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                                    THIS IS

                                   WE DO BUSINESS
                     FROM THE PRESIDENT AND CEO
                  2009 was doubly celebratory for Rezidor, representing 50 years since the
                   opening of our first hotel – the legendary (Radisson Blu) Hotel Royal in
               Copenhagen – and 20 years since the launch of our first environmental policy.
               Our company’s conscientious Scandinavian heritage means we have long taken
                into account our environmental and social responsibility and we have kept
                 this approach as we expanded across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
                     And we have maintained momentum during the difficult times too –
                     launching the Responsible Business Manual in March; endorsing the
                      Global Compact’s “Caring for Climate” initiative in June; achieving
                     27 more eco-labels over the last year; and substantially improving our
                       performance with regard to energy, water and waste once again.
               We can be proud of these results and of our Responsible Business programme’s
                   unique and wide scope: taking responsibility for the health and safety of
              employees and customers; respecting social and ethical issues in the company, as
              well as in the community; and reducing the negative impact on the environment.
              In addition the programme stands out from the crowd in that it is in place across
                 each of our brands and throughout all the regions where Rezidor is present.
                        The demands on a responsible business are ever changing, as the
                          economic crises take their toll and demands from our diverse
                      stakeholders become increasingly sophisticated. We look forward to
                       embracing this challenge and reaping the benefits of our pro-active
                       efforts by being able to provide world-class responsible hospitality.

                                            Kurt Ritter, President and CEO

       4. About The Report                 8.  he Responsible Business
                                              T                              17.  ur TRIC=S for Safety
                                              Programme                         and Security
       5.  esponsible Business Strategy
                                           11. Economic Results              19. Summary of Progress
       6.  mpacts, Risks and
          Opportunities                    13. Environmental Results         22. GRI Standard
                                                                                 Disclosures Table
                                           15.  ocial Results

2  Responsible Business Report 2009
  PERFORMANCE INDICATORS                                                                               2009                2008                 2007
   Energy/m2 (kWh) Radisson Blu                                                                         279                  292                  308
   Energy/m2 (kWh) Park Inn                                                                             290                  308                  350
   Water/ Guest Night (litres) Radisson Blu                                                             415                  461                  475
   Water/ Guest Night (litres) Park Inn                                                                 358                  375                  403
   Waste/ Guest Night (kg) Radisson Blu                                                                1.69                 1.70                  1.74
   Waste/ Guest Night (kg) Park Inn                                                                    1.51                 1.77                  2.16
   Climate Analysis Employee Satisfaction score                                                        85.8                 85.1                  85.1
   Average 3T Monitor Safety and Security self-audit score                                             93.7                 92.3                  91.4

                                                                                                Kurt Ritter, President and CEO, and Sarah Rooney, Manager
                                                                                               Responsible Business, presenting Harriet Koopman, General
                                                                                                   Manager of the Radisson Blu Hotel, Amsterdam Airport,
                                                                                                                with the 2009 Responsible Business Award.


The Rezidor Hotel Group Responsible Business        Business spirit from the moment they join the       Coordinator for the region. She regularly pres-
Award is presented to the hotel which has ex-       hotel when they are shown a short film made by      ents and guest lectures on Responsible Business.
celled in social and environmental sustainability   the Responsible Business team describing the           Guests too cannot miss Responsible Busi-
throughout the year. Selection criteria include     environmental and social projects and achieve-      ness in action at this hotel. An up-to-date in-
third-party environmental certification,            ments of the hotel. The staff canteen serves        formation stand takes pride of place in the ho-
participation in Responsible Business Action        healthy food and five fit employees including       tel lobby while the reception team sells “Kika”
Month, consumption reductions and innova-           General Manager Harriet Koopman joined teams        bears in aid of a children’s cancer charity. Fair
tion. For 2009, Radisson Blu Hotel, Amsterdam       from the other Benelux properties in the Brus-      trade coffee and chocolate are also served. In
Airport was deemed the worthy winner.               sels 20km race in May in aid of World Childhood     addition, the hotel also cooperates closely with
   This year the hotel achieved the prestigious     Foundation. Indeed Harriet is a true Responsible    a children’s home, Leefkringhuis, throughout
Green Key eco-label Gold for their outstand-        Business ambassador. She herself is the Respon-     the year assisting with birthday, Easter and
ing environmental efforts. Employees at this        sible Business Trainer at her hotel and was re-     Christmas parties, redecoration and providing
property are fully immersed in the Responsible      cently appointed Regional Responsible Business      supplies when needed.

                                                                                                              Responsible business RepoRt 2009              3
The purpose of this Responsible Business Report, in combination                                 The Status Report is an internet-based da-
with the Rezidor 2009 Annual Report, is to help shareholders and                                tabase managed by an external consultant
                                                                                                (also available through Rezidor’s intranet),
other key stakeholders to value, assess and understand the opera-
                                                                                                and contains 58 questions touching on all
tions of The Rezidor Hotel Group.                                                               relevant areas of the Responsible Busi-
                                                                                                ness programme. The questionnaire used
We have an ongoing dialogue with our                Due to the fact that the reporting base     is inspired by the UN Global Compact and
stakeholders and we report what we con-          changes from year to year, we use key          the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines.
sider to be of particular interest to those we   performance indicators which are based         Environmental performance data (e.g.
deem key: employees, customers, property         on surface area (m2) or occupancy (guest       energy, water and waste) is collected on a
owners, shareholders, suppliers, authori-        nights) as these are the dominating factors    monthly basis through an Excel based da-
ties, community and environment. Thus the        affecting energy use, water consumption        tabase linked to Rezidor’s comprehensive
Rezidor 2009 Responsible Business Report         and waste generation. This also allows us to   accounting and financial system. The data
describes the most material and relevant         report our performance in a fair and trans-    requested has expanded slightly since the
sustainability aspects of our operations, not    parent manner from year to year.               launch in 2002, while the reporting periods
the full range of actions and data.                 The scope of this report covers Rezidor     have also been adjusted over the years. Data
                                                 as a group, providing examples from opera-     is checked internally before consolidation
Report Content                                   tions regardless of brand. This means that     with hotels asked to justify or explain sig-
This Responsible Business Report is in line      the consolidated performance data includes     nificant deviations.
with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI)     managed and leased hotels in operation for        Reporting is mandatory for managed and
G3 guidelines, self-declaring C level. Align-    the following brands:                          leased hotels and in 2009, 100% of these ho-
ing our sustainability reporting to GRI          Radisson Blu –148 hotels (34,675 rooms)        tels responded to the Responsible Business
allows us to measure performance, achieve        Park Inn – 57 hotels (11,316 rooms)            Status Report and reported their environ-
transparency and facilitate international        Country Inn – 1 hotel (93 rooms)               mental performance. Moreover, at year-end
comparability. The GRI guidelines are the        Hotel Missoni – 1 hotel (136 rooms)            80% of hotels had a Responsible Business
most widely accepted and used standards          Regent – 3 hotels (554 rooms)                  specific Action Plan in place for 2010. These
for sustainability reporting and are applied     Total – 209 hotels (46,638) rooms)             Responsible Business Action Plans are up-
by more than 1,000 companies around the                                                         dated yearly. At the same time, 84% of the
world.                                           Hotels under franchise agreements, which       hotels have also incorporated Responsible
                                                 currently number74 hotels (13,738 rooms)       Business related targets into their overall
Scope and Boundaries                             and unbranded properties (2 hotels; 134        Business Plan.
of the Report                                    rooms) are not included in the consolidated
Rezidor has limited the reporting boundar-       performance data. Neither are sales offices    Periodicity
ies to areas in which the company has full       and staff functions. It should, however, be    Rezidor’s Responsible Business Reports are
control over data collection and informa-        noted that the Responsible Business pro-       published annually in conjunction with the
tion quality. Downstream impacts are             gramme is encouraged at all hotels, includ-    Annual Report. The last Rezidor Annual
generally excluded – as we do not at present     ing franchised properties, and corporate        Sustainability Report for 2008 was pub-
dispose of reliable tools to measure these.      offices. For 2009, 43% of franchised hotels    lished in March 2009.
The numerical data specified in this report      completed the Responsible Business Status
refers to the year 2009, unless otherwise        Report. 24% completed the monthly Envi-        Accounting Principles
stated. Monthly environmental reporting          ronmental Report with many more submit-        and Verification
and the annual Status Report, compiled by        ting their data at year-end for benchmark-     Financial data presented in the Responsible
the management team at each hotel, form          ing and carbon emission calculations.          Business Report is derived from audited
the foundation for Rezidor’s Responsible            Due to the small number of hotels oper-     annual accounts. For all external reporting,
Business reporting. The reporting is based       ated under the Regent (3), Country Inn         currencies are converted into Euro. Ac-
on year-end figures, meaning that all hotels      Suites (1) and Hotel Missoni (1) during      counting principles for financial reporting,
in operation by December 31st were asked         2009, data from these hotels is limited,       as well as the conversion rates used, are
to report. Consequently, some hotels report      while the focus is on Radisson Blu and Park    stated in Rezidor’s 2009 Annual Report.
full-year data, while properties that opened     Inn.                                           The Responsible Business Report has not
during 2009, report only for the months                                                         been independently reviewed by auditors or
they were in operation. Hotels that discon-      Routines for Monitoring                        any other third party.
tinued operations with Rezidor during the        Hotels are asked to report their Respon-
year are not included. During 2009, 30           sible Business performance in two differ-
hotels came into operation under managed         ent reports. Overall compliance with, and
and leased agreements, as well as 6 hotels       progress towards, the 15 objectives of the
under franchised agreements. Meanwhile,          Responsible Business programme (see page
6 managed or leased hotels left the system       20) is assessed through the annual Respon-
in 2009.                                         sible Business Status Report questionnaire.

4  Responsible Business Report 2009

Responsible Business                                sibility to make things happen –following        Business is carefully measured and closely
and Society                                         our core philosophy, “Yes I Can!”. Without       monitored so as to spur continuous im-
In the year 2000 Kofi Annan, former                 taking that responsibility we cannot make a      provements.
Secretary-General of the United Nations,            difference or sustain long-term profitability.      In 2008, Rezidor was one of the first in-
stated “Business is not divorced from the                                                            ternational hotel groups to sign the United
rest of society. The two are interdependent         Vision and strategy:                             Nation’s Global Compact, the world’s larg-
and it must be ensured, through mutual un-          Taking a leading role                            est voluntary corporate responsibility
derstanding and responsible behavior, that          Rezidor took the lead in establishing its        initiative. The company’s longstanding
business’s role in building a better future is      first environmental policy 20 years ago and      Responsible Business programme meant
recognised and encouraged by society.”              again with the Responsible Business pro-         Rezidor was already well-prepared to align
    Indeed over the last decade, interest in        gramme as we now know it. Rezidor con-           its operations with the ten universally ac-
the role of businesses in society has grown         tinues to take a leadership role in the inter-   cepted principles of the Global Compact in
exponentially. Issues such as child labour,         national hospitality industry; sharing our       the areas of human rights, labour, environ-
fair trade and climate change are of such           experience for the greater good, and strives     ment and anticorruption. In June 2009,
magnitude that they are now of global con-          to achieve recognition and to reap the eco-      we endorsed the Global Compact’s “Caring
cern. Because businesses are dependent on           nomic benefits of this leading position. Thus    for Climate” initiative, thus reinforcing our
natural and human resources, this obliges           Responsible Business issues are treated in       commitment to the further development of
them to take responsibility for the conse-          the same way as any other important strate-      corporate strategies and practices to miti-
quences of their actions as well as to make         gic business issue at Rezidor; this aspect is    gate climate change. During 2009, Rezidor
contributions to the societies of which they        fully integrated into the overall governance     was also part of the consultative group for
are a part. Business corporations through-          of the company. The Responsible Business         the World Economic Forum’s “Towards a
out the world today recognise this relation-        programme is anchored in the core business       Low Carbon Travel  Tourism Report”, and
ship, and that being responsible makes good         and touches upon the work routines of all        presented this report at the World Business
business sense contributing to decreased            employees with the ultimate responsibil-         Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen
risks, operational savings and customer             ity for Responsible Business lying with the      in May. In November Rezidor celebrated
preference.                                         Executive Committee at corporate level and       World Responsible Tourism Day and was
    At Rezidor, we have created the Responsi-       General Managers at hotel level. Moreover,       proud to be an official supporter of this in-
ble Business programme because we believe           the programme is continuously updated            ternational event.
it is our personal and professional respon-         and developed, and work with Responsible

 Responsible Business History
 1989                                               2003                                              Helen’s Hotel, Dublin, at Annual
   First environmental policy                       •  aunch of Hotels Environment Action
                                                      L                                               General Manager conference
   driven by SAS Group                                Month (now Responsible Business Action
                                                      Month) – 89 hotels participated                2006
 1996                                               •  adisson SAS Plaza Hotel, Oslo, is first
                                                      R                                              •  warded HOFTEL Owner-Friendly
 •  aunch of the Radisson SAS environmental
   L                                                  Rezidor property to receive third-               Innovation of the Year
   programme with 24 action points                    party environmental certification
 •  ounding member of the International
   F                                                  with the Nordic Swan Eco-label                 2007
   Hotels Environment Initiative                    •  ezidor becomes chair of IHEI
                                                      R                                              •  aunch of Responsible Business
                                                      Executive Committee                              Best Practice database
 2001                                                                                                •  orld Childhood Foundation becomes
 •  aunch of the Responsible Business
   L                                                2004                                               corporate charity organisation
   programme encompassing the three pillars         •  warded “Worldwide Hospitality Award
                                                      A                                              •  ezidor is first hotel group to offer
   of health and well-being, social and ethical       for Environmental Protection”                    all guests carbon offsetting
   responsibility, environmental responsibility     •  evelopment of internet based database
 •  esponsible Business Coordinators
   R                                                  for environmental legislation with             2008
   appointed and trained                              self-audit and quarterly updates               •  oll-out of new Living and
 •  irst Responsible Business Training initiated
   F                                                •  arlson Companies signs ECPAT
                                                      C                                                Leading Responsible Business
   with 35% of staff trained by year-end              Code of Conduct against sexual                   training for all employees
 •  egular reporting of energy,
   R                                                  exploitation of children                       •  ripled the number of eco-labelled hotels
   water and waste                                                                                   •  aunch of
 •  ave the Children becomes
   S                                                2005                                             •  igned up to the United
   corporate charity organisation                   •  irst Rezidor Responsible Business
                                                      F                                                Nations Global Compact
                                                      Award given to Radisson SAS St

