benefit the world today. The Medieval times are commonly considered to
be a time of social oppression and religious superstition, but in reality the advancements of this time clearly show that it was not a "Dark Age," as...
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In this age, the invention of the scale was produced, a musical technique that is one of the foundations of modern music.5 Gregorian Chant, long
attributed to Pope Gregory the Great, is a beautiful style of music shown to date from the 7th Century; and it continues to be used in the Catholic
Church today.6 Lastly, there are the many extraordinary painting accomplishments that occurred during this time, such as the foundation of a unique
art school by an Italian shepherd named Giotto.7 This school taught a form of painting that portrayed art both realistically and beautifully.8
3 Ibid
4 Ibid, 281
5 RГ©gine Pernoud, Those TerribleMiddle Ages! : Debunking the Myth (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 1997) 63
6 Ibid, 51
7 Anne W. Carroll, Christ the King : Lord of History (Rockford, IL: Tan Books and Publishers, 1994) 191
8 Ibid
Another famous painter is Fra Angelico, a member of the Florentine School, who was responsible for painting many beautiful masterpieces.9 The
Crucifixion, which is perhaps his most famous work, portrays Christ's
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Essay on General Revelations of God
A question that has perplexed humans through the ages is if we have the ability to reach God. The witness of Scripture and leading theologians attest
that individuals have a limited knowledge of God through general revelation in the natural world. General revelation can provide valid knowledge that
there is a God, which aids in the acceptance of special revelation.
General revelation is an individual's ability to gain knowledge of God through his presence in the world. The knowledge we are able to gain through
general revelation is limited. It doesn't bring salvation and tells very little about God's character, but it can bring us knowledge of the existence of God.
We are able to gain this knowledge of him because he is a Creator ... Show more content on ...
Humans, unlike animals, have a sense of moral responsibility to do what is good (Guthrie, 42). It is more than a subjective sense of what is right
and wrong, it is a understanding of justice and injustice. The presence of our conscience implies there is a moral standard. If there is a moral
standard, then the standard had to be set by someone or something. "An objective moral order is meaningless unless there is a Divine Being"
(Trueblood, Philosophy of Religion, 114). Aesthetics is another place a person can experience general revelation. Like our sense of morals, beauty is
not subjective. It is something we discover. For example, music is random sounds but is based on scales. A musician has to learn about scales and
chords before writing a song. If beauty is not something we create, but something we discover then there must be a set standard of what is beautiful.
If there is a standard of beauty in the world, then there must be a Creator of the world. It is through the various forms of general revelation that
individuals are able to learn certain aspects about the character of God and the purpose of human life. We can see this in other belief systems, theories,
and ideas about life and the world that non–Christians hold to that are very similar to certain biblical teachings.
"Without any reference to Jesus, the Bible, or the Christian church, many philosophers, scientists, psychologists, artists, and followers of other
religions have
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Christian Science v Morman Essay
With the advancements in the study of social sciences, there has been a somewhat parallel growth of cults which though have their foundations in the
original Bible and the Christian teachings, yet one may observe that the majority of the present day cults not only deny the essential doctrines, they
openly emphasize and present their own personal reinterpretations of the biblical scriptures. The following paper will present two such cases, those of
Christian Science and the Mormons, and strive to present some of the comparative elements, their beliefs, customs, religious ceremonies and leadership
Christian Science – Leadership
Founded by a woman named Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910) in 1879, the cult of Christian Science ... Show more content on ...
Christian Science – The Customs
Some of the salient customs of the Christian Science include a daily prayer ritual which serves to bring realization of God, and God's Love as well as
assist others in experiencing the harmonizing and healing effect of the primary understanding of the Christian Science. The cult also emphasizes on the
spiritual healing effect and gives more than a mere emphasis as compared to the medical treatment of the ailing humanity. The cult has nor formal
ministers, and instead the Bible, Science and Health are its pastor and preacher.
With its headquarters in Boston, duly called the First Church of the Christ, Scientist, or The Mother Church. It is assisted with a number of local
churches, which serve as its branches. Run under a Manual of the Mother Church, the Christian Science has a Board of Directors, which governs the
Church on a democratic system, and is duly assisted by its branches. (Slick, 2003; Kramer, 2004; Meyer, 1961)
The Mormon Cult – Leadership
Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 in New York, the cult of the Mormons is yet another faith that derives its teachings from Biblical scriptures.
Though most, if not all the elements of this cult are founded in the original Biblical texts, followers of the Christian belief due to some of the extreme
contradictions and deceptions in both the books of the Mormons as well as its teachings largely oppose the faith. The cult has some 7 million
members, out of 5 million are
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The Pros And Cons Of Western Christianity
When people close their eyes and try to picturize Jesus, generally a singular image comes to mind. A godly figure with blonde hair, blue eyes, and
pale skin. This image is similar to what is seen in many popular Western paintings in museums like the 16th–century painting, Christ Among the
Doctors by artist Albrecht Durrer. In this painting the fair skinnedJesus looks celestial and divine amongst the dark, sinister Jewish scholars. But
what all of these famous pieces of art have in common is that they fail to portray who Jesus truly was: a practicing Jewish man from Nazareth, Israel.
As Jesus was a Jew from Israel, historically it would be impossible for him to look like his fair–skinned Northern European devotees. Although the
Bible and many ... Show more content on ...
Judaism and Islam in particular practice aniconism, the custom in which there are no physical depictions of their God or entities relating to God.
There are also no physical descriptions of how they look in religious texts either. This makes it very easy for people around the world practice the
religion and feel included. Since there is no physical depiction, every devotee is free to contextualize the religion in any way relating it to
themselves. However that is not the only option. Some religions like Hinduism have gods that are depicted in colors that do not pertain to any
particular race. Although Hinduism is widely popular in India, the physical depictions do not only pertain to Indians. Many pieces of Hindu art
displays gods like Krishna or Vishnu as blue gods. The god Hanuman is also sometimes depicted to be a red god in popular forms of Hindu art and
in many sculptures. Unlike these religions, since physical depictions of Christian art do not adhere to all people of all skin tones, many people may
leave the Christian Church. Since one of the main goals of the Christian Church is to expand the religion and recruit new followers, this can be an issue
if many people around the world cannot identify with their own religion. Thus in order to keep expanding the Church and staying true to Christ's
mission, the Church must either educate its followers
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Analysis Of That's Humanism !
In the YouTube video by Stephen Fry entitled, "That's Humanism!" (Fry, "That's Humanism!"). The introduction of the video started with a question,
"How do we know what is True?" "What's true through the use of evidence and science?" (Fry, "That's Humanism!"). In response to 'blind faith,' the
"scientific creationists substitute a materialist definition of faith demanding that science confirm scripture and scripture confirm science, while
simultaneously attacking the materialism of scientific explanation"(Aliff 2005). Faith without science is "blind" (Regier 2010). Regier stated, "There is
a delicate balance between science and religion, without one the other will produce wrong answers or not produce answers at all" (2010).
Albert Einstein ... Show more content on ...
In order to discover how the cosmos works, humanist believe that "observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against evidence has the
best track record" (Fry, "That's Humanism!").
How does the "experimentation and testing of theories against evidence" hold true when some individuals experience a vision or supernatural reality
of life after death (Fry, "That's Humanism!")? For example, in 1988, a former president of the British Humanist Association, and a philosophy
professor of logic at Oxford University, AJ Ayer, had a spiritual experience of life after death. In Ayer's supernatural vision he saw a "bright red light,
which he thought was 'responsible for the government of the universe,'" after his heart stop beating for four minutes ("The Humanist Philosopher Saw
the Light Governing the Universe" 26). Ayer was "known for his distrust of anything that could not be backed up by science" (26).
