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Telstra Corporate Responsibility Report 2009
Telstra’s corporate
    responsibility reporting

    Our corporate responsibility (CR)               performance against publicly
    reporting comprises this                        stated planned actions from our
    publication,                                    2008 report and on the issues
    the Telstra 2009 Corporate                      material to our business and
    Responsibility Report, as well as our           stakeholders.
    CR website. The reporting covers                Telstra CR website - Our CR
    Telstra’s economic, social and                  website provides full details about
    environmental contributions and                 our approach and activities in
    performance during 2008/09, and is              2008/09. A section on Reporting &
    intended to provide comprehensive               Performance provides access to
    information to the full range of                our full range of benchmarking,
    Telstra’s stakeholders.                         social and environmental reports.
    Our reporting covers the                        You can use our Global Reporting
    2008/09 financial year for the                  Initiative (GRI) Index to navigate our
    Australian operations of Telstra                CR website and report. Visit www.
    Corporation Limited (excluding        
    Sensis, Telstra’s information                   Our reporting has been
    and advertising business, unless                developed with reference to
    otherwise specified). A full account            the Global Reporting Initiative
    of the corporate responsibility                 (GRI) G3 Guidelines and the
    performance of                                  telecommunications sector
    Sensis can be found at                          supplement, and this year applies                        the GRI Framework
    Telstra 2009 Corporate                          to a level C (self declared).
    Responsibility Report - This
    publication focuses on our

    Feedback on our reporting is welcome. Please email Nancie-Lee Robinson,
    Senior Advisor, Corporate Responsibility, at

Printed on Stephen Chilled White by Spicers Paper

CEO Message

                                             To focus our efforts in 2009/10, I have
                                             established a senior level Corporate
                                             Responsibility Council to guide our
                                             corporate responsibility strategy. The
                                             strategy focuses on areas critical to the
                                             success of our business and to Telstra’s
                                             standing as a good corporate citizen.
                                             For the first time, we will be announcing
                                             ambitious, long term targets to drive our
                                             performance in key areas – customer
Since my appointment to the position         satisfaction, carbon emissions and
of CEO in May 2009, I have reflected         employee engagement. We aim to make
on the incredible work that has been         Telstra a company people enjoy doing
done by our people every day. Despite        business with, as well as a great place
challenging macro-economic conditions,       to work.
we have achieved strong results for fiscal   Our seventh corporate responsibility
2009 and we continue to get on with          report outlines the services we deliver
the job of providing the nation with the     to all Australian communities and
next generation networks and services        our contribution to the national and
that are the foundation for social           local economies. It shows that Telstra
inclusion, economic growth, productivity     takes its social and environmental
improvement and sustainable                  responsibilities very seriously and
prosperity.                                  provides a comprehensive account
As a company that touches the lives          of Telstra’s progress against planned
of millions of Australians every day,        actions to improve our performance
we have an important responsibility to       during 2008/09.
act ethically and responsibly in all that    This report is evidence of Telstra’s
we do. Every single thing we do has an       ongoing commitment to our customers,
impact on our company, our customers,        shareholders, employees and the
our shareholders and the nation. We          communities in which we operate and I
want to make sure that our every             welcome your feedback – please contact
effort counts.                               us at

                                                                        David Thodey
                                                                Chief Executive Officer
                                                                       November 2009


1.    CEO message                   23.   Disaster relief
                                    24.   Digital inclusion
3.    Performance summary
                                    27.   Performance and
      2008/2009                           commitments
4.    Ethics and governance         28. Employee engagement
5     Corporate responsibility
                                    29.   Human capital development
                                    31.   Promoting diversity
6.    Material issues
                                    33.   Health and safety
7.    Stakeholder engagement
                                    34.   Mental health and wellbeing
9.    Economic impact
                                    35.   Performance and
10.   Human rights
11.   Suppliers
11.   Performance and               36. Climate change
      commitments                   37    Greenhouse gas emissions
                                    40.   Resource efficiency and waste
12. Impact of
                                    42.   Employee engagement
                                    44.   Using ICT to drive sustainability
13.   National broadband network
                                    45.   Performance and
13.   Next generation networks
15.   Productivity
17.   Mobile phones and health      46. Community
18.   Base stations and                 investment
      electromagnetic emissions     47.   Telstra Foundation
18.   Cyber safety and security     48.   Sponsorship
19.   Performance and               50.   Volunteering
                                    52.   Performance and
20. Customer service
21.   Keeping Australia connected
21.   Improving customer


Performance summary 2008/09
  Performance indicator                                                                        08/09                           07/08                           06/07
  Sales revenue                                                                                $25.4 billion                   $24.7billion                    $23.7 billion
  EBIT                                                                                         $6.6 billion                    $6.2 billion                    $5.8 billion
  Profit after tax and minority interests                                                      $4.1 billion                    $3.7 billion                    $3.3 billion
  Ordinary dividends (cents per share)                                                         28                              28                              28
  Total workforce                                                                              43,181                          46,649                          47,840
  Total domestic workforce (includes Sensis)                                                   31,662                          33,982                          35,706
  Wages and salaries                                                                           $4.1 billion                    $4.2 billion                    $4 billion
  Local, state and Commonwealth taxes                                                          $1.8 billion                    $1.7 billion                    $1.8 billion
  Dividends to shareholders                                                                    $3.5 billion                    $3.4 billion                    $3.4 billion
  Accrued capital expenditure                                                                  $4.6 billion                    $4.9 billion                    $5.9 billion
  London Benchmarking Group (LBG)* measure of community investment                             $65.2 million                   $32.2 million #                 $18.8 million
  Employee engagement                                                                          N/A**                           74%                             73%
  Women in management roles                                                                    27%                             24.6%                           25.8%
  Lost time injuries frequency rate (per million hours worked)                                 2.14                            2.54                            2.14
  Effective Health Safety & Environment (HS&E) audit results                                   44%                             71%                             88%
  Learning & development investment                                                            $104 million                    $75 million                     $60 million
  Learning & development investment per employee                                               $2,800                          $1,626                          $1,500
  Greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes CO2e)                                                       1,515,188                       1,500,803                       1,390,306
  Greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes CO2e/ $million revenue)                                     59.4                            60.4                            N/A
  Total waste recycled (tonnes)                                                                18,746                          32,981                          33,266
  % Waste recycled                                                                             62%                             69%                             65%
  Total energy Use (GJ)                                                                        5,869,006                       6,064,687                       5,848,601
  Total energy Use (GJ)/$million revenue                                                       230.1                           244.3                           247.1
  Volume of office paper (reams)                                                               190,696                         220,856                         256,774
  Volume of paper (reams) per employee                                                         6.0                             6.5                             7.2
  Water savings (kilolitres)                                                                   12,017                          52,019                          87,318

* Valuation includes cash, time, in-kind support and management costs for contributions made in Australia.
# The figure reported in our 2008 CR Report ($38.4 million) included Sensis’s contributions. This has been amended here to exclude Sensis and to be consistent with 2007 and 2009 reporting.
** An EES was not conducted in 2008/09. The next EES is planned for 2009/10.

Ethics and governance

                                            Telstra is committed to acting ethically
                                            and responsibly in all that we do.
                                            Will Irving
                                            Telstra Group General Counsel


Q: Why has Telstra established a            Q: Why does reputation matter?               by how they seek to be part of the
Corporate Responsibility Council?                                                        solution to key social and environmental
                                            A: It is important to us that Telstra        challenges.
A: We are keenly aware of Telstra’s         is a good corporate citizen, because         The connection between investment
position in Australia - a company that      companies that behave ethically, treat       potential and corporate responsibility
in some way touches nearly every            their people well and contribute to the      is demonstrated by the emergence of
Australian, every day. Our day to day       communities in which they operate,           investor-led sustainability initiatives,
business is a vital thread in Australia’s   are companies that people want to be         such as the Carbon Disclosure Project,
economic and social fabric. Therefore, a    associated with - whether as customers,      Dow Jones Sustainability Index and
commitment to the highest standards of      employees, suppliers or shareholders.        FTSE4Good, and of socially responsible
corporate governance, transparency                                                       investment funds.
and stakeholder engagement is of            Q: How does Telstra’s social and             As a major business enterprise, Telstra
critical importance.                        environmental performance impact on          has a responsibility to our shareholders,
The Corporate Responsibility Council,       shareholders?                                employees, customers and to the nation
comprising ten of Telstra’s group                                                        to continually improve the performance
managing directors, will guide and          A: With rising concern in the broader        of our company and its businesses. By
govern the company’s corporate              Australian community about things like       doing this in a responsible way, we also
responsibility strategy. The strategy       climate change, water management,            foster prosperity in the industries and
is organised around seven key areas,        an ageing population and the global          communities in which we participate.
and for the first time, ambitious and       financial crisis, the role of businesses
long-term targets will be set to improve    in society is receiving more attention. I
our performance and enhance our             think there is increasing recognition that
reputation.                                 the investment value, profitability and
                                            risk profile of companies is influenced


Corporate responsibility governance
 Telstra’s commitment to corporate responsibility begins with a simple and                   Material issues
 straightforward commitment to principled decision making in all that we do.                 In determining our material issues, Telstra
                                                                                             considered the significant economic,
Telstra’s commitment to corporate responsibility begins with a simple and straight-          environmental and social impacts of
forward commitment to principled decision making in all that we do. From a principled        our business that may affect our value,
perspective, Telstra’s primary corporate responsibilities are to increase shareholder        operations, reputation and longevity. We
value and advance shareholder interests by:                                                  considered the following key internal and
                                                                                             external factors:
                                                                                                  Telstra’s business strategy and
     providing customer service that meets     the company’s corporate responsibility
                                                                                                  core competencies;
     the expectations of our customers and     strategy, an area of increased focus in
     wins their continuing loyalty;            2009/10. The Corporate Responsibility              Telstra’s company values, code of
                                               Council, comprising ten of Telstra’s Group         conduct, business principles and
     providing our employees with good
                                               Managing Directors, will have a cross              corporate responsibility principles;
     jobs at good wages;
                                               company view of Telstra’s corporate
                                                                                                  significant risks to the company
     providing good stewardship of             responsibility performance and activities.
                                                                                                  and critical factors for ensuring
     the environment and technology            The Council will report to Telstra’s CEO on
                                                                                                  Telstra’s success;
     solutions that enable others to do        a quarterly basis. The first meeting of the
     the same;                                 Council was held in August 2009.                   key future challenges for the
                                                                                                  telecommunications industry;
     providing access to communications
                                               Reporting and benchmarking                         issues raised through the
     for those who need it most;
                                                                                                  mechanisms we have in place
     contributing resources - people,
                                               In 2009, we completed a submission                 for stakeholder engagement, in
     money, technology, products and
                                               to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index              particular through our Employee
     services - to support the communities
                                               (DJSI), achieving a rating of 80 per cent,         Engagement Survey, consumer
     in which we operate and the needs of
                                               an improvement of ten percentage                   surveys, Telecommunications
     the larger society; and
                                               points from 2008. This index identifies            Industry Ombudsman Report,
     advancing the national interest           companies that lead peers in managing              Telstra Consumer Consultative
     by strengthening the capability of        risk and leverage upside across                    Council, media reports and
     the nation’s telecommunications           the economic, social and                           customer feedback;
     infrastructure.                           environmental agenda.                              relevant laws and regulations, for
The Telstra Values, Telstra’s Business         In 2008/09, Telstra introduced a monthly           example the National Greenhouse
Principles and Company Policies, including     e-newsletter, Corporate Responsibility             and Energy Reporting System,
the Code of Conduct, set out the practices,    Matters, to provide senior Telstra                 the Energy Efficiency Opportunities
principles and standards of behaviour          executives and key external stakeholders           Act 2006 and the new Forward
Telstra expects employees and contractors      with a regular update on Telstra’s                 with Fairness industrial
to adopt in performing their work. Together    performance as a responsible                       relations legislation;
they reflect our obligations and underpin      corporate citizen.
                                                                                                  key future challenges for our
the way we work with our customers, our        Telstra has reported annually on its               society as identified by social
shareholders, our colleagues, the regulatory   corporate responsibility performance               and environmental experts,
bodies we deal with, our suppliers and         since 2003 through its corporate                   governments and grass roots
stakeholders in the community.                 responsibility reports. These reports can          community organisations; and
                                               be accessed on our website at www.
Corporate Responsibility Council      along with summary               sustainability context, including
                                               reports of our DJSI results, our monthly           the Global Reporting Initiative,
In 2008/09, a decision was made to establish                                                      Millennium Goals, and United
a senior executive committee to oversee        newsletter and a range of other Telstra
                                               social and environmental reports.                  Nations Global Compact.


