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Glimmer of hope even as Covid cases
But none are in the same camp as Greater
Manchester and now Nottinghamshire where people
are in the “very high”...
Covid: Anti-masker who caught virus had
‘worst two weeks’
A man who refused to wear a mask to protect
himself from Covid-19 after believing fake theories
about the disease has said...
Covid-19: PM set to announce month-
long England lockdown
It comes as documents suggested the UK was on
course for a much higher death toll than during the
first wave.
A drop in temperature
Over time, however, and in more recent years, lower
body temperatures have been widely reported in
healthy adults. A 2017...
Liquid nanofoam: A game changer for
future football helmets
When a helmet withstands an impact severe enough
to cause a concussion to the player wearing it, the
safety features of the...
New estimates of breast cancer risks
associated with HRT
It confirms that HRT use is associated with
increased risks of breast cancer, particularly for
older women. However, it suggests...
Graphene-based memory resistors show
promise for brain-based computing
Modern computing is digital, made up of two states,
on-off or one and zero. An analog computer, like the
brain, has many...
Cut chores and kill chill time: New advice
to boost children’s academic
Exploring associations between 24-hour daily
activities (sleep, sedentary time, light physical
activity and moderate-to-vigorous...
Black soldier fly larvae as protein
alternative for hungry humans
Professor Louw Hoffman said black soldier fly’s
larvae, which was already utilised for animal feed,
was a high quality...
Nucleus accumbens recruited by cocaine,
sugar are different
In a study using genetically modified mice, a
University of Wyoming faculty member found that
the nucleus accumbens recruited...
Researchers take a stand on algorithm
design for job centers: Landing a job isn’t
always the right goal
After locating them in the system, up pops the
following text on the computer screen; ‘increased
risk of long-term...
Most isolated massive stars are kicked
out of their clusters
A pair of University of Michigan studies reveals how
some massive stars–stars eight or more times the
mass of our sun–become...
A new study examines local perceptions of Chagas
disease in a region where the infectious agent is
endemic. The results underline...
Well oriented
Polypropylene (PP) is one of the most widely used
plastics in the world. By controlling the spatial
orientation of the propylene...
New artificial skin functions like natural
Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems
Dynamics Research (BDR) have developed an
improved human-skin equivalent that...
AI teachers must be effective and
communicate well to be accepted, new
study finds
ORLANDO, Oct. 30, 2020 – The increase in online
education has allowed a new type of teacher to
emerge ¬– an...
Collecting sperm from Covid-19 patients
IMAGE: Professor Cecilie Svanes at the University
of Bergen is collecting sperm from Covid-19
patients. view...
In a hurry to develop drugs? Here’s your
IMAGE: Rice University scientists develop cHAT to
simplify the reduction of alkenes to more useful
intermediate molecules...
Melding biology and physical sciences
yields deeper understanding of cancer
BOSTON – An evolving understanding of cancer
that incorporates the physical properties of tumors
Why staying fit needs to be more than a
walk in the park
Are you managing to keep fit? Chances are,
probably not. We all know that maintaining fitness
Covid-19: Impact on Israel
Covid-19: How winter exercise could help us cope with
Covid-19: How will the pandemic affect global health in
Is it wise to carry on shielding in the 12 weeks between your
first and second jabs?
Thousands at risk of blindness set to benefit from a new eye
HEALTH NOTES: Surge in patients admitted to hospital for
alcohol-related liver disease
I caught Covid from a hospital, we must give all NHS
workers the jab
My chest pains are terrifying
How many have to die before Britain tackles its black and
Asian organ donor crisis?
A couch potato took part in experiment on boosting immunity
‘Covid loves a crowd… so stay at home this New Year’s Eve’
says NHS boss
Professor Hugh Montgomery says hospitals are facing a
"tsunami" of Covid cases.
Face masks: How to wear one correctly
‘We filmed our dad’s final months to help people’
JOANNA HALL’S 30-day exercise plan to kickstart your New
New mutant coronavirus strain IS more contagious by nearly
DR MICHAEL MOSLEY launches a new series to make
2021 your healthiest year yet
Allergists offer reassurance regarding potential allergic
reactions to COVID-19 vaccines
Putty-like composites of gallium metal with potential for real-
world application
Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain
and their surrounding... levels is crucial, not just...
Covid-19 UK: Hull, Bath and Derby
outbreaks growing quickest
Covid-19 outbreaks are growing fastest in Hull,
Derby, and Bath, according to official data that
MailOnline has converted...
Mouse studies link some autism to brain
cells that guide sociability and platonic
The findings, the researchers say, could eventually
fuel the development of autism therapies that target
disease symptoms...
Remdesivir for COVID-19: FDA approved
but still unproven
In a commentary published in the journal
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications,
researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s...
More infections than reported: New study
demonstrates importance of large-scale
SARS-CoV-2 antibody screenings
Novel approach to measuring antibodies against
SARS-CoV-2 Current antibody testing strategies are
known for their lack of...
SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins disrupt the
blood-brain barrier, new research shows
Respiratory symptoms, however, are only part of the
story. Increasing evidence points toward blood
vessel inflammation as...
Early results from DETECT study suggest
fitness trackers can predict COVID-19
The DETECT study, launched on March 25, uses a
mobile app to collect smartwatch and activity tracker
data from consenting...
Is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting
dengue virus case numbers?
The dengue virus is transmitted by Aedes mosquitos
and can cause severe fever, headache, muscle and
joint pain, fatigue and...
Face mask aims to deactivate virus to
protect others
With this in mind, the researchers developed a new
concept for a mask that aims to make the wearer
less infectious. The central...
Water fleas on ‘happy pills’ have more
“These substances are antidepressants, so-called
‘happy pills,’ that are often used in the treatment of...
VUMC study finds faster, wider spread of
COVID-19 in US households
IMAGE: Carlos G. Grijalva, MD, MPH, associate
professor of Health Policy, Vanderbilt University
Medical Center ...
For Black LGBQ+ Americans,
intersectional experiences can hurt — or
help, YSPH study finds
For Black LGBQ+ Americans, Intersectional
Experiences Can Hurt — Or Help, YSPH Study
FindsUsing a new method for quantifying...
RUDN University chemist developed
green method for malaria and leprosy
drug production
IMAGE: A chemist from RUDN University suggested
an eco-friendly method for the synthesis of dapsone,
a substance that...
A malformation illustrates the incredible
plasticity of the brain
IMAGE: Neuronal fibers in a healthy brain (top) and
a brain with agenesis of the corpus callosum
(bottom). In the healthy...
Cancer patients, clinicians find value in
electronic real-time symptom
IMAGE: Ethan Basch, MD, MSc, at the University of
North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer
Center and his colleagues...
Future lake food webs in subarctic have
more biomass and contain more omega-3
fatty acids
IMAGE: In northern lakes algal and fish biomass are
increasing with temperature and productivity. At the
same time,...
Collective impact partnership models
help close health care workforce gap
IMAGE: Tammie Jones, research manager and PhD
candidate in the Department of Health
Administration and Policy at the...
A new spin on atoms gives scientists a
closer look at quantum weirdness
IMAGE: Artist’s rendering of a method of measuring
and controlling quantum spins developed at
Princeton University. ...
Essex mum’s shock at breastfeeding
photo backlash
The Breastfeeding Network said feeding in public
was “totally normal”.
Covid spreading faster in England than
‘worst-case scenario’, documents show
It had estimated 85,000 deaths from Covid over the
course of winter.
Covid: When will it be over and we can do
this again?
So when can we expect to get back to normal? Do
we just have to stick out the winter, before Health
Secretary Matt Hancock’s...
NIH scientists discover rare genetic
inflammatory condition in men
COVID-positive people spread the
infection to others at home 53% of the
Hundreds of men may be living with a potentially
deadly condition just discovered by National
Institutes of Health (NIH)...
COVID-positive people spread the infection to
others at home 53% of the time – and kids are just
as likely to transmit...
Covid-19 hospitalisations spike by a third
in a week
The number of people being hospitalised with Covid-
19 in England spiked by almost a third in a week,
according to official...
Coronavirus Europe: Is mutated strain to
blame for second wave?
A mutated strain of coronavirus that originated in
Spain may be the culprit behind Europe’s
catastrophic second wave,...
‘World-beating’ Test and Trace missed
almost 25,000 positive cases
Test and Trace has continued its never-ending
downward spiral as official figures today showed the
bungling system is reaching...
Coronavirus UK: Hull, Bath and Derby
outbreaks growing quickest
Covid-19 outbreaks are growing fastest in Hull,
Derby, and Bath, according to official data that
MailOnline has converted...
Coronavirus UK: SAGE calls for national
lockdown to ‘save’ Christmas
Britain’s second coronavirus crisis is on track to kill
more than 85,000 people this winter if the country
Myocarditis linked to COVID-19 not as
common as believed, study shows
Reports of the rate of COVID-19 myocarditis have
varied widely, ranging from 60% among middle-aged
and elderly recovered...
High rate of symptomless COVID-19
infection among grocery store workers
What’s more, among those testing positive, three out
of four had no symptoms, suggesting these key
workers could be...
Clinical trial indicates monoclonal
antibody lowered hospitalizations and
emergency visits
The multisite, Phase II clinical trial tested three
different doses of LY-CoV555, a monoclonal
antibody derived from the...
New synthetic DNA vaccine against
Powassan virus
Unlike the widely recognized Lyme disease, POWV
causes a little known, potentially deadly infectious
disease that is transmitted...
Infection by confection: COVID-19 and the
risk of trick-or-treating
In a study published October 30, 2020 in the journal
mSystems, researchers at University of California
San Diego School of...
AI teachers must be effective and
communicate well to be accepted
That’s why researchers at the University of Central
Florida’s Nicholson School of Communication and
Media are...
Study finds faster, wider spread of
COVID-19 in US households
The study, led by Carlos G. Grijalva, MD, MPH,
associate professor of Health Policy, and H. Keipp
Talbot, MD, MPH, associate...
Coronavirus mutation may have made it
more contagious
The paper shows “the virus is mutating due to a
combination of neutral drift — which just means
random genetic...
Asteroid’s scars tell stories of its past
IMAGE: This image shows four views of asteroid
Bennu along with a corresponding global mosaic.
The images were taken...
China’s most important trees are hiding
in plain sight
IMAGE: Picture of treetops view more Credit:
provided by Harvard Forest In ecosystems around
the globe,...
Novel adoptive cell transfer method
shortens timeline for T-cell manufacture
IMAGE: A faster approach for T-cell therapy against
cancer. Knochelmann and colleagues show a subset
of CD4 T-cells,...
Mobile smartphone technology is
associated with better clinical outcomes
for OHCA
IMAGE: Retrospective cohort cardiac arrest calls to
Paris Fire Brigade with “Staying Alive ” activation. ...
Can glucose-lowering drugs impact
mortality in COVID-19 patients with type 2
CAMBRIDGE, MA – October 27, 2020— In a
preprint paper, “Impact of Glucose-Lowering Drugs
on Mortality and...
Stereotypes and discrimination
contribute to HIV-related stigma among
nursing staff
Since the earliest study about nursing faculty and
students attitudes and beliefs about caring for
people living with HIV/AIDS...
Giving the immune system a double
boost against cancer
IMAGE: A highly specialized cell, the fibroblastic
reticular cell, coordinates immune responses to
cancer cells. In...
Experts see substantial danger to
democratic stability around 2020 election
Covid-19 hospital admissions surge 33
per cent in a week
IMAGE: Among the US public surveyed, a majority
of those who support Trump–as well as a plurality of
those who...
Hospital admissions for Covid-19 patients surged by
33 per cent in just seven days, official data reveals.
The biggest spike...
Coronavirus UK: West Yorkshire MPs
angry about decision to put the region in
Tier 3 lockdown
Yorkshire MPs have railed against the Government’s
decision to push the area into Tier Three lockdown
from this weekend,...
Coronavirus: UK’s infections are on
‘steady rise’ but not out of control, app
data suggests
Daily coronavirus infections in England surged by 50
per cent last week as almost 52,000 people were
catching the virus every...
Coronavirus UK: 19 NHS trusts have
more patients than in April
Almost 20 NHS trusts in England are already
treating more coronavirus patients than at the peak
of the first wave, according...
Britain’s Covid-19 R rate has DROPPED
to between 1.1 and 1.3
Britain’s coronavirus R rate has dropped again,
according to the government’s scientific advisers.
SAGE today...
Covid-19 outbreaks are growing quickest
in Hull, Bath and Derby
Covid-19 outbreaks are growing fastest in Hull,
Derby, and Bath, according to official data that
MailOnline has converted...
Coronavirus UK: Government considers
Tier 4 lockdown, hints Raab
Britain’s spiralling second coronavirus wave is on
track to kill more than 85,000 people this winter if
the country doesn’t...
Coronavirus London: Only EALING’s R
rate over England’s average
Only one London borough has a bigger coronavirus
outbreak than England’s average, MailOnline can
reveal amid fears...
Parasitology: Bringing the locals onboard
Chagas disease is found primarily in Latin America,
but globalization is promoting its spread beyond the
subcontinent. The...
Difficult to build a family after exposure
to chemical weapons
The study, published in BMJ Open, is based on
qualitative, in-depth interviews with 16 survivors of
the massive 1988 poison-gas...
Beetroot peptide as potential drug
candidate for treating diseases
The peptide that occurs in the roots of beetroot
plants belongs to a group of molecules that plants
use inter alia as a chemical...
Malaria parasites adapt to survive the dry
A team of international researchers, including Dr
Mario Recker from the University of Exeter, has
studied how the parasite,...
Compression garments reduce strength
loss after training
Their research findings were published in the
European Journal of Applied Physiology. The team
— led by assistant professor...
A new way to create a spectrum of
natural-looking hair colors
But there soon may be a solution for the growing list
of salons and hair color enthusiasts searching for
natural alternatives...
Mothers pass on allergies to offspring
The study, which employed an animal model
conducted according to the National Advisory
Committee for Laboratory Animal Research...
Aspirin use best for those with high
coronary calcium, low risk of bleeding
The findings, published online today in JAMA
Cardiology, could give doctors and patients more
concrete guidelines for making...
Healthcare app reduces symptoms of
COPD compared to regular treatment
COPD is a common respiratory condition and one of
the top causes of hospital admissions each year,
particularly during winter...
Wistar creates a new synthetic DNA
vaccine against Powassan virus
IMAGE: Powassan virus is a tick-borne, emerging
infectious disease. view more Credit: The Wistar
New drug candidate for the treatment of
Researchers from the University of Kent, the
Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main (Germany),
and the Hannover Medical School...
Dynamic photonic barcodes record
energy transfer at the biointerface
IMAGE: Dynamic photonic barcodes enable
molecular detection, from Zhou et al., doi
10.1117/1.AP.2.6.066002 view...
Children with asymptomatic brain bleeds
as newborns show normal brain
development at age 2
IMAGE: John H. Gilmore, MD, is senior author of the
study. view more Credit: UNC School of Medicine
Washing hands and Halloween candy can
mitigate COVID-19 contamination risks
Washington, DC – October 30, 2020 – New
research shows that COVID-19 exposure risk from
COVID-19 a "golden opportunity" for
terror organisations to intensify their
contaminated candy could... The uncertainty and confusion caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic is being “widely exploited by
terror groups for spinning...
New cause of inflammation in people with
HIV identified
Boston – While current antiretroviral treatments for
HIV are highly effective, data has shown that people
living with...
Coronavirus treatment: Experimental
drug in trial phase
Volunteers take part in Covid-19 drug trial. Video,
00:01:25Volunteers take part in Covid-19 drug trial
Coronavirus antibodies that can
‘neutralize’ the virus can last at least five
Coronavirus immunity can last up to five months –
and maybe even longer – in the majority of
survivors, a new...
California twin girls, 9 months, conjoined
at the HEAD are successfully separated
California doctors say they have successfully
separated nine-month-old twin girls born conjoined
at the head after a marathon...
Coronavirus US: ICU units in Swing
States overwhelmed as cases rise
With the presidential election just five days days
away, coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and
deaths are all on sharp...
Coronavirus: Symptomless form spread
among grocery store workers
Grocery store workers have a 20-fold higher risk of
testing positive for COVID-19 than the general
population, a new study...
Brainstem neurons control both behavior
and misbehavior
The mammalian brain is big, but the state of its
activity is controlled by a much smaller number of
neurons. Many of these...
Should I run, or should I not? The neural
basis of aggression and flight
Previous studies from the Gross group at the site of
the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Rome
have revealed the...
Cancer-fighting gene restrains ‘jumping
“There’s been long-standing literature associating
retrotransposons with cancer,” says John Abrams,
Positive student-teacher relationships
benefit students’ long-term health, study
“This research suggests that improving students’
relationships with teachers could have important,
positive and...
Genomic study reveals role for
hypothalamus in inflammatory bowel
The findings were published in Cellular and
Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology. “Our
results implicate a role...
Trust levels in AI predicted by people’s
relationship style
A University of Kansas interdisciplinary team led by
relationship psychologist Omri Gillath has published
a new paper in...
PFAS: These ‘forever chemicals’ are
highly toxic, under-studied, and largely
This topic will be discussed at the Geological
Society of America’s 2020 Annual Meeting, in a
technical session which...
Comparing sensitivity of all genes to
chemical exposure
The study, published in the journal Chemosphere,
advances the understanding of the interaction of
chemicals, both pollutants...
Rice finds path to nanodiamond from
IMAGE: Rice University researchers have expanded
their theory on converting graphene into 2D
diamond, or diamane. They...
Affinity vs. cooperativity
Our biological processes rely on a system of
communications — cellular signals — that set off
chain reactions...
Models show how COVID-19 cuts a
neighborhood path
IMAGE: This census tract map shows estimated
ranges of the numbers of days to peak infection.
view more Credit:...
World’s first agreed guidance for people
with diabetes to exercise safely
A Swansea University academic has helped draw up
a landmark agreement amongst international
experts, setting out the world’s...
Landscape to atomic scales: Researchers
apply new approach to pyrite oxidation
IMAGE: Scanning electron microscope images of
raspberry-shaped pyrite (left) and partially oxidized
pyrite (right),...
Decaying jellyfish blooms can cause
temporary changes to water column food
Decaying jellyfish blooms fuel the rapid growth of
just a few strains of seawater bacteria, effectively
keeping this organic...
Hospital floors are hotspot for bacteria,
creating route of transfer to patients
NEW YORK (October 30, 2020) — The floors of
hospital rooms are quickly and frequently
contaminated with antibiotic-resistant...
Evolution of consumption: A
psychological ownership framework
Researchers from Boston University, Rutgers
University, University of Washington, Cornell
University, and University of Pennsylvania...
Doctors warn of a high rate of symptom-
less COVID-19 infections among grocery
store workers
Grocery store workers have a 20-fold higher risk of
testing positive for COVID-19 than the general
population, a new study...
Coronavirus NYC: 36% firefighters and
paramedics caught infection
More than a third of New York City firefighters and
first responders with the FDNY likely caught
coronavirus at the height...
Coronavirus: Purple ‘covid toes’
symptom can last FIVE MONTHS
Dermatologists warned of five skin symptoms that
may be a sign of the deadly infection after studying
375 patients in Spain...
Tier 3 IS bringing down the R rate in the
North West and cases are falling in
locked-down Liverpool
Tier Three restrictions are working and causing
Covid-19 outbreaks to tail off across badly hit parts
of England, official...
Sadiq Khan says ministers ‘must act now’
and slams No10 for not adopting a ‘circuit
Sadiq Khan has called for a national circuit breaker
without further delay, as data shows the c oronavirus
is spreading...
Coronavirus UK: Deaths are EXCEEDING
SAGE ‘worst case scenario’
Britain’s second coronavirus wave is already on
track to surpass the Government’s ‘worst case
Tier Two lockdowns announced for 16
areas of England
FACE NEW TIER 2 RULES? Areas in Tier 3: (From
midnight Sunday) West Yorkshire:...
Coronavirus: What’s the TRUTH behind
England’s second wave?
Confusion over the true scale of England’s second
wave was sparked today as one study claimed there
are now more than...
Positive outlook predicts less memory
A new study published in the journal Psychological
Science found that people who feel enthusiastic and
cheerful — what...
Denisovan DNA in the genome of early
East Asians
In 2006, miners discovered a hominin skullcap with
peculiar morphological features in the Salkhit Valley
of the Norovlin...
Muscle pain and energy-rich blood:
Cholesterol medicine affects the organs
Treatment with statins may also have negative side
effects, some of which are so severe that people
suffering from elevated...
Molecular compass for cell orientation
The human body uses veins and blood to transport
nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Plants
use a similar approach,...
Study identifies pitfall for correcting
mutations in human embryos with
The study, the most detailed analysis to date of
CRISPR in human embryos, shows that applying
CRISPR to repair a blindness-causing...