However, after seeing an invisible reality when he was dead, Ayer's perspective and "conviction that there is no God" all changed because he could
not deny the truth that other angelic beings govern the universe (26). We can safely conclude that Ayer's mind was "transformed" and "renewed" to
know that there is a "perfect" invisible world beyond the reality of the human conscious (Rom. 12:1–3). Humanist
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White Paper Writing Basics Of Writing A Whit
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Counter Reformation Dbq

  • 1. Counter Reformation Dbq The development of new ideas and inventions lead to a spread of ideas which resulted in the protestant reformation and in retaliation to this, the Catholic Church initiated the Counter–Reformation. The Protestant Reformation began because of rapidly changing views on how the world works and the introduction of new inventions such as the printing press. As people began to focus more on the world around them they began expand their view of things. Many scientists opposed agreed upon ideas such as the Earth being the center of the universe. The Catholic Church at the time understood this as blasphemy and excommunicated people from the church. This lead to the creation of protestant denominations. Among the many reformers Martin Luther and John Calvin are arguably the most known. Martin Luther was not only a reformer but a professor of theology, composer, priest, and a monk. His belief that freedom from god's punishment could be purchased with money through indulgences. He strongly believed that this was wrong and against what God wanted. His ideas and beliefs eventually lead to this excommunication and condemnation as an outlaw buy the emperor. Luther's beliefs include... Show more content on ... The Counter–Reformation sought to reform four major elements; ecclesiastical reconfiguration, religious orders, spiritual movements, and political dimensions. Seminaries for proper training of priests, returning of orders to their spiritual foundations, and new spiritual movements focusing on ones devotional life and relationship with Christ. Among these reforms was the Inquisition. The Inquisition was responsible for the "purifying" of Christians. They were mostly peaceful but were also known for burning many people at the stake. At times as many as two hundred in one day were burned under accusations of witchcraft. They aimed to retake areas that had previously been converted to ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Shroud Of Turin : Deep Inside The Cathedral Of St.... Matthew Douthit Professor Sullivan ANTH 2302 28 April 2017 Final Paper – The Shroud of Turin Deep inside the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, Italy rests a 14.5 x 3.7 inch long linen cloth. This shroud is stored in a custom built, temperature and humidity controlled, lighttight case made of bulletproof, laminated glass, which weighs about 2,200 pounds. On the shroud bears the faint image of a man who has been crucified. Many believe it to be the actual burial shroud Jesus of Nazareth was wrapped in when he was buried after crucifixion. This is the Turin Shroud. The image of the man on the shroud bears a striking resemblance to the historical descriptions of Jesus. Not only that, but all the wounds align precisely with the ... Show more content on ... In 1532, the shroud was greatly burned in a fire in Savory, whereafter nuns repaired the damage. In 1578, the shroud was transferred to Turin, Italy where it has remained in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist ever since. Further repairs were made to the shroud in 1694 and 1868. The whole rest of world did not learn about the shroud until 1898 when Italian amateur photographer Secondo Pia took the first photographs of it. The image on the shroud itself is extremely faint, but Pia's photographic negatives brought out the image in striking detail. Pia was shocked at what he had discovered. "I was looking into the face of the Lord," he later said. And just like that, the Turin Shroud spread like wildfire across the globe. In 1977, science decided to put the shroud under the microscope. Three American scientists, John Jackson, Eric Jumper, and William Mottern along with over thirty others, formed the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP). Its goal: figure out how the was image formed. In 1978, despite the resistance of many in the Vatican, the Turin church agreed to let STURP physically examine the shroud. The church gave them only 120 hours to let them do their thing, and STURP immediately got to it. They worked literally around the clock to find out how the haunting image got on the linen cloth. "There were spectral analysis done," Barrie Schwortz, the photojournalist who recorded the event recalls. "There were a mosaic of photographs ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The evolution of apes was a possibility in the 19th... The evolution of apes was a possibility in the 19th century. Although religion had been cherished for centuries, the doubts in people's mines began to express many uncertainties about the bible and started to question their own beliefs. The issue of evolution was a huge concern in the 19th century as it was destroying the view of god and how he made the world; this caused many people to either change their views on life or their religion which had a huge part in resolving people's beliefs in their own culture. This has had a huge impact on today's society due to the involvement of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. In the 19th century people believed that we came/ were made by Adam & Eve, but through Darwinism there was a ... Show more content on ... (2006).). The impact on today's society has shown us how far science has come. From the release of the evolution theory in 1859, to today, science has changed phenomenally. The effect on society back in the 19th century was the outstanding criticism that was brought out by this theory. It changed people's beliefs, views and their overall thought on the world. Today many things have changed; there have been investigations into the evolution theory, discoveries of bones and many more things which have also changed many people's perspectives. Charles Darwin's book sparked large debates across the world, large numbers of reviews, critiques and negative responses were published. When Darwin released the book "The origin of species" he was more worried about the effects it would have on his fellow scientists than the public. "Through all this, Darwin largely kept his nose out of things, safely hidden in the comfort of Down House, trying to tease out what reviewers thought of his science amidst all the politics and rhetoric."("Chalres Darwin & Evolution" (2009).). Darwin kept on with his work, publishing the evolution in plants, animals (including humans), adding to the large amount of evidence he had collected over the years. As the scientific world started to come to terms with evolutional theory, Darwin collected more and more evidence which started to go in his favour. The fact that Charles Darwin's idea was not accepted for many years shows us ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Integrative Approaches To Psychology And Christianity By... The book, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity written by Entwistle, N. David, analyzes the integration between Christianity and psychology. Entwitle explains why Christianity and psychology cannot integrate in the same area because the former is based on faith while the latter is based on the truth. However, he emphasizes that the interaction between psychology and Christianity cannot be avoided because the two concepts help people to understand the source of human behavior, as well as the healing process of a broken heart (Entwistle, 2010, p. 51). The theme of the whole text is inclined upon the idea that psychology and Christianity can be integrated and used together irrespective of the fact that they are based on completely different ideas. ... Show more content on ... According to the book, the term integrated should be viewed as a verb and as a noun because the role played by integration becomes both imperative and feasible (Entwistle, 2010, p. 26). Entwistle continues to explain that the main reason why faith and science have been in endless conflict for quite a long time is due to the fact that, science directly opposes theological ideas and concepts. Even though Entwistle (2010) supports this notion to some extent, he claims that the way a person understands the relationship between faith and science depends on individual assumptions. If a psychologist could understand that there is a direct conflict between faith and science, then they could appreciate why it is difficult to use science to prove the intelligence of Christ (Entwistle, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Similarities Between Roman Catholicism And Eastern Orthodoxy Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy The Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism are organized using a hierarchical system. Much like the ancient times in which these religions were established, they govern from the top down with bishops or leaders having ultimate authority and then several classifications that extend down to priest. They feel their top leaders stand in for Christ. For Eastern Othodoxy the leader is Eccumencial Patriarch and for the Roman Catholics it is the Pope. (VB: Polity in Catholicism and Orthodoxy) The formal principles for these two religions are the Bible plus tradition and decress. However, Eastern Orthodoxy uses the 66 books of the Canon and Apocrypha and the Roman Catholicism use the 66 books of the Cannon and Canonical. To them the Bible and the tradition of worship are equally important. The material principles for these religions are that they are saved by faith with works infused grace through the priests on the via to earn God's glory. (The Christian Church on Earth) The worship of the Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodoxy are both highly liturgical and ornate with icons. They have a low use of preaching in their worship services. The teachings for these two religions include infant baptism for the remission of original sin and the gift of faith. The Roman Catholics teach the Lord's Supper is the sacrament through Transubstantiation but they view the Lord's Supper as unbloody sacrifice through Transubstantiation. They both teach ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Religion: Christian Science Christian Science is an idealistic and most radical form of transcendental religiosity. The study of Christian Science teaches a feeling of understanding of God's goodness and the differences between good and evil, life and death. The purpose of this paper is to address how the study of Christian Science helps us better understand the impact of globalization in America, as well as the impact of American on globalization. This paper is important because globalization features a dominant worldview. All throughout the world people believe, study