Material issues
    Issue                Impact                                        Key elements of Telstra’s response
    Ethics and           Telstra is a company that in some way         • The Telstra Values, the Telstra Business Principles and the Company policies
    governance           touches nearly every Australian every           (including our Code of Conduct) provide guidance to all our officers and employees
    (p.4)                day. A commitment to the highest                on appropriate business and ethical behaviour.
                         standards of corporate governance,            • A senior level Corporate Responsibility Council has been established
                         transparency and stakeholder                    to provide governance of Telstra’s corporate responsibility strategy
                         engagement is of critical importance.           and activities.
    Impact of            Telstra recognises the significant            • Telstra delivers Australia’s largest and fastest national mobile broadband
    telecommunications   contribution that telecommunications            network.
    (p.12)               and information and communication             • We support our customers to use our networks and ICT to address some of the
                         technology (ICT) products and services          nation’s most critical social issues – social isolation, health service delivery,
                         make to people’s lives, community               education and economic development.
                         wellbeing, social inclusion, business         • Telstra places high importance on effective and responsible management of
                         productivity, economic development and          electromagnetic emissions issues.
                         global competitiveness.                       • Telstra works with industry, government, community organisations and internet
                                                                         users to address online risks and to develop measures that promote online safety.

    Customer service     Customer satisfaction and service is a        • Our Corporate Complaints Group manages our relationship with the
    (p.20)               critical priority for Telstra and essential     Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, with a focus on reducing the number
                         for business success. We recognise              of escalated complaints.
                         that not all aspects of the customer          • An Employee Complaint Referral Process assists customers known to employees
                         experience are at the standard our              with serious unresolved complaints.
                         customers expect from us. We need to be       • Ideas gathering forums enable Telstra people to harness their extensive insight
                         honest and transparent with customers           into ways we can serve our customers better.
                         as we work to improve our systems and         • A new position, Director Customer Service, has been created to develop and
                         service.                                        manage a new company-wide program to improve customer satisfaction.
                                                                       • A Customer Satisfaction Council with senior representatives from across the
                                                                         business has been established to focus on critical customer experience issues.
                                                                       • We have developed key service and satisfaction metrics linked to an incentive
                                                                         scheme for nearly all employees to help drive improvements.

    Employee             Telstra’s economic sustainability relies      • Telstra is committed to providing a safe and engaging work environment for our
    engagement           on strong employee relationships, which         people.
    (p.28)               can be strengthened with competitive          • We have a strong focus on promoting diversity with a company wide Diversity
                         wages and benefits, and flexible working        Council to champion seven priority areas.
                         arrangements. Our work environments           • We have a comprehensive Health and Wellbeing Strategy and invest in health
                         should foster employee diversity, provide       promotion and prevention activities.
                         safe working conditions, and support
                         talent acquisition and retention.
    Climate change       Telstra has a significant opportunity to      • Telstra is committed to improving energy efficiency in our networks and
    (p.36)               mitigate the impact of climate change           properties and to adapting our business to reduce our exposure to the direct
                         by maximising energy efficiency. We are         impacts of climate change.
                         one of the largest owners and operators       • Telstra promotes cost-effective ways for customers, industry and organisations to help
                         of commercial and network properties,           reduce their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by adopting ICT solutions.
                         we have the largest automotive fleet of       • We are working to reduce the environmental impact of our supply chain, and we
                         its kind, we have over 7,000 suppliers and      encourage our employees to reduce their carbon footprint at home and at work.
                         over 30,000 employees across Australia.       • The Climate Change Review Group, comprising senior leaders from across the
                                                                         company, is responsible for the climate strategy planning and implementation.
    Community            As a provider of telecommunications and       • Each month, Telstra’s Access for Everyone program assists more than one million
    investment           one of Australia’s largest companies,           Australians on low incomes or in financial crisis, to maintain an affordable and
    (p.46)               we understand the positive impact               accessible telephone service.
                         our business can have on community            • The Telstra Foundation, Telstra’s corporate philanthropy program, funds
                         life and wellbeing. Engaging with the           community projects aimed at reducing social and geographic isolation and
                         communities we operate in provides              promoting social inclusion.
                         valuable insight into the expectations        • Our sponsorship portfolio reaches across sport, the arts, the environment, health
                         and needs of these communities and              and welfare and we support business and women in business through the Telstra
                         how we can contribute.                          Business Awards and Telstra Business Women’s Awards.


Stakeholder engagement
Telstra has a wide range of stakeholder groups and a long history of stakeholder engagement. Consultation and dialogue with
key stakeholder groups helps to gather input and ideas, inform our decision making, strengthen our relationships and build
trust. Telstra makes a genuine effort to engage with and understand its key stakeholders, through both formal and informal
mechanisms. We believe that engagement and consultation helps to better meet customers’ needs, improve customer loyalty,
enhance employee satisfaction, build broader community support and ultimately strengthen shareholder value.

 Stakeholder               Interests and concerns                     Engagement methods
 All Australians           Australians are interested in the full     • – Telstra’s corporate website provides information for
                           range of Telstra’s activities.               customers, shareholders and other interested members of the public on the
                                                                        latest activities at Telstra and includes public reports.
 Communities               Communities are concerned about            • Telstra Country Wide (TCW) Regional Consultative Forum helps to identify
 Telstra operates in       access to services and the impact of         the communications issues of importance in regional Australia.
 communities across        our business on local communities.         • At a state level, TCW Regional Executive Directors engage with state lobby
 the metropolitan,                                                      groups and representatives of State government and associated authorities.
 regional and remote                                                  • At a local level, the TCW Area General Managers engage with key
 areas of Australia. Our                                                stakeholders to seek feedback and work proactively to meet local community
 communities include                                                    needs.
 non-government                                                       • Our mobile phone base station siting consultation processes help Telstra
 organisations.                                                         operate responsibly in designing, operating and managing mobile phone
                                                                        base stations and to minimise their impact on the community.
                                                                      • The Telstra Foundation engages with community organisations on issues
                                                                        impacting the lives of children and young people through its philanthropic
                                                                        grants program.
 Customers                 Our customers are interested in the        • Telstra Disability Forum and Disability Equipment Program Consumer
 Our customers             quality, affordability and accessibility     Advisory Group provide mechanisms for consultation on our disability action
 include residential       of our products and services, and the        plan.
 consumers, small to       privacy and security of their personal     • Low Income Measures Assessment Committee provides advice on the
 medium enterprises,       information and services.                    ongoing effectiveness of Telstra’s low-income package.
 large companies and                                                  • T[life]™ shops, Customer Experience Centres, Telstra Mentors and the
 organisations and                                                      Community Advocacy Program provide opportunities for us to assist our
 government.                                                            customers to meet their communications needs.
                                                                      • We undertake ongoing marketing and research to help us understand what
                                                                        our customers want.
 Employees                 Our employees have a broad range           • Employee Engagement Survey provides all employees the opportunity
 Telstra’s workforce       of concerns, including working               to express their views about their jobs, the company and their working
 is large and diverse      conditions, development opportunities        environment.
 with over 30,000          and health and safety, as well as          • Yabber is a Telstra intranet site that provides employees an opportunity
 employees in              a wide range of interests in issues          to share their personal stories - triumphs, challenges and passions -
 Australia.                affecting their local communities and        with all staff.
                           environments.                              • Employee engagement opportunities relating to social and environmental
                                                                        issues include the Diversity Champion Network, Virtual Women’s Network,
                                                                        Green.Challenge@Telstra, Enable@Telstra and Spectrum Network.
 Government                Telstra communicates regularly             • Constructive relationships are built and maintained across all levels
 Our government            with governments on a range of               of government by our senior leadership team, Telstra’s Corporate and
 stakeholders are          commercial, policy, regulatory and           Government Relations team and Telstra Country Wide.
 at local, state and       other matters in the interests of          • We are required to work within relevant government legislative frameworks
 national levels, from     its shareholders, customers and              and to report our compliance and performance.
 Ministers and leaders     employees.                                 • Our Regulatory Affairs team manages Telstra’s relationship with statutory
 to department staff.                                                   regulators and industry bodies.
                                                                      • Telstra participates in regular forums and selected events with local, state
                                                                        and Federal government agencies.
                                                                      • Telstra’s Enterprise and Government business unit works with government
                                                                        customers to develop and deliver access to world-class information and
                                                                        communication solutions.


    Stakeholder                 Interests and concerns                   Engagement methods

    Industry                    Industry stakeholders are                • Telstra is a member of the key ICT industry groups, including
    These stakeholders          interested in issues impacting the         the Communications Alliance, the Australian Mobile
    include information         telecommunications industry,               Telecommunications Association, the Australian Information
    and communication           including regulation, market trends,       Industries Association, the Internet Industry Association, the
    technology (ICT) and        consumer protection, and technology        Australian Telecommunications Users Group and the Australian
    telecommunications          and service developments.                  Interactive Media Industry Association.
    specific associations, as                                            • Telstra is a member of the Mobile Carriers Forum that deals
    well as sector-specific                                                specifically with social and environmental issues within policy,
    associations.                                                          regulatory and operational environments associated with the
                                                                           deployment and operation of mobile phone networks.
                                                                         • Telstra’s Industry Analyst Relations function strengthens
                                                                           domestic and global relationships with specialist analysts on
                                                                           ICT industries and markets.
                                                                         • Telstra is a member of the Australian Industry Group and the
                                                                           Business Council of Australia, two of Australia’s major business
                                                                           lobby groups.
                                                                         • Telstra is member of the Australian Services Roundtable,
                                                                           the peak lobby group for the Australian services sector.

    Investment community        Investors and analysts are concerned     • Our annual Investor Day is an opportunity for Telstra to provide
    This stakeholder group      with the risk inherent in and return       a detailed update to the financial markets on the performance of
    includes institutional      provided by their investment, and the      the various business units and on the company’s transformation.
    investors and sell-side     ability of the company to meets its      • The Investor Centre ( is
    analysts.                   objectives.                                a dedicated resource for shareholders and potential investors.
                                                                         • The Investor Relations unit regularly engages with investors
                                                                           and analysts and co-ordinates meetings for the investment
                                                                           community with senior management.

    Media                       Telstra is one of the most widely        • Telstra engages regularly with the media through our Chief
    Includes representatives    scrutinised and reported companies in      Executive Officer, senior executives, media spokespeople,
    from print, radio, TV and   Australia.                                 corporate affairs managers and other appropriate officers within
    online media.                                                          the company to provide information that is in the public interest.

    Shareholders                Shareholders are interested              • Telstra values a direct, two-way dialogue with shareholders
    Telstra has 1.4 million     in financial returns, company              and believes it is important not only to provide relevant
    shareholders.               performance and governance issues.         information quickly and efficiently, but also to listen, understand
                                                                           shareholders’ perspectives and respond to their feedback.
                                                                         • Telstra keeps shareholders informed through Annual General
                                                                           Meetings, an annual report and shareholder updates.
                                                                         • The Investor Centre (
                                                                           is a dedicated resource for shareholders, providing information
                                                                           about our share price and financial performance, presentations
                                                                           and annual reports.

    Suppliers                   Suppliers are interested in secure and   • Telstra regularly engages with suppliers throughout and after
    Telstra engages with        stable relationships with Telstra          the sourcing process. Our vendor managers monitor and manage
    around 7,000 suppliers                                                 Telstra’s commercial relationship with its suppliers and address
    each year with total                                                   delivery, quality, social and environmental issues.
    spending around                                                      • The Supplying to Telstra website (
    $11 billion.                                                           to_telstra) provides practical advice to prospective and current
                                                                           suppliers on supplying to Telstra.


  The communities on social media sites          designed to protect the interests of                  The area hosted a ‘Ready Reckoner’
  like YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and            employees and the company.                            calculator allowing visitors to see how
  Twitter are growing at phenomenal              The 3 Rs ask that when engaging in a                  much carbon they could save using
  rates. This interest extends to                social media context employees: be                    telecommunications instead
  companies, including Telstra, which are        clear about who they are representing;                of travelling.
  beginning to use social media tools to         take responsibility for ensuring that                 In September 2009, after four years,
  engage with customers, stakeholders            references to Telstra are factually correct           nearly 4.5 million visitors and over 10,000
  and other relevant online communities.         and do not breach confidentiality                     comments from Telstra stakeholders,
  Telstra embraces social media as an            requirements; and show respect for                    nowwearetalking was closed. It will be
  important tool of corporate and business       the individuals and communities they                  replaced in 2009/10 by an enhanced
  engagement. We also encourage our              interact with.                                        site that includes new Web 2.0 social
  employees to use social media in a             In 2008/09, Telstra continued to build                media functionality, more video and
  personal capacity as a way to reach out        its online engagement with a 44 per                   an increased commitment to listening
  and share information and views with           cent increase in visitor numbers to its               to the views of customers and people
  friends and communities.                       online discussion forum and blog site                 outside Telstra.
  With the rapid growth and application of       nowwearetalking. Telstra’s emphasis
  social media, Telstra recognised the need      on two-way, open communication
  to have a policy that ensures employees        with customers and stakeholders saw
  who use social media, either as part           a 64 per cent increase in the number of
  of their job or in a personal capacity,        comments published in the forum area.
  have guidance as to the company’s              The forums covered topics
  expectations, particularly where the           such as broadband, environment
  engagement is about Telstra, our               and technology.
  products and services, our people, our         Telstra also successfully launched an
  competitors or other business related          online news, forum, and blog area called
  individuals or organisations.                  Smarter, Greener, Together to highlight
  Introduced in 2009, Telstra’s 3 Rs of Social   the benefits telecommunications can
  Media Engagement are ‘guardrails’              bring to help deliver a low carbon future.