A groundbreaking genetic screening tool
for human organoids
Genetic screens can routinely be carried out in flies
and worms. In humans, a wealth of knowledge
exists about genetic disorders...
High-sugar diet can damage the gut,
intensifying risk for colitis
“Colitis is a major public health problem in the U.S.
and in other Western countries,” says Hasan Zaki,
Stronger treatments could cure Chagas
Trypanosoma cruzi is a single-celled parasitic
organism that causes Chagas disease. At least 6
million people are infected...
Autoantibody order, timing predict
genetically at-risk children most likely to
get T1D
IMAGE: Kendra Vehik, Ph.D., of the University of
South Florida Health Informatics Institute, led the
TEDDY analysis...
Tube-dwelling anemone toxins have
pharmacological potential, mapping
study shows
IMAGE: Analysis identified 525 genes encoding
proteins that act on the nervous system,
cardiovascular system and cell...
Study finds 5 distinct dog types from
11,000 years ago
Amount of COVID viral RNA detected at
hospital admission predicts how patients
will fare
An international team of researchers that includes a
Texas AM University professor has studied the
lineage of dogs and found...
IMAGE: High viral load is predictor of illness
outcome in patients with COVID-19 admitted with
pneumonia. view...
Fungal species naturally suppresses cyst
nematodes responsible for major sugar
beet losses
IMAGE: Young females of sugar beet cyst
nematodes attached to host roots view more Credit:
James Borneman The...
ICE detention centers saw sustained
outbreaks of vaccine-preventable
diseases, says study
More than a dozen U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) detention centers experienced
large, repeated outbreaks...
Archaeologists reveal human resilience
in the face of climate change in ancient
IMAGE: Microscope image of Iron Age oak twig from
Tell Tayinat in Hatay, Turkey view more Credit: Brita
Lorentzen TORONTO,...
Decision conflict before cancer surgery
correlates with lower activity after
BOSTON – Nearly one-third of cancer patients who
decide to undergo surgery for their condition may
have second thoughts,...
NHS Covid-19 app to issue more self-
isolate alerts
“The update to the risk threshold is expected to
increase the number of people asked to self-isolate
by the app, having...
Covid-19: Nearly 100,000 catching virus
every day
France and Germany have turned to forms of
lockdown to control the virus.
Moderna may know if its COVID-19
vaccine works by next month and is
preparing for a global launch
Moderna Inc says it expects to know if its
experimental coronavirus vaccine is effective by next
month. In an earnings call...
Gender, age divide in new bullying study
Researchers at Flinders University, Australia and the
University of Thessaly in Greece also found that
female students display...
Small brain device proves big game
changer for severely paralysed patients
The device, Stentrode™, has been implanted
successfully in two patients, who both suffer from
severe paralysis due to amyotrophic...
Nudges fail more often than is reported
The researchers looked at published failed
behavioural interventions across all areas that
impact society, from healthy eating...
How the immune system deals with the
gut’s plethora of microbes
But now, new research published in Nature suggests
that the gut’s local immune system can be quite
precise, creating...
Copolymer helps remove pervasive PFAS
toxins from environment
IMAGE: Illinois engineers Kwiyong Kim, left, Xiao
Su, Johannes Elbert and Paola Baldaguez Medina
are part of a team...
New research shows SARS-CoV-2 spike
proteins disrupt the blood-brain barrier
IMAGE: Servio H. Ramirez, PhD, Professor of
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Lewis
Katz School of Medicine...
Smart bottle brushes
IMAGE: Upon heating thermoresponsive molecular
brushes with propylene oxide/ethylene oxide
copolymer side chains in...
‘Lazy use’ of term populist has helped to
legitimize far-right politics
In 2017 the term ‘populism’ made ‘Word of the Year’
according to The Cambridge Dictionary for its...
Where were Jupiter and Saturn born?
IMAGE: New work led by Carnegie’s Matt Clement
reveals the likely original locations of Saturn and
Jupiter. ...
Priming the immune system to attack
Immunotherapies, such as checkpoint inhibitor
drugs, have made worlds of difference for the
treatment of cancer. Most clinicians...
How people would choose who gets
scarce COVID-19 treatment
COLUMBUS, Ohio – As COVID-19 cases begin
climbing again in the United States, the possibility
arises of a grim moral...
Trust levels in AI predicted by people’s
relationship style, study shows
LAWRENCE — How likely you are to trust a self-
driving car or advice from Siri? A University of
Kansas interdisciplinary...
Florida’s pandemic death toll may be
undercounted by 8,000
Florida‘s 2020 death toll is as many as 8,000
fatalities higher than a usual year’s, even beyond
the deaths directly...
Tier 1+ DOESN’T exist, ministers say
Ministers today distanced themselves from Bristol’s
decision to introduce ‘Tier 1+’ measures.
Keeping gyms and leisure centres open
is critical to ensuring health and
wellbeing, say academics
Gyms ARE Covid-safe: Experts say they pose a low
risk of spreading the virus and keeping them open
boosts health and wellbeing 487...
Coronavirus: Bangladeshi doctor
‘catches infection for THIRD time’
A Bangladeshi doctor has allegedly caught
coronavirus three times, according to local reports
that would mark a world-first. The...
One in six working-age adults
hospitalised with coronavirus work for
the NHS, finds study
NHS workers and their relatives account for one in
six Covid-19 patients of working age who are
hospitalised, a study has...
Nearly 100,000 people in England
catching Covid-19 every day, ‘worrying’
Government-led study finds
Nearly 100,000 Britons are getting infected with
coronavirus every day, according to results of
Government-led surveillance...
Average body temperature among healthy
adults declined over the past two
Over time, however, and in more recent years, lower
body temperatures have been widely reported in
healthy adults. A 2017...
Male fin whales surprise scientists by
swapping songs
IMAGE: A glimpse of a fin whale taken off the coast
of San Diego, California. NMFS Permit 17312 view
more Credit:...
Some COVID-19 "long haulers"
experience lasting skin problems
BOSTON – Some patients with COVID-19 have
persistent skin-related symptoms long after their
initial infection has cleared,...
New analysis reveals ‘long-hauler’
COVID-19 patients with prolonged skin
LUGANO, 29 October, 2020 – Some COVID-19
patients experience long-lasting skin symptoms that
vary according to type...
New evidence shows microbe strain can
orally treat systemic inflammation in
LUGANO, 29 October, 2020 – Disruptive
innovations in psoriasis are leading the way at
EADV’s 29th Congress, EADV...
Effective stroke drugs are saving the NHS
Drugs prescribed to high-risk stroke patients are
costing the NHS hundreds of millions each year –
but they are so...
International team tracks record-setting
smoke cloud from Australian wildfires
IMAGE: USask researcher Prof. Adam Bourassa
view more Credit: Submitted/USask SASKATOON –
Seesaw of Indo-Pacific summer
monsoons triggered by the tropical
Atlantic Ocean
IMAGE: The increasing influences from the tropical
Atlantic sea surface temperature could trigger the
observed multidecadal...
Study measures effectiveness of different
face mask materials when coughing
A team of researchers have tested everything from
t-shirts and socks to jeans and vacuum bags to
determine what type of mask...
East London mural honours NHS
Giant new mural celebrates NHS. Video,
00:02:01Giant new mural celebrates NHS
Covid-19: ‘Too early to say’ what
Christmas rules will be says minister
Macron declares second national lockdown in
France The tough new curbs on travel, businesses
and gatherings are aimed at...
Covid-19: Nearly 100,000 catching virus
every day
France and Germany have turned to forms of
lockdown to control the virus.
Coronavirus US: Trump administration to
pay $375m for antibody drug
Trump administration will pay Eli Lilly $375 million
for 300,000 doses of its coronavirus antibody drug if
FDA approves the...
Coronavirus US: 94k children infected in
two weeks, 800k in total
Coronavirus infections among American children
make up 11 percent of all cases in the US, a new
report finds. As of October...
Coronavirus US: CDC says 20% adults
under 30 DON’T wear face masks
The youngest American adults are by far the worst
at taking precautions to help reduce the spread of
coronavirus, the Centers...
Eli Lilly’s antibody drug lowers viral loads
and improves symptoms in mildly ill
COVID-19 patients
Eli Lilly Co’s coronavirus antibody treatment can
almost completely reduce viral loads in COVID-19
patients to zero...
Coronavirus: Destructive ‘autoantibodies’
develop in some survivors
Immune cells that coronavirus survivors develop in
an attempt to fight the infection may turn on some of
them, attacking...
Risk of breast cancer linked to receiving
HRT during menopause is lower risk than
previously feared
Risk of breast cancer linked to receiving HRT during
menopause is a lower risk than previously feared,
study shows Oxford...
Death rates among people with severe
COVID-19 drop by a half in England
An analysis of over 21,000 hospital admissions,
published in Critical Care Medicine, found a
significant drop in death rates...
Genetic analysis system yields new
insights into bacterial pneumonia
“Bacterial pneumonia is a lot more common, and
more deadly, after a viral infection. Historically, a lot
of the deaths...
Paracetamol poisonings up
Paracetamol is the most widely used painkiller in the
world. “It is a very safe drug, but only for short-term
A patch that could help heal broken
To effectively treat MI, lost heart muscle tissue must
regenerate and new blood vessels must form to
restore oxygen and nutrients...
Study helps explain why motivation to
learn declines with age
This circuit is particularly important for learning to
make decisions that require evaluating the cost and
reward that come...
Researchers uncover health disparities in
childhood obesity and access to
The use of bariatric surgery to treat severe obesity
in adolescents, and the racial disparities in access to
that treatment,...
Forecasting elections with a model of
infectious diseases
IMAGE: Voters can interact both within and between
states, thus potentially influencing each other’s
Reliable quality-control of graphene and
other 2D materials is routinely possible
IMAGE: New experiments confirm that the Bell-
Shaped-Component (BSC) is a reliable diagnostic of
the quality of graphene...
SoundWatch: New smartwatch app alerts
d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing users to
birdsong, sirens and other desired
IMAGE: University of Washington researchers have
developed a smartwatch app for d/Deaf and hard-of-
hearing people who...
New sulfur dioxide conversion method
may transform current industrial
IMAGE: Schematic illustration of the plasma
catalytic sulfur dioxide reduction with hydrogen or
methane to sulfur at...
Location and extent of coral reefs
mapped worldwide using advanced AI
IMAGE: Visual comparisons of a map by the United
Nations Environment Program World Conservation
Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC),...
Shot of alcohol can help an irregular
Research out in this week’s issue of JAMA confirms
the success of a treatment for persistent atrial
fibrillation (AFib)...
Study finds seabird ecosystem shift in
Falkland islands
IMAGE: A rookery of black-browed albatross nests
at a windy, exposed tussac grassland on West Point
Island in the Falkland...
Ministers should divert the money spent
on Test and Trace system to local health
Doctors have called on the Government to divert the
millions of pounds spent on the private firms behind
the bungling NHS...
No10’s publicly-available coronavirus
statistics are ‘disparate’, top scientists
Number 10‘s publicly-available coronavirus statistics
are ‘disparate’ and mask the true scale of
Coronavirus vaccines must be compared
and ‘only most effective used’
As scientists race to develop a coronavirus vaccine
to bring the world back to normal, MailOnline has
taken a look at the...
PM under new pressure for second
lockdown: SAGE scientists predict
second wave ‘deadlier than first’
The government’s scientific advisers are urging the
Prime Minister to prepare for a second wave of
coronavirus that...
Coronavirus UK: Vaccine tsar warns first
approved jabs may not work
1. GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur: 60million
doses The Government revealed on July 29 it had
signed a deal with pharmaceutical...
Around 1.4% of Covid-19 patients will
suffer a stroke, scientists warn
At least one in every 100 Covid-19 patients admitted
to hospital will suffer a stroke, according to fresh
data. Academics...
Coronavirus UK: Independent scientists
blast SAGE lockdown approach
Coronavirus UK: ALL of Nottinghamshire
in Tier 3 lockdown from Friday
A coronavirus lockdown row erupted today after
No10‘s scientific advisers called for another national
shutdown to...
Manchester’s Nightingale hospital today became the
first moth-balled facility in England to open up again
in an attempt...
‘Fast’ MRI detects breast cancers that 3-D
mammograms may miss
Surprised, Reisboard scheduled an appointment to
undergo an abbreviated MRI at Penn Medicine.
Twelve hours later, she received...
Estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects of
PFASs could depend on the presence of
PFASs have been widely used in a variety of
household products, including non-stick coatings,
polishes, fire-retardant foams...
Judges’ decisions in sport focus more on
vigor than skill
The research was conducted by experts in animal
behaviour from the University of Plymouth’s School
of Biological and...
Specific and rapid expansion of blood
Research team leader Professor Ferdinand le Noble
of the Department of Cell and Developmental
Biology at the KIT explains...
An artificial cell on a chip
In order to survive, grow and divide, cells rely on a
multitude of different enzymes that catalyze many
successive reactions....
Models for potential precursors of cells
endure simulated early-Earth conditions
IMAGE: Membraneless compartments, called
complex coacervates, which form micrometer-sized
droplets (center), are widely...
Younger knee replacement patients more
likely to require reoperation
IMAGE: James Keeney, MD, associate professor of
orthopaedic surgery at the University of Missouri
School of Medicine ...
How hard is it to vote in your state?
IMAGE: A graphic ranking of ease of vote across the
United States. view more Credit: Northern Illinois
University DeKalb,...
Machine learning helps hunt for COVID-
19 therapies
EAST LANSING, Mich. – Michigan State University
Foundation Professor Guowei Wei wasn’t preparing
machine learning...
Why are some COVID-19 infected people
IMAGE: The research was carried out in a
collaboration between researchers from Aarhus
University and Aarhus University...
New dataset provides county-level
exposure numbers for tropical cyclones,
human health
IMAGE: Study area and storms considered in this
study. The lines show the paths of the study storms,
which included...
Cracking the secrets of dinosaur
IMAGE: Researchers studied eggshell
microstructures to help estimate whether an
unknown sample was laid by an ornithopod...
Let’s (not) stick together
IMAGE: Researchers used pendant drop
elastometry to compress and expand the biofilm that
the PASL cells formed. ...
Covid: Why is coronavirus such a threat?
Remember the last pandemic? In 2009 there were
huge fears about H1N1, aka swine flu.
Coronavirus doctor’s diary: ‘We blame
Eat Out To Help Out for our tragedy’
The residents of Springwood Avenue, Avenue Road
and Parkside Road survived the first wave of the
Covid pandemic relatively...
Skin cancer: How do I check my moles
for signs of melanoma?
Biden hits new battleground, Trump blitzes Midwest
Joe Biden blasts Donald Trump as a conman, while
the president promises...
Coronavirus: Europe’s daily deaths rise
by nearly 40% compared with last week
While infections surged in Italy too, to almost 22,000
in the past 24 hours, officials said testing had also
been ramped...
Coronavirus US: 6% hospitalized in May
were health care workers
Health care workers made up 6% of all US
hospitalized coronavirus patients through May – and
4% of them died, CDC report...
Hospitals in the Midwest and Southwest
are seeing record levels of COVID-19
Hospitals across the US – including in the Great
Plains, the Midwest and the Southwest – are seeing
record highs...
About 20% of US adults under 30 do NOT
wear a face mask, CDC finds
The youngest American adults are by far the worst
at taking precautions to help reduce the spread of
coronavirus, the Centers...
New York City’s coronavirus outbreak
spread from more European sources than
first reported
New study shows food rich in omega-3
EPA & ALA can reduce risk of death after
heart attack
Previous testing had detected the first case of the
virus on March 3 before infections exploded
throughout the metropolitan...
IMAGE: Findings from a large study show regular
consumption of foods rich in omega-3s, including
walnuts and fish,...
Coastal Greenland reshaped as
Greenland ice sheet mass loss
Ice loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet has
accelerated significantly over the past two decades,
transforming the shape of...
Mountain gorillas are good neighbours
Mountain gorilla groups are friendly to familiar
neighbours – provided they stay out of “core” parts
Greater prostate cancer incidence;
mortality among Black men linked to
genetic alterations
Bottom Line: Prostate cancer tumors from African
American men had higher frequencies of certain
genetic alterations that...
Scientists discover new organic
compounds that could have helped form
the first cells
IMAGE: A new study by scholars based at the Earth-
Life Science Institute at Tokyo Institute of
Technology showed that...
How computer scientists and marketers
can create a better CX with AI
Researchers from Erasmus University, The Ohio
State University, York University, and London
Business School published a new...
Coral researchers find link between
bacterial genus and disease
IMAGE: Healthy and diseased Acropora cervicornis
(OSU College of Science) view more Credit: (OSU
College of...
Reforestation plans in Africa could go
The state of mature ecosystems must be taken into
account before launching massive reforestation
plans in sub-Saharan Africa,...
New York City’s coronavirus outbreak
spread from more European sources than
first reported
Previous testing had detected the first case of the
virus on March 3 before infections exploded
throughout the metropolitan...
Single brain region links depression and
anxiety, heart disease, and treatment
Depression is a debilitating disorder affecting
hundreds of millions of people worldwide, but people
experience it differently....
Study finds PTSD interacts with klotho
gene, may cause premature aging in the
Researchers from the National Center for PTSD at
VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston
University School of Medicine (BUSM)...
Now Edinburgh hospital cancels non-
urgent procedures to make room for
Covid patients
Hospitals in Leeds and Edinburgh have been forced
to cancel non-urgent operations in order to make
room for coronavirus patients,...
Tiny golden bullets could help tackle
asbestos-related cancers
In a study published today in journal Small, the
researchers demonstrate that once inside the
cancer cells, the nanotubes...
Langerhans cells are up to the job, they
just need a chance
A significant proportion of patients who receive
blood stem cells develop acute graft-versus-host
disease (aGVHD), which...
Coronavirus: Aspirin-taking patients ‘47%
less likely to die’
Taking aspirin could reduce the risk of hospitalized
Covid-19 patients falling severely ill or dying, a new
study suggests. Researchers...
Cancer’s dangerous renovations to our
chromosomes revealed
This remodeling is important because the
arrangement of the components in our
chromosomes actually affects the workings of...
New tactic to stop the growth of a deadly
brain cancer
For some time, scientists have observed a tumour’s
ability to recruit cells from the immune system. Until
now, they...
Britain’s Covid-19 deaths rise by 55% in a
week with 761 victims recorded in latest
seven-day spell
The number of Britons dying from Covid-19 reached
a four-month high last week after they rose by more
than 50 per cent in...
Eight in 10 Covid-19 hospital patients are
vitamin D deficient, study
Further proof that vitamin D could protect people
from coronavirus emerged today after a study found
deficiencies in the...
Neutrons chart atomic map of COVID-19’s
viral replication mechanism
IMAGE: The first neutron structure of the SARS-
CoV-2 main protease enzyme revealed unexpected
electrical charges in...
New strategy for treating common retinal
diseases shows promise
LA JOLLA, CA–Scientists at Scripps Research have
uncovered a potential new strategy for treating eye
diseases that...
Coronavirus UK: 367 deaths and 21,331
new cases in daily toll
Britain today recorded 367 more Covid-19 victims in
the highest daily death toll since the end of May as a
senior health...
Coronavirus: Infection as likely if you
stay in the UK, says ONS
People are now just as likely to catch coronavirus in
England as they are if they went abroad on holiday,
official data suggests. Before...
Hurricanes pack a bigger punch for
Florida’s west coast
IMAGE: Dr. Joanne Muller (left) and Ilexxis Morales
(right) using a hand coring technique, with a 3-meter
core and...
Cucurbit downy mildew pathogen has two
genetically distinct host-adapted clades
IMAGE: Field work in North Carolina view more
Credit: E. C. Wallace, K. N. D’Arcangelo, and L. M.
Quesada-Ocampo Cucurbit...
Coronavirus UK: Heatmaps show how
quickly second wave spread
Britain’s second wave of coronavirus lurched from
being a handful of small outbreaks to penetrating the
entire UK and...
Differences in malaria clearance between
males and females
The findings, originally posted on the preprint server
medRxiv*, suggest that biological sex-based
differences are an important...
Astronomers are bulging with data
For the first time, over 250 million stars in our
galaxy’s bulge have been surveyed in near-
ultraviolet, optical, and...
Drug resistance linked to antibiotic use
and patient transfers in hospitals
Antimicrobial resistance is a growing global health
threat, but preventing it takes smart choices at the
local level. The...
Proton regulator of essential cancer
Understanding how miRNAs are regulated has been
the focus of intense recent study. Over the years,
scientists have discovered...
Innovative surgery restores movement in
patients with Parsonage-Turner syndrome
IMAGE: Orthopedic surgeons at Hospital for Special
Surgery performed successful microsurgery to repair
damaged nerves...
What do breast cancer cells feel inside
the tumor?
“We are now able to see these features because our
approach allows us to take measurements within
living, intact, 3D...
Cancer treatment without side effects?