and teach different types of religious movements that impact others. People need to better understand how certain religions modify, conflict with, and impact the world. First, it will discuss... Show more content on ... This movement asserts humanity and the universe as one. It's spiritual rather than material in nature. Worship and devotion in daily life involves praying and studying the Christian Science Bible. Throughout the year, one hour Sunday services are held and testimonies of healing were weekly on Wednesdays. The beliefs that go along with this new revelation teaches us of the existence of an all–powerful God and the gratefulness, authority and inspiration of the Bible. Any and everything created on this world is entirely spiritual and perfect and that matter does not exist. One of the main things Christian Science teaches is that they can heal themselves spiritually through prayer and realizing illness, sin and death do not exist. Also, Christian Science adherents believe in the practice of telepathy for a form of psychic healing. Besides praying every day for welfare and health of the local communities, Christian Scientists would host public events regularly where people could learn about this new religious movement. This event helped Christian Science globalize because the world was learning about this religion through the words of its adherents. America, having a remarkable religious diversity, easily spread the thoughts and ideas of Christian Science where it quickly became a well know religious movement. When hearing about a new religion such as Adventism, New ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Christian Scientist Religion Religion beliefs play an important role in the life of many individuals and way the religion is founded as well as what is their belief is important. Christian Scientist is a religion founded by a woman and is characterized by a unique belief and overview about the human way of healing. What makes this religion to be unique it is free of any type of discrimination as well as the way it's started. Christian Scientist religious beliefs are based on science, and also focus on the teaching and work of Jesus Christ and emphasizes on spiritual enlargement and healing. It is also known as The Church of Christ Scientist. The founder of this religion was Mary Morse Barker Eddy. She was born on July 16, 1821, in a town in New Hampshire. Eddy died on ... Show more content on ... God is understood to have unchanging love that explains the spiritual laws of love that grant permission for Jesus to heal sickness and sin. Its more as the infinity principle that is universal, constant, inclusive, eternal and the only true power and source of all good. In addition, science can answer a few questions such as evil, eternal life and reality. Beliefs and teachings play an important part or tenets of this religion. The bible, by King James, is used to inspired and guide in eternal life. This religion recognizes and adores on the supreme and infinity of God. Acknowledge his son, one Christ, the holy ghost or divine comforter and man in God's image and likeness Christian science. Accept that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal life. Jesus atonement as the evidence of divine, edification love; man is saved through Christ, through truth, life and love. To treat others, the way you want others to treat us with pure, mercy and justice. Also, accepted that Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary, (born, life and victory) and God is both "father and mother." God and life are against the evil, sin and dead. Healing is accomplished through a growing understanding of God and recognizes God as one identity. Also, they do not pray for jobs or money, they pray for spiritual enfoldment and right ideas for wisdom and intelligence to take the right step to serve man–kind. Beliefs that human are incapable of sin, sickness and dead. Due to these tents and beliefs Christian Science is considered to be a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Shroud Of Turin Case Study Shroud of Turin to Go on Display Again The controversial Shroud of Turin will be put on display again after a five–year absence. Beginning April 19 through June 24, 2015, the shroud will be on display at its home at the Turin Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist . Although viewing is free, if you plan to travel to see it, a reservation is necessary to get in to see the display. When the Shroud was last on display in 2010, organizers say that 2.5 million people came to see the religious relic. What is the Shroud of Turin? The Shroud of Turin is believed by the Christian faith to be the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth. It is a piece of linen cloth that is 4.4 meters (nearly 14.5 feet) long that is thought to show the image of Christ. The ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Leonardo Da Vinci Last Supper Analysis An early example of fantastic renaissance and one of the world's most recognizable paintings, as considered to many all over the world, is Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper, which is an iconic and powerful work of art. Finished in 1494, it has stood the test the time and you can go see this painting currently in Milan, Italy at the Santa Maria delle Grazie. In order to paint it, Leonardo used an oil/tempera mix and applied it to a dry wall. "He did this because he wanted to capture the look of an oil painting, but even within his lifetime it began to wear off. Further destruction was caused in the seventeenth century, when a door was cut into the bottom," according to As it stands today, this masterpiece is currently 523 years old which is impressive due to the fact that it has been through so many tragic events, such as countless wars and occupations of different countries. Natural disasters could have also easily destroyed it as well like countless other paintings last throughout time. "Leonardo imagined, and has succeeded in expressing, the desire that has entered the minds of the apostles to know who is betraying their Master. So in the face of each one may be seen love, fear, indignation, or grief at not being able to understand the meaning of Christ; and this excites no less astonishment than the obstinate hatred and treachery to be seen in Judas." (Georgio Vasari, Lives of the Artists, 1568; translated by George Bull). In painting the Last ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Last Supper The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, is one of the most famous works of art in the world. This painting represents the religious ceremony with Jesus Christ and his 12 disciples. This is the last meal that was shared between him and his disciples before his arrest and his untimely crucifixion. Leonardo was commissioned to execute the painting in the Dominican monastery of this Church by Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza. Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, scientist, architect, author, engineer, inventor, and humanist. He was born in 1452 near Vinci in Italy, and died in Amboise, near Tours France in 1519. The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa are his most famous works of art. Although it took a little over three years to complete, da Vinci did ... Show more content on ... The Last Supper measures 460 cm Г— 880 cm (180 in Г— 350 in) and till this day covers an end wall of the dining hall at the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie, a church and Dominican convent in Milan, northern Italy. When I see the painting the shape is symmetric in the sense that there are the same amount of people on both sides of Jesus. The genre of this painting is Christian art.There are also four panels on both sides of the walls. In my opinion, the target audience that this painting was intended for are those who are believers of Christ. I feel this way because I think that this painting portrays the event that is talked about in the bible in the scripture Matthew 26, verse 21 where Jesus says "..."Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.". He then continues in verse 23 saying, "The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me". In the painting, you can clearly see the man two seats away from his right reaching for the bowl at the same time as Christ. This event lead to the Holy Eucharist, also known as communion or the Lord's Supper where Christ takes the bread which was to symbolize his body and wine which was to symbolize his ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Tertullian And Justin Martyr Both Tertullian and Justin Martyr are apologists defending the Christian faith; however, their approach is from two different mindsets. The mindset in which Justin Martyr approaches faith, reason, and philosophy shares similarities with the ideals of early Christian scientists who sought to grow in their faith through their studies and therefore saw their studies as extensions of their faith. Justin saw that the faith in Jesus Christ was the inevitable answer to his philosophical questions. Justin utilizes the prophesies and history of the Jewish people to explain his reasoning as to the soundness of the philosophy and faith in Christ. Even arguing that Plato, himself, developed his line of reasoning from the prophets and so by careful ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Reaffirming Jesus : How Convictions Challenged By... Daniel Barabino Jesus through the Centuries Dr. Millicent Feske 5 April 2017 Reaffirming Jesus: How Convictions Challenged by Conflicting Evidence Yield Stronger Beliefs Jesus has been presented to me in a consistent way from my youth beginning in kindergarten through my high school experience. My initial understanding of Jesus is that he is a fully human, fully divine savior that serves as a teacher for his historical peers through contemporary times. The conceptions and understanding I have of Jesus had not been contested, challenged or questioned until I came to St. Joseph's. While my original ideas of Jesus have largely remained unchanged throughout the course, they have been significantly strengthened through exploring and ... Show more content on ... This division is knowledge is largely attributed to the scientific revolution. For example, in early India, God was said to be present where priests were left silent. This ancient understanding of divinity was rooted solely in mythos. As science developed and rose to a paramount discipline with the likes of Copernicus and Newton, religion was tested against a logos way of thinking. Because of this, people demanded that science yield proof of biblical accuracies and so were born atheism and fundamentalism. People were reading the Bible far too literally (which was not nearly as pervasive a thought prior to the scientific revolution), and concurrently the certainty that began being expected of the Bible was too demanding. Interpreters of the Bible began holding up something to the laws of logos, that is intrinsically grounded in mythos Theres a misconception that a scientist cannot be involved in organized religion, that these two systems are diametrically opposed. Scientists are only "supposed" to be believe in the observable and quantifiable things that we can physically have proof of, and religion is seen as fundamentally against everything being a scientist is about. This thinking really helped me to better understand Jesus, and perhaps more generally God an organized religion. I am a skeptical and rational person (perhaps because my father is scientist), but that does not preclude me from believing or participating in religion. I do ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Evangelical Culture Essay Christianity has the world's largest following with over 2.4 billion adherents. Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, Christianity has been not only a widely followed religion in America, but an influential one as well. However, there has become a problem with the ways in which those who associate themselves with the Christian religion interact with opposing views. Despite Christianity's mission to live like Christ, Evangelicals –– followers of the Christian religion –– continually go to social media outlets to voice their political and cultural opinions. In the Evangelical culture, it has become common today to dismiss what other's opinions are in regards to the discussions of pro–life vs. pro–choice, the definition of marriage, and gun control in America. These heated debates of cultural and political issues are referred to as the "culture wars." Influential Christians in the United States have developed their own dominant opinions in these "culture wars" and ... Show more content on ... My whole life I have heard it said that I "should love others just as Jesus has loved me," John 15:12. I have grown up in the Christian Church and have developed a relationship with my God, Jesus Christ. As I have matured in my spiritual relationship and in my social understanding, I began to notice the hypocrisy within the Christian Church and how our leaders have undermined the very foundation that they preach on. I've always believed that I should be "subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one to be peaceable and considerate and always to be gentle toward everyone," Titus 3:1. While this is the message that the leaders and public figures of the Christian Church preach on, their actions in American political and cultural issues describe ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Judgement Day, Or The Judgement A huge concern for most people, Christ–follower or not, is the question of what happens in the end? What happens when humans die? It is a question that many people do not want to discuss because it brings up fear. Regardless of what people believe, all humankind will be judged in the end. Judgement Day, or the Judgement, is something that will happen in end times where God has selected a day to judge the world in righteousness. All people who have lived upon the earth, including fallen angels, will stand before Christ and give an account for his or her actions, thoughts, and words. The Judgment will be discussed in order to describe how it has been interpreted and studied as well as why it is important in life today. In order for one to believe that there will be a final judgement, one must have a specific worldview. One must believe that there is a God. This does not necessarily mean they are Christian as a person can believe in a God without actually following Him. One must believe in the Bible and that it is the inerrant word of God. One must also believe in Heaven and Hell and a basic belief in Eschatology. Eschatology comes from a Greek word "eschados" which means "last" and "logia" which means "the study of". It is the study of what happens in end times. One must believe that when they die, he or she's soul will leave their body and go to Heaven. From there, they will then be reunited with their body at the resurrection, and then await final judgement. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) is a universal news association that conveys worldwide scope by means of its site, week after week magazine, every day news preparation, email bulletins, Amazon Kindle membership, and versatile site. It was begun in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, the originator of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Starting 2011, the print flow was 75,052. The CSM is a daily paper that covers global and United States current occasions. The paper incorporates a day by day religious component on "The Home Forum" page, yet expresses the production is not a stage for evangelizing. On October 28, 2008, Editor John Yemma reported that the Monitor would end its day by day print adaptation to concentrate on electronic distributed. Rather than a day by day print version, CSM would distribute a week by week news magazine with a worldwide core interest ... Show more content on ... It was begun in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, the originator of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Starting 2011, the print flow was ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Shroud Of Turin: The Burial Clothing Of Jesus The Shroud of Turin Many people believe the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. It is made with linen cloth and is about thirteen and a half feet long by four and a half feet wide. It has been dated in various time periods, but those that have faith that it is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ, believe it is from the first century. Some carbon dating testing, however, indicates that the Shroud is from the thirteenth and fourteenth century. For this reason, many people debate when the Shroud was made or whether or not it is authentic. The Shroud of Turin is real because of the image on the Shroud, the evidence of pollens and flowers, and the bloodstains on the Shroud. The Shroud of Turin was first spotted in Lirey, France ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Shroud Of Turin Essay The Shroud of Turin: Priceless "Artifact" of Jesus Christ The Shroud of Turin is not real because there are three main pieces of evidence pointing towards that conclusion. One piece of evidence would be that scientific evidence has shown that the Shroud may only be as much as 600 years old. There were also many different fake shrouds circulating during the time that this particular shroud was thought to be real. Lastly, the fact that the blood on the Shroud is very red and appears to look too much like a picture. There are many more pieces of evidence but these three seem to support this claim strongly. One reason that lead me to believe that The Shroud of Turin is not real is that there is evidence that the Shroud may only be as little ... Show more content on ... "Is It a Fake? DNA Testing Deepens Mystery of Shroud of Turin."LiveScience, Purch, 23 Oct. 2015, /52567–shroud–of–turin–dna.html. Greene, Richard Allen. "Scientist Re–Creates Turin Shroud to Show It's Fake." CNN, Cable News Network, 7 Oct. 2009, /europe/10/07/italy.turin.shroud/. MailOnline, Matthew Kalman for. "The Turin Shroud Is a Fake... and It's One of 40: Historian Claims Linen Cloths Were Produced 1,300 Years after Crucifixion." Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 11 June 2012,–2157217 /The–Turin–Shroud–fake–Eminent–historian–claims–40–similar–cloths–originated–1–300–years–AFTER–crucifixion.html. Investigative Briefs with Joe Nickell, Feb 05, 2018, et al. "Investigative Briefs: Turin Shroud: 'Blood' Still Fake – Center for Inquiry." CFI – Center for Inquiry, 28 July 2017, Accessed 10 Feb. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Trial Of Galileo And The Catholic Church In the Trial of Galileo, The Roman Catholic church is the largest christian church in the Western civilization .The moral aspect concerns salvation. The Catholic Church was directed by the Holy Scripture by the Church Fathers, which provided the means of eternal salvation: those don 't renounce the Catholic Church of Catholicism place their souls in peril. Protestantism was an enemy Galileo had encountered but it derives the Catholic Church of converts because it deprives people from the true ideal of salvation amongst early catholic people. But in some situations got difficult for Galileo to handle more than one role played. The Galileo case for many anti catholics, is to be proven that church abhors science, refuse to abandon outdated teachings. The Church was not anti–scientific but it supported scientific endeavors for centuries. The Jesuits were a respected group of astronomers and scientist in Rome during Galileo 's time. Individuals and church officials and from the church, were many notable scientist who received fundings. During this time period Church funding from many scientific advances were contributed by clerics. Therefore if Galileo had not been prosecuted with the political controversy of the Catholic Church, he would have lived a longer life contributing more towards his theories and inventions as a scientist than his religious obedience. The Catholic Church teaches the most important that is the one true church founded by Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Homosexuality and the Christian Church Essay Homosexuality and the Christian Church In today's Christian churches there has come about a very controversial subject, one that has been developing for many years, and is now at the fore front of controversial issues dealing with the church. The issue at hand is homosexuality and the Christian church. This controversy has caused there to be a split between the church into two different beliefs, liberal and evangelical, which one is right and which and which one is wrong? Issues such as should homosexuals be aloud in the church? If so how involved should they be? And most importantly what does God have to say about homosexuality? These are tough question brought about by a tough issue and the only way these questions can be ... Show more content on ... We are obligated to Biblically uphold what God has clearly explained in the Bible about homosexuality. In doing so, churches are faced with hard questions that only God's word can give direction in. The main question is where do you draw the line with homosexuals in the church? When does it become appropriate for a church that openly accepts homosexuals to come in and repent of their sin to a church that is looking to honor God and do what is best for the well being of their entire church body by asking the homosexual to leave. This is a very touchy subject among heterosexuals and homosexuals alike in the church. Unfortunately there is a separation of views within the church as a whole. The two different views are represented by the liberal church and the evangelical church. The liberal church believes that homosexuals should be allowed to have membership, carry leadership positions, and that even the blessing of marriage should be bestowed upon gay couples. While on the other hand, there is the evangelical church, which strongly opposes homosexuals within the church and believes that homosexuals should not be allowed to hold membership, leadership positions, or receive