Economic impact
In designing, developing and implementing communications solutions for our customers, Telstra has a significant impact on the
economy through employment, investment and our supply chain. During the 2008/09 financial year, Telstra’s business activities:

   supported 43,181 jobs (total                        invested $4.6 billion to continue               creation of new and advanced business
   workforce);                                         the build out of the Next G                     support and operating support systems
   paid out $4.1 billion in salaries and               wireless broadband network, in                  and other investments to transform the
   wages;                                              the continued deployment of the                 delivery of telecommunications services
                                                       Telstra Next IP™ network, the                   in Australia.
   paid out $3.5 billion in dividends to
   1.4 million shareholders;                     Financial summary
   paid $1.9 billion in Commonwealth,
   state and local taxes;                                                                    2009 $m     2008 $m        Change $m        Change %

   purchased more than $11 billion in             Sales revenue                              25,371      24,657         714              2.9
   goods and services from around                 EBIT                                       6,558       6,226          332              5.3
   7,000 suppliers;                               Profit after tax and minority interests    4,073       3,692          381              10.3
   contributed an estimated $16.07                Ordinary dividends (cents per share)       28          28             -                -
   billion to Australia’s Gross Domestic
   Product; and                                  Year ended 30 June 2009. Includes Sensis.


Human rights
 Telstra’s existing policies value and protect human rights.

For example, we promote diversity and           with integrity in purchasing goods and      the deliberate consent of Parliament.
do not tolerate unlawful discrimination.        services and conducting business with       While no system is perfect, a legislated
Our company-wide Diversity Council,             our vendors. Social and environmental       Charter of Human Rights could create a
consisting of six Group Managing                considerations in our supplier selection    mechanism for this to occur and provide
Directors, champions several diversity          and evaluation processes are guided by      for greater governmental accountability
priority areas - age balance, cultural          our Purchasing Ethics Guidelines and        and focus on human rights.
diversity, Indigenous, work-life flexibility,   Environmental Purchasing Guidelines.
disability, gender and sexual orientation                                                   The role of business in protecting
and gender identity. Our Health, Safety         Support of Human Rights Charter             human rights
and Environment (HSE) team oversees
                                                Telstra registered its interest in          Telstra has encouraged other
our health and safety management
                                                contributing to the development of          corporations to join the human rights
system, which is aligned with the
                                                a Human Rights Charter by sending           conversation. In our submission to the
requirements of Australian and New
                                                a submission to the Commonwealth            National Inquiry into Human Rights,
Zealand standards. We also value the
                                                Attorney General, The Hon Robert            at public events and in the media we
provision of a safe, healthy working
                                                McLelland MP, on 23 October 2008.           have explained the vital role companies
environment. Rigorously applied,
                                                Telstra’s submission was later lodged       play in protecting human rights. We
our occupational health and safety
                                                with the National Inquiry into Human        participated in an Australian Charter of
management system incorporates HSE
                                                Rights, and was published on the            Rights Roundtable on 19 December 2008
management standards that cater for
                                                Inquiry’s website in February 2009. As      and on 7 May 2009, Telstra hosted the
the varying levels of risk that arise across
                                                an organisation that interacts with         Human Rights – Join the Conversation
Telstra’s businesses.
                                                millions of customers and shareholders      forum in Sydney. Numerous guests
In addition, Telstra seeks to conduct           and thousands of employees, we believe      attended the event and the keynote
business with companies that also value         Telstra has a role to play in the debate.   speaker, Hon Catherine Branson
and protect human rights. Telstra’s             Our submission suggested that the           QC, President of the Human Rights
Business Principles provide a framework         removal of basic rights, for whatever       Commission, spoke at the forum on
to ensure that we operate ethically and         reason, should only be possible with        the evening.


 In 2008/09, Telstra purchased approximately $11 billion in goods and services from around 7,000 suppliers.

The vision for our procurement                              avoided the consumption of                       vendors to encourage responsible
strategy is: one way to procure, one                        approximately 657,783 sheets of                  business practice. St James Ethics
way to connect with suppliers and                           paper through the use of online                  Centre has been funded by the
one company-wide view of Telstra                            shopping carts, purchase orders                  Australia Federal Government to
vendor activity.                                            and invoices - an improvement of                 expand sustainable responsible
We are delivering this through a smarter                    over 200,000 sheets on the                       business practice nationwide.
approach to procurement that involves                       previous year;
partnering with world-class suppliers,                      worked closely with suppliers to
reducing the total number of vendors                        reduce the environmental impacts
over the longer term, streamlining our                      associated with the packaging
supply chain processes, reducing costs                      of Telstra consumer products
and improving Telstra’s performance in                      and marketing materials (Telstra
responding to customer demand.                              is a signatory to the National
We continue to look at new ways                             Packaging Covenant); and
we can improve the social or
                                                            worked with the St James Ethics
environmental impact of our supply
                                                            Centre to trial a range of resources
chain. In 2008/09, Telstra:
                                                            with small to medium enterprise

Performance and commitments
Report on planned actions 2008/09
 Planned actions                                       Progress                                                                                Outcome
 Improve the relevance, transparency and               The corporate responsibility site on Telstra’s website has been updated to
 accessibility of Telstra’s corporate responsibility   include more comprehensive coverage across more aspects of corporate
 information on Telstra’s website.                     responsibility. A Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index has been added to                
                                                       improve the accessibility of information. See
 Introduce feature sections on nowwearetalking         Telstra launched an online news, forum, and blog area called Smarter, Greener,
 to provide a platform for public discussion and       Together to focus discussion on environmental issues. Public discussion and
 debate about the environment and the National         debate about the National Broadband Network and other issues relevant to                   
 Broadband Network.                                    telecommunications was encouraged via the Opinion forum on nowwearetalking.
 Conduct a review of Telstra’s human rights            Review was conducted and opportunities for improvements identified. A human
 position and practices to assess performance
 against international standards.
                                                       rights working group will be established in 2009/10 to oversee progress in this area,
                                                       including the development of a human rights policy.
 Achieved       Partially achieved     Did not achieve

Planned actions 2009/10
     Establish a panel of invited independent experts to provide Telstra’s Corporate Responsibility Council with periodic advice on
     key social and environmental issues.
     Develop a human rights policy for Telstra.
     Launch a new Telstra social media engagement site that includes new Web 2.0 social media functionality, and an increased
     commitment to listening to the views of customers. and people outside Telstra.


Impact of
                                                         Our networks provide the nation with a strong
                                                         foundation for economic growth, productivity
                                                         improvement and sustainable prosperity.
                                                         Michael Rocca
                                                         Group Managing Director, Telstra Networks and Services


Q: How is Telstra enabling the company                   business customers in Australia are           through a suite of technologies.
to deliver world class capabilities and                  seeing productivity uplifts of up to 30 per   Information can be delivered via Telstra
services to its customers?                               cent in parts of their workforces.            networks that link mobile phones,
                                                         Our evolution has also included an            handheld computers, laptops and
A: Our investment in Australia over the                  upgrade to Telstra’s Global Operations        computer systems. This is backed by the
last four years has provided one of the                  Centre, and the creation of a Managed         superior breadth, speed and coverage
largest, fully integrated national IP                    Networks Operations Centre, improving         of Telstra’s high speed Next G™ wireless
networks in the world - the Next IP™                     our response and restoration times.           broadband network and Telstra’s Next
network is faster, more secure, is 99.999                                                              IP™ network.
per cent reliable and offers 77 times                                                                  These technologies enable healthcare
                                                         Q: How important are Telstra’s networks
more capacity than the old circuit-                                                                    professionals to deliver better and faster
                                                         and technologies in helping to improve
switched network.                                                                                      service to their patients. For example,
                                                         the delivery of health services in
Our single IP-based network has resulted                 Australia?                                    it is now possible to download patient
in a physically less complicated network                                                               information during a home visit, upload
that simplifies service management                                                                     data-rich medical imagery, access secure
                                                         A: Australia is facing significant health
while enhancing network reliability                                                                    medical databases at the patient’s
                                                         challenges, especially in dealing with
and resilience. The services we offer                                                                  bedside, and connect with a specialist
                                                         chronic disease. Financial pressures
through our network continue to                                                                        via video conference from a remote
                                                         are strong, costs are increasing and
improve customers’ quality of life,                                                                    community.
                                                         an ageing population is reshaping
helping to make their professional and                   our economy. New technologies have            Telstra’s completed rollout of fibre optic
personal lives easier and business more                  a crucial role to play in providing           cable to some of Australia’s most remote
productive.                                              affordable care.                              communities in the Northern Territory
The Next G™ network continues to                                                                       makes high speed internet access
                                                         Telstra is uniquely placed to help
deliver enormous customer benefits                                                                     available to healthcare centres there
                                                         healthcare and medical service
including high-speed broadband, rich                                                                   and also shows the way of the future
                                                         organisations address these challenges
content and video calling. Some of our                                                                 for Australia.


 National broadband network
  In April 2009, the Federal Government announced plans to establish a majority
  government-owned company (NBN Co) to build and operate a national
  broadband network (NBN).

 The Government’s NBN aims to provide                     long advocated the need for high-
 90 per cent of the population with access                speed broadband and have engaged
 to a fibre to the premise (FTTP) network                 constructively to help find a solution
 that will offer downlink data speeds of                  that is in the best interests of the
 100 Mbps and the remaining ten per                       industry and the nation, as well as
 cent of the population with access to                    Telstra’s shareholders, customers
 a wireless or satellite solution that will               and staff.                                                 As the Government conducts its
 offer downlink data speeds of at least                   The NBN will be complex and                                implementation study, Telstra continues
 12Mbps.                                                  challenging with a wide range of factors                   to invest in broadband technologies,
 The Government will conduct an                           to consider and its success will require                   networks and upgrades to provide
 implementation study, which is                           the focus and cooperation of industry.                     greater coverage and speeds for
 expected to be completed by February                     Our engagement has been driven by our                      home users and to improve productivity
 2010. Telstra supports the Federal                       commitment to help the Government                          and service delivery options for our
 Government’s NBN vision. We have                         achieve its NBN vision.                                    business customers.

 Next generation networks                                                                                            5.8Mbps peak network uplink speeds
                                                                                                                     using enhanced HSPA technology - a
  Telstra’s rollout of fibre optic cable to many of Australia’s most far flung                                       world first combination of network
                                                                                                                     and device with such capability. Actual
  communities makes high speed internet access available to remote students,
                                                                                                                     upload speeds are 550 kbps to 8 Mbps in
  health care professionals, and government and business.
                                                                                                                     upgraded areas*.
 Our networks provide the nation with a foundation for economic growth, social                                       Telstra’s continued innovation and
 inclusion, productivity improvement, sustainable prosperity and global competitiveness.                             technology leadership with the HSPA+
                                                                                                                     upgrade will enable Telstra to continue
                                                                                                                     to offer an improved mobile broadband
                                                                                                                     customer experience, despite the
Next G™ network upgrade to HSPA+                                to activate enhanced HSPA                            increased demands placed on the
                                                                technology;                                          network by new, bandwidth-intensive
In 2008/09, the Next G™ network has
broken new ground for the wireless                              in February 2009, Telstra launched                   services such as video and collaboration
industry, leveraging the advanced                               the first commercial device rated                    tools. The first commercial launch of
capabilities of enhanced HSPA+ (High                            to take advantage of the upgraded                    the faster mobile broadband device
Speed Packet Access Plus) technology                            network. The network operates                        is providing significant benefits in
to evolve the existing network to meet                          at peak network downlink speeds                      health care, education and business
next-generation mobile user demands                             of 21 Mbps. Actual speeds with a                     productivity, in addition to an enhanced
on our network:                                                 compatible device in selected CBD,                   consumer entertainment experience.
      in December 2008, the Telstra                             metro and regional areas is 550
      Next G™ network became the                                kbps to 8 Mbps1; and
      first mobile network in the world                         in June 2009, Telstra launched

 1 Actual customer speeds are less than 21 Mbps and 5.8 Mbps. Speeds vary due to factors such as distance from the cell, local conditions, user numbers, hardware,
   software and download source.