                                                                                                            Responsible Business Report 2009  5
                                                                                                      vironmental, social and governance issues
                                                                                                      into corporate management and operations.
                                                                                                      It is impossible to fully consider the global
                                                                                                      economic crisis without also looking at the
                                                                                                      challenges of climate change, water scarcity,
                                                                                                      resource depletion and extreme poverty.
                                                                                                      Economic concerns cannot be addressed
                                                                                                      in isolation from social and environmental
                                                                                                      concerns as these crises are all symptoms of
                                                                                                      a larger global system that is out of balance.
                                                                                                         Indeed the process of taking a long hard
                                                                                                      look at our operations that often accompa-
                                                                                                      nies recession encourages firms to become
                                                                                                      more strategic; to look at campaigns and
                                                                                                      strategies that deliver real benefits rather
                                                                                                      than a number of tactical activities that
                                                                                                      have limited reach. Moreover, Responsible
                                                                                                      Business focuses on efficiency through ac-
                                                                                                      tivities such as energy and water conserva-
                                                                                                      tion and thus ultimately saves money. The
                                                                                                      need for sustainable development has never
Despite current challenges, the travel and          management of health and safety, ethics,          been greater and Rezidor is proud to have
tourism sector remains a critical economic          corporate governance and a socially and           maintained momentum with its Respon-
sector worldwide and one that provides              environmentally responsible supply chain          sible Business efforts during 2009. Indeed
significant potential for economic growth           have become ever more important priori-           we hope to benefit from our continued work
and development internationally. Accord-            ties. The Rezidor Hotel Group believes the        -A.T. Kearney consultants recently reported
ing to the World Travel  Tourism Council           above non-financial issues ultimately im-         that companies that focussed on sustain-
(WTTC), the global travel and tourism               pact profitability.                               ability have outperformed their peers by
industry supported 77.2 million jobs on a di-          Fully aligned with the company’s core          15% during the financial crisis.
rect basis in 2009 and contributed just over        business objectives, Rezidor’s Respon-               This outlook is also reflected by an evo-
9% of the global gross domestic product. A          sible Business programme was instated             lution in shareholder perspective as the
growing national travel and tourism sector          to increase awareness and readiness to            company observes an increasing number
contributes to employment, raises national          handle risks and reduce costs, but also as        of institutional investors adopting Socially
income, and can improve a country’s bal-            a means to capture opportunities in the           Responsible Investment (SRI) into their in-
ance of payments. The sector is thus an             process of achieving the goal of being an         ternal and external operations in response
important driver of growth and prosperity           industry leader with solid long-term profit-      to the global financial crisis. A 2009 UN
and, particularly within developing coun-           ability. There are many ways to run a hotel       Environment Programme Finance Initia-
tries, it can play a leading role in poverty        business – which in turn impact on how a          tive and the UN Global Compact report
reduction.                                          hotel operator can manage risk and take           also reveal that an increasing number of
   Thus it is clear that an industry of this size   advantage of opportunities related to sus-        mainstream asset owners, investment man-
has a considerable impact on economic, so-          tainability. Rezidor’s business model which       agers and professional service partners are
cial and environmental conditions around            entails operating hotels but not owning the       signing up to the Principles for Responsible
the world. The hospitality industry also fac-       properties, sometimes limits the actions the      Investment (PRI).
es a plethora of issues, risks and challenges       company can take. But by and large Rezidor           At the same time, our customers’ inter-
related to sustainability. These include            is able to control the key issues pertaining to   est in Responsible Business issues remains
addressing climate change and resource              sustainability as the following pages dem-        high despite the downturn as we continue
consumption, minimising generation of               onstrate.                                         to receive increasingly detailed Requests for
waste, and attracting and retaining high-                                                             Proposals demanding information on our
performing employees. Rezidor handles               Responsible Business                              environmental and ethical credentials. Like
risks through the Responsible Business and          during a Financial Crisis                         Rezidor, many of our corporate customers
Safety and Security programmes while the            Albert Einstein once said, we can’t solve         are determined to maintain their respon-
framework for managing operational risks            problems by using the same kind of thinking       sible attitude even during difficult times.
is presented in the Annual Report.                  we used when we created them and the cur-
   The industry must also respond to sus-           rent global financial crisis certainly under-     Climate Change
tainability-related expectations expressed          scores the need for a new way of thinking. In     The UN World Tourism Organisation
by customers and the local and global               today’s interconnected global economy, the        estimates that Travel and Tourism, exclud-
communities. Finally, and increasingly in           long-term value and success of business are       ing aviation, was responsible for about
today’s business climate, comprehensive             inextricably linked to the integration of en-     3% of global greenhouse gas emissions in

6  Responsible Business Report 2009

2009 and that this will grow at 2.5% per         gional synergies and to have a direct impact     chaser. Taking into account all hotels, under
year until 2035. However it is important         on the bottom line as a result of improved       all contract types, a total of over 35,000
to acknowledge that although the sector          operational efficiency.                          employees were working under the Rezidor
contributes to climate change, it also faces        One of the key roles of the Responsible       brands during 2009. During the last year
risks due to climate change. If the industry     Business teams in the hotels is to collabo-      over 4,000 jobs were created with the vast
fails to reduce carbon dioxide emissions,        rate with the Engineering Departments and        majority of employees hired from local mar-
the rate of travel may decrease significantly    the Regional Engineering structure to con-       kets. The company counts no less than 142
over time as a result of legislative pressures   tinuously strive for more efficient natural      nationalities amongst the workforce, 56% of
(for example carbon taxes) resulting in          resource use. This contributes to the reduc-     which is male.
increased travel costs, or through volun-        tion of operational costs – and the mitiga-         Rezidor hires a diverse and relatively
tary actions of customers to limit travel.       tion of environmental risks – along with the     young workforce and tries to recruit man-
There are also risks related to more specific    reduction of associated legal, insurance and     agement internally, providing training and
impacts of climate change – for example          financial expenses. As the graphs on page        a viable career path. Rezidor respects the
disrupted travel patterns or damage to ho-       13 demonstrate, the company is progress-         rights of employees to join trade unions,
tel properties due to severe weather events      ing in the desired direction as Rezidor has      pays fair wages according to industry stan-
such as storms or flooding. Some locations       yet again achieved substantial reductions        dards and had no legal breaches with regard
may face geographically specific risks that      across energy, water and waste key perfor-       to labour legislation last year. Rezidor sees
could affect the safe and profitable opera-      mance indicators.                                an opportunity in investing in its employees
tion of hotels. The effects on earnings and                                                       and strives to provide favourable working
risk as a quantitative measure are difficult     Managing sustainability                          conditions to retain them. This contributes
to estimate to date but the company is doing     in the supply chain                              to delivering a high quality service, an im-
what it can to limit environmental impact        Rezidor’s central purchasing programme           portant value driver and differentiator from
and vulnerabilities to climate change and        (RezPIN) is an online market platform            other hotel chains and brands.
resource consumption issues.                     which allows registered buyers and suppli-          As early as 1991 The Rezidor Hotel Group
   By signing the UN Global Compact and          ers to exchange information about products       started to measure employee satisfaction.
the Caring for Climate initiative, Rezidor       needed and offered. In this way the cor-         An independent organisation is commis-
has further committed to promote greater         porate Purchasing Services Department            sioned to conduct this annual survey en-
environmental responsibility. Rezidor con-       can provide different business units with        titled Climate Analysis. In 2009 the results
tinually monitors developments through           information about best quality products          from managed, leased and franchised hotels
active participation in environmental and        at suitable prices. The programme creates        increased to 85.8 (out of 100) compared to
industry forums. Employees are informed          a win-win situation for both buyers and          85.1 last year. Given the challenging eco-
and engaged in climate change mitigation         sellers, as it leads to reduced transaction      nomic situation, this result is an extraordi-
efforts through our internal awareness and       costs. In addition RezPIN ensures that con-      nary achievement.
training programmes, Living Responsible          tracted suppliers are in line with Rezidor’s        For many years Rezidor has been suc-
Business and Leading Responsible Busi-           Responsible Business philosophy and brand        cessful in achieving a positive effect on the
ness.                                            standards. All suppliers included in the sys-    bottom-line through active people manage-
                                                 tem are required to sign Rezidor’s Supplier      ment. The company offers a range of tools in
Resource Consumption                             Code of Conduct and have the opportunity         order to attract and retain talented people
Rezidor hotels’ consumption of resources         to further profile their Responsible Business    by hiring attitude and training skills. The
such as energy and water and the disposal        performance to hotels.                           Management Development Programme,
of garbage impact on the natural environ-           Hotels also actively engage with sup-         aims to develop, train and prepare existing
ment in terms of resource depletion and the      pliers at local level with regard to their       or newly recruited supervisors to become
generation of emissions and waste. Natu-         Responsible Business practices. In 2009,         Heads of Department while the Mentor
rally these elements also impact operational     75% of hotels provided the Rezidor Supplier      Mentee programme develops Heads of
costs. The company has measured resource         Code of Conduct to their suppliers. Ad-          Department to become General Manag-
consumption and associated costs for many        ditionally 47% asked suppliers to complete       ers. The strong focus of the company on its
years – and these metrics provide the back-      the Rezidor Responsible Business Supplier        internal talents has a long track record of
bone of Rezidor’s environmental manage-          Questionnaire. Going one step further, 64%       success.
ment framework. During 2009 Rezidor              of hotels have requested that, or provided
launched the first phase of the Regional En-     advice as to how, suppliers improve their en-    Safe and Secure hotels
gineering structure in France and the UK.        vironmental, social or ethical performance.      At Rezidor, we acknowledge that the safety
This new structure aims to capitalise on re-     In addition, hotels are encouraged to use        and security of our guests, employees and
                                                                            locally produced      property is an imperative aspect of hotel
                                                                            products as well as   operations. Maintaining the necessary
                                                                            seasonal products     levels of safety and security is dependent on
                                                                            in particular for     the everyday actions of every employee at
                                                                            corporate gifts and   every level in every hotel and every Rezidor
                                                                            events.               office in every country. We have a structured
                                                                                                  risk management formula entitled TRIC=S
                                                                         Rezidor as a             which promotes proactive behaviour
                                                                         responsible              throughout the company. TRIC=S stands
                                                                         employer                 for Threat assessment + Risk mitigation and
                                                                         Rezidor has a direct     management + Incident response + Crisis
                                                                         and substantial          management and communications = Safe,
                                                                         effect on local com-     Secure hotels. Read more about this pro-
                                                                         munities as an           gramme on page 17.
                                                                         employer and pur-

                                                                                                        Responsible Business Report 2009  7
September is Responsible Business Action Month at Rezidor. During 2009 over 190 ho-
tels participated – helping out in the local community, promoting health and well-being
and launching efforts to reduce their environmental footprint. At the same time they
raised TEUR 75 for World Childhood Foundation and over TEUR 350 for local causes.

Responsible Business Policy                                 • Reducing our negative impact on the envi-
                                                                                                         Identification and Selection
and Stakeholder Engagement                                    ronment                                     As one of the fastest growing hotel com-
Rezidor’s Responsible Business programme                                                                  panies in the world, we recognise that we
builds on the principles of sustainable de-                 Rezidor’s long-term success depends on the    have an impact on a very wide selection of
velopment and the triple bottom-line, where                 ability to understand and address the needs   stakeholders, either directly or indirectly.
all hotels shall strive to take economic,                   and concerns of those who impact or are im-   The basis for identifying and selecting our
social, ethical and environmental issues                    pacted by the company’s operations. As part   key stakeholders mainly relates to the ex-
into consideration when making decisions                    of the Responsible Business Policy eight      tent that we influence or impact them: eco-
in their everyday work. The programme en-                   key stakeholders are identified: employees,   nomically, socially and environmentally. We
compasses 3 key pillars:                                    customers, property owners, shareholders,     attempt to estimate the interdependence
•  aking responsibility for the health and
  T                                                         suppliers and business partners, authori-     between Rezidor and these stakeholders
  safety of employees and guests                            ties, local and global communities, and the   and focus our efforts where we have the po-
•  especting social and ethical issues in the
  R                                                         natural environment.                          tential to make a difference.
  company, as well as in the community

8  Responsible Business Report 2009

 Responsible Business Manual
 It was with great pleasure that Rezidor launched in March 2009 the Responsible Business Manual
 – a new step-by-step guide on how to make Responsible Business live and breathe in any Rezidor
 property. It covers the very first steps that involve the appointment of a Responsible Business
 Coordinator, the creation of a Responsible Business Team, and the assessment of initial environ-
 mental and social performance of a hotel. It also includes information on how to organise effec-    Responsible Business Manual
 tive Responsible Business meetings, progress with Action Plans that are tailor-made to fit each
 hotel, and suggestions on how to best communicate results externally and internally. In addition,
 once hotels have truly progressed towards the level of Responsible Business excellence, the
 Manual includes guidance on how hotels can receive recognition for their outstanding achieve-
 ments. The Responsible Business Manual is suitable for both new and experienced Responsible
                                                                                                                    Let’s take responsibility
 Business Coordinators and is a must read for each General Manager. Rezidor is confident this
 Manual can make a true contribution in the current economic climate by providing a structured
 plan to improve Responsible Business and environmental performance and thus reduce costs,
 as well as guidance on achieving additional PR which may help drive revenue.

