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Covid-19: Government adviser on vaccine
Government adviser on vaccine announcement.
Video, 00:01:20Government adviser on vaccine
Student Covid testing begins for
Christmas exodus
Two Covid tests for students in England before quick
Christmas exit
Covid: PM calls for ‘unity’ as he agrees to
publish data behind new tiers
He said the best thing for the industry would be to
“keep the virus under control, use mass testing, roll
that out...
Covid vaccine: Moderna seeks approval
in US and Europe
UK regulators are also reviewing data on the Pfizer
vaccine, as well as another type of Covid vaccine
from AstraZenca and...
Tory rebels demand Boris Johnson
rethink Covid tiers system as daily cases
drop AGAIN to 16,022
Boris Johnson was under mounting pressure to
change course on his coronavirus lockdown plans
tonight after another sharp...
Coronavirus lockdown England: 17m in
Tiers 2 and 3 though cases fell
Around 17million people living in parts of England
that have seen their coronavirus outbreaks shrink for
at least two weeks...
Mum with cancer, 44, catches
coronavirus after working during
A 44-year-old mother living with incurable cancer
caught coronavirus this month which she fears was
because she kept working...
Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds’s
DOG Dilyn ‘had Covid’
It is ‘rare’ for an animal to contract the coronavirus,
according to DEFRA, the Department for
Environment, Food...
Elderly care home residents ‘will be
allowed to visit families over Christmas’
Elderly care home residents may be allowed to visit
their families during England’s Christmas
lockdown break, the...
Coronavirus: Moderna to submit vaccine
for emergency approval
Moderna will today submit its Covid vaccine for
emergency approval in the US and Europe, after the
final analysis of its...
Boris Johnson warns Tory MPs to back
him or they risk a lockdown 3
Ministers today warned it could be summer before
the UK gets back to normal as Boris Johnson faces
a growing Tory rebellion...
Coronavirus UK: Minister suggests bars
could BAN the unvaccinated
Bars, cinemas and football stadiums could turn
away Britons who have not been vaccinated against
coronavirus, the UK’s...
More than one-third of children with
COVID-19 show no symptoms: study
“The concern from a public health perspective is that
there is probably a lot of COVID-19 circulating in the
Why spending a long time on your phone
isn’t bad for mental health
The study published in Technology, Mind, and
Behavior was led by Heather Shaw and Kristoffer
Geyer from Lancaster University...
Gut microbes: a key to normal sleep
The experiment itself was fairly simple. The
researchers gave a group of mice a powerful
cocktail of antibiotics for four...
Researchers find how stress and the
circadian clock affect sleep
Living organisms exhibit a 24-hour oscillation called
the circadian rhythm. In mammals, the central
circadian clock, located...
Forest fires, cars, power plants join list of
risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease
In the study, which appears in JAMA Neurology on
Nov.30, 2020, the researchers looked at the PET
scans of more than 18,000...
Researchers unlock the door to tumor
microenvironment for CAR T cells
The researchers discovered in laboratory
experiments that vascularization in solid tumors is
driven by the genetic reprogramming...
Rethink COVID-19 infection control to
keep primary schools open this winter,
governments urged
How lockdown may lead to ‘avoidable
harm’ for the health of under 16s
Research led by Dr Rachel Isba from Lancaster
University, Dr Rachel Jenner from Royal Manchester
Covid-19: Impact on Israel
Covid-19: How winter exercise could help us cope with
Covid-19: How will the pandemic affect global health in
Is it wise to carry on shielding in the 12 weeks between your
first and second jabs?
Thousands at risk of blindness set to benefit from a new eye
HEALTH NOTES: Surge in patients admitted to hospital for
alcohol-related liver disease
I caught Covid from a hospital, we must give all NHS
workers the jab
My chest pains are terrifying
How many have to die before Britain tackles its black and
Asian organ donor crisis?
A couch potato took part in experiment on boosting immunity
‘Covid loves a crowd… so stay at home this New Year’s Eve’
says NHS boss
Professor Hugh Montgomery says hospitals are facing a
"tsunami" of Covid cases.
Face masks: How to wear one correctly
‘We filmed our dad’s final months to help people’
JOANNA HALL’S 30-day exercise plan to kickstart your New
New mutant coronavirus strain IS more contagious by nearly
DR MICHAEL MOSLEY launches a new series to make
2021 your healthiest year yet
Allergists offer reassurance regarding potential allergic
reactions to COVID-19 vaccines
Putty-like composites of gallium metal with potential for real-
world application
Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain
The blanket policy currently deployed for children of
all ages is not evidence based and is too restrictive
and inflexible,...
Children’s Hospital,...
Ultrathin spray-applied MXene antennas
are ready for 5G
IMAGE: Drexel University researchers have
produced flexible, spray-applied antennas made
from a two-dimensional material...
Area burned by severe fire increased 8-
fold in western US over past four decades
WASHINGTON–The number of wildfires and the
amount of land they consume in the western U.S.
has substantially increased...
HIV-like virus edited out of primate
IMAGE: Dr. Kamel Khalili and Dr. Tricia Burdo at the
Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
Linking medically complex children’s
outpatient team with hospitalists
improved care
When medically complex children are hospitalized,
linking hospitalists to their regular outpatient
providers through an inpatient...
Worst-case emissions projections are
already off-track
IMAGE: A plenary at the 25th Conference of the
Parties, held by the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate...
Preschool children can’t see the
mountains for the cat
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Imagine seeing an image of a
cat in front of a wide scene of mountains and being
told just to remember...
Computer-aided creativity in robot design
IMAGE: MIT researchers have automated and
optimized robot design with a system called
RoboGrammar. The system creates...
New method identifies adaptive
mutations in complex evolving
RIVERSIDE, Calif. — A team co-led by a scientist at
the University of California, Riverside, has
developed a method...
Measuring broken hearts: divorce has
negative effects on physical and mental
Going through a divorce is extremely challenging
and previous research has highlighted the adverse
effects that it can have...
COVID-19 studies should also focus on
mucosal immunity, researchers argue
BUFFALO, N.Y. — Anyone who has undergone a
nasal swab or saliva test for COVID-19 knows that
the virus is most easily...
Fast-moving gas flowing away from
young star caused by icy comet
IMAGE: Artist’s impression of the system, with the
star at the center, and the inner dust belt from which
Coronavirus: How do you vaccinate 7.7
billion people?
What happens once a coronavirus vaccine is
approved? Kalipso Chalkidou, director of global
health policy at the Center for...
Covid-19: Don’t ‘take brakes off’ Covid
measures, says leading scientist
England’s lockdown is ending this week, when it will
enter a three-tier system of restrictions. Prime
Minister Boris...
Covid: Researchers fear cancer advances
delay due to pandemic
There have also been concerns about the effect the
pandemic could have had on cancer more widely.
The NHS’s former...
Covid infections in England fall by 30%
over lockdown
Its researchers estimated the virus’s reproduction
(R) rate had fallen to 0.88. That means on average
every infection...
Coronavirus: When can I get the Covid-19
When can I get the Covid-19 vaccine? Video,
00:03:57When can I get the Covid-19 vaccine?
Your coronavirus vaccine questions
Your coronavirus vaccine questions answered.
Video, 00:04:13Your coronavirus vaccine questions
Covid: What are the new tiers and
lockdown rules in England, Scotland,
Wales and Northern Ireland?
Across the UK, some restrictions will be relaxed
over Christmas, to allow three households to form a
“Christmas bubble”.
Covid: When does England’s lockdown
actually end? And other questions
When England’s lockdown ends on 2 December,
only the Isle of Wight, Cornwall and the Isles of
Scilly will move into tier...
Which online workout is best for you?
It’s 7am on a Tuesday and I’m in the kitchen.
Nineties fitness guru Mr Motivator is bellowing
‘WORK IT!’...
HEALTH NOTES: Student creates fruity
jelly sweets that help dementia patients
beat dehydration
HEALTH NOTES: Student creates brand of fruity
jelly sweets that help dementia patients beat
dehydration By Mail on Sunday...
Hesitant about the Covid vaccine?
Covid vaccines are like buses. You wait all year for
one, and then three come along at once. OK, so
Christmas cracker jokes...
Dizzy spells could be a warning sign that
your brain is being damaged by eating
Dizzy spells, clumsiness, loss of balance and falls.
All worrying and strikingly common symptoms that
affect millions of...
Pioneering drug that hits prostate
cancer’s weak spot
Men with incurable prostate cancer have been
offered hope of a longer life thanks to a drug that
targets the disease’s...
Why are GPs STILL refusing to see
patients face-to-face?
The shutters are down, doors firmly locked.
Laminated signs warn patients not to enter without
an appointment. In some...
How you CAN have a Covid-safe
It’s official: Christmas is saved. The festive period
won’t be lonely and miserable, after all, thanks to
Face masks slow spread of COVID-19;
types of masks, length of use matter
In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, investigators
looked at research on face masks and their use and
summarized what...
Tracking COVID-19 trends in hard-hit
This research compiles the data for each state in the
U.S. and calculates the change in the infection rate
before and after...
Spinal/epidural anesthesia associated
with increased survival in leg artery
bypass surgery
IMAGE: Associate scientist and anesthesiologist at
The Ottawa Hospital, associate professor at the
University of Ottawa,...
Barley pan-genome: IPK scientists reach
milestone on the way to ‘transparent’
IMAGE: The photo shows a spectrum of diversity in
wheat and barley. view more Credit: Photo: IPK
Leibniz Institute/...
Scientists call for decade of concerted
effort to enhance understanding of the
deep seas
The deep seas – vast expanses of water and
seabed hidden more than 200 metres below the
ocean surface to depths up...
Fruit flies reveal new insights into space
travel’s effect on the heart
IMAGE: Karen Ocorr, Ph.D., assistant professor in
Sanford Burnham Prebys’ Development, Aging and
Evidence of the interconnectedness of
global climate
IMAGE: An iceberg in the central Scotia Sea in
2019. view more Credit: Thomas Ronge To see how
deeply interconnected...
From fins to limbs and water to land
IMAGE: The aerial scene depicts two Late Devonian
early tetrapods – Ichthyostega and Acanthostega –
Research creates hydrogen-producing
living droplets, paving way for alternative
future energy source
IMAGE: Electron microscopy image of a densely
packed droplet of hydrogen-producing algal cells.
Scale bar, 10 micrometres. ...
Prof Sarah Gilbert: The woman who
designed the Oxford vaccine
“There are some scientists who will happily work
more or less on their own on one subject for a very
long time… That’s...
Coronavirus: Losing a baby during the
If you’re affected by the issues in this video, then
help and support or wider information is available via
BBC Action...
Covid: Hospitals could be overwhelmed
without new tiers, says Gove
But writing in the Times, Mr Gove said MPs – who
will vote on the measures next week – need to “take
Covid: Nadhim Zahawi appointed as
vaccine rollout minister
In a tweet, Mr Zahawi welcomed his new post but
said the rollout would be a “big responsibility and a
big operational...
Mapping out the mystery of blood stem
IMAGE: Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Senior
Scientist Dr. Mathieu Lupien and team used state-of-
the-art 3D mapping...
Survival protein may prevent collateral
damage during cancer therapy
IMAGE: The cell survival protein BCL-XL may
protect kidneys from damage caused by cancer
Air-sea coupling improves the simulation
of the western North Pacific summer
monsoon in the WRF4 model at a
synoptic scale resolving resolution
therapies. view more Credit:... Regional air-sea coupling plays a crucial role in
modulating the climatology and variability of the
Asian summer monsoon....
Fiji’s vaccine program reduces childhood
death and illness: study
Fiji’s national vaccine program against pneumonia, a
serious lung condition, and rotavirus, a common
disease which...
Psychological factors contributing to
language learning
The problem of language acquisition is one of the
complicated psychological topics. Teacher education
experts are always...
Towards 6G wireless communication
networks: vision, enabling technologies,
and new paradigm shifts
IMAGE: An overview of 6G wireless communication
networks view more Credit: ©Science China Press
The fifth...
New discovery by SMART allows early
detection of shade avoidance syndrome
in plants
IMAGE: Raman spectroscopy and the carotenoid
Raman peak allows for early detection of Shade
Avoidance Syndrome (SAS)...
Grabbing viruses out of thin air
IMAGE: A proposed future society. view more
Credit: Tohoku University The future could hold
portable and...
Signaling switch in pancreatic β-cells
determines anti-diabetic drug
IMAGE: cAMP (cyclic AMP): An intracellular
signaling molecule that regulates a variety of cellular
functions such as...
Sheep show the contamination by
microplastics in the agricultural soils of
IMAGE: Sheeps during the study view more Credit:
Nicolas Beriot (Diverfarming project) In recent
RUDN University research team of
mathematicians suggested a new
decision making algorithm
IMAGE: A research team from RUDN University
developed an algorithm to help large groups of
people make optimal decisions...
Using a soft crystal to visualize how
absorbed carbon dioxide behaves in
IMAGE: The CO2-absorbing soft crystal developed
for this study (Photo: Shin-ichiro Noro). view more
CsPbBrI2 perovskites with low energy
loss for high-performance indoor and
outdoor photovoltaics
IMAGE: Schematic diagram of device structure and
secondary grain growth with (NH4)2C2O4* H2O
treatment. view...
Age not just a number: Causes of joint
stiffness differ between older and
younger adults
IMAGE: Probes 1 and 5 measured deep fascia,
probe 2 measured the sciatic nerve, and probes 3-4
measured various calf...
Iron infusion proves effective to treat
anaemia in Rural Africa
IMAGE: Iron infusions help reduce iron-deficiency
anaemia in low-income settings. view more Credit:
Bank-affiliated funds contribute to
funding their parent banks in times of
A study published recently in the journal Review of
Financial Studies by the researchers Javier Gil-
Bazo, Sergio Mayordomo...
Covid Christmas: ‘Avoid board games
and sleepovers’
Earlier this week, the government announced up to
three households will be allowed to form a
“Christmas bubble”...
R number for UK below 1 for first time
since August
‘R’ is calculated by the government’s scientific
advisers, and represents how many extra people
each infected...
Covid: Free Vitamin D pills for 2.5 million
vulnerable in England
Top Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated Iran’s
foreign minister has condemned the killing of
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh...
Covid-19: Mass testing a ‘distraction’
from vaccine rollout
The PM has said mass community testing, as seen
in Liverpool, will be offered to all areas in tier three
after lockdown ends.
without even noticing? Don’t eat after
When our kids were young my wife Clare and I were
often so busy in the early evening — feeding them,
putting them to bed...
SARS-CoV-2 mutations do not appear to
increase transmissibility
The analysis of virus genomes from over 46,000
people with COVID-19 from 99 countries is
published today in Nature Communications. First...
Scientists design model to predict
cellular drug targets against COVID-19
Viruses rely on their host to survive, a crucial step of
lifecycle is the synthesis of the virus particles within
the host...
Exploring links between infant
vocabulary size and vocal interactions
with caregivers
Previous research has shown that, in the home,
one-on-one vocal interactions with caregivers who
engage in infant-directed...
New breakthrough in the treatment of
rheumatoid arthritis
People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) could soon
benefit from a new drug treatment that not only
suppresses inflammation...
Transcultural literacies and meaning-
making through fanfiction
Digital technology has made intercultural contacts a
daily activity for many people in the world. As a
result, the globalization...
UB study identifies new functions in the
Machado-Joseph genetic disease
IMAGE: Rods (type of photoreceptor) isolated from
the retina of a control mouse (Atxn3 +/+) and a
mouse with the silenced...
Warwick scientists design model to
predict cellular drug targets against
IMAGE: Schematic representation of the integrated
host-virus metabolic modelling approach used in the
article. The...
Minimal waste production is a
fundamental law for animal locomotion
Is there a unifying principle underpinning animal
locomotion in its rich diversity? A thermodynamic
analysis performed by...
Electronic skin has a strong future
stretching ahead
IMAGE: KAUST researchers have developed a
durable “electronic skin ” that can mimic natural
Mine ponds amplify mercury risks in
Peru’s Amazon
IMAGE: Thousands of artificial ponds like this one,
created when rainwater filled in an abandoned gold
mining pit,...
Scientists reveal regions of the brain
where serotonin promotes patience
We’ve all been there. Whether we’re stuck in traffic
at the end of a long day, or eagerly anticipating the
This highly-rated eufy digital bathroom
scale is reduced to less than £24 on
This popular digital bathroom scale gives you a full-
body insight and is currently reduced to less than
£24 on Amazon By...
New plant-based gel to fast-track ‘mini-
organs’ growth, improve cancer
Nanocellulose gels cost a fraction of the price
compared to the current gold standard. These
hydrogels are plant-based and...
New insights on health effects of long-
duration space flight
Colorado State University Professor Susan Bailey
was one of more than 80 scientists across 12
universities who conducted...
Obesity is not only the individual’s
Conventionally, there is a tendency to perceive
individuals who are overweight as lacking the
willpower to improve their...
Early birth linked to greater risk of
hospital visits during childhood
Although the risk declined as the children grew up,
particularly after age 2, an excess risk remained up
to age 10, even...
Aim to exceed weekly recommended
physical activity level to offset health
harms of prolonged sitting
The health harms associated with prolonged sitting
can be offset by exceeding weekly recommended
physical activity levels,...
World’s largest inventory of known plant
“In my daily work at the Botanical Garden, I regularly
come across species names that are not clear,
where existing...
Radboud university medical center
research: Most lungs recover well after
Lung tissue of patients who suffered severely from
COVID-19 shows good recovery in most cases. This
was revealed by a study...
Scientists determine the structure of
glass-shaping protein in sponges
IMAGE: Skeleton of a Glass Sponge view more
Credit: Ronald Seidel/Igor Zlotnikov Glass sponges
– as...
New modified wheat could help tackle
global food shortage
Researchers at the University of York have created
a new modified wheat variety that increases grain
production by up to...
RUDN University mathematicians applied
19th century ideas to modern
computerized algebra systems
IMAGE: A team of mathematicians from RUDN
University added new symbolic integration
functionality to the Sage computerized...
High achievement cultures may kill
students’ interest in math — especially
New insights into how the CRISPR
immune system evolved
for girls
A new study in Frontiers in Psychology suggests
that high national math achievement combined with
societal pressures may...
IMAGE: The new results show in great detail how
two anti-CRISPR proteins (pink) lock two CRISPR-
Cas proteins (beige)...
New immunotherapy shows promise
against rare childhood cancer
A novel CAR T-cell therapy developed by
researchers at UCL and designed to target
cancerous tumours, has shown promising...
Russian scientists improve 3D printing
technology for aerospace composites
using oil waste
IMAGE: Aviation parts printed on a 3D printer from
new metal powders view more Credit: Sergey
Covid: Woman left blind after treatment
delayed in pandemic
NHS Wales: Ten-fold increase in patients waiting for
Controversial ‘virginity tests’ sold by UK
Women are being offered controversial “virginity
tests” at British medical clinics, an investigation by
BBC Newsbeat...
Cancer: Blood test for 50 types to be
trialled by NHS
Trump signals he is prepared to leave White House
The president has refused to admit defeat but says
he will go if Joe Biden’s...
Oxford Covid vaccine: Regulator asked to
assess jab
It follows news that the jab was “highly effective” in
advanced trials.
Britain’s daily coronavirus cases
continue to fall with 17,555 new infections
Britain’s second wave of coronavirus is continuing to
shrink, official figures confirmed today after another
Almost 250,000 women are overdue
cervical smear tests this year due to
Almost quarter of a million women are overdue their
cervical smear tests as a result of the coronavirus
pandemic, official...
Coronavrius lockdown England: Fury in
rural Kent as county in Tier 3
Towns and villages across Britain were furious
tonight after Boris Johnson confirmed all but three
places in England will...
Coronavirus UK: Chris Whitty cagey on
Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine
Chris Whitty, England’s Chief Medical
Officer, refused to back Oxford’s vaccine The Chief
Medical Officer...
Europe coronavirus: Second wave began
in Spain before spreading via tourists,
study suggests
Europe’s coronavirus second wave may have begun
among fruit pickers in northern Spain before being
spread across the...
Gene donors at high risk for cancer
received feedback
Researchers at the Estonian Genome Center at the
University of Tartu studied how people at high risk
for breast, ovarian...
Effect of climate change on infectious
diseases unknown to half of the
The transmission of specific infectious diseases
have been altered by processes linked to climatic
and environmental anomalies....