Next G™ network coverage expansion                       the nation’s fibre optic backbone that
program                                                  will greatly benefit from improvements
                                                         in health, education, policing and
The existing Telstra network is
experiencing increasing demand due to
the rapid growth of wireless broadband                   During 2009, an additional 190
usage over the past two years. Each                      kilometres of fibre optic cable, as well
wireless broadband customer places                       as five radio systems, will be installed
demand on network resources many                         by Telstra’s Top End crew to provide
times more than a customer making                        high speed broadband access to four
a simple voice call. This means that                     additional island communities.
continued investment in the network
is required. In 2008/09, Telstra invested                Australian Rail Track Corporation
                                                         communications system
$96 million to build an additional 234
new mobile base stations, expanding                      Work continues in the $85 million
the breadth and depth of our Next G™                     deal with the Australian Rail Track
mobile broadband network.                                Corporation to develop a new
                                                         communications system for the group’s
Ethernet backhaul enablement
                                                         national rail network. The new system
                                                         uses the Next G™ mobile network to
A wireless network needs more than                       facilitate the safe movement of trains
base stations - it needs a robust,                       around the nation.
superfast wireline network to connect                    The project has involved building 76 Next
to. The link between the wireline and                    G™ base stations in New South Wales,
wireless network is called backhaul and                  South Australia and Western Australia.
Telstra is enhancing the user experience
                                                         Additional infrastructure such as the
for Next G™ customers by investing in
                                                         provision of Satellite Private Mobile
Ethernet backhaul to carry all the speed-
                                                         Radio systems in 14 tunnels and two
hungry, data-hungry requirements of a
                                                         fully redundant data message switches
broadband enabled community.
                                                         is complete. The bulk manufacture of 704
Upgrades to approximately 3,000 metro                    In-Train Computing Environment units is
sites are now complete and the program
                                                         expected to commence in early 2010 and
continues to upgrade transmission to
                                                         be completed by June 2010. Transition
regional cities and towns as well as to
                                                         from the existing train communications
approximately 2,000 rural and remote
                                                         system to the new one is scheduled            VicSmart broadband network
sites. The program is scheduled to
                                                         late 2010.
continue through 2012.
                                                                                                       In the latest phase of a multi-million
                                                         Enabling ADSL and ADSL2+                      dollar project to give primary and
Broadbanding the Top End project
                                                                                                       secondary schools across Victoria access
                                                         ADSL2+ enablement allows exchanges            to high-speed internet, Telstra increased
The $34 million project announced in
                                                         to provide faster internet services           download speeds on the VicSmart
September 2008 by Telstra, the Northern
                                                         to customers. The rollout of ADSL2+           broadband network from four to ten
Territory Government, Rio Tinto Alcan
                                                         continues across Australia with an            megabits per second. The VicSmart
and the Northern Land Council has
                                                         additional 421 Telstra exchanges,             network is a partnership between the
seen 800km of optical fibre cable and
                                                         offering a further 230,000 homes              Victorian Government and Telstra that
associated infrastructure installed from
                                                         and businesses high-speed ADSL2+              will ensure hundreds of thousands of
Jabiru to Nhulunbuy in the Northern
                                                         broadband, to be upgraded by the end          students across the State have the
Territory. As well as the township of
                                                         of 2009. Telstra has invested $6.37 million   ability, skills and knowledge to excel in
Nhulunbuy, there are now five mainland
                                                         in these particular upgrades.                 the new broadband world.
Aboriginal communities connected to


Opening of the Managed Network
Operations Centre

Telstra made a significant investment
to build the multi-million dollar
Managed Network Operations Centre
(MNOC). Opened in October 2008, this
purpose-built facility allows Telstra
to provide corporate customers with
even higher levels of service, through a
greater visibility of our enterprise and
government customer networks and of
Telstra’s core network, early detection of
network related issues and much faster
fault detection, isolation and resolution.
Housing the latest technology, the
MNOC offers a range of managed
network services such as monitoring,
managing and maintaining the
equipment and network environments
located at customer sites.

Productivity                                                                               technology (ICT) investments and those
                                                                                           that are achieving real productivity gains.
 In October 2008, Telstra commissioned the first detailed independent body                 Over the last year, the most important
 of research on productivity among 300 leading Australian business and                     ICT investments were those that have
 government organisations.                                                                 improved workforce access to common
                                                                                           resources and information within offices
The research was undertaken to help identify and deliver productivity improvements         and across workplaces. Investments
to our customers. The outcomes of this research are captured in The Telstra                in ICT are also seen as having
Productivity Indicator, a report on business attitudes towards improving productivity in   contributed to staff training and process
Australia and a white paper: ICT as a Driver of Productivity. The research found that:     improvements.
                                                                                           Despite today’s tough economic
                                                                                           climate, Australian organisations
     78 per cent of large organisations            leaders in technology adoption          are optimistic about increasing their
     say improving productivity is a high          apply hard productivity metrics         productivity. Telstra’s series of Next
     priority;                                     and known targets, whereas only         Generation Services, including unified
                                                   45 per cent of technology followers     communications, security, mobility
     51 per cent of large organisations
                                                   do so; and                              applications, contact centre solutions,
     do not actually measure
     productivity or have clear                    43 per cent of Australia’s largest      hosting and storage, are assisting
     productivity improvement targets;             organisations expect productivity       organisations to achieve higher levels of
                                                   to increase over the next 12            productivity. Telstra is continuing to help
     61 per cent of organisations that                                                     business and government to incorporate
     invested in communications                                                            new digital technologies and related
     technologies such as broadband                                                        ICT solutions to drive productivity
                                             The Telstra Productivity Indicator
     and mobiles say that it has                                                           improvements across Australia.
                                             demonstrates a clear correlation
     improved their productivity;
                                             between those organisations that              To find out more, visit
     62 per cent of businesses that are      make information and communication  


     Telepresence uses Telstra’s Next IP™                care in regional areas no longer            This successful demonstration
     network and specialised medical                     have to be transferred hundreds of          represents an important step towards
     equipment to send and receive high                  kilometres by ambulance or helicopter       realising Telstra’s vision of improving
     definition ‘real time’ video images and             to metropolitan facilities, which results   the delivery of health care services
     other data between primary health                   in delays in treatment and additional       and health outcomes in regional and
     care providers and medical specialists.             costs. Now, medical specialists in          rural areas.
     In March 2009, Telstra and                          another city, state or even overseas
     telepresence specialist Polycom®                    can control the high definition camera,
     launched ‘real time’ virtual trauma                 examine and talk to the patient, talk
     care machines that will significantly               to local staff, get live heart rate and
     improve the availability of trauma                  blood pressure and other vital signs
     care in the Loddon Mallee region                    data, review digital scans and test
     of Victoria. These machines can                     results and watch live endoscopic
     be wheeled to the bedside in an                     video feed.
     emergency or intensive care ward,                   Access to virtual specialists can also
     and comprise a mobile wireless video                assist emergency wards deal with their
     conferencing unit, high definition video            heavy load, with a NSW telepresence
     cameras, monitors and associated                    trial revealing that up to half of people
     equipment – all connected to the                    seeking medical attention did not need      Virtual Trauma Critical Care Unit (ViTCCU),
     powerful Telstra Next IP™ network.                  to be admitted and could be safely               Loddon Mallee Rural Health Alliance
     Emergency patients requiring urgent                 sent home.

                                                         located 20 kilometres south of Cairns,      collaboration. The provision of these
                                                         and its sister campus at Wangetti,          technologies will allow students and
                                                         about 100 kilometres away. The              staff to connect with other students
                                                         schools cater for around 400 students,      and teachers in Australia and around
                                                         most of whom are Aboriginal or Torres       the world.
                                                         Strait Islander.                            Wireless access to laptops in all
                                                         The network will connect the two            classrooms and wireless handsets
                                                         Djarragun College campuses, providing       for all staff will eliminate physical
                                                         a virtual single learning environment       barriers and provide students, teachers
                                                         that will enable the sharing of             and administrators with increased
                                                         information and collaboration by the        access to resources wherever they are
      Students at Djarragun College                      school community. This will support         located.
                                                         better educational outcomes for             Telstra has enhanced the existing
                                                         students and help to reduce the need        network capacity including the
     Cisco and Telstra have deployed                     for staff to travel between the two         installation of optic fibre near
     Australia’s first broadband, Unified                facilities.                                 Djarragun College and a frame
     Communications and wireless network                 This Unified Communications                 relay circuit at Wangetti. High speed
     to help improve educational outcomes                network will help reduce the cost           broadband will provide the students
     at Djarragun, a largely Indigenous                  of communications and improve               access to a wealth of information,
     community in far north Queensland.                  management and technical support            multimedia and rich video content.
     Beginning in first term 2009, Cisco                 from Telstra and Cisco. The network         The Djarragun College project was the
     and Telstra committed significant                   will also serve as the platform             brainchild of the Cisco Australia and
     technical, financial and human                      for educational innovation at the           New Zealand Civic Council, Cisco’s
     resources to the network at Djarragun               campuses, for example through               corporate social responsibility arm in
     College, an independent primary                     the use of WebEX, a system of               Australia and New Zealand.
     and secondary school in Gordonvale,                 Internet based ‘real time’ video and


Mobile phones and health
 At Telstra, we want all consumers to have up-to-date and relevant information about
 using mobile phones, including all matters of mobile phone safety.

Telstra offers information about mobile phones, mobile technology and electromagnetic energy (EME) on our website.
We take all matters of safety very seriously and only sell mobile phones that meet national and international safety
requirements and standards.

Research into EME, mobile phones            remained relatively stable for both men           send text messages rather than
and health has been going on for            and women.” (IARC World Cancer Report             making calls; and
many years now. Telstra relies on the       December 2008 p.461)
                                                                                              keep call duration to a minimum.
expert advice of a number of national       If you have concerns, there are some
and international health authorities        simple steps you can take to reduce         To find out more about mobile
including the World Health Organisation     exposure to EME from the use of a           phones and health visit
(WHO) for overall assessments of health     mobile phone:                      or email us at:
and safety impacts.                                                           
                                                 use a personal or bluetooth hands-
The current advice from the WHO is
                                                 free kit, or a speaker phone option
that “the overall evidence available to
                                                 to keep mobile phones away from
date does not suggest the use of mobile
                                                 the head and body;
phones has any detrimental effect
on human health...” (World Health
peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/). We will
provide our customers with updates
from the WHO as they become available.
In reviewing the overall cancer incidence
rates, the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) stated in
the World Cancer Report late last year:
“After 1983 and more recently during
the period of increasing prevalence of
mobile phone users, the incidence has


Base stations and electromagnetic emissions
 Telstra acknowledges there is some community concern that exposure to low levels of
 EME from our telecommunications base stations could lead to adverse health effects.

Telstra places high importance on                            completed 344 mobile                  National Site Archive as part of our
effective and responsible management                         infrastructure projects consisting    transparent approach to EME and
of EME issues. In 2008/09, Telstra:                          of 84 new development                 telecommunications. This includes
                                                             applications and 260 Australian       updating the archive to reflect new and
       participated in the development
                                                             Communication Industry Forum          modified sites and site audit outcomes.
       of a video released by the Mobile
                                                             consultation proposals. Our           In 2008/09, Telstra published the
       Carriers Forum. The video,
                                                             proactive community engagement        following updates:
       called Mobile Networks in the
                                                             programs continued to result in a
       Environment, provides details                                                                    4,355 Environmental EME Reports;
                                                             very low number of complaints.
       on base station safety and how
                                                             The Australian Communications              3,237 EME Compliance Certificates;
       mobile networks are deployed in
                                                             and Media Authority confirmed              and
       the community, including why
                                                             that they received two complaints          3,736 Radio Communications Site
       base stations need to be built near
                                                             regarding Telstra proposals in             Management Books.
       users (see the video at www.mcf.
                                                             2008/09.                                                                Telstra provides detailed EME
       slideshow_mID.aspx); and                          Each year, Telstra publishes              information at
                                                         information on the Radio Frequency

Cyber safety and security
 At Telstra, we take our responsibility as a trusted internet services provider seriously.