StakeholdeR ConCeRnS                                          ambitions. These objectives are realised                                    environmental responsibilities. Each hotel
and engageMent                                                through suggestions for actions, reinforced                                 creates its own personalised Responsible
Our stakeholder relations encompass                           by performance-based targets. The Summary                                   Business Action Plan based on the corpo-
a number of environmental, social and                         of Progress table from page 19 lists our key                                rate objectives. Hotel Responsible Business
economic issues, such as efficient use of re-                 performance indicators, commitments and                                     teams are guided by the new Responsible
sources, limitation of emissions and waste,                   targets and achievements for the year 2009.                                 Business Manual as well as a continuously
labour rights, workplace and guest health                        At the corporate level, key departments                                  updated intranet that contains information
and safety as well as cultural heritage. Many                 including Responsible Business, Human                                       about policies, reporting requirements, best
of our stakeholders have differing expecta-                   Resources and Safety and Security provide                                   practice examples, certification and awards
tions, and these may sometimes be contra-                     General Managers of hotels with ongoing                                     and other useful resources.
dictory. A responsible business must be able                  support to implement Responsible Business                                      There is also a regional framework in
to balance these different expectations so                    practices. The Responsible Business depart-                                 place for Responsible Business, supporting
that, within reason, all stakeholder groups                   ment in turn collaborates in various areas                                  the hotels at a regional level and providing
feel their demands are being met. The table                   with other key departments such as Tech-                                    a liaison between the hotels and the corpo-
on the next page lists our key stakeholders                   nical Development, Sales and Marketing,                                     rate Responsible Business team. This helps
and main policy objectives in relation to                     Food and Beverage, Business Development                                     ensure Responsible Business is integrated
these. It also includes what we believe to be                 and Finance to ensure Responsible Business                                  consistently across all regions; all employ-
their expectations in relation to Rezidor.                    is integrated into all aspects of Rezidor’s                                 ees are fully engaged in the programme;
                                                              operations.                                                                 and the capturing of bottom-up efforts. The
ManageMent and oRganiSation                                      On an operational level, hotels and Gen-                                 14 Regional Responsible Business Coor-
For each of these stakeholders, there are a                   eral Managers are provided with several                                     dinators meet twice a year, where they are
number of fixed objectives stating Rezidor’s                  tools to better manage their social and                                     informed about and discuss the most recent

                                                                                                                                                   Responsible business RepoRt 2009   9

  STAKEHOLDER                   POLICY                                                   EXPECTATIONS

  Employees                     We shall educate and facilitate for our employees        fair and equal treatment; secure and safe working
                                to make a conscious decision in favour of environ-       environment; training and career progress; fair pay
                                mental, ethical and social issues in their private and
                                work lives.

  Customers                     We shall inform and make it easy for our guests to       leading service; good value for money; flexible ap-
                                participate in Responsible Business related activi-      proach; environmentally responsible; good global
                                ties at our hotels.                                      coverage; benefits and generous loyalty pro-

  Property Owners               We shall work together with property owners to           good returns from property management; high
                                find innovative solutions that satisfy our economic,     level of security.
                                environmental and social objectives.

  Shareholders                  We shall provide shareholders and investors with         transparent information; sound strategy and cor-
                                timely, accurate and transparent information on Re-      porate governance; high return on investment;
                                sponsible Business related risks and opportunities.      minimisation of risks

  Suppliers                     We shall strive to purchase products that have a re-     fair and equal treatment; value-based pricing
                                duced environmental impact during their lifecycle,
                                from suppliers that demonstrate environmental and
                                social responsibility.

  Authorities                   We require our managers to abide by local and in-        compliance with rules and regulations; financial
                                ternational legislation, especially regarding labour     contributions (taxes and fees)
                                laws, health and safety, human rights and the envi-

  Community                     We shall take an active role in the international re-    forming an active and responsible part of society;
                                sponsible business community, and contribute to          sponsorships of projects; contribution to infra-
                                the local communities where we operate.                  structure; contribution to attractiveness of desti-

  Environment                   We shall do our utmost to continuously improve our       reduced consumption of energy, water, and chemi-
                                performance in the areas of energy, water, chemi-        cals; resource-efficiency; biodiversity protection;
                                cals and resource consumption, and waste genera-         minimisation of waste and emissions; responsible
                                tion in order to reduce our negative impact on the       purchasing; sustainable transport

developments and plans for the Responsible     all General Managers includes a dedicated         about Rezidor’s governance, please see the
Business programme.                            Responsible Business session that prepares        Corporate Governance Report on page 56 of
   During 2009 we continued the roll-out       participants for all the responsibilities to be   the Rezidor 2009 Annual Report.
of our unique Living Responsible Business      fulfilled in order to carry out the Respon-         From an operational standpoint it is
and Leading Responsible Business training      sible Business programme successfully.            the General Manager of the hotel that is
modules and we aim to train each newly         Reporting requirements for each hotel are         ultimately responsible for the hotel’s Re-
hired employee within 90 days of their ar-     described in further detail in the About This     sponsible Business activities. To assist him
rival. Living Responsible Business is a 2.5    Report section on page 4.                         or her there is an assigned Responsible
hour energetic, practical and interactive                                                        Business Coordinator at each property who
mandatory session for all employees at all     Governance                                        then establishes a Responsible Business
levels. It aims to help participants under-    Sustainability issues are treated in the same     Team consisting of employees from differ-
stand our impact and how each individual       way as any other important strategic busi-        ent functions and all levels of the organi-
can make a difference in their daily life,     ness issue at Rezidor; this aspect is fully in-   sation. The team members work with the
both at home and at work. Leading Respon-      tegrated into the overall governance of the       Coordinator to review current practices,
sible Business is an additional model tar-     company. The ultimate responsibility for          and act to achieve and audit the results of
geting Heads of Departments and General        Responsible Business lies with the Execu-         the programme. This includes ensuring that
Managers to ensure they lead by example        tive Committee at corporate level and Gen-        the information regarding the Responsible
and empower employees to get involved.         eral Managers at hotel level. The Corporate       Business programme is disseminated to all
   In addition, our General Manager Certifi-   Responsible Business Department reports           departments of the hotel and regular re-
cation Programme, which is mandatory for       to the Executive Committee. To read more          porting to Corporate Office is completed.

10  Responsible Business Report 2009
During 2009, Rezidor opened
                                                                                                                        36 new hotels and now has
                                                                                                                        hotels in operation and un-
                                                                                                                        der development in over 60
                                                                                                                        countries. At the same time
                                                                                                                        over 4,000 jobs were cre-
                                                                                                                        ated bringing the number
                                                                                                                        of employees working un-
                                                                                                                        der Rezidor brands to over
                                                                                                                        35,000. Thus Rezidor’s eco-
                                                                                                                        nomic impacts as a business
                                                                                                                        partner and an employer are

Responsible Business                             include requirements related to environmen-      who report being aware of their hotel’s green
contribution to cost                             tal performance as well as social accountabil-   programmes, compared with guests who
containment and                                  ity and ethical behaviour. Consumer interest     are unaware of them. Responsible Business
driving revenue                                  in companies’ sustainability credentials         contributed to Park Inn leading the mid-scale
We believe that non-financial issues ad-         remains strong in spite of the recession and     full service segment and Radisson Blu’s high
dressed through our Responsible Business         consumers’ consciences have “not been put on     ranking in the upper upscale segment.
programme have a long term impact on our         hold,” as the Corporate Social Responsibility       Requests for proposals from corporate
profitability. Implementing Responsible          consultancy, Context, notes. This is mirrored    clients continue to ask increasingly detailed
Business can help control costs through re-      by travel managers and business travelers in     questions regarding environmental and ethi-
duced utility consumption, for example. Dur-     the United Kingdom, continental Europe and       cal issues, with clients seeking to compare
ing 2009, training and investments in Build-     North America who according to a report by       products before making an informed choice.
ing Management Systems, waste sorting            the Association of Corporate Travel Execu-       Consumers are actively seeking clarity in
facilities, energy savings technology as well    tives and KDS say “the crisis won’t lessen       navigating the complex subject of Responsi-
as water conservation fittings has resulted in   their companies’ green efforts”.                 ble Business and Rezidor is working with sev-
improved environmental performance and              Indeed the J.D. Power 2009 European           eral industry bodies and other hotel groups to
cost savings across the board. Please see En-    Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index Study report      facilitate this. Already Rezidor has ensured
vironmental Results for more information.        indicated that awareness of green pro-           that the provision of information about the
   Responsible Business also helps us drive      grammes has increased significantly and this     company’s environmental and social profile is
revenue. Long term sustainable profitability     awareness has a strong positive impact on        part of the sales and marketing process, with
and growth require Rezidor’s operations to be    client satisfaction. On average, satisfaction    83% of hotels having integrated Responsible
able to meet demands set by customers. These     is more than 160 points higher among guests      Business into their sales presentations and

                                                                                                       Responsible Business Report 2009  11

63% of hotels sharing their Responsible Busi-     •  adisson Blu Hotel Basel, together with
                                                    R                                                 the surrounding areas. The development of
ness activities on their websites.                  other hotels in the city has for the last 10      a hotel often contributes to improved local
                                                    years participated in an Energy Group             infrastructure by bringing in economic inter-
Responsible Construction                            sponsored by local energy supplier IWB,           ests which can make investments viable. It
and Renovation                                      and as a result of environmental invest-          also happens that we may directly contribute
Rezidor works actively to enhance resource          ments such as a new and better insulated          to establishing and financing infrastructure
efficiency and to measure, monitor and re-          roof, a new heating and cooling plant and         when opening a new hotel, which is the case
duce its carbon footprint and this requires co-     new windows; as well as achieving energy          for example with leased hotels. In addition,
operation with property owners, constructors        targets, receives a rebate on its energy bill.    many hotels reach out to help manage public
and architects. To this end, Rezidor has cre-     •  n 2009 Radisson Blu Hotel Stansted Air-
                                                    I                                                 property through clean-up programmes or to
ated Responsible Construction and Renova-           port received a grant of £ 1,500 from the         facilitate improvements through donations of
tion Guidelines which are used to supplement        British Lottery Fund as part of the Well-         money or materials.
the Technical Standards.                            Being in the East project demonstrating
During 2009, 48% of hotels reported that            their dedication to the health and well-being     Charity initiatives at
they undertook a significant environmental          of their employees.                               local and global level
investment such as improved insulation, grey                                                          Throughout the year, Rezidor’s hotels spon-
water recycling systems and the installation                                                          sor many charities and non-profit initia-
of waste compactors. As the types of invest-         Responsible Business                             tives at local level through actions such as
ment vary substantially across hotels, Rezi-         Utility Costs 2009                               fund-raising assistance, training, free meet-
dor does not provide a consolidated figure for       		                                   TEUR        ing rooms and other in-kind donations. In
investments made.                                                                                     2009, over 190 hotels participated in the
                                                     Total Energy Costs	               25,658
In addition to investments in existing proper-                                                        annual Responsible Business Action Month
ties, it is important that Rezidor minimise the      broken down as follows: 	                        in September when hotels are encouraged
environmental impact and promote efficient           Electricity 	                      14,761        to organise environmental and community
resource use from the beginning of new proj-         Oil 	                                 278        activities. The Rezidor Hotel Group is also
ects by utilising smart design and best avail-                                                        proud to have the World Childhood Founda-
                                                     Natural Gas 	                       2,434
able technology.                                                                                      tion (Childhood) as its international charity
                                                     District Heating	                   2,896        organisation since June 2007. Through vari-
Our Economic Impacts                                 Other Energy	                       2,797        ous fund-raising activities at hotel and corpo-
The International Tourism Partnership es-            Water	                              2,492        rate level during the year, the company raised
timates that one job created in the tourism                                                           TEUR 75 for Childhood in 2009, thus equal-
industry generates about one and a half ad-                                                           ing our 2008 donation. At the same time ho-
ditional jobs in other industries (for example    •  adisson Blu Plaza Hotel received a grant of
                                                    R                                                 tels have donated approximately TEUR 350
restaurants, sightseeing, taxis, laundries,         MNOK 1 from Oslo City Council represent-          to local charitable causes.
etc). Hotels often also help to create job op-      ing 10% of the total investment for a signifi-       The change to Radisson Blu meant a new
portunities and provide incomes in regions          cant energy efficiency renovation including       image in 2009 but Rezidor made sure to
where the possibility for industrial activity       a new heating and cooling system with air         find good homes for any remaining material
is small, thus providing an opportunity for         recirculation and heat recycling.                 branded with the old logo. Rezidor donated
people to remain in areas with otherwise                                                              thousands of items including play houses,
difficult employment circumstances. As the        Purchasing and                                      pens, towels, beach balls, hats and school
paragraphs below demonstrate, Rezidor’s           Local Suppliers                                     bags to worthy projects such as children’s
economic impacts as a business partner and        With more than 380 hotels in operation and          homes, charity runs and the Danish homeless
an employer are substantial. We also contrib-     under development in over 60 countries, a           football team.
ute to community and charity initiatives both     large proportion of our spending is directed
locally and globally.                             towards locally-based suppliers. We estimate        World Childhood Foundation
                                                  that in 2009 approximately one quarter of           Since June 2007, Rezidor’s corporate charity
Governmental                                      purchases were sourced through our central          organisation is World Childhood Foundation
Financial Support                                 purchasing programme with the rest pur-             – a non-profit organisation dedicated to serv-
The Rezidor Hotel Group receives no direct        chased through regional or local agreements.        ing the most vulnerable children in the world:
nor significant financial subsidies from gov-                                                         street children, sexually abused and exploited
ernmental organisations in the countries          Local Workforce                                     children, children trafficked for sexual pur-
where we operate hotels. However it is worth      and Management                                      poses and institutionalised children, with a
noting that many hotels are receiving finan-      Rezidor has a direct and substantial effect         particular focus on girls and young mothers.
cial assistance for Responsible Business ini-     on local communities as an employer and a           Rezidor’s mission is to provide its several
tiatives in other forms:                          purchaser. Taking into account all hotels, un-      million guests each year with a comfortable
• Radisson Blu Resort, El Quseir, and Radis-
                                                 der all contract types, a total of over 35,000      and restful stay away from home. Childhood
  son Blu Resort, Taba, have for a number         employees were working under the Rezidor            aims to help children who are abused and
  of years received funding from the Dan-         brands during 2009. During the last year            exploited to ensure that they are given a safe
  ish International Development Agency            over 4,000 jobs were created with the vast          and secure childhood, or simply put, a home.
  (DANIDA) for projects that have resulted in     majority of employees hired from local mar-         These parallel aspirations mean that Rezi-
  the establishment and development of jobs,      kets. Personnel costs, such as wages, training      dor’s support to Childhood is natural to who
  training and education of staff and local       and benefits, are by far the largest cost for the   we are as a company and a corporate citizen.
  inhabitants.                                    company, 54% amounting to MEUR 246.                 As we move forward towards achieving our
• During 2009 Radisson Blu Roe Park Re-
                                                                                                     growth objectives, we will also continue our
  sort, Limavady received an interest-free        Infrastructure Investments                          commitment to support children around the
  loan of £28,000 from the Carbon Trust for a     Rezidor properties are highly dependent on          world and to provide them a safe home and a
  voltage regulator.                              local infrastructure and the well-being of          better childhood.