Chia, goji & co. — BfR consumer monitor
special superfoods
The term “superfood” is not legally regulated.
Superfoods, however, are often referred to as foods
whose ingredients...
The invasive species that Europe needs
to erradicate most urgently are identified
IMAGE: Research team view more Credit:
University of Cordoba Species such as the golden
apple snail are...
Phytoplankton disturbed by
IMAGE: This nanoparticle disrupts the metabolism of
algae. view more Credit: UNIGE/ Wei Liu Products
A new strategy for the greener use of
calcium carbide
IMAGE: Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics of
an acetylide molecule HO-Ca-CCH solvated in
DMSO view more Credit:...
The keys to the squirrel’s evolutionary
success in the face of climate change
have been identified
Their degree of ecological specialisation –the
capacity to inhabit many or few environments– is the
most important...
Irreversible hotter and drier climate over
inner East Asia
IMAGE: Tree-ring data from Siberian larch and other
tree species show that heatwaves and soil drying of
the Mongolian...
Ohio man, 23, needed to have his hand
REATTACHED after a lawnmower
Luke Brittain reached for the cell phone in his
pocket. He wasn’t going to be able to get his
lawnmower out of the...
Could COVID-19 cause teeth to fall out?
Some coronavirus survivors are reporting a bizarre
symptom in the aftermath of the infection: Their
teeth have fallen out. Farah...
Big data powers design of ‘smart’ cell
therapies for cancer
Finding medicines that can kill cancer cells while
leaving normal tissue unscathed is a Holy Grail of
oncology research....
Tree rings capture an abrupt irreversible
shift in east Asia’s climate
The abrupt shift to hotter and drier conditions over
inner East Asia is unprecedented and may herald an
irreversible shift...
High genomic variability predicts success
in desert tortoise refugees; could inform
Tortoise refugees with the highest genetic variation
are far more likely to survive conservation
translocation than tortoises...
In temperate trees, climate-driven
increase in carbon capture causes
autumn leaves to fall sooner
For decades, scientists have expected that the
shedding of leaves from temperate trees will get
later and later under ongoing...
A multidisciplinary policy design to
protect consumers from AI collusion
Legal scholars, computer scientists and economists
must work together to prevent unlawful price-surging
behaviors from artificial...
Study revealing the secret behind a key
cellular process refutes biology
COLUMBUS, Ohio – New research has identified
and described a cellular process that, despite what
textbooks say, has...
A route for avoiding defects during
additive manufacturing
Laser powder bed fusion is a dominant additive
manufacturing technology that has yet to reach its
potential. The problem...
UCLA study of threatened desert
tortoises offers new conservation
In Nevada’s dry Ivanpah Valley, just southeast of
Las Vegas, a massive unintended experiment in
animal conservation...
Social care funding falls ‘alarmingly
Councils will get £300m in new money for adult and
children’s services and be allowed to raise more in
Covid-19 tiers: Almost all of England
facing tough virus rules
Lancashire, Leicester, Lincolnshire, Slough, Bristol,
Kent and Medway will also be in tier three.
Coronavirus infections levelling during
England lockdown
Coronavirus infection rates in England are
continuing to show signs of levelling off – but the
picture across the UK...
Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine ‘dose
error’ explained
Covid-19: Oxford University vaccine is highly
‘Celtic gene’ may increase liver cancer
risk in men of UK heritage
Men who have at least two copies of ‘the Celtic
gene’ are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed with
liver cancer,...
Seven Americans have damaged their
eyes using germicidal UV lamps
At least seven Americans have damaged their eyes
trying to use UV lamps to sanitize their homes and
offices amid the coronavirus...
Covid vaccine trials did not monitor
whether participants wore masks,
socially distanced
Coronavirus vaccine makers tightly controlled who
was enrolled to their trials, their vaccine dosages,
the timing of those...
Is December 9 the day Britain starts its
Covid vaccination drive?
People in the UK could start actually receiving
vaccines against coronavirus from December 9,
according to a local health...
Coronavirus UK: Exeter Nightingale
reopens as local hospitals ‘busy’
Exeter Nightingale reopens because Devon hospital
is ‘very busy’ – even though it was only 88% full
Number of people with coronavirus in
England DROPS for the first time in three
The number of people infected with coronavirus in
England has fallen for the first time in three months,
official data revealed...
Lockdown Tiers for England are finally
London has today been placed in Tier 2 of Boris
Johnson’s controversial Covid-19 restrictions – but
Matt Hancock...
Covid Vaccine Research: Expert sceptical
on Oxford AstraZeneca trial
High blood pressure in midlife is linked to
increased brain damage in later life
They are the lab-coat wearing virus-fighting team
who may have landed the killer blow in the battle
against Covid-19. Oxford...
In particular, the study found that there was a strong
association between diastolic blood pressure (the
blood pressure between...
Are we the same person throughout our
lives? In essence, yes
A psychobiological study led by the Complutense
University of Madrid (UCM) on personal identity and
its modification over...
Pitt researchers create nanoscale slalom
course for electrons
IMAGE: Illustration of sketched serpentine
nanowires created from lanthanum aluminate and
strontium titanate. The...
Understanding the power of our Sun
IMAGE: The Borexino detector in combination with
the Sun. view more Credit: Copyright: Borexino
German researchers compile world’s
largest inventory of known plant species
IMAGE: Leipzig is host to the oldest botanical
garden in Germany. On an area of only three
hectares, around 6500 of...
Archaeology: Neanderthal thumbs better
adapted to holding tools with handles
Neanderthal thumbs were better adapted to holding
tools in the same way that we hold a hammer,
according to a paper published...
A cold-health watch and warning system
for cold waves in Quebec
IMAGE: INRS Professor Fateh Chebana specializes
in Hydrogeological modelling. His team also
developed a heat health...
Keyhole wasps may threaten aviation
IMAGE: Pachodynerus nasidens on 3D-printed De
Haviland Dash-8 pitot probe view more Credit:
House et al (2020)...
ECDC and WHO call for improved HIV
testing in Europe
IMAGE: Sex between men remains the predominant
mode of HIV transmission reported in the EU/EEA,
accounting for 39%...
How moving slower allows groups of
bacteria to spread across surfaces
Researchers from the University of Sheffield and the
University of Oxford studied Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, a species of bacteria...
Anxiety associated with faster
Alzheimer’s disease onset
Alzheimer’s disease represents a major public
health crisis worldwide. The number of deaths from
the disease has more...
Popular weight-loss surgery in teenagers
weakens bones
In a sleeve gastrectomy, approximately 75% of the
stomach is removed to restrict food intake and
induce weight loss. It results...
Cooking with wood may cause lung
Approximately 3 billion people around the world
cook with biomass, such as wood or dried brush.
Pollutants from cooking with...
New mechanism of pain control revealed
While neurons may be the most well-known cells of
the central nervous system, an assortment of non-
neuronal cells first discovered...
What makes a happy couple, a happy
“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is
unhappy in its own way,” Leo Tolstoy wrote famously
Solar CNO neutrinos observed for the
first time
Scientists who are members of the Borexino
Collaboration have provided the first experimental
proof of the occurrence of...
Doctors use existing treatment earlier to
save the lives of Covid-19 patients
IMAGE: CPAP treatment, which is often used at
home to help people with sleep problems, helps to
keep the lungs open...
Quantum nanodiamonds may help detect
disease earlier
IMAGE: An artist’s conception of nanodiamonds
used for in vitro diagnostics. view more Credit:
Almost like on Venus
Four-and-a-half billion years ago, Earth would have
been hard to recognise. Instead of the forests,
mountains and oceans...
Understanding traditional Chinese
medicine can help protect species
Demystifying traditional Chinese medicine for
conservationists could be the key to better
protecting endangered species like...
Scientists develop new gene therapy for
eye disease
IMAGE: A fluorescent microscope image with
mitochondria highlighted in gold. This healthy cell
shows a highly elaborate...
Satellite images confirm uneven impact
of climate change
University of Copenhagen researchers have been
following vegetation trends across the planet’s driest
areas using satellite...
Covid vaccines: Who decides if they are
Trump pardons ex-National Security Adviser Flynn
Michael Flynn was among former aides convicted in
an investigation into...
Brain imaging technology designed for
Tech making it easier to see inside babies’ brains.
Video, 00:01:31Tech making it easier to see inside
Covid Christmas rules: Caution urged
over household mixing
Meanwhile, it is expected most areas of England will
be placed in the middle tier of a toughened three-tier
Meghan: Duchess of Sussex tells of
miscarriage ‘pain and grief’
“I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was
losing my second,” Meghan said in a piece for the
New York...
At least seven Americans have damaged
their eyes trying to use UV lamps to clean
during pandemic
At least seven Americans have damaged their eyes
trying to use UV lamps to sanitize their homes and
offices amid the coronavirus...
Antibody testing likely undercounts past
Covid infections by 28%
Antibody testing likely undercounts the number of
people who have had COVID-19: More than 25% of
infected health care workers...
‘Celtic gene’ may raise liver cancer risk
by 11-fold for 500K US men
Men who have at least two copies of ‘the Celtic
gene’ are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed with
liver cancer,...
Coronavirus: Doctors in South West
England were sent ‘clearly used’ gloves
in PPE blunder
Doctors in the South West of England were sent
disposable gloves that had ‘clearly been used’ and
have been warned...
Could UK employers force staff to get a
coronavirus vaccine?
It is ‘highly unlikely’ private employers could force
staff to get a Covid jab when one finally becomes
Britain’s daily Covid cases drop again
week-on-week to 18,213
Britain’s today recorded the most
daily coronavirus deaths since May after health
chiefs confirmed another 696 victims...
Coronavirus UK: Manchester braces for
return to tier three after England’s
lockdown ends
Manchester braces for return to tough new Tier
Three: Mayor Andy Burnham predicts government
will plunge region back under...
Coronavirus England: Lockdown tiers
may be ‘unjustified’
Just 9,854 new infections were recorded in England
yesterday, almost half of the number of diagnoses
last Tuesday...
A growth mindset of interest can spark
innovative thinking
Asst Prof O’Keefe, who also holds a courtesy
appointment with the National University of
Singapore (NUS) Business School,...
Everyday activities enhance personal
Exercise enhances physical well-being and mental
health. However, impacts of everyday activities,
such as climbing stairs,...
Breaking the skill limit, pianists attain
more delicate touch
Experts such as pianists, athletes and surgeons
acquire advanced skills through tremendous
amounts of practice. It is difficult...
Gut hormones’ regulation of fat
production abnormal in obesity, fatty liver
The study, led by molecular and integrative
physiology professor Jongsook Kim Kemper and
research scientist Young-Chae Kim,...
Basketball on the brain: Neuroscientists
use sports to study surprise
The most exciting moments in sports are often
linked to surprise, an unexpected change of
circumstances that abruptly shifts...
Genetic study shows that the risk of pre-
eclampsia is related to blood pressure
and BMI
In the InterPregGen study, researchers from the UK,
Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Kazakhstan and
Uzbekistan studied...
Space travel can adversely impact energy
production in a cell
The findings appeared November 25, 2020, in Cell
and are part of a larger compendium of research
into health aspects of space...
Specific bacterium in the gut linked to
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
The pathogenic bacterial genus, Brachyspira, is not
usually present in human gut flora. A new study links
the bacterium to...
Community conservation reserves
protect fish diversity in tropical rivers
ITHACA, N.Y. – Prohibiting fishing in conservation
reserves is a common strategy for protecting ocean
ecosystems and...
Study shows minimal impact of APPs on
ED productivity, flow, safety, patient
Ancient blanket made with 11,500 turkey
PULLMAN, Wash. — The ancient inhabitants of the
American Southwest used around 11,500 feathers to
IMAGE: US national emergency medicine group:
13,024,216 visits, 105,863 emergency department
days, 94 general emergency...
make a turkey feather...
Neutrinos yield first experimental
evidence of catalyzed fusion dominant in
many stars
AMHERST, Mass. – An international team of about
100 scientists of the Borexino Collaboration,
including particle physicist...
Princeton scientists discover a motif that
guides assembly of the algal pyrenoid
IMAGE: Princeton researchers led by Moritz Meyer
and Martin Jonikas have discovered that the algal
pyrenoid, which...
Princeton scientists solve the mystery
behind an enigmatic organelle, the
IMAGE: The waterborne algae Chlamydomonas
reinhardtii. view more Credit: Image by He et al
Carbon is one...
The smell of cooperation
Despite their reputation, rats are surprisingly
sociable and actually regularly help each other out
with tasks. Researchers...
Scientists claim controversial results of
comets observations are consistent
IMAGE: Image of 41P/T-G-K obtained with the 70-
cm AZT-8 telescope on observation station Lisnyky
of the Astronomical...
Save 42% on this bestselling light-
blocking eye mask from Amazon
Black Friday 2020: Get some shut-eye and SAVE
42% on this bestselling light-blocking eye mask now
£7 on Amazon By Emily...
Men with ‘the Celtic gene’ are 11 times
more likely to develop liver cancer, study
Men who have at least two copies of ‘the Celtic
gene’ are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed with
liver cancer,...
Nearly one-third of all US nurses who
have died of coronavirus are Filipino
The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on all
healthcare workers, but perhaps none more so than
those in the Filipino...
FDA authorizes test that measures the
exact number of coronavirus antibody
somebody has
FDA gives emergency approval a new test that can
measure a patient’s levels of antibodies thought to
Heading the ball in soccer: Blindfolded
Blind soccer is a sport that can be enjoyed by
anyone, regardless of visual ability. Except for the
goalkeepers, players...
How the brain ‘re-wires’ after disease
The paper is published in the journal Clinical
Neurophysiology. Up to now, scientific knowledge
has told us that the polio...
Understanding the utility of plasmas for
medical applications
To help with this understanding, researchers from
the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted
computer simulations of the interaction...
Channeling the immune system for head
and neck cancer
Findings published in the Journal for
ImmunoTherapy of Cancer show that it could all
come down to “channeling”...
Team uses copper to image Alzheimer’s
aggregates in the brain
Several types of isotopes give off positively charged
particles called positrons that are detectable by
positron emission...
Cutting edge technology to bioprint mini-
The study, led by the Murdoch Children’s Research
Institute (MCRI) and biotech company Organovo
and published in Nature...
New study explains important cause of
fatal influenza
It is largely unknown why influenza infections lead to
an increased risk of bacterial pneumonia.
Researchers at Karolinska...
Forming beliefs in a world of filter
Why do so many Republicans still believe that the
recent US presidential election was fraudulent? Is it
possible to reach...
A microscope for everyone: Jena
researchers develop open-source optical
IMAGE: The open-source 3D-printed cube can host
self-designed inserts, electrical and optical
components. The resulting...
Global collaboration is unlocking wheat’s
genetic potential
IMAGE: At left, a chromosome segment from
Aegilops ventricosa, highlighted by the white arrow,
is found in the Kansas...
Study in Thailand identifies benefits of
community-based freshwater fish
IMAGE: Fieldwork in communities often results in
curious onlookers, presenting a great opportunity for
inclusion and...
BIDMC researchers reveal how genetic
variations are linked to COVID-19 disease
Boston, Mass. – Even as tens of thousands of
Americans test positive for COVID-19 each day,
physicians still aren’t...
Novel haplotype-led approach to increase
the precision of wheat breeding
IMAGE: Novel haplotype-led approach will increase
the precision of wheat breeding view more Credit:
John Innes...
Researchers uncover the unique way
stem cells protect their chromosome
Telomeres are specialised structures at the end of
chromosomes which protect our DNA and ensure
healthy division of cells....
Covid: How to keep the virus at bay this
Covid: Seven things that may be different this
Coronavirus: French lockdown to ease
after second peak passes
He later tweeted to say that all businesses forced to
remain closed during the restrictions, such as
restaurants, bars and...
Covid Christmas rules: UK leaders urge
caution over household mixing
Christmas Covid rules: Who are you allowed to see?
Covid: PPE price rises cost taxpayers
£10bn, report says
The National Audit Office said there had been a
particular shortage of gloves and aprons.
Doctors urge the CDC to warn Americans
about coronavirus vaccine side effects
U.S. doctors are worried that their patients won’t
return to get a second dose of coronavirus vaccine if
the Centers...
Coronavirus survives on surfaces for
hours by turning into a pancake-like film
Coronavirus can remain infectious on surfaces for
DAYS by transforming into a microscopic pancake-
like film, study finds More...
Britain records 11,299 Covid-19 cases in
lowest daily figure for almost eight weeks
Britain today recorded the fewest daily Covid-19
cases in almost eight weeks in yet another sign that
England’s lockdown...
Why is Kent’s coronavirus outbreak
Kent has suddenly become England’s Covid hotspot
and cases are rising in East Sussex, as the country
prepares to emerge...
Understanding ion channel inhibition to
open doors in drug discovery
A major mechanism by which cells communicate
with their environment is the movement of metal
ions through channels located...
Measuring risk-taking
Researchers found that people whose mouse drifted
toward the safe option on the computer screen —
even when they ended...
Brain waves guide us in spotlighting
By measuring thousands of neurons along the
surface, or cortex, of the brain in animals as they
reacted to predictable and...
Potential treatment against antibiotic-
resistant bacteria causing gonorrhea and
Antibiotic Resistance In recent years, rising rates of
antibiotic resistance have been of concern to the
World Health Organization...
Experimental evolution reveals how
bacteria gain drug resistance
Counteracting multidrug-resistant bacteria is
becoming a critical global challenge. It seems that
every time we develop new...
Mother’s touch lingers in her child’s
SMCHD1 switches certain genes off, altering how a
cell behaves. The new research has revealed that
when an egg cell (or oocyte)...
AI helps scientists understand brain
activity behind thoughts
“For centuries, neuroscientists have studied how the
brain works by relating brain activity to inputs and
Novel chemical process a first step to
making nuclear fuel with fire
IMAGE: Combustion synthesis of LnBTA compound.
view more Credit: Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Tel Aviv University researchers go
underwater to study how sponge species
Researchers from Tel Aviv University (TAU)
embarked on an underwater journey to solve a
mystery: Why did sponges of the Agelas...
Sestrin makes fruit flies live longer
IMAGE: Fruit flies in a vial in front of amino acids.
view more Credit: MPI f. Biology of Ageing/
To push or to pull? How many-limbed
marine organisms swim
WOODS HOLE, Mass. — When you think of
swimming, you probably imagine pushing through
the water–creating backwards...
In fire-prone West, plants need their
pollinators — and vice versa
IMAGE: Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium)
blooms in Yellowstone National Park, Montana. New
research highlights the...
Immune checkpoint inhibitor efficacy
against glioblastoma may decrease with
Bottom Line: Among patients with glioblastoma
receiving an immune checkpoint inhibitor, those who
received the corticosteroid...
Waste fishing gear threatens Ganges
IMAGE: Fishing on the Ganges view more Credit:
Heather Koldewey Waste fishing gear in the River
Ganges poses...
When consumers trust AI
recommendations–or resist them
Researchers from Boston University and University
of Virginia published a new paper in the Journal of
Marketing that examines...
US Surgeon General says he will get
coronavirus jab when told it is safe
US Surgeon General Dr Jerome Adams has
pledged he will get the first coronavirus vaccine
approved for emergency use when...
Coronavirus cases fell by 6% in Kansas
after the state’s mask mandate
Counties in Kansas that followed the state’s mask
mandate earlier this year saw coronavirus cases fall,
but those that...
Former FDA Commissioner urges people
to ‘buy better masks’ amid surging cases
and hospitalizations
Now you SHOULD buy an N95: Former FDA
commissioner urges Americans to ‘buy better
masks’ to protect themselves...
Coronavirus ‘could be STOPPED if 70%
wore surgical face masks’
Coronavirus could be ‘eradicated’ if 70% of people
wore surgical or N95 masks in public – but cloth
Moderna’s Covid vaccine may NOT stop
spread of infection
Moderna’s chief scientist says its vaccine prevents
coronavirus from making people sick – but the shot
may NOT...
Covid-19 US: 85% of seniors plan to take
vaccine but 15% NEVER will
Survey reveals 85% of seniors plan to get COVID-
19 vaccines – but 15% say they will NEVER get the
shot because they...
Coronavirus US: CDC plans to shorten
quarantine period to 7-10 days
CDC plans to shorten recommended coronavirus
quarantine period from 14 days to between 7 and 10
days Currently, the CDC...