We work with industry, government, community organisations and internet users
to address the range of evolving online risks and to develop measures that promote
online safety. We are strongly committed to minimising the risks that our customers
face online. This continuing commitment is reflected in our retail product offerings
and customer communications and awareness programs.
In October 2008, Telstra appointed an Officer for Internet Trust and Safety to chair a
cross-company working group with responsibility for delivering a coordinated focus on
cyber safety issues including internet filtering, online child exploitation, cyber bullying,
online scams and identity theft.

In 2008/09, the Internet Trust and Safety                    engaged Telstra in Government         from cyber bullying, identity theft
Working Group:                                               awareness and safety campaigns        and exposure to illegal content when
                                                             including Safer Internet Day and      online. Telstra’s Officer for Internet
       developed a comprehensive
                                                             National e-Security Awareness         Trust and Safety was reappointed as
       company-wide plan to align
                                                             Week; and                             a representative to the government’s
       Telstra’s cyber safety activities
                                                                                                   Consultative Working Group on
       including regulatory, government                      provided advice to the federal
                                                                                                   Cyber Safety.
       relations, customer experience and                    government on priorities and
       education;                                            measures that help protect children


In addition, the Telstra Foundation’s                            social network for six to 12 year
Spotlight on Cyber Safety program                                old children. Supported by the
continued to support the online safety                           Telstra Foundation with a grant
and wellbeing of children and young                              of $1.5 million over three years,
people, with grants to community                                 SuperClubsPLUS Australia has
organisations. The program supports                              over 87,000 Aussie kids registered,
projects that build resilience, teach                            connecting with each other and
online safety and deliver initiatives to                         learning how to keep safe online
support youth cyber safety. In 2008/09,                          (visit;
the Telstra Foundation:                                          and
      announced a further $3 million                             participated in the Technology
      contribution over three years                              and Wellbeing Roundtable, which
      towards its Spotlight on Cyber                             brings together thought leaders to
      Safety program, bringing the value                         share insight into how technology
      of its investment in youth cyber                           can be an enabler of wellbeing for
      safety to $6 million over six years;                       young people and to develop and
                                                                 promote best practice.
      launched SuperClubsPLUS
      Australia, a safe and protected

Performance and commitments
Report on planned actions 2008/09
 Planned actions                                                        Progress                                                                          Outcome
 Deploy enhanced HSPA+ (High Speed Packet Access Plus)                  On 24 December 2008 the Next G™ network became the first mobile
 as a national software upgrade to increase peak network                network in the world to activate enhanced High Speed Packet
 downlink speeds across our national Next G™ network                    Access Plus (HSPA+) technology.                                                        
 from the current 14.4Mbps to 21Mbps2 by the end of 2008.

 With support from the NT Government and Rio Tinto                      Telstra successfully rolled out over 800kms of optical fibre through
 Alcan, Telstra will roll out 800kms of fibre to connect nine           Arnhem Land connecting the township of Nhulunbuy and five
 northern Arnhem Land indigenous communities and
 the township of Nhulunbuy to the nation’s fibre optic
                                                                        mainland indigenous communities providing access to world
                                                                        class, high speed broadband and a range of other advanced
 backbone.                                                              communications solutions.

 Achieved        Partially achieved      Did not achieve

Planned actions 2009/10
      Create a Telstra cyber safety website to provide a central, dedicated education and awareness resource with information
      and tools for Telstra customers, employees and the general public.
      Upgrade the Next IP™ transmission network between Melbourne and Sydney to 40 Gigabits per second.
      Continue to upgrade Next G™ Ethernet backhaul to regional cities and towns as well as to approximately 2,000 rural and
      remote sites.
      Commence deployment of the next evolution of HSPA+ Dual Carrier technology in the Next G™ network.

2 Peak network downlink speed. Actual customer download speeds will be less and will vary due to traffic loading, distance from the cell, local conditions, hardware,
  software and other factors.

Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report
Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report

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Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 - Full report