12  Responsible Business Report 2009
Operating hotels involves the use of raw                        to be high, we have set strict environmental     teria as part of environmental certifications
materials, energy and water, and results in                     performance demands. Moreover, all sup-          and increased employee awareness.
waste generation. Rezidor’s main environ-                       pliers are required to sign Rezidor’s Supplier     Spills are marginal and not centrally
mental impacts are a result of energy use                       Code of Conduct and have the opportunity         reported, though discharge and chemical
and the consequent contribution to climate                      to further profile their Responsible Business    use is tracked and controlled. There were
change, in addition to the consumption of                       performance to hotels through RezPIN,            no significant environmental spills or leaks
materials. During 2009 Rezidor launched                         Rezidor’s central purchasing programme           during 2009.
the first phase of the Regional Engineering                     online platform. Thus we try to positively
structure in France and the UK. This new                        influence our suppliers by providing incen-      Energy
structure aims to capitalise on regional                        tives to develop environmentally sound           Our energy consumption consists of elec-
synergies and to have a direct impact on the                    products produced in a responsible way.          tricity, district heating and cooling, heating
bottom line as a result of improved opera-                                                                       oil, natural gas, and LPG gas. Energy costs
tional efficiency. Also in 2009 we continued                    Waste and spills                                 as a share of Rezidor’s total costs is 5.6%
to pursue third-party environmental cer-                        Solid wastes are generated by many activi-       (4.2), and during 2009 we spent TEUR
tifications to ensure hotels are doing their                    ties in our hotels like food preparation, pre-   25,658 (23,771) on energy related costs for
utmost to reduce our environmental im-                          packaged items consumed, guest waste,            leased hotels. Thus logically a reduction in
pacts. The focus of these certifications is on                  cleaning etc. We are proactively seeking         energy use was a core component of our cost
increased energy efficiency, water conser-                      to reduce our residual waste which would         cutting programme over the last year and
vation, waste management and informing                          otherwise be sent to landfill or incinera-       contributed to a decrease of 4% in energy
employees and guests about the Responsible                      tion. As part of Living Responsible Business     consumption per guest night at Radisson
Business programme.                                             training, employees are trained in waste         Blu properties and a decrease of 6% at Park
                                                                management and the waste hierarchy: Re-          Inn hotels.
Material use                                                    duce, Reuse, Recycle; and are empowered to          Rezidor is committed to contributing
In order to minimise environmental impact                       make improvements where they see fit. 89%        to mitigating climate change by continu-
and promote efficient resource use from the                     of hotels have a dedicated waste-sorting         ously improving the energy-efficiency of our
beginning of new projects, the use of smart                     area while 70% of hotels have waste-sorting      operations and by increasing the share of
design and best available technology is es-                     equipment on house-keeping trollies. 63%         low-carbon energy sources. This is an im-
sential. To this end, Rezidor’s Responsible                     of hotels return packaging to suppliers          portant part of the role of the new Regional
Construction and Renovation Guidelines                          while 38% of hotels provide waste-sorting        Engineering structure.
are used in conjunction with Technical                          facilities for guests in public areas. We also
Standards when consulting on new proper-                        aim to purchase products that generate           Water
ties and refurbishments.                                        minimal waste through setting central and        Reducing water consumption has a number
   Additionally a large part of our social                      regional purchasing policies and avoiding        of knock-on effects in reducing our envi-
and environmental impacts is derived from                       disposable items as much as possible. For        ronmental impact. Using less water means
those of our suppliers. As an international                     example 96% of hotels have refillable ame-       less wastewater to process and dispose of,
hospitality company we use a vast variety of                    nity dispensers in public washrooms.             and in the case of hot water reductions, less
products and the majority of our material                          In 2009 we saw a 1% reduction in waste        energy use too. Again our cost cutting pro-
use is in the form of products we purchase                      per guest night at Radisson Blu properties       gramme contributed to a decrease of 10%
from suppliers. Controlling how and what                        while at Park Inn hotels the reduction was a     in water consumption per guest for Radis-
we buy is an important part of our Respon-                      staggering 15%. We believe these reductions      son Blu during 2009, and 5% for Park Inn.
sible Business strategy. For some products                      were achieved mainly due to the influence of     Employee training also plays an important
where we buy large quantities and where we                      stricter waste management legislation in a       role in water conservation and contributed
perceive the negative environmental impact                      number of countries, stringent recycling cri-    to improved and more water-efficient rou-
Energy/m2,                      Water/guest night,              Waste/guest night,
kWh                             litres                          kg
500                             500                             2,5
                                                                                              Responsible Business maintains momentum with
                                                                                              significant reductions in energy, water and waste
400                             400                             2,0
                                                                                              yet again in 2009

300                             300                             1,5

200                             200                             1,0

100                             100                             0,5

    0                               0                           0,0
	       07	08	 09	 07	 08	 09   	       07	08	 09	 07	 08	 09   	     07	08	 09	 07	 08	 09
	       Radisson	 Park Inn      	       Radisson	 Park Inn      	     Radisson	 Park Inn
	         Blu                   	         Blu                   	       Blu

                                                                                                                      Responsible Business Report 2009  13

                                                                                                     Eco-labels all over
                                                                                                     Although Rezidor has been working with Responsible
                                                                                                     Business for two decades we realise the importance
                                                                                                     of having our efforts evaluated and externally veri-
                                                                                                     fied to ensure communication of our programme is
                                                                                                     fully transparent and credible. To this end, the com-
                                                                                                     pany launched an ambitious eco-labelling strategy in
                                                                                                     2008 and we are proud that a further 27 properties
                                                                                                     have achieved environmental certification in 2009.
                                                                                                     The initial focus was on Radisson Blu properties and
                                                                                                     half the Radisson Blu properties have already been
                                                                                                     awarded an eco-label. Already all our Park Inn hotels
                                                                                                     in France have achieved the Green Key label and the
                                                                                                     rest of the brand will follow suit with local labels.
                                                                                                         For the most part, regional certifications or eco-
                                                                                                     labels have been selected to ensure hotels perform
                                                                                                     to their maximum potential in their respective
                                                                                                     countries, and also to take into account consumer
                                                                                                     awareness of these schemes. In fact one challenge
                                                                                                     encountered along the way is the unavailability of
                                                                                                     environmental certifications or eco-labels in cer-
                                                                                                     tain regions where Rezidor operates. Thus we are
                                                                                                     actively working with environmental organisations
                                                                                                     in Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Russia and the United Arab
                                                                                                     Emirates to develop schemes and to pilot them at
                                                                                                     Rezidor properties.

                                                                                                     Environmental Certifications to date
                                                                                                     Austrian Ecolabel: 2
                                                                                                     Enterprise Ecodynamique (Belgium): 2
                                                                                                     Golden Leaf Green Hotel (China): 1
                                                                                                     Green Globe: 1
                                                                                                     Green Hospitality Award (Ireland): 10
                                                                                                     Green Key (Benelux, France, Lithuania, Tunisia): 21
                                                                                                     Green Tourism Business Scheme (UK): 12
                                                                                                     ISO 14001 (Germany): 15
                                                                                                     Nordic Swan: 29

tines in housekeeping, kitchens and leisure       linked to energy consumption, our efforts        to renewable energy sources. Again we are
facilities.                                       to decrease emissions are concentrated on        particularly sensitive to the energy sources
   In addition to conserving water it is es-      working towards minimising energy use as         used in the countries in which we operate
sential Rezidor manages the quality of its        well as shifting to renewable energy sources.    hotels and the availability of renewable
water discharge which can be in the form          We have calculated our emissions each            sources in the grid, which is why a number
of grey water which has been used in show-        year since 2006 in conjunction with the          of hotels are generating their own energy
ers and sinks and still is relatively clean; or   Edinburgh Centre of Carbon Management.           through technology such as photovoltaic
black water which comes from toilets and is       These assessments focus on energy related        panels.
sent directly to a sewage treatment plant for     emissions only, as accurate conversion fac-
processing. Rezidor can influence its water       tors for waste disposal or not yet widely        Land use and biodiversity
discharge in two main ways – reducing the         available. Conversion factors used for en-       Rezidor does not own hotels but rather
consumption or controllingdischarge of            ergy sources are based on the World Busi-        operates managed, leased or franchised
materials and products that may contami-          ness Council for Sustainable Development         properties. In this sense the company does
nate water, and also through reusing its grey     Greenhouse Gas Protocol and guidelines           not directly use land, but as Rezidor’s opera-
water. Significant sources of water contami-      from the Carbon Trust.                           tions facilitate and finance land use, the
nation in a hotel are chemical use in house-         An assessment of the greenhouse gas           effects of land use are nevertheless an issue.
keeping and kitchen residue. In order to re-      emissions of Rezidor’s operations was un-        Hotels have a significant physical footprint
duce cleaning chemical waste we use pre-set       dertaken in February 2010, based on 2009         -buildings are often sizable and the land-
dosage systems for cleaning chemicals. In         data. In 2009, emissions from electricity,       scaped premises encompass considerable
the kitchen area, 89% of the hotels use a fat     natural gas, heating oil, district heating and   areas. It is in our interest to preserve the
separation device, to ensure that fat residue     LPG gas for the 208 properties for which         natural environment and biodiversity as
does enter the water system. With regards         Rezidor has comprehensive data amounted          ultimately the local community, and its con-
to re-use of water, our hotels frequently use     to 329,072 tons CO2 equivalent. Our carbon       dition, is of utmost importance to running
rain water and even condensation water for        footprint has thus increased in absolute         a profitable hotel operation. To this end, our
irrigation, while grey water systems which        terms which is to be expected with the large     Responsible Construction and Renovation
reuse shower and sink water to flush toilets      number of hotels opened last year. However       Guidelines advise owners, developers and
are in place in 4% of our hotels.                 if we look at emissions per room night or per    hotels how to best manage their land in a
                                                  guest night, both have decreased signifi-        productive and sustainable manner.
Emissions                                         cantly during 2009 with the latter reduced
Rezidor’s greenhouse gas emissions result         by 8% from 25.57 kg to 23.65 kg. As the bulk     Fines and Incidents
primarily from our energy consumption             of our emissions come from energy and in         There have been no environmentally related
(electricity use and heating/cooling) and         this case electricity use, our efforts to de-    incidents or fines at hotel or corporate level
mainly consist of carbon dioxide emissions.       crease emissions are concentrated on work-       reported.
Due to the majority of our emissions being        ing towards energy efficiency and shifting