1950s depression pill could be used to
treat prostate cancer
An antidepressant from the Fifties could treat
prostate cancer and reduce side-effects of other
treatments. Results of a...
World’s first: Drug guides stem cells to
desired location, improving their ability to
Toxic cells (green) disappeared when mice with a
neurodegenerative condition received both
therapeutic stem cells (red) and...
Stress in pregnancy may influence baby
brain development
Stress levels in mothers — measured by a hormone
linked to anxiety and other health problems — is
related to...
Why experiences are better gifts for older
The research, published in the International Journal
of Research in Marketing, compared the level of
happiness children derive...
Stronger memories can help us make
sense of future changes
Whether experiencing something new, or something
we’ve experienced a hundred times, people use
memories of the past...
CRISPRi screens reveal sources of
metabolic robustness in E. coli
In their natural habitat, bacteria like E. coli are
confronted with constant changes in the composition
of nutrients. But...
Memories of past events retain
remarkable fidelity even as we age
“These results are surprising to many, given the
general pessimism about memory accuracy among
scientists and the prevalent...
Commonly used antibiotic shows
promise for combating Zika infections
“Around the world, the Zika outbreak produced
devastating, long-term neurological problems for
many children and their...
Can we harness a plant’s ability to
synthesize medicinal compounds?
New work from an international team of scientists
including Carnegie’s Sue Rhee reveals a gene
responsible for anthraquinone...
Pesticide deadly to bees now easily
detected in honey
IMAGE: Professor Janusz Pawliszyn transformed
his lawn into a wildflower meadow to attract bees.
view more Credit:...
‘Crisis decision making at the speed of
COVID-19’ – Bay Area public health
officials share their experience with
November 24, 2020 – In mid-March, public health
officials across the San Francisco area issued the
first U.S. regional...
Closing the racial disparity gap in
survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest
PHILADELPHIA (November 24, 2020) – In-hospital
cardiac arrests (IHCA) represent catastrophic and
often terminal events....
Simple new testing method aims to
improve time-release drugs
IMAGE: A piece of glass bent like a tuning fork
measures dissolution of time-release drugs. view
more Credit:...
Microbes help unlock phosphorus for
plant growth
IMAGE: Poplar trees such as these along the
Snoqualmie River able to thrive on rocky riverbanks,
despite low availability...
COVID’s collateral damage: Germicidal
lamps may damage corneas
IMAGE: Injected conjunctiva (redness) of the right
and left eye (top row) Diffuse staining of the cornea
with green...
Research shows bariatric surgery may
reduce severity of COVID-19 in patients
with obesity
A Cleveland Clinic study shows that among patients
who have obesity and who tested positive for
COVID-19, a past history...
For people with diabetes, medicaid
expansion helps, but can’t do it all: BU
Medicaid expansion through the Affordable Care Act
has insured millions of low-income people in the
United States, improving...
Covid-19: England arrivals to be able to
cut quarantine with private test
It follows Boris Johnson’s announcement that
England will come under “toughened” three-tiered
Covid: How will I get a coronavirus
The UK government is confident that some of the
most at-risk groups will be vaccinated before
Christmas, and most over-50s...
Don’t go to work when sick, ‘peculiar’
Brits told
“If you have, in future, flu-like symptoms, you should
get a test for it and find out what’s wrong with you,...
Deaths in UK ‘a fifth higher than normal
Biden to present team as Trump allows transition
The US president-elect will formally introduce
cabinet picks, as the transfer...
Coronavirus could be STOPPED if 70% of
the public wore face masks, study
Coronavirus could be ‘eradicated’ if 70% of people
wore surgical or N95 masks in public – but cloth
Coronavirus cases increase by nearly
ONE THIRD over the last two weeks,
report warns
Coronavirus infections among American children are
continuing to spike across the country, a report finds.
As of November...
Coronavirus England: Deaths rise 28% in
one week to 2,466
Covid deaths in England continued to rise in mid-
November to 2,274 in the second week of the
month, meaning deaths from...
How viruses like Covid trick us into
spending more time socialising
Can viruses such as the one that causes Covid-19
attack our brains and change our behaviour —
thereby prolonging an outbreak? That’s...
Coronavirus-induced ‘cytokine storm’
which can be fatal is caused by TWO
Severe cases of Covid-19 have been known to lead
to a mysterious condition whereby the body’s
immune system goes haywire...
Number 10 used apocalyptic Covid-19
graphs to ‘frighten’ public into lockdown,
top statistician
Eminent statistician Sir David Spiegelhalter
suggested Number 10 ‘frightened’ the public into
Matt Hancock claims Tier Three
restrictions before lockdown weren’t
tough enough
People should stay off work with the sniffles even
after the Covid pandemic ends to protect their
colleagues from getting...
Coronavirus UK: Sussex and
Herefordshire cases soar as Tiers
An interactive module has today revealed how
quickly coronavirus outbreaks are growing in every
local authority in England...
Scientists’ atomic resolution protein
models reveal new details about protein
That’s one result of a new study by Rice University
scientists looking for the mechanisms that stabilize
or destabilize...
Proteins in motion
“Dendritic arborization of neurons is one of the
fascinating features that evolved to increase the
complexity of the...
Helicates meet Rotaxanes to create
promise for future disease treatment
One in three who are aware of deepfakes
say they have inadvertently shared them
on social media
Called rotaxanes, the molecules are tiny nanoscale
structures that resemble a dumbbell with a ring
trapped around the central...
Deepfakes, a portmanteau of ‘deep learning’ and
‘fake’, are ultrarealistic fake videos made with...
Cocoa flavanols boost brain oxygenation,
cognition in healthy adults
Previous studies have shown that eating foods rich
in flavanols can benefit vascular function, but this is
the first to find...
Lung-on-chip provides new insight on
body’s response to early tuberculosis
IMAGE: A close-up image of the lung-on-chip model
used in the study. The endothelial or vascular
channel is highlighted...
Study: gut hormones’ regulation of fat
production abnormal in obesity, fatty liver
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Gut hormones play an
important role in regulating fat production in the
body. One key hormone, released...
Predi-COVID preliminary results
IMAGE: Predi-COVID nurse team view more Credit:
@LIH The study goals Predi-COVID was launched
with the...
Hormone found to switch off hunger
could help tackle obesity
A hormone that can suppress food intake and
increase the feeling of fullness in mice has shown
similar results in humans...
Researchers develop low-cost, portable
brain imaging scanner
BOSTON – When it comes to brain scans for
assessing head trauma, detecting brain cancer, and
performing numerous other...
For African American men with prostate
cancer, decision regret linked to medical
November 24, 2020 – Medical mistrust is one
reason why African American patients are more
likely to have regrets about...
Treatment shows reduction in heart
failure after myocardial infarction
While there are therapies to aid in overall heart
health, there are very few preventative therapies for
heart failure after...
Study shows protective role sex steroids
play in COVID-19
A new paper from a UIC researcher shows evidence
that suggests sex steroids may play a role in
protecting against COVID-19...
At least 140 children were killed by cops
in the US between 2003 and 2018
At least 140 American children died as a result of
police-involved incidents between 2003 and 2018, a
grim new study shows. And...
Health volunteers who signed up in
coronavirus crisis could be kept in ‘NHS
NHS volunteers who signed up during the
coronavirus crisis could be kept on the books and
‘called up’ during...
Coronavirus testing to be scaled up in
care homes to allow physical contact
during visits
Care homes to get more coronavirus tests so
residents can scrap social distancing with up to two
visitors who each get swabbed...
Children are willing to sacrifice in order
to punish the bad action of others
Children are more willing to sacrifice their own
happiness to punish others for bad behaviour if they
know they will be ‘taught...
Steve Ojomoh was an England rugby
star… so why DID he have a stroke at
As a former England rugby player and aged just 48,
Steve Ojomoh might have seemed an unlikely
candidate for a stroke....
What can be done about a ‘clicky’ ear?
DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health
Twice a day for a few hours my husband’s right ear
‘clicks’, affecting his hearing and his voice. When he
lies down,...
Grandparents in care homes could be
allowed home for Christmas
Care home residents will finally be allowed to hug
their loved ones again – and some may even be
able to join their families...
So which tier WILL London be in?
Hull, the North West and other parts of England
badly hit by Covid are expected to be placed under
Tier Three when the national...
Concussion risk in stunt performers
Russell’s new paper highlights the risk of concussion
for dance, circus, theater and film and television
stunt performers,...
The drug aprotinin inhibits entry of SARS-
CoV2 in host cells, study finds
The surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is studded
with spike proteins. The virus needs these in order
to dock onto proteins...
Breakthrough in studying the enzyme that
ultimately produces fish odor syndrome
Currently there is no cure for fish odour syndrome, a
condition which causes an unpleasant fishy smell
that can affect breath,...
Boosting stem cell activity can enhance
immunotherapy benefits
The reprogramming involves a novel approach the
researchers developed that inhibits the activity of
proteins known as MEK1/2....
Children more willing to punish if the
wrongdoer is ‘taught a lesson’
Philosophers and psychologists have long argued
whether the main reason people punish others for
bad behavior is to enact...
Identifying compound classes through
machine learning
Bioinformaticians at Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Germany together with colleagues from
Finland and the USA, have...
Algorithm accurately predicts COVID-19
patient outcomes
In research recently published online in Medical
Image Analysis, a team of engineers demonstrated
how a new algorithm they...
COVID-19 infection combined with blood
clots worsens patient outcomes, study
Led by Mahmoud Malas, MD, division chief of
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at UC San
Diego Health, researchers reviewed...
Researchers identify genetics behind
deadly oat blight
ITHACA, N.Y. – A multi-institution team co-led by a
Cornell University researcher has identified the
genetic mechanisms...
How dolphins avoid "the bends"
Dolphins actively slow down their hearts before
diving, and can even adjust their heart rate
depending on how long they plan...
Black, Hispanic adolescents significantly
more likely to die by police intervention
than whites
A recent study evaluating the use of force by police
against children found that Black and Hispanic
adolescents are significantly...
New therapy for flu may help in fight
against COVID-19
IMAGE: Philip S. Low, the Ralph C. Corley
Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, is developing
a new therapy for flu...
Artificial intelligence technology helps
Parkinson’s patients during COVID-19
IMAGE: Andrew Exner, a graduate research
assistant in Purdue University’s Motor Speech Lab,
is working to help...
COVID-19 second wave in Myanmar
causes dramatic increases in poverty
Yangon, Myanmar: In September 2020, 59 percent
of 1000 households surveyed in urban Yangon and
66 percent of 1000 households...
Historical bias overlooks genes related to
Based on genome-wide experiments, the human
body has 2,064 genes relevant to COVID-19. So
why are researchers only studying...
Which speaker are you listening to?
Hearing aid of the future uses brainwaves
to find out
In a noisy room with many speakers, hearing aids
can suppress background noise, but they have
difficulties isolating one...
Covid: Can I choose which vaccine I get?
And other questions
If you’re in England, and you’re a single
grandparent, you have the right to form a “support
bubble” with...
Trans teen in legal action over gender
clinic wait
It announced the independent review into gender
identity services for young people in September. An
NHS England spokesperson...
Covid-19: Daily coronavirus test plan to
cut contacts’ 14-day self-isolation
Coronavirus: How to get a Covid test
Covid-19: Oxford University vaccine is
highly effective
Trump accepts transition to Biden must begin The
president says a key federal agency should “do what
needs to be done”,...
Are vegans REALLY any healthier than
their carnivore counterparts?
For some it’s a lifestyle choice, for others an ethical
one. But for whichever reason, the number of people
who choose...
Pharmacist GEMMA FROMAGE reveals
how to save £200-a-year on everyday
For every condition, there is often a branded over-
the-counter remedy we instinctively reach for. And
yet there will be...
A depression pill from 70 years ago could
be used to treat prostate cancer, research
An antidepressant from the Fifties could treat
prostate cancer and reduce side-effects of other
treatments. Results of a...
Would you go under the surgeon’s knife
WIDE AWAKE if it cut your waiting time
for an operation?
How viruses from colds to Covid-19 trick
us into spending more time socialising
Can viruses such as the one that causes Covid-19
attack our brains and change our behaviour —
When Guy Levy was told he needed hernia surgery
earlier this month, his first question was not about
the safety of the operation...
thereby prolonging an outbreak? That’s...
US COVID-19 cases could nearly double
by Inauguration Day, study predicts
The number of U.S. coronavirus cases are set to
nearly double, bringing the total number of infections
to about 20 million...
Danger for families with secret high
Katie Cronin’s sudden death from a heart attack
aged just 21 left her shocked family asking one
question: why?...
How tumeric is the latest weapon in the
fight against disease
The race to produce a Covid vaccine is hotting up,
but there is still some way to go until a jab is
available to everyone....
Scientists identify brain cells that help
drive bodily reaction to fear, anxiety
The scientists, whose study is published in Cell
Reports, found that artificially forcing the activity of
these brain cells...
PEDSnet report details how COVID-19
pandemic has affected children
Findings from the PEDSnet organization — which
includes Cincinnati Children’s — were published
Nov. 23,...
Snorkeling gear, animal noses inspire
better personal protective equipment
First, he saw that the global supply chain for
disposable N95 masks had broken down, and many
hospitals lacked adequate personal...
Nature’s toolkit for killing viruses and
“Bacterial contamination of common surfaces and of
drinking water have been traditionally the main
infection routes...
How to protect healthcare workers from
A shortage of life-saving ventilators, which typically
cost around $30,000 each, hit hospitals particularly
hard. “By...
Early, late stages of degenerative
diseases are distinct
In a study published this month in Molecular
Psychiatry, McNew and Stern propose that
degeneration, at the cellular level,...
Unique Schwann cells: the eyes have it
Learning more about the cellular environment in the
cornea, including what are known as glial cells that
wrap around the...
New connection between Alzheimer’s
dementia and Dlgap2
Catherine Kaczorowski, associate professor and
Evnin family chair in Alzheimer’s research at The
Jackson Laboratory...
The science of windy cities
IMAGE: A team from Oklahoma State University
attached sensors to robotic aircraft to take more
cohesive measurements...
Ancient people relied on coastal
environments to survive the Last Glacial
Humans have a longstanding relationship with the
sea that spans nearly 200,000 years. Researchers
have long hypothesized...
Tracing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid
VIRTUAL MEETING (CST), November 22, 2020 —
Swelling is one of the most dangerous and
immediate consequences of a brain...
Tracking and fighting fires on earth and
Mechanical engineer Michael Gollner and his
graduate student, Sriram Bharath Hariharan, from
the University of California,...
Enriching research in ecology and
evolution through nine ‘flavors’ of history
In a recent article in The Quarterly Review of
Biology, “Beyond Equilibria: The Neglected Role of
History in Ecology...
Antimicrobial soap additive worsens fatty
liver disease in mice
University of California San Diego School of
Medicine researchers found evidence that triclosan
— an antimicrobial...
Understanding dangerous droplet
VIRTUAL MEETING (CST), November 22, 2020 —
Researchers who study the physics of fluids are
learning why certain situations...
To evade humans, this medicinal plant
has evolved to hide in plain sight
Bulbs of the plant known as Lu Bei (Fritallaria
delavayi) have been used in Chinese medicine for
more than two thousand years....
New insight into the effect of
hydroxychloroquine undermines its use
in COVID-19
Researchers at Radboud university medical center
have discovered an as yet unknown effect of
hydroxychloroquine. It inhibits...
Shift in atmospheric rivers could affect
Antarctic sea ice, glaciers
WASHINGTON–Weather systems responsible for
transporting moisture from the tropics to temperate
Tarantula toxin attacks with molecular
IMAGE: New studies of the molecular action of
tarantula venom on sodium channels may suggest
regions in the Southern... ideas for the structural...
One-third of parents say family
gatherings for Thanksgiving is worth risk
of contracting COVID-19
One in three parents believe the benefits of
gathering family for Thanksgiving is worth the risk of
contracting or spreading...
Therapeutic PD-1 cancer vaccine shown
to be safe and effective in animal study
Columbus, Ohio – A study led by researchers at The
Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer
Center – Arthur...
A hunger for social contact
CAMBRIDGE, MA — Since the coronavirus
pandemic began in the spring, many people have
only seen their close friends...
UCF researcher zeroes in on critical point
for improving superconductors
ORLANDO, Nov. 23, 2020 – The search for a
superconductor that can work under less extreme
conditions than hundreds...
Magnetic brain waves to detect injury and
Magnetic signals in the brain are measured by
magnetoencephalography (MEG). They are easier
to localise than the electrical...
Rensselaer-developed algorithm
accurately predicts COVID-19 patient
TROY, N.Y. – With communities across the nation
experiencing a wave of COVID-19 infections,
clinicians need effective...
Newfound ability to change baby brain
activity could lead to rehabilitation for
injured brains
Published recently in Cerebral Cortex, the
researcher builds on the fact that learning
associations is a very important part...
What do slight arm movements reveal
about our breathing and health?
Breathing tells a lot about a patient’s health. Several
studies have shown that deviations from a normal
Study: Opioid overdose deaths involving
other substances more common in youth
Boston – Results of a new study show that opioid
overdose deaths involving more than one substance
Matt Hancock: Life back to normal ‘after
Matt Hancock: Life back to normal ‘after Easter’
Video, 00:02:41Matt Hancock: Life back to normal
Mask exemptions must be clearer, rape
campaigner says
Oxford University vaccine shows 70% protection
Other groups have reported higher protection, but
the results are still seen...
Covid risk: 3 people, 3 very different
Covid risks. What’s yours?
Not everyone Amy meets will have coronavirus.
Close or risky contact means being within 1m of
someone, or up to 2m for more...
Covid-19: Oxford University vaccine
shows 70% protection
Follow James on Twitter“
Sexual health warning for middle-aged:
Infections ‘are on the rise among those in
their 40s and 50s’
Sexual health warning for middle-aged: Infections
are on the rise among those in their 40s and 50s…
because they are...
MMR vaccine could protect against
Washington, DC – November 20, 2020 – The
measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine has been
theorized to provide protection...
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy guideline
encourages shared decision-making
The American Heart Association and the American
College of Cardiology today released an updated
guideline for managing patients...
A long distance connection: polar climate
affects trade wind strength in tropics
IMAGE: The blue ice covering Lake Fryxell in the
Transantarctic Mountains comes from melted glacier
water. view...
Risk of death high among those with
alcohol-related visits to ED: CMAJ study
The risk of death is high for people who visit the
emergency department (ED) for alcohol use, and the
risk increases with...
Some parents prioritize Thanksgiving
traditions over reducing COVID-19 risks
IMAGE: How parents plan to reduce COVID-19 risks
at Thanksgiving. view more Credit: C.S. Mott
Social needs linked to low health-related
quality of life among African American
cancer survivors
Social needs–such as food and economic insecurity,
poor housing and neighborhood conditions, and lack
of access to...
Growing risks of STIs in over-45s Identical evolution of isolated organisms
IMAGE: SHIFT project revealed negative attitudes
and limited knowledge towards the over-45s sexual
health needs. ...
Palaeontologists at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the University of
Calgary in Canada have...
Plant evolves to become less visible to
IMAGE: Fritillaria delavayi in a population with low
harvest pressure view more Credit: Yang Niu A
New non-invasive technology could spot
early signs of motor disorders in babies
The research, carried out using a wearable cuff,
provides a new method for monitoring movements in
babies, and new insights...
Gut immune cells may help send MS into
An international research team led by UCSF
scientists has shown, for the first time, that gut
immune cells travel to the...
Minuscule migrations
(Santa Barbara, Calif.) — Cells move constantly
throughout our bodies, performing myriad operations
critical to tissue...
Dormant threat: Abnormal proteins
unleash latent toxicity in
neurodegenerative diseases
Thanks to modern medicine, humans tend to live
much longer than before. Unfortunately, this also
opens a wider window to...
NHS Breast Screening Programme still
effective in reducing deaths in England
An England-wide case-control study led by Queen
Mary University of London has shown that, despite
major improvements in diagnostic...
Vegans, vegetarians and pescetarians
may be at higher risk of bone fractures
Compared with people who ate meat, vegans with
lower calcium and protein intakes on average, had a
43% higher risk of fractures...