the blessing of same sex marriage. This essay is directed towards the evangelical church as a reminder of what the Bible says about this issue and where we should stand. It is also an essay geared towards any Christian who might be confused on the issue of ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Did C. W. Dickey Influence Hawaiian Architecture C. W. Dickey is one of the most important figures in Hawaiian architecture. His material grandfather, William P Alexander, was a missionary to Hawaii. This contributed to Dickey's interest in Hawaiian architecture. He believes that with such unique weather condition and geographic location, Hawaiian architecture ought to have a distinctive style in order to cope with the weather. In 1926, Dickey declared that "Hawaiian architecture is a type distinctive to itself and Mediterranean style must be adapted to fit local conditions before they are at all suite to the islands" ("Famous Hawaii Architects"). In fact, the over–hanging roof with projecting eaves (the hut–like roof) became such a Dickey trademark that it is now referred as the 'Dickey Roof'. Dickey's contribution to Hawaiian architecture started with his recognition that Hawaii ... Show more content on ... Peter Vincent, a contemporary architect, claims that "[the Halekulani Hotel is] the epitome of casual elegance... [It has] become a model of Hawaiian architecture" ("Honolulu's Best Architecture"). Another significant building of C. W. Dickey is the Alexander and Baldwin Building built in 1929. The Alexander and Baldwin Building is a four story building with steel frame with concrete casting, very much like its contemporary concrete–cast architecture in Chicago. However, what makes it Hawaiian is its overhanging Dickey Roof. In addition, this building is significant in its blend of Oriental ornament with Western design, reflecting upon the historical relevance of Hawaii. Dickey designed this building alongside with another significant architect of Hawaii, Hart Wood. Dickey and Wood had been collaborating with one another on and off since 1919, they were once in partnership but in charge of different ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Importance Of Electronic Media And Communication We are to meet the people where they are at. With whatever means are available. What about our youth. If we aren't able to understands our youths way of communication and not only get involved with their language we have to educate them of the pitfalls of electronic media and communications. If the church doesn't find a way to stay "in–step" with our youth we are going to lose them. What I propose is to teach them proper ethical and spiruitual principles as it realates to electronic communication (i.e. texting, email, video conferencing, facebook). We would not be able to participate in on–line educational discussions if we didn't have the electronic means to do so. This vision demands that leaders in the church wrestle with the complexity of embodying the Gospel in culture. As the church rediscovers its unique role in culture, and supports the calling of their cultural influencers, it will be a force for good in our communities, cities and the country. The call to the church–to all Christians–is to rediscover the cultural mandate, embracing the opportunity to influence culture. In the church, we must teach about calling and cultural influence and provide vital support to cultural leaders. We must become an integral piece of the local culture, convening and encouraging creation of future culture that serves the common good. We must become connoisseurs of good culture, recognizing and celebrating the good, the true, and the beautiful to the glory of God, and begin to ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution revolutionized the middle ages. The concepts of secularization, scientific method, heliocentrism, as well as the creation of major fields of science. The Scientific Revolution paved the way for modern science. Much of the work that created during the sixteenth and seventeenth century is still considered to be the foundation of many major fields such as chemistry, physics, astronomy and biology. During the revolution, science began to be excepted by both the Protestant and the Catholic churches. Matter of fact, science was encouraged by the church. However, the church had control over the scientist and would commonly censor individuals that spoke out against the church. Scientific Method is the combination of experimental observation and mathematical deduction. This concept was used to determine the laws of nature. The Scientific Method was first developed in the seventeenth century and became the standard of truth seeking. The old Christian doctrine that was established by the scientific teachings of ancient philosophers such as Ptolemy and Aristotle. According to The Making of the West by Lynn Hunt, "Scientific method of determining the laws of nature undermined traditional accounts of natural phenomena" (Hunt 493). The traditional accounts of natural phenomena, which was established by the ancient philosophers came under question. Many scientists such as Isaac Newton, except the scientific method. The use of Scientific Method, led to ground ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Christian Science "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All–in–all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual." (S&H 468) "Christian Science founder, Mary Baker Eddy was born in Bow, New Hampshire, in 1821. Her parents were devout Christians and she joined a Congregational Church at age 17. She was chronically sick growing up with many ailments including paralysis, hysteria, seizures and convulsions. At 22, she married her first of three husbands, George Glover, who died within 6 months from ... Show more content on ... Principia is a pre–school–college that is located in the St Louis area for Christian Scientists and many families have moved their so their children can attend. Boston is the home of The Mother Church and The Christian Science Monitor amongst others and so many people live and work in that area. ( rica ) Christian Scientists refer to God as "Father–Mother" rather than the biblical "Father." Though unconventional, this is not a major departure from mainstream Christianity, since God is believed to encompass both male and female (both were created "in the image of God"). Christian Science teaches that Jesus is divine but not God, and that Jesus' human nature is a separate entity from the divine Christ. "Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus himself declared, but is the Son of God" (Science and Health, 361:12–13). "Jesus is the name of the man who, more than all other men, has presented Christ, the true idea of God, healing the sick and sinning and destroying the power of death" (Science and Health, 473:10–17). Mrs. Eddy rejected the traditional doctrine of the Trinity, saying that it suggests polytheism (Science and Health, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Christian Science Research Papers Cristian Science Christian Science is an ongoing religious cult that was started in the early nineteenth century. Mary Baker Eddy was the original founder who started the idea in the United States during 1879. After a thirty–five year revision period, she finished the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. The textbook was finally published in 1875, which stated all the beliefs of Christian Science. Some of the beliefs include the tenets of Christian Science. Each tenet explains what a Christian Scientist believes about God, the Bible, and Jesus. The largest controversy when it comes to Christian Science is the belief about healing and medicine. They believe that prayer and spiritual means to heal themselves of any sickness. The concept was produced when Mary was reading the Bible while being ill. Her idea of spiritual healing is also believed to be a large part of redemption. If a person does not believe that God will heal them through prayer, then they are not saved. After teaching a class her newfound belief on healing, she established a school called the Massachusetts Metaphysical College. Many of her students became believers and were able to heal people. It was during this time that the belief grew until the twenty–first ... Show more content on ... They believe that Jesus is a divine human being that is not considered a deity. While they do believe in both the crucifixion and resurrection, they do not believe that Jesus is simply a moral example. Christian Scientists follow the Bible's teachings and the Trinity. To them, God is omnipotent and purposeful as well. It is taught that God is infinite love and good. His laws are considered good and the only reality. With the power of God, one glimpse can overcome sin, sickness, and evil. Over all, the belief is similar to Christianity except the spiritual healing ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Importance Of The Printing Press Johannes Gutenberg a German invented the first printing press with movable type during the 1440's. The printing press allowed for an easy way to mass produce physical copies of the text. The easy production allowed for a fast diffusion of ideas throughout Europe allowing for more people to develop a desire to become literate. The Number one text that was printed was the Bible, allowing for people to carry around their own copies and this also created question against the church. The invention of the printing press impact the lives of many Europeans. It allowed for people to challenge with the church has been teaching them and spread their own ideas and opinions to the mass. Europe's literacy level was not high at the time of the printing ... Show more content on ... (POV) Tyndale is probably saying this against the Church's text because as an English theologian and a reformer he doesn't see the church's teachings as the true authority and truth. (Doc 3)This support against the scripture and the church created problems for the church. (Outside) The printing press aided the reformation. The protestant reformation was a movement against the Catholic Church's teachings. The reformation was led by different reformers including Martin Luther and John Calvin who each had their different interpretations of the Scripture that were published and shared to the masses by the press. The spread of information against the church gained momentum and support for and against the reformers and changed the way people thought about the church. Many would leave the church in support for reforms impacting the religious life of Europe. The religious life of Europeans was impacted by the printing press due to the interpretations people had about the Scripture. The church had trouble controlling activists who denounced the Scripture, those who argued against it in their own works like Jan Hus had their works burned and deemed heretical. The press gave people the power to stand up against the Church and gain support for their ideas. (POV) The Council of Constance is probably saying Jan Huss is a heteric and so are his sons because they side with ... Get more on ...