Charles Limoli, professor of radiation oncology at
UCI, and Marie-Catherine Vozenin, associate
professor of radiation oncology...
More than half of American adults with
advanced MS report mistreatment by
IMAGE: Dr. Elizabeth Morrison-Banks is a health
sciences clinical professor at UC Riverside. view
more Credit:...
Empathy may be in the eye of the
But do we always want people to show empathy?
Not so, said researchers from the University of
California, Davis. A recently...
Scientists use clues in the human
genome to discover new inflammatory
Nearly 125 million people in the U.S. live with some
form of a chronic inflammatory disease. Many of
these diseases have...
Coronaviruses are masters of mimicry,
new study finds
NEW YORK, NY (Oct. 27, 2020)–Coronaviruses are
adept at imitating human immune proteins that have
been implicated in...
Scientists map structure of potent
antibody against coronavirus
The antibody — a tiny, Y-shaped protein that is one
of the body’s premier weapons against pathogens
Covid nurse: ‘I thought I wasn’t going to
make it’
She is acutely aware from personal experience and
many reports, that people from ethnic minorities are
at greater risk of...
Syria: Inside a refugee camp where Covid
is spreading
Doctors expect ‘Covid catastrophe’ in Syria. Video,
00:03:25Doctors expect ‘Covid catastrophe’ in...
India’s first ‘saviour sibling’ cures brother
of fatal illness
At the time, many questioned whether the baby boy
was really wanted or merely “created as a medical
Covid has thrived on racial
discrimination, says Baroness Doreen
Coronavirus cases to be tracked by ethnicity
Eli Lilly ends antibody drug trial early
after it failed to help patients recover
Eli Lilly ends paused trial of antibody drug and
remdesivir after the NIH found the combo failed to
help recovery of hospitalized...
Coronavirus patients with heart damage
are up to 11 times more likely to die than
those without it
Hospitalized coronavirus patients with heart damage
are up to ELEVEN times more likely to die than
those without it, study...
Fewer than 4% of people in Wuhan with
no covid history have antibodies
Fewer than four percent of people in Wuhan, the city
where the coronavirus pandemic began last year,
have antibodies to the...
Hospitalized patients taking aspirin daily
were 47% less likely to die of COVID-19
Taking aspirin could reduce the risk of hospitalized
Covid-19 patients falling severely ill or dying, a new
study suggests. Researchers...
Business minister defends test and trace
boss Baroness Dido Harding
The former chief executive of TalkTalk, who was at
the helm of the company when it was hit by an £80
million cyber attack...
Covid-19 vaccine could still work,
scientists claim
A coronavirus vaccine could trigger an immune
response that lasts for much longer than the natural
protection derived from...
Ultrasounds show impact of COVID-19 on
the heart
“Early detection of structural abnormalities may
dictate more appropriate treatments, including
anticoagulation and...
New COVID-19 related genes — helpful
and harmful — found in massive screen
The pro-viral and anti-viral role of these genes will
help guide scientists in development of new
therapies to combat COVID-19,...
Over 80 percent of COVID-19 patients
have vitamin D deficiency, study finds
Vitamin D is a hormone the kidneys produce that
controls blood calcium concentration and impacts
the immune system. Vitamin...
Scientists discover how a common
mutation leads to ‘night owl’ sleep
People with this condition are unable to fall asleep
until late at night (often after 2 a.m.) and have
difficulty getting...
Biomarkers could be used in a quick,
inexpensive COVID-19 blood screening
“As the second wave progresses and COVID-19
cases rise, there is an overwhelming demand for
testing,” says Dr....
Black Hispanic individuals hardest hit by
Results from previous COVID-19 research have
shown that Latinx populations, as a whole, have
worse outcomes compared to other...
Random effects key to containing
“The key idea is that, at low infection numbers,
fluctuations can alter the course of the epidemics
Aerosol microdroplets inefficient carriers
of COVID-19 virus
Modeling of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in confined
spaces suggests aerosol transmission is not a very
efficient route. The results...
What do breast cancer cells feel inside
the tumour?
Using a new technique, a team of McGill University
researchers has found tiny and previously
undetectable ‘hot spots’...
Surprising players in acute liver failure
point to potential treatment
Acute liver failure is a devastating, rapidly
progressing disease that results in death in 80% of
cases, unless an emergency...
Cancer cells mediate immune
suppression in the brain
Scientists have long believed that the brain protects
itself from an aggressive immune response to keep
down inflammation....
Biodiversity monitoring programmes
need a culture of collaboration
IMAGE: The participation of expert volunteers in
Citizen Science projects (here at the Butterfly
Monitoring Germany,...
A question of affinity
Most of us are familiar with silicon solar cells, which
can be found on the rooftops of modern houses.
These cells are made...
Genetic analysis of B. infantis strains
reveal functional superiority of activated
EVC001 in infants
IMAGE: Evolve BioSystems Logo view more Credit:
Evolve BioSystems DAVIS, Calif., Oct. 27, 2020 –
Surprisingly mature galaxies in the early
IMAGE: Artist’s illustration of a dusty, rotating distant
galaxy, in the early universe. In this image, the red...
Tailoring 2D materials to improve
electronic and optical devices
IMAGE: Researchers led by Shengxi Huang,
assistant professor of electrical engineering and
biomedical engineering at...
When signs of dementia could actually be
depression: Brain decline hiding mental
Paul Garnett felt ‘incredibly embarrassed’ explaining
to his GP at the age of 71 that his depression was
Pollution ‘has made Covid-19 deadlier’:
100,000 deaths worldwide ‘could have
been avoided’
Air pollution may have contributed to 170,000
coronavirus deaths worldwide, a study has
claimed. An international team...
Fewer than HALF of Americans are now
avoiding restaurants and gatherings
compared to 80% in April
As the COVID-19 crisis continues to drag on, fewer
Americans are taking measures to reduce the
spread of coronavirus. During...
Are tailor-made supplements really worth
the money?
Decide you want to take a vitamin supplement or
two, and you face a barrage of choice — in price,
formulations and health...
Robot hip replacement gets you home
from the hospital and walking the same
Just a few months ago, James Franklin was
struggling to do everyday tasks because of constant
pain in both of his hips. The...
Months after falling ill with the virus,
puppeteer Matthew Corbett has had to
move home for care
Sooty puppeteer Matthew Corbett first experienced
symptoms of Covid-19 when he popped down to the
cellar to fetch a bottle...
FIFTY Northern Tory MPs demand a
‘roadmap out of lockdown’: Boris
Johnson faces a ‘red wall’ revolt
will be subject to Tier Three lockdown rules...
Just 4% of England has antibodies now,
government study finds
Far fewer Britons have coronavirus antibodies now
than at the peak of the first wave, according to a
Government-led study. It...
War songs and lullabies behind origins of
In an article published recently in the journal
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, a team of
anthropologists and psychologists...
Tracking evolution of SARS-CoV-2 virus
A group of graduate students in a spring-semester
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology class at Illinois
tracked the mutation...
Estimating risk of airborne COVID-19 with
mask usage, social distancing
In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, researchers
from Johns Hopkins University and the University of
Mississippi used...
CRISPR screen identifies genes, drug
targets to protect against SARS-CoV-2
In order to better understand the complex
relationships between host and virus genetic
dependencies, the team used a broad...
T-cells from recovered COVID-19 patients
show promise to protect vulnerable
patients from infection
“We found that many people who recover from
COVID-19 have T-cells that recognize and target
viral proteins of SARS-CoV-2,...
Time-keeping brain protein influences
The brain contains ‘clock’ neurons that mold
circadian behaviors and link them to cues from the
Artificially sweetened drinks may not be
heart healthier than sugary drinks
Research has shown that diets including beverages
sweetened with sugar can have a negative impact
on cardio-metabolic health....
Localized vaccination surveillance could
help prevent measles outbreaks
The research also shows that when people who are
not vaccinated are geographically clustered, the
probability and size of...
On-surface synthesis of graphene
nanoribbons could advance quantum
IMAGE: Scientists synthesized graphene
nanoribbons, shown in yellow, on a titanium dioxide
substrate, in blue. The...
Wildlife flock to backyards for food from
To see wildlife in the Triangle, sometimes you need
go no further than your own backyard. A new study
helps explain why some...
The BrainHealth project could create a
resilient economy
DALLAS (October 26, 2020) – After the COVID-19
pandemic crippled the global economy, scientists at
the Center for BrainHealth®,...
Risk score predicts prognosis of
outpatients with COVID-19
BOSTON – A new artificial intelligence-based score
considers multiple factors to predict the prognosis of
‘White matter lesion’ mapping tool
identifies early signs of dementia
IMAGE: Caption: MRI image of human brain shows
multiple bright spots (white matter hyperintensities)
in center Courtesy...
Vampire bats social distance when they
get sick
IMAGE: A new paper in Behavioral Ecology finds
that wild vampire bats that are sick spend less time
Postpartum depression may persist three
years after giving birth
A National Institutes of Health study of 5,000 women
has found that approximately 1 in 4 experienced
near others from... high levels of depressive...
Swiss fatalism protects against negative
feelings in the pandemic
Trust or disappointment in government crisis
management is an important factor for the general
mood, shows a study by the...
Covid: Nottingham to move into tier 3
Though it did have the highest figures in the UK
earlier this month, Nottingham’s seven-day rate of
infection has dropped...
Boots to offer 12-minute turnaround on
Covid nasal swab test
The technology has been developed by LumiraDx,
which has also struck a deal to provide supplies to
the NHS in Scotland.
Don’t hold home firework displays, urge
Fireworks thrown at West Bromwich crowd hits
police officer
Covid: Antibodies ‘fall rapidly after
There have been very few confirmed cases of
people getting Covid twice. However, the
researchers warn this may be due to...
Popping jaw, cracking shoulder, whistling
nose …Your very noisy body (and what it
all means)
You may want a quiet life, but your body has
different ideas, gurgling, clicking and buzzing all day
long. Sometimes, these...
Under the microscope: Novelist Shirley
Conran, 88, answers our health quiz
Under the microscope: Novelist Shirley Conran, 88,
answers our health quiz By Yvonne Swan For The
Daily Mail Published:...
US is still in an ‘elongated first wave’ of
the pandemic, Dr Fauci says
The U.S. is still in its first wave of the coronavirus
pandemic, top infectious disease physician Dr
Anthony Fauci believes. ‘I...
Are the crippling side-effects of new
cancer ‘wonder drugs’ worth the risk?
Surviving cancer against the odds can give patients
a new lease of life. But what if the very drugs that
save them then leave...
My blood pressure worries me, can you
help? DR MARTIN SCURR answers your
health questions
Q: My blood pressure worries me. The top number
is very high, between 138 and 216, while the bottom
number is in the 70s...
Eureka! The once-a-night pill that can
banish snoring by easing the symptoms
of sleep apnoea
A Pill taken at bedtime could stop snoring for good.
The new tablet eases the symptoms of obstructive
sleep apnoea (OSA)...
12-minute Covid test expected to be
available at Boots within weeks
Boots is launching a coronavirus testing service with
results in just 12 minutes. The high-speed test has
proved 97 per cent...
Coronavirus: UK recording more daily
deaths per million than US
Britain is now recording more Covid-19 deaths each
day for the size of its population than the US for the
first time since...
How exercise stalls cancer growth
through the immune system
“The biology behind the positive effects of exercise
can provide new insights into how the body
maintains health as...
Hard physical work may significantly
increase the risk of dementia
The general view has been that physical activity
normally reduces the risk of dementia, just as
another study from the University...
State gun laws may help curb violence
across state lines: study
Results of the study appear in the journal
Epidemiology, and are based on an analysis of
county-level data on firearm homicides...
Can scientists take the STING out of
common respiratory viruses?
Published in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, the research reveals an
Achilles heel of rhinoviruses,...
Microplastics in groundwater (and our
drinking water) present unknown risk
While microplastics in groundwater likely affect
human health, only a handful of studies have
examined the abundance and...
Most dentists have experienced
aggression from patients
The study, published in the October issue of the
Journal of the American Dental Association, is the
first to document aggression...
New map of the immune landscape in
pancreatic cancer could guide
A new study led by the University of Michigan Rogel
Cancer Center combined single-cell RNA
sequencing with two other investigative...
New insights into a potential target for
autoimmune disease
‘What wound did ever heal but by
degrees?’ delayed wound healing due to
gene mutations
Consequently, controlling the numbers and activity
of Tregs is crucial in maintaining health. New
findings from a multi-institutional...
“Wound healing is one of the most complex
biological processes,” write Professor Kazumitsu
Sugiura and Dr Kenta...
Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal species
on heterodera glycines
IMAGE: Soybean plants with and without AMF
species view more Credit: M. L. Pawlowski and G.
L. Hartman Introduced...
Floating gardens: More than just a pretty
IMAGE: Floating garden in summer. view more
Credit: Credit Abigail Heath. Boulder, Colo., USA:
Common liverwort study has implications
for crop manipulation
A new study on genetic pathways in the common
liverwort could have future implications for crop
manipulation. The findings...
Haunted house researchers investigate
the mystery of playing with fear
Chainsaw-wielding maniacs and brain-munching
zombies are common tropes in horror films and
haunted houses, which, in normal...
Phytoplasma effector proteins devastate
host plants through molecular mimicry
Phytoplasma are a type of bacteria that live within
the cells and cause devastating diseases with
damaging effects. For example,...
Why do certain chemotherapies increase
the likelihood of blood cancer?
In recent years, improvements in cancer therapy
have led to a significant increase in cancer
survivorship. Experts estimate...
Healthcare as a climate solution
(Santa Barbara, Calif.) — Although the link may not
be obvious, healthcare and climate change — two
issues that...
Heart inflammation in athletes who
survive COVID-19 is NOT a major
concern, say US doctors
Doctors say heart inflammation in American athletes
who survived COVID-19 is not a major concern.
Recent reports have found...
Rule of six and 10pm curfew is likely to
have had ‘ZERO effect’ on reducing
contacts, study claims
The ‘rule of six’ and 10pm curfew have likely had
‘zero effect’ in reducing the spread of Covid-19,...
NHS used HALF as many ICU beds during
Covid-19 crisis in the spring as France
The NHS used half as many intensive care beds as
France, Belgium and other badly-hit European
nations during the Covid-19...
Britain is now recording more Covid-19
deaths per million people each day than
the US
Britain is now recording more Covid-19 deaths each
day for the size of its population than the US for the
first time since...
How Britain’s Covid-19 outbreak has
slowed down: Analysis of figures
Britain’s coronavirus outbreak has slowed
significantly since the start of the month, suggesting
the latest suite of...
Self-isolation row as No10 confirms it IS
looking at halving it to SEVEN days
Self-isolation row as No10 confirms it IS looking at
halving it to SEVEN days for those who come into
contact with Covid...
US reports record 481,000 new
coronavirus cases in a single week as
hospitalizations spike by 14.5%
The US has set a record for new coronavirus cases
reported in a single week with more than 481,300
infections, as the virus...
Coronavirus UK: Nottingham among
areas to ‘enter Tier 3 this week’
socialise with anybody they do not live with,...
Nearly one in three young adults in the
US does not know common stroke
Stroke is the No. 5 cause of death and a leading
cause of disability in the United States. Each year,
10% to 15% of the nearly...
Weight-reduction surgery for severely
obese adults may prevent second heart
attack, death
“It is well known that obesity is associated with an
increased risk for Type 2 diabetes and heart
disease,” said...
Divide and conquer :A new formula to
minimize ‘mathemaphobia’
In a new study by the University of South Australia
in collaboration with the Australian Council for
Educational Research,...
Hydrogen sulfide helps maintain your
drive to breathe
This result may seem surprising at first given that
exposure to high levels of hydrogen sulfide can be
toxic to mammalian...
Bridges with limb-inspired architecture
can withstand earthquakes, cut repair
IMAGE: Specimen of the hybrid sliding-rocking
bridge column tested in the Center for Infrastructure
How cells use mechanical tension
sensors to interact with their environment
IMAGE: Cryo-electron microscopy reconstructions of
the cell adhesion proteins vinculin (left, orange) and
Scientists develop genetic ‘monitors’ that
detect when genes are active
New genetic sensors, developed by scientists at
University of Warwick and Keele University, could
function as a lab test...
A blast of gas for better solar cells
A simple process for depositing silicon oxide onto
silicon wafers could be a great step forward for
making silicon-based...
How to figure out what you don’t know
IMAGE: These colored maps each have different
shapes. Each shape represents a different
hypothetical way to answer...
Neuron-based gene expression study
reveals insights on fear and its regulation
Highlights The expression of a gene called CREB in
certain neurons may function as a switch to regulate
feelings of fear...
Odds are good for unique 2D compound
HOUSTON – (Oct. 26, 2020) – Engineers at Rice
University and Texas AM University have found a 2D
material that...
Researcher found female candidates are
more likely to discuss the economy than
IMAGE: This graph shows the different topics
discussed by each group on Twitter. view more
Credit: Deserai...
Prue Leith: NHS can serve ‘delicious’
food on a budget
The review was launched after a deadly outbreak of
listeriosis in hospitals last year was linked to pre-
packaged sandwiches...
Covid: Spain imposes national night-time
curfew to curb infections
Entire Chinese city tests after one virus case
Kashgar city officials say around 4.7m people will be
tested over a few days.
Mother and baby units: ‘It’s our job to
keep them safe’
Maternity units ‘too defensive’ and failing to learn
from mistakes
Boots to offer 12-minute Covid nasal
swab test
Coronavirus: How to get a Covid test
Achieving high concentrations of
sunitinib in tumors is linked to improved
A strategy for giving intermittent, high doses of the
anti-cancer drug sunitinib is well-tolerated by
patients with advanced...
Ontario should vaccinate newborns for
hepatitis B, study suggests
Not all pregnant women are universally screened for
hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Ontario, even though this
screening is recommended,...
1 in 12 parents say their teen has
attended a demonstration about racism
or police reform
IMAGE: Parents’ top concern involving teens
participating in demonstrations is their teen’s safety.
Liver cancer diagnoses and deaths
impacted by geography and household
An analysis of information from a large U.S. cancer
database indicates that patients with liver cancer
from rural regions...
Kid influencers are promoting junk food
brands on YouTube — garnering more
than a billion views
Kids with wildly popular YouTube channels are
frequently promoting unhealthy food and drinks in
their videos, warn researchers...
How to prevent the spread of tumor cells
via the lymph vessels
What role do the lymphatic vessels play in the
metastasis of cancer cells? Scientists from the
German Cancer Research Center...
Concrete structure’s lifespan extended by
a carbon textile
IMAGE: Failure test of a concrete slab strengthened
with TRM panel view more Credit: Korea Institute of
People with type 2 diabetes need not
avoid eating potatoes based on glycemic
People with type 2 Diabetes (T2D) are frequently
told to avoid eating potatoes, and other high
Glycemic Index (GI) foods,...
Researchers uncover crucial gene for
growth of Ewing sarcoma
IMAGE: Photo of Sara Sanchez Molina view more
Credit: Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
Timekeeping theory combines quantum
clocks and Einstein’s relativity
IMAGE: Quantum mechanics allows for a clock to
move as if it were simultaneously traveling at two
different speeds....
Healthcare’s earthquake: Lessons from
Boston, Mass. – The COVID-19 pandemic has
fundamentally disrupted U.S. healthcare
organizations. Hospitals have faced...
Oncotarget: A novel format for
recombinant antibody-interleukin-2 fusion
IMAGE: (A) Immunophenotypic analysis of
lymphocyte in tumor and in tumor draining lymph
node (dLN) of treated mice....
Study reveals details behind transplant
disparities experienced by black patients
Highlights In an analysis of information on patients
with kidney failure, Black patients are less likely than
The effects of social determinants of
health on kidney transplant candidates
Highlights Social determinants of health are
associated with patient-reported outcomes in adults
who are eligible to undergo...
Globalized economy making water,
energy and land insecurity worse: Study
The first large-scale study of the risks that countries
face from dependence on water, energy and land
resources has found...
Next generation BRAF inhibitor cancer
drug shows promise in early patient trial
A new drug designed to work on cancers with an
altered BRAF gene has shown promise in an early
patient trial presented at...
Coronavirus: US cases reach record high
amid new wave of infections
Hospital admission numbers are rising, too. As of
Friday, 41,485 people were being treated in hospital,
according to Covid...
Coronavirus: Inside Europe’s most
infected area
Inside Europe’s most infected area. Video,
00:02:20Inside Europe’s most infected area
Down’s syndrome: ‘In all honesty we
were offered 15 terminations’
Nicola runs a charity called The Ups and Downs,
which supports more than 70 families, and has set
up a website called Positive...
Coronavirus: 14-day quarantine for Covid
contacts could be reduced
Writing in the Telegraph, Conservative MP Sir
Bernard Jenkin said a “vacuum of leadership in Test
and Trace”...