Early signs of Alzheimer’s disease in
people with Down’s syndrome
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have
studied the incidence and regional distribution of
Covid: Nine ways England’s lockdown is
different from last time
Covid: The new lockdown rules for England, Wales,
Scotland and Northern Ireland
Covid: How do we know if a vaccine is
safe? And other questions
If you’re in England, and you’re a single
grandparent, you have the right to form a “support
bubble” with...
Coronavirus: What are the EU
coronavirus schemes?
It has ordered 40 million doses of the vaccine by
Pfizer and German-based BioNTech, which trials
suggested could prevent...
Coronavirus: £3bn for NHS but Sunak
warns of ‘economic shock’ to come
Borrowing in October hit £22.3bn, with public sector
debt over £2 trillion.
MMR vaccine could protect against
COVID-19, study shows
“We found a statistically significant inverse
correlation between mumps titer levels and COVID-
19 severity in people...
U.S. should look at how other high-
income countries regulate health care
costs, experts urge
The study, published in the journal Health Affairs,
examined how other high-income countries that use
a fee-for-service model...
Scientists propose to make a laser
scalpel with a ‘curved’ blade
Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University and
Saratov State University teamed up with colleagues
from Taiwan and proposed...
Improving quantum dot interactions, one
layer at a time
IMAGE: Low quantum dot concentrations during
superlattice fabrication suppresses quantum
resonance between dots in...
WSU scientists discover new, simple way
to classify marine biomes
Washington State University scientists have
developed a new way to classify the ocean’s diverse
environments, shedding...
Emergency imaging trends in pediatric
vs. adult patients for abdominal pain
IMAGE: Chart shows trends among pediatric
patients in use of imaging in emergency department
visits for abdominal pain. Read...
Staying ahead of the curve with 3D
curved graphene
IMAGE: An Electrical transport of 3D graphene with
various curvature radii view more Credit: Tohoku
University A...
Breast cancer discovery could help stop
disease’s deadly spread
IMAGE: UVA’s Sanchita Bhatnagar, PhD, found that
the breast cancer oncogene TRIM37 not only
causes triple negative...
Airflow studies reveal strategies to
reduce indoor transmission of COVID-19
IMAGE: Simulation of pedestrian counterflow (red
and pink particles) confined within a hallway (blue
Breaking the ice on melting and freezing
IMAGE: Visualization of the coupling dynamics of
the ice layer and the turbulent convective motions in
the water layer....
boundary), under...
Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 are detected
up to 3 months after infection
A new study in health care workers led by the
Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), an
institution supported...
Risk of mental disorders later in life
potentially higher in kids of low-income
Researchers at the University of Helsinki, Aarhus
University and the University of Manchester have
investigated the link...
T-cell abnormalities in severe COVID-19
IMAGE: A major difference between mild and severe
cases of COVID-19 may be the extreme activation
of T cells as they...
Getting it just right
SINGAPORE, 20 November 2020 – Sometimes, too
much of a good thing can turn out to be bad. This is
certainly the case...
New type of ultrahigh piezoelectricity in
hydrogen-bonded ferroelectrics
IMAGE: The change of polarization upon a strain in
(a) perovskite ferroelectrics and (b) HP
ferroelectrics, where the...
Plant research seals importance of
microbes for survival and growth
Scientists have revealed that plants have a ‘sealing’
mechanism supported by microbes in the root that
are vital...
Highly efficient, long-lasting
electrocatalyst to boost hydrogen fuel
IMAGE: Crystal structure of surface oxygen-rich
metal alloy (top left). Oxygen and hydrogen are
generated during a...
U.S. should look at how other high-
income countries regulate health care
Structuring negotiations between insurers and
providers, standardizing fee-for-service payments
and negotiating prices can...
Was the scientific advice for lockdown
“It’s easy to say if only we’d done this a week earlier
we’d have saved 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000...
Coronavirus: Christmas socialising
poses ‘substantial risks’
Coronavirus: NI to face new lockdown measures
from next Friday
Home-testing kit for breast cancer wins
Dyson prize
Urban wind turbine wins UK James Dyson award
Spending Review: Chancellor to
announce £500m for mental health
Rishi Sunak to reform anti-Northern spending bias
DAN HYDE: Are hundreds of old people
being turfed out of care homes just like
my grandmother?
If one moment could sum up the gut-wrenching
misery of it all, this was probably it. The time is
about 11.30 on a grey November...
DR ELLIE CANNON: Don’t rely on cider
vinegar to cure your lumps… or anything
After noticing a couple of smallish soft bumps under
the skin on my arms and stomach, I consulted a
doctor, who gave me an...
How to do a full workout in just 24
minutes: JOE WICKS sets out an eight-
exercise session
Repeat the following sequence of eight exercises
three times. Do each exercise for 30 seconds,
aiming for maximum effort,...
The Body Coach star JOE WICKS reveals
his 30-day plan to get you slimmer, fitter
and happier
Sometimes I find it hard to believe how much has
changed this year. Back in February, I was happily
creating fitness videos...
How GPs running out of flu jabs makes
you fear what might happen with the
Covid-19 vaccine
It’s been billed as the biggest flu vaccination
programme in history – the Government’s plan for
everyone over...
Thousands of leukaemia sufferers could
be spared chemotherapy thanks to a new
two-in-one treatment
Thousands of leukaemia sufferers could be spared
chemotherapy thanks to a new two-in-one treatment
that’s been found to...
Cure hope for patients suffering same
genetic illness that blighted life of Keir
Starmer’s mother
Patients suffering the same genetic illness that
blighted the life of Sir Keir Starmer’s mother now
have hope of a cure,...
Middle Stone Age populations repeatedly
occupied West African coast
IMAGE: A Levallois core recovered from
excavations at Tiémassas, part of a common,
persistent suite of stone tool...
Do neural networks dream visual
IMAGE: In all three cases, the Sagrada Familia is
the same colour but looks different due to the
Dogmatic people seek less information
even when uncertain
People who are dogmatic about their views seek
less information and make less accurate judgements
surrounding colours.... as a result, even on simple...
Age is no barrier to successful weight
loss, new study finds
Study of patients attending a hospital-based obesity
service shows no difference in weight loss between
those under 60...
A biochemical random number
True random numbers are required in fields as
diverse as slot machines and data encryption.
These numbers need to be truly...
Ancient interleukins 2, 15, and 15-like
exhibited distinct functions but all bound
IMAGE: The related cytokines IL-15, IL-15L, and IL-
2 bind to receptor chain IL-15R? or, in the case of
mammalian IL-2,...
Light-controlled nanomachine controls
The vision of the future of miniaturisation has
produced a series of synthetic molecular motors that
are driven by a range...
One-way street for electrons
IMAGE: With the help of ultra-short laser pulses
physicists at the University of Oldenburg study the
ultra-fast processes...
Racial attitudes in a community affect
COVID-19 numbers
There is a growing body of evidence showing that
racial and ethnic minorities are more affected by
severe illness, and more...
Novel magnetic spray transforms objects
into millirobots for biomedical
The research team is led by Dr Shen Yajing,
Associate Professor of the Department of
Biomedical Engineering (BME) at CityU...
More children and youth drowning as
warming temperatures create unstable
lake ice
A new study, which looked at 4,000 drownings in 10
countries, including Canada, Russia, Finland,
Germany, Sweden, and the...
Smartphone screen time linked to
preference for quicker but smaller
Previous research has suggested behavioral
similarities between excessive smartphone use and
maladaptive behaviors such as...
Revolutionary CRISPR-based genome
editing system treatment destroys cancer
The revolutionary work was conducted in the
laboratory of Prof. Dan Peer, VP for RD and Head of
the Laboratory of Precision...
Ovarian cancer cells cooperate to
Now, a new study by Harvard Medical School
scientists shows that such cell diversity can also
play a critical role in a cancer’s...
Does air pollution increase women’s risk
of dementia?
Fine particle pollution consists of microscopic
particles of chemicals, smoke, dust and other
pollutants suspended in the...
New insights into memristive devices by
combining incipient ferroelectrics and
IMAGE: This illustration shows how strontium
titanium oxide is combined with graphene strips. The
combination opens...
New guide on using drones for
IMAGE: A drone view more Credit: Karen Anderson
Drones are a powerful tool for conservation – but...
Nursing home residents with POLST
forms three times more likely to have
preferences known
IMAGE: “Advance care planning conversations can
be difficult. We need to provide support to nursing
home residents...
Rare species of small cats inadequately
IMAGE: André P. Silva has been studying
mammalian carnivores in the field and developing
distribution models to understand...
Sexual minorities, especially women, who
misuse substances more likely to have
psychiatric disorders
Audio More than half of lesbian, gay and bisexual
individuals who misuse alcohol or tobacco also have
a co-occurring psychiatric...
New tool helps predict outcomes for
A new assessment tool developed by Kaiser
Permanente researchers and physicians helps guide
clinical decisions in emergency...
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich
physicists have introduced a new method that allows
biological pattern-forming...
Ribosome assembly
Ribosomes synthesize all the proteins in cells.
Studies mainly done on yeast have revealed much
about how ribosomes are put...
Should I get a flu jab this winter? Covid: Jab for people who cannot be
vaccinated trialled
Should I get a flu jab? The World Health
Organisation and the NHS say getting a flu shot
could help health services fight...
Nine UK trial sites have been identified so far, in
Manchester, London, Plymouth, Southampton, West
Yorkshire, Enfield, Rochdale...
Covid-19: UK setting up vaccine centres
ready for rollout
It comes as another 20,252 confirmed Covid cases
were announced by the government on Friday, as
well as a further 511 deaths.
Covid antibodies ‘last at least six months’
T-cell response ‘lasts six months after Covid
Arthritis drug and remdesivir combo get
emergency FDA approval
FDA gives emergency approval to Eli Lilly’s arthritis
drug paired with remdesivir for treating hospitalized
DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why won’t the
NHS tell you the secret to treating
Eight years ago I managed to beat type 2 diabetes
by going on my 5:2 diet (cutting my calories two
days a week) and losing...
Early treatment with lorlatinib improves
survival in some lung cancer patients
Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for
87% of all cases of lung cancer. Some 5% of
NSCLC cases are ALK-positive,...
Social isolation during COVID-19
pandemic linked with high blood
SAC 2020 is a virtual meeting during 19 to 21
November. Faculty from the European Society of
Cardiology (ESC) will participate...
Stem cell transplantation: Undesirable
rejection mechanism identified
However, the MedUni Vienna dermatologists have
now found that there are so-called skin-resident and
inactive T cells in the...
Potential new target to combat
inflammatory diseases
WEHI’s Associate Professor Seth Masters and his
research team discovered the compound could
prevent up-regulation of...
Meeting a 100-year-old challenge could
lead the way to digital aromas
“The challenge of plotting smells in an organized
and logical manner was first proposed by Alexander
Graham Bell over...
Taking out the trash is essential for brain
Reporting their findings in Nature Communications,
the researchers describe how defects in a cellular
waste disposal mechanism,...
Bed dust microorganisms may boost
children’s health, study suggests
To get a better grasp of this relationship,
researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s
Department of Biology and...
Scientists discover roles for a cellular
motor in cancer
Genes are segments of cellular DNA, and gene
packaging is called chromatin. Genes are tightly
packaged when they are not...
New report projects severe coral
bleaching globally in this century
IMAGE: Annual severe bleaching (ASB) is projected
to occur within this century for 100% of the world’s
Potential cellular target for eliminating
bone breakdown in osteoporosis found
New research has discovered a cell type that
governs the way bones form and maintain
themselves, opening up a potential target...
Frequent, rapid testing could cripple
COVID within weeks, study shows
Testing half the population weekly with inexpensive,
rapid-turnaround COVID-19 tests would drive the
virus toward elimination...
Study: Countering hate on social media
IMAGE: Figure 1 from the paper: Examples of
Twitter conversations (reply trees) with labeled hate
(red), counter (blue),...
SFU researchers examine which
approaches are most effective at
reducing COVID-19 spread
Simon Fraser University professors Paul Tupper and
Caroline Colijn have found that physical distancing
is universally effective...
For COVID-19 surveillance, test frequency
and turnaround time are paramount,
modeling suggests
For COVID-19 Surveillance, Test Frequency and
Turnaround Time Are Paramount, Modeling
Suggests Speed of test results and...
Adipose tissue may be the source of
inflammatory factors that aggravate
IMAGE: Isolated exosomes from patient serum
samples. Preliminary results show that the virus
infects adipocytes and...
From lab to industry? Ideally ordered
porous titania films, made at scale
IMAGE: (upper) Illustration of new high-throughput
process for making ordered through-hole
membranes out of titania....
US HIV death rate fell over 48% from 2010
to 2018, CDC data reveals
Natural coronavirus immunity could be
TWICE as common as experts thought,
HIV was nearly 50 percent less fattal in 2018 than it
had been a decade prior in 2010, new Centers for
Disease Control and...
PHE says
Natural immunity to the coronavirus could be twice
as common as experts believed, according to a
Public Health England study. Researchers...
Coronavirus UK: ALL should be tested
monthly, says Jeremy Hunt
Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt All Britons
should be tested for coronavirus once a month and
those who get...
Pfizer sends full results on breakthrough
Covid vaccine to drugs watchdogs in UK,
US and Europe
Pfizer has sent the full results of its final Covid-19
vaccine trial to the drugs watchdog in the US as the
world inches...
MMR vaccine may protect against Covid-
19, study claims
The MMR vaccine may protect some people against
severe Covid-19, a study has claimed. Scientists
from the University of Georgia...
Coronavirus vaccinations could be under
way for ALL adults by the end of January
Coronavirus vaccinations could be under way for
everyone over the age of 18 in the UK by the end of
January, leaked NHS plans...
Matt Hancock says Covid vaccines WILL
roll out in UK from next month
Coronavirus vaccines will start to roll out next month
if one is approved by the British drug regulator, Matt
Hancock confirmed...
New nasal spray protects against Covid-
19 for up to 48 hours
Anti-COVID-19 nasal spray that protects against
coronavirus infection for up to 48 hours is ‘ready for
use in humans’...
Age is no barrier to successful weight
The researchers hope that their findings will help to
correct prevailing societal misconceptions about the
Altered ‘coat’ disguises fatal brain virus
from neutralizing antibodies
Dr. Aron Lukacher, professor and chair of the
Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the
College of Medicine, and Susan...
Biofriendly protocells pump up blood
In a new study published today in Nature Chemistry,
Professor Stephen Mann and Dr Mei Li from Bristol’s
School of Chemistry,...
COVID-19 patients survive in-hospital
cardiac arrest at pre-pandemic rates
“Early studies showed extremely low rates of
COVID-19 patients who were resuscitated
successfully and went on to survive...
Ribosome assembly: The final trimming
In every cell, hundreds of thousands of intricate
molecular machines called ribosomes fabricate new
proteins, extending each...
Frequent, rapid testing could cripple
COVID-19 within weeks, study shows
Such a strategy could lead to “personalized stay-at-
home orders” without shutting down restaurants,
bars, retail...
Researchers examine which approaches
are most effective at reducing COVID-19
The researchers developed a model to test the
effectiveness of measures such as physical
distancing, masks or social bubbles...
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment: Clinical
trial reverses two biological processes
associated with aging in human cells
The researchers found that a unique protocol of
treatments with high-pressure oxygen in a pressure
chamber can reverse two...
After more than a decade, ChIP-seq may
be quantitative after all
IMAGE: For more than a decade, scientists studying
epigenetics have used a powerful method called
ChIP-seq to map changes...
Supramolecular chemistry – Self
Molecules that are made up of multiple repeating
subunits, known as monomers, which may vary or
not in their chemical structure,...
COVID-19 News from Annals of Internal
Below please find a summary and link(s) of new
coronavirus-related content published today in
Annals of Internal Medicine....
States unfairly burdening incarcerated
people with ‘pay-to-stay’ fees
Pay-to-stay, the practice of charging people to pay
for their own jail or prison confinement, is being
enforced unfairly...
Science reveals secrets of a mummy’s
IMAGE: (A) “Portrait of a Bearded Man ” (Walters Art
Museum #32.6), dated c. 170-180 CE from Roman
Zebra finches amazing at unmasking the
bird behind the song
IMAGE: Study finds that zebra finches possess
superior auditory memory view more Credit: Image
courtesy of...
Monitoring glaucoma at home Folding of SARS-CoV2 genome reveals
drug targets — and preparation for
IMAGE: Dr Peter Campbell (left) with study
participant, Graham Maynard (centre), holding the
EyeCatcher glaucoma monitoring...
The genetic code of the SARS-CoV2 virus is exactly
29,902 characters long, strung through a long RNA
molecule. It contains...
Covid-19: Flu jab push as Covid vaccine
roll-out planned
Covid symptoms: Is it a cold, flu or coronavirus?
Covid vaccine: Pfizer applies for first
approval in US
Covid vaccine: First ‘milestone’ vaccine offers 90%
Covid: Infection rates levelling off in
England and Scotland
Coronavirus infection rates are levelling off in
England and Scotland and decreasing in Wales and
Northern Ireland, latest...
Inside test-and-trace
Overall, performance has fallen short of what was
hoped for. To be effective, government advisers say
80% of people who test...
Schools are some of ‘the safest places
places’ children can be, CDC director
Schools are among ‘the safest places’ that American
children can be amid surging cases of coronavirus
Rare gene mutation hints at ‘fountain of
Called PCSK9Q152H, the mutation of the PCSK9
gene was initially thought to protect against
cardiovascular diseases. Recent...
Vibrations of coronavirus proteins may
play a role in infection
Studies of how spike proteins, which give
coronaviruses their distinct crown-like appearance,
interact with human cells typically...
Scientists discover new, simple way to
classify marine biomes
Newly published in Global Ecology and
Biogeography, research by Alli Cramer, a 2020
doctoral graduate of WSU’s School...
Spill-over effects show prioritizing
education of very poorest improves
attainment of all
The newly-reported study, by academics at the
University of Cambridge, is one of the first to
measure the complete value...
How tissue geometry influences the
movement of cells through the body
To better understand this phenomenon, a team of
biologists and physicists, led by UC Santa Barbara’s
Glyphosate may affect human gut
“Glyphosate targets an enzyme called EPSPS in the
shikimate pathway. This enzyme is crucial to
synthesizing three essential...
Getting it just right, the Goldilocks model
of cancer
Inhibiting Wnt signalling with ETC-159 reactivates
the hyperactive RAS-MAPK pathway, causing cells
to led undergo senescence....
New findings speed progress towards
affordable gene therapy
The new method for deploying the genetic snipping
tool directly into target cells is a big step towards
more effective, safer...
Field geology at Mars’ equator points to
ancient megaflood
ITHACA, N.Y. – Floods of unimaginable magnitude
once washed through Gale Crater on Mars’ equator
around 4 billion...
SARS-CoV-2 transmission model offers
decision-making pathways for safe
school opening
Can schools safely remain open or reopen during
periods of significant community spread of COVID-
19? According to predictions...
A sulfur molecule to block the
IMAGE: In thiol-mediated uptake, dynamic covalent
exchange with thiols on the cell surface precedes
entry through different...
NRL researchers catch supermassive
black holes launching newborn radio jets
IMAGE: Illustration of a young radio jet launching
from a supermassive black hole in the center of a
distant galaxy. ...
Discovery illuminates how cell growth
pathway responds to signals
A basic science discovery by researchers at the
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
reveals a fundamental way...
Study: TB vaccine linked to lower risk of
contracting COVID-19
LOS ANGELES (Nov. 20, 2020) — A widely used
tuberculosis vaccine is associated with reduced
likelihood of contracting...
Memories create ‘fingerprints’ that reveal
how the brain is organized
While the broad architecture and organization of the
human brain is universal, new research shows how
the differences between...
TTUHSC scientist takes next step in
search for bone disease treatment
Swab tests reveal high levels of
coronavirus on gym door handles and
IMAGE: A TTUHSC research team led by Hiranmoy
Das, Ph.D., attempted to determine if inducing KLF2
levels in dental...
self check-out stations
Why you MUST wash your hands after working out
or shopping: Gym door handles and self check-out
stations are covered in coronavirus...
Coronavirus lockdown UK: Tier Three DID
reduce hospital admissions
Tier Three was doing its job of driving down
coronavirus hospital admissions in the UK, senior
Government medical advisers...
Understanding lung infections in patients
with cystic fibrosis
S. aureus is commonly found on the skin of healthy
people, it can cause lung infection and abscess, and
is often present...