  • 26. How Do Catholic And Protestant Christianity Differ? Essay Broadly speaking, how do Catholic and Protestant Christianity differ? There are several essential differences between Catholics and Protestants. Although over the years, numerous endeavors have been made to seek a mutual understanding between the two, differences remain and they are just as key today as they were at the commencement of the Reformation. Molloy makes some very clear distinctions (Molloy, p 373 and p 378). Protestants believe every Christian has the right to extensively question and reinterpret Christian belief and practice. This practice is oftentimes referred to the Protestant Principle. Catholics, however, believe individual Bible interpretation must be guided by the Catholic Church. Protestants frequently define the concept of salvation as being achieved through the grace of Christ alone. Catholics, on the other hand, view this justification as a process through Church participation, which is seen as the foundation of saving grace. Another difference is the view of the authority of the Pope, who is viewed as the surrogate head of Jesus. This gives the Pope the authority to make his teaching infallible and requisite upon all Christians. The Protestants, however, consider no human is infallible and that Jesus Christ, alone, is the head of the Church. In other words, while Catholics depend upon apostolic succession to establish the Pope's authority, the Protestants believe the Church's authority comes from the Word of God rather than apostolic ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Church Of Worship Associated With Their Religion For the many people who choose to follow a religion, the place of worship associated with their religion often serves as the center of their religious experience. For followers of Christianity, this significant place is a church. By attending church services weekly, or sometimes even daily, more common among extremely devoted members, people give meaning to the church itself. Without the church community, meaning the people who belong to the church, the church could be just any another brick building at the end of the street. This is not the case, however, as active church members, and even just visitors, like myself, each instill their own meaning into the church, and the sum of all of these individual experiences is what makes the church so meaningful. Before this past weekend, I had only ever been to churches for weddings and funerals. I did not grow up in a religious family, so the concept of "going to church" was never prominent in my mind, nor a part of my life. From a young age, though, I could always tell that churches were significant places. While many churches are large and grand, clearly displaying their importance, even smaller, more simple churches still seem to demand a level of respect that other sorts of buildings just do not. So, I decided to use this opportunity to find out what I had been missing throughout my life: going to a Sunday church service. My friend Camille is a member of the Church of Christ, Scientist, a relatively new denomination of ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Leonardo Da Vinci A Renaissance Man William Byrd and Leonardo Da Vinci and the composer and artist duo that I have chosen from the Renaissance era or music and art. As Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in a city called Vinci, Republic of Florence which today is not modern day Italy and died on May 2, 1519 at the age of 67 in the city of Amboise, Kingdom of France. Da Vinci was more known as an artist and scientist, but was also an inventor, architect, musician, mathmation, engineer, astronomy, writer, historian, and geologist. So you could say that Da Vinci was a "Renaissance man," meaning that he was pretty much good at everything he did. Da Vinci's most notable works of art were the "Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man, and the Lady with an Ermine." Da ... Show more content on ... Da Vinci's artwork of "The Last Supper" is as a piece of art that captures the moment of Christ just after he tells his disciples that one of them will betray him is a very influential moment of the bible and is beautifully depicted in this art work. I believe this work of art is a stand–alone piece of art that is great in that it shows Christ in the moment having his hands spread apart showing that they are pointed at a piece of bread and a glass of wine. Which in turn represents the body of Christ in the bread and the blood of Christ in the wine, which is the sacrament. What is also interesting about the painting is that Jesus's hand that is reaching for the wine is also near a dish on the table which Judas is reaching for symbolizing that fact that Judas is the one who betrays Jesus and has a bag of silver in his other hand in the painting. As for William Byrd, I believe his music is beautiful in the fact that it is very calming and easy listening, which makes me just want to listen to more of it. His style of music reminds me of the Gothic era of music in a way because of the deep echo voices in the background, but it has more to it as the other singers bring a more full sound to the piece of music and make the texture a nice soft but abrasive type of listening that has emotion in its sound. I enthusiastically enjoyed ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Influences Of The Scientific Revolution On The... The Influences of the Scientific Revolution on the Enlightenment The Scientific Revolution was a period of rapid scientific advances that occurred in the European nations between the 16th and 17th century. Famed scientists such as Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei questioned the widely held beliefs on astronomy based upon the assertions of the Catholic church. These curiosities lead to an unquenchable desire to explore and observe the occurences of the natural world and slowly lead the scientists away from the authority of the church. More scientists such as Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes focused their explorations on inductive and deductive reasoning to more efficiently analyze situations. Philosophers during the Enlightenment used ... Show more content on ... Novum Organum, written by Francis Bacon, focused on how to hypothesize during experiments. Bacon suggested that "it is idle to expect any great advancement in science from super inducing and engrafting of new things upon old." Bacon also emphasized the fact that only referencing arguments on past experiments was pointless. By only viewing past experiments, it was impossible for scientists to develop more in their new experiments. The combination of viewing both types of experiments, new and old, was a major part of inductive reasoning. Descartes focused more on deductive reasoning compared to Bacon. Rene aspired to create a new system of truth through deductive reasoning. In his book, I Think, Therefore I Am, he stated that he refused to accept any knowledge unless it was clearly true. Another one of his methods was to isolate each part of everything he examined to avoid bias. Descartes found through his methods that deductive reasoning required only accepting the truth, breaking the problem into parts and analyzing the problem. John Locke addressed inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning with his theories in his publication, Some Thoughts Concerning Education. John Locke claimed that every person was born with a clean slate and their education was vital to their well–being. His mission to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Religious Liberty Paper Is our society's strict adherence to religious freedoms costing the lives of innocent children? The Christian Science Church rely on the Establishment Clause and The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment as granting themselves and their children exemption from medical intervention. But because of their insistence in relying solely on prayer for the healing their sick children, approximately one child a month in the U.S. is known to die from an illness that would have been curable had they had medical attention. 1 Religious liberties of parents might protect their beliefs, but it should not protect their conduct of denying the rights of a child to his or her life. Section 1. of the 14th Amendment states, "No State shall make or... Show more content on ... Walker) said the state's religious exemption law applied to a neglect statute and not to the manslaughter statute.(Masskids–7) As of 2011, Oregon made it a total of six states , along with Nebraska, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland and North Carolina to do away with religious exemptions in civil or criminal code cases pertaining to the medical care of sick or injured children. (Swan finally PDF–8) As American Christians we should rally around Constitutionally protected religious liberties granted under the First Amendment clauses but not those that compromise Bible truths. 