How a Twitter hashtag provides support
for people with breast cancer
A UCLA-led review of nine years of social media
posts with the hashtag #BCSM suggests that Twitter
can be a useful resource...
Poor women in Bangladesh reluctant to
use healthcare
Women living in poorer households of Dhaka,
Bangladesh are unwilling to give birth at maternal
healthcare facilities. A...
Study: 34% of older adults in the US are
prescribed potentially inappropriate
BUFFALO, N.Y. – The prescription of potentially
inappropriate medications to older adults is linked to
increased hospitalizations,...
Charging electric cars up to 90% in 6
With Telsa in the lead, the electric vehicle market is
growing around the world. Unlike conventional cars
that use internal...
Indian and Pakistani women diagnosed
with more aggressive breast cancer at
younger age
Indian and Pakistani women are diagnosed with
breast cancer, including more aggressive forms of
the disease, at a younger...
Targeted inhibitor of mutated KRAS gene
shows promise in lung, bowel, & other
solid tumors
IMAGE: Pasi A. Jänne, MD, PhD view more Credit:
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute A novel agent that
Inhibitor of KRAS gene mutation shows
promise in lung, bowel and other solid
IMAGE: Patient CT scans before and after treatment
with adagrasib. Yellow arrow marks location of main
tumor. ...
Oncotarget: Survival after resection of
brain metastases: A matched cohort
IMAGE: This figure depicts overall survival and local
in-brain recurrence-free survival in the study’s
subgroups. ...
Keeping the spark lit into the golden
Research confirms what a lot of folks have guessed:
as we age, motivation wanes and getting off the
couch and out the door...
The hidden threat of the home office
It may seem a bit contradictory at first glance, but
increased flexibility in our workday may have given
us less flexibility...
Study reveals bat-winged dinosaurs had
short-lived gliding abilities
IMAGE: Figure 1. Laser-Stimulated Fluorescence
(LSF) image of the fossil of Yi qi, a bat-winged
dinosaur from the Late...
Knowing the model you can trust – the
key to better decision
As much of Europe is engulfed by a second wave of
Covid-19, and track and trace struggles to meet
War on plastic is distracting from more
urgent threats to environment, experts
demand, modelling support... A team of leading environmental experts,
spearheaded by the University of Nottingham, have
warned that the current war on...
Time crystals lead researchers to future
computational work
Time crystals sound like something out of science
fiction, but they may be the next major leap in
quantum network research....
Not all cats are grey in the dark!
IMAGE: Two mode-locked femtosecond laser beams
of slightly different pulse repetition frequencies are
SARS-CoV-2 antibodies detectable up to
seven months post COVID-19 onset,
shows new Portuguese study
A new study led by Marc Veldhoen, principal
investigator at Instituto de Medicina Molecular João
Lobo Antunes (iMM; Portugal)...
Breast cancer survivors launch bra fitting
Breast cancer survivors launch bra fitting service.
Video, 00:02:04Breast cancer survivors launch bra
fitting service
Twin left fighting for his life with cystic
fibrosis has finally got £28,000 drug that
will save him
A sigh, or a yawn. A great, big, chest-expanding,
lungs-full- to-burst gulp of air. The simple pleasure
of taking a deep,...
DR ELLIE CANNON: How Matt Hancock
holds us in utter contempt
As doctors, we make a promise to protect our
patients from harm. But over the past few months, I
have become deeply concerned...
Has Covid killed off the flu?
It was feared by many to be the perfect winter storm,
a nightmare situation that would push our health
service over the edge:...
Thousands of Britons with mouth cancer
will be spared chemotherapy thanks to
immune-boosting drug
Thousands of Britons with deadly mouth cancer will
be spared gruelling chemotherapy thanks to
immune-boosting drug Treatment...
How a 65p pill can end the terrifying
delusions that haunt thousands with
Ghostly figures that drift in and out of the shadows.
Disembodied voices and the doorbell constantly
ringing when no one’s...
Can you really lose weight by eating
It sounds too good to be true: a plan that lets you
eat more while still losing weight. No surprise that
New ‘sponge on a string’ test can pick up
early signs of oesophageal cancer
Patients at risk of oesophageal cancer are being
offered a new ‘sponge on a string’ test to help pick
up the...
HEALTH NOTES: Video games can give
teenagers a blast of joy
HEALTH NOTES: Video games can give teenagers
a blast of joy By Mail on Sunday Reporter
Published: 18:11 EDT, 24 October...
Ancient origins of speed control during
Scientists have known for quite some time how
motor neurons in the spinal cord that activate
muscles are organized to generate...
Malaria-preventive drugs dramatically
reduce infections in school children
The study was the first meta-analysis of its kind and
included 15,000 schoolchildren across seven African
countries. It was...
Researchers reveal why heat stress
damages sperm
In humans, the optimal temperature for sperm
production is just below body temperature, in a
range of about 90-95 degrees...
New therapeutic approach against
Since blood cells have a limited lifespan, are lost
during bleeding or are used up during infections,
they must be replaced...
Scientists from NUST MISIS manage to
improve metallic glasses
IMAGE: Metallic glass sample view more Credit:
NUST MISIS Researchers at National University of
Marine biology — Sponges as
biomonitors of micropollution
Sponges are filter feeders that live on particulate
matter – but they can also ingest microscopic
fragments of plastics...
Easy home cancer test means patients
can avoid hospital for colonoscopies
Findings from the largest international research
study found that using FIT is almost 100% accurate
at ruling out bowel cancer...
Bioplastics no safer than other plastics
Conventional plastic is made from oil. The
production of plastic is not sustainable, and it can
contain substances we know...
Study finds field of forensic anthropology
lacks diversity
New data on increasing cloth mask
(Boston)–The field of forensic anthropology is a
relatively homogenous discipline in terms of diversity
(people of...
Recent FDA chief Dr. Scott Gottlieb argued that he’d
“rather try to get everyone in masks” and “try...
Model predicts acute kidney injury
requiring dialysis in patients with COVID-
Highlights In a recent study, a new algorithm
achieved good performance for predicting which
hospitalized patients...
New model predicts which patients with
kidney disease may develop heartbeat
Highlights * A new model that incorporates a type of
artificial intelligence can accurately predict which
How to beat the winter blues: Shoppers
swear by this £9.99 SAD desk lamp for
boosting their mood
How to beat the winter blues: Amazon shoppers
swear by this £10 SAD desk lamp for boosting their
mood while working from...
Poor US counties with crowded housing
are 38-times more likely to become
COVID-19 ‘hotspots’
Coronavirus has spread far more rapidly in poorer
areas of the US, which had 25 percent more cases
relative to their populations...
FDA to let AstraZeneca’s coronavirus
vaccine trials resume in the US
US regulators said on Wednesday that AstraZeneca
can resume the US arm of its trial of Oxford
University’s coronavirus...
Christmas is a vaccine
With just two months until Christmas, it is time to
start thinking about presents. This year, what I would
love to give my...
‘Universal’ mask-wearing could prevent
130,000 US COVID-19 deaths
If 95 percent of Americans wore masks consistently,
nearly 130,00 lives could be saved between now
and March 2021, a new...
Hydroxychloroquine does not prevent
COVID-19 in health care workers, trial
The pre-exposure prophylaxis trial results, which
were published in Clinical Infectious Diseases,
determined that taking...
Bone density is associated with regular
use, study finds
IMAGE: Kathryn Clancy, right, and Katherine Lee
are interested in studying how daily activities
influence bone density. ...
ASTRO highlights Winship study showing
increased failure-free survival in prostate
A study from Winship Cancer Institute of Emory
University (Winship) has the potential to change how
patients whose prostate...
New study details atmosphere on ‘hot
Neptune’ 260 light years away that
‘shouldn’t exist’
LAWRENCE — A team led by an astronomer from
the University of Kansas has crunched data from
NASA’s TESS and Spitzer...
Fish exposed to even small amounts of
estrogen produce fewer males
IMAGE: UC is using least killifish as a model
organism to study the effects of hormones in
drinking water. They are...
Texas A&M expert: New clues revealed
about Clovis people
IMAGE: Clovis spear points from the Gault site in
Texas. view more Credit: Center for the Study of the
SPOTlight supercharges cell studies
IMAGE: Researchers at Rice University and Baylor
College of Medicine have developed a platform,
SPOTlight, that speeds...
Protective shield: Membrane-attached
protein protects bacteria & chloroplasts
from stress
IMAGE: Multiple IM30 proteins form large,
oligomeric ring structures. IM30 rings bind to
stressed membrane surfaces,...
Oncotarget: Evaluation of cellular
alteration & inflammatory profile of cells
IMAGE: Percentage of apoptosis in PMC, A549
and/or MCF7 after 24 hours exposed to talc. PMC =
pleural mesothelial cells;...
Coronavirus vaccine: What are human
challenge trials?
Volunteers are set to be deliberately infected with
Covid-19 after the UK Government said it will set up
human challenge...
Christie hospital: Inside Europe’s largest
cancer unit
Adapting in a pandemic: Inside Europe’s largest
cancer unit. Video, 00:03:35Adapting in a pandemic:
Inside Europe’s...
Covid blood plasma donation: What is
blood plasma?
The NHS wants people who have recovered from
coronavirus to donate their blood plasma. It’s part of
a trial looking...
Covid: The NHS workers ‘still recovering’
as second wave looms
And Jo Billings, a psychologist from the Covid
Trauma Response Working Group at University
College London, says “the...
Coronavirus cases are rising in 79% of
US states and territories, CDC director
Coronavirus cases are on the rise in nearly 80
percent of US states and territories, a top US official
warned on Friday. ‘New...
Hopes rise that Covid cases are being
driven down because young people have
started following rules
Coronavirus cases are being driven down because
young people have been shocked into following
lockdown rules, according to...
Covid risk factors for ethnic minorities
‘can’t be changed overnight’
Dr Raghib Ali, a clinical epidemiologist Cambridge
University, said ethnic minorities will likely continue
to be...
Coronavirus infection rates in England’s
worst-hit student areas have HALVED in a
Coronavirus infection rates in England’s worst-hit
student areas dropped by half in the first two weeks
of October...
Liverpool’s hospitals are now treating
more coronavirus patients now than in
Liverpool’s hospitals are treating more coronavirus
patients now than they were at the peak of the
crisis, it was...
Airport testing could catch six in 10
Covid-19 carriers as research debunks
PHE’s claims of 7%
Airport testing could identify up to six in ten
coronavirus cases, experts claim. Public Health
England has said testing...
Coronavirus UK: SAGE warns against
letting young ‘go back to normal’
Herd immunity occurs when a disease runs out of
room and can no longer spread because enough of
the population have been...
Deadly cytokine storm strikes Covid-19
patients after they start to feel better, top
doctor reveals
Calm before the cytokine storm: Deadly immune
overreaction killing many coronavirus patients
cruelly strikes AFTER people...
Coastal permafrost more susceptible to
climate change than previously thought
IMAGE: Micaela Pedrazas (left) and Cansu Demir,
both graduate students at The University of Texas at
Austin Jackson...
Residents of U.S. counties with more
connections to China or Italy were more
likely to follow early pandemic
Residents of U.S. counties with more social
connections (measured as Facebook friends) to
China or Italy – the first...
Mathematical modeling suggests optimal
timing for antiviral therapies against
A new mathematical modeling study by Ashish
Goyal and colleagues, informed by data collected
from 25 patients hospitalized...
RUDN University chemist created a
catalyst from orange peel for organic
compounds production
IMAGE: N-heterocycles are organic substances
used in the chemical industry and medicine. To
produce them, expensive...
New imaging method reveals HIV’s
sugary shield in unprecedented detail
IMAGE: An artistic rendering–based on cryo-EM
maps and computer simulations–shows how glycans
create a...
PTSD and alcohol abuse go hand-in-
hand, but males and females exhibit
symptoms differently
LA JOLLA, CA–Through intricate experiments
designed to account for sex-specific differences,
scientists at Scripps...
Media alert: new articles in the CRISPR
IMAGE: The Journal is dedicated to validating and
publishing outstanding research and commentary on
all aspects of...
Cause of Alzheimer’s disease traced to
mutation in common enzyme
IMAGE: The mutant MARK4 creates a form of tau
which accumulates easily in brain cells, causing
neurons to die. ...
No 10 admits Test and Trace must
improve as beleaguered system posts
ANOTHER worst-ever performance
Number 10 today admitted Britain’s beleaguered
Test and Trace system ‘must improve’ after data
Three-quarters of A&Es unable to
maintain social distancing due to
Three quarters of AEs are unable to comply with
social distancing because they are ‘dangerously’
Just 13% of people in England feel they
‘fully understand’ Covid-19 lockdown
Just 13 per cent of people in England claim they
‘fully understand’ the current Covid-19 lockdown
rules, a study...
Children mental health problems have
rocketed by 50% during coronavirus
pandemic, new report shows
The proportion of children with mental health issues
is 50 per cent higher than before the pandemic, an
NHS study revealed...
Coronavirus UK: Oxford vaccine works
perfectly by safely triggering an immune
The Covid-19 vaccine developed at Oxford
University works perfectly and builds strong
immunity to the virus, a study shows. Great...
Artificial ‘mini-lungs’ grown in a lab let
scientists watch how the coronavirus
infects human cells
Tiny artificial lungs grown in a lab from adult stem
cells have allowed scientists to watch how
coronavirus infects the lungs...
COVID-19: Asymptomatic children with
coronavirus may have LESS of the virus
than those with symptoms
Asymptomatic children who test positive for the
coronavirus seem to have LESS of the virus than
those with symptoms, study...
England’s Covid-19 lockdown led to
12million adults doing almost no
exercise, poll claims
England’s coronavirus lockdown led to almost
12million adults doing almost no exercise, according
to research. The...
34% of older adults in the US are
prescribed potentially inappropriate
The research, which sought to determine the impact
of potentially inappropriate medications on health
care utilization and...
A new technique predicts how
earthquakes would affect a city’s
But the risks to life and limb are compounded when
earthquakes are the agent of destruction, because
they not only kill and...
Happiness and the evolution of brain size
The research team of Wieland Huttner at the Max
Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and
Genetics, who is one of the...
COVID-19 a double blow for chronic
disease patients
Among the adverse impacts of the pandemic for
people with NCDs, the study found they are more
vulnerable to catching and...
Metal deposits from Chinese coal plants
end up in the Pacific Ocean, USC
research shows
Emissions from coal-fired power plants in China are
fertilizing the North Pacific Ocean with a metal
nutrient important for...
Chemists develop framework to enable
efficient synthesis of ‘information-dense’
LA JOLLA, CA–A team led by scientists at Scripps
Research has developed a theoretical approach that
could ease the...
Stars and planets grow up together as
IMAGE: The dense L1709 region of the Ophiuchus
Molecular Cloud, mapped by the Herschel Space
Telescope, which surrounds...
Researchers create human airway stem
cells from patients’ cells
BOSTON – For the first time, researchers have
successfully created airway basal stem cells in vitro
from induced pluripotent...
Fipronil, a common insecticide, disrupts
aquatic communities in the U.S.
IMAGE: Ecologist Janet Miller collects rock trays in
the Cache La Poudre River in Colorado. view more
Exploring the source of stars and planets
in a laboratory
IMAGE: Physicist Himawan Winarto with figures
from paper behind him. view more Credit: Collage
by Elle Starkman/PPPL...
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. to publish Journal
of Correctional Health Care
IMAGE: Journal focusing on this complex and
evolving field. An invaluable resource for clinicians,
allied health practitioners,...
Elkhorn coral actively fighting off
diseases on reef, study finds
IMAGE: Disease transmission. view more Credit:
Photo: Margaret Miller, SECORE International
Huawei seeks to get its own version of
NHS Covid-19 app
But models released since mid-2019 – including its
P40, Mate 30 and Honor 30 series – lack access to
the Google...
Covid: Sewage sites to test for more
traces of virus
Coronavirus: Sewage testing for Covid-19 begins in
Covid-19 app users can’t get isolation
Disappearing Covid-19 app alerts cause alarm
Coronavirus infections continue to rise
across UK
It comes as stricter rules come into force for millions
more people across the UK.
Convalescent plasma therapy DOESN’T
cut the risk of dying from Covid-19
Convalescent plasma has been used to treat
infections for at least a century, dating back to the
1918 Spanish flu pandemic. It...
Oxford University stands to make
hundreds of millions of pounds from
Covid-19 vaccine
Oxford University stands to make hundreds of
millions of pounds if its coronavirus vaccine proves
successful. The prestigious...
Coronavirus: Scientist says ‘pox parties’
may build immunity
Some parents might be tempted to send their
children to controversial ‘pox parties’ if a coronavirus
Almost half of all councils in England saw
their Covid-19 infection rate DROP last
Almost half of local authorities in England saw a
drop in coronavirus infections last week, according
to an analysis of official...
Coronavirus UK: Seven NHS trusts treat
more patients than in April
Seven NHS trusts in England are already treating
more coronavirus patients than they were at the
peak of the first wave,...
England and Wales coronavirus deaths
rose in September for first time since
The number of people dying of coronavirus in
England and Wales rose for the first time in five
months in September but it...
Britain couldn’t eradicate Covid-19 even if
it banned ALL international travel
Britain could never eradicate Covid-19 — even if it
banned all international travel, top experts believe.
Professor Paul...
Warrington WILL move into Tier 3 ‘next
week’ as Nottinghamshire could face
even tighter curbs
Warrington will move into Tier 3 next week after
council leaders agreed to a £6million support
package from the Government. The...
Obesity and disease tied to dramatic
dietary changes
The “mismatch hypothesis” argues that each of our
bodies has evolved and adapted to digest the foods
that our...
‘Spooky’ similarity in how brains and
computers see
A new paper in Current Biology details how neurons
in area V4, the first stage specific to the brain’s
object vision...
Details about broadly neutralizing
antibodies provide insights for universal
flu vaccine
The study, published October 22 in Immunity,
explores the behavior of polyreactive antibodies —
antibodies that are...
Tracer molecule may improve imaging
tests for brain injury
As described in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow
Metabolism, the novel tracer, called [18F]3F4AP, is
designed to bind...
Gut hormone blocks brain cell formation
and is linked to Parkinson’s dementia
Blood-borne factors such as hormones regulate the
process of brain cell formation — known as
neurogenesis — and...
Aspirin use reduces risk of death in
hospitalized COVID-19 patients
“This is a critical finding that needs to be confirmed
through a randomized clinical trial,” said study
Regenerated forests offset 12% of carbon
emissions in Brazilian Amazon in 33
IMAGE: A study quantified the size and age of the
forests that grow naturally in degraded and
abandoned areas, creating...
Response to adjuvant bevacizumab
among patients with resected melanoma
may vary by age
Bottom Line: Younger patients with resected
melanoma had some benefit from adjuvant
treatment with the anti-VEGF therapeutic...
Endangered vaquita remain genetically
healthy even in low numbers, new
analysis shows
IMAGE: The first vaquita caught as part of a
conservation effort in 2017. view more Credit:
Vaquita CPR The...
Regeneration of eye cells: Warning lights
Moving around in the half-light is difficult but not
impossible. To help us in this undertaking we have
the rods, a type...
Research team discovers molecular
processes in kidney cells that attract and
feed COVID-19
Although the lungs are a common target for COVID-
19’s cytokine storm, so are the kidneys, making the
1 in 4 U.S. adults...
Extruded grains may be better for pigs
URBANA, Ill. – Extrusion is the norm in the pet and
aqua feed industries, yet it remains unusual for
swine feed in...
Molecular processes in kidney cells may
‘prime’ diabetics for COVID-19 infection
IMAGE: This gene network was generated by
HumanBase for the kidney cell type most vulnerable
to SARS-CoV-2 infection....
QCLs exhibit extreme pulses
IMAGE: Quantum cascade photonic device. view
more Credit: Spitz et al., doi
10.1117/1.AP.2.6.066001 Extreme...
New approach to fighting cancer could
reduce costs and side effects
Multiple sclerosis as the flip side of
immune fitness
UniSA’s Future Industries Institute PhD student
Mona Elsemary has developed a microfluidic
approach to purify chimeric...
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that
damages the brain and the spinal cord and often
severely limits a person’s...
Researchers solve ‘protein paradox’ and
suggest way to exploit cancer weakness
The most essential step in this process is DNA
replication, where the DNA in a mother cell is copied
into its two daughter...
How’d we get so picky about friendship
late in life? Ask the chimps
When humans age, they tend to favor small circles
of meaningful, already established friendships rather
than seek new ones....
Tackling alarming decline in nature
requires ‘safety net’ of multiple,
ambitious goals
WASHINGTON (Oct. 22, 2020)–A “safety net” made
up of multiple ambitious and interlinked goals is
Future VR could employ new ultrahigh-
res display
IMAGE: Illustration of the meta-OLED display and
the underlying metaphotonic layer, which improves
the overall brightness...
Ancient Maya built sophisticated water
IMAGE: A temple rises above the rainforest at the
ancient Maya city of Tikal. view more Credit: David
Lentz Ancient...