A pressure sensor at your fingertips
There are many reasons why researchers wish to
record motion and other physical details associated
with hands and fingers....
New effective and safe antifungal isolated
from sea squirt microbiome
The new molecule was discovered in the
microbiome of a sea squirt from the Florida Keys as
part of an effort to identify...
CLCN6 identified as disease gene for a
severe form of lysosomal
neurodegenerative disease
The term “lysosomal storage disease” summarizes a
number of genetically determined metabolic
diseases that are...
Researchers identify features that could
make someone a virus super-spreader
In a study appearing this month in the journal
Physics of Fluids, researchers in UCF’s Department
of Mechanical and...
Long-acting antipsychotic therapy plus
cognitive training show promise for
Researchers say patients using a combination of
long-acting antipsychotic medication and a
multipronged cognitive remediation...
Artificial intelligence-based tool may help
diagnose opioid addiction earlier
The model was generated from information in a
commercial claim database from 2006 through 2018
of 10 million medical insurance...
How rotavirus causes severe
gastrointestinal disease
In the current study published in the journal Science,
a team led by researchers at Baylor College of
Medicine discovered...
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
conducts largest pediatric genomic
COVID-19 study to date
When it comes to children, it is becoming clear that
COVID-19 impacts them more than was initially
realized. Yet there is...
Study evaluates new World Health
Organization Labor Care Guide for
maternity care providers
The World Health Organization developed the new
Labour Care Guide to support clinicians in providing
good quality, women-centred...
The microbiome of Da Vinci’s drawings
IMAGE: Da Vinci’s “Uomo della Bitta ” view more
Credit: The authors The work of Leonardo...
CHOP researchers reverse severe
lymphatic disorder in patient with Noonan
Philadelphia, November 20, 2020–Researchers at
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have
resolved a severe...
Coaching sales agents? Use AI and
human coaches
Researchers from Temple University, Sichuan
University, and Fudan University published a new
paper in the Journal of Marketing...
Near-infrared probe decodes telomere
IMAGE: A fluorescent compound was attached to
the PIP that targets the DNA repeating sequence
found in telomeres. This...
Simple, no-cost ways to help the public
care for the commons
Researchers from University of Wisconsin-Madison,
New York Institute of Technology, University of Iowa,
and Cornell University...
Limited access to buprenorphine restricts
resident physicians treating opioid
IMAGE: Bryant Shuey, MD, a third-year resident in
the Department of Internal Medicine at the
University of South Florida,...
Tocilizumab: Arthritis drug may treat
severe Covid
Steroids, including dexamethasone, are the only
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they tend to calm the whole...
Covid-19: Free flu jabs offered to all over
50s in ‘winter like no other’
Covid symptoms: Is it a cold, flu or coronavirus?
Covid-19 carriers ‘most infectious earlier
The work appears in the Lancet Microbe.
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Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
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Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
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Coronavirus health news nov 2020
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Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
Coronavirus health news nov 2020
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Tory rebels demand Boris Johnson rethink Covid tiers system as daily cases drop AGAIN to 16,022 Boris Johnson was under mounting pressure to change course on his coronavirus lockdown plans tonight after another sharp... Coronavirus lockdown England: 17m in Tiers 2 and 3 though cases fell Around 17million people living in parts of England that have seen their coronavirus outbreaks shrink for at least two weeks... Mum with cancer, 44, catches coronavirus after working during lockdown A 44-year-old mother living with incurable cancer caught coronavirus this month which she fears was because she kept working... Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds’s DOG Dilyn ‘had Covid’ It is ‘rare’ for an animal to contract the coronavirus, according to DEFRA, the Department for Environment, Food... Elderly care home residents ‘will be allowed to visit families over Christmas’ Elderly care home residents may be allowed to visit their families during England’s Christmas lockdown break, the... Coronavirus: Moderna to submit vaccine for emergency approval Moderna will today submit its Covid vaccine for emergency approval in the US and Europe, after the final analysis of its... Boris Johnson warns Tory MPs to back him or they risk a lockdown 3 Ministers today warned it could be summer before the UK gets back to normal as Boris Johnson faces a growing Tory rebellion... Coronavirus UK: Minister suggests bars could BAN the unvaccinated Bars, cinemas and football stadiums could turn away Britons who have not been vaccinated against coronavirus, the UK’s... More than one-third of children with COVID-19 show no symptoms: study “The concern from a public health perspective is that there is probably a lot of COVID-19 circulating in the community... Why spending a long time on your phone isn’t bad for mental health The study published in Technology, Mind, and Behavior was led by Heather Shaw and Kristoffer Geyer from Lancaster University... 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Rethink COVID-19 infection control to keep primary schools open this winter, governments urged How lockdown may lead to ‘avoidable harm’ for the health of under 16s Research led by Dr Rachel Isba from Lancaster University, Dr Rachel Jenner from Royal Manchester HOME » 2020 » NOVEMBER Search SEARCH RECENT POSTS Covid-19: Impact on Israel Covid-19: How winter exercise could help us cope with pandemic Covid-19: How will the pandemic affect global health in 2021? Is it wise to carry on shielding in the 12 weeks between your first and second jabs? Thousands at risk of blindness set to benefit from a new eye drug HEALTH NOTES: Surge in patients admitted to hospital for alcohol-related liver disease I caught Covid from a hospital, we must give all NHS workers the jab My chest pains are terrifying How many have to die before Britain tackles its black and Asian organ donor crisis? A couch potato took part in experiment on boosting immunity ‘Covid loves a crowd… so stay at home this New Year’s Eve’ says NHS boss Professor Hugh Montgomery says hospitals are facing a "tsunami" of Covid cases. Face masks: How to wear one correctly ‘We filmed our dad’s final months to help people’ JOANNA HALL’S 30-day exercise plan to kickstart your New Year New mutant coronavirus strain IS more contagious by nearly 50% DR MICHAEL MOSLEY launches a new series to make 2021 your healthiest year yet Allergists offer reassurance regarding potential allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines Putty-like composites of gallium metal with potential for real- world application Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain disorders
  • 2. The blanket policy currently deployed for children of all ages is not evidence based and is too restrictive and inflexible,... Children’s Hospital,... Ultrathin spray-applied MXene antennas are ready for 5G IMAGE: Drexel University researchers have produced flexible, spray-applied antennas made from a two-dimensional material... Area burned by severe fire increased 8- fold in western US over past four decades WASHINGTON–The number of wildfires and the amount of land they consume in the western U.S. has substantially increased... HIV-like virus edited out of primate genome IMAGE: Dr. Kamel Khalili and Dr. Tricia Burdo at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University view... Linking medically complex children’s outpatient team with hospitalists improved care When medically complex children are hospitalized, linking hospitalists to their regular outpatient providers through an inpatient... Worst-case emissions projections are already off-track IMAGE: A plenary at the 25th Conference of the Parties, held by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate... Preschool children can’t see the mountains for the cat COLUMBUS, Ohio – Imagine seeing an image of a cat in front of a wide scene of mountains and being told just to remember... Computer-aided creativity in robot design IMAGE: MIT researchers have automated and optimized robot design with a system called RoboGrammar. The system creates... New method identifies adaptive mutations in complex evolving populations RIVERSIDE, Calif. — A team co-led by a scientist at the University of California, Riverside, has developed a method... Measuring broken hearts: divorce has negative effects on physical and mental health Going through a divorce is extremely challenging and previous research has highlighted the adverse effects that it can have... COVID-19 studies should also focus on mucosal immunity, researchers argue BUFFALO, N.Y. — Anyone who has undergone a nasal swab or saliva test for COVID-19 knows that the virus is most easily... Fast-moving gas flowing away from young star caused by icy comet vaporisation IMAGE: Artist’s impression of the system, with the star at the center, and the inner dust belt from which gas... Coronavirus: How do you vaccinate 7.7 billion people? What happens once a coronavirus vaccine is approved? Kalipso Chalkidou, director of global health policy at the Center for... Covid-19: Don’t ‘take brakes off’ Covid measures, says leading scientist England’s lockdown is ending this week, when it will enter a three-tier system of restrictions. Prime Minister Boris... Covid: Researchers fear cancer advances delay due to pandemic There have also been concerns about the effect the pandemic could have had on cancer more widely. The NHS’s former... Covid infections in England fall by 30% over lockdown Its researchers estimated the virus’s reproduction (R) rate had fallen to 0.88. That means on average every infection... Coronavirus: When can I get the Covid-19 vaccine? When can I get the Covid-19 vaccine? Video, 00:03:57When can I get the Covid-19 vaccine? Your coronavirus vaccine questions answered Your coronavirus vaccine questions answered. Video, 00:04:13Your coronavirus vaccine questions answered Covid: What are the new tiers and lockdown rules in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland? Across the UK, some restrictions will be relaxed over Christmas, to allow three households to form a “Christmas bubble”. Covid: When does England’s lockdown actually end? And other questions When England’s lockdown ends on 2 December, only the Isle of Wight, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly will move into tier... Which online workout is best for you? It’s 7am on a Tuesday and I’m in the kitchen. Nineties fitness guru Mr Motivator is bellowing ‘WORK IT!’...
  • 3. HEALTH NOTES: Student creates fruity jelly sweets that help dementia patients beat dehydration HEALTH NOTES: Student creates brand of fruity jelly sweets that help dementia patients beat dehydration By Mail on Sunday... Hesitant about the Covid vaccine? Covid vaccines are like buses. You wait all year for one, and then three come along at once. OK, so Christmas cracker jokes... Dizzy spells could be a warning sign that your brain is being damaged by eating BREAD Dizzy spells, clumsiness, loss of balance and falls. All worrying and strikingly common symptoms that affect millions of... Pioneering drug that hits prostate cancer’s weak spot Men with incurable prostate cancer have been offered hope of a longer life thanks to a drug that targets the disease’s... Why are GPs STILL refusing to see patients face-to-face? The shutters are down, doors firmly locked. Laminated signs warn patients not to enter without an appointment. In some... How you CAN have a Covid-safe Christmas It’s official: Christmas is saved. The festive period won’t be lonely and miserable, after all, thanks to the... Face masks slow spread of COVID-19; types of masks, length of use matter In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, investigators looked at research on face masks and their use and summarized what... Tracking COVID-19 trends in hard-hit states This research compiles the data for each state in the U.S. and calculates the change in the infection rate before and after... Spinal/epidural anesthesia associated with increased survival in leg artery bypass surgery IMAGE: Associate scientist and anesthesiologist at The Ottawa Hospital, associate professor at the University of Ottawa,... Barley pan-genome: IPK scientists reach milestone on the way to ‘transparent’ barley IMAGE: The photo shows a spectrum of diversity in wheat and barley. view more Credit: Photo: IPK Leibniz Institute/... Scientists call for decade of concerted effort to enhance understanding of the deep seas The deep seas – vast expanses of water and seabed hidden more than 200 metres below the ocean surface to depths up... Fruit flies reveal new insights into space travel’s effect on the heart IMAGE: Karen Ocorr, Ph.D., assistant professor in Sanford Burnham Prebys’ Development, Aging and Regeneration... Evidence of the interconnectedness of global climate IMAGE: An iceberg in the central Scotia Sea in 2019. view more Credit: Thomas Ronge To see how deeply interconnected... From fins to limbs and water to land IMAGE: The aerial scene depicts two Late Devonian early tetrapods – Ichthyostega and Acanthostega – coming... Research creates hydrogen-producing living droplets, paving way for alternative future energy source IMAGE: Electron microscopy image of a densely packed droplet of hydrogen-producing algal cells. Scale bar, 10 micrometres. ... Prof Sarah Gilbert: The woman who designed the Oxford vaccine “There are some scientists who will happily work more or less on their own on one subject for a very long time… That’s... Coronavirus: Losing a baby during the pandemic If you’re affected by the issues in this video, then help and support or wider information is available via BBC Action... Covid: Hospitals could be overwhelmed without new tiers, says Gove But writing in the Times, Mr Gove said MPs – who will vote on the measures next week – need to “take responsibility... Covid: Nadhim Zahawi appointed as vaccine rollout minister In a tweet, Mr Zahawi welcomed his new post but said the rollout would be a “big responsibility and a big operational... Mapping out the mystery of blood stem cells IMAGE: Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Senior Scientist Dr. Mathieu Lupien and team used state-of- the-art 3D mapping... Survival protein may prevent collateral damage during cancer therapy IMAGE: The cell survival protein BCL-XL may protect kidneys from damage caused by cancer Air-sea coupling improves the simulation of the western North Pacific summer monsoon in the WRF4 model at a synoptic scale resolving resolution
  • 4. therapies. view more Credit:... Regional air-sea coupling plays a crucial role in modulating the climatology and variability of the Asian summer monsoon.... Fiji’s vaccine program reduces childhood death and illness: study Fiji’s national vaccine program against pneumonia, a serious lung condition, and rotavirus, a common disease which... Psychological factors contributing to language learning The problem of language acquisition is one of the complicated psychological topics. Teacher education experts are always... Towards 6G wireless communication networks: vision, enabling technologies, and new paradigm shifts IMAGE: An overview of 6G wireless communication networks view more Credit: ©Science China Press The fifth... New discovery by SMART allows early detection of shade avoidance syndrome in plants IMAGE: Raman spectroscopy and the carotenoid Raman peak allows for early detection of Shade Avoidance Syndrome (SAS)... Grabbing viruses out of thin air IMAGE: A proposed future society. view more Credit: Tohoku University The future could hold portable and... Signaling switch in pancreatic β-cells determines anti-diabetic drug effectiveness IMAGE: cAMP (cyclic AMP): An intracellular signaling molecule that regulates a variety of cellular functions such as... Sheep show the contamination by microplastics in the agricultural soils of Murcia IMAGE: Sheeps during the study view more Credit: Nicolas Beriot (Diverfarming project) In recent times,... RUDN University research team of mathematicians suggested a new decision making algorithm IMAGE: A research team from RUDN University developed an algorithm to help large groups of people make optimal decisions... Using a soft crystal to visualize how absorbed carbon dioxide behaves in liquid IMAGE: The CO2-absorbing soft crystal developed for this study (Photo: Shin-ichiro Noro). view more Credit:... CsPbBrI2 perovskites with low energy loss for high-performance indoor and outdoor photovoltaics IMAGE: Schematic diagram of device structure and secondary grain growth with (NH4)2C2O4* H2O treatment. view... Age not just a number: Causes of joint stiffness differ between older and younger adults IMAGE: Probes 1 and 5 measured deep fascia, probe 2 measured the sciatic nerve, and probes 3-4 measured various calf... Iron infusion proves effective to treat anaemia in Rural Africa IMAGE: Iron infusions help reduce iron-deficiency anaemia in low-income settings. view more Credit: Danielle... Bank-affiliated funds contribute to funding their parent banks in times of crisis A study published recently in the journal Review of Financial Studies by the researchers Javier Gil- Bazo, Sergio Mayordomo... Covid Christmas: ‘Avoid board games and sleepovers’ Earlier this week, the government announced up to three households will be allowed to form a “Christmas bubble”... R number for UK below 1 for first time since August ‘R’ is calculated by the government’s scientific advisers, and represents how many extra people each infected... Covid: Free Vitamin D pills for 2.5 million vulnerable in England Top Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated Iran’s foreign minister has condemned the killing of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh... Covid-19: Mass testing a ‘distraction’ from vaccine rollout The PM has said mass community testing, as seen in Liverpool, will be offered to all areas in tier three after lockdown ends. DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: How to diet without even noticing? Don’t eat after 7.30pm When our kids were young my wife Clare and I were often so busy in the early evening — feeding them, putting them to bed... SARS-CoV-2 mutations do not appear to increase transmissibility The analysis of virus genomes from over 46,000 people with COVID-19 from 99 countries is published today in Nature Communications. First... Scientists design model to predict cellular drug targets against COVID-19 Viruses rely on their host to survive, a crucial step of lifecycle is the synthesis of the virus particles within the host...