1 John 4 says, " Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." Cult leaders dazzle the uniformed with the seeming insightfulness in their grasp of the Bible. (Holman Bible – find a way to cite – 9) Christian Science founder Mary Baker Eddy is believed to have received her insights from divine revelation and so her text Science and Health supersede all others including the Bible. (Hoekema–10) She said that she wrote Science and Health to help her befuddled members through intricacies in the Bible they just would not understands and says "...therefore, we recommend that Materia Medica, Physiology, Laws of Health, Mesmerism and Mediumship be given a public execution at the hands of our Sheriff, Progress. The supreme bench decides in favor of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. How Did The Enlightenment Influence Western Civilization How Did the Enlightenment Change Western Civilization? How Much Do Enlightenment Idea's Continue to Influence the World? The Enlightenment, it was also known as the Age of Reason, it was a philosophical and cultural movement that took place in Europe later and spread to North America, The Enlightenment gave rise to new concepts and strong beliefs in Education, liberty and freedom. During this period, Salons were places people gathered to discuss varies topics The Enlightenment produced thinkers and who were questioned the status quote. The influence of the Enlightenment periods can be seen in several categories: Politics, Philosophy, Religion, Arts, Science John Locke (1632–1704). Believed in the natural rights of the individual. and ... Show more content on ... The influence of the movement would find its way into one of our nation most valuable documents "The Declaration of Independents". Voltaire, was by far the most celebrated of his peers during the period of Enlightenment. He used Satire and criticism to show injustices as he felt were in the Catholic Church. He promoted freedom of expression and separation of Church and state. Today separation of church and state is practiced the Western culture. Isaac Newton (1642–1727) was an English mathematician and physicist He is credited for laying the foundation for mechanics and calculus. And major in the law of motion and gravitational pulls. His contribution would lay the foundation for respected area of scientist study. Music: Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 – 1750): German Composer polyphonic compositions Who made contributions to the world of music during the Enlightenment age. His emotional expressiveness in his music continued to connect with listers centuries after his death. The First Great Awakening was an evangelical renewal that made its way across Europe Britain and America especially the American colonies, in the 1730s and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Christian Science Research Paper There are many Church of Christ, Scientist spread around internationally. The First Church of Christ, Scientist was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879 in Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Baker was an Influential Author as well as a religious leader. During her time she published "Science and Health" along with launching "The Christian Science Monitor". Thus inspiring people to become a part of her new profound Church. Around February 5,1920 a Christian Science Society was organized by friends in McAllen, Texas who gathered at private homes. Meetings were continued, but as time passed they began renting rooms, facility's, where services would be made more public. Their services consisted of getting together on any day they were available since set days nor times were yet to be spoken of. A year later By–Laws were adopted on January 12, 1921 and the first Wednesday evening testimony was held yet another year later, on February 8,1922. Sunday School was finally established in 1923 as well as the first Christian Science Lecture and Thanksgiving Day service. In 1927 the Society was organized into a church in McAllen, Texas. An application was made to the Mother Church in Boston, and on July 1 the Board of Directors granted the request. ... Show more content on ... Their set dates were officially Sunday and Wednesday services. On Sunday their sermon is based on a weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson, consisting of readings from the "Bible and Science and Health" written by Mary Baker Eddy. A democratically elected "First Reader conducts the Sunday service and reads from Science and Health while a "Second Reader" is chosen to read from the bible. Wednesday service consists of Testimony Meetings. They also obtain a Christian Science Reading Room which is open to the public on ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Scientific Revolution : The Evolution Of The... In the beginning God created the heavens with the Earth along with man in his own image. For over 1500 years, Christian followers were heavy believers of the bible, seeing it as the primary source for knowledge. Then came the scientific revolution in the 1500s, a movement which challenged the Christian view of the universe. It was a time when people were looking for a new way of thinking about the world. Since then and to this day, there has been several instances in which scientific inquiry and religious belief have collided in their ideologies. What is now called science, emerged around 4 centuries ago. The hard work of scientists brought new ways of interpreting the world. They no longer relied on the deliberate word of God. The scientific revolution put individual curiosity, inquiry, reason, and experiments abovereligion. Throughout the Renaissance, the increased advancements in science forced the Catholic church to execute "rebellious" researchers who opposed their religious views. When scientists were sentenced to death they were charged by the church for denying the divinity of Jesus Christ and questioning the church's authority. The 19th century, also known as the Age of Reason, had brought many new great minds who challengedChristianity, forcing the church to step down. Great thinkers such as Darwin removed the argument for God's main existence. All making science the biggest challenge Christianity will ever have to face. If this ongoing revolution of science ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Renaissance And The Rebirth Of The Renaissance The Renaissance and the Reformation acted as a rebirth. This included the rebirth of art, education, Greek and Roman values, and religion. An important part of the rebirth is art. This played a big role in the rebirth of the middle ages. The rebirth of art shows the rebirth of technology with Raphael and Michelangelo which allowed them to portray reality. With new technical knowledge like the study of anatomy and astronomy, artists achieved new places in religious paintings. As skills increased, artist's skills raised and art methods were improved. This was to up the ability to represent reality which was an ideal factor in the Renaissance. Because reality was so important, there was increase of the importance of psychological and physical reality for the glorification of the human body. An example of this would be Brunelleschi's Resurrection of the Son of Theophilus in which he paints the face with wrinkles, pimples, and more. This shows the reality of the face. Education was an important part of the rebirth of culture and customs. During the times of the Germanic invasions, education only focused on perfection and idealistic beliefs, not the realistic views of the Renaissance. An example of this would be the polis. During the early middle ages before the Renaissance the idea of the perfect polis, like Athens and Sparta, was very important. Ideas of perfection with education was not important during the Renaissance. The idea of reality started with Francesco Petrarch's ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Medieval Er The Great Height Of Glorious... In today's day and age, a common view of the Medieval Era is that it was a dark period, full of non–civility and ignorance. It is a generally accepted approach to consider only the bad aspects of the time, and one either ignores or has no knowledge of the many accomplishments that occurred during this period. Although it is true that there were bad aspects about the Medieval Era, no time is without its faults, and this period in particular rose to a great height of glorious accomplishment and advancement that continues to benefit the world today. The Medieval times are commonly considered to be a time of social oppression and religious superstition, but in reality the advancements of this time clearly show that it was not a "Dark Age," as... Show more content on ... In this age, the invention of the scale was produced, a musical technique that is one of the foundations of modern music.5 Gregorian Chant, long attributed to Pope Gregory the Great, is a beautiful style of music shown to date from the 7th Century; and it continues to be used in the Catholic Church today.6 Lastly, there are the many extraordinary painting accomplishments that occurred during this time, such as the foundation of a unique art school by an Italian shepherd named Giotto.7 This school taught a form of painting that portrayed art both realistically and beautifully.8 ______________________ 3 Ibid 4 Ibid, 281 5 RГ©gine Pernoud, Those TerribleMiddle Ages! : Debunking the Myth (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 1997) 63 6 Ibid, 51 7 Anne W. Carroll, Christ the King : Lord of History (Rockford, IL: Tan Books and Publishers, 1994) 191 