Shared religious experiences bring
couples together
Couples that pray together stay together. It’s a
common religious saying, but a new study from the
University of Georgia...
Collaboration sparks new model for
ceramic conductivity
As insulators, metal oxides – also known as
ceramics – may not seem like obvious candidates
for electrical conductivity....
Scientist develops new way to test for
COVID-19 antibodies
IMAGE: Members of the SEPS lab at Seattle
Children’s Research Institute, Kaleb Tsegay (left)
and Edward Gniffke...
Coating implants with ‘artificial bone’ to
prevent inflammation
IMAGE: Schematic diagram of the laser-induced
single-step coating induced hydroxyapatite
synthesis, HAp-substrate mixed...
COVID-19 lockdown reduced mental
health, sleep, exercise
A first-of-its-kind global survey shows the initial
phase of the COVID-19 lockdown dramatically
altered our personal habits,...
Lockdown made life worse for two in five
children, NHS report says
NHS Digital’s report is based on a survey of 3,570
children and young people up to the age of 22 who
were interviewed...
Covid: US gives full approval for antiviral
remdesivir drug
“Veklury is the first treatment for COVID-19 to
receive FDA approval,” the FDA said in a statement.
Covid: Sewage sites to test for traces of
Coronavirus: Sewage testing for Covid-19 begins in
Covid: Why is coronavirus so deadly?
Remember the last pandemic? In 2009 there were
huge fears about H1N1, aka swine flu.
Moderna has competed enrollment of
30,000 diverse volunteers for its
coronavirus vaccine trial,
Moderna Inc announced on Thursday that it has
completed enrollment of 30,000 volunteers for the
final stage of its coronavirus...
Coronavirus US: People waiting nearly
three days for test results
Americans are still waiting nearly three days for
coronavirus test results – too slow for contact tracing
to detect...
FDA approves Gilead’s remdesivir as a
treatment for coronavirus patients
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
granted full approval to the antiviral drug remdesivir
as a coronavirus treatment...
Will US COVID-19 mortality catch up to
surging cases?
Daily coronavirus fatality rates in the US remain a
fraction of what they were in the deadly spring peak,
even as cases climb...
Antiretroviral therapy can’t completely
stop accelerated cell aging seen in HIV
This is the first longitudinal study conducted to
investigate the contribution of HIV-infection, versus
treatment, on the...
Simplified method to modify disease
signaling with light
Cellular optogenetics uses light to precisely control
cell signaling in space and over time, making it an
invaluable technique...
Toward a new staging system for prostate
cancer, and why it matters
Although it is one of the most common cancers
worldwide, prostate cancer remains one of the few
major cancers for which the...
Increasing sleep time after trauma could
ease ill effects
Published today in Scientific Reports, the study
helps build a case for the use of sleep therapeutics
following trauma exposure,...
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
Coronavirus health news oct 2020
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Coronavirus health news oct 2020

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New estimates of breast cancer risks associated with HRT It confirms that HRT use is associated with increased risks of breast cancer, particularly for older women. However, it suggests... Graphene-based memory resistors show promise for brain-based computing Modern computing is digital, made up of two states, on-off or one and zero. An analog computer, like the brain, has many... Cut chores and kill chill time: New advice to boost children’s academic achievement Exploring associations between 24-hour daily activities (sleep, sedentary time, light physical activity and moderate-to-vigorous... Black soldier fly larvae as protein alternative for hungry humans Professor Louw Hoffman said black soldier fly’s larvae, which was already utilised for animal feed, was a high quality... Nucleus accumbens recruited by cocaine, sugar are different In a study using genetically modified mice, a University of Wyoming faculty member found that the nucleus accumbens recruited... Researchers take a stand on algorithm design for job centers: Landing a job isn’t always the right goal After locating them in the system, up pops the following text on the computer screen; ‘increased risk of long-term... Most isolated massive stars are kicked out of their clusters A pair of University of Michigan studies reveals how some massive stars–stars eight or more times the mass of our sun–become... Parasitology A new study examines local perceptions of Chagas disease in a region where the infectious agent is endemic. The results underline... Well oriented Polypropylene (PP) is one of the most widely used plastics in the world. By controlling the spatial orientation of the propylene... New artificial skin functions like natural skin Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR) have developed an improved human-skin equivalent that... AI teachers must be effective and communicate well to be accepted, new study finds ORLANDO, Oct. 30, 2020 – The increase in online education has allowed a new type of teacher to emerge ¬– an... Collecting sperm from Covid-19 patients IMAGE: Professor Cecilie Svanes at the University of Bergen is collecting sperm from Covid-19 patients. view... In a hurry to develop drugs? Here’s your cHAT IMAGE: Rice University scientists develop cHAT to simplify the reduction of alkenes to more useful intermediate molecules... Melding biology and physical sciences yields deeper understanding of cancer BOSTON – An evolving understanding of cancer that incorporates the physical properties of tumors Why staying fit needs to be more than a walk in the park Are you managing to keep fit? Chances are, probably not. We all know that maintaining fitness HOME » 2020 » OCTOBER Search SEARCH RECENT POSTS Covid-19: Impact on Israel Covid-19: How winter exercise could help us cope with pandemic Covid-19: How will the pandemic affect global health in 2021? Is it wise to carry on shielding in the 12 weeks between your first and second jabs? Thousands at risk of blindness set to benefit from a new eye drug HEALTH NOTES: Surge in patients admitted to hospital for alcohol-related liver disease I caught Covid from a hospital, we must give all NHS workers the jab My chest pains are terrifying How many have to die before Britain tackles its black and Asian organ donor crisis? A couch potato took part in experiment on boosting immunity ‘Covid loves a crowd… so stay at home this New Year’s Eve’ says NHS boss Professor Hugh Montgomery says hospitals are facing a "tsunami" of Covid cases. Face masks: How to wear one correctly ‘We filmed our dad’s final months to help people’ JOANNA HALL’S 30-day exercise plan to kickstart your New Year New mutant coronavirus strain IS more contagious by nearly 50% DR MICHAEL MOSLEY launches a new series to make 2021 your healthiest year yet Allergists offer reassurance regarding potential allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines Putty-like composites of gallium metal with potential for real- world application Nanoparticle drug-delivery system developed to treat brain disorders
  • 2. and their surrounding... levels is crucial, not just... Covid-19 UK: Hull, Bath and Derby outbreaks growing quickest Covid-19 outbreaks are growing fastest in Hull, Derby, and Bath, according to official data that MailOnline has converted... Mouse studies link some autism to brain cells that guide sociability and platonic love The findings, the researchers say, could eventually fuel the development of autism therapies that target disease symptoms... Remdesivir for COVID-19: FDA approved but still unproven In a commentary published in the journal Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s... More infections than reported: New study demonstrates importance of large-scale SARS-CoV-2 antibody screenings Novel approach to measuring antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Current antibody testing strategies are known for their lack of... SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins disrupt the blood-brain barrier, new research shows Respiratory symptoms, however, are only part of the story. Increasing evidence points toward blood vessel inflammation as... Early results from DETECT study suggest fitness trackers can predict COVID-19 infections The DETECT study, launched on March 25, uses a mobile app to collect smartwatch and activity tracker data from consenting... Is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting dengue virus case numbers? The dengue virus is transmitted by Aedes mosquitos and can cause severe fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue and... Face mask aims to deactivate virus to protect others With this in mind, the researchers developed a new concept for a mask that aims to make the wearer less infectious. The central... Water fleas on ‘happy pills’ have more offspring “These substances are antidepressants, so-called ‘happy pills,’ that are often used in the treatment of... VUMC study finds faster, wider spread of COVID-19 in US households IMAGE: Carlos G. Grijalva, MD, MPH, associate professor of Health Policy, Vanderbilt University Medical Center ... For Black LGBQ+ Americans, intersectional experiences can hurt — or help, YSPH study finds For Black LGBQ+ Americans, Intersectional Experiences Can Hurt — Or Help, YSPH Study FindsUsing a new method for quantifying... RUDN University chemist developed green method for malaria and leprosy drug production IMAGE: A chemist from RUDN University suggested an eco-friendly method for the synthesis of dapsone, a substance that... A malformation illustrates the incredible plasticity of the brain IMAGE: Neuronal fibers in a healthy brain (top) and a brain with agenesis of the corpus callosum (bottom). In the healthy... Cancer patients, clinicians find value in electronic real-time symptom IMAGE: Ethan Basch, MD, MSc, at the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and his colleagues... Future lake food webs in subarctic have more biomass and contain more omega-3 fatty acids IMAGE: In northern lakes algal and fish biomass are increasing with temperature and productivity. At the same time,... Collective impact partnership models help close health care workforce gap IMAGE: Tammie Jones, research manager and PhD candidate in the Department of Health Administration and Policy at the... A new spin on atoms gives scientists a closer look at quantum weirdness IMAGE: Artist’s rendering of a method of measuring and controlling quantum spins developed at Princeton University. ... Essex mum’s shock at breastfeeding photo backlash The Breastfeeding Network said feeding in public was “totally normal”. Covid spreading faster in England than ‘worst-case scenario’, documents show It had estimated 85,000 deaths from Covid over the course of winter. Covid: When will it be over and we can do this again? So when can we expect to get back to normal? Do we just have to stick out the winter, before Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s... NIH scientists discover rare genetic inflammatory condition in men COVID-positive people spread the infection to others at home 53% of the time
  • 3. Hundreds of men may be living with a potentially deadly condition just discovered by National Institutes of Health (NIH)... COVID-positive people spread the infection to others at home 53% of the time – and kids are just as likely to transmit... Covid-19 hospitalisations spike by a third in a week The number of people being hospitalised with Covid- 19 in England spiked by almost a third in a week, according to official... Coronavirus Europe: Is mutated strain to blame for second wave? A mutated strain of coronavirus that originated in Spain may be the culprit behind Europe’s catastrophic second wave,... ‘World-beating’ Test and Trace missed almost 25,000 positive cases Test and Trace has continued its never-ending downward spiral as official figures today showed the bungling system is reaching... Coronavirus UK: Hull, Bath and Derby outbreaks growing quickest Covid-19 outbreaks are growing fastest in Hull, Derby, and Bath, according to official data that MailOnline has converted... Coronavirus UK: SAGE calls for national lockdown to ‘save’ Christmas Britain’s second coronavirus crisis is on track to kill more than 85,000 people this winter if the country doesn’t... Myocarditis linked to COVID-19 not as common as believed, study shows Reports of the rate of COVID-19 myocarditis have varied widely, ranging from 60% among middle-aged and elderly recovered... High rate of symptomless COVID-19 infection among grocery store workers What’s more, among those testing positive, three out of four had no symptoms, suggesting these key workers could be... Clinical trial indicates monoclonal antibody lowered hospitalizations and emergency visits The multisite, Phase II clinical trial tested three different doses of LY-CoV555, a monoclonal antibody derived from the... New synthetic DNA vaccine against Powassan virus Unlike the widely recognized Lyme disease, POWV causes a little known, potentially deadly infectious disease that is transmitted... Infection by confection: COVID-19 and the risk of trick-or-treating In a study published October 30, 2020 in the journal mSystems, researchers at University of California San Diego School of... AI teachers must be effective and communicate well to be accepted That’s why researchers at the University of Central Florida’s Nicholson School of Communication and Media are... Study finds faster, wider spread of COVID-19 in US households The study, led by Carlos G. Grijalva, MD, MPH, associate professor of Health Policy, and H. Keipp Talbot, MD, MPH, associate... Coronavirus mutation may have made it more contagious The paper shows “the virus is mutating due to a combination of neutral drift — which just means random genetic... Asteroid’s scars tell stories of its past IMAGE: This image shows four views of asteroid Bennu along with a corresponding global mosaic. The images were taken... China’s most important trees are hiding in plain sight IMAGE: Picture of treetops view more Credit: provided by Harvard Forest In ecosystems around the globe,... Novel adoptive cell transfer method shortens timeline for T-cell manufacture IMAGE: A faster approach for T-cell therapy against cancer. Knochelmann and colleagues show a subset of CD4 T-cells,... Mobile smartphone technology is associated with better clinical outcomes for OHCA IMAGE: Retrospective cohort cardiac arrest calls to Paris Fire Brigade with “Staying Alive ” activation. ... Can glucose-lowering drugs impact mortality in COVID-19 patients with type 2 diabetes? CAMBRIDGE, MA – October 27, 2020— In a preprint paper, “Impact of Glucose-Lowering Drugs on Mortality and... Stereotypes and discrimination contribute to HIV-related stigma among nursing staff Since the earliest study about nursing faculty and students attitudes and beliefs about caring for people living with HIV/AIDS... Giving the immune system a double boost against cancer IMAGE: A highly specialized cell, the fibroblastic reticular cell, coordinates immune responses to cancer cells. In... Experts see substantial danger to democratic stability around 2020 election Covid-19 hospital admissions surge 33 per cent in a week
  • 4. IMAGE: Among the US public surveyed, a majority of those who support Trump–as well as a plurality of those who... Hospital admissions for Covid-19 patients surged by 33 per cent in just seven days, official data reveals. The biggest spike... Coronavirus UK: West Yorkshire MPs angry about decision to put the region in Tier 3 lockdown Yorkshire MPs have railed against the Government’s decision to push the area into Tier Three lockdown from this weekend,... Coronavirus: UK’s infections are on ‘steady rise’ but not out of control, app data suggests Daily coronavirus infections in England surged by 50 per cent last week as almost 52,000 people were catching the virus every... Coronavirus UK: 19 NHS trusts have more patients than in April Almost 20 NHS trusts in England are already treating more coronavirus patients than at the peak of the first wave, according... Britain’s Covid-19 R rate has DROPPED to between 1.1 and 1.3 Britain’s coronavirus R rate has dropped again, according to the government’s scientific advisers. SAGE today... Covid-19 outbreaks are growing quickest in Hull, Bath and Derby Covid-19 outbreaks are growing fastest in Hull, Derby, and Bath, according to official data that MailOnline has converted... Coronavirus UK: Government considers Tier 4 lockdown, hints Raab Britain’s spiralling second coronavirus wave is on track to kill more than 85,000 people this winter if the country doesn’t... Coronavirus London: Only EALING’s R rate over England’s average Only one London borough has a bigger coronavirus outbreak than England’s average, MailOnline can reveal amid fears... Parasitology: Bringing the locals onboard Chagas disease is found primarily in Latin America, but globalization is promoting its spread beyond the subcontinent. The... Difficult to build a family after exposure to chemical weapons The study, published in BMJ Open, is based on qualitative, in-depth interviews with 16 survivors of the massive 1988 poison-gas... Beetroot peptide as potential drug candidate for treating diseases The peptide that occurs in the roots of beetroot plants belongs to a group of molecules that plants use inter alia as a chemical... Malaria parasites adapt to survive the dry season A team of international researchers, including Dr Mario Recker from the University of Exeter, has studied how the parasite,... Compression garments reduce strength loss after training Their research findings were published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. The team — led by assistant professor... A new way to create a spectrum of natural-looking hair colors But there soon may be a solution for the growing list of salons and hair color enthusiasts searching for natural alternatives... Mothers pass on allergies to offspring The study, which employed an animal model conducted according to the National Advisory Committee for Laboratory Animal Research... Aspirin use best for those with high coronary calcium, low risk of bleeding The findings, published online today in JAMA Cardiology, could give doctors and patients more concrete guidelines for making... Healthcare app reduces symptoms of COPD compared to regular treatment COPD is a common respiratory condition and one of the top causes of hospital admissions each year, particularly during winter... Wistar creates a new synthetic DNA vaccine against Powassan virus IMAGE: Powassan virus is a tick-borne, emerging infectious disease. view more Credit: The Wistar Institute PHILADELPHIA... New drug candidate for the treatment of COVID-19 Researchers from the University of Kent, the Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), and the Hannover Medical School... Dynamic photonic barcodes record energy transfer at the biointerface IMAGE: Dynamic photonic barcodes enable molecular detection, from Zhou et al., doi 10.1117/1.AP.2.6.066002 view... Children with asymptomatic brain bleeds as newborns show normal brain development at age 2 IMAGE: John H. Gilmore, MD, is senior author of the study. view more Credit: UNC School of Medicine CHAPEL... Washing hands and Halloween candy can mitigate COVID-19 contamination risks Washington, DC – October 30, 2020 – New research shows that COVID-19 exposure risk from COVID-19 a "golden opportunity" for terror organisations to intensify their propaganda
  • 5. contaminated candy could... The uncertainty and confusion caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is being “widely exploited by terror groups for spinning... New cause of inflammation in people with HIV identified Boston – While current antiretroviral treatments for HIV are highly effective, data has shown that people living with... Coronavirus treatment: Experimental drug in trial phase Volunteers take part in Covid-19 drug trial. Video, 00:01:25Volunteers take part in Covid-19 drug trial Coronavirus antibodies that can ‘neutralize’ the virus can last at least five months Coronavirus immunity can last up to five months – and maybe even longer – in the majority of survivors, a new... California twin girls, 9 months, conjoined at the HEAD are successfully separated California doctors say they have successfully separated nine-month-old twin girls born conjoined at the head after a marathon... Coronavirus US: ICU units in Swing States overwhelmed as cases rise With the presidential election just five days days away, coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths are all on sharp... Coronavirus: Symptomless form spread among grocery store workers Grocery store workers have a 20-fold higher risk of testing positive for COVID-19 than the general population, a new study... Brainstem neurons control both behavior and misbehavior The mammalian brain is big, but the state of its activity is controlled by a much smaller number of neurons. Many of these... Should I run, or should I not? The neural basis of aggression and flight Previous studies from the Gross group at the site of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Rome have revealed the... Cancer-fighting gene restrains ‘jumping genes’ “There’s been long-standing literature associating retrotransposons with cancer,” says John Abrams, Ph.D.,... Positive student-teacher relationships benefit students’ long-term health, study finds “This research suggests that improving students’ relationships with teachers could have important, positive and... Genomic study reveals role for hypothalamus in inflammatory bowel disease The findings were published in Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology. “Our results implicate a role... Trust levels in AI predicted by people’s relationship style A University of Kansas interdisciplinary team led by relationship psychologist Omri Gillath has published a new paper in... PFAS: These ‘forever chemicals’ are highly toxic, under-studied, and largely unregulated This topic will be discussed at the Geological Society of America’s 2020 Annual Meeting, in a technical session which... Comparing sensitivity of all genes to chemical exposure The study, published in the journal Chemosphere, advances the understanding of the interaction of chemicals, both pollutants... Rice finds path to nanodiamond from graphene IMAGE: Rice University researchers have expanded their theory on converting graphene into 2D diamond, or diamane. They... Affinity vs. cooperativity Our biological processes rely on a system of communications — cellular signals — that set off chain reactions... Models show how COVID-19 cuts a neighborhood path IMAGE: This census tract map shows estimated ranges of the numbers of days to peak infection. view more Credit:... World’s first agreed guidance for people with diabetes to exercise safely A Swansea University academic has helped draw up a landmark agreement amongst international experts, setting out the world’s... Landscape to atomic scales: Researchers apply new approach to pyrite oxidation IMAGE: Scanning electron microscope images of raspberry-shaped pyrite (left) and partially oxidized pyrite (right),... Decaying jellyfish blooms can cause temporary changes to water column food webs Decaying jellyfish blooms fuel the rapid growth of just a few strains of seawater bacteria, effectively keeping this organic...