14  Responsible Business Report 2009
The values of Rezidor guide the organisation and our employees in their daily                     Code of Conduct against the sexual exploita-
business. Our values are openness, trust, respect, confidence, fighting spirit,                   tion of children on our behalf.
flexibility, empowerment, and z-factor.
                                                                                                  Diversity and handling
Our licence to operate                            entered into by and between representatives     A strong understanding and respect of cul-
in the community                                  of our central management and employee          tural differences is essential to Rezidor’s suc-
Tourism is dependent on the community as          representatives. Data of the share of employ-   cess as we employ no less than 142 different
well as cultural and natural heritage. Hotel      ees with collective bargaining agreements is    nationalities and we operate hotels in over 60
companies contribute positively to the social     not collected.                                  countries. Diversity amongst the workforce
and economic development of regions in                                                            in our hotels is as old as the hospitality indus-
which they operate. Hotels hire a majority of     Handling operational changes                    try itself. Experience across different hotels
their employees locally and pay local taxes       Rezidor strives to handle all operational       and different countries is an integral part
which are re-invested to benefit the region.      changes in a transparent and open fashion,      of any hospitality career. The Rezidor Hotel
We also give support through the restoration      with the goal of giving the employees fair      Group supports transfers throughout the ho-
of cultural heritage sites, by sponsoring local   influence. In Europe, the European Works        tels in all countries, enabling its employees to
events and charities and by partnering with       Council framework helps regulate informa-       grow with the company and to develop them-
research and interest organisations. Being        tion and co-dependency issues. Annual           selves. As much as we perceive our guests
well thought of helps to safeguard our repu-      meetings are held, where issues such as the     to be individuals with individual needs and
tation and strengthen our brand. It enables       company’s finances, performance, future         wishes, we also perceive our employees to
us to more easily acquire licenses to operate     ventures and other paramount issues, are        be individuals with individual backgrounds
and facilitates the process of establishing       discussed with employee representatives. If     and cultures. Employees are hired for their
operations and securing business partners in      Rezidor decides to discontinue operations or    attitude and willingness to serve the guest.
local markets.                                    divest a hotel operation, the hotel normally    Cultural differences enable us as an employer
                                                  remains in operation (but under different       and as a host to cater to the needs of our
Labour Practices and                              management). The effects on the employees       clientele on an individual basis even better.
Decent Work                                       when losing Rezidor as an operator and em-      Rezidor’s Equal Opportunities Policy states
Workforce                                         ployer are thereby lessened. During the year,   that no discrimination due to age, race, reli-
Taking into account all hotels, under all con-    30 hotels joined the Rezidor system and 6       gion, gender or disability is allowed, and all
tract types, a total of over 35,000 employees     managed or leased hotels discontinued their     our hotels have routines in place to ensure
were working under the Rezidor brands dur-        co-operation with The Rezidor Hotel Group.      this is the case.
ing 2009. During the last year over 4,000         When taking over an existing hotel, the ma-
jobs were created with the vast majority of       jority of the employees of the earlier hotel    Anti-corruption measures
employees hired from local markets. The           brand remains at the hotel.                     In some regions where Rezidor operates
company counts no less than 142 nationalities                                                     there are high risks related to corruption,
amongst the workforce, 56% of which is male.      Human Rights                                    therefore a Code of Business Ethics is in
   As early as 1991 The Rezidor Hotel Group       Rezidor operates hotels in countries where      place and management and staff are trained
started to measure employee satisfaction. An      corruption and human rights issues exist.       in this regard. These issues are also covered
independent organisation is commissioned to       Key human rights issues for the hotel in-       in our internal control procedures. Rezidor
conduct this annual survey entitled Climate       dustry include fair wages, women’s rights,      takes substantial measures to ensure that the
Analysis. In 2009 the results from managed,       the capacity to join trade unions and collec-   ethical behaviour stated in the Code of Ethics
leased and franchised hotels increased to         tive bargaining. Breaches of good practice      is a core value in all business relationships.
85.8 (out of 100) compared to 85.1 in 2008.       and association with social problems can        The Rezidor Hotel Group has not had any
   All employees receive regular performance      cause considerable long-term damage to          significant incidents regarding corruption or
and career development reviews at least on        a company’s reputation and may result in        bribes causing legal actions during 2009.
a yearly basis. More information on payroll       a company being denied future licenses to
cost and the split of these costs per country     operate, sometimes even facing international    People development
can be found on page 32 of the Rezidor An-        boycotts.                                       and training
nual Report 2009.                                    Rezidor does not in any way participate      Rezidor has for many years successfully
                                                  in or condone practices that breach Inter-      focussed on having a positive effect on the
Collective bargaining                             national Declarations covering these issues.    bottom-line through active people manage-
agreements                                        On the contrary we feel that our presence       ment. We offer a range of tools in order to
Rezidor pays fair wages according to indus-       can be a positive influence. We work to rid     attract and retain talented people by hiring
try standards and had no legal breaches with      prevalence of human-rights related issues       attitude and training skills. Our 5-Step Peo-
regard to labour legislation last year. Rezi-     hands-on, strengthening local communities       ple Development Programme is at the heart
dor respects the rights of employees to join      by running a responsible operation. Child or    of Rezidor’s people development strategy.
trade unions if they so choose and to bargain     forced labour is not accepted and this is en-   This programme allows for every ambitious
collectively in accordance with local laws.       sured through training, local hiring policies   employee to aim for the top, thanks to our
Pursuant to the European Union Directive          and careful monitoring. We also pay close       simple – but efficient – policy of recruiting
on works councils (94/45/ EC, the “Works          attention to and train our employees to be      from within. The programme covers five
Council Directive”) Rezidor has established       aware of the risks of child sex tourism while   levels of increasingly more advanced train-
a European Works Council, which has been          Carlson Companies has signed the ECPAT          ing and includes the mandatory New Hire

                                                                                                       Responsible Business Report 2009  15
Relatorio de sustentabilidade hotel Rezidor
Relatorio de sustentabilidade hotel Rezidor
Relatorio de sustentabilidade hotel Rezidor
Relatorio de sustentabilidade hotel Rezidor
Relatorio de sustentabilidade hotel Rezidor
Relatorio de sustentabilidade hotel Rezidor
Relatorio de sustentabilidade hotel Rezidor
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Relatorio de sustentabilidade hotel Rezidor