8 Ibid Another famous painter is Fra Angelico, a member of the Florentine School, who was responsible for painting many beautiful masterpieces.9 The Crucifixion, which is perhaps his most famous work, portrays Christ's ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Essay on General Revelations of God A question that has perplexed humans through the ages is if we have the ability to reach God. The witness of Scripture and leading theologians attest that individuals have a limited knowledge of God through general revelation in the natural world. General revelation can provide valid knowledge that there is a God, which aids in the acceptance of special revelation. General revelation is an individual's ability to gain knowledge of God through his presence in the world. The knowledge we are able to gain through general revelation is limited. It doesn't bring salvation and tells very little about God's character, but it can bring us knowledge of the existence of God. We are able to gain this knowledge of him because he is a Creator ... Show more content on ... Humans, unlike animals, have a sense of moral responsibility to do what is good (Guthrie, 42). It is more than a subjective sense of what is right and wrong, it is a understanding of justice and injustice. The presence of our conscience implies there is a moral standard. If there is a moral standard, then the standard had to be set by someone or something. "An objective moral order is meaningless unless there is a Divine Being" (Trueblood, Philosophy of Religion, 114). Aesthetics is another place a person can experience general revelation. Like our sense of morals, beauty is not subjective. It is something we discover. For example, music is random sounds but is based on scales. A musician has to learn about scales and chords before writing a song. If beauty is not something we create, but something we discover then there must be a set standard of what is beautiful. If there is a standard of beauty in the world, then there must be a Creator of the world. It is through the various forms of general revelation that individuals are able to learn certain aspects about the character of God and the purpose of human life. We can see this in other belief systems, theories, and ideas about life and the world that non–Christians hold to that are very similar to certain biblical teachings. "Without any reference to Jesus, the Bible, or the Christian church, many philosophers, scientists, psychologists, artists, and followers of other religions have ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Christian Science v Morman Essay Introduction With the advancements in the study of social sciences, there has been a somewhat parallel growth of cults which though have their foundations in the original Bible and the Christian teachings, yet one may observe that the majority of the present day cults not only deny the essential doctrines, they openly emphasize and present their own personal reinterpretations of the biblical scriptures. The following paper will present two such cases, those of Christian Science and the Mormons, and strive to present some of the comparative elements, their beliefs, customs, religious ceremonies and leadership aspects. Christian Science – Leadership Founded by a woman named Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910) in 1879, the cult of Christian Science ... Show more content on ... Christian Science – The Customs Some of the salient customs of the Christian Science include a daily prayer ritual which serves to bring realization of God, and God's Love as well as assist others in experiencing the harmonizing and healing effect of the primary understanding of the Christian Science. The cult also emphasizes on the spiritual healing effect and gives more than a mere emphasis as compared to the medical treatment of the ailing humanity. The cult has nor formal ministers, and instead the Bible, Science and Health are its pastor and preacher. With its headquarters in Boston, duly called the First Church of the Christ, Scientist, or The Mother Church. It is assisted with a number of local churches, which serve as its branches. Run under a Manual of the Mother Church, the Christian Science has a Board of Directors, which governs the Church on a democratic system, and is duly assisted by its branches. (Slick, 2003; Kramer, 2004; Meyer, 1961) The Mormon Cult – Leadership Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 in New York, the cult of the Mormons is yet another faith that derives its teachings from Biblical scriptures. Though most, if not all the elements of this cult are founded in the original Biblical texts, followers of the Christian belief due to some of the extreme contradictions and deceptions in both the books of the Mormons as well as its teachings largely oppose the faith. The cult has some 7 million members, out of 5 million are ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Pros And Cons Of Western Christianity When people close their eyes and try to picturize Jesus, generally a singular image comes to mind. A godly figure with blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. This image is similar to what is seen in many popular Western paintings in museums like the 16th–century painting, Christ Among the Doctors by artist Albrecht Durrer. In this painting the fair skinnedJesus looks celestial and divine amongst the dark, sinister Jewish scholars. But what all of these famous pieces of art have in common is that they fail to portray who Jesus truly was: a practicing Jewish man from Nazareth, Israel. As Jesus was a Jew from Israel, historically it would be impossible for him to look like his fair–skinned Northern European devotees. Although the Bible and many ... Show more content on ... Judaism and Islam in particular practice aniconism, the custom in which there are no physical depictions of their God or entities relating to God. There are also no physical descriptions of how they look in religious texts either. This makes it very easy for people around the world practice the religion and feel included. Since there is no physical depiction, every devotee is free to contextualize the religion in any way relating it to themselves. However that is not the only option. Some religions like Hinduism have gods that are depicted in colors that do not pertain to any particular race. Although Hinduism is widely popular in India, the physical depictions do not only pertain to Indians. Many pieces of Hindu art displays gods like Krishna or Vishnu as blue gods. The god Hanuman is also sometimes depicted to be a red god in popular forms of Hindu art and in many sculptures. Unlike these religions, since physical depictions of Christian art do not adhere to all people of all skin tones, many people may leave the Christian Church. Since one of the main goals of the Christian Church is to expand the religion and recruit new followers, this can be an issue if many people around the world cannot identify with their own religion. Thus in order to keep expanding the Church and staying true to Christ's mission, the Church must either educate its followers ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Analysis Of That's Humanism ! In the YouTube video by Stephen Fry entitled, "That's Humanism!" (Fry, "That's Humanism!"). The introduction of the video started with a question, "How do we know what is True?" "What's true through the use of evidence and science?" (Fry, "That's Humanism!"). In response to 'blind faith,' the "scientific creationists substitute a materialist definition of faith demanding that science confirm scripture and scripture confirm science, while simultaneously attacking the materialism of scientific explanation"(Aliff 2005). Faith without science is "blind" (Regier 2010). Regier stated, "There is a delicate balance between science and religion, without one the other will produce wrong answers or not produce answers at all" (2010). Albert Einstein ... Show more content on ... In order to discover how the cosmos works, humanist believe that "observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against evidence has the best track record" (Fry, "That's Humanism!"). How does the "experimentation and testing of theories against evidence" hold true when some individuals experience a vision or supernatural reality of life after death (Fry, "That's Humanism!")? For example, in 1988, a former president of the British Humanist Association, and a philosophy professor of logic at Oxford University, AJ Ayer, had a spiritual experience of life after death. In Ayer's supernatural vision he saw a "bright red light, which he thought was 'responsible for the government of the universe,'" after his heart stop beating for four minutes ("The Humanist Philosopher Saw the Light Governing the Universe" 26). Ayer was "known for his distrust of anything that could not be backed up by science" (26). However, after seeing an invisible reality when he was dead, Ayer's perspective and "conviction that there is no God" all changed because he could not deny the truth that other angelic beings govern the universe (26). We can safely conclude that Ayer's mind was "transformed" and "renewed" to know that there is a "perfect" invisible world beyond the reality of the human conscious (Rom. 12:1–3). Humanist ... Get more on ...