  • 6. Hospital floors are hotspot for bacteria, creating route of transfer to patients NEW YORK (October 30, 2020) — The floors of hospital rooms are quickly and frequently contaminated with antibiotic-resistant... Evolution of consumption: A psychological ownership framework Researchers from Boston University, Rutgers University, University of Washington, Cornell University, and University of Pennsylvania... Doctors warn of a high rate of symptom- less COVID-19 infections among grocery store workers Grocery store workers have a 20-fold higher risk of testing positive for COVID-19 than the general population, a new study... Coronavirus NYC: 36% firefighters and paramedics caught infection More than a third of New York City firefighters and first responders with the FDNY likely caught coronavirus at the height... Coronavirus: Purple ‘covid toes’ symptom can last FIVE MONTHS Dermatologists warned of five skin symptoms that may be a sign of the deadly infection after studying 375 patients in Spain... Tier 3 IS bringing down the R rate in the North West and cases are falling in locked-down Liverpool Tier Three restrictions are working and causing Covid-19 outbreaks to tail off across badly hit parts of England, official... Sadiq Khan says ministers ‘must act now’ and slams No10 for not adopting a ‘circuit breaker’ Sadiq Khan has called for a national circuit breaker without further delay, as data shows the c oronavirus is spreading... Coronavirus UK: Deaths are EXCEEDING SAGE ‘worst case scenario’ Britain’s second coronavirus wave is already on track to surpass the Government’s ‘worst case scenario’... Tier Two lockdowns announced for 16 areas of England WHICH AREAS ARE NOW IN TIER 3 AND WHICH FACE NEW TIER 2 RULES? Areas in Tier 3: (From midnight Sunday) West Yorkshire:... Coronavirus: What’s the TRUTH behind England’s second wave? Confusion over the true scale of England’s second wave was sparked today as one study claimed there are now more than... Positive outlook predicts less memory decline A new study published in the journal Psychological Science found that people who feel enthusiastic and cheerful — what... Denisovan DNA in the genome of early East Asians In 2006, miners discovered a hominin skullcap with peculiar morphological features in the Salkhit Valley of the Norovlin... Muscle pain and energy-rich blood: Cholesterol medicine affects the organs differently Treatment with statins may also have negative side effects, some of which are so severe that people suffering from elevated... Molecular compass for cell orientation The human body uses veins and blood to transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. Plants use a similar approach,... Study identifies pitfall for correcting mutations in human embryos with CRISPR The study, the most detailed analysis to date of CRISPR in human embryos, shows that applying CRISPR to repair a blindness-causing... A groundbreaking genetic screening tool for human organoids Genetic screens can routinely be carried out in flies and worms. In humans, a wealth of knowledge exists about genetic disorders... High-sugar diet can damage the gut, intensifying risk for colitis “Colitis is a major public health problem in the U.S. and in other Western countries,” says Hasan Zaki, Ph.D.,... Stronger treatments could cure Chagas disease Trypanosoma cruzi is a single-celled parasitic organism that causes Chagas disease. At least 6 million people are infected... Autoantibody order, timing predict genetically at-risk children most likely to get T1D IMAGE: Kendra Vehik, Ph.D., of the University of South Florida Health Informatics Institute, led the TEDDY analysis... Tube-dwelling anemone toxins have pharmacological potential, mapping study shows IMAGE: Analysis identified 525 genes encoding proteins that act on the nervous system, cardiovascular system and cell... Study finds 5 distinct dog types from 11,000 years ago Amount of COVID viral RNA detected at hospital admission predicts how patients will fare
  • 7. An international team of researchers that includes a Texas AM University professor has studied the lineage of dogs and found... IMAGE: High viral load is predictor of illness outcome in patients with COVID-19 admitted with pneumonia. view... Fungal species naturally suppresses cyst nematodes responsible for major sugar beet losses IMAGE: Young females of sugar beet cyst nematodes attached to host roots view more Credit: James Borneman The... ICE detention centers saw sustained outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, says study More than a dozen U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers experienced large, repeated outbreaks... Archaeologists reveal human resilience in the face of climate change in ancient Turkey IMAGE: Microscope image of Iron Age oak twig from Tell Tayinat in Hatay, Turkey view more Credit: Brita Lorentzen TORONTO,... Decision conflict before cancer surgery correlates with lower activity after surgery BOSTON – Nearly one-third of cancer patients who decide to undergo surgery for their condition may have second thoughts,... NHS Covid-19 app to issue more self- isolate alerts “The update to the risk threshold is expected to increase the number of people asked to self-isolate by the app, having... Covid-19: Nearly 100,000 catching virus every day France and Germany have turned to forms of lockdown to control the virus. Moderna may know if its COVID-19 vaccine works by next month and is preparing for a global launch Moderna Inc says it expects to know if its experimental coronavirus vaccine is effective by next month. In an earnings call... Gender, age divide in new bullying study Researchers at Flinders University, Australia and the University of Thessaly in Greece also found that female students display... Small brain device proves big game changer for severely paralysed patients The device, Stentrode™, has been implanted successfully in two patients, who both suffer from severe paralysis due to amyotrophic... Nudges fail more often than is reported The researchers looked at published failed behavioural interventions across all areas that impact society, from healthy eating... How the immune system deals with the gut’s plethora of microbes But now, new research published in Nature suggests that the gut’s local immune system can be quite precise, creating... Copolymer helps remove pervasive PFAS toxins from environment IMAGE: Illinois engineers Kwiyong Kim, left, Xiao Su, Johannes Elbert and Paola Baldaguez Medina are part of a team... New research shows SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins disrupt the blood-brain barrier IMAGE: Servio H. Ramirez, PhD, Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine... Smart bottle brushes IMAGE: Upon heating thermoresponsive molecular brushes with propylene oxide/ethylene oxide copolymer side chains in... ‘Lazy use’ of term populist has helped to legitimize far-right politics In 2017 the term ‘populism’ made ‘Word of the Year’ according to The Cambridge Dictionary for its... Where were Jupiter and Saturn born? IMAGE: New work led by Carnegie’s Matt Clement reveals the likely original locations of Saturn and Jupiter. ... Priming the immune system to attack cancer Immunotherapies, such as checkpoint inhibitor drugs, have made worlds of difference for the treatment of cancer. Most clinicians... How people would choose who gets scarce COVID-19 treatment COLUMBUS, Ohio – As COVID-19 cases begin climbing again in the United States, the possibility arises of a grim moral... Trust levels in AI predicted by people’s relationship style, study shows LAWRENCE — How likely you are to trust a self- driving car or advice from Siri? A University of Kansas interdisciplinary... Florida’s pandemic death toll may be undercounted by 8,000 Florida‘s 2020 death toll is as many as 8,000 fatalities higher than a usual year’s, even beyond the deaths directly... Tier 1+ DOESN’T exist, ministers say Ministers today distanced themselves from Bristol’s decision to introduce ‘Tier 1+’ measures. Department... Keeping gyms and leisure centres open is critical to ensuring health and wellbeing, say academics
  • 8. Gyms ARE Covid-safe: Experts say they pose a low risk of spreading the virus and keeping them open boosts health and wellbeing 487... Coronavirus: Bangladeshi doctor ‘catches infection for THIRD time’ A Bangladeshi doctor has allegedly caught coronavirus three times, according to local reports that would mark a world-first. The... One in six working-age adults hospitalised with coronavirus work for the NHS, finds study NHS workers and their relatives account for one in six Covid-19 patients of working age who are hospitalised, a study has... Nearly 100,000 people in England catching Covid-19 every day, ‘worrying’ Government-led study finds Nearly 100,000 Britons are getting infected with coronavirus every day, according to results of Government-led surveillance... Average body temperature among healthy adults declined over the past two decades Over time, however, and in more recent years, lower body temperatures have been widely reported in healthy adults. A 2017... Male fin whales surprise scientists by swapping songs IMAGE: A glimpse of a fin whale taken off the coast of San Diego, California. NMFS Permit 17312 view more Credit:... Some COVID-19 "long haulers" experience lasting skin problems BOSTON – Some patients with COVID-19 have persistent skin-related symptoms long after their initial infection has cleared,... New analysis reveals ‘long-hauler’ COVID-19 patients with prolonged skin symptoms LUGANO, 29 October, 2020 – Some COVID-19 patients experience long-lasting skin symptoms that vary according to type... New evidence shows microbe strain can orally treat systemic inflammation in psoriasis LUGANO, 29 October, 2020 – Disruptive innovations in psoriasis are leading the way at EADV’s 29th Congress, EADV... Effective stroke drugs are saving the NHS millions Drugs prescribed to high-risk stroke patients are costing the NHS hundreds of millions each year – but they are so... International team tracks record-setting smoke cloud from Australian wildfires IMAGE: USask researcher Prof. Adam Bourassa view more Credit: Submitted/USask SASKATOON – Researchers... Seesaw of Indo-Pacific summer monsoons triggered by the tropical Atlantic Ocean IMAGE: The increasing influences from the tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature could trigger the observed multidecadal... Study measures effectiveness of different face mask materials when coughing A team of researchers have tested everything from t-shirts and socks to jeans and vacuum bags to determine what type of mask... East London mural honours NHS workforce Giant new mural celebrates NHS. Video, 00:02:01Giant new mural celebrates NHS Covid-19: ‘Too early to say’ what Christmas rules will be says minister Macron declares second national lockdown in France The tough new curbs on travel, businesses and gatherings are aimed at... Covid-19: Nearly 100,000 catching virus every day France and Germany have turned to forms of lockdown to control the virus. Coronavirus US: Trump administration to pay $375m for antibody drug Trump administration will pay Eli Lilly $375 million for 300,000 doses of its coronavirus antibody drug if FDA approves the... Coronavirus US: 94k children infected in two weeks, 800k in total Coronavirus infections among American children make up 11 percent of all cases in the US, a new report finds. As of October... Coronavirus US: CDC says 20% adults under 30 DON’T wear face masks The youngest American adults are by far the worst at taking precautions to help reduce the spread of coronavirus, the Centers... Eli Lilly’s antibody drug lowers viral loads and improves symptoms in mildly ill COVID-19 patients Eli Lilly Co’s coronavirus antibody treatment can almost completely reduce viral loads in COVID-19 patients to zero... Coronavirus: Destructive ‘autoantibodies’ develop in some survivors Immune cells that coronavirus survivors develop in an attempt to fight the infection may turn on some of them, attacking...
  • 9. Risk of breast cancer linked to receiving HRT during menopause is lower risk than previously feared Risk of breast cancer linked to receiving HRT during menopause is a lower risk than previously feared, study shows Oxford... Death rates among people with severe COVID-19 drop by a half in England An analysis of over 21,000 hospital admissions, published in Critical Care Medicine, found a significant drop in death rates... Genetic analysis system yields new insights into bacterial pneumonia “Bacterial pneumonia is a lot more common, and more deadly, after a viral infection. Historically, a lot of the deaths... Paracetamol poisonings up Paracetamol is the most widely used painkiller in the world. “It is a very safe drug, but only for short-term pain... A patch that could help heal broken hearts To effectively treat MI, lost heart muscle tissue must regenerate and new blood vessels must form to restore oxygen and nutrients... Study helps explain why motivation to learn declines with age This circuit is particularly important for learning to make decisions that require evaluating the cost and reward that come... Researchers uncover health disparities in childhood obesity and access to treatments The use of bariatric surgery to treat severe obesity in adolescents, and the racial disparities in access to that treatment,... Forecasting elections with a model of infectious diseases IMAGE: Voters can interact both within and between states, thus potentially influencing each other’s political... Reliable quality-control of graphene and other 2D materials is routinely possible IMAGE: New experiments confirm that the Bell- Shaped-Component (BSC) is a reliable diagnostic of the quality of graphene... SoundWatch: New smartwatch app alerts d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing users to birdsong, sirens and other desired sounds IMAGE: University of Washington researchers have developed a smartwatch app for d/Deaf and hard-of- hearing people who... New sulfur dioxide conversion method may transform current industrial techniques IMAGE: Schematic illustration of the plasma catalytic sulfur dioxide reduction with hydrogen or methane to sulfur at... Location and extent of coral reefs mapped worldwide using advanced AI IMAGE: Visual comparisons of a map by the United Nations Environment Program World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC),... Shot of alcohol can help an irregular heartbeat Research out in this week’s issue of JAMA confirms the success of a treatment for persistent atrial fibrillation (AFib)... Study finds seabird ecosystem shift in Falkland islands IMAGE: A rookery of black-browed albatross nests at a windy, exposed tussac grassland on West Point Island in the Falkland... Ministers should divert the money spent on Test and Trace system to local health teams Doctors have called on the Government to divert the millions of pounds spent on the private firms behind the bungling NHS... No10’s publicly-available coronavirus statistics are ‘disparate’, top scientists warn Number 10‘s publicly-available coronavirus statistics are ‘disparate’ and mask the true scale of England’s... Coronavirus vaccines must be compared and ‘only most effective used’ As scientists race to develop a coronavirus vaccine to bring the world back to normal, MailOnline has taken a look at the... PM under new pressure for second lockdown: SAGE scientists predict second wave ‘deadlier than first’ The government’s scientific advisers are urging the Prime Minister to prepare for a second wave of coronavirus that... Coronavirus UK: Vaccine tsar warns first approved jabs may not work 1. GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur: 60million doses The Government revealed on July 29 it had signed a deal with pharmaceutical... Around 1.4% of Covid-19 patients will suffer a stroke, scientists warn At least one in every 100 Covid-19 patients admitted to hospital will suffer a stroke, according to fresh data. Academics... Coronavirus UK: Independent scientists blast SAGE lockdown approach Coronavirus UK: ALL of Nottinghamshire in Tier 3 lockdown from Friday
  • 10. A coronavirus lockdown row erupted today after No10‘s scientific advisers called for another national shutdown to... Manchester’s Nightingale hospital today became the first moth-balled facility in England to open up again in an attempt... ‘Fast’ MRI detects breast cancers that 3-D mammograms may miss Surprised, Reisboard scheduled an appointment to undergo an abbreviated MRI at Penn Medicine. Twelve hours later, she received... Estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects of PFASs could depend on the presence of estrogen PFASs have been widely used in a variety of household products, including non-stick coatings, polishes, fire-retardant foams... Judges’ decisions in sport focus more on vigor than skill The research was conducted by experts in animal behaviour from the University of Plymouth’s School of Biological and... Specific and rapid expansion of blood vessels Research team leader Professor Ferdinand le Noble of the Department of Cell and Developmental Biology at the KIT explains... An artificial cell on a chip In order to survive, grow and divide, cells rely on a multitude of different enzymes that catalyze many successive reactions.... Models for potential precursors of cells endure simulated early-Earth conditions IMAGE: Membraneless compartments, called complex coacervates, which form micrometer-sized droplets (center), are widely... Younger knee replacement patients more likely to require reoperation IMAGE: James Keeney, MD, associate professor of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Missouri School of Medicine ... How hard is it to vote in your state? IMAGE: A graphic ranking of ease of vote across the United States. view more Credit: Northern Illinois University DeKalb,... Machine learning helps hunt for COVID- 19 therapies EAST LANSING, Mich. – Michigan State University Foundation Professor Guowei Wei wasn’t preparing machine learning... Why are some COVID-19 infected people asymptomatic? IMAGE: The research was carried out in a collaboration between researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University... New dataset provides county-level exposure numbers for tropical cyclones, human health IMAGE: Study area and storms considered in this study. The lines show the paths of the study storms, which included... Cracking the secrets of dinosaur eggshells IMAGE: Researchers studied eggshell microstructures to help estimate whether an unknown sample was laid by an ornithopod... Let’s (not) stick together IMAGE: Researchers used pendant drop elastometry to compress and expand the biofilm that the PASL cells formed. ... Covid: Why is coronavirus such a threat? Remember the last pandemic? In 2009 there were huge fears about H1N1, aka swine flu. Coronavirus doctor’s diary: ‘We blame Eat Out To Help Out for our tragedy’ The residents of Springwood Avenue, Avenue Road and Parkside Road survived the first wave of the Covid pandemic relatively... Skin cancer: How do I check my moles for signs of melanoma? Biden hits new battleground, Trump blitzes Midwest Joe Biden blasts Donald Trump as a conman, while the president promises... Coronavirus: Europe’s daily deaths rise by nearly 40% compared with last week While infections surged in Italy too, to almost 22,000 in the past 24 hours, officials said testing had also been ramped... Coronavirus US: 6% hospitalized in May were health care workers Health care workers made up 6% of all US hospitalized coronavirus patients through May – and 4% of them died, CDC report... Hospitals in the Midwest and Southwest are seeing record levels of COVID-19 patients Hospitals across the US – including in the Great Plains, the Midwest and the Southwest – are seeing record highs... About 20% of US adults under 30 do NOT wear a face mask, CDC finds The youngest American adults are by far the worst at taking precautions to help reduce the spread of coronavirus, the Centers... New York City’s coronavirus outbreak spread from more European sources than first reported New study shows food rich in omega-3 EPA & ALA can reduce risk of death after heart attack
  • 11. Previous testing had detected the first case of the virus on March 3 before infections exploded throughout the metropolitan... IMAGE: Findings from a large study show regular consumption of foods rich in omega-3s, including walnuts and fish,... Coastal Greenland reshaped as Greenland ice sheet mass loss accelerates Ice loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet has accelerated significantly over the past two decades, transforming the shape of... Mountain gorillas are good neighbours Mountain gorilla groups are friendly to familiar neighbours – provided they stay out of “core” parts of... Greater prostate cancer incidence; mortality among Black men linked to genetic alterations Bottom Line: Prostate cancer tumors from African American men had higher frequencies of certain genetic alterations that... Scientists discover new organic compounds that could have helped form the first cells IMAGE: A new study by scholars based at the Earth- Life Science Institute at Tokyo Institute of Technology showed that... How computer scientists and marketers can create a better CX with AI Researchers from Erasmus University, The Ohio State University, York University, and London Business School published a new... Coral researchers find link between bacterial genus and disease susceptibility IMAGE: Healthy and diseased Acropora cervicornis (OSU College of Science) view more Credit: (OSU College of... Reforestation plans in Africa could go awry The state of mature ecosystems must be taken into account before launching massive reforestation plans in sub-Saharan Africa,... New York City’s coronavirus outbreak spread from more European sources than first reported Previous testing had detected the first case of the virus on March 3 before infections exploded throughout the metropolitan... Single brain region links depression and anxiety, heart disease, and treatment sensitivity Depression is a debilitating disorder affecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide, but people experience it differently.... Study finds PTSD interacts with klotho gene, may cause premature aging in the brain Researchers from the National Center for PTSD at VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM)... Now Edinburgh hospital cancels non- urgent procedures to make room for Covid patients Hospitals in Leeds and Edinburgh have been forced to cancel non-urgent operations in order to make room for coronavirus patients,... Tiny golden bullets could help tackle asbestos-related cancers In a study published today in journal Small, the researchers demonstrate that once inside the cancer cells, the nanotubes... Langerhans cells are up to the job, they just need a chance A significant proportion of patients who receive blood stem cells develop acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD), which... Coronavirus: Aspirin-taking patients ‘47% less likely to die’ Taking aspirin could reduce the risk of hospitalized Covid-19 patients falling severely ill or dying, a new study suggests. Researchers... Cancer’s dangerous renovations to our chromosomes revealed This remodeling is important because the arrangement of the components in our chromosomes actually affects the workings of... New tactic to stop the growth of a deadly brain cancer For some time, scientists have observed a tumour’s ability to recruit cells from the immune system. Until now, they... Britain’s Covid-19 deaths rise by 55% in a week with 761 victims recorded in latest seven-day spell The number of Britons dying from Covid-19 reached a four-month high last week after they rose by more than 50 per cent in... Eight in 10 Covid-19 hospital patients are vitamin D deficient, study Further proof that vitamin D could protect people from coronavirus emerged today after a study found deficiencies in the... Neutrons chart atomic map of COVID-19’s viral replication mechanism IMAGE: The first neutron structure of the SARS- CoV-2 main protease enzyme revealed unexpected electrical charges in... New strategy for treating common retinal diseases shows promise LA JOLLA, CA–Scientists at Scripps Research have uncovered a potential new strategy for treating eye diseases that...
  • 12. Coronavirus UK: 367 deaths and 21,331 new cases in daily toll Britain today recorded 367 more Covid-19 victims in the highest daily death toll since the end of May as a senior health... Coronavirus: Infection as likely if you stay in the UK, says ONS People are now just as likely to catch coronavirus in England as they are if they went abroad on holiday, official data suggests. Before... Hurricanes pack a bigger punch for Florida’s west coast IMAGE: Dr. Joanne Muller (left) and Ilexxis Morales (right) using a hand coring technique, with a 3-meter core and... Cucurbit downy mildew pathogen has two genetically distinct host-adapted clades IMAGE: Field work in North Carolina view more Credit: E. C. Wallace, K. N. D’Arcangelo, and L. M. Quesada-Ocampo Cucurbit... Coronavirus UK: Heatmaps show how quickly second wave spread Britain’s second wave of coronavirus lurched from being a handful of small outbreaks to penetrating the entire UK and... Differences in malaria clearance between males and females The findings, originally posted on the preprint server medRxiv*, suggest that biological sex-based differences are an important... Astronomers are bulging with data For the first time, over 250 million stars in our galaxy’s bulge have been surveyed in near- ultraviolet, optical, and... Drug resistance linked to antibiotic use and patient transfers in hospitals Antimicrobial resistance is a growing global health threat, but preventing it takes smart choices at the local level. The... Proton regulator of essential cancer microRNA Understanding how miRNAs are regulated has been the focus of intense recent study. Over the years, scientists have discovered... Innovative surgery restores movement in patients with Parsonage-Turner syndrome IMAGE: Orthopedic surgeons at Hospital for Special Surgery performed successful microsurgery to repair damaged nerves... What do breast cancer cells feel inside the tumor? “We are now able to see these features because our approach allows us to take measurements within living, intact, 3D... Cancer treatment without side effects? Charles Limoli, professor of radiation oncology at UCI, and Marie-Catherine Vozenin, associate professor of radiation oncology... More than half of American adults with advanced MS report mistreatment by caregivers IMAGE: Dr. Elizabeth Morrison-Banks is a health sciences clinical professor at UC Riverside. view more Credit:... Empathy may be in the eye of the beholder But do we always want people to show empathy? Not so, said researchers from the University of California, Davis. A recently... Scientists use clues in the human genome to discover new inflammatory syndrome Nearly 125 million people in the U.S. live with some form of a chronic inflammatory disease. Many of these diseases have... Coronaviruses are masters of mimicry, new study finds NEW YORK, NY (Oct. 27, 2020)–Coronaviruses are adept at imitating human immune proteins that have been implicated in... Scientists map structure of potent antibody against coronavirus The antibody — a tiny, Y-shaped protein that is one of the body’s premier weapons against pathogens including... Covid nurse: ‘I thought I wasn’t going to make it’ She is acutely aware from personal experience and many reports, that people from ethnic minorities are at greater risk of... Syria: Inside a refugee camp where Covid is spreading Doctors expect ‘Covid catastrophe’ in Syria. Video, 00:03:25Doctors expect ‘Covid catastrophe’ in... India’s first ‘saviour sibling’ cures brother of fatal illness At the time, many questioned whether the baby boy was really wanted or merely “created as a medical commodity”... Covid has thrived on racial discrimination, says Baroness Doreen Lawrence Coronavirus cases to be tracked by ethnicity Eli Lilly ends antibody drug trial early after it failed to help patients recover Eli Lilly ends paused trial of antibody drug and remdesivir after the NIH found the combo failed to help recovery of hospitalized...