  • 2. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT AND CEO 2009 was doubly celebratory for Rezidor, representing 50 years since the opening of our first hotel – the legendary (Radisson Blu) Hotel Royal in Copenhagen – and 20 years since the launch of our first environmental policy. Our company’s conscientious Scandinavian heritage means we have long taken into account our environmental and social responsibility and we have kept this approach as we expanded across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. And we have maintained momentum during the difficult times too – launching the Responsible Business Manual in March; endorsing the Global Compact’s “Caring for Climate” initiative in June; achieving 27 more eco-labels over the last year; and substantially improving our performance with regard to energy, water and waste once again. We can be proud of these results and of our Responsible Business programme’s unique and wide scope: taking responsibility for the health and safety of employees and customers; respecting social and ethical issues in the company, as well as in the community; and reducing the negative impact on the environment. In addition the programme stands out from the crowd in that it is in place across each of our brands and throughout all the regions where Rezidor is present. The demands on a responsible business are ever changing, as the economic crises take their toll and demands from our diverse stakeholders become increasingly sophisticated. We look forward to embracing this challenge and reaping the benefits of our pro-active efforts by being able to provide world-class responsible hospitality. Kurt Ritter, President and CEO CONTENTs 4. About The Report 8. he Responsible Business T 17. ur TRIC=S for Safety O Programme and Security 5. esponsible Business Strategy R 11. Economic Results 19. Summary of Progress 6. mpacts, Risks and I Opportunities 13. Environmental Results 22. GRI Standard Disclosures Table 15. ocial Results S 2  Responsible Business Report 2009
  • 3. RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2009 2008 2007 Energy/m2 (kWh) Radisson Blu 279 292 308 Energy/m2 (kWh) Park Inn 290 308 350 Water/ Guest Night (litres) Radisson Blu 415 461 475 Water/ Guest Night (litres) Park Inn 358 375 403 Waste/ Guest Night (kg) Radisson Blu 1.69 1.70 1.74 Waste/ Guest Night (kg) Park Inn 1.51 1.77 2.16 Climate Analysis Employee Satisfaction score 85.8 85.1 85.1 Average 3T Monitor Safety and Security self-audit score 93.7 92.3 91.4 Kurt Ritter, President and CEO, and Sarah Rooney, Manager Responsible Business, presenting Harriet Koopman, General Manager of the Radisson Blu Hotel, Amsterdam Airport, with the 2009 Responsible Business Award. RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS AWARD WINNER The Rezidor Hotel Group Responsible Business Business spirit from the moment they join the Coordinator for the region. She regularly pres- Award is presented to the hotel which has ex- hotel when they are shown a short film made by ents and guest lectures on Responsible Business. celled in social and environmental sustainability the Responsible Business team describing the Guests too cannot miss Responsible Busi- throughout the year. Selection criteria include environmental and social projects and achieve- ness in action at this hotel. An up-to-date in- third-party environmental certification, ments of the hotel. The staff canteen serves formation stand takes pride of place in the ho- participation in Responsible Business Action healthy food and five fit employees including tel lobby while the reception team sells “Kika” Month, consumption reductions and innova- General Manager Harriet Koopman joined teams bears in aid of a children’s cancer charity. Fair tion. For 2009, Radisson Blu Hotel, Amsterdam from the other Benelux properties in the Brus- trade coffee and chocolate are also served. In Airport was deemed the worthy winner. sels 20km race in May in aid of World Childhood addition, the hotel also cooperates closely with This year the hotel achieved the prestigious Foundation. Indeed Harriet is a true Responsible a children’s home, Leefkringhuis, throughout Green Key eco-label Gold for their outstand- Business ambassador. She herself is the Respon- the year assisting with birthday, Easter and ing environmental efforts. Employees at this sible Business Trainer at her hotel and was re- Christmas parties, redecoration and providing property are fully immersed in the Responsible cently appointed Regional Responsible Business supplies when needed. Responsible business RepoRt 2009 3
  • 4. ABOUT THE REPORT The purpose of this Responsible Business Report, in combination The Status Report is an internet-based da- with the Rezidor 2009 Annual Report, is to help shareholders and tabase managed by an external consultant (also available through Rezidor’s intranet), other key stakeholders to value, assess and understand the opera- and contains 58 questions touching on all tions of The Rezidor Hotel Group. relevant areas of the Responsible Busi- ness programme. The questionnaire used We have an ongoing dialogue with our Due to the fact that the reporting base is inspired by the UN Global Compact and stakeholders and we report what we con- changes from year to year, we use key the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines. sider to be of particular interest to those we performance indicators which are based Environmental performance data (e.g. deem key: employees, customers, property on surface area (m2) or occupancy (guest energy, water and waste) is collected on a owners, shareholders, suppliers, authori- nights) as these are the dominating factors monthly basis through an Excel based da- ties, community and environment. Thus the affecting energy use, water consumption tabase linked to Rezidor’s comprehensive Rezidor 2009 Responsible Business Report and waste generation. This also allows us to accounting and financial system. The data describes the most material and relevant report our performance in a fair and trans- requested has expanded slightly since the sustainability aspects of our operations, not parent manner from year to year. launch in 2002, while the reporting periods the full range of actions and data. The scope of this report covers Rezidor have also been adjusted over the years. Data as a group, providing examples from opera- is checked internally before consolidation Report Content tions regardless of brand. This means that with hotels asked to justify or explain sig- This Responsible Business Report is in line the consolidated performance data includes nificant deviations. with the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) managed and leased hotels in operation for Reporting is mandatory for managed and G3 guidelines, self-declaring C level. Align- the following brands: leased hotels and in 2009, 100% of these ho- ing our sustainability reporting to GRI Radisson Blu –148 hotels (34,675 rooms) tels responded to the Responsible Business allows us to measure performance, achieve Park Inn – 57 hotels (11,316 rooms) Status Report and reported their environ- transparency and facilitate international Country Inn – 1 hotel (93 rooms) mental performance. Moreover, at year-end comparability. The GRI guidelines are the Hotel Missoni – 1 hotel (136 rooms) 80% of hotels had a Responsible Business most widely accepted and used standards Regent – 3 hotels (554 rooms) specific Action Plan in place for 2010. These for sustainability reporting and are applied Total – 209 hotels (46,638) rooms) Responsible Business Action Plans are up- by more than 1,000 companies around the dated yearly. At the same time, 84% of the world. Hotels under franchise agreements, which hotels have also incorporated Responsible currently number74 hotels (13,738 rooms) Business related targets into their overall Scope and Boundaries and unbranded properties (2 hotels; 134 Business Plan. of the Report rooms) are not included in the consolidated Rezidor has limited the reporting boundar- performance data. Neither are sales offices Periodicity ies to areas in which the company has full and staff functions. It should, however, be Rezidor’s Responsible Business Reports are control over data collection and informa- noted that the Responsible Business pro- published annually in conjunction with the tion quality. Downstream impacts are gramme is encouraged at all hotels, includ- Annual Report. The last Rezidor Annual generally excluded – as we do not at present ing franchised properties, and corporate Sustainability Report for 2008 was pub- dispose of reliable tools to measure these. offices. For 2009, 43% of franchised hotels lished in March 2009. The numerical data specified in this report completed the Responsible Business Status refers to the year 2009, unless otherwise Report. 24% completed the monthly Envi- Accounting Principles stated. Monthly environmental reporting ronmental Report with many more submit- and Verification and the annual Status Report, compiled by ting their data at year-end for benchmark- Financial data presented in the Responsible the management team at each hotel, form ing and carbon emission calculations. Business Report is derived from audited the foundation for Rezidor’s Responsible Due to the small number of hotels oper- annual accounts. For all external reporting, Business reporting. The reporting is based ated under the Regent (3), Country Inn currencies are converted into Euro. Ac- on year-end figures, meaning that all hotels Suites (1) and Hotel Missoni (1) during counting principles for financial reporting, in operation by December 31st were asked 2009, data from these hotels is limited, as well as the conversion rates used, are to report. Consequently, some hotels report while the focus is on Radisson Blu and Park stated in Rezidor’s 2009 Annual Report. full-year data, while properties that opened Inn. The Responsible Business Report has not during 2009, report only for the months been independently reviewed by auditors or they were in operation. Hotels that discon- Routines for Monitoring any other third party. tinued operations with Rezidor during the Hotels are asked to report their Respon- year are not included. During 2009, 30 sible Business performance in two differ- hotels came into operation under managed ent reports. Overall compliance with, and and leased agreements, as well as 6 hotels progress towards, the 15 objectives of the under franchised agreements. Meanwhile, Responsible Business programme (see page 6 managed or leased hotels left the system 20) is assessed through the annual Respon- in 2009. sible Business Status Report questionnaire. 4  Responsible Business Report 2009
  • 5. RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS STRATEGY Responsible Business sibility to make things happen –following Business is carefully measured and closely and Society our core philosophy, “Yes I Can!”. Without monitored so as to spur continuous im- In the year 2000 Kofi Annan, former taking that responsibility we cannot make a provements. Secretary-General of the United Nations, difference or sustain long-term profitability. In 2008, Rezidor was one of the first in- stated “Business is not divorced from the ternational hotel groups to sign the United rest of society. The two are interdependent Vision and strategy: Nation’s Global Compact, the world’s larg- and it must be ensured, through mutual un- Taking a leading role est voluntary corporate responsibility derstanding and responsible behavior, that Rezidor took the lead in establishing its initiative. The company’s longstanding business’s role in building a better future is first environmental policy 20 years ago and Responsible Business programme meant recognised and encouraged by society.” again with the Responsible Business pro- Rezidor was already well-prepared to align Indeed over the last decade, interest in gramme as we now know it. Rezidor con- its operations with the ten universally ac- the role of businesses in society has grown tinues to take a leadership role in the inter- cepted principles of the Global Compact in exponentially. Issues such as child labour, national hospitality industry; sharing our the areas of human rights, labour, environ- fair trade and climate change are of such experience for the greater good, and strives ment and anticorruption. In June 2009, magnitude that they are now of global con- to achieve recognition and to reap the eco- we endorsed the Global Compact’s “Caring cern. Because businesses are dependent on nomic benefits of this leading position. Thus for Climate” initiative, thus reinforcing our natural and human resources, this obliges Responsible Business issues are treated in commitment to the further development of them to take responsibility for the conse- the same way as any other important strate- corporate strategies and practices to miti- quences of their actions as well as to make gic business issue at Rezidor; this aspect is gate climate change. During 2009, Rezidor contributions to the societies of which they fully integrated into the overall governance was also part of the consultative group for are a part. Business corporations through- of the company. The Responsible Business the World Economic Forum’s “Towards a out the world today recognise this relation- programme is anchored in the core business Low Carbon Travel Tourism Report”, and ship, and that being responsible makes good and touches upon the work routines of all presented this report at the World Business business sense contributing to decreased employees with the ultimate responsibil- Summit on Climate Change in Copenhagen risks, operational savings and customer ity for Responsible Business lying with the in May. In November Rezidor celebrated preference. Executive Committee at corporate level and World Responsible Tourism Day and was At Rezidor, we have created the Responsi- General Managers at hotel level. Moreover, proud to be an official supporter of this in- ble Business programme because we believe the programme is continuously updated ternational event. it is our personal and professional respon- and developed, and work with Responsible Responsible Business History 1989 2003 Helen’s Hotel, Dublin, at Annual • First environmental policy • aunch of Hotels Environment Action L General Manager conference driven by SAS Group Month (now Responsible Business Action Month) – 89 hotels participated 2006 1996 • adisson SAS Plaza Hotel, Oslo, is first R • warded HOFTEL Owner-Friendly A • aunch of the Radisson SAS environmental L Rezidor property to receive third- Innovation of the Year programme with 24 action points party environmental certification • ounding member of the International F with the Nordic Swan Eco-label 2007 Hotels Environment Initiative • ezidor becomes chair of IHEI R • aunch of Responsible Business L Executive Committee Best Practice database 2001 • orld Childhood Foundation becomes W • aunch of the Responsible Business L 2004 corporate charity organisation programme encompassing the three pillars • warded “Worldwide Hospitality Award A • ezidor is first hotel group to offer R of health and well-being, social and ethical for Environmental Protection” all guests carbon offsetting responsibility, environmental responsibility • evelopment of internet based database D • esponsible Business Coordinators R for environmental legislation with 2008 appointed and trained self-audit and quarterly updates • oll-out of new Living and R • irst Responsible Business Training initiated F • arlson Companies signs ECPAT C Leading Responsible Business with 35% of staff trained by year-end Code of Conduct against sexual training for all employees • egular reporting of energy, R exploitation of children • ripled the number of eco-labelled hotels T water and waste • aunch of L • ave the Children becomes S 2005 • igned up to the United S corporate charity organisation • irst Rezidor Responsible Business F Nations Global Compact Award given to Radisson SAS St Responsible Business Report 2009  5
  • 6. IMPACTS, RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES vironmental, social and governance issues into corporate management and operations. It is impossible to fully consider the global economic crisis without also looking at the challenges of climate change, water scarcity, resource depletion and extreme poverty. Economic concerns cannot be addressed in isolation from social and environmental concerns as these crises are all symptoms of a larger global system that is out of balance. Indeed the process of taking a long hard look at our operations that often accompa- nies recession encourages firms to become more strategic; to look at campaigns and strategies that deliver real benefits rather than a number of tactical activities that have limited reach. Moreover, Responsible Business focuses on efficiency through ac- tivities such as energy and water conserva- tion and thus ultimately saves money. The need for sustainable development has never Despite current challenges, the travel and management of health and safety, ethics, been greater and Rezidor is proud to have tourism sector remains a critical economic corporate governance and a socially and maintained momentum with its Respon- sector worldwide and one that provides environmentally responsible supply chain sible Business efforts during 2009. Indeed significant potential for economic growth have become ever more important priori- we hope to benefit from our continued work and development internationally. Accord- ties. The Rezidor Hotel Group believes the -A.T. Kearney consultants recently reported ing to the World Travel Tourism Council above non-financial issues ultimately im- that companies that focussed on sustain- (WTTC), the global travel and tourism pact profitability. ability have outperformed their peers by industry supported 77.2 million jobs on a di- Fully aligned with the company’s core 15% during the financial crisis. rect basis in 2009 and contributed just over business objectives, Rezidor’s Respon- This outlook is also reflected by an evo- 9% of the global gross domestic product. A sible Business programme was instated lution in shareholder perspective as the growing national travel and tourism sector to increase awareness and readiness to company observes an increasing number contributes to employment, raises national handle risks and reduce costs, but also as of institutional investors adopting Socially income, and can improve a country’s bal- a means to capture opportunities in the Responsible Investment (SRI) into their in- ance of payments. The sector is thus an process of achieving the goal of being an ternal and external operations in response important driver of growth and prosperity industry leader with solid long-term profit- to the global financial crisis. A 2009 UN and, particularly within developing coun- ability. There are many ways to run a hotel Environment Programme Finance Initia- tries, it can play a leading role in poverty business – which in turn impact on how a tive and the UN Global Compact report reduction. hotel operator can manage risk and take also reveal that an increasing number of Thus it is clear that an industry of this size advantage of opportunities related to sus- mainstream asset owners, investment man- has a considerable impact on economic, so- tainability. Rezidor’s business model which agers and professional service partners are cial and environmental conditions around entails operating hotels but not owning the signing up to the Principles for Responsible the world. The hospitality industry also fac- properties, sometimes limits the actions the Investment (PRI). es a plethora of issues, risks and challenges company can take. But by and large Rezidor At the same time, our customers’ inter- related to sustainability. These include is able to control the key issues pertaining to est in Responsible Business issues remains addressing climate change and resource sustainability as the following pages dem- high despite the downturn as we continue consumption, minimising generation of onstrate. to receive increasingly detailed Requests for waste, and attracting and retaining high- Proposals demanding information on our performing employees. Rezidor handles Responsible Business environmental and ethical credentials. Like risks through the Responsible Business and during a Financial Crisis Rezidor, many of our corporate customers Safety and Security programmes while the Albert Einstein once said, we can’t solve are determined to maintain their respon- framework for managing operational risks problems by using the same kind of thinking sible attitude even during difficult times. is presented in the Annual Report. we used when we created them and the cur- The industry must also respond to sus- rent global financial crisis certainly under- Climate Change tainability-related expectations expressed scores the need for a new way of thinking. In The UN World Tourism Organisation by customers and the local and global today’s interconnected global economy, the estimates that Travel and Tourism, exclud- communities. Finally, and increasingly in long-term value and success of business are ing aviation, was responsible for about today’s business climate, comprehensive inextricably linked to the integration of en- 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions in 6  Responsible Business Report 2009