  • 2. Telstra’s corporate responsibility reporting Our corporate responsibility (CR) performance against publicly reporting comprises this stated planned actions from our publication, 2008 report and on the issues the Telstra 2009 Corporate material to our business and Responsibility Report, as well as our stakeholders. CR website. The reporting covers Telstra CR website - Our CR Telstra’s economic, social and website provides full details about environmental contributions and our approach and activities in performance during 2008/09, and is 2008/09. A section on Reporting & intended to provide comprehensive Performance provides access to information to the full range of our full range of benchmarking, Telstra’s stakeholders. social and environmental reports. Our reporting covers the You can use our Global Reporting 2008/09 financial year for the Initiative (GRI) Index to navigate our Australian operations of Telstra CR website and report. Visit www. Corporation Limited (excluding Sensis, Telstra’s information Our reporting has been and advertising business, unless developed with reference to otherwise specified). A full account the Global Reporting Initiative of the corporate responsibility (GRI) G3 Guidelines and the performance of telecommunications sector Sensis can be found at supplement, and this year applies the GRI Framework Telstra 2009 Corporate to a level C (self declared). Responsibility Report - This publication focuses on our Feedback on our reporting is welcome. Please email Nancie-Lee Robinson, Senior Advisor, Corporate Responsibility, at Printed on Stephen Chilled White by Spicers Paper
  • 3. CEO MESSAGE CEO Message To focus our efforts in 2009/10, I have established a senior level Corporate Responsibility Council to guide our corporate responsibility strategy. The strategy focuses on areas critical to the success of our business and to Telstra’s standing as a good corporate citizen. For the first time, we will be announcing ambitious, long term targets to drive our performance in key areas – customer Since my appointment to the position satisfaction, carbon emissions and of CEO in May 2009, I have reflected employee engagement. We aim to make on the incredible work that has been Telstra a company people enjoy doing done by our people every day. Despite business with, as well as a great place challenging macro-economic conditions, to work. we have achieved strong results for fiscal Our seventh corporate responsibility 2009 and we continue to get on with report outlines the services we deliver the job of providing the nation with the to all Australian communities and next generation networks and services our contribution to the national and that are the foundation for social local economies. It shows that Telstra inclusion, economic growth, productivity takes its social and environmental improvement and sustainable responsibilities very seriously and prosperity. provides a comprehensive account As a company that touches the lives of Telstra’s progress against planned of millions of Australians every day, actions to improve our performance we have an important responsibility to during 2008/09. act ethically and responsibly in all that This report is evidence of Telstra’s we do. Every single thing we do has an ongoing commitment to our customers, impact on our company, our customers, shareholders, employees and the our shareholders and the nation. We communities in which we operate and I want to make sure that our every welcome your feedback – please contact effort counts. us at David Thodey Chief Executive Officer November 2009 1
  • 4. Contents 1. CEO message 23. Disaster relief 24. Digital inclusion 3. Performance summary 27. Performance and 2008/2009 commitments 4. Ethics and governance 28. Employee engagement 5 Corporate responsibility 29. Human capital development governance 31. Promoting diversity 6. Material issues 33. Health and safety 7. Stakeholder engagement 34. Mental health and wellbeing 9. Economic impact 35. Performance and 10. Human rights commitments 11. Suppliers 11. Performance and 36. Climate change commitments 37 Greenhouse gas emissions 40. Resource efficiency and waste 12. Impact of 42. Employee engagement telecommunications 44. Using ICT to drive sustainability 13. National broadband network 45. Performance and 13. Next generation networks commitments 15. Productivity 17. Mobile phones and health 46. Community 18. Base stations and investment electromagnetic emissions 47. Telstra Foundation 18. Cyber safety and security 48. Sponsorship 19. Performance and 50. Volunteering commitments 52. Performance and commitments 20. Customer service 21. Keeping Australia connected 21. Improving customer satisfaction 2
  • 5. PERFORMANCE SUMMARY 2008/2009 Performance summary 2008/09 Performance indicator 08/09 07/08 06/07 Financial Sales revenue $25.4 billion $24.7billion $23.7 billion EBIT $6.6 billion $6.2 billion $5.8 billion Profit after tax and minority interests $4.1 billion $3.7 billion $3.3 billion Ordinary dividends (cents per share) 28 28 28 Socio-economic Total workforce 43,181 46,649 47,840 Total domestic workforce (includes Sensis) 31,662 33,982 35,706 Wages and salaries $4.1 billion $4.2 billion $4 billion Local, state and Commonwealth taxes $1.8 billion $1.7 billion $1.8 billion Dividends to shareholders $3.5 billion $3.4 billion $3.4 billion Accrued capital expenditure $4.6 billion $4.9 billion $5.9 billion Community London Benchmarking Group (LBG)* measure of community investment $65.2 million $32.2 million # $18.8 million Employees Employee engagement N/A** 74% 73% Women in management roles 27% 24.6% 25.8% Lost time injuries frequency rate (per million hours worked) 2.14 2.54 2.14 Effective Health Safety & Environment (HS&E) audit results 44% 71% 88% Learning & development investment $104 million $75 million $60 million Learning & development investment per employee $2,800 $1,626 $1,500 Environment Greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes CO2e) 1,515,188 1,500,803 1,390,306 Greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes CO2e/ $million revenue) 59.4 60.4 N/A Total waste recycled (tonnes) 18,746 32,981 33,266 % Waste recycled 62% 69% 65% Total energy Use (GJ) 5,869,006 6,064,687 5,848,601 Total energy Use (GJ)/$million revenue 230.1 244.3 247.1 Volume of office paper (reams) 190,696 220,856 256,774 Volume of paper (reams) per employee 6.0 6.5 7.2 Water savings (kilolitres) 12,017 52,019 87,318 * Valuation includes cash, time, in-kind support and management costs for contributions made in Australia. # The figure reported in our 2008 CR Report ($38.4 million) included Sensis’s contributions. This has been amended here to exclude Sensis and to be consistent with 2007 and 2009 reporting. ** An EES was not conducted in 2008/09. The next EES is planned for 2009/10. 3
  • 6. Ethics and governance Telstra is committed to acting ethically and responsibly in all that we do. Will Irving Telstra Group General Counsel Q&A Q: Why has Telstra established a Q: Why does reputation matter? by how they seek to be part of the Corporate Responsibility Council? solution to key social and environmental A: It is important to us that Telstra challenges. A: We are keenly aware of Telstra’s is a good corporate citizen, because The connection between investment position in Australia - a company that companies that behave ethically, treat potential and corporate responsibility in some way touches nearly every their people well and contribute to the is demonstrated by the emergence of Australian, every day. Our day to day communities in which they operate, investor-led sustainability initiatives, business is a vital thread in Australia’s are companies that people want to be such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, economic and social fabric. Therefore, a associated with - whether as customers, Dow Jones Sustainability Index and commitment to the highest standards of employees, suppliers or shareholders. FTSE4Good, and of socially responsible corporate governance, transparency investment funds. and stakeholder engagement is of Q: How does Telstra’s social and As a major business enterprise, Telstra critical importance. environmental performance impact on has a responsibility to our shareholders, The Corporate Responsibility Council, shareholders? employees, customers and to the nation comprising ten of Telstra’s group to continually improve the performance managing directors, will guide and A: With rising concern in the broader of our company and its businesses. By govern the company’s corporate Australian community about things like doing this in a responsible way, we also responsibility strategy. The strategy climate change, water management, foster prosperity in the industries and is organised around seven key areas, an ageing population and the global communities in which we participate. and for the first time, ambitious and financial crisis, the role of businesses long-term targets will be set to improve in society is receiving more attention. I our performance and enhance our think there is increasing recognition that reputation. the investment value, profitability and risk profile of companies is influenced 4
  • 7. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE Corporate responsibility governance Telstra’s commitment to corporate responsibility begins with a simple and Material issues straightforward commitment to principled decision making in all that we do. In determining our material issues, Telstra considered the significant economic, Telstra’s commitment to corporate responsibility begins with a simple and straight- environmental and social impacts of forward commitment to principled decision making in all that we do. From a principled our business that may affect our value, perspective, Telstra’s primary corporate responsibilities are to increase shareholder operations, reputation and longevity. We value and advance shareholder interests by: considered the following key internal and external factors: Telstra’s business strategy and providing customer service that meets the company’s corporate responsibility core competencies; the expectations of our customers and strategy, an area of increased focus in wins their continuing loyalty; 2009/10. The Corporate Responsibility Telstra’s company values, code of Council, comprising ten of Telstra’s Group conduct, business principles and providing our employees with good Managing Directors, will have a cross corporate responsibility principles; jobs at good wages; company view of Telstra’s corporate significant risks to the company providing good stewardship of responsibility performance and activities. and critical factors for ensuring the environment and technology The Council will report to Telstra’s CEO on Telstra’s success; solutions that enable others to do a quarterly basis. The first meeting of the the same; Council was held in August 2009. key future challenges for the telecommunications industry; providing access to communications Reporting and benchmarking issues raised through the for those who need it most; performance mechanisms we have in place contributing resources - people, In 2009, we completed a submission for stakeholder engagement, in money, technology, products and to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index particular through our Employee services - to support the communities (DJSI), achieving a rating of 80 per cent, Engagement Survey, consumer in which we operate and the needs of an improvement of ten percentage surveys, Telecommunications the larger society; and points from 2008. This index identifies Industry Ombudsman Report, advancing the national interest companies that lead peers in managing Telstra Consumer Consultative by strengthening the capability of risk and leverage upside across Council, media reports and the nation’s telecommunications the economic, social and customer feedback; infrastructure. environmental agenda. relevant laws and regulations, for The Telstra Values, Telstra’s Business In 2008/09, Telstra introduced a monthly example the National Greenhouse Principles and Company Policies, including e-newsletter, Corporate Responsibility and Energy Reporting System, the Code of Conduct, set out the practices, Matters, to provide senior Telstra the Energy Efficiency Opportunities principles and standards of behaviour executives and key external stakeholders Act 2006 and the new Forward Telstra expects employees and contractors with a regular update on Telstra’s with Fairness industrial to adopt in performing their work. Together performance as a responsible relations legislation; they reflect our obligations and underpin corporate citizen. key future challenges for our the way we work with our customers, our Telstra has reported annually on its society as identified by social shareholders, our colleagues, the regulatory corporate responsibility performance and environmental experts, bodies we deal with, our suppliers and since 2003 through its corporate governments and grass roots stakeholders in the community. responsibility reports. These reports can community organisations; and be accessed on our website at www. Corporate Responsibility Council along with summary sustainability context, including reports of our DJSI results, our monthly the Global Reporting Initiative, In 2008/09, a decision was made to establish Millennium Goals, and United a senior executive committee to oversee newsletter and a range of other Telstra social and environmental reports. Nations Global Compact. 5
  • 8. ETHICS & GOVERNANCE Material issues Issue Impact Key elements of Telstra’s response Ethics and Telstra is a company that in some way • The Telstra Values, the Telstra Business Principles and the Company policies governance touches nearly every Australian every (including our Code of Conduct) provide guidance to all our officers and employees (p.4) day. A commitment to the highest on appropriate business and ethical behaviour. standards of corporate governance, • A senior level Corporate Responsibility Council has been established transparency and stakeholder to provide governance of Telstra’s corporate responsibility strategy engagement is of critical importance. and activities. Impact of Telstra recognises the significant • Telstra delivers Australia’s largest and fastest national mobile broadband telecommunications contribution that telecommunications network. (p.12) and information and communication • We support our customers to use our networks and ICT to address some of the technology (ICT) products and services nation’s most critical social issues – social isolation, health service delivery, make to people’s lives, community education and economic development. wellbeing, social inclusion, business • Telstra places high importance on effective and responsible management of productivity, economic development and electromagnetic emissions issues. global competitiveness. • Telstra works with industry, government, community organisations and internet users to address online risks and to develop measures that promote online safety. Customer service Customer satisfaction and service is a • Our Corporate Complaints Group manages our relationship with the (p.20) critical priority for Telstra and essential Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, with a focus on reducing the number for business success. We recognise of escalated complaints. that not all aspects of the customer • An Employee Complaint Referral Process assists customers known to employees experience are at the standard our with serious unresolved complaints. customers expect from us. We need to be • Ideas gathering forums enable Telstra people to harness their extensive insight honest and transparent with customers into ways we can serve our customers better. as we work to improve our systems and • A new position, Director Customer Service, has been created to develop and service. manage a new company-wide program to improve customer satisfaction. • A Customer Satisfaction Council with senior representatives from across the business has been established to focus on critical customer experience issues. • We have developed key service and satisfaction metrics linked to an incentive scheme for nearly all employees to help drive improvements. Employee Telstra’s economic sustainability relies • Telstra is committed to providing a safe and engaging work environment for our engagement on strong employee relationships, which people. (p.28) can be strengthened with competitive • We have a strong focus on promoting diversity with a company wide Diversity wages and benefits, and flexible working Council to champion seven priority areas. arrangements. Our work environments • We have a comprehensive Health and Wellbeing Strategy and invest in health should foster employee diversity, provide promotion and prevention activities. safe working conditions, and support talent acquisition and retention. Climate change Telstra has a significant opportunity to • Telstra is committed to improving energy efficiency in our networks and (p.36) mitigate the impact of climate change properties and to adapting our business to reduce our exposure to the direct by maximising energy efficiency. We are impacts of climate change. one of the largest owners and operators • Telstra promotes cost-effective ways for customers, industry and organisations to help of commercial and network properties, reduce their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions by adopting ICT solutions. we have the largest automotive fleet of • We are working to reduce the environmental impact of our supply chain, and we its kind, we have over 7,000 suppliers and encourage our employees to reduce their carbon footprint at home and at work. over 30,000 employees across Australia. • The Climate Change Review Group, comprising senior leaders from across the company, is responsible for the climate strategy planning and implementation. Community As a provider of telecommunications and • Each month, Telstra’s Access for Everyone program assists more than one million investment one of Australia’s largest companies, Australians on low incomes or in financial crisis, to maintain an affordable and (p.46) we understand the positive impact accessible telephone service. our business can have on community • The Telstra Foundation, Telstra’s corporate philanthropy program, funds life and wellbeing. Engaging with the community projects aimed at reducing social and geographic isolation and communities we operate in provides promoting social inclusion. valuable insight into the expectations • Our sponsorship portfolio reaches across sport, the arts, the environment, health and needs of these communities and and welfare and we support business and women in business through the Telstra how we can contribute. Business Awards and Telstra Business Women’s Awards. 6