  • 13. Coronavirus patients with heart damage are up to 11 times more likely to die than those without it Hospitalized coronavirus patients with heart damage are up to ELEVEN times more likely to die than those without it, study... Fewer than 4% of people in Wuhan with no covid history have antibodies Fewer than four percent of people in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus pandemic began last year, have antibodies to the... Hospitalized patients taking aspirin daily were 47% less likely to die of COVID-19 Taking aspirin could reduce the risk of hospitalized Covid-19 patients falling severely ill or dying, a new study suggests. Researchers... Business minister defends test and trace boss Baroness Dido Harding The former chief executive of TalkTalk, who was at the helm of the company when it was hit by an £80 million cyber attack... Covid-19 vaccine could still work, scientists claim A coronavirus vaccine could trigger an immune response that lasts for much longer than the natural protection derived from... Ultrasounds show impact of COVID-19 on the heart “Early detection of structural abnormalities may dictate more appropriate treatments, including anticoagulation and... New COVID-19 related genes — helpful and harmful — found in massive screen The pro-viral and anti-viral role of these genes will help guide scientists in development of new therapies to combat COVID-19,... Over 80 percent of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency, study finds Vitamin D is a hormone the kidneys produce that controls blood calcium concentration and impacts the immune system. Vitamin... Scientists discover how a common mutation leads to ‘night owl’ sleep disorder People with this condition are unable to fall asleep until late at night (often after 2 a.m.) and have difficulty getting... Biomarkers could be used in a quick, inexpensive COVID-19 blood screening tool “As the second wave progresses and COVID-19 cases rise, there is an overwhelming demand for testing,” says Dr.... Black Hispanic individuals hardest hit by COVID-19 Results from previous COVID-19 research have shown that Latinx populations, as a whole, have worse outcomes compared to other... Random effects key to containing epidemics “The key idea is that, at low infection numbers, fluctuations can alter the course of the epidemics significantly,... Aerosol microdroplets inefficient carriers of COVID-19 virus Modeling of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in confined spaces suggests aerosol transmission is not a very efficient route. The results... What do breast cancer cells feel inside the tumour? Using a new technique, a team of McGill University researchers has found tiny and previously undetectable ‘hot spots’... Surprising players in acute liver failure point to potential treatment Acute liver failure is a devastating, rapidly progressing disease that results in death in 80% of cases, unless an emergency... Cancer cells mediate immune suppression in the brain Scientists have long believed that the brain protects itself from an aggressive immune response to keep down inflammation.... Biodiversity monitoring programmes need a culture of collaboration IMAGE: The participation of expert volunteers in Citizen Science projects (here at the Butterfly Monitoring Germany,... A question of affinity Most of us are familiar with silicon solar cells, which can be found on the rooftops of modern houses. These cells are made... Genetic analysis of B. infantis strains reveal functional superiority of activated EVC001 in infants IMAGE: Evolve BioSystems Logo view more Credit: Evolve BioSystems DAVIS, Calif., Oct. 27, 2020 – While... Surprisingly mature galaxies in the early Universe IMAGE: Artist’s illustration of a dusty, rotating distant galaxy, in the early universe. In this image, the red... Tailoring 2D materials to improve electronic and optical devices IMAGE: Researchers led by Shengxi Huang, assistant professor of electrical engineering and biomedical engineering at... When signs of dementia could actually be depression: Brain decline hiding mental illness Paul Garnett felt ‘incredibly embarrassed’ explaining to his GP at the age of 71 that his depression was out...
  • 14. Pollution ‘has made Covid-19 deadlier’: 100,000 deaths worldwide ‘could have been avoided’ Air pollution may have contributed to 170,000 coronavirus deaths worldwide, a study has claimed. An international team... Fewer than HALF of Americans are now avoiding restaurants and gatherings compared to 80% in April As the COVID-19 crisis continues to drag on, fewer Americans are taking measures to reduce the spread of coronavirus. During... Are tailor-made supplements really worth the money? Decide you want to take a vitamin supplement or two, and you face a barrage of choice — in price, formulations and health... Robot hip replacement gets you home from the hospital and walking the same day Just a few months ago, James Franklin was struggling to do everyday tasks because of constant pain in both of his hips. The... Months after falling ill with the virus, puppeteer Matthew Corbett has had to move home for care Sooty puppeteer Matthew Corbett first experienced symptoms of Covid-19 when he popped down to the cellar to fetch a bottle... FIFTY Northern Tory MPs demand a ‘roadmap out of lockdown’: Boris Johnson faces a ‘red wall’ revolt WHAT ARE THE TIER THREE RULES? AND WHEN DO THEY COME INTO FORCE? Warrington will be subject to Tier Three lockdown rules... Just 4% of England has antibodies now, government study finds Far fewer Britons have coronavirus antibodies now than at the peak of the first wave, according to a Government-led study. It... War songs and lullabies behind origins of music In an article published recently in the journal Behavioral and Brain Sciences, a team of anthropologists and psychologists... Tracking evolution of SARS-CoV-2 virus mutations A group of graduate students in a spring-semester Bioinformatics and Systems Biology class at Illinois tracked the mutation... Estimating risk of airborne COVID-19 with mask usage, social distancing In Physics of Fluids, by AIP Publishing, researchers from Johns Hopkins University and the University of Mississippi used... CRISPR screen identifies genes, drug targets to protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection In order to better understand the complex relationships between host and virus genetic dependencies, the team used a broad... T-cells from recovered COVID-19 patients show promise to protect vulnerable patients from infection “We found that many people who recover from COVID-19 have T-cells that recognize and target viral proteins of SARS-CoV-2,... Time-keeping brain protein influences memory The brain contains ‘clock’ neurons that mold circadian behaviors and link them to cues from the environment,... Artificially sweetened drinks may not be heart healthier than sugary drinks Research has shown that diets including beverages sweetened with sugar can have a negative impact on cardio-metabolic health.... Localized vaccination surveillance could help prevent measles outbreaks The research also shows that when people who are not vaccinated are geographically clustered, the probability and size of... On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons could advance quantum devices IMAGE: Scientists synthesized graphene nanoribbons, shown in yellow, on a titanium dioxide substrate, in blue. The... Wildlife flock to backyards for food from people To see wildlife in the Triangle, sometimes you need go no further than your own backyard. A new study helps explain why some... The BrainHealth project could create a resilient economy DALLAS (October 26, 2020) – After the COVID-19 pandemic crippled the global economy, scientists at the Center for BrainHealth®,... Risk score predicts prognosis of outpatients with COVID-19 BOSTON – A new artificial intelligence-based score considers multiple factors to predict the prognosis of individual... ‘White matter lesion’ mapping tool identifies early signs of dementia IMAGE: Caption: MRI image of human brain shows multiple bright spots (white matter hyperintensities) in center Courtesy... Vampire bats social distance when they get sick IMAGE: A new paper in Behavioral Ecology finds that wild vampire bats that are sick spend less time Postpartum depression may persist three years after giving birth A National Institutes of Health study of 5,000 women has found that approximately 1 in 4 experienced
  • 15. near others from... high levels of depressive... Swiss fatalism protects against negative feelings in the pandemic Trust or disappointment in government crisis management is an important factor for the general mood, shows a study by the... Covid: Nottingham to move into tier 3 Though it did have the highest figures in the UK earlier this month, Nottingham’s seven-day rate of infection has dropped... Boots to offer 12-minute turnaround on Covid nasal swab test The technology has been developed by LumiraDx, which has also struck a deal to provide supplies to the NHS in Scotland. Don’t hold home firework displays, urge doctors Fireworks thrown at West Bromwich crowd hits police officer Covid: Antibodies ‘fall rapidly after infection’ There have been very few confirmed cases of people getting Covid twice. However, the researchers warn this may be due to... Popping jaw, cracking shoulder, whistling nose …Your very noisy body (and what it all means) You may want a quiet life, but your body has different ideas, gurgling, clicking and buzzing all day long. Sometimes, these... Under the microscope: Novelist Shirley Conran, 88, answers our health quiz Under the microscope: Novelist Shirley Conran, 88, answers our health quiz By Yvonne Swan For The Daily Mail Published:... US is still in an ‘elongated first wave’ of the pandemic, Dr Fauci says The U.S. is still in its first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, top infectious disease physician Dr Anthony Fauci believes. ‘I... Are the crippling side-effects of new cancer ‘wonder drugs’ worth the risk? Surviving cancer against the odds can give patients a new lease of life. But what if the very drugs that save them then leave... My blood pressure worries me, can you help? DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions Q: My blood pressure worries me. The top number is very high, between 138 and 216, while the bottom number is in the 70s... Eureka! The once-a-night pill that can banish snoring by easing the symptoms of sleep apnoea A Pill taken at bedtime could stop snoring for good. The new tablet eases the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)... 12-minute Covid test expected to be available at Boots within weeks Boots is launching a coronavirus testing service with results in just 12 minutes. The high-speed test has proved 97 per cent... Coronavirus: UK recording more daily deaths per million than US Britain is now recording more Covid-19 deaths each day for the size of its population than the US for the first time since... How exercise stalls cancer growth through the immune system “The biology behind the positive effects of exercise can provide new insights into how the body maintains health as... Hard physical work may significantly increase the risk of dementia The general view has been that physical activity normally reduces the risk of dementia, just as another study from the University... State gun laws may help curb violence across state lines: study Results of the study appear in the journal Epidemiology, and are based on an analysis of county-level data on firearm homicides... Can scientists take the STING out of common respiratory viruses? Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the research reveals an Achilles heel of rhinoviruses,... Microplastics in groundwater (and our drinking water) present unknown risk While microplastics in groundwater likely affect human health, only a handful of studies have examined the abundance and... Most dentists have experienced aggression from patients The study, published in the October issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association, is the first to document aggression... New map of the immune landscape in pancreatic cancer could guide immunotherapy A new study led by the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center combined single-cell RNA sequencing with two other investigative... New insights into a potential target for autoimmune disease ‘What wound did ever heal but by degrees?’ delayed wound healing due to gene mutations
  • 16. Consequently, controlling the numbers and activity of Tregs is crucial in maintaining health. New findings from a multi-institutional... “Wound healing is one of the most complex biological processes,” write Professor Kazumitsu Sugiura and Dr Kenta... Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal species on heterodera glycines IMAGE: Soybean plants with and without AMF species view more Credit: M. L. Pawlowski and G. L. Hartman Introduced... Floating gardens: More than just a pretty place IMAGE: Floating garden in summer. view more Credit: Credit Abigail Heath. Boulder, Colo., USA: Floating... Common liverwort study has implications for crop manipulation A new study on genetic pathways in the common liverwort could have future implications for crop manipulation. The findings... Haunted house researchers investigate the mystery of playing with fear Chainsaw-wielding maniacs and brain-munching zombies are common tropes in horror films and haunted houses, which, in normal... Phytoplasma effector proteins devastate host plants through molecular mimicry Phytoplasma are a type of bacteria that live within the cells and cause devastating diseases with damaging effects. For example,... Why do certain chemotherapies increase the likelihood of blood cancer? In recent years, improvements in cancer therapy have led to a significant increase in cancer survivorship. Experts estimate... Healthcare as a climate solution (Santa Barbara, Calif.) — Although the link may not be obvious, healthcare and climate change — two issues that... Heart inflammation in athletes who survive COVID-19 is NOT a major concern, say US doctors Doctors say heart inflammation in American athletes who survived COVID-19 is not a major concern. Recent reports have found... Rule of six and 10pm curfew is likely to have had ‘ZERO effect’ on reducing contacts, study claims The ‘rule of six’ and 10pm curfew have likely had ‘zero effect’ in reducing the spread of Covid-19,... NHS used HALF as many ICU beds during Covid-19 crisis in the spring as France The NHS used half as many intensive care beds as France, Belgium and other badly-hit European nations during the Covid-19... Britain is now recording more Covid-19 deaths per million people each day than the US Britain is now recording more Covid-19 deaths each day for the size of its population than the US for the first time since... How Britain’s Covid-19 outbreak has slowed down: Analysis of figures Britain’s coronavirus outbreak has slowed significantly since the start of the month, suggesting the latest suite of... Self-isolation row as No10 confirms it IS looking at halving it to SEVEN days Self-isolation row as No10 confirms it IS looking at halving it to SEVEN days for those who come into contact with Covid... US reports record 481,000 new coronavirus cases in a single week as hospitalizations spike by 14.5% The US has set a record for new coronavirus cases reported in a single week with more than 481,300 infections, as the virus... Coronavirus UK: Nottingham among areas to ‘enter Tier 3 this week’ WHAT ARE THE NEW TIER THREE RULES IN WARRINGTON? NEW RULES People must not socialise with anybody they do not live with,... Nearly one in three young adults in the US does not know common stroke symptoms Stroke is the No. 5 cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the United States. Each year, 10% to 15% of the nearly... Weight-reduction surgery for severely obese adults may prevent second heart attack, death “It is well known that obesity is associated with an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes and heart disease,” said... Divide and conquer :A new formula to minimize ‘mathemaphobia’ In a new study by the University of South Australia in collaboration with the Australian Council for Educational Research,... Hydrogen sulfide helps maintain your drive to breathe This result may seem surprising at first given that exposure to high levels of hydrogen sulfide can be toxic to mammalian... Bridges with limb-inspired architecture can withstand earthquakes, cut repair costs IMAGE: Specimen of the hybrid sliding-rocking bridge column tested in the Center for Infrastructure Renewal’s...
  • 17. How cells use mechanical tension sensors to interact with their environment IMAGE: Cryo-electron microscopy reconstructions of the cell adhesion proteins vinculin (left, orange) and a-catenin... Scientists develop genetic ‘monitors’ that detect when genes are active New genetic sensors, developed by scientists at University of Warwick and Keele University, could function as a lab test... A blast of gas for better solar cells A simple process for depositing silicon oxide onto silicon wafers could be a great step forward for making silicon-based... How to figure out what you don’t know IMAGE: These colored maps each have different shapes. Each shape represents a different hypothetical way to answer... Neuron-based gene expression study reveals insights on fear and its regulation Highlights The expression of a gene called CREB in certain neurons may function as a switch to regulate feelings of fear... Odds are good for unique 2D compound HOUSTON – (Oct. 26, 2020) – Engineers at Rice University and Texas AM University have found a 2D material that... Researcher found female candidates are more likely to discuss the economy than males IMAGE: This graph shows the different topics discussed by each group on Twitter. view more Credit: Deserai... Prue Leith: NHS can serve ‘delicious’ food on a budget The review was launched after a deadly outbreak of listeriosis in hospitals last year was linked to pre- packaged sandwiches... Covid: Spain imposes national night-time curfew to curb infections Entire Chinese city tests after one virus case Kashgar city officials say around 4.7m people will be tested over a few days. Mother and baby units: ‘It’s our job to keep them safe’ Maternity units ‘too defensive’ and failing to learn from mistakes Boots to offer 12-minute Covid nasal swab test Coronavirus: How to get a Covid test Achieving high concentrations of sunitinib in tumors is linked to improved survival A strategy for giving intermittent, high doses of the anti-cancer drug sunitinib is well-tolerated by patients with advanced... Ontario should vaccinate newborns for hepatitis B, study suggests Not all pregnant women are universally screened for hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Ontario, even though this screening is recommended,... 1 in 12 parents say their teen has attended a demonstration about racism or police reform IMAGE: Parents’ top concern involving teens participating in demonstrations is their teen’s safety. ... Liver cancer diagnoses and deaths impacted by geography and household income An analysis of information from a large U.S. cancer database indicates that patients with liver cancer from rural regions... Kid influencers are promoting junk food brands on YouTube — garnering more than a billion views Kids with wildly popular YouTube channels are frequently promoting unhealthy food and drinks in their videos, warn researchers... How to prevent the spread of tumor cells via the lymph vessels What role do the lymphatic vessels play in the metastasis of cancer cells? Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center... Concrete structure’s lifespan extended by a carbon textile IMAGE: Failure test of a concrete slab strengthened with TRM panel view more Credit: Korea Institute of Civil... People with type 2 diabetes need not avoid eating potatoes based on glycemic index People with type 2 Diabetes (T2D) are frequently told to avoid eating potatoes, and other high Glycemic Index (GI) foods,... Researchers uncover crucial gene for growth of Ewing sarcoma IMAGE: Photo of Sara Sanchez Molina view more Credit: Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu Researchers... Timekeeping theory combines quantum clocks and Einstein’s relativity IMAGE: Quantum mechanics allows for a clock to move as if it were simultaneously traveling at two different speeds.... Healthcare’s earthquake: Lessons from COVID-19 Boston, Mass. – The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally disrupted U.S. healthcare organizations. Hospitals have faced...