  • 7. IMPACTS, RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 2009 and that this will grow at 2.5% per gional synergies and to have a direct impact chaser. Taking into account all hotels, under year until 2035. However it is important on the bottom line as a result of improved all contract types, a total of over 35,000 to acknowledge that although the sector operational efficiency. employees were working under the Rezidor contributes to climate change, it also faces One of the key roles of the Responsible brands during 2009. During the last year risks due to climate change. If the industry Business teams in the hotels is to collabo- over 4,000 jobs were created with the vast fails to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, rate with the Engineering Departments and majority of employees hired from local mar- the rate of travel may decrease significantly the Regional Engineering structure to con- kets. The company counts no less than 142 over time as a result of legislative pressures tinuously strive for more efficient natural nationalities amongst the workforce, 56% of (for example carbon taxes) resulting in resource use. This contributes to the reduc- which is male. increased travel costs, or through volun- tion of operational costs – and the mitiga- Rezidor hires a diverse and relatively tary actions of customers to limit travel. tion of environmental risks – along with the young workforce and tries to recruit man- There are also risks related to more specific reduction of associated legal, insurance and agement internally, providing training and impacts of climate change – for example financial expenses. As the graphs on page a viable career path. Rezidor respects the disrupted travel patterns or damage to ho- 13 demonstrate, the company is progress- rights of employees to join trade unions, tel properties due to severe weather events ing in the desired direction as Rezidor has pays fair wages according to industry stan- such as storms or flooding. Some locations yet again achieved substantial reductions dards and had no legal breaches with regard may face geographically specific risks that across energy, water and waste key perfor- to labour legislation last year. Rezidor sees could affect the safe and profitable opera- mance indicators. an opportunity in investing in its employees tion of hotels. The effects on earnings and and strives to provide favourable working risk as a quantitative measure are difficult Managing sustainability conditions to retain them. This contributes to estimate to date but the company is doing in the supply chain to delivering a high quality service, an im- what it can to limit environmental impact Rezidor’s central purchasing programme portant value driver and differentiator from and vulnerabilities to climate change and (RezPIN) is an online market platform other hotel chains and brands. resource consumption issues. which allows registered buyers and suppli- As early as 1991 The Rezidor Hotel Group By signing the UN Global Compact and ers to exchange information about products started to measure employee satisfaction. the Caring for Climate initiative, Rezidor needed and offered. In this way the cor- An independent organisation is commis- has further committed to promote greater porate Purchasing Services Department sioned to conduct this annual survey en- environmental responsibility. Rezidor con- can provide different business units with titled Climate Analysis. In 2009 the results tinually monitors developments through information about best quality products from managed, leased and franchised hotels active participation in environmental and at suitable prices. The programme creates increased to 85.8 (out of 100) compared to industry forums. Employees are informed a win-win situation for both buyers and 85.1 last year. Given the challenging eco- and engaged in climate change mitigation sellers, as it leads to reduced transaction nomic situation, this result is an extraordi- efforts through our internal awareness and costs. In addition RezPIN ensures that con- nary achievement. training programmes, Living Responsible tracted suppliers are in line with Rezidor’s For many years Rezidor has been suc- Business and Leading Responsible Busi- Responsible Business philosophy and brand cessful in achieving a positive effect on the ness. standards. All suppliers included in the sys- bottom-line through active people manage- tem are required to sign Rezidor’s Supplier ment. The company offers a range of tools in Resource Consumption Code of Conduct and have the opportunity order to attract and retain talented people Rezidor hotels’ consumption of resources to further profile their Responsible Business by hiring attitude and training skills. The such as energy and water and the disposal performance to hotels. Management Development Programme, of garbage impact on the natural environ- Hotels also actively engage with sup- aims to develop, train and prepare existing ment in terms of resource depletion and the pliers at local level with regard to their or newly recruited supervisors to become generation of emissions and waste. Natu- Responsible Business practices. In 2009, Heads of Department while the Mentor rally these elements also impact operational 75% of hotels provided the Rezidor Supplier Mentee programme develops Heads of costs. The company has measured resource Code of Conduct to their suppliers. Ad- Department to become General Manag- consumption and associated costs for many ditionally 47% asked suppliers to complete ers. The strong focus of the company on its years – and these metrics provide the back- the Rezidor Responsible Business Supplier internal talents has a long track record of bone of Rezidor’s environmental manage- Questionnaire. Going one step further, 64% success. ment framework. During 2009 Rezidor of hotels have requested that, or provided launched the first phase of the Regional En- advice as to how, suppliers improve their en- Safe and Secure hotels gineering structure in France and the UK. vironmental, social or ethical performance. At Rezidor, we acknowledge that the safety This new structure aims to capitalise on re- In addition, hotels are encouraged to use and security of our guests, employees and locally produced property is an imperative aspect of hotel products as well as operations. Maintaining the necessary seasonal products levels of safety and security is dependent on in particular for the everyday actions of every employee at corporate gifts and every level in every hotel and every Rezidor events. office in every country. We have a structured risk management formula entitled TRIC=S Rezidor as a which promotes proactive behaviour responsible throughout the company. TRIC=S stands employer for Threat assessment + Risk mitigation and Rezidor has a direct management + Incident response + Crisis and substantial management and communications = Safe, effect on local com- Secure hotels. Read more about this pro- munities as an gramme on page 17. employer and pur- Responsible Business Report 2009  7
  • 8. September is Responsible Business Action Month at Rezidor. During 2009 over 190 ho- tels participated – helping out in the local community, promoting health and well-being and launching efforts to reduce their environmental footprint. At the same time they raised TEUR 75 for World Childhood Foundation and over TEUR 350 for local causes. THE RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PROGRAMME Responsible Business Policy • Reducing our negative impact on the envi- Identification and Selection and Stakeholder Engagement ronment As one of the fastest growing hotel com- Rezidor’s Responsible Business programme panies in the world, we recognise that we builds on the principles of sustainable de- Rezidor’s long-term success depends on the have an impact on a very wide selection of velopment and the triple bottom-line, where ability to understand and address the needs stakeholders, either directly or indirectly. all hotels shall strive to take economic, and concerns of those who impact or are im- The basis for identifying and selecting our social, ethical and environmental issues pacted by the company’s operations. As part key stakeholders mainly relates to the ex- into consideration when making decisions of the Responsible Business Policy eight tent that we influence or impact them: eco- in their everyday work. The programme en- key stakeholders are identified: employees, nomically, socially and environmentally. We compasses 3 key pillars: customers, property owners, shareholders, attempt to estimate the interdependence • aking responsibility for the health and T suppliers and business partners, authori- between Rezidor and these stakeholders safety of employees and guests ties, local and global communities, and the and focus our efforts where we have the po- • especting social and ethical issues in the R natural environment. tential to make a difference. company, as well as in the community 8  Responsible Business Report 2009
  • 9. THE RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PROGRAMME Responsible Business Manual It was with great pleasure that Rezidor launched in March 2009 the Responsible Business Manual – a new step-by-step guide on how to make Responsible Business live and breathe in any Rezidor property. It covers the very first steps that involve the appointment of a Responsible Business Coordinator, the creation of a Responsible Business Team, and the assessment of initial environ- mental and social performance of a hotel. It also includes information on how to organise effec- Responsible Business Manual tive Responsible Business meetings, progress with Action Plans that are tailor-made to fit each hotel, and suggestions on how to best communicate results externally and internally. In addition, once hotels have truly progressed towards the level of Responsible Business excellence, the Manual includes guidance on how hotels can receive recognition for their outstanding achieve- ments. The Responsible Business Manual is suitable for both new and experienced Responsible Let’s take responsibility Business Coordinators and is a must read for each General Manager. Rezidor is confident this Manual can make a true contribution in the current economic climate by providing a structured plan to improve Responsible Business and environmental performance and thus reduce costs, as well as guidance on achieving additional PR which may help drive revenue. StakeholdeR ConCeRnS ambitions. These objectives are realised environmental responsibilities. Each hotel and engageMent through suggestions for actions, reinforced creates its own personalised Responsible Our stakeholder relations encompass by performance-based targets. The Summary Business Action Plan based on the corpo- a number of environmental, social and of Progress table from page 19 lists our key rate objectives. Hotel Responsible Business economic issues, such as efficient use of re- performance indicators, commitments and teams are guided by the new Responsible sources, limitation of emissions and waste, targets and achievements for the year 2009. Business Manual as well as a continuously labour rights, workplace and guest health At the corporate level, key departments updated intranet that contains information and safety as well as cultural heritage. Many including Responsible Business, Human about policies, reporting requirements, best of our stakeholders have differing expecta- Resources and Safety and Security provide practice examples, certification and awards tions, and these may sometimes be contra- General Managers of hotels with ongoing and other useful resources. dictory. A responsible business must be able support to implement Responsible Business There is also a regional framework in to balance these different expectations so practices. The Responsible Business depart- place for Responsible Business, supporting that, within reason, all stakeholder groups ment in turn collaborates in various areas the hotels at a regional level and providing feel their demands are being met. The table with other key departments such as Tech- a liaison between the hotels and the corpo- on the next page lists our key stakeholders nical Development, Sales and Marketing, rate Responsible Business team. This helps and main policy objectives in relation to Food and Beverage, Business Development ensure Responsible Business is integrated these. It also includes what we believe to be and Finance to ensure Responsible Business consistently across all regions; all employ- their expectations in relation to Rezidor. is integrated into all aspects of Rezidor’s ees are fully engaged in the programme; operations. and the capturing of bottom-up efforts. The ManageMent and oRganiSation On an operational level, hotels and Gen- 14 Regional Responsible Business Coor- For each of these stakeholders, there are a eral Managers are provided with several dinators meet twice a year, where they are number of fixed objectives stating Rezidor’s tools to better manage their social and informed about and discuss the most recent Responsible business RepoRt 2009 9
  • 10. THE RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS PROGRAMME STAKEHOLDER POLICY EXPECTATIONS Employees We shall educate and facilitate for our employees fair and equal treatment; secure and safe working to make a conscious decision in favour of environ- environment; training and career progress; fair pay mental, ethical and social issues in their private and work lives. Customers We shall inform and make it easy for our guests to leading service; good value for money; flexible ap- participate in Responsible Business related activi- proach; environmentally responsible; good global ties at our hotels. coverage; benefits and generous loyalty pro- grammes Property Owners We shall work together with property owners to good returns from property management; high find innovative solutions that satisfy our economic, level of security. environmental and social objectives. Shareholders We shall provide shareholders and investors with transparent information; sound strategy and cor- timely, accurate and transparent information on Re- porate governance; high return on investment; sponsible Business related risks and opportunities. minimisation of risks Suppliers We shall strive to purchase products that have a re- fair and equal treatment; value-based pricing duced environmental impact during their lifecycle, from suppliers that demonstrate environmental and social responsibility. Authorities We require our managers to abide by local and in- compliance with rules and regulations; financial ternational legislation, especially regarding labour contributions (taxes and fees) laws, health and safety, human rights and the envi- ronment. Community We shall take an active role in the international re- forming an active and responsible part of society; sponsible business community, and contribute to sponsorships of projects; contribution to infra- the local communities where we operate. structure; contribution to attractiveness of desti- nation Environment We shall do our utmost to continuously improve our reduced consumption of energy, water, and chemi- performance in the areas of energy, water, chemi- cals; resource-efficiency; biodiversity protection; cals and resource consumption, and waste genera- minimisation of waste and emissions; responsible tion in order to reduce our negative impact on the purchasing; sustainable transport environment. developments and plans for the Responsible all General Managers includes a dedicated about Rezidor’s governance, please see the Business programme. Responsible Business session that prepares Corporate Governance Report on page 56 of During 2009 we continued the roll-out participants for all the responsibilities to be the Rezidor 2009 Annual Report. of our unique Living Responsible Business fulfilled in order to carry out the Respon- From an operational standpoint it is and Leading Responsible Business training sible Business programme successfully. the General Manager of the hotel that is modules and we aim to train each newly Reporting requirements for each hotel are ultimately responsible for the hotel’s Re- hired employee within 90 days of their ar- described in further detail in the About This sponsible Business activities. To assist him rival. Living Responsible Business is a 2.5 Report section on page 4. or her there is an assigned Responsible hour energetic, practical and interactive Business Coordinator at each property who mandatory session for all employees at all Governance then establishes a Responsible Business levels. It aims to help participants under- Sustainability issues are treated in the same Team consisting of employees from differ- stand our impact and how each individual way as any other important strategic busi- ent functions and all levels of the organi- can make a difference in their daily life, ness issue at Rezidor; this aspect is fully in- sation. The team members work with the both at home and at work. Leading Respon- tegrated into the overall governance of the Coordinator to review current practices, sible Business is an additional model tar- company. The ultimate responsibility for and act to achieve and audit the results of geting Heads of Departments and General Responsible Business lies with the Execu- the programme. This includes ensuring that Managers to ensure they lead by example tive Committee at corporate level and Gen- the information regarding the Responsible and empower employees to get involved. eral Managers at hotel level. The Corporate Business programme is disseminated to all In addition, our General Manager Certifi- Responsible Business Department reports departments of the hotel and regular re- cation Programme, which is mandatory for to the Executive Committee. To read more porting to Corporate Office is completed. 10  Responsible Business Report 2009
  • 11. During 2009, Rezidor opened 36 new hotels and now has hotels in operation and un- der development in over 60 countries. At the same time over 4,000 jobs were cre- ated bringing the number of employees working un- der Rezidor brands to over 35,000. Thus Rezidor’s eco- nomic impacts as a business partner and an employer are substantial. ECONOMIC RESULTS Responsible Business include requirements related to environmen- who report being aware of their hotel’s green contribution to cost tal performance as well as social accountabil- programmes, compared with guests who containment and ity and ethical behaviour. Consumer interest are unaware of them. Responsible Business driving revenue in companies’ sustainability credentials contributed to Park Inn leading the mid-scale We believe that non-financial issues ad- remains strong in spite of the recession and full service segment and Radisson Blu’s high dressed through our Responsible Business consumers’ consciences have “not been put on ranking in the upper upscale segment. programme have a long term impact on our hold,” as the Corporate Social Responsibility Requests for proposals from corporate profitability. Implementing Responsible consultancy, Context, notes. This is mirrored clients continue to ask increasingly detailed Business can help control costs through re- by travel managers and business travelers in questions regarding environmental and ethi- duced utility consumption, for example. Dur- the United Kingdom, continental Europe and cal issues, with clients seeking to compare ing 2009, training and investments in Build- North America who according to a report by products before making an informed choice. ing Management Systems, waste sorting the Association of Corporate Travel Execu- Consumers are actively seeking clarity in facilities, energy savings technology as well tives and KDS say “the crisis won’t lessen navigating the complex subject of Responsi- as water conservation fittings has resulted in their companies’ green efforts”. ble Business and Rezidor is working with sev- improved environmental performance and Indeed the J.D. Power 2009 European eral industry bodies and other hotel groups to cost savings across the board. Please see En- Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index Study report facilitate this. Already Rezidor has ensured vironmental Results for more information. indicated that awareness of green pro- that the provision of information about the Responsible Business also helps us drive grammes has increased significantly and this company’s environmental and social profile is revenue. Long term sustainable profitability awareness has a strong positive impact on part of the sales and marketing process, with and growth require Rezidor’s operations to be client satisfaction. On average, satisfaction 83% of hotels having integrated Responsible able to meet demands set by customers. These is more than 160 points higher among guests Business into their sales presentations and Responsible Business Report 2009  11