  • 9. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE Stakeholder engagement Telstra has a wide range of stakeholder groups and a long history of stakeholder engagement. Consultation and dialogue with key stakeholder groups helps to gather input and ideas, inform our decision making, strengthen our relationships and build trust. Telstra makes a genuine effort to engage with and understand its key stakeholders, through both formal and informal mechanisms. We believe that engagement and consultation helps to better meet customers’ needs, improve customer loyalty, enhance employee satisfaction, build broader community support and ultimately strengthen shareholder value. Stakeholder Interests and concerns Engagement methods All Australians Australians are interested in the full • – Telstra’s corporate website provides information for range of Telstra’s activities. customers, shareholders and other interested members of the public on the latest activities at Telstra and includes public reports. Communities Communities are concerned about • Telstra Country Wide (TCW) Regional Consultative Forum helps to identify Telstra operates in access to services and the impact of the communications issues of importance in regional Australia. communities across our business on local communities. • At a state level, TCW Regional Executive Directors engage with state lobby the metropolitan, groups and representatives of State government and associated authorities. regional and remote • At a local level, the TCW Area General Managers engage with key areas of Australia. Our stakeholders to seek feedback and work proactively to meet local community communities include needs. non-government • Our mobile phone base station siting consultation processes help Telstra organisations. operate responsibly in designing, operating and managing mobile phone base stations and to minimise their impact on the community. • The Telstra Foundation engages with community organisations on issues impacting the lives of children and young people through its philanthropic grants program. Customers Our customers are interested in the • Telstra Disability Forum and Disability Equipment Program Consumer Our customers quality, affordability and accessibility Advisory Group provide mechanisms for consultation on our disability action include residential of our products and services, and the plan. consumers, small to privacy and security of their personal • Low Income Measures Assessment Committee provides advice on the medium enterprises, information and services. ongoing effectiveness of Telstra’s low-income package. large companies and • T[life]™ shops, Customer Experience Centres, Telstra Mentors and the organisations and Community Advocacy Program provide opportunities for us to assist our government. customers to meet their communications needs. • We undertake ongoing marketing and research to help us understand what our customers want. Employees Our employees have a broad range • Employee Engagement Survey provides all employees the opportunity Telstra’s workforce of concerns, including working to express their views about their jobs, the company and their working is large and diverse conditions, development opportunities environment. with over 30,000 and health and safety, as well as • Yabber is a Telstra intranet site that provides employees an opportunity employees in a wide range of interests in issues to share their personal stories - triumphs, challenges and passions - Australia. affecting their local communities and with all staff. environments. • Employee engagement opportunities relating to social and environmental issues include the Diversity Champion Network, Virtual Women’s Network, Green.Challenge@Telstra, Enable@Telstra and Spectrum Network. Government Telstra communicates regularly • Constructive relationships are built and maintained across all levels Our government with governments on a range of of government by our senior leadership team, Telstra’s Corporate and stakeholders are commercial, policy, regulatory and Government Relations team and Telstra Country Wide. at local, state and other matters in the interests of • We are required to work within relevant government legislative frameworks national levels, from its shareholders, customers and and to report our compliance and performance. Ministers and leaders employees. • Our Regulatory Affairs team manages Telstra’s relationship with statutory to department staff. regulators and industry bodies. • Telstra participates in regular forums and selected events with local, state and Federal government agencies. • Telstra’s Enterprise and Government business unit works with government customers to develop and deliver access to world-class information and communication solutions. 7
  • 10. ETHICS & GOVERNANCE Stakeholder Interests and concerns Engagement methods Industry Industry stakeholders are • Telstra is a member of the key ICT industry groups, including These stakeholders interested in issues impacting the the Communications Alliance, the Australian Mobile include information telecommunications industry, Telecommunications Association, the Australian Information and communication including regulation, market trends, Industries Association, the Internet Industry Association, the technology (ICT) and consumer protection, and technology Australian Telecommunications Users Group and the Australian telecommunications and service developments. Interactive Media Industry Association. specific associations, as • Telstra is a member of the Mobile Carriers Forum that deals well as sector-specific specifically with social and environmental issues within policy, associations. regulatory and operational environments associated with the deployment and operation of mobile phone networks. • Telstra’s Industry Analyst Relations function strengthens domestic and global relationships with specialist analysts on ICT industries and markets. • Telstra is a member of the Australian Industry Group and the Business Council of Australia, two of Australia’s major business lobby groups. • Telstra is member of the Australian Services Roundtable, the peak lobby group for the Australian services sector. Investment community Investors and analysts are concerned • Our annual Investor Day is an opportunity for Telstra to provide This stakeholder group with the risk inherent in and return a detailed update to the financial markets on the performance of includes institutional provided by their investment, and the the various business units and on the company’s transformation. investors and sell-side ability of the company to meets its • The Investor Centre ( is analysts. objectives. a dedicated resource for shareholders and potential investors. • The Investor Relations unit regularly engages with investors and analysts and co-ordinates meetings for the investment community with senior management. Media Telstra is one of the most widely • Telstra engages regularly with the media through our Chief Includes representatives scrutinised and reported companies in Executive Officer, senior executives, media spokespeople, from print, radio, TV and Australia. corporate affairs managers and other appropriate officers within online media. the company to provide information that is in the public interest. Shareholders Shareholders are interested • Telstra values a direct, two-way dialogue with shareholders Telstra has 1.4 million in financial returns, company and believes it is important not only to provide relevant shareholders. performance and governance issues. information quickly and efficiently, but also to listen, understand shareholders’ perspectives and respond to their feedback. • Telstra keeps shareholders informed through Annual General Meetings, an annual report and shareholder updates. • The Investor Centre ( is a dedicated resource for shareholders, providing information about our share price and financial performance, presentations and annual reports. Suppliers Suppliers are interested in secure and • Telstra regularly engages with suppliers throughout and after Telstra engages with stable relationships with Telstra the sourcing process. Our vendor managers monitor and manage around 7,000 suppliers Telstra’s commercial relationship with its suppliers and address each year with total delivery, quality, social and environmental issues. spending around • The Supplying to Telstra website ( $11 billion. to_telstra) provides practical advice to prospective and current suppliers on supplying to Telstra. 8
  • 11. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE CASE STUDY: SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT The communities on social media sites designed to protect the interests of The area hosted a ‘Ready Reckoner’ like YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and employees and the company. calculator allowing visitors to see how Twitter are growing at phenomenal The 3 Rs ask that when engaging in a much carbon they could save using rates. This interest extends to social media context employees: be telecommunications instead companies, including Telstra, which are clear about who they are representing; of travelling. beginning to use social media tools to take responsibility for ensuring that In September 2009, after four years, engage with customers, stakeholders references to Telstra are factually correct nearly 4.5 million visitors and over 10,000 and other relevant online communities. and do not breach confidentiality comments from Telstra stakeholders, Telstra embraces social media as an requirements; and show respect for nowwearetalking was closed. It will be important tool of corporate and business the individuals and communities they replaced in 2009/10 by an enhanced engagement. We also encourage our interact with. site that includes new Web 2.0 social employees to use social media in a In 2008/09, Telstra continued to build media functionality, more video and personal capacity as a way to reach out its online engagement with a 44 per an increased commitment to listening and share information and views with cent increase in visitor numbers to its to the views of customers and people friends and communities. online discussion forum and blog site outside Telstra. With the rapid growth and application of nowwearetalking. Telstra’s emphasis social media, Telstra recognised the need on two-way, open communication to have a policy that ensures employees with customers and stakeholders saw who use social media, either as part a 64 per cent increase in the number of of their job or in a personal capacity, comments published in the forum area. have guidance as to the company’s The forums covered topics expectations, particularly where the such as broadband, environment engagement is about Telstra, our and technology. products and services, our people, our Telstra also successfully launched an competitors or other business related online news, forum, and blog area called individuals or organisations. Smarter, Greener, Together to highlight Introduced in 2009, Telstra’s 3 Rs of Social the benefits telecommunications can Media Engagement are ‘guardrails’ bring to help deliver a low carbon future. Economic impact In designing, developing and implementing communications solutions for our customers, Telstra has a significant impact on the economy through employment, investment and our supply chain. During the 2008/09 financial year, Telstra’s business activities: supported 43,181 jobs (total invested $4.6 billion to continue creation of new and advanced business workforce); the build out of the Next G support and operating support systems paid out $4.1 billion in salaries and wireless broadband network, in and other investments to transform the wages; the continued deployment of the delivery of telecommunications services Telstra Next IP™ network, the in Australia. paid out $3.5 billion in dividends to 1.4 million shareholders; Financial summary paid $1.9 billion in Commonwealth, state and local taxes; 2009 $m 2008 $m Change $m Change % purchased more than $11 billion in Sales revenue 25,371 24,657 714 2.9 goods and services from around EBIT 6,558 6,226 332 5.3 7,000 suppliers; Profit after tax and minority interests 4,073 3,692 381 10.3 contributed an estimated $16.07 Ordinary dividends (cents per share) 28 28 - - billion to Australia’s Gross Domestic Product; and Year ended 30 June 2009. Includes Sensis. 9
  • 12. ETHICS & GOVERNANCE Human rights Telstra’s existing policies value and protect human rights. For example, we promote diversity and with integrity in purchasing goods and the deliberate consent of Parliament. do not tolerate unlawful discrimination. services and conducting business with While no system is perfect, a legislated Our company-wide Diversity Council, our vendors. Social and environmental Charter of Human Rights could create a consisting of six Group Managing considerations in our supplier selection mechanism for this to occur and provide Directors, champions several diversity and evaluation processes are guided by for greater governmental accountability priority areas - age balance, cultural our Purchasing Ethics Guidelines and and focus on human rights. diversity, Indigenous, work-life flexibility, Environmental Purchasing Guidelines. disability, gender and sexual orientation The role of business in protecting and gender identity. Our Health, Safety Support of Human Rights Charter human rights and Environment (HSE) team oversees Telstra registered its interest in Telstra has encouraged other our health and safety management contributing to the development of corporations to join the human rights system, which is aligned with the a Human Rights Charter by sending conversation. In our submission to the requirements of Australian and New a submission to the Commonwealth National Inquiry into Human Rights, Zealand standards. We also value the Attorney General, The Hon Robert at public events and in the media we provision of a safe, healthy working McLelland MP, on 23 October 2008. have explained the vital role companies environment. Rigorously applied, Telstra’s submission was later lodged play in protecting human rights. We our occupational health and safety with the National Inquiry into Human participated in an Australian Charter of management system incorporates HSE Rights, and was published on the Rights Roundtable on 19 December 2008 management standards that cater for Inquiry’s website in February 2009. As and on 7 May 2009, Telstra hosted the the varying levels of risk that arise across an organisation that interacts with Human Rights – Join the Conversation Telstra’s businesses. millions of customers and shareholders forum in Sydney. Numerous guests In addition, Telstra seeks to conduct and thousands of employees, we believe attended the event and the keynote business with companies that also value Telstra has a role to play in the debate. speaker, Hon Catherine Branson and protect human rights. Telstra’s Our submission suggested that the QC, President of the Human Rights Business Principles provide a framework removal of basic rights, for whatever Commission, spoke at the forum on to ensure that we operate ethically and reason, should only be possible with the evening. 10
  • 13. ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE Suppliers In 2008/09, Telstra purchased approximately $11 billion in goods and services from around 7,000 suppliers. The vision for our procurement avoided the consumption of vendors to encourage responsible strategy is: one way to procure, one approximately 657,783 sheets of business practice. St James Ethics way to connect with suppliers and paper through the use of online Centre has been funded by the one company-wide view of Telstra shopping carts, purchase orders Australia Federal Government to vendor activity. and invoices - an improvement of expand sustainable responsible We are delivering this through a smarter over 200,000 sheets on the business practice nationwide. approach to procurement that involves previous year; partnering with world-class suppliers, worked closely with suppliers to reducing the total number of vendors reduce the environmental impacts over the longer term, streamlining our associated with the packaging supply chain processes, reducing costs of Telstra consumer products and improving Telstra’s performance in and marketing materials (Telstra responding to customer demand. is a signatory to the National We continue to look at new ways Packaging Covenant); and we can improve the social or worked with the St James Ethics environmental impact of our supply Centre to trial a range of resources chain. In 2008/09, Telstra: with small to medium enterprise Performance and commitments Report on planned actions 2008/09 Planned actions Progress Outcome Improve the relevance, transparency and The corporate responsibility site on Telstra’s website has been updated to accessibility of Telstra’s corporate responsibility include more comprehensive coverage across more aspects of corporate information on Telstra’s website. responsibility. A Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index has been added to  improve the accessibility of information. See Introduce feature sections on nowwearetalking Telstra launched an online news, forum, and blog area called Smarter, Greener, to provide a platform for public discussion and Together to focus discussion on environmental issues. Public discussion and debate about the environment and the National debate about the National Broadband Network and other issues relevant to  Broadband Network. telecommunications was encouraged via the Opinion forum on nowwearetalking. Conduct a review of Telstra’s human rights Review was conducted and opportunities for improvements identified. A human position and practices to assess performance against international standards. rights working group will be established in 2009/10 to oversee progress in this area, including the development of a human rights policy.   Achieved Partially achieved  Did not achieve Planned actions 2009/10 Establish a panel of invited independent experts to provide Telstra’s Corporate Responsibility Council with periodic advice on key social and environmental issues. Develop a human rights policy for Telstra. Launch a new Telstra social media engagement site that includes new Web 2.0 social media functionality, and an increased commitment to listening to the views of customers. and people outside Telstra. 11
  • 14. I M PA C T O F T E L E C O M M U N I C AT I O N S Impact of telecommunications Our networks provide the nation with a strong foundation for economic growth, productivity improvement and sustainable prosperity. Michael Rocca Group Managing Director, Telstra Networks and Services Q&A Q: How is Telstra enabling the company business customers in Australia are through a suite of technologies. to deliver world class capabilities and seeing productivity uplifts of up to 30 per Information can be delivered via Telstra services to its customers? cent in parts of their workforces. networks that link mobile phones, Our evolution has also included an handheld computers, laptops and A: Our investment in Australia over the upgrade to Telstra’s Global Operations computer systems. This is backed by the last four years has provided one of the Centre, and the creation of a Managed superior breadth, speed and coverage largest, fully integrated national IP Networks Operations Centre, improving of Telstra’s high speed Next G™ wireless networks in the world - the Next IP™ our response and restoration times. broadband network and Telstra’s Next network is faster, more secure, is 99.999 IP™ network. per cent reliable and offers 77 times These technologies enable healthcare Q: How important are Telstra’s networks more capacity than the old circuit- professionals to deliver better and faster and technologies in helping to improve switched network. service to their patients. For example, the delivery of health services in Our single IP-based network has resulted Australia? it is now possible to download patient in a physically less complicated network information during a home visit, upload that simplifies service management data-rich medical imagery, access secure A: Australia is facing significant health while enhancing network reliability medical databases at the patient’s challenges, especially in dealing with and resilience. The services we offer bedside, and connect with a specialist chronic disease. Financial pressures through our network continue to via video conference from a remote are strong, costs are increasing and improve customers’ quality of life, community. an ageing population is reshaping helping to make their professional and our economy. New technologies have Telstra’s completed rollout of fibre optic personal lives easier and business more a crucial role to play in providing cable to some of Australia’s most remote productive. affordable care. communities in the Northern Territory The Next G™ network continues to makes high speed internet access Telstra is uniquely placed to help deliver enormous customer benefits available to healthcare centres there healthcare and medical service including high-speed broadband, rich and also shows the way of the future organisations address these challenges content and video calling. Some of our for Australia. 12