  • 18. Oncotarget: A novel format for recombinant antibody-interleukin-2 fusion proteins IMAGE: (A) Immunophenotypic analysis of lymphocyte in tumor and in tumor draining lymph node (dLN) of treated mice.... Study reveals details behind transplant disparities experienced by black patients Highlights In an analysis of information on patients with kidney failure, Black patients are less likely than white... The effects of social determinants of health on kidney transplant candidates Highlights Social determinants of health are associated with patient-reported outcomes in adults who are eligible to undergo... Globalized economy making water, energy and land insecurity worse: Study The first large-scale study of the risks that countries face from dependence on water, energy and land resources has found... Next generation BRAF inhibitor cancer drug shows promise in early patient trial A new drug designed to work on cancers with an altered BRAF gene has shown promise in an early patient trial presented at... Coronavirus: US cases reach record high amid new wave of infections Hospital admission numbers are rising, too. As of Friday, 41,485 people were being treated in hospital, according to Covid... Coronavirus: Inside Europe’s most infected area Inside Europe’s most infected area. Video, 00:02:20Inside Europe’s most infected area Down’s syndrome: ‘In all honesty we were offered 15 terminations’ Nicola runs a charity called The Ups and Downs, which supports more than 70 families, and has set up a website called Positive... Coronavirus: 14-day quarantine for Covid contacts could be reduced Writing in the Telegraph, Conservative MP Sir Bernard Jenkin said a “vacuum of leadership in Test and Trace”... How a Twitter hashtag provides support for people with breast cancer A UCLA-led review of nine years of social media posts with the hashtag #BCSM suggests that Twitter can be a useful resource... Poor women in Bangladesh reluctant to use healthcare Women living in poorer households of Dhaka, Bangladesh are unwilling to give birth at maternal healthcare facilities. A... Study: 34% of older adults in the US are prescribed potentially inappropriate drugs BUFFALO, N.Y. – The prescription of potentially inappropriate medications to older adults is linked to increased hospitalizations,... Charging electric cars up to 90% in 6 minutes With Telsa in the lead, the electric vehicle market is growing around the world. Unlike conventional cars that use internal... Indian and Pakistani women diagnosed with more aggressive breast cancer at younger age Indian and Pakistani women are diagnosed with breast cancer, including more aggressive forms of the disease, at a younger... Targeted inhibitor of mutated KRAS gene shows promise in lung, bowel, & other solid tumors IMAGE: Pasi A. Jänne, MD, PhD view more Credit: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute A novel agent that targets... Inhibitor of KRAS gene mutation shows promise in lung, bowel and other solid tumors IMAGE: Patient CT scans before and after treatment with adagrasib. Yellow arrow marks location of main tumor. ... Oncotarget: Survival after resection of brain metastases: A matched cohort analysis IMAGE: This figure depicts overall survival and local in-brain recurrence-free survival in the study’s subgroups. ... Keeping the spark lit into the golden years Research confirms what a lot of folks have guessed: as we age, motivation wanes and getting off the couch and out the door... The hidden threat of the home office It may seem a bit contradictory at first glance, but increased flexibility in our workday may have given us less flexibility... Study reveals bat-winged dinosaurs had short-lived gliding abilities IMAGE: Figure 1. Laser-Stimulated Fluorescence (LSF) image of the fossil of Yi qi, a bat-winged dinosaur from the Late... Knowing the model you can trust – the key to better decision As much of Europe is engulfed by a second wave of Covid-19, and track and trace struggles to meet War on plastic is distracting from more urgent threats to environment, experts warn
  • 19. demand, modelling support... A team of leading environmental experts, spearheaded by the University of Nottingham, have warned that the current war on... Time crystals lead researchers to future computational work Time crystals sound like something out of science fiction, but they may be the next major leap in quantum network research.... Not all cats are grey in the dark! IMAGE: Two mode-locked femtosecond laser beams of slightly different pulse repetition frequencies are superimposed... SARS-CoV-2 antibodies detectable up to seven months post COVID-19 onset, shows new Portuguese study A new study led by Marc Veldhoen, principal investigator at Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM; Portugal)... Breast cancer survivors launch bra fitting service Breast cancer survivors launch bra fitting service. Video, 00:02:04Breast cancer survivors launch bra fitting service Twin left fighting for his life with cystic fibrosis has finally got £28,000 drug that will save him A sigh, or a yawn. A great, big, chest-expanding, lungs-full- to-burst gulp of air. The simple pleasure of taking a deep,... DR ELLIE CANNON: How Matt Hancock holds us in utter contempt As doctors, we make a promise to protect our patients from harm. But over the past few months, I have become deeply concerned... Has Covid killed off the flu? It was feared by many to be the perfect winter storm, a nightmare situation that would push our health service over the edge:... Thousands of Britons with mouth cancer will be spared chemotherapy thanks to immune-boosting drug Thousands of Britons with deadly mouth cancer will be spared gruelling chemotherapy thanks to immune-boosting drug Treatment... How a 65p pill can end the terrifying delusions that haunt thousands with Parkinson’s Ghostly figures that drift in and out of the shadows. Disembodied voices and the doorbell constantly ringing when no one’s... Can you really lose weight by eating MORE? It sounds too good to be true: a plan that lets you eat more while still losing weight. No surprise that ‘reverse... New ‘sponge on a string’ test can pick up early signs of oesophageal cancer Patients at risk of oesophageal cancer are being offered a new ‘sponge on a string’ test to help pick up the... HEALTH NOTES: Video games can give teenagers a blast of joy HEALTH NOTES: Video games can give teenagers a blast of joy By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published: 18:11 EDT, 24 October... Ancient origins of speed control during movement Scientists have known for quite some time how motor neurons in the spinal cord that activate muscles are organized to generate... Malaria-preventive drugs dramatically reduce infections in school children The study was the first meta-analysis of its kind and included 15,000 schoolchildren across seven African countries. It was... Researchers reveal why heat stress damages sperm In humans, the optimal temperature for sperm production is just below body temperature, in a range of about 90-95 degrees... New therapeutic approach against leukemia Since blood cells have a limited lifespan, are lost during bleeding or are used up during infections, they must be replaced... Scientists from NUST MISIS manage to improve metallic glasses IMAGE: Metallic glass sample view more Credit: NUST MISIS Researchers at National University of Science... Marine biology — Sponges as biomonitors of micropollution Sponges are filter feeders that live on particulate matter – but they can also ingest microscopic fragments of plastics... Easy home cancer test means patients can avoid hospital for colonoscopies Findings from the largest international research study found that using FIT is almost 100% accurate at ruling out bowel cancer... Bioplastics no safer than other plastics Conventional plastic is made from oil. The production of plastic is not sustainable, and it can contain substances we know... Study finds field of forensic anthropology lacks diversity New data on increasing cloth mask effectiveness
  • 20. (Boston)–The field of forensic anthropology is a relatively homogenous discipline in terms of diversity (people of... Recent FDA chief Dr. Scott Gottlieb argued that he’d “rather try to get everyone in masks” and “try... Model predicts acute kidney injury requiring dialysis in patients with COVID- 19 Highlights In a recent study, a new algorithm achieved good performance for predicting which hospitalized patients... New model predicts which patients with kidney disease may develop heartbeat irregularities Highlights * A new model that incorporates a type of artificial intelligence can accurately predict which individuals... How to beat the winter blues: Shoppers swear by this £9.99 SAD desk lamp for boosting their mood How to beat the winter blues: Amazon shoppers swear by this £10 SAD desk lamp for boosting their mood while working from... Poor US counties with crowded housing are 38-times more likely to become COVID-19 ‘hotspots’ Coronavirus has spread far more rapidly in poorer areas of the US, which had 25 percent more cases relative to their populations... FDA to let AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine trials resume in the US US regulators said on Wednesday that AstraZeneca can resume the US arm of its trial of Oxford University’s coronavirus... DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: All I want for Christmas is a vaccine With just two months until Christmas, it is time to start thinking about presents. This year, what I would love to give my... ‘Universal’ mask-wearing could prevent 130,000 US COVID-19 deaths If 95 percent of Americans wore masks consistently, nearly 130,00 lives could be saved between now and March 2021, a new... Hydroxychloroquine does not prevent COVID-19 in health care workers, trial shows The pre-exposure prophylaxis trial results, which were published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, determined that taking... Bone density is associated with regular use, study finds IMAGE: Kathryn Clancy, right, and Katherine Lee are interested in studying how daily activities influence bone density. ... ASTRO highlights Winship study showing increased failure-free survival in prostate cancer A study from Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University (Winship) has the potential to change how patients whose prostate... New study details atmosphere on ‘hot Neptune’ 260 light years away that ‘shouldn’t exist’ LAWRENCE — A team led by an astronomer from the University of Kansas has crunched data from NASA’s TESS and Spitzer... Fish exposed to even small amounts of estrogen produce fewer males IMAGE: UC is using least killifish as a model organism to study the effects of hormones in drinking water. They are... Texas A&M expert: New clues revealed about Clovis people IMAGE: Clovis spear points from the Gault site in Texas. view more Credit: Center for the Study of the First... SPOTlight supercharges cell studies IMAGE: Researchers at Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine have developed a platform, SPOTlight, that speeds... Protective shield: Membrane-attached protein protects bacteria & chloroplasts from stress IMAGE: Multiple IM30 proteins form large, oligomeric ring structures. IM30 rings bind to stressed membrane surfaces,... Oncotarget: Evaluation of cellular alteration & inflammatory profile of cells IMAGE: Percentage of apoptosis in PMC, A549 and/or MCF7 after 24 hours exposed to talc. PMC = pleural mesothelial cells;... Coronavirus vaccine: What are human challenge trials? Volunteers are set to be deliberately infected with Covid-19 after the UK Government said it will set up human challenge... Christie hospital: Inside Europe’s largest cancer unit Adapting in a pandemic: Inside Europe’s largest cancer unit. Video, 00:03:35Adapting in a pandemic: Inside Europe’s... Covid blood plasma donation: What is blood plasma? The NHS wants people who have recovered from coronavirus to donate their blood plasma. It’s part of a trial looking... Covid: The NHS workers ‘still recovering’ as second wave looms And Jo Billings, a psychologist from the Covid Trauma Response Working Group at University College London, says “the...
  • 21. Coronavirus cases are rising in 79% of US states and territories, CDC director warns Coronavirus cases are on the rise in nearly 80 percent of US states and territories, a top US official warned on Friday. ‘New... Hopes rise that Covid cases are being driven down because young people have started following rules Coronavirus cases are being driven down because young people have been shocked into following lockdown rules, according to... Covid risk factors for ethnic minorities ‘can’t be changed overnight’ Dr Raghib Ali, a clinical epidemiologist Cambridge University, said ethnic minorities will likely continue to be... Coronavirus infection rates in England’s worst-hit student areas have HALVED in a fortnight Coronavirus infection rates in England’s worst-hit student areas dropped by half in the first two weeks of October... Liverpool’s hospitals are now treating more coronavirus patients now than in April Liverpool’s hospitals are treating more coronavirus patients now than they were at the peak of the crisis, it was... Airport testing could catch six in 10 Covid-19 carriers as research debunks PHE’s claims of 7% Airport testing could identify up to six in ten coronavirus cases, experts claim. Public Health England has said testing... Coronavirus UK: SAGE warns against letting young ‘go back to normal’ Herd immunity occurs when a disease runs out of room and can no longer spread because enough of the population have been... Deadly cytokine storm strikes Covid-19 patients after they start to feel better, top doctor reveals Calm before the cytokine storm: Deadly immune overreaction killing many coronavirus patients cruelly strikes AFTER people... Coastal permafrost more susceptible to climate change than previously thought IMAGE: Micaela Pedrazas (left) and Cansu Demir, both graduate students at The University of Texas at Austin Jackson... Residents of U.S. counties with more connections to China or Italy were more likely to follow early pandemic restrictions Residents of U.S. counties with more social connections (measured as Facebook friends) to China or Italy – the first... Mathematical modeling suggests optimal timing for antiviral therapies against COVID-19 A new mathematical modeling study by Ashish Goyal and colleagues, informed by data collected from 25 patients hospitalized... RUDN University chemist created a catalyst from orange peel for organic compounds production IMAGE: N-heterocycles are organic substances used in the chemical industry and medicine. To produce them, expensive... New imaging method reveals HIV’s sugary shield in unprecedented detail IMAGE: An artistic rendering–based on cryo-EM maps and computer simulations–shows how glycans create a... PTSD and alcohol abuse go hand-in- hand, but males and females exhibit symptoms differently LA JOLLA, CA–Through intricate experiments designed to account for sex-specific differences, scientists at Scripps... Media alert: new articles in the CRISPR Journal IMAGE: The Journal is dedicated to validating and publishing outstanding research and commentary on all aspects of... Cause of Alzheimer’s disease traced to mutation in common enzyme IMAGE: The mutant MARK4 creates a form of tau which accumulates easily in brain cells, causing neurons to die. ... No 10 admits Test and Trace must improve as beleaguered system posts ANOTHER worst-ever performance Number 10 today admitted Britain’s beleaguered Test and Trace system ‘must improve’ after data revealed... Three-quarters of A&Es unable to maintain social distancing due to overcrowding Three quarters of AEs are unable to comply with social distancing because they are ‘dangerously’ overcrowded,... Just 13% of people in England feel they ‘fully understand’ Covid-19 lockdown rules Just 13 per cent of people in England claim they ‘fully understand’ the current Covid-19 lockdown rules, a study... Children mental health problems have rocketed by 50% during coronavirus pandemic, new report shows The proportion of children with mental health issues is 50 per cent higher than before the pandemic, an NHS study revealed...
  • 22. Coronavirus UK: Oxford vaccine works perfectly by safely triggering an immune response The Covid-19 vaccine developed at Oxford University works perfectly and builds strong immunity to the virus, a study shows. Great... Artificial ‘mini-lungs’ grown in a lab let scientists watch how the coronavirus infects human cells Tiny artificial lungs grown in a lab from adult stem cells have allowed scientists to watch how coronavirus infects the lungs... COVID-19: Asymptomatic children with coronavirus may have LESS of the virus than those with symptoms Asymptomatic children who test positive for the coronavirus seem to have LESS of the virus than those with symptoms, study... England’s Covid-19 lockdown led to 12million adults doing almost no exercise, poll claims England’s coronavirus lockdown led to almost 12million adults doing almost no exercise, according to research. The... 34% of older adults in the US are prescribed potentially inappropriate drugs The research, which sought to determine the impact of potentially inappropriate medications on health care utilization and... A new technique predicts how earthquakes would affect a city’s hospitals But the risks to life and limb are compounded when earthquakes are the agent of destruction, because they not only kill and... Happiness and the evolution of brain size The research team of Wieland Huttner at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, who is one of the... COVID-19 a double blow for chronic disease patients Among the adverse impacts of the pandemic for people with NCDs, the study found they are more vulnerable to catching and... Metal deposits from Chinese coal plants end up in the Pacific Ocean, USC research shows Emissions from coal-fired power plants in China are fertilizing the North Pacific Ocean with a metal nutrient important for... Chemists develop framework to enable efficient synthesis of ‘information-dense’ molecules LA JOLLA, CA–A team led by scientists at Scripps Research has developed a theoretical approach that could ease the... Stars and planets grow up together as siblings IMAGE: The dense L1709 region of the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud, mapped by the Herschel Space Telescope, which surrounds... Researchers create human airway stem cells from patients’ cells BOSTON – For the first time, researchers have successfully created airway basal stem cells in vitro from induced pluripotent... Fipronil, a common insecticide, disrupts aquatic communities in the U.S. IMAGE: Ecologist Janet Miller collects rock trays in the Cache La Poudre River in Colorado. view more Credit:... Exploring the source of stars and planets in a laboratory IMAGE: Physicist Himawan Winarto with figures from paper behind him. view more Credit: Collage by Elle Starkman/PPPL... Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. to publish Journal of Correctional Health Care IMAGE: Journal focusing on this complex and evolving field. An invaluable resource for clinicians, allied health practitioners,... Elkhorn coral actively fighting off diseases on reef, study finds IMAGE: Disease transmission. view more Credit: Photo: Margaret Miller, SECORE International MIAMI–As... Huawei seeks to get its own version of NHS Covid-19 app But models released since mid-2019 – including its P40, Mate 30 and Honor 30 series – lack access to the Google... Covid: Sewage sites to test for more traces of virus Coronavirus: Sewage testing for Covid-19 begins in England Covid-19 app users can’t get isolation payment Disappearing Covid-19 app alerts cause alarm Coronavirus infections continue to rise across UK It comes as stricter rules come into force for millions more people across the UK. Convalescent plasma therapy DOESN’T cut the risk of dying from Covid-19 Convalescent plasma has been used to treat infections for at least a century, dating back to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. It... Oxford University stands to make hundreds of millions of pounds from Covid-19 vaccine Oxford University stands to make hundreds of millions of pounds if its coronavirus vaccine proves successful. The prestigious...
  • 23. Coronavirus: Scientist says ‘pox parties’ may build immunity Some parents might be tempted to send their children to controversial ‘pox parties’ if a coronavirus vaccine... Almost half of all councils in England saw their Covid-19 infection rate DROP last week Almost half of local authorities in England saw a drop in coronavirus infections last week, according to an analysis of official... Coronavirus UK: Seven NHS trusts treat more patients than in April Seven NHS trusts in England are already treating more coronavirus patients than they were at the peak of the first wave,... England and Wales coronavirus deaths rose in September for first time since April The number of people dying of coronavirus in England and Wales rose for the first time in five months in September but it... Britain couldn’t eradicate Covid-19 even if it banned ALL international travel Britain could never eradicate Covid-19 — even if it banned all international travel, top experts believe. Professor Paul... Warrington WILL move into Tier 3 ‘next week’ as Nottinghamshire could face even tighter curbs Warrington will move into Tier 3 next week after council leaders agreed to a £6million support package from the Government. The... Obesity and disease tied to dramatic dietary changes The “mismatch hypothesis” argues that each of our bodies has evolved and adapted to digest the foods that our... ‘Spooky’ similarity in how brains and computers see A new paper in Current Biology details how neurons in area V4, the first stage specific to the brain’s object vision... Details about broadly neutralizing antibodies provide insights for universal flu vaccine The study, published October 22 in Immunity, explores the behavior of polyreactive antibodies — antibodies that are... Tracer molecule may improve imaging tests for brain injury As described in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism, the novel tracer, called [18F]3F4AP, is designed to bind... Gut hormone blocks brain cell formation and is linked to Parkinson’s dementia Blood-borne factors such as hormones regulate the process of brain cell formation — known as neurogenesis — and... Aspirin use reduces risk of death in hospitalized COVID-19 patients “This is a critical finding that needs to be confirmed through a randomized clinical trial,” said study leader... Regenerated forests offset 12% of carbon emissions in Brazilian Amazon in 33 years IMAGE: A study quantified the size and age of the forests that grow naturally in degraded and abandoned areas, creating... Response to adjuvant bevacizumab among patients with resected melanoma may vary by age Bottom Line: Younger patients with resected melanoma had some benefit from adjuvant treatment with the anti-VEGF therapeutic... Endangered vaquita remain genetically healthy even in low numbers, new analysis shows IMAGE: The first vaquita caught as part of a conservation effort in 2017. view more Credit: Vaquita CPR The... Regeneration of eye cells: Warning lights discovered Moving around in the half-light is difficult but not impossible. To help us in this undertaking we have the rods, a type... Research team discovers molecular processes in kidney cells that attract and feed COVID-19 Although the lungs are a common target for COVID- 19’s cytokine storm, so are the kidneys, making the 1 in 4 U.S. adults... Extruded grains may be better for pigs URBANA, Ill. – Extrusion is the norm in the pet and aqua feed industries, yet it remains unusual for swine feed in... Molecular processes in kidney cells may ‘prime’ diabetics for COVID-19 infection IMAGE: This gene network was generated by HumanBase for the kidney cell type most vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection.... QCLs exhibit extreme pulses IMAGE: Quantum cascade photonic device. view more Credit: Spitz et al., doi 10.1117/1.AP.2.6.066001 Extreme... New approach to fighting cancer could reduce costs and side effects Multiple sclerosis as the flip side of immune fitness
  • 24. UniSA’s Future Industries Institute PhD student Mona Elsemary has developed a microfluidic approach to purify chimeric... Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that damages the brain and the spinal cord and often severely limits a person’s... Researchers solve ‘protein paradox’ and suggest way to exploit cancer weakness The most essential step in this process is DNA replication, where the DNA in a mother cell is copied into its two daughter... How’d we get so picky about friendship late in life? Ask the chimps When humans age, they tend to favor small circles of meaningful, already established friendships rather than seek new ones.... Tackling alarming decline in nature requires ‘safety net’ of multiple, ambitious goals WASHINGTON (Oct. 22, 2020)–A “safety net” made up of multiple ambitious and interlinked goals is needed... Future VR could employ new ultrahigh- res display IMAGE: Illustration of the meta-OLED display and the underlying metaphotonic layer, which improves the overall brightness... Ancient Maya built sophisticated water filters IMAGE: A temple rises above the rainforest at the ancient Maya city of Tikal. view more Credit: David Lentz Ancient... Shared religious experiences bring couples together Couples that pray together stay together. It’s a common religious saying, but a new study from the University of Georgia... Collaboration sparks new model for ceramic conductivity As insulators, metal oxides – also known as ceramics – may not seem like obvious candidates for electrical conductivity.... Scientist develops new way to test for COVID-19 antibodies IMAGE: Members of the SEPS lab at Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Kaleb Tsegay (left) and Edward Gniffke... Coating implants with ‘artificial bone’ to prevent inflammation IMAGE: Schematic diagram of the laser-induced single-step coating induced hydroxyapatite synthesis, HAp-substrate mixed... COVID-19 lockdown reduced mental health, sleep, exercise A first-of-its-kind global survey shows the initial phase of the COVID-19 lockdown dramatically altered our personal habits,... Lockdown made life worse for two in five children, NHS report says NHS Digital’s report is based on a survey of 3,570 children and young people up to the age of 22 who were interviewed... Covid: US gives full approval for antiviral remdesivir drug “Veklury is the first treatment for COVID-19 to receive FDA approval,” the FDA said in a statement. Covid: Sewage sites to test for traces of virus Coronavirus: Sewage testing for Covid-19 begins in England Covid: Why is coronavirus so deadly? Remember the last pandemic? In 2009 there were huge fears about H1N1, aka swine flu. Moderna has competed enrollment of 30,000 diverse volunteers for its coronavirus vaccine trial, Moderna Inc announced on Thursday that it has completed enrollment of 30,000 volunteers for the final stage of its coronavirus... Coronavirus US: People waiting nearly three days for test results Americans are still waiting nearly three days for coronavirus test results – too slow for contact tracing to detect... FDA approves Gilead’s remdesivir as a treatment for coronavirus patients The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted full approval to the antiviral drug remdesivir as a coronavirus treatment... Will US COVID-19 mortality catch up to surging cases? Daily coronavirus fatality rates in the US remain a fraction of what they were in the deadly spring peak, even as cases climb... Antiretroviral therapy can’t completely stop accelerated cell aging seen in HIV This is the first longitudinal study conducted to investigate the contribution of HIV-infection, versus treatment, on the... Simplified method to modify disease signaling with light Cellular optogenetics uses light to precisely control cell signaling in space and over time, making it an invaluable technique... Toward a new staging system for prostate cancer, and why it matters Although it is one of the most common cancers worldwide, prostate cancer remains one of the few major cancers for which the... Increasing sleep time after trauma could ease ill effects Published today in Scientific Reports, the study helps build a case for the use of sleep therapeutics following trauma exposure,...