  • 12. ECONOMIC RESULTS 63% of hotels sharing their Responsible Busi- • adisson Blu Hotel Basel, together with R the surrounding areas. The development of ness activities on their websites. other hotels in the city has for the last 10 a hotel often contributes to improved local years participated in an Energy Group infrastructure by bringing in economic inter- Responsible Construction sponsored by local energy supplier IWB, ests which can make investments viable. It and Renovation and as a result of environmental invest- also happens that we may directly contribute Rezidor works actively to enhance resource ments such as a new and better insulated to establishing and financing infrastructure efficiency and to measure, monitor and re- roof, a new heating and cooling plant and when opening a new hotel, which is the case duce its carbon footprint and this requires co- new windows; as well as achieving energy for example with leased hotels. In addition, operation with property owners, constructors targets, receives a rebate on its energy bill. many hotels reach out to help manage public and architects. To this end, Rezidor has cre- • n 2009 Radisson Blu Hotel Stansted Air- I property through clean-up programmes or to ated Responsible Construction and Renova- port received a grant of £ 1,500 from the facilitate improvements through donations of tion Guidelines which are used to supplement British Lottery Fund as part of the Well- money or materials. the Technical Standards. Being in the East project demonstrating During 2009, 48% of hotels reported that their dedication to the health and well-being Charity initiatives at they undertook a significant environmental of their employees. local and global level investment such as improved insulation, grey Throughout the year, Rezidor’s hotels spon- water recycling systems and the installation sor many charities and non-profit initia- of waste compactors. As the types of invest- Responsible Business tives at local level through actions such as ment vary substantially across hotels, Rezi- Utility Costs 2009 fund-raising assistance, training, free meet- dor does not provide a consolidated figure for TEUR ing rooms and other in-kind donations. In investments made. 2009, over 190 hotels participated in the Total Energy Costs 25,658 In addition to investments in existing proper- annual Responsible Business Action Month ties, it is important that Rezidor minimise the broken down as follows: in September when hotels are encouraged environmental impact and promote efficient Electricity 14,761 to organise environmental and community resource use from the beginning of new proj- Oil 278 activities. The Rezidor Hotel Group is also ects by utilising smart design and best avail- proud to have the World Childhood Founda- Natural Gas 2,434 able technology. tion (Childhood) as its international charity District Heating 2,896 organisation since June 2007. Through vari- Our Economic Impacts Other Energy 2,797 ous fund-raising activities at hotel and corpo- The International Tourism Partnership es- Water 2,492 rate level during the year, the company raised timates that one job created in the tourism TEUR 75 for Childhood in 2009, thus equal- industry generates about one and a half ad- ing our 2008 donation. At the same time ho- ditional jobs in other industries (for example • adisson Blu Plaza Hotel received a grant of R tels have donated approximately TEUR 350 restaurants, sightseeing, taxis, laundries, MNOK 1 from Oslo City Council represent- to local charitable causes. etc). Hotels often also help to create job op- ing 10% of the total investment for a signifi- The change to Radisson Blu meant a new portunities and provide incomes in regions cant energy efficiency renovation including image in 2009 but Rezidor made sure to where the possibility for industrial activity a new heating and cooling system with air find good homes for any remaining material is small, thus providing an opportunity for recirculation and heat recycling. branded with the old logo. Rezidor donated people to remain in areas with otherwise thousands of items including play houses, difficult employment circumstances. As the Purchasing and pens, towels, beach balls, hats and school paragraphs below demonstrate, Rezidor’s Local Suppliers bags to worthy projects such as children’s economic impacts as a business partner and With more than 380 hotels in operation and homes, charity runs and the Danish homeless an employer are substantial. We also contrib- under development in over 60 countries, a football team. ute to community and charity initiatives both large proportion of our spending is directed locally and globally. towards locally-based suppliers. We estimate World Childhood Foundation that in 2009 approximately one quarter of Since June 2007, Rezidor’s corporate charity Governmental purchases were sourced through our central organisation is World Childhood Foundation Financial Support purchasing programme with the rest pur- – a non-profit organisation dedicated to serv- The Rezidor Hotel Group receives no direct chased through regional or local agreements. ing the most vulnerable children in the world: nor significant financial subsidies from gov- street children, sexually abused and exploited ernmental organisations in the countries Local Workforce children, children trafficked for sexual pur- where we operate hotels. However it is worth and Management poses and institutionalised children, with a noting that many hotels are receiving finan- Rezidor has a direct and substantial effect particular focus on girls and young mothers. cial assistance for Responsible Business ini- on local communities as an employer and a Rezidor’s mission is to provide its several tiatives in other forms: purchaser. Taking into account all hotels, un- million guests each year with a comfortable • Radisson Blu Resort, El Quseir, and Radis- der all contract types, a total of over 35,000 and restful stay away from home. Childhood son Blu Resort, Taba, have for a number employees were working under the Rezidor aims to help children who are abused and of years received funding from the Dan- brands during 2009. During the last year exploited to ensure that they are given a safe ish International Development Agency over 4,000 jobs were created with the vast and secure childhood, or simply put, a home. (DANIDA) for projects that have resulted in majority of employees hired from local mar- These parallel aspirations mean that Rezi- the establishment and development of jobs, kets. Personnel costs, such as wages, training dor’s support to Childhood is natural to who training and education of staff and local and benefits, are by far the largest cost for the we are as a company and a corporate citizen. inhabitants. company, 54% amounting to MEUR 246. As we move forward towards achieving our • During 2009 Radisson Blu Roe Park Re- growth objectives, we will also continue our sort, Limavady received an interest-free Infrastructure Investments commitment to support children around the loan of £28,000 from the Carbon Trust for a Rezidor properties are highly dependent on world and to provide them a safe home and a voltage regulator. local infrastructure and the well-being of better childhood. 12  Responsible Business Report 2009
  • 13. ENVIRONMENTAL RESULTS Operating hotels involves the use of raw to be high, we have set strict environmental teria as part of environmental certifications materials, energy and water, and results in performance demands. Moreover, all sup- and increased employee awareness. waste generation. Rezidor’s main environ- pliers are required to sign Rezidor’s Supplier Spills are marginal and not centrally mental impacts are a result of energy use Code of Conduct and have the opportunity reported, though discharge and chemical and the consequent contribution to climate to further profile their Responsible Business use is tracked and controlled. There were change, in addition to the consumption of performance to hotels through RezPIN, no significant environmental spills or leaks materials. During 2009 Rezidor launched Rezidor’s central purchasing programme during 2009. the first phase of the Regional Engineering online platform. Thus we try to positively structure in France and the UK. This new influence our suppliers by providing incen- Energy structure aims to capitalise on regional tives to develop environmentally sound Our energy consumption consists of elec- synergies and to have a direct impact on the products produced in a responsible way. tricity, district heating and cooling, heating bottom line as a result of improved opera- oil, natural gas, and LPG gas. Energy costs tional efficiency. Also in 2009 we continued Waste and spills as a share of Rezidor’s total costs is 5.6% to pursue third-party environmental cer- Solid wastes are generated by many activi- (4.2), and during 2009 we spent TEUR tifications to ensure hotels are doing their ties in our hotels like food preparation, pre- 25,658 (23,771) on energy related costs for utmost to reduce our environmental im- packaged items consumed, guest waste, leased hotels. Thus logically a reduction in pacts. The focus of these certifications is on cleaning etc. We are proactively seeking energy use was a core component of our cost increased energy efficiency, water conser- to reduce our residual waste which would cutting programme over the last year and vation, waste management and informing otherwise be sent to landfill or incinera- contributed to a decrease of 4% in energy employees and guests about the Responsible tion. As part of Living Responsible Business consumption per guest night at Radisson Business programme. training, employees are trained in waste Blu properties and a decrease of 6% at Park management and the waste hierarchy: Re- Inn hotels. Material use duce, Reuse, Recycle; and are empowered to Rezidor is committed to contributing In order to minimise environmental impact make improvements where they see fit. 89% to mitigating climate change by continu- and promote efficient resource use from the of hotels have a dedicated waste-sorting ously improving the energy-efficiency of our beginning of new projects, the use of smart area while 70% of hotels have waste-sorting operations and by increasing the share of design and best available technology is es- equipment on house-keeping trollies. 63% low-carbon energy sources. This is an im- sential. To this end, Rezidor’s Responsible of hotels return packaging to suppliers portant part of the role of the new Regional Construction and Renovation Guidelines while 38% of hotels provide waste-sorting Engineering structure. are used in conjunction with Technical facilities for guests in public areas. We also Standards when consulting on new proper- aim to purchase products that generate Water ties and refurbishments. minimal waste through setting central and Reducing water consumption has a number Additionally a large part of our social regional purchasing policies and avoiding of knock-on effects in reducing our envi- and environmental impacts is derived from disposable items as much as possible. For ronmental impact. Using less water means those of our suppliers. As an international example 96% of hotels have refillable ame- less wastewater to process and dispose of, hospitality company we use a vast variety of nity dispensers in public washrooms. and in the case of hot water reductions, less products and the majority of our material In 2009 we saw a 1% reduction in waste energy use too. Again our cost cutting pro- use is in the form of products we purchase per guest night at Radisson Blu properties gramme contributed to a decrease of 10% from suppliers. Controlling how and what while at Park Inn hotels the reduction was a in water consumption per guest for Radis- we buy is an important part of our Respon- staggering 15%. We believe these reductions son Blu during 2009, and 5% for Park Inn. sible Business strategy. For some products were achieved mainly due to the influence of Employee training also plays an important where we buy large quantities and where we stricter waste management legislation in a role in water conservation and contributed perceive the negative environmental impact number of countries, stringent recycling cri- to improved and more water-efficient rou- Energy/m2, Water/guest night, Waste/guest night, kWh litres kg 500 500 2,5 Responsible Business maintains momentum with significant reductions in energy, water and waste 400 400 2,0 yet again in 2009 300 300 1,5 200 200 1,0 100 100 0,5 0 0 0,0 07 08 09 07 08 09 07 08 09 07 08 09 07 08 09 07 08 09 Radisson Park Inn Radisson Park Inn Radisson Park Inn Blu Blu Blu Responsible Business Report 2009  13
  • 14. ENVIRONMENTAL RESULTS Eco-labels all over Although Rezidor has been working with Responsible Business for two decades we realise the importance of having our efforts evaluated and externally veri- fied to ensure communication of our programme is fully transparent and credible. To this end, the com- pany launched an ambitious eco-labelling strategy in 2008 and we are proud that a further 27 properties have achieved environmental certification in 2009. The initial focus was on Radisson Blu properties and half the Radisson Blu properties have already been awarded an eco-label. Already all our Park Inn hotels in France have achieved the Green Key label and the rest of the brand will follow suit with local labels. For the most part, regional certifications or eco- labels have been selected to ensure hotels perform to their maximum potential in their respective countries, and also to take into account consumer awareness of these schemes. In fact one challenge encountered along the way is the unavailability of environmental certifications or eco-labels in cer- tain regions where Rezidor operates. Thus we are actively working with environmental organisations in Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Russia and the United Arab Emirates to develop schemes and to pilot them at Rezidor properties. Environmental Certifications to date Austrian Ecolabel: 2 Enterprise Ecodynamique (Belgium): 2 Golden Leaf Green Hotel (China): 1 Green Globe: 1 Green Hospitality Award (Ireland): 10 Green Key (Benelux, France, Lithuania, Tunisia): 21 Green Tourism Business Scheme (UK): 12 ISO 14001 (Germany): 15 Nordic Swan: 29 tines in housekeeping, kitchens and leisure linked to energy consumption, our efforts to renewable energy sources. Again we are facilities. to decrease emissions are concentrated on particularly sensitive to the energy sources In addition to conserving water it is es- working towards minimising energy use as used in the countries in which we operate sential Rezidor manages the quality of its well as shifting to renewable energy sources. hotels and the availability of renewable water discharge which can be in the form We have calculated our emissions each sources in the grid, which is why a number of grey water which has been used in show- year since 2006 in conjunction with the of hotels are generating their own energy ers and sinks and still is relatively clean; or Edinburgh Centre of Carbon Management. through technology such as photovoltaic black water which comes from toilets and is These assessments focus on energy related panels. sent directly to a sewage treatment plant for emissions only, as accurate conversion fac- processing. Rezidor can influence its water tors for waste disposal or not yet widely Land use and biodiversity discharge in two main ways – reducing the available. Conversion factors used for en- Rezidor does not own hotels but rather consumption or controllingdischarge of ergy sources are based on the World Busi- operates managed, leased or franchised materials and products that may contami- ness Council for Sustainable Development properties. In this sense the company does nate water, and also through reusing its grey Greenhouse Gas Protocol and guidelines not directly use land, but as Rezidor’s opera- water. Significant sources of water contami- from the Carbon Trust. tions facilitate and finance land use, the nation in a hotel are chemical use in house- An assessment of the greenhouse gas effects of land use are nevertheless an issue. keeping and kitchen residue. In order to re- emissions of Rezidor’s operations was un- Hotels have a significant physical footprint duce cleaning chemical waste we use pre-set dertaken in February 2010, based on 2009 -buildings are often sizable and the land- dosage systems for cleaning chemicals. In data. In 2009, emissions from electricity, scaped premises encompass considerable the kitchen area, 89% of the hotels use a fat natural gas, heating oil, district heating and areas. It is in our interest to preserve the separation device, to ensure that fat residue LPG gas for the 208 properties for which natural environment and biodiversity as does enter the water system. With regards Rezidor has comprehensive data amounted ultimately the local community, and its con- to re-use of water, our hotels frequently use to 329,072 tons CO2 equivalent. Our carbon dition, is of utmost importance to running rain water and even condensation water for footprint has thus increased in absolute a profitable hotel operation. To this end, our irrigation, while grey water systems which terms which is to be expected with the large Responsible Construction and Renovation reuse shower and sink water to flush toilets number of hotels opened last year. However Guidelines advise owners, developers and are in place in 4% of our hotels. if we look at emissions per room night or per hotels how to best manage their land in a guest night, both have decreased signifi- productive and sustainable manner. Emissions cantly during 2009 with the latter reduced Rezidor’s greenhouse gas emissions result by 8% from 25.57 kg to 23.65 kg. As the bulk Fines and Incidents primarily from our energy consumption of our emissions come from energy and in There have been no environmentally related (electricity use and heating/cooling) and this case electricity use, our efforts to de- incidents or fines at hotel or corporate level mainly consist of carbon dioxide emissions. crease emissions are concentrated on work- reported. Due to the majority of our emissions being ing towards energy efficiency and shifting 14  Responsible Business Report 2009
  • 15. SOCIAL RESULTS The values of Rezidor guide the organisation and our employees in their daily Code of Conduct against the sexual exploita- business. Our values are openness, trust, respect, confidence, fighting spirit, tion of children on our behalf. flexibility, empowerment, and z-factor. Diversity and handling discrimination Our licence to operate entered into by and between representatives A strong understanding and respect of cul- in the community of our central management and employee tural differences is essential to Rezidor’s suc- Tourism is dependent on the community as representatives. Data of the share of employ- cess as we employ no less than 142 different well as cultural and natural heritage. Hotel ees with collective bargaining agreements is nationalities and we operate hotels in over 60 companies contribute positively to the social not collected. countries. Diversity amongst the workforce and economic development of regions in in our hotels is as old as the hospitality indus- which they operate. Hotels hire a majority of Handling operational changes try itself. Experience across different hotels their employees locally and pay local taxes Rezidor strives to handle all operational and different countries is an integral part which are re-invested to benefit the region. changes in a transparent and open fashion, of any hospitality career. The Rezidor Hotel We also give support through the restoration with the goal of giving the employees fair Group supports transfers throughout the ho- of cultural heritage sites, by sponsoring local influence. In Europe, the European Works tels in all countries, enabling its employees to events and charities and by partnering with Council framework helps regulate informa- grow with the company and to develop them- research and interest organisations. Being tion and co-dependency issues. Annual selves. As much as we perceive our guests well thought of helps to safeguard our repu- meetings are held, where issues such as the to be individuals with individual needs and tation and strengthen our brand. It enables company’s finances, performance, future wishes, we also perceive our employees to us to more easily acquire licenses to operate ventures and other paramount issues, are be individuals with individual backgrounds and facilitates the process of establishing discussed with employee representatives. If and cultures. Employees are hired for their operations and securing business partners in Rezidor decides to discontinue operations or attitude and willingness to serve the guest. local markets. divest a hotel operation, the hotel normally Cultural differences enable us as an employer remains in operation (but under different and as a host to cater to the needs of our Labour Practices and management). The effects on the employees clientele on an individual basis even better. Decent Work when losing Rezidor as an operator and em- Rezidor’s Equal Opportunities Policy states Workforce ployer are thereby lessened. During the year, that no discrimination due to age, race, reli- Taking into account all hotels, under all con- 30 hotels joined the Rezidor system and 6 gion, gender or disability is allowed, and all tract types, a total of over 35,000 employees managed or leased hotels discontinued their our hotels have routines in place to ensure were working under the Rezidor brands dur- co-operation with The Rezidor Hotel Group. this is the case. ing 2009. During the last year over 4,000 When taking over an existing hotel, the ma- jobs were created with the vast majority of jority of the employees of the earlier hotel Anti-corruption measures employees hired from local markets. The brand remains at the hotel. In some regions where Rezidor operates company counts no less than 142 nationalities there are high risks related to corruption, amongst the workforce, 56% of which is male. Human Rights therefore a Code of Business Ethics is in As early as 1991 The Rezidor Hotel Group Rezidor operates hotels in countries where place and management and staff are trained started to measure employee satisfaction. An corruption and human rights issues exist. in this regard. These issues are also covered independent organisation is commissioned to Key human rights issues for the hotel in- in our internal control procedures. Rezidor conduct this annual survey entitled Climate dustry include fair wages, women’s rights, takes substantial measures to ensure that the Analysis. In 2009 the results from managed, the capacity to join trade unions and collec- ethical behaviour stated in the Code of Ethics leased and franchised hotels increased to tive bargaining. Breaches of good practice is a core value in all business relationships. 85.8 (out of 100) compared to 85.1 in 2008. and association with social problems can The Rezidor Hotel Group has not had any All employees receive regular performance cause considerable long-term damage to significant incidents regarding corruption or and career development reviews at least on a company’s reputation and may result in bribes causing legal actions during 2009. a yearly basis. More information on payroll a company being denied future licenses to cost and the split of these costs per country operate, sometimes even facing international People development can be found on page 32 of the Rezidor An- boycotts. and training nual Report 2009. Rezidor does not in any way participate Rezidor has for many years successfully in or condone practices that breach Inter- focussed on having a positive effect on the Collective bargaining national Declarations covering these issues. bottom-line through active people manage- agreements On the contrary we feel that our presence ment. We offer a range of tools in order to Rezidor pays fair wages according to indus- can be a positive influence. We work to rid attract and retain talented people by hiring try standards and had no legal breaches with prevalence of human-rights related issues attitude and training skills. Our 5-Step Peo- regard to labour legislation last year. Rezi- hands-on, strengthening local communities ple Development Programme is at the heart dor respects the rights of employees to join by running a responsible operation. Child or of Rezidor’s people development strategy. trade unions if they so choose and to bargain forced labour is not accepted and this is en- This programme allows for every ambitious collectively in accordance with local laws. sured through training, local hiring policies employee to aim for the top, thanks to our Pursuant to the European Union Directive and careful monitoring. We also pay close simple – but efficient – policy of recruiting on works councils (94/45/ EC, the “Works attention to and train our employees to be from within. The programme covers five Council Directive”) Rezidor has established aware of the risks of child sex tourism while levels of increasingly more advanced train- a European Works Council, which has been Carlson Companies has signed the ECPAT ing and includes the mandatory New Hire Responsible Business Report 2009  15