  • 5. Exploring links between infant vocabulary size and vocal interactions with caregivers Previous research has shown that, in the home, one-on-one vocal interactions with caregivers who engage in infant-directed... New breakthrough in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis People with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) could soon benefit from a new drug treatment that not only suppresses inflammation... Transcultural literacies and meaning- making through fanfiction Digital technology has made intercultural contacts a daily activity for many people in the world. As a result, the globalization... UB study identifies new functions in the Machado-Joseph genetic disease IMAGE: Rods (type of photoreceptor) isolated from the retina of a control mouse (Atxn3 +/+) and a mouse with the silenced... Warwick scientists design model to predict cellular drug targets against COVID-19 IMAGE: Schematic representation of the integrated host-virus metabolic modelling approach used in the article. The... Minimal waste production is a fundamental law for animal locomotion Is there a unifying principle underpinning animal locomotion in its rich diversity? A thermodynamic analysis performed by... Electronic skin has a strong future stretching ahead IMAGE: KAUST researchers have developed a durable “electronic skin ” that can mimic natural functions... Mine ponds amplify mercury risks in Peru’s Amazon IMAGE: Thousands of artificial ponds like this one, created when rainwater filled in an abandoned gold mining pit,... Scientists reveal regions of the brain where serotonin promotes patience We’ve all been there. Whether we’re stuck in traffic at the end of a long day, or eagerly anticipating the release... This highly-rated eufy digital bathroom scale is reduced to less than £24 on Amazon This popular digital bathroom scale gives you a full- body insight and is currently reduced to less than £24 on Amazon By... New plant-based gel to fast-track ‘mini- organs’ growth, improve cancer treatment Nanocellulose gels cost a fraction of the price compared to the current gold standard. These hydrogels are plant-based and... New insights on health effects of long- duration space flight Colorado State University Professor Susan Bailey was one of more than 80 scientists across 12 universities who conducted... Obesity is not only the individual’s responsibility Conventionally, there is a tendency to perceive individuals who are overweight as lacking the willpower to improve their... Early birth linked to greater risk of hospital visits during childhood Although the risk declined as the children grew up, particularly after age 2, an excess risk remained up to age 10, even... Aim to exceed weekly recommended physical activity level to offset health harms of prolonged sitting The health harms associated with prolonged sitting can be offset by exceeding weekly recommended physical activity levels,... World’s largest inventory of known plant species “In my daily work at the Botanical Garden, I regularly come across species names that are not clear, where existing... Radboud university medical center research: Most lungs recover well after COVID-19 Lung tissue of patients who suffered severely from COVID-19 shows good recovery in most cases. This was revealed by a study... Scientists determine the structure of glass-shaping protein in sponges IMAGE: Skeleton of a Glass Sponge view more Credit: Ronald Seidel/Igor Zlotnikov Glass sponges – as... New modified wheat could help tackle global food shortage Researchers at the University of York have created a new modified wheat variety that increases grain production by up to... RUDN University mathematicians applied 19th century ideas to modern computerized algebra systems IMAGE: A team of mathematicians from RUDN University added new symbolic integration functionality to the Sage computerized... High achievement cultures may kill students’ interest in math — especially New insights into how the CRISPR immune system evolved
  • 6. for girls A new study in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that high national math achievement combined with societal pressures may... IMAGE: The new results show in great detail how two anti-CRISPR proteins (pink) lock two CRISPR- Cas proteins (beige)... New immunotherapy shows promise against rare childhood cancer A novel CAR T-cell therapy developed by researchers at UCL and designed to target cancerous tumours, has shown promising... Russian scientists improve 3D printing technology for aerospace composites using oil waste IMAGE: Aviation parts printed on a 3D printer from new metal powders view more Credit: Sergey Gnuskov/NUST... Covid: Woman left blind after treatment delayed in pandemic NHS Wales: Ten-fold increase in patients waiting for treatment Controversial ‘virginity tests’ sold by UK clinics Women are being offered controversial “virginity tests” at British medical clinics, an investigation by BBC Newsbeat... Cancer: Blood test for 50 types to be trialled by NHS Trump signals he is prepared to leave White House The president has refused to admit defeat but says he will go if Joe Biden’s... Oxford Covid vaccine: Regulator asked to assess jab It follows news that the jab was “highly effective” in advanced trials. Britain’s daily coronavirus cases continue to fall with 17,555 new infections Britain’s second wave of coronavirus is continuing to shrink, official figures confirmed today after another 17,555... Almost 250,000 women are overdue cervical smear tests this year due to Covid-19 Almost quarter of a million women are overdue their cervical smear tests as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, official... Coronavrius lockdown England: Fury in rural Kent as county in Tier 3 Towns and villages across Britain were furious tonight after Boris Johnson confirmed all but three places in England will... Coronavirus UK: Chris Whitty cagey on Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine Chris Whitty, England’s Chief Medical Officer, refused to back Oxford’s vaccine The Chief Medical Officer... Europe coronavirus: Second wave began in Spain before spreading via tourists, study suggests Europe’s coronavirus second wave may have begun among fruit pickers in northern Spain before being spread across the... Gene donors at high risk for cancer received feedback Researchers at the Estonian Genome Center at the University of Tartu studied how people at high risk for breast, ovarian... Effect of climate change on infectious diseases unknown to half of the population The transmission of specific infectious diseases have been altered by processes linked to climatic and environmental anomalies.... Chia, goji & co. — BfR consumer monitor special superfoods The term “superfood” is not legally regulated. Superfoods, however, are often referred to as foods whose ingredients... The invasive species that Europe needs to erradicate most urgently are identified IMAGE: Research team view more Credit: University of Cordoba Species such as the golden apple snail are... Phytoplankton disturbed by nanoparticles IMAGE: This nanoparticle disrupts the metabolism of algae. view more Credit: UNIGE/ Wei Liu Products derived... A new strategy for the greener use of calcium carbide IMAGE: Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics of an acetylide molecule HO-Ca-CCH solvated in DMSO view more Credit:... The keys to the squirrel’s evolutionary success in the face of climate change have been identified Their degree of ecological specialisation –the capacity to inhabit many or few environments– is the most important... Irreversible hotter and drier climate over inner East Asia IMAGE: Tree-ring data from Siberian larch and other tree species show that heatwaves and soil drying of the Mongolian... Ohio man, 23, needed to have his hand REATTACHED after a lawnmower accident Luke Brittain reached for the cell phone in his pocket. He wasn’t going to be able to get his
  • 7. lawnmower out of the... Could COVID-19 cause teeth to fall out? Some coronavirus survivors are reporting a bizarre symptom in the aftermath of the infection: Their teeth have fallen out. Farah... Big data powers design of ‘smart’ cell therapies for cancer Finding medicines that can kill cancer cells while leaving normal tissue unscathed is a Holy Grail of oncology research.... Tree rings capture an abrupt irreversible shift in east Asia’s climate The abrupt shift to hotter and drier conditions over inner East Asia is unprecedented and may herald an irreversible shift... High genomic variability predicts success in desert tortoise refugees; could inform conservation Tortoise refugees with the highest genetic variation are far more likely to survive conservation translocation than tortoises... In temperate trees, climate-driven increase in carbon capture causes autumn leaves to fall sooner For decades, scientists have expected that the shedding of leaves from temperate trees will get later and later under ongoing... A multidisciplinary policy design to protect consumers from AI collusion Legal scholars, computer scientists and economists must work together to prevent unlawful price-surging behaviors from artificial... Study revealing the secret behind a key cellular process refutes biology textbooks COLUMBUS, Ohio – New research has identified and described a cellular process that, despite what textbooks say, has... A route for avoiding defects during additive manufacturing Laser powder bed fusion is a dominant additive manufacturing technology that has yet to reach its potential. The problem... UCLA study of threatened desert tortoises offers new conservation strategy In Nevada’s dry Ivanpah Valley, just southeast of Las Vegas, a massive unintended experiment in animal conservation... Social care funding falls ‘alarmingly short’ Councils will get £300m in new money for adult and children’s services and be allowed to raise more in tax. Covid-19 tiers: Almost all of England facing tough virus rules Lancashire, Leicester, Lincolnshire, Slough, Bristol, Kent and Medway will also be in tier three. Coronavirus infections levelling during England lockdown Coronavirus infection rates in England are continuing to show signs of levelling off – but the picture across the UK... Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine ‘dose error’ explained Covid-19: Oxford University vaccine is highly effective ‘Celtic gene’ may increase liver cancer risk in men of UK heritage Men who have at least two copies of ‘the Celtic gene’ are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer,... Seven Americans have damaged their eyes using germicidal UV lamps At least seven Americans have damaged their eyes trying to use UV lamps to sanitize their homes and offices amid the coronavirus... Covid vaccine trials did not monitor whether participants wore masks, socially distanced Coronavirus vaccine makers tightly controlled who was enrolled to their trials, their vaccine dosages, the timing of those... Is December 9 the day Britain starts its Covid vaccination drive? People in the UK could start actually receiving vaccines against coronavirus from December 9, according to a local health... Coronavirus UK: Exeter Nightingale reopens as local hospitals ‘busy’ Exeter Nightingale reopens because Devon hospital is ‘very busy’ – even though it was only 88% full last... Number of people with coronavirus in England DROPS for the first time in three months The number of people infected with coronavirus in England has fallen for the first time in three months, official data revealed... Lockdown Tiers for England are finally revealed London has today been placed in Tier 2 of Boris Johnson’s controversial Covid-19 restrictions – but Matt Hancock... Covid Vaccine Research: Expert sceptical on Oxford AstraZeneca trial High blood pressure in midlife is linked to increased brain damage in later life
  • 8. They are the lab-coat wearing virus-fighting team who may have landed the killer blow in the battle against Covid-19. Oxford... In particular, the study found that there was a strong association between diastolic blood pressure (the blood pressure between... Are we the same person throughout our lives? In essence, yes A psychobiological study led by the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) on personal identity and its modification over... Pitt researchers create nanoscale slalom course for electrons IMAGE: Illustration of sketched serpentine nanowires created from lanthanum aluminate and strontium titanate. The... Understanding the power of our Sun IMAGE: The Borexino detector in combination with the Sun. view more Credit: Copyright: Borexino Collaboration/Maxim... German researchers compile world’s largest inventory of known plant species IMAGE: Leipzig is host to the oldest botanical garden in Germany. On an area of only three hectares, around 6500 of... Archaeology: Neanderthal thumbs better adapted to holding tools with handles Neanderthal thumbs were better adapted to holding tools in the same way that we hold a hammer, according to a paper published... A cold-health watch and warning system for cold waves in Quebec IMAGE: INRS Professor Fateh Chebana specializes in Hydrogeological modelling. His team also developed a heat health... Keyhole wasps may threaten aviation safety IMAGE: Pachodynerus nasidens on 3D-printed De Haviland Dash-8 pitot probe view more Credit: House et al (2020)... ECDC and WHO call for improved HIV testing in Europe IMAGE: Sex between men remains the predominant mode of HIV transmission reported in the EU/EEA, accounting for 39%... How moving slower allows groups of bacteria to spread across surfaces Researchers from the University of Sheffield and the University of Oxford studied Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a species of bacteria... Anxiety associated with faster Alzheimer’s disease onset Alzheimer’s disease represents a major public health crisis worldwide. The number of deaths from the disease has more... Popular weight-loss surgery in teenagers weakens bones In a sleeve gastrectomy, approximately 75% of the stomach is removed to restrict food intake and induce weight loss. It results... Cooking with wood may cause lung damage Approximately 3 billion people around the world cook with biomass, such as wood or dried brush. Pollutants from cooking with... New mechanism of pain control revealed While neurons may be the most well-known cells of the central nervous system, an assortment of non- neuronal cells first discovered... What makes a happy couple, a happy family? “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” Leo Tolstoy wrote famously in... Solar CNO neutrinos observed for the first time Scientists who are members of the Borexino Collaboration have provided the first experimental proof of the occurrence of... Doctors use existing treatment earlier to save the lives of Covid-19 patients IMAGE: CPAP treatment, which is often used at home to help people with sleep problems, helps to keep the lungs open... Quantum nanodiamonds may help detect disease earlier IMAGE: An artist’s conception of nanodiamonds used for in vitro diagnostics. view more Credit: Ella... Almost like on Venus Four-and-a-half billion years ago, Earth would have been hard to recognise. Instead of the forests, mountains and oceans... Understanding traditional Chinese medicine can help protect species Demystifying traditional Chinese medicine for conservationists could be the key to better protecting endangered species like... Scientists develop new gene therapy for eye disease IMAGE: A fluorescent microscope image with mitochondria highlighted in gold. This healthy cell shows a highly elaborate... Satellite images confirm uneven impact of climate change University of Copenhagen researchers have been following vegetation trends across the planet’s driest areas using satellite... Covid vaccines: Who decides if they are safe? Trump pardons ex-National Security Adviser Flynn Michael Flynn was among former aides convicted in an investigation into...
  • 9. Brain imaging technology designed for babies Tech making it easier to see inside babies’ brains. Video, 00:01:31Tech making it easier to see inside babies’... Covid Christmas rules: Caution urged over household mixing Meanwhile, it is expected most areas of England will be placed in the middle tier of a toughened three-tier system. Meghan: Duchess of Sussex tells of miscarriage ‘pain and grief’ “I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second,” Meghan said in a piece for the New York... At least seven Americans have damaged their eyes trying to use UV lamps to clean during pandemic At least seven Americans have damaged their eyes trying to use UV lamps to sanitize their homes and offices amid the coronavirus... Antibody testing likely undercounts past Covid infections by 28% Antibody testing likely undercounts the number of people who have had COVID-19: More than 25% of infected health care workers... ‘Celtic gene’ may raise liver cancer risk by 11-fold for 500K US men Men who have at least two copies of ‘the Celtic gene’ are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer,... Coronavirus: Doctors in South West England were sent ‘clearly used’ gloves in PPE blunder Doctors in the South West of England were sent disposable gloves that had ‘clearly been used’ and have been warned... Could UK employers force staff to get a coronavirus vaccine? It is ‘highly unlikely’ private employers could force staff to get a Covid jab when one finally becomes available,... Britain’s daily Covid cases drop again week-on-week to 18,213 Britain’s today recorded the most daily coronavirus deaths since May after health chiefs confirmed another 696 victims... Coronavirus UK: Manchester braces for return to tier three after England’s lockdown ends Manchester braces for return to tough new Tier Three: Mayor Andy Burnham predicts government will plunge region back under... Coronavirus England: Lockdown tiers may be ‘unjustified’ Just 9,854 new infections were recorded in England yesterday, almost half of the number of diagnoses last Tuesday... A growth mindset of interest can spark innovative thinking Asst Prof O’Keefe, who also holds a courtesy appointment with the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School,... Everyday activities enhance personal well-being Exercise enhances physical well-being and mental health. However, impacts of everyday activities, such as climbing stairs,... Breaking the skill limit, pianists attain more delicate touch Experts such as pianists, athletes and surgeons acquire advanced skills through tremendous amounts of practice. It is difficult... Gut hormones’ regulation of fat production abnormal in obesity, fatty liver disease The study, led by molecular and integrative physiology professor Jongsook Kim Kemper and research scientist Young-Chae Kim,... Basketball on the brain: Neuroscientists use sports to study surprise The most exciting moments in sports are often linked to surprise, an unexpected change of circumstances that abruptly shifts... Genetic study shows that the risk of pre- eclampsia is related to blood pressure and BMI In the InterPregGen study, researchers from the UK, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan studied... Space travel can adversely impact energy production in a cell The findings appeared November 25, 2020, in Cell and are part of a larger compendium of research into health aspects of space... Specific bacterium in the gut linked to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) The pathogenic bacterial genus, Brachyspira, is not usually present in human gut flora. A new study links the bacterium to... Community conservation reserves protect fish diversity in tropical rivers ITHACA, N.Y. – Prohibiting fishing in conservation reserves is a common strategy for protecting ocean ecosystems and... Study shows minimal impact of APPs on ED productivity, flow, safety, patient experience Ancient blanket made with 11,500 turkey feathers PULLMAN, Wash. — The ancient inhabitants of the American Southwest used around 11,500 feathers to
  • 10. IMAGE: US national emergency medicine group: 13,024,216 visits, 105,863 emergency department days, 94 general emergency... make a turkey feather... Neutrinos yield first experimental evidence of catalyzed fusion dominant in many stars AMHERST, Mass. – An international team of about 100 scientists of the Borexino Collaboration, including particle physicist... Princeton scientists discover a motif that guides assembly of the algal pyrenoid IMAGE: Princeton researchers led by Moritz Meyer and Martin Jonikas have discovered that the algal pyrenoid, which... Princeton scientists solve the mystery behind an enigmatic organelle, the pyrenoid IMAGE: The waterborne algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. view more Credit: Image by He et al Carbon is one... The smell of cooperation Despite their reputation, rats are surprisingly sociable and actually regularly help each other out with tasks. Researchers... Scientists claim controversial results of comets observations are consistent IMAGE: Image of 41P/T-G-K obtained with the 70- cm AZT-8 telescope on observation station Lisnyky of the Astronomical... Save 42% on this bestselling light- blocking eye mask from Amazon Black Friday 2020: Get some shut-eye and SAVE 42% on this bestselling light-blocking eye mask now £7 on Amazon By Emily... Men with ‘the Celtic gene’ are 11 times more likely to develop liver cancer, study finds Men who have at least two copies of ‘the Celtic gene’ are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed with liver cancer,... Nearly one-third of all US nurses who have died of coronavirus are Filipino The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on all healthcare workers, but perhaps none more so than those in the Filipino... FDA authorizes test that measures the exact number of coronavirus antibody somebody has FDA gives emergency approval a new test that can measure a patient’s levels of antibodies thought to ‘neutralize’... Heading the ball in soccer: Blindfolded players Blind soccer is a sport that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of visual ability. Except for the goalkeepers, players... How the brain ‘re-wires’ after disease The paper is published in the journal Clinical Neurophysiology. Up to now, scientific knowledge has told us that the polio... Understanding the utility of plasmas for medical applications To help with this understanding, researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted computer simulations of the interaction... Channeling the immune system for head and neck cancer Findings published in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer show that it could all come down to “channeling”... Team uses copper to image Alzheimer’s aggregates in the brain Several types of isotopes give off positively charged particles called positrons that are detectable by positron emission... Cutting edge technology to bioprint mini- kidneys The study, led by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) and biotech company Organovo and published in Nature... New study explains important cause of fatal influenza It is largely unknown why influenza infections lead to an increased risk of bacterial pneumonia. Researchers at Karolinska... Forming beliefs in a world of filter bubbles Why do so many Republicans still believe that the recent US presidential election was fraudulent? Is it possible to reach... A microscope for everyone: Jena researchers develop open-source optical toolbox IMAGE: The open-source 3D-printed cube can host self-designed inserts, electrical and optical components. The resulting... Global collaboration is unlocking wheat’s genetic potential IMAGE: At left, a chromosome segment from Aegilops ventricosa, highlighted by the white arrow, is found in the Kansas... Study in Thailand identifies benefits of community-based freshwater fish reserves IMAGE: Fieldwork in communities often results in curious onlookers, presenting a great opportunity for inclusion and...
  • 11. BIDMC researchers reveal how genetic variations are linked to COVID-19 disease severity Boston, Mass. – Even as tens of thousands of Americans test positive for COVID-19 each day, physicians still aren’t... Novel haplotype-led approach to increase the precision of wheat breeding IMAGE: Novel haplotype-led approach will increase the precision of wheat breeding view more Credit: John Innes... Researchers uncover the unique way stem cells protect their chromosome ends Telomeres are specialised structures at the end of chromosomes which protect our DNA and ensure healthy division of cells.... Covid: How to keep the virus at bay this Christmas Covid: Seven things that may be different this Christmas Coronavirus: French lockdown to ease after second peak passes He later tweeted to say that all businesses forced to remain closed during the restrictions, such as restaurants, bars and... Covid Christmas rules: UK leaders urge caution over household mixing Christmas Covid rules: Who are you allowed to see? Covid: PPE price rises cost taxpayers £10bn, report says The National Audit Office said there had been a particular shortage of gloves and aprons. Doctors urge the CDC to warn Americans about coronavirus vaccine side effects U.S. doctors are worried that their patients won’t return to get a second dose of coronavirus vaccine if the Centers... Coronavirus survives on surfaces for hours by turning into a pancake-like film Coronavirus can remain infectious on surfaces for DAYS by transforming into a microscopic pancake- like film, study finds More... Britain records 11,299 Covid-19 cases in lowest daily figure for almost eight weeks Britain today recorded the fewest daily Covid-19 cases in almost eight weeks in yet another sign that England’s lockdown... Why is Kent’s coronavirus outbreak spiking? Kent has suddenly become England’s Covid hotspot and cases are rising in East Sussex, as the country prepares to emerge... Understanding ion channel inhibition to open doors in drug discovery A major mechanism by which cells communicate with their environment is the movement of metal ions through channels located... Measuring risk-taking Researchers found that people whose mouse drifted toward the safe option on the computer screen — even when they ended... Brain waves guide us in spotlighting surprises By measuring thousands of neurons along the surface, or cortex, of the brain in animals as they reacted to predictable and... Potential treatment against antibiotic- resistant bacteria causing gonorrhea and meningitis Antibiotic Resistance In recent years, rising rates of antibiotic resistance have been of concern to the World Health Organization... Experimental evolution reveals how bacteria gain drug resistance Counteracting multidrug-resistant bacteria is becoming a critical global challenge. It seems that every time we develop new... Mother’s touch lingers in her child’s genes SMCHD1 switches certain genes off, altering how a cell behaves. The new research has revealed that when an egg cell (or oocyte)... AI helps scientists understand brain activity behind thoughts “For centuries, neuroscientists have studied how the brain works by relating brain activity to inputs and outputs.... Novel chemical process a first step to making nuclear fuel with fire IMAGE: Combustion synthesis of LnBTA compound. view more Credit: Los Alamos National Laboratory. LOS ALAMOS,... Tel Aviv University researchers go underwater to study how sponge species vanished Researchers from Tel Aviv University (TAU) embarked on an underwater journey to solve a mystery: Why did sponges of the Agelas... Sestrin makes fruit flies live longer IMAGE: Fruit flies in a vial in front of amino acids. view more Credit: MPI f. Biology of Ageing/ Sebastian... To push or to pull? How many-limbed marine organisms swim WOODS HOLE, Mass. — When you think of swimming, you probably imagine pushing through the water–creating backwards...