  • 15. I M PA C T O F T E L E C O M M U N I C AT I O N S National broadband network In April 2009, the Federal Government announced plans to establish a majority government-owned company (NBN Co) to build and operate a national broadband network (NBN). The Government’s NBN aims to provide long advocated the need for high- 90 per cent of the population with access speed broadband and have engaged to a fibre to the premise (FTTP) network constructively to help find a solution that will offer downlink data speeds of that is in the best interests of the 100 Mbps and the remaining ten per industry and the nation, as well as cent of the population with access to Telstra’s shareholders, customers a wireless or satellite solution that will and staff. As the Government conducts its offer downlink data speeds of at least The NBN will be complex and implementation study, Telstra continues 12Mbps. challenging with a wide range of factors to invest in broadband technologies, The Government will conduct an to consider and its success will require networks and upgrades to provide implementation study, which is the focus and cooperation of industry. greater coverage and speeds for expected to be completed by February Our engagement has been driven by our home users and to improve productivity 2010. Telstra supports the Federal commitment to help the Government and service delivery options for our Government’s NBN vision. We have achieve its NBN vision. business customers. Next generation networks 5.8Mbps peak network uplink speeds using enhanced HSPA technology - a Telstra’s rollout of fibre optic cable to many of Australia’s most far flung world first combination of network and device with such capability. Actual communities makes high speed internet access available to remote students, upload speeds are 550 kbps to 8 Mbps in health care professionals, and government and business. upgraded areas*. Our networks provide the nation with a foundation for economic growth, social Telstra’s continued innovation and inclusion, productivity improvement, sustainable prosperity and global competitiveness. technology leadership with the HSPA+ upgrade will enable Telstra to continue to offer an improved mobile broadband customer experience, despite the Next G™ network upgrade to HSPA+ to activate enhanced HSPA increased demands placed on the technology; network by new, bandwidth-intensive In 2008/09, the Next G™ network has broken new ground for the wireless in February 2009, Telstra launched services such as video and collaboration industry, leveraging the advanced the first commercial device rated tools. The first commercial launch of capabilities of enhanced HSPA+ (High to take advantage of the upgraded the faster mobile broadband device Speed Packet Access Plus) technology network. The network operates is providing significant benefits in to evolve the existing network to meet at peak network downlink speeds health care, education and business next-generation mobile user demands of 21 Mbps. Actual speeds with a productivity, in addition to an enhanced on our network: compatible device in selected CBD, consumer entertainment experience. in December 2008, the Telstra metro and regional areas is 550 Next G™ network became the kbps to 8 Mbps1; and first mobile network in the world in June 2009, Telstra launched 1 Actual customer speeds are less than 21 Mbps and 5.8 Mbps. Speeds vary due to factors such as distance from the cell, local conditions, user numbers, hardware, software and download source. 13
  • 16. I M PA C T O F T E L E C O M M U N I C AT I O N S Next G™ network coverage expansion the nation’s fibre optic backbone that program will greatly benefit from improvements in health, education, policing and The existing Telstra network is entertainment. experiencing increasing demand due to the rapid growth of wireless broadband During 2009, an additional 190 usage over the past two years. Each kilometres of fibre optic cable, as well wireless broadband customer places as five radio systems, will be installed demand on network resources many by Telstra’s Top End crew to provide times more than a customer making high speed broadband access to four a simple voice call. This means that additional island communities. continued investment in the network is required. In 2008/09, Telstra invested Australian Rail Track Corporation communications system $96 million to build an additional 234 new mobile base stations, expanding Work continues in the $85 million the breadth and depth of our Next G™ deal with the Australian Rail Track mobile broadband network. Corporation to develop a new communications system for the group’s Ethernet backhaul enablement national rail network. The new system program uses the Next G™ mobile network to A wireless network needs more than facilitate the safe movement of trains base stations - it needs a robust, around the nation. superfast wireline network to connect The project has involved building 76 Next to. The link between the wireline and G™ base stations in New South Wales, wireless network is called backhaul and South Australia and Western Australia. Telstra is enhancing the user experience Additional infrastructure such as the for Next G™ customers by investing in provision of Satellite Private Mobile Ethernet backhaul to carry all the speed- Radio systems in 14 tunnels and two hungry, data-hungry requirements of a fully redundant data message switches broadband enabled community. is complete. The bulk manufacture of 704 Upgrades to approximately 3,000 metro In-Train Computing Environment units is sites are now complete and the program expected to commence in early 2010 and continues to upgrade transmission to be completed by June 2010. Transition regional cities and towns as well as to from the existing train communications approximately 2,000 rural and remote system to the new one is scheduled VicSmart broadband network sites. The program is scheduled to late 2010. continue through 2012. In the latest phase of a multi-million Enabling ADSL and ADSL2+ dollar project to give primary and Broadbanding the Top End project secondary schools across Victoria access ADSL2+ enablement allows exchanges to high-speed internet, Telstra increased The $34 million project announced in to provide faster internet services download speeds on the VicSmart September 2008 by Telstra, the Northern to customers. The rollout of ADSL2+ broadband network from four to ten Territory Government, Rio Tinto Alcan continues across Australia with an megabits per second. The VicSmart and the Northern Land Council has additional 421 Telstra exchanges, network is a partnership between the seen 800km of optical fibre cable and offering a further 230,000 homes Victorian Government and Telstra that associated infrastructure installed from and businesses high-speed ADSL2+ will ensure hundreds of thousands of Jabiru to Nhulunbuy in the Northern broadband, to be upgraded by the end students across the State have the Territory. As well as the township of of 2009. Telstra has invested $6.37 million ability, skills and knowledge to excel in Nhulunbuy, there are now five mainland in these particular upgrades. the new broadband world. Aboriginal communities connected to 14
  • 17. I M PA C T O F T E L E C O M M U N I C AT I O N S Opening of the Managed Network Operations Centre Telstra made a significant investment to build the multi-million dollar Managed Network Operations Centre (MNOC). Opened in October 2008, this purpose-built facility allows Telstra to provide corporate customers with even higher levels of service, through a greater visibility of our enterprise and government customer networks and of Telstra’s core network, early detection of network related issues and much faster fault detection, isolation and resolution. Housing the latest technology, the MNOC offers a range of managed network services such as monitoring, managing and maintaining the equipment and network environments located at customer sites. Productivity technology (ICT) investments and those that are achieving real productivity gains. In October 2008, Telstra commissioned the first detailed independent body Over the last year, the most important of research on productivity among 300 leading Australian business and ICT investments were those that have government organisations. improved workforce access to common resources and information within offices The research was undertaken to help identify and deliver productivity improvements and across workplaces. Investments to our customers. The outcomes of this research are captured in The Telstra in ICT are also seen as having Productivity Indicator, a report on business attitudes towards improving productivity in contributed to staff training and process Australia and a white paper: ICT as a Driver of Productivity. The research found that: improvements. Despite today’s tough economic climate, Australian organisations 78 per cent of large organisations leaders in technology adoption are optimistic about increasing their say improving productivity is a high apply hard productivity metrics productivity. Telstra’s series of Next priority; and known targets, whereas only Generation Services, including unified 45 per cent of technology followers communications, security, mobility 51 per cent of large organisations do so; and applications, contact centre solutions, do not actually measure productivity or have clear 43 per cent of Australia’s largest hosting and storage, are assisting productivity improvement targets; organisations expect productivity organisations to achieve higher levels of to increase over the next 12 productivity. Telstra is continuing to help 61 per cent of organisations that business and government to incorporate months. invested in communications new digital technologies and related technologies such as broadband ICT solutions to drive productivity The Telstra Productivity Indicator and mobiles say that it has improvements across Australia. demonstrates a clear correlation improved their productivity; between those organisations that To find out more, visit 62 per cent of businesses that are make information and communication 15
  • 18. I M PA C T O F T E L E C O M M U N I C AT I O N S CASE STUDY – VIRTUAL TRAUMA CARE A REALITY WITH TELSTRA TELEPRESENCE Telepresence uses Telstra’s Next IP™ care in regional areas no longer This successful demonstration network and specialised medical have to be transferred hundreds of represents an important step towards equipment to send and receive high kilometres by ambulance or helicopter realising Telstra’s vision of improving definition ‘real time’ video images and to metropolitan facilities, which results the delivery of health care services other data between primary health in delays in treatment and additional and health outcomes in regional and care providers and medical specialists. costs. Now, medical specialists in rural areas. In March 2009, Telstra and another city, state or even overseas telepresence specialist Polycom® can control the high definition camera, launched ‘real time’ virtual trauma examine and talk to the patient, talk care machines that will significantly to local staff, get live heart rate and improve the availability of trauma blood pressure and other vital signs care in the Loddon Mallee region data, review digital scans and test of Victoria. These machines can results and watch live endoscopic be wheeled to the bedside in an video feed. emergency or intensive care ward, Access to virtual specialists can also and comprise a mobile wireless video assist emergency wards deal with their conferencing unit, high definition video heavy load, with a NSW telepresence cameras, monitors and associated trial revealing that up to half of people equipment – all connected to the seeking medical attention did not need Virtual Trauma Critical Care Unit (ViTCCU), powerful Telstra Next IP™ network. to be admitted and could be safely Loddon Mallee Rural Health Alliance Emergency patients requiring urgent sent home. CASE STUDY – NETWORK IMPROVES INDIGENOUS EDUCATION OUTCOMES AT DJARRAGUN located 20 kilometres south of Cairns, collaboration. The provision of these and its sister campus at Wangetti, technologies will allow students and about 100 kilometres away. The staff to connect with other students schools cater for around 400 students, and teachers in Australia and around most of whom are Aboriginal or Torres the world. Strait Islander. Wireless access to laptops in all The network will connect the two classrooms and wireless handsets Djarragun College campuses, providing for all staff will eliminate physical a virtual single learning environment barriers and provide students, teachers that will enable the sharing of and administrators with increased information and collaboration by the access to resources wherever they are Students at Djarragun College school community. This will support located. better educational outcomes for Telstra has enhanced the existing students and help to reduce the need network capacity including the Cisco and Telstra have deployed for staff to travel between the two installation of optic fibre near Australia’s first broadband, Unified facilities. Djarragun College and a frame Communications and wireless network This Unified Communications relay circuit at Wangetti. High speed to help improve educational outcomes network will help reduce the cost broadband will provide the students at Djarragun, a largely Indigenous of communications and improve access to a wealth of information, community in far north Queensland. management and technical support multimedia and rich video content. Beginning in first term 2009, Cisco from Telstra and Cisco. The network The Djarragun College project was the and Telstra committed significant will also serve as the platform brainchild of the Cisco Australia and technical, financial and human for educational innovation at the New Zealand Civic Council, Cisco’s resources to the network at Djarragun campuses, for example through corporate social responsibility arm in College, an independent primary the use of WebEX, a system of Australia and New Zealand. and secondary school in Gordonvale, Internet based ‘real time’ video and 16
  • 19. I M PA C T O F T E L E C O M M U N I C AT I O N S Mobile phones and health At Telstra, we want all consumers to have up-to-date and relevant information about using mobile phones, including all matters of mobile phone safety. Telstra offers information about mobile phones, mobile technology and electromagnetic energy (EME) on our website. We take all matters of safety very seriously and only sell mobile phones that meet national and international safety requirements and standards. Research into EME, mobile phones remained relatively stable for both men send text messages rather than and health has been going on for and women.” (IARC World Cancer Report making calls; and many years now. Telstra relies on the December 2008 p.461) keep call duration to a minimum. expert advice of a number of national If you have concerns, there are some and international health authorities simple steps you can take to reduce To find out more about mobile including the World Health Organisation exposure to EME from the use of a phones and health visit (WHO) for overall assessments of health mobile phone: or email us at: and safety impacts. use a personal or bluetooth hands- The current advice from the WHO is free kit, or a speaker phone option that “the overall evidence available to to keep mobile phones away from date does not suggest the use of mobile the head and body; phones has any detrimental effect on human health...” (World Health Organisation: peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/). We will provide our customers with updates from the WHO as they become available. In reviewing the overall cancer incidence rates, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated in the World Cancer Report late last year: “After 1983 and more recently during the period of increasing prevalence of mobile phone users, the incidence has 17
  • 20. I M PA C T O F T E L E C O M M U N I C AT I O N S Base stations and electromagnetic emissions Telstra acknowledges there is some community concern that exposure to low levels of EME from our telecommunications base stations could lead to adverse health effects. Telstra places high importance on completed 344 mobile National Site Archive as part of our effective and responsible management infrastructure projects consisting transparent approach to EME and of EME issues. In 2008/09, Telstra: of 84 new development telecommunications. This includes applications and 260 Australian updating the archive to reflect new and participated in the development Communication Industry Forum modified sites and site audit outcomes. of a video released by the Mobile consultation proposals. Our In 2008/09, Telstra published the Carriers Forum. The video, proactive community engagement following updates: called Mobile Networks in the programs continued to result in a Environment, provides details 4,355 Environmental EME Reports; very low number of complaints. on base station safety and how The Australian Communications 3,237 EME Compliance Certificates; mobile networks are deployed in and Media Authority confirmed and the community, including why that they received two complaints 3,736 Radio Communications Site base stations need to be built near regarding Telstra proposals in Management Books. users (see the video at www.mcf. 2008/09. Telstra provides detailed EME slideshow_mID.aspx); and Each year, Telstra publishes information at information on the Radio Frequency Cyber safety and security At Telstra, we take our responsibility as a trusted internet services provider seriously. We work with industry, government, community organisations and internet users to address the range of evolving online risks and to develop measures that promote online safety. We are strongly committed to minimising the risks that our customers face online. This continuing commitment is reflected in our retail product offerings and customer communications and awareness programs. In October 2008, Telstra appointed an Officer for Internet Trust and Safety to chair a cross-company working group with responsibility for delivering a coordinated focus on cyber safety issues including internet filtering, online child exploitation, cyber bullying, online scams and identity theft. In 2008/09, the Internet Trust and Safety engaged Telstra in Government from cyber bullying, identity theft Working Group: awareness and safety campaigns and exposure to illegal content when including Safer Internet Day and online. Telstra’s Officer for Internet developed a comprehensive National e-Security Awareness Trust and Safety was reappointed as company-wide plan to align Week; and a representative to the government’s Telstra’s cyber safety activities Consultative Working Group on including regulatory, government provided advice to the federal Cyber Safety. relations, customer experience and government on priorities and education; measures that help protect children 18
  • 21. I M PA C T O F T E L E C O M M U N I C AT I O N S In addition, the Telstra Foundation’s social network for six to 12 year Spotlight on Cyber Safety program old children. Supported by the continued to support the online safety Telstra Foundation with a grant and wellbeing of children and young of $1.5 million over three years, people, with grants to community SuperClubsPLUS Australia has organisations. The program supports over 87,000 Aussie kids registered, projects that build resilience, teach connecting with each other and online safety and deliver initiatives to learning how to keep safe online support youth cyber safety. In 2008/09, (visit; the Telstra Foundation: and announced a further $3 million participated in the Technology contribution over three years and Wellbeing Roundtable, which towards its Spotlight on Cyber brings together thought leaders to Safety program, bringing the value share insight into how technology of its investment in youth cyber can be an enabler of wellbeing for safety to $6 million over six years; young people and to develop and promote best practice. launched SuperClubsPLUS Australia, a safe and protected Performance and commitments Report on planned actions 2008/09 Planned actions Progress Outcome Deploy enhanced HSPA+ (High Speed Packet Access Plus) On 24 December 2008 the Next G™ network became the first mobile as a national software upgrade to increase peak network network in the world to activate enhanced High Speed Packet downlink speeds across our national Next G™ network Access Plus (HSPA+) technology.  from the current 14.4Mbps to 21Mbps2 by the end of 2008. With support from the NT Government and Rio Tinto Telstra successfully rolled out over 800kms of optical fibre through Alcan, Telstra will roll out 800kms of fibre to connect nine Arnhem Land connecting the township of Nhulunbuy and five northern Arnhem Land indigenous communities and the township of Nhulunbuy to the nation’s fibre optic mainland indigenous communities providing access to world class, high speed broadband and a range of other advanced  backbone. communications solutions.  Achieved Partially achieved  Did not achieve Planned actions 2009/10 Create a Telstra cyber safety website to provide a central, dedicated education and awareness resource with information and tools for Telstra customers, employees and the general public. Upgrade the Next IP™ transmission network between Melbourne and Sydney to 40 Gigabits per second. Continue to upgrade Next G™ Ethernet backhaul to regional cities and towns as well as to approximately 2,000 rural and remote sites. Commence deployment of the next evolution of HSPA+ Dual Carrier technology in the Next G™ network. 2 Peak network downlink speed. Actual customer download speeds will be less and will vary due to traffic loading, distance from the cell, local conditions, hardware, software and other factors. 19