  • 12. In fire-prone West, plants need their pollinators — and vice versa IMAGE: Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) blooms in Yellowstone National Park, Montana. New research highlights the... Immune checkpoint inhibitor efficacy against glioblastoma may decrease with dexamethasone Bottom Line: Among patients with glioblastoma receiving an immune checkpoint inhibitor, those who received the corticosteroid... Waste fishing gear threatens Ganges wildlife IMAGE: Fishing on the Ganges view more Credit: Heather Koldewey Waste fishing gear in the River Ganges poses... When consumers trust AI recommendations–or resist them Researchers from Boston University and University of Virginia published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines... US Surgeon General says he will get coronavirus jab when told it is safe US Surgeon General Dr Jerome Adams has pledged he will get the first coronavirus vaccine approved for emergency use when... Coronavirus cases fell by 6% in Kansas after the state’s mask mandate Counties in Kansas that followed the state’s mask mandate earlier this year saw coronavirus cases fall, but those that... Former FDA Commissioner urges people to ‘buy better masks’ amid surging cases and hospitalizations Now you SHOULD buy an N95: Former FDA commissioner urges Americans to ‘buy better masks’ to protect themselves... Coronavirus ‘could be STOPPED if 70% wore surgical face masks’ Coronavirus could be ‘eradicated’ if 70% of people wore surgical or N95 masks in public – but cloth masks... Moderna’s Covid vaccine may NOT stop spread of infection Moderna’s chief scientist says its vaccine prevents coronavirus from making people sick – but the shot may NOT... Covid-19 US: 85% of seniors plan to take vaccine but 15% NEVER will Survey reveals 85% of seniors plan to get COVID- 19 vaccines – but 15% say they will NEVER get the shot because they... Coronavirus US: CDC plans to shorten quarantine period to 7-10 days CDC plans to shorten recommended coronavirus quarantine period from 14 days to between 7 and 10 days Currently, the CDC... 1950s depression pill could be used to treat prostate cancer An antidepressant from the Fifties could treat prostate cancer and reduce side-effects of other treatments. Results of a... World’s first: Drug guides stem cells to desired location, improving their ability to heal Toxic cells (green) disappeared when mice with a neurodegenerative condition received both therapeutic stem cells (red) and... Stress in pregnancy may influence baby brain development Stress levels in mothers — measured by a hormone linked to anxiety and other health problems — is related to... Why experiences are better gifts for older children The research, published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing, compared the level of happiness children derive... Stronger memories can help us make sense of future changes Whether experiencing something new, or something we’ve experienced a hundred times, people use memories of the past... CRISPRi screens reveal sources of metabolic robustness in E. coli In their natural habitat, bacteria like E. coli are confronted with constant changes in the composition of nutrients. But... Memories of past events retain remarkable fidelity even as we age “These results are surprising to many, given the general pessimism about memory accuracy among scientists and the prevalent... Commonly used antibiotic shows promise for combating Zika infections “Around the world, the Zika outbreak produced devastating, long-term neurological problems for many children and their... Can we harness a plant’s ability to synthesize medicinal compounds? New work from an international team of scientists including Carnegie’s Sue Rhee reveals a gene responsible for anthraquinone... Pesticide deadly to bees now easily detected in honey IMAGE: Professor Janusz Pawliszyn transformed his lawn into a wildflower meadow to attract bees. view more Credit:... ‘Crisis decision making at the speed of COVID-19’ – Bay Area public health officials share their experience with shelter-in November 24, 2020 – In mid-March, public health officials across the San Francisco area issued the
  • 13. first U.S. regional... Closing the racial disparity gap in survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest PHILADELPHIA (November 24, 2020) – In-hospital cardiac arrests (IHCA) represent catastrophic and often terminal events.... Simple new testing method aims to improve time-release drugs IMAGE: A piece of glass bent like a tuning fork measures dissolution of time-release drugs. view more Credit:... Microbes help unlock phosphorus for plant growth IMAGE: Poplar trees such as these along the Snoqualmie River able to thrive on rocky riverbanks, despite low availability... COVID’s collateral damage: Germicidal lamps may damage corneas IMAGE: Injected conjunctiva (redness) of the right and left eye (top row) Diffuse staining of the cornea with green... Research shows bariatric surgery may reduce severity of COVID-19 in patients with obesity A Cleveland Clinic study shows that among patients who have obesity and who tested positive for COVID-19, a past history... For people with diabetes, medicaid expansion helps, but can’t do it all: BU study Medicaid expansion through the Affordable Care Act has insured millions of low-income people in the United States, improving... Covid-19: England arrivals to be able to cut quarantine with private test It follows Boris Johnson’s announcement that England will come under “toughened” three-tiered regional... Covid: How will I get a coronavirus vaccine? The UK government is confident that some of the most at-risk groups will be vaccinated before Christmas, and most over-50s... Don’t go to work when sick, ‘peculiar’ Brits told “If you have, in future, flu-like symptoms, you should get a test for it and find out what’s wrong with you,... Deaths in UK ‘a fifth higher than normal levels’ Biden to present team as Trump allows transition The US president-elect will formally introduce cabinet picks, as the transfer... Coronavirus could be STOPPED if 70% of the public wore face masks, study suggests Coronavirus could be ‘eradicated’ if 70% of people wore surgical or N95 masks in public – but cloth masks... Coronavirus cases increase by nearly ONE THIRD over the last two weeks, report warns Coronavirus infections among American children are continuing to spike across the country, a report finds. As of November... Coronavirus England: Deaths rise 28% in one week to 2,466 Covid deaths in England continued to rise in mid- November to 2,274 in the second week of the month, meaning deaths from... How viruses like Covid trick us into spending more time socialising Can viruses such as the one that causes Covid-19 attack our brains and change our behaviour — thereby prolonging an outbreak? That’s... Coronavirus-induced ‘cytokine storm’ which can be fatal is caused by TWO proteins Severe cases of Covid-19 have been known to lead to a mysterious condition whereby the body’s immune system goes haywire... Number 10 used apocalyptic Covid-19 graphs to ‘frighten’ public into lockdown, top statistician Eminent statistician Sir David Spiegelhalter suggested Number 10 ‘frightened’ the public into complying... Matt Hancock claims Tier Three restrictions before lockdown weren’t tough enough People should stay off work with the sniffles even after the Covid pandemic ends to protect their colleagues from getting... Coronavirus UK: Sussex and Herefordshire cases soar as Tiers decided An interactive module has today revealed how quickly coronavirus outbreaks are growing in every local authority in England... Scientists’ atomic resolution protein models reveal new details about protein binding That’s one result of a new study by Rice University scientists looking for the mechanisms that stabilize or destabilize... Proteins in motion “Dendritic arborization of neurons is one of the fascinating features that evolved to increase the complexity of the... Helicates meet Rotaxanes to create promise for future disease treatment One in three who are aware of deepfakes say they have inadvertently shared them on social media
  • 14. Called rotaxanes, the molecules are tiny nanoscale structures that resemble a dumbbell with a ring trapped around the central... Deepfakes, a portmanteau of ‘deep learning’ and ‘fake’, are ultrarealistic fake videos made with... Cocoa flavanols boost brain oxygenation, cognition in healthy adults Previous studies have shown that eating foods rich in flavanols can benefit vascular function, but this is the first to find... Lung-on-chip provides new insight on body’s response to early tuberculosis infection IMAGE: A close-up image of the lung-on-chip model used in the study. The endothelial or vascular channel is highlighted... Study: gut hormones’ regulation of fat production abnormal in obesity, fatty liver disease CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Gut hormones play an important role in regulating fat production in the body. One key hormone, released... Predi-COVID preliminary results IMAGE: Predi-COVID nurse team view more Credit: @LIH The study goals Predi-COVID was launched with the... Hormone found to switch off hunger could help tackle obesity A hormone that can suppress food intake and increase the feeling of fullness in mice has shown similar results in humans... Researchers develop low-cost, portable brain imaging scanner BOSTON – When it comes to brain scans for assessing head trauma, detecting brain cancer, and performing numerous other... For African American men with prostate cancer, decision regret linked to medical mistrust November 24, 2020 – Medical mistrust is one reason why African American patients are more likely to have regrets about... Treatment shows reduction in heart failure after myocardial infarction While there are therapies to aid in overall heart health, there are very few preventative therapies for heart failure after... Study shows protective role sex steroids play in COVID-19 A new paper from a UIC researcher shows evidence that suggests sex steroids may play a role in protecting against COVID-19... At least 140 children were killed by cops in the US between 2003 and 2018 At least 140 American children died as a result of police-involved incidents between 2003 and 2018, a grim new study shows. And... Health volunteers who signed up in coronavirus crisis could be kept in ‘NHS Reserve’ NHS volunteers who signed up during the coronavirus crisis could be kept on the books and ‘called up’ during... Coronavirus testing to be scaled up in care homes to allow physical contact during visits Care homes to get more coronavirus tests so residents can scrap social distancing with up to two visitors who each get swabbed... Children are willing to sacrifice in order to punish the bad action of others Children are more willing to sacrifice their own happiness to punish others for bad behaviour if they know they will be ‘taught... Steve Ojomoh was an England rugby star… so why DID he have a stroke at 48? As a former England rugby player and aged just 48, Steve Ojomoh might have seemed an unlikely candidate for a stroke.... What can be done about a ‘clicky’ ear? DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions Twice a day for a few hours my husband’s right ear ‘clicks’, affecting his hearing and his voice. When he lies down,... Grandparents in care homes could be allowed home for Christmas Care home residents will finally be allowed to hug their loved ones again – and some may even be able to join their families... So which tier WILL London be in? Hull, the North West and other parts of England badly hit by Covid are expected to be placed under Tier Three when the national... Concussion risk in stunt performers Russell’s new paper highlights the risk of concussion for dance, circus, theater and film and television stunt performers,... The drug aprotinin inhibits entry of SARS- CoV2 in host cells, study finds The surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is studded with spike proteins. The virus needs these in order to dock onto proteins... Breakthrough in studying the enzyme that ultimately produces fish odor syndrome Currently there is no cure for fish odour syndrome, a condition which causes an unpleasant fishy smell that can affect breath,...
  • 15. Boosting stem cell activity can enhance immunotherapy benefits The reprogramming involves a novel approach the researchers developed that inhibits the activity of proteins known as MEK1/2.... Children more willing to punish if the wrongdoer is ‘taught a lesson’ Philosophers and psychologists have long argued whether the main reason people punish others for bad behavior is to enact... Identifying compound classes through machine learning Bioinformaticians at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany together with colleagues from Finland and the USA, have... Algorithm accurately predicts COVID-19 patient outcomes In research recently published online in Medical Image Analysis, a team of engineers demonstrated how a new algorithm they... COVID-19 infection combined with blood clots worsens patient outcomes, study finds Led by Mahmoud Malas, MD, division chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at UC San Diego Health, researchers reviewed... Researchers identify genetics behind deadly oat blight ITHACA, N.Y. – A multi-institution team co-led by a Cornell University researcher has identified the genetic mechanisms... How dolphins avoid "the bends" Dolphins actively slow down their hearts before diving, and can even adjust their heart rate depending on how long they plan... Black, Hispanic adolescents significantly more likely to die by police intervention than whites A recent study evaluating the use of force by police against children found that Black and Hispanic adolescents are significantly... New therapy for flu may help in fight against COVID-19 IMAGE: Philip S. Low, the Ralph C. Corley Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, is developing a new therapy for flu... Artificial intelligence technology helps Parkinson’s patients during COVID-19 pandemic IMAGE: Andrew Exner, a graduate research assistant in Purdue University’s Motor Speech Lab, is working to help... COVID-19 second wave in Myanmar causes dramatic increases in poverty Yangon, Myanmar: In September 2020, 59 percent of 1000 households surveyed in urban Yangon and 66 percent of 1000 households... Historical bias overlooks genes related to COVID-19 Based on genome-wide experiments, the human body has 2,064 genes relevant to COVID-19. So why are researchers only studying... Which speaker are you listening to? Hearing aid of the future uses brainwaves to find out In a noisy room with many speakers, hearing aids can suppress background noise, but they have difficulties isolating one... Covid: Can I choose which vaccine I get? And other questions If you’re in England, and you’re a single grandparent, you have the right to form a “support bubble” with... Trans teen in legal action over gender clinic wait It announced the independent review into gender identity services for young people in September. An NHS England spokesperson... Covid-19: Daily coronavirus test plan to cut contacts’ 14-day self-isolation Coronavirus: How to get a Covid test Covid-19: Oxford University vaccine is highly effective Trump accepts transition to Biden must begin The president says a key federal agency should “do what needs to be done”,... Are vegans REALLY any healthier than their carnivore counterparts? For some it’s a lifestyle choice, for others an ethical one. But for whichever reason, the number of people who choose... Pharmacist GEMMA FROMAGE reveals how to save £200-a-year on everyday essentials For every condition, there is often a branded over- the-counter remedy we instinctively reach for. And yet there will be... A depression pill from 70 years ago could be used to treat prostate cancer, research suggests An antidepressant from the Fifties could treat prostate cancer and reduce side-effects of other treatments. Results of a... Would you go under the surgeon’s knife WIDE AWAKE if it cut your waiting time for an operation? How viruses from colds to Covid-19 trick us into spending more time socialising Can viruses such as the one that causes Covid-19 attack our brains and change our behaviour —
  • 16. When Guy Levy was told he needed hernia surgery earlier this month, his first question was not about the safety of the operation... thereby prolonging an outbreak? That’s... US COVID-19 cases could nearly double by Inauguration Day, study predicts The number of U.S. coronavirus cases are set to nearly double, bringing the total number of infections to about 20 million... Danger for families with secret high cholesterol Katie Cronin’s sudden death from a heart attack aged just 21 left her shocked family asking one question: why?... How tumeric is the latest weapon in the fight against disease The race to produce a Covid vaccine is hotting up, but there is still some way to go until a jab is available to everyone.... Scientists identify brain cells that help drive bodily reaction to fear, anxiety The scientists, whose study is published in Cell Reports, found that artificially forcing the activity of these brain cells... PEDSnet report details how COVID-19 pandemic has affected children Findings from the PEDSnet organization — which includes Cincinnati Children’s — were published Nov. 23,... Snorkeling gear, animal noses inspire better personal protective equipment First, he saw that the global supply chain for disposable N95 masks had broken down, and many hospitals lacked adequate personal... Nature’s toolkit for killing viruses and bacteria “Bacterial contamination of common surfaces and of drinking water have been traditionally the main infection routes... How to protect healthcare workers from COVID-19 A shortage of life-saving ventilators, which typically cost around $30,000 each, hit hospitals particularly hard. “By... Early, late stages of degenerative diseases are distinct In a study published this month in Molecular Psychiatry, McNew and Stern propose that degeneration, at the cellular level,... Unique Schwann cells: the eyes have it Learning more about the cellular environment in the cornea, including what are known as glial cells that wrap around the... New connection between Alzheimer’s dementia and Dlgap2 Catherine Kaczorowski, associate professor and Evnin family chair in Alzheimer’s research at The Jackson Laboratory... The science of windy cities IMAGE: A team from Oklahoma State University attached sensors to robotic aircraft to take more cohesive measurements... Ancient people relied on coastal environments to survive the Last Glacial Maximum Humans have a longstanding relationship with the sea that spans nearly 200,000 years. Researchers have long hypothesized... Tracing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid VIRTUAL MEETING (CST), November 22, 2020 — Swelling is one of the most dangerous and immediate consequences of a brain... Tracking and fighting fires on earth and beyond Mechanical engineer Michael Gollner and his graduate student, Sriram Bharath Hariharan, from the University of California,... Enriching research in ecology and evolution through nine ‘flavors’ of history In a recent article in The Quarterly Review of Biology, “Beyond Equilibria: The Neglected Role of History in Ecology... Antimicrobial soap additive worsens fatty liver disease in mice University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers found evidence that triclosan — an antimicrobial... Understanding dangerous droplet dynamics VIRTUAL MEETING (CST), November 22, 2020 — Researchers who study the physics of fluids are learning why certain situations... To evade humans, this medicinal plant has evolved to hide in plain sight Bulbs of the plant known as Lu Bei (Fritallaria delavayi) have been used in Chinese medicine for more than two thousand years.... New insight into the effect of hydroxychloroquine undermines its use in COVID-19 Researchers at Radboud university medical center have discovered an as yet unknown effect of hydroxychloroquine. It inhibits... Shift in atmospheric rivers could affect Antarctic sea ice, glaciers WASHINGTON–Weather systems responsible for transporting moisture from the tropics to temperate Tarantula toxin attacks with molecular stinger IMAGE: New studies of the molecular action of tarantula venom on sodium channels may suggest
  • 17. regions in the Southern... ideas for the structural... One-third of parents say family gatherings for Thanksgiving is worth risk of contracting COVID-19 One in three parents believe the benefits of gathering family for Thanksgiving is worth the risk of contracting or spreading... Therapeutic PD-1 cancer vaccine shown to be safe and effective in animal study Columbus, Ohio – A study led by researchers at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur... A hunger for social contact CAMBRIDGE, MA — Since the coronavirus pandemic began in the spring, many people have only seen their close friends... UCF researcher zeroes in on critical point for improving superconductors ORLANDO, Nov. 23, 2020 – The search for a superconductor that can work under less extreme conditions than hundreds... Magnetic brain waves to detect injury and disease Magnetic signals in the brain are measured by magnetoencephalography (MEG). They are easier to localise than the electrical... Rensselaer-developed algorithm accurately predicts COVID-19 patient outcomes TROY, N.Y. – With communities across the nation experiencing a wave of COVID-19 infections, clinicians need effective... Newfound ability to change baby brain activity could lead to rehabilitation for injured brains Published recently in Cerebral Cortex, the researcher builds on the fact that learning associations is a very important part... What do slight arm movements reveal about our breathing and health? Breathing tells a lot about a patient’s health. Several studies have shown that deviations from a normal respiratory... Study: Opioid overdose deaths involving other substances more common in youth Boston – Results of a new study show that opioid overdose deaths involving more than one substance (polysubstances)... Matt Hancock: Life back to normal ‘after Easter’ Matt Hancock: Life back to normal ‘after Easter’ Video, 00:02:41Matt Hancock: Life back to normal ‘after... Mask exemptions must be clearer, rape campaigner says Oxford University vaccine shows 70% protection Other groups have reported higher protection, but the results are still seen... Covid risk: 3 people, 3 very different Covid risks. What’s yours? Not everyone Amy meets will have coronavirus. Close or risky contact means being within 1m of someone, or up to 2m for more... Covid-19: Oxford University vaccine shows 70% protection Follow James on Twitter“ Sexual health warning for middle-aged: Infections ‘are on the rise among those in their 40s and 50s’ Sexual health warning for middle-aged: Infections are on the rise among those in their 40s and 50s… because they are... MMR vaccine could protect against COVID-19 Washington, DC – November 20, 2020 – The measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine has been theorized to provide protection... Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy guideline encourages shared decision-making The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology today released an updated guideline for managing patients... A long distance connection: polar climate affects trade wind strength in tropics IMAGE: The blue ice covering Lake Fryxell in the Transantarctic Mountains comes from melted glacier water. view... Risk of death high among those with alcohol-related visits to ED: CMAJ study The risk of death is high for people who visit the emergency department (ED) for alcohol use, and the risk increases with... Some parents prioritize Thanksgiving traditions over reducing COVID-19 risks IMAGE: How parents plan to reduce COVID-19 risks at Thanksgiving. view more Credit: C.S. Mott Children’s... Social needs linked to low health-related quality of life among African American cancer survivors Social needs–such as food and economic insecurity, poor housing and neighborhood conditions, and lack of access to... Growing risks of STIs in over-45s Identical evolution of isolated organisms
  • 18. IMAGE: SHIFT project revealed negative attitudes and limited knowledge towards the over-45s sexual health needs. ... Palaeontologists at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the University of Calgary in Canada have... Plant evolves to become less visible to humans IMAGE: Fritillaria delavayi in a population with low harvest pressure view more Credit: Yang Niu A plant... New non-invasive technology could spot early signs of motor disorders in babies The research, carried out using a wearable cuff, provides a new method for monitoring movements in babies, and new insights... Gut immune cells may help send MS into remission An international research team led by UCSF scientists has shown, for the first time, that gut immune cells travel to the... Minuscule migrations (Santa Barbara, Calif.) — Cells move constantly throughout our bodies, performing myriad operations critical to tissue... Dormant threat: Abnormal proteins unleash latent toxicity in neurodegenerative diseases Thanks to modern medicine, humans tend to live much longer than before. Unfortunately, this also opens a wider window to... NHS Breast Screening Programme still effective in reducing deaths in England An England-wide case-control study led by Queen Mary University of London has shown that, despite major improvements in diagnostic... Vegans, vegetarians and pescetarians may be at higher risk of bone fractures Compared with people who ate meat, vegans with lower calcium and protein intakes on average, had a 43% higher risk of fractures... Early signs of Alzheimer’s disease in people with Down’s syndrome Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have studied the incidence and regional distribution of Alzheimer’s... Covid: Nine ways England’s lockdown is different from last time Covid: The new lockdown rules for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Covid: How do we know if a vaccine is safe? And other questions If you’re in England, and you’re a single grandparent, you have the right to form a “support bubble” with... Coronavirus: What are the EU coronavirus schemes? It has ordered 40 million doses of the vaccine by Pfizer and German-based BioNTech, which trials suggested could prevent... Coronavirus: £3bn for NHS but Sunak warns of ‘economic shock’ to come Borrowing in October hit £22.3bn, with public sector debt over £2 trillion. MMR vaccine could protect against COVID-19, study shows “We found a statistically significant inverse correlation between mumps titer levels and COVID- 19 severity in people... U.S. should look at how other high- income countries regulate health care costs, experts urge The study, published in the journal Health Affairs, examined how other high-income countries that use a fee-for-service model... Scientists propose to make a laser scalpel with a ‘curved’ blade Scientists from Tomsk Polytechnic University and Saratov State University teamed up with colleagues from Taiwan and proposed... Improving quantum dot interactions, one layer at a time IMAGE: Low quantum dot concentrations during superlattice fabrication suppresses quantum resonance between dots in... WSU scientists discover new, simple way to classify marine biomes Washington State University scientists have developed a new way to classify the ocean’s diverse environments, shedding... Emergency imaging trends in pediatric vs. adult patients for abdominal pain IMAGE: Chart shows trends among pediatric patients in use of imaging in emergency department visits for abdominal pain. Read... Staying ahead of the curve with 3D curved graphene IMAGE: An Electrical transport of 3D graphene with various curvature radii view more Credit: Tohoku University A... Breast cancer discovery could help stop disease’s deadly spread IMAGE: UVA’s Sanchita Bhatnagar, PhD, found that the breast cancer oncogene TRIM37 not only causes triple negative... Airflow studies reveal strategies to reduce indoor transmission of COVID-19 IMAGE: Simulation of pedestrian counterflow (red and pink particles) confined within a hallway (blue Breaking the ice on melting and freezing IMAGE: Visualization of the coupling dynamics of the ice layer and the turbulent convective motions in the water layer....
  • 19. boundary), under... Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 are detected up to 3 months after infection A new study in health care workers led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), an institution supported... Risk of mental disorders later in life potentially higher in kids of low-income families Researchers at the University of Helsinki, Aarhus University and the University of Manchester have investigated the link... T-cell abnormalities in severe COVID-19 cases IMAGE: A major difference between mild and severe cases of COVID-19 may be the extreme activation of T cells as they... Getting it just right SINGAPORE, 20 November 2020 – Sometimes, too much of a good thing can turn out to be bad. This is certainly the case... New type of ultrahigh piezoelectricity in hydrogen-bonded ferroelectrics IMAGE: The change of polarization upon a strain in (a) perovskite ferroelectrics and (b) HP ferroelectrics, where the... Plant research seals importance of microbes for survival and growth Scientists have revealed that plants have a ‘sealing’ mechanism supported by microbes in the root that are vital... Highly efficient, long-lasting electrocatalyst to boost hydrogen fuel production IMAGE: Crystal structure of surface oxygen-rich metal alloy (top left). Oxygen and hydrogen are generated during a... U.S. should look at how other high- income countries regulate health care costs Structuring negotiations between insurers and providers, standardizing fee-for-service payments and negotiating prices can... Was the scientific advice for lockdown flawed? “It’s easy to say if only we’d done this a week earlier we’d have saved 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000... Coronavirus: Christmas socialising poses ‘substantial risks’ Coronavirus: NI to face new lockdown measures from next Friday Home-testing kit for breast cancer wins Dyson prize Urban wind turbine wins UK James Dyson award Spending Review: Chancellor to announce £500m for mental health Rishi Sunak to reform anti-Northern spending bias DAN HYDE: Are hundreds of old people being turfed out of care homes just like my grandmother? If one moment could sum up the gut-wrenching misery of it all, this was probably it. The time is about 11.30 on a grey November... DR ELLIE CANNON: Don’t rely on cider vinegar to cure your lumps… or anything After noticing a couple of smallish soft bumps under the skin on my arms and stomach, I consulted a doctor, who gave me an... How to do a full workout in just 24 minutes: JOE WICKS sets out an eight- exercise session Repeat the following sequence of eight exercises three times. Do each exercise for 30 seconds, aiming for maximum effort,... The Body Coach star JOE WICKS reveals his 30-day plan to get you slimmer, fitter and happier Sometimes I find it hard to believe how much has changed this year. Back in February, I was happily creating fitness videos... How GPs running out of flu jabs makes you fear what might happen with the Covid-19 vaccine It’s been billed as the biggest flu vaccination programme in history – the Government’s plan for everyone over... Thousands of leukaemia sufferers could be spared chemotherapy thanks to a new two-in-one treatment Thousands of leukaemia sufferers could be spared chemotherapy thanks to a new two-in-one treatment that’s been found to... Cure hope for patients suffering same genetic illness that blighted life of Keir Starmer’s mother Patients suffering the same genetic illness that blighted the life of Sir Keir Starmer’s mother now have hope of a cure,... Middle Stone Age populations repeatedly occupied West African coast IMAGE: A Levallois core recovered from excavations at Tiémassas, part of a common, persistent suite of stone tool... Do neural networks dream visual illusions? IMAGE: In all three cases, the Sagrada Familia is the same colour but looks different due to the Dogmatic people seek less information even when uncertain People who are dogmatic about their views seek less information and make less accurate judgements
  • 20. surrounding colours.... as a result, even on simple... Age is no barrier to successful weight loss, new study finds Study of patients attending a hospital-based obesity service shows no difference in weight loss between those under 60... A biochemical random number True random numbers are required in fields as diverse as slot machines and data encryption. These numbers need to be truly... Ancient interleukins 2, 15, and 15-like exhibited distinct functions but all bound IL-15Ra IMAGE: The related cytokines IL-15, IL-15L, and IL- 2 bind to receptor chain IL-15R? or, in the case of mammalian IL-2,... Light-controlled nanomachine controls catalysis The vision of the future of miniaturisation has produced a series of synthetic molecular motors that are driven by a range... One-way street for electrons IMAGE: With the help of ultra-short laser pulses physicists at the University of Oldenburg study the ultra-fast processes... Racial attitudes in a community affect COVID-19 numbers There is a growing body of evidence showing that racial and ethnic minorities are more affected by severe illness, and more... Novel magnetic spray transforms objects into millirobots for biomedical applications The research team is led by Dr Shen Yajing, Associate Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) at CityU... More children and youth drowning as warming temperatures create unstable lake ice A new study, which looked at 4,000 drownings in 10 countries, including Canada, Russia, Finland, Germany, Sweden, and the... Smartphone screen time linked to preference for quicker but smaller rewards Previous research has suggested behavioral similarities between excessive smartphone use and maladaptive behaviors such as... Revolutionary CRISPR-based genome editing system treatment destroys cancer cells The revolutionary work was conducted in the laboratory of Prof. Dan Peer, VP for RD and Head of the Laboratory of Precision... Ovarian cancer cells cooperate to metastasize Now, a new study by Harvard Medical School scientists shows that such cell diversity can also play a critical role in a cancer’s... Does air pollution increase women’s risk of dementia? Fine particle pollution consists of microscopic particles of chemicals, smoke, dust and other pollutants suspended in the... New insights into memristive devices by combining incipient ferroelectrics and graphene IMAGE: This illustration shows how strontium titanium oxide is combined with graphene strips. The combination opens... New guide on using drones for conservation IMAGE: A drone view more Credit: Karen Anderson Drones are a powerful tool for conservation – but... Nursing home residents with POLST forms three times more likely to have preferences known IMAGE: “Advance care planning conversations can be difficult. We need to provide support to nursing home residents... Rare species of small cats inadequately protected IMAGE: André P. Silva has been studying mammalian carnivores in the field and developing distribution models to understand... Sexual minorities, especially women, who misuse substances more likely to have psychiatric disorders Audio More than half of lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals who misuse alcohol or tobacco also have a co-occurring psychiatric... New tool helps predict outcomes for COVID-19 A new assessment tool developed by Kaiser Permanente researchers and physicians helps guide clinical decisions in emergency... Biophysics Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich physicists have introduced a new method that allows biological pattern-forming... Ribosome assembly Ribosomes synthesize all the proteins in cells. Studies mainly done on yeast have revealed much about how ribosomes are put... Should I get a flu jab this winter? Covid: Jab for people who cannot be vaccinated trialled
  • 21. Should I get a flu jab? The World Health Organisation and the NHS say getting a flu shot could help health services fight... Nine UK trial sites have been identified so far, in Manchester, London, Plymouth, Southampton, West Yorkshire, Enfield, Rochdale... Covid-19: UK setting up vaccine centres ready for rollout It comes as another 20,252 confirmed Covid cases were announced by the government on Friday, as well as a further 511 deaths. Covid antibodies ‘last at least six months’ T-cell response ‘lasts six months after Covid infection’ Arthritis drug and remdesivir combo get emergency FDA approval FDA gives emergency approval to Eli Lilly’s arthritis drug paired with remdesivir for treating hospitalized coronavirus... DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why won’t the NHS tell you the secret to treating diabetes? Eight years ago I managed to beat type 2 diabetes by going on my 5:2 diet (cutting my calories two days a week) and losing... Early treatment with lorlatinib improves survival in some lung cancer patients Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for 87% of all cases of lung cancer. Some 5% of NSCLC cases are ALK-positive,... Social isolation during COVID-19 pandemic linked with high blood pressure SAC 2020 is a virtual meeting during 19 to 21 November. Faculty from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) will participate... Stem cell transplantation: Undesirable rejection mechanism identified However, the MedUni Vienna dermatologists have now found that there are so-called skin-resident and inactive T cells in the... Potential new target to combat inflammatory diseases WEHI’s Associate Professor Seth Masters and his research team discovered the compound could prevent up-regulation of... Meeting a 100-year-old challenge could lead the way to digital aromas “The challenge of plotting smells in an organized and logical manner was first proposed by Alexander Graham Bell over... Taking out the trash is essential for brain health Reporting their findings in Nature Communications, the researchers describe how defects in a cellular waste disposal mechanism,... Bed dust microorganisms may boost children’s health, study suggests To get a better grasp of this relationship, researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Biology and... Scientists discover roles for a cellular motor in cancer Genes are segments of cellular DNA, and gene packaging is called chromatin. Genes are tightly packaged when they are not... New report projects severe coral bleaching globally in this century IMAGE: Annual severe bleaching (ASB) is projected to occur within this century for 100% of the world’s coral... Potential cellular target for eliminating bone breakdown in osteoporosis found New research has discovered a cell type that governs the way bones form and maintain themselves, opening up a potential target... Frequent, rapid testing could cripple COVID within weeks, study shows Testing half the population weekly with inexpensive, rapid-turnaround COVID-19 tests would drive the virus toward elimination... Study: Countering hate on social media IMAGE: Figure 1 from the paper: Examples of Twitter conversations (reply trees) with labeled hate (red), counter (blue),... SFU researchers examine which approaches are most effective at reducing COVID-19 spread Simon Fraser University professors Paul Tupper and Caroline Colijn have found that physical distancing is universally effective... For COVID-19 surveillance, test frequency and turnaround time are paramount, modeling suggests For COVID-19 Surveillance, Test Frequency and Turnaround Time Are Paramount, Modeling Suggests Speed of test results and... Adipose tissue may be the source of inflammatory factors that aggravate COVID-19 IMAGE: Isolated exosomes from patient serum samples. Preliminary results show that the virus infects adipocytes and... From lab to industry? Ideally ordered porous titania films, made at scale IMAGE: (upper) Illustration of new high-throughput process for making ordered through-hole membranes out of titania.... US HIV death rate fell over 48% from 2010 to 2018, CDC data reveals Natural coronavirus immunity could be TWICE as common as experts thought,
  • 22. HIV was nearly 50 percent less fattal in 2018 than it had been a decade prior in 2010, new Centers for Disease Control and... PHE says Natural immunity to the coronavirus could be twice as common as experts believed, according to a Public Health England study. Researchers... Coronavirus UK: ALL should be tested monthly, says Jeremy Hunt Former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt All Britons should be tested for coronavirus once a month and those who get... Pfizer sends full results on breakthrough Covid vaccine to drugs watchdogs in UK, US and Europe Pfizer has sent the full results of its final Covid-19 vaccine trial to the drugs watchdog in the US as the world inches... MMR vaccine may protect against Covid- 19, study claims The MMR vaccine may protect some people against severe Covid-19, a study has claimed. Scientists from the University of Georgia... Coronavirus vaccinations could be under way for ALL adults by the end of January Coronavirus vaccinations could be under way for everyone over the age of 18 in the UK by the end of January, leaked NHS plans... Matt Hancock says Covid vaccines WILL roll out in UK from next month Coronavirus vaccines will start to roll out next month if one is approved by the British drug regulator, Matt Hancock confirmed... New nasal spray protects against Covid- 19 for up to 48 hours Anti-COVID-19 nasal spray that protects against coronavirus infection for up to 48 hours is ‘ready for use in humans’... Age is no barrier to successful weight loss The researchers hope that their findings will help to correct prevailing societal misconceptions about the effectiveness... Altered ‘coat’ disguises fatal brain virus from neutralizing antibodies Dr. Aron Lukacher, professor and chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the College of Medicine, and Susan... Biofriendly protocells pump up blood vessels In a new study published today in Nature Chemistry, Professor Stephen Mann and Dr Mei Li from Bristol’s School of Chemistry,... COVID-19 patients survive in-hospital cardiac arrest at pre-pandemic rates “Early studies showed extremely low rates of COVID-19 patients who were resuscitated successfully and went on to survive... Ribosome assembly: The final trimming step In every cell, hundreds of thousands of intricate molecular machines called ribosomes fabricate new proteins, extending each... Frequent, rapid testing could cripple COVID-19 within weeks, study shows Such a strategy could lead to “personalized stay-at- home orders” without shutting down restaurants, bars, retail... Researchers examine which approaches are most effective at reducing COVID-19 spread The researchers developed a model to test the effectiveness of measures such as physical distancing, masks or social bubbles... Hyperbaric oxygen treatment: Clinical trial reverses two biological processes associated with aging in human cells The researchers found that a unique protocol of treatments with high-pressure oxygen in a pressure chamber can reverse two... After more than a decade, ChIP-seq may be quantitative after all IMAGE: For more than a decade, scientists studying epigenetics have used a powerful method called ChIP-seq to map changes... Supramolecular chemistry – Self Molecules that are made up of multiple repeating subunits, known as monomers, which may vary or not in their chemical structure,... COVID-19 News from Annals of Internal Medicine Below please find a summary and link(s) of new coronavirus-related content published today in Annals of Internal Medicine.... States unfairly burdening incarcerated people with ‘pay-to-stay’ fees Pay-to-stay, the practice of charging people to pay for their own jail or prison confinement, is being enforced unfairly... Science reveals secrets of a mummy’s portrait IMAGE: (A) “Portrait of a Bearded Man ” (Walters Art Museum #32.6), dated c. 170-180 CE from Roman Imperial... Zebra finches amazing at unmasking the bird behind the song IMAGE: Study finds that zebra finches possess superior auditory memory view more Credit: Image courtesy of... Monitoring glaucoma at home Folding of SARS-CoV2 genome reveals drug targets — and preparation for
  • 23. IMAGE: Dr Peter Campbell (left) with study participant, Graham Maynard (centre), holding the EyeCatcher glaucoma monitoring... ‘SARS-CoV3’ The genetic code of the SARS-CoV2 virus is exactly 29,902 characters long, strung through a long RNA molecule. It contains... Covid-19: Flu jab push as Covid vaccine roll-out planned Covid symptoms: Is it a cold, flu or coronavirus? Covid vaccine: Pfizer applies for first approval in US Covid vaccine: First ‘milestone’ vaccine offers 90% protection Covid: Infection rates levelling off in England and Scotland Coronavirus infection rates are levelling off in England and Scotland and decreasing in Wales and Northern Ireland, latest... Inside test-and-trace Overall, performance has fallen short of what was hoped for. To be effective, government advisers say 80% of people who test... Schools are some of ‘the safest places places’ children can be, CDC director says Schools are among ‘the safest places’ that American children can be amid surging cases of coronavirus across... Rare gene mutation hints at ‘fountain of youth’ Called PCSK9Q152H, the mutation of the PCSK9 gene was initially thought to protect against cardiovascular diseases. Recent... Vibrations of coronavirus proteins may play a role in infection Studies of how spike proteins, which give coronaviruses their distinct crown-like appearance, interact with human cells typically... Scientists discover new, simple way to classify marine biomes Newly published in Global Ecology and Biogeography, research by Alli Cramer, a 2020 doctoral graduate of WSU’s School... Spill-over effects show prioritizing education of very poorest improves attainment of all The newly-reported study, by academics at the University of Cambridge, is one of the first to measure the complete value... How tissue geometry influences the movement of cells through the body To better understand this phenomenon, a team of biologists and physicists, led by UC Santa Barbara’s Distinguished... Glyphosate may affect human gut microbiota “Glyphosate targets an enzyme called EPSPS in the shikimate pathway. This enzyme is crucial to synthesizing three essential... Getting it just right, the Goldilocks model of cancer Inhibiting Wnt signalling with ETC-159 reactivates the hyperactive RAS-MAPK pathway, causing cells to led undergo senescence.... New findings speed progress towards affordable gene therapy The new method for deploying the genetic snipping tool directly into target cells is a big step towards more effective, safer... Field geology at Mars’ equator points to ancient megaflood ITHACA, N.Y. – Floods of unimaginable magnitude once washed through Gale Crater on Mars’ equator around 4 billion... SARS-CoV-2 transmission model offers decision-making pathways for safe school opening Can schools safely remain open or reopen during periods of significant community spread of COVID- 19? According to predictions... A sulfur molecule to block the coronavirus IMAGE: In thiol-mediated uptake, dynamic covalent exchange with thiols on the cell surface precedes entry through different... NRL researchers catch supermassive black holes launching newborn radio jets IMAGE: Illustration of a young radio jet launching from a supermassive black hole in the center of a distant galaxy. ... Discovery illuminates how cell growth pathway responds to signals A basic science discovery by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health reveals a fundamental way... Study: TB vaccine linked to lower risk of contracting COVID-19 LOS ANGELES (Nov. 20, 2020) — A widely used tuberculosis vaccine is associated with reduced likelihood of contracting... Memories create ‘fingerprints’ that reveal how the brain is organized While the broad architecture and organization of the human brain is universal, new research shows how the differences between... TTUHSC scientist takes next step in search for bone disease treatment Swab tests reveal high levels of coronavirus on gym door handles and
  • 24. IMAGE: A TTUHSC research team led by Hiranmoy Das, Ph.D., attempted to determine if inducing KLF2 levels in dental... self check-out stations Why you MUST wash your hands after working out or shopping: Gym door handles and self check-out stations are covered in coronavirus... Coronavirus lockdown UK: Tier Three DID reduce hospital admissions Tier Three was doing its job of driving down coronavirus hospital admissions in the UK, senior Government medical advisers... Understanding lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis S. aureus is commonly found on the skin of healthy people, it can cause lung infection and abscess, and is often present... A pressure sensor at your fingertips There are many reasons why researchers wish to record motion and other physical details associated with hands and fingers.... New effective and safe antifungal isolated from sea squirt microbiome The new molecule was discovered in the microbiome of a sea squirt from the Florida Keys as part of an effort to identify... CLCN6 identified as disease gene for a severe form of lysosomal neurodegenerative disease The term “lysosomal storage disease” summarizes a number of genetically determined metabolic diseases that are... Researchers identify features that could make someone a virus super-spreader In a study appearing this month in the journal Physics of Fluids, researchers in UCF’s Department of Mechanical and... Long-acting antipsychotic therapy plus cognitive training show promise for schizophrenia Researchers say patients using a combination of long-acting antipsychotic medication and a multipronged cognitive remediation... Artificial intelligence-based tool may help diagnose opioid addiction earlier The model was generated from information in a commercial claim database from 2006 through 2018 of 10 million medical insurance... How rotavirus causes severe gastrointestinal disease In the current study published in the journal Science, a team led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine discovered... Children’s Hospital Los Angeles conducts largest pediatric genomic COVID-19 study to date When it comes to children, it is becoming clear that COVID-19 impacts them more than was initially realized. Yet there is... Study evaluates new World Health Organization Labor Care Guide for maternity care providers The World Health Organization developed the new Labour Care Guide to support clinicians in providing good quality, women-centred... The microbiome of Da Vinci’s drawings IMAGE: Da Vinci’s “Uomo della Bitta ” view more Credit: The authors The work of Leonardo... CHOP researchers reverse severe lymphatic disorder in patient with Noonan syndrome Philadelphia, November 20, 2020–Researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) have resolved a severe... Coaching sales agents? Use AI and human coaches Researchers from Temple University, Sichuan University, and Fudan University published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing... Near-infrared probe decodes telomere dynamics IMAGE: A fluorescent compound was attached to the PIP that targets the DNA repeating sequence found in telomeres. This... Simple, no-cost ways to help the public care for the commons Researchers from University of Wisconsin-Madison, New York Institute of Technology, University of Iowa, and Cornell University... Limited access to buprenorphine restricts resident physicians treating opioid abusers IMAGE: Bryant Shuey, MD, a third-year resident in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of South Florida,... Tocilizumab: Arthritis drug may treat severe Covid Steroids, including dexamethasone, are the only drugs proven to be save lives from Covid-19 and they tend to calm the whole... Covid-19: Free flu jabs offered to all over 50s in ‘winter like no other’ Covid symptoms: Is it a cold, flu or coronavirus? Covid-19 carriers ‘most infectious earlier on’ The work appears in the Lancet Microbe.